European Recommendations On Sandwich Structures PDF
European Recommendations On Sandwich Structures PDF
European Recommendations On Sandwich Structures PDF
Pu Sa TC7
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European Recommendations
on the Stabilization of Steel
Structures by Sandwich
Published by:
CIB International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction
ECCS European Convention for Constructional Steelwork
All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner
CIB assumes no liability regarding the use for any application of the material and information
contained in this publication.
This document gives information about the use of self-supporting sandwich panels as
stabilizing elements for single steel members such as beams or columns. The document
extends the application range of sandwich panels to construction class II according to EN
Sandwich panels provide stiffness against displacements in the plane of the panels and
against rotation about the transverse axis of the panels. Thus, the sandwich panels may
support the steel members against flexural, torsional and lateral buckling. The effect of
stabilization mainly depends on the properties, location and number of fastenings installed
between the individual sandwich panels and between the sandwich panels and the supporting
structures. This document introduces the evaluation of rotational stiffness and shear stiffness
provided by individual sandwich panels that are installed in a wall or roof of a building. In
these Recommendations, the use of information is limited in order to stabilize only single
structural members.
The European standard EN 14509 covers the manufacture and design of industrially
made self-supporting structural sandwich panels. The use of sandwich panels as stabilizing
elements such as introduced in these Recommendations extends the application area outside
the scope of EN 14509. Therefore, the extended application area introduced in these
Recommendations shall be regulated nationally. The sandwich panels used as stabilizing
elements have to fulfil the requirements shown by the CE mark of the product.
A brief review on earlier guidelines and reports concerning the use of profiled sheeting
and sandwich panels as stabilizing elements provides useful background information.
According to the knowledge of today, the sandwich panels shall be used as stiffening
elements only in cases, in which the load predominantly consists of quasi-static loads, such as
self-weight, snow and wind load. Repeated loads, e.g. loads caused by earthquake, are not
covered by the Recommendations. Research work and further practical experience may result
in new products and new ways to fasten the panels to the supporting structure in order to
make stiffening technically and economically even more effective.
This document has been prepared by the European Joint Committee on Sandwich
Constructions consisting of ECCS Technical Working Group TWG 7.9 and CIB Working
Commission W056. The document was approved by the Technical Committee TC7. The final
draft was circulated for comments to ECCS TC7.
The following individual members of ECCS TWG 7.9 and CIB W56 took part in the
drafting of this document:
Rudolf Aroch, Andrej Belica, Klaus Berner, Sebastien Charton, Neus Comas, JM Davies,
Markus Drr, Paavo Hassinen (chairman of the Committee), Simo Heikkil, Antti Helenius,
Lars Heselius, David Izabel, Karsten Kathage, Saskia Kpplein, Jrg Lange, Philip Leach,
Thomas Misiek, Youcef Mokrani, Jan-Christer Mki, Bernd Naujoks, Ute Pfaff, Lars Pfeiffer,
Ralf Podleschny, Keith Roberts, Daniel Ruff, Helmut Saal, Johan Schedin, Aki Tillonen and
Danijel Zupancic
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 7
1.1 Aims of the document ................................................................................................ 7
1.2 Application range ....................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Design of beams and columns with restraint ............................................................. 8
1.4 Review of previous guidelines and publications ...................................................... 10
1.5 Symbols and definitions ........................................................................................... 13
2. TORSIONAL RESTRAINT...................................................................................... 17
2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 17
2.2 General background ................................................................................................. 17
2.3 Determination of C1 and C2 ................................................................................... 19
2.4 Limitation of stabilization moment .......................................................................... 22
2.5 Limitation of the rotation of the stabilized beam ..................................................... 23
2.6 Advanced analysis .................................................................................................... 23
2.7 Experimental determination of parameters .............................................................. 24
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................. 45
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
Sandwich panels increase the resistance of the supporting structure (beams, purlins,
columns) against lateral torsional buckling and buckling by restraining the lateral
displacements and rotations.
The torsional restraint is governed by the stiffness of the connection of the sandwich
panel to the supporting structure. The stiffness significantly depends on the load transferred
by the sandwich panel to the supporting structure.
The high in-plane shear stiffness of sandwich panels shall be used for stabilizing the lateral
displacement of the supporting structure and thus, preventing lateral torsional buckling and
buckling of the supporting structure. This type of stabilization requires the exact knowledge
about the in-plane shear stiffness. Special considerations are necessary for the design of the
fastenings because the flexibility of the connection between the sandwich panel and the
supporting structure reduces the effective shear stiffness significantly.
Transfer of horizontal loads, e.g. wind loads or loads resulting from earthquakes, is not
included in the scope of the Recommendations.
These European Recommendations are founded strongly on the work done during the
research project EASIE. The EASIE project has received financial support from the European
Communitys Seventh Framework Programme FP7/NMP2-SE-2008 under grant agreement
No 213302. Whereas these European Recommendations are limited to information and
formulae necessary for the design, the EASIE reports listed in the Bibliography include some
more background information and more bibliographical data.
The European standard EN 14509 [24] covers the manufacture and design of industrially
made self-supporting structural sandwich panels. The use of sandwich panels as stabilizing
elements extends the application area outside the scope of EN 14509. Therefore, the extended
application area introduced in these Recommendations shall be regulated nationally. The
sandwich panels used as stabilizing elements shall fulfil the requirements of EN 14509 shown
by the CE-mark of the product.
This document covers sandwich panels with metallic faces and a core made of a PU- 1 or
EPS-foam or made of mineral wool. If the shear stiffness of the panels is used for
stabilization, fastening shall be done by direct fastening 2.
This document neither provides recommendations about the selection of the materials of
the sandwich panels, nor of the fasteners. The compatibility of the materials of the supporting
The designation PU-foam covers both polyurethane-foam (PUR-foam) and polyisocyanurate
foam (PIR-foam)
Screw fastenings based on long screws drilled through the sandwich panel to the
substructure are also termed direct fastenings in order to make a distinction with concealed
fastenings, which are normally also based on screws but may also include other elements. An
alternative term for concealed fastening is indirect fastening.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
structure, fasteners and sandwich panels and the risk of corrosion shall be checked case by
Adjacent sandwich panels may either provide full restraint or partial restraint against
buckling failure of the investigated stability failure mode. If full restraint of the compressed
flange is provided, the beam is not prone to lateral torsional buckling failure and no reduction
of strength occurs: The full (plastic) capacity can be used in the design, provided that no other
stability failure mode becomes crucial.
The shear stiffness S [kN] represents the shear force F against a shear angle of 1 rad.
S= (1)
Fig. 1.1: Definition of shear stiffness S
For the stabilization of one beam the shear stiffness Si according to formula (2) applies.
Si = (2)
m number of beams to be stabilized
EN 1993-1-1 [22], Annex BB gives indications for both shear stiffness Si and rotational
spring stiffness C,k required for full restraint.
2 2 h 2 70
S i EI w 2 + GI T + EI z 2 2 (3)
L L 4 h
Si shear stiffness available for the stabilization of one beam (formula (2))
EIw warping stiffness
GIT torsional stiffness
EIz bending stiffness
L length of the beam to be stabilized
h height of cross section
M pl2 ,k
C ,k K K (4)
EI z
K = 0.35 for elastic design
= 1.00 for plastic design
K parameter depending on the moment distribution according to Table 1.1
Mpl,k characteristic plastic bending resistance of the beam to be stabilized
If the expression (4) applies, the beam can be regarded as fully restrained against rotation.
If the expression (3) is fulfilled, the beam can be regarded as restraint against lateral
displacement in the plane of the sandwich panels.
If equations (3) or (4) are not fulfilled, only partial restraint is provided by the sandwich
panels. If partial restraint is provided, buckling failure can be crucial, but the restraint
provided by the sandwich panels will increase the elastic critical buckling moment Mcr and
the elastic buckling load Ncr. In this case, the design procedure follows the usual procedures
of EN 1993-1-1 [22] or EN 1993-1-3 [23], but taking into account the higher elastic critical
buckling moment and the higher elastic buckling load when calculating the slenderness.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
Table 1.1: Values K for buckling curves b, c and d according to [43] and [17]
without translational restraint with sufficient translational
restraint acc. to eqn. (3)
distribution buckling curve buckling curve
b c d b c d
M + 1,7 2,8 4,8 0,046 0,064 0,11
M- -M
M+ 1,0 1,6 2,9 0,24 0,37 0,67
M + 0,3
0,47 0,75 1,4 0,23 0,36 0,65
The stabilizing effect of profiled metal sheeting and sandwich panels has been studied in
several research projects in Europe. The stabilizing effect has been utilized to support whole
buildings or cabins against horizontal and vertical loads or to support single structural
members against different buckling failure modes. The brief review covers essential
guidelines and reports.
sheets. The derivation of shear flexibility of the sheeting consisting of distortion and shear
deformation of the sheet, and of the deformations in the points of connections is presented. A
number of calculated examples and experimental observations show the flow of design
calculations to be made when using the elastic or plastic analysis of frames and sheeting.
Finally, technical limitations and practical considerations are discussed concerning design and
use of stressed skin method.
Davies, J.M. & Bryan, E.R.: Manual of stressed skin diaphragm design [5]
The book is an extensive design manual for the stressed skin method and a source of
experimental and theoretical background information. The book is based on the earlier work
of Eric Bryan with updated and extended information. The main subject area of the book is
the stiffening of flat roofed and pitched roofed buildings against horizontal and vertical loads
with shear panels instead of bracing. The first part of the book introduces typical building
systems, design methods and expressions used in calculations. It shows the flow of design in a
number of examples and illustrative drawings and pictures from tests and analyses.
The second part gives experimental and analytical background information. It shows the
derivation of design expressions. Additional cases such as folded plate structures and shells
are studied. In addition, the role and effect of openings of the shear panel are investigated.
Chapter 17 directly concerns the subject area of the current European Recommendations
when looking for stabilizing the rafters against lateral buckling modes. The book includes an
extensive list of relevant publications from the time of the book.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
The definitions of the design sheet thickness and of the design core sheet thickness
correspond to the definitions given in FprEN 14509 [25]. The corresponding notation in EN
14509 is td or t.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
Torsional restraint
2.1 Introduction
The torsional restraint is governed by the stiffness of the connection of the sandwich
panel to the supporting structure. Recent research carried out showed that this stiffness
significantly depends on the load transferred by the sandwich panel.
A design concept for the quantification and calculation of the stabilizing effects on beams
under predominantly static loading by sandwich panels was developed within the framework
of the EASIE project. Another concept is given in the German design code DIN 18800-2 [13]
for steel structures and in the German national Annex to EN 1993-1-3 [14].
Formulae for calculating the parameters of this moment-rotation-relation are given for
sandwich panels with three different core materials and connections through the upper or
lower crimp.
The torsional restraint given by sandwich panels can be calculated using the mechanical
model based on a torsion spring with the spring stiffness C,k.
C ,k =
1 CA,k + 1 CB ,k + 1 CC ,k
This spring stiffness is a combination of the bending stiffness of the attached panel CC,k,
the stiffness of the connection CA,k and the distortional stiffness CB,k of the beam to be
stabilized. The stiffnesses CC,k and CB,k depend on the geometry of the sandwich panels and
the type of beams used, see EN 1993-1-1 [22] and EN 1993-1-3 [23]. The calculation of CA,k
is explained here. For further information regarding the difference in behavior of the different
types of beams (beams symmetric about minor axis, -, Z- U- or C-section) see [9].
Fig. 2.2 shows a typical moment-rotation-relation and its generalized form for the design
of the spring stiffness of the connection of a sandwich panel under downward loading.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
m m
C2 C2
mK mK
2 mK
3 2
C1 C1
2 0.08
C1 2 mK
C2 = 0 3
mK mK
C2 0
Fig. 2.2: Typical moment-rotation-relation and generalized moment-rotation-relation of the connection between
a sandwich panel and a support to be used in design
There are two possibilities of using this simplified tri-linear moment-rotation relation for
the design of beams:
mK 3 C1 (5)
CA = =
(m K ) 2 C1
+ 1
C1 + C 2
can be taken into account. This constant value allows for a simple proof, for example
with equation (4). In this case, the stabilization moment has to be limited to the contact
moment mK, see chapter 2.4. If the beams restrained by the sandwich panels are designed
according to EN 1993-1-3 [23], section 10.1, the forces in sheet/purlin fasteners and
reaction forces according to table 10.4 of EN 1993-1-3 shall be considered. Beyond that,
no additional forces from the stabilization occur.
Torsional restraint
Uplift load causes an indentation of the fastener and a gap between the upper flange of the beam
and the inner face of the sandwich panel. Therefore for uplift load, no torsional restraint can be
In some applications with cold-formed sections small values of torsional restraint can be
assumed in case of uplift loading. These values have to be determined by tests according to chapter
2.7. Particular attention has to be paid to the forces in the fasteners and to creep effects.
Fig. 2.3: Definition of C
This approach was developed in [33] within the framework of the European Research
Project EASIE. The necessary values and parameters are given in the following tables.
C2 c2 n f EC ,t , bk2 1)
EC,t, EC ,t , = k13 , where k1 = w, +80C 2)
1 + ,t w, +20C
mK q q b
C2 = 0 for hidden fixings
for defining the factor k1 see also EN 14509 [24], A.5.5.5
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
Torsional restraint
bk bk
Le Le
C2 = 0
bk bk
Le Le
C2 = 0 C2 = 0
The application range shall be taken into account, see Table 2.4. If higher values of
parameters (b, EC, tcor, t and nf) occur, the calculation procedure is applicable, but the values
should be reduced to the corresponding upper limits of the application range. If lower values
occur, tests according to chapter 2.7 shall be performed.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
An alternative approach for the determination of C1 and C2 was developed by Drr [9] and is
included in the German standard DIN 18800-2 [13], and in the German national Annex to EN 1993-1-
3 [14]. Compared to the approach presented in these Recommendations, the approach of [9] often
leads to considerably higher values, but has a smaller application range.
Within the simplified design model introduced here using a secant value CA, the
stabilization moment mA shall be limited to the contact moment mK. According to [40] the
stabilization moment should be calculated using
mA = CA 0 (6)
k E Iz
CA c
M Ed
kc according to EN 1993-1-1 [22], table 6.6 or [17], table 3
0 initial rotation (imperfection), to be taken to 0.06
Torsional restraint
0.08 (7)
m K ,k
= (8)
and mK,k according to Table 2.1. Since the rotation is limited for the serviceability limit state,
the moment mK,k is determined for the serviceability load level (characteristic combination).
A more detailed analysis using the actual moment-rotation-relation with C1, C2 and the
transition part is possible, using an iterative approach or even a computer program allowing
for the implementation of the non-linear moment-rotation-relation. In this case, the limitation
of the stabilization moment to mK is not necessary, but the load-bearing capacity of the
fasteners shall be considered. The part of the stabilization moment resulting in tensile forces
in the fasteners should be calculated using
m f = mA m K (9)
N Ed = (10)
n f bK
nf in m-1 or the number of fasteners per meter length, respectively
bK according to Fig. 2.4
If the beams restrained by the sandwich panels are designed according to EN 1993-1-3
[23], section 10.1, the forces in sheet/purlin fasteners and reaction forces according to table
10.4 of EN 1993-1-3 shall be considered. It is recalled that generally no torsional restraint is
given for uplift loading.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
The test set-up according to EN 1993-1-3 [23], section A.5.3 is not suitable to determine
the torsional restraint provided by sandwich panels. With this test set-up, the stiffness may be
overestimated and the test results are not on the safe side. Instead of the set-up given in EN
1993-1-3, the set-up proposed by Lindner [39], [41], [42] should be used. This set-up was also
used in the investigations of Drr [9] and in the tests performed within the EASIE project
The test set-up is shown in Fig. 2.6. It consists of a beam supported by a roller bearing.
(Two) sandwich panels are fixed to the beam. At the ends of the beam, welded end plates are
located, preventing a warping of the beam. Lever arms are attached rectangular to the
longitudinal axis of the beam via these end plates, by means of which the beam can be twisted
around the centre of rotation D. The lever arms are connected to each other through a
transverse truss. Using roller bearings as well as slide bearings on the second support of the
sandwich panels it is ensured that neither restraints nor resistances against twisting of the
beam occur from the test set-up. During test performance, the sandwich panels are loaded by a
constant load p. The transverse truss is loaded by a force F, which causes the rotation of the
beam. The displacements of the upper flange and the bottom flange resulting from the rotation
of the beam are measured and can be converted in a rotation.
Tests should be performed at least with the minimum and maximum panel thickness. To
allow for a broad application range of the test results, stiffness of the faces should reflect the
minimum stiffness (thin faces, low profiling). At least three tests should be performed with
each of the two thicknesses, each of the tests with at least three load levels of gravity load p
and rotation of the purlin in both directions. Evaluation of tests should follow EN 1990 [21].
The test performance and evaluation is also described in [9] and [33]. If tests were performed
because the parameters b, EC, tcor, t or nf do not meet the lower limit of the application range
defined in Table 2.4, results should only be used for the verification of applicability of the
design procedures given in chapter 2.3, not directly for the design.
load p
cross force F
lever arm
Torsional restraint
downward loading p
force F
neg. direction
of rotation
measurement of displacement
measurement of forces
Fig. 2.6: Test set-up, [9]
m m
For the determination of the creep coefficient ,t, creep bending tests with a simply-
supported panel subjected to a uniformly distributed dead load should be performed. The load
used for the creep test shall correspond to between 30 % and 40 % of the average load for
shear failure at ambient temperature. The indentation at the edges of the supports should be
measured with dial gauges placed directly over these edges.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
u C ,t u C , 0
,t = (11)
u C ,0
uC,0 initial compressive displacement at the edge corresponding to the time t = 0
uC,t displacement corresponding to the time t
Extrapolation of test results should follow the principles of EN 14509 [24], note in
chapter A.6.5.2.
measurement of displacement uC
Fig. 2.9: Measurement of indentation at the support during creep bending tests
If the displacement at the edge has been measured, existing test data from creep bending
tests according to EN 14509 shall be utilized.
In any case, material properties both of the core and the faces should be determined
according to EN 14509 to allow for the evaluation of test results.
Lateral restraint
3.1 Introduction
Sandwich panels have a high stiffness and strength when loaded in the plane of the panel.
This can be used to stabilize the supporting structure of the panels (beams, purlins, columns).
The deformation of sandwich panels themselves caused by in-plane shear load may
normally be neglected. The flexibility of the fixings usually dominates the shear flexibility.
The fixings must be designed for the in-plane shear load. In typical cases, it is not necessary
to design the sandwich panels for this additional load, but it is sufficient to design the panels
for their primary loading consisting of the distributed snow and wind load and against the
forces resulting from the difference of the temperature between the faces. However, this rule
resulted from current experiments, which shall not be generalized. The resistance of the
individual sandwich panels to in-plane shear load shall be studied in each case. The shear
resistance of the individual panels is influenced by imperfections such as incomplete bonding,
in addition to material properties and thicknesses.
Sandwich panels shall be used to stabilize steel members only under the following
The sandwich panels are treated as a structural component that cannot be removed
or modified without proper consideration.
The project specification, including the calculations and drawings, gains attention
to the fact that the sandwich panels are designed to stabilize steel members.
Direct fastenings with edge distance 20 mm in direction of span are used. For
panels with concealed fastenings, no lateral restraint is available. However, the
torsional restraint can be utilized for stabilization of the supporting structure, see
chapter 2.
The properties of the core material are not needed to design the sandwich panels
for lateral restraint. Although, it should be ensured that the materials have a good
quality. It is recommended to use the application range for the core material
given in chapter 2 also for panels which are utilized for lateral restraint.
The basis of the approach presented in the following sections was developed in [1] and
further elaborated and amended in [34] within the framework of the European Research
Project EASIE.
In the calculation procedures given in the following chapter 3.2 connections at the longitudinal
joints of the sandwich panels are neglected. Considering connections at the longitudinal joints often
leads to a considerably higher shear stiffness S. But it is on the safe side to neglect these connections
and to calculate the shear stiffness according to the formulae of chapter 3.2.
With the calculation procedure presented in [1] connections at the longitudinal joints of the
sandwich panels can also be taken into account.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
Sandwich panels are normally connected to the supporting structure at the transverse
edges only. They usually do not have connections at the longitudinal edges. This is common
practice, especially for wall panels. Each panel acts as an individual element. When loaded by
in plane shear forces, each panel rotates around a reference point P, which is located in the
centre of the panel (centre of gravity of the fasteners). The panels remain parallel to the
longitudinal edges and they are parallel to each other (Fig. 3.1).
Fig. 3.1: Displacement of shear loaded uni-directionally spanning sandwich panels
The forces and displacements at the fastenings take place in direction of the longitudinal
edges. The relative displacement v of a fastening can be defined by the angle of the shear
and the distance to the reference point (Fig. 3.2).
Lateral restraint
vk =
With the stiffness kv of the fastening the shear force V of a fastening shall be determined.
V k = k v v k = k v (12)
kv stiffness of the fastenings, see section 3.3
ck distance between the two fasteners of a pair
The directions of the forces of a pair of fasteners are opposite to each other. For one pair
of fasteners, the internal moment shall be written as
c k2
M kI = Vk c k = k v (13)
The internal moment of the system is determined by addition of the moments MkI over all
pairs of fasteners.
k v nk 2
M =nm
ck (14)
2 k =1
n number of sandwich panels
m number of beams to be stabilized
nk number of pairs of fasteners per panel and support
M E = F L = S L (15)
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
The equalization of internal and external moments provides an expression for the shear
stiffness S.
S= n m c k2 (16)
2 L k =1
Si = n c k2 (17)
2 L k =1
k v nk 2
Si = ck (18)
2 B k =1
B width of a sandwich panel
If beams and columns to be stabilized are connected with a rigid support by the panels,
i.e. the panels are supported along a rigid line for example with a concrete basement (Fig. 3.3)
or a rigid ridge purlin, the shear stiffness Si according to equation (18) can be increased using
the following value.
n f kv L 2
S i = (19)
kv = (20)
1 m
k v k v ,1
m number of beams to be stabilized
kv stiffness of the fastenings with the beams to be stabilized
kv,1 stiffness of the fastenings with the rigid support
nf number of fasteners per panel and support
Lateral restraint
Fig. 3.3: Example for a rigid support of a panel at the basement (figure: IFBS, [31])
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
screw fastener
(1) EI V
internal face
(4) kF2 tF2 v
V = kv v
V,v tsup
t*: distance between substructure and inner face
(3) Csup value is used for calculation only
kv = (21)
xF t
+ 2 (1 x F ) D t cor ,sup 3 (1 x F ) D t cor
,sup + t cor ,sup
+ +
cor ,sup
kF2 4 C sup 24 EI
1 D t cor ,sup D t cor
kF2 2 C sup 8 EI
xF = 1 (22)
D 2 D (2 D + 3 t cor ,sup )
+ +
kF2 C sup 6 EI
tcor,F2 core thickness of internal face
tcor,sup core thickness of the supporting structure
d1 minor diameter of the threaded part of the fastener
dS diameter of the unthreaded shank
fu,F2 tensile strength of the internal face
D thickness of panel at point of fastening
and the following parameters:
Lateral restraint
d S4
EI = 200000 N / mm 2
f u , F 2 t cor
, F 2 d1
k F 2 = 6.93 for 0.40mm t cor , F 2 0.70mm (25)
0.26mm + 0.8 t F 2
4.2 f u , F 2 t cor
, F 2 d1
kF2 = for 0.70mm t cor , F 2 1.00mm (26)
These parameters and equations apply within the application range given in Table 3.1.
The application range has to be taken into account, see Table 3.1. If higher values of
parameters d, tF2 or tsup occur, the calculation procedure is applicable, but the values used in
calculations should be reduced to the upper limits of the application range.
For connections not included in the application range, e.g. sandwich panels with faces
made of aluminium, the shear stiffness and resistance shall be determined by tests (see chapter
The clamping of the head (2) and the hole elongation of the external face (5) have only a minor
influence. Therefore, these components have been ignored in expressions (20) and (21).
The stiffness of a fastening given above corresponds to the load level at the serviceability
limit state, which is assumed not to exceed half of the characteristic value of the shear
resistance provided by the internal face sheet. This characteristic value can be estimated using
V Rk = 4.2 t cor
,F 2 d1 f u ,F 2 (27)
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
V Rk
V Rd = (28)
Being on the safe side, the stiffness kv given in Table 3.2 can be used. The values apply for
thicknesses of the steel supporting structure 1.5 mm tcor,sup 4.0 mm.
The test set-up and performance of the tests is described in [19]. The evaluation of the
tests is described in chapter 2.9 of [18].
e0 ( x) = e0 sin (29)
L 1
e0 = 0.5 1 + (30)
500 m
m number of components to be stabilized
Lateral restraint
Fi = (31)
For the stabilization of a compression member subjected to an axial force (31) shall be
modified to
Fi = N d (32)
and for the stabilization of a beam-column with axial force and bending moment
Fi = N d + (33)
Nd M d
Fi = + (34)
2 h
depending on whether flexural buckling (equation (33)) or lateral torsional buckling (equation
(34)) is concerned.
Due to the effects of 2nd order theory, the axial compression force leads to an amplifiction
of the deformation. This effect is usually considered by an amplification factor. If only the
shear stiffness of the stabilizing sandwich panels considered and the bending stiffness of the
stabilized component is neglected, the amplification factor can be written as
= (35)
1 i
In formula (35) given above, the bending stiffness of the stabilized component (e.g. the com-
pressed flange of the beam) is neglected. The bending stiffness can be considered by modification of
the amplification factor. In addition, the normal force Fi was assumed to be constant in longitudinal
direction of the beam. Both assumptions are on the safe side. To consider an inconstant normal force -
resulting from a bending moment on a single-span beam in [45] an adjustment of the amplification
factor with the factor 1/2 is proposed.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
= (36)
1 Fi
S i + EI
1 x
etot ( x) = e0 ( x) + e( x) = e0 ( x) = e0 sin (37)
Fi L
The additional deflection e results in a rotation of the sandwich panels in relation to the
supporting structure.
( x ) = e( x ) = e cos (38)
x etot
Fi e Fi
Fi Fi
The deflection and the normal force result in the moment Mi.
1 x
M i ( x) = Fi etot ( x) = Fi e0 sin (39)
Fi L
With this moment, the restraining load qi acting on the stabilizing panels shall be determined.
Lateral restraint
) = F L x
qi ( x) = M i ( x) i e0
sin (40)
Fi L
The load qi(x) is the restraining load, which prevents a transverse displacement of the
beam or of the compressed flange.
Instead of preventing the transverse displacement, a beam can also be restraint by
preventing the rotation about the z-axis. To prevent rotations, a moment mi(x) is assumed.
The moment mi(x) represents a restraining moment per unit length [kNm/m] along the
longitudinal axis of the beam.
( )
mi ( x) = M i ( x) = Fi e0
cos (41)
L 1
Fi L
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
mi (x)
Fi x qi (x) Fi Fi x Fi
e0 e0
Fig. 3.7: Load resulting from the stabilization of a single component
Further explanation of the derivation of the restraining moment mi(x) can be found in [37].
An alternative derivation of the restraining moment mi(x) is given in [28]. If a beam is restraint
by sandwich panels, the fasteners introduce a force V in the panel; e.g. we have two fasteners on a
transverse edge at the distance of c; we get the moment
M =V c (42)
The moment M is exposed in each panel. The forces V, and therefore also the moments M depend
on the rotation of the beam. So the highest moment acts at the ends of the beam and M = 0 in the
mid-span of the beam. If the moments M are smeared over the length of the beam, we get a moment
mi(x) per unit length.
3.5.1 Introduction
If sandwich panels are used for the stabilization of single components, in the design of
the fastenings additional shear forces have to be considered.
The forces resulting from the stabilization shall be considered in the design of the
fastenings in any case, even though full restraint is shown by the stiffness Si according to
formula (3). If the beams restrained by the sandwich panels are designed according to EN
1993-1-3 [23], section 10.1, the forces in sheet/purlin fasteners and reaction forces according
to table 10.4 of EN 1993-1-3 shall be taken into account additionally.
Lateral restraint
The restraining moment mi(x) (expression (41)) has its maximum mi,max at the ends of the
beam (x = 0, x = L).
mi ,max = Fi e0 (43)
1 i
The forces of the fastenings of the panel shall withstand the moment mi(x). So the
moment mi (per unit length) is converted to the moment MS acting on one panel. For the
panels at the ends of the beam the moment MS is approximately
M S ,max = mi ,max B = Fi e0 B (44)
L 1
B width of the panel
The moment MS results in the shear forces VSM in the fastenings (Fig. 3.8). These forces
act in longitudinal direction of the panel. The highest forces arise in the outer fastenings of a
panel. The force in the highest stressed fastenings is
M S ,max
VSM,max = (45)
c k2
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
c c VSM,max
S , max 3 VSM,max 2
c1 c1
Fig. 3.8: Forces resulting in the moment MS
Fig. 3.9 shows a panel with the moments MS resulting from stabilization of the
supporting structure. At the end supports additional forces QS in transverse direction are
derived from moment equilibrium. If a constant distribution on the fastenings of the
transverse edge is assumed, for one fastening the force VQ in transverse direction is
m M S , max
V SQ, max = (46)
LS n f
nf number of fasteners per panel and support
Lateral restraint
Fig. 3.9: Moment equilibrium of a panel
The resulting force of one fastening is determined by a vector summation. So in the most
stressed fastening, the shear force resulting from stabilization is
VS ,max = (V M
) + (V
S , max
2 Q
S , max
The shear force VS,max together with the shear and tensile forces caused by the primary
loading of the sandwich panels shall be considered in the design of the fastenings.
The loads of the ordinary structural behaviour expose forces in perpendicular direction to the
faces. These loads cause normal loads in the fastenings, which shall be considered simultaneously
with the in-plane shear loads.
Stabilization effects are usually taken into account for loads resulting from self-weight, snow or
wind pressure, which do not cause normal forces in the fastenings. Thus, in the design of the
fastenings the interaction between normal force resulting from wind suction and shear force resulting
from stabilization need not be considered in many cases.
In addition to the forces VSM resulting from the rotation of the panel, forces VS occur.
The forces VS are caused by translational restrain of the panels. Both forces shall be added.
The force in the highest stressed fastenings shall be calculated using
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
2 2
1 1 c
V SM, max = Fi e0 B + 1 2 (48)
L Fi n L c
1 f k
S i + S i
For determining the forces in the fastenings at the rigid support, the forces resulting from
the translational restrain of the sandwich panels shall be added over the beams to be
stabilized. The force in the highest stressed fastenings at the rigid support shall be calculated
1 B
V S , max = Fi e0 m (49)
L 1
Fi nf
S i + S i
At the end supports of the panels additional forces in transverse direction are derived
from moment equilibrium (see Fig. 3.9). For one fastening the force VQ in transverse direction
m M S , max
V SQ, max = (50)
LS n f
M S ,max = mi ,max B = Fi e0 B (51)
L 1
S i + S i
The resulting force of one fastening is determined by vector summation. So, in the most
stressed fastening at the stabilized beams, the shear force resulting from stabilization is
VS ,max = (V ) + (V
M + 2
S , max
S , max
In the most stressed fastening at the rigid support of the shear force resulting from
stabilization is
VS ,max = (V
) + (V
S , max
2 Q
S , max
The shear force VS,max together with the shear and tensile forces caused by primary
loading of the sandwich panels shall be considered in the design of the fastenings.
Lateral restraint
The comment at the end of chapter 3.5.2 also applies here.
In some cases the stabilizing effect of the sandwich panels may reduce the buckling length of the
stabilized beams. A reduction of the buckling length can cause higher forces in the fastenings. So the
influence of the buckling length of the beams must be checked carefully.
In addition to the design of the fastenings, the displacements resulting from the
stabilization should be limited. The angle between sandwich panel and stabilized beam
(formula (38)) has its maximum value at the ends of the beam.
max = e0 (54)
L Si
max (55)
In [47], this limitation was proposed for the design of diaphragms made of trapezoidal sheets.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
[1] Baehre, R., Ladwein, Th.: Tragfhigkeit und Verformungsverhalten von Scheiben aus
Sandwichelementen und PUR-Hartschaumkern (Projekt 199). Studiengesellschaft
Stahlanwendung e.V., Dsseldorf 1994.
[2] Baehre, R., Ladwein, Th.: Diaphragm action of sandwich panels. Journal of Constructional
Steel Research 31 (1994), pp. 305-316.
[3] Bryan, E.R.: The stressed skin design of steel buildings. Granada Publishing Limited,
[4] Constructional Steel Research and Development Organisation: Stressed Skin
Construction: Principles and Practice. Constrado, 1973.
[5] Davies, J.M., Bryan, E.R.: Manual of stressed skin diaphragm design. Granada
Publishing, London, 1982.
[6] DeMatteis, G., Landolfo, R.: Mechanical fasteners for cladding sandwich panels: In-
terpretative model for shear behavior. Thin-Walled Structures 35 (1999), p. 61-79.
[7] DeMatteis, G.: The effect of cladding panels in steel buildings under seismic actions.
Universit degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II, Facolt di Ingegneria, Neapel 1998.
[8] Drr, M., Podleschny, R., Saal, H.: Untersuchungen zur Drehbettung von
biegedrillknickgefhrdeten Trgern durch Sandwichelemente (Investigation of the
torsional restraint of sandwich panels against lateral torsional buckling of beams).
Stahlbau 76 (2007), pp. 401-407.
[9] Drr, M.: Die Stabilisierung biegedrillknickgefhrdeter Trger durch
Sandwichelemente und Trapezbleche (Stabilization of beams prone to lateral torsional
buckling by sandwich panels and trapezoidal sheeting). Karlsruhe: Berichte der
Versuchsanstalt fr Stahl, Holz und Steine der Universitt Fridericiana in Karlsruhe, 5.
Folge Heft 17 (
[10] Drr, M., Saal, H.: Investigation of the torsional restraint of sandwich panels against
lateral torsional buckling of beams. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference
on Thin Walled Structures, 2008.
[11] Drr, M., Saal, H.: Die drehbettende Wirkung von Sandwichelementen beim
Biegedrillknicknachweis in der Neufassung der DIN 18800-2 (The torsional restraint
of sandwich panels against lateral torsional buckling of beams in the new edition of
DIN 188002). Bauingenieur 84 (2009), pp. 247-253.
[12] Drr, M., Misiek, Th., Saal, H.: The torsional restraint of sandwich panels to resist the
lateral torsional buckling of beams. Steel Construction design and research 4 (2011),
pp. 251-258.
[13] DIN 18800-2:2008-11: Stahlbauten Teil 2: Stabilittsflle Knicken von Stben und
Stabwerken (Steel structures - Part 2: Stability - Buckling of bars and skeletal
[14] DIN EN 1993-1-3/NA:2010-12: National Annex Nationally determined parameters
Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-3: General rules Supplementary rules
for cold-formed members and sheeting.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
[15] ECCS: Preliminary European Recommendations for Sandwich Panels Part II Good
Practice. ECCS-publication No. 62, 1990.
[16] ECCS: European Recommendations for the Application of Metal Sheeting acting as a
Diaphragm. ECCS-publication No. 88, 1995.
[17] ECCS: Rules for Member Stability in EN 1993-1-1 background documentation and
design guidelines. ECCS-publication No. 119, 2006.
[18] ECCS: The Testing of Connections with mechanical Fasteners in Steel Sheeting and
Sections, ECCS publication No. 124, 2009.
[19] ECCS and CIB: Preliminary European Recommendations for the Testing and Design
of Fastenings for Sandwich Panels. ECCS publication No. 127, 2009.
[20] EN 10143:2006: Continuously hot-dip coated steel sheet and strip Tolerances on
dimensions and shape.
[21] EN 1990: 2002 + A1:2005 + A1:2005/AC:2010: Eurocode: Basis of structural design.
[22] EN 1993-1-1:2005 + AC:2009: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1:
General rules and rules for buildings.
[23] EN 1993-1-3:2006 + AC:2009: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Part 1-3:
General rules Supplementary rules for cold-formed members and sheeting.
[24] EN 14509:2006: Self-supporting double skin metal faced insulating panels Factory
made products Specifications.
[25] FprEN 14509:2013: Self-supporting double skin metal faced insulating panels
Factory made products Specifications.
[26] Georgescu M., Ungureanu V., Dubina D.: Diaphragm effect in sandwich panel roofing
Experimental approach. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Steel and
Composite Structures, Budapest, Hungary, ISBN 978-92-9147-103-4, pp. 165-170,
[27] Georgescu M., Ungureanu V.: Stabilisation of continous Z-purlins by sandwich
panels: Full scale experimental approach. The 6th International Conference on Coupled
Instabilities in Metal Structures, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2012.
[28] Hedman-Ptursson, E.: Column Buckling with Restraint from Sandwich Wall
Elements. Department of Civil and Mining Engineering, Division of Steel Structures,
Lulea University of Technology, 2001.
[29] IFBS: Leitfaden zur Beurteilung von Abweichungen bei Bauelementen aus Stahlblech.
IFBS Technical Rules for Lightweight Metal Construction 1.05, 2003.
[30] IFBS: Guideline for the planning and installation of roof, wall and deck constructions
made from profiled metal sheeting. IFBS Technical Rules for Lightweight Metal
Construction 8.01, 2009.
[31] IFBS: Thermal-Bridge Atlas for Metal Sandwich Construction. IFBS Technical Rules
for Lightweight Metal Construction 4.03, 2012.
[32] Kpplein, S., Misiek, Th., Ummenhofer, Th.: Aussteifung und Stabilisierung von
Bauteilen und Tragwerken durch Sandwichelemente (Bracing and stabilisation by
sandwich panels). Stahlbau. 79 (2010), pp. 336-344.
[33] Kpplein, S., Misiek, Th.: Stabilisation of beams by sandwich panels, EASIE report
D3.3 part 1, 2011 (
[34] Kpplein, S., Misiek, Th.: In-plane shear resistance of sandwich panels, EASIE report
D3.3 part 2, 2011 (
[35] Kpplein, S., Misiek, Th.: Connections of sandwich panels, EASIE report D3.3 part
3, 2011 (
[36] Kpplein, S., Ummenhofer, T.: Querkraftbeanspruchte Verbindungen von
Sandwichelementen (Shear loaded fastenings of sandwich panels). Stahlbau 80 (2011),
pp. 600-607.
[37] Kpplein, S., Berner, K., Ummenhofer, T.: Stabilisierung von Bauteilen durch
Sandwichelemente (Stabilization of the substructure by sandwich panels). Stahlbau 81
(2012), pp. 951-958.
[38] Ladwein, Th.: Zur Schubfeldwirkung von Sandwichelementen (Diaphragm Action of
Sandwich Panels), Stahlbau 62 (1993), p. 342-346 and p. 361-363.
[39] Lindner, J.: Drehbettungswerte fr Dacheindeckungen mit untergelegter
Wrmedmmung (Projekt 134). Studiengesellschaft fr Anwendungstechnik von Eisen
und Stahl e.V., Dsseldorf 1988.
[40] Lindner, J.: Anschlumomente von Trgern, die zur Kippaussteifung herangezogen
werden. Bautechnik 50 (1973), pp. 342-344.
[41] Lindner, J., Gregull, T.: Drehbettungswerte fr Dacheindeckungen mit unterlegter
Wrmedmmung (Torsional Restraint Coefficients of Roofing Skin with Thermal
Insulation). Stahlbau 58 (1989), pp. 173-179.
[42] Lindner, J., Groeschel, F.: Drehbettungswerte fr die Profilblechbefestigung mit
Setzbolzen bei unterschiedlich groen Auflasten. Stahlbau 65 (1996), S. 218-224.
[43] Lindner, J.: Zur Aussteifung von Biegetrgern durch Drehbettung und Schubsteifigkeit
(Beams in bending restraint by rotational spring stiffness and shear stiffness of
adjacent members), Stahlbau. 77 (2008), pp. 427-435.
[44] Misiek, Th., Kpplein, S., Drr, M., Saal, H.: Stabilisation of purlins by sandwich
panels new regulations and recent research results. Proceedings of 18th CIB World
Congress, Salford United Kingdom, 2010.
[45] Petersen, Ch.: Statik und Stabilitt der Baukonstruktionen, Vieweg-Verlag, 2. Auflage,
[46] Riedeburg, K.: Untersuchungen zum wirtschaftlichen Einsatz von Sandwichelementen
in Dchern und Wnden. Institut fr Stahlbau Leipzig GmbH, Leipzig 1994.
[47] Schardt, R., Strehl, C.: Theoretische Grundlagen fr die Bestimmung der
Schubsteifigkeit von Trapezblechscheiben Vergleich mit anderen
Berechnungsanstzen und Versuchsergebnissen. Stahlbau 45 (1976), pp. 97-108.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
Annex 1: Practical Considerations
This document introduces the design principles of sandwich panels, which are used as
stabilizing elements for single members of the supporting structure such as beams, purlins and
columns. The role of the sandwich panels is more demanding compared to the traditional use
of the sandwich panels, in which the panels carry the pressure and suction loads exposed
perpendicular to the face of the panels only. It shall be noted, that the document introduces
rules to stiffen single steel members against buckling and lateral buckling using sandwich
panels. The document does not cover the cases in which whole buildings or units are stiffened
with wall and roof panels.
The practice of design, building, proofing and inspection varies in different countries.
However, principally the same tasks have to be made during the building process and shall be
considered during the use of the building. This chapter makes remarks on some points, which
have practical importance. The use of sandwich panels and the ways and methods of practice
are under development phases in the near future. Therefore, the documentation of the design
and building work is highly important concerning the later use of the building.
Sandwich panels used to stabilize steel structures become an integral part of a load-
bearing system. Therefore, the design of such a structure requires a constant flow of
information between
the owner and user of the building
the designer of the steel structure
the designer of the sandwich panels
the manufacturer of the panels
the installer of the steel structure and sandwich panels on site
Each of the mentioned partners has the responsibilities and obligations towards the
others. The responsibility may also cover the tasks of another partner, or there are additional
partners such as an external supervisor. The following paragraphs give hints to assure the flow
of information and to help to define the responsibilities and obligations.
The owner or user has to be aware of the role of the sandwich panels as stiffening
components in the building. He shall consider the role of the sandwich panels in later
modifications and updates of the sandwich panels, steel structures and the whole building. He
has to take care of the updates of the information in the documents and drawings.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
2.3 Designer
Additional information about the sandwich panels and the fastening needed for the
stabilization of the supporting structure shall cover the rotational stiffness and the in-plane
shear stiffness, and the strength of the sandwich panels and connections and the shear stiffness
and shear resistance of the fasteners used to fix the sandwich panels to the supporting
The designer of the sandwich panels shall verify the resistance of the sandwich panels
and fastenings to meet the requirements given by the primary loads to the panels and by the
additional loads caused by the stiffening of the single steel members. The designer shall
prepare drawings which show the types, materials and dimensions of the sandwich panels,
and the types, materials, dimensions and positions of all fasteners and possibly the order to be
followed in installing the fasteners on site. He shall define the tolerances to be fulfilled in
fastenings. The design shall be based on relevant national and European standards and
technical approvals.
The designer of the steel structure needs to know the properties of the sandwich panels
such as the allowed span length in longitudinal direction, required support width, shear
stiffness, and torsional restraint, and the required type, number and positions of fasteners. He
shall define the stiffness needed to support the supporting structure against buckling failure on
an acceptable level. On the other hand, the number of fasteners might affect the load-bearing
capacity of the sandwich panel such as the support reaction capacity and the reduction of the
wrinkling stress at the intermediate supports under uplift loadings.
Thus, the designer of the sandwich panels shall know the structural requirements
resulting from the stabilization of the supporting structure and possibly, based on the
requirements of the design of the steel members of the supporting structure, re-check the
resistance of sandwich panels and fastenings.
At the end of design process full assembly documentation shall be prepared and delivered
to the owner of the building and/or to the partner, who is responsible for the assembly.
The sandwich panels used as stabilizing elements shall fulfil the requirements of EN
14509 [24] shown by the CE-mark of the product (see chapter 1.2) and the application range
given in this document. Depending on the case and practice, the manufacturer of the sandwich
panels shall provide additional information about the stiffness and resistance of the fastenings
or about the shear stiffness and torsional restraint of the stabilizing system. The possible
document with additional information compared to that given in CE marking according to EN
14509 shall be based on test results and calculations.
2.5 Installer
Before starting the assembly, the installer shall perform the following controls:
Check and verification of documentation for assembly: relevant drawings, list of
fastening elements, details for fixing, assembly and fixing sequence
Annex 1: Practical Considerations
Check of possible temporary supports of the steel structure during the installation
Check of the load bearing structural components considering the project
documentation, technical standards and tolerances
During the assembly the following activities shall be performed:
o Check of the impact of assembly, weather conditions on the panels and
supporting structure. In the case of extreme conditions during assembly, the
installer shall contact the designer.
o Supervision of the mounting work: type, number and location of the
At the end of the assembly works, written statement of work compliance with
design documentation shall be issued through the responsible person of the
Depending on the practice, products and the assembly work may be also checked through
an external partner or independent person instead of the installer himself. The external partner
shall control the incoming products and verify the correspondence of the mounting work to
that required by the designer. The final inspection document shall be prepared, including
possible deviations, which may results in a need for special investigations.
If the external partner is not involved in the assembly process but all responsibilities for incoming
products and the mounting work are the obligation of the installer, a written report shall be issued at
the end of the assembly work through the responsible person of the installer.
Sandwich panels used for the stabilization of structural members are an integral part of
the load-bearing system of the building. To assure the special care required in the mounting,
these panels should be highlighted and marked in the layout drawings.
All instructions on the detailing resulting from the design shall be strictly followed. On-
site processing and rework of the sandwich panels for example the cutting of holes for
openings shall be defined in the layout drawings. Subsequent changes shall be re-checked
through the designers both of the sandwich panels and of the supporting structure.
It is recommended to label the sandwich panels used for the stabilization of structural
members in a clearly visible and durable way. The role of the sandwich panels as stabilizing
members shall be understood and taken care during the later replacement and updates of the
sandwich panels and supporting structure.
The supporting structure shall be checked before the assembly of the faade / roof panels
considering project documentation, technical standards and tolerances. The structural safety
of the non-stabilized steel members shall be considered during the installation work.
Sandwich panels and fixing products shall be checked before starting assembly work. Proper
installation shall be recorded and confirmed through the responsible person of the installer or
through external proofing.
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
The designer of the fastenings used to fix the sandwich panels to the supporting structure
shall consider two kinds of forces:
Forces resulting from loads acting directly on the panel such as self-weight, wind
load and snow load, and the temperature difference load. These forces are usually
determined through the designer of the sandwich panels.
Forces and required stiffness resulting from stabilization of the supporting
structure. These requirements are usually determined through the designer of the
supporting structure.
All loads and combinations of loads regarding the valid standards and specifications shall
be considered in the design of the fastenings.
All fasteners used in fixing the sandwich panels to the supporting structure and in the
connections between the adjacent sandwich panels shall have a European (ETA) or national
technical approval, which state the dimensions, materials and mechanical properties of the
fasteners as well as characteristic values of the resistance of the connections.
Screws completely or partly exposed to weather or comparable moisture conditions shall
be made of austenitic stainless steel or have a proper corrosion protection system
corresponding to the corrosivity category of the environment. The sealants of the washers
shall be made of EPDM.
The type of fasteners, the diameters of sealing washers, the number of fasteners and the
positions of fixing shall correspond to the requirements made in design. Special care shall be
taken to the positioning of the fasteners with respect to the supporting structure. The position
of the fastener in the upper flange of the beam to be stabilized has tight tolerances for
example. Depending on the requirements defined in the design, the fasteners shall be arranged
in a straight line or in an alternating fixing pattern positioned on both sides of the beams
flanges. The pre-drill diameter of the self-tapping screws shall comply with the value given in
the technical approval.
A minimum edge distance of 20 mm in direction of the span is required, if no larger value
is given by an approval or by the manufacturer.
For a proper fixation of sandwich panels, the fasteners shall be tightened in a way that the
sealing washer has a slight deformation, required for a tight connection. This causes a light
indentation of the outer face of the sandwich panel which is unavoidable in practice. For flat
and lightly profiled faces, the indentation should be less than 2 mm (Fig. A.1). Larger
deformations shall be avoided. A correct tightening of the screws attaching two steel plates is
also important in order to achieve correct resistance and air and water tightness (Fig. A.2).
Annex 1: Practical Considerations
Fig. A.2: Tightening of the screws between two steel sheets (figure: IFBS [30])
Fasteners shall be placed perpendicular to the surface of the panel to obtain a safe, water-
and air-tight connection. This requirement might be a challenge in cases in which the depth of
the sandwich panels is large (Fig. A.3). Further information about the mounting of regular
sandwich panels can be found in the documents [29], [30], [15].
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
Fig. A.3: Tolerances concerning the location and inclination of the screws drilled through the sandwich panels
Location of the connection point between the internal face of the sandwich panel and the
surface of the supporting structure is highly important concerning the effect of stabilization.
However, for mounting, the location is defined in the external face of the sandwich panel.
Therefore, special care shall be given to the definition of the allowed tolerances concerning
the deviation of the fastener in the plane of the sandwich panel and the deviation of the angle
of fastener from 90 degrees.
It is important for the end result that the panels themselves are well aligned when
lifted on the final positions. This assures that installers easily find the correct
fastening points. If the installers use the panel manufacturers recommendation
about the minimum end distance, e.g. 20 mm, they are able to define the center
line of the purlin or the other target point in the purlin. The fixing problems may
come from the fact that fasteners hit a wrong location in the purlin, either too
close to the welding or the edge. The correct alignment of the sandwich panel
would help in many cases. The allowable deviations of the fasteners from the
target line shall be defined by the designer.
The installers do not use additional fastening tools besides a standard screw gun to
keep the angle to 90 degrees to the face of the sandwich panel. The inclination
itself does not affect the stabilization, but the hit in an incorrect location in the
supporting structure due to the inclination may lead to a reduction of the effect of
stabilization, especially in the case of thick sandwich panels. The use of an
additional guide in the screw gun to guarantee the perpendicular direction of the
screws in case of thick panels (> 100 mm) is recommended.
The limiting factors for tolerances may be the tightness of the sealants of the
washer under static and dynamic loads, the performance of the drilling operation
and the positioning of the screw end in the correct place in the supporting
Annex 2: Examples
The calculated examples given in this Annex illustrate the calculation procedures
introduced in the Recommendations. Examples 1 and 2 deal with the torsional restraint
provided by sandwich panels, examples 3 and 4 deal with the lateral restraint. Example 3 was
originally published in [34]. An additional example dealing with lateral restraint can be found
in [37].
Sandwich roof panels are used to stabilize a purlin IPE200. The second moment of inertia
about the weak axis of the purlin is 142 cm4. The purlin is loaded by a transverse load (self-
weight and snow)
qd = 3.7 kN/m (ultimate limit state)
qd = 2.7 kN/m (serviceability limit state)
which results in a bending moment. The purlin is installed as a multi-span-system with a span
of 6.0 m. The purlins have to be stabilized against lateral torsional buckling.
For the sandwich panels, the following parameters apply:
- Core material mineral wool, ECc = 4 N/mm, ECt = 6 N/mm, fCc = 0.06 N/mm.
- Steel faces with nominal thicknesses tF1 = 0.75 mm , tF2 = 0.63 mm
The purlin IPE200 has a width of the flange of b = 100 mm. The sandwich panel is fixed to
the upper flange of the purlin at every crest with a distance of 333 mm (nf = 3 m-1).
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
EC = 0.5 4 +6 2
mm mm 2
The modulus shall be reduced to consider the duration of the loading (creep). The action with
the shortest time of load duration becomes crucial. For the action of snow load on mineral
wool panels, ,t = 1.35 (Table 2.2) applies. During the time of loading, a temperature of 0C
shall be assumed, and no further reduction of the elastic modulus because of the temperature
is necessary.
EC 2 N
E C ,t = = mm = 2.1
1 + ,t 1 + 1.35 mm 2
bk = 0.75 b = 75mm
applies (Fig. 2.4). From Table 2.3, we obtain c1 = 0.089 and c2 = 0.027 m.
C1 = c1 EC ,t b 2 = 0.089 2.1
(100 mm )2
= 1869
= 1 . 869
mm 2 mm m
(75mm )
1 N
C 2 = c2 n f EC , t bK2 = 0.027 m 3 2.1
m mm
Nmm kNm
= 957 = 0.957
mm m
3 C 1 3 m kNm
CA = = = 1.687
2 C 1 2 kNm m
+ 1 1.869
C 1 + C 2 m + 1
kNm kNm
1.869 + 0.957
m m
Limitation of the stabilization moment at the ultimate limit state is calculated on the basis of
the expressions in chapter 2.4.
Annex 2: Examples
b kN 0.1m kNm
mK = qd = 3.7 = 0.185
2 m 2 m
kN (6.0m )
M Ed = q d = 3.7 = 11.10kNm
12 m 12
mA = CA 0
k E Iz
CA c
M Ed
1 kNm
= 1.687 0.06
kN m
0.914 21000 142cm 4
kNm cm 2
1.687 1
m (11.10kNm )2
= 0.056
which is lower than the contact moment. Thus, the limitation is fulfilled.
Limitation of the rotation moment at the serviceability limit state is calculated on the basis of
the expressions in chapter 2.5.
b kN 0.1m kNm
mK = qd = 2.7 = 0.135
2 m 2 m
mK 0.135kNm / m
= = = 0.08rad
CA 1.687kNm / m
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
Sandwich wall panels are used to stabilize a cold-formed C-section. The second moment
of inertia about the weak axis is Iz = 101.9 cm4. The section is loaded by a transverse load
(wind pressure)
qd = 2.7 kN/m (ultimate limit state)
qd = 1.8 kN/m (serviceability limit state)
which results in a bending moment ME,d. The section is installed as a single span system with
a span of 4.5 m. The section shall stabilized against lateral torsional buckling.
For the sandwich panels, the following parameters apply:
- Core material PUR, ECc = 4 N/mm, ECt = 3 N/mm, fCc = 0.12 N/mm.
- Steel faces with nominal thicknesses tF1 = 0.50 mm, tF2 = 0.40 mm
The C-section has a width of the flange of b = 60 mm. Fixing is done with at least two
fasteners per panel with a width of one meter (nf 2 m-1).
EC = 0.5 3 +4 2
= 3.5
mm mm 2
No reduction for duration of loading (creep) is required. The action with the shortest time of
load duration becomes crucial. For the action of the wind load, ,t = 0.0. During the time of
loading, a temperature of 0C is assumed in this example. From Table 2.3, we obtain c3 =
5.1110-4 m2.
N Nmm kNm
C1 = c3 EC ,t = 5.11 10 4 m 2 3.5 2
= 1789 = 1.789
mm mm m
Annex 2: Examples
C 2 = 0
3 C1 3 m kNm
CA = = = 1.342
2 C1 2 kNm m
+ 1 1.789
C1 + C 2 m + 1
kNm kNm
1.789 +0
m m
kN kNm
mK = qd b = 2.7 0.06m = 0.162
m m
Bending moment
kN (4.5m )
M Ed = q d = 2.7 = 6.83kNm
8 m 8
mA = CA 0
k E Iz
CA c
M Ed
1 kNm
= 1.342 0.06
kN m
0.94 4 21000 101.9cm 4
kNm cm 2
1.342 1
m (6.83kNm )2
= 0.021
which is smaller than the contact moment. Thus, the limitation is fulfilled.
Contact moment
kN kNm
mK = qd b = 1.8 0.06m = 0.108
m m
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
m K 0.108kNm / m
= = = 0.08rad
CA 1.342kNm / m
Annex 2: Examples
The sandwich panels shown in Fig. A.6 are used to stabilize the purlins supporting them.
The purlins are loaded by a transverse load qd = 7.33 kN/m, which results in a bending
moment. Therefore, the purlins have to be stabilized against lateral torsional buckling.
At the transverse edges the panels are connected to the supporting structure as shown in
Fig. A.7. The fastenings have the stiffness
k v = 2.34kN / mm
stabilised purlins
Fi Fi
Fi Fi
Fi Fi
6 x 1000
Fig. A.6: System
Fig. A.7: Position of fastenings at the supports of the sandwich panels
6000mm 1
e0 = 0.5 1 + = 9.8mm
500 3
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
8 m
Fi ,d = = 150kN
The shear stiffness available for the stabilization of one beam is (equation (18))
Si =
2.34kN / mm
2 1000mm
( 2 2
(900mm ) + (500mm ) = 1240kN
M S ,max = 150kN 9.8mm 1000mm = 875.6kNmm
6000mm 1
The moment MS,max results in forces VSM on the fastenings. The force on the outer fasteners of
the panel is (equation (44))
VSM,max = = 0.743kN
(900mm )2 + (500mm )2
900mm 900mm
The fastenings are also loaded through shear forces in transverse direction (equation (46)).
3 875.6kNmm
VSQ,max = = 0.082kN
8000mm 4
The resulting force for which the fastenings have to be designed for is (equation (47))
Each fastening shall be designed for the shear force VS,max (design value, ultimate limit state).
If there are further shear forces, they shall be added in the sum. If there are also tensile forces,
the interaction between shear and tensile forces shall be considered.
Annex 2: Examples
Limitation of deflection
max = 9.8mm = 0.71 10 3
6000mm 1240kN
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
The sandwich panels shown in Fig. A.8 are used to stabilize the beams supporting them.
On the end support, the panels are connected with a concrete basement, i.e. with a rigid
support (see Fig. 3.3). The beams are loaded through a transverse load qd = 7.33 kN/m, which
results in a bending moment. Therefore, the beams shall be stabilized against lateral torsional
The panels are connected to the beams and to the rigid support as shown in Fig. A.7. The
fastenings on the stabilized beams have the stiffness
k v = 2.34kN / mm
stabilized beams
Fi Fi
Fi Fi
rigid support
6 x 1000
Fig. A.8: System
6000mm 1
e0 = 0.5 1 + = 10.4mm
500 2
8 m
Fi ,d = = 150kN
Annex 2: Examples
Determination of stiffness Si + Si
The shear stiffness available for the stabilization of one beam is (equations (18) and (19))
Si =
2.34kN / mm
2 1000mm
( 2 2
(900mm ) + (500mm ) = 1240kN
kV = = 0,70kN / mm
2 1
2,00kN / mm 2,34kN / mm
4 0,70kN / mm 6000mm
S i = = 10213kN
+ 1
VSM,max = 150kN 10.4mm 1000mm
6000mm 1
1240kN + 10213kN
1 900mm
= 0,711kN
4 6000mm (900mm ) + (500mm )
2 2
M S ,max = 150kN 10,4mm 1000mm
6000mm 1
1240kN + 10213kN
= 827.7 kNmm
2 827.7kNmm
VSQ,max = = 0.051kN
8000mm 4
European Recommendations on the Stabilization of Steel Structures by Sandwich Panels
1 1000mm
V S , max = 150kN 10.4mm 2
6000mm 1
150kN 4
1240kN + 10213kN
= 0,217 kN
M S ,max = 150kN 10.4mm 1000mm
6000mm 1
1240kN + 10213kN
= 827.7 kNmm
2 827.7kNmm
VSQ,max = = 0.051kN
8000mm 4
Each fastening shall be designed for the shear force VS,max (design value, ultimate limit state).
If there are further shear forces, they shall be added in the sum. If there are also tensile forces,
the interaction between the shear and the tensile forces shall be considered.
Limitation of deflection
max = 10.4mm = 0.72 10 4
6000mm 1240kN + 10213
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