Hasegawa Etal 2008 B
Hasegawa Etal 2008 B
Hasegawa Etal 2008 B
DOI 10.1007/s10706-008-9242-z
Abstract This paper describes a simple method of susceptibility values in a small site within the study
Digital Elevation Model (DEM)-based earthquake- area, a final landslide susceptibility map was prepared
induced shallow landslide susceptibility analysis. for the whole study area. The resultant susceptibility
Considering topographic effects in amplification of map is very useful for regional scale planning.
earthquake ground motion, Uchida et al. (2004) have
developed a topographical parameter based empirical Keywords Earthquake-induced landslides
description of landslide susceptibility during an earth- DEM Landslide susceptibiltiy map
quake. In this research, the method proposed by Uchida Niigata Japan
et al. (2004) was utilized in raster GIS and shallow
landslide susceptibility analysis was performed in the
study area of Nishiyama Town of Kashiwazaki City,
Niigata prefecture, Japan. The correlation of shallow 1 Introduction
landslides generated by the Niigataken Chuetsu-oki
Earthquake in 2007 with landslide susceptibility values Earthquake-induced landslides are one of the most
suggests that the method proposed by Uchida et al. damaging natural disasters. Commonly, damage from
(2004) can be around 80% accurate in delineating earthquake-induced landslides is worse than damage
the probable locations of earthquake-induced land- related to the shaking and rupture of the earthquake
slides. By calibrating landslide data and landslide itself. Earthquake-induced landslides damage and
destroy homes and other structures, block roads,
destroy utilities, and dam up river and streams. In
S. Hasegawa R. K. Dahal (&) A. Nonomura recent years, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
M. Yamanaka
Department of Safety Systems Construction Engineering, and remote sensing have significantly improved our
Faculty of Engineering, Kagawa University, 2217-20, ability to map earthquake-induced landslides. With
Hayashi-cho, Takamatsu 761-0396, Japan the application of aerial photographs and field
e-mail: ranjan@ranjan.net.np verifications, landslides induced by earthquakes have
R. K. Dahal been mapped and analyzed in California, El Salvador,
Department of Geology, Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus, Taiwan, Japan, Italy and Pakistan (e.g., Wilson and
Tribhuvan University, Ghantaghar, Kathmandu, Nepal Keefer 1985; Harp and Keefer 1990; Harp and Jibson
1996; Jibson et al. 2000; Parise and Jibson 2000;
T. Nishimura
Fukken Co. Ltd, 2-10-11 Hikarimachi, Higashi-ku, Capolongo et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2002, 2003;
Hiroshima 732-0052, Japan Chigira et al. 2003; Chigira and Yagi 2006; Wang
Geotech Geol Eng
et al. 2007; Owen et al. 2008). Several methods have occurrence of intense shaking in elevated areas of
been developed for the evaluation of hazards repre- rugged topography. Geli et al. (1988) have reported
sented by earthquake-induced landslides, including that buildings on crests suffer more damage than those
statistical analysis (Keefer 1984, 2000; Lee and located at the base and they conclude that there is
Evangelista 2006) and a deterministic method always significant amplification of frequencies corre-
(Mankelow and Murpy 1998; Van Westen and sponding to wavelengths about equal to mountain
Terlien 1996; Jibson et al. 1998, 2000; Luzi and width at hilltops with respect to the base. Similarly, an
Pergalani 1996, 2000; Carro et al. 2003), both of amplificationdeamplification pattern on slopes leads
which aim to quantify earthquake-induced landslide to a strong energy differential on the upper part of the
susceptibility and hazard zonation. In the determin- slope. For the case of the ChiChi earthquake, Lin
istic method, most of the work has used the pseudo- et al. (2003) mentioned that landslide frequency is
static method or the Newmark cumulative displace- much higher on or near the crests of hills. Field
ment method (Newmark 1965). Mankelow and experiments by Chavez-Garca et al. (1996) indicate
Murpy (1998) have suggested that the cumulative that a topographic site amplification effect does exist
displacement method proved most successful at and the amount of amplification depends on the
predicting the location of shallow unstable slopes. frequency at the site location. Bouchon et al. (1996)
However, deterministic methods rely on having have also confirmed that amplifications of seismic
access to detailed information, such as strength energy occur at and near the top of hills (defined as
parameters and sliding depth, which are not readily elongated elliptical shapes with an aspect ratio of 2:1)
available in many cases. Some studies have also over a broad range of frequencies.
focused on general correlations between earthquake- Many models exist for assessing the stability of
induced landslide occurrence and slope steepness, slopes during earthquakes. These models have been
distance from the earthquakes source, or underlying used to assess the stability of individual slopes and
geologic units (Keefer 2000; Khazai and Sitar 2003; have been incorporated into landslide potential
Chigira and Yagi 2006; Wang et al. 2007). These assessments. Traditionally, landslide potential has
studies have provided valuable information about the been analyzed by applying deterministic and static
characteristics of earthquake-induced landslides. stability models. Both intrinsic and extrinsic param-
The effects of topography on earthquake ground eters are used for analysis. The intrinsic variables
motion are also well documented. Two types of include bedrock geology, geomorphology, soil depth,
findings have motivated studies of the effect of the soil type, slope gradient, slope aspect, slope curva-
topography on seismic waves. The earliest investiga- ture, elevation, engineering properties of the slope
tions showed that topographic features are basically material, land use patterns, and drainage patterns.
responsible for dissipation of energy (e.g., Gilbert and Extrinsic variables include heavy rainfall, earth-
Knopoff 1960; Greenfield 1971). Later observations quakes, and volcanoes. Observations and experience
noted extremely high accelerations at sites located on show that the probability of landslide occurrence
topographic ridges (e.g., Davis and West 1973; depends on both intrinsic and extrinsic variables.
Trifunac 1973; Bannister et al. 1990; Griffith and However, extrinsic variables are site specific and
Bollinger 1979; Ohtsuki and Harumi 1983; Umeda possess a temporal distribution. The intrinsic param-
et al. 1986; Geli et al. 1988; Kawase and Aki 1988; eters used in analysis usually have many restrictions
Clouser and Langston 1995; Ambraseys and Srbulov and have a wide range of variability in terms of
1995; Bouchon et al. 1996; Chavez-Garca et al. 1996; geotechnical index value. As a result, deterministic
Miles and Keefer 2000; Gazetas et al. 2002; Lin et al. assessments always contain some limitations. To
2003). Observations of the damage patterns of earth- overcome this issue, in this work, only DEM-based
quakes, such as the 1987 Whittier Narrows, California intrinsic parameters (slope gradient and slope curva-
earthquake, the 1989 Loma Prieta (California) earth- ture) and one extrinsic parameter (an earthquake)
quake, the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake, the were used within the geographical information sys-
1999 ChiChi earthquake of Taiwan, the 2004 Chue- tem (GIS) for the analysis of landslide susceptibility.
tsu earthquake of Niigata Prefecture, Japan, and the Motivated by findings regarding the effects of
2005 Kashmir earthquake of Pakistan also indicate the topography on the amplification of earthquake ground
Geotech Geol Eng
motion, Uchida et al. (2004) have developed a landslides in this area, so it has sufficient recent data
topographical parameter-based empirical relationship on earthquake-triggered landslides. Second, there are
for landslide analysis during an earthquake. In this good quality aerial photos available that were taken
research, the method proposed by Uchida et al. immediately after the Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earth-
(2004, 2006) was utilized within the GIS platform quake, facilitating the location of all landslides.
and landslide susceptibility analysis was performed. Third, the mountain located within this study area
The main objective of this paper is to investigate the has features typically associated with seismic energy
landslide susceptibility of an earthquake-prone area amplification.
using the methodology described by Uchida et al. The study area consists primarily of hills of
(2004). For this purpose, the Kashiwazaki area, which sedimentary rock with a small amount of igneous
experienced several landslides after the Niigataken rock (Takeuchi and Kawabata 2007). The southern
Chuetsu-oki Earthquake in 2007, was selected as the portion of the study area (around the Kashiwazaki
study area. Kariwa nuclear power plant) consists of the Arahama
Dune Bed. Mudstone and sandstone of the early
Pliocene Teradomari Formation are distributed in the
2 The Study Area north and southeast parts of the study area with
sporadic rhyolitic tuff. The central part of the study
2.1 Geological and Tectonic Setting area consists primarily of massive sandstone, silt-
stone and interbedded sandstone and siltstone of the
The Japanese archipelago is comprised of five main late Pliocene Nishiyama Formation (Kobayashi et al.
island arcs extending approximately 3,000 km in the 1993; Kobayashi et al. 1995). The Betsuyama River
north-south direction and encompasses a total area of flows from north to south through the middle part of
about 378,000 km2. The five main island arcs are, the study area. The bedrock is blanketed locally by
from north to south, Kurile Arc, Northeast Honshu colluvium, and unconsolidated Pleistocene to Holo-
Arc, Izu-Mariana Arc, Southwest Honshu Arc and cene alluvial deposits are present within river and
Ryukyu Arc. These arcs approximately represent stream channels and their floodplains (Fig. 2).
plate boundaries between the North American Plate,
Pacific Plate, Eurasian Plate, and Philippine Sea Plate 2.2 Niigataken Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake
(GSJ 2002). Because of this arc-plate relationship,
Japan is located in an area of severe crustal move- The Niigata Prefecture in central Japan was hit by
ment, and is within one of the worlds most two major earthquakes in this decade. On 23 October
seismically active regions. As a result, Japan faces 2004 the Chuetsu earthquakes induced a large
tremendous problems from earthquake-induced land- number of landslides, causing severe damage and
slides. Tectonically, Niigata region is situated on a isolating villages located in mountainous areas. At
zone of compressional deformation that is associated 10:13 am on 16 July 2007, another strong earthquake
with the boundary between the Eurasian and the hit the Kashiwazaki area (Fig. 3). Subsequently,
North American plates (GSJ 2002). many earthquake-induced landslides caused severe
The area of study in this research is situated in the damage to roads, railways, and houses. The Japan
northern part of Kashiwazaki city, which was heavily Meteorological Agency (JMA) named this earth-
affected by the Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake in quake the Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake and
2007. Geographically, the area lies between 37260 500 recorded its magnitude as 6.8. According to the
and 37310 2900 North and between 138o340 3500 and USGS, the moment magnitude of this earthquake was
138420 2500 East. The area includes Nishiyama town 6.6 (Kayen et al. 2007). The earthquake epicenter
and the adjacent area as well as the northern portion was situated on continental shelf of the Japan Sea at
of the KashiwazakiKariwa nuclear power plant, 138.6E and 37.5N and about 20 km northwest of
which was partly damaged by the Niigataken Chue- the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant. JMA
tsu-oki Earthquake in 2007. The study area, shown in estimated the depth of the epicenter to be approxi-
Fig. 1, was chosen for several reasons. First, the mately 17 km (JMA 2007). This earthquake was felt
Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake triggered many throughout the Niigata and Toyama prefectures.
Geotech Geol Eng
At Kashiwazaki city, ground acceleration exceed- with a dip of 51 or a strike of 238 with a dip of 41
ing 813 gal was observed during the Niigataken (ERI 2007). Which of these two planes is associated
Chuetsu-oki Earthquake (Fig. 3). This value was with the main shock rupture is unresolved, but the
measured on the Kashiwazaki Formation (flood plain attenuation relationship analysis indicates that the
deposit, see Fig. 2). A borehole log of the measure- northwest-dipping fault is the most probable one
ment site is shown in Fig. 3b. The quake affected an (Kayen et al. 2007).
approximately 100-km-wide area along the coastal A total of 15 people were killed by this earth-
areas of Kashiwazaki City. Analysis of waveforms quake, and more than 400 people were injured. In
from source inversion studies indicates that the event addition, extensive damage occurred in houses, roads,
occurred along a thrust fault with a NE trend (Kayen highways and the power plant. Many landslides
et al. 2007). The fault plane is either a strike of 34 occurred in the Nishiyama town area of Kashiwazaki
Geotech Geol Eng
Fig. 2 Geologic map of the study area (modified after Kobayashi et al. 1993 and Kobayashi et al. 1995)
and blocked roads and railways (Fig. 4). A few large- Previously, Nishida et al. (1997) also noted that slope
scale landslides also occurred along the national and average curvature are very important parame-
highway of Nishiyama and the adjacent area. ters for quantifying earthquake-induced landslide
Uchida et al. (2004) defined average curvature as
3 DEM-Based Earthquake-Induced Landslide the average of the maximum and minimum curva-
Analysis tures of all geodesics on the curved slope. In raster
GIS, the average curvature, e, can be derived from the
The method proposed by Uchida et al. (2004, 2006) following relationship:
was used in this study to perform an earthquake- 2 2
o2 f of o2 f of of of o2 f
induced landslide susceptibility analysis within the ox2 1 oy oy2 1 ox 2 ox oy oxoy
GIS platform. Taro Uchida and his team extensively e s
studied landslide damage in the Rokko mountain 2 2 3
of of
2 1 ox oy
region (granitic terrain) after the Hanshin-Awaji
Earthquake (Kobe earthquake) of 1995. They derived
a landslide probability function based on discriminant
analysis using slope, average curvature and maximum where f is the pixel value of a DEM generated from
ground acceleration (Uchida et al. 2004, 2006) with- the contour map and x and y are the local coordinates.
out considering geology and other intrinsic factors. Concave slope gives a positive curvature value and
Geotech Geol Eng
Fig. 3 (a) Earthquake intensity map of the Niigataken inset. (b) Borehole log of ground acceleration measurements
Chuetsu-oki Earthquake in 2007. The Kashiwazaki area (at the accelerograph site). The unit of density is 1 g/cm3 =
experienced the highest ground acceleration: 813 gal. The 9.81 kN/m3. Fig. 3a is modified after K-Net (2008) and Fig. 3b
location of the accelerograph in Kashiwazaki city is shown in the is modified after Tobishima Corporation (2008)
Fig. 4 Landslide at the Oomigawa Train Station of the Earthquake damage was also observed on buildings in this
Shinetsu Line. This was among the largest of the coastal location. The roofs of earthquake-damaged houses were
landslides to the south of Kashiwazaki. Many more landslides covered by plastic sheets
were observed to the north and south of this location.
Geotech Geol Eng
convex slope gives a negative curvature value. On the the coastal parts of Kashiwazaki City and Nishiyama
basis of average curvature defined in Eq. (1), Uchida town. They were taken and distributed by the
et al. (2004) derived the landslide probability func- Geographical Survey Institute, Japan, immediately
tion from discriminant analysis as follows: after the Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake of 2007.
Thus, for the purpose of accurate landslide mapping,
F 0:075h 8:9e 0:0056amax 3:2 2
Nishiyama town was selected as an ideal sub-site
where F is the landslide probability function or within the study area. It covers about 7.4 km2 of the
discriminant score, h is the slope angle in degrees, e is coastal side of Nishiyama town (Fig. 5).
the average curvature, and amax is the maximum For the selected sub-site, landslide inventory
ground acceleration in gal (1 gal = 0.01 m/s2). Pix- mapping was performed with aerial color photographs
els having positive F-value always have the potential and stereoscopic images. A landslide inventory map
to fail during an earthquake, and negative F-values was prepared from a topographical base map with a
suggest the slope will not fail during an earthquake. 1:25,000 scale. Only landslide scarps were considered
Equations (1) and (2) are easily applicable to DEM in for mapping. There was a significant chance that the
the GIS platform. landslides visible in recent aerial photographs could
Uchida et al. (2006) have tested the applicability include both old rainfall-induced landslides and new
and predictive power of F-values for the earthquake- earthquake-induced landslides from the Niigataken
induced landslides of Kozushima Island (on July 1, Chuetsu-oki Earthquake. Thus, to verify that the
2000) and the Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake landslides were earthquake-induced and to correct the
of October 23, 2004. Kozushima Island consists of inventory map, fieldwork was carried out on July 26
volcanic rocks and the Niigata area consists of 29, 2007 to observe the landslide scars. All landslide
sedimentary rocks. They developed similar discrim- sites were visited and errors were corrected in the
inant equations for the Kozushima Island Earthquake inventory map. Rainfall-induced landslides were
and the Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake. When removed from the inventory map and a final inventory
discriminant scores (F-value) of the Kozushima
Island Earthquake (volcanic rock terrain) and the
Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake (sedimentary rock
terrain) were tested with discriminant scores from
Eq. 2 (Rokko mountain region, granitic rock terrain),
they noticed that discriminant scores were almost
identical (Uchida et al. 2006). This analysis of Uchida
et al. (2006) also proved that the method was a useful
tool for assessing the relative potential of shallow
landslides triggered by earthquakes even without
consideration of site geology. Similarly, when Uchida
et al. (2006) correlated discriminant scores (F-values)
with deep-sheeted earthquake-induced landslides,
they could not obtain satisfactory results. Thus Eq. 2
is not an effective tool for predicting the location of
deep-sheeted earthquake-induced landslides.
Geotech Geol Eng
map of earthquake-induced landslides was prepared Kamp et al. 2008) and for this research, success rate
for analysis. Most of the landslides had failure depths can be a measure of the predictive power of landslide
of less than 2 m, and translational movement was susceptibility values (here, F-values) because calcu-
evident on the failure plain. The scarp length of the lated susceptibility values do not have any statistical
landslides ranged from 10.8 to 47.6 m with mean relationship with existing landslides (as they do in
22.3 m and standard deviation 9 m. The final inven- other statistical landslide susceptibility analysis
tory map is given in Fig. 5. techniques).
To obtain the success rate or prediction rate curve
for the F-values, the calculated index values of all
5 Data Analysis pixels in the map were sorted in descending order. The
ordered pixel values were subsequently categorised
Our methodology for landslide susceptibility map- into 100 classes with 1% cumulative intervals and an
ping consisted of data collection and construction of a F-value map was prepared using the slicing operation
spatial database from which relevant factors were in ILWIS 3.3. The F-value map was crossed with the
extracted, followed by assessment of the landslide landslide inventory map and the success rate curve
susceptibility using the relationship between existing was prepared from cross table values.
landslide and susceptibility maps, with subsequent For the earthquake-induced landslide after Niiga-
validation of results. A key feature of this approach is taken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake of 2007, the prediction
that the probability of landslide occurrence is com- rate reveals that in 10% of the study area, F-values
parable to the rate of occurrence of observed had a high rank and could explain 40.0% of total
landslides. landslides. Likewise, 30% of higher landslide hazard
For this study, a thematic data layer of slope and index (LHI) values could explain 66.0% of all
average curvature were prepared in GIS. DEM data existing landslides. Fig. 6 provides percent coverage
(10 m 9 10 m pixel) purchased from Hokkaido-Chizu of landslides as a function of F-value. To compare the
Co. Ltd. were considered as basic data sources to landslide susceptibility values, the area under the
generate these layers. GIS software ILWIS 3.3 (ITC
2006) was used. ILWIS 3.3 has a built-in command
for slope calculation and Eq. (1) was used for the
average curvature calculation. As per the data pro-
vided by K-Net, the maximum ground acceleration
value of 813 gal was used (based on the Niigataken
Chuetsu-oki Earthquake-related ground acceleration
measured at Kashiwazaki city, see Fig. 3) and the
landslide susceptibility index (F-value) was deter-
mined from Eq. (2). Finally, a spatial distribution of
F-values was prepared in GIS raster.
Geotech Geol Eng
curve (Lee 2004; Dahal et al. 2008a; Dahal et al. 7 Discussions and Final Susceptibility Map
2008b) were estimated from the prediction rate graph
(Fig. 6). The area under the curve qualitatively The predictive power (78.14% accuracy, see Fig. 6)
measures the success rate or prediction rate of the of the F-value calculated for the ideal sub-site clearly
F-values. A total area equal to one denotes perfect suggests that the method proposed by Uchida et al.
prediction accuracy. Alternatively, when the area (2004) is reasonably accurate, although few intrinsic
under the curve is less than 0.5000, the analysis is parameters are used in the analysis and the method is
invalid. In this study, the area under the curve was absolutely dependent on DEM. The success rate of
0.7814, indicating that the prediction rate was 78.1% landslide susceptibility and hazard analyses of both
(Fig. 6) and the analysis is valid. rainfall-induced and earthquake-induced landslides
To construct the classified susceptibility map of generally ranges from 75% to 85% (Chung and
the selected sub-site, the reference success rate curve Fabbri 1999; Chung and Fabbri 2003; Lee 2004; Lee
(Fig. 6) was created, and the corresponding F-values and Talib 2005; Dahal et al. 2008a, b; Kamp et al.
for susceptibility levels of 30%, 50%, 70% and 90% 2008; Yao et al. 2008). In such statistical analyses
(with F-values ranging from low to high) were many intrinsic parameters are necessary (for exam-
calculated. Five landslide susceptibility classes were ple, geology, slope aspect, soil depth, soil type, land
established: very low (less than 30%), low (3050%), use, distance to road, distance to shore, distance to
moderate (5070%), high (7090%), and very high drainage, etc.), and data procurement can be extre-
(more than 90%, i.e., the highest F-values). The mely challenging. However, the method proposed by
susceptibility map of the sub-site prepared based on Uchida et al. (2004) requires only slope and curva-
these intervals is shown in Fig. 7. ture available from precisely-generated DEM data,
and there is no need to consider any other intrinsic
parameters. The maximum ground acceleration from
earthquake shaking, which is site-specific, can be
input as an approximation. Given the available data
from previous earthquakes in a particular area, the
recorded or probable future maximum ground accel-
eration can be used for susceptibility analysis in the
area. In this work, a susceptibility map with more
than 78% accuracy was obtained using only three
parameters. This result is very encouraging, suggest-
ing that the method proposed by Uchida et al. (2004)
is useful for evaluating the probability of earthquake-
induced shallow landslides in any area.
The susceptibility analysis of the ideal sub-site
served as a calibration of the method described by
Uchida et al. (2004) for the given maximum ground
acceleration value. This finding was extrapolated to
obtain F-values for the whole study area (calculated
in GIS), and a susceptibility map for the entire region
was prepared. The intervals of F-values used were the
same as for the sub-site (30, 50, 70, and 90%). The
resultant earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility
map of the entire study area, given in Fig. 8, can be
utilized for earthquake-induced landslide susceptibil-
ity evaluation, planning, and preparation in the study
area. The geology and geomorphological setting of
Fig. 7 Susceptibility map of the selected sub-site of Kashiwa-
zaki City. Landslides after the Niigataken Chuetsu-oki the sub-site and the entire region are similar, and the
Earthquake of 2007 are also shown on the map final susceptibility map can be considered the most
Geotech Geol Eng
accurate earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility located just below the zones identified as highly or
map of the study area. very highly susceptible to landslides. The resultant
susceptibility map of the ideal sub-site shows more
than 78.1% accuracy. Establishing on the high
8 Conclusions accuracy of the sub-site analysis, a similar scheme
for classifying for landslide susceptibility values was
Zoning of earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility used for the entire study area. As a result, the
is possible using the methodology of Uchida et al. predictive power of the final susceptibility map for
(2004) combined with GIS techniques. This study the whole study region is likely around 80%. This
considered the concept of seismic topographic ampli- map will prove useful for regional scale planning.
fication for a study area located in the Kashiwazaki,
Acknowledgments We thank Mr. Anjan Kumar Dahal,
Niigata prefecture of Japan, which was heavily hit by Ms. Seiko Tsuruta and Mr. Toru Mimura for their technical
the Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake in 2007. The support during the preparation of this paper.
effect of ground acceleration was employed on
each cell in raster GIS. The primary conclusion of
this study is that precise DEM is adequate for the References
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