Tary 2014 Spectral
Tary 2014 Spectral
Tary 2014 Spectral
a) c)
Norm. amplitude
Frequency (Hz)
ed t-f res
0 5 10 15 STFT: fix
Improper 0 2 4 6 8 10
freq. sampling Time (s)
Norm. amplitude
0 5 10 15
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 1. Illustration of (a) spectral smearing and sidelobe leakage and (b) frequency sampling. An untapered signal
of 2 s consisting of two sinusoids at 5 and 10 Hz is analyzed using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and an autoregres-
sive (AR) method (Burg algorithm) [Burg, 1972] with dierent parameters. Contrary to the autoregressive spectrum, the
Fourier spectrum with 1024 frequency points shows spectral smearing and sidelobe leakage. The Fourier spectrum with
only 50 frequency points does not show correctly the frequencies of the two sinusoids. The inuence of the autore-
gressive order p on tf localization and accurate frequency determination for autoregressive methods is shown by the
two autoregressive spectra with dierent orders. (c) Two linear chirps of 10 s are analyzed using the short-time Fourier
transform (STFT) and S transform (ST) to illustrate the concepts of xed and variable tf localization, respectively. The
instantaneous frequencies of both chirps are indicated by the dashed-dotted black lines. The short-time Fourier trans-
form, computed using a Hann taper of 0.3 s with 90% overlap, is applied to the chirp with a frequency sweep from 0 to
30 Hz, while the S transform is applied to the chirp with a frequency sweep from 0 to 160 Hz.
of each technique, as well as the dierence between spectral resolution, localization, and sample den-
sity. We present conventional nonparametric transforms used in geophysical signal processing, i.e., the
short-time Fourier transform, the continuous wavelet transform (CWT), and the S transform (ST). We omit
the Wigner-Ville distribution because of its main disadvantage: cross-terms without physical meanings
that can sometimes mask the true spectral content [Cohen, 1989]. We then describe techniques that were
developed recently, namely, the synchrosqueezing transform [Daubechies et al., 2011] and empirical mode
decomposition and variations [Huang et al., 1998; Flandrin et al., 2004; Han and van der Baan, 2013]. Finally,
new developments on the estimation of autoregressive models are presented. Within the geoscience com-
munity, Kalman lter techniques are mainly employed for time series modeling and forecasting [e.g., Bertino
et al., 2003; Segall et al., 2006; Dikpati et al., 2014] and not for spectral estimation.
We describe rst their rationale and underlying principles. We then analyze their respective advantages
and inconveniences using synthetic, speech, and seismic data to illustrate their distinctive features as well
as their complementarities. Even though the presented spectral methods are mainly illustrated on seismic
data, most were applied to other elds of earth sciences such as climate time series [Walker, 1931; Torrence
and Compo, 1998; Ghil et al., 2002; Salisbury and Wimbush, 2002], hydrology [Labat, 2005], ecology [Cazelles
et al., 2008], geology [Bolton et al., 1995; Kravchinsky et al., 2013; Thakur et al., 2013; Reager et al., 2014],
oceanography [Farge, 1992], or solar physics [Miyahara et al., 2006; Barnhart and Eichinger, 2011]. Abbrevia-
tions and template for each spectral estimation techniques are summarized in Table 1.
2. Methods
2.1. Short-Time Fourier Transform
The Fourier transform is a measure of the similarity of a signal with a family basis formed by sines and
cosines. This can be expressed as the inner product of a signal s(t) with a template (t), i.e., s(t), (t) =
s(t) (t)dt, where stands for the complex conjugate [Gao et al., 2010]. When this template is made of
Table 1. Abbreviations, Parametric or Not, and Templates of the tf Techniques Presented in This Review
sines and cosines, by Eulers equation for the complex-value cosine (t) = ei2ft , the inner product reduces
to the Fourier transform
FT{s(t)} = s(t), ei2ft = s(t)ei2ft dt, (1)
where t is time, f is frequency, and i = 1.
The Fourier transform is applied to a signal in its entirety and thus assumes stationarity. The short-time
Fourier transform is the most popular extension to handle nonstationary time signals. Its easy
implementation as well as its good performance explain why this is the most widely used technique for
tf representation. Indeed, this is simply the Fourier transform of successive, usually overlapping, win-
dows of the signal, each frequency distribution being associated with the central time of each window. The
continuous time short-time Fourier transform can be expressed as
( )
SF , f = s(t)w (t ) ei2ft dt, (2)
corresponding to the Fourier transform of the signal s(t) tapered by the function w(t), which is usually a
Hann or Gaussian function, and where is the time delay to the center of the taper. It is easy to see that
equation (2) is a special case of equation (1) where we use a tapered window w(t) to select which part of s(t)
will be transformed, i.e., s(t) w(t), ei2ft .
This is known as the Gabor uncertainty principle [Gabor, 1946] by analogy with the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle in quantum mechanics [Kumar and Foufoula-Georgiou, 1997]. The Gabor uncertainty principle tells
us that if we dene the standard deviation in time and frequency localization by t and f , respectively,
then there is a theoretical limit in localization given by [Hall, 2006]
t f . (3)
For signals s(t) with a duration longer than the taper w(t) support, the xed length for this taper in the
short-time Fourier transform sets the recoverable time and frequency localizations. When the signals dura-
tion is shorter than the support of the taper, then the localization is limited by the signal support itself and
not the taper.
Two alternative strategies were developed in the 1980s and 1990s to overcome the undesirable eects
introduced by xed taper lengths for the analysis window w(t) and resulting spectral smearing. Various tf
transforms such as the continuous wavelet transform use variable window lengths inversely proportional
to the central target frequency (Figure 1). Hence, long windows used for the low frequencies have good
frequency but limited time localization, whereas the short windows used for high frequencies have good
time but limited frequency localization [Kumar and Foufoula-Georgiou, 1997]. The underlying concept is that
for short-duration signals, timing errors are relatively more important than errors in frequency content and
vice-versa for long-duration signals.
The second strategy is called frequency reassignment and attempts to reduce spectral smearing [Auger
and Flandrin, 1995; Han et al., 2014]. Temporal and spectral smearing indicates that each tf amplitude is
a weighted average of neighboring points in the tf plane. This implies that a nonzero amplitude can be
retrieved even if the true signal has no component at this tf pair. The reassignment method computes
the sphere of inuence of each convolution kernel associated with an analysis window and reallocates the
energy in the tf plane to its center of gravity in the time and frequency domains, improving the readabil-
ity of the tf picture. The reassignment method has also been implemented for other methods such as
Wigner-Ville distributions or the continuous wavelet transform [Auger and Flandrin, 1995; Auger et al., 2013].
2.3. Continuous Wavelet Transform
The wavelet transform is a well-developed mathematical tool that uses a variable length for the analysis
window in equation (2), in contrast to the short-time Fourier transforms xed length window. Many excel-
lent books and tutorials describe the mathematical foundations of the wavelet transform [Daubechies,
1992; Mallat, 2008; Rioul and Vetterli, 1991; Torrence and Compo, 1998]. In this review, for the sake of simplic-
ity and space, we review briey the rationale and underlying principles to help in the understanding and
application of wavelets in geophysical problems.
In the continuous wavelet transform, the analysis taper w(t) is replaced by a mother wavelet that can be
shifted in time and stretched by a scale a, yielding equation (4).
( )
1 t
Ws (a, ) = s(t) dt. (4)
a a
and Zhang, 1993; Reine et al., 2009]. Practical implementations involve the discretization of the scale axis
[Thakur et al., 2013].
A mother wavelet (the starting wavelet) is chosen with some specic characteristics in order to improve
the signal representation. In all cases, the choice of the wavelet is neither unique nor arbitrary [Kumar and
Foufoula-Georgiou, 1997]. This template has to satisfy the admissibility condition [Farge, 1992; Daubechies,
1992], given by
C = 2 ||1 |()|
d < , (6)
where ()
is the Fourier transform of the mother wavelet (t) and is angular frequency. The condition
in equation (6) can only be satised if the frequency domain wavelet at zero frequency is zero, i.e., (0)
= 0.
In other words, the time domain wavelet has zero mean: (t)dt = 0.
The wavelet spectrum () should be continuously dierentiable, which is validated if the time domain
wavelet has a sucient time decay [Mallat, 2008]: (1 + |t|)|(t)|dt < +. This is called the regularity
condition. Thus, we have a small waveform that oscillates around zero with equal positive and negative
area (i.e., zero mean) and has a short duration, creating a wavelet. The importance of having a wavelet
that satises the admissibility condition is that the original signal, s(t), can be reconstructed by the inverse
wavelet transform.
2.4. S Transform
The S transform is halfway between the short-time Fourier transform and the continuous wavelet transform.
It uses a Gaussian template which is time-shifted by and stretched or squeezed by a factor inversely pro-
portional to the linear frequency f [Stockwell et al., 1996]. This is comparable to the mother wavelet used by
the continuous wavelet transform, leading Stockwell et al. [1996] to describe the S transform as a continuous
wavelet transform with a phase shift. The frequency-dependent Gaussian taper is dened by
w(t) = e 2 , (7)
where = |f |
Incorporating and normalizing the Gaussian taper function lead to the expression for the
Gaussian template
( ) |f | 2 2
t f
w t, f = e 2k2 . (8)
k 2
The parameter k, by controlling the width of the Gaussian taper, can also be tuned to obtain better fre-
quency localization at the expense of reduced time localization. Substituting the Gaussian template for
(t)2 f 2
|f |
taper w(t) in equation (2), the S transform becomes the inner product s(t) e 2k2 , ei2ft , yielding
k 2
( ) |f | (t)2 f 2
SST , f = s(t)e 2k2 ei2ft dt. (9)
k 2
Like the continuous wavelet transform, the tf localization of the S transform is variable (Figure 1). The vari-
able tf localization of the S transform and continuous wavelet transform enables the analysis of signals
with frequency components separated by few orders of magnitude (e.g., 1 and 1000 Hz).
Unlike the continuous wavelet transform, the S transform keeps the properties of the Fourier transform such
as a uniform frequency sampling, spectral amplitudes independent of frequency owing to the normaliza-
tion of the Gaussian taper to unit area in equation (9), and retains the original signal phase [Stockwell, 2007].
On the other hand, the continuous wavelet transform is characterized by an exponential scale sampling (i.e.,
more scales are allocated on lower portions than higher portions of the spectrum, producing an equal num-
ber of scales per octave instead of a linear frequency sampling), locally dened phase, and show higher
amplitudes at lower frequencies.
s(t) = Ak (t) cos(k (t)) + (t), (10)
1 d
where Ak (t) is the instantaneous amplitude and fk (t) = 2 (t) is the instantaneous frequency of the signal
dt k
component k, derived from the instantaneous phase k (t). The additive noise (t) includes the contribution
of environmental and acquisition sources, and K stands for the maximum number of components in the
signal. This is a mathematical simplication, but this will enable signal separation and analysis.
The rationale behind this technique is that concentrating the tf map into the most representative instanta-
neous frequencies will decrease smearing while still allowing reconstruction. With the continuous wavelet
transform, the variable length of the mother wavelet leads to a more exible trade-o between time and
frequency localization but does not prevent spectral smearing in the tf plane. Daubechies et al. [2011]
observed that there is a physical limit to reduce the smearing eect in the tf representation using the
continuous wavelet transform. This smearing mainly occurs along scale axis; thus, if we want to get fre-
quency variations with time, we need to compute the instantaneous frequencies also in the wavelet domain.
The angular instantaneous frequency is the rate of change of the time-dependent phase ((t) = d(t) dt
[Taner et al., 1979]; likewise in the wavelet domain, the instantaneous frequency s (a, ) is computed as the
derivative of the wavelet transform at any point (a, ) with respect to , for all Ws (a, ) 0:
i Ws (a, )
s (a, ) = . (11)
2Ws (a, )
The instantaneous frequencies are the ridges in the tf representation [Auger et al., 2013]. To decrease the
smearing, we have to squeeze the frequencies around these ridges. This is to map the information from the
time-scale plane to the tf plane. Every point (a, ) is converted to (s (a, ), ), and this operation is called
synchrosqueezing [Daubechies et al., 2011]. Since the scale a and time are discrete values, we can have
a scaling step ak = ak1 ak for any ak where Ws (a, ) is computed. Likewise, when mapping from the
time-scale plane to the tf plane (a, ) ((a, ), ), the synchrosqueezing transform Ts (, ) is determined
only at the centers l of the frequency range [l 2, l + 2], with = l l1 :
Ts (l , ) = Ws (ak , )a32 ak . (12)
where the scale ak is bounded by |(ak , ) l | 2. This means that a small frequency band centered
at l and less than half of the bandwidth is used to reconstruct the concentrated frequency map at time .
The new tf representation of the signal Ts (l , ) is synchrosqueezed along the frequency (or scale) axis only
[Li and Liang, 2012].
The discretized version of Ts (l , ) in equation (12) is represented by T s (wl , tm ), where tm is the discrete time
tm = t0 + mt with t the sampling interval, m = 0, ..., n 1 and n is the total number of samples in the
discrete signal sm . The frequency localization in the synchrosqueezing transform is also limited by the Gabor
uncertainty principle. The Nyquist theorem gives the upper frequency limit fmax = 1(2t) and the mini-
mum frequency is fmin = 1(nt), with n the signal length. With these two bounds, the synchrosqueezing
transform discretizes the scale axis to compute the frequency division step l . More special considerations
are described in Thakur et al. [2013].
Summing up the previous steps, the synchrosqueezing transform assumes that the signal is a superposition
of nonstationary monochromatic wavelets and can be eciently decomposed by the continuous wavelet
transform, followed by the computation of the instantaneous frequencies plus a reassignment step to con-
centrate the energy around the ridges. An extended explanation with applications to seismic signals can be
found in Herrera et al. [2014].
The reconstruction of the individual components sk from the discrete synchrosqueezed transform T s is then
the inverse continuous wavelet transform over a small frequency band lLk (tm ) around the kth component:
( )
sk (tm ) = 2C1 T s (wl , tm ) , (13)
lLk (tm )
where C is a constant dependent on the selected wavelet. As we take the real part of the discrete syn-
chrosqueezing transform in that band, we recover the real component sk . In this review, we follow Thakur
et al. [2013] where the reconstruction is done by a standard least-squares ridge extraction method.
2.6. Matching Pursuit
In the matching pursuit (MP) algorithm, the signal is decomposed into waveforms selected from a dictionary
of tf atoms [Mallat and Zhang, 1993]. Time-frequency atoms are discrete-time elementary waveforms pop-
ulating the dictionary. This technique assumes that the signal is a linear combination of these atoms from
a dictionary that is not necessarily built with modulated sine and cosine waves atoms. Matching pursuit
uses a recognition step to identify and subsequently remove the most prominent atom via a deationary
approach and then repeats the recognition step [Chen et al., 2001]. The subtraction step prevents smearing
and leakage, creating highly localized tf decompositions.
Generally, the tf atoms are the dilations, translations, and modulations of a single window function:
( )
1 t i(t)
(t) = e , (14)
a a
where = (a, , ), i.e., the three transformations scale, modulation, and translation, respectively. Thus, the
recognition step of matching pursuit comprises the inner product of the signal s(t) and then the residual
signal R(n) s which is the original signal minus any subtracted wavelets, with a time shifted, stretched, and
modulated wavelet, i.e., s(t), (t) or R(n) s, (t).
Mallat and Zhang [1993] proposed to build a dictionary D, with an entire set of waveforms , in order to
best match the signal structures. Matching pursuit uses a greedy algorithm, which means that at each iter-
ation it chooses a waveform from the dictionary that is best adapted to the signal segment under analysis
and repeats this operation until a predened stopping criterion is reached. This produces a sparse represen-
tation of the signal, s(t), as the weighted sum of chosen waveforms ( ), picked up from the dictionary D
[Wang, 2007]:
s(t) = an n (t) + R(n) s, (15)
where N is the total number of iterations, an is the amplitude of the wavelet n , and R(n) s is the residual at
iteration n, with R0 s = s.
Dictionaries are built with dierent waveforms D = { }D . The user determines the extent of the dictio-
nary and the type of waveforms used. A large dictionary allows for a more complete signal representation
but at the expense of signicantly longer computation times. If the waveforms are sines and cosines, then
it is a Fourier dictionary and the representation is analogous to a sparse Fourier transform. If a wavelet dic-
tionary is built from a mother wavelet, then the representation becomes analogous to a sparse continuous
wavelet transform. On the other hand, a tf dictionary, also known as Gabor dictionary [Mallat and Zhang,
1993], produces a decomposition of the signal s(t) into tf atoms. Computing the Wigner distribution of
each atom leads to the tf representation [Mallat and Zhang, 1993]. Matching pursuit may lead to similar
time-frequency representations compared with the previous techniques, but its deationary approach pre-
vents spectral leakage, thereby creating a much sparser representation. Unlike the previous methods, the
matching pursuit algorithm is not exploring the complete tf plane but is mapping tf atoms located at the
positions of maximum residual reduction [Addison, 2002].
2.7. Basis Pursuit
The main principle of basis pursuit (BP) is similar to that of matching pursuit as it seeks to decompose a sig-
nal into individual atoms from a predened dictionary, yet with two important dierences. First, it includes
a minimization term to reduce the number and magnitudes of retrieved atoms, yielding a sparse repre-
sentation [e.g., Chen et al., 2001]. Second, instead of applying a deationary approach where atoms are
recognized and removed sequentially, basis pursuit identies all atoms simultaneously by casting both
steps into a single inversion problem [Bonar and Sacchi, 2010; Zhang and Castagna, 2011; Vera Rodriguez
et al., 2012].
The signal s(t) is represented as the convolution of a family of wavelets (t, n) and its associated coecient
series a(t, n) as
s(t) = [(t, n) a(t, n)]. (16)
where N is the number of atoms, t is time, and n is the dilation of atom (t, n) determining its frequency.
Using matrix notation, equation (16) can be rewritten as
s = (1 2 ... N ) 2 + = Da + . (17)
where n denotes the convolution matrix of (t, n) with dilation index n, D is the wavelet dictionary, and
is the noise. The tf distribution of basis pursuit corresponds then to the set of weights a associated with the
set of atoms (t, n) coming from the dictionary D [Chen et al., 2001].
At this point, two options are possible, namely, a perfect or a sparse approximate decomposition [Chen
et al., 2001; Vera Rodriguez et al., 2012]. The latter is also known as basis pursuit denoising. In the rst case,
one solves the problem: minimize ||a||1 subject to Da = s, where ||.||1 indicates the 1 norm (i.e., minimum
of absolute numbers). In the second case, one minimizes
J= ||s Da||22 + ||a||1 . (18)
The rst term of cost function J represents the data mist term based on the 2 norm, that is, the
least-squares dierence between the observed and predicted data, whereas the second term of J is the
regularization term, based on the 1 norm. is the trade-o parameter controlling the relative strength
between the data mist and the number of nonzero coecients a. A variety of solvers exist to obtain a
solution to equation (18) [Figueiredo et al., 2007; van den Berg and Friedlander, 2008; Beck and Teboulle, 2009].
Unlike matching pursuit, basis pursuit is not a greedy algorithm. It starts from an initial model and itera-
tively improves the model by swapping wavelets from the predened dictionary. Basis pursuit converges
eventually to a local optimum which is not guaranteed for matching pursuit [Chen et al., 2001].
The performance of matching pursuit and basis pursuit is strongly dependent on the predened wavelet
dictionary. Combining dierent dictionaries to make bigger, more complete dictionaries can enhance basis
pursuit decompositions [Chen et al., 2001; Rubinstein et al., 2010] but comes at the expense of making matrix
D bigger and thus prolonging computation time.
The techniques presented in the next sections, corresponding to autoregressive methods and empirical
mode decomposition and variants, are fundamentally dierent from the previous ones as they drop the
comparison with a template performed by an inner product of signal and basis functions.
Autoregressive models consider a time series sn as a weighted sum of p past values driven by a white noise
process vn following
sn = ak snk + vn , (19)
where n are the time steps, ak are the coecients of the autoregressive model of order p, and vn is a random
white noise process with zero mean and variance s2 .
The power spectrum of an autoregressive lter is then given by
() s 2
SA f = , (20)
| p |2
|1 k=1 ak ei2kf fs |
| |
where fs is the sampling frequency.
Except for the method to obtain the autoregressive coecients, the main parameter of autoregressive mod-
els is the order of the lter p. The signal window length has only one main restriction: it should be longer
than twice the autoregressive order [Ulrych and Ooe, 1983]. The number of coecients has a critical inu-
ence on the estimated spectrum as it sets the number of recoverable frequencies independent of signal
s(t). For the dierent applications, we use a grid-search algorithm to nd the minimum in a least-squares
sense of the spectral comparison between Fourier and autoregressive spectra to determine the optimum
autoregressive order [Tary et al., 2014].
As autoregressive models are all-pole lters, they are characterized by peaked spectra. Therefore, only
signals with such spectra should be good candidates for this method [Kay and Marple, 1981]. The poles
dening autoregressive lters correspond to the dierent modes of a resonator. In the following sections,
we will describe two dierent autoregressive methods able to capture time-varying frequency content.
2.8.1. Short-Time Autoregressive Method
As the name suggests, the short-time autoregressive method (STAR) is an application of autoregressive
models on short windows. Like the short-time Fourier transform, the short-time autoregressive method
deals with nonstationary spectra by assuming that signals are piecewise stationary in short, untapered win-
dows. The autoregressive spectrum, calculated from the autoregressive coecients determined using the
Burg method [Burg, 1972] and equation (20), is computed for short, overlapping windows and then merged
sequentially to obtain the nal picture. The time localization is then the same as the short-time Fourier trans-
form but is independent of the frequency localization, although the maximum autoregressive order p is still
limited by the window length. The frequency localization depends mainly on the signal-to-noise ratio and
the autoregressive order [Marple, 1982; Quirk and Liu, 1983], even though spectral estimates using the Burg
method employ the total data window [e.g., Muthuswamy and Thakor, 1998].
2.8.2. Continuous Autoregressive Model: Kalman Smoother
Rather than assuming stationarity in short windows, one can modify equation (19) to use time-varying
autoregressive coecients dened at each time step n,
sn = akn snk + vn , (21)
xn = Txn1 + n , (23)
where T is the state transition matrix and n is the state noise. In addition, the following assumptions
are made
1. The measurement and state noises are independent, white noise processes which are normally dis-
tributed with zero mean and known covariance matrices.
2. The state vector xn is a Gauss-Markov process independent on both measurement and state noises.
3. The initial state is dened by its mean 0|0 and covariance matrix P0|0 , given by
[ ]
0|0 = E x0 ,
[( )( ) ]
P0|0 = E x0 x 0|0 x0 x 0|0 , (24)
where the hat refers to estimates, E[] is the mathematical expectation, and the notation n|n1 corre-
sponds to the estimate at time step n given the estimates at n 1. Initial estimates for 0|0 , P0|0 and x 0|0
are generally obtained using a training data set [Tary et al., 2014].
Optimal estimates of the state vector are obtained by minimizing the covariance of the estimates at the
instant n + 1 given the set of observations s1n+1 = [s1 , ..., sn+1 ]. This is achieved by using the prediction and
update equations for the Kalman lter [Grewal and Andrews, 2001]. The estimates of the state vector can be
further smoothed by applying the Rauch-Tung-Striebel backward recursions [Rauch et al., 1965]. Using the
forward recursions of the Kalman lter together with the smoothing backward recursions corresponds to
the Kalman smoother. Additional details on this algorithm can be found in Tary et al. [2014].
2.9. Empirical Mode Decomposition and Variants
Empirical mode decomposition, developed by Huang et al. [1998], is a powerful signal analysis technique
to model nonstationary and nonlinear signal systems. Through the extraction of intrinsic mode functions
(IMFs), empirical mode decomposition captures the nonstationary feature of seismic data. A tf represen-
tation is obtained by combining empirical mode decomposition with the Hilbert transform to compute
instantaneous frequencies [Taner et al., 1979; Magrin-Chagnolleau and Baraniuk, 1999]. This is sometimes
called the Hilbert-Huang spectrum [Huang et al., 1998].
The instantaneous frequency [Taner et al., 1979] holds the promise of the highest possible time localization
since it produces a frequency at each time sample, but at the expense of a very limited frequency localiza-
tion, due to the Gabor uncertainty principle, equation (3). This often leads to rapid uctuations from time
sample to time sample. In addition, it can even produce negative frequencies which hold uncertain physical
meaning. Instantaneous frequency is thus a somewhat controversial variable [Barnes, 2007; Fomel, 2007; Han
and van der Baan, 2013]. Empirical mode decomposition aims at solving the predicament of instantaneous
frequency, as each IMF after decomposition is guaranteed to be a symmetric, narrow-band waveform,
which ensures that the instantaneous frequency of each IMF is smooth and positive.
The IMFs are computed recursively, starting with the most oscillatory one. The decomposition method uses
the envelopes dened by the local maxima and minima of the input seismic trace. Once the maxima of the
original signal are identied, a spline is used to interpolate all the local maxima and construct the upper
envelope. The same procedure is used for local minima to obtain the lower envelope. The mean of the upper
and lower envelopes is then subtracted from the initial signal. This interpolation process is pursued on the
remaining signal. This procedure is called sifting, and it terminates when the mean envelope is reasonably
close to zero everywhere. The resultant signal is designated as the rst IMF.
The rst IMF is then subtracted from the data, and the dierence is treated as a new signal on which the
same sifting procedure is applied to calculate the next IMF. The decomposition is stopped when the last IMF
has a small amplitude or becomes monotonic [Huang et al., 1998; Bekara and Van der Baan, 2009; Han and
van der Baan, 2013]. As the name implies, empirical mode decomposition is an empirical decomposition
in that no a priori decomposition basis is chosen such as sines and cosines for the Fourier transform or a
mother wavelet for the Wavelet transform.
attractive tool for signal analysis. It results in
complete signal decomposition; i.e., the origi-
nal signal is reconstructed by summing all IMFs.
No loss of information is incurred. The empiri-
IMF(k+1) = E [r + Ek [vn ]]. (25)
N n=1 1 k
where Ek is the empirical mode decomposition operator which produces the k-th IMF component, rk is the
k-th decomposition residue, is a xed percentage of injected Gaussian white noise vn , and N is the number
of realizations. Complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition is a robust extension of empirical mode
decomposition methods. It leads to complete signal reconstructions.
The properties of empirical mode decomposition and its variants are not fully understood. In particular, its
exact time and frequency localizations are not predictable, although Han and van der Baan [2013] provide
0 2 4 6 8 10
Frequency (Hz)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Frequency (Hz)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s)
Figure 3. Time-frequency representations of the synthetic signal of Figure 2 using the ST, STAR, KS, CWT, SST, EMD,
BP, and MP. The dierent techniques are computed using the following parameters: ST, parameter k=10; STAR, win-
dow of 0.3 s with 90% overlap and an autoregressive order of 21; KS, autoregressive order of 21; CWT and SST, Morlet
wavelet with 64 voices per octave; EEMD, 100 realizations and random noise injection with 10% of the signal maximum
amplitude; MP, Gabor dictionary; BP, Morlet wavelet dictionary; and regularization parameter =0.5.
some hypotheses. Given the uncertainty principle, the instantaneous frequency produces the highest possi-
ble time localization at each time sample, which necessarily comes along with poor frequency localization.
Based on the constant-Q band-pass feature of empirical mode decomposition [Flandrin et al., 2004], ensem-
ble empirical mode decomposition and complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition extract the
IMFs in each octave more accurately with the help of noise stabilization. The inherent frequency localiza-
tion of each individual IMF, given a white-noise input signal, is one octave with a time localization inversely
proportional to the center frequency of this octave. With increasing IMFs, each octave is centered around a
decreasing base frequency with a narrower linear frequency range. The obtained IMFs thus have an increas-
ing frequency localization at the expense of a decreasing time localization. In other words, the rst IMF has
the highest time localization and the lowest frequency localization, and vice-versa for the last IMF.
3. Applications
For each benchmark signal, the important parameters used with each technique are mentioned in the
caption of the gures.
3.1. Toy Examples
3.1.1. Synthetic Example
In order to test the performances of the aforementioned techniques on a noise-free signal, we build a
synthetic signal, shown in Figure 2, consisting of two harmonic components at 15 and 35 Hz (s1 and s2),
( t
) t
Figure 4. Speech signal corresponding to a sample of 8100 8 100 8
a voice laughing and its time-frequency representation s4(t) = sin [IF ]
ln(100) 2
using the STFT. The STFT is computed using a Hann taper
of 0.025 s with 90% overlap.
( )
t2 5 fs
s5(t) = 3 exp cos(5t) [IF |t|]
2 2 log2 (N5 )
1 d(t)
where instantaneous frequencies are calculated as 2 dt
with (t) the argument of the signal components,
ln and log2 are the natural and binary logarithms, respectively, N5 is the number of samples of signal s5, and
fs is the sampling frequency.
This synthetic signal includes straight, frequency-modulated, sharp, and progressive changes in spectral
lines, as well as a Morlet wavelet with localized tf support. The decomposition results for all techniques are
presented in Figure 3.
The tf representations of this noise-free synthetic signal clearly shows the expected performances of the
conventional techniques: short-time Fourier transform (STFT), continuous wavelet transform (CWT), and S
transform (ST). Spectral lines for the short-time Fourier transform have a constant width, reecting the xed
tf localization of this method, while the variable tf localization of the continuous wavelet transform and
S transform involves the widening of the spectral lines toward higher frequencies together with the better
temporal localization of the high-frequency Morlet atom. Both the short-time Fourier transform and S trans-
form seem to retain the amplitude of the dierent components, unlike the continuous wavelet transform
which show a decrease in maximum amplitude toward higher frequencies due to the frequency widening
of the wavelet support and the wavelet energy conservation required by this technique.
The autoregressive techniques (short-time autoregressive method STAR and Kalman Smoother KS), basis
pursuit (BP), synchrosqueezing transform (SST), and ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) show
higher tf localizations close to the theoretical instantaneous frequencies, with the exception of short-time
autoregressive method and ensemble empirical mode decomposition which exhibits somewhat noisy
frequency components for those varying over time. Ensemble empirical mode decomposition maps the
continuous spectrum of the Morlet atom to a single point, contrary to the more conventional methods. Like
autoregressive methods, empirical mode decomposition is challenged when handling continuous spec-
tra [e.g., Kay and Marple, 1981]. Even though the localization of this atom is fully recovered by the Kalman
smoother, its time position is slightly shifted due to some smoothing. The tf smoothing also leads to the
introduction of spurious components such as the one at 80 Hz and 3.9 s. The separation of the Morlet
atom into two spectral peaks by the short-time autoregressive method illustrates another pitfall of autore-
gressive methods, which is spectral line splitting. Splitting occurs essentially for high autoregressive orders,
compared to the number of frequency components in the signal, and noise-free signals [Chen and Stegen,
1974; Kay and Marple, 1979]. In this case, the presence of small amplitude noise would be benecial, as it
prevents allocation of multiple autoregressive coecients to higher amplitude spectral peaks. Additional
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
Frequency (Hz)
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
Frequency (Hz)
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
Time (s)
Figure 5. Time-frequency representations of the speech signal shown in Figure 4 using the ST, STAR, KS, CWT, SST, EMD,
BP, and MP. The computing parameters are as follows: ST, parameter k=32; STAR, window of 0.025 s with 90% overlap and
an autoregressive order of 14; KS, autoregressive order of 14; CWT and SST, Morlet wavelet with 64 voices per octave;
EEMD, 100 realizations and random noise injection with 15% of the signal maximum amplitude; MP: Gabor dictionary;
BP, Morlet wavelet dictionary and regularization parameter =0.5.
autoregressive coecients are sometimes necessary to handle the appearance of frequency components
over time.
The sparse representation imposed by the matching pursuit (MP) algorithm and the choice of the Gabor
dictionary lead to discontinuous spectral lines and the localized mapping of the Morlet atom. We select the
Morlet wavelet dictionary for analyzing the benchmark signals with basis pursuit which is very similar to the
Gabor atoms dictionary used with matching pursuit [Addison, 2002]. The better performance of basis pursuit
compared with matching pursuit is mainly due to the optimization scheme for nding the optimal solution
in equation (18) ensuring sparsity of the solution [Chen et al., 2001; Vera Rodriguez et al., 2012]. Noticeably,
the tf representations of autoregressive methods, basis pursuit, synchrosqueezing transform, and
ensemble empirical mode decomposition are not showing the dierences in amplitude between the various
signal components.
3.1.2. Seminal Example: Speech Signal
Spectral analysis is commonly used to characterize speech signal and for pattern recognition [Rabiner and
Juang, 1993]. The dierent methods are applied to a short sample of a speech signal, specically a laughing
voice (Figure 4). The signal, sampled at 8000 Hz, is mainly composed of three harmonics at 600, 1050, and
1570 Hz (Figure 5). Its signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), based on the maximum amplitude of the noise and the
signal, is greater than 3.
Norm. amplitude
Frequency (Hz)
40 Volcano-tectonic event
Gliding tremor
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (s)
Figure 6. Volcanic pre-explosion recordings from the Redoubt volcano, Alaska [Hotovec et al., 2013] (top), and
time-frequency representation obtained using the STFT (bottom). The STFT is computed using a Hann taper
of 5.12 s with 90% overlap. The inset is an enlargement of two volcano-tectonic events showing their main
frequency components.
All techniques are able to pick up the three main spectral components. An additional low-amplitude spectral
line is discernible around 2050 Hz only for some of the techniques, namely, the short-time Fourier trans-
form, S transform, basis pursuit, short-time autoregressive method, and Kalman smoother. The decrease
in frequency localization towards higher frequencies prevents the continuous wavelet transform and syn-
chrosqueezing transform from detecting this low-amplitude spectral component. Even though the principle
of the S transform is very similar to the continuous wavelet transform, the frequency localization has been
adjusted using the parameter k (see equation (9)) to depict the low-amplitude line. Time-frequency rep-
resentations of nonconventional methods (i.e., autoregressive methods, synchrosqueezing transform,
empirical mode decomposition, matching pursuit, and basis pursuit) show less noise than the conven-
tional methods, which are prone to smearing and leakage. The highest frequency components are however
oscillating between 1000 and 1600 Hz for ensemble empirical mode decomposition and hence cannot be
separated. For basis pursuit, the value of the regularization parameter is the same as for the synthetic sig-
nal (0.5) which gives approximately the same weight to data mist and nonzero coecients a in the cost
function (equation (18)). This choice seems well adapted for the representation of spectral lines.
One can wonder if the rapid oscillations present in the synchrosqueezing transform and Kalman smoother
decompositions correspond to the correct picture of the signal tf content, as no other techniques show
these oscillations. Comparing in detail the synchrosqueezing transform and Kalman smoother represen-
tations, we can see that most of these oscillations are similar in both pictures, especially for the spectral
line around 1570 Hz. The fact that both techniques based on entirely dierent methodologies produce
very close results likely means that these oscillations are indeed correct. Several reasons can explain why
the other techniques are missing these rapid frequency modulations, smearing for the short-time Fourier
transform, continuous wavelet transform and S transform, averaging over a relatively long window for the
short-time autoregressive method, irregular uctuations of instantaneous frequencies for ensemble empir-
ical mode decomposition, sparsity, and size of the operator (i.e., atom family) for matching pursuit, and
amount of smoothing in the inversion for basis pursuit. A high localization in both time and frequency is
here the key to their detection.
0 200 400 600
Frequency (Hz)
0 200 400 600
Frequency (Hz)
0 200 400 600
Time (s)
Figure 7. Time-frequency representations of the signal recorded at Redoubt volcano, Alaska (See Figure 6), using the ST,
STAR, KS, CWT, SST, EMD, BP, and MP. It includes numerous volcano-tectonic earthquakes as well as a gliding tremor. The
computing parameters are as follows: ST, parameter k=32; STAR, window of 6 s with 90% overlap and an autoregressive
order of 97; KS, autoregressive order of 97; CWT and SST, Morlet wavelet with 32 voices per octave; CEEMD, 100 realiza-
tions and random noise injection with 10% of the signal maximum amplitude; MP, Gabor dictionary; BP, Morlet wavelet
dictionary and regularization parameter = 3. Insets are enlargements of the same two volcano-tectonic events as those
enlarged in Figure 6 for the STFT and indicated by the dashed rectangle in the CWT plot.
CWT 450 ST
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Frequency (Hz)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Frequency (Hz)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Time (s)
Figure 9. Time-frequency representations of the microseismic event in Figure 8), using the ST, STAR, KS, CWT, SST, EMD,
BP, and MP. The computing parameters are as follows: ST, parameter k = 4; STAR, window of 0.04 s with 90% overlap and
an autoregressive order of 11; KS, autoregressive order of 11; CWT and SST, Morlet wavelet with 64 voices per octave;
CEEMD, 100 realizations and random noise injection with 15% of the signal maximum amplitude; MP, Gabor dictionary;
BP, Morlet wavelet dictionary and regularization parameter = 0.05.
2013; Mandic et al., 2013]. Hence, they display the gliding tremor fairly well but not necessarily the
volcano-tectonic events.
3.2.2. Microseismic Event
Microseismic events are small brittle failure events occurring when uids are injected inside a rock volume,
be it for enhanced oil recovery, geothermal operations, or carbon capture and storage for example. These
events are usually recorded by geophones deployed in boreholes to decrease surface noise contamination
and be closer to the point of uid injection into the reservoir. Their magnitude are usually negative, ranging
from 3 to 1 [Cipolla et al., 2011]. The tf representation of these events is complicated mainly by their
very short durations generally between 0.1 and 1 s. A clear separation of the dierent seismic phases is then
dicult to obtain due to the limits in time and frequency localizations of conventional tf methods [Herrera
et al., 2015].
In this section, we analyze a high-quality microseismic event recorded during a 24-stage hydraulic fracturing
experiment that took place in Rolla, British Columbia, Canada, in 2011 [Eaton et al., 2013]. The fracturing is
monitored by a toolstring of six downhole short-period geophones, with a sampling frequency of 2000 Hz.
The signal shown in Figure 8 corresponds to the recordings of a magnitude 1.7 microseismic event by the
vertical component of the deepest geophone. Its SNR is superior to 1.5 allowing an easy identication of
two wave arrivals. The two wavepackets correspond to a P-to-S converted wave, likely converted close to
0 1000 2000 3000
Frequency (Hz)
0 1000 2000 3000
Frequency (Hz)
0 1000 2000 3000
Time (s)
Figure 11. Time-frequency representations of the Mw 9 Tohoku earthquake recorded by station KDAK (vertical compo-
nent) of the IRIS network (See Figure 10), using the ST, STAR, KS, CWT, SST, EMD, BP, and MP. The computing parameters
are as follows: ST, parameter k = 4; STAR, window of 150 s with 90% overlap and an autoregressive order of 6; KS,
autoregressive order of 6; CWT and SST, Bump wavelet with 64 voices per octave; CEEMD, 100 realizations and random
noise injection with 10% of the signal maximum amplitude; MP, Ricker dictionary; BP, Morlet wavelet dictionary and
regularization parameter = 1.
well, even though it seems that this method has more diculties to delineate time-varying spectral lines, as
previously seen also on the synthetic signal (Figure 3). The high amplitude of the surface waves allows for
an easy recovery of this component by autoregressive methods, even with a low number of autoregressive
coecients (six autoregressive coecients in Figure 11).
4. Discussion
Table 2 gives the key parameters, a summary of the main tf features, and the main references for each
tf technique.
Table 2. Summary of Key tf Parameters and Features for the tf Techniques Presented in This Reviewa
STAR Autoregressive order, window length and Peaked spectra, no windowing and hence Makhoul [1975],
overlap, autoregressive method smearing reduction Kay and Marple [1981], and
Leonard and Kennett [1999]
KS Autoregressive order, parameters for the Smoother peaked spectra, time-varying Khan and Dutt [2007] and
training data set (noise amplitude, number autoregressive coecients Tary et al. [2014]
of realizations)
EMD Stopping criteria for IMFs extraction, Computation of instantaneous frequencies Huang et al. [1998],
extrema interpolation algorithm from IMFs, narrow-band and uctuating Flandrin et al. [2004], and
frequency components, problems of mode Bekara and Van der Baan [2009]
mixing and splitting, aliasing, end-points
EEMD Same as EMD plus amplitude of Gaussian Same as EMD but reduces mode mixing Wu and Huang [2009],
white noise injected and number of realizations and aliasing, possibility of IMFs mixing Mandic et al. [2013], and
in the frequency domain and incomplete Tong et al. [2012]
decomposition of the signal
CEEMD Same as EEMD Same as EEMD without IMFs mixing in Torres et al. [2011] and
the frequency domain, complete decomposition Han and van der Baan [2013]
of the signal
a IMF, intrinsic mode function.
gain condence on their tf decomposition, particularly for techniques that are strongly model dependent
(e.g., matching and basis pursuits and autoregressive methods). While the various tf techniques are more
or less suitable for dierent kind of signals, these techniques can also serve two main rationales which are
time series representation and time series manipulation [Auger et al., 2013].
In addition, the presented techniques not only rely on dierent assumptions such as periodicity or peaked
spectra but also on the determination on various parameters that are critical for the tf picture. The
necessary parameters depend on the technique considered. For the short-time Fourier transform, four main
parameters inuence the tf representation: window size, taper type, overlap, and number of frequency
bins in the fast Fourier transform [Harris, 1978; Kay and Marple, 1981]. Wavelet- and dictionary-based tech-
niques both depend on the choice of the basis atom (Morlet, Ricker, bump wavelets, etc.), even though
techniques exist to estimate this basis atom from the data themselves [Mesa, 2005], or to merge several dic-
tionaries into a super-dictionary [Chen et al., 2001; Rubinstein et al., 2010]. Additional parameters aect
the tf decomposition such as the number of octaves and voices for the continuous wavelet transform
[Daubechies, 1992] and the regularization parameter for basis pursuit [Vera Rodriguez et al., 2012]. As the syn-
chrosqueezing transform depends on the continuous wavelet transform results, it is governed by the same
parameters plus those for instantaneous frequencies computation [Thakur et al., 2013].
The main parameters for empirical mode decomposition are the stopping criteria for the sifting process and
the extrema interpolation scheme (splines in this study) [Han and van der Baan, 2013; Mandic et al., 2013].
For the dierent examples presented in the application section, ensemble empirical mode decomposition
and complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition employed with the same parameters show similar
tf representations. On the other hand, the ensemble empirical mode decomposition implementation tends
to extract smoother IMFs with increasing IMF numbers due to the decrease in Gaussian noise uctuations,
which is not the case in the complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition implementation. From our
tests, complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition is more computationally intensive than ensemble
empirical mode decomposition which contradicts the conclusions of Torres et al. [2011]. We show ensemble
empirical mode decomposition results when no signicant improvement is achieved by using complete
ensemble empirical mode decomposition.
Autoregressive methods mainly depend mainly on the autoregressive order. If the autoregressive order is
too low, then the spectrum will be very smooth and some spectral peaks will be lost or misplaced, whereas
if the autoregressive order is too high, then spurious peaks can appear and spectral line splitting can occur
[Kay and Marple, 1981]. Various methods have been proposed to determine the autoregressive order, such
as spectral comparison [Tary et al., 2014], information theory-based criteria (e.g., Akaike information crite-
rion, nal prediction error) [Priestley, 1994] which weigh the mist of the model with the data against the
model complexity and higher order statistics [Lesage, 2008]. In the case of signal with noise, information
theory criteria usually do not converge toward an optimum value but decrease with increasing autore-
gressive orders. However, the curve of Akaike information criterion against autoregressive order can be
useful to determine when no signicant improvements are made by increasing the autoregressive order
and hence nd the optimum order. The other methods provide an autoregressive order that seem to give
reasonable results.
The various techniques show dierent levels of adaptability to all possible time series. Techniques that are
based on a xed basis (e.g., mother wavelet and dictionaries) or present strong model assumptions are
naturally less adjustable to dierent kinds of signals than techniques completely data driven such as empir-
ical mode decomposition. On the downside, empirical mode decomposition algorithm seems very sensitive
to the SNR as no criterion to separate noise and signal is dened in this kind of algorithm. At the same time,
empirical mode decomposition coupled with the Hilbert-Huang spectrum, which involves the computa-
tion of instantaneous frequencies, seems to limit its tf representation potential to narrow-band signals,
as illustrated by the broadband signals of the Tohoku mega-earthquake (Figure 11) and the Redoubt
volcano (Figure 7).
Algorithms of conventional methods for tf analysis (short-time Fourier transform, continuous wavelet
transform, S transform) show more adaptability to dierent spectral bandwidths owing to the exibility
of their templates. A complete representation of the tf content of a signal, including narrow-band and
broadband components, is achieved by the conventional techniques at the cost of a lower time-frequency
localization. Nonconventional techniques all rely on various assumptions to increase their localization or
separating power, at the expense of rejecting parts of the signal. The biggest challenge is then to obtain
an adaptable technique with both high time and frequency localizations. None of the presented techniques
succeeds unequivocally in this task, even though the basis pursuit and synchrosqueezing transform give
promising results.
4.2. Performances
Conventional methods, subject to the uncertainty principle, present some smearing for all examples, espe-
cially in the case of the microseismic event (Figure 9). The S transform performances are also limited by the
total number of samples of the signal N as the resulting tf array will have a size N N. Allowing a lower
number of frequencies, like for the fast Fourier transform, and decimating the signal in time can help reduce
the size of the tf array. Matching pursuit performances are found to be generally lower than those of the
other methods, including the conventional ones. The sparse representation of matching pursuit might be
inadequate for the applications shown in this study. On the other hand, matching pursuit may be more suit-
able for signal compression. Conversely, basis pursuit shows that superlocalization achieved by sparsity
constrained inversion is appropriate for most of the examples shown in this study. In addition, the com-
promise between data mist and sparsity through the resolution parameter increases the exibility of
this technique.
The reassignment method applied on instantaneous frequencies for the synchrosqueezing transform
improves the tf representation of the continuous wavelet transform in all the examples shown. How-
ever, some limitations of the continuous wavelet transform, such as the exponential frequency sampling,
that sometimes compromises its tf representations are then transferred to the tf pictures of the
synchrosqueezing transform. Empirical mode decomposition and variants ensemble empirical mode
decomposition and complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition oer high-localized tf represen-
tation for signals characterized by good SNR (e.g., the microseismic event, surface waves of the Tohoku
earthquake). On the other hand, instantaneous frequencies computed from empirical mode decomposition
IMFs have an inconsistent aspect in the presence of high-amplitude broadband noise (e.g., Redoubt volcano
example) and for close spectral lines (e.g., speech signal) [see also Bowman and Lees, 2013]. In these con-
texts, instantaneous frequencies calculated from the continuous wavelet transform picture (synchrosqueez-
ing transform) show a more continuous aspect, expected for these geophysical and audio signals, and
lower noise sensitivity. Finally, instantaneous frequencies, if coupled with decomposition into subsignals
like the synchrosqueezing transform and empirical mode decomposition, may be the paradigm of the
ultimate frequency localization, but examples like the P and S waves arrivals of Tohoku mega-earthquake
seem to indicate that some natural signals with broadband spectra are not well represented by
instantaneous frequencies.
Autoregressive methods are shown to be particularly ecient for spectral line delineation, for the speech
signal or the dispersion curve of surface waves for example. For the Kalman smoother method, a careful
attention should be given to potential spurious frequency components (e.g., synthetic signal), and poor tf
pictures are obtained for signals with low SNR (e.g., Redoubt volcano example). These methods combine
high time-frequency localization with an absence of smearing, leading to clearer tf representation over
conventional techniques. Improvements obtained by using autoregressive methods are more signicant
for signals with high SNR [Marple, 1982]. This could explain the relative absence of improvements for the
Redoubt volcano signal (Figure 7).
All considered methods allow for signal reconstruction. In this review, we focus on signal representation, not
signal manipulation. The fact that all methods permit reconstruction indicates that they all can be used for
signal manipulation. We anticipate that their suitability for manipulation could be quite dierent from the
visual impression provided by their signal representation.
microphones, and red-green-blue channels in photos). Many of the presented methods have their multi-
dimensional counterparts including multidimensional wavelet transforms [Kumar and Foufoula-Georgiou,
1997], 2-D empirical mode decomposition [Nunes and Delchelle, 2009], and multidimensional autoregres-
sive models [McClellan, 1982; Hansen and Chellappa, 1988]. Both matching pursuit and basis pursuit can
easily be extended to handle multidimensional signals too [Bergeaud and Mallat, 1995; Chen et al., 2001;
Mendels et al., 2007; Bruckstein et al., 2009].
We anticipate that many of the other novel high-localization methods will also be transformed to higher
dimensions. The topic of high-localization multicomponent spectral analysis has however received relatively
less attention for geophysical applications, despite its practical importance. Generally, each component is
decomposed separately (e.g., the vertical component in a seismic section or the red channel in a photo)
and subsequently individually or jointly analyzed. Ideally however, multicomponent, multidimensional data
should be decomposed jointly, instead of individually, with a single algorithm. We nevertheless anticipate
new developments in this area such that signal characteristics present on one or more recorded compo-
nents can be successfully jointly decomposed and subsequently analyzed instead of trying to infer their
presence from the individual component decompositions. The recent introduction of the quaternion-based
Fourier transform oers much promise to achieve multicomponent, multidimensional decompositions [Ell
and Sangwine, 2007].
5. Conclusion
Time-frequency analysis is a cornerstone of geophysical signal analysis. Close examination of the theoret-
ical basis of the presented conventional and nonconventional techniques reveals their assumptions and
restrictions. These also often determine their time-frequency localization. Conventional techniques, i.e., the
short-time Fourier transform, continuous wavelet transform, and S transform, are based on a quantitative
The authors would like to thank the
comparison of the signal with a template. This is also true for some of the nonconventional techniques like
sponsors of the Microseismic Industry matching pursuit and basis pursuit, while the synchrosqueezing transform actually combines it with instan-
consortium for nancial support, and taneous frequencies determination and the reassignment method. Other nonconventional techniques
Arc Resources, Spectraseis, Nanomet-
rics, and ESG Solutions are thanked
are directly based on data modeling such as autoregressive methods and empirical mode decomposition
for their support of the eld project and variants.
of the Rolla experiment. We acknowl-
edge the IRIS consortium which The applications to a synthetic signal, a speech signal, and various geophysical time series show the
was used for access to waveform capabilities of the various techniques in terms of their adaptability to dierent frequency content,
and metadata of the KDAK and REF
time-frequency localization, and noise sensitivity. Conventional techniques perform similarly on the various
stations of the IRIS IDA and AV net-
works, respectively. All benchmark signals, clearly showing their main shortcomings which are spectral smearing and the trade-o between
signals are provided as supplemen- time and frequency localizations. The nonconventional techniques address them more or less eciently in
tary materials to this review. We
dierent ways. Out of all the presented techniques, the synchrosqueezing transform and basis pursuit are
thank the Editor-in-Chief and Matt
Hall for their thorough reviews which the only one providing high-localization and low noise sensitivity, even though the synchrosqueezing trans-
improved the quality of this review. form results are broadly dictated by those of the continuous wavelet transform. Matching pursuit and basis
The authors of the original codes
pursuit results are also bound by the suitability of the dictionary to the analyzed signal. Kalman smoother
for some techniques are also greatly
acknowledged. For the synchrosqueez- and empirical mode decomposition show high time-frequency localizations but also a high sensitivity to the
ing transform, the code uses the main signal-to-noise ratio. The actual performance of each technique is then ultimately conferred by their original
functions of the synchrosqueezing
design (e.g., matching pursuit for signal compression and autoregressive method for time series prediction).
transform toolbox (https://web.math.
princeton.edu/~ebrevdo/synsq/). For Recent developments like data-driven procedures (empirical mode decomposition), algorithmic combina-
the Kalman smoother, the main rou-
tines are adapted from those of M.E. tions (synchrosqueezing transform), or inversion schemes (basis pursuit) show potential ways to improve
Khan (http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~emtiyaz/ time-frequency representations. They might hold the keys to help circumvent longstanding hurdles such as
publications.html). Empirical mode the high-localization representation of both narrow-band and broadband spectra at the same time.
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