The Role of Ore Properties in Thickening Process
The Role of Ore Properties in Thickening Process
The Role of Ore Properties in Thickening Process
Department of Mining Engineering, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Abstract: The role of ore properties (density, particle size, and mineralogy) in thickening process was
studied in this research. The shaking table was used to prepare the sample for the tests. The tailings were
continuously fed on the table by gravity to separate the tailings in three products as slime, middling and
coarse particles. The solid density and particle size of the samples were different. To study the effect of
mineralogical properties, the sedimentation behavior of the feed and middling samples were tested. The
results showed that the free settling velocity of the feed (2–6 mm/s) was less than that of the middling
sample (18–23 mm/s), and the compressibility of middling (density: 0.63–0.86 Mg/m3) was more than
that of feed (density: 0.33–0.47 Mg/m3). This was due to the amount of clay reduction in the middling
sample. The sedimentation behavior of the slime and the coarse samples were also compared in order to
study the effect of particle size and density. The settling velocity of the slime and the coarse particles was
obtained as 0.1-0.4 and 26 mm/s, respectively, and the maximum underflow density were obtained as
0.35 and 1.57 Mg/m3, respectively. Therefore, the particle size and density reduction reduced the
thickener performance. In order to study the effect of particle size, the sedimentation behavior of the
slime and coarse samples were compared, and it was obtained that the settling velocity and underflow
density increased with the increasing in the particle size.
Keywords: density, particle size, mineralogy, settling flux, underflow density, thickening
Mineral processing techniques are performed in environments which contain a
significant amount of water, and in many cases, the most of water is removed with
tailings. Therefore, it is necessary to use dewatering equipments such as thickeners in
order to avoid environment contamination and water recycling (Burger et al. 1999).
There are many models and experiments which have been presented by researchers
to understand the thickening process and to predict the relationship between process
784 M. Unesi, M. Noaparast, S.Z. Shafaei, E. Jorjani
solving this model by computational methods was difficult, they used the CFD method
for modeling (Mcfarlane et al. 2005). Van Deventer et al. (2011) developed the Kynch
theory which based on aggregate densification behavior. Additionally, the aggregate
densification theory was used to predict the final equilibrium bed height by
densification rate and bed compression. Also, the relationship between aggregate size
and thickening time was obtained (Usher and Scales 2005).
As mentioned above, the role of ore properties has not been studied by researchers,
and most of them have focused on the effect of suspension properties in dewatering
process. Therefore, the aim of this study was to study the influence of ore properties
such as solid density, particle size, and mineralogy on the thickening process in order
to better understand the dewatering behavior in these thickeners.
Table Feed
20 Table Coarser Size
Table Slime
Table Middlings
1 10 100 1000
Particle Size (μm)
Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of feed, slime, middling, and coarse samples
(a) Feed
(b) Slime
(c) Middling
(d) Coarse
Fig. 2. XRD patterns of (a) feed (b) slime (c) middling (d) coarse samples
velocity than ones that were fine and lower density, thus they could be divided into
two parts in view of settling behavior. Solid density of coarse particles (a) and fine
particles (c) were 2.7 and 4.7 g/cm3, respectively, and this difference at the density
values was caused by the existence of clay minerals (aluminosilicates) in part (c) and
metallic minerals (such as chalcopyrite and pyrite) in part (a). Since there was much
difference between them in terms of size and density, there was also much difference
between their settling velocities (Fig. 7).
There is a direct relation between the solid density and amount of metallic
minerals. Therefore, the effect of metallic minerals in the settling behavior is defined
as higher solid density. In addition, the surface charge on the particles (as
mineralogical effects) plays an important role in the flocculation performance. This
effect is not significant for the metallic minerals because the higher solid density is
much more effective than the surface charge. Therefore, the metallic minerals (as ore
properties) are more significant in the settling behavior than the flocculant dosage
(operating parameter) because the changes in the flocculant dosage showed no
significant effect on the thickening behavior of the sample part (a). In the case of this
sample, the little amount of flocculant is needed to improve the clarity of the thickener
overflow. It was postulated that the dominant minerals (such as clay and metallic
minerals) in the samples would cause affecting the thickener performance.
Additionally, part (c) and feed can be compared in a view of the particle size.
Although their density was close together, they had different particle size distribution.
The effect of this particle size differences was visible in their settling velocities. The
smaller size would cause the lower settling velocity, hence that settling velocity for the
slime sample was obtained between 0.1 and 0.4 mm/s but that was achieved between 2
and 6 mm/s for the feed (Fig. 7).
Meanwhile, the bed compressibility, which was one of the basic parameters in
thickeners, was studied for these two samples. As can be seen in Figs. 4 and 6, the
final height for sample (a) was about 19 mm, and for sample (c) was about 85 mm. In
other words, the compressibility for sample (a) was very high and for sample (c) was
very low, which is due to the parameters such as particle size, density, and
mineralogy. With the increasing in the flocculant dosage, the compressibility in part
(c) increased (Fig.4) and the final height increased from 92 mm (for flocculant dosage
of 15 g/Mg) to 85 mm (for flocculant dosage of 60 g/Mg). The significant increase in
the compressibility was observed with the increasing in the flocculant concentration
from 15 g/Mg to 35 g/Mg, and from 40 g/Mg to 60 g/Mg. This change was also visible
in the free settling zone, and there was no significant effect on the settling velocity,
and the compressibility by the increasing in the amount of 5 g/Mg flocculant. The
behavior of cotton accumulation of flocks (which was shown in Fig. 3 for feed) was
considered minimal in this sample. The increasing in the flocculant dosage showed no
effect on its compressibility for the sample part (a) because a high density and large
particle sizes of this sample led to little need for the flocculant (Fig. 6).
790 M. Unesi, M. Noaparast, S.Z. Shafaei, E. Jorjani
300 300
15 g/Mg 20 g/Mg 25 g/Mg 15 g/Mg 20 g/Mg 25 g/Mg
Height (mm)
Height (mm)
60 g/Mg 60 g/Mg
150 150
100 100
50 50
(a) Overall
(a) Overall
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Time (s) Time (s)
300 300
(b) Lineer part (b) Lineer part
250 Height (mm)
Height (mm)
150 180
100 150
0 50 100 150 200 0 300 600 900 1200 1500
Time (s) Time (s)
76 120
(c) End part (c) End part
Height (mm)
Height (mm)
70 100
64 80
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 500 3000 5500 8000 10500
Time (s) Time (s)
300 300
15 g/Mg 20 g/Mg 25 g/Mg 15gpt 20 g/Mg
15 g/Mg 20gpt
25 g/Mg
250 15gpt 20gpt 25gpt 250 25gpt 30gpt
30 g/Mg
35 g/Mg
40 g/Mg
30 g/Mg
35gpt 35 g/Mg 40 g/Mg
45gpt 50gpt
Height (mm)
Height (mm)
200 45 g/Mg
45gpt 50 g/Mg
50gpt 55 g/Mg
55gpt 200 45 g/Mg
55gpt 50 g/Mg 55 g/Mg
60 g/Mg 60 g/Mg
150 150
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (s) Time (s)
320 340
(b) Lineer part (b) Lineer part
Height (mm)
Height (mm)
70 40
0 5 10 15 0 20
20 40
40 60
Time (s) Time (s)
46 19.5
(c) End part (c) End part
Height (mm)
Height (mm)
36 19.1
34 19
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 200 400 600 800
Time (s) Time (sec)
Settling Rate (mm/s)
20 Feed
0 20 40 60 80
Flocculant Dosage (g/Mg)
The Wilhelm-Naide model was used in order to compare the settling flux, and the
results were shown in Fig. 8. As seen from Fig. 8, the maximum settling flux for the
coarse, middling, feed and fine particles were obtained as 120, 55, 9, and 0.25
792 M. Unesi, M. Noaparast, S.Z. Shafaei, E. Jorjani
0 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
C (t/m 3) C (t/m 3)
60 150
(c) Middling (d) Coarse
15 g/Mg 15gpt
15 g/Mg
20 g/Mg
20 g/Mg
25 g/Mg
25 g/Mg
40 30 g/Mg
30gpt 100 30gpt
30 g/Mg
Flux (t/m 2/h)
Flux (t/m 2/h)
35 g/Mg
35 g/Mg
40 g/Mg
40 g/Mg
45 g/Mg
45 g/Mg
50 g/Mg
50gpt 50 g/Mg
55 g/Mg
20 50 55 g/Mg
60 g/Mg
60gpt 60 g/Mg
0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.75
C (t/m 3) C (t/m 3)
size of metallic minerals in this part. As can be shown from Fig. 8, the initial flux
values of the slime sample changed due to the changes in the settling rate. It means
that the flocculant cannot prevail on the initial turbulence which was created because
of the low settling velocity of the slimes. Also, this behavior was observed in the feed
sample with a low concentration of flocculant (15 g/Mg). Therefore, the minimum
amount of required flocculant can be obtained by studying the competition between
initial turbulence and settling velocity which can be achieved in the settling flux curve.
According to the measurements and calculations, the weight of solid in the slime,
middling, and coarse particle size parts were 46%, 50%, and 4% of the feed,
respectively. Thus, half of the feed was transferred to the middling part but it could be
understood from Figs. 7 and 8 that a major and effective factor in particles settling was
the amount of slime in the feed.
The role of ore properties in thickening process 793
The role of ore properties (density, particle size, mineralogy) in thickening process
(settling velocity, bed compressibility, settling flux) were studied in this work using a
Sarcheshmeh tailing sample. Initially a shaking table was employed and sample was
applied to achieve three different slime, middling, and coarse products. As a result, the
free settling velocity of feed (2–6 mm/s) was less than middling sample (18–23 mm/s),
and the compressibility of middling (density: 0.63–0.86 Mg/m3) was more than feed
sample (density: 0.33–0.47 Mg/m3). This was due to the amount of clay reduction in
middling sample. Also, it was observed that an excessive amount of flocculant caused
reduction of bed compressibility for the feed sample, and the final height value in the
settling curve increased to 64 mm (for 20 g/Mg) and 68mm (for 60 g/Mg). The cotton-
mode was formed in this zone due to the increasing in the size of the flocks, hence the
networked water was remained inside of the flocks, and hence the underflow
concentration of the paste thickeners reduced. Therefore, it caused remaining the
networked water inside of the flocks and the underflow concentration of the paste
thickeners would decrease. This case was not observed for the middling sample, and
the compressibility increased with the increasing of flocculant dosage as well as free
settling velocity. The value of the final height in the settling curve decreased from 43
mm (for 20 g/Mg) to 33mm (for 60 g/Mg), which could be caused by the interactions
between coarse and fine particles in the feed sample, and interaction between the
coarse particles in the middling sample.
Also, it was concluded that the clay minerals (aluminosilicates) and metallic
minerals (pyrite, chalcopyrite) caused to reduce and to increase the settling velocity,
settling flux, and underflow density, respectively, hence the settling velocity of the
slime and the coarse particles were obtained as 0.1–0.4 and 26 mm/s, respectively. The
maximum flux of the slime and the coarse particles were obtained as 0.25 and 120
Mg/m2/h, respectively, and the maximum underflow density of slime and coarse
particles were obtained 0.35 and 1.57 Mg/m3. Therefore, the lower particle size and
density would reduce the thickener performance. The cotton-mode in the compaction
zone, which was observed only for the feed, could be removed by using this
classification. Furthermore, with the separation of coarse and high density particles,
the consumption of the flocculant for this fraction would be reduced or eliminated. In
addition, the effective and major parameter in the sedimentation was the clay content
of the feed.
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