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J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 130(3):469477. 2005.

Plant Growth, Water Relations, and Transpiration

of Spiderplant [Gynandropsis gynandra (L.) Briq.]
under Water-limited Conditions
P.W. Masinde1 and H. Sttzel
Institute of Vegetable and Fruit Science, University of Hannover, Herrenhuser Str., 2, 30419 Hannover,
S.G. Agong
Department of Horticulture, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, P.O Box 62000,
A. Fricke
Institute of Vegetable and Fruit Science, University of Hannover, Herrenhuser Str., 2, 30419 Hannover,
ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. dry matter partitioning, fraction of transpirable soil water, normalized transpiration ratio, osmotic
adjustment, soil water deficit, traditional leafy vegetables
ABSTRACT. Plant growth and osmotic adjustment of spiderplant were investigated in a glasshouse and under field con-
ditions. Two fast-growing genotypes (P-landrace and P-commercial) and a slow-growing landrace (G-landrace) were
grown under soil water deficit and watered conditions. The fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) was used as an
indicator of water availability in pots. In the greenhouse, transpiration was determined by changes in daily pot weights
and the ratio of transpiration of plants in soil water deficit to watered treatments expressed as normalized transpiration
ratio (NTR). Water use in the field experiment was determined by gravimetric methods. The fast-growing genotypes
had a higher rate of soil drying due to a higher rate of leaf area development. They were also more sensitive to soil
water deficit with NTR beginning to decline at FTSW of 0.550.77 as compared to 0.29 for the slow-growing landrace.
Also, the fast growing genotypes had FTSW thresholds for the stem elongation rate of 0.350.55 as compared to 0.20
for the slow growing landrace. The rate of leaf development declined when 40% to 60% of available water in the soil
was removed, regardless of genotype. Leaf area of plants under field conditions decreased when the soil moisture was
<60% field capacity. Under severe soil water deficit stress in pots, plants partitioned more biomass to roots than above
ground; however, biomass partitioning between leaves and stems was not influenced by soil water deficit. Spiderplant
showed limited osmotic adjustment (OA) in the range of 0.100.33 MPa at the highest soil water deficit (FTSW = 0).
Thus, spiderplant is mainly a drought avoiding species. To achieve maximum growth, it is necessary to keep FTSW
above 0.6.

Spiderplant is an important traditional leafy vegetable crop One plant response to declining water potential is osmotic
grown and consumed in Kenya and most parts of Africa (Chw- adjustment (OA), the accumulation of solutes within cells to
eya and Eyzaguirre, 1999; Schippers, 2000). There is a lack of maintain turgor under drought (Jones, 1992). This allows turgor
information concerning the adaptive responses of spiderplant to dependent processes such as stomatal opening and expansive
drought, but there are views that spiderplant is intolerant to water growth to continue during periods of water deficits (Jones, 1992).
stress (Waithaka and Chweya, 1991). Crops reported to have a high OA (>0.8 MPa) include vegetable
Drought causes reductions of leaf area, dry matter production, amaranth (Amaranthus L.), soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.],
decline in plant water status and transpiration. Reduced leaf area pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.], peanut (Arachis hypogea
is a drought avoidance mechanism, aimed at reducing plant wa- L.), chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), and sunflower (Helianthus
ter consumption and hence conserving water during periods of annuus L.) (Angadi and Entz, 2002; Liu and Sttzel, 2002a;
drought (Jones, 1992). It is achieved through inhibition of leaf Morgan, 1992; Turner et al., 2000). Those with low OA (<0.5
expansion and initiation, reduced branching and plant height as MPa) include lupin (Lupinus cosentinii Guss.), field pea (Pisum
well as accelerated leaf senescence (Belaygue et al., 1996; Pic sativum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L.), cowpea [Vigna unguiculata
et al., 2002). Reduced leaf area decreases interception of solar (L.) Walp.], tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), and pepper
radiation and consequently decreases biomass production for most (Capsicum annuum L.) (Kuang et al., 1990; Turner et al., 2000;
crops (Delfine et al., 2000; Nam et al., 1998). Water deficits also Wullschleger and Oosterhuis, 1991).
influence dry matter partitioning in plants (Jones, 1992), including For many crops, transpiration declines after one-third of the
increasing ratios of root to shoot dry matter (Li et al., 1994). extractable soil water remains in the root zone (Sadras and Mil-
roy, 1996). However, some crops show decrease in transpiration
Received for publication 2 Oct. 2004. Accepted for publication 27 Nov. 2004. We at higher levels of extractable soil water (Henson et al., 1989).
are grateful to the Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for providing Decreases in transpiration that precede changes in the water status
a dissertation scholarship to the senior author. of the plant are attributed to a nonhydraulic root signal produced
1Corresponding author; Dept. of Horticulture, Jomo Kenyatta Univ. of Agriculture

and Technology, P.O Box 62000, Nairobi; e-mail: masindepeter@hotmail.com;

by roots growing in a drying soil (Davies et al., 1994).
Tel: +002546752711 ext. 4111.

J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 130(3):469477. 2005. 469

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The objectives of this study were to evaluate the adaptive Planta GmbH, Regensatuf, Germany). The soil surface was then
responses of selected spiderplant genotypes to soil water deficit covered to a depth of 3 cm with quartz gravel to minimize soil
stress in terms of leaf area development, dry matter production evaporation.
and partitioning, relative water content, osmotic adjustment, Three plants per water treatment were harvested five times dur-
and transpiration. We hypothesized that there are soil moisture ing the experiments: at the onset of water treatments, when average
thresholds below which plant processes are affected and that soil moisture contents had dropped to 70%, 60%, and 40% WHC
genotypic differences exist in the adaptation of spiderplant to and when transpiration of plants in the soil water deficit treatment
soil water deficit stress. was below 10% of that of watered plants. At each harvest plants
were cut at the base and separated into petioles, stems and blades.
Materials and Methods Leaf area was measured using a leaf area meter (model 3100; LI-
COR, Lincoln, Nebr.). Roots were carefully removed from soil
PLANT MATERIALS. Two pot experiments were conducted in 2000 by hand and washed. Dry weight was determined for each plant
and 2002 at the Institute of Vegetable and Fruit Science, Univ. of part after being dried at 100 C for 48 h. Root to shoot (petioles,
Hannover, Germany (lat. 521424N, long. 94348E) and one stem, and blade dry weight combined) ratio was determined us-
field experiment in 2001 at the Jomo Kenyatta Univ. of Agricul- ing dry weight from each harvest. The data were transformed to
ture and Technology (JKUAT) farm, Kenya (lat. 11048S, long. natural logarithms before analysis of variance (Hoffmann and
370712E). Spiderplant genotypes from two broad groups, one Poorter, 2002; Poorter and Nagel, 2000).
with purple stems and petioles (P-) and one with green stems and Leaf production and stem elongation were determined daily
petioles (G-), were used: P-landrace and P-commercial genotypes, by counting the number of leaves, and measuring the plant height
fast-growing and high-yielding purple stem and petiole landrace using a meter ruler, respectively. Differences in numbers of leaves
(farmers field in western Kenya) and commercial (Kenya Seed and plant height between two consecutive days were used to cal-
Co., Nairobi, Kenya) genotypes were used in 2000. In 2001 and culate leaf appearance (LAR) and stem elongation (SER) rates.
2002, G-landrace, a slow-growing green stem and petiole landrace Relative rates of leaf appearance and stem elongation, RLAR
(Baobab Farm, Mombasa, Kenya) was included while P-com- and RSER, were calculated as:
mercial was dropped since its responses were similar to those of
P-landrace. In addition, P-defoliated was a special treatment in RLAR = [1a]
the 2002 experiment in which P-landrace was defoliated daily to
keep its leaf area similar to that of G-landrace. This was done to
facilitate comparison of the responses from plants with similar RSER = [1b]
leaf areas between the purple stem and petiole and green stem
and petiole genotypes. The removed leaves were kept separately where subscripts d and w refer to soil water deficit and watered
for each plant and were included in the total biomass. treatments.
POT EXPERIMENTS. Pot experiments were arranged in a com- The plant available soil water was expressed as the fraction
pletely randomized design with genotypes and water treatments as of transpirable soil water (FTSW) for each pot in the soil water
factors with three replications for each treatment at each harvest. deficit treatment. FTSW at day i for each pot was calculated
Two water treatments were used in the pot experiments: soil water as:
deficit and watered. Before the onset of the water treatments, soil pot weight at day i final pot weight
FTSW = [2]
moisture was kept high by daily watering of all pots. At the onset initial pot weight final pot weight
of the water treatments, soil moisture in all pots was raised to
100% and 90% water holding capacity (WHC) in 2000 and 2002, where initial pot weight refers to the weight of a pot at 100%
respectively. Plants in the soil water deficit treatment received WHC, while final pot weight refers to the weight of the pot
no more water thereafter, while plants in the watered treatment when the transpiration of stressed plants was <10% of that of
were irrigated daily to maintain the soil moisture at 90% WHC watered plants.
in both years. Water treatments began at 21 d after sowing, just Water relations measurements were carried out at the onset of
before the onset of flowering. water treatments, and when average soil moisture contents had
Pots made from PVC pipes, with 1 m length and a diameter of dropped to 70%, 60%, and 40% WHC in 2000, and to 80%, 70%,
0.2 m, were filled with loess soil (1.15 gcm3 soil bulk density, 60%, and 40% WHC in 2002. The last measurements in both
0.0016-0.00365% available nitrogen, pH of 7.47.5) obtained from years were taken when transpiration of the soil deficit plants had
the Ruthe research station, South of Hannover. Pot experiments reached 10% of that of the watered ones. The measurements were
were conducted in a glasshouse at 26 C day and 20 C night done on the youngest fully expanded leaves between 1100 and
temperature and total photosynthetically active radiation of 49.6 1500 HR. For determination of relative water content (RWC), the
kW/m2 in 2000 and 37.9 kW/m2 in 2002 without supplemental leaves were placed in distilled deionised water in a petri dish and
lighting. The relative humidity, which was not controlled, ranged left at 20 2 C in dim illumination for 24 h. The turgid weight
from 50% to 70% in 2000 and 60% to 80% in 2002. About 10 was obtained after blotting; thereafter the leaves were dried at
seeds of the selected genotypes were sown directly into the pots 100 C to a constant weight to obtain the dry weight.
on 29 May 2000 and 23 Apr. 2002. The pots were maintained fresh weight dry weight [3]
well watered until water treatments were initiated. Emergence RWC =
turgid weight dry weight
was observed after 4 d in both years. Seedlings were then thinned
to one per pot 2 weeks after planting. Nitrogen was applied at For measurement of osmotic potential 1-cm leaf disks were
rates of 0.5 and 1.0 g/plant N based on soil analysis results in excised from young fully expanded leaves using a cork borer,
2000 and 2002, respectively, 3 weeks after planting by irrigat- wrapped in aluminium foil and immediately placed in liquid ni-
ing with 15N3.1P18.3K3.6Mg fertilizer solution (Flory 9; trogen. Osmotic potential (OP) was then measured at 22 C with

470 J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 130(3):469477. 2005.

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a psychrometer (C52-chamber; Wescor Corp., Logan, Utah). To Amendments have been done to the soil by adding different soil
quantify osmotic adjustment, Ludlow's full-turgor adjustment types to the top horizon, which was previously gravelly clay over
method was used (Ludlow et al., 1983). In this method, bound water petroplinthite. The soils had bulk density of 1.201.47 gcm3,
is neglected and the leaf osmotic potential at full turgor (OP100) 0.20% total nitrogen and a pH of 6.0. Plastic sheets were placed
of both soil water deficit and watered plants is given by: in the soil at a depth of 1.0 m all round the main plots to limit
lateral water movements. At the onset of water treatments, 21 d
OP100w = OPw RWCw [4] after sowing, all plots were thoroughly irrigated. Soil samples
were taken 48 h later using a soil auger at depths of 020 and
OP100d = OPd RWCd [5] 2040 cm to determine the gravimetric soil water content (GW)
by drying at 105 C for 48 h. Estimation of the amount of water
where OP and RWC refer to measured osmotic potential and rela- necessary to maintain the soil moisture at 80% field capacity
tive water content, respectively, and subscripts w and d designate (FC) in the watered treatment was based on the soil water balance
watered and soil water deficit treatments, respectively. concept (Kramer and Boyer, 1995):
The osmotic potential at full turgor was then subjected to
analysis of variance by the GLM procedure of SAS (SAS Institute, W = SWC1 SWC2 [10]
Cary, N.C.). Osmotic adjustment (OA) was determined as: SWC = Gw soil bulk density d [11]

OA = OP100w OP100d [6] where W refers to the amount of water to be applied, SWC1 is the
soil water content of the 020 cm soil layer at 80% FC or 60%
The RWC of plants in soil water deficit treatment was divided FC, SCW2 is the measured soil water content, GW is gravimetric
by that of watered plants to give the RWC ratio, which was then soil water content (%) in the soil layer and d is the thickness of
expressed as a function of FTSW. the soil layer.
Transpiration was determined by daily pot weight measure- During watering, the calculated amount of irrigation water was
ments using an electronic balance (capacity 64 kg 5 g, model applied carefully by hand to avoid runoff and deep drainage. In
QS 64B; Sartorius, Gttingen, Germany). In this case, the differ- the moderate stress treatment, the soil was allowed to dry below
ence in weights between two consecutive days was considered as 60% FC and was then rewatered using the same method described
the water lost through transpiration. The transpiration data were above for the watered treatment to maintain the soil moisture at
analyzed using the double normalization procedure outlined by 60% FC. In the soil water deficit treatment, no water was applied
Ray and Sinclair (1998). First the transpiration ratio (TR) of each after the onset of the water treatments.
plant in the soil water deficit treatment was determined as: Subsequent soil water status was determined by measuring
transpiration of deficit plant
the gravimetric soil water content in 4- to 8-d intervals for the
Transpiration ratio (TR) = [7] soil water deficit and moderate stress treatment before rewater-
average transpiration of watered plants
ing and in 2- to 3-d intervals for watered treatment and moderate
A second normalization was done so that TR of each plant was stress treatment after rewatering. Soil sampling for gravimetric
centered on a value of 1.0 when the soil water content in each water determination on watered plots was always conducted just
pot was high (FTSW > 0.50). First, a mean TR was calculated before watering. The same was done for moderate stress plots
for each plant for the period when soil moisture was high, and once rewatering had began.
then the daily TR for each plant was divided by this mean TR to The subplots, each measuring 2 2.5 m, were prepared by
give a daily normalized transpiration ratio (NTR). raising the soil 15 cm aboveground. About 10 seeds were sown
Statistical analysis was performed using the GLM proce- directly on to the prepared plots at a spacing of 30 cm between
dure of SAS. Analyses of variance were executed for each date and 20 cm within rows on 21 June 2001. The plots were well
separately for plant leaf area. The relationships between relative watered and covered by plastic sheets to maintain high moisture.
parameters (i.e., RLAR, RSER, RWC ratio and NTR) and FTSW Emergence was observed 3 and 5 d after sowing for P-landrace
were developed using linear plateau regression using the non and G-landrace, respectively. Thinning was done 2 weeks after
linear procedure of SAS as: emergence to leave one seedling per hole. The crops were well
watered daily by hand until the onset of water treatments. At this
Relative parameter = 1 if FTSW > FTSWt time, nitrogen and phosphorus were applied at rates of 52 kgha1
Relative parameter = 1 + A (FTSW FTSWt) if FTSW < FTSWt N (calcium ammonium nitrate, 26% N) and 40.2 kgha1 P (triple
super phosphate, 20.1% P).
where A is the slope of the linear decline, and FTSWt is the FTSW A rain shelter was constructed using timber and covered by a
threshold at which the relative parameter began to decline. transparent plastic film at onset of water treatments. The film mate-
R2 values were calculated as: rial used allowed transmission of 43% of incident solar radiation.
SSE Total photosynthetically active radiation during the experiment
R2 = 1 [9] was 112.1 kW/m2, with an average relative humidity of 64.8%.
During the day the shelter was kept open on all sides but was fully
where SSE is the sum of squares of the residual and CSE is the covered during rain events and at night. Seven harvests, based
total corrected sum of squares. on the soil water status, were carried out. At each harvest, two to
FIELD EXPERIMENT. A field experiment was set up in a split three plants in a central row from each plot were cut and divided
plot design with three replications. Water treatments were the into lamina, petioles and stems. Plant leaf area was measured
main factors [i.e., soil water deficit, moderate stress (60% field on the lamina using a leaf area meter (model AAM-8; Hayashi
capacity) and watered (80% field capacity)], while genotype Denko Co., Tokyo). All plant parts were then dried at 100 C for
was used as a subplot factor (i.e., P-landrace and G-landrace). 48 h and weighed to determine biomass.

J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 130(3):469477. 2005. 471

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Statistical analyses for the field experiment were performed of 0.10 MPa (Fig. 6A). In 2002, the OA at endpoint was 0.33
using the GLM procedure of SAS. Analyses of variance were MPa (Fig. 6B). The ratio of RWC between plants in soil water
executed for each date separately for plant dry weight and leaf deficit and watered treatments was related to FTSW. The FTSW
area, and means were separated by use of LSD (P < 0.05). Parti- thresholds at which this ratio began to deviate from unity could
tioning of dry matter between leaves and stems was analyzed by not be determined precisely in the 2000 experiment due to the low
expressing the ratio of dry weight of the leaf to that of the stem number and uneven distribution of data points. It was, however,
as a power function of plant height: significantly lower than 1 for all FTSW below 0.6 (Fig. 6C). In

y = axb [12] 

where y is the leaf to stem ratio, a and b are regression coefficients,
and x is plant height.

This was based on the model of partitioning of new above-

ground dry matter presented by Sttzel et al. (1988), which
recognizes the fact that as the plant leaf area increases, a greater
proportion of new dry matter needs to be invested in structural 
material (mainly stems) to maintain the plants integrity and 3GHI
strength. 3ODQG


SOIL WATER EXTRACTION. The decline in FTSW over time in       
the soil water deficit treatments was similar among the P-geno-
types (P-landrace and P-commercial) in the pot experiment of 
2000 (data not shown). In the 2002 pot experiment, P-landrace %

had higher water use rates than G-landrace resulting in a faster
rate of soil drying under P-landrace (Fig. 1A). However, when 
P-landrace was defoliated (P-defoliated) to achieve similar leaf


area development as G-landrace, it had similar water use pat-

terns to the latter. In the field experiment, the gravimetric soil
water contents over time were similar in the 020 cm and 2040
cm depths, hence the mean of the two is considered (Fig. 1 B 
and C). In the first week after the onset of soil water deficit, the 3ODQG:
gravimetric soil water content remained similar for P-landrace  *ODQG:
and G-landrace. This was followed by a more rapid decline in soil
water content, faster for P-landrace than for G-landrace at both 
soil water deficit and moderate stress before rewatering.       
no significant interactions between genotype and water treatments 
for the whole plant leaf area in either pot or field experiments. P- 
landrace had significantly higher plant leaf area than G-landrace
(data not shown). Plants in the soil water deficit treatment had 
less leaf area 1520 d after start of water treatments in pot experi-


ments (2000, 2002), and greater than 30 d after the start of water
treatments in the field experiment (2001) (Fig. 2AC). Soil water

deficit significantly reduced leaf appearance in pot experiments
(Fig. 3AC). The FTSW thresholds for leaf appearance rates  3ODQG06
showed no significant differences between genotypes. Soil water
deficit also significantly reduced stem elongation of spiderplant  *ODQG06
in pot experiments (Fig. 4). G-landrace had a significantly lower
FTSW threshold for stem elongation than the P-genotypes. 
Plants in the soil water deficit treatments had higher root to       
shoot ratios 15 to 20 d after water treatments started (Fig. 5 A
and B). The leaf to stem ratio in 2001 declined with increasing 'D\VDIWHUVWDUWRIZ DWHUWUHDWPHQWV
plant height (Fig. 5 C and D) but was not influenced by water Fig. 1. Changes in the fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) and gravimetric
treatments or genotype. This could be well described by a power soil water content (% GW) at 040 cm depths for spiderplant genotypes purple
function and there were no significant differences in the coefficients stems and petioles defoliated (P-def), purple stems and petioles landrace (P-land)
between soil water treatments and plant genotypes. and green stems and petioles landrace (G-land) grown in the glasshouse under
soil water deficit conditions in 2002 (A), and at soil water deficitD, wateredW,
WATER RELATIONS. The difference in osmotic potential at full and moderate stressMS under field conditions in 2001 (B, C). Arrows in the
turgor (OP) between watered and soil water deficit plants was MS treatment (C) indicate the rewatering dates for P-land (upper) and G-land
significant 24 d after start of water treatments in 2000, an OA (lower). Vertical bars show SE (n = 36).

472 J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 130(3):469477. 2005.

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)76:W   $
 $   5  



)76:W   %
  $   5  





)76:W   &
  $   5 






Fig. 3. The relative leaf appearance rate (RLAR) as a function of FTSW for
'D\VDIWHUWKHVWDUWRIZ DWHUWUHDWPHQWV spiderplant genotypes purple stems and petioles landrace (P-land), purple stems
and petioles commercial (P-com), and green stems and petioles landrace (G-land)
Fig. 2. Plant leaf area of spiderplant grown in the glasshouse (A, B) and in the (AC) in 2000 and 2002. Lines show plateau regression functions. The fraction
field (C) as influenced by water treatments, soil water deficit (deficit), watered of transpirable soil water threshold (FTSWt) and slope of the decline (A) with
and moderate stress (means across genotypes). Vertical bars show LSD0.05. their 95% confidence intervals (in parentheses) are shown in the figure.

the 2002 experiment, the RWC ratio fell below 1 at lower FTSW Discussion
values than in 2000 with no significant differences between the
genotypes (Fig. 6D and Table 1). This study was conducted to evaluate the adaptive responses
TRANSPIRATION. The effect of soil water deficit on transpiration of selected spiderplant genotypes to soil water deficit. The hy-
was similar for P-landrace and P-commercial genotypes in 2000. pothesis was that plant processes such as leaf area development,
In pot experiments, P-landrace and P-commercial had significantly dry matter production and partitioning, osmotic adjustment, and
higher FTSW thresholds at which NTR began to decline than transpiration were affected once the soil moisture fell bellow
G-landrace (Fig. 7). However, when defoliated, P-landrace had certain thresholds and that there existed genotypic differences
an FTSW threshold similar to that of G-landrace. in the adaptation of spiderplant to soil water deficit.

J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 130(3):469477. 2005. 473

Book 1.indb 473 4/8/05 1:01:41 PM

 )76:W     )76:W   
 $   5   $   5 
 )76:W     )76:W   

 $   5  
 $   5 

)76: )76:
Fig. 4. Relative main stem elongation rate (RSER) as a function of FTSW for spiderplant genotypes purple stems and petioles landrace (P-land), purple stems and
petioles commercial (P-com), purple stems and petioles defoliated, (P-def) and green stems and petioles (G-land) grown in the glasshouse in 2000 and 2002. Lines
show plateau regression functions. The fraction of transpirable soil water threshold (FTSWt) and slope of the decline (A) with their 95% confidence intervals (in
parentheses) are shown in the figure.

Water use by spiderplant under soil water deficit conditions the root biomass was reduced by 28% to 32% as compared to
depended largely on leaf area. When P-landrace and P-commer- 42% to 45% for shoot biomass. This differential sensitivity has
cial had similar leaf area (2000 pot experiment) they showed also been reported in crops such as wheat (Triticum aestivum
similar patterns of water use. When P-landrace had greater leaf L.) (Blum and Sullivan, 1997) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris
area than G-landrace (2002 pot experiment), P-landrace used L.) (Boutraa and Sanders, 2001). On the other hand, the leaf to
more water than G-landrace. But when P-landrace had similar stem ratio declined as plant size increased. This is in line with the
leaf area (P-defoliated) as G-landrace, it had a similar rate of soil concept that increasing plant height necessitates an increase in
drying. Similar dependencies of water extraction on leaf area have structural material to maintain its stability (Sttzel et al., 1988).
been found for other crops [e.g., sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) This relationship between leaf to stem ratio and plant size was
Moench.)] (Salih et al., 1999). not influenced by soil moisture status in this study, implying that
Leaf area development is directly related to the yield of the partitioning of new above-ground dry matter was directly
spiderplant since the edible part is the leaf. It also affects dry dependent on plant size rather than soil moisture.
matter production and plant growth through the role of leaf In the early stages of the drying cycle, the RWC was generally
area in light interception (Jones, 1992). Severe soil water defi- high (above 0.71). As the FTSW declined below 0.40.6, RWC
cit (FTSW < 0.40) caused a reduction of stem elongation rates declined and the plants lost turgor at RWC values of 0.540.57.
resulting in smaller plant heights and hence implying reduced Osmotic adjustment (OA) by 0.100.33 MPa for spiderplant is
branching. Consequently, there was a decline in leaf appearance relatively low compared with values of >0.8 MPa for crops such
rates as shown by the FTSW thresholds especially in 2002. This, as vegetable amaranth (Liu and Sttzel, 2002a) and soybean
together with leaf senescence and shedding that were observed (Turner et al., 2000), suggesting that spiderplant relies less on
under severe stress resulted in a rapid decline of plant leaf area. osmotic adjustment for its adaptation to drought. Moreover, this
The overall effect was a drastic reduction of transpiration. This OA could not sustain turgor in spiderplant leaves beyond a RWC
mechanism of water conservation is part of a drought avoid- of 0.540.57, at which point the plants were persistently wilted
ance strategy (Jones, 1992). Although the stem elongation rate and marked the endpoint of the pot experiments. This is in the
of P-landrace declined at significantly higher FTSW thresholds range of leaf water status at permanent wilting point for other
than G-landrace, there were no genotypic differences in the leaf crop species with similar low OA capacity (Ludlow et al., 1983;
appearance FTSW thresholds. Wullschleger and Oosterhuis, 1991). Bolanos and Edmeades
The increase in root to shoot ratio under severe stress was (1991) considered that an OA of 0.4 MPa and above was neces-
mainly due to differential sensitivity of the root and shoot biomass sary to justify the inclusion of a cultivar in a crossing program
production to soil water deficit. At maximum stress (FTSW = 0), for maize (Zea mays L.).

474 J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 130(3):469477. 2005.

Book 1.indb 474 4/8/05 1:01:42 PM

 $  %







 \ [   
\ [
5  ' 5   '
 06  06
: :

Fig. 5. The root to shoot ratio of spiderplant grown in the glasshouse under soil water deficit and watered conditions (means across genotypes) in 2000 and 2002 (A,
B), and the relationship between leaf to stem ratio and plant height of spiderplant genotypes purple stems and petioles landrace (P-land) and green stems and petioles
(G-land) grown at soil water deficitD, moderate stressMS, and wateredW treatments under field conditions in 2001 (C, D). Vertical bars show LSD0.05.

P-genotypes showed higher FTSW thresholds for transpiration at the early stages of plant growth as observed during harvests.
(0.550.77) than G-landrace (0.29). The latter was comparable With a higher rate of soil drying, the P-genotypes had part of their
to the widely reported threshold range of 0.30.4 for decline in roots exposed to drying soil in the upper layers, a phenomenon
transpiration in crops such as maize (Ray and Sinclair, 1997, referred to as top-root drying (Blum and Sullivan, 1997), which
1998), various legumes (Sinclair and Ludlow, 1986), and vegetable might have induced ABA mediated stomatal closure and thus a
amaranth (Liu and Sttzel, 2002b), whereas the thresholds for reduction of transpiration, even though moisture was still high
P-genotypes were similar to those reported for a sensitive maize at lower layers.
hybrid (Ray and Sinclair, 1997). The higher FTSW thresholds for transpiration of P-genotypes
The higher sensitivity of transpiration of P-landrace and P- in 2000 as compared with 2002 could be attributed to the lower
commercial to soil water deficit as compared with G-landrace evaporative demand in 2002. In 2000, relative humidity (RH) was
related to leaf area development. The faster leaf area development in the range of 50% to 70% and total photosynthetically active
in P-landrace led to a higher rate of soil drying causing it to reach radiation was 49.6 kW/m2 during the experimental period, while
the endpoint 46 d earlier than the G-landrace and P-defoliated. in 2002, the RH range was 60% to 80% with a total photosyntheti-
The rate of soil drying has been shown to have no direct effect cally active radiation of 37.9 kW/m2. A high evaporative demand
on the relationship between normalized transpiration ratio (NTR) can cause plant leaf responses even when the soil moisture is high.
and fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) in grain legumes This has been associated to the soil hydraulic resistance (Franks
(Sinclair and Ludlow, 1986). However, a high rate of soil drying in and Farquhar, 1999). Furthermore, it is thought that plants can
combination with a large pot size such as the one used in this study sense soil and atmospheric water status independently (Sadras
can exacerbate soil moisture gradients with the soil water content and Milroy, 1996).
being highest in the lower layers (Jensen et al., 1989). Whereas
pot size may not directly influence the NTRFTSW relationship Conclusion
as has been shown in maize and soybean (Ray and Sinclair, 1998),
root distribution in large pots may be inhomogeneous resulting in Our results show that spiderplant adapts to soil water deficit
steeper water potential gradients between soil and roots, which stress mainly by regulating transpiration through reduction of leaf
may have affected the NTRFTSW relationship. area, and possibly stomatal conduction. Maintaining the available
There is a possibility that the rooted depth in both purple stem soil water above 0.6 FTSW for P-landrace and P-commercial,
and petiole and green stem and petiole genotypes was similar and above 0.4 FTSW for G-landrace (50% to 60% water holding

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$ %
23 03D



& '

)76: )76:
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defoliated, (P-def) and green stems and petioles (G-land) (C, D) grown in the glasshouse in 2000 and 2002. Vertical bars show LSD0.05. Lines in c and d show ratio
= 1. Regression coefficients are shown in Table 1.

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