Resumed By: Giovanni Claresta Tato 121 344 1030: Book Summary of Educational Book Introduction To Education

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121 344 1030

by Satya Pal Ruhela (ed)
Indian Publishers Distributors, Delhi (India), 2002
pp i-iv, 362, Indian Rupees 595, Hard Cover.
Reviewed by SK PULIST,
Student Registration & Evaluation Division,
Indira Gandhi National Open University,

Educational Technology has an important role to play in all the educational pursuits. Leith
defines educational technology as the application of scientific knowledge about learning and the
conditions of learning to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and training. It has
undergone many innovations which have enriched the process imparting and acquiring of
education. The volume under review is one step ahead in understanding the educational technology
from its core. It provides the very foundation of the theme and appropriately builds the basis of
education with technological intervention.
The understanding of educational technology is bound to certain historical conceptions and
practices which are befittingly brought out by the authors of individual chapters. There are three
kinds of educational technology. Software technology has been of much interest to teacher
educators and school teachers. Hardware technology is being talked about but not much of it has
yet entered the portals of schools, teacher training institutions and universities in India. Systems
analysis technology is being used in education while analysing the work of highly sophisticated
Divided into 34 Chapters, the volume is a compilation of works of different masters of their
areas. Chapter-1 by Saettler traces a meaningful historical context of educational technology and
concludes with a general appraisal. Some roots have spread while others have withered or stopped
growing altogether. To him behavioural science branch appears to be increasingly dominant and
to have excellent prospects for future growth of educational technology. Chapter-2 tries to clarify
the meaning, implications and significance of Education Technology and shows how it differs
from another term Instructional Technology. Chapters-3 & 4 define learning as modern
psychologists have done and throws light on the operations in learning. The teachers desirous of
giving effective teaching must understand these learning operations and adjust their teaching
Chapters- 5 & 6 identify various operations and tasks involved in the process of teaching
in addition to reproducing theoretical framework of teaching. Chapters- 7 & 8 explain conceptual
model of instruction, different teaching strategies and teaching & learning at various levels.
Chapter-9 presents an introduction of taxonomy of educational objectives. The three domains viz.
cognitive, affective and psychomotor are discussed at length by the author.
Optimum educational effectiveness depends upon what goes on in the classroom and how
it goes on. Chapter-10 analysis the verbal interaction that takes place in a classroom situation.
Teaching is a form of interpersonal influence aimed at changing the behavior potential of another
person, whereas learning is a relatively permanent changes in a behavioural tendency and is the
result of reinforced practices. Chapter-11 tries to establish a congenial relationship between
teaching and learning.
Srinivasan in Chapter-12 clarifies some misgivings pertaining to conceptualization and
classification of educational technology. Chapter-13 reviews the history of soft technologies of
learning. Chapter-14 by Ephraty describes a model of two-year course in educational technology
developed and applied at a physical education college. Chapter-15 & 16 discuss about classroom
management in terms of instructional and management strategies for resource-based learning,
instructional strategies and allocation of learning resources, and suggest policy opinions for more
effective use of existing resources through improvement management. Begland in Chapter-17
identifies a professional problem of the future i.e. malpractice suits against instructional
technologies. He provides for rigid academic training programme and personal code of ethics as
the ultimate solutions. Thiagarajan in Chpater-18 develops/discusses a new teaching model with
the intervention of interactive teaching and instructional development. To Shore (Chapter-20)
micro teaching is real teaching reduced in time, number of students and range of activities. It is
flexible and can be altered to suit many circumstances. Ghose, in Chapter-21, applies management
theory in higher education system. He finds a great similarity in education and management.
Chapter-22 , by Pillay and Nachimuthu discusses different aspects of computere assisted
instruction which is an individualized instructional system with maximum amount of flexibility to
the learners. Shah in Chapter 23, deals with teachers role and teacher training programme in the
event of use of computers in education. To her introduction of computer in education is not a quick
and easy path to follow. Chapter- 24 & 25 deal with emerging areas of research in audio-visual
aids in education. Deshmukh in Chapter-27, presents a retrospect of advances and developments
following multimedia approach to creative teaching. Harichandan in Chapter-28, discusses the
Open University system starting from abroad to India. Different forms of distance education
prevalent in India form part of the discussion. Kumar, in Chapter- 29, deals with broadcasting
technology in distance education. To him, it is imperative to vitalize the whole system of education
in general and distance education in particular by making an effective and lively use of the
broadcasting technology.
Bates, in Chapter-30, analyses the use of television and audio-visual at the British Open
University. He is of the view that despite rapid technological advances, television and radio are
likely to remain key features of the Open University System for many years to come. Chapter-31,
by Richmond, deals with the various aspects of communication by cassettes. Chapter-32 elaborates
an appraisal study on Countrywide Classroom Television Programme, by Mohanty and Rath. This
programme was launched by University Grants Commission on 15th August, 1984.
While the individual chapters give preliminary information in different areas, it looks as if
there were a long gap between their writing and publication of this volume. The advances in the
field of ICT and educational technology that took place during the last decade, do not find place
in any of the chapters. The references provided with the different chapters date as back as sixties,
seventies and eighties. An update of the information provided by the authors is missing
everywhere. The different chapters deal with theoretical framework rather than practical
application of educational technology. Many of the Chapters even do not provide the name of their
authors e.g. Chapters 2 to 11, 13 and 16.

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