Standard No. CEA/Wellness Centre-018
Standard No. CEA/Wellness Centre-018
Standard No. CEA/Wellness Centre-018
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Clinical Establishment Act Standards for Wellness Centre- Executive Health Checkup
CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
Clinical Establishment
Act Standard for
Wellness Centre- Executive
Health Check up
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Clinical Establishment Act Standards for Wellness Centre- Executive Health Checkup
CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
In 2010 Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010 has been
enacted by the Central Government to provide for registration and regulation of all clinical
establishments in the country with a view to prescribe the minimum standards of facilities
and services provided by them.
The Ministry has notified the National Council for Clinical Establishments and The Clinical
Establishments (Central Government) Rules, 2012 under this Act vide Gazette. This Act is
applicable to all kinds of clinical establishments from the public and private sectors, of all
recognized systems of medicine including single doctor clinics. The only exception will be
establishments run by the Armed forces.
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Clinical Establishment Act Standards for Wellness Centre- Executive Health Checkup
CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
Table of Contents
5. Human Resource
6. Equipment/Instruments/Drugs
12. Glossary
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Clinical Establishment Act Standards for Wellness Centre- Executive Health Checkup
CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
1. Definition
The standards for wellness centre are framed based on the basic functions of the
unit/centre /provider.
2.This includes the services being provided by the facility to which the standards will
be applicable.
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
3. Infrastructure Requirements
3.1 Basic signage- A signage within or outside the facility shall be made available
containing the following information.
3.1.2 *All signage meant for customer and visitors shall be bilingual Local
language and Hindi / English
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
3.2.9 Directional signage for customers for utilities and conveniences like
toilets, drinking water, telephone booths, shops.
3.3.2 Display of all radiation hazard signage in radiation areas (if applicable).
3.3.3 Display of Biomedical waste segregation at all location where BMW bins
are kept
3.3.4 Display of danger signage at all electric panels and other dangerous
3.3.9 Display of Material Safety Data Sheet at all locations where Hazardous
Materials are stored
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3.3.11 Display of safety instructions in areas where any kind of safety hazard
may be expected. This includes areas like transformers, Cylinder storage,
LPG storage etc
3.3.16 Signage for parking. (Signage for ambulance parking shall be separately
3.3.18 Display of how to use fire extinguisher at all point where fire extinguisher
is installed
3.4. Functional space planning of the facility like reception area, waiting area should
be as per the scope of services.
3.4.3 House-Keeping:
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
iii. A designated area within functional areas for safe storage of housekeeping
materials has to be in centre.
i. Store room should be lockable & of adequate size with exhaust fan.
ii. Area should be clean, well ventilated, well lit, without any dampness or fungal
growth on walls.
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
4. Furniture &Fixtures
4.1 Furniture and fixtures shall be available in accordance with the services and
workload of the centre. For indicative list refer to Annexure 1.
4.2 The furniture and fixtures shall be functional all the time.
5. Human Resource
5.1 A suitably qualified and individual heads the organization and manages in
ethical manner. For detail refer to Annexure 2.
5.2 The technical staff employed should have the relevant education / registration,
training and experience to provide service to customer care without
5.3 The additional staff member shall be adequately trained on specific job duties
or responsibilities related to customer safety and well being.
6. Equipment/Instruments
6.1 The centre shall have equipments / instruments as per the scope of services
provided. For indicative list refer to Annexure 3
6.2 Adequate space for placement and usage of equipments and Instruments
shall be provided.
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
6.4 All equipment should be in good working condition at all times. Periodic
inspection, cleaning, maintenance of equipment should be done.
7.1 Drugs and consumables as per the scope of services provided. For indicative
list refer to Annexure 4.
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Annexure 1
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
Annexure 2
1.1Medical practitioners
ANM/ GNM/ BSc/MSc nurses,
One per shift per for 50% of the total number of consulting room
1. Category:Paramedics
2. Minimum Qualifications: (diploma/degree from recognized university.)
3. Registration with the concerned council(if applicable): state or central
4. Trained / skilled: Trained
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
6. As per
Ward Ayah Eight standard completed
7. As per
Ward boy Eight standard completed
1.4. Administrative staff: The number would vary as per scope of the centre/
requirement and may be outsourced.
Administrative staff
Sr. no Administrative staff Executive Health Checks
1. As per requirement
Office Administrator
2. As per requirement
3. As per requirement
Multi purpose worker
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
Annexure 3
Other necessary and sterilizing equipment as per the scope of services shall
also be available.
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
Annexure 3
I. Emergency drugs:
Category:Emergency Drugs
Sr. no. Name of the Drug Strength Minimum Quantity
1. Inj. Adrenaline As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
2. Inj. Atropine As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
3. Inj. Calcium Carbonate As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
4. Inj. Dopamine As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
5. Inj. Dobutamine As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
6. Inj. Nitroglycerine As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
7. Inj. Sodium Bicarbonate As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
8. Inj. Hydrocortisone As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
9. Inhaler Beclomethasone (250 As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
10. Inhaler Salbutamol (200 As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
11. Inj. Frusemide As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
12. Inj. Diazepam/Midazolam As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
13. Inj. Deriphyllin As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
14. Inj. Phenytoin sodium As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
15. Inj. Avil As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
16. Inj. Ondansetrone As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
17. Inj. KCl As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
18. Inj. Lignocaine 2% As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
19. Inj. Amiadarone As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
20. Inj. Magnesium sulphate As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
21. Inj. Mannitol As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
22. Inj. Morphine/Inj. Pethidine As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
23. Inj. Noradrenaline bititrate As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
24. Inj. Fentanyl As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
25. water for Injection As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
26. Inj. Sodium Valporate As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
27. Inj. Voveran As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
28. Inj. Paracetamol As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
29. Mannitol Injection As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
30. Metoprolol Injection As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
31. N/2 saline Injection As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
32. Oxygen Inhalation As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
33. Oxytocin Injection As per I.P. Minimum 10 Ampoules/ Vials
Sr. no Disinfectants
1. Hypochlorite 4%-6%
2. Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA)
3. 70% ethanol plus10ppm Bitrex
4. Formaldehyde solutions (1%2%)
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5. Glutaraldehyde
6. Hydrogen peroxide
7. Quaternary ammonium compounds
8. Phenolic germicides
III. Linen
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
Annexure 4
Legal/Statutory Requirements
This includes the minimum statutory compliance applicable as per the central or
state government along with licensing body, wherever applicable.
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
Vehicles Department
12. License to play music for Organization Indian
public use
13. No objection certificate from Organization Fire Department
the Chief Fire Officer.
14. Obtaining clearances for Weights and Department of Weights
weighing equipments in all measures and Measures
the centre units under The
Standards of Weights and
Measures Act, 1976.
15. Occupation Certificate To be obtained Jurisdictional Revenue
from Authorities like
Municipality/ Municipal
16. PNDT Act, 1996. Sonography Health Department of
Regulatory Body
assigned with the
17. SMPV License for Storage of Medical Gases Licensing Authority
Liquid Oxygen, Form III in Pressurized
(License to compressed gas Vessels
in pressure vessel or
18. TAN Number Organization Income Tax
19. PAN Number Organization Income Tax
20. Vehicle Registration Ambulance and Road Traffic Authority
certificates for Ambulance Vehicles owned
by the
21. Water Prevention and Organization Pollution Control Board
control of pollution Act
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CEA /Wellness Centre- 018
Annexure 5
Sr. no Records
1. Customer Records
2. Customer reports records
3. Reports of investigations
4. Consents
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