The Theory of Dynamic Gravity (Hungarian Experiment)
The Theory of Dynamic Gravity (Hungarian Experiment)
The Theory of Dynamic Gravity (Hungarian Experiment)
1. Introduction
I first encountered the assumed phenomena of dynamic gravity in 1995 in city Miskolc (Hungary), by the gravi-
tational experiments of architect Mr. Lszl Bodonyi. I received many experimental data from Mr. Bodonyi, the inter-
pretation of which has caused puzzles for months. I tried to understand the physical background of the phenomenon.
In 1998, in the locksmith workshop of the Paks Nuclear Power Station, I completed the physical pendulum what I
designed, the geometry and the size of the lead masses used to fit Bodonyi's experiment. I designed an optical instru-
ment for measurement of pendulum movement, and the measured data was computerized. I was able to follow the
pendulum movement on the computer monitor, which was a great help to realize my resonance gravity experiment.
Despite the successful experiment, I could not serve a convincing explanation of the theoretical background of them,
however, I published the first results where I knew: in two alternative western physical journals. Against my experi-
ment and related theory, as I expected, I received strong criticisms.
Two very surprising results of a gravitational experiment with a physical pendulum are that the measured gravita-
tional effect is more stronger than the magnitude of the Newtonian gravity, and moreover the observed force ap-
peared not only in attractive but also in repulsive form. In my first theoretical endeavors, I set a minimum goal to
understand the fact, what based on the measurements of Bodonyi and also my own measurements: I reasonably justi-
fied that the dynamic gravitational constant estimated for G D was hundreds of thousands larger of Newtonian G.
I named this phenomenon as dynamic gravity because the phenomenon was only between moving masses. I was
thinking about gravitation since the experiment had electrically neutral sample masses, both the pendulum masses
and construction and the source masses were carefully grounded. I tried to trace back the dynamic gravitational con-
stant to the known basic physical constants, such as simple algebraic terms from the Newtonian gravitational con-
stant, the Planck constant and others. It has only recently been found that my assumption was not unfounded. First, I
note here that in my dynamic gravitational model, which is now considered final, the dynamic gravitational constant
is equal to the product of the numerical values of the gravitational constant of Newton and the speed of light. This
proved dynamic gravitational constant G D is about a hundred million times larger of the Newtonian gravitational
constant! The 10-year anniversary of my gravity measurements will be in October 2018.
The aim of my theoretical attempts was to find the force law of dynamic gravity. From the outset, it was obvious
that the new force law should include the speed of at least one of the interacting masses, but even its acceleration. The
validity of the assumed force law I examined by computer simulations. The goodness of the simulation was verified
by the fact that the theoretically calculated stationary pendulum movement is more or less similar to the measurement
result. In the development of the simulation computer program, I was working for years to find the new gravitational
force law, with longer breaks in the mean times. My calculation attempts have progressively improved and I can now
say that I have managed to find the now-definitive solution, the force law of dynamic gravity.
The experimental evidence that dynamic gravitation occurs only between moving masses has indicated from the
beginning that this phenomenon is similar to the magnetic field generated by moving charges, i.e. the magnetic inter-
action between moving charges. The attraction or repulsion phenomenon seems to be completely analogous to the
Lenz Law of Magnetic Induction. Are our experiments with Mr. Bodonyi supported by gravitomagnetic theory?
I have to point out that this assumption was clearly wrong. For the sake of completeness, we need to sum up the
essence of the gravitomagnetic theory currently known.
2. Gravitomagnetism
The fantasy of physicists has long been concerned by the similarity of the law of Newtonian gravity and electro-
statics Coulomb's law. In this respect, one of the unsuccessful endeavors to do so is to recapture gravity for electricity.
Another theoretical possibility is the gravitational effect of moving masses which could be called gravitomagnetic
effects as an analogue of the magnetic interaction of moving charges. Soon the gravitational Maxwell equations (GEM)
were written. The gravity charge density corresponds to the mass density, the mass current density corresponds to the
electrical current density. The source-less GEM leads to free-field gravity wave solutions. It is remarkable that Ein-
stein's remarkable space-time equation also leads to gravitational Maxwell equations in a weak gravitational space.
THE DYNAMIC GRAVITY PART II. THE THEORY Author: Dezs Sarkadi November, 2017.
The analogy with the electromagnetic Maxwell equations is not complete, but the gravitational magnetic field is still a
current field of nowadays research. A summary of gravitational phenomena can be found here
The gravitomagnetic effects are extremely weak, only the development of astronautics and measurement techniques
of the last decades has allowed the research of them. According to the GEM theory, Newtonian gravity is a
gravitoelectric phenomenon, which, despite its weakness, Cavendish had been able to measure quantitatively with his
torsion pendulum in laboratory conditions about 200 years ago. The assumed propagation speed of the gravitational
wave is the light velocity, which is in the GEM wave equation
G G =1/ c 2 ;
G = 1/ 4G G = 4G / c 2 .
According to the formula, gravitational magnetic permeability is still a small Newtonian gravitational constant divid-
ed by the square of the light velocity. Today's research uses the mass of rotating Earth to detect and measure this very
weak gravitomagnetism. The rotating Earth can be considered as a powerful gravitational magnet whose gravitational
magnetic field causes precession for a neutral mass of a gyroscope. The details can be read here
The artificial moon that is released for this measurement is moving through the Earth's longitude, through the North
and South corners. At corners, the gyroscope movement is called geodesic precession. In addition, the gyroscope in
the equator plane detects the "frame-dragging" effect, i.e. the "spin" of space time in the direction of the Earth's rota-
tion. This phenomenon can be deduced from the general relativity, its mechanical analog is a liquid sphere which is
applied to the surface of the liquid part, rotating it
From the foregoing, it becomes clear to everyone that a pendulum having large size and large masses is unsuitable for
detecting the extremely weak gravitational magnetism. We have to consider another way that how we can interpret
the experienced velocity-dependent gravitational effects .
If we assume that the interacting masses are units and their distance equals to a unit then the gravitational constant
equal to square of the frequency (for simplicity, the central mass is not moving). In the gravitational interaction of free
masses, both masses are in motion, none of which speed can be zero. The two masses are circling around the common
mass center, every moment it is fulfilled
m2 r2=
v1 m2 v2 . (3.2)
From a mathematical point of view, two frequencies can be found at every moment
= m2 r2
= m1r =
1 m2 r 2 (3.3)
where r is the distance between two masses at any given moment. One can use the following function
( m1r1 )( m2 r2 ) =
r 4
; {G} = {12 } = { }.
0 (3.4)
THE DYNAMIC GRAVITY PART II. THE THEORY Author: Dezs Sarkadi November, 2017.
Newtonian gravity is thus proportional to the product of the linear momentums of the interacted masses. Based on
this simple derivation, I have come to the conclusion that gravity phenomena are likely to be proportional to the
product of momentums of the interacting masses. Since there is gravitational attraction between two resting bodies, it
is to be assumed that the internal momentum of the bodies is responsible for its creation. The hypothetical internal
momentum of the bodies is called the body's own momentum (self-momentum), which has very specific properties: the
self-momentum has only magnitude and acts exclusively attractive form in all directions of the space (isotropic). The
proportionality of the gravitational mass and inertial mass assumes that the body's self-momentum is strictly propor-
tional to the mass of the bodies. According to our present knowledge, if there is a quantum of gravity, i.e. the gravi-
ton, its mass can only be zero. (In physics, gravity is an infinite range interaction, and therefore, its quantum has zero
mass, similar to the electromagnetic interaction.) The gravitational interaction is ensured by the current of massless
gravitons. The formula for the relativistic four momentum of the gravitons is
E 2 ( cp ) =
0 E=cp,
in the knowledge of which the general formulas of gravity will be the following
m1m2 pp
D cG 1 2 . (3.6)
r r
This derivation is in organic alignment with Newtonian static gravity with the dynamic gravitation experienced by
the physical pendulum. The SI unit of the dynamic gravitational constant
m m
GD {c}{G} 0.02 . (3.7)
kg kg
dEG d p p2 d v1 v 2
FD = cG 1 = GD m1m2 . (4.1)
dr dr r dr r
Using the developed computer program, the excitation force is calculated step by step. In the program the force is
written in steps. The v 1 is the speed of the excitation mass on the round table, v 2 is the speed of the pendulum. At the
beginning of the program, the pendulum speed is given by a small initial constant value. The realizing pendulum
speeds obtained as a solution of the motion equation what are feedback step by step into the formula of dynamic
gravity (self-consistent method). I have performed a test count for the pendulum simulation with the formula (4.1). I
approached the necessary derivatives with differential ratios, and I calculated them with 0.1 second sampling time.
The result was similar to the experimental motion, but the amplitude, random increased or decreased, which was an
unacceptable chaotic result. This trial calculation indicated that the theoretical path is good, but the errors in the calcu-
lation method distort the result. Finally, I used another calculation method. In the experiment the sources masses con-
tinuously increase the kinetic energy of the pendulum
= FD ( v1 v 2 =
d vv m1m2
= GD m1m2 1 2= GD 2 ( ur ur ) ; (=
u v1 v 2 ) .
dt r r
dEG mm
=FD ( v1 v 2 ) =GD 1 2 2 ( ur
ur ) =0 ur
ur =0. (4.3)
dt r
THE DYNAMIC GRAVITY PART II. THE THEORY Author: Dezs Sarkadi November, 2017.
In our experiment, the power input by the source mass is greater than the power gained from the pendulum. The
power of the source mass can be written in the following form
P1 FD v=
1 FD a1=
1 GD ,
ur (4.4)
where I assumed that the direction of the excitation force is the same as the excitation mass speed. In the experiment,
the amplitude of the excitation force (the radius of the circular table) is roughly equal to the mean distance between
the source mass and pendulum mass, therefore the dynamic gravity force in good approximation
m1m2 mm
FD =
GD u GD 1 22 ( v 1 v 2 + v1 v 2 ) . (4.5)
1r 2
The second term of the derivative contains the derivative of the pendulum speed, which is so small that the second
term is safely negligible in this expression. The first term of the derivative contains the derivative of the excitation
force which, due to its sinusoidal movement, is proportional to the 1 frequency of the excitation mass, so this formu-
la can be simplified. This gives the formula of the dynamic gravitational force acting in our experiment
m1m2 pp
GD 1 2 2 ; ( p1 >> p 2 ) .
v1 v 2 = (4.6)
r r
The dynamic gravitational force acts in the direction of the vector connecting the two moving masses, therefore
p1p 2 r
FD GD ; ( p1 >> p 2 ) . (4.7)
r2 r
The negative sign means that the interaction between the masses moving in the same direction and the masses mov-
ing in the opposite direction is repulsive.
Finding the velocity-dependent force (4.7) of dynamic gravity was result of a hard work. The theoretical simulation
of the experiment means that we calculate the pendulum movement shape from the assumed force and compare it
with the experimental result. The physical pendulum can be considered as a damped harmonic oscillator in small
deviations. In my last experiment, the total height of the pendulum was five meters and the pendulum displacement
was limited to 20 mm with soft brakes on both sides. To calculate of the pendulum movement, I applied the force
expression F D for the basic equation of dynamics
THE DYNAMIC GRAVITY PART II. THE THEORY Author: Dezs Sarkadi November, 2017.
x 2 x + f D ,
(f D = )
FD / meff ,
meff = effective mass of the pendulum, (5.1)
= damping factor.
The simulation of the pendulum movement seemed later more complicated. Understandably, the large size and large
mass of the physical pendulum proved to have a wide resonance curve. The experimental pendulum movement is
described in Fig.5.2. In addition to the basic period 72 second of the pendulum, the 36 and 18 second periods (har-
monics) also occurred. Furthermore, the Fourier transformation of the pendulum motion showed dominantly the 144
and 288 second periods, which resulted from the 288 second period of the roundtable source masses. Thus, the motion
equation of the pendulum was solved for all five harmonics independently, and then these solutions have been super
positioned with appropriate weight factors. The successful simulation can be found in Fig. 5.3.
Fig. 5.3. The theoretical simulation of the pendulum movement caused by the dynamic gravity
THE DYNAMIC GRAVITY PART II. THE THEORY Author: Dezs Sarkadi November, 2017.
In short I summarize the details of the successful simulation. In the computer program I used the top plan view of the
The five dominant periods of the Fourier transform of measured motion are as follows
which means that the physical pendulum has only pair harmonics. For calculating dynamic gravity, the speed of the
harmonics of the motion movement is required
vn =an n sin nt ;
n = 2 0 , 0 = 2 / 288s, n = 0,1, 2,3, 4.
At the first stage of the simulation program, the pendulum amplitude is low, and periodic excitation causes the grow-
ing of the pendulum amplitude what continuously counted back to the program. The excitation rates of the source
Va = R0 sin 0t , Vb =
R0 sin 0t , (5.4)
n2 xn 2 xn + f D (t ); (n =
xn = 0,1,...4). (5.5)
=xn (t ) 0 e sin n (t ) f D (t )d . (5.6)
Years ago, I developed a recursion algorithm that leads the convolution integral to steps, by which the first simula-
tions were successful. Recently I found the Verlet integration method on the internet, which is a bit simpler than convo-
lution integration. The Verlet method, like the convolution integral, integrates the motion equation step by step, using
the results of the previous two steps at each step. The motion movement is described by the superposition of the har-
x(t ) cn xn (t ), cn = 1. (5.7)
n =0
The pendulum harmonics perform oscillating motion, their displacement (amplitude) is proportional to the frequency
Accordingly, the amplitudes of the harmonics increase with the frequency, ie with two powers, so the superposition
weight factors are
THE DYNAMIC GRAVITY PART II. THE THEORY Author: Dezs Sarkadi November, 2017.
4 4
cn =a0 0 2n / a0 0 2k =2n / 2k , (n =0,1,..4). (5.9)
=k 0=k 0
I found the following drawing on Wikipedia from the galaxy velocity distribution curve
According to Newtonian gravity, the velocity of a galaxy corresponds to the white dashed line. By contrast, the
top line, which is the velocity distribution according to astronomical measurements, is sharply different from the
Newtonian theory. Theoretical interpretations of the problem have lasting task for the theoretical physicists. One of
the possible solutions to this problem is the theory called MOND, which is the abbreviation of Modified Newtonian
Dynamics, which keeps Newton's law of gravitation but changes the basic law of dynamics so that the velocity distri-
bution of the spiral galaxies must be similar to the measurements. With the MOND theory, we often meet on the in-
ternet, but in recent years the Dark Matter theory has begun to reinforce that there is a dark matter outside the visible
mass of galaxies, which has only gravitational effect but no electromagnetic radiation (and therefore dark). The dark
matter theory is not accepted by a large part of physicists, especially astronomers. The phenomenon of dynamic gravi-
ty gives a simple, clear explanation of the velocity distribution of the spiral galaxies. Dynamic gravity only affects in
existing speed difference between the interacting masses, which can be seen from the above derivation. This means
that the higher-speed internal masses of the galaxy deliver energy to external masses. This process, in principle, lasts
until the velocity of the internal masses and external masses of the galaxy drops to zero.
THE DYNAMIC GRAVITY PART II. THE THEORY Author: Dezs Sarkadi November, 2017.
7. Dynamic Gravity and the Nuclear Physics
What kind of relationship can there be to our dynamic gravitational experiment to nuclear physics. Surprisingly,
there is a relationship that can be a numerical random, but it can also be real physics. For the dynamic gravitational
self-energy, one can give an upper limit
pdp 1 p2 1
Es GD =
= GD 0 GD m0 c 2 0.01 m0 c 2 . (7.1)
r 2 r0 2
For nucleons having rounded mass 1000 MeV, this gives 10 MeV, which is the upper limit of the binding energy of the
nucleons inside the nucleus.
THE DYNAMIC GRAVITY PART II. THE THEORY Author: Dezs Sarkadi November, 2017.