Task Response 6: Ieltsplanet - Info
Task Response 6: Ieltsplanet - Info
Task Response 6: Ieltsplanet - Info
In conclusion, law is significantly essential for every country. Although prison is an Commented [V9]: Suggestion: they all face with ...
appropriate way for pushing criminal, alternatives can be used to make law more flexible Commented [V10]: Grammar error: puttingis a good
and logical. Commented [V11]: Grammar error: after without is a ...
(262 words)
Commented [V12]: Grammar error: subject-verb ...
Commented [V13]: Good use of collocation!
Task Response 6 In the introduction, you have stated your personal
opinion in an understandable way. It is not clear Commented [V14]: Suggestion: they would not violate ...
and strong. Commented [V15]: Cohesion error: This is a result from ...
In body paragraphs, you present relevant positions Commented [V16]: task response suggestion: Instead of ...
and main ideas, but they are not well connected, Commented [V17]: Suggestion: other better ways/other...
developed, and extended. Also you have a
Commented [V18]: Word use error: break the law
tendency to generalize your supporting idea.
Commented [V19]: Grammar error: levels of crime ...
Cohesion and 7 Paragraphing is good
Coherence You arrange information and ideas coherently. Commented [V20]: Suggestion: decide ...
Topic sentences of body paragraphs are not ideal, Commented [V21]: Grammar error: it is not worth + verb-
but still understandable. Commented [V22]: Grammar error: singular and plural ...
Cohesive devices are frequently and appropriately Commented [V23]: Grammar error: punctuation ...
used despite some mistakes.
Commented [V24]: Word use error: dont use this phrase...
Vocabulary 6 You use adequate ranges of vocabulary relating to
crime/criminal topic. Commented [V25]: Word use error: imprisonment, not ...
Commented [V26]: Word use error: punishing criminals
Commented [V27]: Suggestion: a set of rules
You attempted to use many less common words
and phrases, but they are not always used
correctly. In most cases, they are employed
wrongly, but luckily this does not impede
Grammar 6 You use a mix of simple and complex sentences.
But you still make frequent basic errors, and this
does affect your number of error-free sentences.
Overall 6 I can see your great effort in finishing this essay, but you
still need to be careful with the way you use academic
English. First, basic grammatical mistakes must be
avoided in high-scored essays. I know that even though
you are fully aware of mistakes that I pointed out above,
its possible that you will make the same mistake in the
next essay. So you must think of a measure to tackle this.
Second, try to pay attention to the use of
vocabularies/phrases. With little changes, your range of
vocabularies would change as I have showed you in detail
comments of suggestion. Try to read more, be immersed
more frequently in English environment even talking to
yourself. Third, analyze how an instructor suggest a
different structure for your essay/paragraph as they have
experienced the same issue but in different context. If you
are just look through the suggested structure, it is not
acquired, but learned.
Sample answer
We have witnessed many crimes in modern society. It is argued that all of the lawbreakers
should be sent to jail, while others think that there are better alternative choices for
lawbreakers to amend themselves. In my opinion, these statements are reasonable.
It is certainly true that lawbreakers should be taken into the prison for some reasons. One of
the reasons is that this policy can to protect the inhabitants of cities. Lawbreakers usually
commit crimes that will bring harms to the others such as stealing and robbing. By sending
crime offenders to prisons, it can ensure that the society safety. As a result, citizens
subsequently would feel that the society is peaceful and secured. Another reason is that this
action reduce the crime rate. By strictly imposing punishment to criminals, it will decrease
the level of crime rate because it has deterrent effects. Consequently, people would give up
the thought of committing crimes.
However, there are opposing voices saying that there are better ways to solve this problem.
To begin with, the government should offer jobs to criminals. Re-offenders, in most cases,
are struggling with extremely limited income in their lives. Given secured jobs and
reasonable payments, they naturally can learn some practical skills such as computer skills.
Therefore, they will not risk their liberty because they live like ordinary residents with
sufficient income. Apart from this, the government should provide free education to them.
Due to leak of educating in the past, perpetrators were unable to judge what was right and
wrong things to do. Being significantly educating, they will become good members and will
not return to crime.
In conclusion, although some people think that all the criminal offenders should be
imprisoned, I still think that it will not solved the problems. However, if the government is
able to provide free education to lawbreakers, this will give them a second chance in life.
Source: http://www.testbig.com/ielts-writing-task-ii-essays/some-people-think-all-