Quick Start Power and Grounding

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July 2013

Quick Start Guide for DeltaV Power, Grounding,

and Surge Suppression
Printed in the Republic of Singapore.

Emerson Process Management 1996 - 2013. All rights reserved. For Emerson Process Management trademarks and service marks,
go to Emerson Process Management Trademarks and Service Marks. All other marks are property of their respective owners. The
contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their
accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, regarding the products or services
described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available on request. We
reserve the right to modify or improve the design or specification of such products at any time without notice.

See the CE statement in Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1 Welcome ....................................................................................................................... 1

DeltaV version this manual supports ....................................................................................................... 1
Related DeltaV information .....................................................................................................................1
CE statement ..........................................................................................................................................2
Warning, Caution, Important, and Note .................................................................................................. 2
Chapter 2 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 3 The basic premise .......................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 4 The reasons for grounding ............................................................................................. 9
Chapter 5 Ground cable sizing ......................................................................................................11
Chapter 6 Establishing and maintaining clean power ................................................................... 13
Clean power options ............................................................................................................................. 17
Single AC source ....................................................................................................................................18
Two AC sources ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 7 DeltaV power and grounding options ...........................................................................21
S-series ..................................................................................................................................................21
CHARMs ................................................................................................................................................ 27
SIS ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Power supply configuration ....................................................................................................... 34
Incorporating M-series SLS into S-series .....................................................................................36
Multiple Distributed Enclosures: Power and Grounding Schemes .......................................................... 38
Floating AC and high-resistance ground ................................................................................................ 42
Chapter 8 Grounding topologies .................................................................................................. 45
Star or single-point ground ....................................................................................................................45
Mesh star ground network .................................................................................................................... 46
Hybrid star mesh ground network ......................................................................................................... 48

Appendices and reference

Appendix A Interference and transients .......................................................................................... 49
Static (capacitive) coupling ................................................................................................................... 49
Voltage differentials ..............................................................................................................................50
Inductive coupling .................................................................................................................................51
Appendix B High integrity ground systems ..................................................................................... 53
Highest integrity systems have shields connected to chassis ground .....................................................53
Appendix C Checklists for verifying site ground .............................................................................. 55
Site ground verification checklists ......................................................................................................... 55
Checklists ..............................................................................................................................................55
Good engineering practices for general systems ........................................................................56
Environmental conditions ..........................................................................................................57
Power and grounding connections ............................................................................................ 58
Power and grounding connections with triad .............................................................................60
General field device installation ................................................................................................. 61


I/O wiring (conventional, HART, serial, and bus types) ............................................................... 63

Enclosures ................................................................................................................................. 65
AC power system and distribution ............................................................................................. 68
DC power system and distribution ............................................................................................. 69
DeltaV controllers ......................................................................................................................71
List of equipment used .............................................................................................................. 73
Appendix D References ................................................................................................................... 75


1 Welcome
Topics covered in this chapter:
DeltaV version this manual supports
Related DeltaV information
CE statement
Warning, Caution, Important, and Note

This manual is a quick start guide for providing power, grounding, and surge suppression
for Emerson's new CHARM and S-series products. Parts of this manual also apply to DeltaV
M-series products as well. More specifically, this manual explains how to properly design
and prepare control system electrical power and ground networks before you install your
DeltaV system. Applying the information in this manual saves time and expense by
significantly increasing the reliability of your control system and by making your system
easier to start up and maintain.

The power and grounding techniques described in this manual are based on best
engineering practices and industry standards. In addition to this manual, you may need
other DeltaV and industry publications to obtain complete information for preparing your
site. References to related industry standards can be found at the end of this document.

DeltaV version this manual supports

The information in this manual applies to all versions of DeltaV systems; however the focus
of this manual is on S-series equipment. Periodically, this manual is updated to incorporate
site preparation information for the newest DeltaV products and to add information based
on user feedback. To make sure you have the latest edition, contact your Emerson Process
Management local business partner or field sales office (LBP/FSO).

Because this manual covers all DeltaV versions and various OEM products, it often uses generic
symbols in drawings instead of exact product representations. See DeltaV and OEM manuals for
exact representations.

Related DeltaV information

Additional information is included on product DVDs, on Emerson Process Management
web sites, and in printed manuals. Your Emerson Process Management local business
partner or field sales office (LBP/FSO) can help you obtain the information you need.

Site Preparation and Design for DeltaV Digital Automation Systems covers power and
grounding for M-series and previous releases of SIS products. It also contains valuable
information such as EMI, ESD, and environmental precautions.


DeltaV product data sheets include descriptions, features, benefits, specifications, and
ordering information that are of particular importance to site preparation. Product data
sheets are available from LBP/FSO.

DeltaV Books Online and context-sensitive help are embedded in DeltaV system software
and are viewable after the software has been installed. Manuals needed to install and start
up DeltaV products are shipped with the software in Adobe PDF format on the DeltaV
Documentation Library disk. In addition to this manual, manuals included on the DeltaV
Documentation Library disk include:

DeltaV S-series and CHARMs Hardware Installation describes installation procedures,

including details of screw terminal connections on power supplies and carriers.
DeltaV S-series and CHARMs Hardware Reference contains specifications, wiring
diagrams, dimensions, and other reference information for S-series and CHARMs
hardware components.
Getting Started with Your DeltaV Digital Automation System describes startup and
operating procedures.
Fieldbus Installations in a DeltaV Digital Automation System describes planning for
installing FOUNDATION Fieldbus systems.
Installing Your DeltaV Safety Instrumented System Hardware describes installation,
including details of screw terminal connections and wiring for smart logic solvers,
SISNet repeaters, and other safety instrumentation hardware.
DeltaV Safety Instrumented System Safety Manual describes how a DeltaV Safety
Instrumented System must be used for it to function as a safety instrumented
SIS Accessories Installation and Safety Manual describes how to properly install the
Safety Relay Module and the Voltage Monitor Module.

Printed versions of many of these manuals can be ordered from your LBP/FSO. Users with
Guardian or Foundation Support can access the manuals from the support website in PDF

CE statement
If you intend to have your DeltaV system certified for compliance to appropriate European
Union directives, it must be installed in accordance with procedures described in the
manual DeltaV S-series and CHARMs Hardware Installation.

Warning, Caution, Important, and Note

A Warning, Caution, Important, or Note identifies helpful or critical information. The type
of information included in each is:


Warnings are installation, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, conditions,
statements, and so forth, which if not strictly observed, may result in personal injury or loss of

Cautions are installation, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, conditions,
statements, and so forth, which if not strictly observed, may result in damage to, or
destruction of, equipment or may cause long term health hazards.

Information notices are installation, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, conditions,
statements, and so forth, which if not observed, may result in improper control system operation.

Notes contain installation, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, conditions, statements,
and so forth, which alert you to important information which may make your task easier or increase
your understanding.



2 Introduction
The information in this document helps you to properly connect power and ground to
Emerson's CHARMs, S-series, and M-series products. For more information on other
aspects of site preparation please refer to the Site Preparation and Design for DeltaV Digital
Automation Systems.

We realize that not all applications require the same level of grounding. In particular, sites
that are mission critical (for example, pharmaceutical batch processes and nuclear power
monitoring),require the highest level of power, ground, and surge integrity and


The basic premise

3 The basic premise

All of the recommendations in this document are based on good engineering practice and
apply to any control system. The following principles provide a foundation for system
design with respect to mitigating interference issues through power and grounding.

Power, ground, and surge should always be considered together because they
frequently interact. A system where power, ground, and surge suppression work in
unison provides the most stable system.
There is not a "magic hole" that we can dump all of our unwanted interference into.
However by establishing a stable ground reference (preferably 1 to 3 ) for the
control system, voltage events such as those caused by facility faults, dramatic load
changes, or lightning that affect one area of the ground system will not adversely
cause issues with the control system's ground reference.
Noise (interference) always wants to return to its source following the path of least
resistance (Ohm's law)

If differences occur between this manual and local or regional codes and regulations,
codes and regulations take precedence.

The basic premise

The reasons for grounding

4 The reasons for grounding

Safety ground (protective earth) protects personnel from injury resulting from
defective supply feeds. For example, if the insulation of the line side of a 120 VAC
power conductor becomes frayed, causing the conductor to be in direct contact
with a properly grounded metal enclosure, a protective interrupt, such as a fuse or
circuit breaker, opens. The ground conductor must be sized as large as the
maximum AC conductor feeding the load. This conductor should follow the same
path as the line conductors to their source, that is, first disconnect or separately
derived source.
High frequency ground ground systems that improve signal integrity by
reducing noise caused by machinery such as variable speed drives, welders, or
commutated DC motors. Interference and transients from other instrumentation
and equipment is also greatly reduced with a properly constructed high frequency
ground system. Skin effect causes high frequency signals to travel closer to the
surface of conductors. For this reason only the outermost part of cables actually
carry the high frequency interference. For example, a 500 KHz signal uses 100% of
the copper in a 33 AWG wire, but only 36% of the copper in a 19 AWG wire. High
frequency with respect to control systems often encompasses a broad band of
frequencies starting as low as 10 kHz.
Stable DC reference ground A low impedance ground (1 to 3 between the
ground systemtriad or plant gridand earth) maintains the control system at a
stable reference. Utility power and lightning systems should have their own
grounding systems. For safety reasons all grounds shall be connected together.
However, there is finite impedance interconnecting each ground system. There are
also impedance variations between all points of the same system. When a disruptive
event occurs, a short duration voltage gradient is established at the location where
the fault makes contact with the localized ground. By assuring that the control
system has a low impedance to its DeltaV Instrument Ground (DIG), events that
occur in one area of the ground system (typically due to lightning, load shifting, or
faulty utilities) that cause a gradient elevation proximal to it does not have as
significant an effect on the DeltaV Instrumentation Ground (DIG) potential.
Lightning protection protects property and personnel from lightning strokes.
Lightning mitigation protects equipment from induced energy as a result of
lightning. This is accomplished through the interconnection and close proximity of
all of the DeltaV grounding systems. All metal enclosures are connected to the
safety ground system. Separately derived systems, such as isolation transformers
and UPSs, should be as close to the DeltaV systems as possible. Case studies have
shown that induced energy as a result of lightning strokes has disrupted and even
damaged instrumentation equipment due to variance in ground potentials at
multiple locations. By keeping all metal as closely interconnected as possible with
the safety ground system any induced voltage quickly equalizes. This goal is realized
by multiple eddy current paths, minimizing the need for any single conductor to
shunt the equalization current.

The reasons for grounding

Ground cable sizing

5 Ground cable sizing

DeltaV is a ground referenced system. To maintain high integrity it is important that
careful consideration be paid to ground conductor sizing. The original site preparation
manual, Site Preparation and Design for DeltaV Digital Automation Systems, lists some typical
methods of connecting grounding networks. More grounding networks can be found in
the section of this document on Grounding Topologies. Typically for large high-integrity
systems, shields are connected to the chassis ground bar. One of the most cost efficient
grounding method uses a star topology with larger conductor sizes at the sections located
a greater distance from the cabinets. The following tables are applicable for all DeltaV
products. Table 5-1 lists the appropriate wire size with respect to the distance between a
cabinet and the closest ground bar or between individual ground bars. Cable sizes are
determined based on the number of I/O points associated with that particular section of
cable. The overall distance from an enclosure to the earthing point at the DeltaV
Instrument Ground (DIG) should not exceed 300 feet. The braided cable in Table 5-2 may
be used as an alternative as shown in Table 5-3 for the cable in Table 5-1. Single enclosures
or a group of adjacent enclosures with a relatively small number of I/O points may connect
the chassis ground and the DC ground buses together at the cabinet provided the wire
size, distances, and I/O points are within the specifications listed in Table 5-4.

Table 5-1: Ground wire sizing

Cable length (ft)

I/O points 10 25 50 100 300

64 8 AWG 8 AWG 8 AWG 6 AWG 2 AWG
128 8 AWG 8 AWG 6 AWG 2 AWG 1/0
256 8 AWG 6 AWG 2 AWG 1/0 2/0
512 6 AWG 2 AWG 1/0 2/0 3/0
1024 2 AWG 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0
2048 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 ---
4096 2/0 3/0 4/0 --- ---
8192 3/0 4/0 --- --- ---

Table 5-2: Flat-braided PVC-insulated cable alternative

New England Wire Technolo-

gies number Description Certification
N30-36T-762-2ULG 48-22-36 TINNED COPPER FLAT UL AWM 1680 105C, VNS
N30-30T-652-2UL 48-22-36 TINNED COPPER FLAT UL AWM 1680 105C, VNS

Ground cable sizing

Table 5-3: Braided cable system

Braided cable length (ft)

points 10 25 50 100
128 N30-36T-762-2ULG N30-36T-762-2ULG N30-36T-762-2ULG N30-30T-652-2UL
256 N30-36T-762-2ULG N30-36T-762-2ULG N30-30T-652-2UL ---
512 N30-36T-762-2ULG N30-30T-652-2UL --- ---
1024 N30-30T-652-2UL --- --- ---

Table 5-4: Single cable length with chassis ground and DC ground connected in

Cable length (ft)

I/O points 10 25 50 100

64 8 AWG 8 AWG 6 AWG 2 AWG
128 8 AWG 6 AWG 2 AWG 1/0
256 6 AWG 2 AWG 1/0 2/0
512 2 AWG 1/0 2/0 3/0
1024 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0

Establishing and maintaining clean power

6 Establishing and maintaining clean

Topics covered in this chapter:
Clean power options
Single AC source
Two AC sources

To operate your DeltaV system at the highest level of integrity (that is, to maintain the
system with the least amount of disruptive events due to power anomalies) a properly
designed power conditioning system should be considered.

Clean-power with respect to alternating current used to power bulk supplies is a term that
describes the sinusoidal power that maintains its characteristics with both linear and non-
linear loads. Some commonly used standards which address power quality are:

IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality

IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power
IEC 61000-3-11 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Limitations of voltage changes,
voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low voltage supply systems
IEC 61000-3-12 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Limits for harmonic currents
produced by equipment connected to public low voltage systems

Tables Table 6-1 and Table 6-2 list the most prevalent factors that influence the quality of
power. Common causes for power quality issues with corresponding recommendations for
corrective measures can also be found in the tables.

Any three-phase source, such as transformer or UPS, providing power to a DeltaV system must only
power DeltaV products, safety systems, or the control system. Therefore, no VFDs, HVAC, motors,
fans, compressors, ballasts, and so on shall be connected to any output phase of a transformer or
UPS that is also used to power the DeltaV system.

Table 6-1: Potentially disruptive power issues typically solved with a UPS

Common cau- Preventive

Type of interference Possible effect ses measures Comment
Interruptions DeltaV restart Utility faults, UPS DeltaV systems powered with
load switching, Emerson bulk power supplies
breaker trips, are able to withstand power in-
or equipment terruptions up to 20 ms.

Establishing and maintaining clean power

Table 6-1: Potentially disruptive power issues typically solved with a UPS (continued)

Common cau- Preventive

Type of interference Possible effect ses measures Comment
Sag Possible DeltaV Start-up loads UPS DeltaV systems powered with
restart if volt- drawing exces- Emerson bulk power supplies
age drops be- sive current, are able to withstand sags up
low lower pow- equipment to 20 ms.
er supply limit. faults

Undervoltage Loss of power Utility faults or UPS DeltaV powered with Emerson
to the DeltaV load changes bulk power supplies are able to
system. withstand loss of power up to
20 ms.

Swell Possible power Loads shifting, UPS

supply damage utility faults
if voltage re-
mains at in-
creased levels
greater than
power supply
Overvoltage Possible power Loads shifting, UPS
supply damage utility faults
if voltage re-
mains at in-
creased levels
greater than
power supply

Table 6-2: Power quality issues solved with high quality UPS

Common cau- Preventive meas-

Type of interference Possible effect ses ures Comment
Impulse transient Impulse transi- Lightning Appropriate surge Typically, bulk supplies
ents in excess causing volt- protection devices are certified to have ei-
of 1500 V may age gradients (SPD) should be ther double or rein-
destroy chan- in excess of considered. The forced insulation to
nel or system if 1500 V. SPD should be sized withstand 1500V. The
transient is on for the worst surge DeltaV system is pro-
power feeds. area that either the tected with transient
power or shields voltage suppression to
enter. 1500V.

Establishing and maintaining clean power

Table 6-2: Power quality issues solved with high quality UPS (continued)

Common cau- Preventive meas-

Type of interference Possible effect ses ures Comment
Oscillatory transient Data loss with Overall system Double conversion
possible dam- response to UPS with filtering.
age. impulse or
load switching
from inductive
or capacitive
EFI/RMI noise Data loss, sys- Transmitters, Isolation transform-
tem corrup- faulty equip- er ( common mode
tion. ment, ineffec- < 1.5MHz), filter
tive ground- (normal Node 10
ing, close KHz to 10 MHz)
proximity to UPS with filtered
EMI/RFI output
Notching Data loss, sys- Variable fre- Filters or UPS with Isolate VFD's, Never al-
tem corrup- quency drives, filtered output. low generating devi-
tion. welders, light- ces, such as VFD's, to
ing. use the same power
feed or an adjacent leg
on a three phase sys-

Harmonics Overheating Non-linear Could correct at the

which can loads. source with Active
shorten the life harmonic filter, K-
of power sup- factor transform-
plies. ers, power factor
correction supplies

A double conversion uninterruptible power supply can also mitigate most power quality

Isolation transformers are an excellent means to significantly reduce common mode noise,
typically up to 750 KHz. The isolation transformer also allows for a separately derived
source of power that creates a stable ground reference point in close proximity with the
DeltaV system. Filters are a readily-available solution for normal-mode noise reduction in
the range of a few hertz up to 10 MHz. Surge suppressor/filters are also available to
prevent surge voltages from indirect lightning or large upstream power faults from
damaging control equipment in addition to minimizing normal-mode noise. A power
quality evaluation of the site can easily determine the best solution to meet your individual

UPSs that supply power to control systems should be double conversion types. Typically,
their input voltage is provided from low voltage (100 VAC to 600 VAC) feeders, with either

Establishing and maintaining clean power

single or three-phase power. The AC power from the source is rectified to DC and used as
leveling power to maintain batteries or to supply energy for a flywheel. The inverter stage
produces the AC sine wave output using power from the DC storage section - batteries or a
flywheel. Only use UPSs that reproduce high quality sine waves. Some UPSs produce
modified sine waves that are rich in harmonics and detrimental to control systems.

Any UPS supplying power to the DeltaV system shall be of the double conversion type, with an
inverter stage which produces harmonic free sinusoidal output waveforms. Never use a UPS that
produces modified sine waves.

Most UPSs provide a degree of protection from power failure, power sag, and power
surges. However, some UPSs provide an excellent solution for most of the power quality
issues found in Table 6-2. A bypass transformer with static switchover allowing for UPS
maintenance is either supplied as an integral component or can be connected externally to
the UPS. When selecting the bypass transformer note that if the UPS used is the type which
provides the cleanest power, then a shielded bypass transformer would be a better choice
than a standard transformer.

Some UPSs provide three-phase output power. When using a UPS with a three-phase
output, all phases should be connected only to the control system and to non-interfering
equipment. Never connect one phase to the DeltaV system and another phase to a VFD.

Isolation transformers have been successfully used for many years to supply clean-power
for control systems, medical systems, and computer centers. The Isolation transformer
also provides a location to establish a separately derived ground.

For a comparison of the attenuation benefits for the various degrees of shielding available
see Table 6-3. In addition to the common-mode rejection provided by isolation
transformers, many transformers can be purchased with filters on their output stage. The
filter attenuates the normal-mode noise. Shielded transformers with filtered outputs
provide noise reduction from a few hertz to up to 750 KHz in both common and normal

Table 6-3: Transformer attenuation

Type of shielding Attenuation ratio Typical attenuation

No shield 10:1 12 dB to 20 dB
Single shield 1000:1 50 dB to 60 dB
Double shield 10,000:1 65 dB to 90 dB
Triple shield 100,000:1 90 dB to 120 dB

Most industrial applications share power with a wide variety of devices including large
motors, furnaces, large lighting systems, and HVAC systems. Control applications that can
tolerate disruptive events require little or limited consideration with respect to the Power
Distribution Unit (PDU). However, if the application requires a high degree of consistent
system integrity with minimal disruption, then the proper PDU should be used. Figure 6-1 is
a tool to help determine the most economical and effective configuration for your site's AC
power requirements with respect to interruptions and noise mitigation.

Establishing and maintaining clean power

Clean power options

There are a number of ways to provide clean power. To find the correct solution for your
site, follow the flowchart in Figure 6-1 and choose the proper options below.

Figure 6-1: AC power source flowchart

Power needs for
DeltaV Site

No Is Power Yes, use a UPS

Failure, Sag, or Surge

Is Noise, which could No Is Noise, which could Yes

No Yes
potentially cause disruptive potentially cause disruptive
events, present? events present?

Use UPS(s) with at least

Use UPS(s) with
Power Failure
Is Power Source Yes Power Sag Power Failure
in close proximity Power Surge Power Sag
(< 100 m) to DeltaV? Undervoltage protection Power Surge
Overvoltage Protection Undervoltage protection
Overvoltage Protection
Line noise elimination
Frequency variation correction
No Is Noise at Yes Switching Transient filter
Frequencies > 10KHz Harmonic Interference filter
a present?

Use Transformer or UPS(s) Use an Isolation Transformer

to Establish a Separately and Suppressor/Filter or
derived ground reference at Filter in close proximity to
DeltaV DIG Bulk Supply

Use an Or
Isolation Transformer
Use UPS(s) with
Power Failure
Power Sag
Power Surge
Undervoltage protection
Overvoltage Protection
Line noise elimination
Frequency variation correction
Switching Transient filter
Harmonic Interference filter

Chose Number of
AC Sources required

Establishing and maintaining clean power

When NOT using a separately derived ground system with interference levels equal to or lower
than stipulated in EN 61000-3-12 and EN 61000-3-11 and when no noise such as described in
Table 6-1 and Table 6-2 is present, then at no time following the installation of DeltaV shall
interference be permitted if high integrity is desired.

Single AC source
Option A

Highest integrity

UPS with the following features:

- Neutral/ground bond point to establish a separately derived ground reference
- Power failure, power sag, and power surge protection
- Capable of regulating under-voltage and over-voltage input power
- Line noise elimination, frequency variation correction, switching transient filter
harmonic interference filter
UPS to DeltaV cabinet distance of less than 100 meters
Surge suppressor/filter prior to bulk supply
Bypass isolated transformer with single isolated shielding
Power lines in armored cable or metal conduit (optional)

Option B

UPS with the following features:

- Neutral/ground bond point to establish a separately derived ground reference
- Power failure, power sag, and power surge protection
- Capable of regulating under-voltage and over-voltage input power
UPS to DeltaV cabinet distance of less than 100 meters
Surge suppressor/filter prior to bulk supply (optional if signal shields are not located
in Zone 0 or Zone 1 lightning area)
Bypass isolated transformer with single isolated shielding
Power lines in armored cable or metal conduit (optional)

Option C

Isolation transformer
Neutral/ground bond point to establish a separately derived ground reference
Transformer to DeltaV cabinet distance of less than 100 meters
Surge suppressor/filter prior to bulk supply (optional if signal shields are not located
in Zone 0 or Zone 1 lightning area)

Establishing and maintaining clean power

Power lines in armored cable or metal conduit (optional)

Option D (clean-power: AC source <100 m)

Surge suppressor/filter prior to bulk supply (optional if signal shields are not located
in Zone 0 or Zone 1 lightning area)
Power lines in armored cable or metal conduit (optional)

Option E (clean-power: AC source < 300m)

Surge suppressor/filter prior to bulk supply

Power lines in armored cable or metal conduit

Two AC sources
Option F

Highest integrity

AC source 1 and 2

UPS with the following features:

- Neutral/ground bond point to establish a separately derived ground reference
- Power failure, power sag, and power surge protection
- Capable of regulating under-voltage and over-voltage input power
- Line noise elimination, frequency variation correction, switching transient filter
harmonic interference filter
UPS to DeltaV cabinet distance of less than 100 meters
Surge suppressor/filter prior to bulk supply
Bypass isolated transformer with single isolated shielding
Power lines in armored cable or metal conduit (optional)

Option G

Highest integrity

AC source 1

UPS with the following features:

- Neutral/ground bond point to establish a separately derived ground reference
- Power failure, power sag, and power surge protection
- Capable of regulating under-voltage and over-voltage input power
- Line noise elimination, frequency variation correction, switching transient filter
harmonic interference filter
UPS to DeltaV cabinet distance of less than 100 meters
Surge suppressor/filter prior to bulk supply

Establishing and maintaining clean power

Bypass isolated transformer with single isolated shielding

Power lines in armored cable or metal conduit (optional)

AC source 2

Isolation transformer
Neutral/ground bond point to establish a separately derived ground reference
Transformer to DeltaV cabinet distance of less than 100 meters
Surge suppressor/filter prior to bulk supply
Power lines in armored cable or metal conduit (optional)

Option H

AC sources 1 and 2

Isolation transformer
Neutral/ground bond point to establish a separately derived ground reference
Transformer to DeltaV cabinet distance of less than 100 meters
Surge suppressor/filter prior to bulk supply
Power lines in armored cable or metal conduit (optional)

Option I (clean-power: AC source < 100m)

AC sources 1 and 2

Surge suppressor/filter prior to bulk supplies (optional if signal shields are not
located in Zone 0 or Zone 1 lightning area)
Power lines in armored cable or metal conduit (optional)

Option J (clean-power: AC source < 300m)

AC sources 1 and 2

Surge suppressor/filter prior to bulk supplies

Power lines in armored cable or metal conduit

DeltaV power and grounding options

7 DeltaV power and grounding options

Topics covered in this chapter:
Multiple Distributed Enclosures: Power and Grounding Schemes
Floating AC and high-resistance ground

DeltaV systems are certified as Separated or Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) systems. An
SELV system is "an extra-low voltage system which is electrically isolated from the earth
and from other systems in such a way that a single fault cannot give rise to the risk of
electric shock."(1) Therefore, the DeltaV DC reference ground maintains a stable low noise
reference for the DeltaV signal returns and DC power supply commons.

Power and grounding of the DeltaV S-series is connected in a manner similar to that of the
M-series products. To convert AC power to the 24 VDC power required for products such
as S-series system power supplies, CHARM I/O Card (CIOC), Safety Integrated System (SIS)
products, and DC field power, a bulk power configuration as shown in Figure 7-1 produces
a high-integrity solution. It is sometimes preferable to create a separate AC to DC panel
that is only accessible by qualified electricians. If an S-series system only contains DC I/O
cards, then field technicians can service the DeltaV panels without working near higher
voltage AC sources.

Typically, the 100 VAC to 230 VAC at 50 Hz or 60 Hz is supplied from power disconnect
panels fed from double conversion uninterruptable power supplies (UPS) or through
isolation transformers to the AC panel. A sufficiently sized disconnect is usually located
prior to each bulk power supply. The two bulk supplies of Figure 7-1 are then fed into a dual
redundancy module to power the DeltaV system bus. If one of the AC feeds fails or one of
the bulk power supplies fails, the redundancy module shifts the load to the remaining
power supply. However, the configuration of Figure 7-1 allows for the possibility of up to
two separate single points of failure:

the Dual Redundancy Module

if only one DeltaV System Power supply was used as shown in Figure 7-2, then the
single system power supply is also a single point of failure.

All configurations should be weighed from a cost-benefit perspective. Therefore, if the

highest integrity S-series system is required the combination of a power panel as shown in
Figure 7-3 with the redundant S-series system of Figure 7-4 should be used. The two-wide
with redundant system supplies provides injected power allowing the maximum current
for a total of 15 A on an S-series node.

(1) BS 7671:2008 Requirements for Electrical Installations, IET Wiring Regulations 17th Edition, 2008

DeltaV power and grounding options

Figure 7-1: Typical power panel for DeltaV systems

Enclosure (A)
DeltaV Power
Enclosure (B)
Enclosure (C)

Fuse TB
Fuse TB
Fuse TB
Enclosure (A)

Enclosure (B) Field Power

Enclosure (C)

Fuse TB
Fuse TB
Fuse TB
Parallel Chassis
Parallel Parallel Chassis
Ground Ground
Single Single Single Single

+ +
Output Output
AC/DC Max.
Power Dual Power Power Dual Power
Supply Redundancy Supply Supply Redundancy Supply
Module Module
+24VDC Input 1 Input 2 +24VDC +24VDC Input 1 Input 2 +24VDC
AC DC 24-28V DC 24-28V AC AC DC 24-28V DC 24-28V AC
960W/1440W 960W/1440W 960W/1440W 960W/1440W
100-240V 40A 40A 100-240V 100-240V 40A 40A 100-240V
+ + + +
+ + N L
+ + + +
+ +


AC Power

AC Power
PE Adjacent Enclosure 6 AWG minimum
Enclosure Door
Enclosure PE Ground Lug

The 24 VDC return (-) terminal of the power supplies must be connected to DeltaV DC ground. This is
accomplished as shown in Figure 7-2 from the bused DC ground wire connected to the DC ground

DeltaV power and grounding options

Figure 7-2: S-series power and grounding

Field Devices as required


14 Jumper




DC Ground Chassis Ground

(CG) 14 AWG
Isolated Bus

To DIG To DIG Adjacent Enclosure 6 AWG minimum

Enclosure door
Enclosure PE Ground Lug

DeltaV power and grounding options

Figure 7-3: High integrity redundant power panel for DeltaV systems
DeltaV Power

Fuse TB
DeltaV Power

Fuse TB
Field Power

Fuse TB
Parallel Parallel Parallel Chassis
Single Single Single Single

Power Power Power Dual Power
Supply Supply Supply Redundancy Supply
+24VDC +24VDC +24VDC Input 1 Input 2 +24VDC
AC AC AC DC 24-28V DC 24-28V AC
100-240V 960W/1440W 100-240V 960W/1440W 100-240V 960W/1440W 40A 40A 100-240V 960W/1440W

+ + N L
+ + N L
+ + + +
+ +


AC Power

AC Power
To DIG PE Adjacent Enclosure 6 AWG minimum
Enclosure Door
Enclosure PE Ground Lug

DeltaV power and grounding options

The 24 VDC return (-) terminal of the power supplies shall be connected to DeltaV DC ground. This is
accomplished as shown in Figure 7-4 from the DC ground wire connected to the DC ground bus.

DeltaV power and grounding options

Figure 7-4: S-series redundant power and grounding

Field Power 14 AWG

Primary 14 AWG
DeltaV Power
+24VDC Field Devices as required
14 AWG
DeltaV Power




Chassis Ground
14 AWG
Isolated Bus
DC Ground
To DIG To DIG Adjacent Enclosure 6 AWG minimum
Enclosure door
Enclosure PE Ground Lug

DeltaV power and grounding options

Because CHARMs are typically used in remote locations they usually have dedicated local
redundant power supplies. If CHARM I/O subsystems are powered from AC sources, the
power must be very clean. This clean-power is usually obtained by isolation transformers
located in close proximity to the CHARM cabinet. It may be advantageous to use UPSs or a
combination of a UPS for the primary power and an isolation transformer for the secondary
power. In addition to the UPS and isolation transformers, surge suppressors can be located
just before each bulk power supply. Most power surges are assumed to originate from
lightning. However, it is estimated that in an industrial environment 80% of disruptive
surges originate from the industrial power and equipment. Figure 7-5 shows one of the
highest integrity CHARM systems with respect to power and ground. The typical distance
between the separately derived AC power source and the CHARM cabinet should be 100
meters or less. To greatly reduce any chance of interfering noise coupling into the power-
feed, use conductive metal conduit or armored cable between the separately derived
source (UPSs or Isolation Transformers) and the CHARM enclosure.

CHARM extender cables DO NOT extend the shield bar from one group of baseplates to the next.
Baseplate shields are connected to the Chassis Ground (CG) using 14 AWG wire from the Address
Plug terminal connection or the end terminator connection point. If extender cables are used and
shielded signal cables are located on baseplates on both sides of the extender cables, separate shield
cables must be connected to the CG bar from each set of baseplates.

DeltaV power and grounding options

Figure 7-5: Highest integrity power and grounding for a CHARM enclosure

CHARM Enclosure Communications with

DeltaV Should be
connected via Fiber-
optic cable for distance
exceeding 200 ft.

DC ok DC ok

Isolation Power Power
Transformer Supply Supply
AC 100-240V AC 100-240V


AC Feed 1 G

Filter/Surge Filter/Surge
Suppression Suppression
Follow Local Device Device


AC Feed 2 G

Follow Local
Follow Local
Codes Chassis

Isolated Bus
DC Ground

See Table 1
for cable size

Wire sized equal

or greater than Building Steel
maximum power
feed DIG

If the distance to the AC power source is short (less than a few meters); communication to
the DeltaV controller is through fiber; and there is no galvanic connection to any other
field devices, then the chassis ground and DC ground can be connected together inside
the cabinet. This permits the use of one cable from the junction box (JB) to the next ground
location. For example, if the optically isolated CHARM junction box (JB) is attached to the
steel girder on a drilling rig with the transformers also mounted to the steel directly under
the JB, then weld the ground bar to the steel close to the transformers to establish both a
separately derived safety ground and a JB DC ground. It is also optimal to maintain a length
of less than 100 meters for the shielded signal wires in addition to assuring that signal
wires are not in close proximity to interfering sources.

DeltaV power and grounding options

Figure 7-6: High integrity power and grounding for CHARM enclosure

CHARM Enclosure Communications with

DeltaV Should be
connected via Fiber-
optic cable for distance
exceeding 200 ft.

DC ok DC ok

Isolation Power Power
Supply Supply
Transformer PS1 PS1
AC 100-240V AC 100-240V

AC Feed 1 G

Follow Local CB1 CB1



AC Feed 2 G

Follow Local
Follow Local
Codes Chassis

Isolated Bus
DC Ground

See Table 1
for cable size

Wire sized equal

Building Steel
or greater than
maximum power DIG

DeltaV power and grounding options

Figure 7-7: Power and grounding for CHARM enclosure with clean power

CHARM Enclosure Communications with

DeltaV Should be
connected via Fiber-
optic cable for distance
exceeding 200 ft.

DC ok DC ok

Power Power
Supply Supply
AC 100-240V AC 100-240V


Power should be at or better than stated in

EN 61000-3-12
EN 61000-3-11

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 3-12:

Limits for harmonic currents produced
by equipment connected to public low-
voltage systems with input current >16 A
and 75 A per phase

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 3-11:

Limitation of voltage changes, voltage
Follow Local
fluctuations and flicker in public low-
voltage supply systems Equipment
with rated current 75 A and subject to Ground
conditional connection (CG)

Isolated Bus
Ground connection from Power Source
DC Ground
not necessary if power is controlled
with an Active Harmonic Filter See Table 1
for cable size

Building Steel


A separately derived ground is maintained by the use of a DC/DC power converter. The
DC/DC converter also assures criteria A is maintained as stated in IEC 60000-4-29.
Figure 7-8 shows the placement of the DC/DC supplies when the converters are not located
in the CHARM enclosure and Figure 7-9 depicts the typical configuration when the DC/DC
converters are located in the same enclosure as the CHARM system.

DeltaV power and grounding options

Figure 7-8: Remote DC solution for CHARM power and grounding

CHARM Enclosure Communications with

DeltaV should be
connected via Fiber-
optic cable for distance
exceeding 200 ft.


Up to 100 ft.

Output Nominal
+24VDC 10 A
Output Nominal
+24VDC 10 A
Follow Local
DC/DC DC/DC Codes for
Power Power PE Ground
Supply Supply
Input Input
+18-32VDC 10 A +18-32VDC 10 A Chassis

Isolated Bus
DC Ground
See Table 1
for cable size

Building Steel


DeltaV power and grounding options

Figure 7-9: Localized DC solution for CHARM power and grounding

CHARM Enclosure Communications with

DeltaV should be
connected via Fiber-
optic cable for distance
exceeding 200 ft.

Output Nominal Output Nominal

+24VDC 10 A +24VDC 10 A

Power Power
Supply Supply
Input Input
+18-32VDC 10 A +18-32VDC 10 A




Follow Local
Codes for
PE Ground

Isolated Bus
DC Ground Chassis Ground (CG)

See Table 1 for cable size

Building Steel


The M-series SIS products are easily integrated into an S-series system by connecting the
SIS adaptor module either to the right of the S-Series 2-wide carrier, after the S-series
8-wide carrier, or after the S-series left extender. DC power with the highest integrity is
provided as shown in #unique_23/fig_CECEFAAD704F48C4A803FE4F62162F82. Two AC/DC

DeltaV power and grounding options

power supplies are combined through a redundancy module to feed the 24 VDC to one
group of SLSs or SISNet Repeaters while two other AC/DC power supplies through another
redundancy module provide the DC power for the SLSs or SISNet Repeaters partners (see
Figure 7-11). Whenever possible it is preferable to run the 24 VDC positive and 24 VDC
return together as a twisted pair. When the power is brought to the SIS panel as in
Figure 7-11, both groups of DC returns may be bused together at the terminal blocks.

DeltaV power and grounding options

Power supply configuration

Figure 7-10: Typical SLS power panel with maximum supply redundancy
Primary SLS Power
24V DC

Secondary SLS Power

Fuse TB
24V DC

Fuse TB

Chassis Chassis
Ground Ground

Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel

Single Single Single Single
Output Output
Max. Max.

Power Dual Power Power Dual Power
Redundancy Redundancy
Supply Module Supply Supply Module Supply
DC 24V DC 24V DC 24V DC 24V
960W/1440W Input 1 Input 2 960W/1440W 960W/1440W Input 1 Input 2 960W/1440W
DC 24-28V DC 24-28V DC 24-28V DC 24-28V
40A 40A 40A 40A
AC 100- AC 100- AC 100- AC 100-
240V 240V 240V 240V


Filter/ Filter/ Filter/ Filter/

CB1 Surge CB2 Surge CB3 Surge CB4 Surge
Suppression Suppression Suppression Suppression
Device Device Device Device

AC Power

AC Power
Note 1) Use either a combined Suppressor Filter
Module or a Type II or Type III Surge
PE Adjacent Enclosure
Suppressor followed by a Filter sized
Enclosure door
To DIG appropriately
Enclosure PE Ground Lug
6 AWG minimum

DeltaV power and grounding options

Connect the 24 VDC return (-) terminal of the power supplies to DeltaV DC ground. This is
accomplished as shown in Figure 7-11 from the bused DC ground wire connected to the DC Ground

DeltaV power and grounding options

Incorporating M-series SLS into S-series

Figure 7-11: SLS highest integrity power and grounding



Size wire
per max.
current +24VDC +24VDC
capacity Return Primary

SLS Power



+24VDC +24VDC
Return Primary



32 Logic Solvers Total


Install 120 ohm

terminators on
one-wide carrier

Row N

14 AWG Chassis Ground (CG)

Isolated Bus
To DIG DC Ground To DIG Adjacent Enclosure 6 AWG minimum
Enclosure door
Enclosure PE Ground Lug

DeltaV power and grounding options

Figure 7-12 shows an option for powering a redundant SLS safety system from one pair of
redundant power supplies where the redundancy is provided from two AC/DC power
supplies that are combined through a redundancy module as seen in one group in
#unique_23/fig_CECEFAAD704F48C4A803FE4F62162F82. Ground the SIS power supply
return, DeltaV power supply return, and system power supply return at the DC ground bus.

Figure 7-12: SLS high integrity power and grounding

SLS Power

Size wire ROW 1 ROW N ROW 1 ROW N

per max.
+24VDC +24VDC



32 Logic Solvers Total

Install 120 ohm

terminators on
one-wide carrier

Row N

14 AWG Chassis Ground (CG)

Isolated Bus
To DIG DC Ground To DIG Adjacent Enclosure 6 AWG minimum
Enclosure door
Enclosure PE Ground Lug

DeltaV power and grounding options

The 24 VDC that powers the railbus through the system power supply should be a separate power
source from the 24 VDC power supplying the SIS products if S-series cards and SIS cards are in the
same system. However, if the entire DeltaV system consists of the system power supplies,
controllers, and safety products (Logic Solvers and SISNet Repeaters) then the controller and safety
system power can be supplied from the same power source.

Multiple Distributed Enclosures: Power and

Grounding Schemes
Figure 7-13: Grounding with multiple distributed enclosures
Primary UPS Power Disconnect Panel

Transformer Static Bypass
AC Secondary 1
Rectifier Inverter 2

N AC Secondary 2

AC Feed 1

Battery Bank or N
Flywheel Storage
G AC Secondary N

Secondary UPS Power Disconnect Panel

Static Bypass

AC Secondary 1

Rectifier Inverter 2

N AC Secondary 2

AC Feed 2

Battery Bank or N
Flywheel Storage
G AC Secondary N

Instrument Enclosure 1 Instrument Enclosure 2 Instrument Enclosure N

N +24VDC N +24VDC N +24VDC
PE +24VDC DeltaV PE +24VDC DeltaV PE +24VDC DeltaV
Primary Primary Primary
Primary Primary Primary
Power Power Power
1 2 N
+24VDC +24VDC +24VDC

DeltaV N
DeltaV N
+24VDC +24VDC +24VDC
PE Secondary PE Secondary PE Secondary
+24VDC +24VDC +24VDC
AC Power AC Power AC Power
Secondary +24VDC Secondary +24VDC Secondary +24VDC
1 2 N
Chassis Chassis Chassis
Ground Shield DC Ground Shield DC Ground Shield DC
(CG) Bar Ground (CG) Bar Ground (CG) Bar Ground

Enclosure Isolated Enclosure Isolated Enclosure Isolated

door Bus door Bus door Bus
Enclosure PE Enclosure PE Enclosure PE
Ground Lug Ground Lug Ground Lug

Building Steel Isolated Bus

Building Steel


DeltaV power and grounding options

Any DeltaV system (M-series, S-series, or CHARMs) can be configured as shown in

Figure 7-13. The highest integrity system has both UPSs located in the same area as all of
the DeltaV enclosures. An equally high integrity configuration would have one UPS and
one filtered isolation transformer in addition to surge suppressors in all of the enclosures.
The ground bus-bar shown in Figure 7-13 and Figure 7-14 located just prior to the DIG only
requires one conductor leading to the actual earth ground point.

For example, on a multi-story building or platform, as the DeltaV grounds leave the floor,
both the DC ground and chassis ground are connected to a common ground that is either
welded to building steel or bolted using conductive grease on the bonding surfaces to
building steel. The vertical ground run to the actual DeltaV instrument ground only needs
to be a single cable sized as shown in Table 5-1 or Table 5-4. If the total length exceeds 300
feet then the 4/0 cable is adequate. In addition, if the DeltaV equipment is located in a
multistory structure every other floor can be connected together.

Figure 7-14: Close proximity enclosures with chassis and DC grounds together
Isolation Transformer Power Disconnect Panel

Filter 1
AC Secondary 1

N AC Secondary 2

AC Feed 1


G AC Secondary N

Secondary UPS Power Disconnect Panel

Static Bypass

AC Secondary 1
Rectifier Inverter

N AC Secondary 2

AC Feed 2

Battery Bank or N
Flywheel Storage
G AC Secondary N

Instrument Enclosure 1 Instrument Enclosure 2 Instrument Enclosure N

N +24VDC N +24VDC N +24VDC
PE +24VDC DeltaV PE +24VDC DeltaV PE +24VDC DeltaV
Primary Primary Primary
Primary Primary Primary
Power Power Power
1 2 N
+24VDC +24VDC +24VDC

DeltaV N
DeltaV N
+24VDC +24VDC +24VDC
PE Secondary PE Secondary PE Secondary
+24VDC +24VDC +24VDC
AC Power AC Power AC Power
Secondary +24VDC Secondary +24VDC Secondary +24VDC
1 2 N
Chassis Chassis Chassis
Ground Shield DC Ground Shield DC Ground Shield DC
(CG) Bar Ground (CG) Bar Ground (CG) Bar Ground

Enclosure Isolated Enclosure Isolated Enclosure Isolated

door Bus door Bus door Bus
Enclosure PE Enclosure PE Enclosure PE
Ground Lug 6 AWG minimum Ground Lug 6 AWG minimum Ground Lug 6 AWG minimum

Building Steel


DeltaV power and grounding options

If the I/O count is relatively small (less than 100 I/O points) or the cost benefit evaluation
results in the system not requiring the highest integrity, then the chassis ground may be
connected as shown in Figure 7-14.

Figure 7-15: Enclosure grounding with adjacent bays

Primary UPS Power Disconnect Panel


Static Bypass
AC Secondary 1

Rectifier Inverter 2

N AC Secondary 2

AC Feed 1

Battery Bank or N
Flywheel Storage
G AC Secondary N

Secondary UPS Power Disconnect Panel


Static Bypass
AC Secondary 1

Rectifier Inverter 2

N AC Secondary 2

AC Feed 2

Battery Bank or N
Flywheel Storage
G AC Secondary N

Enclosure 1 Bay 1 Enclosure 1 Bay 2 Enclosure 1 Bay N

N +24VDC N +24VDC N +24VDC
PE +24VDC DeltaV PE +24VDC DeltaV PE +24VDC DeltaV
Primary Primary Primary
Primary Primary Primary
Power Power Power
1 2 N
+24VDC +24VDC +24VDC

DeltaV N
DeltaV N
+24VDC +24VDC +24VDC
PE Secondary PE Secondary PE Secondary
+24VDC +24VDC +24VDC
AC Power AC Power AC Power
Secondary +24VDC Secondary +24VDC Secondary +24VDC
1 2 N
Chassis Chassis Chassis
Ground Shield DC Ground Shield DC Ground Shield DC
(CG) Bar Ground (CG) Bar Ground (CG) Bar Ground

Enclosure Isolated Enclosure Isolated Enclosure Isolated

door Bus door Bus door Bus
Enclosure PE Enclosure PE Enclosure PE
Ground Lug Ground Lug Ground Lug

Enclosire 2

Enclosure 3

Building Steel Isolated Bus

Building Steel


When multiple enclosures are physically connected together and the highest ground
integrity is desired as shown in Figure 7-15, then the chassis reference buses may be
interconnected to each other. The DC ground buses are also interconnected. This method
can be used for up to four adjacent bays. It is best to use a center bay for the
interconnection between the enclosure structure and the external ground bus.

DeltaV power and grounding options

Figure 7-16 and Figure 7-17 show examples where multi-paired cables are brought to a
DeltaV cabinet in a type of homerun cable with either conductive armor or metal

The overall conductive surface of metallic or armored cable must always be connected to the
safety ground system in a DeltaV enclosure. Follow local codes and regulations.

Figure 7-16: Highest integrity cable shielding solution

Instrument Enclosure
N +24VDC
PE +24VDC DeltaV

PE Secondary
AC Power
Secondary +24VDC
Chassis DeltaV
Ground Shield DC
(CG) Bar Ground

ARMORED/METAL shielding Enclosure Isolated

Armored and screened Enclosure PE
instrument cables from the field Ground Lug

Grounds from
other Enclosures

Building Steel Isolated Bus

Ground from
Derived AC

Building Steel


Figure 7-16 shows the overall armored or metal jacket connected to the DeltaV chassis
ground bar, which is in turn connected to building steel and protective earth. The
individual cable shields inside the armored bundle are typically connected to the DeltaV
shield bar, which is also connected to the chassis ground reference.

DeltaV power and grounding options

Figure 7-17: Localized systems on welded metal structure with minimal external influences
Instrument Enclosure
N +24VDC
PE +24VDC DeltaV

PE Secondary
AC Power
Secondary +24VDC
Chassis DeltaV
Ground Shield DC
(CG) Bar Ground

ARMORED/METAL shielding Enclosure Isolated

Armored and screened Enclosure PE
instrument cables from the field Ground Lug

6 AWG minimum

Ground from
Derived AC Grounds from
source other Enclosures

Welded to Isolated Bus

Building Steel


Figure 7-17 represents a special case where an entire structure is considered to be at an

equipotential. One example is a floating platform. Other reasons for connecting the
shields as shown in Figure 7-17 are as follows:
This maintains the separately derived AC power sources in close proximity to the
enclosures (within 100 meters)
The individual signal shield should not be in areas of high noise susceptibility, that is,
not in close proximity to VFDs or in any lightning zone 0 or zone 1 without signal
surge protection.
The maximum distance from any enclosure to its corresponding external ground bar
should be 100 feet.

Use Table 5-4 to determine the ground conductor sizing.

Floating AC and high-resistance ground

Removing the connection of AC ground to the dedicated DeltaV instrument ground also
changes the way in which the AC power distribution system must be grounded. The AC
power and grounding system can be designed with floating or high-resistive grounds
(HRG), in accordance with applicable electrical codes. The DeltaV DC power must remain
solidly grounded. The controller and I/O components are certified based on the prescribed
grounding of the equipment.

DeltaV AC discrete I/O products are tested and certified for use with solidly grounded AC systems
and should not be used on a floating or high-resistive ground. However, isolated AC channels are

DeltaV power and grounding options

The Emerson bulk power supplies are capable of providing up to 1500 VDC of isolation
from the AC power source, and they must be installed per the manufacturer's instructions.
AC power and grounding is governed by the applicable codes and regulations and is
independent of the DeltaV DC power requirements.

If an HRG or a floating AC power is used to power a DeltaV bulk power supply, a Surge Suppression
Device (SPD) with filters is recommended immediately prior to the bulk power supply.

A re-strike transient is produced in many HRG systems which introduces a transient. This re-strike
transient is generated from the system when a ground fault occurs in an attempt to isolate the leg
with the fault. Use adequate filtering to preclude detrimental affects to DeltaV systems.

DeltaV power and grounding options

Grounding topologies

8 Grounding topologies
Topics covered in this chapter:
Star or single-point ground
Mesh star ground network
Hybrid star mesh ground network

Equipotential ground: Every location within the grounding network is at the same
potential voltage. This is the ideal solution for any grounded system. There are many
grounding methods which work very well to achieve this goal. IEC 60364-4-44 Low-voltage
electrical installations - Part 4-44: Protection for safety - Protection against voltage disturbances
and electromagnetic disturbances is an excellent source for grounding topologies. When
connecting ground cables excessive service loops should be avoided. The ground cables
should be in as direct a path as possible. When crossing power lines, the separation should
be as great as possible and at right angles to the power cables.

Star or single-point ground

DeltaV functions extremely well using a Star Grounding topology as shown in Figure 8-1.

Grounding topologies

Figure 8-1: Single-point star grounding system

Welded to
building steel


Mesh star ground network

Many control systems today are preassembled in structures with raised floors. This type of
installation facilitates a mesh star ground system as shown in Figure 8-2. When connecting
the DeltaV chassis ground to the mesh, the ground cable or ground straps should be as

Grounding topologies

short as possible. Mesh squares must be no less than two meters per side(1). All mesh
crossings should be exothermically welded or tightly bolted, maintaining corrosion free
joints with a typical Joint resistance of 500 (2).

Figure 8-2: Mesh star ground network

Isolation Transformer Secondary UPS



Static Bypass
Rectifier Inverter


Battery Bank or
Flywheel Storage

Welded to

Welded to

(1) IEC 60364-4-44, Low-voltage Electrical Installations Part 4-44: Protection for safety - Protection against voltage disturbances and
electromagnetic disturbances, Ed. 2.0, 2007
(2) IEEE Standard 1100-2005, Recommended Practice for Power and Grounding Electronic Equipment (Emerald Book)

Grounding topologies

Hybrid star mesh ground network

Figure 8-3: Hybrid star mesh ground network
Isolation Transformer Secondary UPS



Static Bypass
Rectifier Inverter


Battery Bank or
Flywheel Storage

Welded to

Welded to

Interference and transients

Appendix A
Interference and transients
Topics covered in this appendix:
Static (capacitive) coupling
Voltage differentials
Inductive coupling

Static (capacitive) coupling

Static coupled interference is the result of noise coupling to instrumentation and the
signal's shield being in close proximity to the noise source. The following figure is a
simplified illustration of two return paths on which capacitive coupled interference travels.
The dashed return path through DeltaV represents the path noise takes when the shields
are tied to the isolated instrument ground. The noise returns to the location where the
chassis ground and DC ground is first connected to building steel. At that point a parallel
path is established. Some current will travel through building steel with the remainder
following the copper to steel, then to its source.

Noise wants to return to its source following the path of least resistance.
Steel is 10 times more resistive than copper
However, due to the skin effect and the multiple paths in the steel, the path through
steel is 4.5 time less resistive overall than the copper path.

Interference that is caused by static coupling is common in industrial applications. It

occurs from noise originating from the commutation of motors; the rapid switching of
SCRs and IGBTs when variable frequency drives recreate sine waves to control motor
speed; and tooling such as welders.

By connecting the shields to building steel, noise returns to its source more efficiently.

Interference and transients

Figure A-1: Static coupled interference return paths from motor noise
Coupled Noise
Return path thru DeltaV to signal shield
Return path thru Steel
Chassis Ground

Steel Floor

at Motor

DeltaV Instrument
Ground Bonding

Voltage differentials
Voltage differentials occur as a result of many events common to industry, such as
lightning, utility failures, and equipment failures. For example, if lightning strikes on one
side of a structure and DeltaV signal wires travel into the area near the lightning stroke,
then static coupling can be induced on signal shields even if the associated DeltaV
enclosure is in a different part of the structure. Figure A-2 represents a fault at time equals
zero that establishes a voltage differential in a facility.

Interference and transients

Figure A-2: Static coupled from Voltage Differential fault

KEY Enclosure
Return path thru DeltaV Signal Wire Shield
Return path thru Steel
Chassis Ground

Voltage Differential from Steel

1) Utility Fault Structure
2) Equipment Fault
3) Lightning

from Fault
Building Steel
Bonding Points

DeltaV Instrument
Ground Bonding

Typically, voltage differential faults that result from equipment failure, utility faults, or
lightning create a transient signal which subsides with a type a diminishing ring similar to
the gate function (sin(x)/x). However, the decay more closely resembles a zero order
Bessel function. Since noise attempts to return to its source, the actual elevation in
impulse voltage at one area establishes a differential with respect to more remote
locations. Multiple paths through steel and copper grounds eventually equalize due to the
heating (I2 R) losses throughout the numerous return eddy paths.

Inductive coupling
When signal wires are in close proximity to high current conductors, such as the down
conductor on a lightning system, lightning strikes induce a current on its air terminal and
possibly the signal conductors too. A voltage differential is established on the wire and
ground system which dissipates through numerous eddy current paths as the induced
interference attempts to return to its source. The most direct path is the one in which the
shield is connected to building steel as close as possible.

Industry example: A 55 KV precipitator used to covert ash into small pellets that can be
collected was located at the top of a multistory chimney. The ground conductor was an
exposed copper wire traversing the length of the chimney into the ground grid. This
ground cable was also connected to building steel on every floor. A signal cable was run in
parallel to the precipitator's ground wire, which caused a 90 VPP transient to be coupled
onto the signal during the precipitation process. This coupling process was due to
inductive coupling as shown in Figure A-3.

Interference and transients

Figure A-3: Inductive coupling from down-conductor into signal cable

Return path thru DeltaV
Return path thru Steel
Chassis Ground

Cable from

Points to
Building Steel

Interference Instrument

Signal Cable

Temperature Signal

DeltaV DIG

High integrity ground systems

Appendix B
High integrity ground systems

Highest integrity systems have shields

connected to chassis ground
Perform a cost/benefit evaluation when choosing the proper location to land the shield
drain wires. There is a definite cost savings associated with connecting both the DC ground
and the Chassis Ground (CG) together. This requires only one functional ground
connection to the DeltaV Instrumentation Ground (DIG). If however, the highest integrity
ground system yielding the least amount of disruptive events is required, then the shields
should be connected to the CG for the following reasons:

Noise wants to return to its source following the path of least resistance (refer to See
Appendix A)
Scientific evidence confirms that noise on shields connected to DC ground adversely
influences system integrity. The Pin one problem first recognized by Neil Muncy and
documented in his 1994 Audio Engineering Society paper has been confirmed in
multiple studies. Although this issue has been of particular concern to audio
engineers, the conclusion applies to all engineering disciplines including control
Various standards recommend that shields be connected to enclosure or chassis
- PROFIBUS recommends connecting shield drains to case ground. Connecting
shields to chassis ground provides equalization; mitigates interference currents;
ensures compliance with EMC regulations; and should be installed with regard to
the requirements of high frequency currents. Profibus Technical Description Sept.
- ANSI/ISA-RP12.06.01-2003 Recommended Practice for Wiring Methods for
Hazardous (Classified) Locations Instrumentation Part 1: Intrinsic Safety requires
that shields be connected to equipment or chassis ground.

Equipment manufacturers are continually designing products to be smaller, with less

weight, and at an increased savings. This has led to products operating at higher
frequencies resulting in electrical components, such as indictors and transformers, being
much smaller. Emerson has been and will remain a leader in providing a power and
grounding solutions for controlling equipment designed for today's adverse environments
as well as unforeseen future applications.

High integrity ground systems

Checklists for verifying site ground

Appendix C
Checklists for verifying site ground
Topics covered in this appendix:
Site ground verification checklists

Site ground verification checklists


Power line analyzer such as a Fluke 434 or equivalent

Clamp-on RMS ammeter (for AC and DC current measurements)
Recording thermometer/humidity meter
Fluke 199 or 200 MHz digital oscilloscope (for earth/noise verification)
Calibrated 4-1/2 digit DVM with accuracy of 0.05%, or better.
Fluke 123 - 20 MHz digital scope meter (for fieldbus capacitance verification)
Fluke DSP-2000 cable tester for certification of CAT5 and fiber optic cabling
Fluke 1625 Earth Ground Tester (or equivalent)
Fluke 1630 Earth Ground Clamp Meter

Equivalent equipment may be substituted for the equipment listed above.

Product information

Review the most current revision of product manuals and installation manuals prior to


Checklists for verifying site ground

Good engineering practices for general systems

Table C-1: Good engineering practices for general systems

Good engineering practices for general systems Page __ of __

Verification Answer If No please comment

Are servers, stations, routers, and so on, Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
cleaned up (software) and re-installed ac- Date: __________
cording to station specific installation in-
Are the proper procedures and equipment Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
used for assembling and connecting wir- Date: __________
ing, connectors and terminations (power,
alarming, I/O, Busses, network, and so
Does a spot check of the assembly proce- Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
dures used (for example, crimping of ter- Date: __________
minations, and so on) indicate that proper
materials, tools and procedures were
Is redundancy (controller, I/O, power, net- Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
work, and so on) properly identified and Date: __________
Are connections which have to be made Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
during site installation (for example, pow- Date: __________
er and grounding) clearly tagged and iden-
Are system diagnostics performed and do Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
the diagnostics readings result in expected Date: __________

Checklists for verifying site ground

Environmental conditions
Table C-2: Environmental conditions

Environmental conditions Page __ of __

Verification Answer If No please comment

Is the environment to which the system Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
parts are exposed, (temperature, humidi- Date: __________
ty, vibration) as per design specifications
in normal operation? If the site is still un-
der construction will these cause adverse
Are system components free of contami- Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
nation due to the installation (for example, Date: __________
drill shavings, cement dust, and so on)?
Visually inspect the top of the DeltaV cards
and verify that there is no sign of contami-
nation, especially by copper or other con-
ducting material.
Is the installation and surrounding area Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
free of dirt and dust and properly protec- Date: __________
ted against contamination from such?
Verify that there is a proper environmental Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
system to keep the DeltaV system from Date: __________
reaching its maximum or minimum opera-
tion temperature.
Verify that there is no corrosive buildup on Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
any component of the DCS system. This in- Date: __________
cludes bulk power supplies, the DeltaV
system, the I/O cards and the grounding

Checklists for verifying site ground

Power and grounding connections

Table C-3: Power and grounding connections

Power and grounding connections Page __ of __

Verification Answer If No please comment

Are the connections performed per de- Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
sign, properly terminated, and labeled Date: __________
(proper size for distance)?
Are the cable sizes and type in accordance Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
with the intended use? (insulated vs. un- Date: __________
insulated, solid wire vs. small diameter
multi strands, and so on)
Are the cable runs made according to this Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
manual and do they conform to pertinent Date: __________
safety regulations?
Are the lengths of all power and grounding Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
cables from the dedicated instrumenta- Date: __________
tion points (power source and dedicated
plant ground connection) to the system
within the guidelines of this manual?
Is the Dedicated Instrumentation Ground Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
(DIG) connected to the lowest available Date: __________
dedicated connection to true earth and is
this connection's resistance verified using
one of the methods as described in the Site
Preparation and Design for DeltaV Digital Au-
tomation Systems manual ?
Is the DIG connection to true earth also Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
connected to the plant power grid system Date: __________
as detailed in this manual?
Are the Separately Derived Sources using a Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
neutral to ground bond at the source that Date: __________
is connected to the DeltaV Instrument
Are the applied Separately Derived Sour- Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
ces using proper redundancy and UPS's, as Date: __________
intended by the customer?
Are all applicable power connections and Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
distributions installed, inspected, tagged Date: __________
and verified for conformity to local and na-
tional codes applicable to the end user (for
example, NEC, CSA, IEEE, CE, NEN, etc.)?
If the DIG is connected to the Plant Ground Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
Grid (PGG) then was the PGG engineered Date: __________

Checklists for verifying site ground

Table C-3: Power and grounding connections (continued)

Power and grounding connections Page __ of __

Verification Answer If No please comment

If the DIG is connected to the Plant Ground Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
Grid (PGG) then if possible verify the integ- Date: __________
rity of the PGG. Is if of high integrity and
free of corrosion?

Checklists for verifying site ground

Power and grounding connections with triad

Table C-4: Power and grounding connections with triad

Power and grounding connections with triad Page __ of __

Use this document if the DIG is connected to a TRIAD, or a series of three grounding rods bon-
ded together.
The next three rows assume that it is safe to check the earthing system and that each point of
the triad can be isolated and tested.

Verification Answer If No please comment

Check the DeltaV grounding resistance of Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
ground rod #1 using a three-point ground- Date: __________
ing test procedure.
(Make sure to calculate the testing impe-
dance from the initial results. The value
should optimally be 1 Ohm or less with a
maximum of 3 Ohms.)
Check the DeltaV grounding resistance of Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
ground rod #2 using a three-point ground- Date: __________
ing test procedure.
(Make sure to calculate the testing impe-
dance from the initial results. The optimal
value should be 1 Ohm or less with a maxi-
mum of 3 Ohms.)
Check the DeltaV grounding resistance of Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
ground rod #3 using a three-point ground- Date: __________
ing test procedure.
(Make sure to calculate the testing impe-
dance from the initial results. The value
should optimally be 1 Ohm or less with a
maximum of 3 Ohms.)

Checklists for verifying site ground

General field device installation

Table C-5: General field device installation

General field device installation Page __ of __

Complete this worksheet page for each device sampled. Emerson recommends a minimum of
10% of the devices and checking at least one of each type of device used.

Verification Answer If No please comment

Are devices installed according to good Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
engineering practices? Date: __________
Are they properly mounted? (minimim 10% spot-check rec-
Is the orientation correct? ommended)
Are they reachable?
Are they serviceable?
Are they properly tagged?
Are devices connected according to good Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
engineering practices? For example: Date: __________
Is the case properly grounded? (not to (minimim 10% spot-check rec-
the shield of the communication ca- ommended)
Are shipping plugs removed and are
unused cable entries properly closed?
Are drip loops present and effective?
Are cable conduits properly mounted
and sealed to prevent the entry of
moisture? Are cable runs such that no
sharp metal edges can cut through ca-
ble insulation?
Are cables properly tied so no strain is
present on the terminations?
Are cables routed and protected in a
way that will minimize EMI?
Are unused conductors and shields
properly terminated, with a minimal
loss of the overall wire protection?
Is the shield of the cable tied back and
insulated so that it cannot make con-
tact with the case of the device?
Are cable trays to the device properly Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
grounded? Date: __________
(minimim 10% spot-check rec-

Checklists for verifying site ground

Table C-5: General field device installation (continued)

General field device installation Page __ of __

Complete this worksheet page for each device sampled. Emerson recommends a minimum of
10% of the devices and checking at least one of each type of device used.

Verification Answer If No please comment

Are cable trays at least 18" from any power Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
source or cable tray that carries power? Date: __________
(minimim 10% spot-check rec-
Note ommended)
No instrumentation cables connected to
devices should be in a cable tray with pow-
er cables, or VAC control cables.


Checklists for verifying site ground

I/O wiring (conventional, HART, serial, and bus types)

Table C-6: I/O wiring (conventional, HART, serial, and bus types)

I/O wiring (conventional, HART, serial, and bus types) Page __ of __

Verification Answer If No please comment

If there are serial connections to other de- Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
vices (for example, PLC, weigh scale, and Date: __________
so on), are they using the same dedicated
ground system or if not, are the communi-
cation connections isolated?
Are cable shields properly terminated at Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
the shield bar and connected to ground at Date: __________
the power source's end only (Remove and (minimum 10% spot check rec-
measure with DVM)? ommended)
Is cable armor terminated and connected Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
to ground according to the guidelines in Date: __________
the document Site Preparation and Design (minimum 10% spot check rec-
for DeltaV Digital Automation Systems? ommended)
Is all I/O wiring termination and connec- Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
tion performed according to Good Engi- Date: __________
neering Practices? For example: (minimum 10% spot check rec-
Stripped back in such a manner that ommended)
signals cannot short to other termi-
Heat-shrink on cut back cables?
Correctly terminated, labeled and col-
Are cable runs such that no sharp met-
al edges can cut through cable insula-
Are cables properly tied so no strain is
present on the terminations?
Are cables routed in a way that EMI in-
terference will be at a minimum?
Are unused conductors and shields
properly terminated to ground on one
end only?
Proper crimp sizes of terminations
used for cables?
Proper termination for the application?
Special terminations when 2 wires in 1
crimp are used?
Are millivolt and pulse count signals con- Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
nected through individually shielded twis- Date: __________
ted pair cables? (minimum 10% spot check rec-

Checklists for verifying site ground

Table C-6: I/O wiring (conventional, HART, serial, and bus types) (continued)

I/O wiring (conventional, HART, serial, and bus types) Page __ of __

Verification Answer If No please comment

For Bus systems, do the connections, Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
grounding principles, components and lay- Date: __________
out conform to applicable BUS standard? (minimum 10% spot check rec-
For example: ommended)
Foundation Fieldbus
ASI bus

Checklists for verifying site ground

Table C-7: Enclosures

Enclosures Page __ of __

Complete this worksheet page for each enclosure

Verification Answer If No please comment

Is the enclosure free of any Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
signs of environmental dam- Date: __________
(Corrosion, rust, paint burns,
paint flakes, and so on.)
Is the temperature within the Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
cabinets and enclosures within Date: __________
the limits specified in the de-
sign (measure at least one typi-
cal or worst-case application if
necessary)? (Note any devices
in the cabinet creating possible
excessive heat.)
Is the Humidity within the cabi- Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
nets and enclosures within the Date: __________
limits specified in the design
(measure at least one typical or
worst-case application if neces-
Are all cable entries in and out Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
of the cabinets and enclosures Date: __________
Are all enclosures properly Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
positioned and mounted with Date: __________
groups of enclosures properly
bolted together?
Are all tagged and identified Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
connections (power, ground- Date: __________
ing, communications, and so
on) installed properly? Do they
follow good engineering practi-
ces with regard to interconnec-
Are all connections solid and Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
tightened? Is there good con- Date: __________
duction in all connections (that
is, no corrosion or hanging wire

Checklists for verifying site ground

Table C-7: Enclosures (continued)

Enclosures Page __ of __

Complete this worksheet page for each enclosure

Verification Answer If No please comment

Are added metal mounting Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
parts, doors, and so on, that Date: __________
can become live during fault
conditions, properly grounded
(for example, properly sized
bonding wires or braids to
ground bus)?
Are added metal mounting Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
parts properly protected Date: __________
against the possibility of their
causing short circuits (for ex-
ample, when doors are closed)?
Is added equipment properly Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
mounted for the intentioned Date: __________
application (vibration, ship-
ping, maintenance, safety, and
so on)?
Visually check the grounds in Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
the enclosure. Does the Date: __________
grounding follow this manual's
Check the impedance and cur- Yes / No / N.A. Results: By: _____________
rent flow for the enclosure __________ Ohms Date: __________
grounding system __________ mA
Calculate the DeltaV carrier Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
power implementation. Verify Date: __________
that it does not exceed the rec-
Do the network components Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
used and the network installa- Date: __________
tion follow the design?
Are all added cables certified Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
for the application (for example Date: __________
CAT5 and fiber optic), properly
terminated, labeled and color-

Checklists for verifying site ground

Table C-7: Enclosures (continued)

Enclosures Page __ of __

Complete this worksheet page for each enclosure

Verification Answer If No please comment

Are network cables routed and Yes / No / N.A. By: ________________
installed according to the Date: __________
guidelines in this manual? Veri-
fy that the network cables are
shielded according to the rec-
ommendations in this manual.

Checklists for verifying site ground

AC power system and distribution

Table C-8: AC power system and distribution

AC power system and distribution Page __ of __

Complete this worksheet page for each enclosure

Enclosure Lo- Breaker Loca- Recorded Val-

cation: tion: ue Complete
Verify that all AC powered devices are switched off or disconnec- ---
With AC power system disconnected, measure impedance of sys- ---
tem from all line and neutral connections to ground.
(Impedance must be high)
If the impedance is in conformance, have a person approved by
the customer switch on the AC power system. Record the per-
son's name.
Primary AC voltage is within specifications.
(85 to 264 VAC / 47 to 63 Hz measured between line and neutral)
Check the noise level of the AC power.
(Look for noise spikes and excessive noise levels injected into the
AC power)
Ground to neutral voltage is within specification.
(0.00 V 1.00 VAC)
Secondary AC voltage is within specifications.
(85 to 264 VAC / 47 to 63 Hz Measured between Line and Neu-
Ground to neutral voltage is within specification.
(0.00 V 1.00 VAC)
If conforming, it is appropriate to switch ON or reconnect all AC --- ---
powered devices.
Verify that all AC powered fans, cooling devices, lights, and so on ---
are running and operational. Using an oscilloscope verify that
they are not creating excessive noise.
Verify if LED's of all AC powered devices indicate normal. ---

Checklists for verifying site ground

DC power system and distribution

Table C-9: DC power system and distribution

DC power system and distribution Page __ of __

Complete this worksheet page for each enclosure

Enclosure Lo- Breaker Loca- Recorded Val-

cation: tion: ue Complete
Verify that all AC-powered devices are switched off or disconnec-
With the DC power system disconnected, measure impedance of
system from all line and neutral connections to ground
(Impedance MUST be High)
Apply DC voltage to the distribution system
Primary 24 VDC is within specifications.
(21.6 VDC to 26.4 VDC)
Secondary 24 VDC is within specifications.
(21.6 VDC to 26.4 VDC)
Measure the AC noise level of the 24 VDC power to AC ground at
a resolution of 5 ms/div on the Scope.
(Make sure the scope filtering is off, 1 VAC maximum, and AC
Measure the AC noise level of the 24 VDC power to AC ground at
a resolution of 200 ms/div on the scope.
(Make sure the scope filtering is off, 1 VAC maximum and AC
Primary 12 VDC is within specifications.
(11.4 VDC to 12.6 VDC)
Secondary 12 VDC is within specifications.
(11.4 VDC to 12.6 VDC)
Measure the AC noise level of the 12 VDC power to AC ground at
a resolution of 5 ms/div on the scope. This should be done at the
DeltaV Controllers.
(Make sure the scope filtering is off, 1 VAC maximum and AC
Measure the AC noise level of the 12 VDC power to AC Ground at
a resolution of 200 ms/div on the scope. This should be done at
the DeltaV Controllers.
(Make sure the scope filtering is off, 1 VAC maximum and AC
Verify that all DC powered fans, cooling devices, lights, and so on
are running and operational. Using an oscilloscope verify that
they are not creating excessive noise.

Checklists for verifying site ground

Table C-9: DC power system and distribution (continued)

DC power system and distribution Page __ of __

Complete this worksheet page for each enclosure

Enclosure Lo- Breaker Loca- Recorded Val-

cation: tion: ue Complete
Verify that LEDs of all DC powered devices indicate normal

Checklists for verifying site ground

DeltaV controllers
Table C-10: DeltaV controllers

DeltaV controllers Page __ of __

Complete this worksheet page for each controller

Enclosure loca- Controller Value/Com-

tion: name: ment Complete
Back planes plugged in tightly
All power supplies controllers, I/O modules screwed
in securely (Do not over torque)
Input power wiring termination tight and labeled
Network cables locked in place
Environmental conditions within specifications
System power supply LEDs normal
(Power-ON, Error-OFF)
Active controller's LEDs normal
(Power - ON, Error - OFF if downloaded / Flash if un-con-
figured, Active - ON, Standby - OFF, CN1 - Flash if com-
municating on the primary control network, CN2 - Flash
if communicating on the secondary control network)
Standby controller's LEDs normal
(Power - ON, Error - OFF if downloaded / Flash if un-con-
figured, Active - OFF, Standby - ON, CN1 - Flash if com-
municating on the primary control network, CN2 - Flash
if communicating on the secondary control network)
Controller accessible through standard diagnostics
(accessible, primary & secondary communication with-
out increasing errors)
All I/O cards accessible through standard diagnostics
(accessible, no mismatches, no missing cards)
Are the network components used and the network in- Yes / No / N.A. By: ______________
stallation as per design? Date: __________
Are all added cables certified for the application (for ex- Yes / No / N.A. By: ______________
ample CAT5 and fiber optic), properly terminated, la- Date: __________
beled and color-coded?
Are network cables routed and installed according to Yes / No / N.A. By: ______________
the guidelines in the document Site Preparation and De- Date: __________
sign for DeltaV Digital Automation Systems?

Checklists for verifying site ground

Table C-10: DeltaV controllers (continued)

DeltaV controllers Page __ of __

Complete this worksheet page for each controller

Enclosure loca- Controller Value/Com-

tion: name: ment Complete

Checklists for verifying site ground

List of equipment used

Table C-11: List of equipment used

List of equipment used Page __ of __

Manufacturer Type: Serial number: date: Used in section


Checklists for verifying site ground


Appendix D
General reference

Joffe, Elya B. and Lock, Kai-Sang, Grounds for Grounding: A Circuit-to-System Handbook, IEEE
Wiley & Sons, 2010.

Ott, Henry, Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering, Wiley & Sons, 2009.

Vijayaraghavan, G., Brown, Mark, and Barnes, Malcolm, Practical Grounding, Bounding,
Shielding and Surge Protection, Elsevier, 2004.

Power transmission reference

Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, Westinghouse, 1950.

Reference books for personnel and property safety

Soares Book on Grounding and Bonding, 10th Edition, International Association of Electrical
Inspectors, 2008.

National Electric Code (NEC) 2011 Handbook, NFPA 70, 2011.

BS 7671:2008 Requirements for Electrical Installations 17th Edition, IET Wiring Regulations,

Cook, Paul, Commentary on IET Wiring Regulations 17th Edition BS 7671:2008 Requirements
for Electrical Installations, Institute of Engineering and Technology, 2008.

American standards

ANSI/ISA-RP12.06.01-2003, Recommended Practice for Wiring Methods for Hazardous

(Classified) Locations Instrumentation Part 1: Intrinsic Safety.

ANSI/ISA-TR12.06.01-1999, Electrical Equipment in a Class 1, Division 2/Zone 2 Hazardous

Location .

ANSI/ISA-84.01-2004, Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process


ANSI-J-STD-607-A-2002, Commercial Building Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding

Requirements for Telecommunications.

ATIS-0600333.2007, Grounding and Bonding of Telecommunications Equipment.

NFPA 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems.

IEEE standards

IEEE Standard 1100-2005, Recommended Practice for Power and Grounding Electronic
Equipment (Emerald book).


IEEE Standard 142-2007, Recommended Practices for Grounding of Industrial and

Commercial Power Systems (Green book).

IEEE Standard 493-2007, Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems (Gold book).

IEEE Standard 1159-1995(R2001), Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power


IEEE Standard 519-1992, Recommended Practice and Requirements for Harmonic Control
in Electrical Power Systems.

IEEE Standard 1050 2004, Guide for Instrumentation and Control Equipment Grounding in
Generating Stations.

IEEE Standard 81-1983, Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and
Earth Surface Potentials of a Ground System.

IEEE Standard 45-2002, Recommended Practice for Electrical Installation on Shipboard.

IEEE 518-1982(1), Guide for the Installation of Electrical Equipment to Minimize Noise
Inputs to Controllers from External Sources, (not currently supported by IEEE).

US Military Handbook

MIL-HDBK-419A, Grounding, Bonding, and Shielding for Electronic Equipments and

Facilities (Vol. 1 Basic Theory; Vol. 2 Applications), 1987.

European international standards

IEC 60204-1,Ed. 5.1 2009, Safety of Machinery -Electrical equipment of Machines - Part 1:
General Requirements

IEC 60364-4-44, Ed. 2.0 2007, Low-voltage Electrical Installations; Part 4-44: Protection for
safety - Protection against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances.

IEC 61140, Ed. 3.1 2009, Protection Against Electric Shock - Common Aspects for
Installation and Equipment.

IEC 61326-1 2005, Electrical Equipment For Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use -
EMC Requirements.

IEC 61511-1 Ed. 1.0 2003, Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process
industry sector - Part 1: Framework, definitions, system, hardware and software

EN 61000-3-11 Ed. 1.0, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-11: Limits - Limitation
of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems -
Equipment with rated current 75 A and subject to conditional connection.

EN 61000-3-12 Ed. 1.0, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-12: Limits - Limits for
harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage systems with
input current > 16 A and 75 A per phase.


Lightning references

NFPA 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems, 2011.

NUREG/CR-6866 ORNL/TM-2001/140, Technical Basis for Regulatory Guidance on

Lightning Protection in Nuclear Power Plants, 2011.

Lightning Protection for Engineers, National Lightning Safety Institute, 2009.



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