2007 Bar Q&a Tax
2007 Bar Q&a Tax
2007 Bar Q&a Tax
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The BIR has no valid justification to withhold the TCC. BIR Rulings; Rulings of First Impression (2007)
Offsetting the amount of TCC against a potential tax liability is not allowed,
because both obligations are no yet fully-liquidated. While the amount of IV. XYZ Corporation, an export-oriented company, was able to secure a
the TCC has been determined; the amount of deficiency tax is yet to be Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) ruling in June 2005 that exempts from tax
determined through the completion of the audit. (Philex Mining Corporation the importation of some of its raw materials. The ruling is of first
impression, which means the interpretations made by the Commissioner of
v. CIR, 294 SCRA 687 [1998]).
Internal Revenue is one without established precedents. Subsequently,
however, the BIR issued another ruling which in effect would subject to tax
such kind of importation. XYZ Corporation is concerned that said ruling may
Fringe Benefit Tax: De Minimis Benefits (2007) have a retroactive effect, which means that all their importations done
VIII. Nutrition Chippy Corporation gives all its employees (rank and file, before the issuance of the second ruling could be subject to tax. (10%)
supervisors and managers) one sack of rice every month valued at P800 per
(A) What are BIR rulings?
sack. During an audit investigation made by the Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR), the BIR assessed the company for failure to withhold the SUGGESTED ANSWER: BIR rulings are administrative opinions issued by the
corresponding withholding tax on the amount equivalent to the one sack of Commissioner of Internal Revenue interpretative of a provision of a tax law.
rice received by all the employees, contending that the sack of rice is
considered as additional compensation for the rank and file employees and ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: They are the best guess of the moment and
additional fringe benefit for the supervisors and managers. Therefore, the incidentally often contain such wellconsidered and sound law, but the
value of the one sack of rice every month should be considered as part of courts have held that they do not prevent an entire change of front at any
the compensation of the rank and file subject to tax. For the supervisors and time and are merely advisory sort of an information service to the
managers, the employer should be the one assessed pursuant to Section 33 taxpayer. (Aban, Law of Basic Taxation in the Philippines, p. 149 citing
(a) of the NIRC. Is there a legal basis for the assessment made by the BIR? Quiazon and Lukban).
Explain your answer.(5%) SUGGESTED ANSWER: There is no legal basis for (B) What is required to make a BIR ruling or first impression a valid one?
the assessment. The one sack of rice given to the supervisors and managers
are considered de minimis fringe benefits considering that the value per
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A BIR ruling of first impression to be valid must not (A) Are the interest incomes on the bank deposits of spouses Renato and
be against the law and it must be issued only by the Commissioner of Judy Garcia subject to income tax? Explain. (4%)
Internal Revenue. (Philippine Bank of Communications v. CIR, 302 SCRA 241
[1999]; Section 7, NIRC). SUGGESTED ANSWER: The interest income of Renato, who is a non-resident,
is exempt from income tax under Sec. 27(D3)(2) NIRC. Any bank interest of
(C) Does a BIR ruling have a retroactive effect, considering the principle that non-residents from an expanded foreign currency deposit system is exempt
tax exemptions should be interpreted strictly against the taxpayer? from income tax (Sec. 24[B1] NIRC). An expanded foreign currency deposit
refers to any bank authorized by the Central Bank to transact business in
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. A BIR ruling cannot be given retroactive effect if local and acceptable foreign currencies. Judy Garcia, who is a resident of the
its retroactive application is prejudicial to the taxpayer. (Section 246, NIRC; Philippines, is liable for 7.5% final income tax on interest income (Sec.
CIR v. Court of Appeals et. Al. 267 SCRA 557 [1997]). 24[B1] NIRC).
(B) Is the bank correct in withholding the 20% final tax on the entire interest
Taxes considered as NIRC Taxes (2007) income? Explain. (4%)
III. What kind of taxes, fees and charges are considered as National Internal SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, The bank should withhold only 7.5% on the final
Revenue Taxes under the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC)? (5%) interest income of the wife. The husband is exempt. Personal Income Tax:
Passive Income; (Rental Income); Situs of Taxation (2008) (C) Will Z, a non-
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The following taxes, fees and charges are considered resident citizen, be liable to pay income tax on the P45,000 monthly rental
to be National Internal Revenue Taxes under the National Internal Revenue income? Reason briefly.
Code: (A) Income tax; (B) Estate and donors taxes; (C) Value-added tax; (D)
Other percentage taxes; (E) Excise taxes; (F) Documentary stamp taxes; and SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. The rental income from property located in the
Such other taxes as are or hereafter may be imposed and collected by the Philippines is considered as income derived from within. Z, a nonresident
Bureau of Internal Revenue. (Section 21, NIRC) citizen is taxable on income derived from sources within the Philippines.
(Section 42 in relation to Section 23, NIRC).
XV. In 2007, spouses Renato and Judy Garcia opened peso and dollar X. Noel Santos is a very bright computer science graduate. He was hired by
deposits at the Philippine branch of the Hong Kong Bank in Manila. Renato Hewlett Packard. To entice him to accept the offer of employment, he was
is an overseas worker in Hong Kong while Judy lives and works in Manila. offered the arrangement that part of his compensation would be an
During the year, the bank paid interest income of P10,000 on the peso insurance policy with a face value of P20 Million. The parents of Noel are
deposit and US$1,000 on the dollar deposit. The bank withheld final income made the beneficiaries of the insurance policy. (10%) (B) Can the company
tax equivalent to 20% of the entire interest income and remitted the same deduct from its gross income the amount of the premium? Reason briefly.
to the BIR.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. The premiums paid are ordinary and necessary VII. Antonia Santos, 30 years old, gainfully employed, is the sister of
business expenses of the company. They are allowed as a deduction from Eduardo Santos. She died in an airplane crash. Edgardo is a lawyer and he
gross income so long as the employer is not a direct or indirect beneficiary negotiated with the Airline Company and insurance company and they were
under the policy of insurance. (Section 36 (A)(4), NIRC). Since the parents of able to agree to a total settlement of P10 Million. This is what Antonia
the employee were made the beneficiaries, the prohibition for their would have earned as somebody who was gainfully employed. Edgardo was
deduction does not exist. her only heir. (10%) (B) Should Edgardo report the P10 Million as his income
being Antonias only heir? Reason briefly.
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Z is still considered as a nonresident Filipino citizen X. Noel Santos is a very bright computer science graduate. He was hired by
who is subject to tax only on income derived from the Philippine sources. Hewlett Packard. To entice him to accept the offer of employment, he was
(Section 23, NIRC). His pension from U.S. is an income from without being in offered the arrangement that part of his compensation would be an
the nature of compensation for past services rendered outside the insurance policy with a face value of P20 Million. The parents of Noel are
Philippines. (Section 42, NIRC). Accordingly, the pension is not subject to the made the beneficiaries of the insurance policy. (10%) (A) Will the proceeds
Philippine income tax. of the insurance form part of the income of the parents of Noel and be
subject to income tax? Reason briefly.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The proceeds of life insurance policies paid to the
Exemptions: Proceeds from Accident Insurance (2007) heirs of beneficiaries upon the death of the insured are not included as part
of the gross income of the recipient. (Section 32 (B)(1), NIRC). There is no SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The difference in the supposed taxable value
income realized because nothing flows to Noels parents other than a mere cannot be legally subject to the donors tax, because the use of a fair market
return of capital, the capital being the life of the insured. value other than that prescribed by the Tax Code is not allowed for
computing any internal revenue tax. (Section 6(E), NIRC).