01-ApGreid - Introduction - Rev.2 PDF
01-ApGreid - Introduction - Rev.2 PDF
01-ApGreid - Introduction - Rev.2 PDF
Process Engineering
Process Engineering Roles / Description Graduate Engineer
- Under direct supervision develops basic engineering designs and specifications on
assigned contracts.
- Applies process design criteria and utilizes process guidelines in performing
process design work.
- Usually assigned systems on projects under the supervision of a Senior Engineer.
- Performs calculations and technical studies.
- Initial preparation of Process Datasheets.
Process Engineering
Process Engineering Roles / Description Process Engineer
Under general supervision develops basic engineering designs and specifications
on assigned contracts.
Acts as area engineer and/or may be assigned equipment or technical study
responsibilities on a project under general supervision.
Starts getting involved in Proposal/Bid work.
Applies design criteria, guidelines and contract requirements to process
design work thereby starting to become involved with more complex systems.
Definitely able to be assigned several systems to progress.
Performs calculations and technical studies.
Process Engineering
Process Engineering Roles / Description Senior Process Engineer
Directs and administers Process engineers on a project and occasionally acting as
the Lead Engineer for the discipline on medium to large projects.
Acts independently on technical issues by determining the method an issue is solved
and reviewing stages of the solution.
Actively involved in bid work ensuring that all of the scope is covered.
Develops design criteria, guidelines and contract requirements to process
design work and understands the issues involved with more complex systems.
Supervises either process or utilities systems to progress on a project.
Performs and checks calculations and technical studies. Mainly checking process
data for the other discipline sometimes producing this data is a speedy and efficient
Should be mentoring and training process engineers as required.
Conceptual Design
Typically performed to get a cost estimate together for budgetary
approvals and to screen out other options
Estimates can vary depending upon the type of deliverables and known
basis by up to 15-50%.
Type of Projects
Detailed Design
Development go ahead it will be built by you!
Cost estimate absolutely definitive.
Both Detailed Design and FEED differ significantly from Conceptual due to
the amount of deliverables concerned
Deliverables Conceptual Design
Plot Plans S C C
Dewpoint Control
and Flowlines Inlet Separation Gas Export
Multiphase Metering
Crude Stabilisation
Aquifer Overboard
Process Support System
Basic Oil and Gas Utility and Process Support Systems
Fuel Gas
Flare and Vent
Chemical Injection
Oil Storage and Ballast
Sewage Treatment
Instrument and Plant/Utility Air
Inert/Nitrogen Systems
Jet Fuel
Injection Water