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Impact of Technology On Human Life: Department of Compter Engineering

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Endless path to endless erudition

Impact of Technology on
Human life

In pursuit of Innovation, Infinity and Beyond...

Department of Compter Engineering

Department Magazine issue-08
"To become a department of na onal relevance in the field of Computer Engineering."

The Department of Computer Engineering is commi ed to nurture students with sound engineering
knowledge in the field of compu ng through effec ve use of modern tools with a focus on global
employability by imbibing leadership quali es, ethical a tude, lifelong learning and social sensi vity.


Students of BE Programme in Computer Engineering will be able to:

PEO 1: A ain Sound Engineering knowledge and use of modern tools effec vely to solve real life
problems (KNOWLEDGE)

PEO 2: A ain need based skills and life long learning to ensure global employability (SKILL)

PEO 3: Become successful professionals and responsible ci zens with good leadership quali es and
strong ethical values (PROFESSIONALISM)


PO 1: ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE: Apply Knowledge of Mathema cs, Science, engineering
fundamentals and an engineering specializa on to the solu on of complex engineering problems.

PO 2: PROBLEM ANALYSIS: Iden fy, Formulate, Research Literature and Analyze Complex engineering
problems reaching substan ated conclusions using first principles of mathema cs, natural sciences and
engineering sciences.

PO 3: DESIGN / DEVELOPMENT OF SOLUTIONS: Design solu ons for complex engineering problems and
design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate considera on for
public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considera ons.


knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of
data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions

PO 5: MODERN TOOL USAGE: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources
and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of limitations.
PO 6: THE ENGINEER AND SOCIETY: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to professional engineering practice.

PO 7: ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY: Understand the impact of professional

engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and
need for sustainable development.

PO 8: ETHICS: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of engineering practices.

PO 9: INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM WORK: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member of

leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.

PO 10: COMMUNICATION: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the

engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive
clear instructions.

PO 11: LIFE-LONG LEARNING: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

PO 12: PROJECT MANAGEMENT & FINANCE: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of

engineering and management and leaders in a team to manage projects and in multi-disciplinary


PSO 1: Develop academic aptitude and apply knowledge of computing and mathematics to
computer science problems and thereby design and develop Software and Hardware Systems.

PSO 2: Enhance research skills and utilize advanced computing tools for analysis, design and
implementation of computing systems for resolving real life / social problems.

PSO 3: Utilize multi-disciplinary knowledge required for satisfying industry / global requirements
and hence develop an attitude for life long learning.

PSO 4: Have all round personality with skills like leadership, verbal and written communication,
team work, sensitivity towards society in order to become valued and responsible professionals.

M r . Adit Ra thi M s. Atha shr ee V a r ta k

Head of Art-Design Chief Editor

Ana nd V ishw a ka r ma Ra kshit Shetty Pa r th Da hima Sr ishti Singh

Art Designer Art Designer Editor Editor
Dr. R.R. Sedamkar

To balance minds with progress in the field of

technology, today's engineers must possess an
ever-changing skill set and they should be aware
of its impacts on human beings. With that in
mind, this edition of Nimbus focuses on the
Impact of technology on human life. Nimbus has
not only proved to be the technical platform for
TCET's CMPN Department students but it also
serves as a source of inspiration to young minds.

The magazine allows students to share their

views and ideas regarding the development in
technology and engineering as these are the
crucial part in this ongoing competitive world and
hence it churns out the technical writing skills
among students.

I would like to congratulate the students and

faculty members of the editorial team for their
commendable performance in publishing this
edition of Nimbus.

Wishing everyone good luck and all the success

in their future endeavours.

Dr. R.R. Sedamkar

Dean Academic &
Mentor Dean
Dr. Sheetal Rathi
NIMBUS is not just a magazine, it is a vessel which carries a student's creative flair to
the levels of professionalism. As the departmental magazine, it provides an
opportunity for student and staff to reflect their ideas and research into knowledge
and motivation for their readers.

In this 8th Edition of NIMBUS, we highlight the theme "Importance of Technology on

Human Life".We have focused on the topics ranging from Finance to Health. We
hope that the readers will be able to absorb all that we wish to convey while we've
compiled this issue, considering the hard work and efforts put in by the stakeholders
of the department.

Lastly, we would like to congratulate and thank the committee and the students,
faculty, industry experts for their exemplary contribution, their valuable time and

Dr. Sheetal Rathi

Facult y
Inchar ge's
M essage
Technology has become an integral part of our daily life and our
needs and demands for it is rising exponentially. It has become
Mrs. Vidyadhari Singh
one of the primary driving factors in all of society's progress. The
society has a cyclical co-dependence on technology. Humans
use technology to travel, to communicate, to learn, to do
business and to live in comfort. Technology has made our lives
easy. It is unimaginable to explore how each new advanced
technology has impacted our lives and how it will impact the
future. Technology also has impacted the environment, people
and the society as a whole. Technology has improved
Communication, Transportation, Education & Learning
process, Health-Care and many other infrastructure business

As Engineering is the practice of developing Technology, it is

seen as the primary cause of Technological changes in society.
This profession as a whole to incorporate the impact of the
technology as a core value is more critical than ever as the rate
Mrs. Ruta Pathak
of technological change accelerates and Engineers must
balance the development of Technology with the Cultural,
Ethical and Social aspects. We present to you the 8th Edition of
NIMBUS, showcasing the influence of Technology on human
lives. We would like to thank the faculty members, students,
Industry experts who have contributed their valuable thoughts
and views and making this Magazine turn into a reality. We truly
appreciate the Team-Work of the Editorial who have toiled in the
construction of this Magazine and the Creative Team who have
worked hard to create and design to give it beautiful sight.
We wish Good Luck to all of our Readers and wish all of them
achieve great success in their life.

Mrs. Vidyadhari Singh

Faculty In-charge

Mrs. Ruta Pathak

Faculty In-charge

At the very beginning we would like to extend our earnest gratitude to our Principal Dr. B K Mishra,
our Dean-Academics Dr. R R Sedamkar, our Vice-Principal Dr. Deven Shah and our Head of
Department Dr. Sheetal Rathi for their inspiration and ceaseless motivation towards the working of
this issue of Nimbus.

n this pursuit of knowledge, we have covered many aspects of the field of computer sciences which
have proven to be helpful to our readers to understand new concepts and think in a new direction
with positive intent altogether.

This edition is aimed at apprising engineers about the Impact of Technology on Human Life and
thus understanding other's perspective of booming technology.
Impacts of technology on various fields like health and medicine, finance and banking sector,
politics and many more are being addressed in this edition.

\On a closing note I would give special thanks to our faculty in-charges of this issue Mrs.Vidyadhari
Singh, Mrs.Ruta Pathak for their support and motivation and our team of editors and designers for
their motivated and eager attitude to their work and in making sure, that Nimbus maintains its
standard it has set through the previous issues, by bringing in phenomenal content. Without them,
this issue would have remained what we dreamt it to be.

Ms. Athashree Vartak

Chief Editor

Mr. Adit Rathi

Head Designer
1. Can Nano Technology Extend Lifespan
2. Social Media And Patient Networks
3. Human Robot Interaction: The Future
4. The Impact of Technology On Human Health
5. The Impact Of VR Technology
6. Lived By Technology
7. Negative effect Of Technology On Human Health
8. Impact Of Social Media On Politics
9. The Politics Of Data
10. Online Shopping: The Good, The Bad, And The In-
11. Technology Controlling Lives
12. The Real Effects Of Technology On Your Health
13. Young Adults And Technology

1. Life Without Technology

1. Impact Of technology On Finance And Banking Sector


Student Editorial Committee

St ud ent
A r t icles
Can Nano Technology
extend lifespan?

o really answer this question we first For instance, the planetary gear shown in figure
understand what nanotechnology is? belowis a proposed simple mechanism that
Nanotechnology is engineering at a molecular converts one kind of rotary motion into another. It is
level. The "Nano" denotes the ninth negative power about four nanometers wide and would comprise
of 10 which is equivalent to 1 billionth of meter or about 4,000 atoms arranged in an atomically
width of(almost) five carbon atoms nestled side by precise structure. Designed and manufactured as
side, hence nanotechnology refers to the scale at per the type and stage of disease, nanobots can be
which these constructions work. If we were to interpreted as artificial white blood cells. Instead of
compare the functioning of a cell to a large city to creating antibodies which takes a lot of time to kill
make the point and if a cell were the size of a city the pathogen these bots will simply trap or capture
such as London, then a nanometer, the scale on them and exit the host with excreta. It can eliminate
which nanotechnologies operate, would be about bacterial infections in a patient within minutes,
the size of a car. Nanotechnology could be used to instead of using treatment with antibiotics over a
manipulate these cars, or make totally new types of period of weeks. The ability to perform surgery at the
car, with new functions. "Imagine a city where cellular level, removing individual diseased cells.
nobody collects the rubbish, well we could invent a
rubbish truck. It is that complex.”

How in medicine?
The ultimate tool for nxanotechnology in medicine is
nanobots. A red cell is about seven microns wide. A
blood-borne medical nanorobot will typically be no
larger than two to three microns in its largest
dimension. The parts that make up a nanorobot will
be much smaller still, typically one to ten
nanometers in size. en repairing defective portions
of individual cells.
Now, we can visualize the impact it can have on
humans, but there is no dead end. Nanoshells
another nanomedicine which holds the promise The medical community is very sanguine
to eradicate cancer cells to their fullest. about the odds for other medical applications of
Nanoshells could be used to deliver various nanoparticles as well.
drugs to a targeted specific area. The nanoshells
are placed in the bloodstream of the host near the Ashwin Yadav
cancerous tumor, and because of the leaky TE-B/56
characteristics of a tumor's blood vessels, the
nanoparticles leaks through the vessels in the
tumor and frame it. Following with the exposure
from a near-infrared laser generates heat that
bursts the cancer cells' walls. Since the light is
harmless, the heating is localized. It affects only
cells adjacent to the nanoshells and destroys
cancerous cells without harming healthy
surrounding tissue. After following the given
procedure the nanoshells eventually are
eliminated safely from the body.

Nanospectra has completed and is in the process

of doing clinical trials for head and neck cancer,
lung cancer, and prostate cancer. Human testing
experiments began in year 2008 and has been
conducted in a number of hospitals and
Nanorobots can even stop aging. Aging is a
physical disorder where body slowly discontinues
replication or stops altogether. As human starts to
age the body or the organ loses some
functionalities, even the replicas formed by
mitosis loses some information (DNA). After
many copying process the body loses a lot of
information. That is the reason when a person
ages, they look very like the skin becomes elastic,
gray hair, wrinkle appears and common bone
weaknesses. But nanorobot provide us with a
solution where it replaces the damaged
chromosomes from the host and replace it with
the healthy ones which will be artificially made.
Changing DNA can result in changing the way the
person appears. Though it's theoretical still many
hopes it to be factual and feasible.
Social Media And Patient

ome medical institutions are using social Are There Any Positive effects of
media to improve collaboration and Technology On Our Health?
communication, both among patients and Counting our steps with the help of gadgets has
doctors as well as between patients themselves become trendy. While physical health is likely still
because in today's world the contribution of social not as important to as many of us as it should be,
media can't be ignored , the best example of this is smart tech has made workout a lot more fun for
promotion of free health camps , blood donation some. Popularly called as fitness bands or smart
camps , awareness programs about organ and skin watches, to mention a few Apple Watch, Fasttrack
donation . reflex , Fitbit other devices include blood pressure
Technology is moving forward so fast that the checking device.
developing countries may not be able to move up
with that pace. Here are some ways that technology has positively
impacted our health:
Technology's Effect on Our Health: A mobile app called Achievement(for US natives)is
Good or bad? designed to interconnect to other fitness and health
related apps you might have on your device. You
Are Screens Impacting Our Eyesight? earn points for every bit of activity you do. Once your
This is one of the most common concerns related reach 10,000 points you earn $10! (Approx 750
with the evolvement of technology: Do digital INR)Most of us would be motivated to do something
devices really cause strain in the eyes? The answer physically challenging if the reward in return was
is yes. Many individuals suffer from physical fiscal.
problems related to eyes after screen time for more
than a couple of hours. Have you ever checked your Another application named is Charity Miles. With
phone in the middle of the night, only to be partially this app, any time you cycle, run or walk money will
blinded by the brightness? Our eyes did not develop be donated to charity of your choice. This
to read tiny text on tiny screens with bright lights. technology productively affects not only our desire
for significant causes but also our health.
It's not only our eyes that may be affected, however.
Some worry that digital eye strain may also affect Written by:
your shoulders and neck and also the optic nerves Rutik Ambre
depending on your posture as you use different SE CMPN A 07
gadgets. If you find yourself with health-related
problems like head and neck aches, lack of sleep
you might want to consider adjusting your posture or
reducing your screen time by a bit., the best
alternative to it can be trying to read a book, going
Human Robot Interaction:
The Future

ill robots change our lives in the future? AI robots have already started an enormous job
It's a question that appears to be in improving waste administration and finding
ridiculous at first since we have been distinctive approaches to handle the waste issue
surrounded by various models which make our endured by most developing nations like India.
day to day life easier, ranging from cooking food
or playing music to running our very own car. We It incorporates complex systems of conveyor
simply do not notice them in light of the fact that belts carrying rubbish, utilizing refined sensors to
these "robots" do not have a face to converse with sort plastic from aluminium and paper. While this
or interact with, in a human related manner. innovation may modernize waste sorting, it is
right now not agile and sufficiently accurate
Technically robots are mechanized tools that are enough to complete the activity.
designed to execute tasks with more precision
and speed which humans are unable to do. Robotics is something which is a tremendous
Robots that resemble humans are called as field of research all by itself, robots are changing
androids, they are capable of moving and the world in their own specific manner, by
performing tasks in a similar way as humans do, changing the way in which we can conduct
and one of the prime example is the Google- research. The military is the greatest field to
owned Boston Dynamics' Atlas robot. The Atlas utilize robots in this capacity, as robots can be
robot uses 3D printing to spare weight and space, utilized under conditions which will be hazardous
bringing about a remarkable robot with high for people.
quality to-weight proportion. Boston Dynamics
has turned Atlas into a marvel that may do Another very important field that robotics
backflips, way outpacing the counterparts that contributes to, is security. Security is right now
have a tough time even walking. dealt with by either a home security framework, or
by human security guards. The presence of
Today, in the era of present technology, robotics robots can make conceivable changes to either of
has become a big part of our collective lives. these cases. A robot is made out of materials
Robots are utilized for their knowledge, which are by and large more sturdy than people
exactness and interminable vitality, to perform are, and they can be intended to be more strong
assignments consistently and profitably, that and quicker than people as well. Any security
when performed by people tends to create flaws. taken care of by robots can possibly be more
In a controlled situation like a mechanical secure than if it were dealt with by people alone.
production system, robots work just fine. If a robot
realizes that each time it needs to go after a
particular part, it'll be in a similar place and
orientation each time.
Established in 2014, San Jose start-up The robot age has arrived. The possibility of
"Aptonomy" has taken in $620,000 in financing to robots may bring to most minds the possibility of
build up a robot that flies over your business or androids like T-800 in the movie "Terminator".
property while checking for any trespassers.It The vast majority of us are not able to understand
likewise provides you with a video feed and facial that a lot of robots exist in the most basic forms
recognition. With infra-red, chemical and anti- today; they are not so much android but rather
drone sensors, you can be updated of what is more like industrial tools or equipment.
going on inside your property.Seeing the
capability of robots in this field, more and more With the use of wireless internet connections and
start-ups are willing to invest in money in order to the ability to grow real time intelligence, robots
provide for a system that is self reliant, requires are the future. While it requires society a touch of
no health insurance and can work twenty-four investment to adjust, it appears to respond to
hours a day without getting tired or without losing innovative progressions well. This implies the
attention towards guarding the area. world would be prepared for more smart
intelligence to be utilized in day-to-day
The impact of robotics on medicine is undeniable. applications.
Their use in medical field is slowly increasing as - By Sarandeep Singh
technology progresses. Researchers are SE CMPN-B
experimenting on using robots that are just milli-
meters in size to perform heart surgery.
Engineers at Autodesk are working with medical
researchers to enable them to create nanosized
robots that could be infused into disease patients
to specifically execute growth cells. A surgical
robot called the "CyberKnife", uses "accurately
targeted megavoltage X-radiation" to fight
cancer. In other words, the CyberKnife sends
very focused pulses of radiation to destroy tumor
cells inside the body without really cutting or
harming the tissue. In fact, the process is easy
and painless and is conducted without

Self-driving cars is one of emerging technologies

in today's world. Car companies like Tesla and
Google are striving towards making self-driving
cars safer and more reliable. Most of the cars that
we are using already have robotic parts built into
them but creating robotic cars that drive on their
own by minding their surroundings, is an
exceptional feat in itself. These cars are equipped
with dozens of sensors and would be able to
determine speed limits, traffic lights and signs.As
per Google, we are just around three to five years
from a self-driving car that is roadworthy.
The Impact of Technology
on Human Health

echnology has crept into every corner of our Multitasking participants had more difficulty filtering
lives, from obsessive texting to checking out irrelevant information than those focusing on
emails more often than a stockbroker eyeballs one task at a time. Multitaskers also took longer to
the Dow. switch tasks, juggle problems and wasted time
searching for new information when information
Sure, you're on top of #MeToo latest victims, but they had was better and more reliable.
smart phones, tablet computers and gadgets "have
an impact on your body, even if you're dealing with Most adults don't need 450 Facebook friends to feel
irrelevant information," says Adam Gazzaley, M.D., validated. Teens, however, are emotionally more
Ph.D., associate professor of neurology, physiology vulnerable to the effects of rampant texting and
and psychiatry at the University of California, San online sharing.
Wear and tear on ears is normal, resulting in some
Most of us absorb three times more information hearing loss in seniors. But what you do early in life
every day compared with 50 years ago, according to sets the stage for how well you'll hear as you age,
University of California researchers. We spend 12 Fligor says.
hours in front of TV and computers – and that's just
at home. If you use poorly fitted ear buds, attend loud
concerts frequently or shoot guns for target practice,
So is all this techno-toiling bad for us? That depends hearing loss can arrive even in your 20s. Teens, in
on the devices you use and how often, medical particular, crank up their iPhones loudly to drown out
experts say. traffic noise, conversation and even other ambient
music. About half of college students in urban
You drive while talking on the cell phone, text while settings risk hearing loss.
listening in on a conference call, surf your iPad while
watching TV. Multitasking is the new normal, and On average, we send and receive text messages
though it feels like we're more efficient, studies show 3,339 times a month, according to a 2010 Nielsen
it has the opposite effect. Company survey.

“Your performance level drops if you stop one In Britain, about 3.8 million thumb-typers
activity to pick up another," says Gazzaley, who complained of pain from similar activities. Nearly
conducts ongoing studies on the effects of media on 38% said they suffered from sore wrists and thumbs,
our brains the result of repetitive movements, according to a
2006 survey by Virgin Mobile, a British cell-phone
“That's an urban legend," says Peter W. Johnson, So it's better to get out in the open once in a while,
Ph.D., associate professor of environmental and dumping all your restrictions inside the house,
occupational health sciences at the University of and just experiencing the cool breeze flowing
Washington. past your face while you enjoy a conversation
with your loved one.
Typing on a computer is like "bingeing and
gorging, while texting is like snacking," he says. -Mitesh Deodhar
"It's intermittent, so you don't have the same SE CMPN A
cumulative effect as working at a computer for 4-6
The longer you sit either in front of a computer or
TV, the greater likelihood you'll die earlier – even
if you lift weights, jog or swim for 30 minutes a
day, according to an ongoing study by
physiologist Marc Hamilton, Ph.D., a professor at
Pennington Biomedical Research Center in
Baton Rouge, La.

A 2015 study confirms this

.Women who remained glued to their chairs more
than six hours a day were 37% more likely to die
during the time period studied than those who sat
fewer than three hours per day, according to an
American Cancer Society study that followed
123,000 adults for 14 years.
It didn't matter if they were fat, thin or worked out
daily, according to the study published in 2010 in
American Journal of Epidemiology.
The Impact of VR

1. What Is VR Technology? ● Interactivity

VR Technology is a computerized simulation This feature is a crucial aspect for virtual experience
environment that allows a human to experience a since it provides the user the comfort which will
thing that is not taking place in front of them but is engage the user with the non-physical world. In
virtually happening in front of their eyes making their simple words, interactivity can be explained as, If
minds to feel, sense, and get immersed into the the virtual world responds to the user's action in a
virtual reality at any place, anytime and anywhere. natural way than the sense of immersion satisfies
our brain and it will be exciting. But if it does not
2. What are the Key features of Virtual Reality? respond quickly and delays than this can get quickly
Virtual Reality is an artificial environment that noticed by our brain and it vanishes the excitement
automatically pulls our mind, due to our senses to and the sense of immersion.
get involved in it. Virtual Reality has the following key
features: 3. How Virtual Reality works?
● Virtual World In order to make the human brain feel the virtual
It is a three-dimensional virtual environment that is environment, we must provide some instruments to
often experienced through a medium, where a not only make it look real, but also feel real. This
person can interact and create objects as a part of feeling of reality can be achieved through the use of
their interaction. In this interaction, the vision of the these components as mentioned.
person helps to be responsive towards the Firstly there should be a source to view Virtual
movement. Reality to the user. This can be achieved with help of
● Immersion Personal Computer if viewing for an indoor purpose,
Virtual Reality Immersion is the perception by which Console for a real-life experience and Smartphone
we become physically present in a non-physical for experiencing at outdoors. They act as a powerful
world. Our mind is immersed in the artificial world. engine to the content being produced.

This is accomplished with the sense of presence, Secondly, there must be an interface between the
where the brain believes that it is at somewhere it is Human brain and the Virtual World which is
really not. The state of total immersion is achieved achieved by Head-Mounted Display. These are
when enough senses are active to create the devices which make our mind to feel and sense the
perception of being present in a virtual world. virtual reality. And finally, the reflex which is required
● Sensory Feedback when an action is done. This can be done with any of
It is a key aspect to experience a virtual reality. This the input devices like Joysticks, Tracking Balls, Data
requires simulation of as many senses as possible. Gloves, Track pads, Motion Platforms.
This sense includes visual (eyes), aural (ears),
haptic (touch) and more.
4. Impact of VR on Human life!
Whenever life meets technology a new kind of life
is created and that can be called as
TECHNOLIFE. In Techno life, life becomes
easier and extraordinary to live in. There is an
advancement of the pace in everything that a
person works with. Here is some example which
has led to the beginning of Techno life in every
person's life.
● VR in Medical Field
VR is helping out Doctors and the patients to fight
against the situation that is tough for the patients
to be in and for the doctors to handle it. VR is
making the amputees feel not as an amputee. It
helps them to get rid of phantom pains.

In Sweden, in the Chalmers University of

Technology, the experiment was conducted. The professors at Stanford University are also
Patient with an amputee's hand was provided going to use VR for giving training to their
with a VR SIMULATOR. Because of this students. VR simulator will help the students to
simulator, he was able to see himself driving a car study the anatomy of the human body.
in the Virtual Reality. The motion sensors were In general, VR has saved lives and help the
put up to his limb. His brain got the visual doctors to change their discipline of medicine—
confirmation that his amputee's hand was moving from surgery to rehabilitation.
and reacting on movement. The intensity and
frequency of pain have decreased after the ● VR in Educational Field
experiment. VR is affecting the level of the expedition at
schools with children getting a field trip through
The most effective way of utilizing VR is found in the VR EXPEDITION. This Techno life of the
psychotherapy also known as VR THERAPY. It student is being powered by Google Expedition
helps, particularly to struggle with different forms App. This app is taken by schools to make the
of phobias like fear of heights, spiders, darkness, students experience the field trip by just sitting in
etc. Under supervision, it was found that the the classrooms. This decreases the time and is
patients get immersed in a comfortable space of not that costly than the real expedition would cost.
their virtual reality, where they face their This is the impact of VR on Education.
psychological problems.
● VR in Gaming field
Based on the features of VR Technology, it is
obvious that this should be used in the gaming
industry too! This kind of thing is showing up in a
Bollywood movie named RA.ONE, where the
child uses a VR display to play the game.

Similarly, there is a gaming console top which you

can use to play like the way you want. You jump
around the surrounding, run, fight, drive a car and
race on tracks. Gaming is the cornerstone upon
which the VR technology is built.

These were the impacts of VR Technology on

Human Life. Adoption of this technology is
growing rapidly and the thinkers in the industry
● VR in Skill Training started believing that VR Technology has come to
VR training is absolutely the most immersive stay. With considering these impacts of VR
learning technology. The innovativeness of Technology, it has proved that life can be
training is increasing through VR SIMULATION. converted into a TECHNOLIFE.
The virtual environment can be useful for the
training of both hard and soft skills. A virtual By,
environment is created for the learners to interact Swati Dubey, SE CMPN A
with. This can be used in any fields like Business, Kaustubh Shete, SE CMPN B
Mechanical, Civil works, Architectural works, etc. Shivam Sharma, SE CMPN B
For Business or E-commerce training it has a Rakshit Shetty, SE CMPN B
menu built for the teaching of presentations,
meetings. In Architecture and Civil fields, it is
easier for the learner to learn in 3D manner along
with collaboration with colleagues. Due to low
latency, high frame work and easy navigation in
VR, this technology is best suited for Mechanical
and Architectural fields as they require precision
in drawings and layouts.
Lived By Technology

n the days of the old, men lived their lives to the create connectivity amongst human beings from all
fullest. Bound only to nature and duty, without any over the world. What social media has done is that it
distractions, our ancestors truly lived the simple has created a virtual extension of a human being in the
life. But, now that fact is just a distant echo lost digital world. This extension has actually made
somewhere in a dusty library. In this age of humans, especially teens, vulnerable. They consider
electronic circuits, we have lost that simplicity. their performance and achievements on social media
Drowned in work and full of distractions, our lives are as the performance and achievements of themselves in
lived by technology. reality. This has left people very emotionally vulnerable.
Technology is what humans were seeking for from The death cases because of social media has now
the beginning. From the first light bulb sputtering become a common concern. Estimated by the WHO,
and glowing to life to a series of 0s and 1s making there will be approximately 1.53 million deaths caused
calls and being able to talk to human beings, we by social media. An invention used to connect people is
have come a long way. The very purpose of now making them self-doubt themselves and judge
technology, from its birth, was to assist human themselves only on social media terms. People actually
beings and make their lives better. Everyday our live their lives now with an aim to make their digital self
lives get simpler to live as technology relieves us of look better than their reality.
some of our day to day activities. What happens People now talk of a technology where a human being
when there are no more activities left for humans to could be made immortal. It involves the concept of
create technology for? creating an artificial intelligence that would be a digital
Let's take a look at the latest sensation, The Home copy of our brain. We could imprint our brain and our
Assistant. By now, the Amazon and Google Home thoughts on this machine and have it think like us. In a
Assistants might have been heard in every sense, our thinking process would be immortal. The
household, and might have even entered in most of idea of immortality is tempting, but the consequences
these houses. These are nothing but Artificial of such a technology is something that I cannot even
Intelligence, an attempt of humans to install a sense fathom. Living life itself will have a completely new
of self-thinking into machines. They can do a wide definition, an unnatural definition.
range of actions, from supervising your devices to From the continuity of the advance of technology,
even being able to strike a conversation with you. further activities will be left over to technology to
They can get your switches for you, play your perform. This brings into mind the concept of the movie,
favorite music and can soon make your calls for you. 'I, Robot'. Not that I am feeding more controversy into
Alexa and Google are already changing your life at the 'AI gonna capture the world' idea, it is the theme I
home. find intriguing. Robots take over so many jobs that
Another marvel of technology is the social media. humans become overly dependent on it. From the
Almost every human being has a social media Home Assistant and Artificial Intelligence, where does
account now, whether it be Twitter, Facebook, the future lead us? Does humanity soon give up on all
WhatsApp or Instagram. There is a whole galore of jobs to robots and cease to exist as a living entity? Do
sites now. As of the 2nd quarter of 2018, Facebook we stop living and dissolve into a digital world? In that
reported to have 2.23 billion active users. These case, we will become mere instruments to the tool we
social media accounts have actually become an created. We will have lives, but they will be lived by
extension of ourselves, a virtual organ within our technology.
bodies that has a direct impact on our minds. When Paarth Singh Dahima
these ideas were given birth, they were done so to SE CMPN A
Negative Effect Of
Technology On Human

he difference between technology and gives rise to a miserable life. Everyone on the
slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they internet wants to be better than everyone else. This
are not free"- Nassim Nicholas Taleb need of being superior gives rise to narcissism or the
inflated sense of self importance. The word sounds
Technology impacts the earth as a whole, be it very cool and every other teenager on the internet
environment or society. Nothing escapes it is grasp. takes pride in calling itself a narcissist. This disorder
In the recent times, debates have been conducted is termed as NPD that is Narcissistic Personality
over the misuse and negative impacts of technology Disorder. This happens when people seek validation
but only over teenagers. The fact that its roots are on the internet and when they don't get any, they try
deeper and it impacts everyone equally is ignored. to fill the void by praising themselves beyond limit
Since its birth, technology has been both, useful and giving rise to superiority complex.
harmful. Now the tables are turning due to the
increase in its negative impact. The constant need for attention not only causes
ADHD but also depression when one doesn't get
Technology causes Physiological, Psychological enough. ADHD causes people to become impulsive
and Social issues. The Psychological disorders and causes distraction from their actual life
include narcissism, ADHD, addiction, depression, situations or problems. Most of the people are under
expectation of instant gratification and obsession e-stress more, rather than their real life stress which
while the Physiological disorders include vision burdens them further. This e-stress causes
problems, headache, neck strain and hearing loss. emotional trauma, lack of trust and self doubt. This
On the other hand, the Social issues are lack of skill hampers the relationships in today's time. This e-
development. While the Physiological issues are stress causes individuals to take wrong decisions
mostly temporary and non fatal, the Psychological and to end up in an even more difficult situation. The
issues result in severe consequences. Staring a impulsiveness generates wrong reaction to a
screen for a long time can result in 'Computer Vision particular action. The reason these disorders arise is
Syndrome' which includes eye strain, blurred vision because of the barrier of distance that's been broken
and dry eyes. Sitting in a particular posture which and the lack of privacy for individuals.
puts a strain on the spine can cause neck sprain,
back ache and in extreme cases Scoliosis.

Psychological issues arise from the fact of e-

competition which forces individuals to try to be
better than everyone else on the internet. The
compulsive need to be 'in the game' or 'in trend'
gives rise to a miserable life. Everyone on the
The fact that these disorders have been The reason these issues exist is because
normalized creates a lack of awareness and technology controls us instead of we controlling
attention towards it. These disorders if untreated the technology. Day by day the technology is
can increase the severity of it and can prove evolving while humans on the other hand are
dangerous after a certain limit. The greatest walking back on a path of doom. The overuse of
example of such situations is depression. technology has left the libraries empty. It has
Depression is not a single disorder. It is a gained an indirect control on our minds and it is
collection of multiple disorders which remain programming us to become puppets which work
untreated on the right time. The increase in according to it. It is necessary for us to question
depression in most people is relationship everyday, who is controlling whom? Everyday
problems. The constant need to check up on humans are drifting away from each other and the
people has made individuals detectives who day is near when we will turn against each other.
keep a track on the activities of their peers. This The use of technology should be kept in check by
causes a sense of distrust and doubt. This in turn every individual because anything beyond limit
gives rise to Anxiety which worsens the situation becomes disastrous.
even more.
"Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous
The Social issues on the other hand are rarely master"- Christian Lous Lange.
addressed. The lack of physical communication
gives rise to a lack of personality growth in - By Avinash Pandey
individuals. Too little human interaction can SE-CMPN-B
cause a lower self esteem which in turn causes
stage fear and social anxiety. Not socializing
enough can lead to professional problems. The
most important social issue is cyber bulling. The
teenagers are most vulnerable to it and it
happens almost anywhere and everywhere. The
use of inappropriate language over social media
platforms could hurt sentiments and cause
defamation. The victims can be total strangers to
anyone close. Another important issue is
terrorism and crime. Crime like cyber theft is
spreading easily and even though there's so
much of awareness about it, people still fall for it
e a s i l y. Te r r o r i s m o n t h e o t h e r h a n d i s
brainwashing and hates speech. People have
become so intolerant on social media that hate
speech has become so common. When
someone doesn't agree with someone else's
views they use hate speech as combat. Social
media is making us intolerant due to the very fact
that it boosts our ego and we become furious
when we are acknowledged about our wrongs.
Impact Of Social Media On

The media plays a significant role during a Social media was a well-liked word in Indian
democracy; informing the general public regarding parliament election 2014. Political parties use social
political problems and acting as a watchdog against media as a result of ancient mass media
abuses of power. throughout election campaigns communication medium square measure extremely
the media provides info and analysis regarding the regulated bye electioncommission of Asian country.
political parties' programmes, policies, candidates For over a decade politicians have taken the net in
and performance. transmission appears to form an effort to higher reach voters in our new media
politicians appear a lot of remote; there's still no society. initially it had been the employment of static
association between politics wherever power is webpage to marketcampaign goals, guarantees
brokered, and also the network society itself. during and knowledge. However, as social media or the
a similar means, social media has additionally social networking sites (SNS) began to rise in quality
remodeled politics in Asian country and globally. Its within the mid-2000, campaigns began in earnest
result has wedged the means candidate campaign trying to harness their power to achieve a lot of
for his or her election. Social media permits voters.
politicians and political parties a technique to
attachdirectly with folks across the country at a For instance, the 2008 U.S. presidential election
reduced price and larger reach than ancient media. was the benchmark as the first election to fully grasp
Social media isn't merely succeeding during a line of the power and reach of the SNS's to impact voters.
communications technologies: it's additionally The U.S. President, Barack Obama's campaign
modified everyday activities and connected folks used Facebook in an exceptional ways to reach out
during a manner ne'er before attainable. The paper the young voters. It worked, allowing him to win the
aims to look at the extent use of social media by the votes nearly 70 percent of voters that were under 25
political parties to market their image and political years old.
messages, among their supporters and peoples in
social media. Social media is also facilitating a new way by which
people are able to search and share information and
The paper intends to look at however folks consume increasing their awareness. It plays a vital role in
the political problems or political discussion on converting street movements into large cities of
social media. it had been studied on the idea of the Romania in 2012. In the same passion during anti-
responses received from a sample of a hundred corruption movement 2012, social activist, Anna
respondents in Hyderabad state region. Results Hazare used social media to connect people in New
reveal attention-grabbing infoon the kinds of social Delhi.
media used the ratings of the foremost used social
media and their impact on society.
This has caused lot of adverse effects on health. Social media and its uses in India
The very first is eye strains, continuously looking Social media is playing a considerable new role in
at screens has led to lot of eye problems. The Indian democracy. With the changing politics of
major issue that has been much talked about is India political parties and politicians have found a
Stress. That doesn't feel shocking because Yes , new ways of reaching out to a younger and
people are very much important to us. It works aspiration population.
both the ways. Suppose for an instant, one of
your friend is calling you repeatedly and due to The use of social media by Indians was first
some reason you are not able to receive the call. highlighted during the 2008 Mumbai attacks
This develops a tension in mind of both the when information shared through Twitter and
people. The stress work both the ways. So much Flickr between Indians and the outside. "The
of social connect with people results into losing second mass use of social media in India was the
yourself. May 2009 national elections, when, for the first
time, online voter registration and transparency
In the above paragraphs we talked about how campaigns started" where first time political
much time we give to our parents. Now the most parties tried to reach out to voters through social
important question is: How much time do you give networking websites.
to yourself? You are so worried about others and
their lives but what about your life. Did you ever sit Social media has also credited with helping the
back and talked to yourself. We are so into others new Aam Aadmi Party and its candidate, Arvind
that we forget ourselves. That is where the Kejriwal, won a surprise victory in Delhi against
psychology issues come into picture. This is major political parties. But social media can also
where the limit has to be mandatorily set. be subject to significant abuse. Some politicians
Everyone is not worth of our time and our ideas. have been accused of boosting their apparent
Everyone is not worth our care and love. One popularity on social media with legions of
must prioritize people in their lives. That is where followers who don't exist and of using social
you will also understand youPoliticians use social media to smear their opponents. Worse, social
media to communicate with their audience and to media have been used to fan violence against
call them either to protest, or to vote. So, the use religious and ethnic groups.
of Web 2.0 technologies has made it incredibly
easy for a wide range political parties, social Siddharth Tiwari
activist, individual leaders are getting attention TE-B
towards social media.

In addition to the impact that social media has for

campaigns in the traditional sense of expanding
the reach of their message to more voters and
often younger voters. Social media activities can
be either used to predict the outcome of elections.
However, many companies have attempted to
use the data which is available from the social
media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google
Plus and other platforms to predict election
outcomes. It is assumed that people visits these
social media platforms with their ideas and
thoughts regarding their political leaders during
the election periods. While through careful
content and structural network analysis these
platforms will provide similar results to traditional
election polling.

Hence, social media has emerged as an

essential tool of communication and has created
new ways of political mobilizing and encourage
social media users in political activities ranging
from joining their political groups by tweeting,
status update, expressing supports through
blogs and videos on Youtube.
The Politics of Data

ou are most probably reading this article on We all like to follow meme pages on social media.
your smartphone or your desktop. We are Some of these pages are "Politically influenced"
citizens (or should I say Netizens) of the 21st during the time of elections. This lead to further
century. This is the century predicted as the century consequences, something which we already are
of technology and is widely expected to further aware of, so I won't talk much about that. How can
change our day to day lives. Recently we heard someone ignore the superstar of social media-
about the rumor of the internet going down for 72 WhatsApp? We are all in some WhatsApp group(s)
hours. (Which was ultimately false) We saw some we don't want to be in. There are some extremists on
extreme reaction on social media regarding the the platforms who serves you hatred in the form of
same. Imagine the Internet actually going down. some memes or status(es) or via other means. My
Sounds horrible, doesn't it? I haven't even advice is to stay away from such people. Be firm on
mentioned other aspects of technology except the your decisions. Now let's get back to the topic "The
internet. Such is the dominance of technology in our politics".
lives. Now, let's talk of the advantages of technology in
We all are aware of the Facebook data breach. Even politics. The technology has enabled the
though the investigations are still underway, an Government to increase its reach even to the remote
estimate is that the data of around 30 million areas. The citizens have actually become the
users(Figure latest to the time of writing) was stolen watchdogs of politics. The politicians cannot simply
and misused, tells a big story. There are various manipulate people to win over the votes. They are
aspects related to it. Let's focus on the one which answerable to the citizens who keep an eye on every
turned out to be nightmare for many 'Powerful' activity of Government and opposition. The
people in the world. Yes, the political one. Right from Government can now directly interact with the
the Indian Lok Sabha elections in 2014 to the latest citizens and get a feedback on their policies. We just
US presidential elections, everything has come cannot ignore the influence the role of technology
under the scanner. It was considered that the data had in the 2014 elections. We all know many more
breach "Largely influenced" the elections. advantages. I won't mention them as it will start
Let me explain this to you with an example. We all looking like an essay.
are on Facebook. The firm knows the details about In conclusion, I would like to say that, we should stay
us such like the nationality, age, sex, city etc. So aware of all these stuff served to us using various
during election time, by virtue of ads we will be platforms. While the role of technology on the
mostly shown the posts praising a particular party politics can't be ignored, but we as a responsible
while also spreading hatred towards the opposition. citizens and future engineers in the field of
This is basically a well designed trap to catch and technology should ensure that the technology is
influence the voters and effectively turn the tide in used in right manner. Try to not get influenced by
someone's favor. This is the most basic way of how Social media.
the audience are targeted and influenced. There are
a whole lot of different things if we want to go deep Lokesh Agrawal
into the topic. This is what we can consider as one of SE CMPN A
Online Shopping: The
Good, The Bad, And
The In-Between

verything looks misty for you when it comes to should always buy from trusted websites only.
online shopping? You don't know yet if it's These trusted websites will generally make an effort
good, bad or something in-between of that? to police what products are being sold so you have
You are probably not the only one. And I can ensure some degree of protection. So just be caution of
you what you are now going to know everything you where you are shopping and you will be fine.
need to in order to understand it all. So put your seat
belts on, and let's go into the trip of getting to know Losing touch. Another bad thing about shopping
the good and bad of internet shopping right away! online is that you are taking the risk and buying
things without even the ability to touch it. And with
The Good some products it is very important to take a better
Couponing. From clothing to food, from toys to car look of what you are purchasing – groceries is a
parts, online you can purchase stuff as easily as good example of this. Otherwise, you will be
offline and get it at the same quality or even better. unsatisfied and might get in trouble while trying to
But another great thing about online shopping is return it. So remember that shopping online doesn't
thousands of different coupons that are waiting for give you a chance to feel the item you wish for.
you. So, as mentioned before, if you are looking to
shop for groceries online, you can find a bunch of The In-Between
coupons. If you are looking for clothing – you can Salespeople. If you can't stand people trying to
easily find it too! Everything online is easy to find. make you buy stuff you don't want, then shopping
And it is easy to use coupons to reduce the price! online is great for you. You will not have to handle
Even if you are searching for some cheap car parts, with it at all if you don't want to. But if you want some
you can get some coupons and get it all less advice, you can contact with people who are
expensive! responsible for customer care and talk as much as
Time-consuming. Another amazingly good thing you want! Online salespeople are actually waiting
about online shopping is how time-consuming it is. I for you to come, rather than trying to make a contact
mean, how less time it consumes, actually. You don't with you first.
need to dress up, go stand in huge lines and wait for
hours to shop. You can get your wished item within a Enjoyment. By shopping online, you might lose the
few minutes! Or even faster if you are a real pro in enjoyment of dressing up and going out with your
this. It also means that you can shop at whatever friends to shop. But on the other hand, you will be
part of the day you want. So if you feel more able to feel the rush then you see that delivery guy is
comfortable to shop at midnight – you can definitely coming with your package! So it is also a lot of in-
do it without any problems. Thus saving time while between deciding whether or not shopping online is
shopping online is a definitely good thing. good. But the best way to solve this problem is not to
choose absolutes – shop both online and off to get
The Bad the best of it all together!
Scams. As everywhere in life, by shopping online
you are taking a risk of being a victim of criminals. Yogesh Bharambhe
Since online shopping becomes more and more TE-B
commonplace for masses, the number of online
scams is also increasing. This is why you
Technology Controlling

echnology is a useful servant but a dangerous Have you ever imagined yourself a day without a
master. – Christian Louis Lange" cellphone? Did you ever think in life how much are
we dependent on it? For an instance, the first thing
many of us do in the morning as the alarm goes off is
As the time passed we never realized that we were to check cellphones. No person in this world could
slowly getting trapped by something that have been ever exist without a cellphone. The reason being is
in existence due to us. Everything built has its cons helplessness. It is sometimes impossible to
and pros. When it comes to technology we never measure how much we use technology each day.
looked upon its consequences because the We can never escape technology, our day to day
perspective for the advancement of technology has work is completely dependent on it
always been for the betterment of the society. It .
turned out as a miracle and its advancement has no When we talk about small kids, they are much into
end. Technology has proved to be very beneficial to gaming and understanding its features. It doesn't
all of us because it reduces human labour and saves have much adverse effect on them, but the radiation
time. from the cellphone, laptops, television may affect
their eyes. But still they are being under the
Technology has turned out to be our saviour . guidance of their parents. When we talk about
Technology is constantly improving and doing more teenagers and adults here is where the main issue
impressive things, and it has a huge impact in the begins. This is our working and developing age
field of education. With the help of technology, group ,the youth of our future. No doubt we are being
students can learn on a global scale without leaving benefitted the most through technology but we don't
their classrooms or homes. But it has its know our limits. First and the most important thing is
disadvantages too. The immediate online response to set our limits. We are so bound to it, that we are
or ability to instantly communicate with anyone has losing our social contacts with people. According to
resulted in stress much in the teenagers and adults. the statistics, young generation talks about 11
Many of the teens and adults get addicted to it which minutes to their mother and 8 minutes to their father.
has adverse effects on our body. From a small baby Isn't that shocking? We are so hooked to this social
to a 80-year old man we all are bound to technology. world that we lose our connect with our parents as
Did you ever sit back and think how could a day be well. Imagine that day when you sat with your family
without technology? As the time has passed by both and had a talk about hours. The whole blame is not
time and humans are losing its value slowly and to be given to the youth because the adults are even
slowly. As a result, the major issue over the time is of more busier than us.
human connection. We all are connected digitally,
no doubt. But are we connected emotionally? We
could spend hours talking to a person in a digital
way(either calls ,texting ,video calls) but when it
comes to face to face communication we don't have
time. This is very true. Our bond with people in a
digital way is very strong.
This has caused lot of adverse effects on health. Yes, being not so actively social in this generation
The very first is eye strains, continuously looking may turn out be very hard to even pass through a
at screens has led to lot of eye problems. The single day. But it totally rely on us how we handle
major issue that has been much talked about is it. Technology is something we have created and
Stress. That doesn't feel shocking because Yes , now we are only letting it dig our own grave.
people are very much important to us. It works Technology isn't a bane, it has really benefitted
both the ways. Suppose for an instant, one of and changed lives of thousands of people. Hence
your friend is calling you repeatedly and due to let it not turn out to be a demon to us because
some reason you are not able to receive the call. everything is on us. Hence, now it is on us to
This develops a tension in mind of both the decide whether we should control ourselves
people. The stress work both the ways. So much towards technology or letting it control us.
of social connect with people results into losing
yourself. -By Sakshi Singh
In the above paragraphs we talked about how
much time we give to our parents. Now the most
important question is: How much time do you give
to yourself? You are so worried about others and
their lives but what about your life. Did you ever sit
back and talked to yourself. We are so into others
that we forget ourselves. That is where the
psychology issues come into picture. This is
where the limit has to be mandatorily set.
Everyone is not worth of our time and our ideas.
Everyone is not worth our care and love. One
must prioritize people in their lives. That is where
you will also understand your worth and limit
yourself when it comes to being social.
The Real Effects of
Technology on Your

ll you laptop-using, touchpad-checking, two- Effects of Technology on Health
thumb-texting, smart phone-listening grown- #1: Failing Memory
ups and kids beware: Those devices subtly You drive while talking on the cell phone, text while
change your back, eyes, ears and brains. listening in on a conference call, surf your iPad while
Lifescript's Health Detective describes the watching TV. Multitasking is the new normal, and
damaging effects of technology on our bodies and though it feels like we're more efficient, studies show
minds... it has the opposite effect.
Technology has crept into every corner of our lives, “Your performance level drops if you stop one
from obsessive texting to checking emails more activity to pick up another," says Gazzaley, who
often than a stockbroker eyeballs the Dow. conducts ongoing studies on the effects of media on
Sure, you're on top of Kim Kardashian's latest crisis, our brains.
but smart phones, tablet computers and gadgets Multitasking participants had more difficulty filtering
"have an impact on [your body], even if you're out irrelevant information than those focusing on
dealing with irrelevant information," says Adam one task at a time. Multitaskers also took longer to
Gazzaley, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of switch tasks, juggle problems and wasted time
neurology, physiology and psychiatry at the searching for new information when information
University of California, San Francisco. they had was better and more reliable.
Most of us absorb three times more information In fact, students from Columbia and Harvard
every day compared with 50 years ago, according to universities retained facts better when they knew
University of California researchers. We spend 12 they couldn't get them from a computer, according to
hours in front of TV and computers – and that's just a study published in Science magazine in 2011. If
at home. they knew they could get the facts later online, they
So is all this techno-toiling bad for us? That depends just remembered how and where to get it.
on the devices you use and how often, medical It gets worse as you age: Younger adults can
experts say. retrieve the temporarily lost memory more quickly
No one expects you to put down your smart phone than older adults, Gazzaley says.
and live like our ancestors did. Researchers are
conflicted so far, though, about whether the effects Tech solution: So, how should we handle the daily
of media are good or bad for our brains. They do barrage of information and multitasking?
agree that it's changing how we think. Gazzaley sets aside small amounts of times each
Which in itself isn't alarming: "Throughout our day to "listen to music while I email and talk to a
lifespans, our brains always change," Gazzaley colleague." Otherwise his door is closed, his phone
says. is turned off and he works uninterrupted. That's
Lifescript called, texted and emailed experts when "I can engage in high-quality thinking," he
nationwide to learn about the effects of media on our says.
health. Read on to learn how it might be changing
Effects of Technology on Health
#2: Emotional Instability Many computer users assume awkward
Most adults don't need 450 Facebook friends to postures to position their eyes for better
feel validated. Teens, however, are emotionally performance, according to the association.
more vulnerable to the effects of rampant texting Close computer work can cause light sensitivity,
and online sharing, psychologists and physicians dry eyes, blurred vision, double vision, fatigue
say. and headache.
Here's how: Handheld devices force users to position
Sleep deprivation: Teens need about 9 hours the equipment "closer than eyes want," says Jim
sleep each day, but often text late into the night, Sheedy, Ph.D., director of Vision Performance
says Sherry Turkle, director of the Initiative on Institute at Pacific University in Forest Grove,
Technology and Self at the Massachusetts Ore. "You have to exert more muscular effort to
Institute of Technology (MIT) and professor of the see at that distance and experience more
school's Social Studies of Science and symptoms than other technologies."
Technology department. That means they can't Tech Solution: To avoid eye problems:
focus at school and cope well with social
pressures. Ÿ Limit time spent continuously in front of a
Too much codependence: Modern teens computer. Look away from the screen every 20
are failing to separate from their parents and minutes for 20 seconds, the AOA
become independent thinkers, a major recommends. For the ideal viewing distance,
developmental step for adolescents. Blame cell set your monitor about 20-28 inches away
phones and texting, says Turkle. from your body.
"Fifteen years ago, if a kid called his Ÿ ·Adjust the top of your monitor at eye level, so
mother 10 times a day for advice, I would be you're looking down at the screen by 10°-20°
concerned," she says. "Today it's, 'What else is (4-5 inches). That way you'll avoid nodding
new?' It's become the norm, but it's still an issue.” your head up and down, causing neck and
No alone time: Phones and social-media sites back strain, Sheedy says. Laptops, especially,
prevent teens from experiencing solitude, setting need to be raised to "that sweet spot" where
them up to be lonely when they don't have a your eyes are looking down slightly.
connection. As a result, they often suffer from Ÿ Lighting above your head should be dim. The
"fear of missing out," Turkle says. areas within your line of view – the wall in front
"We're condemning a generation to not of you, for example – should be as bright as
know how to sit in solitude," Turkle says. your computer screen. Avoid sitting in front of
Time spent alone helps teens better an un-shaded window or with one behind you.
withstand periods when they're disconnected
from their digital devices and improves the sense You can "embrace new technologies but
of intimacy and bonding that face-to-face – not organize your day so you spend more time
virtual – social interactions provide. working at a desk, not on your lap," Sheedy says.
Kids' parents don't set a good example It helps avoid eye, neck and back strain.
either. "They can't walk around the corner to the
store with their child without a phone attached to
their ear," Turkle says. "It's modeling to kids that
it's not OK to be unconnected.”
Tech solution: Parents should insist that family
members turn off their phones at dinner and
s p e n d t i m e t o g e t h e r, m i n u s t h e m e d i a
distractions, experts advise.

Effects of Technology on Health

#3: Strained Vision
About 40% of optometrists' patients
experienced eye strain due to computer vision
syndrome (conditions related to "near work"),
while 45% complained of neck and back pain
associated with computer or handheld device
use, according to a 2008 survey by the American
Optometric Association (AOA).
Also, research suggests that men who Typing on a computer is like "bingeing and
work with laptops on their knees may damage gorging, while texting is like snacking," he says.
fertility. A study published in 2011 in the journal "It's intermittent, so you don't have the same
Fertility and Sterility revealed that men who sat cumulative effect as working at a computer for 4-6
with their knees together and their laptops on hours."
them raised their scrotum temperature by about Tech solution: To minimize potential pain from
2°F in just 28 minutes. Earlier research showed texting, Johnson recommends:
that even that small rise in temperature can Ÿ Use both hands to avoid overburdening one
destroy sperm. appendage.
Ÿ Avoid sending texts continuously because it
Effects of Technology on Health may hurt your hand and neck tendons,
#4: Hearing Loss muscles and nerves over time, Johnson says.
Can you hear me now? "If you feel pain from texting when you go to
Probably not well, if you blast music through sleep and wake up with it in the morning, it's
earbuds for long stretches, says Brian Fligor, time to give it a rest," he advises. "Ligaments
D.Sc., M.S., director of diagnostic audiology at can take 4-6 weeks to heal when damaged."
Children's Hospital in Boston and an instructor at Ÿ Rest your arms on a table to relieve your neck
Harvard Medical School. and shoulders.
Wear and tear on ears is normal, resulting
in some hearing loss in seniors. But what you do
early in life sets the stage for how well you'll hear Effects of Technology on Health
as you age, Fligor says. #6: Heart Trouble
If you use poorly fitted earbuds, attend The longer you sit either in front of a computer or
loud concerts frequently or shoot guns for target TV, the greater likelihood you'll die earlier – even if
practice, hearing loss can arrive even in your 20s. you lift weights, jog or swim for 30 minutes a day,
Teens, in particular, crank up their iPhones loudly according to an ongoing study by physiologist
to drown out traffic noise, conversation and even Marc Hamilton, Ph.D., a professor at Pennington
other ambient music. About half of college Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La.
students in urban settings risk hearing loss. Women who remained glued to their chairs more
than six hours a day were 37% more likely to die
Tech solution: To avoid hearing loss: during the time period studied than those who sat
Ÿ Make sure your earbuds fit snugly. fewer than three hours per day, according to an
Ÿ Limit your exposure to loud music (80% of American Cancer Society study that followed
maximum volume) to 90 minutes per day, says 123,000 adults for 14 years.
Fligor, an unabashed loud-music guy himself. It didn't matter if they were fat, thin or worked out
You may listen to music at half the maximum daily, according to the study published in 2010 in
volume all day without any risk. That level is American Journal of Epidemiology.
acceptable to most people, he says, if it's not "Every chance you get, bend over to pick
competing with loud background noise. "If I something up, walk or stand. Instead of sitting
listen to cranked-up music for five minutes, when you're on the phone, walk up and down the
then I give my ears a break the rest of the day," stairs at work – just move," Hamilton says.
he says.
Yogesh Bharambhe
Effects of Technology on Health TE-B
#5: Muscle and Joint Pain
On average, we send and receive text messages
3,339 times a month, according to a 2010 Nielsen
Company survey.
In Britain, about 3.8 million thumb-typers
complained of pain from similar activities. Nearly
38% said they suffered from sore wrists and
thumbs, the result of repetitive movements,
according to a 2006 survey by Virgin Mobile, a
British cell-phone company.
But not all researchers believe the thumb fatigue
“That's an urban legend," says Peter W. Johnson,
Ph.D., associate professor of environmental and
occupational health sciences at the University of
Young Adults And

fear the day that technology will surpass our directly or indirectly effect of technology on human
human interaction. The world will have a body. Due to which many physical illness occurs
generation of idiots. - Albert Einstein" such as obesity causing life of youth towards death.

Technology is such a vast network which leads One of the major drawbacks of technology is
many people fall into its spiral behaviour. It basically security issue. Cyber Crimes are increasing day by
has no end. Knowingly or unknowingly it is creating day and security and privacy became an illusion.
a wide gap between a real life and a social life and Fake accounts can be created and many nuisances
due to which it lead the young generations to live a can be done causing the deterioration in the image
more social life than focussing on reality. Adults of the real person. Technology is also a platform that
these days are on the falling edge of the term known leads to many threats including terrorism. It is easy
as life. They had changed the basic meaning of life, for the People who are a part of any crime to use this
and technology plays a vital role in this issue. technology for threatening purpose. Anyone can
Along with physical issues such as neck pain, strain fake the news and publish it and people will believe
on eyes caused by the harmful rays coming from the the same because people think whatever is in the
screen of the laptops or phone, headache, the youth news is truth anyways. Youths nowadays are more
are troubling themselves with mental issues like into faking themselves than to show the reality of
comparison of selves with other people and this selves because some or the other way they feel that
increases inferior complexity amongst them. By in social life, nobody cares for reality. Due to which,
looking more and more people on internet achieving the real side of the youths are fading day by day
high and setting goals in their fields, they start to which results the youth to carry that fake mask and
compare themselves with those people and get slowly they start to become the one like they fake.
confused about their career. Youths get easily Technology results to less face to face meetings.
distracted and stressed out. If they are alone, most Relations are losing its importance and values.
of the time it is seen that they use social media for Personal Gatherings are replaced by online
avoiding the loneliness factor which can also messages and calls which results in huge
increase loneliness and leads the youth to misunderstandings between people sometimes.
depression. The real problem is youths want to Libraries are replaced by Televisions and many
achieve everything and they keep the potential to online shows. Books are replaced by movies
achieve what they want to but they do not want to put resulting in less imagination, less thinking ability
any efforts, they always want a shortcut usually in among all the youths.
every problem in life. They prefer smart work over
hard work which is good but simultaneously it
worsens the situations sometimes and all the
reasons behind this is Laziness. Laziness is one of
the most common factors in everyone's life which is
Impact of anything are both positive and negative Youths are the future of the world. Everything they
as well. It is always us to decide how to grasp it. do affects the same to others in the world. The
Technology can also be used as one of the great Life is a chain and all of the people living it are
opportunity for being in this rat race competition. connected with each other by some or the other
Many of the youths are taking the technology as a means. So if one does wrong, its effect will be
tool and using it as their study material such as universal. At the same time if someone does
many online courses and certifications are correct it will lead to a good life which can be a
provided by top institutes. Be it gathering motivation for others. Using the technology in a
information from the internet or choosing the proper way is to be understood. Learning from
correct path for them. For e.g. Many of the youths every tools of technology should be achieved to
are grabbing attention from all over the world, be lead a precious and productive life.
it writing the blogs, posting the photographs for
photography, uploading the art videos which “One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary
includes dance, cooking, music and many more. men. No machine can do the work of one
Using Technology as a platform to serve people extraordinary man. - Elbert Hubbard"
entertainment is one of the mainstream for
influencing people to do more. Internet is one of -By Srishti Singh
the sources where things go viral at the speed of SE CMPN-B
light. So the aim behind creating every
technology is to use it beneficially and not for the
harmful purposes. The current generation should
learn the things as many as possible because the
lifetime is less for learning everything in life. Many
more apps were made for making one's life easy.
Examples are online shopping, online delivery of
food, etc. These all things have made life much
easier than before it was. Communication
became easy amongst all. People can sit and
communicate with anyone across the world.
Life Without Technology

Technology drives our lives today and we are We no longer require a Torch-light,
totally impacted by it in many aspects, that As we are guided by our phone-light.
sometimes we miss on those beautiful things
that can bring to us so much joy and happiness. We hardly look out of our windows, to enjoy a
Life Without Technology… As we are busy forwarding Good Morning
messages through "WhatsApp" and "Hike".
We barely hear the morning birds chirping,
As we wake up with our mobile clock snoozing! We just don't see our wall clock ticking,
As we only bother about our phone battery
We rarely hear the rustling of papers and leaves, dipping.
As we are too busy typing away keys.
We buy a Dictionary, just to keep it in the
We will never learn to surf the ocean waves, bookshelf,
As we are too busy surfing from page to page. As we find the meaning of words only through the
Google Help.
We will forget what it feels like to live our lives
Offline. A "home" is now just a button we press,
As we are 24 by 7, Online. To escape from the multi-tasking mess.

We will forget saying "Bye's" before going out The mornings have gotten dark and cold,
from our homes. But we're too distracted by the "Apps" on our
As by the time we're out the door, we're already phones.
listening to music on our phones.
We are mesmerized, hypnotized and satisfied,
We tweet so much with each other, By a two-by-four block of metal that sits in our
As more than baby-birds tweet for their mothers. pockets.

We don't prefer chatting in person, but to chat We have settled for something that cannot love
online, us back.
As we have more friends on Facebook than in Emotion is the only thing that technology lacks.
real life.

We don't remember Birthdays and Anniversaries

anymore, -Vidyadhari R. Singh
As we know that our phone wishes them Assistant Professor-CMPN Dept.
Impact Of Technology On
Finance And Banking

always wanted to work in the financial sector and Payments bank is the new buzz word! technology is
was lucky to start my career in the retail banking allowing banks to setup shop without having a
space. I had no idea that the banking sector physical branch. Payments bank has now made
which I studied during my graduation had already possible for a local mom and pop store (Kirana
changed and continued to change rapidly. To grow Stores) to operate like a bank branch - allowing
at a rapid pace, banks were looking at products customers to open accounts, deposit cash, transfer
beyond the vanilla asset and liability products. It funds, make bill payments etc. RBI was the brain
started during the stock market boom, where a new child behind the idea of payments bank with the key
mutual fund scheme would be launched almost purpose of financial inclusion, allowing even
every week, if not two. This introduced cross selling remotest location accessible for individuals banking
of third party products like mutual funds and needs. Though payments banks are limited to only
insurance products. Both products combined savings account and account balance should be
helped banks gain customer confidence and a long- less than 1 Lakh, but the impact they have is far and
term relationship. Needless to say, it helped banks wide. For example, Airtel Payments Bank made it
to grow their business in a big way. This evolution in possible for over 200 villages go completely
the banking space was made possible with cashless (Source: ET). This could not have been
innovative technology, which would help the bank's possible without modern technology, where all you
business partners and product managers to know need is a smart phone and internet access.
which product are selling and which are not. Product
managers were now equipped with new generation UPI (Unified Payment Interface) was introduced for
technology, allowing them to tweak their product making payments easier and to increase the pace of
offering based on customer needs. financial inclusion. Government also stepped in to
give a push and increase acceptability by introduced
This evolution also introduced Internet banking, BHIM app base on UPI which allowed consumers to
which opened new horizons – aimed at the next make bill payments and transfer funds to anyone
generation of customers who would prefer to sit on and everyone who holds a bank account. Unique
their comfortable couch and perform almost all feature of UPI is that you do not need internet for
banking transactions. Right from opening an transferring funds or to check your balance. It
account, transferring funds, investing, paying bills operates using USSD based mobile banking. Give it
everything was now available online at finger tips. a try press *99# from your mobile phone if your
Today we take all these for granted. No one likes to number is registered with your bank for making UPI
stand in queue- it must be easy, seamless and payments.
instant. The foot fall in a bank's branch is far less
today compared to a few years ago.
Today when we see festive offer sale by the likes In the future, banks will have to leverage the latest
of Flipkart and Amazon, banks must work hand in digital technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
glove with the E-Commerce giants to manage the Machine Learning (ML) to help them in better
load on their systems and avoid system customer engagement, experience and value.
crash/down time. Online transaction volumes Bank's looking for scaling up their operations will
banks see today are massive, some even high as do so with the help of Machine learning, Open
200 transactions per second! which is a paradigm Banking/ API and cloud technologies.
shift from the traditional transactions and volume.
Collaboration with the E-Commerce giants has Mr. Aniket Raut
created a win-win situation for both business. No Product Manager
cost EMI, Instant EMI, EMI on Credit cards/ Debit OFSS
cards, etc. are all by products of this collaboration
which was created using new age technology -
enabling customers to buy the product which they
wanted but thought was out of reach.

Technology has also helped banks to keep a tab

on customers. CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau
India Limited) is the first company to stores all the
information of customers in India. A single
database, which stores complete history of loans
and repayments made by customers, is available
as a centralized database. Using this information
each customer is ranked, which enabled banks to
quickly assess the customer behavior and then
decide the loan eligibility and interest to be
offered. Traditionally it would take weeks to say
the least and customers would have to following
up with bank on their loan application, but not
Shubham Vishwakarma 9.73
Shaheen Sayyed 9.66
Vaiditya Chauhan 9.39
Vani Singala 9.36
Tanvi Sanzgiri 9.30

Anshul Gupta 10.00
Shreya Hegiste 9.83
Hiresh Joshi 9.83
Swapnil Arya 9.67
Ankit Gupta 9.67
Smruti Jadhav 9.67
Vivek Saroj 9.67

Sandesh Gade 9.95
Aishwarya Gupta 9.88
Smriti Singh 9.80
Kasturi 9.78
Dolby Agrwal 9.78
Karan Kukreja 9.78
Karan Gujar
Achieved 231st Rank out of
19,803 participants in CodeChef.

Nirja Rajeev
1 Month internship at Digicita
innovation labs.

Extra Curricural
Ankit Singh & Akash R. Singh

Bronze Medal in Carrom at BOSM

St udent Edit or ial
Commit t ee

St udent Edit or ial

Commit t e

(L-R) : Parth Singh, Shrishti Singh, Athashree Vartak,

Adit Rathi, Anand Vishwakarma, Rakshit Shetty.


Success is the result of perfection, hard work and determination. Team

Nimbus has always been dedicated in bringing the best edition every
semester. With the same determination, we have worked hard to bring this

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the Honourable

Chairman, Trustees and CEO of Thakur Educational group. Also, we are
deeply thankful to our Principal, Dr. B.K. Mishra, Vice-Principal Dr.Deven
Shah, Mentor Dean Dr. R.R. Sedamkar for their constant encouragement
and support.

Heartiest accolades for our HOD Dr. Sheetal Rathi and Faculty In-charges
Mrs. Vidyadhari Singh and Mrs. Ruta Pathak, without them Nimbus
wouldn't have been what it is today.

At the end we would like to express our sincere thanks to all the students,
teachers and industry experts for providing us with their valuable inputs
through articles and interviews.

-Team Nimbus 8.0

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