Introduction Ingles

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First Name: Jose Guillermo

Last name: Valeriano Leao
Project: Cisco System Inc.
Specialty: Ing. Transporte
Grade: 3er year
Course: Technical english 2
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1. Introduction .3
2. Overview .4
2.1 Mission.....4
2.2 Vision.....4
2.3 Location.4
3. Investigation and development .5
3.1 Subsidiaries ...5
3.2 Sales...6
3.3 Customers .6
3.4 Employees.8
4. Products.8
5. Bibliography.10
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1) Introduction

In this report I will talk about the cisco communication industry that is responsible for
developing software on multiprotocol routing equipment to different devices to the
network. It also offers the automation service in the part of equipment installation, data
reception to the cloud, security, process digitization through IP codes and architecture
development in part of switching and telephone networks connected directly to the
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2) Overview
Cisco Systems, Inc. (known as Cisco) is an American multinational technology
conglomerate headquartered in San Jose, California in the center of Silicon Valley that
develops, manufactures and sells networking hardware, telecommunications equipment,
and other high-technology services and products
Cisco Systems was founded in December 1984 by Leonard Bosack and Sandy Lerner,
two Stanford University computer scientists, who pioneered the concept of a local area
network (LAN) being used to connect geographically disparate computers over a
multiprotocol router system. By the time the company went public in 1990, when it was
listed on the NASDAQ

Help our customers achieve their top priorities and stimulate our long-term success by
providing good service in the delivery of smart networks and technology
Our goal is to become the most strategic business partner of our customers by offering
intelligent networks and technology in products, services and software platforms


Cisco Systems is a global company headquartered in San Jose, California, United States
and headquartered in several countries in America, Europe, Asia
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3) Investigation and development

Cisco innovates in different ways: through the development and expansion of

technologies after its initial invention, and through adjacent technology and market

Organic Development. $ 3.220 million plus research and development (R & D)

expenditures during fiscal year 2005.


Cisco Subsidiareis

Major provider of home and small office

network products

Provides on-demand collaboration, online

WebEx meeting, web conferencing and video
conferencing applications

IronPort Systems
Designs and sells products and services that
protect enterprises against internet threats
(ie. Email and web security apps)
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Last closing 31,6 Day 31,22 31,64 Income 48,51B

Aperture 31,2552 52 Weeks 27,13 - 34,6 BPA 1,98
Volume 19,327,991 Cap. Market 158B Dividend 1,04 (3.67%)


He suggests that those top players are Cisco, IBM, HP, Microsoft, and Oracle. And
although he doesn't predict which ones will go by the wayside, he did diss competitors
HP and IBM by name, saying, "When we talk about the top five IT players, watch how
disastrous the last 2.5 years have been where an HP and an IBM haven't had revenue
growth for two to three years."
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4) Products:

a) Networks

Wireless Technology
Network administration
Interfaces and Modules
Fiber optic networks

b) Wireless Technology and Mobility

Access points
Industrial and outdoor access points
Drivers & Downloads
View all wireless networks and mobility

c) Security

Next Generation Firewalls

Advanced malware protection
Policy and access
VPN Security Clients
Email security
Web security
View all security
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d) Data center

Servers: Unified Compute

Data Center Management and Automation
Data Center Security
Data Center Switches
Hyperconvergent Infrastructure
Storage Network
Virtual Networks
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5) Bibliography

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