Essay On Proverbs
Essay On Proverbs
Essay On Proverbs
It is very true that Health is Wealth. As, it is only our good health which stay with us in any bad or
good circumstances. Nobody in this world can help us in bad times. So, if our health is good, we
can bear any bad circumstances in our life. If one is not healthy, he/she would definitely suffer
health related or other difficulties in life instead of enjoying the life. In order to maintain a good
health we need to eat balanced food, daily mild exercises, fresh air, clean water, maintain good
posture, enough sleep and rest, maintain cleanliness, regular medical check-ups, follow our
elders, parents, and teachers etc.
The common saying Health is Wealth fits to everyones life. Good health is the real wealth means
money which has capability to help us always. Good health is most important part of our life
without which we are incomplete and living unhealthy life. Good health is really better than wealth
and other things in this whole world.
For getting fit we need to maintain standard and healthy eating. We should follow the regime like
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise, Time and Tide waits for
none, etc. We should brush our teeth daily two times a day to keep our mouth clean and free of
diseases. We should clean our hand with soap and water every time before eating food. We
should maintain our good personal hygiene in order to get healthy. We should daily take bath
with fresh water and go for morning walk to have some fresh air.
As we all know about the popular and common saying that Health is Wealth. It is as true as our
life. Good health keeps us always happy and gives us feeling of complete physical, mental,
social and intellectual well-being. A good health keeps us away from the diseases and health
disorders. The loss of good health causes loss of all the happiness. A great freedom fighter,
Mahatma Gandhi (also called Bapu) has said that It is health which is real wealth, and not
pieces of gold and silver.
A good health helps us to life a good, balanced and healthy life. Our good health needs several
things to get done on daily basis. We need fresh air, clean water, proper sunlight, balanced diet,
away from junk food, clean and healthy atmosphere, greenery environment, morning walk,
personal hygiene, proper education, etc.
Healthy food at proper time is very necessary for the healthy body which is possible only through
the well balanced diet. It promotes the proper growth and development of our body which keeps
us mentally, physically and socially healthy. With the help of our good health we can fight any
bad situations in the life. We should always remember that we need proper food, water, air,
physical activity, sleep and rest on daily basis.
The meaning of most common saying health is wealth is very simple and easy. It means our
good health is the real wealth of our life which gives us good physique and mind and enables us
to enjoy whole life by managing its all challenges. Good health promotes a good mental, physical
and social health. I completely agree with this saying that health is actually a true wealth as it
helps us at all. A good health keeps us away from the metal and physical disabilities as well as
other medical conditions including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, fatal diseases, etc.
A physically or internally unfit person has to face lot of challenges in the whole life even she/he
has to be depend on someone else for performing daily basic needs. This situation is quite
embarrassing for one who faces it. So, it is good at all to maintain a good health forever to be
happy forever without anyones help. It is true that to maintain a good health we need money and
to earn money we need good health. But it is also true that without money we can live life and
without a good health we cannot live life happily. Because our good health helps us all the time
and encourages us to do something better in our life, instead of earning money only.
In such a busy life and polluted environment, it is very hard for everyone to maintain a good
health and live healthy life. It needs a careful watch and regular medical check-up to get healthy.
Now-a-days, a good health is just like a boon given by the God. It is very fact that good health is
real money of life. Good health is considered as the precious earning of a human throughout
his/her life. If one has losses his health, he has lost all the charms of life. A good wealth can be
earned anytime using a good health however; a good health can never be earned again in the
life if once destroyed. In order to maintain a good health we need to do regular physical
exercises, yoga, meditation, balanced food, good thoughts, cleanliness, personal hygiene,
regular health check-ups, proper sleep, rest, etc. If one is healthy, he/she does not need spend
money on his/her health in buying medicines or visiting doctors. A healthy person just needs to
spend some money only on his health on regular basis. However, on the other hand a lazy,
diseased or sluggish person needs to spend more money throughout his life.
People generally become fail in their life to maintain a good health just because of their lazy and
idle habits. They think that what they are doing is right but time has already gone whenever they
understand their mistakes. A good health is one which keeps us healthy in all aspects like
mentally, physically, socially and intellectually. A good health provides us freedom from all the
sickness and diseases. A good health is the feeling of mental, physical and social well being. It is
a costly and most precious gift of the life and necessary for living a purposeful life.
A good health allows us to work for more time without getting tired. A good health is the real
pleasures and charm of life. An unhealthy person always worries about his/her physical or
physiological complications. So, it is good to maintain the good health to get rid of all the
complications of body as well as successfully face all the challenges of life.
As we all live in super-fast, crowded and busy time period. We have to perform multiple tasks
throughout the day in order to earn more money however we forget that good health is as
necessary for our healthy life as air and water for the body. We forget to take proper food in
timely manner, daily exercises, proper rest, etc to just earn some false wealth. We should never
forget that our health is a real wealth of the life. It is true for all that Health is Wealth.
A good health reduces the stress level and promotes healthy life without any sufferings. We
should always be aware of our health and go for regular health check-up. We should eat
balanced food having fresh fruits, salad, green leafy vegetables, milk, egg, dahi, etc in timely
manner in order to maintain the good health. A good health also need some daily physical
activities, proper rest and sleep, cleanliness, healthy environment, fresh air and water, personal
hygiene, etc. In order to reduce our rush between hospital and home, maintain a good health is
better idea. Maintaining a good health is a good habit which should be practiced from childhood
with the help of parents.
In earlier days, life was not so hectic. It was quite simple and free of too many challenges with
healthy environment in comparison to these days. People were healthy as they had to perform all
the daily routine activities by their own hand and body. But now, life in the technological world
has become easy and comfortable but hectic because of the competitions. Now-a-days, easy life
is not possible as everyone wants to earn more money to get better life than others. Now-a-days,
living life has become costly and tough as well as unhealthy as everything like air, water,
environment, food, etc has become contaminated, infected and polluted.
People have to work for at least 9 to 10 hours in the offices by just sitting on the chair without any
physical movement. They come to home in the late evening or night and become too tired to
perform any household work or exercise. Again in the morning they get up late from bed and do
some necessary works like bath, brush, breakfast, etc and go to their office. In this way, they live
their daily routine only to earn money and not their life for themselves. It is very necessary to
earn money for fulfilling some basic needs however, it is also necessary to live a healthy and
peaceful life which needs a good health.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness means cleanliness lead the way to godliness or goodness.
Through the practice of the proper cleanliness we can keep ourselves physically and mentally
clean which really make us good, civilized and healthy human being. Cleanliness brings feeling
of physically, mentally and socially well being and helps to make good personality and thus good
impression on others. Cleanliness shows clean character of a person through his/her clean
dresses and good personality. People with good character become moral and religious in their
life. Cleanliness gives rise to good character by keeping body, mind and soul clean and peaceful.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness is a most famous proverb which tells us that practicing
cleanliness is a very good habit and leads us towards goodness in every walk of life by keeping
our body, mind and soul clean and peaceful. Being clean is very mandatory for all of us to get a
healthy body and mind and ultimate success in the life. Maintaining cleanliness is the essential
part of healthy living because it is the cleanliness only which helps to improve our personality by
keeping clean externally and internally. Cleanliness is the responsibility of everyone and they
need to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of their surroundings and themselves. A clean
body keeps us healthy and away from the doctors thus saves from the medical expenses and
time loss. Cleanliness brings good and positive thoughts in the mind which slows down the
occurrence of diseases.
The famous proverb Cleanliness is next to Godliness express a lot to us. It indicates that
cleanliness is the essential part of the healthy life. As we all know that the habit of cleanliness is
in our tradition and culture. Our grandparents teach us properly to be clean always and promote
us to do worship and eat meal after taking morning bath. They teach us to eat food only after
doing proper hand wash and touch holy books and other holy things with clean hands. Even in
some houses there are restrictions of entering to the temple and kitchen without taking bath.
Priests tell us to take bath, wash hands and wear clean clothes before appear to the God or
involve in the puja or katha. There was a strict tradition of hand washing before meals in the
Jewish elders.
There is a close connection between personal cleanliness and moral health of the person.
Personal cleanliness is considered as the symbol of purity of body and soul which is necessary
to get healthy and spiritual connection. People who do not take daily bath or wear dirty clothes
are generally lose their feeling confidence, self-respect and well being. So we can say that
personal cleanliness safeguards us against dishonesty. All the advantages of the cleanliness
proves the question that why religious people and religion founders have made cleanliness ritual
necessary during spiritual occasions. Regular and proper cleanliness helps us to prevent from
germs remaining long on the body and maintain our godliness.
Cleanliness is next to godliness is a most common and famous proverb which means cleanliness
is everything for the goodness. People should keep themselves clean and bright to maintain their
healthy life style and healthy living. Cleanliness is way to godliness and godliness is way to
balance mind, soul and body. Being clean is the mean to keep ourselves physically and mentally
clean. Keeping our body clean, tidy and well dressed makes us smart enough to get confidence
and positive thoughts. Clean habits with nice dress sense creates good impression on others and
good reputation in the society because cleanliness reflects a clean character of the person.
It is considered that the people maintaining cleanliness and develop the habit of dressing
smartly, become clean character and generally pious and god-fearing. Such people have certain
morals in their life and have clean heart by being godly. We can say that godliness starts with
clean heart and clean heart can be of person with good character. This is the reason why priests
of any religion tell to be clean from body and mind before worship. Cleanliness is the first and
foremost thing to be near to the god.
On the other hand, being clean strengthens our immunity system and secures us from many
chronic and acute diseases. However, clean people may catch diseases from dirty people but
they are strong enough to tackle small problems. They can manage things in their surroundings
related to the cleanliness including instructing poor and dirty people about cleanliness.
People maintaining their proper cleanliness feel shame in meeting with the people having dirty
face, hands, soiled clothes and bad smelling clothes because they feel their insult while meeting
with such type of people. Cleanliness of body is really very necessary for the good physical
health. On the other hand, physical cleanliness gives inner cleanliness and keeps heart and mind
clean. Cleanliness of mind keeps us mentally healthy and prevents from the psychological
problems. So, the complete cleanliness keeps away from dirt and diseases as both go together,
where there is dirt there is diseases.
Disease causing germs breed and grow very rapidly in the dirt which causes infection or various
epidemic diseases such as cholera. So, in order to be healthy, happy and a peaceful life we all
should practice clean habits in every aspect of life because dirt symbolizes moral evil whereas
cleanliness symbolizes moral purity.
Time is very precious and demanding thing by everyone. It costs us a lot as once it goes never
comes back. It runs regularly for every moment and never stays even for a second. Time
destroys those who destroy the time. Time and tide wait for none is a famous proverb we all
know which means we should not loss the time as it never stays for anyone in any condition. Lost
time never returns to us, so we should use it properly in right direction. We should be conscious
always to make the best use of time we have. Opportunities come to our way with time however
do not knock the door all time. Success or failure in life depends on the way of use of the time to
its best advantage. Idleness from our part may cost us very heavily. Therefore, it is truly said as
time and tide waits for none.
Time is very precious than any costly thing in this world because it cannot be saved to us in
anyway. It can be only used or passed. It is more than gold and money because we can earn any
costly thing only through the proper use of time. If anyone of us does not understand the value of
time, time also does not understand the value of us. It is very powerful and can take us to the
highest height of the success as well as destroy us.
Time and tide wait for none is a common proverb which tells us that both, time and tide never
wait for anyone in anyway. This proverb emphasizes the importance and value of time in our life.
Opportunities knock the door surely for everyone but not always. We must learn to make use of
time properly without losing it a bit. If we lose it, we will miss the chance to succeed. If we will
waste our time, time will waste our whole life. We should not postpone our chores; if we
postpone them, time postpones the happiness in our life. We should perform all the chores in
timely manner to avoid the difficulty. Time passes every second and never comes back again.
Time and tide wait for none is a proverb which indicates the value of time and tide and reveals
their truth that both waits never for none. Time is free as one cannot buy or sell it. It is priceless
and can only be used or pass by us. We cannot own it however can use it in right direction. We
cannot store it but can spend it. Once we lost it can never get back. It always runs like a river in
forward direction which only gives forever and never takes back. As the direction of river flow
cannot be changed, time also never returns back. We should use time properly by performing all
the chores at right time and never postpone. We should be very punctual and disciplined in life to
get benefited with time.
One who lost the time is called as loser and cannot achieve something big in life. We can earn a
lot of money and store it for whole life however we cannot store even a single minute of time for a
second. We can earn more money by using time in right manner however cannot get more time
by using money. We cannot compare time with any precious thing in the world because it is more
valuable than them. We spend money with caution but why we waste our time. The reason
belong to this is, we earn money through hard works whereas time is free. The person who
understands the importance of time goes ahead and gets the success a day. And the one who
misuses it, never climb the ladder of success.
Time values differently to the persons in different fields. It is very powerful and always wins. No
one can defeat the time because it runs continuously without staying even for a single minute. No
one can order it, store it or stop it. If we see back in the history, we see many great personalities
who had followed the mantra of time and tide wait for none and achieved their goals in life.
People who want to do something big in their life know well the value of time and do their tasks in
timely manner at right time. Time is a precious gift from God given to us to achieve something
good in life. If we achieve something good with time in the life, we are appreciated and
remembered by the people for long time and sometimes for ages.
According to the Hindu theory of creation, it is called as the manifestation of God and named as
kalachakra means the cycle of time. We cannot see the time visibly however can feel the ever
running of time through the occurrence of day and night, seasonal changes in the year, etc. New
buds bloom to be flowers and they die one day, and this process goes forever named as life
cycle. Every living being has its own life cycle which runs through time.
It is very true that time is invisible; however, it is also true that time is most powerful. Time is a
big ruler which rules each and every thing in this world. Tide occurs in the sea which means the
rising and falling of the sea. It is the process which occurs on its own in the sea. It cannot be
started or stopped by any means. Both, time and tide are examples that do not have
consideration for anything. Time and tide wait for none is a proverb which explains its meaning
itself and true for all spheres of life.
Practicing anything on regular basis indicates ones intellectual and aesthetic abilities. Practice
makes a man perfect as it brings perfection which leads a man towards achieving excellence is a
particular subject or field. Action performed with proper planning and regular practice leads a
person towards perfect performance. Practice brings quality in any action as well as it prepares a
person for all other qualities. Practice helps us in avoiding errors and completes the task with
perfection. Practice is very crucial thing we must develop it in our life. It is best if we develop it
from the childhood with the support of our parents and teachers.
Practice makes a man perfect is a proverb which tells us the importance of continuous practice in
any subject to learn anything. There is no alternate to the hard work and success; we must have
to practice in the particular field on regular basis in which we want to succeed. No one has any
short-cut way to get mastery in any field like trade, art, sport, academic area, etc. Only
continuous practice can make us able to get success through the perfection in any field of
activity. Knowledge is a big thing but alone it cannot take us to our goal, we have to convert our
knowledge into action which needs a regular practice.
Practice is the only thing we can acquire mastery in any field because it brings perfection into the
action. Just take the example of subjects like physics and mathematics which are based on
practice as we forget all the rules without practice. We need continuous practice if we want to
bring perfection in learning anything like music, singing, dancing, English speaking, sports,
computer, painting, etc.
The meaning of proverb Practice makes a man Perfect is, to succeed in life in any particular
field or subject, one need to practice regularly with full commitment and planned strategies.
Getting success is not an easy phenomenon; it needs knowledge, skill and most importantly the
regular practice. If you desire to be a world-class famous musician, you need to buy an
instrument, arrange a good teacher, learn and practice on it daily for required hours. There is no
power which can make you Kapil Dev or Sachin Tendulkar over night merely through the inborn
skill or complete knowledge about cricket. You cannot reach to the target without committed
practice. You have to go to the cricket field every day for hours to practice cricket under the
guidance of a good and highly skilled coach.
You need to take care of the very little mistakes to bring perfection in the same work you are
doing as well as obey your guide with respect. If we see the list of successful people, we see that
there is regular practice and involvement with full commitment in their work. Students, who
achieve good marks or rank in board examinations, have studied throughout the year with
planned time table and open eyes. They have revised and re-revised their syllabus and made
themselves perfect in all the subjects. There is no alternate to the regular practice which can
make one perfect. Without practice you can give only average performance but not perfect
performance in any work.
Practice makes a man perfect is a proverb which indicates that practice brings perfection in any
work we are doing whether sports or academics. Regular practice leads us towards success by
correcting all the mistakes and errors. Each and every target, whether it is sports or education,
needs different way of training in order to build strength as well as remove errors to get
perfection. A decision maker, who wanted success to be achieved, must practice according to
the planning for the required hours daily. He/she must believe in hard practice regularly with
determination to get improvement to reach to the goal. Dedication towards work with regular
practice put us into the achievement of goal.
In order to lead a team needs more and more tough practice which gives experience to handle
and lead the team. Being a team leader, one need to know well about the subject, read, write or
play, skill to try new ideas to bring innovation and know well about all the team member to use
their knowledge and skill for team. And most importantly, in order to do all such things, team
leader needs to practice harder daily for hours, and then he/she can be a good and successful
team leader. This proverb fits in many ways in our daily life activities. Sometimes, bad situations
teach many people to work harder for achieving things however; some people become target
based by birth because of their parents. People, who want good career in future, push
themselves towards practice of all necessary things. Some people get failed to practice because
of the lack of determination.
Practice makes a man perfect is a famous proverb which teaches us about the importance of
regular practice in our life to get success. Practice with the use of intellectual and aesthetic
powers leads a person towards perfection by correcting all the possible errors. Practice brings
completeness and excellence to the performance. Practice done with a proper planning
promotes a person for perfect performance. It is very necessary to practice in the right direction
under the guidance of good guide or trainer to reach to the goal. Practice means repeating an
activity in the right direction which sharpens the talents.
Each activity (such as good habit, cleanliness, punctuality, discipline, etiquettes, reading, writing,
speaking, cooking, dancing, music, singing, driving, etc) needs practice in order to bring quality
and perfection. Practice needs a person to have hard work, patience, faith, strong will power,
tolerance, positive thinking, self confidence, determination and dedication. Practice prepares a
person having quality for all other qualities. A person should not stop practicing until he/she
achieves the perfection.
Practice is the best way to achieve perfection as a person practices more, he/she becomes more
errorless and confident. Through practice we do not repeat the same error that is done previously
and learn new things. One can develop the habit of practice at any age however; it is best to
develop right from the childhood like practicing other activities such as walking, talking, writing,
reading, eating, playing, cooking, etc. A school going kid first practice writing letters, then the
words, sentences and finally the paragraphs and big articles; which lead him towards perfection
whether in writing, reading or speaking. In this way, a kid gets developed into a talented and
skilled adolescence a day through regular practice.
If we pay some attention in our daily routine activities, we found many example of practice makes
a man perfect. Nature itself is perfection in its various forms. Man including other living beings
has to strive hard in order to attain livelihood. Man has to practice regularly in order to learn
anything perfectly. Man himself has to set goals and then practice accordingly to be successful in
life. In order to practice regularly, one needs to have lots of patience, dedication and will power.
Practice can change mans quality into better qualities. In order to practice certain activities, man
has to concentrate his mind, soul and body at one place uniformly to achieve certain requirement
more smoothly and satisfactorily.
Without firm determination, no one can successfully involve in the regular practice. Hopeless
people can never do practice as they easily lose their patience before getting the proper result. In
order to continue the practice, one needs to have hope, patience, faith, and confidence with
positive thinking. If we put our sight at the history, we see that there was Eklavya who was
denied by the Droncharya to teach the art of archery however; his resolute determination helped
him and he learned the art of archery very well after years of practice in front of his masters idol.
Practice is like an exercise and mantra for us which brings our physical and mental entities at
one path of required frequency and leads us towards perfection, slowly but surely. Practicing
continuously with faith creates a cohesive force which connects the physical and mental entities
together to work at required frequency. Anyone can achieve his/her goal slowly but definitely if
he/she go with the planned practice. Ambitious people do hard practices to see their ambitions
fulfilled but never suppose to defeat. Practice is the best tool which we can use to sharpen our
abilities and capabilities beyond our capacities in the pursuit of goal. Practice is the best friend
which leads us towards success and make the knowledge remain with us.
It helps people to awaken their lethargic potential by inducing confidence level. It calms our mind
and gives happiness as practicing anything is like a meditation. We can achieve anything and
reach to the unreachable heights in our life through practice. It prepares us to go in right direction
and sharpen our abilities to face challenges and win. Practice is the continuous activity which
enhances the will power and encourages us to run to the goal with strong perfection.
Where there is a will there is a way is an old saying in English which means that if we dont have
strong determination and will towards our goal, we cannot work hard and thus cannot achieve
success in life. Our strong will power to achieve success creates a way of surety to get success.
Our will makes sure but easy path for us to climb the ladder of success. This proverb teaches us
that if we really determine to do something (whether easy or tough), we can do it. Sometimes the
task may be too difficult however the strong will power help us to confront all the difficulties and
creates a way.
Generally, all of us have a goal in life which we work to achieve; however, the final goal is
achieved only by the people who have strong will power and work hard with complete dedication.
Will power is necessary to create a way of surety of getting goal in life. Most of us do not
succeed in life as they dont have strong determination and will towards achieving the goal. The
meaning of this English proverb where there is a will there is a way is when we have strong will
to get something in life; surely we get that in future. Most of the people who are not determined
towards their goal generally tend to curse their fate or misfortune.
But the fact of getting failure in life is that we dont have will and dedication towards the task. We
should blame ourselves and our negligence only and not our fortune. Having wish to get
something is not enough; we have to work actively in right direction with strong will power.
Where there is a will, there is a way is an old saying in English which teaches us about the most
important topic of getting success in life. Making a nice goal becomes our motto however
achieving a goal needs strong will and dedication. People without having will power never
achieve the success and they curse their fate. This common saying simply means that if the
person is determined enough to get something completed, he/she always find a way to do that.
Determination is necessary to get completion in the task as it helps person to fight with all
difficulties and get success. Without determination and will power we generally tend to give up
very easily in the starting as we become hopeless from small difficulties. To learn or achieve
something in life, will power acts as a catalyst and enhances the speed of action. It needs a hard
and continuous practice to deeply learn things. We can pass the exam by reading the lessons
just a night before the exam however we cannot top in the class, district or state without hard
work for the whole year. So, it is good to have determination even to the smallest tasks in life and
never give up easily.
As we all know that nothing is impossible in this world however it is very difficult to achieve
something in life without determination and will power. Strong will gives us power to go ahead
and continue the tasks till we achieve the success. The proverb where there is a will there is a
way teaches us the same that we must be determined towards our goal otherwise we will get
failure. People having strong will are the ones who can do wonders in their life. Human will power
is very powerful which can defeat any difficulty and give extraordinary results. In the first sight it
seems that many tasks are almost impossible to complete and some people lacking the will
power get frightened away. Only few people have the necessary strength and will to complete
their goal.
In spite of having strong will, other things are also required like discipline, continuity, dedication
and patience. We have to work hard, get up early in the morning, and work more than specified
number of hours with full commitment. We just need to work continuously without postponing the
things and waiting for the result. Dont give an excuse to your hard work and never complain to
your fate.
Some of the people get discouraged by the few continue failures as they lack the power of
determination and patience to wait for final results. We should take failures positively as it makes
us strong and teaches us that something we are doing wrong in wrong direction. Failures are
stepping stones to the success and we must continue hard work as there is no shortcut to
Where there is a will there is a way is a nice old saying which has proved its meaning by hundred
percent. If we have a desire to do something, things will come to our way but we need to be
dedicated to that. There will be some hindrance in the way but will power gives surety to win the
goal. Will is the wish to do anything in life. Dreaming is good but not working properly to fulfill the
dream is not good. If you see dreams, work accordingly to complete them. The meaning of this
proverb applies to all the work areas of life. If you want that good things of life come to your way,
you need to work hard accordingly with complete dedication and patience.
You cannot get good result and success in the first attempt though you can succeed after a
number of hard trials. We all are well aware of the simple story of a thirsty crow who worked hard
in filling the pitcher through small stones to get the water level up so that he can drink the water
and quench his thirst. He was in the search of water for hours however when he got water, it was
very low in the pitcher. He tried number of ways to quench his thirst with no success. He thought
a trick and started picking and collecting pebbles one by one in the pitcher. Finally, he got
success in bringing the water level up and quenching his thirst.
His will power to quench his thirst made him able to defeat all the difficulties and get success. His
thirst was very important which made him strong and win. All the trials and success of that crow
teaches us that never become hopeless even when you are surrounded by difficulties. Just be
patient and continue the hard work, surely you will get success.
We generally make lots of promises to our self everyday such as to maintain daily routine, daily
exercise, finish home work on time, house cleaning, obey parents and teachers, commitment
towards study daily, etc. However, sometimes we do not win because of the lack of will power
and strong determination. Whenever we see towards our history, we find many great
personalities like Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Edmund Hillary, Swami Vivekananda; etc
who saw various big dreams and the most important point is that they were able to fulfill their
dreams just because they had strong will power towards their goal. They were very clear about
their decisions and each step decided for reaching towards the goal.
They never gave up in front of their hard times and continued walking on their way by
overcoming all the difficulties. They were able to find out the right path of success. Now-a-days,
most of the people of this generation dont have patience and will. Thus they lack achieving their
goal due to their wrong attitudes and greediness. Just think, what will happen if clouds stop
raining, sun stop giving sunlight, rivers stop giving water, trees stop giving fruits, etc. We cannot
live our life happily if nature stops helping us. We can learn about how to develop commitment
towards our work from each and every natural cycle.
This English proverb where there is a will there is a way is means that we cannot succeed in life
without having the will power and determination towards the goal achievement. Suppose that a
student want to get first position in class without hard work and proper preparation, he/she
cannot do the same in any condition as he/she lacks the determination and will of hard work.
However, he/she can achieve the goal next year after hard work and complete preparation.
Achieving things which are impossible can be easily obtained by the strong will power and hard
work. So, we can possible the things which are impossible through our continuous hard work. We
all have internal will power, determination, dedication and capacity of hard work. We just need to
recognize our internal strength and develop such natural powers within us to reach to the goal by
overcoming all the difficulties of the way. We need to focus on our goal to get ultimate victory
because where there is a will, there is a way.
Some people become very religious and they worship God all time. They think that they will get
blessed by God only because of their pooja. They do only pooja and never want to get involved
in the hard work or never understand their lifes responsibilities. They always keep wrong faith
that God will help them without doing hard work. However, the truth is that God always and only
help those people who do hard work with full commitment without getting worried about the
result. Lazy people have a very wrong notion about the God that they will get blessed only for
their laziness and wrong beliefs. They never know that they cannot make God fool, God is very
creative, He has created us and know everything about us. He can read our mind and know our
desires. Worship is main thing through which we can make God happy but we cannot get God
blessings for success in life without hard work.
God helps those who help themselves is a famous saying which means that God help us only
when we help ourselves means we need to perform our work with full commitment in right
direction in the field we want to succeed. If we do not work hard and only do worship; God will be
happy but He will never bless us for success. It is our hard work only which help us to get
blessings of God and reach to the top. Here is an interesting story of two frogs which help us to
understand the real meaning of this saying:
Once, there were two frogs, they were enjoying the rainy day. Slowly they hopped to the house
and fell down into the big container of milk. Both frogs tried to get out of the container for some
time however one of them got fed up as he lost his hope of swim any more. The second one was
having much patience and did not lose hope. He continued his swimming and round movements
in the milk in order to get out of that. Slowly he churned the milk into butter and then climbed to
the pat of butter which helped him to hopped out of the churn. From this story, we learn that, we
should never lose our hope and continue our hard work with full patience; the positive result will
be in front of us. Thus, it is proved that, God helps those who help themselves.
The saying God helps those who help themselves teaches us the most important topic of life
that we must do the hard work dedicatedly if we want to get success in that field. And, the most
important thing is that God only help such people, not lazy people. We generally see this
example getting proved in our daily life. The work we do from heart we get success and the work
we show our laziness or only pray to God without hard work to get success in that we get failure.
We can be clearer about this saying through this story: Once a terrible flood came in a village
and people started getting away from the village however there was one person who started
praying God to save him. Water level was rising very rapidly however he didnt move from him
place. A person in a boat came there and asked him to climb to the boat. He refused in the wait
that God surely will come to save him. Again a person in another boat came there however he
refused. Soon, the water level raised up to the roofs and a person in helicopter reached there to
save him. He denied again and said that he will be saved by God. Water level raised up to his
neck and eventually he died.
After death, he reached to heaven and shouted on God that why You didnt came to save me
even after being an ardent devotee. God replied that, you are fool, I sent there two boats and a
helicopter to save you but you denied all time. How could I help you if you denied? You got three
chances but you denied them yourself. The moral of this story is God never help us if we dont
help us ourselves means God helps those who help themselves.
In our daily life, most of us generally get hopeless whenever we have to face difficulties and
problems. We start praying to God during those times instead of following some tricky solutions
to get out of those problems. We should continue working hard and never get afraid of such
problems in order to get result in favor. Some people blame their luck and complain to God for
their misfortune instead of doing something. God helps those who help themselves is a famous
proverb which teaches us an important lesson in the life. It is not enough to only worship the
God; we need to work hard in the field we want to succeed.
The story of a farmer can help us better to understand the theme of this saying. Once, a farmer
was riding his cart to the market in order to sell his hay. Roads were very muddy due to the
whole night heavy rain and it was really difficult for his horses to drag the load. Suddenly wheels
got stuck into the mud. He started looking for someone to get help however no one was there.
He became hopeless and cursed his bad luck instead of doing some efforts to get out of that. He
looked up at the sky and started shouting at God for being unlucky. He prayed to God that
please help me.
God appeared before him and said why you are looking for someone to get help, you can
yourself be out of this problem very easily. Have you tried even for a while to get the wheels out
of the mud instead of shouting at me? No one can help you until you help yourself. He ashamed
of him and started trying to got the wheels out of mud through his shoulder. He got success in his
first attempt and thanked to God for teaching the lesson of self help. Thus, it is true that God
helps those who help themselves.
People, who do hard work and have patience, may have to wait to get the desired result however
they can never be failed in their life. And people, who are lazy and dont want to do hard work,
always curse their luck and shout at God. God helps those who help themselves is an old
proverb which emphasizes the importance of self-initiative hard work.
It was originated in ancient Greece and means a lot to us in our daily life. The meaning and
importance of this proverb can be better understood by the story of brothers and a mother. There
was a family (three brothers and a mother) living in a village. They were living a happy life
however, once a flood came and destroyed everything in the village. Anyhow they managed to
shift in the village of their mothers brother as she had some share there. They migrate there and
their mother asked her brother to get her share. He was very greedy and selfish thats why gave
her only a small piece of land having no sources of water all around.
They were very disappointed however decided to stay there and made a shelter. But they
continued hard work and prepared the land for cropping without complaining to the bad luck. One
of the brothers got hopeless however the elder one was very hard working, hopeful and strong
believer in God. One day, one of the brothers saw fresh reed grasses in the corner of land which
was the indication of water source. They dug there deeply for several days and got water. They
were happy because of getting the result of their hard work.
Moral of the Proverb
This story teaches us that efforts done in right direction with the faith in God bless us with both,
desired results and God blessings. Difficult times of anyone surely change into the good times
but we just need to do hard work and have patience instead of cursing the luck and shouting at
God. According to this proverb God helps those who help themselves, God help only those
people who solve their problems themselves and never curse their bad luck or blame others for
their problems. So, we should never get hopeless in our bad times and try to solve problems with
cool mind and hard works; definitely that will be over soon with lots of happiness and confidence.
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed is a famous proverb which tells us about the true friends in
life. True friends are those who really help us in our bad times of the life. They never left us
alone, they motivate us and always support whenever we need them. True friends become very
special in our life and remain with us. It is true friends who prove this proverb A Friend in Need is
a Friend Indeed. Good friends always support in our difficulties; for whom it is not necessary to
be from same field, same class or same cast. True friends always listen to you and correct the
mistakes you do to bring at right path. True friendship is a most trusted and important
relationship among all relationships in the life.
It is very necessary for us to distinguish between the bad and good friends to get prevented from
being cheated and get benefited all through the life respectively. A friend who remain same in all
conditions (good or bad) and support heartily, really become the true friend forever. A Friend in
Need is a Friend Indeed is a most famous old proverb which means that a friend who help us
when we need him really become the true friend.
A true friend never see the differences (whether financial racial, cultural or traditional), he/she
just become ready to help in any condition. A true friend always gives and never has feeling to
take in return. Every one of us needs someone who can help us anytime whenever we need
him/her. He/she not only helps us but exchanges good ideas, views and thoughts, sorrows,
hopes, joys and other feelings. He/she never cheats and always cares for us. He/she never
become arrogant and never changes on getting wealth and power.
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed is a famous proverb which tells us about the qualities of a
true friend. True friends to anyone are God gifted and become precious gifts whole life. They
have very special role in the life of their friends. Some cheater friends have decreased the level
of faith in friendship however they can never spoil this true relationship. It is more valuable than
other relationships in the life. Some people do not make friendship because of the fear of getting
cheater friends as they cannot recognize them earlier. Generally, we say friend to all those whom
we talk but true friend becomes different and very special.
Getting true friend is a blessing from God and every one of us dont have such friends. True
friendship becomes noble and great but very rare. Having a good friend is a most precious
earning and most precious possessions of the life. Without having a true friend our life is dry and
dull. True friends give good and safe company to us and make our life happy, interesting and
worth living. He/she understands us and our all needs. They appreciate and motivate us in our
bad circumstances and try to solve problems by sharing all the joys and misfortunes. They
become very good counselor and guide in our life as well as the source of joy, strength and
courage. They never left us in darkness even they become rich, prosperous and powerful. Thus,
true friends always prove the proverb a friend in need is a friend indeed.
The proverb, A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed, stands as a standard of the true relationship
of friends. The meaning of this proverb is that a person who helps in our need or difficulty is a
true friend. From childhood till the end of life, we come across various people with different
qualities and behaviour. Some of them become common friends; some good friends and only few
or only one becomes a true friend. Over a period of time some get away and some remain close
to us who become true ones. Sometimes, we get confused and cannot be sure that whether
someone is good or bad and she/she can be a true friend or just fair-weather friends.
Some greedy people develop terms with only influential people for getting benefit however it
become their big mistake as this trick can never bless them with true friends. A true friendship
can be test in the time of difficulties. Whereas, greedy friend gets disappear in the difficult times.
They give many excuses of being at distance from us. A true friend always becomes close to
his/her friend even in deep trouble and always concerned about the welfare of him. True friends
always make every effort to help and keep their friends happy all time. We can see many
examples of true friendships from ancient time till date such as friendship of Rama and Sugreva,
Krishna and Kuchela (Sudama), Duryodhana and Karna, etc. Such friends become lifes greatest
blessing and lifetime achievement. This proverb does not only tell the nature of a true friend but
also give us way to choose good friends.
It is considered as the college life becomes the happiest time of the life as we become
surrounded by the good friends and enjoy a lot. Good friends live together happily and participate
in the activities together. The proverb A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed indicates the quality of
a true friend. In the very starting, it is hard to recognize the quality of a friend but not so tough.
This proverb tells us that people who are willing to help you in the crisis time are really true ones
and one of the blessings of God for you than those who just want to stay in your fun time.
A true friend always gives full support whenever we are in need. We cannot recognize that
whether a friend is good or bad but during difficult times they can naturally be recognized. Every
one of us generally needs a friend who can help us during bad times and not just for fun.
Sometimes the condition really becomes very worst and we do not get any way to be out of that,
in that case we need help from others. This is the time when we miss a friend who can give us
help and take us out of the difficulty. True friends are really of much importance; whenever we
become absent someday in the school, they discuss important topics and helps us with all the
notes and materials done in the class.
No one can really help us like a true friend as they share all the highs and lows of the life. Thus,
we learn from this proverb that it is only real friend who appears with us in all time; but those who
just stay with us in happy times are not good friends. True friends always give good memories
and reasons to be in friendship forever.
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed is a proverb which indicates about the quality of a real friend.
Sometimes, the true relationship with a friend is much influential than other relationships. Real
friends become lifelong friends. Friends are good or bad can be realized during the difficult time
of the life. True friends always remain in close whereas cheater left away as they only want to
enjoy in happy times. Whenever we get problems, we miss someone special who can take us
away from problems and it can be done only by the best friend. It is not necessary that a good
friend can be only from outside. A good friend can be one of the family members like mother,
father, sister, brother, etc.
Good people dont like to have crowd in their life; they have only few friends but true and
trustworthy. They always maintain a true relationship in friendship and are ready to help anytime.
They never judge their friends as they have quality to give not take in order to build a healthy and
long lasting friendship. True friends are trustworthy, honest, loyal, empathetic, self confident,
supportive, non-judgmental and most importantly a good listener.
If we earn a good friend in life, we earn the most precious thing. We can share to them anything
and any secret of the life. Having a good friend is very necessary to all of us in such a hectic life
so that we can release the mind pressure of study, job, business, family, etc by talking to them. A
true friend may have variety of good qualities however having basic qualities are necessary to be
engaged into the good friendship. We should not be hurry in making friendship in order to avoid
stranger and cheater friends. We should take proper time in understanding the friends all around
us and choose someone special for our friendship who may lead us ahead in life.
May be, you get true friendship very quickly, however, the relationship build over long time
become long lasting and valuable. Being in true friendship for long is much harder than finding
good friends. Not everyone is blessed with true friendship, only few lucky people are blessed to
have this true relationship. A true friend becomes very polite (sometimes hard when required)
and soft-spoken with gentle manners. He/she never show dominance in the relation and never
become selfish and mean minded. True friends never get benefits of our innocence and softness.
They always protect us to go at wrong path and being involved in the wrong habits.