Sacrament 20brochure-2
Sacrament 20brochure-2
Sacrament 20brochure-2
(Baptism of Infants)
...all people are children of God
Your babys baptism is a time
and friends of Jesus Christ
for celebration and joy.
that through the celebration of Sacraments, Baptism is not only a sign and sacrament
Reconciliation we are having a special encounter with God that God gave us to show us His love, but is
Eucharist an opportunity for us to realize that God
parents are the primary educators of their believes in us!
Confirmation children in the ways of faith
Through Water and Spirit, the child is
the faith practice and expression of faith of welcomed into the family of God and called
forth to be a witness of faith through living
Parents are required to attend one the family impacts the development of faith of
Sacramental Parent Forums to register the child their Baptism.
their child(ren). The faith of the parents is integral to the
all Sacraments are celebrated in the midst of faith of the child to be baptized.
Forum Dates are held in Tranquille Hall the community of faith and are performed in
on: the Church Godparents are chosen from the Catholic
November 21, 2017 from 7-9 pm community to witness to the faith entrusted
November 23, 2017 from 7-9 pm every child has a right to come to know God to them for the child.
November 25, 2017 from 10-12pm who has created them Christian Witnesses are Christians who live
the example of their baptism from a
the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Christian tradition other than the Catholic
Eucharist and Confirmation are opportunities Faith.
to be embraced by the love of God which is
beyond our understanding RCIA Adapted for
St Joseph Church (of children
Children/Youth age
of the 7 seven
age and older)
and older
10404- 102 street that have not been baptized as an enfant.
Grande Prairie AB, T8V 2W3 Seeking initiation on their own with
parental permission or under the direction
Parish Office: 780 532 2351
of their parents or guardian.
Contact Darlene Lemay
The three initiation sacraments: Baptism,
E-mail Eucharist and Confirmation are celebrated at the Easter Vigil.
Sacrament of Sacrament of Eucharist Process for Registration and
Reconciliation (Holy Communion) Preparation for Sacraments
To prepare children to celebrate To invite children to the Table of the Lord in
Reconciliation for the first time, we the celebration of Eucharist for the first time, Infant Baptism
teach children to see themselves in the we Parents wishing to have a child baptized
light of Gods love. This strengthens their introduce the celebration of Eucharist as a should come to register at the Parish Office.
self-esteem and at the same time makes it way of prayer and Thanksgiving. Parents are required to attend a two
easier to accept their personal limitations evening Baptism Preparation Session, which
and shortcomings. explore the meaning of Church as both the is offered once a month.
building and the people of God
help children discover that Jesus shows
us the way to the true happiness God teach the Eucharistic mystery through the Sacraments in Catholic Schools
wants for us. joyous reception of the Body and Blood of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation
Jesus Participants for these Sacraments will be
encourage children to develop simple
explore the meaning of receiving the Bread prepared at schools in religion classes.
habits that will sustain their spiritual life,
while strengthening their character. of Life as they are called to share Gods gifts
with their brothers and sisters and live the Sacraments for Parish
gradually enable children to acquire a Eucharist. Participants who are in the Public schools,
more precise sense of right and wrong and homeschool, or have missed celebrating the
to make their own moral decisions. Sacrament of Confirmation Sacraments will be asked to participate in
instill in children a deep trust in the Our goals in preparing the student to receive our parish classes, which will start in
infinite love of God, who always forgives the Sacrament of Confirmation Include: January.
Affirming the gift of the Baptism as the In our diocese, children receive
root call to living a Gospel life. Reconciliation in Grade 2, Eucharist in
Celebrating the presence of the Holy Spirit Grade 3, and Confirmation in Grade 6.
in their life.
Renewing their commitment to Jesus.
Understanding the call of the Holy Spirit to
affirm and confirm faith as a personal
response to Gods love.
Understanding and celebrating the Gifts of
the Holy Spirit and knowing how that is a call
to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ.