Presentation On LED Lighting': Introducing Myself

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Presentation on LED Lighting

Venue :The Institution of Engineers India Date : 22.10.2015

Upper Assam Local Centre
Introducing Myself
Discipline: Electrical Engineering

Professional Skill:
Testing Commissioning and Maintenance of 6.6KV / 33KV / 400KV Swgr.
Panels / Swyd.
Testing Commissioning and Maintenance of 400V / 6.6KV Motors up to 4
Testing Commissioning and Maintenance 400V MCCs DBs and Swgr. Panels
Testing Commissioning and maintenance of Distribution and Power
Transformers up to 240MVA
Maintenance of Electrical System of Oil Field Installations and Rigs
Planning Design and Estimation of Field / Civic Installations / Works of OIL

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 1
Presented by: S MISTRY , FIE

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 2
An add on LED

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 3
LED Lighting

Longer Lasting or Long life

Energy Efficient and Environment Friendly
Dependable Lighting

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 4
Make LED the right choice

What ...?
Why ...?
Where & How ...?
Which ...?

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 5
LED : What...
What is LED
It is a Solid State Lighting Device
LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, a semiconductor
device that converts electricity into light
It is a pn junction diode, which emits light when activated.
When a suitable voltage is applied to the leads, electrons are able to
recombine with electron holes within the device, releasing energy in the
form of photons.

Three Major Components:

1. LED Chip
2. Solid State LED Driver
3. Heat Sink

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 6
LED : What...

Most LED replacement products emit light from one side of

the lamp, using the other side for thermal management.
11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 7
LED : Why...
Comparison Power Conversion
LEDs Vs Conventional Sources
LED Incandescent Fluorescent Metal halide
Visible Light 25 45% 8% 21% 27%
Infrared(IR) ~ 0% 73% 37% 17%
Ultraviolet (UV) 0% ~ 0% 0% 19%
Heat 55 75% 19% 42% 37%

Comparison lifetime

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 8
LED : Why...
Comparison Colour Temperature
Light Sources and Their Colour Temperature
Colour Temperature Fluorescent Halogen Incandescent LED Metal Halide
Warm 2700 K
White 3000 K
Normal 3500 K
Cool 4100 K
Daylight 5000 6500 K

Comparison Cost and Payback

Costs Payback Life Efficiency
T-8 LED Tube light ` 1600-2000 3-4 years About 110-120 lumens per watt
T-5 Fluorescent 6 months 3-4
` 500 110 lumens per watt
Tubelight to 1 year years
Regular Fluorescent 3-4 60-80 lumens per watt (lower for
` 100
T-8 Tubelight years one with electromagnetic ballast)

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 9
LED : Why...
Lumen Output Comparison:
Sl. No. Lighting Option Image Wattage Efficacy Total Light

13 Lumen
1 Incandescent Bulb 60 W 800 Lumens
per Watt

Tube light 45 Lumen

2 18 W 800 Lumens
(Fluorescent Lamp) per Watt

T5 Tube Light 58 Lumen

3 14 W 800 Lumen
(Fluorescent Lamp) per Watt

CFL 60 Lumen
4 13 W 800 Lumen
(Compact Fluorescent Lamp) per Watt

LED 100 Lumen

5 (Light Emitting Diode) 8W 800 Lumen
per Watt

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 10
LED : Why...

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 11
LED : Why...
Type of Bulb LED CFL T5 T8 Incandescent


Light Bulb Projected Life Span in Hrs. 50000 Hrs. 8000 Hrs. 18000 Hrs. 18000 Hrs. 1200 Hrs.

Watt per bulb (equiv. 100Watt) 14W 30W 31W 48W 100W

Cost per Bulb incl. of normal

1,200.00 400.00 500.00 400.00 15.00
Kwh of electricity used over 50,000
700kwh 1500kwh 1550kwh 2400kwh 5000kwh

% Kwh Comperison with incand. lamp 14% 30% 31% 48% 100%

Cost of electricity @6/- per Kwh 4,200.00 9,000.00 9,300.00 14,400.00 30,000.00

Bulb needed for 50k hours 1 6 3 3 42

Equivalent 50k hours bulb expances 1,200.00 2,500.00 1,388.89 1,111.11 625.00

Total cost for 50k hours 5,400.00 11,500.00 10,688.89 15,511.11 30,625.00

% Cost Comparison with incand. lamp 17.63% 37.55% 34.90% 50.65% 100.00%

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 12
LED : Why...

LEDs generate no heat..

Beam of light from an LED source is cool
because of absence of infrared energy.
Removal of waste heat produced within the LED
during the conversion of electricity into light is
accomplished through carefully designed and
engineered heat sinks.

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 13
LED : Why...
LEDs are.....
High energy efficient >100LPW (lumen per watt)
Directional No wasted light
Long lifetime > 50,000 hours to 70% Lumen
Start instantly nanoseconds
Environmentally healthy no Hg(mercury),Pb(lead)
Infinitely dimmable, controllable Power savings
Cool Lighting System

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 14
LED : Why...

The widespread use of LEDs can:

Reduce electricity needs for lighting by more
than 50%
Save Money
Help protect environment
Reduce maintenance
Reduce breakdown
Increase reliability

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 15
LED : Where and How...

Led applicationIntensity Distribution and Light Output

Cross section of three-lamp troffer fixture showing light

distribution of a linear fluorescent (A) vs. LED replacement
lamps (B and C)

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 16
LED : Where and How...
Led applicationIntensity Distribution and Light Output

Parabolic troffer construction (above) Lensed troffer construction (above) and

and measured luminous intensity measured luminous intensity
distribution (right) with two four-foot distributions (right) with two four-foot
T8 fluorescent lamps (Curve 1) vs LED T12 fluorescent lamps (Curve 1) vs LED
replacements (Curve 2) replacements (Curve 2)

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 17
LED : Where and How...
Led application
10M x 6M Conference Hall Illumination
10 M

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 18
LED Vs Conventional Energy Efficient Luminaires


11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 19
Lumen Intensity Distribution 3D View

Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax

DESIGN WITH LED 439 259 500 0.591 0.519


Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax

EQ. DESIGN WITH T5 & CFL 437 250 512 0.573 0.489

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 20
Equivalent Design Power Consumption Comparison
Type of Luminaires Watt per Luminaire No. of Luminaire Total Wattage

T5 CFL Luminaires combined

13W CFL 13 10 130

4x14W T5 62.6 8 500.8

Total Wattage 630.8 W

LED Luminaires

11 W LED 11 10 110

25 W LED 25 15 375

Total Wattage 485W

Power Save=

% save 23.11%

LED input Watt per Luminaire considered as on May 2014

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 21
Indian Standards on LED
Following Indian Standards on LED are available:
S No IS Code No. Title
1. 16101:2012 General Lighting - LEDs & LED modules Terms & definitions
2. 16102 (Part 1): 2012 Self ballasted LED Lamps for General Lighting Services Part 1
Safety requirements
3. 16102 (Part 2): 2012 Self ballasted LED Lamps for General Lighting Services Part 2
Performance Requirements
4. 16103 (Part 1): 2012 LED modules for General Lighting Safety Requirements
5. 16104: 2012 d.c. or a.c. Supplied Electronic Control Gear for LED Modules
Performance Requirements
6. 16105: 2012 Method of measurement of Lumen Maintenance of Solid
State Light (LED) Sources
7. 16106: 2012 Method of Electric and Photometric Measurements of Solid
State Lighting (LED) Products
8. 16108: 2012 Photo biological Safety of Lamps and Lamp systems
9. 15885(Part 2/Sec13):2012 Lamp Control Gear Part 2 Particular Requirements Section
13 d.c. or a.c. Supplied Electronic Control Gear for LED modules

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 22
Essential Led reportsLM 79-08, LM80-08 & TM 21-11
LM 80-08
A.What is it?
It is the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) approved
standard for measuring lumen maintenance of LED light sources.
LM-80-08 apply to the LED package, array, or module alone, not a complete system,
it is testing a component level. The standard does not provide guidance for
extrapolation of testing results.
B.Who can perform testing?
In India Laboratories recognized by NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing
and Calibration Laboratories) are authorized for the testing. Only reports from
recognized laboratories are relevant.
C.What does it provide?
The testing report issued according to a standard format will provide luminous flux
for a given current over a 6,000 hours period with interval measurements.
Luminous flux will be measure for 3 different LED case temperatures: 55C, 85C
and a third temperature to be selected by manufacturer.
Besides, the lumen maintenance, the chromaticity shifts over the measured period.

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 23
LED Reports LM 79-08, LM80-08 & TM 21-11
LM 79-08
A. What is it?
It is the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) approved
method for the Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting.
It measures an LED luminaire or integral lamp as a whole system according to a
standard process using specified equipment.
B. Who can perform testing?
In India Laboratories recognized by NABL (National Accreditation Board for
Testing and Calibration Laboratories) are authorized for the testing. Only reports
from recognized laboratories are relevant.
C. What does it provide?
The testing report issued according to a standard format will provide
- Total Luminous Flux
- Luminous Intensity Distribution
- Electrical Power Characteristics
- Luminous Efficacy (calculated)
- Colour Characteristics (CRI, CCT)
11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 24
LM 79-08, LM80-08 & TM 21-11
TM 21-11
What is it?
It is the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) approved
method for taking LM-80 data and making useful LED lifetime projections.
The standards apply to lifetime projection of LED package, array or module
alone. The results can then be used to interpolate the lifetime of an LED source
within a system (luminaire or integrated lamp) using the in-situ LED source case
What does it provide?
The testing report issued according to a standard format will provide luminous
flux for a given current over a 6,000 hours period with interval measurements.
Luminous flux will be measure for 3 different LED case temperatures: 55C, 85C
and a third temperature to be selected by manufacturer.
Besides, the lumen maintenance, the chromaticity shifts over the measured

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 25
LED : Which...
Ads to Attract Consumer with Incomplete or Partly right announcements

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 26
Comparison : LED vs Sodium Vapour Luminaires
Before 2x150W SON Street lighting Luminaires

After 2x45W LED Street lighting Luminaires

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 27
Comparison : LED vs Sodium Vapour Luminaires

150W SON Street lighting Luminaires 60W LED Street lighting Luminaires

250W SON Street lighting Luminaires 90W LED Street lighting Luminaires

11/7/2017 "LED Lighting" make it right choice by S. Mistry , Chief Engineer Electrical, OIL 28
Comparison : LED vs Sodium Vapour Luminaires
Before After

150W SON Street lighting Luminaires 2x25W LED Street lighting Luminaires

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Uniform Lumen Distribution

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LED Street lighting Luminaire Applications

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