Chemistry in Your Cupboard: Gaviscon
Chemistry in Your Cupboard: Gaviscon
Chemistry in Your Cupboard: Gaviscon
Heartburn is an unpleasant condition which can be extremely painful, so much so that
some people describe the sensation as feeling like they are experiencing a heart attack.
Hydrochloric acid is naturally present in the stomach to help us digest our food and kill
bacteria. In heartburn this acid, mixed with other stomach contents such as food, pepsin
and bile escapes into the oesophagus, (the food pipe which leads from the mouth into
the stomach).
This process is called reflux and may be caused by a weakness in the sphincter, (a band
of muscle that controls the opening at the bottom of the oesophagus) being over weight,
pregnancy, hernia, stress and some foods and medications. The stomach lining is
protected from the acid it contains by a thick neutral layer of mucus, but the oesophagus
is more vulnerable. Stomach acid acting on the vulnerable lining of the oesophagus can
cause the burning pain and inflammation sometimes known as oesophagitis (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Inflammation of the oesophagus can be caused by acid reflux from the stomach.
Figure 2: Gaviscon Original liquid.
It uses some simple but clever chemistry to treat the symptoms of this condition. It is
made as a liquid suspension and a dose of 1020 ml (two to four 5 ml spoonfuls) is
taken by mouth. It is also available as chewable tablets.
Treating heartburn
The acid in the stomach is hydrochloric acid, HCl, and has a pH of about 2.
Always read the label
Gaviscon is a registered trade mark of the Reckitt Benckiser group of companies.
Last reviewed by Reckitt Benckiser in 2013
Question 1
Hydrochloric acid, HCl is a strong acid.
a) Explain the terms strong and weak in relation to acids. Make it clear how
these terms differ from concentrated and dilute.
b) What is the concentration of hydrogen ions in stomach acid if it is hydrochloric
acid of pH 2?
Acid of pH 2 can be quite corrosive observe the effect of placing an iron nail in
0.01 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid, Figure 3.
One simple treatment for heartburn symptoms is to take a simple antacid a substance
that will reduce the concentration of acid in the stomach by reacting with some of it.
Question 2
A simple antacid tablet, Milk of Magnesia, has the following active ingredient,
250 mg of magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2), and the label suggests a dose of two
a) Write an equation for the reaction of magnesium hydroxide with hydrochloric
acid (HCl).
b) How many moles of hydrochloric acid are neutralised by the two tablets of
magnesium hydroxide?
The stomach is supposed to be acidic and this helps it break down food and gives
some defence against bacteria and viruses that we might swallow it is only
when this acid escapes from the stomach into the oesophagus that it may lead to
The stomach will react to the neutralisation by producing more acid so the
reduction in acid concentration will only be temporary.
The active ingredients of Gaviscon (Ph Eur stands for European Pharmacopoeia, a compendium of
pharmaceutical ingredients used in Europe).
Figure 4: Three sections of sodium alginate polymer molecules showing the two different
monomers, G and M.
Question 3
Although it is a large molecule, sodium alginate is quite soluble in water. Explain
why you would expect this.
It is a linear polymer made from two sugarlike monomers (which we shall call G and
M) each of which has a COO group. For each COO group there is a Na+ ion to
balance the charges.
You will not know (or be expected to know) any of the chemistry of sodium alginate, but
you can make some predictions based on what you know about more familiar
compounds. In particular, you should be able to spot the sugar monomers (which have a
ring of five carbons and one oxygen) in the structures in Figure 4.
This is what happens to the COO groups when sodium alginate is added to acid, as
occurs when a dose of Gaviscon reaches the stomach.
Always read the label
Gaviscon is a registered trade mark of the Reckitt Benckiser group of companies.
Last reviewed by Reckitt Benckiser in 2013
Question 4
What will happen to the equilibrium of the dissociation of ethanoic acid if more H+
ions are added?
Although carboxylic acids, RCOOH, are weak acids, not all the COO groups will accept a
proton (H+ ion) some will remain as COO. This leads to a further important bit of
chemistry that allows Gaviscon to work.
After taking Gaviscon, the stomach will contain Ca2+ ions from the calcium carbonate
which has dissolved in the stomach contents. Two negativelycharged COO groups,
one on one alginate chain and one on another can associate with each other because
both may be attracted to a positive ion. Because of their double charge, Ca2+ ions are
better at this than singly charged ions such as Na+. This has the effect of crosslinking
alginate molecules together in a three dimensional network as shown in Figure 5. This is
called the alginate raft.
Question 5
This process makes the alginate molecules become less soluble. Explain why.
In fact the crosslinking takes place between regions of the alginate polymer chains
consisting of G monomers. This is because of the zigzag shape of these regions of the
chain which allows calcium ions to sit neatly between the polymer chains.
Figure 5: Cross linking of alginate molecules by Ca2+ ions forms an alginate raft.
Always read the label
Gaviscon is a registered trade mark of the Reckitt Benckiser group of companies.
Last reviewed by Reckitt Benckiser in 2013
The reactions of the sodium hydrogencarbonate and calcium carbonate with the
stomach acid produce carbon dioxide gas. This becomes trapped within the raft, lifting it
to float on top of the stomach contents and forming a barrier that prevents these
contents rising into the oesophagus and causing pain.
This is a most efficient bit of chemistry in which all the ingredients (sodium alginate,
sodium hydrogencarbonate and calcium carbonate) play a role:
Soluble sodium alginate reacts with stomach acid to form insoluble alginic acid, a
linear polymer.
Calcium carbonate dissolves in the stomach contents releasing calcium ions, Ca2+.
This linear polymer is cross linked by calcium ions, originally from the calcium
carbonate, to form an alginate raft.
The sodium hydrogencarbonate and calcium carbonate react with a little of the
stomach acid, forming carbon dioxide gas.
The carbon dioxide lifts the raft so that it floats on top of the stomach contents
preventing reflux into the oesophagus.
The alginate raft will not remain in the stomach permanently; it is broken down over
time by the mechanical action of stomach contractions.
Question 6
Consider what might happen to the alginate raft if an astronaut in a weightless
condition took Gaviscon.
Question 7
Hydrochloric acid, HCl, is a strong acid.
a) Write an equation for the reaction of calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid.
b) Write an equation for the reaction of sodium hydrogencarbonate with
hydrochloric acid.
However, this is much less than the amount of acid neutralised by a simple antacid such
as Milk of Magnesia. According to the ingredients list, one 10 ml dose of Gaviscon Liquid
contains 267 mg sodium hydrogencarbonate and 160 mg calcium carbonate.
Question 8
a) Use the equations you have written above to calculate how many moles of
hydrochloric acid are neutralised by
(i) the calcium carbonate in a 10 ml dose of Gaviscon.
(ii) the sodium hydrogencarbonate in a 10 ml dose of Gaviscon.
Always read the label
Gaviscon is a registered trade mark of the Reckitt Benckiser group of companies.
Last reviewed by Reckitt Benckiser in 2013
To simplify matters, scientists sometimes think about what would happen if this effect
did not occur, ie what would happen if the stomach were simply a glass laboratory
beaker. As well as doing calculations, they often do experiments in vitro as this is
obviously easier than doing them in vivo: in vivo means in life whilst in vitro literally
means in glass. For both calculations and experiments, this can be helpful as a model
but scientists must be careful when applying their results to real life situations.
Stomachs obviously vary between individuals both in their size and concentration of
acid they contain. However, to enable us to do some calculations we can work on a
volume of 1 dm3 and a concentration of acid of 0.01 mol dm3 (pH = 2).
Question 9
How many moles of hydrochloric acid are contained in a typical stomach
described above?
Notice that as the stomach gets less acidic, the pH increases (not decreases). This is
because of the negative sign in the equation
pH = log10[H+(aq)].
The fact that increasing pH represents decreasing acidity occasionally catches out even
experienced chemists.
Question 10
The answer to question 8 shows that 6.38 x 103 moles of hydrochloric acid are
neutralised by a 10 ml dose of Gaviscon.
a) How many moles of acid will be left in the stomach?
b) What is the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach after taking the
c) What is the pH in the stomach now?
This simplified in vitro calculation of course ignores the fact that the stomach will react
to a drop in acidity by making more acid. Doctors have measured the effect that
Gaviscon (and other medicines) have on stomach pH by inserting pH probes into the
stomachs of volunteers. They find that the pH does not change as much as our
calculation predicts. In fact, there is a spike in the pH which initially rises for a few
minutes and then drops again.
Always read the label
Gaviscon is a registered trade mark of the Reckitt Benckiser group of companies.
Last reviewed by Reckitt Benckiser in 2013
Each mole of HCl reacts with mol Mg(OH)2 which means 10 x 103 mol HCl will react
with 5 x 103 mol Mg(OH)2. We have 8.62 x 103 mol Mg(OH)2, so there is enough
Mg(OH)2 to react with all the HCl and leave (8.62 x 103 5 x 103) = 3.62 x 103 mol of
solid Mg(OH)2 left.
This means that the concentration of OH (aq) will be governed by the solubility of
Mg(OH)2, which is 4 x 104 mol dm3 of Mg(OH)2, ie a concentration of OH ions of
8 x 104 mol dm3, as each Mg(OH)2 entity that dissolves produces 2 OH(aq) ions.
To work out the pH of this solution, we use the relationship that in all aqueous solutions,
This is called the ionic product of water, Kw , and is an example of the Equilibrium Law.
1 x 10 -14
and [H+(aq)] = = 1.25 x 1011 mol dm3
8 x 10 -4
So the pH in our model stomach changes from 2.00 to 2.44 after a dose of Gaviscon and
from 2.00 to 10.9 after a dose of Milk of Magnesia.
The calculation makes a number of assumptions which may not be exactly true under
the conditions of real a stomach. Nor have we considered the biofeedback effect that
generates more acid to replace that used up. However, the difference between the
effects of the two medicines is significant.
Incidentally, the excess solid magnesium hydroxide does have a use. It will be present to
react with the acid generated in the stomach by biofeedback until all the solid is used up.
This gives the tablets a longerterm antacid effect.
loss of calcium ions that cross link the alginate molecules to form the raft, by
absorption of these ions through the stomach wall, for example; and
hydrolysis of some of the saccharide bonds that hold the alginate linear polymers
In fact, neither of these mechanisms is believed to be significant in dispersing the raft in
Experimental work
The alginate raft can be demonstrated simply and effectively as follows. Take a 100 cm3
conical flask with a narrow neck and fill it to the 100 cm3 mark with 0.1 mol dm3
hydrochloric acid. The acid will reach almost to the base of the neck of the flask. The
body of the flask represents the stomach, the neck of the flask the oesophagus and the
acid the stomach contents.
Add to the acid about 10 ml of Gaviscon Liquid. This is quite viscous, but the exact
amount is not critical. The Gaviscon initially sinks to the bottom of the flask where a gel
forms on contact with the acid. Over a period of a minute or two bubbles of carbon
dioxide gas can be seen forming on the surface of the Gaviscon and these carry layers of
the gel to the surface of the acid where they form a plug in the neck of the flask.
Question 11
Any gas would work to float the raft to the top of the stomach. Suggest why carbon
dioxide is the one used.
After about five minutes a plug of gelatinous foam will have formed which blocks the
neck of the flask and which may rise out of its mouth. At this stage the flask may be
inverted (over a sink) and the plug will remain in place holding in the contents of the
flask, Figure 8.
Figure 8: Demonstration of how alginate raft works
Question 12
a) Draw a section of an alginate molecule consisting of just two sugarlike
molecules and write an equation for the hydrolysis.
b) Suggest why hydrolysis of the saccharide bonds could be a realistic suggestion.
After the experiments the plug (and the acid) may be washed down the sink with hot
water, the plug having been broken up with a test tube brush. With larger quantities,
resulting from a class experiment, it may be worth sieving off the gel and disposing of it
with the solid waste to avoid the possibility of blocked sinks.
Wear eye protection.
Your school/college should be consulted before carrying out this activity. This
activity is covered by model (general) risk assessments widely adopted for use in
UK schools such as those provided by CLEAPSS, SSERC, ASE and DfES. Bear in
mind, however, that these may need some modification to suit local conditions.
Further information
Gaviscon is sold in the UK by Reckitt Benckiser ( and a slightly
different product is sold in the USA by GlaxoSmithKline ( There are
other branded products which work in a similar way.
The Royal Society of Chemistry wishes to thank Reckitt Benckiser for help in
preparing this material.
The Royal Society of Chemistry gratefully acknowledges that this project was
initially supported by Reckitt Benckiser in 2007. Reckitt Benckiser conducted a
final review in 2013 so please note that certain information may be out of date.
In a 1 mol dm3 solution of ethanoic acid, fewer than half of one percent of the ethanoic
acid molecules have dissociated.
Concentration refers only to the number of moles of acid dissolved in the solution and
not to its degree of dissociation. So it is perfectly possible to have a concentrated
solution of a weak acid and a dilute solution of a strong acid.
In everyday speech, strong and weak are often used to mean the same as
concentrated and dilute respectively. In chemistry the terms are quite distinct.
2 = log10[H+(aq)]
Question 2
A simple antacid tablet, Milk of Magnesia, has the following active ingredient,
250 mg of magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2), and the label suggests a dose of two
a) Write an equation for the reaction of magnesium hydroxide with hydrochloric
acid (HCl).
Mg(OH)2(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + 2H2O(l)
b) How many moles of hydrochloric acid are neutralised by the two tablets of
magnesium hydroxide?
Two tablets contain 500 mg (0.5 g) Mg(OH)2
Mr Mg(OH)2 = 24 + 2(16 + 1) = 58
So two tablets Mg(OH)2 will neutralise 2 x 8.62 x 103 = 0.0172 mol HCl
(This may be written as 17.2 x 103 mol dm3 even though this is not standard form.
Many of the calculations in this unit are conveniently expressed in the form Y x 103 or Y
millimoles per cubic decimetre)
Question 3
Although it is a large molecule, sodium alginate is quite soluble in water. Explain
why you would expect this.
It is an ionic compound as each molecule has a large number of COO groups (and the
same number of Na+ ions). It also has a number of polar groups such as OH and COO
which can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules.
Question 4
What will happen to the equilibrium of the dissociation of ethanoic acid if more H+
ions are added?
The equilibrium will move to the left as predicted by Le Chateliers principle. This will
produce more undissociated ethanoic acid and fewer CH3COO ions. We say that the ions
have been protonated because an H+ ion is simply a proton (although in aqueous
solution it will be hydrated and is sometimes written H3O+).
Question 5
This process makes the alginate molecules become less soluble. Explain why.
The alginate molecules will have fewer ionic charges and it is these that help to make
them soluble.
Question 6
Consider what might happen to the alginate raft if an astronaut in a weightless
condition took Gaviscon.
The raft would not float to the top of the stomach as there is no gravity to make it rise in
the stomach whilst heavier stomach contents sink. However, the raft might thicken up
the stomach contents to help reduce the reflux.
Question 7
Hydrochloric acid, HCl, is a strong acid.
a) Write an equation for the reaction of calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid.
CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
Question 8
a) Use the equations you have written above to calculate how many moles of
hydrochloric acid are neutralised by
(i) the calcium carbonate in a 10 ml dose of Gaviscon.
10 ml Gaviscon contains 160 mg (0.160 g) CaCO3
So 160 mg CaCO3 will neutralise 2 x 1.60 x 103 = 3.20 x 103 mol HCl
Mr NaHCO3 = 23 + 1 + 12 + (3 x 16) = 84
Question 9
How many moles of hydrochloric acid are contained in a typical stomach
described above?
The concentration (C) is 0.01 mol dm3 and the volume (V) is 1000 ml.
C xV 0.01 x 1000
No. moles = = = 0.01 mol = 10 x 103 mol
1000 1000
We have to divide by 1000 to convert 1000 ml to dm3
Always read the label
Gaviscon is a registered trade mark of the Reckitt Benckiser group of companies.
Last reviewed by Reckitt Benckiser in 2013
Question 10
The answer to question 8 shows that 6.38 x 103 moles of hydrochloric acid are
neutralised by a 10 ml dose of Gaviscon.
a) How many moles of acid will be left in the stomach?
10 x 103 6.38 x 103 = 3.62 x 103 mol HCl
b) What is the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach after taking the
The stomach now has 3.62 x 103 mol HCl dissolved in 1 dm3, so the concentration of HCl
is 3.62 x 103 mol dm3
pH = log10[3.62 x 103]
pH = 2.44
This compares with a pH of 2.0 before taking a 10 cm3 dose of Gaviscon, a relatively
small change.
Question 11
Any gas would work to float the raft to the top of the stomach. Suggest why carbon
dioxide is the one used.
The gas used must safe and easy to generate. Carbon dioxide is safe (being produced in
the body during respiration). It is easily generated by the reaction of carbonates and
hydrogencarbonates with the acid that exists naturally in the stomach.
Hydrogen, too, would be easy to generate (by reaction of a metal with stomach acid) but
would not be safe (especially for smokers!). Sulfur dioxide, too could be easily be
generated (by reaction of sulfite salts with stomach acid, for example) but sulfur dioxide
is a toxic gas.
Question 12
a) Draw a section of an alginate molecule consisting of just two sugarlike
molecules and write an equation for the hydrolysis.
+ H2O
O +
b) Suggest why hydrolysis of the saccharide bonds could be a realistic suggestion.
Saccharide bonds in starch, a polysaccharide similar to alginate hydrolyse in acidic
conditions not dissimilar to those in the stomach.