Fabius Gs Premium - Ipm

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Result Sheet Test instructions / Service Card IPM Fabius GS/OS/GS Premium Location: Drager Department: Cust. invent. no.: Maintenance interval Other / Delivery date: ey VIOK =0K ‘Applies to Test instructions / Service Card IPM Revision 7.0 + = Spare paused 1 =Enor/ Rept 1 pecwmery rt avaiable = Not appteatle aa [reat [Resa A Deves comgursace [D121 Hacmummeanuecvate devon whom a Bank deve contouton [STE cman ne ae a Fe 3 {14 Serial numberisofware (faa othoreiee record oun nel poner a) CLA Sea nrbar ofa breating sya (COSY wa] [23125 Maxum measured ale ot ME 9ten a 2a [3.13 _Fraecive earth restance measuring pans 2K [S33 (Optio Branca ucion ayaa sre wa] [2:24 Davies leakage current ‘er [3141 Referee value a STAT (Optan Sotinanborat he enema monn Ta] [3142 —Recurenties 1 ina seve [82 (Option) Elecrial sates. power supply unt COSY 2 aintonance pare theater n accordance wth OWEN 2353 (EC "21_Maintnance intervals, ovewiew eas) "22 Maintenance pars by speciied interval [a321_vacarnapecin OK [S221 Linum bar (evey 3 yess) i] [522 Protective earth resistance Se a2 tenia bey escery Set] 3227 Hnarummessied aie aves hp a "223 Input pressure regulator test (very Svea) ae 7 "2257 Test: Downstream pressure of cena supply J 3222 Meru ress vate OE syne 2 Erno preteue nator, evety Spoor [S323 Preece earth restance measuring para 2e| Oy rp presse rguor downstream pressure GR] |224 Device leskoge current Next est i [2 2241 — Referens vale ma "2232 Test Downstream promure of canal uppy [3242 Recurenttst va INO input pressure gusto, every 3 years [33 Eleotical safety sccoraing to IEC 6060TA {Wotappeabiennitrous-ondesree moss) east mere =z [Downstream pressure. 0 met pressure resus |) SS = Et Ned sei] [553 Earn eakagecurent [224 (Option) rigersore GUE [a_3331_— Norma conation WG) ma BARAT Stel eat aposo OE wo Ta] ue a EE qa] [0-334 Option Powersusey unt COSY paar a ah fe a PEAT Se ae A CUE wT ai {oyten) owe TD ZRAA Set of esis for Oagareer CG, ba eas dei] [2235.1 _Nomsiconsten NC) val {every 2 year) [a~3352 Sn taut condton SFC) wa BENE — Bragersor CLIC aap aay alo 4 i] [& Function and condition fst years [eA_Base "225 _(Opton) Pin index (veer) [S11 Labs and nections foruma cy [D_Z251 Upgrade kt NO poss odor og dil [41.2 Condon and uncon oft base un on [S2252 Upgrade NO pose rode. sor at] [S413 Tung (PAE. PA aberenoreed) OR [E2253 Upwade kt. 0, pressure reducer, shertT dai] [E414 Condon and incon ot vporermauntandi=] OR] [B_ 2254 Upgrde kt, OZAr pressure reducer. ng ai ‘eck [52.255 Upgrade et, Oxi pressure redueer. shor L ei] [2 Seiten, calvin and Uahines othe main de [S225 WO presi reer ii compl RV short as] | —_vee fp Bearereeee [G2 _Seitnatystom diagnostic ofthe base unit ‘34 Elctcalsfey, base ui to DN EN 2355 (EC [S421 Enters the sofware version Ea ee) [421.2 Safer svoessay completed oF G_S.1 _Visaapecion GR] |#22 Op sensor carton (ot appicabe im ase of qo ‘montorng with external Oy massurement) [4221 Calne, sensor oR Revision 7.0 Fabs GS/OSIGS Premium 113 “This copy is officially approved by Drager. Signature: Sfece27ce1ed9856ae80916187933856005 Heade6OdSbcb3dab47osOe3T3T0 re aa] rasa a ooo =) [ir gersomstow neocon aioe er 5-435 Tacs a | (Ste [B_4:24 Tighiness check ofthe realhng sytem OK) [O_481.1 Grinder comectons on] [4235 Fresh gas leakage test passive (with and without ID 4812 teak ‘On| es E-th13—teeaemdamamr a [04.252 Fresh gas leakage with vaporizer ‘OK lndors [4.25.3 Fresh gas leakage without Vapor. OK} |C_4821__0; pressure regulator OK Sat ratpemoe aye Sf [Stas Renesas ozawa | Semone aaron af saa nn bn fo eae a aT 5 aa1T tet Soa Oa ao] oO ee [9 Pectin nonm an R ins ome Sa meneame | [Fists —eigereameciras cma — eT servers Sie rhea | oa o,Reronr a si St pager ram S| oH uote sR] — oe ne Fae ar og, or Serer once al Ea rate Saat eee aS Vs Sic fa | [SF Tatcesemmtninconmaoy ona eats ora | 5-H Grea is sweeney Suan sen eee Fate or re = Fas poe RR Sararaaeaa S-asET epee noma | — See a aiaos S-issh—waren i 59 foRSiacon aaa a Sasso on a hte a es a ait arom a Sir Sms ig si 75 tnpetn petoman Tass Eine pence si pin pe fa cing Se wna Revision 7.0 Fabius GS/OS/GS Premium 213 “This copy is officially approved by Drager. Signature: Sfece27ce1ed9856ae80916187933856005 Heade6OdSbcb3dab47osOe3T3T0 Report: ‘ucaicanrozraepedoagpsgert=i gpossaceslet9L6nE2e9sasPo120/2200I6 aunjeubig aBesa Aa pancidde Test has been performed according to the test instructions. 7 5 3 Fabius GSIOSIGS Premium 3/3, Revision 7.0

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