De Jongh 1999 EMDR and Phobias

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Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Vol. 13, No. 12, pp.

6985, 1999
Pergamon Copyright 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0887-6185/99 $see front matter

PII S0887-6185(98)00040-1

Treatment of Specific
Phobias with Eye Movement
Desensitization and Reprocessing
(EMDR): Protocol, Empirical
Status, and Conceptual Issues

A. De Jongh, ph.d.
Academic Centre for Dentistry and Centre for Psychotrauma and Psychotherapy, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands

E. Ten Broeke, m.s.

General Hospital, Twenteborg, The Netherlands

M. R. Renssen, m.s.
Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

AbstractThis paper considers the current empirical status of Eye Movement Desensi-
tization and Reprocessing (EMDR) as a treatment method for specific phobias, along
with some conceptual and practical issues in relation to its use. Both uncontrolled and
controlled studies on the application of EMDR with specific phobias demonstrate that
EMDR can produce significant improvements within a limited number of sessions. With
regard to the treatment of childhood spider phobia, EMDR has been found to be more
effective than a placebo control condition, but less effective than exposure in vivo. The
empirical support for EMDR with specific phobias is still meagre, therefore, one should
remain cautious. However, given that there is insufficient research to validate any
method for complex or trauma related phobias, that EMDR is a time-limited proce-
dure, and that it can be used in cases for which an exposure in vivo approach is difficult

Requests for reprints should be sent to A. De Jongh, Department of Social Dentistry and Dental
Health Education, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam, Louwesweg 1, 1066 EA Amster-
dam, The Netherlands; E-mail:

to administer, the application of EMDR with specific phobias merits further clinical and
research attention. 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Behavioral therapy has proven to be of great practical value in the treat-

ment of fears and phobias. This approach involves systematic desensitization,
imaginal exposure, and real-life exposure. Research on specific phobias has
shown equivalent effectiveness for systematic desensitization and flooding in
imagery (e.g., Marks, Boulougouris, & Marset, 1971), while imaginary proce-
dures were generally found to be less effective than exposure in vivo (e.g.,
Barlow, Leitenberg, Agras, & Wincze, 1969). It is a widely accepted notion
that exposure in vivo (i.e., graded and prolonged exposure to the phobic stim-
uli) is the treatment of choice for specific phobias (e.g., Emmelkamp, Bou-
man, & Scholing, 1989).
A typical example of the exposure in vivo procedure is the treatment of spi-
der phobia, which can be roughly described as follows. First, the client is intro-
duced to a spider in a sealed container at what the client considers to be a safe
distance. After much of the clients anxiety has subsided, the client is asked to
either approach the container or pull it closer. After the client looks at the
container closely, it is opened. Next, the client touches the spider with a pencil,
later with a finger, and finally allows the spider to creep on the clients bare
fingers and hands. Further, the client is encouraged to practice approaching
the phobic objects between sessions while refraining from avoidance and es-
cape behaviors as much as possible. Exposure in vivo is often combined with
other techniques, including modelling by the therapist, cognitive interventions
to correct catastrophic misinterpretations (e.g., De Jongh et al., 1995), and ap-
plied tension to prevent fainting in the case of bloodinjuryinjection phobias
(Ost & Sterner, 1987).
It appears that certain types of circumscribed phobias can be effectively
treated in one session, often lasting no more than 3 hours (Ost, 1989, 1997).
These rapid treatment results may leave the impression that specific phobias
in general can be successfully treated within a few sessions. However, single-
session treatments of 3 hours or less have been found effective only in relation
to a limited range of monosymptomatic phobias, particularly snake, spider,
and injection phobias (see Ost, 1997 for an overview). This raises the question
as to whether the available outcomes can be generalized toward more com-
plex phobias. As a matter of fact, there are a variety of phobias for which con-
trolled outcome studies are totally lacking, such as phobias of choking, vom-
iting, and driving. Clinical observations suggest that other specific phobias,
such as thunderstorm phobia and extensive claustrophobia, generally require
more elaborate treatment (see e.g., Emmelkamp et al., 1989 for a case report

on behavioral treatment of a fear of swallowing that lasted 33 sessions).1 With

respect to this issue, Ost (1997) concluded: Thus, there is a great need for fur-
ther research on most types of specific phobias, both in order to evaluate cur-
rent treatments for those phobias for which outcome studies are lacking and to
develop new treatment methods (p. 245).
A new treatment procedure that has recently been proposed for individuals
suffering from specific phobias is Eye Movement Desensitization and Re-
processing (EMDR; Shapiro, 1995). EMDR is recommended as a structured,
noninvasive, and time-limited method, that can be applied either as a specific
intervention or in the broader context of other treatment approaches. A num-
ber of controlled studies show that EMDR accelerates recovery from patholo-
gies that have arisen from disturbing life events, in particular Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD; Shapiro, 1999 [this issue]). The primary goal in this
treatment paradigm is to process the memories of the initial events that set the
pathology in motion, rather than extinction of the conditioned responses
through a strategy of gradual or prolonged exposures to the feared stimuli. If
an adequate literature would indicate that EMDR treatment for specific pho-
bias is in some way equally effective as exposure in vivo, there may be a num-
ber of advantages in applying EMDR. For example, it is possible to use
EMDR in circumstances under which real-life exposure is difficult to pursue
or the phobic stimuli are hard to obtain. Certainly not all therapists will have
small and large dogs, rats, wasps, or snakes readily available in their offices.
Related to this point are the costs of treatment. For instance, it may be more
useful to apply EMDR than exposure in vivo in a case of flight phobia for
which, as part of their treatment, clients have to take costly flights (Ost, 1997).
This paper is devoted to the treatment of specific phobias with EMDR, and
is structured as follows. First, the use of the EMDR protocol with specific pho-
bias will be described. Next, the current empirical evidence on the application
of EMDR with specific phobias is addressed. Finally, some conceptual issues
in relation to EMDR treatment are addressed, including the most central ques-
tion as to what EMDR could contribute to the treatment of specific phobias.


EMDR has been empirically validated for PTSD (e.g., Carlson, Chemtob,
Rusnak, Hedlund, & Muraoka, 1998; Marcus, Marquis, & Sakai, 1997; Roth-
baum, 1997; Scheck, Schaeffer, & Gillette, 1998; Shapiro, 1996, 1999 [this is-
sue]; Wilson, Becker, & Tinker, 1995, 1997). However, the effects of EMDR
on PTSD may not generalize to other anxiety disorders, as there are a number

Emmelkamp et al. (1989) formulate a set of criteria that makes successful behavioral treatment in
a few hours of specific phobias less likely: connections with other complaints, a stimulus that is not
well-defined, and not being sufficiently motivated to endure short periods of strong anxiety (p. 85).

of important conceptual differences. One important distinction between

PTSD and specific phobia is that the same anxiety-provoking event is unlikely
to recur in PTSD. This has implications for treatment. For example, if a client
has been raped, generally not many clinicians will feel the urge to prepare the
client for a next rape, nor would the client want to learn to participate in one.
In contrast, the phobic client must learn to engage in situations in which the
phobic stimuli may be present. This certainly applies to individuals who devel-
oped a phobia after a powerful conditioning experience, such as a very painful
medical procedure or an otherwise horrid event. The following case report il-
lustrates this:
Ms. A., a 19-year-old woman, presented with a choking phobia. Her fear of
swallowing food began at age 14 when she choked on a piece of candy (me-
ringue) during a childrens party. The candy remained stuck in her throat.
Fortunately, someone at the party was eventually able to dislodge it. After
this incident, Ms. A. kept feeling as if the candy remained in her throat. She
was admitted to a hospital for observation, where she stayed 2 weeks for
physical examinations and a number of psychotherapy sessions. However,
she remained fearful after her stay in the hospital. Her daily meals consisted
of baby food combined with fluids. When outside her home, she feared that
flies would enter her throat and suffocate her. At work, she kept her mouth
tightly closed to prevent dust from coming into her mouth. Moreover, she
experienced nightmares about choking on food, and eating food containing
splinters of glass that caused her to choke on her own blood. Even the word
swallowing became extremely fear-provoking. The clients total score on
the Symptom Check List-90-R (SCL-90-R; Arrindell & Ettema, 1986; Dero-
gatis, 1977) was 344 (very high).

It is clear that even if the memories of this traumatic event are successfully
processed and emotionally integrated, Ms. A. will still have to learn to ingest
solid food. Consequently, the application of only the standard EMDR proto-
col for treating PTSD (Shapiro, 1995) in such cases will not be sufficient. In
contrast to its application with PTSD, the treatment of specific phobias with
EMDR should not be concluded until the client is prepared for future interac-
tions with (formerly) anxiety-eliciting stimuli or situations. This may involve
acquisition of adaptive coping skills, such as mental strategies to handle fear
of fear and techniques to relax or to distract oneself. In addition, clients
should be able to put what they have learned into practice and be given the op-
portunity to further increase self-confidence through overcoming their fears
and perceiving further progress.
Two sessions of EMDR were needed to alleviate Ms. A.s fearful emotions
related to her traumatic memories of the childrens party. At this point she
felt able to swallow solid food again. A SCL-90-R filled out 1 week after the
second session showed a total score of 135 (above average). Because she
had restricted her consumption to soft food and fluids for several years,

three sessions were devoted to the practice of eating to help her to get fully
used to the consumption of solid food. At a 6-month follow-up, it appeared
that these improvements were maintained.

EMDR treatment of specific phobia is based on a standard three-stage pro-

tocol (for a description see Shapiro, 1995, pp. 222226). Specifically, after
identifying the pertinent targets, a three-pronged approach of past, present,
and future is used that incorporates the following steps: (a) alleviating the dis-
tress related to one or more old memories, (b) deconditioning the effects of
present stimuli that trigger the fear response, and (c) preparing the client for
future confrontations with the conditioned stimuli. Table 1 presents an outline
of the EMDR protocol for specific phobias. An important component of the
phobia protocol is that, after the incorporation of a positive template for fu-
ture action (step d, Table 1), clients are asked to close their eyes and visualize
an entire sequence of a future action (e.g., an upcoming dental treatment:
making an appointment, awaking, going to the dentist, taking a seat in the
waiting room, etc.) like a videotape that runs through a VCR. Clients are in-
structed to stop, open their eyes, and inform the clinician the moment any dis-
turbance arises during the running of the videotape. The clinicians intention
is to reprocess clients mental images as disturbances arise. Clients are then re-
quested to rerun the mental videotape until all anxiety-eliciting aspects are re-
processed and the entire movie can be visualized from start to finish without
One point deserves special attention. According to Shapiro (1995, p. 222),
it makes conceptual sense to differentiate between two types of specific pho-
bias for which different protocols have been established: one for simple pho-
bias and the other for process phobias. Simple phobias are defined as marked
fears of objects and circumscribed situations (e.g., spiders) that are cued when
the client is exposed to them. Fear is generally elicited in a variety of un-
planned circumstances, independent of the clients behavior. Process phobias
are defined as excessive fears of situations or procedures in which the client
must actively participate. Examples of process phobias include medically re-
lated phobias and flight phobia. In these cases, the client must actively decide
and act in order to be exposed to the phobic stimuli. Consequently, it would be
necessary to address more aspects of the phobic process, such as the fearful
anticipating of events. It is, however, the opinion of the authors that this dis-
tinction between simple phobia and process phobia is not always useful. In
clinical practice, whether or not phobic objects or situations are actively antici-
pated often depends on the individual client or the situation, rather than on
the type of phobia. For example, it may not always be necessary for clients to
actively engage with the object; that is, to go up and draw it close, poke it,
touch it, or let it crawl on them. Conversely, if a spider-phobic individual has
to visit places where the phobic object is likely to be (e.g., a spider-ridden

Phobia Protocol

A. Teaching self-control procedures to handle fear of fear

B. Identifying the targets
1. Ask the client to describe:
a. Any ancillary events that contribute to the phobia
b. The first time the fear was experienced
c. The most representative or most frightening experience
d. The most recent time it was experienced
e. Any associated present stimuli
f. The physical sensations or other manifestations of fear, including hyperventilation
C. Desensitization and reprocessing
1. Use standard protocol for Target A (but without body scan).
2. Target the other targets, if necessary (check whether or not different negative and positive
belief statements are needed).
D. Installation of a positive template for the future
1. Ask client to mentally progress in time to identify a mental image of a desired future
situation with a positive behavioral response.
2. Infuse an appropriate positive belief statement about self by keeping in mind this belief
statement while engaging in sets of stimulation. This is continued as long as the client
reports a strengthening of validity.
E. Run a mental videotape
1. Have client visualize the entire sequence of a future action (e.g., from present session to
a next possible confrontation with the feared stimuli or situation).
2. Ask client to identify any disturbing aspects, and target these where it seems appropriate.
F. Body scan
That is, holding in mind both the target event and the positive self-belief while mentally
scanning the body.
G. Preparation for future confrontations
1. Check if the following is (still) necessary:
a. Teaching to apply self-control techiques or relaxation techniques
b. Any other exercises (or homework assignment) in which the client learns to confront
the situation in real to allow relearning to occur
H. Closure

house), the individual has to plan and to anticipate a possible encounter. In

that case, the simple phobia would turn into a process phobia. Because it will
not always be possible to predict exactly how someone with a simple phobia
will act in relation to the phobic stimulus, it seems most practical to use the
protocol for process phobia (Table 1) in the majority of the cases.


Although numerous EMDR-trained clinicians have reported powerful
clinical effects with EMDR in the treatment of specific phobias, the empirical

support for its efficacy remains scarce. This section provides an overview of
the relevant research. For reasons of clarity, reports on treatment of anxious
individuals who clearly did not meet the diagnostic criteria for specific phobia
(e.g., test anxiety among students in Bauman & Melnyk, 1994 and in
Gosselin & Matthews, 1995) have been left out.
In the first uncontrolled study on the use EMDR with phobias, Marquis
(1991) employed EMDR to treat 78 clients who suffered from a wide range of
psychological disorders. EMDR was found to be effective with all of the 10 cli-
ents who suffered from a specific fear or phobia (i.e., flying, high places, and
animals). Unfortunately, as correctly noted by several authors (e.g., Acierno,
Hersen, Van Hasselt, Tremont, & Meuser, 1994; Herbert & Mueser, 1992),
this study has a variety of methodological shortcomings. The critique mainly
pertains to the fact that EMDR was complemented by a variety of other inter-
ventions, the use of self-report measures and nonstandardized therapist rat-
ings to determine treatment progress, and the lack of information regarding
the assessment of clients psychopathology.
Kleinknecht (1993) used EMDR successfully in the treatment of a woman
with a 16-year history of blood and injection phobia. After four brief sessions,
involving less than 1 hour treatment time, the patient succeeded in receiving
injections and having blood drawn. Two other case studies with bloodinjury
injection phobia (Lohr, Tolin, & Kleinknecht, 1995) showed a general de-
crease in Subjective Units of Discomfort Scale (SUD) ratings, and a substan-
tial decrease in scores on the SCL-90-R (Derogatis, 1977) and several standard
medical fear measures following treatment. However, only minor changes
were noted for heart rate and blood pressure. After their EMDR treatment,
that lasted no longer than 1 hour, one person voluntarily participated in a
blood draw for cholesterol testing 3 weeks after treatment and reported an ab-
sence of anticipatory anxiety before the procedure. Six months later, however,
she again experienced a high level of fear during a second blood draw. The
second subject, who was not able to recall an incident that could explain the
onset of the fear, subjected herself to a skin surgery involving many painful
(anaesthetic) needle injections. Although she experienced fear, the anxiety
ratings were much lower than those prior to treatment. Remarkably, in a re-
view concerning the empirical validity of EMDR, the investigators strongly
trivialized their results by stating: if there were real effects of the EMDR pro-
cedure, they were limited to SUD ratings (Lohr, Kleinknecht, Tolin, & Bar-
rett, 1995, p. 291). It should be noted that both reports on the treatment of
blood-injection phobic subjects (Kleinknecht, 1993; Lohr, Tolin, & Klein-
knecht, 1995) provided little information about the application of the proce-
dure. This makes it difficult to determine the extent to which the investigators
administered the entire procedure, or whether they truncated the standard
EMDR protocol. For example, no information was presented on the cognitive
part of the standard protocol (i.e., the selection of appropriate cognitions, and

the installation of a positive belief statement). Therefore, it remains unclear

whether the belief ratings were high enough to justify conclusion of treatment.
Young (1994) reported success in treating two female multiple personality
disorder clients with severe, persistent phobias. One client suffered from a
snake phobia, the other had an extreme fear of moths (in combination with
fear of seeing a full moon outdoors). Both clients could recall traumatic expe-
riences in their childhood in relation to their phobias and achieved significant
beneficial results in one and two sessions, respectively. The results were main-
tained at 6-month follow-up. Although the results were positive, the descrip-
tion of the procedure suggests that the author did not apply the standard
EMDR protocol. Here the client, for instance, was asked to focus on his emo-
tions rather than on the target memory: She was asked to picture herself with
a snake with the associated feelings of terror and helplessness (p. 130).
Muris and Merckelbach (1995) used EMDR with spider phobics. Two adult
spider phobic subjects were first treated with an hour-long session of EMDR.
Improvements were found on both self-report measures of spider fear and a
behavioral measure post-EMDR treatment. Next, they received 2.5 hours of
in vivo exposure, after which the subjects were able to actually touch the spi-
der. The authors indicated having used the phobia protocol, but they also
noted that there was not enough treatment time to apply the entire protocol.
The effects, however, are comparable with a case study by Muris and De
Jongh (1996) on a young girl with spider phobia. Her fear was established fol-
lowing a traumatic encounter with a spider when she was 2 years old. After 1
hour of EMDR treatment, her score on a standardized self-report measure of
spider fear (the short version of the Spider Phobia Questionnaire for Chil-
dren; SPQ-C; Kindt, Brosschot, & Muris, 1996) went from 12 (maximum is 15)
to 2. There was also a significant progress on a behavioral approach test. Be-
fore treatment, the child did not dare to touch a jar with a spider inside. After
EMDR treatment, she was able to touch the spider with a pencil. Next, she re-
ceived 1 hour of in vivo exposure, after which she was able to have the spider
walk on her bare hand.
In a case report by De Jongh and Ten Broeke (1994), a female client
achieved relief from her vomiting phobia. She experienced anxiety about the
possibility of needing to vomit when she found herself in a situation from
which it would be difficult to escape (i.e., being on a boat, saying I do at the
registry office, getting pregnant, dancing with someone, or going out for a
meal with someone). After a single EMDR session, her anxiety dissipated and
the symptoms did not return. The results were supported by a drop in SCL-
90-R total scores (Arrindell & Ettema, 1986) from 144 (above average) to
106 (low), improvements that were maintained at 4-month follow-up (103).
The same authors described the successful treatment of a mouse phobia
(Ten Broeke & De Jongh, 1993), and two clients with dental phobia (De
Jongh, Ten Broeke, & Van der Meer, 1995; De Jongh & Ten Broeke, 1996).

With regard to the mouse phobia, previous behavior therapy with in vivo ex-
posure had not resolved the fear of mice in a 63-year-old woman. One session
of EMDR resulted in a significant reduction of fear when confronted with a
mouse. At 6-month follow-up, her fear of mice had not returned.
One dental phobia case involved the treatment of a male client who devel-
oped a phobic response after experiencing an extremely painful extraction
while he was in a foreign country (De Jongh, Ten Broeke, & Van der Meer,
1995). He avoided further dental treatment for 12 years. A behavioral man-
agement approach with five sessions of gradual exposure and teaching of cop-
ing skills failed to produce much improvement. In contrast, one session of
EMDR resulted in a strong reduction of fear. At his next dental appointment,
treatment could be continued with a level of distress acceptable to the patient.
The other case report on dental phobia concerned a woman who avoided den-
tists for over 30 years (De Jongh & Ten Broeke, 1996). The fear was estab-
lished when she was 8 years old and a dentist had tied her arms with towels to
the dental chair to restrain her during drilling. She also developed panic disor-
der later in life. A year of behavior therapy provided no relief from her symp-
toms. After one session of EMDR, the patient felt competent enough to go
shopping for the first time after a long period. After a second session of
EMDR, she was able to start dental treatment. At 2-year follow-up she was
still free of panic attacks and had completed her dental work.
Acierno, Tremont, Last, and Montgomery (1994) utilized a single-subject
multiple-baseline design to investigate the relative efficacy of EMDR and a
control condition of imaginal exposure named eye focus desensitization.
The subject suffered from an inability to attend funerals or remain in dark
rooms, which, according to the authors, was the result of a complicated com-
bination of Columbian culture lore, childhood aversive learning trials, exceed-
ingly infrequent natural exposure to fear-related stimuli, and pervasive adult
avoidance (p. 275). The subject showed no relief with EMDR (11 sessions)
beyond the control treatment (6 sessions), while large behavioral improve-
ments were noted after in vivo exposure (6 sessions). Notably, the therapist in
this study had no formal training in EMDR and used a protocol contrary to
the standard procedure (e.g., instructions to return to an image of the phobic
situation for each set, relaxation instructions in between sets, repeated associ-
ations of the disturbing image with the negative belief statement, no linking of
a positive self-assessment with the targeted information).
Lohr, Tolin, and Kleinknecht (1996) employed EMDR with two male sub-
jects with traumatically induced claustrophobia using a within-series phase-
change design. The first subject developed a fear of enclosed situations after
being assigned to a compartment below the water line on an aircraft carrier
when he was a naval recruit. The other subjects original precipitating experi-
ence was his detainment in an underground tunnel by Soviet troops in East

Berlin. Both subjects suffered from a severe fear of panic. Four treatment ses-
sions resulted in a substantial decline in disturbance ratings associated with
their previously anxiety-evoking images of the conditioning event. A 6-month
posttreatment contact revealed a number of behavioral changes since the com-
pletion of treatment (e.g., voluntarily use of an elevator, participating in social
gatherings and a musical concert). The authors, however, concluded: While
SUD ratings may have psychometric validity, it is also the case that they ap-
pear to be the only measures that change when EMDR is applied (p. 86).
In the first controlled experiment of EMDR with phobias, Sanderson and
Carpenter (1992) used a single session cross-over design on 58 (29 mainly spi-
der phobics and 29 controls) subjects. They found no significant differences in
effectiveness between a simplified (p. 269) version of EMDR (i.e., 7 sets of
restricted eye movements of 20 seconds each) and image confrontation (i.e.,
imagining the feared object or situation with eyes shut on a daily basis for a pe-
riod of 1 month). As Greenwald (1994) pointed out, here also the EMDR pro-
cedure had been seriously distorted. For example, the untrained researchers
used only limited number of restricted eye movements, asked the subjects to
focus on no more than one single circumscribed target, and omitted the gener-
ation of dysfunctional beliefs concerning the target.
Bates, McGlynn, Montgomery and Mattke (1996) randomly assigned spi-
der phobic individuals to a 20-sweep EMD/R procedure (n 5 7) and an as-
sessment-only control condition (n 5 7). Their data indicated that EMDR did
not affect spider-phobic students fear of spiders. The experimental therapist
had no formal training in EMDR, but was trained by a researcher who also
had no training (p. 559). From the description of the procedure, it can be con-
cluded that the investigators were virtually ignorant of the EMDR procedure
(pp. 559560). For example, lack of procedural fidelity was evident in the
choice of the negative cognition (i.e., I am scared), which is not an irrational
belief, but rather a description (see Shapiro, 1995). Further, restricted sets of
only 20 eye movements were used and the order of the assessment was inaccu-
rate according to the standard practices. Specifically, the free association ele-
ment was eliminated, the client was inappropriately instructed to relax be-
tween sets, and the subjects were asked to maintain the most fearful image.
Furthermore, the feared image, negative belief statement and physical sensa-
tions were combined in each set, the positive cognition was interjected prema-
turely, and no preparation, installation, body scan, closure, or revaluation
phases were incorporated. Despite this long list of shortcomings, the proce-
dures were described as faithful EMD/R treatment to spider-fearful stu-
dents (Bates et al., 1996, p. 567). Moreover, the researchers concluded that
the negative results contribute to growing doubt that EMD/R qualifies em-
pirically as a bona fide behavior-therapy approach (p. 568).
In another controlled study of EMDR with spider phobic adults (Muris &
Merckelbach, 1997), 24 subjects were randomly assigned to either EMDR

treatment, imaginal exposure or a no-treatment control group. Both the

EMDR and the imaginal exposure group received a 1-hour treatment, while
the control group waited for 1 hour. All procedures were followed by in vivo
exposure. EMDR resulted in strong changes on subjective measures of distur-
bance and credibility of a positive belief statement. However, with regard to
approach behavior, EMDR subjects did not fare better than those who under-
went imaginal exposure. Only after the subjects had received an exposure in
vivo treatment, lasting 2.5 times longer than the EMDR treatment, were fur-
ther and significant improvements found. Unfortunately, the design of the
study does not allow a direct comparison between the effectiveness of EMDR
and exposure in vivo (see also Lohr, Tolin, & Lilienfeld, 1998 for their critical
comments). Since all subjects reached a comparable level of self-reported spi-
der fear and approach behavior (regardless of whether they had initially re-
ceived EMDR, imaginal exposure or no treatment) this study demonstrates
the robust effects of exposure in vivo with this type of animal fear.
Two controlled studies on EMDR with spider phobic children conducted
by the same research group seem to indicate that EMDR is an effective treat-
ment for childhood spider fear, but of limited value compared to the results
of as powerful a procedure as exposure in vivo (Muris, Merckelbach, van
Haaften, & Mayer, 1997; Muris, Merckelbach, Holdrinet, & Sijsenaar, 1998).
In the first study, one session of exposure in vivo treatment (n 5 11) was com-
pared with one session EMDR (n 5 11) in a cross-over design (Muris et al.,
1997). Both treatments lasted 1.5 hours. EMDR resulted in a sharp decrease
in short version of the SPQ-C. Exposure in vivo was found to be superior to
EMDR in reducing avoidance behavior. With regard to skin conductance
level, however, no differences were found between EMDR and in vivo expo-
sure. The second study compared the effects of EMDR (n 5 9), exposure in
vivo (n 5 9), and computerized exposure (n 5 8) in a between-subjects design
with spider-phobic children (Muris et al., 1998). All treatments lasted 2.5
hours. Next, all subjects received a 1.5 hours session of exposure in vivo.
EMDR resulted in significant improvements on self-report measures and ap-
peared to be significantly more effective than the computerized exposure
treatment. Again, exposure in vivo was found to produce the best treatment
results. Their findings, however, are compromised by the fact that the full pho-
bia protocol was not applied. For example, none of the subjects were exposed
to the running of a mental video tape designed to treat anticipatory anxiety.
Moreover, the authors of the first study note that, as a result of time restric-
tions, less than three targets (past, present, future) were desensitized among
approximately three quarters of their subjects.


Research on the application of EMDR with specific phobias demonstrates
that EMDR can produce significant improvements within a limited number of

sessions. With regard to the relative efficacy of EMDR it has been found that
EMDR is more effective in treating childhood spider phobia than a control
condition consisting of a computerized exposure treatment (Muris et al.,
1998). The findings of a few controlled outcome studies, however, suggest that
spider phobia is more responsive to exposure in vivo than to EMDR (Muris et
al., 1997; Muris et al., 1998). Unfortunately, the overall picture regarding the
effectiveness of EMDR is largely obfuscated by the fact that researchers in
many of the studies were, variously, untrained in the method, used only a re-
stricted number of directed eye movements, or inaccurately implemented the
procedure (e.g., Acierno, Tremont, et al., 1994; Bates et al., 1996; Sanderson &
Carpenter, 1992). Adherence to the standard phobia protocol (Shapiro, 1995)
is limited and has improperly been utilized in most of the controlled outcome
research. This sets serious limitations on the credibility of the results as, with
any therapeutical approach, there may be a direct connection between the de-
gree of procedural fidelity and the likelihood of attaining successful treatment
results. Therefore, in the future, researchers whose intention it is to investi-
gate the effectiveness of EMDR as a treatment method for specific phobias
should refrain from the use of truncated protocols or other invalid procedures,
and apply the entire protocol specifically established for that population.
In attempting to understand why spider fearful subjects responded more
favorably to in vivo exposure than to EMDR, it should be noted that the be-
havioral index (i.e., the scores on a behavior approach test) may have been bi-
ased in favour of the exposure group as a consequence of the design of these
studies (Muris et al., 1997; Muris et al., 1998). That is, subjects in the exposure
group already had had a real-life confrontation with the (same) spider,
whereas subjects treated with EMDR were requested to touch a spider for the
first time. There should be little disagreement that in vivo exposure (includ-
ing the effect of modelling with the therapist showing approaching behavior)
would be more effective under such circumstances.
Since the controlled outcome research on EMDR with specific phobias is
almost entirely based on the application of EMDR with spider-phobic individ-
uals, conclusions about the efficacy of EMDR should be made in light of this
limitation. In this respect, spider phobia may not be a representative type of
phobia in its responsiveness to EMDR. This may further relate to the origin of
this phobic condition. EMDR is conceptually guided by the assumption that
present dysfunctions are both derived from and driven by earlier life experi-
ences. The treatment aims to resolve the memories of a precipitating event
that is perceived as subjectively traumatic, such as a car accident, an extremely
painful dental treatment as a child or an episode of choking on food. Clearly,
clients with phobias of driving, dentistry, or choking, by definition do not fulfil
the criteria of PTSD with respect to flashbacks and recurrent upsetting memo-
ries. However, many of them re-experience parts of their nightmare when-
ever they are confronted with their phobic stimuli. In such instances, the pre-
viously stored memory is associatively activated by a present situation.

Anytime the affective state associated with the disturbing event is triggered,
there is a comparable level of fear and a similar perception of danger as during
the actual event. The role of this dynamic may be relatively great in phobias
with a trauma-related etiology, but may be less pronounced in conditions like
spider phobia. This would be in line with the fact that direct conditioning ex-
periences are rarely found in the etiology of this type of animal phobia; spider
phobics generally have no recall of traumatic experiences associated with spi-
ders that could explain the onset of their fear (Davey, 1992; Kleinknecht,
1982). Consequently, it may be difficult to find a target that would evoke
enough disturbance to set the EMDR reprocessing in motion. The notion that
spider fear may be atypical in its responsiveness to EMDR is supported by the
finding that the severity of spider fear is highly associated with disgust and
contamination sensitivity (Mulkens, de Jong, & Merckelbach, 1997). This may
indicate that people dislike spiders (and blood; see Page, 1994) because they
provoke disgust, and not because they relate to something traumatic.
Indeed, it is our clinical impression that phobic disorders without a known
traumatic component in the etiology of the complaints generally tend to re-
spond less strongly to EMDR than those with a clear conditioning event that
can be held causally responsible for the onset of the fear. This is in accordance
with experiences of others. For example, Lohr et al. (1996) argue that, because
of their frequent traumatic acquisition, medical fears in particular would be
those to which EMDR might be most directly extended. The notion that
EMDR works best for phobias with traumatic origins is supported by the data
from Sanderson and Carpenter (1992). They found that the SUD scores of a
subgroup of clients with a trauma-related phobia showed significantly greater
reduction after EMDR than the group as a whole.
It should be borne in mind that controlled outcome research evaluating ex-
posure in vivo in the treatment of more complex (e.g., trauma-related) phobic
conditions is scarce. Virtually all current knowledge on the treatment of spe-
cific phobias is based on research that focused on monosymptomatic phobias
without an aversive life event in the etiology of the condition (e.g., snake pho-
bia, spider phobia, flying phobia, and height phobia; Ost, 1997). It appears that
these types of specific phobia can be successfully treated with prolonged expo-
sure to the conditioned stimuli (CS) in a few hours of treatment. In contrast,
other types of specific phobias (e.g., phobias of choking, accidents, and den-
tistry) seem to fit less easily in a short-term exposure in vivo approach (see
McNally, 1994; Kent, 1997; Kuch, 1997). For example, Smith, Kroeger, Lyon
and Mullins (1990) found that approximately 25% of a sample of dental pho-
bics did not respond to systematic desensitization and withdrew again from
dental treatment. One explanation for the differential effects might be that
phobias with a trauma-related etiology have a number of commonalties with
PTSD. Exposure to the CS may be less effective with such conditions, as it will
not disconfirm the expected occurrence of the unconditioned stimulus (UCS),

but rather activate a representation of that UCS. In this respect, it has been
speculated that repeated exposures to the CS might even strengthen the CS
UCS association (Bayens, Eelen, Van den Bergh, & Crombez, 1992). In fact, a
distinction between CS-exposure and UCS-exposure can be found in cogni-
tive-behavioral treatment procedures for PTSD on the one hand and specific
phobia on the other. While effective treatment protocols for PTSD target the
representation of the UCS (i.e., the memories of the traumatic event), expo-
sure to the CS (i.e., a fearful object) appears most helpful in treating specific
phobias. In PTSD, repeated exposure to the memory of the trauma is ex-
pected to result in habituation as it constitutes an opportunity for corrective
information to be integrated, thereby modifying the fear structure (Roth-
baum & Foa, 1996). Hence, it would be enlightening to experimentally investi-
gate whether trauma-based phobias would respond most favorable to an UCS
revaluation intervention, such as imagery exposure or EMDR (see Davey,
1997), while other types of phobia would respond better to exposure in vivo.
Besides trauma-related phobias, the application of EMDR may prove pref-
erable in cases for which an exposure in vivo approach is expensive (e.g., flight
phobia), more difficult to administer (e.g., thunderstorm phobia), or intrinsi-
cally harmful (e.g., wasps, and certain kinds of aversive medical procedures).
For example, contrary to the treatment of spider phobia, in which the client is
encouraged to have a spider walk on his hand, it would be difficult to ask cli-
ents to expose themselves to a wasp in the same manner. Because such a pro-
cedure would be highly unpredictable to carry out, it may seriously prevent cli-
ents engagement in treatment or increase the risk of drop out before the
treatment can be concluded successfully. To this end, EMDR might be a use-
ful alternative. However, while such treatment delivery issues are important,
it should be noted that systematic desensitization or imaginal exposure would
share the same virtues in this regard. Accordingly, future studies should inves-
tigate the specific benefits and limitations of using EMDR instead of other in
vitro procedures with a broad range of specific phobias.
Taken together, any definitive conclusion regarding EMDRs efficacy in
the area of specific phobias would be far too premature. The amount of con-
trolled outcome studies evaluating the application of EMDR with specific
phobias is small and the quality of the empirical research is meagre. Although
one should remain cautious and discerning in regard to the application of
EMDR with specific phobias, it should be acknowledged that controlled stud-
ies of any method on the more complex, multisymptomatic or trauma-related
phobias are lacking and therefore greatly needed. Until then, it will be difficult
to draw any firm conclusion concerning the effectiveness of psychotherapy in
the treatment of specific phobias in general, whether it concerns exposure or

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