Is As Measure
Is As Measure
Is As Measure
This questionnaire asks about a variety of self-harm behaviors. Please only endorse a
behavior if you have done it intentionally (i.e., on purpose) and without suicidal intent
(i.e., not for suicidal reasons).
1. Please estimate the number of times in your life you have intentionally (i.e., on
purpose) performed each type of non-suicidal self-harm (e.g., 0, 10, 100, 500):
Important: If you have performed one or more of the behaviors listed above,
please complete the final part of this questionnaire. If you have not performed
any of the behaviors listed above, you are done with this particular questionnaire
and should continue to the next.
2. If you feel that you have a main form of self-harm, please circle the behavior(s)
on the first page above that you consider to be your main form of self-harm.
6. Typically, how much time elapses from the time you have the urge to self-harm
until you act on the urge?
This inventory was written to help us better understand the experience of non-suicidal
self-harm. Below is a list of statements that may or may not be relevant to your
experience of self-harm. Please identify the statements that are most relevant for you:
(Optional) In the space below, please list any statements you feel should be added to
the above list, even if they do not necessarily apply to you:
Self-Punishment 3, 16, 29
Self-Care 4, 17, 30
Anti-Dissociation/Feeling-Generation 5, 18, 31
Anti-Suicide 6, 19, 32
Sensation-Seeking 7, 20, 33
Peer-Bonding 8, 21, 34
Klonsky, E.D. & Olino, T.M. (2008). Identifying clinically distinct subgroups of self-
injurers among young adults: A latent class analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 76, 22-27.
Klonsky, E.D. & Glenn, C.G. (2009) Assessing the functions of non-suicidal self-injury:
Psychometric properties of the Inventory of Statements About Self-injury (ISAS).
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 31, 215-219.
Kortge, R., Meade, T., & Tennant, A. (2013). Interpersonal and intrapersonal functions
of deliberate self-harm (DSH): A psychometric examination of the Inventory of
Statements About Self-injury (ISAS) scale. Behaviour Change, 30, 24-35.
Glenn, C.G. & Klonsky, E.D. (2011). One-year test-retest reliability of the Inventory of
Statements About Self-injuiry (ISAS). Assessment, 18, 375-378.
Bildik, T., Somer, O. Kabukcu Basay, B., Basay, O., & Ozbaran, B. (2013). The validity
and reliability of the Turkish version of the Inventory of Statements About Self-injury.
Turkish Journal of Psychiatry.
Other studies using part or all of the ISAS (list not comprehensive):
Hamza, C.A. & Willoughby, T. (2013). Nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal behavior: A
latent class analysis among young adults. PLOS One, 8(3), e59955.
Zaki, L.F., Coifman, K.G., Rafaeli, E., Berenson, K.R., & Downey, G. (2013). Emotion
differentiation as a protective factor against nonsuicidal self-injury in Bordelrine
Personality Disorder. Behavior Therapy, 44, 529-540.
Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2013). Non-suicidal self-injury disorder: An empirical
investigation in adolescent psychiatric inpatients. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent
Psychology, 42, 496-507.
Victor, S.E., Glenn, C.R., & Klonsky, E.D. (2012). Is non-suicidal self-injury an
"addiction"? A comparison of craving in substance use and non-suicidal self-injury.
Psychiatry Research, 197, 73-77.
Weinberg, A. & Klonsky, E.D. (2012). The effects of self-injury on acute negative
arousal: A laboratory simulation. Motivation and Emotion, 36, 242-254.
Glenn, C.R., Blumenthal, T.D., Klonsky, E.D., & Hajcak, G. (2011). Emotional reactivity
in nonsuicidal self-injury: Divergence between self-report and startle measures.
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 80, 166-170.
Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2011). Prospective prediction of non-suicidal self-injury: A
one-year longitudinal study. Behavior Therapy, 42, 751-762..
Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2010). A multimethod analysis of impulsivity in non-
suicidal self-injury. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 1, 67-75.
Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2010). The role of seeing blood in non-suicidal self-injury.
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 66, 1-8.
Glenn, C.R. & Klonsky, E.D. (2009). Social context during non-suicidal self-injury
indicates suicide risk. Personality and Individual Differences, 46, 25-29.