ContiTech RubberTrack Manual WarrantyGuide en
ContiTech RubberTrack Manual WarrantyGuide en
ContiTech RubberTrack Manual WarrantyGuide en
Warranty Guide
Table of Contents
Continental, a worldwide supplier of quality rubber products, is committed to providing new and improved products to
meet the ever changing needs of its customers. This dedication to innovation, technological leadership and continuous
quality improvement has led Continental to develop its line of Trackman Rubber Track, a family of flexible, reinforced rubber
tracks designed to serve as the primary tractive component for a wide variety of applications.
The Continental Trackman line of rubber track combines advanced rubber compounding, tread design, and production
technology to provide the user with an endless rubber track that will provide superior performance in the most demanding of
applications. Trackman Rubber Track is specifically designed to provide the durability, versatility and traction required to
satisfy customer requirements in all types of services.
Alignment - Term referring to the mutual parallelism of the Compaction - The relative degree to which soil is
elements of an undercarriage, especially the drive wheel, compacted by the passage of vehicles across its surface.
idlers, and bogies. Also, the mutual parallelism of paired Primarily a function of machine ground pressure(s). In
undercarriages. Alignment is important because it affects agriculture, high levels of compaction have been found to
the tracking of the track. reduce germination rates and total crop yield.
Bogie - (Bogie Wheel) - A small, non-powered wheel which Delamination - A rubber condition in which the various
runs on the ground engaging length of the track, the layers of rubber separate along the planes between cross-
purpose of which is to distribute the machine load over the sectional laminae. Can refer to separation within a
track footprint. Typically, multiple bogie wheels comprise a carcass, or separation of tread and/or guide/drive lugs from
bogie wheel system. Generally, the term bogie wheel is a carcass (usually in a sheet). This type of condition may
synonymous with the term roller wheel. However, in indicate poor adhesion within the track.
some contexts, the term bogie wheel indicates an
independently suspended wheel, while roller wheel Drawbar - Vernacular term for Drawbar Pull, the force
denotes a rigidly fixed wheel. An alternate term for bogie which can be supplied at the drawbar of a draft vehicle.
wheel is mid-roller or roller wheel. Typically quoted as a measure of tractive effort.
Carcass - The belt which forms the main body of a Drive Lug - A rubber lug (usually, one of a series) located
rubber track, and which contains the steel reinforcement on the undercarriage-engaging surface of the track, the
package. purpose of which is to drive the track by positively engaging
the drive wheel.
Chunking - a vernacular term describing a condition of
rubber in which macroscopic chunks of rubber are torn
from the wear surface. Typically, as it relates to track,
this condition is indicative of severe ground conditions,
such as those containing scrap metal or flint.
Outside Guide Lugs - Guide lugs that are located at the Skid Steer - Refers to a method of turning a vehicle in which
edges of a track, rather than at is centerline. Used in there is no articulation of the tires or track; instead, the tires
pairs (dual outside guide lugs), these lugs encapsulate or track on either side of the vehicle are driven at dissimilar
drive and idler wheels to prevent detracking. speeds (or in dissimilar directions). The term skid steer is
also sometimes used to denote skid-loader type pieces of
Penetration - The relative degree to which a tire or a track equipment, such as the Bobcat or Case Uniloader machines.
impresses itself into the ground under load. High gross
vehicle weights, small footprints, and soft ground conditions Spreading Force - The total force applied to a track by the
all result in increased penetration. In general, track tensioning system of an undercarriage. In the case of two-
systems exhibit less penetration than tires. pulley type systems, the spreading force corresponds to the
force with which the front and rear idler/drive wheels are
Roller - (Roller Wheel) - A small wheel designed to guide
spread apart, against the track. In this type of system, the
and distribute machine load to a track. Generally, the
term roller wheel is synonymous with bogie wheel. track tension is equal to one-half the spreading force.
However, in some contexts, the term bogie wheel
indicates an independently suspended wheel, while Track Tension - The total tensile load supported by a given
roller wheel denotes a rigidly fixed wheel. An alternate span of track
term for roller wheel is mid-roller or bogie wheel
Continental Trackman Rubber Track is produced on custom-designed manufacturing equipment that combines the latest
advancements in rubber processing technology with sophisticated computer process controls. This manufacturing process
results in a product which is unsurpassed in quality, uniformity, and performance.
In general, flexible rubber track is composed of three major components: the carcass, the tread lugs, and the guide and/or
drive lugs. The carcass is the heart of the track, and is composed of several different rubber compounds, each of which is
designed to perform a particular function (such as to promote adhesion, or to resist wear, cutting, chunking, etc.). This flat
belt also contains the main steel reinforcement package that gives the track its strength, stiffness, and handling
characteristics. The steel reinforcement package within the carcass usually includes several layers of steel belting - similar
to that which would be employed in radial steel belted truck tires - as well as longitudinal steel cable. The purpose of the
steel belting is to provide lateral stiffness, tear resistance, and proper tracking characteristics, as well as to protect the
primary cable layer from impingement and damage. The purpose of the cable is to provide longitudinal tensile strength, so
that the track cannot stretch (significantly) under load, or elongate over its lifetime. The cable employed is a heavy-gauge,
high-tensile variety, which exhibits an ultimate elongation. Furthermore, it is treated to resist corrosion and to maximize its
adhesion to the rubber substrate.
The tread lugs are molded to the ground-engaging side of the carcass. These lugs are designed to provide both
exceptional traction and a smooth ride. The rubber compound used in these lugs is typically formulated for high wear
resistance, as it is the tread surface of the track which will usually be subjected to the most wear and abrasion.
The guide and/or drive lugs are molded to the undercarriage-engaging side of the carcass. (That is, the opposite side
from the tread lugs.) In friction-drive type track systems, where the track is driven solely by the friction between the drive
wheel and the inside surface of the track, the purpose of these lugs is to retain the track (laterally) on the undercarriage,
and to bear the applied side loads (such as when the machine is operating on a transverse incline). In positive-drive type
track systems, where the track is driven via the mechanical engagement of the drive lugs by the drive wheel (much like a
rack-and-pinion gear set), the purpose of these lugs is to retain the track on the undercarriage, to bear the applied side
loads, and further, to offer a mechanical means for the transmission of the driving torque provided through the drive wheel.
In virtually all cases, guide and/or drive lugs are formed from high modulus, abrasion resistant compounds.
Continental Trackman Rubber Track combines these three components into a fully molded, high quality construction
that delivers maximum performance in the environment for which it was designed. This fully molded construction allows
each component to be designed for optimum performance, while simultaneously assuring outstanding product uniformity
and integrity.
Tread Lugs - Ground Engaging, wearable surface Steel Cable - Single cable, helically-wound
Steel Belting - typically 3 4 layers
Carcass - Foundation of track
Guide/Drive Lugs - Primarily for retainement of track
Guide Lugs Drive
Bogie Wheels
Idler Drive
Wheel Wheel
Interchange left front with right rear track. Interchange
right front with left
rear track.
Continental Armorlug tracks have a layer of fabric over the drive lug.
Resists drive lug damage.
All original Goodyear Rowtrac tracks and Continental RowTech tracks are Armorlug.
All Goodyear and Continental 36 Quadtrac and Combine tracks are Armorlug.
NOTE: Always refer to the vehicle manufactures Operation and Maintenance Owners
Manual for specific track conditioning procedures.
Inspect and service the undercarriage components frequently to ensure that there is no obvious damage, that the track is
being tensioned properly, and that the track exhibits no unusual wear patterns that would indicate improper camber or
Condition track prior to initial usage by spreading dirt, Dries-All, or a similar material over the undercarriage engaging
surface of the track and running the machine for a brief time.
Avoid operating rubber track in grease, oil, gasoline, diesel fuel or other petrol chemicals. Take care to avoid spilling these
materials on track when servicing the undercarriage and/or the machine.
Rotate tracks from side to side in applications where uneven lateral wear is seen (and where the undercarriage
adjustments necessary to correct these wear patterns do not exist).
Avoid excess amount of sharp and high-speed turns.
Protect undercarriage from contact with large foreign objects.
Contact Continental Rubber Track Distributor for detailed information
Store tracks in "dark" area, away from direct sunlight. Store indoors, or cover with opaque tarpaulin.
Store tracks in "cool" (40F to 60F, 4.4C to 15.5C) area. Avoid storing at temperatures greater than 85F (29.4C) for
extended periods.
Store tracks in "relaxed" physical configurations. Store on edge, with bend radii greater than 30 inches and no back-
Store tracks in draft-free area. Store indoors, protect with tarpaulin if necessary.
Store tracks in dry area. Store indoors or cover with waterproof tarpaulin.
Do not store tracks in closed areas with electric devices that generate ozone (such as motors).
Do not store tracks in closed areas with petrol chemicals or petrol chemical vapors.
Do not paint tracks in an attempt to protect them from ozone, moisture or other elements.
Provide CO, fire extinguishers or halon fire suppression systems in rubber track storage areas
Tracks that become unserviceable due to a covered warranty condition within 48 months (12 months for general
applications 24 months for approved scraper tracks & 36 months for approved paver tracks) from their introduction into
Warranty consideration does not include removal or installation charges, or any special, incidental, or consequential
Only tracks that bear proper Continental Trackman identification and:
Have been used only on the vehicle on which they were originally installed in accordance with the vehicle
manufacturer's or Continental Trackman recommendations
Were purchased on or after January 1,2005.
First twelve months of service
Replaced with comparable new Continental Trackman rubber track without charge.
Outside of the no charge replacement period and within 48 months (12 months for general applications, 24 months for
scraper tracks & 36 months for paver tracks) from introduction into service
Customer charge will be calculated by multiplying the customer's current buying price, at the time of adjustment, by the
percentage from the "Warranty Replacement Percentage Table."
Must present the unserviceable track & copy of the proof of purchase to an authorized track
dealership who contacts the proper Continental authority
Must completely fill out and sign a Continental Trackman Rubber Track Claim Form supplied
by Continental Trackman to the authorized track dealer
Accompanied by a clear and visible photograph of the warranty condition that rendered
the track unserviceable
Must pay for taxes, installation or any other additional services ordered at the time of adjustment
Warranty track must be purchased within 90 days of Continental Trackman approval of the claim
All warranty claims must be accompanied by a valid Continental Trackman Rubber Track Claim
Form which includes:
TM number of the track
Found embossed on inside wheel path of track and/or molded to the top of several guide/drive
Tread depth measurement
Measure at three points around track with straight edge across two tread lugs directly opposite the
center of the roller wheel (average of 3 points)
Measure from straight edge bottom to the track carcass 1/2 way between the two lugs
Date of track purchase
Date track became unserviceable
Picture of condition that rendered track unserviceable and machine installed on
Mail or e-mail claim form & picture to:
Conti Tech North America Inc.
Attn: Warranty Department
1115 S. Wayne Street
St. Marys, Ohio 45885
Manufacturer Logo:
Check the edge of the rubber track for the
Continental Trackman logo.
Space for Sender Information
Classification and Control of Information
Warranty Status Inquiry
For questions concerning the Continental Conti Tech North America Inc.
Trackman Agricultural Track Warranty, Warranty Administrator
Rubber Track Products
please contact Continental Trackman Warranty
1115 South Wayne Street
St. Marys, OH 45885
Phone: 800-233-9810
Fax: 866-979-9993
Cable breaks are not warrantable because they are a type of track damage
rather than an issue due to something that the manufacturer did incorrectly.
Track warranty is limited rather than being a no-fault type of warranty. For a
track to be warrantable the reason for removal has to be caused directly by a
defect in manufacturing workmanship or materials. This is the standard type of
warranty for the rubber track industry.
Cables can be broken during detracking or while having debris packed in the
undercarriage when the vehicle is partially buried/suck and attempting to free
itself under its own power. Also, gradual tears can occur when sharp rocks and
debris are driven into the track wheel paths. This leads to moisture ingress,
corrosion, weakening of individual cable/s and eventual fatigue corrosion failure
and lateral zipper break.
The main tension cable in the track is a single strand of cable helically wound
across the width of the track. Spacing between cables is minimized in order to
maximize the amount of cable included. When debris causes retraction of
undercarriage take-up, along with isolating an area of the track to carry the full
tension load, the track cables can stretch beyond their limit (around 2%), and
experience ductile overload breakage.