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Rubber Track Manual &

Warranty Guide
Table of Contents

Introduction...........3 Warranty Key Points.30

Purpose of the Manual.3 Warranty Review...31
Glossary of Terms..4-8 Eligibility.....32
Rubber Track Construction....9-11 Filing Instructions.....33
Key Points in a Track Suspension System.12 Warranty Follow Up.....34
Friction Drive vs. Positive Drive.......13 Track Identification Numbers.....35
Undercarriage Drive Components..14-17 Measuring Tread Wear...36
Track Rotation.18 Claims Overview....38-60
Track Preconditioning...19-20 Tread Lugs..39-45
Rubber Track Maintenance..21-23 Carcass46-51
Track Storage.24-25 Guide Lugs..53-57
Ag Warranty....26-27 Other 58-62
Scraper Warranty...28-29

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Continental, a worldwide supplier of quality rubber products, is committed to providing new and improved products to
meet the ever changing needs of its customers. This dedication to innovation, technological leadership and continuous
quality improvement has led Continental to develop its line of Trackman Rubber Track, a family of flexible, reinforced rubber
tracks designed to serve as the primary tractive component for a wide variety of applications.

The Continental Trackman line of rubber track combines advanced rubber compounding, tread design, and production
technology to provide the user with an endless rubber track that will provide superior performance in the most demanding of
applications. Trackman Rubber Track is specifically designed to provide the durability, versatility and traction required to
satisfy customer requirements in all types of services.

Purpose of this Manual

The purpose of this guide is to provide the user a better understanding of rubber track technology and how it relates to
their equipment. This educational tool can be used with various equipment and applications and be a reference for years
to come. The warranty manual section provides clear photographs of the various conditions and characteristics seen on
rubber track, and how to assess these conditions. In addition to describing the appearance and probable cause of the
condition observed, this manual will also provide actions to be taken for the track, the tractor, and the operation in which
the track is used.

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Continental Rubber Track Terminology

Alignment - Term referring to the mutual parallelism of the Compaction - The relative degree to which soil is
elements of an undercarriage, especially the drive wheel, compacted by the passage of vehicles across its surface.
idlers, and bogies. Also, the mutual parallelism of paired Primarily a function of machine ground pressure(s). In
undercarriages. Alignment is important because it affects agriculture, high levels of compaction have been found to
the tracking of the track. reduce germination rates and total crop yield.

Bogie - (Bogie Wheel) - A small, non-powered wheel which Delamination - A rubber condition in which the various
runs on the ground engaging length of the track, the layers of rubber separate along the planes between cross-
purpose of which is to distribute the machine load over the sectional laminae. Can refer to separation within a
track footprint. Typically, multiple bogie wheels comprise a carcass, or separation of tread and/or guide/drive lugs from
bogie wheel system. Generally, the term bogie wheel is a carcass (usually in a sheet). This type of condition may
synonymous with the term roller wheel. However, in indicate poor adhesion within the track.
some contexts, the term bogie wheel indicates an
independently suspended wheel, while roller wheel Drawbar - Vernacular term for Drawbar Pull, the force
denotes a rigidly fixed wheel. An alternate term for bogie which can be supplied at the drawbar of a draft vehicle.
wheel is mid-roller or roller wheel. Typically quoted as a measure of tractive effort.

Carcass - The belt which forms the main body of a Drive Lug - A rubber lug (usually, one of a series) located
rubber track, and which contains the steel reinforcement on the undercarriage-engaging surface of the track, the
package. purpose of which is to drive the track by positively engaging
the drive wheel.
Chunking - a vernacular term describing a condition of
rubber in which macroscopic chunks of rubber are torn
from the wear surface. Typically, as it relates to track,
this condition is indicative of severe ground conditions,
such as those containing scrap metal or flint.

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Continental Rubber Track Terminology

Camber - Term referring to the roll attitude of an Negative

undercarriage. Typically, camber is expressed as the Camber
angular departure from an upright or flat attitude, where
the rotation occurs about a front to rear line running
through the mounting location of the undercarriage. The
purpose of providing camber is to ensure that the
undercarriage runs flat to the ground surface when
(elastically) deformed under the typical operating load of
the machine.
Positive Camber
Zero Camber

One Positive & One Negative

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Continental Rubber Track Terminology
Drive Wheel - The direct driving component of Guide Lug - A rubber lug (usually, one of a series) located
a rubber track undercarriage and/or system. on the undercarriage-engaging surface of the track, the
Drive wheels may effect power transmission to purpose of which is to guide the track within set
the track by friction, by some form of positive boundary limits, and thus, to prevent detracking.
mechanical engagement, or by a combination of Guide/Drive Lug - A rubber lug (usually, one of a series)
the two. located on the undercarriage-engaging surface of the track,
the purpose of which is both to guide the track within set
Durability - Refers to the ability of a rubber boundary limits, and to drive the track by positively engaging
track or component to survive time in service. the drive wheel.
Typically, durability is a measure of the rate at Idler - A non-driven wheel which defines a bend radius in a
which the track is consumed or destroyed by track system. Idler wheels define the shape of the track
use. system.
Inboard - A relative term denoting the side or edge of a
Elongation - A synonym for strain. Informally, member (e.g., a track or a wheel) closest to the centerline of
refers to deformation causing an increase in the machine on which it is running.
length (usually, within the elastic limit). For Life Cycle - The period of time from a products initial use to
example, most rubber track exhibits a 3 percent its date of retirement.
elongation at ultimate loading.
Misalignment - A condition in which the various elements of
an undercarriage (especially the drive wheel, idlers, and
Flotation - Refers to the relative ability of a bogies) are not in line, or are not mutually parallel.
machine to stay on top of soft ground Misalignment can result in poor tracking.
conditions, rather than penetrating or sinking in.
Mis-engagement - A condition in which a track (especially a
Generally, high or good floatation is a positive drive track) does not interact correctly with its drive
consequence of low ground pressure, and thus, wheel. Typically, a condition in which positive drive lugs fail to
of a large effective footprint. properly engage the recesses in a positive drive wheel.

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Continental Rubber Track Terminology
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer. In the context Ridging - A ground condition created by the tight turning of a
of this manual, the designer and/or manufacturer of vehicle, in which the soil is scraped into ridges by the
rubber track undercarriages and/or machines.
sideward movement of the tires or track. Generally
Outboard - A relative term denoting the side or edge of .
considered detrimental, ridging can be reduced through the
a member (e.g., a track or a wheel) furthest from the use of tracks with beveled tread lugs. An alternate term for
centerline of the machine on which it is running. ridging is berming.

Outside Guide Lugs - Guide lugs that are located at the Skid Steer - Refers to a method of turning a vehicle in which
edges of a track, rather than at is centerline. Used in there is no articulation of the tires or track; instead, the tires
pairs (dual outside guide lugs), these lugs encapsulate or track on either side of the vehicle are driven at dissimilar
drive and idler wheels to prevent detracking. speeds (or in dissimilar directions). The term skid steer is
also sometimes used to denote skid-loader type pieces of
Penetration - The relative degree to which a tire or a track equipment, such as the Bobcat or Case Uniloader machines.
impresses itself into the ground under load. High gross
vehicle weights, small footprints, and soft ground conditions Spreading Force - The total force applied to a track by the
all result in increased penetration. In general, track tensioning system of an undercarriage. In the case of two-
systems exhibit less penetration than tires. pulley type systems, the spreading force corresponds to the
force with which the front and rear idler/drive wheels are
Roller - (Roller Wheel) - A small wheel designed to guide
spread apart, against the track. In this type of system, the
and distribute machine load to a track. Generally, the
term roller wheel is synonymous with bogie wheel. track tension is equal to one-half the spreading force.
However, in some contexts, the term bogie wheel
indicates an independently suspended wheel, while Track Tension - The total tensile load supported by a given
roller wheel denotes a rigidly fixed wheel. An alternate span of track
term for roller wheel is mid-roller or bogie wheel

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. Continental Rubber Track Terminology
Tracking - A term referring to a tracks propensity to move laterally Wheelbase - The distance from the center of the
on its undercarriage. Typically, good or proper tracking is foremost wheel in a track system (or on a vehicle) to
achieved when a track does not exhibit a propensity to move in the center of the rearmost wheel.
either lateral direction. Conversely, poor tracking generally
implies a condition in which the track does exhibit a propensity to Tensile Strength - The maximum load that can be
move in a given lateral direction, and therefore scrubs its guide supported by a member in tension, usually reported in
lugs against one side of the guide lug groove. Tracking is PSI, and usually determined by the material yield point.
controlled through alignment, track tension and the internal
construction of the track itself. Toe - (Toe-in, Toe-out) - Refers to deviations from
parallelism between two members -- typically, between
Tractive Effort - Technically, the ratio of a vehicles maximum two paired undercarriages. Specifically, toe is the
drawbar pull to its total weight. Informally, this term is sometimes difference in the transverse distance between the track
used to refer to the maximum drawbar pull alone. In either case, it planes, taken, respectively, at the extreme front and rear
is a measure of a vehicles pulling ability. points of the track treads. When the distance at the rear
is greater than the distance at the front, the tracks are
Tread Lug - A rubber lug (usually, one of a series) located on the said to be toed-in, and in the reverse condition, are said
ground-engaging surface of a track or tire, the purpose of which is to be toed-out.
to provide traction. An alternate term for tread lug is traction lug.
Toe In Toe Out
Undercarriage - The supporting structure for a track operating on
a vehicle. Typically, the undercarriage includes a frame, a drive
wheel (and associated drive-line components), one or more idler
wheels, and one or more bogie wheels.

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Classification and Control of Information 8
Construction of Trackman Rubber Track

Continental Trackman Rubber Track is produced on custom-designed manufacturing equipment that combines the latest
advancements in rubber processing technology with sophisticated computer process controls. This manufacturing process
results in a product which is unsurpassed in quality, uniformity, and performance.

Patented Patented Carcass

Galvanized Cable Design

Optional Breaker Ply Multiple Layers of Steel Belting

In general, flexible rubber track is composed of three major components: the carcass, the tread lugs, and the guide and/or
drive lugs. The carcass is the heart of the track, and is composed of several different rubber compounds, each of which is
designed to perform a particular function (such as to promote adhesion, or to resist wear, cutting, chunking, etc.). This flat
belt also contains the main steel reinforcement package that gives the track its strength, stiffness, and handling
characteristics. The steel reinforcement package within the carcass usually includes several layers of steel belting - similar
to that which would be employed in radial steel belted truck tires - as well as longitudinal steel cable. The purpose of the
steel belting is to provide lateral stiffness, tear resistance, and proper tracking characteristics, as well as to protect the
primary cable layer from impingement and damage. The purpose of the cable is to provide longitudinal tensile strength, so
that the track cannot stretch (significantly) under load, or elongate over its lifetime. The cable employed is a heavy-gauge,
high-tensile variety, which exhibits an ultimate elongation. Furthermore, it is treated to resist corrosion and to maximize its
adhesion to the rubber substrate.

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Construction of Trackman Rubber Track

The tread lugs are molded to the ground-engaging side of the carcass. These lugs are designed to provide both
exceptional traction and a smooth ride. The rubber compound used in these lugs is typically formulated for high wear
resistance, as it is the tread surface of the track which will usually be subjected to the most wear and abrasion.

The guide and/or drive lugs are molded to the undercarriage-engaging side of the carcass. (That is, the opposite side
from the tread lugs.) In friction-drive type track systems, where the track is driven solely by the friction between the drive
wheel and the inside surface of the track, the purpose of these lugs is to retain the track (laterally) on the undercarriage,
and to bear the applied side loads (such as when the machine is operating on a transverse incline). In positive-drive type
track systems, where the track is driven via the mechanical engagement of the drive lugs by the drive wheel (much like a
rack-and-pinion gear set), the purpose of these lugs is to retain the track on the undercarriage, to bear the applied side
loads, and further, to offer a mechanical means for the transmission of the driving torque provided through the drive wheel.
In virtually all cases, guide and/or drive lugs are formed from high modulus, abrasion resistant compounds.

Continental Trackman Rubber Track combines these three components into a fully molded, high quality construction
that delivers maximum performance in the environment for which it was designed. This fully molded construction allows
each component to be designed for optimum performance, while simultaneously assuring outstanding product uniformity
and integrity.

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Components of Trackman Rubber Track

Main Exterior Main Interior

Tread Lugs - Ground Engaging, wearable surface Steel Cable - Single cable, helically-wound
Steel Belting - typically 3 4 layers
Carcass - Foundation of track
Guide/Drive Lugs - Primarily for retainement of track

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Suspension Systems

Better, smoother ride

Maximize the distribution of load
Minimize the degree of penetration and compaction.
Prohibit excessive loading on a single (or a specific group of) bogie wheel(s
Reduce the abusive "loading" caused by the ingestion of debris.

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Friction Drive vs. Positive Drive

Friction Drive Positive drive

Track is driven solely Track drive/guide lugs
by friction contact engage cogged drive
between track and wheel
drive wheel Wheel-to-Track Slip is
High track tension completely prevented
minimizes wheel-to- Drive wheel and track
track slip require precise
Simplest undercarriage manufacturing
to manufacture

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Friction Drive Track

Guide Lugs Drive

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Positive Drive Track



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Typical Friction Drive Components

Bogie Wheels

Idler Drive
Wheel Wheel

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Typical Positive Drive Components



Roller Drive Idler

Wheels Wheel Wheels

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Classification and Control of Information 17
Track Rotation

Interchange left front with right rear track. Interchange
right front with left
rear track.

SECOND ROTATION (if needed):

Interchange left front with left rear track. Interchange
right front with right
rear track.

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Classification and Control of Information 18
Track Preconditioning

Tracks must be pre-conditioned before initial use.

Operating tracks without lubrication will cause track scuffing.
Best method is to operate for at least 15 minutes in field with loose soil
If this is not possible:
Spread layer of lubricating material over entire undercarriage wheels and inside of
Oil dry
Talc powder
Any non caustic particulate material.
Drive slowly for 15 25 minutes.
Tracks will continue to condition for first 150 hours.
When roading during this time, throw shovel-full of dirt / lubricant in undercarriages
before roading and every 30 minutes.

NOTE: Always refer to the vehicle manufactures Operation and

Maintenance Owners Manual for specific track conditioning procedures.

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Armorlug Break-In

Continental Armorlug tracks have a layer of fabric over the drive lug.
Resists drive lug damage.
All original Goodyear Rowtrac tracks and Continental RowTech tracks are Armorlug.
All Goodyear and Continental 36 Quadtrac and Combine tracks are Armorlug.

During break-in, a thin layer of rubber peels off fabric.

This is normal

NOTE: Always refer to the vehicle manufactures Operation and Maintenance Owners
Manual for specific track conditioning procedures.

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Rubber Track Maintenance

Inspect and service the undercarriage components frequently to ensure that there is no obvious damage, that the track is
being tensioned properly, and that the track exhibits no unusual wear patterns that would indicate improper camber or
Condition track prior to initial usage by spreading dirt, Dries-All, or a similar material over the undercarriage engaging
surface of the track and running the machine for a brief time.
Avoid operating rubber track in grease, oil, gasoline, diesel fuel or other petrol chemicals. Take care to avoid spilling these
materials on track when servicing the undercarriage and/or the machine.
Rotate tracks from side to side in applications where uneven lateral wear is seen (and where the undercarriage
adjustments necessary to correct these wear patterns do not exist).
Avoid excess amount of sharp and high-speed turns.
Protect undercarriage from contact with large foreign objects.
Contact Continental Rubber Track Distributor for detailed information

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Track Life

Track life influences:

Mechanical damage
Roading %
Hard surface turning
Amount of slip
Amount of side slope use
Soil types
Track alignment
Crop residue
Undercarriage maintenance
Track life typically determined by wear of drive lugs and traction lugs.
Do not use differential locks while turning. This helps distribute the power equally to each side of the axle and will
cause tracks to wear more evenly.
Consider rotation of tracks every (750 1250) hours, depending on drive lug and traction lug wear

NOTE: Always refer to the vehicle manufactures Operation and Maintenance

Owners Manual for specific instructions.

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Track Replacement

When replacing tracks on higher hour machines, inspect

undercarriage components.

Worn undercarriage components can lead to reduced track life

Components to inspect include:

Roller wheel wear
Idler wheel wear
Bushing wear (slop in front pivot and undercarriage
Suspension Blocks
Hydraulic tension check valves

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Long Term Rubber Track Storage

Store tracks in "dark" area, away from direct sunlight. Store indoors, or cover with opaque tarpaulin.
Store tracks in "cool" (40F to 60F, 4.4C to 15.5C) area. Avoid storing at temperatures greater than 85F (29.4C) for
extended periods.
Store tracks in "relaxed" physical configurations. Store on edge, with bend radii greater than 30 inches and no back-
Store tracks in draft-free area. Store indoors, protect with tarpaulin if necessary.
Store tracks in dry area. Store indoors or cover with waterproof tarpaulin.
Do not store tracks in closed areas with electric devices that generate ozone (such as motors).
Do not store tracks in closed areas with petrol chemicals or petrol chemical vapors.
Do not paint tracks in an attempt to protect them from ozone, moisture or other elements.
Provide CO, fire extinguishers or halon fire suppression systems in rubber track storage areas

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Periodic Storage of Machine
Avoid storing tracked machines in direct sunlight. Store
indoors or cover tracks with opaque tarpaulin.
Avoid storing tracked machines in standing water. Store
indoors or cover tracks with waterproof tarpaulin.
Machines stored resting on their tracks (rather than
"blocked up") should be moved once a month.

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Continental Approved Agricultural Track Warranty
Key Points

Tracks that become unserviceable due to a covered warranty condition within 48 months (12 months for general
applications 24 months for approved scraper tracks & 36 months for approved paver tracks) from their introduction into
Warranty consideration does not include removal or installation charges, or any special, incidental, or consequential
Only tracks that bear proper Continental Trackman identification and:
Have been used only on the vehicle on which they were originally installed in accordance with the vehicle
manufacturer's or Continental Trackman recommendations
Were purchased on or after January 1,2005.
First twelve months of service
Replaced with comparable new Continental Trackman rubber track without charge.
Outside of the no charge replacement period and within 48 months (12 months for general applications, 24 months for
scraper tracks & 36 months for paver tracks) from introduction into service
Customer charge will be calculated by multiplying the customer's current buying price, at the time of adjustment, by the
percentage from the "Warranty Replacement Percentage Table."

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Warranty Review


Proof of purchase date will be used to establish the service date
Date of track manufacture will be used if proof of purchase is not available.
Track purchased more than 48 months (12 mos. general service, 24 mos. for scraper tracks & 36 mos. for paver
tracks) prior to presentation for adjustment
Track designed for non-agricultural, non-scraper, or non-paver service (as applicable)
Track used in non-agricultural service including but not limited to land' leveling, road construction, general
construction and military service.
Irregular wear or damage due to cuts, snags, machine damage, wreck, collision, fire, chemical damage,
misapplication, misuse, negligence, or mechanical condition of vehicle.
Conditions which impact the appearance of the rubber track but do not render the track unserviceable.

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Owner or authorized agent of the track owner

Must present the unserviceable track & copy of the proof of purchase to an authorized track
dealership who contacts the proper Continental authority
Must completely fill out and sign a Continental Trackman Rubber Track Claim Form supplied
by Continental Trackman to the authorized track dealer
Accompanied by a clear and visible photograph of the warranty condition that rendered
the track unserviceable

Must pay for taxes, installation or any other additional services ordered at the time of adjustment

Warranty track must be purchased within 90 days of Continental Trackman approval of the claim

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All warranty claims must be accompanied by a valid Continental Trackman Rubber Track Claim
Form which includes:
TM number of the track
Found embossed on inside wheel path of track and/or molded to the top of several guide/drive
Tread depth measurement
Measure at three points around track with straight edge across two tread lugs directly opposite the
center of the roller wheel (average of 3 points)
Measure from straight edge bottom to the track carcass 1/2 way between the two lugs
Date of track purchase
Date track became unserviceable
Picture of condition that rendered track unserviceable and machine installed on
Mail or e-mail claim form & picture to:
Conti Tech North America Inc.
Attn: Warranty Department
1115 S. Wayne Street
St. Marys, Ohio 45885

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Track Identification Numbers

Manufacturer Logo:
Check the edge of the rubber track for the
Continental Trackman logo.

Track Manufacture Number:

Every rubber track will have a unique TM#
embossed inside the wheelpath and on the
tops of several guide/drive lugs.
Example: TM21925

Track Serial Number:

Every track will have a serial number or
AU number embossed inside the track wheel
Example: AU527862902

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Measuring Tread Wear

We recommend the use of a straight edge to

bridge between the tread lugs, as shown
Tread depth should be measured from track
carcass at the midpoint between the tread
lugs to the bottom of the straight edge.
Tread depth should be on the section of track
directly opposite of the roller wheel path.
Tread depth gauges are manufactured by
Haltec or Eaton/Dill or any straight edge or
measured rule calibrated in 32nds will suffice.

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Warranty Status Inquiry

For questions concerning the Continental Conti Tech North America Inc.
Trackman Agricultural Track Warranty, Warranty Administrator
Rubber Track Products
please contact Continental Trackman Warranty
1115 South Wayne Street
St. Marys, OH 45885
Phone: 800-233-9810
Fax: 866-979-9993
E-Mail: trackwarranty@contitech.us

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Warranty Guidelines and Disposition Actions

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Uneven Tread Wear

Non Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Fast tread wear and uneven tread wear are
common in the industry for row crop applications (ie.
heavily loaded narrow undercarriages).

Action- The following best practices are recommended to

help reduce the rate of tread wear:
- Minimize amount of roading
- Avoid roading with added vertical loads
- Avoid crowned roads
- Reduce roading speeds
- Use wide wheels and tracks whenever possible

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Tread Lug Cracking

Possible Warranty Condition?

Discussion- Cracks found on the outer tread lugs is an
aesthetic flaw and will not usually hinder the performance
of the track. The molded tread lug will most likely remain
intact with the carcass and remain whole. Cracks
sometimes occur during heat build up when roading and
exceeding pressures on treads with over loading and/or a
combination of the two. Cracking generally occurs over
time, and is due to rubber fatigue. This fatigue is caused by
repeated flexing and bending loads as the track goes
around the wheels, and from tread bar stresses due to
tractive effort. Cracks are usually shallow, and only at the
base of the tread bar and can be found on track systems
with smaller diameter idlers or drive wheels. cracking will
not have any effect on track life, as cracks will not
propagate further before tread is worn out. It is normal for
flex cracks to appear after extended track usage.
Action- Monitor and report for further evaluation. Submit a
claim especially if a tread lug separates from the carcass.

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Tread Lug Chunking/Chipping

Non Warranty Condition

Discussion- Excessive Tread wear is usually caused by
dense soil clods and/or abrasive soil conditions with
possible sand, gravel or rocky materials. Many times the
driving surface can be hard and abrasive with possible
sharp objects in the path.
Action- Slow controlled speeds along with careful driving
in harsher applications is a must. Obstacle avoidance is
helpful and recommended.

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Tread Lug Bulging/Blow Out

Non Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Tread lug bulging can be caused by
excessive heat and/or roading at high speeds and under
heavy loads. Additionally, internal heat buildup can be
caused by high ambient temperatures especially on black
paved surfaces. Softened and sticky internal rubber, once
damaged, never improves and only gets worst over time.
Action- The following best practices are recommended to
help reduce tread damage:
- Minimize amount of roading
- Avoid roading with added vertical loads
- Avoid crowned roads
- Reduce roading speeds
- Use wide wheels and tracks whenever possible

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Tread Lug Delamination

Possible Warrantable Condition

Discussion- The occurrence with the outer tread lug can
sometimes be caused by incomplete or improper cure of
rubber materials. Major delamination can reduce the track
life and should be replaced.
Action- Submit a claim. The degree of wear and
serviceability of the track will determine claim disposition.
Minor delamination does not effect the tread lug life or
performance as much as it being an aesthetic issue.

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Accelerated Tread Wear

Non Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Fast tread wear and uneven tread wear are
common in the industry for row crop applications (ie.
heavily loaded narrow undercarriages).

Action- The following best practices are recommended to

help reduce the rate of tread wear:
- Minimize amount of roading
- Avoid roading with added vertical loads
- Avoid crowned roads
- Reduce roading speeds
- Use wide wheels and tracks whenever possible

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Tread Lug Loss

Possible Warrantable Condition

Discussion- It is extremely rare that an outside tread leg
would be separated on a Continental Trackman Track
because of the fully molded construction. The first thing to
look for is contact with the tractors implements or any field
hazards. Even with a crack in the tread lug, the molded
rubber integrated with the base carcass forms a bonded
connection that does not separate. Factory inspection or a
representative field visit may be needed to confirm that
there is no manufacture defect in the rubber compound or
manufacturing process.
Action- Submit a claim for review.

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Wild Wire

Non Warrantable Condition

Discussion- During normal flexing of the track, this rare
occurrence of small single strands of wire may work its way
to the surface. Self repair and removal of the wire is
Action- Snip the loose wire at the surface of the track. It
is highly unlikely that this will negatively effect the
performance or longevity of the track.

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Carcass Separation / Overheating
Non Warrantable Condition
Discussion- Under certain conditions internal track temperatures
can rise and result in permanent damage. The main factors that
affect track heating are: total weight supported per track, vehicle
speed, travel duration, ground/road surface conditions, ground
contour, and ambient temperature. Tracks are most susceptible to
overheating during roading. There are 3 levels of temperature
damage which are:
Stage 1: Non visible. Heat generation has been high enough to
permanently degrade the physical properties of the track. Track is
still serviceable; however, the prior heating event will lessen the
tracks ability to resist general wear and tear in future.
Stage 2: Swelling. Visually or by feel, an observer can tell that
the track shape has been distorted. The odor of burning rubber
may also be apparant. This indicates a loss of interior compound
integrity. Track is non-serviceable and will need to be replaced.
Stage 3: Rupture. Very noticeable to the observer. Rupture
occurs in swelled areas if vehicle continues excessive heat
generating operation. Smoke billowing from track will normally
accompany rupture. Track is non-serviceable and will need to be
Action- In order to avoid track damage due to overheating,
Continental recommends that customer refer to and follows vehicle
manufactures operators instructions, as well as, any service
bulletins regarding same subject matter.

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Classification and Control of Information 46
Cable Breaks

Non Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Cable breaks are not warrantable because they
are a type of track damage rather than an issue due to
something that the manufacturer did incorrectly. Track warranty
is limited rather than being a no-fault type of warranty. For a
track to be warrantable the reason for removal has to be caused
directly by a defect in manufacturing workmanship or materials.
This is the standard type of warranty for the rubber track

Cables can be broken during detracking or while having debris

packed in the undercarriage when the vehicle is partially
buried/suck and attempting to free itself under its own power.
Also, gradual tears can occur when sharp rocks and debris are
driven into the track wheel paths. This leads to moisture
ingress, corrosion, weakening of individual cable/s and eventual
fatigue corrosion failure and lateral zipper break.

The main tension cable in the track is a single strand of cable

helically wound across the width of the track. Spacing between
cables is minimized in order to maximize the amount of cable
included. When debris causes retraction of undercarriage take-
up, along with isolating an area of the track to carry the full
tension load, the track cables can stretch beyond their limit
(around 2%), and experience ductile overload breakage.
Action- Replace track to avoid undercarriage damage

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Classification and Control of Information 47
Cable Exposure

Possible Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Probable denial if the track is still serviceable.
Note that some cable may continue to extrude, so continue
to cut; however it should subside over time. If the cable is
outboard from the wheels, it is not a structural element. At
this point it is difficult to say if track will be eventually be
removed due to cable or due to normal end of life reasons.
Action- Submit a claim. Recommend customer trim and
continue to monitor. Please keep Continental informed for
possible later adjustment if it appears that the cable
exposure will cause imminent track removal.

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Classification and Control of Information 48
Wheel Path Damage

Non Warrantable Condition

Code- 15 Wheel Path Damage
Discussion- Patches of rubber worn away in wheel path.
Rock laden material ingestion. Build up of material on
drive, idler bogie wheels. Excessive vertical loading-weight
transfer. Clean rolling elements of undercarriage. Ballast
tractor to balance load/weight transfer.
Rock and Debris damage
Action- Continually monitor undercarriage components for
excessive material build up and external debris. Keep
roading speeds at suggested speed limits or lower,
especially under heavy load and/or for extended periods of
time and road travel.

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Classification and Control of Information 49
Wheel Path Wear

Non Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Normal wear. In some severe cases, drive
wheel to track slippage, due to loss of tension and resulting
in drive lug ratcheting or lockup of roller wheels inside the
APPEARANCE: the wear damage appears in the inside
surface of the track by thinning the rubber surface looking
like it is grooved or planed off, as opposed to sheet
separation. The surface rubber is worn off rather than
broke off the inside of the track. The wear is uniform
around the track. Usually, a drive wheel and/or a mid-roller
may also show significant wear. If roller wheels lock up,
they will show a flat/worn section or may not be freely
Action- : Monitor roller wheels for signs of lockup due to
rocks or mechanical damage. Always maintain correct track
tension. When operating in adverse environments, be
aware of possible slippage between the track and wheels.
If slippage inside the track occurs, operate in a manner to
avoid continuous spinning inside track for an extended time
in order to minimize damage

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Classification and Control of Information 50
Guide/Drive Lug Chunking/Chipping

Non Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Damaged Guide lugs show no signs of
workmanship/materials ie. no debond. Rather, lugs
possibly damaged due to extreme heavy pull. Other
possible cause to damage on lugs comes from ratcheting
or lugs skip/hop out of drive wheel path.
Action- Suggest customer consults Case Scraper
operation recommendations with Scraper applications

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Classification and Control of Information 51
Guide/Drive Lug Ribbon Ripping
Possible Warrantable Condition
Discussion- Cable exposure/breakage. Delamination of rubber in wheel path.
Undercarriage wheels scoring track. Debris ingestion under wheels. Stone
drilling. Clip the free end of cable flush with carcass and continue to run track.
Check rubberization of idler and bogie wheels. Ensure no build-up on drive
wheel. Routine inspection of undercarriage elements

Cable breaks are not warrantable because they are a type of track damage
rather than an issue due to something that the manufacturer did incorrectly.
Track warranty is limited rather than being a no-fault type of warranty. For a
track to be warrantable the reason for removal has to be caused directly by a
defect in manufacturing workmanship or materials. This is the standard type of
warranty for the rubber track industry.

Cables can be broken during detracking or while having debris packed in the
undercarriage when the vehicle is partially buried/suck and attempting to free
itself under its own power. Also, gradual tears can occur when sharp rocks and
debris are driven into the track wheel paths. This leads to moisture ingress,
corrosion, weakening of individual cable/s and eventual fatigue corrosion failure
and lateral zipper break.

The main tension cable in the track is a single strand of cable helically wound
across the width of the track. Spacing between cables is minimized in order to
maximize the amount of cable included. When debris causes retraction of
undercarriage take-up, along with isolating an area of the track to carry the full
tension load, the track cables can stretch beyond their limit (around 2%), and
experience ductile overload breakage.

Action- Submit a claim.

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Classification and Control of Information 52
Baseline Guide/Drive Lug Cracking

Non Warrantable Condtion

Discussion- Cracking at base of guide/drive lugs. Unlikely
to affect track performance or longevity unless lugs are

Action- Submit a claim for review. Possible Workmanship


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Classification and Control of Information 53
Side Guide/Drive Lug Wear/Abrasion

Non Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Abnormal guide/drive lugs worn/abraded on
side lug face (wall). Chunky appearance. Turning under
heavy load. Wheels with sharp edges or worn rubber.
Continuous hillside work.

Action- Rotate tracks side to side as appropriate. Inspect

drive, idler and bogie wheels for worn rubber or sharp
edges. Replace if necessary. . Minimize turns under heavy
drawbar loads.

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Classification and Control of Information 54
Armorlug Wear

Non Warrantable Condition

Discussion- ARMORLUG material on the drive lugs is
sacrificial. The critical area for coverage is located at the
base of the drive lug and carcass and where the two
surfaces connect. (See picture below highlighted in red)
The total perimeter coverage is what is most important.

Action- Customer should take care to make sure tracks

are lubricated with soil and avoid road travel for the first
100 hours of use.

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Classification and Control of Information 55
Drive Lug Engagement Wear/Abrasion

Non Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Abnormal wear on front and rear surface of
drive lug. Foreign material build up on positive drive wheel.
Incorrect drive wheel diameter. Drive wheel pocket
obstruction. Investigate possible foreign material build up
on drive wheel, drive wheel pockets, bars or flange and/or
undercarriage components.
Action- Check for track alignment. Continue to
monitor lugs for separation

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Classification and Control of Information 56

Possible Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Tracks that ratchet off of drive wheel
because of a weakened guide lug is due to excessive debri
build up on drive wheel or possible untracking due to
mechanical damage to the drive/guide lugs. Track
alignment problems can also damage drive/guide lugs, all
of which result in crushing and/or scuffing damage.
Action- Submit a claim

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Classification and Control of Information 57
Drive Lug Debond

Possible Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Drive lug separation with smooth interface
between lug and carcass. The key element is smooth
separation. A smooth separation can be a result in a
manufacture defect during production.
Action- Submit a claim for review.

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Classification and Control of Information 58
Ozone Cracking

Non Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Recommend denial. Code 10 ozone
cracking, is not a covered condition.

Tracks are serviceable

Tracks do not have a workmanship or materials condition.
Link to storage methods for rubber track which explain how
to avoid this condition

Action- Submit Claim to reconsider for warranty, if after

continued use, the condition worsens to point where track
removal appears imminent.

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Classification and Control of Information 59
Implement/Field Damage

Non Warrantable Condition

Discussion- Upon visual inspection, sharp, straight line
cuts across multiple surfaces indicate an outside object
may have damaged the surface. Additionally, jagged cuts,
chunks that look torn are also key indicators that an object
damaged the rubber surface upon impact. Likely sources
are rocks, stumps, farm attachment implements, fence
posts etc.
Action- Assess track for serviceability and potential
damage to other components especially on the
undercarriage. Check the roller, idler and drive wheels for
potential damage as well.

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Classification and Control of Information 60

Possible Warrantable Condition

Discussion- this catch all category is for uncommon
damage and that may occur in rare instances or may be a
new damage that has not been seen before?
Action- Submit a claim review. If there is any confusion
from the end user, always take plenty of pictures from
different angles and fill out the warranty claim form to find a
suitable solution.

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Classification and Control of Information 61

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