Feb. 4, 1964-G. E. Hagen: Flying Apparatus Filed Sept. 1l, 1958

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Feb. 4, 1964- G. E.

Filed Sept. 1l, 1958
6 Sheets-Sheet 1


/f i? F4 @Y INVENTOR

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Feb. 4, 1964
G. E. HAGEN 3,120,363
Filed Sept. ll. 1958 6 Sheets-Sheet 2

//6 Y Y' A
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* (wz u 20 76 78 (50 INVENTOR

Feb. 4, 1964 G. E. HAGEN 3,120,363
Filed Sept. 11, 1958
6 Sheets-Sheet 3
/25 f7 00 /iy @y


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Feb. 4, 1964 G. E. HAGEN 3,120,363
Filed Sept. 1l, 1958 6 Sheets-Sheet 4



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Feb. 4, 1964 ' G. E, HAGEN 3,120,363
Filed Sept. 1l, 1958 6 Sheets-Sheet 5

f/wv /7265/1/

#Y Mwyw
Feb. 4, 1964 AG. E. HAGEN 3,120,363
Filed sept. 11, 1958 6 Sheets-Sheet I 6

62am/ [//4265/1/


tas -I C@ Fatented Feb. 4i, i964
I 2
of my invention having bias rods between the adjacent
3,I2ii,363 antenna wires;
Glenn E. Hagen, Fresh Meadows, NX., assigner, by FIGURE 8 is an elevation view in diagrammatic form
mesne assignments, to Eiectronatom Corporation, New of a multiple deck antenna and lifting grid arrangement;
York, NX., a corporation of New York FIGURE 9 is a plan view illustrating a preferred con
Filed Sept. II, 19355, Ser. No. 766,390 struction for a large area craft;
27 Claims. (Cl. 24d-_62) FIGURE 10 is an elevation view of a multiple deck
craft with a suspended gondola;
This invention relates generally to heavier-than-air fly FIGURE 11 is a diagrammatic illustration of a Wims
ing apparatus and methods of propulsion and control 10 hurst electrostatic generator utilized in supplying the pro
thereof. More specifically, this invention relates to such pelling energy in one embodiment of my invention;
apparatus and methods utilizing reaction motors of the FIGURE l2 is yan electrical circuit diagram illustrating
type operating on the principle of ionic discharge. a preferred method of stabilizing and steering a ilying
The apparatus of the present invention is similar in craft embodying lthe present invention; _
many respects to the conventional rotating wing helicopter FIGURE 13 is a side elevation view of a large flying
tin that both are capable of rising and falling vertically and craft embodying the principles of the present invention;
of hovering, 'and have maximum theoretical horizontal 4FIGURE 14 is a top plan view of the craft of FIG
speeds of the same general order of magnitude. The ap URE 13; Iand
paratus of the present invention may be characterized as FIGURE l5 is a plan view of a doughnut shaped craft
being similar to a flying carpet in that structural rigidity embodying the present invention.
is not essential and ripples -in large horizontal surfaces are The craft I0 illustrated in FIGURES l, 2 and 3 com
not objectionable. prises basically a lifting frame composed of members l2
The apparatus of the present invention, being of a light which are of a suitable lightweight material such as wood,
weight, open construction, is substantially independent of aluminum, magnesium, or the like, secured together in
upward and downward air currents and because it may be the shape of a polygon as by an adhesive or other suitable
constructed with open s-ides, it offers very little resistance fastening means depending upon the size and purposes of
to high atmospheric winds. The power required to main the craft, and all lying in a single plane. A grid -of wires
tain it in the air is, by comparison with other types of I4 of small diameter and thus of small weight is stretched
heavier-than-air craft, extremely low and is obtained from between frame members I2. Wires 14 are all electrically
elastic molecular collision of the air fluid particles re connected together and connected to lead 18 which in the
sulting from an ionic discharge. illustrated embodiment runs along spar I6 to be connected
The phenomenon of ionic discharge has been hereto to one side of the power supply.
fore proposed for pumping vacua las is shown in U.S. At lthe opposite end of the frame, a further spar 22 ex
Patent Nos. 2,460,175 and 2,636,664, and for generating tends outwardly from frame members -12 in a substantially
wind as is shown in US. Patent Nos. 2,765,975 and 2,295,- horizontal plane and a third spar 24 extends upwardly
152. However, no one to my knowledge has utilized this at an angle as shown in FIGURE 3. An antenna lead-in
phenomenon for causing acceleration of huge volumes of wire 26 extends from the outer end of spar 22, over the
air controlled in such manner as to provide .a flying craft outer end of spar 24 and to the upper end of antenna
of 4the character of my invention. support member 3i? in such manner as to prevent sparking.
Accordingly, a principal object of the present invention 40 At opposite ends of the lifting frame, a pair of up
is to provide a novel heavier-than-air craft which is pro wardly extending antenna support members 28 and 30
peiled through the use of an electric discharge. made of an insulating material such as -wood, are pro
Another object of the present invention is to provide a vided and are secured lat their lower ends `to frame mem
novel means and method for producing and controlling bers "I2 and supported by ident-ical frames composed of
motion of large masses of air through electric discharge 45 members 32 and 34. The principal antenna wire 36 is
for use as 'a reaction motor for propelling aircraft, stretched between the free ends of antenna support mem
Further objects of the invention are to provide means bers 28 and 3a to be connected to lead-in wire 26 and in
and methods for improving the eiciency of the electric sulated from grid wires I4.
discharge reaction to increase the total lift capacity of The lifting frame composed of members I2 and col
the craft and for maintaining the electrical power sup 50 lecting grid composed of wires I4 in an early experimental
plied to a minimum, for stabilizing and steering the craft model which was successfully launched and demonstrated
during flight land for gliding it to a safe landing in case feasibility of the concepts was of the order of 4 inches by
of -total electrical or power failure. 6 inches in area and antenna wire 36 was about 2 inches
The invention itself, however, both as to its organiza above the lifting grid. The power supply for this model
tion and method of operation as well as additional ob 55 was similar to that used for generating the high voltage
jects and advantages thereof will Ibest be understood from supplied to the picture tube in standard television re
the claims, and from the following description when read ceivers and contained an oscillator and output coil, a
in connection with the accompanying drawings in which: high frequency transformer and rectifier tube to develop
FIGURE l is a pictorial view of one embodiment of about 15,000 volts. Potentiometer 48 was provided to
my invention; 60 vary the voltage applied between antenna 36 and grid
FIGURE 2 is a top plan View of the embodiment shown wires I4 through insulators 4t) and 42 and flexible pigtail
in FIGURE l; leads 44 land `46. The diameter of the antenna wire 36
FIGURE 3 is a front elevation View of the embodiment and grid wires I4 was 2.5 mils.
shown in FIGURE l; Analyzing the surprising performance and results at
FIGURE 4 is a pictorial view of a second embodiment 65 tained by my invention, my improved aircraft receives
of my invention having a plurality of antenna wires; its thrust from the momentum of air or other material
FIGURE 5 is a top plan view of the embodiment shown being propelled backward or downward. The actual
in FIGURE 4; thrust lor lift that it receives can be considered as being
FIGURE y6 is a front elevation View of the embodiment 70 moment-um per unit time, in other words
shown in FIGURE 4; mv
FIGURE 7 isa pictorial view of a further embodiment t
whereas the investment of power necessary to provide itself into `and became suspended in the air and at higher
this momentum is energy per unit time or potentials it rose upward. This is of utility as a flying toy
and clearly demonstrated the Afeasibility of my concepts
1/zmv2 for the much larger craft hereinafter disclosed.
Several different embodiments similar to that shown
where m is the mass of the air, v is the velocity off the in FIGURES l, 2 and 3 were constructed. As the size
air and t is time. As the ratio of thrust or lift per unit is increased, the voltage may be advantageously increased
of power is proportional to with a resulting gain in lifting force, but without corre
sponding increase in power since the losses for a given
2 ion current remain approximately the same.
V The principal loss region lies within `a cylindrical Vol
from the foregoing two expressions, the efficiency of the ume having a high voltage gradient surrounding kantenna
reaction is inversely proportional to the velocity of the wire 36 where a blue glow or corona idischarge is notice
propelled air. I therefore utilize movement of very large able. In 'this region random move-ment olf particles and
masses of air at lvery low velocities, for example as low inelastic collisions ysubtract from the useful lifting force.
as ten miles or less per hour, and thereby achieve eili The size of this region is a function primarily of the ion
ciencies which `greatly exceed those presently obtained current in the antenna and -is substantially independent
in the known existing aircraft designs. of the voltage; for any given ion current, losses due to
A preferred method of moving very large masses of inelastic collisions in this region are nearly constant.
air at low velocities for propulsion of my improved lair 20 On the other hand, the voltage gradient decreases with
craft comprises means for accelerating changed ions or an increase in distance outwardly from antenna wire 36
particles and effective utilization of the apparent fact or at a faster than linear rate. Thus as size and Voltage are
theory that air molecules and ions are elastic (somewhat increased, I have found the efficiency in terms of lifting
Ianalogous to rubber balls) and lose their elasticity upon lforce per unit power input improves very rapidly.
impact yat higher velocities. I have found that the extent The effect `of corona discharge `appears to be a prin
to which their elastic collisions are utilized determines cipal source otf loss in creating thrust by ionization. I
the eiciency of the air movement and reaction process. llave discovered that this loss can be reduced by changes
Prior attempts to produce air `ionization reactions with in geometry and electric lield patterns. Referring now to
which I am aware have been based on production of high FIGURES 4, 5 and 6, a further embodiment of my in
air velocities requiring intense ionization currents to de 30 vention is illustrated wherein the lower lifting frame is
velop high thrust. Under such prior conditions the mo formed of a closed curved member 50 which may be
lecular collisions are destructive and instead of acting formed of a lightweight metal, such for example as alu
like rubber balls with resultant multiplying air move minum, having its ends suitably secured together. In
ment, the molecules act more like eggs, splattering to practice, a long piece of aluminum wire or rod may be
.form chemical compounds, and secondary ionization bent into a .substantially circular shape and the ends
which is the most harmful effect from the viewpoint of welded together. A series of aluminum cross rods 52,
eliicient thrust development. Molecules when striking '54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64 and 66 extends in a substantially
each other at destructive impact velocities, will, at a parallel relationship across from one side to the other off
minimum, knock off electrons. If the system utilizes 40 lower frame curved member 50. At right angles to ycross
positive ions in conjunction with a negative grid -as the rods 52-616 are cross rods 68, 70 and 72, and each cross
propelling force in one direction, then any negative elec rod is suitably secured to the other cross rods it contacts
trons knocked off will immediately turn and go in the and to curved member 50 to provide a base skeleton.
opposite direction. Whenever secondary ionization is While the grid of fine Wires similar to that shown in
present, forces exist, therefore, in both directions and the FIGURE l at 14 may be added, if cross rods 52-72 are
net result includes substantial energy losses and low ispaced sufficiently close together, they may serve as the
thrust efficiency. lifting grid. In one embodiment grid rods -52f-72 were
As I have demonstrated by numerous tests, one im formed by cutting 1A; inch aluminum tubing in half and
portant aspect of the present invention is achieving highly mounting the cut tubes with the sharp edges down at
efficient propulsion through ion collisions with relatively positions about one inch apart. The purpose of using
low potential gradients over large areas in a manner to aluminum strips with the edges bent downwardly was to
move immense volumes of air at relatively low velocities reduce secondary ionization that occurs at sharp edges.
by utilization of the multiplying effects of elastic molecu Above curved member 50 is an upper frame composed
lar impact and rebound, and potential gradients such that of Ia similarly constructed curved member I4 which is
the ions `do not pick up enough energy in any one mean rigidly supported above the lower frame as by means of
free path to cause excessive energy loss consumating in a plurality of support bars 76 of insulating material se
molecular disassociation or production of secondary ion cured at opposite ends between upper curved member 74
ization. Each positive ion apparently experiences a large and respective ones of cross rods 54 through 64. To pro
number of collisions with separate molecules and par v-ide lateral support, four angularly disposed support bars
ticles during its trip between the antenna and the lifting 60 78, 80, S2 and 84 of insulation material may be provided
grid where the ion then becomes electrically neutral. to extend between lower curved member 50 and upper
The larger the number of non-ionizing collisions which curved member '74.
`are guided by the voltage gradient in the space between The upper iframe contains `a rigid support member 86
the antenna and the lifting grid to be in the desired direc extending diametrally 'across curved member 74 between
tion, the .more effective the reaction becomes. the upper ends olf support bars 80 ~and `841. A series of
The embodiment shown in FIGURE l illustrates my strips 8'8, 90, 92, 914 and 96 of a flexible material such las
first test assembly of a small craft of toy size I propelled lightweight fabric as is used in the construction of para
from `a supporting surface adjacent the floor to the ceil chutes is applied across upper frame curved member 74
ing in the test room, to the end of the flexible pigtail for a purpose which will appear below.
power supply coils 44 and 46 through variation of the 70 Four separate an lantenna. wires i100, 102, 104 and 106
potential produced by the l5 kv. power supply as by the `are positioned between fabric strips 88, 90, 92, 94 and 96
adjustment of potentiometer 48. With a spacing of about and lare connected in parallel to the positive terminal 1018
two inches between antenna wire 36 and grid 14, some on spar 1-10. Support 112i is provided between base mem
lifting force due to molecular collision appeared at above ber 50 and spars 110` to assure a minimum lair gap be
5,000 volts, at about 13,000 volts, the structure had lifted 75 tween the lead-in conductor to antenna Wires 100-106 and
the lifting grid to prevent sparking. On lthe opposite side ent. To facilitate adjustment, high value resistances were
spar 114 provides support for the connection to the nega connected between bias rods 132-135 and lifting grid 122.
tive power supply terminal 116. In this embodiment, as However I found that the air resistance due to the spac
well as the one shown in FIGURES Ll, 2 and 3, the loca ing of the bias rods from the lifting grid could be used as
tion and length of the spars :110 and 114- were chosen to a satisfactory resistance path. This reduced somewhat the
balance the crar?t as nearly as possible so that it -would re diiiiculty of adjusting the bias rod voltage, and I then
main in a substantially level position in Hight. discovered Ithat the desirable voltage could be obtained
`In the embodiment shown `in FIGURES 4, 5 and 6, automatically and without any special circuit connection
the total lifting power was increased significantly because from the power supply by simply using .the proper ge
of the use of four antenna wires with very little increase ometry whereby the leakage current between the antenna
of input power. The fabric strips 3S-96 reduced the wires to the ybias rods and from 'the bias rods to the lif-t
interaction between adjacent ones o-f antenna wires 10) ing grid would provide the desired operating potential on
166 and served to funnel the downward passage of air at the bias rods. Thus in practice, the >bias rods 132-135 are
the region of the antennas. This increases the air velocity located so that the relative distances from the antenna
across the antennas and causes the ions to be carried wires and the lifting grid determine the bias voltage ap
away faster. Also, -the line wire used `for the antennas plied.
Vibrates as the air passes downwardly over the antenna Referring now to the upper deck of a multiple deck
wires thereby facilitating the removal of the ions from the craft diagramrnatioally illustrated in FGURE 8, bias rods
132-135 are formed from aluminum tubing cut in half
With multiple antenna arrangements, the antenna cur~ and having a diameter of about one quarter of the dis~
rent is preferably made as low as possible Kand maximum tance between adjacent antenna wires 126-130. The bias
voltages lare used to provide maximum efficiency. The rods may be supported in substantially the same plane as
low current is accompanied by a reduced corona discharge the plane of the antenna wires and midway between adja
which was readily visible in a darkened room on some of cent antenna wires. About live times the spacing between
the earlier designs, but which is not present in the pres 25 adjacent antenna wires provided effective spacing between
ently preferred embodiments. lift grid 12d and the plane of the antenna wires 132-135.
yIn the immediate region of the antenna, relatively high The improvement in lifting eiiciency provided by the
losses are present first because the ion spray is in random bias rods has been found to be about 15% over an iden
direction so that the net contribution to the lift is nearly tical structure without bias rods. While the foregoing
zero and second, the electric field gradients are so high 30 dimensions appear at present to illustrate optimum design
that inelastic impact and secondary ionization inherently ratios, it should be understood that they are primarily
occur. Thus, instead of only positive ions moving out only illustative as considerable variations both of voltage
wardly from the antenna, negative ions are also present and physical dimensions lare penmissible and the choice of
which move inwardly toward the yantenna resulting in final dimensions is controlled to some extent also by the
collisions with loss of energy. As the ionizing current 35 nature and characteristics of Ithe high voltage power
per unit length of the antenna is reduced, the region of supply.
high loss surrounding the antenna becomes smaller in di In the multiple deck arrangements, the deck beneath
ameter and consumes less of the applied potential. Thus, lifting grid 12@ comprises an antenna means having an
optimum design tends toward low antenna current and tenna wires Mtl separated by bias rods 141 and a lifting
large geometry. 40 grid .142. The antenna wires 149 are all connected to the
In the embodiment shown in FIGURES 4 through 6, negative terminal 144 of power supply 146 :to alternate
the four -antennas 10Q-1% ranged `from about 6 to 8 the polarity of the ions for the adjacent decks. This elimi
inches each in length and the total current applied was nates any interaction between lifting grid 122 of the upper
about 5() microamperes at some 15,00()` Volts. This em deck and antennas 140 in the adjacent lower deck. While
boditment provides a substantially improved lift to power 45 the lifting eiiiciency of a deck having negative power sup
ratio over that of the embodiment of FGURE l, and plied to the antennas is reduced some l0 to 20% from
further, provided sufficient lift to carry considerably more the efficiency achieved with a positive potential applied
than its own weight. to the antennas, nonetheless in the multiple deck struc
yReferring now to FGURE 7, Aa further embodiment is tures such reversal of power supply terminals provides a
illustrated which has a lifting frame 121i supporting a lift greater lifting efliciency than would be otbainable with
ing grid 122` composed of a series of small wires and an structures arranged to utilize a positive potential on the
antenna frame 124 of insulating material carrying an~ antennas of each deck.
tenna wires 126, 1127, 12S, 129 and 130. Between each The reason for the difference of lifting eiiiciency be
pair of `antenna wires, bias rods 132, 133, 134 and 135 are tween a craft having positive voltage applied to the an
provided. Bias rods 132-135 are made of a conductive 55 tennas and the same structure having negative voltage
material such as aluminum and have a cross section applied to the antennas is because the positive ion has
shaped substantially in the form illustrated in `FIGURE 8 about 20% lower mobility in air than does the negative
with an upper curved surface so as to provide minimum oxygen vor nitrogen ionized molecule formed when the
esistance to `air flow and rounded corners on the edges to antenna is negative. For maximum lift, ions having low
minimize the likelihood of arcing. 60 mobility are preferred because they have a greater effect
The function of bias rods 132-135 is to draw ions away on the air molecules. in an electric eld having a high
from the antennas rapidly in the geenral direction of the voltage gradient or under high currents the negative ion
bias rods and to suppress electrical interaction between tends to occasionally lose its extra electron to another
adjacent antennas. The downwardly directed .air flow molecule so that brief periods exist where such freed elec
sweeps the ions on past the bias rods so that rods 132-135 65 trons travel alone at great speed and cause secondary
do not themselves draw appreciable current. If the spac ionization. However, large dimensions may reduce some
ing between the antenna wires approached that of the what the diiference in favor of using the positive potential
lifting grid so that the craft became a symemtrical struc on the antennas. This can be determined readily by tests
ture, no substantial lift would be provided. Bias rods of contemplated larger structures when available.
132-135 were at first connected to the main power supply 70 1n FIGURE 8, alternate decks are illustrated as having
through a separate potentiometer and the optimum volt the polarity of the applied voltage reversed so that the
age range determined. This was found to be about 10% potential of lifting grid 122 is the same as the potential of
less than the antenna voltage, and was difficult to keep antenna wires 14d in the next lower grid to thereby elim
at an optimum value by manual adjustment which indi inate any upward attraction by grid 122 of ions produced
cated that a fairly narrow critical voltage range is pres 75 by antenna wires 1412. However, by placing a suitable
isolating grid between antenna wires 140` and lifting grid decked honeycomb structure of FIGURE l0 and carry
122 to neutralize the electric field therebetween, the an the prime mover, electrostatic generator and apparatus
tenna wires 140 for the lower deck may also be connected for guidance. In view of the very small power required,
to the positive terminal of the power supply. The elec~ several lightweight prime mover motors, such for example
tric field may be neutralized by connecting the isolating as are used for ying model airplanes, may be used to
grid to the same potential as the next adjacent lower drive a plurality of electrostatic generators connected in
antenna wires are connected. With isolating grids (not parallel to serve as a self-contained power supply for a
shown) beneath and suitably spaced from each lifting relatively low-cost test unit. In the case of the contem
grid to avoid interference with operation of the deck next plated very large craft, larger power equipment will of
above, all the antenna wires for each of the decks of a course be used.
multi-deck craft may be connected in parallel to the posi .Electrostatic generators such as the well-known
tive terminal of the power supply. Wimshurst Machine shown in FIGURE 1l, which com
ln any one deck, ions of only one polarity can be used prise two glass disks, A and B, rotated close together and
effectively because if both negative and positive ions are in opposite directions land contain a number of tin or
present, the lnwo polarities will go in alternate directions. aluminum foil carriers C upon the outside surface of each
If alternating currents were used, the frequency would plate may be used. Neutralizing conductors D are pro
have to be so low that ions of one polarity would have to vided for each plate at right angles to each other. The
be completely cleared out before ions of the other polarity collecting combs E are connected to condenser F across
are introduced. Since the mobility of the ions is so low, the terminals of which the output voltage is available.
the use of alternating voltages at atmospheric press-ures Several of such generators connected through rectiers to
adjacent the earths surface in dense air is not desirable. a common power line may be used to supply electrical
However, in view of the reduced molecular density at power to craft having substantial sizes. To date craft
high altitudes where the air pressure is greatly reduced, successfully iiown have produced lifting forces of over 7
the use of al-ternating voltages at high altitudes may not pounds per horsepower, and lifting forces per horsepower
be precluded. ' 25 estimated to be on the order of 250- pounds per horse
Referring again to FIGURE 8, a third deck may be power are indicated as available in larger sized craft.
provided beneath lifting grid 142 which comprises antenna Therefore, with a structure having sufficient area, an op
wires `148 and bias rods 150y and a lifting grid 152;. The erator and additional passengers or payload may be
positive terminal 1'5'4 of power supply M6 is connecte-d to carried. i
antenna wires 1148 to the lifting -grid 142 of the immedi 30 As is apparent from the embodiment shown in FIG
ately adjacent deck above, and negative terminal 144 of URES 9 and '101, the lifting surfaces extend over an area
power supply 146 is connected to lifting grid `152. which is limited only by structural considerations and
Any desired number of decks may be stacked vertically since there is substantially constant and uniform lift
on top of each other. -For reasons pointed out above, it is throughout the volume of the craft, structural designs may
preferred that alternate decks be connected in parallel to deviate substantially from current practice. Rigidity is
the power supply and that adjacent decks be connected to not an essential characteristic and the lifting grid theo
have opposite polarities on the antenna wires to thereby retically may be a flexible structure in which ripples
obviate the use of special neutralizing grids. rPhe .mini appear so long as highly concentrated ionic discharge
mum distance between decks is about 8 inches and a mini areas are avoided. Large structures having insufcient
40 strength to be self-supporting without the presence of lift
mum distance between the lifting grid 142 of one deck and
the antenna wires in the assembly of the next lower deck is power may be assembled on scaffolds which are removed
about -3 inches. Considerably larger spacings may be after the craft is completed and power is applied. Two
preferred with operating voltages upwardly to 60 kc., but or more small motors `with or without separate generators
are not critical. are supplied to enable the craft to hover while at least
45 one motor is .shut down for maintenance or replacement
A craft in accordance with the present invention which
is adapted to carry its -own power supply and a payload purposes.
may be composed of a large area skeleton designed to Stabilization and control of the craft of the present
provide maximum strength to weight ratio. Such designs invention may be effected through independent control
may for example, be similar to the well-known honey of the ionization current in separate regions as by divid
comb construction as shown in FiGURE 9 wherein each ing the lifting grid into four electrically separate regions
hexagonal frame section 1154` is related to the adjacent designated LF, RF, LR and RR in FIGURE 12. All the
sections so as to have as many common sides as possible. antenna wires 170 may be connected to a common lead
The frame may be made of a lightweight metal with the 172 which extends to the positive terminal of the power
lifting grid wires 155 shown directed in FIGURE .9 di 55 supply through a variable resistor, such for example as
rected horizontally on the sheet, stretched between and series potentiometer 174. Lead LF-l extending from
secured to the several frame members so that in the event the left forward region LF and lead RR-1 extending from
of wire breakage only a small section is affected. Antenna the right rear region RR are connected to separate vari
wires 156 and bias rods 158 are shown in FIGURE 9 as able impedances, which because of the high voltage and
being directed vertically on the sheet. low current utilized, may be in the form of needle point
Vertical support members 16@` of an insulation material
so contacts 176 and 178 which effectively add resistance
are `provided between decks 162i, 163 and 164 as is shown in the lead as the air gap spacing between movable con
in FIGURE l0 for supporting the antenna and bias rod tacts is increased.
assemblies 165 at positions between the several lifting Lead RF-1 from the right front region lifting grid RF
-grids 167. By -the foregoing type of modular construc and lead LR-l from the left rear region lifting grid LR
tion, large crafts may be constructed of substantially any are connected to similar separate variable impedances
desired `configuration and the larger the horizontal size, provided by varying the air gap spacing between con
the more eicient the discharge reaction becomes. tacts 180 and 182 respectively. A rudder control element
Updrafts and downdrafts as well as side winds have a which may be supported for pivotal movement about
barely perceptible inuence on a framework structure as point 184 to be similar in operation to the rudder con
shown in FIGURES 9 and lO and therefore the craft of trol in a conventional airplane is provided to add re
the present invention is not subjected to the strain pre sistance concomitantly at contacts 176 and 17S or at
sented by lighter-than-air dirigibles which present broad contacts 180 and 182 to cause opposite corners of the
surfaces to ambient air currents and wind in all three direc craft to bend downwardly since the craft of the present
tions. 75 invention may be very flexible. This then produces a
A gondola 166 may be suitably suspended beneath the
thrust having a horizontal component to turn the craft action of which causes the craft to move forward depend
counterclockwise or clockwise while hovering. ing upon the air blast velocity and resultant forward re
In an embodiment where the lifting frame is rigid, the active thrust. Also flaps on the upper surface prop
front regions LF and RF and the rear regions LR and RR
may be mounted about a central pivot axis, such for ex
erly streamlined, when almost closed, provide in effect
wing slots which have been shown to lead to very efficient
ample as rod 135, in such manner that a limited angle air dynamic lift because they keep pulling the turbulent
of tilt is provided to introduce a component of force air layer olf the upper surface resulting in a more nearly
lending to move the craft laterally. If the front sections laminar flow.
pivot with section RF moving downwardly about axis Forward movement may be started by dropping for
185, the lateral component of force is to the right; if the l0 ward end Ztlil and may be stopped by lowering the rear
rear sections pivot with section LR moving downwardly ward end 262 by means of the elevator control shown in
about axis 1185, the lateral component of force is to the FIGURE 1l. As the nose end Ztl drops, the air flow
left, and the resultant rotation is clockwise as viewed through flaps 2% on the lower surface inherently pro
from above.
The aileron control pivots about pin 186 to open con
duces forwardly directed thrust. The air speed along
the lower surface foils 2% inherently tends to close flaps
tacts 188 and 1% or to open contacts 192 and 194 there
2'38 on the lower surface to add further to the forward
by adding resistance to leads LF-2 and LR-Z or to leads thrust.
RF-Z and RR-Z respectively. The added resistance de While maximum air velocities with the single deck
creases the applied voltage and the current through the models is relatively low, as for example, of the order of
corresponding regions on the left or the right side of the 20
craft to lower the left or the right side. Assuming a con
10 miles per hour, the velocity from multi-decked struc
struction not utilizing the pivotal movement about axis
tures may be made considerably higher, particularly when
forced through slotted openings of reduced size when
18S, this will tilt the craft depending upon the direction flaps 208 on the lower surface are substantially closed.
the aileron control is moved.
The elevator control pivots about pin 195 to control However, maximum practical horizontal speed is ex
pected to be limited to speeds of the order of about 200
the opening of contacts 1% and 197 or contacts 198 and
to 25() miles per hour. At such speeds, the lift may be
199 and in a similar manner lowers either the front or
obtained principally by aerodynamic means and the ionic
the rear of the craft by reducing the voltage and current discharge system may then be used primarily as a for
supplied to the respective front or rear regions. The ward propulsive system.
rudder, aileron and elevator controls may be wired in While rotating wing aircraft such as helicopters must
series and connected to the common negative terminal of
the power supply which is preferably grounded thereby stay tilted forward to travel in a forward direction, the
simplifying insulation problems. craft of the present invention will proceed in a forward
direction in a substantially level position.
Stabilization of the craft is comparatively simple and Referring now to >'FIGURE l5, a plan view illustrat
may be effected by variable resistances 201 in each of ing a fur-ther embodiment having an elevation view simi
leads LF-l, RF-1, LR-ll and RR-l. Individual adjust lar to that shown in FiGURE 13 is shown. In this em
ment, which may be made manually or automatically, of bodiment, cargo or passenger space comprises a hollow
resistances 201 may be used to balance the lift of each annular or doughnut shaped enclosure 220 which sur
quadrant of the craft.
rounds the chcular multi-deck antenna and lifting grid
Referring now to FIGURES 13 and 14, a further em structure. The stabilization and guidance system may be
bodirnent of the craft is illustrated having a forward en
the same as is iliustrated `in FGURE l2, and flaps 268
closed compartment Zitti and rear compartment 202 with and foil 265 on the upper and lower central surfaces of
a plurality of decks 204 of lifting grid and antenna as the craft as illustrated in IFGURE 13 are preferably used.
semblies located centrally of the craft. The decks of lift
in this embodiment, the air draft extends over a suf
ing grid and antenna assemblies may be constructed sim cientiy large area so that the craft is no longer sup
ilarly to the arrangements shown in FIGURES 7-10 and ported solely by the reaction or momentum of the air,
provided with a stabilization and guidance system as illus
but a high pressure wave created beneath the craft to
trated in FGURE 12. The side walls in the vicinity of support it in a manner which is similar to that by which
grid decks Zilli are preferably open, but may be covered a parachute is supported. This will add further to` the
with a lightweight foil if desired. 50 eiciency which can be expected from the large sized
In accordance with one feature of this invention, the craft of the present invention.
upper and lower surfaces of the craft are covered with
From the foregoing, it is apparent that the craft of the
an air foil 296 which blends in with the surfaces of the
fore and aft compartments Zitti and 202. Flaps 2tlg on present invention is of simple construction and that small
designs can serve as test vehicles of different designs a-nd
the upper and lower surfaces are hinged to open down as toys operated from fixed power supplies through ilexi
wardly as illustrated under the influence of gravity and ble lightweight leads. Because of the high internal irn
to swing freely open in event a severe updraft is encoun
pedanee inherent with high voltage power supplies as are
tered, to automatically protect the craft against upward used in commercial television receivers, in smaller
air currents.
models, as for example toy size, any shock that is re
When the craft is hovering the downwardly directed 60 ceived `by a human is not fatal and accidental short cir
air current will cause flaps 208 to assume open position
cuits carry insufficient current to cause serious heating
as illustrated, with little resistance to the downward air or fires.
flow across the lifting grids.
Flying craft covering a horizontal area of several thou
Upper and lower flaps 208 may be of well-known sand square feet and containinfy their own power supplies
stream lined shapes and are preferably, although not 65 will be particularly well adapted for industrial and mili
necessarily, provided with means (of which a variety will
be apparent to those skilled in the art and therefore not
tary applications requiring hovering devices at altitudes
here shown) for adjustably controlling the maximum up to iat least 10,000 to 20,000 feet, such as for example,
open flap positions to control of rate of descent in event offshore radar and weather stations, oil drilling rigs and
the like. In View of the extremely low amo-unt of power
of power failure, and the rate of forward movement. To 70
and maintenance required vfor the craft to remain aloft,
cause forward movement, the lower flaps 20S are
my improved craft may also be economically used for
squeezed almost closed leaving open narrow slots directed relatively slow commercial travel and for various other
backwards so that the normally slow downward stream applications.
of air is converted by those flaps into multiple variable The invention may ybe embodied in other specific forms
relatively high velocity blasts directed to the rear, the re without departing from the spirit or essential charac
i i f2
teristics thereof. The present embodiments are therefore posit-ion from said grid with .tension so as to avoid con
to be considered in all `respects as illustrative and not centrated electrical discharge therebetween, the improve
restnictive, the scope of the invention being indicated by ment comprising electrical conducting means supported
the appended claims rather than by the -foregoing descrip between adjacent iantenna wires and biased to a potential
tion, and all changes which come within the meaning intermediate in value to that of said antenna wires and
and range of equivalency of the claims are therefore in-_ said grid :to spread ionized particles in the space and re
tended to be embraced therein. duce interfering electrical interaction between adjacent
What is claimed and desired to be secured by United antenna wires.
States Letters Patent is: 8. In a thrust producing device comprising a grid of
1. A method of propelling flying apparatus having a 10 conductive material and antenna means comprising a plu
light Weight skeleton construction encompassing a large nality of non-intersecting wires supported at a spaced
relatively open area comprising the steps of imparting position from said grid with tension so as to avoid con
low velocity to air downwardly through said area by centrated electrical discharge therebetween, the improve
means of the application of a controlled high voltage field ment comprising bias rods supported between adjacent
between two portions of said skeleton vertically disposed antenna wires, the relative spacing of the bias rods be
relative to one another to provide a low ion current dis tween adjacent antenna wires and from the grid deter
charge yresulting in elastic molecular and particle eol mining the effective potential on said bias rods toy attract
lision throughout said electric field to lift said apparatus ions :from and reduce interfering interaction between ad
and varying the electric field in different portions of said jacent antenna wires, Iand the shape of said bias rods di
skeleton to independently control the air velocity in sep 20 recting air flow across said antenna wires to urge ionized
arate regions of said area -to stabilize and guide the ap particles in the vicinity of said antenna wires toward
paratus while lifted. said grid.
2. A method of propelling flying apparatus comprising 9. In combination with a source of high voltage elec
the steps lof imparting a low velocity to air by an electri trical power, a heavier-than-air flying craft comprising a
cal ldischarge causing molecular and particle collisions 25 lifting grid connected to one terminal of said power
through said apparatus over yan open grid of conducting source and formed so as to provide a substantially uni
material having a large surface area generally in a plane form electric field throughout the grid, antenna means
transverse of the direction of the air velocity, and inde comprising a plurality of wires connected to another
pendently controlli-ng the air velocity in separate regions terminal of said power supply and spaced to provide a
of said area toy stabilize and guide said apparatus while 30 nonsuniform electric field to provide a device which is
flying through variation of the rate of electrical disch-arge electrically asymmetrical, and means supporting said
in said `separate regions. w-ires in a manner to facilitate vibration thereof while
3. Flying apparatus comprising: a lightweight, rela avoiding concentrated discharge therefrom to said lift
tively open lifting grid composed of crossed wires of con ing grid.
duct-ive material disposed substantially in a plane; an l0. In combination with a source of high voltage elec
tenna means; means for supporting said antenna means trical power, a heavier-than-air flying craft compirsing a
in a plane substantially parallel to the grid plane .to be lifting grid connected to one terminal of said power
substantially equidistantly spaced above and from said source and formed so as to provide a substantially uni
lifting grid so as to avoid concentrated electrical discharge form electric field throughout the grid, `antenna means
when energized, and means `for supplying an electrical 40 comprising a plurality of wires connected to another ter
energizing potential between said antenna means and said minal of said power supply and spaced to provide a non
lifting grid to cause said `apparatus to rise in a direction uniform electric field to provide a device which is elec
perpendicular to the grid plane into space as a result of trically asymmetrical, and cond-uctor means spaced be
ionic ,discharge inducing elastic particle collision in the tween adjacent ones of lsaid wires and provided with an
space between said antenna means and said lifting grid. 45 electrical potential intermediate that of said wires and
4. A thrust producing device comprising: a base com said grid to spread ionized particles adjacent said wires
posed of frame members and. means forming an open over the space between said wires at a position spaced
crossed wire grid composed of conducting material dis from said wires toward said grid.
posed substantially in a plane; antenna means; means for ll. The combination as defined in claim l0 wherein said
supporting said antenna means in a plane substantially conductor means have a width of approximately 1A of
parallel to the plane of the grid and spaced therefrom to the spacing between adjacent ones of said wires and are
be in an electrically insulated manner from said grid of contoured and positioned so as to concentrate lair ow
conducting material in the atmosphere; means for supply across said wires to thereby facilitate removal of charged
ing an electrical `potential between said antenna means particles from said wires.
and said grid of conducting material to cause air flow in 55 12. In combination with a source of high voltage elec
a direction from the antenna means to said grid result trical power, a heavienthan-air flying craft comprising
ing fnom particle collision caused by the ionic discharge antenna means connected to one terminal of said power
from said antenna in the electric field lbetween the an source, large area lifting grid means separated into a
tenna means and grid. plurality of electrically insulated regions for providing
5. The device as defined in claim 4 wherein said an~ 60 la substantially uniform electric field throughout each re
tenna means comprises a plurality of nonaintersecting gion, and conductor means from each of the regions
wires supported so as to avoid concentrated discharge to of said lifting grids connected to another terminal of
said grid wires. said source and including means for varying the electrical
6. `In a thrust producing device comprising a grid of impedance to selectively control the potential applied
conductive material and antenna means comprising a plu 65 between said antenna means and each of said regions.
rality of non~intersecting wires supported at a spaced 13. The combination as defined in claim l2 wherein
position from said grid with tension so as to avoid con said means for varying the electrical impedance comprises
centrated electrical `discharge therebetween, the improve manually operable means for controlling a spark gap.
ment comprising light weight air deflecting means be 14. The combination as dened in claim 13 wherein
tween said nen-intersecting antenna wires for directing 70 said manually operable means includes a first control
air flow across` said antenna wires to urge ionized parti element for producing a difference in the potential applied
cles `in the vicinity of said antenna wires toward said grid. to the fore and aft regions, and a second control element
7. In a thrust producing device compr-ising a grid of for producing a difference in the potential :applied to the
conductive material and antenna means comprising a plu right side and left side regions.
rality of non-intersecting wires supported at a spaced 15. In combination with a source of high voltage elec
13 id
trical power, a heavier-than-air flying craft comprising a secondary ionization in the region between said antenna
plurality of lifting decks stacked one on top of the other, means and said lifting grid.
each of said decks comprising an open lifting grid formed 22. A method of generating thrust from apparatus
so as -to provide a substantially uniform electric field embodying antenna means, a relatively open grid of oon
throughout the grid, antenna means supported above its ducting material lying generally in a plane and the con
associated lifting grid for provi-ding a non-uniform elec ducting material being substantially equidistantly spaced
tric field to provide a device which is electrically asym from said antenna means, and a high yvoltage supply of
metrical, and means for connecting the antenn-a means electrical power therefore; the method comprising the
and said lifting grids of each deck to opposite terminals steps of ionizing the air particles adjacent said antenna
of said power supply.
means; attracting said ionized particles from the region
16. In combination with a source of high voltage elec of said antenna means toward and through said open
trical power, a heavier-than-air flying craft comprising a grid by application of high voltage from said power
plurality of lifting decks stacked one on top of the other, supply; and controlling the voltage applied between said
each of said decks comprising an open lifting grid formed antenna means and open grid to cause elastic particle
so as to provide a substantially uniform electric field 15 collision in air at substantially atmospheric pressure in
throughout the grid, antenna me-ans supported abo-Ve its the space between said antenna means and said open grid
asociated lifting grid for providing a non-uniform electric for developing thrust.
field to provided a device which is electrically asymmetri 23. In combination with a source of high lvoltage elec
cal, and means for connecting the antenna means and said trical power, a heavier-than-air craft composed of a plu
lifting grid of each deck to opposite -terminals of said 20 rality of decks stacked one on top of the other with
power supply with the lifting grid next above each an each deck comprising a lightweight lifting grid of non
tenna means connected to the same power supply termi rigid spaced electrical conductors extending over a large
nal whereby positive and negative ions are used in alter area and having structural members oriented in a planar
nate decks of said craft.
honeycomb arrangement to provide maximum rigidity
17. In combination rwith a source of high voltage elec 25 per unit of weight, said grid providing a substantially
trical power, a heavier-than-air flying craft comprising a uniform electric field; and antenna means associated with
lightweight lifting grid of non-rigid spaced electrical con and uniformly spaced from said grid in a direction per
ductors extending over a large area and having structural pendicular to said honeycomb plane, said antenna means
members to support said conductors, said structural mem providing a non-uniform electric field in air at atmos
bers being oriented in a planar honeycomb arrangement 30 pheric pressure; and means for `connecting said grid and
to provide maximum rigidity per unit of weight, said grid said antenna means to opposite terminals of said power
providing a substantially uniform electric field and hav source.
ing associated therewith antenna means lying in a plane 24. In combination with a source of high voltage elec
substantially parallel to the honeycomb plane for pro trical power, apparatus comprising a grid composed of
viding a non-uniform electric field in atmosphere, and 35 non-ri-gid spaced electrically conducting wire-like mem
means for connecting said grid and said antenna means bers extending over a large area and having structural
to opposite terminals of said power source. means oriented to provide a rigid frame surrounding said
18. In combination with la source of high voltage elec large area and carrying said wire~like members substan
trical power, a heavier-than-air oraft comprising a light tially in a plane; antenna means; means connecting said
weight lifting grid extending Iover a large area and having 40 grid and said antenna means to opposite terminals on said
members oriented in an arrangement to provide a high power source to produce charged particles at said antenna
rigidity per unit of weight ratio, said grid providing a means; and means positioning the antenna means for
substantially uniform electric field and having associated causing said charged particles to pass along a path lfrom
therewith antenna means for providing a non-uniform the antenna means toward said plane that is angularly
electric field, means for connecting said grid and said related to said plane and extends through the space be
antenna means to opposite; terminals of said power tween said wire-like members.
source, and an air foil on t-he top and bottom surfaces 25. Apparatus for thrust generation having a large open
of said craft having streamlined fiaps hinged at one edge area, the peripheral defining portions of said area lying
substantially in a plane, and further comprising means
19. The combination as defined in claim 18 wherein a 50 for creating thrust on said peripheral defining por-tions in
peripheral air -foil surrounds said lifting grid thereby a direction normal to said plane by acceleration of large
creating a high pressure wave beneath the craft to further masses of air through said open area in `a direction nor
increase the lifting efiiciency thereof. mal to said plane including means for applying a con
20. In an aircraft having 4a Vcentral vertical opening trolled high voltage between the open area of said plane
surrounded lby walls, means including a high voltage and a region spaced in a direction normal to said plane,
electric field for propelling said craft by momentum means in the open area of said plane for providing a sub
caused by molecular and particle collision with ions stantially uniform elec-tric field potential throughout said
directed downwardly through said vertical opening in open area, means in said region for producing a non
the presence of said electric field, and means including uniform electric field potential and an ion current dis
an air foil on at least the lower portion of said walls 60 charge, said thrust arising from elastic molecular and
to create a high pressure Wave beneath the aircraft. particle collision throughout said high voltage electric
2l. A method of propel-lin-g liying `apparatus capable field.
of rising vertically comprising a lightweight, open lift v 26. Apparatus for generating thrust having a large,
ing grid of conducting material which has a peripheral laterally extending open area, the peripheral portions of
structure member lying substantially in a plane and an 65 which are substantially in a plane, and comprising means
tenna means spaced a uniform distance from said grid, for creating thrust in a direction normal to said plane
said method comprising: accelerating large masses of air by acceleration of large masses of lair to relatively low
to relatively low velocities in a direction substantially veloci-ties through said area in a direction normal to said
normal to said plane by application of a high Voltage, plane including antenna means for producing charged
low current electrical potential between said antenna 70 particles, means in the open area of said plane for pro
means and said open grid to cause air flow through viding a substantially uniform electric field potential
said grid, and controlling the voltage to cause ionic dis throughout said open area, and means for providing an
charge in a direction normal to said plane resulting in electric field for attracting ionized particles of said air
elastic molecular and particle collision While avoiding 75 predominantly from one side of and toward said plane.
27. In lapparatus for thrust generation in atmosphere,
composed of spaced electrodes energized with a voltage 1,907,160 Scliauman ____________ __ May 2, 1933
sufficiently high to be capable of causing ionization for 11,974,483 Brown ______________ __ Sept. 25, 1934
effecting an ionic discharge from an emitting electrode to 2,309,584 George ______________ __ Jan. 26, 1943
produce thrust on at least one of the electrodes of said 2,460,175 Her'genrother _________ __ Jian. 25, 1949
apparatus arising from elastic molecular and particle col Ul 2,556,982 Roos ________________ __ June 12, 1951
lisions occurring in the space between said electrodes dur 2,585,810 Mallinckrodt __________ __ Feb. 12, 1952
ing molecule and par-ticle movement in the direction from 2,587,173 Landgraft ___________ __ IFeb. 26, 1952
the emitting electrode to the collecting electrode, the im 2,636,664 Hertzlcr _____________ __ Apr. -28, 1953
provement wherein said collecting electrode is composed 2,755,014 Westendorp >et al _______ __ July 17, 1956
of crossed grid 'wires of conductive material forming an 1o 2,765,975 Lindenblad ____________ __ Oct. 9, 1956
open surface that is generally normal to the direction 2,766,582 Smith ______________ __ Oct. 16, 1956
of molecule and particle movement. 2,801,058 Lent ________________ __ July 30, 1957

References Cited in the le of this patent

2,876,965 Streib ______________ __ Mar. 10, 1959
2,888,189 Herb ________________ __ May 26, 1959
UNITED STATES PATENTS 15 2,949,550 Brown ______________ __ Aug. 16, 1960
k1,802,860 Zwinkel _____________ __ Apr. 28, 1931

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