USkd3450205 PDF
USkd3450205 PDF
USkd3450205 PDF
CURRENT 3,450,205
Filed Dec. 4, 1967
June 17, 1969 J. H. CURRENT 3,450,205
Filed Dec. 4, 1967
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June 17, 1969 J. H. CURRENT 3,450,205
Filed Dec. 4, 1967 Sheet 3 of 4
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June 17, 1969 J. H. CURRENT 3,450,205
Filled Dec. 4, 1967 Sheet 4 of 4
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United States Patent Office 3,450,205
Patented June 17, 1969
3,450,205 invention usable with an equal variety of stingers and
MULTI-LATCH DUAL PRODUCTION overcomes, to a great extent, the problem of matching the
WELL PACKER stinger and packer latching means.
James H. Current, Houston, Tex., assignor to Camco, The present invention incorporates, for example, a pas
Incorporated, Houston, Tex., a corporation of Texas sageway for telescoping connection of a stinger to the
Filed Dec. 4, 1967, Ser. No. 687,631 packer, as well as, threads for threaded engagement, slots
int. C. E21b 23/00, 33/00 for engagement of a collet, and openings for insertion of
U.S. C. 166-189 7 Claims
shear pins or pins to be used with a J-latch on the stinger.
It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to
ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE 0 provide improved latching means for packers.
It is another object of the present invention to produce
The present invention is directed to the means of at a dual packer having pluralities of attaching means for
taching pipe strings to a duel packer. It incorporates a the connection of the long and short string stingers.
variety of attaching means in the packer passageways A still further object is to provide such attaching means
which receive the strings, whereby the packer may be 5 on packers which are inexpensive to manufacture and are
used with four, five or even six different types of stingers simple in design and operation.
for each string. Other and further objects, features and advantages will
be apparent from the following description of the presently
preferred embodiment of the invention given for the pur
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 20 pose of disclosure, when taken in conjunction with the
The present invention is directed to the drilling of oil accompanying drawings.
and gas Wells, and more particularly, to the use of dual BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
packers and the apparatus used to attach the pipe strings
to these packers. In the drawings, like character references designate like
Solely by Way of example, one application of the present parts throughout the several views which are as follows:
invention would be in dual completion wells which are FIGURE 1 is a side view, in section, of a dual packer
quite common in today's drilling industry, as are the dual utilizing the present invention,
packers used in these wells. These packers provide a seal FIGURE 2 is a side view, partally in section, showing
above the upper production level or stage and allow the 30 a second type of stinger which may be used with the dual
passage of a long or lower level string to the lower produc packer of the present invention,
tion level which is, in turn, separated from the upper FIGURE 3 is a third type of stinger which may be used
level by a single string packer. A second or short string with the packer of the present invention,
connects with the dual packer to allow production from FIGURE 4 is a side view, partially in section, of a
the upper level. For simplicity, the present invention will fourth type of stinger which may be used with the dual
be primarily discussed as applied to the short string of a packer of the present invention,
dual packer although it may, of course, be applied to either FIGURE 5 is a top view, in section, of the dual packer
or both strings. of the present invention with a stinger as shown in FIG
Various types attaching means are used on the short URE 4 attached thereto,
strings for attachment to the dual packers. These strings 40 FIGURE 6 is a fifth type of stinger which may be used
carry at their lowermost ends stingers which are the ac with the dual packer of the present invention.
tual part of the string that connects to the packers. Some FIGURE 7 is a sixth type of stinger which may be used
Stingers are connected simply by telescoping them into with the dual packer of the present invention,
a passageway in the packer. Others have threads for FIGURE 8 is a top view, in section, of the dual packer
threaded engagement with mating threads in the packer of the present invention showing a stinger as in FIGURE
passageway. Other means of attaching are collet and mat 45 7 attached thereto, and
ing slot, collet with threads, shear pins and J-latches. FIGURE 9 is a side view, in section, of a dual packer
The problem that is presented is that certain means of utilizing the present invention for both strings.
attaching the stinger to the packer are unacceptable in BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PRESENTLY
certain Well drilling equipment. For example, the use of PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
a threaded arrangement would, in some apparatus, loosen 50
other connections as the stinger is screwed into or out Turning now to FIGURE 1, a preferred embodiment of
of the packer. It is, therefore, necessary to decide which the dual packer is shown and is generally indicated by
latching arrangement is best for each particular use and the numeral 10. In this figure, only the upper portion of
to then match the stinger with the type of connection on the packer is shown, the packing gland 12 being partially
the packer. 55 shown at the lower end of the figure. Two passageways,
14 and 16, extend through the packer for connection to
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION the long string and the short string, respectively. The
The present invention overcomes the above-mentioned drical passageway 14 for the long string is formed by a cylin
problem of matching equipment by providing a dual the member or pipe. The long string 18 is attached to
packer having structure which presents a variety of con 60 latching top of the cylindrical member 14 by conventional
necting means. This renders the packer of the present means such as the threads 22 and the locking
screws 24.
3,450,205 4.
The stinger 20 for the short string (not shown) con forced into the passageway until the shoulder 46 contacts
nects to the second passageway 16. The passageway 16 the shoulder 28. This stinger may be disengaged from the
communicates with a cylindrical member 26, which packer 10 by rotation of the stinger to unscrew the stinger
cylindrical member forms the remainder of the passage from its threaded engagement with threads 32. This type
way for the communication of the short string to the of latching arrangement, of course, offers the advantage
upper production level. of being capable of connection to the packer without re
Discussing the passageway 16 in greater detail, it has quiring rotation, thereby eliminating the possibility of
a shoulder 28 formating with a like shoulder on the short unscrewing or loosening other joints. It is to be understood
string stinger. Below this shoulder is located opposed that, due to the location of the threads 32 above the annu
openings 30, only one of which is shown in FIGURE 1 10 lar passageway 34, the threads 62 must be located closer
and this being in broken lines. Located below the openings to the shoulder 46 than was the case with the protuber
30 are right-hand threads 32, and below the threads 32 is ances 54 of the first discussed stinger.
an annular groove 34. Turning now to FIGURE 3, a third embodiment of a
The stinger used to attach the short string is normally stinger is shown which may be used with the present
comprised of three sections, an upper section 36, a sealing 5 invention. The lower portion 40 of this stinger carries
member 38, and a lower section 40. The lower section is right-hand threads 64 for threaded engagement with the
attached to the upper section by means of the threads 42 threads 32 in the stinger passageway. As will be readily
and locking nut 44. The function of the sealing member understood, this stinger may be inserted into the passage
38 is, of course, to form a seal between the stinger and way and rotated, whereby it will engage the threads 32.
the interior walls of the passageway 16. The mating 20 Reverse rotation will, of course, unscrew this stinger and
shoulder 46 on the lower portion 40 of the stinger will disengage it from the dual packer.
abut against the shoulder 28 in the packer passageway. Turning now to FIGURE 4, a fourth type of stinger is
One means of attachment that may be utilized in the shown. This stinger incorporates a J-latch which is made
above-discussed passageway of the present invention is a up of two J-shaped members 66 and 68 having sloped
stinger carrying a collet. Such a stinger is shown in FIG 25 edges 70 and upstanding locking members 72. The J
URE 1 in its connected position. Located at the lower shaped member 66 is broken into two positions due to
end of the lower portion 40 of the stinger is the collet 48, the partial section view. Pins 74 are screwed into the
which is formed of axially extending strips 50 formed by opposed openings 30 in the packer and, as is best seen in
axially extending slots 52. Protruding portions 54 are FIGURE 5, a portion of these extend into the passageway
located on each of the strips 50, and have a gradual slope 30 16.
56 on their lowermost edges and a relatively steeper slope To utilize this embodiment, the stinger is inserted into
58 on their upper edges. the passageway until the sloping edges 70 of the J-shaped
Due to the slots 52, the strips 50 are substantially more latching members 66 and 68 contact the portion of pins
flexible than the remaining portions of the stinger. Ac 72 extending into the passageway. The pins will guide the
cordingly, when the stinger is inserted into the passage J-shaped elements beyond the latching portions 72. In this
way 16, contact by the gradually sloped leading edge 56 manner, the pins will be interlocked with the J-shaped
with the sidewalls of the passageway will cause the strips members and the portions 72 will prevent disengagement.
50 to bend inwardly, thus allowing the passage of the Disengagement may be achieved, however, by rotation of
stinger through the passageway 16 until the shoulder 46 the stinger in a right-hand manner whereby the pins 74
contacts the shoulder 28. At this point, the protuberances 40 will pass over the tops of the portions 72, thus allowing
54 mate with the annular slot 34, whereby the strips 50 the stinger to be withdrawn. The advantage, of course, in
are allowed to resume their normal position, as shown in using a J-latch is that it may be connected or disconnected
FIGURE 1. simply by a quarter-turn of the string. Furthermore, little
As can be seen, the stinger is now locked into position force is exerted on the packer and connected apparatus
into the packer due to the engagement of the abutments 45 when attaching or disengaging a J-latch unlike, for exam
54 and annular slot 34. They may, however, be disengaged ple, a threaded engagement, which force would tend to
by an upward force on the stinger of sufficient magnitude undo other joints.
to cause the strips 50 to once again bend inwardly, freeing The stinger shown in FIGURE 6 is still another emi
the abutments from the slot 34. Due to the steeper slope 58 bodiment that may be used with the present invention.
on the abutments, however, a substantial force will be re 50 No latching means is carried below the shoulder 46 of
quired, thus preventing accidental disconnection of the this embodiment, which is used for telescopic connection
stinger from the packer. with the packer. Accordingly, the stinger is simply in
Turning now to FIGURE 2, a second embodiment of a Serted into the passageway 16 until shoulder 46 contacts
stinger which may be used with the present invention is shoulder 28. Pressure must be maintained on the short
shown. This embodiment, as with all of the embodiments string when this embodiment is used due to the fact that
discussed herein, utilizes the same upper portion 36 and there is no means utilized to prevent disengagement.
sealing member 38. Accordingly, no further discussion of Turing now to FIGURE 7 the final type of stringer
disclosed herein that may be used with the present in
these portions will be deemed necessary. Accordingly, all vention
further discussion will be directed to only the lower por shoulderis46shown. Here, the lower portion 40 has no
as with the previous embodiments. An an
tion 40 and the connecting means. FIGURE 2 does dis 60
close, however, the threads 56 located at the top of the nular groove 76 extends around the lower portion 40 to
receive the pins 74, which in this instance are shear pins.
upper portion 36, which threads are used to connect the
stinger to the short string. The action of the shear pins against the sides of the
The connecting means used on the stinger of FIGURE groove 76 prevent displacement of the stinger. For this
reason, the positioning provided by the shoulder 46 in the
2 is once again a collet, and comprised of strips 59, having 65 previous embodiments is not neceessary. As will be readily
axially extending slots 60 located therebetween. Threads
62 are located on the strips 59 in place of the protuber understood by one skilled in this art, this embodiment
must be connected to the packer prior to the lowering of
ances 54. The threads 62 are for engagement with the the packer into the well. Since the pins 74 is this em
threads 32 located in the passageway 16 of the stinger (see bodiment are shear pins, the stinker may be disengaged
FIGURE 1). 70
In operation, the use of the stinger of FIGURE 2 and removed from the packer by an upward force exerted
allows one to simply force the stinger into locking engage on the stinger. This force will result in the shearing of
ment due to the fact that contact by the threads 62 with theTurningportion of pins 74 that extend into the groove 76.
now to FIGURE 9, we will discuss the dual
the threads 32 will force the strips 59 inwardly, as with
the collet discussed in FIGURE 1. Therefore, it may be 75 packer as modified to use the present invention for both
the long string and the short string. The arrangement of short string the improvement comprising:
parts and the configuration of the individual stingers and a plurality of means on said packer for attachment of
of the passageways within the packer are somewhat dif at least one of said strings including,
ferent from the previously described embodiment, as will a stinger on said one string,
be explained. The various attaching means are, however, a passageway in the packer for receiving said
the same and have been indicated by the same reference stinger whereby said one string may be tele
numerals. As with the last embodiment, the stinger for scopically attached to the packer,
the long string is on the left-hand side as viewed in FIG an annular slot extending around said passageway
URE 8, and for the short string, on the right hand side. for the reception of a collet carried by the
These stingers are made up of essentially two portions, O stinger,
a lower portion 80 and an upper portion 82. As before, at least two opposed openings in the passageway
they are connected by means of threads 42 and lock nuts for reception of pins for the stinger and a J
44. The upper portions have internally threaded coupling latch carried by the stinger, and
portions (not shown) for attachment to their respective threads in the passageway for threaded engage
strings. A shoulder 84 is also located on the upper portion
of the stingers. This shoulder mates with a corresponding 5 2. In ament of the stinger.
shoulder 86 on the dual packer 10. These shoulders 84 short string,dual the
packer for use with a long string and a
improvement comprising:
and 86 function in the same manner as did the shoulders a plurality of means for attaching the short string to
46 and 28 of the embodiment of FIGURE 1. Packing the packer, including,
members 88 are also located on the upper portion to 20 a passageway for telescopically receiving the short
provide a fluid tight seal with the dual packer 10. These string, whereby the short string may be tele
packing members 88 replaced the third stinger element scopically attached to the packer,
the embodiment
of FIGURE 1, which was the sealing right-hand threads in the passageway for threaded
engagement of the short string,
The lower portions of the stingers utilized in FIGURE two opposed openings in the passageway for the
9 are comprised of a collet 48 which is the same, as 25 reception of pins for connection to one of the
far as the connecting means is concerned, as that disclosed short string and a J-latch on the short string,
in FIGURE 1. The collet 48 has protruding portions 54 and
which engage the annular groove 34 as has been pre recesses in the passageway for the reception of a
viously discussed. This collet portion, however, has a 30 collet.
tapered end as at 90, as compared to the flat end portion 3. A dual packer for use with a long string and a short
of the collet of FIGURE 1. This, of course, will not affect string, including:
the coupling means. Since the dual packer 10 of FIG a plurality of means for attaching the strings to the
URE 9 has all of the coupling means disclosed with re packer including,
gard to the dual packer shown in FIGURE 1, all the 35 a passageway of each of said strings for tele
various types of stingers discussed previously may be scopingly receiving the strings,
used in either of its passageways, the connecting and threads in each of the passageways for threaded
disconnecting steps being the same as those discussed engagement of the strings,
previously. two opposed openings in each of the passageways
Accordingly, the problem of matching stinger with 40 for the reception of pins for connection to one
packer has been obviated to a great extent. By use of a of the respective strings and a J-latch on the
packer utilizing the present invention, one need merely respective strings, and
select the type of stinger that suits his immediate purposes recesses in each of the passageways for the re
without worry as to a matching packer. Since the various ception of a collet attached to the respective
types of stingers may be used interchangeably with the strings.
packers disclosed herein, great savings to users of the 45 4. In a dual packer having seal means and anchor
packers are realized. The packer may be positioned in means and having a plurality of tubing strings in which
the well and completion procedures may be changed as the packer includes a plurality of passageways each of
desired, using any of the other above-discussed stingers
merely by disengaging the stinger, changing the stinger 50 which
receives a string, the improvement comprising:
plurality of attachment means in each of said passage
type, and reengaging with the positioned packer. There ways for attachment of each of said strings to said
is no need to change the packer as would be the case with packer, one of said attachment means in each of
many prior art devices. This is, of course, a valuable said passageways being actuated by rotatable move
benefit due to the fact that completion procedures are ment and another of said attachment means in each
frequently changed. Furthermore, by use of the present 55 of said passageways being actuated by longitudinal
invention, equipment and spare part cost will be con movement.
siderably reduced, while giving even greater versatility. 5. In a dual packer having seal means and anchor
Furthermore, the present invention is both simply and means
economically manufactured and used. It is, of course, first andandsecondhaving dual passageways for connection to a
string, the improvement in a plurality of
understood that in certain of the embodiments, the at 60 connecting means in one of said passageways for attach
taching means on the packer passageway and stinger may ment to one of said strings comprising:
be reversed, i.e., in the shear pin and J-latch arrangement, an annular slot extending around said one passageway
the pins may be located on the stinger rather than the for receiving a collet carried by said one string, and
packer passageway. two opposed openings in the passageway for receiving
The present invention is, therefore, well adapted to 65 pins for connection to one of said string and a J
carry out the objects and to attain the ends and advantages latch carried by said string.
mentioned at the outset, as well as others inherent therein. 6. In a dual packer having seal means and anchor
While the presently preferred embodiment of the inven means and having dual passageways for connection to a
tion has been given for the purpose of disclosure, numer first and second string, the improvement in a plurality of
ous changes in the detail of construction and the com 70 connecting means in one of said passageways for attach
bination, shape, size and arrangement of parts may be ment to one of said strings comprising:
restorted to without departing from the spirit and scope an annular slot extending around said one passageway
of the invention as hereinafter claimed. for receiving a collet carried by said one string, and
What is claimed is: threads in the passageway for threadably engaging
1. In a dual packer for use with a long string and a 75 threads on the one string.
3,450,205 8
7. In a dual packer having seal means and anchor References Cited
means and having dual passageways for connection to UNITED STATES PATENTS
a first and second string, the improvement in a plurality of 3,136,569 6/1964 Bigelow 166-189
connecting means in one of said passageways for attach- 3.248,125 4/1966 Brown III 166-240
ment to one of said strings comprising: 5 3,370,651 2/1968 Brown ------------- 166-189
two opposed openings in the passageway for receiving
pins for connection to one of said strings and a J-latch JAMES A. LEPPINK, Primary Examiner.
carried by said string, and
threads in the passageway for threadably engaging 10 U.S. C. X.R.
threads on said string.