Frenzel Exam Sheet (Key To Correction)
Frenzel Exam Sheet (Key To Correction)
Frenzel Exam Sheet (Key To Correction)
Neutralization is the process of A class C amplifier has a supply voltage Most of the gain and selectivity in a
A. canceling the effect of internal device of 24 V and a collector current of 2.5 A. superhet is obtained in the
capacitance Its efficiency is 80 percent. The RF A. RF amplifier
B. by passing undesired alternating output power is B. mixer
current A. 24 W C. IF amplifier
C. reducing gain B. 48 W D. AF amplifier
D. eliminating harmonics C. 60 W
D. 75 W The sensitivity of a receiver depends
Maximum power transfer occurs when upon the receivers overall
what relationship exists between the Which of the following is not a benefit of A. bandwidth
generator impedance Zi and the load speech-processing circuits? B. selectivity
impedance Zl? A. improved frequency stability C. noise response
A. Zi = Zl B. increased average output power D. gain
B. Zi > Zl C. limited bandwidth
C. Zi < Zl D. prevention of overmodulation The ability of a receiver to separate one
D. Zi = 0 signal from others on closely adjacent
ANSWER: A or D In an AM transmitter, a clipper circuit frequencies is called the
eliminates A. sensitivity
Which of the following is not a benefit of A. harmonics B. S/N ratio
a toroid RF inductor? B. splatter C. selectivity
A. no shielding required C. overdeviation D. gain
B. fewer turns of wire D. excessive gain
C. higher Q A mixer has a signal input of 50 MHz
D. self-supporting In a speech-processing circuit, a low- and an LO frequency of 59 MHz. The IF
pass filter prevents is
A toroid is a A. overdeviation A. 9 MHz
A. type of inductor B. overmodulation B. 50 MHz
B. transformer C. high gain C. 59 MHz
C. magnetic core D. excessive signal bandwidth D. 109 MHz
D. coil holder
The gain of a transistor amplifier is A signal 2 times the IF away from the
Which of the following is not commonly A. inversely proportional to collector desired signal that causes interference
used for impedance matching in a current is referred to as a(n)
transmitter? B. directly proportional to frequency A. ghost
A. resistive attenuator C. directly proportional to collector B. image
B. transformer current C. phantom
C. L network D. inversely proportional to frequency D. inverted signal
D. T network
What values of L and C in an L network A receiver has a desired input signal of
To match a 6 ohm amplifier impedance are required to match a 10 ohm 18 MHz and an LO frequency of 19.6
to a 72 ohm antenna load, a transistor amplifier impedance to a 50 MHz. The image frequency is
transformer must have a turns ratio ohm load at 27 MHz? A. 1.6 MHz
Np/Ns of A. L = 47 nH, C = 185 pF B. 18 MHz
A. 0.083 B. L = 118 nH, C = 236 pF C. 19.6 MHz
B. 0.289 C. L = 0.13 uH, C = 220 pF D. 21.2 MHz
C. 3.46 D. L = 0.3 uH, C = 330 pF
D. 12 The main cause of image interference is
The simplest receiver is a(n) A. poor front-end selectivity
A. RF amplifier B. low gain
B. demodulator C. a high IF
C. AF amplifier D. a low S/N ratio
D. tuned circuit
For best image rejection, the IF for a 30 Which noise figure represents the lowest In an IF amplifier with reverse AGC, a
MHz signal would be noise? strong signal will cause the collector
A. 455 kHz A. 1.6 dB current to
B. 3.3 MHz B. 2.1 dB A. increase
C. 9 MHz C. 2.7 dB B. decrease
D. 55 MHz D. 3.4 dB C. remain the same
D. drop to zero
A tuned circuit is resonant at 4 MHz. Its Which filter shape factor represents the
Q is 100. The bandwidth is best skirt selectivity? Usually AGC voltage is derived by the
A. 400 Hz A. 1.6 A. RF amplifier
B. 4 kHz B. 2.1 B. IF amplifier
C. 40 kHz C. 5.3 C. demodulator
D. 400 kHz D. 8 D. AF amplifier
A crystal filter has a 6 dB bandwidth of Which input signal below represents the An AFC circuit is used to correct for
2.6 kHz and a 60 dB bandwidth of 14 best receiver sensitivity? A. audio distortion
kHz. The shape factor is A. 0.5 uV B. strong input signals
A. 0.186 B. 1 uV C. instability in the IF amplifier
B. 5.38 C. 1.8 uV D. frequency drift in the LO
C. 8.3 D. 2 uV
D. 36.4 A circuit that keeps the audio cut off
The transistor with the lowest noise until a signal is received is known as
Most internal noise comes from figure in the microwave region is a(n) A. a squelch
A. shot noise A. MOSFET B. AFC
B. transit-time noise B. Dual-gate MOSFET C. AGC
C. thermal agitation C. JFET D. a noise blanker
D. skin effect D. MESFET
A BFO is used in the demodulation of
Which of the following is not a source of The AGC circuits usually control the gain which types of signals?
external noise? of the A. AM
A. thermal agitation A. mixer B. FM
B. auto ignitions B. detector C. SSB or CW
C. the sun C. IF amplifiers D. QPSK
D. fluorescent lights D. audio amplifiers
Which of the following circuits are not
Noise can be reduced by Selectivity is obtained in most receivers typically shared in an SSB transceiver?
A. widening the bandwidth from A. crystal filter
B. narrowing the bandwidth A. crystal filters B. mixers
C. increasing temperature B. mechanical filters C. power supply
D. increasing transistor current levels C. double-tuned circuits D. LO
D. audio filters
Noise at the input to a receiver can be The basic frequency synthesizer circuit
as high as several Widest bandwidth in a double-tuned is a(n)
A. microvolts circuit is obtained with A. mixer
B. millivolts A. undercoupling B. frequency multiplier
C. volts B. critical coupling C. frequency divider
D. kilovolts C. optimum coupling D. PLL
D. overcoupling
Which circuit contributes most to the The output frequency increment of a
noise in a receiver? Automatic gain control permits a wide frequency synthesizer is determined by
A. IF amplifier range of signal amplitudes to be the
B. AF amplifier accommodated by controlling the gain A. frequency division ratio
C. demodulator of the B. reference input to the phase detector
D. mixer A. RF amplifier C. percentage of output frequency
B. IF amplifier D. frequency multiplication factor
C. mixer
D. AF amplifier
The output frequency of a synthesizer is Multiplexing is the process of The modulation used in FDM telephone
changed by varying the A. several signal sources transmitting systems is
A. reference input to the phase detector simultaneously to a receiver on a A. AM
B. frequency division ratio common frequency B. FM
C. frequency multiplication factor B. sending the same signal over multiple C. SSB
D. mixer LO frequency channels to multiple destinations D. PSK
C. transmitting multiple signals over
The bandwidth of a parallel LC circuit multiple channels The FDM telephone systems
can be increased by D. sending multiple signals accommodate many channels by
A. increasing XC simultaneously over a single channel A. increasing the multiplexer size
B. decreasing XL B. using many final carriers
C. decreasing coil resistance In FDM, multiple signals C. narrowing the bandwidth of each
D. a resistor connected in parallel A. transmit at different time D. using multiple levels of multiplexing
B. share a common bandwidth
The upper and lower cutoff frequencies C. use multiple channels In FM stereo broadcasting, the L + R
of a tuned circuit are 1.7 and 1.5 MHz D. modulate one another signal
respectively. The circuit Q is A. double-sideband modulates a
A. 8 Each signal in an FDM system subcarrier
B. 10 A. modulates a subcarrier B. modulates the FM carrier
C. 16 B. modulates the final carrier C. frequency modulates a subcarrier
D. 24 C. is mixed with all the others before D. is not transmitted
The noise voltage across a 300 ohm D. serves as a subcarrier In FM stereo broadcasting, the L R
input resistance to a TV set with a 6 signal
MHz bandwidth and a temperature of 30 Frequency modulation in FDM systems A. double-sideband modulates a
deg C is is usually accomplished with a subcarrier
A. 2.3 uV A. reactance modulator B. modulates the FM carrier
B. 3.8 uV B. varactor C. frequency modulates a subcarrier
C. 5.5 uV C. VCO D. is not transmitted
D. 6.4 uV D. PLL
The SCA signal if used in FM
The stage gains in a superheterodyne Which of the following is not a typical broadcasting is transmitted via
are as follows: RF amplifier, 10 dB; FDM application? A. a 19 kHz subcarrier
mixer, 6 dB; two IF amplifiers, each 33 A. telemetry B. a 38 kHz subcarrier
dB; detector, -4 dB; AF amplifier, 28 dB. B. stereo broadcasting C. a 67 kHz subcarrier
The total gain is C. telephone D. the main FM carrier
A. 73 dB D. secure communications
B. 82 dB In TDM, multiple signals
C. 106 dB The circuit that performs demultiplexing A. share a common bandwidth
D. 139 dB in an FDM system is a(n) B. modulate subcarriers
A. op amp C. are sampled at high speeds
A tuned circuit resonates at 12 MHz with B. bandpass filter D. take turns transmitting
an inductance of 5 uH whose resistance C. discriminator
is 6 ohm. The circuit bandwidth is D. subcarrier oscillator In TDM, each signal may use the full
A. 98 kHz bandwidth of the channel
B. 191 kHz Most FDM telemetry systems use A. true
C. 754 kHz A. AM B. false
D. 1.91 MHz B. FM
C. SSB Sampling an analog signal produces
In a receiver with noise-derived squelch, D. PSK A. PAM
the presence of an audio signal causes B. AM
the audio amplifier to be The best frequency demodulator is the C. FM
A. enabled A. PLL discriminator D. PCM
B. disabled B. pulse-averaging discriminator
C. Foster-Seeley discriminator
D. ratio detector
The maximum bandwidth that an analog Which of the following is not a benefit of The mismatch between antenna and
signal can use with a sampling companding? transmission line impedances cannot be
frequency of 108 kHz is A. minimizes noise corrected for by
A. 27 kHz B. minimizes number of bits A. using an LC matching network
B. 54 kHz C. minimizes quantizing error B. adjusting antenna length
C. 108 kHz D. minimizes signal bandwidth C. using a balun
D. 216 kHz D. adjusting the length of transmission
A telephone system using TDM and PCM line
Pulse-amplitude modulation signals are is called
multiplexed by using A. PBX A pattern of voltage and current
A. subcarriers B. RS-232 variations along a transmission line not
B. bandpass filters C. T-1 terminated in its characteristic
C. A/D converters D. Bell 212 impedance is called
D. FET switches A. an electric field
An IC that contains A/D and D/A B. radio waves
In PAM demultiplexing, the receiver converters, companders, and parallel- C. standing waves
clock is derived from to-serial converters is called a D. a magnetic field
A. standard radio station WWV A. codec
B. a highly accurate internal oscillator B. data converter The desirable SWR on a transmission
C. the PAM signal itself C. multiplexer line is
D. the 60 Hz power line D. modem A. 0
B. 1
In a PAM/TDM system, keeping the Pulse-code modulation is preferred to C. 2
multiplexer and DEMUX channels step PAM because of its D. infinity
with one another is done by a A. resistance to quantizing error
A. clock recovery circuit B. simplicity A 50 ohm coax is connected to a 73
B. sync pulse C. lower cost ohm antenna. The SWR is
C. sampling D. superior noise immunity A. 0.685
D. sequencer B. 1
The most commonly used transmission C. 1.46
Transmitting data as serial binary words line is a D. 2.92
is called A. two-wire balance line
A. digital communications B. single wire The most desirable reflection coefficient
B. quantizing C. three-wire line is
C. PAM D. coax A. 0
D. PCM B. 0.5
The characteristic impedance of a C. 1
Converting analog signals to digital is transmission line does not depend upon D. infinity
done by sampling and its
A. quantizing A. length A ratio expressing the percentage of
B. companding B. conductor diameter incident voltage reflected on a
C. pre-emphasis C. conductor spacing transmission line is known as the
D. mixing D. none of the above A. velocity factor
B. standing wave ratio
A quantizer is a(n) Which of the following is not a common C. reflection coefficient
A. multiplexer transmission line impedance? D. line efficiency
B. demultiplexer A. 50 ohm
C. A/D converter B. 75 ohm The minimum voltage along a
D. D/A converter C. 120 ohm transmission line is 260 V, while the
D. 300 ohm maximum is 390 V. The SWR is
Emphasizing low-level signals and A. 0.67
compressing higher-level signals is For maximum absorption of power at B. 1.0
called the antenna, the relationship between C. 1.2
A. quantizing the characteristic impedance of the line D. 1.5
B. companding Zo and the load impedance Zl should be
C. pre-emphasis A. Zo = Zl
D. sampling B. Zo > Zl
C. Zo < Zl
D. Zo = 0
Three feet is one wavelength at a An antenna that transmits or receives A coax has an attenuation of 2.4 dB per
frequency of equally well in all directions is said to be 100 ft. The attenuation for 275 ft is
A. 100 MHz A. omnidirectional A. 2.4 dB
B. 164 MHz B. bidirectional B. 3.3 dB
C. 300 MHz C. unidirectional C. 4.8 dB
D. 328 MHz D. quasidirectional D. 6.6 dB
At very high frequencies, transmission The horizontal radiation pattern of a An antenna has a power gain of 15. The
lines are used as dipole is a power applied to the antenna is 32 W.
A. tuned circuits A. circle The effective radiated power is
B. antennas B. figure eight A. 15 W
C. insulators C. clover leaf B. 32 W
D. resistors D. narrow beam C. 120 W
D. 480 W
A shorted quarter-wave line at the The length of a ground plane vertical at
operating frequency acts like a(n) 146 MHz is Which beam width represents the best
A. series resonant circuit A. 1.6 ft. antenna directivity?
B. parallel resonant circuit B. 1.68 ft. A. 7 degrees
C. capacitor C. 2.05 ft. B. 12 degrees
D. inductor D. 3.37 ft. C. 19 degrees
D. 28 degrees
A shorted half-wave line at the The impedance of a dipole is about
operating frequency acts like a(n) A. 50 ohm The radiation pattern of collinear and
A. capacitor B. 73 ohm broadside antennas is
B. inductor C. 93 ohm A. omnidirectional
C. series resonant circuit D. 300 ohm B. bidirectional
D. parallel resonant circuit C. unidirectional
A directional antenna with two or more D. clover-leaf shaped
A popular half-wavelength antenna is elements is known as a(n)
the A. Folded dipole Which antenna has a unidirectional
A. ground plane B. ground plane radiation pattern and gain?
B. end-fire C. loop A. dipole
C. collinear D. array B. ground plane
D. dipole C. Yagi
The horizontal radiation pattern of a D. collinear
The length of a doublet at 27 MHz is vertical dipole is a
A. 8.67 ft. A. figure eight A wide-bandwidth multielement driven
B. 17.3 ft. B. circle array is the
C. 18.2 ft. C. narrow beam A. end-fire
D. 34.67 ft. D. clover leaf B. log-periodic
C. Yagi
A popular vertical antenna is the In an Yagi antenna, maximum direction D. collinear
A. collinear of radiation is toward the
B. dipole A. director Ground-wave communications is most
C. ground plane B. driven element effective in what frequency range?
D. broadside C. reflector A. 300 kHz to 3 MHz
D. sky B. 3 to 30 MHz
The magnetic field of an antenna is C. 30 to 300 MHz
perpendicular to the earth. The Conductors in mutlielement antennas D. above 300 MHz
antennas polarization that do not receive energy directly from
A. is vertical the transmission line are known as The ionosphere causes radio signals to
B. is horizontal A. parasitic elements be
C. is circular B. drives elements A. diffused
D. cannot be determined from the C. the boom B. absorbed
information given D. receptors C. refracted
D. reflected
The ionosphere has its greatest effect Which transmission line has the lowest Stripline and microstrip transmission
on signals in what frequency range? attenuation? lines are usually made with
A. 300 kHz to 3 MHz A. twin lead A. coax
B. 3 to 30 MHz B. RG-11/U B. parallel wires
C. 30 to 300 MHz C. RG-59/U C. twisted pair
D. above 300 MHz D. RG-214/U D. PCBs
The type of radio wave responsible for The most common cross section of a
long distance communications by A receiver-transmitter station used to waveguide is a
multiple skips is the increase the communications range of A. square
A. ground wave VHF, UHF, and microwave signals is B. circle
B. direct wave called a(n) C. triangle
C. surface wave A. transceiver D. rectangle
D. sky wave B. remitter
C. repeater A rectangular waveguide has a width of
Microwave signals propagate by way of D. amplifier 1 in. and a height of 0.6 in. Its cutoff
the frequency is
A. direct wave The main benefit of using microwaves is A. 2.54 GHz
B. sky wave A. lower-cost equipment B. 3.0 GHz
C. surface wave B. simpler equipment C. 5.9 GHz
D. standing wave C. greater transmission distances D. 11.8 GHz
D. more spectrum space for signals
Line-of-sight communications is not a A waveguide has a cutoff frequency of
factor in which frequency range? Radio communications are regulated in 17 GHz. Which of the signals will not be
A. VHF the United States by the passed by the waveguide?
B. UHF A. Federal Trade Commission A. 15 GHz
C. HF B. Congress B. 18 GHz
D. Microwave C. Federal Communications Commission C. 22 GHz
D. Military D. 25 GHz
A microwave-transmitting antenna is
550 ft high. The receiving antenna is Which of the following is not a Signal propagation in a waveguide is by
200 ft high. The maximum transmission disadvantage of microwaves? A. electrons
distance is A. higher-cost equipment B. electric and magnetic fields
A. 20 mi. B. line-of-sight transmission C. holes
B. 33.2 mi. C. conventional components are not D. air pressure
C. 38.7 mi. usable
D. 53.2 mi. D. circuits are more difficult to analyze When the electric field in a waveguide is
perpendicular to the direction of wave
To increase the transmission distance of Which of the following is a microwave propagation, the mode is said to be
a UHF signal, which of the following frequency? A. vertical polarization
should be done? A. 1.7 MHz B. horizontal propagation
A. increase antenna gain B. 750 MHz C. transverse electric
B. increase antenna height C. 0.98 GHz D. transverse magnetic
C. increase transmitter power D. 22 GHz
D. increase receiver sensitivity The dominant mode in most waveguide
Which of the following is not a common is
A coax has a velocity factor of 0.68. microwave application? A. TE0,1
What is the length of a half wave at 30 A. radar B. TE1,2
MHz? B. mobile radio C. TM0,1
A. 11.2 ft C. telephone D. TM1,1
B. 12.9 ft D. spacecraft communications
C. 15.6 ft A magnetic field is introduced into a
D. 16.4 ft Coaxial cable is not widely used for long waveguide by a
microwave transmission lines because of A. probe
its B. dipole
A. high loss C. stripline
B. high cost D. capacitor
C. large size
D. excessive radiation
A half-wavelength, closed section of a In a klystron amplifier, velocity High-power TWTs are replacing what in
waveguide that acts as a parallel modulation of the electron beam is microwave amplifiers?
resonant circuit is known as a(n) produced by the A. MESFETs
A. half-wave section A. Collector B. magnetrons
B. cavity resonator B. Catcher cavity C. klystrons
C. LCR circuit C. Cathode D. IMPATT diodes
D. directional coupler D. Buncher cavity
The most widely used microwave
Decreasing the volume of a cavity A reflex klystron is used as a(n) antenna is a
causes its resonant frequency to A. amplifier A. half-wave dipole
A. increase B. oscillator B. quarter-wave probe
B. decrease C. mixer C. single loop
C. remain the same D. frequency multiplier D. horn
D. drop to zero
For proper operation, a magnetron must What happens when a horn antenna is
A popular microwave mixer diode is the be accompanied by a made longer?
A. Gunn A. cavity resonator A. Gain increases
B. Varactor B. strong electric field B. beam width decreases
C. Hot carrier C. permanent magnet C. both a and b
D. IMPATT D. high dc voltage D. neither a nor b
Varactor and step-recovery diodes are The operating frequency of klystrons A pyramidal horn used at 5 GHz has an
widely used in what type of circuit? and magnetrons is set by the aperture that is 7 by 9 cm. The gain is
A. amplifier A. cavity resonators about
B. oscillator B. DC supply voltage A. 10.5 dB
C. frequency multiplier C. input signal frequency B. 11.1 dB
D. mixer D. number of cavities C. 22.6 dB
D. 35.8 dB
Which diode is a popular microwave A magnetron is used only as a(n)
oscillator? A. amplifier Given the frequency and dimensions in
A. IMPATT B. oscillator Question 34 above, the beam width is
B. Gunn C. mixer about
C. Varactor D. frequency multiplier A. 27 degrees
D. Schottky B. 53 degrees
A common application for magnetrons is C. 60 degrees
Which type of diodes does not ordinarily in D. 80 degrees
operate with reverse bias? A. radar
A. Varactor B. satellites The diameter of a parabolic reflector
B. IMPATT C. two-way radio should be at least how many
C. Snap-off D. TV sets wavelengths at the operating
D. Tunnel frequency?
In a TWT, the electron beam is density- A. 1
Low-power Gunn diodes are replacing modulated by a B. 2
A. Reflex klystrons A. permanent magnet C. 5
B. TWTs B. modulation transformer D. 10
C. Magnetrons C. Helix
D. Varactor diodes D. cavity resonator The point where the antenna is mounted
with respect to the parabolic reflector is
Which of the following is not a The main advantage of a TWT over a called the
microwave tube? klystron for microwave amplification is A. Focal point
A. Traveling-wave tube A. lower cost B. center
B. Cathode-ray tube B. smaller size C. locus
C. Klystron C. higher power D. tangent
D. Magnetron D. wider bandwidth
Using a small reflector to beam waves A circular orbit around the equator with The basic technique used to stabilize a
to the larger parabolic reflector is known a 24-h period is called a(n) satellite is
as A. Elliptical orbit A. gravity-forward motion balance
A. Focal feed B. Geostationary orbit B. spin
B. Horn feed C. Polar orbit C. thruster control
C. Cassegrain feed D. Transfer orbit D. solar panel orientation
D. Coax feed
A satellite stays in orbit because the The jet thrusters are usually fired to
Increasing the diameter of a parabolic following two factors are balanced. A. maintain attitude
reflector causes which of the following: A. satellite weight and speed B. put the satellite into the transfer orbit
A. decreased beam width B. gravitational pull and inertia C. inject the satellite into the
B. increased gain C. centripetal force and speed geosynchronous orbit
C. increased beam width D. satellite weight and the pull of the D. bring the satellite back to earth
D. a and b moon and sun
E. b and c Most commercial satellite activity occurs
F. none of the above The height of a satellite in a in which band(s)?
synchronous equatorial orbit is A. L
A helical antenna is made up of a coil A. 100 mi. B. C and Ku
and a B. 6800 mi. C. X
A. director C. 22,300 mi. D. S and P
B. reflector D. 35,860 mi.
C. dipole How can multiple earth stations share a
D. horn Most satellites operate in which satellite on the same frequencies?
frequency band? A. frequency reuse
The output of a helical antenna is A. 30 to 300 MHz B. multiplexing
A. vertically polarized B. 300 MHz to 3 GHz C. mixing
B. horizontally polarized C. 3 GHz to 30 GHz D. they cant
C. circularly polarized D. above 300 GHz
D. both a and b The typical bandwidth of a satellite band
The main power sources for a satellite is
A common omnidirectional microwave are A. 36 MHz
antenna is the A. batteries B. 40 MHz
A. horn B. solar cells C. 70 MHz
B. parabolic reflector C. fuel cells D. 500 MHz
C. helical D. thermoelectric generators
D. bicone Which of the following is not usually a
The maximum height of an elliptical part of a transponder?
As the height of a satellite orbit gets orbit is called the A. LNA
lower, the speed of the satellite A. perigee B. mixer
A. increase B. apex C. modulator
B. decreases C. zenith D. HPA
C. remains the same D. apogee
D. none of the above The satellite communications channels
Batteries are used to power all satellite in a transponder are defined by the
The main function of a communications subsystems A. LNA
satellite is as a(n) A. at all times B. bandpass filter
A. Repeater B. only during emergencies C. mixer
B. Reflector C. during eclipse periods D. input signals
C. Beacon D. to give the solar arrays a rest
D. Observation platform The HPAs in most satellites are
The satellite subsystem that monitors A. TSTs
The key electronic component in a and controls the satellite is the B. klystrons
communications satellite is the A. propulsion subsystem C. vacuum tubes
A. Telemetry B. power subsystem D. magnetrons
B. On-board computer C. communications subsystem
C. Command and control system D. telemetry, tracking, and command
D. Transponder subsystem
The physical location of a satellite is Data communications uses Digital signals may be transmitted over
determined by its A. analog methods the telephone network if
A. distance from the earth B. digital methods A. their speed is low enough
B. latitude and longitude C. either of the above B. they are converted to analog first
C. reference to the stars D. neither of the above C. they are ac instead of dc
D. position relative to the sun D. they are digital only
Which of the following is not primarily a
The receive GCE system in an earth type of data communications? Start and stop bits, respectively, are
stations performs what function(s)? A. telephone A. mark, space
A. modulation and multiplexing B. teletype B. space, mark
B. up conversion C. telegraph C. space, space
C. demodulation and demultiplexing D. CW D. mark, mark
D. down conversion
The main reason that serial transmission Which of the following is correct?
Which of the following types of HPA is is preferred to parallel transmission is A. The bit rate may be greater than the
not used in earth stations? that baud rate.
A. TWT A. Serial is faster. B. The baud rate may be greater than
B. transistor B. Serial requires only a single channel. the bit rate.
C. klystron C. Serial requires multiple channels. C. The bit and baud rates are always the
D. Magnetron D. Parallel is too expensive. same.
D. The bit and baud rates re not related.
A common up-converter and down- Mark and space refer respectively to
converter IF is A. dot and dash A modem converts
A. 36 MHz B. message and interval A. analog signals to digital
B. 40 MHz C. binary 1 and binary 0 B. digital signals to analog
C. 70 MHz D. on and off C. both a and b
D. 500 MHz D. none of the above
The number of amplitude, frequency, or
The type of modulation used on voice phase changes that take place per Slow-speed modems use
and video signals is second is known as the A. FSK
A. AM A. data rate in bits per second B. BPSK
B. FM B. frequency of operation C. QPSK
C. SSB C. speed limit D. QAM
D. QPSK D. baud rate
A carrier recovery circuit is not needed
The modulation normally used with Data transmission of one character at a with
digital data is time with start and stop bits is known as A. BPSK
A. AM what type of transmission? B. QPSK
B. FM A. asynchronous C. DPSK
C. SSB B. serial D. QAM
D. QPSK C. synchronous
D. parallel The basic modulator and demodulator
Which of the following is not a typical circuits in PSK are
output from a GPS receiver? The most widely used data A. PLLs
A. latitude communications code is B. balanced modulator
B. speed A. Morse C. shift registers
C. altitude B. ASCII D. linears summers
D. longitude C. Baudot
D. EBCDIC The carrier used with a BPSK
Data communications refers to the demodulator is
transmission of The ASCII code has A. generated by an oscillator
A. voice A. 4 bits B. the BPSK signal itself
B. video B. 5 bits C. twice the frequency of the
C. computer data C. 7 bits transmitted carrier
D. all of the above D. 8 bits D. recovered from the BPSK signal
A 9600-baud-rate signal can pass over Which of the following is not a Which of the following is not a LAN?
the voice-grade telephone line if which commonly used method of error A. PBX system
kind of modulation is used? detection? B. hospital system
A. BPSK A. arity C. office building system
B. QPSK B. BCC D. cable TV system
D. QAM D. redundancy The fastest LAN topology is the
A. ring
Quadrature amplitude modulation is Which of the following words has the B. bus
A. amplitude modulation only correct parity bit? Assume odd parity. C. star
B. QPSK only The last bit is the parity bit. D. square
C. AM plus QPSK A. 1111111 1
D. AM plus FSK B. 1100110 1 Which is not a common LAN medium?
C. 0011010 1 A. twin lead
A QAM modulator does not use a(n) D. 0000001 0 B. twisted pair
A. XNOR C. fiber-optic cable
B. bit splitter Another name for parity is D. coax
C. balanced modulator A. vertical redundancy check
D. 2-to-4 level converter B. block check character A mainframe computer connected to
C. longitudinal redundancy check multiple terminals and PCs usually uses
A rule or procedure that defines how D. cyclical redundancy check which configuration?
data is to be transmitted is called a(n) A. bus
A. handshake Ten bit errors occur in two million B. ring
B. error-detection scheme transmitted. The bit error rate is C. star
C. data specification A. 2 x 10-5 D. tree
D. protocol B. 5 x 10-5
C. 5 x 10-6 A small telephone switching system that
A popular PC protocol is D. 2 x 10-6 can be used as a LAN is called a
A. parity A. ring
B. Xmodem The building block of a parity or BCC B. WAN
C. CRC generator is a(n) C. UART
D. LRC A. shift register D. PBX
A synchronous transmission usually C. 2-to-4 level converter Which medium is the least susceptible
begins with which character? D. UART to noise?
A. SYN A. twin lead
B. STX A longitudinal redundancy check B. twisted pair
C. SOH produces a(n) C. fiber-optic cable
D. ETB A. block check character D. coax
B. parity bit
The characters making up the message C. CRC Which medium is the most widely used
in a synchronous transmission are D. error correction in LANs?
collectively referred to as a data A. twin lead
A. set Dividing the data block by a constant B. twisted pair
B. sequence produces a remainder that is used for C. fiber-optic cable
C. block error detection. It is called the D. coax
D. collection A. vertical redundancy check
B. horizontal redundancy check Transmitting the data signal directly
Bit errors in data transmission are C. block check character over the medium is referred to as
usually caused by D. cyclical redundancy check A. baseband
A. equipment failures B. broadband
B. typing mistakes A CRC generator uses which C. ring
C. noise components? D. bus
D. poor S/N ratio at the receiver A. balanced modulator
B. shift register
C. binary adder
D. multiplexer
The technique of using modulation and The main circuit in a PSN generator is Which of the following is not a common
FDM to transmit multiple data channels a(n) type of fiber-optic cable?
of a common medium is known as A. X-OR A. single-mode step-index
A. baseband B. multiplexer B. multimode graded-index
B. broadband C. shift register C. single-mode graded-index
C. ring D. mixer D. multimode step-index
D. bus
To a conventional narrowband receiver, Cable attenuation is usually expressed
What is the minimum bandwidth an SS signal appears to be like in terms of
required to transmit a 56 kbits/s binary A. noise A. loss per foot
signal with no noise? B. fading B. dB/km.
A. 14 kHz C. a jamming signal C. intensity per mile
B. 28 kHz D. an intermittent connection D. voltage drop per inch
C. 56 kHz
D. 112 kHz Which of the following is not a benefit of Which cable length has the highest
SS? attenuation?
Sixteen different levels (symbols) are A. jam-proof A. 1 km
used to encode binary data. The B. security B. 2 km
channel bandwidth is 36 MHz. The C. immunity to fading C. 95 ft.
maximum channel capacity is D. noise proof D. 500 ft.
A. 18 Mbits/s
B. 72 Mbits/s Spread spectrum is a form of The upper pulse rate and information-
C. 288 Mbits/s multiplexing. carrying capacity of a cable is limited by
D. 2.176 Gbits/s A. true A. pulse shortening
B. false B. attenuation
What is the bandwidth required to C. light leakage
transmit at a rate of 10 Mbits/s in the The most critical and difficult part of D. modal dispersion
presence of a 28-dB S/N radio? receiving a direct-sequence SS signal is
A. 1.075 MHz A. frequency synthesis The core of a fiber-optic cable is made
B. 5 MHz B. synchronism of
C. 10 MHz C. PSN code generation A. air
D. 10.75 MHz D. carrier recovery B. glass
C. diamond
Which circuit is common to both Which of the following is not a common D. quartz
frequency-hopping and direct-sequence application of fiber-optic cable?
SS transmitters? A. computer networks The core of a fiber-optic cable is
A. correlator B. long-distance telephone systems surrounded by
B. PSN code generator C. closed circuit TV A. wire braid shield
C. frequency synthesizer D. consumer TV B. Kevlar
D. sweep generator C. cladding
Total internal reflection takes place if D. plastic insulation
Spread spectrum stations sharing a the light ray strikes the interface at an
band are identified by and distinguished angle with what relationship to the The speed of light in plastic compared to
from one another by critical angle? the speed of light in air is
A. PSN code A. less than A. less
B. frequency of operation B. greater than B. more
C. clock rate C. equal to C. the same
D. modulation type D. zero D. zero
The type of modulation most often used The operation of a fiber-optic cable is Which of the following is not a major
with direct-sequence SS is based on the principle of benefit of fiber-optic cable?
A. QAM A. refraction A. immunity from interference
B. SSB B. reflection B. no electrical safety problems
C. FSK C. dispersion C. excellent data security
D. PSK D. absorption D. lower cost
The main benefit of light-wave Which type of fiber-optic cable is best Both LEDs and ILDs operate correctly
communications over microwaves or for very high speed data? with
any other communications media are A. single-mode step-index A. forward bias
A. lower cost B. multimode step-index B. reverse bias
B. better security C. single-mode graded-index C. neither a or b
C. wider bandwidth D. multimode graded-index D. either a or b
D. freedom from interference
Which type of fiber-optic cable has the Single-frequency light is called
Which of the following is not part of the least modal dispersion? A. pure
optical spectrum? A. single-mode step-index B. intense
A. infrared B. multimode step-index C. coherent
B. ultraviolet C. single-mode graded-index D. monochromatic
C. visible color D. multimode graded-index
D. x-rays Laser light is very bright because it is
Which of the following is not a factor in A. pure
The wavelength of visible light extends cable light loss? B. white
from A. reflection C. coherent
A. 0.8 to 1.6 um. B. absorption D. monochromatic
B. 400 to 750 nm. C. scattering
C. 200 to 600 nm. D. dispersion Which of the following is not a common
D. 700 to 1200 nm. light detector?
A distance of 8 km is the same as A. PIN photodiode
The speed of light is A. 2.5 mi. B. photovoltaic diode
A. 186,000 mi/h. B. 5 mi. C. photodiode
B. 300,000 mi/h. C. 8 mi. D. avalanche photodiode
C. 300,000 m/s D. 12.9 mi.
D. 300,000,000 m/s Which of the following is the fastest light
A fiber-optic cable has a loss of 15 sensor?
Refraction is the dB/km. The attenuation in a cable 1000 A. PIN photodiode
A. bending of light waves ft long is B. photovoltaic diode
B. reflection of light waves A. 4.57 dB C. phototransistor
C. distortion of light waves B. 9.3 dB D. avalanche photodiode
D. diffusion of light waves C. 24 dB
D. 49.2 dB Photodiodes operate properly with
The ratio of the speed of light in air to A. forward bias
the speed of light in another substance Fiber-optic cables with attenuations of B. reverse bias
is called the 1.8, 3.4, 5.9, and 18 dB are linked C. neither a or b
A. speed factor together. The total loss is D. either a or b
B. index of reflection A. 7.5 dB
C. index of refraction B. 19.8 dB The product of the bit rate and distance
D. speed gain C. 29.1 dB of a fiber-optic system is 2 Gbits-km/s.
D. 650 dB What is the maximum rate at 5 km?
A popular light wavelength in fiber-optic A. 100 Mbits/s
cable is Which light emitter is preferred for high- B. 200 Mbits/s
A. 0.7 um. speed data in a fiber-optic system? C. 400 Mbits/s
B. 1.3 um. A. incandescent D. 1000 Gbits/s
C. 1.5 um. B. LED
D. 1.8 um. C. neon Which fiber-optic system is better?
D. laser A. 3 repeaters
Which type of fiber-optic cable is the B. 8 repeaters
most widely used? Most fiber-optic light sources emit light C. 11 repeaters
A. single-mode step-index in which spectrum? D. 20 repeaters
B. multimode step-index A. visible
C. single-mode graded-index B. infrared
D. multimode graded-index C. ultraviolet
D. x-ray
Printed documents to be transmitted by What type of graphics are commonly A transmit channel has a frequency of
fax are converted into a baseband transmitted by radio fax? 837.6 MHz. The receive channel
electrical signal by the process of A. newspaper text frequency is
A. reflection B. architectural drawings A. 729.6 MHz
B. scanning C. cable movies B. 837.6 MHz
C. modulation D. satellite weather photos C. 867.6 MHz
D. light variation D. 882.6 MHz
The transmission speed of group 4 fax is
The most commonly used light sensor in A. 4800 baud A receive channel frequency is 872.4
a modern fax machine is a B. 9600 baud MHz. To develop an 82.2 MHz IF, the
A. phototube C. 56 kbits/s frequency synthesizer must supply an
B. phototransistor D. 192 kbits/s LO signal of
C. liquid-crystal display A. 790.2 MHz
D. charge coupled device The master control center for a cellular B. 827.4 MHz
telephone system is the C. 954.6 MHz
In FM fax, the frequencies for black and A. cell site D. 967.4 MHz
white are B. mobile telephone switching office Note: The LO frequency is usually
A. 1500 and 2300 Hz C. central office higher than the receive frequency.
B. 2300 and 1500 Hz D. branch office
C. 1300 and 2400 Hz The output power of a cellular radio is
D. 1070 and 1270 Hz Each cell site contains a controlled by the
A. repeater A. user or caller
Which resolution produces the best B. control computer B. cell site
quality fax? C. direct link to a branch exchange C. called party
A. 96 lines per inch D. touch-tone processor D. MTSO
B. 150 lines per inch
C. 200 lines per inch Multiple cells within an area may use When the signal from a mobile cellular
D. 400 lines per inch the same channel frequencies. unit drops below a certain level, what
A. true action occurs?
Group 2 fax uses which modulation? B. false A. The unit is handed off to a closer
A. SSB cell.
B. FSK Cellular telephones use which type of B. The call is terminated.
C. Vestigial sideband AM operation? C. The MTSO increases power level.
D. PSK A. simplex D. The cell site switches antennas.
B. half-duplex
The most widely used fax standard is C. full-duplex In a cellular radio, the duplexer is a
A. Group 1 D. triplex A. ferrite isolator
B. Group 2 B. waveguide assembly
C. Group 3 The maximum frequency deviation of an C. pair of TR/ATR tubes
D. Group 4 FM cellular transmitter is D. pair of sharp bandpass filters
A. 6 kHz
Group 3 fax uses which modulation? B. 12 kHz The time from the transmission of a
A. QAM C. 30 kHz radar pulse to its reception is 0.12 ms.
B. FSK D. 45 kHz The distance to the target is how many
C. Vestigial sideband AM nautical miles?
D. FM The maximum output power of a cellular A. 4.85 nmi
transmitter is B. 9.7 nmi
Most fax printers are of which type? A. 4.75 mW C. 11.2 nmi
A. impact B. 1.5 W D. 18.4 nmi
B. thermal C. 3 W
C. electrosensitive D. 5 W The ability of a radar to determine the
D. laser xerographic bearing to a target depends upon the
Receive channel 22 is 870.66 MHz. A. antenna directivity
Facsimile standards are set by the Receive channel 23 is B. speed of light
A. FCC A. 870.36 MHz C. speed of the target
B. DOD B. 870.63 MHz D. frequency of the signal
C. CCITT C. 870.96 MHz
D. IEEE D. 870.69 MHz
The pulse duration of a radar signal is The most common radar display is the What keeps the scanning process at the
600 ns. The PRF is 185 pulses per A. A scan receiver in step with the scanning in the
second. The duty cycle is B. color CRT picture tube at the receiver?
A. 1.1 percent C. liquid-crystal display A. nothing
B. 5.5 percent D. plan position indicator B. color burst
C. 31 percent C. sync pulses
D. 47 percent A radar antenna using multiple dipoles D. deflection oscillators
or slot antennas in a matrix with
The Doppler effect is used to produce variable phase shifters is called a(n) What is the black-and-white or
modulation of which type of radar A. A scan monochrome brightness signal in TV
signal? B. phased array called?
A. pulse C. broadside A. RGB
B. CW D. circular polarized array B. color subcarrier
C. Q and I
The Doppler effect allows which Police radars use which technique? D. luminance Y
characteristic of a target to be A. pulse
measured? B. CW What is the name of the solid-state
A. distance imaging device used in TV cameras that
B. azimuth Which of the following is a typical radar converts the light in a scene into an
C. altitude operating frequency? electrical signal?
D. speed A. 60 MHz A. CCD
B. 450 MHz B. photodiode matrix
The Doppler effect is a change in what C. 900 MHz C. vidicon
signal characteristic produced by D. 10 GHz D. MOSFET array
relative motion between the radar set
and a target? The TV signal uses which types of The I and Q composite color signals are
A. amplitude modulation for picture and sound multiplexed onto the picture carrier by
B. phase respectively? modulating a 3.58 MHz subcarrier using
C. frequency A. AM, FM A. FM
D. duty cycle B. DSB, FM B. PM
The most widely used radar transmitter D. AM, DSB D. Vestigial sideband AM
component is a
A. klystron If a TV sound transmitter has a carrier The assembly around the neck of a
B. magnetron frequency of 197.75 MHz, the picture picture tube that produces the magnetic
C. TWT carrier is fields that deflect and scan the electron
D. power transistor A. 191.75 MHz beams is called the
B. 193.25 MHz A. shadow mask
Low-power radar transmitters and C. 202.25 MHz B. phosphor
receiver LO's use which component? D. 203.75 MHz C. electron gun
A. GaAs FET D. yoke
B. magnetron The total bandwidth of an NTSC TV
C. Gunn diode signal is The picture and sound carrier
D. klystron A. 3.58 MHz frequencies in a TV receiver IF are
B. 4.5 MHz respectively
What component in a duplexer protects C. 6 MHz A. 41.25 and 45.75 MHz
the receiver from the high-power D. 10.7 MHz B. 45.75 and 41.25 MHz
transmitter output? C. 41.75 and 45.25 MHz
A. waveguide What is the total number of interlaced D. 45.25 and 41.75 MHz
B. bandpass filter scan lines in one complete frame of a
C. notch filter NTSC U.S. TV signal? The sound IF in a TV receiver is
D. spark gap A. 262 A. 4.5 MHz
B. 525 B. 10.7 MHz
Most radar antennas use a C. 480 C. 41.25 MHz
A. dipole D. 625 D. 45.75 MHz
B. broadside array
C. horn and parabolic reflector
D. collinear array
What type of circuit is used to modulate
and demodulate the color signals?
A. phase-locked loop
B. differential peak detector
C. Quadrature detector
D. balanced demodulator