Noise (Pinoybix)
Noise (Pinoybix)
Noise (Pinoybix)
A. 800 Hz
B. 1000 Hz 22. Form of interference caused by rain or dust
C. 1500 Hz storms.
D. 3400 Hz
A. Precipitation static
B. Shot-noise
16. Reference temperature use in noise analysis C. Galactic noise
D. Impulse noise
A. 75 K
B. 250 K
C. 290 K 23. At 17˚ C, the noise voltage generated by 5kΩ
D. 300 K resistor, operating over a bandwidth of 20KHz is
A. 1.3 nV
17. Which noise is produced by lighting B. 1.3 µV
discharges in thunderstorms? C. 1.3 pV
D. 1.3 mV
A. White noise
B. Extraterrestrial noise
C. Industrial noise 24. ________ is an electric noise produced by
D. Atmospheric noise thermal agitation of electrons in conductor and
A. Non-intrinsic figure
B. Noise improvement factor
25. Three identical circuits having 10 dB signal 31. Atmospheric noise is known as
noise-to-noise ratio each are connected in _______noise.
tandem with each other, what is the overall S/N?
A. static
A. 5.23 dB B. cosmic
B. 14.77dB C. solar
C. 30 dB D. lunar
D. 40 dB
A. ˚C + 273
27. Is the interference coming from other B. ˚C + 75
communications channels? C. ˚C + 19
D. ˚C + 290
A. Jitter
B. Crosstalk
C. RFI 34. If bandwidth is doubled, the signal power is
D. EMI _________.
A. not changed
28. What is the reference noise level? B. quadrupled
C. tripled
A. 10 pW D. doubled
B. 0 dBm
C. 1mW
D. -90 dBm 35. Name one or more sources of noise bearing
on electronic communications.
A. Apply shielding and filtering where 45. Reading a 58 dBrn, at a +7 test point is equal
necessary to ________ dBa0.
B. Insulate a all plain sheet metal surfaces
from each other A. 26
C. Apply anti-static spray liberally to all B. 65
nonmetallic C. 51
D. Install filter capacitors in series with all dc D. 46
A. 24 A. -90 dBm
B. 12 B. -82 dBm
C. 23 C. -67 dBm
D. 32 D. -85 dBm
52. A measurement of -75 dBm, C-message 58. What is the reference tone level for dBrn?
weighted, would be _________ dBrnc.
A. -90 dBm
A. 8 B. -82 dBm
B. 7 C. -67 dBm
C. 9 D. -85 dBm
D. 15
54. At what power level does a 1 KHz tone cause A. above 30 MHz
zero interference (144 weighted)? B. below 30 MHz
C. above 3000 kHz
A. 90 dB D. below 3000kHz
B. 90 dBm
61. Indicate the noise whose sources are in 66. Indicate the false statement.
category different from that of the other three?
A. HF mixer are generally noisier than HF
A. Solar noise amplifiers.
B. Cosmic noise B. Impulse noise voltage is dependent on
C. Atmospheric noise bandwidth
D. Galactic noise C. Thermal noise is independent of the
frequency at which is measured.
D. Industrial noise is usually of the impulse
62. Indicate the false statement. type.
A. 8760 Ω
B. 875 Ω 75. A receiver connected to an antenna whose
C. 8.76 Ω resistance is 50 Ω has an equivalent noise
D. 0.876 Ω resistance of 30Ω. Calculate its equivalent noise
temperature if the noise figure is equal to 1.6.
A. Shot noise
72. Indicate the false statement. Noise figure is B. Transit-time noise
defined as C. Thermal agitation
D. Skin effect
A. the ratio of the S/N power supplied at the
input terminal of a receiver or amplifier to
the S/N power supplied to the output or load 77. Which of the following is not a source of
resistor external noise?
B. noise factor expressed in decibels
C. an unwanted form of energy tending to
A. Thermal agitation
interfere with the proper and easy reception
B. Auto ignition
and reproduction of wanted signals
C. The sun
D. S/N of an ideal system divided by S/N at
D. Fluorescent lights
the output of the receiver or amplifier under
test, both working at the same temperature
over the same bandwidth and fed from the
same source 78. Noise can be reduced by
A. 39.4
B. 3.94 79. Noise at the input to the receiver can be as
C. 394 high as several
D. 0.394
A. microvolts
B. milivolts
74. Calculate the noise figure of the receiver C. volts
whose RF amplifier has an input resistance of D. kilo volts
1000Ω and an equivalent shot-noise resistance of
80. Which circuit contributes most of the noise in 86. The square of the thermal noise voltage
a receiver? generated by a resistor is proportional to
81. Which noise figure represents the lowest 87. Noise occurring in the presence of signal
noise in receiver? resulting from a mismatch between the exact
value of an analog signal and the closet available
A. 1.6 dB quantizing step in a digital coder.
B. 2.1 dB
C. 2.7 dB A. Quantizing noise
D. 3.4 dB B. Thermal noise
C. Impulse noise
D. Crosstalk
82. The transistor with the lowest noise figure in
the microwave region is a
88. Noise consisting of irregular pulses of short
A. MOSFET duration and relatively high amplitude,
B. Dual-gate MOSFET
C. JFET A. Quantizing noise
D. MESFET B. Tone interference
C. Impulse noise
D. Cross talk
83. What is the noise voltage across a 300Ω
input resistance to a TV set with a 6MHz
bandwidth and temperature of 30˚C? 89. Noise that occurs via capacitive or inductive
coupling in a cable.
A. 2.3 µV
B. 3.8 µV A. Crosstalk
C. 5.5 µV B. Quantizing noise
D. 5.4 µV C. Reference noise
D. Tone interference
92. ___________ is device that measures the 98. What do you call the noise coming from the
internal open circuit voltage of an equivalent sun and stars?
noise generator having an impedance of 600Ω
and delivering noise power to a 600 Ω load. A. Black-body noise
B. Space noise
A. Psophometer C. Galactic noise
B. Barometer D. All of these
C. Reflectometer
D. Voltmeter
99. The major cause of atmospheric or static
noise are
93. External noise originating outside the solar
system A. Thunderstorms
B. Airplanes
A. Cosmic noise C. Meteor showers
B. Solar noise D. All of these
C. Thermal noise
D. Lunar noise
100. Which of the following low noise transistors
is commonly used at microwave frequencies?
94. A noise whose source is within the solar
system. A. MOSFET
A. Solar noise C. MESFET
B. Thermal noise D. JFET
C. Cosmic noise
D. Johnson Noise
101. An amplifier operating over a 2 MHz
bandwidth has a 80 ohms input resistance. It is
operating at 27 degree Celsius, has a voltage
95. The total noise power present in a 1-Hz
gain of 200 and input signal of 6 microvolts rms.
bandwidth .
Calculate the output rms noise.
A. Noise density
a. 325.6 millivolts
B. Noise figure
b. 0.326 millivolts
C. Noise limit
c. 32.55 microvolts
D. Noise intensity
d. d. 0.3255 microvolts
a. Lightning discharge
A. Use redundancy
b. Solar eruptions
B. Increase transmitted power
c. Distant stars
C. Reduce signaling rate
d. Arc discharges in electrical machines
D. Increase channel bandwidth
a. 800 Hz
b. 1500 Hz 134. Noise from random acoustic or electric noise
c. 3400 Hz that has equal per cycle over a specified total
d. 1000 Hz frequency band
a. Thermal noise
129. A three-stage amplifier is to have an overall b. White noise
noise temperature no greater than 70 K. The c. Gaussian noise
overall gain of the amplifier is to be at least 45 d. All of these
dB. The amplifier is to be built by adding a low-
noise first stage with existing characteristics as
follows: stage 2 has 20 dB power gain and 3 dB 135. A transistor amplifier has a measured S/N
noise figure. Stage 3 has 15 dB power gain and 6 power of 100 at its input and 20 at its output.
dB noise figure. Calculate the maximum noise Determine the noise figure of the transistor.
figure (in dB) that the first stage can have.
a. 14 dB
a. 0.267 dB b. 7 dB
b. 0.56 dB c. -6 dB
c. 1.235 dB d. -3 dB
d. 0.985 dB
a. 7 dB
140. Two resistors, R1 and R2 have temperatures b. 21 dB
of 300 K and 400 K, respectively. What is the c. 14 dB
noise power if the two resistors are connected in d. 3.5 dB
series at 10 MHz bandwidth?
a. 96.6 fW 146. What do you call the noise coming from the
b. 55.2 fW sun and stars?
c. 41.4 fW
d. 88.36 fW a. Black-body noise
b. Space noise
c. Galactic noise
141. Determine the shot noise for a diode with a d. All of these
forward bias of 1.40 mA over an 80 kHz
bandwidht. (q = 1.6×10 raised to minus 9 C)
147. A satellite has a noise figure of 1.6 dB. Find
a. 6 nA its equivalent noise temperature.
b. 3 mA
c. 12 nA a. 139 K
d. 15 nA b. 192 K
c. 291 K
d. 129 K
142. The total noise power present in a 1 – Hz
148. What is the primary cause of atmospheric
a. Noise density noise?
b. Noise figure
c. Noise limit a. Thunderstorm
d. Noise intensity b. Lightning
c. Thunderstorm and lightning
d. Weather condition
143. An amplifier with an overall gain of 20 dB is
impressed with a signal whose power level is 1
watt. Calculate the output power in dBm.
149. In a microwave communications system, 155. Noise that is produced by the active
determine the noise power in dBm for an components within the receiver.
equivalent noise bandwidth of 10 MHz.
a. Thermal
a. -104 dBm b. External
b. -114 dBm c. Internal
c. -94 dBm d. White
d. -174 dBm
a. 11 years a. Shot
b. 10 years b. Impulse
c. 9 years c. Thermal
d. 8 years d. Dynamic
a. 3 dB
a. 0.01
b. 9 dB
b. 0.1
c. 10 dB
c. 10
d. 6 dB
d. 100
a. 10 volts/volt
b. 100 volts/volt 159. _____ Noise is the most prevalent noise
c. 1000 volts/volt found in urban areas and is normally caused by
d. 10,000 volts/volt the arc discharge from automobile or aircraft
ignition systems, induction motors, switching
gears, high voltage lines and the like.
154. ______ is mathematically equal to the
logarithm to the base ten of the power ratio P1 a. Industrial
over P2. b. Johnson
c. Flicker
a. bel d. Mixer
b. dB
c. bel/10
d. dB/2
160. The noise figure of a totally noiseless device 166. If a network connected in series have a gain
is of -0.5 dB, -0.3dB, -2dB and 6.8dB, the overall
gain is
a. Unity
b. Infinity a. 2 dB
c. Zero b. –2 dB
d. 100 c. 4 dB
d. –4 dB
a. Shot a. 464°K
b. Random b. 754°K
c. Impulse c. 400°K
d. Transmit time d. 174°K
165. The input current of a network is 190 µA 171. A theoretical antenna has a gain of 1dB. Its
and the output is 1.3 µA. The loss in decibels is gain in nepers is
a. 20.2 a. 8.686
b. 21.6 b. 0.1151
c. 28.6 c. 6.868
d. 43.3 d. 0.5111
172. What is the equivalent output of a circuit in 178. _____ is the noise created outside the
dBm, if it has an output of 10 watts? receiver.
a. 10 dBm a. Internal
b. 30 dBm b. External
c. 20 dBm c. Shot
d. 40 dBm d. Industrial
173. An amplifier with an input resistance of 179. _____ is the noise created by man.
1000 ohms is operating over a 4 MHz bandwidth.
Calculate the rms voltage if the amplifier is a. Solar
operating at 27 °C. b. Industrial
c. Extraterrestrial
a. 8.14 nV d. Galactic
b. 8.14 uV
c. 6.6 nV
d. 6.6 uV 180. A voltage change that is equal to twice its
original value correspond to a change of
a. dB
176. Any unwanted form of energy that tends to b. dBm
interfere with the wanted signal is called c. dBw
d. dBk
a. Noise
b. Spectrum
c. Radiation 183. In noise analysis, the reference temperature
d. Absorption is
a. 75 K
177. The correct symbol for decibel is b. 250 K
c. 290 K
a. DB d. 300 K
b. dB
c. Db
d. db
184. Noise from distant panels, stars, galaxies 190. The noise power generated by a resistor is
and other celestial objects are called proportional to
a. Cosmic a. Temperature
b. Extraterrestrial b. Bandwidth
c. Galactic c. a and b
d. Black body d. NOTA
185. Indicate which one of the following types of 191. Thermal noise is also known as
noise does not occur in transistors
a. Gaussian Noise
a. Shot noise b. White Noise
b. Flicker noise c. Johnson noise
c. Partition noise d. All of the above
d. Resistance noise
188. Indicate the false statement. The square of 194. Impulse Noise is
the thermal noise voltage generated by a resistor
is proportional to a. A function of current
b. A shot duration pulse
a. Its resistance c. Dependent of frequency
b. Its temperature d. Dependent of temperature
c. Boltzmann’s Constant
d. The bandwidth over which it is measured
195. When the power ratio of the output to input
of a circuit is 200. What is the gain in dB?
189. In a communication system, noise is likely
to affect the signal a. 23
b. 46
a. At the transmitter c. –23
b. In the channel d. –46
c. In the information source
d. At the destination
196. What is the reference level for random noise 202. If a power of 0.25 mW is launched into a
measurement, FIA weighted? fiber system with an overall loss of 15 dB the
output power would be:
a. –82 dBm
b. –90 dBm a. 250 µ/W
c. –85 dBm b. 31.6 µW
d. – 77 dBm c. 7.9 µW
d. 15 dBm
a. 1.39 dBm
a. Noise
b. -4.3 dBm
b. Aliasing
c. 1 dBm
c. Distortion
d. -13 dBm
d. Interference
208. Signal attenuation can be corrected by 214. Atmospheric or static noise becomes less
severe at frequencies
a. Filtering
b. Modulation a. Below 30 KHz
c. Equalization b. Between 30 KHz and 300 KHz
d. Amplification c. Between 300 KHz and 30 MHz
d. Above 30 MHz
a. line resistance
231. NIF stands for b. Infinite
c. Less than 1
a. Non-intrinsic figure d. Greater than 1
b. Noise interference figure
c. Noise improvement factor
d. Narrow intermediate frequency 238. The noise generated by the tube, transistor
or integrated circuit in an amplifier.
235. Industrial noise is observable from 241. The amount of power in dB referred to one
a. 15 to 160 MHz
b. 200 to 3000 MHz a. dBW
c. 0 to 10 kHz b. dBk
d. 8 Mhz to 1.43 GHz c. dBm
d. Dbv
a. 0 dB
243. The frequency range wherein noise is said to c. Spike
be intense. d. Noise floor
a. Noise quieting
244. Refers to the temperature that corresponds b. Noise limiting
to the spectral energy distribution of a noise. c. Noise suppression
d. Noise degradation
a. Absolute temperature
b. Temperature band
c. Noise-equivalent temperature 250. Noise generated within electronic equipment
d. Critical temperature by either passive or active components.
a. Shot noise
245. A passive circuit, usually consisting of b. Thermal noise
capacitance and/or inductance, that I inserted in c. Circuit noise
series with the a-c power cord of an electronic d. External noise
device which will allow the 60-Hz current to pass
and suppressed high frequency noise
a. Noise filter
b. Noise limiter
c. Noise floor
d. Noise quieting
a. Noise figure
b. Minimum noise
c. Reference noise
d. Noise floor
a. Noise floor
b. Noise filter
c. Noise limiter
d. Noise clamper
a. Pulse
b. Noise pulse