Go Gate 2002
Go Gate 2002
Go Gate 2002
Table 1. Comparison of the Results Obtained for Different Approaches Used in the Present Work
approach experimental conditions results and comments
US irradiation seven different combinations of multiple frequencies are better as compared
frequencies, experiment with the to single frequencies; the presence of air
presence of air also increases the extent of degradation by
providing additional nuclei; the maximum
degradation achieved by US alone in the
presence of air is around 6.5%
hydrogen peroxide concentration of 0.5 mL/L, additional hydrogen peroxide does not oxidize formic acid
experiment with TiO2 catalyst (1.65% destruction in 90 min); stirring in
and stirring the presence of TiO2 (500 ppm concentration)
increases degradation to 6.3%
US irradiation + all of the frequencies operating and a percentage degradation is almost double as
hydrogen peroxide hydrogen peroxide loading of 0.5 mL/L compared to individual techniques,
confirming the release of free radicals due
to dissociation of hydrogen peroxide
photocatalytic different initial concentrations of acid rate decreases with an increase in the initial
oxidation and catalyst TiO2 in the range of concentration of pollutant and shows optima
100-1000 ppm with respect to the catalyst concentration
at 500 ppm; maximum percentage degradation
is observed at 500 ppm catalyst loading and
100 ppm acid initial concentration
US irradiation + 100 ppm acid concentration, 500 ppm results better than the individual techniques
UV irradiation of catalyst, all frequencies operating for larger treatment periods; simultaneous
for US irradiation and UV irradiation; irradiation gives better results as compared
two different methods of sequential to sequential operation (30% more degradation);
and simultaneous irradiations dependency of synergism between the two
techniques on time of operation, more synergistic
at higher treatment times
US + UV + 100 ppm acid concentration, 500 ppm best treatment approach with maximum
hydrogen peroxide of catalyst, all frequencies operating percentage degradation achieved as 55%
for US irradiation and UV irradiation in 90 min of treatment time; more enhanced
(simultaneous way); addition of generation of free radicals due to faster
hydrogen peroxide in the range of dissociation of hydrogen peroxide under the
0.1-0.5 mL/L) combined action of ultrasound and UV light
5. Conclusions
Destruction of formic acid was found to be more for
Figure 9. Results for the hybrid technique of UV/US/hydrogen
the operation with multiple frequencies for US irradia-
tion alone as compared to operation with a single
mL/L, whereas for the degradation of Cuprophenyl frequency and was further enhanced by aeration.
Yellow RL, the optimum loading of hydrogen peroxide Photocatalytic oxidation of formic acid was observed
was reported to be 0.1 mL/L.33 The operating conditions to increase with an increase in the catalyst concentra-
used in the experimentation of Poon et al.33 and Fung tion until an optimum value of 500 ppm, whereas a
et al.37 are US transducers operating at 340 kHz lower initial concentration of formic acid gives better
frequency and UV radiations with a power input of 66 results. It must be kept in mind that this optimum
W (six tubes of 11 W each), whereas in the present case, concentration will be different for the hybrid technique.
the frequencies of operation are 20 + 30 + 50 kHz and Net degradation (Ct/C0) has been correlated with these
a power input of 8 W for UV light. Thus, the rate as two parameters, indicating the type of correlations to
well as the number of formation of hydroxyl radicals be developed using the data available in laboratory-scale
will be much higher in the case of Poon et al.33 and Fung studies, which will then be used in the design of large-
et al.37 because of more severe conditions as compared scale reactors.
to the present case, and hence the optimum concentra- The common optimum conditions for the two tech-
tion of hydrogen peroxide (beyond which the scavenging niques of US irradiation and photocatalytic oxidation
action of hydrogen peroxide and the recombination of coupled with the similarity in the mechanism of de-
free radicals are dominant52) will be lower. In the struction and cleaning of photocatalyst due to the
present case, we have found no decrease in the extent turbulence generated by acoustic streaming make way
of degradation with an increase in the hydrogen per- for the development of sonophotochemical reactors.
oxide loading in the range of 0.1-0.5 mL/L. Thus, it can Three important factors, viz., fragmentation of the
be said that the optimum loading of hydrogen peroxide catalyst under the action of ultrasound leading to an
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