B.Tech. Final Year Project Work: Dipanwita Mondal
B.Tech. Final Year Project Work: Dipanwita Mondal
B.Tech. Final Year Project Work: Dipanwita Mondal
Dipanwita Mondal
Chemical Engineering
University College of
Science and Technology
University of Calcutta
Associate Professor
University Collage of Science and Technology
University of Calcutta
I would like to thank Ms. Amrita Dutta, Mr. Anirban Roy, Research Scholars
working in the laboratory, for providing me with their guidance and useful
suggestions as well as explaining the minute - details during carrying out the
project work.
Dipanwita Mondal
Industrial wastewater containing non-biodegradable organic pollutants can be treated by
advanced oxidation processes (AOP) such as Fenton’s reaction involving hydroxyl free
like light or ultrasound, the efficacy of Fenton’s reaction in enhanced by orders of magnitude.
The advantage of ultrasound over light is that, the reactor configuration is comparatively
simple and sono-Fenton reaction can be accomplished with turbid or dark-coloured effluent
The present project aims at the study of efficacy of the combined process of acoustic
cavitation and Fenton’s reaction for the treatment of wastewater containing organic dye
pollutant. In this project work Trypan Blue, an azo dye will be degraded by sono-Fenton
oxidation in a batch reactor placed in a bath type sonicator. Effect of changing various
process parameters such as concentrations of FeSO4 and H2O2, pH of the medium and initial
comparing with ordinary Fenton’s reaction. A kinetic model will be proposed and the
performance will be compared with reactions under sunlight and probe-type sonicator.
1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................4
2. Literature Review............................................................................................................................5
5. Results
expose ourselves and the environment to numerous possible dangers from the
unknown types of pollutants, which are not only toxic but also non-
life is raised from waste water effluent, discharged unscrupulously from large
water. Fresh water resources all over the world are threatened by over
use water are discharged into the aquatic environment without any
treatment. Thus, the waste water generated from different activities contains
major problem particularly those with known carcinogenic [1] and mutagenic
[2] properties. Waste water from the textile industry contained large amount
of dyes which possess a great danger to o u r ecosystem [3]. Thus the innovative
procedures are needed to deal with the wide range of organic contaminants.
Several physical [4-7], chemical [8-11] and biological [12-15] methods are
available for the treatment of textile waste water; however, drawback of most
and also they lack from a broad scope of treatment efficiency needed to reduce
and/or mineralise dyes in waste water. The traditional waste water treatment
adsorption are based on phase transfer mechanism. Biological treatment is not also suitable
due to the biological resistivity of some dyes. So, it is necessary to develop some effective
processes e.g. Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) for complete degradation of the dyes.
Advanced oxidation processes, which involve the in situ generation of highly potent
chemical oxidants such as the hydroxyl radical (OH•), have recently emerged as an
important class of technologies for accelerating the oxidation and destruction of a wide
range of organic contaminants in polluted water and air [16, 17]. AOP when applied on a
right place, give a good opportunity to reduce the contaminant concentration from several
hundreds ppm to less than 5 ppb. That is why they are called “the treatment processes of the
[18] and complex [19] molecules from low to high toxicity levels, polluting
the aquatic life and the environment have been successfully degraded by the
contribute not only to the oxidation of organic pollutants by free radicals, but
also provide a basis of the thermal decomposition of the given substance in the
gaseous phase [20]. In the past several years, ultrasound has been utilized extensively for
the removal/degradation of organic pollutants from waste water [21-28]. Several sonolysis
studies conducted with chemicals addition such as Fenton's reagent with three states of iron
(i.e., Fe0, Fe2+ and Fe3+) have proven the improvement of pollutant degradation [29-33].
Although the efficiencies of these hybrid techniques are significantly greater, their
method for the continuous remediation of aqueous organic compounds and non-
theory, optimal operating conditions, and future research challenges, will definitely improve
its real-time application for the treatment of wastewaters or effluent containing organic
The present project aims at the study of efficacy of the combined process of acoustic
cavitation and Fenton’s reaction for the treatment of wastewater containing organic dye
In this project work Trypan Blue, an azo dye will be degraded by sono-Fenton
Process parameters to be studied are pH, dosing of Fenton’s reagent and initial
methods in APHA.
A kinetic model will be proposed and the performance will be compared with
3. Literature review
Oxidation is defined as the transfer of one or more electrons from an electron donor
(reductant) to an electron acceptor (oxidant), which has a higher affinity for electrons. These
electron transfers result in the chemical transformation of both the oxidant and the reductant,
in some cases producing chemical species with an odd number of valence electrons. These
species, known as radicals, tend to be highly unstable and, therefore, highly reactive because
one of their electrons is unpaired. Oxidation reactions that produce radicals tend to be
followed by additional oxidation reactions between the radical oxidants and other reactants
(both organic and inorganic) until thermodynamically stable oxidation products The most
powerful oxidants are fluorine, hydroxyl radicals (OH•), ozone and chlorine with oxidation
potentials of 2.85, 2.70, 2.07 and 1.49 electron volts, respectively [34]. The ability of an
oxidant to initiate chemical reactions is measured in terms of its oxidation potential. The end
carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). AOPs involve the two stages of oxidation as
mentioned above: Firstly, the formation of strong oxidants (e.g., hydroxyl radicals) and then
the reaction of these oxidants with organic contaminants in water. However, the term
advanced oxidation process refers specifically to the process in which oxidation of organic
contaminants occurs primarily through reactions with hydroxyl radicals [16-17]. In water
treatment applications, AOPs usually refer to a specific subset of processes that involve O3,
H2O2, and/or UV light. However, in this analysis, AOPs will be used to refer to a more
general group of processes that also include ZnO catalysis, cavitations, E-beam irradiation,
and Fenton’s reaction. All of these processes can produce hydroxyl radicals, which can react
with and destroy a wide range of organic contaminants, including MTBE. Although a number
of the processes noted above may have other mechanisms for destroying organic
hydroxyl radicals.
generate OH radical at a higher rate and hence become more effective compared to the non-
energized ones.
A brief review below will summarize the trends of recent research on energy assisted,
Fenton’s reagent a mixture of ferrous iron (catalyst) and hydrogen peroxide (oxidizing agent),
has been known to be a powerful oxidant for organic contaminants. The mechanism of the
i.e. RH is oxidized by OH• during radical chain reaction as proposed by Perkowski et al. [35]
The kinetic chain in the reactions between the radicals [36] is terminated according to
following reaction
Radicals R• and RO2• also recombine and then gets terminated by following chain reaction:
3.2.2 A few papers on Fenton and Photo-Fenton processes are reviewed below:
3.2.a. Discoloration of Azo Dye Acid Red 18 by Fenton Reagent in the Presence of Iron
Barbusiński and Majewski studied the Fenton process by using alternative iron source.
They used iron powder and Acid red 18 dye as sample solution. In a glass reactor with
magnetic stirrer the solution is vigorously mixed with iron powder of different doses at acidic
pH maintained by H2SO4 added externally. They also varied the hydrogen peroxide
concentration and used NaOH to maintain the pH at 9 and further generation of OH•. Then
the sample solution is centrifuged at 3000 rpm and finally studied under maximum
wavelength 510 nm at UV-VIS spectrophotometer. They found that commercial azo dye
solution of concentration 100 mg/dm3 can be completely decolorized by 60 mg/dm 3 H2O2 and
50 mg/dm3 Fe powder at optimum pH 3. The smaller amount of iron powder requires longer
reaction time. This reaction is very sensitive at pH in between 2.5-3.5. Beyond the pH range a
further the final pH increases hence requirement of smaller doses of base for final
neutralization of waste water. Moreover, the same iron powder can be used repeatedly in the
process. It was also found that the time of dissolution of iron powder at acidic conditions
(before H2O2 was added) is an important parameter that influences the rate of discoloration
time. A longer time of iron powder dissolution caused a higher amount of Fe2+ ions in
solution and in consequence, a larger amount of hydroxyl radicals is generated in the system.
Thus, the oxidation kinetic of Acid Red 18 in the H2O2/Fe0 process is more effective.
homogeneous and heterogeneous Fenton and UV/Fenton processes; Papi´c, S., Vujevic,
Papi´c et al studied Organic dyes: Cibacron Yellow R (C.I. Reactive Yellow 3, RY3),
Cibacron Blue 3G (C.I. Reactive Blue 2, RB2) and Cibacron Violet 2R (C.I. reactive violet
2). Fe powder and FeSO4, 7H2O and 30% H2O2 were used as Fenton reagent. 100 mg/l dye
solutions are examined under λmax= 390 nm for RY3, λmax = 620 nm for RB2 and λmax =
550nm for RV2. Dye solutions were also characterized on the basis of TOC (total organic
carbon) and pH parameters. The reactive dyes are mineralized and decolorized by using
Experiments are performed with different dose of homogeneous and heterogeneous Fenton
reagent under UV radiation at pH 3.0 using H2SO4 or NaOH solutions. In the 90 min process
In both homogeneous (Fe2+/H2O2) and heterogeneous (Fe0/H2O2) Fenton processes, initial iron
and hydrogen peroxide concentrations and initial molar ratios of iron to hydrogen peroxide is
equally important with the characteristic of each azo dye. The employment of the UV lamp
3.2.c. Treatment of textile dyeing waste water by photo oxidation using UV/H 2O2/Fe+2
Sahunin et al. have shown that waste water treatment from textile industry was carried
out at room temperature in a batch reactor by photo Fenton Oxidation process. By employing
ferrous ion concentration (0-100 mg/lit), UV power (0-220 W), initial pH of the solution (1-
7) the effects on chemical oxygen demand (C.O.D) and colour removal was observed. The
optimum condition was found to be at Ph 3, [Fe +2] = 80 mg/lit, [H2O2] = 200 mg/lit, 60 W
UV-power, 5 to 10 minutes operating time. At this optimum condition 52% and 90% of
C.O.D and colour were removed respectively. When the treatment process was finished a
small amount of sludge of textile dye was generated (5.8 x 10-5 kg.kg C.O.D-1) compared with
the conventional anaerobic process (0.611±0.33 kg.kg COD -1) [69]. In presence of
heterogeneous photo catalyst, (e.g. TiO2) the percentage removal of C.O.D and colour is
Acid Red G azo dye; Surpateanu, M., Zaharia, C., (2004) [40]
Surpatean et al. have investigated the de-colorization of Acid Red G azo dye by photo
oxidation with hydrogen peroxide. The influence of pH, oxidant conc., presence of ferrous
increased rapidly due to higher production of OH•. And the mechanism is suggested as
They also studied that after 10 minutes of irradiation, the decolonization was 89.16% in the
acid medium, 81.03% in the neutral medium and 82.48% in the alkaline medium. They also
studied that the addition of ferrous ion in UV/H 2O2system increases the generation of highly
reactive hydroxyl ion and hence the rate of dye de-colorization is increased. This catalytic
effect can be described by the generation of supplementary hydroxyl radical in addition to the
minutes of photo oxidation the degree of de-colorization was greater than 99 % in the
3.2.e. Oxidation of acidic dye Eosin Y by the solar Photo-Fenton processes; Zheng, H.,
Zheng et al. have studied oxidation of acidic dye Eosin Y with Fenton process and photo
Fenton process (solar light or artificial light source). The percent of degradation was
approximately double in photo-Fenton than in Fenton process in artificial light source and
reduce the operation cost. The degradation of dye depends on the concentration of dye, pH,
conc. of ferrous sulfate and H2O2 etc. Higher the concentration of Eosin Y, lower is the
degradation efficiency. It was also studied that oxalic could improve the photo catalytic
efficiency in the solar Fenton process by absorbing greater energy as well as adjusting pH at
optimum (3.5) which reduces the operation cost . They also proposed the following reaction
3.2.f. Treatment of Textile Dyeing Wastewater by Hydrogen Peroxide and Ferrous Ions;
Perkowski et al. studied the waste water collected from dyeing of cotton,
polyacrylonitrile and polyester. It was characterized by strong or very strong colour, COD,
BOD and content of anionic detergents. Waste water was treated by means of coagulation
with the use of Fenton reagent containing ferrous salts (FeSO4 × 7H2O, FeCl2 × 4H2O).
They found that the COD and CT reduction is much higher with ferrous sulphate than
chloride salt in all types of waste water studied. Addition of H 2O2 in an optimum
concentration increases the efficiency of the reagent except the waste of polyester dye. As far
as the other parameters, i.e. dry residue and soluble substances, are concerned, no significant
changes are found and the final pH of the solution is decreased. the increase of the treated
wastewater susceptibility to biodegradation is found. Along with all other experiment they
also conclude that the process efficiency can increase several times by addition of hydrogen
3.2.g. Chemical oxidation of C. I. Reactive Red 2 using Fenton like reactions; Dutta, K.,
Red 2 dye by hydroxyl radicals generated by hydrogen peroxide and ferrous ion in aqueous
media. The effects of initial conc. of the dye, hydrogen peroxide, ferrous ion, pH of the
solution, reaction temperature, added electrolytes on the degradation has been studied.
Catalysts Containing Fe: A Comparative Study; Feng, J., Hu, X.,Yue, P.L., (2004) [44]
Feng et al. studied the photo Fenton discoloration and mineralization of 0.2 mM Orange
FeOOH (denoted as FeOOH-M). They observed the discoloration and mineralization at two
different pH, 3.0 and 6.6.The results showed that the photocatalytic activity of the different
8 W of UVC at an initial solution pH of 3.0 followed the order Fe-B > FeOOH, FeOOH-M >
R-Fe2O3. For mineralization activity the catalysts were followed the same order at same
condition. In the absence of any catalyst there were no mineralization was observed where as
complete discoloration was done. This phenomenon can be expressed as long live colorless
intermediate formation. At higher pH for discoloration and mineralization the catalysts were
followed the same order but the rate was slower. The heterogeneous photo Fenton reaction
was mainly responsible for the discoloration and mineralization of Orange II and no
significant homogeneous photo-Fenton was observed due to the negligible Fe concentration
Ultrasound are waves at frequencies above those within the hearing range
of average person, i.e., at frequencies above 16 kHz (16,000 cycles per second).
adiabatic compression and rarefaction of the liquid media that being irradiated. In
the rarefaction part of the ultrasonic wave (when the liquid is unduly stretched or
liquid or gas that was previously dissolved in the liquid. The micro-bubbles can be
either stable about their average size for many cycles or transient when they
grow to certain size and violently collapse or implode during the compression part
of the wave. The energy put into the liquid to create the micro-voids is released in
this part of the wave, creating high local pressures up to 1000 atm and high
the bubble formation and collapse is simply called cavitation or (“cold boiling”) or
Fenton reaction can be accelerated by application of sound, which is called sono Fenton
reaction. Use of ultrasonic sound gives faster rates and higher degrees of mineralization
comparing to conventional Fenton process, which can significantly reduce the operational
cost of the treatment. Sono-Fenton oxidation generates two mechanisms to degrade organic
compounds: (1) reaction with ·OH and (2) thermal cleavage. During sonication, extremely
high temperature and pressure are generated with the collapse of the cavitation bubbles,
which causes the rupture of O-H bond and results in the formation of ·OH (Equation (27)),
The effects of sonolysis arise mainly from acoustic cavitation, namely the formation, growth,
and implosive collapse of bubbles in a liquid, which produces unusual chemical and physical
environments. The collapse of bubbles generates localized “hot spots” with transient
temperature of about 5,000 K and the pressure about 64 x 10 4 kPa. During collapse, gas
molecules are thermally fragmented to generate a variety of reactive species, including OH·.
pyrolysis degradation. The generated OH· can react with organic compounds and mineralize
them to carbon dioxide and water (Equation (29)) [54]. As the Fenton's reagent is added, OH·
can be easily produced (Equation (30)) and the Fe2+ is oxidized to Fe3+. Then the Fe3+ will
react with H2O2 to produce a complex intermediate (Fe-OOH2+) as shown in equation (31).
Although the Fe-OOH2+ can be decomposed to Fe2+ and ·OOH (Equation (32)), the reaction
rate is much lower [55-57]. When the sono-Fenton process is applied to organic pollutant
degradation, a synergetic effect between Fenton's reagent and ultrasound takes place, which
spontaneously decomposes Fe-OOH2+ to Fe2+ and ·OOH (Equation (33)). This isolated Fe2+
can react subsequently with H2O2, produce OH· again and thus, establish a cyclic mechanism.
The combination of ultrasound and Fenton's reagent not only enhances the reaction rate of
Fe2+ isolation from Fe-OOH2+ but also accelerates the formation of OH by the reaction
as the sono-Fenton process is carried out for the degradation of organic pollutants, two
mechanisms such as (1) more OH• are produced than sole ultrasound or Fenton process to
react and oxidize the organic pollutant, and (2) thermal cleavage oxidation in ultrasonic
cavitational bubbles takes place so that the degradation efficiency of organic pollutants can
be improved. The major parameters affecting Fenton process are solution pH, amount of
ferrous ions, and concentration of H2O2, initial concentration of the pollutant and presence of
other ions. As the optimum pH value is in between 2 and 4, the waste water pH is adjusted
accordingly before treatment. Increase of ferrous ions and H2O2 concentration results to an
increase of degradation rate. As the H2O2 is toxic to several microorganisms, the use of
excess amounts of H2O2 could possibly deteriorate overall degradation efficiency of Fenton
bromide and chloride ions may be due to precipitation of iron, scavenging of HO• or
coordination to dissolved Fe(III) to form a less reactive complex. Though Fenton processes
requires acidic conditions, interference by substances that complex iron ions, produce iron
oxide sludge, the Fenton and sono Fenton processes have been used for the treatment of
several types of waste water including those produced in dye manufacture, pulp bleaching,
physicochemical properties of the solvent, solute or gas in the bubble can have
dramatic effect on the cavitational collapse. Cavities are more readily formed
when using solvents with high vapor pressure (VP), low viscosity (µ), and low
solvents of opposite characteristics (i.e., low VP; high µ, σ, and density ρ). The
intermolecular forces in the liquid must be overcome in order to form the bubbles.
Thus, solvents with high densities, surface tensions, and viscosities generally
have higher threshold for cavitation but more harsh conditions once cavitation
begins. There are several properties of gases that can affect sono chemical
activities. The heat capacity ratio (Cp/Cv) or polytropic ratio (γ) of the gas in the
bubble affects the amount of heat released and hence, the final temperature
3.3.4.a. Sono-Fenton process to remove COD in palm oil mill effluent; M.R. Taha, A.H.
Taha et al investigated that in the conventional Fenton process, FeSO4 is used as the major
source of Fe2+. In the process, the degradation of organic pollutants occurs through silent
mode. Enhancement of the Fenton process can be made through utilization of the Nano zero-
valent iron (nZVI) particle and ultrasound. In this work, we studied the characteristics of the
nZVI particle and the effect of ultrasound on the efficiency of the Fenton process. The nZVI
particle has an average size of 49 nm and consists of two layers, the outer of which is
comprised mostly of iron oxides (i.e. FeO), while the inner part is the elemental iron (Fe).
Production of Fe2+ by the nZVI particle is very much dependent on the pH of the solution.
Due to the presence of an iron oxide shell, the nZVI particle is only capable of producing Fe 2+
at pH 3 and below. At a higher intensity and longer sonication time, the nZVI particles were
well dispersed in the solution and thus able to produce more Fe2+ compared with FeSO4. In
addition, self production of H2O2 by nZVI and higher Fe2+ concentration in the solution
directly accelerates the removal process of COD from POME through the Fenton process. He
show that the maximum COD removal was 80% and it was achieved within 2 h instead of 24
h of silent degradation.
3.3.4.b. Degradation of reactive, acid and basic textile dyes in the presence of
competitive and far superior to many alternative approaches. Many simple and
complex molecules from low to high toxicity levels, polluting the aquatic life
contribute not only to the oxidation of organic pollutants by free radicals, but also
bubbles in liquids. Degradation of five textile dyes, namely Reactive Red 141
(RR 141), Reactive Blue 21 (RB 21), Acid Red 114 (AR 114), Acid Blue
113 (AB 113) and Basic Violet 16 (BV 16) in aqueous solution had been
carried out with ultrasound (US) and in combination with rare earth ions (La 3+
and Pr3+). Kinetic analysis of the data showed a pseudo-first order degradation
reaction for all the dyes. The rate constant (k), half life (t 1/2) and the process
of dyes (16–40 mg/L), pH (5,7 and 9) and rare earth ion concentration (4,12
and 20 mg/L) on the degradation of dyes have also been studied. The
degradation percentage increased with increasing rare earth amount and
decreased with increasing concentration of dyes. Both horn and bath type
sonicators were used at 20 kHz and 250 W for degradation. The sonochemical
degradation rate of dyes in the presence of rare earths was related to the type of
Dükkancı et al showed that removal of textile azo dye Orange II (O-II) from aqueous
solution using sonication at 850 kHz had been studied. The effects of the combined use of
Fenton type reagents and UV light with sonication were also investigated. The degree of
decolourisation of O-II increased 1.6 and 2.6-fold with the addition of ferrous sulphate alone
(i.e., in the absence of H2O2) and with the addition of Fenton reagent (Fe 2+ and H2O2),
respectively. A Fenton reagent ratio of 1:50 M of Fe 2+:H2O2 gave the best degree of
decolourisation (76.4%) and highest first order rate constant of 2.9×10 -2 min-1 under the
experimental conditions used in this study. The degree of decolourisation obtained (47.1%)
using a heterogeneous Fenton system was lower than that using the homogeneous Fenton
system (76.4%). This was probably due to the presence of suspended zeolite which reacted
with OH radicals and so prevented their recombination to form hydrogen peroxide. The
organic pollutant in wastewater because of its wide range of applications. Technologies for
PFOA treatment have recently been developed. He shows that PFOA decomposition by
ultrasound treatment (150 W, 40 kHz), with or without saturated N 2, was <25% after 4 h
reaction. The extent and rate of PFOA decomposition and defluorination efficiencies of
PFOA, however, greatly increased with the addition of carbonate radical reagents. PFOA was
and saturated N2. Without saturated N2, PFOA was also decomposed to a high (98.81%)
degree. The highest PFOA decomposition and defluorination efficiencies was observed in N2
radical was most favorable in a slightly alkaline environment (pH = 8.65) because the •CO 3-
radical concentration was low under acidic conditions, and the •CO3- radical concentration
could decay quickly by second-order reactions in highly alkaline conditions. We did not
detect any shorter-chain perfluorinated carboxylic acids in the final reaction solution and CO,
3.3.4.e. The effects of hydrogen peroxide on the sonochemical degradation of phenol and
bisphenol A; Myunghee Lim, Younggyu Son, Jeehyeong Khim et al. (2014) [62]
Lim et al showed that the degradation of phenol and bisphenol A (BPA) was enhanced
by the addition of H2O2 during sonochemical processes. For the sonochemical degradation of
phenol and BPA, the degradation ratio increased from 10% to 50% and 30% to 50% upon the
addition of H2O2 respectively. The effects of H2O2 on the sonochemical degradation of phenol
were more effective than on BPA because of the hydrophobicity of BPA. There was no
significant effect on the sonochemical degradation of phenol using 0.1, 1, or 10 mM H 2O2.
The degradation of TOC (total organic carbon) was enhanced by the addition of H 2O2 and the
effects of H2O2 were quite significant in the BPA solution compared to phenol because some
intermediates of BPA have high Kow values and a greater probability to react with the
hydroxyl radicals. The degradation ratios of TOC were lower than the degradation ratios of
phenol and BPA because some intermediates cannot readily degrade during the sonochemical
reaction. High concentrations of H2O2 can act as a radical scavenger (especially hydroxyl
3.3.4.f. Influence of sonochemical reactor diameter and liquid height on methyl orange
Okitsu, Gary Owens, Peter J. Lesniewski, Rokuro Nishimura et al. (2013) [63]
currently limits the volumes that can be treated and hence practical applications. In order to
clearly understand the relationship between the sonochemical activity and acoustic energy
attenuation, calorimetric and degradation studies using methyl orange (MO) as a contaminant
surrogate were investigated with indirect sonication at 200 kHz (transducer diameter: 65 mm)
with various cylindrical glass reactors of different diameter (20, 48, 65, 95 and 117 mm) and
liquid height (21, 58, 81 and 118 mm). He had clearly that both reactor diameter and liquid
pressure distribution within the reactor due to the transducer acoustic pressure profile, the
diameter of the reactor affected mainly attenuation of ultrasound in the radial direction, while
attenuation in the axial direction was principally influenced by reactor height. With a liquid
level of 21 mm, the overall performance of reactor D117 was better in terms of calorimetric
power, but at higher liquid levels the D95 reactor exhibited the best overall performance
other than H81 where D20 performed well. However, overall, reactor D95 with a ratio
range of liquid levels and would therefore be ideal for a wider range of applications.
3.3.4.g. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) involving ultrasound for waste water
Naresh N. Mahamuni et al was made an attempt to estimate the cost for the waste water
treatment using ultrasound. The costs have been calculated for 1000 L/min capacity treatment
plant. The costs were calculated based upon the rate constants for pollutant degradation. The
pollutants considered were phenol, trichloroethylene (TCE) and reactive azo dyes. He found
that Combination of ultrasound with different AOPs was economically more attractive than
the use of ultrasound alone for waste water treatment and US + UV + O 3 process was found
to be the most economical ultrasonic process for phenol ($89.78/1000 gallon) and US + UV +
H2O2 was found to be the most economical ultrasonic process for waste water treatment
containing reactive azo dye ($65.17/1000 gallon) and US + UV was found to be the most
phenolic aqueous solutions; Y. Segura, R. Molina, F. Martínez, J.A. Melero et al. (2009)
interesting alternative for the degradation of phenolic aqueous solutions with a total
degradation of phenol and ca. 90% of TOC reduction, approaching nearly towards complete
mineralization. The solid Fe2O3–SBA-15 catalyst used for this study evidenced a high
stability under the operation conditions of ultrasound and UV–light irradiations during both
oxidation processes; the amount of iron leached out into the resultant aqueous solution after
reaction never exceeded 4 mg/L, which is within the limits stated in the EU water legislation.
benefits of ultrasound for the partial degradation of amenable aromatic compounds towards
further oxidized by-products along with the fragmentation of catalyst to finer particles that
assessment of all processes indicated that the sequential US→UV process also shows the best
(2008) [66]
compounds such as PAHs undergo ultrasonic degradation at low frequency (20 kHz) and
high frequency (506 kHz). Pseudo-first-order rate constants of PAH degradation are linked
to the physico-chemical properties of PAHs, since higher the Henry’s constant, higher the
vapour pressure and higher the water solubility, higher the rate constants of
sonodegradation. At both frequencies, PAHs are mainly pyrolyzed within the bubble in
saturated PAH aqueous solution. The oxidation of PAHs with •OH appear as a minor way,
because of the low inhibition of the degradation by means of terbutanol and since the
cavitation bubble, where PAHs accumulate, is lower or equal to 10 -13 M, which is not
sufficient for a complete degradation of PAHs. Because of their properties, PAHs are then
expected to be mainly localized in the heart and/or in the surrounding shell of the bubble,
inhibiting the production of hydroxyl radicals and hence the oxidation pathway.
4. Experimental details
1. Trypan Blue: A dye manufactured by Loba Chemie. C.I. No. 23850. The formula
weight is 960.80 and wavelength of maximum absorbance is 590 nm. The appearance is dark
weight 278.02. Molecular formula: FeSO4. 7H2O. 0.5% of FeSO4 solution has been used.
3. Hydrogen peroxide: Liquid hydrogen peroxide (50%) was from Merck Specialities Private
Limited., Worli, Mumbai. A colourless liquid, Molecular weight 34.0, Molecular formula:
and the Molecular Weight: 104.06, 5 (N) solution has been used.
5. Freashly prepared double-distilled water was used for preparation of solutions. GR grade
H2SO4 and NaOH, from Loba Chemie were used for adjusting pH.
For construction of calibration curve 500 ml, 0.052 × 10 -4 mole.L-1 stock solution was
prepared by dissolving Trypan Blue in distilled water. Then ten numbers of solutions with
desired concentration of Trypan Blue were prepared from the stock solution by dilution with
distilled water. These are standard solutions. Now corresponding absorbance were measured
with a UV-vis spectrophotometer at λmax =590 nm. From the absorbencies & the
concentration data the calibration curve was made. Now if we have the absorbances of some
unknown solution then the corresponding concentration can be determined from the
calibration curve.
For a typical baseline experiment, 0.052 × 10-4 mole.L-1 initial concentration of dye was taken
in a beaker. Then 2.8 × 10-4 mole.L-1 ferrous sulphate; H2O2, 0.03 mole.L -1 were added into
it. Temperature of the solution was 28℃ and pH was 7. There after the beaker was placed on
bath type sonicator (Oscar Ultrasonic cleaner, model Microclean 101 with 20 kHz frequency)
for sonochemical degradation of the dye. Samples were collected at specific time intervals,
few drops of 5(N) solution of sodium bi sulphite was added for arresting oxidation reaction
and were analyzed with a Shimadzu UV-160A UV-vis spectrophotometer at λmax =590 nm.
Blank experiments were carried out by eliminating each of the components, that is,
4.4. Results
f(x) = 0.06 x
5 R² = 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
0 0.9988 1
3 0.9888 0.670753065
10 0.9876 0.464098073
20 0.9876 0.35201401
30 0.98753 0.259194396
40 0.9875 0.255691769
50 0.9798 0.209982487
60 0.9787 0.183537653
70 0.9786 0.175656742
80 0.9779 0.138003503
90 0.9778 0.105954466
c/c 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (Min)
Figure 5: Change in concentration or degradation of Trypan blue dye with time.
5. Discussion
The colour of Trypan Blue azo dye could be effectively removed using sono-Fenton
degradation of 0.052 × 10-4 mole.L-1 Trypan blue dye was 93.4% when dosing of FeSo4, 2.8
× 10-4 mole.L-1 and H2O2, 0.03 mole.L-1 at pH 7 and 28℃ temperature and the initial colour
was removed.
But for the blank test where 0.052 × 10-4 mole.L-1 Trypan blue dye was taken by eliminating
each of the components, that is, ultrasound, FeSO4 and H2O2, no degradation of the dye was
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