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Volvo BioDME

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Unique field test in commercial operations, 2010 2012

CO2-neutral transport
iN reality
Volvo Trucks is the first truck manufacturer to carry out comprehensive
customer-based field tests involving Bio-DME fuel and continues to lead
in the development of sustainable road transport.

In August 2007, Volvo Trucks unveiled no less than seven This is DME
demonstrator trucks each tailored to run on different DME (Di-Methyl-Ether) is a gas but is converted into
types of biofuel. The project showed that Volvo has the liquid form at low pressure. It is simple to handle in a
technical solutions for running the efficient diesel engine process similar to that required for liquefied petroleum
on virtually all available renewable fuels. gas (LPG). Today the most common use is as a propellant
in spray-cans. DME can be produced from any organic
The challenge lies in getting society and industry to source including various forms of biomass. From an
agree and work together with a long-term perspective. EU perspective, by 2030 Bio-DME has the potential for
It also requires sufficient quantities of biofuel that offers replacing more than 50 %* of todays diesel usage in
adequate energy content and efficient land utilisation. heavy road transport.
*Source: EUCAR/CONCAWE/JRC 2005, European Commission, Volvo

Bio-DME strong properties

DME produced from biomass is known as Bio-DME. Environmental facts, Bio-DME
It offers high energy efficiency and produces low levels 95 % lower carbon dioxide emissions than diesel,
of greenhouse emissions from well to wheel. In addition, no soot particulate emissions
DME has combustion properties that make it an ideal Five times better land usage than for biodiesel,
for example
fuel for diesel engines.
High energy-efficiency in relation to other biofuels
From a holistic point of view, DME is one of the most
promising second-generation biofuels. Climate impact
The Bio-DME project creates exciting
new possibilities for testing DME in
realistic conditions among our regular
Lars Mrtensson, Director Environmental Affairs at Volvo Trucks






























The same performance.
Minimum emissions
Volvos DME truck uses a regular D13 engine which, after some
modification of the tank system, injection system and engine management,
functions perfectly together with the biofuel.

Better combustion, lower emissions Regional traffic in focus

DME as a fuel in a diesel engine provides as high In the field test, Volvo is choosing to focus
efficiency rating and a somewhat lower noise level on heavy trucks running in regional ope-
compared with a traditional engine. The combustion rations, vehicles that return to the same
process produces very low emissions of particulates location for refuelling. The relatively high
and NOx. Therefore, a simpler system can be used for fuel consumption of these operations
after-treatment of the exhaust gases. The engine can will provide a suitable basis for effective
also provide higher torque at start-up and thus improve testing of both the fuel itself and the
driveability. technology involved. The environmental
gains will also be greater.
Modifications to suit the fuel system
DME is filled in liquid form and stored in pressurised
tanks in a leak-proof system. The pressure keeps the
fuel in liquid form all the way to injection. Common rail
technology is used to create the optimum injection
pressure. The energy content of DME, approximately
55 % that of diesel, is compensated through the
installation of larger tanks.

DME makes the most efficient use of available land area

- European conditions
RME - Source: Volvo

Ethanol - wheat

Ethanol - wood

Synthetic Diesel - wood

Synthetic Diesel - black liquor

DME/Methanol - wood

BioDME / Methanol - black liquor

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 km/ha year

DME fuel

3. DME injector 1. DME tank system

2. Pump 1. Tanks: DME is filled as a liquid via a special

nozzle and stored in liquid form in the tanks.

4. Engine 2. Pump: a special fuel pump regulates

the pressure in the common rail injection system.

5. EMS 3. Injectors: special DME injectors have been

jointly developed by Volvo and Delphi.
Behind the wheel, its business 4. Engine: the moving parts are identical to
as usual. Performance and those in the diesel variant.

driving properties are just as 5. Engine management: the software has been
modified to suit the new injection system.
good as in the diesel variant.
The difference and the major
benefit of DME is to be found
in the low CO2 emissions.
Mats Franzn,
Engine Manager, Product Strategy and Planning at Volvo Trucks DME tank mounted on Volvo FH truck
THE Bio-DME projeCt
from wood to wheel
In 2009, a unique cooperative venture between the European Commission, the Swedish Energy Agency,
fuel companies and transport industry, among others, gets under way. Working together, the project
partners will investigate the potential for full-scale investment in Bio-DME as a vehicle fuel.

5 tonnes of Bio-DME a day From wood to wheel

The hub of the project is the energy technology company
Chemrecs pilot plant for DME production in Pite
in northern Sweden. In a unit built alongside its pulp-
production facility, Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner, Chemrec 1. Forest 6. Bio-DME vehicle fuel

will produce five tonnes of Bio-DME per day.

The raw material used is black liquor an energy-rich,

2. Pulp plant
highly viscous by-product of the pulp industry. Gasification 5. Gasification plant

of the black liquor generates a very clean and energy-

efficient fuel. The energy content of the black liquor,
3. Paper pulp
Black liquor
which today is used by the pulp plant, is replaced with
other biomass sources.

Bio-DME potential in Sweden 14 trucks in field tests

If all black liquor in Sweden is used for the production Volvo is leading the project and is building 14 trucks to
of Bio-DME, this would replace 50 % of todays diesel run on Bio-DME that will be used in field operations
usage for road transport. by selected customers in various parts of Sweden.
Preem will build fuel stations so that the trucks can
be used in normal regional and local operations.

Start field test Inspections and evaluations of the fuel, truck

technology, customer perceptions and distribution
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
system will provide answers as to whether Bio-DME
Project start Project
Start DME production conclusion can partially reduce the need for fossil fuels as
many experts believe is the case.

Facts, Bio-DME project

&+(05(& Total project duration: 20082012. Field tests carried out between 2010 and 2012

Chemrec and Haldor Topse will develop and build a DME plant in Pite

Volvo Trucks will develop and build 14 DME trucks and design
a fuel injection system together with Delphi

ETC, the Energy Technology Centre in Pite, contributes its technical expertise

Preem is responsible for Bio-DME distribution to 4 fuel stations in Sweden

Total is responsible for fuel and lubricant specifications

The project is financed by the participants, the EU and the Swedish Energy Agency


RSP 20100090002. English GL. Printed in Sweden. Some of the equipment shown or mentioned in this brochure may only be available as options or accessories and may vary from one country to another in accordance with local legislation.
Your Volvo dealer will be happy to provide you with more detailed information. Colours may vary somewhat owing to the limitations of the printing process. We reserve the right to alter product specifications without prior notification.

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