Animal Venoms in Medicine
Animal Venoms in Medicine
Animal Venoms in Medicine
Figure 1 The manufacturer of a life-saving drug in the Arabian desert. The GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonist toxin echistatin isolated from the Saw-scaled
viper (Echis carinatus) venom served as a template for tiroban (AGGRASTAT) to treat unstable angina and non-Q-wave myocardial infarction
(Photo: Dr Zoltan Takacs).
complexes held together by covalent or noncovalent superfamily of proteins, present from Cnidaria to Chordata.
interactions. Lynx1 peptide, a member of the Ly 6 superfamily, is an
endogenous physiological neuromodulator in the mammalian
central nervous system, with no toxic function. Subtle amino
History of Venoms in Medicine acid changes on this scaffold theme, however, generated an
amazingly different and wide range of molecules (now called
Long before the current era of medicine, the life of Mithridates VI toxins) with unique biological activities targeting the muscle
of Pontus (in 67 BC) is believed to be saved by Scythian sha type or neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs),
mans in present day Turkey using viper (Viperidae) venom. The muscarinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptors, voltage gated Ca2
Ayurvedic texts of Susruta Samhita and Charaka Samhita (dates (Cav) 1 channels, acid sensing ion channel, acetylcholines
uncertain: rst and second centuries AD) mention animal terase, platelet integrin GPIIb/IIIa, coagulation factor VIIa, and
venoms in the context of medical use. Leech and bee venoms as others.
therapeutic agents dates back thousands of years to a number of The actual process of toxin evolution occurs by gene
ancient cultures from the Far East to the Mediterranean region. duplication, gene conversion, alternative splicing, and various
Modern experimental medicine credits two Italians as early forms of gene domain multiplication, or loss. The new gene is
pioneers of toxinology: Francesco Redi (1626 97) to show that typically subject to rapid diversication by accelerated evolu
it is not the snakes spirit that kills but its venom, and Felix tion and positive selection. Amino acid substitution rate
Fontana (1730 1805) to show that viper venom affects blood. correlates with surface accessibility of residue that is a driver for
Around 1905, hirudin extract from the European medicinal novel specicity, and toxin genes rank among the most rapidly
leech (Hirudo medicinalis) was used as the rst parenteral anti evolving protein coding genes in Metazoa. The process is
coagulant. Trials in 1934 with locally applied Russells viper mostly attributed to the predator prey arms race, and the same
(Daboia russelii) venom diluted at 1:10 000 showed success to protein scaffolds are often convergently recruited into the
stop haemorrhage following dental extraction. In 1938, Rus venom arsenal by different animal taxa. There is also evidence
sells viper venom was offered as a coagulant under the name that toxin genes could potentially revert back to nontoxic
Rusven. In 1936, hmokoagulase was puried from the physiological function.
Brazilian pit viper Jararaca (Bothrops jararaca), and this venom The end result is an astonishing array of unique toxins
fraction is still in use today for hemorrhage. each with a distinct, however subtle or pronounced, pharma
In 1963, prolonged clotting defects were reported after cological property based on a handful of evolution tested,
Malayan pit viper (Calloselasma rhodostoma) bites, an observa robust molecular scaffolds.
tion that led to the isolation of a toxin called ancrod, and by
1968, turning it into a debrinogenating therapeutic. Another
milestone occurred in 1981 with the US Food and Drug Chemistry
Administration (FDA) approval of the antihypertensive agent
captopril, derived from the Jararaca (B. jararaca) venom. In medical applications, peptidic toxins could be used either in
This was the rst example of reduction of a toxin to a small their native (natural or synthetic) form or as a modied
molecule mimic, and also the pharmaceutical company molecule (peptidomimetic a molecule that mimics the
Squibbs rst billion dollar drug. Venoms have also been desired action of the native peptide). In the native form, they
instrumental for discoveries in many elds of basic science, for bear high potency, and the conformationally restrained struc
example, nucleic acid, ion channel, and nerve growth factor ture may minimize binding to nontargets, resulting in high
research, to name only a few. selectivity. As venoms are meant to be injected into foreign
tissues, intrinsic sequence properties and posttranslational
modications (disulde bonds, inhibitory cysteine knot, C
Toxins as Drug Templates terminal amidation, etc.) often confer an inherent stability to
toxins against degradation by proteases. Toxins are also
Evolutionary Aspect
soluble, a benet in peptide therapeutics. Low accumulation in
Despite the vast number of toxins in natures venoms, peptidic tissues and low toxicity are further advantages of peptidic
toxins fall into a handful of protein scaffolds encoded by gene drugs.
superfamilies. The length of the peptide, the number and Undesirable aspects of using peptidic drugs are the need for
relative position of disulde bonds, the signal peptide, and parenteral administration (low oral bioavailability), suscepti
other sequence determinants are highly conserved and signa bility to proteolysis, short half life, immunogenicity including
tory for a scaffold. Consequently, within a scaffold, the triggering allergic reactions, and synthetic production issues
primary, secondary, and tertiary structures are extensively (e.g., quantity, posttranslational modication). Toxin size and
conserved, yet discrete amino acid substitutions along the charge may also be limiting factors. At present, protein thera
peptide backbone are present and confer novel biological peutics are typically restricted to cell surface and extracellular
function. targets. Furthermore, employing toxins directly puried from
Toxin genes typically evolve from genes of other body crude venom poses a challenge for quality control. To some
proteins with nontoxic physiological functions expressed in degree, venom composition, including toxin sequence, varies
tissues other than the venom gland. For example, three nger (e.g., due to geographical origin of the specimen), and venom
toxin scaffold widespread in elapid snakes (Elapidae: cobras, extraction, toxin purication/purity are also variables that must
mambas, sea snakes, etc.) is homologous to the Ly 6 be controlled.
Reducing native toxins to peptide or nonpeptide (small potency, specicity (distinction among receptor types) and
molecule) peptidomimetic could offer more desirable phar selectivity (distinction among receptor subtypes), therapeutic
macokinetic properties such as increased bioavailability, enable efcacy, and suitable mechanism of action. Other times, one or
membrane transport, and counter enzymatic degradation. more of these factors are clearly not met, and further screening
However, designing peptidomimetics has many challenges. In or optimization is needed. Safety, pharmacokinetics, and
successful therapeutic examples when toxins have been reduced delivery also have to be addressed.
to peptidomimetics, the structural elements responsible for
activity (pharmacophore) were located in a continuous segment
along the peptide backbone. Yet, in other toxins, the pharma Current Medical Application of Animal Venom Toxins
cophore domain is contiguous in space rather than along the
peptide backbone thus making it more problematic to develop
mimics. The approach to develop captopril from the native Toxins are used in approximately 15 diagnostic assays in clin
toxin was one of the early examples of successfully reducing ical hemostasis laboratories and as a test for myasthenia gravis.
peptides to small molecules based on structure activity rela All toxins are originated from snake venoms (Table 1).
tionship. Biomedical utilization of the nonpeptidic compo The vertebrate hemostatic system, a delicate interaction
nents of animal venoms remains less explored. among thrombocytes (known also as platelets in mammalian
vertebrates), endothelial cells, subendothelial structures, and
plasma proteins is easily vulnerable to disruptive biochemical
Pharmacology or biophysical factors. This very system is a major and multi
point target for toxins that can lead to lethal thromboembolic
The major advantage of toxins is that evolution perfected them events or hemorrhage (Figure 2). The mechanism of action of
to act on many of the same target molecules whose control is toxins is often extremely similar to the corresponding physi
needed for therapeutic medical intervention. Often different ological clotting factor, and they can activate or inactivate
scaffolds, from different taxa, are aimed at the same target numerous phases of blood coagulation. Importantly,
molecule but with somewhat different binding sites. Toxin however, because of acting independently from cofactors, or
sequence diversity enables subtle distinction among target by being resistant to inhibitors, or to proteolytic degradation,
subtypes or the interaction with entirely different classes of the target organisms own control mechanisms are ineffective
targets, and thus induces an extremely wide variety of biolog against the action of toxins. As a result, toxins with dened
ical activities. mechanisms of action, restricted substrate specicity, and
Enzymes, cell surface receptors of various types, including unaffected by the inhibitory pathways are valuable sources of
ion channels, control a wide range of key physiological diagnostic tools.
processes and thus are among the major target classes for drugs. Current diagnostics are mostly enzymatic toxins; nonen
Hydrolases, G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), and Ca2 zymatic examples are BOTROCETIN or a bungarotoxin. They
channels, are examples of the most prominent drug targets. are typically puried directly from the crude venom, thus
For the very same reason controlling key physiological subject to taxonomic, geographic variability, and possibly
processes the enzymes/enzymatic pathways and cell surface misidentication. For example, geographical variability in
receptors are also the principal target for animal toxins. Toxin Russells viper venom (D. russelii) has been attributed to
targets with medical relevance include, but are not limited variability in the test results. Additionally, presence of toxin
to, ligand gated nAChRs, N methyl D aspartate receptors, isoforms in a single venom could complicate test
5 hydroxytryptamine3 receptors, and CaV, voltage gated Na reproducibility.
(NaV), and voltage gated K (KV) channels, an array of GPCRs While some tests have limited use, venoms are used, for
(e.g., a adrenergic, muscarinic ACh, neurotensin, endothelin, example, to identify factor V Leiden mutation, one of the most
and vasopressin receptors), and the norepinephrine trans common hereditary procoagulant states. Dilute Russells viper
porter. A myriad of other regulator molecules of blood coag venom time is widely used to detect lupus anticoagulants,
ulation, platelet aggregation, and cardiovascular system are a major risk factor for arterial and venous thrombosis,
also major toxin targets, such as prothrombin, brinogen, accounting for w15% of patients with thromboembolic events.
integrin, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), complement The availability of direct diagnosis (e.g., by sequencing) is
component C3, to name but a few. Nucleotides and lipids are expected to overtake the utilization of some toxin based tests.
also targeted by toxins.
Typically, a particular toxin scaffold interacts with
a restricted number of target types and/or subtypes, such as
a subset of KV channels. This target biased nature of toxin Toxins are used in approximately 15 different medications
scaffolds makes them an ideal starting pool to select drug leads, (Table 2). Drugs from toxins include potentially life saving
templates on which further optimization can be performed. (e.g., eptibatide, captopril, enalapril), rst in class (e.g., ACE
The structure of toxin targets is also evolutionarily conserved inhibitors, incretin peptide mimetics), and some of the top
across species. This means toxins that work in a nonhuman selling medications in the history of medicine (e.g., captopril/
species will likely, but not always, have a similar effect on ACE inhibitors). Toxins as drugs are either used as a natural
molecules in humans. toxin puried directly from crude venom (e.g., batroxobin),
Toxins often tend to have pharmacological properties that synthetic version of the natural toxin (e.g., exenatide, zicono
are required or benecial for a lead compound: high afnity, tide), or as a peptide (e.g., eptibatide) or nonpeptide (e.g.,
anti-Cav2 antibodies assay Geography cone snail (Conus radioiodinated (Cg) u-conotoxin GVIA or Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
geographus) or Magicians cone (Cm) u-conotoxin MVIIC binding to
snail (Conus magus) Cav2.2, 2.1 respectively
Anti-nAChR antibodies Many-banded krait (Bungarus Radioiodinated (Bm) a-bungarotoxin or Myasthenia gravis
assay multicinctus) or Cobras (N ) cobratoxin binding to nAChR
(Naja spp.)
Anti-nAChR antibodies Monocellate cobra (Naja kaouthia) Eu3-a-cobratoxin binding to nAChR Myasthenia gravis
BOTROCETIN Neuwieds lancehead (Bothrops Induces von Willebrand factor (vWF) von Willebrand factor (vWF) level
neuwiedi) or Jararaca (Bothrops dependent platelet aggregation
Factor V activator (RVV-V) Russells viper (Daboia russelii) Activates factor V Factor V determination
PEFAKIT PiCT Russells viper (Daboia russelii) Activates factor V Anticoagulant activity based on factor
Xa and/or factor IIa inhibition
PEFAKIT APC-R Factor V Russells viper (Daboia russelii); and (Dr ) activates factor V; and (Ns) Factor V Leiden mutation (FV:Q506)
Leiden Tiger snake (Notechis scutatus) activates prothrombin
PROTAC Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) Activates protein C Protein C and protein S levels
PROC GLOBAL Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) Activates protein C Protein C and protein S pathway
CRYOCHECK CLOT C Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix); (Ac) activates protein C; and (Dr ) Protein C activity
and Russells viper (Daboia activates factor X
CRYOCHECK CLOT S Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix); (Ac) activates protein C; and (Dr ) Protein S activity
and Russells viper (Daboia activates factor X
REPTILASE Time Common lancehead (Bothrops atrox) Cleaves Aa-chain of brinogen Fibrinogen level and function; heparin
or Brazilian lancehead (Bothrops contamination
Textarin time Eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja PL dependent prothrombin activator Activated protein C resistance; lupus
textilis) anticoagulants
Textarin/ecarin ratio Eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja (Pt ) PL dependent prothrombin Conrmation of lupus anticoagulants
textilis); and Saw-scaled viper activator; and (Ec) activates
(Echis carinatus) prothrombin to meizothrombin in
the absence of PL
Ecarin clotting time Saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus) Activates prothrombin to meizothrombin Direct thrombin inhibitors; prothrombin
in the absence of PL quantication; lupus anticoagulants
Factor X activator (RVV-X) Russells viper (Daboia russelii) Activates factor X Lupus anticoagulants; distinguishing
between factor VII and factor X
SPECTROZYME FXa Russells viper (Daboia russelii) Activates factor X Factor X activity
STACLOT APC-R Western rattlesnake (Crotalus Activates factor X Activated protein C resistance
Stypven time (Russells Russells viper (Daboia russelii) Activates factor X Factor VII or X deciency
viper venom time)
Dilute Russells viper Russells viper (Daboia russelii) Activates factor X Lupus anticoagulants
venom time (dRVVT)
Dilute Russells viper Russells viper (Daboia russelii) Activates factor X; Conrmation of lupus anticoagulants
venom conrm extra PL corrects dRVVT
Taipan snake venom time Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) Prothrombin activator, stimulated by PL Lupus anticoagulants
Note: Order is based on the molecular weight of the principal (or rst) toxin molecule responsible for activity. The extent of utilization, test name, and classication varies. Per
classication, some tests may overlap. Test variations exist (e.g., Taipan snake venom time/ecarin time). Only one brand name (in parentheses) is provided as an example. PL,
tiroban, captopril) peptidomimetic of the natural toxin. In marine snail Magicians cone (Conus magus). Representative
hemocoagulases, a crude venom fraction containing two indications include unstable angina, type 2 diabetes mellitus,
natural toxins is utilized. hypertension, congestive cardiac failure, prevention of
Currently drugs are derived from the venoms of various hemorrhage during surgery, and chronic pain. As an example of
species of vipers (Viperidae), the European medicinal leech the impact venom based agents have had on medicine, two out
(H. medicinalis), Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum), and the of the three available agents in the platelet glycoprotein
Figure 2 Viper venom targets blood coagulation. 20 min whole blood clotting test. Left: Healthy control. Right: Adult patient in Nepal, bitten by
a suspected Mountain pit viper (Ovophis monticola) and displays signs of consumption coagulopathy (Photo: Dr Zoltan Takacs).
inhibitor class of drugs are snake venom derived (Figure 3). green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) cenderitide (CD NP) for
These agents constitute cornerstone therapy for the most lethal congestive cardiac failure, Sun anemone (Stichodactyla helianthus)
types of heart attacks (e.g., ST segment elevation). Only ShK 186 for various autoimmune diseases, and Common
captopril and other ACE inhibitors are taken orally, the rest vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) desmoteplase to treat acute
have to be administered parenterally, and/or, in limited cases, ischemic stroke. CD NP elegantly builds on the evolutionary
topically. BYDUREON is formulated in biodegradable poly relationship of nontoxin and toxin body proteins. It is a chimeric
meric microspheres that encapsulate exenatide and provide human mamba peptide that exhibits more desirable pharma
extended release. cology than either of the templates, the human C type natriuretic
Globally, tens of millions of patients are treated with drugs peptide or Dendroaspis natriuretic peptide. ShK 186 is a result of
derived from toxins, with many lives saved. The annual global a decade long work that generated hundreds of analogs of the K
sales gures (in 2013) range between US$w27 million for channel blocking toxin ShK to improve target selectivity and
PRIALT and US$w698 million for BYETTA/BYDUREON, stability. Desmoteplase is a recombinant form of Desmodus
while ACE inhibitors as a class was the fourth most widely salivary plasminogen activator a1 with high brin specicity
prescribed medicine in the United States (2009). isolated from the bat saliva.
Efforts in the clinical phase are also under way in China
Other Biomedical Applications to develop alternatives to the natural toxin ingredients of
batroxobin and hemocoagulase, currently puried from
Animal venoms have a number of other biomedical appli snakes living in South America. Strategies include recombi
cations outside the scope of this text. There is one cosmetic nant toxin production and competing products that are
derived from a neurotoxin of the Waglers pit viper (Tropi based on toxins isolated from the venom of the Chinese
dolaemus wagleri) acting on the nAChR. It is marketed to moccasin (Deinagkistrodon acutus) and other species native to
smoothen wrinkle lines when rubbed on the facial skin. the Far East.
Venoms are also the starting materials to manufacture
antivenom for the clinical management of animal venom
poisoning, responsible for w20 000 100 000 fatalities Medical Potential of Animal Venoms
a year, globally. Toxins are also used for preparative appli
cations, for example, to produce debrinogenated plasma or A combination of key parameters make animal toxins an
meizothrombin, and for attempts to develop pesticides. In unparalleled arsenal for biomedical applications: immense
various basic science disciplines, toxins are essential research diversity, inherent biological properties, advances in tech
tools, which, in turn, also fuels the development of toxin nology to isolate, screen, engineer, and formulate/deliver
derived medications. peptides and derived peptidomimetic compounds.
The global diversity of venomous animals ranges about
100 000 170 000 species. Collectively, it is estimated that there
Toxin-Derived Drugs in Advanced Stages are more than 20 million unique animal toxins existing in
of Development nature. Approximately, the number of crude venoms screened
for various biological activities is in the many hundreds, toxins
A number of toxins and toxin derived compounds are in various known to science is in the scale of 10 000, while it is likely no
stages of development ranging from the experimental phase to more than 1000 toxins have been studied in detail. This effort
clinical trials. Examples in clinical trials in 2014 include Eastern resulted in about 15 medications. The sheer magnitude of these
Captopril (CAPOTEN) Jararaca (Bothrops jararaca) Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor Hypertension, cardiac failure
Enalaprila (VASOTEC) Jararaca (Bothrops jararaca) Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor Hypertension, cardiac failure
Exenatide (BYETTA) Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum) Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Encyclopedia of Toxicology, Third Edition, 2014, 252259
Exenatide (BYDUREON) Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum) Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (extended Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Ziconotide (PRIALT) Magicians cone snail (Conus magus) Cav2.2 channel antagonist Management of severe chronic pain
Bivalirudin (ANGIOMAX) European medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) Reversible direct thrombin inhibitor Anticoagulant in percutaneous coronary intervention
Lepirudin (REFLUDAN) European medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) Binds irreversibly to thrombin Anticoagulation in heparin-associated thrombocytopenia;
related thromboembolic disease
Desirudin (IPRIVASK) European medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) Selective and near-irreversible inhibitor of thrombin Prevention of venous thrombotic events
Tiroban (AGGRASTAT) Saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus) Antagonist of brinogen binding to GPIIb/IIIa receptor Acute coronary syndrome
Eptibatide (INTEGRILIN) Pigmy rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius) Prevents binding of brinogen, von Willebrand factor, and Acute coronary syndrome; percutaneous coronary
other adhesive ligands to GPIIb/IIIa receptor intervention
Batroxobin (DEFIBRASE) Common lancehead (Bothrops atrox) or Brazilian lancehead Cleaves Aa-chain of brinogen Acute cerebral infarction; unspecic angina pectoris;
(Bothrops moojeni) sudden deafness
Platelet gel (PLATELTEX-ACT) Common lancehead (Bothrops atrox) Cleaves Aa-chain of brinogen Gelication of blood for topical applications in surgery
Fibrin sealant (VIVOSTAT) Brazilian lancehead (Bothrops moojeni ) Cleaves Aa-chain of brinogen Autologous brin sealant in surgery
Thrombin-like enzyme Chinese moccasin (Deinagkistrodon acutus) or Siberian pit Fibrinogenase Antithrombotics; debrinating agent for the treatment
viper (Gloydius halys) or Ussuri mamushi (Gloydius and prevention of thromboembolic diseases
Hemocoagulase (REPTILASE) Common lancehead (Bothrops atrox ) or Jararaca (Bothrops Cleaves Aa-chain of brinogen; factor X and/or Prophylaxis and treatment of hemorrhage in surgery
jararaca) or Brazilian lancehead (Bothrops moojeni ) prothrombin activation
Medicinal leech therapy Medicinal leech (Hirudo verbana) Inhibit platelet aggregation and the coagulation cascade Skin grafts and reattachment surgery
Note: Order is based on the complexity (disulde bonds, sequence length) of the lead toxin molecule or venom fraction, less complex rst. The extent of utilization, drug name, and drug classication varies. Per classication, drugs may overlap.
In some cases, species origin is uncertain, and available references are limited. Drug misnaming is known to occur in the industry. Only one brand name (in parentheses) is provided as an example. List does not include terminated and/or data
decient agents, such as ancrod (ARVIN), ximelagatran (EXANTA), and hemocoagulase Daboia russelii and Gloydius ussuriensis.
Enalapril and other ACE inhibitors are regarded as later generation derivatives of captopril.
258 Animal Venoms in Medicine
Figure 3 Viper venombased eptibatide in a heart attack patient. Left: The presence of occlusive thrombus (blood clot, circled) within a coronary artery
and resulting diminishment or cessation of blood ow, is the hallmark nding on angiography in patients aficted with a heart attack. After direct
(intracoronary) and systemic (intravenous) administration of eptibatide to promote disaggregation of accumulated blood platelets, the occluded
segment of clot is rst mechanically disrupted using a balloon catheter and then, denitively addressed via placement of a coronary stent (miniature
metal scaffold). Right: The nal result (previously occluded segment circled) reveals patency of the right coronary artery with restoration of ow into
the branch vessels, facilitated by eptibatide (Angiogram: Dr Sandeep Nathan).
numbers reects the untapped potential in natures venoms for Since toxins affect an extremely diverse set of targets
medicine. and organs, their potential extend to many different types
Pharmaceutical target identication and validation, and of conditions, for instance, cardiovascular diseases, cancer,
establishing novel and robust chemical starting points are diabetes, autoimmune and nervous system disorders. Rele
among the biggest challenges in drug discovery. Given their vant global market forecasts, for example, for glucagon like
evolutionary origin/diversity and pharmacology, animal peptide 1 agonists for diabetes is US$6 billion (by 2015)
toxins possess vast potential to address these and related and for overall autoimmune disease therapeutics is
challenges. As examples of potential impact, ve of the seven $59 billion (by 2018). Time span between lead toxin identi
pharmacological sites on the NaV channels are dened by cation and FDA approval varies between 7 years (eptiba
animal toxins, and 10% of the rst 30 toxins isolated tide) and 25 years (ziconotide).
from marine snail venoms have reached at least phase I Lastly, extracting biological samples necessitate an ethical
clinical trials. and legal responsibility. Proper scientic sampling of
With advances in genomics, proteomics, and bio venoms should not have a detrimental effect on species and
informatics, along with the diverse array of high throughput habitats. Yet, the results obtained from it should, ideally, be
screening methods, we are reaching the stage where the large shared with communities, conservation efforts at the site of
scale screening of toxins is a reality and the limiting factor is origin, and possibly beyond. A drug from venom could be
less of a technological challenge but more of actually accessing seen as an ultimate gift by nature, and should be posi
samples from nature. A major facilitating factor is the tioned, locally and globally, for efforts to conserve biolog
requirement for less venom/tissue samples for proteomic and ical diversity.
genomic characterization.
Advances in production of target focused toxin libraries,
engineering protein scaffolds, reducing the native toxins to
peptidomimetics, formulating/delivering peptidic toxins by See also: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors;
nanotechnology or by other means are all opening up new Botulinum Toxin; Cardiovascular System; Centipedes;
avenues. For example, melittin, a toxin from the European
Ciguatoxin; Cosmetics and Personal Care Products; Dose
honeybee (Apis mellifera), forms pores on lipid membranes, Response Relationship; Drug and Poison Information Centers;
although somewhat indiscriminately. Nanoparticles carrying Marine Venoms and Toxins; Neurotoxicity; Saxitoxin;
melittin and polyethylene glycol (PEG; as molecular spacers)
Scorpions; Shellsh Poisoning, Paralytic; Snakes; Spiders;
on their surface attenuate HIV 1 infectivity. Cells, much bigger Tetrodotoxin; Toxic and Nontoxic: Conrming Critical
in size than HIV 1, are not affected, due to steric restriction to Terminology Concepts and Context for Clear Communication;
melittin by PEG. Toxicology.
Further Reading Lewis, R.J., Garcia, M.L., 2003. Therapeutic potential of venom peptides. Nat. Rev.
Drug Discov. 2, 790 802.
Mackessy, S.P. (Ed.), 2009. Handbook of Venoms and Toxins of Reptiles. CRC Press/
Cushman, D.W., Ondetti, M.A., 1999. Design of angiotensin converting enzyme Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL.
inhibitors. Nat. Med. 5, 1110 1112. Marsh, N., Williams, V., 2005. Practical applications of snake venom toxins in hae
Escoubas, P., King, G.F., 2009. Venomics as a drug discovery platform. Expert Rev.
mostasis. Toxicon 45, 1171.
Proteomics 6, 221. Marsh, N.A., 2001. Diagnostic uses of snake venom. Haemostasis 31, 211 217.
Ferreira, S.H., 2000. Biodiversity, sustainability and drug development. In: Rocha Mebs, D., 2002. Venomous and Poisonous Animals: A Handbook for Biologists,
Miranda, C.E. (Ed.), Transition to Global Sustainability: The Contribution of Brazilian Toxicologists and Toxinologists, Physicians and Pharmacists. Medpharm,
Science. Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 171 177 (Chapter 10). Stuttgart.
Fox, J.W., Serrano, S.M., 2007. Approaching the golden age of natural product Richard, T., Layer, R.T., McIntosh, J.M., 2006. Conotoxins: therapeutic potential and
pharmaceuticals from venom libraries: an overview of toxins and toxin derivatives application. Mar. Drugs 4, 119 142.
currently involved in therapeutic or diagnostic applications. Curr. Pharm. Des. 13, Stocker, K.F., 1990. Medical Use of Snake Venom Proteins. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
2927 2934. Stocker, K.F., 1998. Research, diagnostic and medicinal uses of snake venom
Han, T.S., Teichert, R.W., Olivera, B.M., Bulaj, G., 2008. Conus venoms a rich enzymes. In: Bailey, G.S. (Ed.), Enzymes from Snake Venom. Alaken, Fort Collins,
source of peptide based therapeutics. Curr. Pharm. Des. 14, 2462 2479. CO, pp. 705 736.
King, G.F., 2011. Venoms as a platform for human drugs: translating toxins into Vetter, I., Davis, J.L., Rash, L.D., Anangi, R., Mobli, M., Alewood, P.F., Lewis, R.J.,
therapeutics. Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. 11, 1469 1484. King, G.F., 2011. Venomics: a new paradigm for natural products based drug
Kini, R.M., Clemetson, K.J., Markland, F.S., McLane, M.A., Morita, T. (Eds.), 2010.
discovery. Amino Acids 40, 15 28.
Toxins and Hemostasis: from Bench to Bedside. Springer, Dordrecht.