Economics of Water Desalination Paper Desalination
Economics of Water Desalination Paper Desalination
Economics of Water Desalination Paper Desalination
DOI 10.1016/j.desal.2012.10.015
Publisher Elsevier
Journal Desalination
Desalination capacity has rapidly increased in the last decade because of the increase in water demand
especially in the reverse osmosis process. The cost of desalinated seawater has fallen below US$0.50/m3
for a large scale seawater reverse osmosis plant at a specific location and conditions while in other
locations the cost is 50% higher (US$1.00/m3) for a similar facility. In addition to capital and operating
costs, other parameters such as local incentives or subsidies may also contribute to the large difference
in desalted water cost between regions and facilities. Plant suppliers and consultants have their own cost
calculation methodologies, but they are confidential and provide water costs with different accuracies.
The few existing costing methodologies and software packages such as WTCost and DEEP provide an
estimated cost with different accuracies and their applications are limited to specific conditions. Most of
the available cost estimation tools are of the black box type, which provide few details concerning the
parameters and methodologies applied for local conditions. Many desalination plants built recently have
greater desalinated water delivery costs caused by special circumstances, such as plant remediation or
upgrades, local variation in energy costs, and site-specific issues in raw materials costs (e.g., tariffs and
transportation). Therefore, the availability of a more transparent and unique methodology for estimating
the cost will help in selecting an appropriate desalination technology suitable for specific locations with
consideration of all the parameters influencing the cost. A techno- economic evaluation and review of
the costing aspects and the main parameters influencing the total water cost produced by different
desalination technologies are herein presented in detail. Some recent developments, such as the increase
of unit capacity, improvements in process design and materials, and the use of hybrid systems have
contributed to cost reduction as well as reduction in energy consumption. The development of new and
emerging low-energy desalination technologies, such as adsorption desalination, will have an impact on
Costing methodologies.
1. Introduction
Many water-stressed or arid regions or countries are augmenting their water supply with desalinated
water to meet the increased water demand caused by growth triggered by increased population,
industrial expansion, tourism, and agriculture development. In some areas, desalination is no longer a
marginal or supplemental water resource in some countries. Qatar and Kuwait rely 100% on desalinated
Presently, the total global desalination capacity is around 66.4 million m3/day and it is expected to
reach about 100 million m3/d by 2015 [2]. Of the global desalted water, 63.7% of the total capacity is
produced by membrane processes and 34.2% by thermal processes (Figure 1-left). The desalination
source water is split with about 58.9% from seawater and 21.2% from brackish groundwater sources,
and the remaining percentage from surface water and saline wastewater [2]. These figures are constantly
changing because the desalination market is growing very rapidly. The growth of desalination capacity
worldwide is shown in Figure 1-right. The growth rate is currently about 55% per year [2], a truly
stunning figure.
Figure 1: Installed (left) and forecast (right) desalination capacity by technology (as of first quarter of
2012) [2].
The increase of desalination capacity is caused primarily by increases in water demand but also by
the significant reduction in desalination cost as a result of significant technological advances that result
in making desalinated water cost-competitive with other water sources. In some specific areas,
desalination is now been able to successfully compete with conventional water resources and water
transfers for potable water supply (e.g., construction of dams and reservoirs or canal transfers) [3].
A thorough review of technical developments and cost trends of the most commercial desalination
processes, including multistage flash distillation (MSF), multi effect distillation (MED), vapor
compression (VC), reverse osmosis (RO) and electrodialysis (ED) was presented in earlier studies by
Reddy and Ghaffour [4], Wade [5] and Miller [6]. Greenlee et al. [7] also conducted a brief review of
the key parameters on seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) and brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO),
The main parameters for technology selection for policy/decision makers are the total investment
and produced water costs, the type of the project contract, and other parameters such as local incentives
or subsidies. In fact, the cost of desalination with different processes is site-specific and depends on
many parameters such as feed water salinity and other water quality parameters, plant capacity, energy
and labor costs, type of the contract, political and environmental restrictions, and many other factors
which are discussed in this paper. Selection of appropriate technology for any specific location thus
requires an accurate methodology for each technology. The existing methodologies and software
packages are of black box type and other available softwares do not take into consideration all of the
parameters influencing the cost and their accuracy is limited to specific conditions [4].
The primary goal of the present paper is to present a review of the costing aspects and evaluate the
main parameters influencing the total water cost produced by different desalination technologies. The
recent developments that have contributed to cost reduction in different desalination technologies as
well as energy consumption and hybrid systems will also be outlined. The main reasons for variation in
total water cost of different recent desalination projects are also herein discussed. Also, when evaluating
the cost of providing desalinated water, it is quite important to distinguish between the real cost of
treating the water by a desalination technology and the actual cost of providing water to the consumer.
Commonly, these are inadvertently mixed in various presentations and create confusion in comparisons
of desalination cost. The delivery cost of desalted water to consumers includes administrative and
conveyance costs and sometimes profit to the provider that have great variation. Some key factors are
system losses and water provided without return of cost (system losses and theft). Therefore, in this
Desalination has great development potential on a global scale. This is attributed to the fact that, out
of 71 largest cities that do not have local access to new freshwater sources, 42 are located along coasts
[1]. Out of the entire world population, 2,400 million inhabitants representing 39% of the total, live at a
Other than the fact that desalination may be the only option for some countries, there are driving
forces behind its development potential, making it more favorable than conventional resource
development. Being independent of climatic conditions, rainfall and so on, a primary force is its
identification as a secure source of supply. Desalinated seawater is truly a new water source and has
an essentially unlimited capacity, not subject to sustainability criteria, although perhaps limited by
energy production.
Desalination capacity is continuously increasing worldwide, not only in the Middle East and North
Africa (MENA) region where water demand is high and other sources of supply are limited, but also in
countries where desalination was unthinkable in the past such as in Spain and Australia (both contain
arid and semiarid lands). It is expected that the total desalination market will reach over US$31 billion
by 2015 as shown in Table 1 [8]. About 50% of the total desalination investments are for SWRO
projects due mainly to its lower investment and total water cost compared to other conventional source
development (where any exist), footprint size, and the continuing technological advances enabling RO
desalination to treat higher raw water salinities such as Arabian Gulf seawater. Thermal processes will
also continue to be utilized especially where energy is available at low-cost, but the tendency is that
MED will replace MSF in future projects and could even compete with SWRO where raw water is
highly polluted or of very high salinity. Thermal processes will remain in the market because they have
been widely accepted in the Arabian Gulf area. They have a proven record of reliability, are dependable
and have the potential for cogeneration of power and water (hybrid systems). However, because of the
flexibility and simplicity of project bidding parameters and budgeting considerations, several recent
SWRO plants were built along with new power plants instead of choosing the co-generation option with
a thermal process. This will definitely help to keep the desalination cost stable due to competition with
other technologies.
The key source to mobilize funding for these projects has been governments, but the size of foreseen
investments has many governments convinced that the private sector has a role to play in this
development. Also, many governments want to take advantage of private sector advances in technology
and management. These factors have resulted in public-private transaction models that have been
successful [3]. They are called Independent Water and Power Producers (IWPP). Other project delivery
methods include Build Own Operate (BOO) or Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) contracts without
initial government ownership, but with contract guarantees. Globally today, new projects are delivered
with over 58% being privately financed, with Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) deliveries
accounting for 28.9% and IWPP for 29.7% of the new projects [2].
Growth has also led to the tendency of consulting companies to exceed their conventional design
role and become a part owner within a private developer structure for a desalination and/or power plant.
Therefore, there is a need for identification and standardization of factors/parameters that contribute to
the unit cost of desalinated water for each technology, and development of an appropriate costing
methodology that accounts for all of these parameters. The use of different methodologies by different
project delivery companies could be one of the causes of the low accuracy in estimating the water cost
even for similar projects. If the main parameters influencing the water delivery cost, such as salinity,
plant capacity, technology, energy cost, and regulatory requirements, are known in advance, then the
total estimated water cost can be ascertainable to a reasonable degree. It is not reasonable that the other
few specific parameters, including subsidies, financial and political risks, should affect the price,
Most of the recent desalination projects are privately-financed water projects under the BOO/BOOT
delivery type. The arrangement of BOO involves a long-term supply contract with the client, who is
charged accordingly for the services delivered (e.g., water, power, water and power). With a BOOT
scheme, the project bid winner undertakes the same functions, but the project is transferred to the client
at the end of the supply contract term. Therefore, the most important parameter influencing a BOO
project award is the total water cost (TWC), which takes into account all of the parameters discussed
above as well as the agreed price of energy and other local contingencies. The BOOT bid evaluation is
slightly more complex because the project sponsor must evaluate the residual value of the facility at the
end of the contract period. A small cost variation, such as US$0.01 or less per cubic meter, can make a
difference of hundreds of millions of US$ of investment costs covered by the private sector/banks for a
project. The Governments subsidies are usually not taken into consideration in the project financing.
Within the BOO and BOOT concepts, governments buy the treated water from the companies at a fixed
price and sell it to the population at a subsidized price [3]. In some cases, governments partner with local
industries to obtain water which may be partially subsidized by the industry, and not the government or
an international agency.
When desalination started in the late 1850s, the cost was not as important since the main challenge
was to produce fresh water from seawater for boilers and drinking purposes in ships. Later in the 1960s
and early 1970s, desalination technologies (thermal processes) were widely available for commercial
production but the cost was still too high. Membrane processes began to compete in the 1970s and
started the trend toward cost reduction. As late as 1975, seawater desalination costs were quoted in
planning documents as being about US$2.10/m (Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, 1980).
The expansion of the desalination market has attracted many organizations and companies to
improve desalination technologies to reduce the costs. Tremendous decreases in desalination costs were
continuously achieved in the last decades causing the water price to reach US$ 0.50/m3 [9] for large
scale SWRO plants and for specific local conditions and below US$1.00/m3 for MSF. Technological
maturity, system integration, and competition combined to cause the reduction of desalination costs in
the last 20 years. Figure 2 shows the important decrease in the price reaching a factor of 10 for MSF.
Similarly, technological improvements in membrane design and systems integration have also
decreased the desalinated brackish water cost down by over half in the last two decades. In some
systems, the amount of energy required to produce 1 m of fresh water decreased by over 64% [10]. It is
more difficult to estimate brackish water cost because of water quality and quantity changes from site to
site and sometimes even at the same site [11]. But, brackish water cost is always lower than SWRO
mainly due to lower salinity feed water which requires lower applied pressure and allows higher
recovery. This causes a lower energy consumption per unit volume of water produced and a
substantially lower investment cost. Low cost potable water quality from a brackish water source can
also be achieved by electrodialysis reversal (EDR) technology. A very large scale brackish water
desalination plant, with a total capacity of 200,000 m3/d and using EDR technology, was built recently
in Barcelona, Spain. Typically, EDR is selected over RO for systems that have a particular water
chemistry issue, such as a high sulfate to chloride ratio in the raw water.
Although desalination is expensive compared to conventional treatment of fresh water, the cost of
desalination, particularly RO, is decreasing, while the costs for developing new fresh water sources of
potable supply are increasing or no longer possible. Membrane prices have significantly dropped in the
last decades. Prices of thermal processes are also falling due to material improvements, process
innovation, and increasing competition. Also, as technological developments cause a reduction in the
cost of equipment, the overall relative plant costs are expected to decline. This trend has made
desalination, once a costly alternative to the provision of potable water, a viable solution and
economically competitive with other options for water supply. Figure 3 shows the cost trends for
different raw waters treated by RO [12]. It shows that the cost of desalination and water reuse has
reduced to a level comparable with traditional water supply options. RO desalination cost includes all
the treatment steps including pretreatment and post-treatment processes but excluding water distribution
costs. The overall decline in cost trend may significantly decrease or could reverse based on current,
The main factors that contributed to cost reduction in all desalination processes are the significant
improvements in the performance of these technologies during the last few decades. The main
improvements in thermal processes are summarized in Table 2. In addition, the BOO and BOOT
contract delivery mechanisms, which changed from technical to functional, have allowed project bidders
to further optimize plant design and operation , which has helped in reducing the cost.
More details on developments that have contributed to cost reduction are presented in section 6.
Many recent and important improvements in desalination technologies are in RO systems. The total
desalination capacity worldwide using RO technology is continuously increasing, even in the Arabian
Gulf region where energy is cheap and raw water quality is less suitable for RO technology, requiring an
advanced pretreatment scheme to protect RO membranes mainly from fouling and biofouling [17]. The
total global capacity (sea and brackish waters) of RO is the highest compared to any other process
(Figure 1). The tremendous reduction in desalinated water cost by RO has enabled many countries to
implement desalination to supply potable water for domestic and industrial use and even for agriculture
There have been many developments over the last three decades that have contributed to a reduction
in unit water cost of RO desalination, particularly membrane performance and reduction in energy
consumption caused by more efficient energy recovery systems. The performance of the membrane
materials and modules has improved with respect to increased salt rejection, increased surface area per
unit volume, increased flux, improved membrane life, and capacity to work at higher pressure, and has
also a decreased membrane cost. The recovery ratio increased considerably over the years due to
improved salt rejection. The recovery ratio for normal seawater desalination (35,000 mg/L of salinity)
was about 25% in 1980s and it increased to 35% in 1990s. Currently, it is about 45% and can reach 60%
if second stage is applied. Significantly lower recoveries occur in locations where seawater salinities are
usually high, such as the Arabian Gulf, the Red Sea, and the eastern Mediterranean Sea, but recoveries
in these difficult areas have also historically improved. Improved recovery has facilitated a decrease of
the investment cost and also operating costs. The capital cost reduction occurs because of the reduction
in RO train and intake and outfall system capacities caused by the improved conversion rate of seawater
to fresh water. The operating cost reduction is due to a reduction in usage of chemicals and pumping
energy [19].
Membrane costs should increase due to inflation over a period of time. The significant decrease of
membrane costs of the last decades has contributed considerably to unit water cost reduction.
Perhaps the energy component has witnessed the most dramatic improvement in RO processes. The
energy is recovered from the brine side of the process through either turbo systems that include
reversible pumps, Pelton turbines, turbochargers, and a hydraulic pressure booster or through volumetric
systems that include the ERI pressure exchanger, DWEER (Dual Work Exchanger), or the KSB
(SalTec) devise. Other new energy recovery systems are under development with the objective of
reducing energy consumption for SWRO below 2 kwh/m3. Typical energy consumption for different
membranes). Most of the new plants are using lesser amounts of chemicals, which is more
- Development of new intake designs, mainly conventional wells [21], horizontal wells or
drains, or gallery intakes [22]. These types of natural filtration systems are very suitable for
treatment of difficult raw water qualities to minimize impingement and entrainment [23], and reduce
quantities of chemicals used, especially during red tide events or high harmful algal blooms [21, 22].
In open intakes, a more suitable pretreatment is required to deal with red tides. Dissolved air
- Reduction in usage of chemicals with improved membrane performance. Injection of acid and
antiscalant is not always necessary. A recent study showed stable operation of a SWRO plant free of
chemicals without causing any scaling [25]. In addition, the use of low pressure membranes in
SWRO pretreatment can reduce or avoid the use of coagulation agents [20].
- Increase in plant capacity (plant size and unit size) provides a scaling factor that reduces cost,
Apart from improvements in RO technology, increases in plant capacity have also contributed to a
reduction in unit water cost (Figure 4) [18]. The magnitude of the respective costs due to improvements
in the membranes and increases in plant capacity are difficult to measure since they have both taken
place simultaneously. Plant capacities increased by a factor or 10 between 1995 and 2010.The Maqtaa
SWRO plant located in Algeria, which is under construction, will have a total capacity of 500,000 m3/d
Two or more desalination processes can be combined or coupled with a power plant in a hybrid
configuration to produce water at low cost. Where there is considerable fluctuation in water and power
demands, it is very suitable to use hybrid desalination systems (co-generation power-MSF plant with
SWRO plant). In general, MSF or MED are combined with VC and RO or nanofiltration (NF).
Combination of processes and power production can more efficiently utilize fuel energy as well as the
produced power. For utilization of idle power to produce water via RO or MVC, the additional
produced water can be stored in aquifers and recovered when demand is higher, thereby increasing
There are many advantages of hybrid systems. Different desalination technologies can use common
intake and outfall systems to reduce pumping energy and decrease the cost of civil works. Also, the feed
water temperature to the RO process can be maintained constant during the seasons using the available
waste heat from thermal brine discharge. Use within the RO process, in turn, helps cool the water to
acceptable temperatures before the concentrate is returned to the sea, thus, better meeting discharge
regulations related to thermal discharge cooling water. Furthermore, integrated pretreatment and post-
When thermal-based and membrane-based technologies are used simultaneously, the product waters
of both processes can be blended to obtain the required product quality for potable use. Also, a second
pass RO may not be required, if blending is used to obtain specific water quality (addition of hardness).
This combination significantly reduces the investment and total water costs. For example, a plant
producing 150,000 m3/d with an optimum capacity ratio of SWRO to MSF/MED of 2 (i.e. 100,000 m3/d
RO and 50,000 m3/d MSF/MED), the total water cost is decreased by US$0.064/m3, which creates an
economic benefit of approximately US$3.4million/year. The total savings used for this benefit were
derived from the economic assessment of hybrid system graphs developed by Awerbuch [28].
The parameters that affect the total investment (capital) and operational costs of desalination plants
are the major factors considered in selection of an appropriate desalination technology. The estimated
cost of desalination with different processes is site-specific and depends mainly on the following
generated at a considerable distance away, the RO process may have greater economic advantage
- Desalination process configuration, plant size and its component design. The investment cost of
membrane-based technologies (Table 3). For a similar plant capacity, thermal processes require
larger footprints and use more costly materials and equipment than the SWRO process. Similarly,
thermal processes consume higher amounts of specific energy (electrical and thermal) than RO
(needs electricity only) and more chemicals are required to control scaling, corrosion and foam.
However, on the other hand, thermal distillate is of higher quality than the RO product. Also,
thermal processes function using nearly any quality (salinity) of feed water without extensive
pretreatment. Plant capacity is also an important issue. Normally, the higher the plant capacity, the
lower the total water cost and investment cost per cubic meter of product (Figure 4). However,
political or environmental issues could be a limitation for successfully implementing such mega-
production capacity should be built in appropriate locations to avoid additional costs, such as water
transfer or not running the plant under its optimal conditions. Real estate acquisition cost is also a
significant factor that may require greater water transmission in locations where land cost may
- Raw water quality, temperature, intake arrangement and required product water quality (post-
treatment, blending). The plant location should be carefully selected at the best site in terms of feed
water quality, elevation or currents especially for RO as the cost could be significantly affected by
the quality of feed water if more advanced pretreatment is required. For example, biofouling reduces
the membrane life-expectancy and increases the operation and maintenance (O&M) costs and, in
some cases, has led to temporary plant shutdowns. Intake and pretreatment arrangements are
designed depending on raw water quality and quantity as well as geology of the site.
- Reject discharge type and product water storage. New environmental regulations continuously oblige
designers and plant constructors to develop advanced methods for concentrate discharge [29].
Concentrate salinity and chemistry, temperature (for thermal processes), and waste chemicals are the
main concerns [29, 30]. New regulations require dilution of the concentrate in a mixing zone,
reduction of brine temperature by cooling water, and removing the chemicals before discharging it
- Post-treatment of the product water. The pH and hardness of desalinated water requires
readjustments to make the water acceptable for potable use [31]. In general, desalinated water, after
- On-site storage of product water. Depending on the reliability of the treatment plant infrastructure
and the electric power source and the need for storage of produced water for emergency periods, on-
site storage capacity can range from a few hours of plant capacity up to about 5 days of capacity. At
the large desalination plants in the Middle East region, only a small amount of water is stored in
tanks in case of a reduction in water production due to routine or an unexpected shut down [32].
- Product water recovery and energy price. The energy price is included in the contract agreement for
the service period as part of the total water cost. However, virtually all BOO and BOOT contracts
contain an energy adjustment cost provision to cover variations (mostly increases) in electric power
costs. Therefore, minimization or reduction in the facility energy consumption has a major impact on
- Materials, equipment, chemicals and other consumables.
- Contract (land and construction, cost inflation during the life of the plant), interest rate changes, and
administrative overheads.
- O&M, membrane replacement, equipment replacement (particularly pumps and header pipes),
skilled labor costs and training requirements. The availability of qualified personnel results in higher
production capacity with less shutdown and consumables use [1]. However, in regions where the
skilled labor pool is insufficient or non-existent, operational costs can be higher due to higher wages
for plant workers (imported skilled labor) or plant inefficiencies caused by poor operation.
- Investment and capital costs depend strongly on the above parameters, especially the desalination
- Specific details of the water purchase agreement, regulatory requirements and political risks (higher
financing rates).
- Performance standard. Many BOO and BOOT bid tenders contain a minimum performance
reliability standard. Typically, a 95% standard is applied. If a 98% standard is applied, there is a
substantial increase in CAPEX because of the increased requirement for redundancy of equipment.
The big issue is loss of production and it is huge. It can be as much as US$1million/d and CAPEX is
not the driver OPEX is the key. In mega-plants, one additional train (unit) is usually used as a
spare that operates in emergencies. Use of the excess capacity can decrease the flux and extend the
membrane life. It also gives flexibility for regular maintenance (basically 2 weeks/year) and
membrane replacement (usually one-fifth to one-seventh of the modules each year) and provides
smoother operation in term of pressure drop. So at 95% uptime, we only have 2.61 weeks off
anyway which merely leaves 0.61 weeks for unplanned downtime. The point here is that the
desalination plant has to work in conjunction with the mining equipment in order to maximize cash
flow. No rational contract contains a 100% reliability standard. There is commonly a penalty clause
Another issue to consider here is the capacity of the storage tanks (the tank feeding the pipeline and
storage tanks in between and the tank at the site or a covered pond)?
The capital cost includes all expenditures associated with the implementation of a given desalination
project from the time of its conception, through design, permitting, financing, construction,
commissioning and acceptance testing for normal operation [33]. Capital cost is often referred as
TWC or life-cycle cost is the sum of capital cost and operating cost for the contract period (Figure
5). The cost is calculated by dividing the sum of the amortized (annualized) capital costs and the annual
O&M costs by the average annual potable water production volume. In general, TWC excludes the
distribution costs, particularly in alternative delivery contracts (in municipal water costing, the
distribution costs are included in the overall water cost assessment) [33]. O&M costs are site-specific
and consist of fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs include insurance and amortization (annual
interest for direct and indirect costs) costs. The primary variable operating costs (OPEX) include the cost
and spare part costs, which are dependent on the relationship of facility location to manufacturing and
distribution centers.
Capital cost includes direct and indirect costs. Direct capital costs represent the installed process
equipment, auxiliary equipment (MSF/MED equipment is generally more costly than RO), and the
associated piping and instrumentation, site civil works, intake (may include wells, open or sub-surface
intakes) and brine discharge (may include outfall, injection wells, evaporation ponds) infrastructures,
buildings, roads and laboratories. Land cost depends on the contract agreement and may vary from zero
to an agreed lump sum depending on the site characteristics [35]. Construction costs are typically 50-
85% of the total capital cost. Indirect capital costs represent interest during construction (overheads),
working capital, freight and insurance, contingencies, import duties (in some cases waived), project
management, and architectural and engineering (A&E) fees. These costs are usually calculated as a
percentage of the direct capital costs with an average of 40% [35], 15-50% [33] or 30-45% [36], but are
The investment cost depends strongly on the mentioned parameters. Table 3 provides the estimated
minimum and maximum limits of investment and TWC for different technologies of recent, newly
contracted and commissioned projects. The actual energy consumption is four times higher than the
minimum energy required to produce fresh water from seawater (thermodynamic limit of desalting
typical seawater (35 g/L) is 0.78 Kwh/m3 for 0% recovery and 1.2 Kwh/m3 for 50% recovery, which is
closer to an RO system recovery). Figure 4 shows the difference in investment cost for RO plants of
different sizes [18]. The same general trend of the curves is observed for seawater and brackish water.
TWC and investment costs of the Barcelona brackish water EDR plant, having a total capacity of
200,000 m/d3 and feed salinity of 2 g/L (obtained product < 400 ppm), are US$0.26/m3 and US$79.56
million, respectively [2]. TWC for large-scale thermal process facilities ranges from US$0.80 to 1.50,
US$0.70 to 1.20, and US$0.60 to 1.00/m3 for MSF, MED and VC, respectively. However, it is
important to mention that the total energy consumption for each technology is a better parameter in
comparing the cost as in most cases energy (especially thermal) is highly subsidized by governments in
energy rich countries making the TWC an ineffective parameter for cost comparison between plants
Energy consumption
Table 3: Energy consumption and water cost (average values) of large scale commercial desalination
The breakdown of the total energy consumption of two real SWRO plants, typically reported as 3-4
kwh/m3 excluding water distribution systems (Table 3), is presented in Figure 6. Both plants use similar
Figure 6: Energy consumption in SWRO: (left) one-pass RO, salinity= 35 g/L; (right) 2-pass RO,
salinity=39 g/L.
In MED the specific power consumption is below 2 kWh/m3 of distillate, which is significantly
lower than MSF which is typically 4kWh/m3. The major advantage of the MED process, however, is the
ability to produce significantly a higher performance ratio in excess of 8.6 kg of the product per 0.45 kg
If the corrosion and scaling potentials are reduced through some means such as the application of the
NF membrane softening process, then these plants can be operated at higher temperatures with a
The described improvements helped in reducing the unit water cost produced by MSF to less than
US$1.00/m3 for large-scale plants. The investment cost of large MSF plants is about US$1,500/m3/day
capacity based on the average value of recently contracted plants installed in the Middle East.
Additionally, MSF contractors have been able to reduce the construction time, thus implementing large
turnkey projects within a period of close to one year, which is responsive to meeting water shortages on
an emergency basis. A typical unit water cost breakdown for an MSF plant is given in Figure 7-left [33].
Energy (mostly steam) and capital recovery represent 74% of the MSF cost, O&M 17%, and spare
components 9%.
Figure 7: Unit water cost breakdown for MSF (left) and RO (right) [33].
The investment cost of a recent large scale SWRO desalination plant ranges between USD $900-
1,200/m3/day capacity. A smaller plant can reach US$2,500/m3/day capacity. A typical unit water cost
breakdown for a SWRO plant is given in Figure 7-right [33]. TWC varies between US$0.5 to 1.20/m3.
Capital, energy and membrane replacement costs constitute the major components of TWC. Capital
amortization constitutes 35% to 45%, whereas electric power is 19% to 40% of the TWC. Conversely, in
BWRO, energy represents about 10% of the total cost due to a lower operating pressure, 65% capital
Also, it is important to note that the number of operating RO plants is increasing worldwide
including in energy-rich countries as RO capital cost is lower than MSF and the technology has had
tremendous developments. Even MED costs, which are comparable to RO, have declined, but there are
many fewer MED plants being constructed. This phenomenon is observed for new projects with water
and power production on the same site where RO is built along with very large scale power plants, such
as the case of the Barka and Dhofar plants in Oman. This trend towards selective use of RO over a
thermal process reflects the flexibility and simplicity of bidding requirements for the RO process.
6.3. Cost of some recent desalination projects
Some recent TWCs of various desalination plants using different technologies and contracts type are
summarized in Table 4. It shows costs with significant differences in total price even for similar plant
capacities and project types. In some projects, water price is high due to specific conditions like the
necessity to install complex pretreatment systems or because of severe environmental regulations that
increase permitting and construction costs. A detailed list of several seawater desalination plants
installed around the world and their associated TWCs were published in DWR 44-33 [2] and Huehmer
et al. [34].
Table 4. Water cost of different recent large scale projects [2, 8].
Figure 8 shows that the TWC decreased significantly from 1991 to 2003 mainly due to the
technological developments described. But, when TWC is extended a little further into the future, the
projected cost curve begins to turn upwards (dotted line). For the low unit price of the Singapore plant
(US$0.47/m3) [9], the cost is based on a guaranteed minimum water production significantly lower than
the plant production capacity [8]. Ashkelon is an impressive case since the cost is low even though the
salinity of feed water is higher and the product has a chloride limit of 35 mg/L and a boron limit of 0.4
mg/L. However, it was reported that TWC was adjusted many times and increased to US$0.655/m3 in
2006 and to US$0.778/m3 in 2008 [18]. Some projects include extraordinary costs such as complicated
Figure 8. TWC of different SWRO plants in operation and contracted (average capacity m3/d and
The use of different methodologies by different construction companies could be one of the reasons
that such differences in estimating the water cost occur, even for similar projects because the main
parameters influencing the cost such as salinity, plant size, technology, energy cost, and regulatory
requirements are known in advance and should not affect the TWC. However, other specific parameters
such as subsidies, financial and political risks are also contributing to evaluation of the costs, causing
Cost of desalination commonly is not directly related to charges for delivered potable water charged
by a utility or contractor. There are no precise rules to estimate comparable prices charged for
desalinated water even for similar conditions and plant types, because the costs added for administration,
delivery or special delivery covenants (profit) are quite variable. Therefore, a uniform cost estimation
technique developed for desalination will benefit water users and utilities using a contractor to provide
7.1. Some reasons for the recent increased TWC and the impact of emerging desalination
After extensive investigation of the TWC evolution over the last decades and for recent projects, the
authors join the expectation of many desalination experts that the desalinated water cost will not reduce
further at the same rate of decline for several reasons. The primary reasons are the instable prices of
crude oil (affects energy costs), currency fluctuations, and increases in membrane prices. Membrane
prices were kept stable in the last years by technology improvements and competition causing many
companies to operate at low profit margins. Many membrane manufacturers predict that there is no way
to avoid membrane price increases in the near future [8]. Most of membrane manufacturers have already
increased the prices of their products. Another important issue is the increased costs of energy, shipping,
raw materials (particularly specialty metals), equipment and chemicals prices along with more restrictive
environmental regulations. Furthermore, in some projects, intake and reject disposal systems costs are
higher than the cost of the entire capital cost of a similar plant in another country where restrictions are
not severe (e.g. Australian plants). Short supply of highly skilled manpower for plant construction and
O&M could also be a factor in cost increases [1, 37]. Finally, currency fluctuations and inflation will
oblige constructing companies to increase their financial risk percentage within the financing
treatment [31], and new cleaning methods (without shutting down the desalination unit) may not
Existing desalination technologies are mature and desalinated water cost reductions will be marginal
membrane processes due to improved membranes, higher efficiency pumps and energy recovery
systems (including integrated systems) and pretreatment methods. New design configurations (inter-
staged membrane operations) [38] and use of forward osmosis [39] can also reduce energy consumption
in SWRO. The use of 16-inch RO modules can also have an impact on cost (mainly lower footprint)
despite designers of construction companies are still reluctant to use these mega-modules which were
developed several years ago. Other technological improvements in advanced membrane materials such
as development of sulfonated polysylfone composite RO membranes that are highly resistant to chlorine
attack (better biofouling control) [40] are foreseen, which could have an effect on reducing the cost as
well [7].
membrane distillation (MD) and new hybrid systems using renewable energies and low grade waste
energy will likely bring the cost down, but implementation of these new technologies will take some
In thermal processes, there could be some improvements in the future with the use of NF process for
pretreatment in order to control scaling at higher top brine temperatures [42], and development of
thermal-based hybrid systems using renewable energies such as geothermal, solar or wind energies [43-
Details of the most well-known software packages for estimating the capital and O&M costs for
various desalination processes, such as DEEP Desalination Economic Evaluation Program and
WTCost, developed by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) [47] and the US Bureau of
Reclamation with the assistance of I. Moch & Associates and Boulder Research Enterprises,
respectively, were presented by Reddy and Ghaffour [4]. The seawater desalting costs program of
Leitner and Water Resources Associates (WAR) were also discussed [4, 48].
Desalination cost assessment methods are required by many different types of users and for different
purposes, thus there are different accuracy requirements. In general, plant suppliers and consultants
develop their own spreadsheet cost estimation methods which are proprietary and generally with less
transparency. Other specialists use the published tools such as DEEP, WTCost and SWRO cost
estimator [2]. To evaluate the accuracy of these tools, different authors have used these software
packages [35, 49-51] which were recently developed for different RO and thermal desalination plants in
operation in order to evaluate the calculated costs and compare them with actual data for the same
conditions. Estimated costs of the same plants were found to have varying accuracies with errors as
large as 20%. Then, authors used another simple spreadsheet cost calculation prepared by Tua
Engineering, Malta, for RO [52] and Ettouney et al. [35] for thermal processes (spreadsheet developed
for the Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC) project) and found similar figures which
means that the complex parameters used in these software packages are not widely influencing the cost
estimates. Similarly, comparable figures were presented by Huehmer at al. [33] using the results of
different empirical capital cost models for SWRO developed by different authors [53-57].
If the existing cost estimation methodologies were more transparent, it would help researchers and
users to develop more accurate tools taking into account all the possible parameters influencing the
water cost in order to converge towards comparable costs. However, reasonable variation in costs is
acceptable as it remains site specific. These tools are needed for selection of the appropriate technology
for specific sites, selection of optimum production capacity of each technology, including hybrid
desalination configurations, minimization of desalinated water cost by optimizing capital and operating
costs, and for selection of appropriate desalination technology powered with different energy sources
The total project investment (capital) and desalinated water costs are needed by different levels of
people and sectors for different purposes as they are the main factors for decision-makers and investors
to consider desalination as a solution for potable water supply. Policy/decision makers and planners
need these tools for use in feasibility studies and consultants need them for evaluation of tenders. Plant
suppliers use cost estimation software packages for evaluation and optimization of their technologies
and processes, whereas design engineers use them for process and equipment design optimization.
Researchers and technology developers also need transparent cost estimation methodologies for
improving existing desalination technologies and for developing new technologies in order to reduce
9. Conclusions
The investment and total water costs are primary parameters used by decision makers to select the
appropriate desalination technology for a project based on plant capacity, energy consumption, contract
delivery type, and other factors, such as the cost to mitigate for environmental impacts. However, cost
depends on many parameters and the accuracy of a cost estimate relies on the use of more transparent,
high quality software packages to produce accurate results. Cost data reported is commonly not
consistent for different technologies or similar-sized facilities, because they are site-specific. Available
cost estimation methods and software packages are of different accuracy with error ranges of 10 to
50% [4].
It is quite clear that there is a need to decide on the complexity and content of cost estimation
models. Water cost estimation methodologies need to identify and specify all of the parameters that
contribute to the desalination cost and develop a structured and transparent procedure for estimation of
the desalinated water cost for any facility. These estimates are needed for project planning and
Desalination costs are decreasing for all technologies, particularly in the last decade with the largest
cost reduction occurring in RO technology. The reduction in RO treatment cost has been favored by the
growth rate, plant capacity, competition with other technologies, and the vast improvements in RO
systems (better process designs, membranes and materials, and lower energy consumption) as well as
the simplicity and flexibility of recent project bids. However, the authors believe that desalination costs
will not continue to decrease at the same rate in the near future, despite continued improvements in the
existing technologies. Equipment, raw materials, and energy costs are rapidly rising which will impact
Environmental guidelines are becoming stricter, particularly in the United States, the European
Union and Australia. These regulations cause a significant increase in cost as permitting becomes a
major factor (in California the permitting cost can be up to 60% of a major project cost). Similarly,
manufacturers of chemicals are under continuous pressure, particularly in Europe to register, evaluate,
and obtain authorization for use. This is a costly endeavor and will also reflect on the cost of
Authors wish to Thank Mr. Kenneth Goodboy, Global Director Desalination, Hatch Water, USA,
for his advice and Mr. Muhannad AbuGhdeeb, Engineering Specialist at WDRC-KAUST, for his time
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List of tables
Table 1: Market historical and forecast of desalination systems [8].
Table 2: Main improvements of thermal processes.
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processes [2-4, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18].
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List of figures
Figure 1: Installed (left) and forecast (right) desalination capacity by technology (as of first quarter of
2012) [2].
Figure 2: Unit water cost trends by SWRO and MSF processes.
Figure 3: Water resources cost trends [12].
Figure 4: Investment costs in RO processes vs. capacity [18].
Figure 5: Diagram of TWC analysis for desalination processes.
Figure 6: Energy consumption in SWRO: (left) one-pass RO, salinity= 35 g/L; (right) 2-pass RO,
salinity=39 g/L.
Figure 7: Unit water cost breakdown for MSF (left) and RO (right) [33].
Figure 8: TWC of different SWRO plants in operation and contracted (average capacity m3/d and
average cost US$/m3 for each year).