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The paper details the method of designing for the effects of trees as set out in a new informative Appendix H in
the revised Residential Slabs and Footings Standard, AS2870, published by Standards Australia in February
2011. Background to the recommendations is given along with an introduction into research efforts that may
improve designs in the future. In essence, the recommendations have been formulated in the light of more than
20 years successful use in South Australia of simple rules promulgated by the Footings Group (South Australia).
Other evidence, generally from case studies of damaged houses, has been gathered in different climates, which
supports the general premises of the recommendations and the extrapolation of the method to areas with wetter
The root systems of trees extract water from the soil as part of their biological activity, most of which is
transpired through their leaves. The presence of trees can increase the degree and depth of variation in soil
moisture compared to that which occurs in their absence. If the soil is reactive, the extra moisture variation will
cause extra volume change and foundation movement. If a tree dies or is removed, the soil within the influence
of its root will commonly be desiccated relative to the surrounding soil. Subsequent wetting up of the desiccated
zone as it equilibrates with the surrounding soil can result in swelling and foundation heave if the soil is reactive.
The Australian Residential Slabs and Footings Standard, AS2870, was first published in 1986. It has provided
guidance for the design of residential footings on reactive clay. The original standard, and the subsequent
editions, including the penultimate edition published in 1996, did not provide any means of allowing for the
exacerbation of reactive clay foundation movement caused by trees. Rather, the standard encouraged the
avoidance of tree influence on footing systems by setting limits on the proximity of trees to the house. The site
classification method in the standard assumed reasonable site maintenance throughout the life of the building
and that trees are kept sufficiently far away, so that they have no significant influence on the ground surface
movement beneath the building.
The separation rules in AS2870 set limits to the ratio of Dt/HT, where Dt is the minimum distance from the
house wall to the tree trunk and HT is the height of the tree. The separation ratios recommended by AS2870
increase with the level of site classification and also if more than one tree is present. There is no attempt to
distinguish between effects of different tree species or the form of the tree: the sole criterion is the height of the
Due to the continuing trend towards smaller residential allotments and the increasing appreciation of various
benefits of trees, the absence of explicit rules to allow for the effects of trees has become an increasing limitation
on the applicability of the standard. Design engineers have tried to minimise the risk of damage due to associated
soil shrinkage settlements either by excluding trees, or, as in South Australia, by designing footings to cater for
the anticipated extra soil shrinkage settlement. The South Australian design criteria for tree-drying are based
on simplistic empiricism, as very little information is available on the effects of different tree species on soil
moisture regimes in the urban environment. It is likely that this simplistic approach is resulting in some footings
being overdesigned and thus adding unnecessarily to building costs, and in other cases, under-design, resulting in
footing failures, building damage and loss. The experience of design engineers in South Australia since the
implementation of the rules in 1990, as ascertained via a questionnaire to the Footings Group circulated in 2010,
suggested that the approach may be conservative; failures are rare. Others may argue that 20 years is too soon for
some tree species to have had their full effect.
A useful concept in modelling the maximum desiccation caused by any vegetation, including trees, is the wilting
point suction, which is defined as the soil suction beyond which tree roots cannot continue to extract water from
the soil. This concept sets absolute limits on the drying effect of trees on the soil. When combined with
knowledge of the depth extent of the root affected zone, the equilibrium moisture conditions at depth and the
reactivity of the soil, estimates of the extra ground movement attributable to the tree drying can be made.
Various researchers have used the wilting point concept in their numerical models for predicting the settlement
caused by extraction of water from the soil by vegetation (Fredlund and Hung, 2001; Indraratna et al., 2006;
Hemmati et al., 2008; Navarro et al., 2009).
In arid areas, vegetation will often be unable to extract water from the top metre or so of the seasonally dry
profile because the soil there is already drier than the wilting point. Accordingly, the vegetation must extract
water from deeper within the soil profile to survive. Tree roots also need a reasonable level of oxygen to survive.
It appears that shear surfaces and shrinkage cracks within reactive soil masses can allow ingress of enough
oxygen to sustain roots at significant depths. The literature abounds with reports of deep penetration of tree roots
(Fityus, Cameron and Driscoll, 2007).
The limitation on drying inherent in the wilting point concept has been considered in the current
recommendations in AS2870-2011. However, a pragmatic and simplified approach has been adopted in defining
the tree induced suction profile. The simplifications and departures from the strict wilting point concept include
1. trees can affect design suction changes from the ground surface downwards
2. the depth of drying is curtailed to an extent.
The extension of the South Australian approach to other climates has been made based on equivalent drying
areas (suction change profiles) within the soil profile, with a reduction in the degree and depth of drying for
wetter regions where water is normally more available to vegetation and hence there is less incentive for
development of root systems to the depths seen in semi-arid climates. The general approach has been calibrated
with data from South East Queensland (Beal and Cameron, 2007), which is presented here in support of the
method given in the revised Standard. South Australian and Victorian data reported in Cameron (2001) are also
presented in this paper for completeness.
Furthermore, in South Australia, it is common practice to design each and every footing system for the expected
design movement, using beam-on-mound computer programs such as SLOG (Mitchell method) or CORD
(Walsh method).
For normal sites, AS2870 recommends a design suction change regime, which decreases linearly with depth.
This is supposed to represent the range of suction through the profile on normal sites under the influence of
climate. The maximum design suction change is at the soil surface and decreases to zero at the depth of design
suction change Hs, which varies with climatic region. This depth is four metres for Adelaide. The Footings
Group method simply required an increase in the suction change at depth Hs from zero to a prescribed value,
ubase. The additional suction change attributed to tree drying of the soil was assumed to increase linearly from
zero at the surface to ubase at depth Hs. There was no requirement to consider any tree-induced suction change
below the depth, Hs. The design suction change distributions are shown in Figure 1.
In the Footings Group method, the adopted suction change, ubase, at depth, Hs (i.e. 4.0 m for South Australia),
varies depending on the following factors:
1. Separation ratio (Dt/HT)
2. Density of planting
3. Site classification, assuming no tree influence
Generally, the separation ratio referred to in the first point is based on HT, which should be the expected mature
height of the tree. Without expert botanical assistance, this is a parameter which is difficult for engineers or site
classifiers to estimate and so many designers have resorted to applying the most severe condition, a separation
ratio of 0.5. The method attributes no further increase in tree effect for smaller separations.
The Footings Group method increases the calculated mound height in the centre heave mode of foundation
movement as the method is specifically concerned with new construction and the planting of trees during or after
construction. In the 2008 revision of the Special Provisions, commentary was added to warn of the potential
impact of tree removal prior to construction. Tree removal and the consequent equilibration of the desiccated soil
in the root zone can lead to large permanent edge heaves if the tree happened to be outside the building footprint,
or even large mound heave if the tree was within the building footprint.
For design of footings on reactive sites unaffected by trees, AS2870 defines the foundation mound by defining a
notional edge distance parameter. With tree drying, the reach of drying under a slab system can be expected to
be greater than normal, which other things being equal, requires a more robust footing design. The South
Australian practice has been to ignore this aspect, but to compensate by adopting a symmetrical mound in the
design rather than the asymmetrical mound that could be expected with a tree only on one side of the building.
us us
wet dry wet dry
no trees no trees
Hs Hs
ubase ubase
Extra requirements for ductility in the reinforced concrete beam sections are prescribed in recognition of the
greater uncertainty of design and the associated need to avoid gross failure of the slab if design movement limits
are exceeded.
Members of the Footings Group (SA) attach a caveat to their designs when designing according to the special
provisions of the Group. This caveat expresses the limitations of the design approach which can be summarized
in point form as follows:
There are no reliable design methods due to the complexity of the problem
wilting point suction which is most the relevant suction parameter, as recommended in Cameron (2001).
Cameron reported values of deep equilibrium suction in Adelaide and its environs ranging between 0.87 and
1.38 MPa (3.95-4.15 pF) for 8 case studies. In these same cases, (uwp-ueq) was estimated to vary between 0.23
and 0.40 pF with an average of 0.31 pF.
1.2 pF 1.2 pF
no trees no trees
4m 4m
0.43 pF
0.5 pF
1.2 pF 1.2 pF
no trees no trees
4m 4m
4.5 m
0.55 pF
0.5 pF
Figure 2: Design suction change profiles for tree drying for Adelaide
The adoption of 4 m as the depth of influence for single trees reflects a reluctance to impose a requirement to
investigate to greater depth than is already required by the 4m deep normal site suction distribution.
Nevertheless, an extra half metre was added for the tree group distribution in acknowledgement of the empirical
evidence that trees will resort to extracting water from deeper than 4 m, when tree root systems have to compete
with neighbouring trees.
A comparison of tree modified mound heights (ym tree) in centre heave for the Footings Group approach and
mound heights calculated according to the guidance provided by AS2870-2011, is given in Figure 3. Mound
height has been calculated according to Equation 1:
y m tree = y m + yt = 0.7 y s + yt (1)
The mound height in the absence of trees is ym, and, for this comparison, yt is the maximum tree-induced
settlement. The comparison has been made based on a uniform soil profile, cracked through it full depth, and for
shrinkage indices ranging between 1.7 and 4.2 %/pF. With these values of site parameters and soil properties, the
normal design site surface characteristic movement, ys, ranged between 40 and 100 mm.
It is evident that for the single tree case there is little difference between the outcomes of the two methods,
except at the Class E-D end (ys = 100 mm) where the AS2870-2011 method provides an 8% lower estimate of
design mound height. However, for the tree group comparison, it is seen that the AS2870 approach is more
conservative across all classes of site, producing on average 7.3 mm extra mound height.
60 AS2870
40 Ftgs
G p
0 1 2 3 4 5
a) Single tree
ys = 70
ys = 100
60 AS2870
40 Ftgs
G p
0 1 2 3 4 5
b) Group of trees
Figure 3: Comparison of modified centre heave mound heights between methods for Adelaide
us us
no trees no trees
Ht-theory Ht
(uwp ueq)
Figure 4: The design suction change proposed in AS2870-2011
Table 2: Assumed theoretical variation of suction change and depth of drying with
Hs, : Wilting Point Suction approach
within the house footprint was felled shortly before construction of the house. Generally the initial failure
investigations were conducted within four to six years after construction. The deformations observed were not
always entirely attributable to vegetation; there were instances of poor drainage and leaking drains likely leading
to lower than normal suctions in bore holes remote from the tree. As would be expected the total soil suctions on
these SE Qld sites were generally lower than is commonly seen in the more arid climate prevailing in South
In Table 5, the floor deformations are given as the maximum out-of-level across the slab (max). The floor levels
were measured using the manometric technique described in Beal (1993). Typically, for an averaged sized
house, about 100 spot levels were taken on the floor in each set of measurements. Soil suction samples were
taken down to depths of only 2 to 2.5 metres in most cases. The suction profiles nearest to the tree were
generally not taken right at the tree but rather near to the building at its closest approach to the tree. The
reactivity of representative samples of the soil profile was determined by shrink/swell test but, as always,
engineering judgement was needed in assigning shrinkage indices to untested parts of the soil profile.
The observed rebounds of the slab deformations attributable to tree removal are shown in Table 5. The rebound
generally occurred within a relatively short period of a year or so after tree felling or root exclusion by a barrier.
Measured total suction profiles across the site at the time of the investigation are shown in Figure 5 for two case
studies concerning isolated trees. As in all the plots of the suction profiles for the case studies, relative separation
(Dt/HT) has been indicated for the borehole closest to the tree (plotted with open circular markers). The borehole
away from the tree has been plotted with square markers).
Plausible design wet and dry suction profiles have been imposed on each Figure, together with the additional
design suction profile for the tree effect. For best comparison with the measured tree-affected suction profile,
the design normal suction profile should be centred, wherever possible, on a deep equilibrium suction value,
ueq. However, a value for the deep equilibrium suction could not always be inferred from the available data, due
to the sometimes limited depth of investigation.
In presenting the data, an allowance is required for the fact that the boreholes nearest to the tree and the
associated suction measurements are not taken right at the tree but rather at the house. For case studies where the
tree was located beyond a Dt/HT value of 0.5, the design tree effect extra suction profile was scaled back
according to the reduction factor allowed for tree separation given in Equation 2 so as to be more directly
comparable with measured suctions. The reduced design suction profile is indicated by a dotted line. This
scaling is not part of the design method but rather, for the purposes of this paper, it allows a fairer comparison
between the design profile and the available suction data.
Data from case study 1B, which involved a number of trees, is similarly presented in Figure 6. This case study
was of particular interest as total suctions were determined on samples taken from almost identical borehole
locations at the tree affected end of the building between 1996 and 2007. Over that period, Dt/HT decreased
from 1.25 to about 1.0, as two of the trees grew rapidly before they were ultimately removed. As expected, the
data suggest that at their initial height of 4.5 m and hence initial separation ratio of greater than 1, the trees did
not have much influence on the soil suction profile. However, as the trees grew further, the slab deformation
patterns that developed and the measured suction data confirmed the growing influence of the trees. After the
trees were removed in 2004 the suction profile at the hole near the tree location reverted to slightly wetter than it
had been when the trees were small.
This case (1B) also illustrated the difficulty of permanently and reliably excluding roots from a foundation by
means of a physical root barrier. A 1.8 m deep root barrier was installed in late 2000 and this induced recovery
of up to 36 mm from November 2000 to March 2002, but by June 2003 all of that recovery and more had been
lost. At that stage it was observed that Tipuana roots of up to 40 mm diameter had grown out of the ground and
over the polythene root barrier. It is unknown if the roots had also circumvented the bottom or the ends of the
barrier. The trees were removed in May 2004 and recovery of up to 56 mm occurred in the period to Oct 2005.
Movement between Oct 2005 and Jan 2007 was negligible, which is the first period since 1996 that the building
had been substantially stable between successive level measurements.
Further suction profile data from SE Queensland are presented in Figure 7, which have been derived from a
further four case studies of groups or rows of trees.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis - commonly known as river red gum
Eucalyptus maculata - commonly known as spotted gum
2. As of early 2000
3. Between July 1996 and November 2000 successive level measurements showed settlement at the tree
end of the building of up to 58 mm as the Tipuana trees grew from a height of 4.5 m to in excess of 8 m
all at a distance of 8.5 m from the building.
4. Except where noted otherwise, max is the maximum level difference on the slab, which will only
exactly reflect actual differential movement if the slab was constructed level to start with.
5. The rebound level change was derived from successive sets of level measurements and thus is
unaffected by any initial out-of-level of the slab from any cause.
6. The recovery was achieved following installation of a vertical root barrier, which may not have
excluded all tree effects.
7. The timber framed floor section of the house was built over the stump of the subject tree. After two
years, the floor was up to 58 mm out of level in a pattern of apparent heave approximately concentric on
the tree location.
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
Case 3B:
Dt/HT = 0.3
Figure 5: Measured and design total suctions - single tree cases, SE Queensland
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
0 0
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
Figure 7: Measured and design total suctions tree groups or rows, SE Queensland
The concept of wilting point suction is supported by the majority of these case studies from the southern states.
It can be readily seen that values of wilting point suction can be identified from the suction data. Furthermore,
having suction data to sufficient depth near and away from vegetation, a value for the equilibrium suction below
the depth of seasonal influence can be estimated in most cases. Therefore estimates of the relative drying
influence of vegetation on a site can be established and used as a basis for design for tree effects on sites with
similar climates.
The extension of the method for estimating tree induced foundation movement to wetter climates is predicated
on sparse data. The present calibration of the method which is based on the case studies from South East
Queensland, moderates the estimates of tree induced movement in wetter climates. Given that the equilibrium
suction will be lower in areas of wetter climate, and hence further from the wilting point suction, this moderation
of the estimated movement is, on the face of it, at odds with the wilting point concept. Whilst justifications for
the moderation of movement in wetter climates can be proposed, the need for further research into this and other
aspects of tree driven foundation movement is readily apparent.
The extra reactive soil foundation movement caused by tree roots extracting moisture from deep in the soil
profile can be estimated, and footing systems designed accordingly, but with less certainty than we can classify
and design for non-tree affected sites. Accordingly, it is advisable for practitioners to qualify their designs for
tree-affected sites with an appropriate caveat stating the uncertainties and limitations of the resulting designs.
The guidance given in Appendix H of AS2870-2011 have been based in part on the well-established approach of
the Footings Group of South Australia and the field data presented in this paper. Modifications have been
proposed for climates less severe than that of Adelaide and environs. Limited data have been presented from
case studies from South Australia, Victoria and South-East Queensland, which indicate that the new approach
has merit. More data are needed to further substantiate and refine the design approach.
data from Jaksa 1998
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
0 0
1 1
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
2 2
3 3
Case 2A: Tree
Dt:HT = 0.4
Case 1A: Tree
Dt/HT < 0.5 4
Figure 8: Measured and design total suctions - single tree cases, South Australia
Depth (m)
Case 3A:
Dt:HT = 0.6
Figure 8 continued: Measured and design total suctions - single tree cases, South Australia
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
0 0
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
Case 5A:
3 Row of Trees
Dt/HT = 0.5
Case 4A: Row
of Trees
4 Dt/HT = 1.5
1 1
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
6 5
Figure 9: Measured and design total suctions cases involving groups or rows of trees, South Australia
Depth (m)
Figure 9 continued: Measured and design total suctions cases involving groups or rows of trees,
South Australia
Depth (m)
Figure 10: Measured and design total suctions case of a row of trees, Victoria
It is recognised that the approach set out in Appendix H of AS2870-2011 does have limitations. However the
method does take into account the wilting point suction concept, which is a major determinant of the maximum
effect that vegetation can exert on the soil moisture regime. For Adelaide and similar semi-arid climates, a
conservative value for (uwp-ueq) of 0.5pF has been adopted for all species. The values of (uwp-ueq) for wetter
climates are reduced. In wetter climates, if the tree or trees actually do dry the soil to the wilting point value,
then the value of (uwp-ueq) may exceed the values adopted in the proposed method, in which case the method will
likely underestimate the tree induced movement.
Much more research needs to be done to investigate the tree induced suction change and the depth over which it
occurs in a wide range of climates. Fundamental research is being undertaken to monitor water demand of trees
and the consequent effect on ground movement. However to improve the guidance for practitioners in the short
term, there is an urgent need to extend the database of case studies, particularly case studies including suction
data, as they can provide usable information, relatively quickly.
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