Marchin Et Al 2020
Marchin Et Al 2020
Marchin Et Al 2020
Drought is expected to increase in frequency and severity in many regions in the future, so
it is important to improve our understanding of how drought affects plant functional traits
and ecological interactions. Imposing experimental water deficits is key to gaining this
understanding, but has been hindered by logistic difficulties in maintaining consistently low
water availability for plants. Here, we describe a simple method for applying soil water
deficits to potted plants in glasshouse experiments. We modified an existing method (the
“Snow and Tingey system”) in order to apply a gradual, moderate water deficit to 50 plant
species of different life forms (grasses, vines, shrubs, trees). The method requires less
maintenance and manual handling compared to other water deficit methods, so it can be
Edited by:
used for extended periods of time and is relatively inexpensive to implement. With only a
Randy D. Allen,
Oklahoma State University, few modifications, it is possible to easily establish and maintain soil water deficits of
United States differing intensity and duration, as well as to incorporate interacting stress factors. We
Reviewed by: tested this method by measuring physiological responses to an applied water deficit in a
Alejandra Navarro,
Council for Agricultural and
subset of 11 tree/shrub species with a wide range of drought tolerances and water-use
Economics Research, Italy strategies. For this subgroup of species, stomatal conductance was 2–17 times lower in
Mauro Guida Santos,
droughted plants than controls, although only half of the species (5 out of 11) experienced
Federal University of Pernambuco,
Brazil midday leaf water potentials that exceeded their turgor loss (i.e., wilting) point. Leaf
*Correspondence: temperatures were up to 8°C higher in droughted plants than controls, indicating that
Renée M. Marchin droughted plants are at greater risk of thermal damage, relative to unstressed plants. The
largest leaf temperature differences (between droughted and well-watered plants) were in
species with high rates of water loss. Rapid osmotic adjustment was observed in leaves of
Specialty section: five species when drought stress was combined with an experimental heatwave. These
This article was submitted to
results highlight the potential value of further ecological and physiological experiments
Plant Abiotic Stress,
a section of the journal utilizing this simple water deficit method to study plant responses to drought stress.
Frontiers in Plant Science
Keywords: glasshouse experiment, moderate drought stress, plant drought tolerance, plant ecophysiology, soil
Received: 06 September 2019 water content, water deficit
Accepted: 05 December 2019
Published: 21 January 2020
Marchin RM, Ossola A, Leishman MR
and Ellsworth DS (2020) A Simple
Method for Simulating Drought
Drought has been described as the most damaging climate hazard facing our global population
Effects on Plants. (Kogan, 1997). It is expected to increase in frequency and severity in many regions in the future as a
Front. Plant Sci. 10:1715. result of decreased precipitation and increased evaporation due to global climate change (IPCC,
doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01715 2018; Naumann et al., 2018; Dey et al., 2019). The spatial extent and duration of recent droughts,
such as the Millennium Drought (1997–2009) in southern forms, growth rates, sizes, and leaf areas, and (3) it is simple to
Australia and the California drought (2011–2017) in the USA, establish water deficits of varying intensity, duration, and
are without precedent within at least the last 400 years (Griffin pulsation (i.e., repeated drying and wetting cycles; Figure 2).
and Anchukaitis, 2014; Freund et al., 2017). Approximately two- This method is especially useful for establishing gradual water
thirds of the global population will be affected by increasing deficits lasting for weeks/months and incorporating interacting
drought (Naumann et al., 2018), which threatens food security stress factors. Previous experiments used pure sand as the potting
(FAO, 2018), forest health (Allen et al., 2010; Choat et al., 2018), media (Fernández and Reynolds, 2000; Maseda and Fernández,
and even the global beer supply (Xie et al., 2018). One of the key 2016), which has likely limited the use of this method to date.
challenges for plant science is to improve our understanding of Here, we revisit the “Snow and Tingey system” and adapt it to
how drought affects plant ecology and plant functional traits, as simulate a moderate drought stress for a diverse set of plants with
this will impact agricultural productivity as well as vegetation different life forms (grasses, vines, shrubs, trees), extending its
management. One invaluable and long-used method for use beyond sand-based media to allow the use of more complex
examining plant drought responses is the experimental horticultural media and soils.
application of controlled water deficits in the glasshouse. Drought usually takes months or years to develop in natural
Methods for applying soil water deficits in pot studies date ecosystems (Zargar et al., 2011). Although pot studies cannot
back at least 50 years, but there has not been consensus on a best- recreate the complex heterogeneous factors present in field
practice method (Munns et al., 2010). The most basic method for environments, it is good practice to establish a gradual
generating soil water deficits is passive pot-drying by intensification of water deficit over at least several weeks
withholding irrigation, but this method risks fast drying rates (Snow and Tingey, 1985). Partial stomatal closure is one of the
that do not adequately mimic natural soil water deficits (Poorter earliest responses to water deficit and can occur rapidly (i.e.,
et al., 2012). Many early studies added osmotically-active within days), but acclimation responses – such as osmotic
substances (e.g., polyethylene glycol, PEG) to soil (Zur, 1966), adjustment – require longer stress events (Harb et al., 2010;
but PEG can limit oxygen diffusion to roots (Mexal et al., 1975) Blum, 2017). Osmotic adjustment is the accumulation of solutes
and interfere with ion uptake (Yeo and Flowers, 1984). Various in plant leaves under water deficit and is a strategy for
other methods have been used to decrease water availability to maintaining turgor at low leaf water potentials (Hsiao et al.,
plants, including reduction of water pressure inside microporous 1976; Morgan, 1984; Chen and Jiang, 2010). Plant species vary in
tubes (Steinberg and Henninger, 1997) or attachment of a their ability to osmotically adjust (Bartlett et al., 2014), and the
vacuum pump to pots (Bunce and Nasyrov, 2012), both of adaptive process of osmotic adjustment requires time, at least 6–
which require an additional apparatus and complex logistics to 15 days of water deficit in crop varieties with the capacity for
implement. The most commonly used method for applying soil high osmotic adjustment (Blum et al., 1980; Molinari et al., 2004;
water deficits is to air-dry and regularly weigh individual pots, Blum, 2017). Other drought responses, such as wilting and loss of
adding precise amounts of water in order to balance water loss stem conductivity, require more severe drought stress (Bartlett
from transpiration and establish the target soil water content et al., 2016). Damage to the light-harvesting capacity of leaf
(e.g., Earl, 2003). This method successfully simulates drought photosynthesis occurs only after severe loss of hydraulic function
stress for plants of different sizes, but requires a complex and under extreme dehydration (Trueba et al., 2019). In this way, it is
expensive automated computer system. While the same method important to carefully consider the desired level of drought
can be achieved manually, it is a laborious and time-consuming response before selecting an experimental water deficit
task, particularly for large experiments with hundreds of plants. treatment (see Figure 2).
Large experimental designs usually require the use of several We designed glasshouse experiments to screen large numbers
glasshouses and/or facilities, thus increasing the need for a of plant species (>50 species) in order to identify drought-
simple yet accurate method to simulate drought. tolerant species for urban plantings in Australian cities, though
One method that has received relatively little attention was the drought method we describe can be used in a wide variety of
first proposed by Haan and Barfield (1971) and later described by contexts. Drought is common in Australia (Nicholls et al., 1997;
Snow and Tingey (1985), where solid columns of low water Freund et al., 2017) and has been associated with tree decline in
permeability are used to separate the root zone from a water urban areas (Nitschke et al., 2017). Unprecedented extreme
table. The original method utilized complex float chambers to temperatures are also predicted for many parts of the world,
establish a more constant water stress (Snow and Tingey, 1985), including Australia, within the next 10–30 years (Perkins and
relative to methods involving repeated cycles of rewatering, and Alexander, 2013; Lewis et al., 2017; BoM, 2019), so we tested the
has since been modified several times (Wookey et al., 1991; efficacy of this method by applying an experimental heatwave in
Fernández and Reynolds, 2000). A simple and inexpensive the fifth week of water deficit to better understand how plants
modification uses commercial floral foam as the means for will cope with combined drought and heat stress. The overall
establishing soil water deficit of potted plants (Fernández and goals of this work were to: (1) refine a simple water deficit
Reynolds, 2000; Figure 1). Some other advantages of this version method to simulate drought stress on potted plants, (2) evaluate
of the ‘Snow and Tingey system’ are: (1) very little maintenance its effectiveness in generating some common ecophysiological
is required, (2) it can be used to apply water deficits responses to water deficits, and (3) demonstrate that this method
simultaneously to diverse plant species with different growth can be used to investigate interactive effects of drought and other
FIGURE 1 | (A) Diagram of the simple water deficit method, adapted by permission from Springer Nature Customer Service Centre GmbH: Springer-Verlag
Oecologia (Potential growth and drought tolerance of eight desert grasses: lack of a trade-off?, Fernández and Reynolds), © 2000. Capillary irrigation is used to
control soil water content of potted plants (a, b), which are placed above a solid column of low water permeability (F, commercial porous foam) inside a plastic
container (C) filled with water (W). Intensity of the water deficit is controlled by the depth to water table (z). (B) Photo of drought tubs inside the MQ glasshouse.
environmental stresses, such as heatwaves. We show how the All seedlings were well-watered using drip irrigation for 6–15
gradual, moderate water deficit achieved with the “Snow and weeks to establish roots, allow formation of new leaves, and
Tingey system” affected plant physiological responses in a subset acclimate to glasshouse environmental conditions. During this
of 11 tree/shrub species. We also discuss the versatility of this time, seedlings were rotated within and between glasshouse bays
simple method for simulating drought effects on plants in order on a monthly basis to allow uniform solar irradiance for growth.
to highlight potential uses in other ecological experiments. At the beginning of the experiment, seedlings received one daily
watering of 1 L at 6:00. As seedlings grew, watering was increased
to a total of 1.5–4.5 L daily (delivered at 8:00, 13:00, and 17:00) to
keep all seedlings well-watered. The average glasshouse
MATERIALS AND METHODS temperature was 27°C to represent summer conditions in
southeastern Australia, with a diurnal range from 21 to 34°C
Plant Material and Experimental and the maximum temperature spanning 6 h at midday (12:00–
Conditions 18:00; Supplementary Figure S1). Glasshouse daytime relative
Two coordinated glasshouse experiments were conducted: one at humidity ranged from 40%–95%, which led to a range in daytime
the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment (HIE; Western vapor pressure deficit (VPD) of 0.2–3.5 kPa. Daily maximum
Sydney University, Richmond, NSW, Australia) and the other at photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was >2,000 µmol m-2
Macquarie University (MQ; North Ryde, NSW, Australia). A s-1 inside the HIE glasshouses, but only ~1600 µmol m-2 s-1
total of 50 plant species from 20 different families were selected, inside the MQ glasshouses.
including 25 tree, 11 shrub, 7 vine/groundcover, and 7
herbaceous species (Supplementary Table S1). Species
included both native Australian plants (42 species) and exotic Water Deficit Treatment
species (8 species) and occur in a range of different After the acclimation period, half of the plants (n = 5 plants per
environments, from semi-arid to rainforest ecosystems species) were exposed to a gradual, five-week water deficit using the
(Table 1). Twenty-four species were grown in two glasshouse method described by Snow and Tingey (1985) and modified by
bays at HIE from 1 November 2017 to 23 March 2018; 26 species Fernández and Reynolds (2000). Pure sand has been used to
were grown in two glasshouse bays at MQ from 26 January to 25 achieve fast equilibrium rates during drying (Fernández and
May 2018. Planting stock (n = 10 plants per species) was Reynolds, 2000), but it is not a preferred growth substrate for
obtained from commercial nurseries in Australia as tubestock, most plants. We used a native potting mix (as described above; bulk
140-mm, or 200-mm pot size, depending on species availability. density: 0.45 ± 0.004 g cm-3), instead of pure sand, to successfully
Seedlings were bare-rooted and transplanted into 6-L square pots grow a diverse set of 50 plant species (Supplementary Table S1). It
containing native potting mix (<30% sand/coir, >70% screened was not possible to drought all species in the same week due to a
composted pine bark; Australian Growing Solutions, Tyabb, limited number of glasshouses, so 5–6 species with similar growth
VIC, Australia), 38 g of controlled-release native plant fertilizer rates were batched and treated at the same time.
(Scotts Australia Osmocote Slow Release, Bella Vista, NSW, Before planting, four large 4.3-cm diameter circles were
Australia), and a 1.25-g tablet of systemic insecticide and drilled into the flat base of each drought pot and fitted with
fertilizer (Yates Confidor, Padstow, NSW, Australia). fine nylon mesh (20-µm, Allied Filter Fabrics, Berkeley Vale,
TABLE 1 | Eleven tree/shrub species selected for detailed leaf-level physiological measurements, ranked from low to high drought tolerance using mean water potential
(± SE) at turgor loss point (ptlp, MPa) estimated from osmometer measurements of po (n = 16–20 leaves per species). Species abbreviation (used in Figures 6–8) and
natural occurrence are also provided, as well as minimum midday water potential (Ymid, MPa) during the heatwave and mean wood density (± SE, g cm-3; n = 4–5
plants per species).
Species Species Code Natural Occurrence ptlp (MPa) Minimum HW Ymid (MPa) Wood density (g cm-3)
Magnolia grandiflora L. Magr warm temperate forest -1.71 ± 0.02 -1.85 0.46 ± 0.01
Castanospermum australe Caau tropical rainforest -1.71 ± 0.03 -1.73 0.50 ± 0.02
A.Cunn. & C.Fraser
Lophostemon confertus (R.Br.) Loco sclerophyll forest, rainforest -1.71 ± 0.03 -2.65 0.42 ± 0.01
Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh.
Syzygium floribundum F.Muell. Syfl riverine rainforest -1.78 ± 0.04 -2.00 0.56 ± 0.04
Hymenosporum flavum F.Muell. Hyfl sclerophyll forest, rainforest -1.94 ± 0.03 -3.06 0.59 ± 0.01
Toechima erythrocarpum Toer tropical rainforest -1.99 ± 0.06 -2.45 0.64 ± 0.03
(F.Muell.) Radlk.
Harpullia pendula Planch. ex Hape subtropical to tropical rainforest -2.05 ± 0.05 -2.65 0.66 ± 0.03
Hakea laurina R.Br. Hala semi-arid mallee plain -2.08 ± 0.03 -2.56 0.44 ± 0.02
Hakea salicifolia (Vent.) B.L.Burtt Hasa sclerophyll forest -2.12 ± 0.04 -3.85 0.49 ± 0.004
Grevillea baileyana McGill. Grba tropical rainforest -2.21 ± 0.02 -2.98 0.53 ± 0.01
Buckinghamia celsissima F.Muell. Buce tropical rainforest -2.30 ± 0.02 -2.75 0.55 ± 0.01
For additional species information (horticultural variety, family, growth form, origin), see Supplementary Table S1.
converted into soil VWC using generalised settings for organic The po of fully-expanded, fully-hydrated leaves was also
soil, but further normalization was required to match point measured independently using an osmometer (WP4C Dewpoint
measurements of soil VWC. A constant offset (10%–20%) was PotentiaMeter, Decagon Devices, Pullman, WA, USA) for these 29
applied to the data from each probe to achieve consistency across species (n = 5–10 leaves per species), following the method
all soil VWC measurements. described by Bartlett et al. (2012). Briefly, leaves and/or stems
In the final week of water deficit (days 29–35), we applied an were collected and rehydrated overnight for 12 h using the standing
experimental heatwave to the droughted plants to better rehydration method (Arndt et al., 2015). Rehydration may cause
understand how plants cope with combined stress factors. We solute leakage into the apoplast and underestimation of osmotic
exposed droughted plants to a 7-day heatwave by moving pots potential in some plant species (Kubiske and Abrams, 1991; Arndt
into another glasshouse chamber maintained at higher et al., 2015), but was necessary to ensure fully-hydrated leaves (i.e.,
temperatures than the growth regime. The average heatwave Yleaf ≥ –0.3 MPa) were used for comparison of control and
temperature was 35°C, with a diurnal range of 30°C–41°C and droughted plants. The midrib was removed from leaves before
the maximum temperature spanning 2 h at midday (12:00–14:00; 40-mm diameter leaf discs or leaf pieces were quickly cut from each
Supplementary Figure S1). plant. Leaf pieces were wrapped in foil and frozen in liquid N2 for
2 min, then equilibrated for 10 min inside a sealed, humidified
Pressure-Volume Curves and Leaf plastic bag. Leaf pieces were punctured repeatedly with sharp-tipped
Osmotic Potential forceps immediately before measurement using the osmometer.
Pressure-volume curves were measured for well-watered plants of Measurements were recorded for 20–30 min, until equilibrium as
29 species (n = 1–10 leaves per species) to allow estimation of the indicated by <0.01 MPa change over 2 min. Osmometer
water potential at wilting point (or turgor loss point, ptlp), which is measurements of po were used to estimate species ptlp using the
strongly related to plant drought tolerance (Engelbrecht et al., 2000; following equation: ptlp = 0.832po – 0.631 (Bartlett et al., 2012).
Baltzer et al., 2008). Logistical constraints prevented measurement
of all 50 species. The pressure-volume curves were measured using Plant Physiological Responses to Water
a pressure chamber (Model 1505D, PMS Instrument Company, Deficit Treatment
Albany, OR, USA) following the bench-drying method (Tyree and Eleven of the 50 species, all broadleaf evergreen trees/shrubs
Hammel, 1972; Schulte and Hinckley, 1985). Leaves were (Table 1), were selected to assess the impact of the soil water
rehydrated overnight for 12 h using the standing rehydration deficit on plant function. We collected a set of leaf-level
method (Arndt et al., 2015) to ensure leaves were fully hydrated. physiological measurements: stomatal conductance (gs), leaf water
Leaf fresh weight (g) and leaf water potential (Yleaf, MPa) were potential (Ypre, Ymid), leaf temperature (Tleaf), and leaf osmotic
measured periodically as leaves dried under ambient laboratory potential (po). Control and drought plants (n = 4–5 plants per
conditions. Leaf dry mass was measured after oven-drying at 70°C treatment) were measured under the target soil VWC (34%–41%
for 72 h. We determined ptlp, osmotic potential at full turgor (po), vs. 5%–11%, respectively) during the fourth week of water deficit.
relative water content at turgor loss point (RWCtlp), and bulk Stomatal conductance was measured on sunny days at midday
modulus of elasticity (e) following standard methods (Turner, (11:00–14:00) on three fully-expanded leaves per plant using a
1981) using a pressure-volume curve analysis routine developed porometer (AP-4, Delta-T, Cambridge, UK). The same leaves (n =
by Kevin Tu (available at:, accessed 1 1–2 leaves per plant) were subsequently removed for measurement
November 2019) and based on Schulte and Hinckley (1985). of Ymid with a pressure chamber (Model 1505D, PMS Instruments).
Measurements of gs and Ymid were repeated on two different moderate water deficit (target soil VWC: 7.5 ± 2.5%) over a period
days and averaged for each plant. Leaves (n = 1–2 leaves per of several weeks (Figure 3). Our method was successfully
plant) for measurement of Ypre were collected at 5:00. All leaves implemented at two glasshouse locations for a diverse set of 50
for water potential measurement were stored inside a sealed, plant species, including grasses, vines, shrubs, and trees
humidified plastic bag and kept cool and dark until (Supplementary Table S1). The largest plants with the highest
measurement, which was completed within 3 h of collection. transpiration rates reached a soil VWC of 10% in about 15 days,
Leaf temperature was measured on sunny days (9:00–14:00) on while the smallest plants required 28 days (Figure 3). There was a
three fully-developed leaves per plant using an infrared significant difference in soil VWC between the control and drought
thermometer (Agri-Therm III Model 6110L, Everest Interscience, treatments (t48 = 33.28, p < 0.001) at maximum drought intensity in
Inc., Chino Hills, OR, USA) held at a distance of about 10 cm from the fourth week of water deficit (Figure 4D). Mean soil VWC was
the leaf surface. Thermal emissivity was set to 0.92, a representative higher in the control treatment, relative to the drought treatment,
value for individual plant leaves (Jones, 2004). for all 50 study species (32%–42% vs. 3%–13%, respectively).
The po was measured in both the fourth and fifth weeks (on Pots that were watered via drip irrigation had larger diurnal
the fifth heatwave day) of drought using an osmometer (WP4C variation in soil VWC, relative to pots watered via capillary
Dewpoint PotentiaMeter, Decagon Devices) following the irrigation inside drought tubs (Figures 4A, C). Either method,
Bartlett et al. (2012) method described above. Leaves (n = 1–2 drip irrigation or capillary irrigation, was capable of maintaining
leaves per plant) were also collected on the fifth heatwave day for soil VWC of control pots within the target range (25%–45%),
measurement of Ymid with a pressure chamber (Model 1505D, although soil VWC was significantly higher in pots watered via drip
PMS Instruments). After the end of the heatwave, all plants irrigation (t26 = 2.84, p = 0.009; Figure 4B). Mean soil VWC of 14
(including drought plants) were well-watered then monitored for drip-irrigated control pots ranged from 32%–40%, while mean soil
survival after a two-week recovery period. VWC of 14 capillary-irrigated control pots (of the same species)
Wood density was determined for the 11 focal species (n = 4–5 ranged from 30%–39%.
plants per species) after the completion of the experiment. A 5-cm
stem segment was split to remove the pith and bark before Plant Physiological Responses to Water
determining fresh volume using the water displacement method. Deficit Treatment
The wood sample was then dried to constant mass at 70°C Leaf osmotic potential was tightly correlated with ptlp across 29
and weighed. species/varieties (r2 = 0.82, p < 0.001; Figure 5, Supplementary
Statistical Analyses
Differences in soil VWC between control and drought pots were
analyzed in the fourth week of drought by using a Student’s t test.
The overall effect of drought on gs, Tleaf, Ypre, Ymid, and po was
determined by using full‐factorial, mixed‐model analyses of
variance (ANOVAs) with species and treatment as the main
effects; species was analyzed as a random effect, and treatment
was analyzed as a fixed effect. When there was a significant
species × treatment interaction (p ≤ 0.05), individual species’
responses were analyzed using Student’s t tests. Separate
paired-sample Student’s t tests were used for each species to
analyze differences in po between the fourth and fifth week of
drought; values were paired by plant. We used ordinary least
squares regression to correlate po with ptlp, then used analysis of
covariance (ANCOVA) to test if the slope and intercept of our
relationship differed from a previously published relationship by
Bartlett et al. (2012). All data were tested for normality with the
Shapiro and Wilk’s test; gs, Tleaf, Ypre, and po measurements were
ln-transformed to achieve normality. All statistical analyses were
completed using R Statistical Software 3.5.1 (R Core Team,
2018). Means were considered significantly different at p ≤ 0.05.
FIGURE 4 | (A) Changes in soil volumetric water content (VWC, %) over a 3-week period in the austral summer for one control pot watered via drip irrigation on the
bench and one control pot watered via capillary irrigation (i.e., in plastic tub with water level kept constantly at 1-cm depth). Circles indicate point measurements of
soil VWC. (B) Mean soil VWC of 14 control pots watered via drip irrigation and 14 control pots (of the same species) watered via capillary irrigation over a four-week
period; treatments are significantly different (t26 = 2.842, p = 0.009). (C) Changes in soil VWC over the first four weeks of drought for one control pot (watered via
drip irrigation) and one drought pot (watered via capillary irrigation). From 29 January to 2 February, both pots were well-watered using drip irrigation. Circles indicate
point measurements of soil VWC. (D) Species mean soil VWC of control and drought treatments for all 50 species during the fourth week of drought; treatments are
significantly different (t48 = 33.275, p < 0.001). Points are means of 4–5 plants per treatment.
Table S2). This relationship was compared to the relationship 80.177, p < 0.001), for 9 of the 11 species (Figure 6B). For the
published by Bartlett et al. (2012) to verify its use for estimating species with the highest gs (Magnolia grandiflora: 457 mmol m-2
ptlp, and thus drought tolerance, of 11 tree/shrub species used for s-1), Tleaf was an average of 8°C higher under simulated drought.
detailed physiological measurements. The slopes did not differ The two species for which Tleaf did not vary with the water deficit
within the overlapping range of po (‒0.9 to ‒2.3 MPa; F1,48 = treatment had low rates of gs (Lophostemon confertus: 151 mmol
3.181, p = 0.081), although the intercepts were significantly m-2 s-1; T. erythrocarpum: 126 mmol m-2 s-1).
different (F1,49 = 6.910, p = 0.011). The ptlp ranged from –1.71 Reductions in Yleaf in response to the water deficit treatment
to –2.30 MPa and wood density ranged from 0.42‒0.66 g cm-3 for were less consistent across species (Figure 7). Droughted plants
these 11 species (Table 1), whose natural occurrences span the had significantly lower Ypre than control plants (F1,10 = 69.26, p <
semi-arid plains to rainforest habitats within Australia. The four 0.001) for 9 of the 11 species, but all species maintained mean
species in the Proteaceae family had the lowest ptlp (<–2.0 MPa), Ypre >–1.5 MPa (Figure 7A). Only six species had significantly
indicating high drought tolerance. lower Ymid in droughted plants, relative to controls (F1,10 =
Droughted plants of all 11 species had significantly lower 33.43, p < 0.001; Figure 7B). While control plants of all species
rates of gs, relative to control plants (F1,10 = 619.29, p < 0.001) in maintained Ymid at or above their turgor loss point, droughted
the fourth week of water deficit (16–62 vs. 126–457 mmol m-2 s-1, plants of five species had Ymid that exceeded their turgor loss
respectively; Figure 6A). For species with high rates of water loss, point (Figure 7B). Severe wilting was observed in L. confertus
gs was 6–17 times higher in control plants than in droughted and Hymenosporum flavum, but wilting was less obvious for
plants. In the species with the lowest rate of water loss (Toechima three other species with Ymid below their turgor loss point
erythrocarpum), g s of control plants was double that of (T. erythrocarpum, Harpullia pendula, Hakea salicifolia).
droughted plants. Leaf temperature was also significantly There was no evidence of osmotic adjustment in any species
higher for droughted plants, relative to control plants (F1,10 = in the fourth week of water deficit (F1,10 = 1.22, p = 0.272). Three
FIGURE 6 | Differences in (A) rates of stomatal conductance (gs, mmol m-2 s-1) and (B) leaf temperature (Tleaf, °C) between control and drought plants of 11
selected tree/shrub species. Measurements were completed during the fourth week of drought, when species mean soil volumetric water content (VWC) was
34%–41% in control pots and 5%–11% in drought pots. Species are ordered from low to high drought tolerance according to ptlp. Species are denoted according
to abbreviations in Table 1. Values are means of 4–5 plants, and error bars indicate SE (unidirectional SE are presented for clarity). Asterisks denote significant
differences between treatments: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
(Table 1). Stomatal conductance of droughted plants was 2–17 during the moderate water deficit until after heatwave
times less than that of control plants (Figure 6A). Therefore, this temperatures were applied. Therefore, our moderate water
same treatment could feasibly be applied to any study aiming to deficit can be easily applied to bring plants very close to their
examine plant responses resulting from differences in physiological limits while ensuring low mortality rates
transpiration rates. For example, studies aimed at (if desired).
understanding plant-insect interactions during drought could
use this same moderate water deficit treatment. Our Simulating Drought and Heat
experimental treatment did not, however, decrease Ymid for all Stress Interactions
study species (Figure 7B). The most drought-tolerant species, The experimental water deficit treatment led to some coherent
Grevillea baileyana and Buckinghamia celsissima, maintained plant physiological responses. All species within a subset of 11
Ymid at or above their ptlp in control and droughted plants, at evergreen trees/shrubs partially closed their stomata in response
least before the heatwave. If drought-related changes in Yleaf are to simulated drought (Figure 6A), resulting in higher Tleaf for
an important experimental aim, the method can be easily droughted plants (Figure 6B). Stomatal conductance and
adjusted to impose a greater intensity and/or longer duration transpiration result in evaporative cooling of leaves (Nobel,
water deficit than was used in these experiments. For example, 1974; Farquhar and Sharkey, 1982), so partial stomatal closure
studies aimed at understanding the physiological processes that under water deficit can result in higher Tleaf (Medina and Gilbert,
occur during drought mortality would require a longer and/or 2015). Transpiration alone can cool leaves by at least 2°C–3°C
more severe water deficit. While some species wilted and/or (Lin et al., 2017) and up to 8°C for species with high transpiration
dropped leaves during our simulated drought, no plant died rates (e.g., M. grandiflora, Figure 6). About half of the species (5
FIGURE 7 | Differences in (A) predawn leaf water potential (Ypre, MPa) and (B) midday leaf water potential (Ymid, MPa) between control and drought plants of 11
tree/shrub species. The gray points in panel (B) indicate species mean water potential at leaf turgor loss point (ptlp). Measurements were completed during the fourth
week of drought, when species mean soil volumetric water content (VWC) was 34%–41% in control pots and 5%–11% in drought pots. Species are ordered from
low to high drought tolerance according to ptlp. Species are denoted according to abbreviations in Table 1. Values are means of 4–5 plants, and error bars indicate
SE (unidirectional SE are presented for clarity). Asterisks as in Figure 6.
out of 11) experienced declines in Ymid that exceeded their ptlp for osmotic adjustment can acclimate to drought stress within 6–
(Figure 7B), despite partial stomatal closure (Figure 6A). 15 days (Blum et al., 1980; Molinari et al., 2004; Blum, 2017), but
Stomata respond to variations in leaf (or guard cell) water our results suggest osmotic adjustment requires a longer
potential (Peak and Mott, 2011; Buckley, 2016) and close response time (i.e., months) in horticultural and wild species.
before reaching thresholds for xylem cavitation (Bartlett et al., Interestingly, rapid osmotic adjustment was observed for five
2016; Martin-StPaul et al., 2017), thus limiting tissue damage species when water deficit was combined with heat stress (Figure
under water deficit. The intensity and duration of our 8B). This osmotic adjustment occurred in about one week,
experimental treatment led to wilting and/or leaf loss for some, between the fourth and fifth weeks of water deficit, after 5 days
but not all, study species (Marchin, unpublished), indicating the of heatwave temperatures. The importance of po for high thermal
simulated drought stress was moderate overall. tolerance was first noted for plants growing in extreme
Osmotic adjustment was not observed for any species in the environments, such as the deserts of Western Australia
fourth week of water deficit (Figure 8A). Some plant species may (Hellmuth, 1971) and Death Valley, USA (Seemann et al.,
not be capable of osmotic adjustment, but it is a widely prevalent 1986). Increases in cell sugar concentrations and the resulting
response to drought, with only 15% of measured species showing decrease in po may provide a mechanism for rapid temperature
no seasonal adjustment of po (Bartlett et al., 2014). There are two acclimation in water-stressed leaves (Santarius, 1973; Huve et al.,
mechanisms for osmotic adjustment of plant leaves: (1) 2006). In our glasshouse experiments, decreases in po were
accumulation of organic solutes (e.g., glycine betaine, proline, observed for trees/shrubs that naturally occur in diverse
sugars) and (2) increasing inorganic ion concentrations (e.g., K+, environments, including temperate forests, tropical rainforests,
Ca2+; Chen and Jiang, 2010). Crop varieties with a high capacity and sclerophyll forests. These results suggest rapid osmotic
FIGURE 8 | (A) Differences in leaf osmotic potential (po, MPa) between control and drought plants of 11 tree/shrub species. Measurements were completed during
the fourth week of drought, when species mean soil volumetric water content (VWC) was 34%–41% in control pots and 5%–11% in drought pots. (B) Differences in
po of plants between the fourth and fifth week of drought; in week 5, drought plants were exposed to heatwave (HW) temperatures. Species mean soil VWC was
3%–11% in both weeks. Species are ordered from low to high drought tolerance according to ptlp. Species are denoted according to abbreviations in Table 1.
Values are means of 3–5 plants, and error bars indicate SE (unidirectional SE are presented for clarity). Asterisks as in Figure 6.
thus drying rates. As demonstrated here, this method can be used FUNDING
to rank species according to drought tolerance and elucidate species’
differences in physiological mechanisms for coping with drought This is a contribution from the Which Plant Where project,
and heat stress. The most drought-tolerant species in our study was which is funded by the Green Cities Fund, as part of the Hort
Buckinghamia celsissima (ptlp = ‒2.3 MPa), based on the ptlp Frontiers Strategic Partnership Initiative developed by Hort
ranking, whereas Castanospermum australe (ptlp = ‒1.7 MPa) is Innovation Australia, with co-investment from Macquarie
sensitive to drought and should be avoided for urban plantings in University, Western Sydney University, and the NSW
drought-prone cities with frequent water limitations or imposed Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, and
restrictions. The most vulnerable species to drought in combination funds from the Australian Government.
with heat stress was Hakea salicifolia (ptlp = ‒2.1 MPa), indicating
that the interactive effects of heat and drought stress are complex
and cannot easily be predicted based on measurement of ptlp alone. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
We recommend this simple water deficit method for the study of
plant drought responses in a range of ecological contexts, The authors would like to thank Matthew Alfonzetti, David
particularly those involving other abiotic or biotic effects. Coleman, Ellen Curtis, Elise Dando, Yanisa Olaranont, Camille
Parise, and Nikki Sperinck for their technical assistance during
glasshouse experiments, plus Craig Barton, Andrew Gherlenda,
DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT and Muhammad Masood for assistance with collecting
glasshouse environmental data and running glasshouse
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
operations. Leigh Staas is kindly acknowledged for help with
made available by the authors, without undue reservation, to any
compiling species lists, while Hendrik Poorter and the two
qualified researcher.
reviewers are thanked for their helpful comments on drafts of
this manuscript.
ML and DE conceived the ideas and the overall study design. RM SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
and AO designed the methodology and collected the data. RM
analysed the data. RM led the writing of the manuscript. All The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online
authors contributed critically to the drafts and gave final at:
approval for publication. 2019.01715/full#supplementary-material
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