Paper Velocity String SPE-30197-PA
Paper Velocity String SPE-30197-PA
Paper Velocity String SPE-30197-PA
(or coiled tubing). Fig. 2 represents delivery from the wellhead to represents the computer calculation of multiphase-flow pressure vs.
a gas facility in which each of the tubing curves demonstrates the rate to identify the minimum BHP attainable for each potential
flowing wellhead pressures that occur over a range of rates. The coiled-tubing configuration. In this case, the limit to potential flow
300-psig facility inlet pressure is the limiting factor to the potential is determined by the reservoir-delivery curve.
production for each of the tubing sizes.
S BHP from a multiphase-flow-pressure calculation in the tubing Pressure. The BHP calculated by the model is a particularly key ele-
(or coiled tubing) (Fig. 3) can be used to observe the shape of the ment in tubing selection. The minimum calculated BHP is determined
outflow curve (often called a J curve or tubing-intake curve). This by the application of the inflow equation and the subsequent conver-
Depth Pressure Temperature Velocity Density
gence on a rate/pressure equilibrium point. The coiled-tubing con- Contrary to this view, we assign highest priority to fluid-property
figuration that gives the lowest BHP and the highest rate is the prop- selection from PVT reports and chromatograph analysis, which,
er selection, provided that velocity and liquid holdup are adequate. when coupled with fluid-property adjustment to attain pressure
In both Figs. 2 and 3, the low pressures of the original tubing limit matching in the lower section of the wellbore, give better model-de-
the potential flow to approximately 300 Mscf/D. Two possible livery results. Because the density of the flowing fluid is the most
coiled-tubing configurations are modeled to observe which one important determinant of the pressures that occur in the lower well-
gives the best gas delivery. In both examples, flow up the 1-in. bore, more attention should be given to the fluid properties than to
coiled tubing by tubing annulus shows the greatest production po- a correlation for friction loss. This is especially true as the various
tential, although the maximum rate for the 1-in. coiled tubing is correlations give similar results in the low-velocity bottom section
almost as good. of the well.
The equilibrium gas rates must then be modeled with a velocity The correlation choice should be based on its ability to continue
profile. a good matchup in the remainder of the wellbore, where increasing
velocity and friction loss are more pronounced. The correlation that
Velocity. Regarding the identification of beneficial velocities, most provides the best match over the whole range should be chosen. Our
important is the behavior in the lowest portion of the tubular comple- program offers the following correlations: Beggs/Brill1 and Hage-
tion; if liquid loading can be prevented at the bottom of the well, the dorn/Brown2 for multiphase flow, and Standing3 and Lasater4 for
higher velocities in the upper sections will guarantee a flowing well. solution gas. For gas wells, we recommend the correlations that are
As a quick rule of thumb, the coiled-tubing configuration that gives able to match the measured data or, in the absence of measured data,
a velocity of 7 to 12 ft/sec is the proper selection. Fig. 4 gives a veloc- the Beggs/Brill1 correlation for flow and the Lasater4 correlation for
ity profile for existing-tubing, coiled-tubing, and coiled-tubing/exist- solution gas.
ing-tubing annular flow. (Table 1 gives the data output for Fig. 4.) It We use the Dukler 5 flow-regime equations to identify and
is important to note, however, that the velocity guideline is entirely associate flow patterns with beneficial velocities and BHPs. How-
dependent on its associated liquid holdup. This means that liquid ever, the flow pattern changes from the bottom to the top of the well-
holdup must be calculated to determine the set of adequate velocities bore, so the most emphasis should be placed on the middle to upper
for a given well (see the following section). sections of the pipe.
1. Beggs, H.D. and Brill, J.P.: A Study of Two-Phase Flow In Inclined
Pipes, JPT (May 1973) 607. J. Martinez A. Martinez