11-19-17 HJT SLP - Document

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Showcase Lesson Plan Template

Instructor: Thomas M., Jasmine C., Hannah O.

Natural Wonders of the Ancient World

6th grade
Grade Level:

Length of 60 minutes

Common Core SS.6.G.1.3

Standard: Identify natural wonders of the ancient world.
-Set professional learning goals to explore and apply
pedagogical approaches made possible by technology
and reflect on their effectiveness.
-Shape, advance and accelerate a shared vision for
empowered learning with technology by engaging with
education stakeholders.
-Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and
critical examination of online resources and fosters
digital literacy and media fluency.
NETS-T -Use collaborative tools to expand students' authentic,
Standards: real-world learning experiences by engaging virtually
with experts, teams and students, locally and globally.
-Use technology to create, adapt and personalize
learning experiences that foster independent learning
and accommodate learner differences and needs.
-Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to
communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.
-Use assessment data to guide progress and
communicate with students, parents and education
stakeholders to build student self-direction.
NETS-S -Students understand the fundamental concepts of
Standards: technology operations, demonstrate the ability to
choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and
are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging
-Students plan and employ effective research strategies
to locate information and other resources for their
intellectual or creative pursuits.
-Students curate information from digital resources
using a variety of tools and methods to create
collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful
connections or conclusions.
-Students know and use a deliberate design process for
Please note: Consideration of technology use can be made at all stages of the planning
process. The teacher AND the students must use the technology! You must highlight
where/when you are using technology with red or grey font.
generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative
artifacts or solving authentic problems.
-Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for
meeting the desired objectives of their creation or
-Students communicate complex ideas clearly and
effectively by creating or using a variety of digital
objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.
-Students publish or present content that customizes the
message and medium for their intended audiences.
-Students contribute constructively to project teams,
assuming various roles and responsibilities to work
effectively toward a common goal.
Great Wall of China picture + question

- Grabber/Hook Great Wall of China picture + question

- Instructors deliver Great Wall virtual field trip PowerPoint
- Present criteria for students World Wonders group PowerPoint
- Students will be randomly divided into groups, each group
assigned their own Wonder to present on
- Research time for students to be split up into their groups and
explore assigned virtual field trip Wonder using group
- Create Wonder PowerPoint based on checklist
- Groups present their World Wonders
- Students take Plickers Quiz
on the presented World Wonders
[See handout. This includes a criteria checklist for the project as well
Assessment: as scoring specifics. ]

Tech Virtual Field Trip link:

References http://edtech2.boisestate.edu/alexisseidl/502/start.html

Please note: Consideration of technology use can be made at all stages of the planning
process. The teacher AND the students must use the technology! You must highlight
where/when you are using technology with red or grey font.

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