AIRMAR Transducer Guide 2009

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A transducer converts electrical pulses to sound waves and back again to allow an echosounder to detect what is below the water surface. It functions like both a speaker and microphone.

A transducer receives electrical pulses from an echosounder and converts them to sound waves, which travel through water and echo off objects. When echoes return, the transducer converts them back to electrical signals for the echosounder to interpret.

The main components of a transducer are the piezoceramic element, housing, acoustic window, encapsulating material, sound absorbing material, and cable. The piezoceramic element does the conversions between electrical and sound waves.

Guide to

10 0 10
20 20
30 30
Transducer Technology

40 40

50 50

60 60

70 70

80 80
How a Transducer Works

What is a Transducer? How Does a Transducer Know

A good fishfinder depends on an efficient transducer to send and receive How Deep the Water is?
signals. The transducer is the heart of an echosounder system. It is the The echosounder measures the time between transmitting the sound and
device that changes electrical pulses into sound waves or acoustic energy receiving its echo. Sound travels through the water at about 1,463 m/s
and back again. In other words, it is the device that sends out the sound (4,800 ft/s), just less than a mile per second. To calculate the distance to the
waves and then receives the echoes, so the echosounder can interpret or object, the echosounder multiplies the time elapsed between the sound
detect what is below the surface of the water. transmission and the received echo by the speed of sound through water.
The echosounder system interprets the result and displays the depth of the
water for the user.

Echo Echo
Echosounder B744V transducer

Transmit pulse Transmit pulse

How Does a Transducer Work?
The easiest way to understand how a transducer functions is to think of it
as a speaker and a microphone built into one unit. A transducer receives
sequences of high-voltage electrical pulses called transmit pulses from How Does a Transducer Know
the echosounder. Just like the stereo speakers at home, the transducer What the Bottom Looks Like?
then converts the transmit pulses into sound. The sound travels through As the boat moves through the water, the echoes of some sound waves
the water as pressure waves. When a wave strikes an object like a weed, return more quickly than others. We know that all sound waves travel at
a rock, a fish, or the bottom, the wave is reflected. The wave is said to the same speed. When a sound wave in one section of the sound field
echojust as your voice will echo off a canyon wall. When the reflected returns more quickly than another, it is because the wave has bounced off
sound wave returns the transducer acts as a microphone. It receives the something closer to the transducer. These early returning sound waves reveal
sound wave during the time between each transmit pulse and converts all the humps and bumps in the underwater surface. Echosounders are able
it back into electrical energy. A transducer will spend about 1% of its time to detect whether a bottom is soft or hard and even distinguish between a
transmitting and 99% of its time quietly listening for echoes. Remember, clump of weeds and a rock, because the sound waves will echo off of these
however, that these periods of time are measured in microseconds, so the surfaces in a slightly different manner.
time between pulses is very short. The echosounder can calculate the time
difference between a transmit pulse and the return echo and then display Hard rocky bottom
this information on the screen in a way that can be easily understood by the Soft
user. bottom

How Does a Transducer Detect Fish?

The transducer can detect fish, because it senses the air bladder. Almost
every fish has an organ called an air bladder filled with gas that allows the
fish to easily adjust to the water pressure at different depths. The amount
of gas in the air bladder can be increased or decreased to regulate the
buoyancy of the fish. Because the air bladder contains gas, it is a drastically
What Goes into the Making of a Transducer? different density than the flesh and bone of the fish as well as the water
The main component of a depth transducer is the piezoceramic element. It that surrounds it. This difference in density causes the sound waves from
is the part that converts electrical pulses into sound waves, and when the the echosounder to bounce off the fish distinctively. The transducer receives
echoes return, the piezoceramic element converts the sound waves back the echoes and the echosounder is able to recognize these differences. The
into electrical energy. Piezoceramic elements are most often in a disk form, echosounder then displays it as a fish.
but they may also be in the shape of a bar or a ring. A transducer may
Air bladder
contain one element or a series of elements linked together called an array.
A transducer is made up of six separate components:
Piezoceramic element or an Sound absorbing
array of elements material
Housing Cable
Acoustic window
Encapsulating material

Sound absorbing material



Acoustic window Piezoceramic element

Selecting Frequencies

Can Fish Hear the Sound Waves low-frequency waves are so large, they wash right over small obstacles.
Produced by a Transducer? Low-frequency sound waves are not as sensitive in detecting small fish or
Sound waves are ultrasonic. Most fish are unable to hear frequencies higher other small obstacles as are high-frequency waves, and although they can
than about 500 Hz to 1 kHz. The ultrasonic sound waves sent out by Airmar see to greater depths, they will not send back detailed information or clear
transducers have frequencies ranging from 10 kHz to 2 MHz (10,000 Hz crisp pictures.
to 2,000,000 Hz), clearly beyond the hearing of fish. They are also above
(ultra) the sound (sonic) that human ears are able to hear. Humans can hear
sound waves from 10 Hz to 20 kHz. However, most people can hear the
transmit pulses of our 10 kHz transducers; they sound like a series of clicks.

10 MHz

1 MHz

100 kHz

10 kHz

200 kHz
1 kHz
50 kHz
10 Hz

Fish detection frequency range

Human hearing frequency range
Airmar transducer frequency range

What is Frequency? This illustration shows the differences in beamwidth of

Frequency is the number of complete cycles or vibrations that occur within a transducer operating at both 50 kHz and 200 kHz.
a certain period of time, typically one second. Sound waves can vibrate at Notice the different way the fish appear as marks at each
any one of a wide number of frequencies. The easiest way to understand frequency.
frequency is to think of it in terms of sounds that are familiar. For example, 50 kHz
a kettle drum produces a low-pitched sound (low-frequency). That is, it
vibrates relatively few times per second. Whereas, a flute produces a high- Sidelobe
pitched sound (high-frequency). It vibrates many more times per second
-20 dB -30 dB
than a kettle drum. The frequency of sound waves is measured in a unit 90 90
called a Hertz. A Hertz is one cycle per second. For example: a 150 kHz
80 80
transducer operates at 150,000 cycles per second.
70 70

How Does a Customer Decide 60 60

What Frequency is Needed?
Airmar transducers are often designed for 50 kHz (50,000 cycles per second) 50 50
or 200 kHz (200,000 cycles per second). Transducers can be designed to
operate efficiently at any number of specific frequencies depending upon 40 40
the application and performance requirements of the customer. A -10 dB 30 30
20 20
higher-frequency sound wave will give the user a higher-resolution picture 10 0 10
-6 dB
of what is present under the water, but the range will be short. Fishermen
in more shallow lakes, who want a crisp clear picture of the bottom need a -3 dB
higher-frequency transducer. Low-frequency sound waves will not give the 200 kHz
user as clear a picture of the bottom, but they have greater range for very
deep areas where high-frequency sound waves cannot reach. A Sidelobe
low-frequency unit will work well in the depths of Lake Michigan or the
-20 dB -30 dB
ocean. 90 90

80 80
A higher-frequency transducer will put out quicker, shorter, and more
frequent sound waves. Like the ripples made when a small pebble is thrown 70 70
into still water, small waves of sound move evenly out and away from the
source. Because they are just small waves, they will not travel far, and small 60 60
obstacles will cause them to bounce back. Higher frequencies are more
sensitive to small objects and will send back detailed information which 50 50
will show as crisp high-resolution pictures on the echosounder screen. The 40 40
range of high-frequency sound waves, however, is short. In fact, sound 30 30
-10 dB
waves emitted by a 200 kHz transducer have a limited range of about 20 20
10 0 10
200 m (600). Now, think of the large waves created by a large boulder -6 dB
thrown into still water. Low-frequency sound waves are like these large -3 dB
waves; they travel much farther than high-frequency waves. But because Beamwidth
Transducer Style and Screen Images

In-Hull Transducers

P79 M260 R199 / R299 / R399

In-Hull Screen Images

600 W 1 kW 2 kW 3 kW

Thru-Hull / External-Mount Transducers

B744V SS260 R99 / R209 / R309

Thru-Hull / External-Mount Screen Images

600 W 1 kW 2 kW 3 kW

Transom-Mount Transducers

P39 P66 TM260 / TM270W

Transom-Mount Screen Images

600 W 600 W 1 kW 1 kW
Transducer Styles, Mounting & Installation Tips

Transducer Mounting Styles In-Hull Applications

Transducers are typically mounted in one of three ways: through the hull, In-hull transducers installed over solid fiberglass, will work with any engine
inside the hull, or on the transom. type: inboard, outboard, and I/O. These transducers perform well on both
power and sailboats.
Thru-HullThrough the Hull Metal, wood, and cored fiberglass hulls are not recommended for in-hull
The transducers in this mounting style fall into two categories. There are installations, because there is too much signal loss transmitting through the
flush thru-hull sensors that sit flush or nearly flush with the boat hull. They hull.
are recommended for smaller boats with a minimum deadrise angle. And
they are often installed on sailing vessels, because they produce minimal In-Hull Mounting Tips
drag. Mount and In Hull where the hull below the transducer will be in contact
with the water at all times.
External thru-hull transducers extend beyond the hulls surface and usually Mount where the water flowing across the hull is smoothest with a
require a fairing to aim the sound beam vertically. They are designed for minimum of bubbles and turbulence (especially at high speeds).
larger untrailered vessels. When external-mounts are installed with a Be sure transducer beam will not be blocked by the keel or propeller shaft(s).
High-Performance Fairing, the transducer face is flush with the surface of Do not mount the transducer near water intake or discharge openings;
the fairing and parallel to the waterline, resulting in a truly vertical beam, or behind strakes, fittings, or hull irregularities.
putting maximum energy on the target. This installation, when mounted Use non-toxic anti-freeze (propylene glycol) to fill the tank.
in clean water forward of propellers and running gear, produces the Displacement Hull PowerboatsLocate amidships near the
most effective signal return, since nothing on the vessel interferes with the center-line. The starboard side of the hull where the propeller blades are
transducers active face. moving downward is preferred.
Planing Hull PowerboatsMount well aft, on or near the
Thru-Hull Applications center-line, and well inboard of the first set of lifting strakes to insure
Thru-hull transducers will work with any engine type: inboard, outboard, or that the transducer will be in contact with the water at high speeds. The
I/O. And these transducers are right for power and sailboats alike. There are starboard side of the hull where the propeller blades are moving
thru-hull units for every hull material. downward is preferred.
Thru-hull units are not recommended in two situations: Outboard and I/OMount just forward of the engine(s).
Plastic thru-hull housings cannot be used in a wooden boat. Wood swells InboardMount well ahead of the propeller(s) and shaft(s).
as it absorbs water, so it may crack the housing. Stepped hullMount just ahead of the first step.
Bronze thru-hull housings cannot be used in aluminum and stainless steel
boats. The interaction between the metal hull and the bronze transducer,
especially in the presence of salt water, will eat away the metal hull and/or
the bronze housing.

Thru-Hull Mounting Tips

Mount a thru-hull where the transducer will be under the water at all times.
Mount where the water flowing across the transducer face is smoothest
with a minimum of bubbles and turbulence (especially at high speeds). P79
Be sure transducer beam will not be blocked by the keel or propeller
Do not mount the transducer near water intake or discharge openings; Transom-MountOn the Transom
or behind strakes, fittings, or hull irregularities. Transom-mounts are attached to the back (transom) of a boat hull. Trailered
Displacement Hull PowerboatLocate 1/3 aft LWL and 150 mm to boats typically use this mounting style, since it is out of the way of the
300 mm (6 to 12) off the center-line. The starboard side of the hull rollers. Some people prefer a transom-mount, because it is easy-to-install
where the propeller blades are moving downward is preferred. and remove a unitespecially if a kick-up bracket is used. A transom-mount
Planing Hull PowerboatMount well aft near the center-line and well installation gives good performance at boat speeds below 30 knots
in-board of the first set of lifting strakes to insure that the transducer is (34 MPH).
in contact with the water at high-speeds. The starboard side of the hull
where the propeller blades are moving downward is preferred. Transom-Mount Applications
Outboard and I/OMount just forward and to the side of the engine(s). Transom-mount transducers can be used with any hull material. However,
In-boardMount well ahead of the propeller(s) and shaft(s). they will not work on a vessel with an inboard engine due to the turbulence
Stepped HullMount just ahead of the first step. forward of the sensor. And because of excessive heeling, transom-mounts
Boats Capable of Speeds Above 25 knots are not recommended for sailboats.
(29 MPH)Review transducer location and operating results of similar
boats before proceeding. Transom-Mount Mounting Tips
Fin-Keel SailboatMount to the side of the center-line and forward of To ensure the best performance, the sensor must be in contact with
the fin keel 300 mm to 600 mm (1 to 2). aeration-free and turbulence-free water. Mount the sensor on the transom
Full-Keel SailboatLocate amidships and away from the keel as close to the center-line (keel) of the boat as possible. On slower heavier
displacement hulls, positioning it farther from the center-line is acceptable.
Do not mount the transducer near water intake or discharge openings;
or behind strakes, fittings, or hull irregularities.
Avoid mounting the sensor where the boat may be supported during
trailering, launching, hauling, or storage.
Single Engine BoatMount on the starboard side at least 75 mm (3)
beyond the swing radius of the propeller to avoid propeller turbulence.
Twin Engine BoatMount the sensor between the drives to avoid
Plastic Bronze propeller turbulence.

In-HullInside the Hull

An in-hull transducer is installed inside a boat hull against the bottom and
sends its signal through the hull. Some people prefer this mounting style,
because it is not necessary to drill through the vessel. A unit cannot be
damaged when a boat is trailered, the transducer is not exposed to marine
growth, and there is no drag. Additionally, a transducer can be installed
and serviced while the vessel is in the water. Most in-hull transducers are
mounted inside a liquid filled tank that is first adhered in place. As long as P66
the water flow below the transducer is clean, it will give great high-speed
Transducer Styles & Mounting Methods

Application or Expectation Commercial Fishing

for the Transducer These transducers are available in frequencies from 24 kHz to 210 kHz and
power from 1 kW to 4 kW. Units feature high-efficiency designs, producing
Cruising and Sailing superior fishfinding and clear and distinct images of both the bottom and
If time on the water is spent sailing or cruising, a high-power transducer is closely-spaced fish.
not needed. Single-frequency 200 kHz transducers or a 235 kHz Smart
Sensor is adequate. Accurate depth readings will be achieved up to 152 m
(500) depending on the depth instrument.


Navigation/Ocean Survey/Custom
Airmar offers custom engineered transducers for consumer, commercial, and
scientific applications. Airmar designs and manufactures transducers ranging
in frequency from 10 kHz to 2 MHz and power outputs ranging from
100 Watts to 10,000 Watts depending on the specific application.
Typical applications vary from portable units for harbor survey to custom
Recreational Fishing fishfinder transducers to multi-frequency arrays used in deep-sea sounding.
If the application is recreational fishing, a 600 W transducer will do the Transducer arrays of more than 100 piezoceramic elements have been
job. These transducers have enough power to read bottom in over 305 m designed and manufactured. Airmar can produce dual-beam and split-beam
(1,000) of water and have 50 kHz and 200 kHz dual-frequency capability. transducers, phased-array transducers, SWATH and Forward Looking Sonar
Typically matched with small to mid-size fishfinders, a 600 W transducer is Transducersall built to the customers specifications. Airmar also can supply
perfect for bottom fishing, marking bait, and marking game fish. a wide range of flow sensing transducers.


Tournament Sport Fishing
A 1 kW to 2 kW transducer is a must for tournament sport fishing. These
powerhouses will give the user a crystal clear screen on medium to
large fishfinders. The multiple elements that make up the transducer can
distinguish schools of fish as closely-spaced individual targets and can
distinguish fish close to the bottom. These transducers are so precise; fish
are no longer concealed by their surroundings.

Many of the 1 kW and 2 kW transducers have Airmars exclusive Broadband

Ceramic Technology. The 200 kHz element produces the highest resolution
available today without sacrificing sensitivity.


600 W vs 1,000 W High-Performance Units

B744V SS260
600 W 1 kW

50/200 kHz-A 50 kHz-AE / 200 kHz-BH

Number of Elements Number of Elements
and Configuration and Configuration
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 45 12 Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 19 6
RMS Power (W) 600 W 600 W RMS Power (W) 1 kW 1 kW

Transducer Comparison: 600 W versus 1 kW

The photos below clearly show the screen resolution differences between a single-element 600 W transducer and a multiple-element 1 kW transducer.
Single-element High-performance
50 kHz 50 kHz
600 W transducer 1 kW transducer

200 kHz 200 kHz

600 W vs 1,000 W
Transducer ID
Transducer ID Feature
Airmars exclusive Transducer ID feature allows
echosounders to query the connected transducer,
gathering important operating characteristics. With
this data, the echosounder and transducer function as a
precisely-tuned system. A Transducer ID enabled sensor contains an
embedded micro-controller that communicates with the connected
Compare: echosounder via a single conductor in the transducer cable. The principal
50 kHz 200 kHz data transmitted is intended to identify the type and configuration of the
transducer. Then the echosounder can alter its parameters of operation
to optimize performance and to protect the transducer from overdrive.
The Transducer ID feature also provides important information to installers
and technicians such as serial number and housing style. Listed below is a
summary of the information that the Transducer ID feature can provide to
future fishfinders.

Airmar part number

Housing style
Serial number
Ceramic element configuration
Date of manufacture
Acoustic window
Impedance matching configuration
The image to the left Nominal frequency(s)
shows the depth and Best transmit frequency(s)
beamwidth differences Power rating
between the Beam pattern
single-element, 600 W,
Ceramic 50 kHz/200 kHz 50 kHz 200 kHz B744V and the
Elements & multiple-element,
Frequencies 1 kW, SS260.
Advantages of High-Performance Fairings

Without High-Performance Fairing With High-Performance Fairing

High-Performance Fairing
Achieve maximum fishfinder performance by installing an Airmar transducer with a High-Performance Fairing. Each High-Performance Fairing is custom designed
to match its transducer model. The fairing assures a vertical beam which results in strong return echoes. Additionally, the streamlined shape reduces drag and
minimizes turbulence over the face of the transducer. At speeds above 30 knots (34 MPH), screens continue to display clear images and solid bottom tracking.
High-Performance Fairing High-Performance Fairing High-Performance Fairing
Standard Fairing Standard Fairing Only

With a
Without a fairing, the
fairing, the beam is
beam is aimed
angled straight
improperly. down.
50 kHz, 23 knots (26 MPH) 200 kHz, 25 knots (29 MPH) 50 kHz, 36 knots (41 MPH)
The photos above show a boat-test comparison of a transducer installed with a High-Performance Fairing versus a standard fairing. The same transducer
model was used. One transducer was installed on the port side of the boat with a High-Performance Fairing, and the other was installed on the starboard
side with a standard fairing. Using a switchbox, we were able to toggle from one transducer to the other. At speed, the significant resolution and clarity on
the fishfinder screen when using the transducer with a High-Performance Fairing is clearly depicted.

Benefits of Broadband Transducer Technology

Airmar achieves superior results by using a unique ceramic material. It lets Airmars broadband transducers enable frequency modulated (FM)
transducers operate over a broad range of frequencies while maintaining transmissions; a.k.a. CHIRP or coded transmissions. Using FM transmissions,
sensitivity. These Broadband Transducers are, by definition, low-Q devices you can achieve both the benefits of long pulse, more energy on target,
(refer to Q paragraph). In other words, they exhibit very low ringing. There and short pulse, segregation of closely-spaced fish and identification of fish
is little variation from transducer to transducer. Additionally, Broadband on or close to the bottom. This is because the coding of the transmission
Transducers are relatively immune to the effects of aging, so their frequency is known and the return echoes are similarly coded. The technique is also
range remains stable over time. known as pulse compression. In summary, fishfinders of the future with FM
transmissions will have dramatically improved target resolution and
Airmar is the first to introduce affordable Broadband Transducers. This is an signal-to-noise ratio. Airmars broadband transducer technology will enable
enabling technology that provides better fish detection today and will lead this to happen.
to dramatic advances in echosounder performance in the future. While
these transducers are more costly to manufacture, the present and future Q
benefits are huge. A Transducers quality factor, or Q describes the amount of ringing the
Broadband Transducers enhance fish detection on virtually all of todays ceramic element or elements undergo when power is applied to the
fishfinders. They give better definition; it is far easier to distinguish among transducer. Think of a church bell analogyas the bell is struck it vibrates
individual fish and between fish and the bottom. rapidly and then the vibration will eventually stop until the bell is struck
again. Most competitors recreational transducers have an average Q
Benefits of Today between 25 and 35. Airmar Q values range from 1 to 30, depending on
Manufacturers now market echosounders that can adjust operating models. The lower the Q number the less ringing in the transducer and
frequency and power output. While these are premium products, the the better the performance. Less ringing greatly improves individual fish
designs are a precursor of things to come. With the ability to adjust separation along with bottom imaging in rapidly changing water depths
frequency, an echosounder can operate Airmars broadband ceramics such as ledges and offshore canyons.
anywhere in the frequency band. By selecting different operating 4 kW
frequencies, two or more sounders can work simultaneously without Assemblies
10 kHz to 19 kHz
4 kW
12 kHz to 23 kHz
4 kW

interference. The frequency can also be adjusted to the mission. Lowering

M74 Model
Sub-Bottom Profiling & Deep-Water Mapping

3 kW
the operations frequency increases the beamwidth and depth capability; Assemblies
25 kHz to 45 kHz
3 kW
33 kHz to 60 kHz
3 kW
160 kHz to 250 kHz
3 kW

raising the frequency narrows the beamwidth, increases echo definition, CM399, R309, R399
CM299, R209, R299
SS549 Model
Narrow-Beam Survey

and improves high-speed performance. 2 kW

Assemblies 25 kHz to 45 kHz
2 kW
38 kHz to 75 kHz
2 kW
85 kHz to 135 kHz
2 kW
130 kHz to 210 kHz
2 kW RMS Power
160 kHz to 250 kHz
2 kW

M192, M163 Models CM199, R99, R109 B238, CM199, R109, R209, B238, CM199, R109, R209, B238, R99, R199 Models
Models R309, R299, R399 Models R309, R299, R399 Models

Future Benefits 1 kW
Assemblies 10 kHz to 19 kHz 40 kHz to 60 kHz 85 kHz to 135 kHz 130 kHz to 210 kHz 190 kHz to 230 kHz

Here is where it gets really exciting. In todays fishfinders, good fish detection
1 kW 1 kW 1 kW 1 kW 1 kW

M192 Model B255, B265, M255, B255, M255 Models B265, M265, TM265 Models
M265, SS270W Models

is obtained by transmitting a long pulse. This puts more energy on the 500 W to
600 W 40 kHz to 80 kHz 70 kHz to 130 kHz 140 kHz to 210 kHz 160 kHz to 250 kHz 220 kHz to 340 kHz 400 kHz to 650 kHz

target. With a long pulse, closely-spaced fish cannot be separatedyou get Assemblies
600 W

B75L, B755, B765

600 W

B75M, B755 Models

600 W

B75H, B765 Models

600 W

SS505, SS510 Models

500 W

500 W


a big blob. Fish close to the bottom appear attached to the bottom and are
O Models Wide-Beam Survey

250 W E

difficult or impossible to detect.

25 kHz to 45 kHz 33 kHz to 60 kHz 110 kHz to 160 kHz 180 kHz to 210 kHz 200 kHz to 300 kHz
Assemblies R 250 W 250 W 250 W 250 W 250 W

Modem & Underwater Communication B619, P619 Models P48W Model DT800 Model

Wide-Beam Performance Transom-Mount

on Your Transom
The SS270W, 1 kW, twin, wide-beam is now available as a Wide-Beam
transom-mount for larger trailered boats with outboards and
I/Os. The TM270Ws high-performance mounting bracket is 1 kW
easy-to-install and has a streamlined shape that delivers
high-speed performance up to 30 knots (35 MPH). HD Digital
See the Wider Picture
The TM270W gives you four times the beamwidth at 200 kHz Fishing Applications
than other high-performance transducers. Since the width Blue-water trolling using both 50 kHz and 200 kHz
of the beams are the same at both frequencies, a split-screen Bait and game fish marking in shallow to mid-water
fishfinder display will clearly show the same water column and
Wreck and structure finding on the continental shelf
bottom coverage. Fish may also appear as arches. More fish will
be marked while cruising, trolling, drifting, or at anchor. Get the Vertical deep jigging
wider picture on your sounder with the TM270W.
Downrigger fishing in saltwater or deep-water lakes
Tuna/Marlin FishermenDetect bait and gamefish in the
upper water column that would go unseen with a traditional
Top-of-the-line wide-beam transom-mount
narrow-beam transducer.
Designed for tuna or marlin fishing
Downrigger FishermenHave the ability to see your Identical wide 25 beams at 50 kHz and 200 kHz
downrigger ball and the lines attached to it. Get a closer look
at a fish strike on your echosounder screen. For larger trailered boats 8 m to 12 m (25 to 40)
with outboards and I/Os
Jig FishermenSeeing your jigs on the echosounder screen Interfaces to any 600 W or 1 kW sounder
while bottom fishing can help avoid bottom hang-ups. Seeing
Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensor
a tuna attack your jigs on the echosounder display lets you
reel up loose lines before it is too late. Kick-up assembly locks in the up position and will
not damage the transom
Accommodates transom angles between 3 and 21
Urethane housing

Technical Information


Number of Elements Weight: 4 kg (8.9 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: Up to 28
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 25 25
Acoustic Window: Urethane
RMS Power (W) 1 kW 1 kW
TVR 161 dB 167 dB
RVR -175 dB -194 dB
FOM -19 dB -27 dB
Q 4 15
TM270W Housing
Impedance 200 90 137 mm


260 mm
50 kHz 200 kHz (10.23)
400 m to 610 m 100 m to 180 m
(1,350 to 2,000) (330 to 600)

172 mm
Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz
9 m (30) 4 m (13) 4 m (13) 108 mm
30 m (100) 14 m (45) 14 m (45)
122 m (400) 55 m (180) 55 m (180) TM270W Transducer
305 m (1,000) 137 m (450) 137 m (450)

190.5 mm

74 mm

108.2 mm

50 kHz 200 kHz 50 kHz

Standard 1 kW transducer TM270W twin wide-beam transducer

19 at 50 kHz, 6 at 200 kHz Identical 25 beamwidths at 50 kHz and 200 kHz

50 kHz 200 kHz 50 kHz 200 kHz

Different number of fish detected See the same targets at both frequencies
fish and bottom do not appear the same allows for easier species and bottom identification

Airmar Technology Corporation TM270W_rH 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Xducer ID is a registered trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.

Powerful, Yet Sensitive!

The new TM260 takes the legendary performance of the B260 Transom-Mount
to your vessels transom. This top-of-the-line broadband
transom-mount brings crystal clear imaging to any of todays 1 kW
fishfinders. The large 200 kHz element and the seven-element
50 kHz array are excellent for bait and game fish separation HD Digital
along with detecting ground fish holding tight to the bottom.
The TM260s high-performance mounting bracket is
easy-to-install and has a streamlined shape that delivers Fishing Applications
high-speed performance up to 30 knots (35 MPH). Blue-water trolling using 50 kHz
Deep-water bottom and wreck fishing up to
800 m (2,625)

Top-of-the-line narrow-beam transom-mount
Designed for bottom fishing
Wide 19 beam at 50 kHz
Narrow 6 beam at 200 kHz
For larger trailered boats 8 m to 12 m (25 to 40)
with outboards and I/Os
Interfaces to any 600 W or 1 kW sounder
Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensor
Kick-up assembly locks in the up position and will
not damage the transom
Accommodates transom angles between 3 and 21
Urethane housing

6 Narrow
200 kHz

19 Wide

Technical Information
50 kHz


Number of Elements Weight: 4 kg (8.9 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: Up to 28
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 19 6
Acoustic Window: Urethane
RMS Power (W) 1 kW 1 kW
TVR 162 dB 175 dB
RVR -173 dB -183 dB
FOM -14 dB -10 dB
TM260 Housing
Q 8 8 137 mm
Impedance 250 90

260 mm
50 kHz 200 kHz
529 m to 735 m 206 m to 294 m

172 mm
(1,800 to 2,500) (700 to 1,000)


Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz 108 mm
9 m (30) 3 m (10) 0.9 m (3)
30 m (100) 10 m (34) 3.3 m (11) TM260 Transducer
122 m (400) 41 m (134) 13 m (42)
305 m (1,000) 102 m (335) 32 m (105)

190.5 mm
Model Power Rating Performance Increase 74 mm
P66 600 W Good Benchmark model for comparison
TM258 1 KW Better 25 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
16 times more sensitive at 200 kHz 108.2 mm
TM260 1 KW Superb 50 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
13 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
Due to the wide beams of the P48W and TM270W, they have been omitted from the table.

Airmar Technology Corporation TM260_rH 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Xducer ID is a registered trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.

New Look and Better

High-Speed Performance Transom-Mount
The industrys first 1 kW transom-mount transducer has a new
high-performance mounting bracket. The sleek, new bracket 1 kW
makes the TM258 easier to install. Additionally, its streamlined
shape will give you improved high-speed performance up to Entry-Level
30 knots (35 MPH).

The TM258 will make 600 W sounders respond like a more Fishing Applications
powerful model. Get 16 times the sensitivity compared with a Inshore and blue-water trolling
standard transom-mounted transducer. The TM258 packs four Deep-water bottom and structure fishing up to
50 kHz/200 kHz elements to focus narrow beams at both 500 m (1,640)
frequencies, so youll see crisp targets and clear bottom
The versatile 1 kW transducer for all types of fishing
Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensor
Elliptical beam covers larger bottom area
Fits existing TM256 and TM258 models
Bracket kick-up assembly locks in the up position
and will not damage the transom
Accommodates transom angles between 3 and 21
Urethane housing
Boat Size: 8 m to 12 m (25 to 40)

Technical Information


Number of Elements Weight: 3.6 kg (7.9 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: Up to 25
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 15 x 21 3 x 5
Acoustic Window: Urethane
RMS Power (W) 1 kW 1 kW
TVR 161 dB 173 dB
RVR -174 dB -183 dB
FOM -17 dB -9 dB
Q 9 15 TM258 Housing
Impedance 225 200 137 mm


260 mm
50 kHz 200 kHz (10.23)
441 m to 647 m 206 m to 294 m
(1,500 to 2,200) (700 to 1,000)

159 mm
Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz
9m 2.4 m x 3.3 m 0.6 m x 0.9 m 108 mm
(30) (8 x 11) (2 x 3) (4.26)

30 m 8 m x 12 m 1 m x 2.7 m
(100) (25 x 40) (5 x 9)
122 m 30 m x 50 m 6 m x 11 m TM258 Transducer
(400) (98 x 163) (20 x 35)
305 m 74 m x 124 m 16 m x 26 m
(1,000) (245 x 407) (52 x 87)
190.5 mm
58 mm
Model Power Rating Performance Increase (2.29)
P66 600 W Good Benchmark model for comparison
TM258 1 KW Better 25 times more sensitive at 50 kHz 108.2 mm
16 times more sensitive at 200 kHz (4.26)

TM260 1 KW Superb 50 times more sensitive at 50 kHz

13 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
Due to the wide beams of the P48W and TM270W, they have been omitted from the table.

Airmar Technology Corporation TM258_rK 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Xducer ID is a registered trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.

Best of a New Generation! Transom-Mount

The P66 is the best performing and most popular,
transom-mount, TRIDUCER Multisensor in the market for many TRIDUCER Multisensor
reasons. Foremost, the 50 kHz and 200 kHz, oversized, ceramic
element produces focused beams, highlighting detail in the 600 W
water column and in the bottom structure.
Fishing Applications
Setting the Industry Standard!
Lake and inshore all-around saltwater fishing for
Because of its hydrodynamic shape, water coming off the
small to mid-size outboard boats
transom flows smoothly under the transducer face. This results
in accurate, high-speed, depth readings and clear display
images. Going a step further, the P66 TRIDUCER Multisensor
also incorporates a patented noise-suppression system. The Features
result is a 5 to 8 knot (6 to 9 MPH) improvement over standard Depth, speed, and temperature in one housing
construction through improved shielding from noise and Plastic kick-up bracket
vibration. And the plastic release bracket lets the P66 rotate up
Accommodates transom angles between 2 and 20
to protect the housing if struck from the front.
Recessed waterflow channel protects paddlewheel
Transducer can be removed from bracket without
the use of tools for easy service and storage
Boat Size: 5 m to 8 m (18 to 25)

Technical Information


Number of Elements Weight: 0.5 kg (1.1 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: 2 to 20
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 45 11
Acoustic Window: Layered plastic urethane
RMS Power (W) 600 W 600 W
TVR 153 dB 173 dB
RVR -164 dB -182 dB
FOM -33 dB -20 dB
Q 24 30
Impedance 200 375


50 kHz 200 kHz
235 m to 353 m 118 m to 206 m
(800 to 1,200) (400 to 700)


Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz 70 mm
9 m (30) 8 m (25) 2 m (6)
30 m (100) 25 m (83) 6 m (21) 155 mm
122 m (400) 101 m (331) 26 m (84)
305 m (1,000) 252 m (828) 64 m (210)

100 mm
Model Power Rating Performance Increase
P66 600 W Good Benchmark model for comparison
TM258 1 KW Better 25 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
16 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
TM260 1 KW Superb 50 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
13 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
Due to the wide beams of the P48W and TM270W, they have been omitted from the table.

Airmar Technology Corporation P66_rH 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. TRIDUCER is a registered trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.

Looking to Catch More Fish? Transom-Mount

The new P48W transom-mount is designed for tournamentcircuit
freshwater bass fishermen. The ultra-wide 38 wide-beam will
mark more fish, giving you that tournament winning edge. See
things in wide-screen on your fishfinder like a bass attacking
your spinner bait as you quickly reel it back to the boat. The
highly sensitive ceramicthe heart of the P48 can easily
show changes in bottom composition which can help locate Features
spawning beds where defensive bass might be lurking. The The widest transom-mount transducer on the market
P48s innovative design allows you to change the transducer True 38 x 12 beam that is measured at -3 dB
beam direction on the fly based on specific fishing conditions. Depth and temperature, 200 kHz operation
When the beam is in the default port-starboard position, a Compatible with mid-range, 200 kHz models from
wide 38 x 12 beam will mark more fish and bait to the port Lowrance, Raymarine, Garmin, and Humminbird
and starboard of the boat. Turn the beam to the bow-stern Maximum Depth: 122 m (400)
position, and the 12 x 38 beam will detect changes in bottom
Transom or trolling-motor mounting options
composition as you search along rocky bottom, sandy bottom,
or weed beds in search for that ten pounder. Widen the Boat Size: 5 m to 8 m (18 to 25)
possibilities of both your fishfinder and a tournament win with
the P48W.

Wider Than The Competition

No matter how you measure transducer beamwidth, the P48 is wider

than the competition. Airmar measures transducer beamwidth at
-3 dB. Other transducer manufacturers measure their beams at -6 dB
and -10 dB, giving the false impression of a wider beam.

Competitions beam
@ -3 dB20
Competitions beam @ -6 dB35
Airmar P48W @ -3 dB38 x 12
Airmar P48W @ -6 dB52 x 16

Technical Information


Number of Elements Weight: 0.45 kg (1 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: 2 to 20
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 38 x 12
Acoustic Window: Urethane
RMS Power (W) 100 W (800 W Peak-to-Peak)
TVR 153 dB
RVR -192 dB
FOM -39 dB 71 mm Transom-Mount
Q 6
Impedance 1,100
124 mm


200 kHz
122 m

86 mm


Depth 200 kHz
77.9 mm Trolling-Motor Mount
9 m (30) 2 m x 6 m (6 x 21)
30 m (100) 6 m x 21 m (21 x 69)
122 m (400) 26 m x 84 m (84 x 276)
63.3 mm


Model Power Rating Performance Increase

P48W 100 W Good Benchmark model for comparison
P66 600 W Good 6 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
2 times more sensitive at 200 kHz

P48W Adjustable Beam in

P48W Adjustable Beam in The The Bow-Stern Position
Default Port-Starboard Position 38 beam from bow to stern Bow
38 beam from port to starboard 12 beam from port to starboard
12 beam from bow to stern

0 23



0 23



Port 12 Starboard Stern


Airmar Technology Corporation P48_rF 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,


however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for
traditional navigation aids and techniques. Other company or product names mentioned in
this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies,
9001:2008 which are not affiliated with Airmar.

Coming to You at a New Angle! Tilted Element

The dual-frequency, 50/200 kHz, B60 and SS60, Tilted Element
transducers are low-profile housings that compensate for hull Thru-Hull
deadrise. The innovative design tilts the ceramic element inside
the transducer housinga first in the industry! 600 W
Flush With Results
With built-in deadrise compensation, performance is never Fishing Applications
compromised. This unique design offers professional and Inshore or coastal fishing in shallow to medium
recreational boaters advantages similar to using a fairing block depths
but is installed nearly flush to the hull. On steep-deadrise hulls Slow trolling, structure fishing, and drifting
up to 24, the beam is aimed straight down, resulting in strong
echo returns and accurate depth readings. Deep-water lake fishing

Fixed 20 tilted version for 16 to 24 hull deadrise
Fixed 12 tilted version for 8 to 15 hull deadrise
Fixed 0 tilted version for 0 to 7 hull deadrise
(P319 plastic, B117 bronze, and SS555 stainless steel)
12 Narrow
Stainless steel housingSS60 200 kHz Engineered for center-console and trailered boats
45 Wide
50 kHz
Low-profile protrusion below the hull
The ceramic element is tilted inside the
housing, which compensates for your No affect on your boats running performance
boats deadrise. This aims the beam
straight toward the bottom, resulting in Bronze or stainless steel housings available
stronger echo returns and more accurate
depth readings. Arrow on cap points toward keel when installed
Built-in temperature sensor
Boat Size: Up to 8 m (25)
B60, SS60

12 Narrow
200 kHz

Technical Information
45 Wide
50 kHz


Number of Elements Weight: 1.4 kg (3 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: Up to 24
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 45 12
Acoustic Window: Urethane
RMS Power (W) 600 W 600 W
TVR 155 dB 164 dB
RVR -174 dB -184 dB
FOM -31 dB -21 dB
Q 28 31
Available in
Impedance 200 375 12 and 20


88 mm
50 kHz 200 kHz
235 m to 353 m 118 m to 206 m
(800 to 1,200) (400 to 700) 60 x 2


95 mm
Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz
9 m (30) 8 m (25) 2 m (6)
30 m (100) 25 m (83) 6 m (21)
122 m (400) 101 m (331) 26 m (84)
5 mm
305 m (1,000) 252 m (828) 64 m (210) (0.19)

84 mm

Model Power Rating Performance Increase

B60 600 W Good Benchmark model for comparison
B164 1 kW Better 6 times more sensitive at 50 kHz 60 mm (2.375) hole size
SS164 2 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
SS264N 1 kW Best 50 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
13 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
Due to the wide beam of the SS264W, it has been omitted from the table.

Airmar Technology Corporation B60_SS60_rQ 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Tilted Element is a trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.

Aim in the Right Direction Tilted Element

Airmar has taken our innovative Tilted Element technology to
a higher power. The 1kW, B164 transducer is perfect for fast, Thru-Hull
trailered, tournament, sportfishing vessels that cannot install
a thru-hull with a High-Performance Fairing. The low-profile 1 kW
bronze housing protrudes less than 6.35 mm (0.25) outside
your hull, which results in excellent performance at speeds up to
30 knots (34 MPH). Fishing Applications
Inshore and blue-water trolling
Fine Tune Your Fishing Deep-water bottom and structure fishing up to
The ceramic arrays are tilted inside the housing giving you a 500 m (1,640)
perfect vertical beam with maximum energy on what is directly
The versatile 1 kW transducer for all types of fishing
below your boat. Take your fishfinder to the next power with
Airmars 1kW Tilted Element Transducers.
Fixed 20 tilted version for 16 to 24 hull deadrise
Fixed 12 tilted version for 8 to 15 hull deadrise
Fixed 0 tilted version for 0 to 7 hull deadrise
1 kW power, 50/200 kHz multiple-ceramics
Engineered for center-console and trailered boats
6 Narrow Low-profile protrusion below the hull
200 kHz
22 Wide
Stainless steel housingSS164 50 kHz No affect on your boats running performance
The ceramic elements are tilted inside Interfaces to any 600 W or 1 kW echosounder
the housing, which compensates for
your boats deadrise. This aims the beam Bronze or stainless steel housings available
straight toward the bottom, resulting in
stronger echo returns and more accurate Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensor
depth readings.
Boat Size: 8 m to 11 m (25 to 35)
B164, SS164

6 Narrow
200 kHz

Technical Information
22 Wide
50 kHz


Number of Elements Weight: 2.7 kg (6 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: Up to 28
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 22 x 20 6 x 6
Acoustic Window: Urethane
RMS Power (W) 1 kW 1 kW
TVR 158 dB 168 dB
RVR -177 dB -189 dB
134 mm
FOM -23 dB -19 dB
Q 7 17
3 3/4-4 UNC
Impedance 240 180 threads

118 mm
107 mm


50 kHz 200 kHz

98 mm (3 7/8) hole size
353 m to 529 m 152 m to 235 m
6 mm
(1,200 to 1,800) (500 to 800) (0.25)
Nut Spacer Washer
97.3 mm 97.1 mm

Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz

9m 4mx3m 0.9 m x 0.9 m
(30) (12 x 10) (3 x 3)
31 m 11 m x 10.6 m 3.3 m x 3.3 m
(100) (38 x 35) (11 x 11)
122 m 47 m x 43 m 13 m x 13 m
(400) (156 x 141) (42 x 42) 136.6 mm 135.8 mm
305 m 118 m x 107 m 32 m x 32 m (5.38) (5.35)
(1,000) (389 x 353) (105 x 105)
56 mm
42.3 mm
Model Power Rating Performance Increase
118 mm
Free Area

56 mm

B60 600 W Good Benchmark model for comparison

SS60 92.25 mm
B164 1 kW Better 6 times more sensitive at 50 kHz No Draft
SS164 2 times more sensitive at 200 kHz 134 mm
(5.26) 6.35 mm
SS264N 1 kW Best 50 times more sensitive at 50 kHz (0.25)
13 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
Due to the wide beam of the SS264W, it has been omitted from the table.

Airmar Technology Corporation B164_SS164_rS 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Tilted Element is a trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.
SS264W Pair

2 Low-Profile Housings for Tilted Element Pair

Airmar has taken the SS270W wide-beam thru-hull and split Thru-Hull
it into a pair of Tilted Element transducers. One transducer Wide-Beam
handles 50 kHz while the other operates at 200 kHz. Now you
can get all of the performance of the SS270W without a fairing.
The low-profile design is perfect for fast, trailered, tournament,
1 kW
and sportfishing boatsespecially center consoles. HD Digital
See the Wider Picture
This transducer pair gives you four times the beamwidth at Fishing Applications
200 kHz than other high-performance transducers. Since the Blue-water trolling using both 50 kHz and 200 kHz
width of the beams are the same at both frequencies, a Bait and game fish marking in shallow to mid-water
split-screen fishfinder display will clearly show the same water Wreck and structure finding on the continental shelf
column and bottom coverage. Fish may also appear as arches.
Vertical deep jigging
More fish will be marked while cruising, trolling, drifting, or
Downrigger fishing in saltwater or deep-water lakes
at anchor. Get the wider picture on your sounder with the
SS264W pair.
Consists of two transducers (purchased separately):
Tuna/Marlin FishermenDetect bait and gamefish in the SS264 50 kHz wide-beam
upper water column that would go unseen with a traditional SS264 200 kHz wide-beam
narrow-beam transducer. Transducers must be purchased separately for
Downrigger FishermenHave the ability to see your dual-frequency operation or individually as a
downrigger ball and the lines attached to it. Get a closer look single-frequency unit
at a fish strike on your echosounder screen. Fixed 20 tilted version for 16 to 24 hull deadrise
Fixed 12 tilted version for 8 to 15 hull deadrise
Jig FishermenSeeing your jigs on the echosounder screen
Fixed 0 tilted version for 0 to 7 hull deadrise
while bottom fishing can help avoid bottom hang-ups. Seeing
Provides 4 times the beamwidth at 200 kHz than other
a tuna attack your jigs on the echosounder display lets you
high-performance transducers
reel up loose lines before it is too late.
Identical wide 25 beamwidths at 50 kHz and 200 kHz
No affect on your boats running performance
Low-profile protrusion below the hull
Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensor
Boat Size: 8 m to 11 m (25 to 35)
SS264W Pair
The high-performance ceramic elements are tilted inside the housing,
which compensates for your boats deadrise. This aims the beams straight
toward the bottom, resulting in stronger echo returns and more accurate
depth readings.

25 Wide 25 Wide
50 kHz 200 kHz

Technical Information


Number of Elements Weight: 2.7 kg (6 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: Up to 24
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 25 25
Acoustic Window: Urethane
RMS Power (W) 1 kW 1 kW
RVR -175 dB -194 dB 134 mm (5.26)
FOM -19 dB -27 dB
Q 4 15 3 3/4-4 UNC

118 mm
107 mm
Impedance 200 90

98 mm (3 7/8) hole size
50 kHz 200 kHz
6 mm
400 m to 610 m 100 m to 180 m (0.25) Nut Spacer Washer
(1,350 to 2,000) (330 to 600) 97.3 mm 97.1 mm
(3.83) (3.82)


Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz
9 m (30) 4 m (13) 4 m (13)
30 m (100) 14 m (45) 14 m (45)
122 m (400) 55 m (180) 55 m (180)
136.6 mm 135.8 mm
305 m (1,000) 137 m (450) 137 m (450)
(5.38) (5.35)

56 mm

42.3 mm 118 mm
Free Area

56 mm

92.25 mm
OEM (3.75)
No Draft
134 mm
50/200 kHz 200 kHz (5.26) 6.35 mm (0.25)
10 m (33) Mating OEM cable only
cable connectors

Directivity Patterns
50 kHz -3 dB Beamwidth 200 kHz -3 dB Beamwidth
10 m (33) 25 25
cable 0 10 0 10
20 10 20 20 10 20
1 m (3) pigtail 30 30 30 30
for 200 kHz 40 -10 dB 40 40 -10 dB 40
50 -20 dB 50 50 -20 dB 50
60 -30 dB
60 60 -30 dB
70 70 70 70
-40 dB -40 dB
80 80 80 80
90 90 90 90
140150 160 170 180170160150 140 140150 160 170 180170160150 140
25 25 or 6
Wide 200 kHz
The 200 kHz transducer can be added to existing B260 or M260 installations
50 kHz (switchbox is needed) for the ultimate 200 kHz wide and narrow-beam
SS264W Pair combination. This gives you the ability to switch 200 kHz transducers based on
wiring installation the type of fishing on a given day.

Airmar Technology Corporation SS264W_rO 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Tilted Element is a trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.
SS264N Pair

Two Eyes for Your Fishing Tilted Element Pair

Legendary B260 1 kW performance is now available for fast
sportfishing boats. No fairing required! Airmar has taken the Thru-Hull
proven B260 thru-hull and split it apart into a pair of Narrow-Beam
tilted-element transducers. The ceramic elements have been tilted
to offset for the deadrise of your boats hull. Called the SS264N
Pair, these transducers are perfect for fast, center-console, and
1 kW
trailered sportfishing boats, or any vessel that cannot have a
thru-hull with a High-Performance Fairing.
HD Digital
Narrow and Wide Fishing Applications
The narrow-beam broadband 200 kHz transducer will give you Blue-water trolling using 50 kHz
excellent resolution and crisp image detail needed for bottom
fishing. The low ringing of this transducer is perfect for finding Deep-water bottom and wreck fishing up to
fish holding tight to the bottom and other structure. The 800 m (2,625)
seven-element 50 kHz transducer is the same as in the SS264W
and is best for deep-water sounding down to 914 m (3,000). Features
Consists of two transducers (purchased separately):
SS264 50 kHz wide-beam 25
SS264 200 kHz narrow-beam 6
Transducers must be purchased separately for
dual-frequency operation or individually as a
single-frequency unit
Fixed 20 tilted version for 16 to 24 hull deadrise
25 Wide 6 Narrow
50 kHz 200 kHz Fixed 12 tilted version for 8 to 15 hull deadrise

The high-performance ceramic elements are tilted

Fixed 0 tilted version for 0 to 7 hull deadrise
inside the housing, which compensates for your
boats deadrise. This aims the beams straight toward Low-profile protrusion below the hull
the bottom, resulting in stronger echo returns and
more accurate depth readings. No affect on your boats running performance
Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensor
Boat Size: 8 m to 11 m (25 to 35)
SS264N Pair

25 Wide 6 Narrow
50 kHz 200 kHz

Technical Information


Number of Elements Weight: 2.7 kg (6 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: Up to 24
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 25 6
Acoustic Window: Urethane
RMS Power (W) 1 kW 1 kW
TVR 161 dB 175 dB
RVR -175 dB -183 dB
134 mm
FOM -19 dB -10 dB (5.26)
Q 4 8
3 3/4-4 UNC
Impedance 250 90 threads

118 mm
107 mm


50 kHz 200 kHz

98 mm (3 7/8) hole size
400 m to 610 m 206 m to 294 m 6 mm
(1,350 to 2,000) (700 to 1,000) (0.25)
Nut Spacer Washer
97.3 mm 97.1 mm
(3.83) (3.82)
Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz
9 m (30) 3 m (10) 0.9 m (3)
30 m (100) 14 m (45) 3.3 m (11)
122 m (400) 55 m (180) 13 m (42)
305 m (1,000) 137 m (450) 32 m (105)
136.6 mm 135.8 mm
(5.38) (5.35)

56 mm

42.3 mm
118 mm
Free Area

OEM (1.66)
56 mm

92.25 mm
50/200 kHz 200 kHz (3.75)
Mating OEM
10 m (33)
cable only No Draft
cable 134 mm
(5.26) 6.35 mm
10 m (33)
1 m (3) pigtail
for 200 kHz
Directivity Patterns
50 kHz -3 dB Beamwidth 200 kHz -3 dB Beamwidth
25 6
0 10 0 10
20 10 20 20 10 20
30 30 30 30
40 -10 dB 40 40 -10 dB 40
50 -20 dB 50 50 -20 dB 50
60 -30 dB
60 60 -30 dB
25 25 or 6 70 70 70 70
Wide 200 kHz -40 dB -40 dB
50 kHz 80 80 80 80
SS264N Pair 90 90 90 90
wiring installation 140150 160 170 180170160150 140 140150 160 170 180170160150 140

Airmar Technology Corporation SS264N_rO 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Tilted Element is a trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.


1 kW Switchbox

Existing B260 SS264 Features

50/200 kHz Tilted Element
200 kHz Use when adding the SS264 200 kHz wide-beam
with an existing 1 kW transducer
Allows you to switch between narrow or wide-beam
200 kHz frequencies
Panel-mount waterproof switch
200 kHz 200 kHz For use with all 1 kW fishfinders
Narrow-Beam Wide-Beam
50 kHz
Operating Voltage: 9 VDC to 30 VDC

160 mm (6.30)
90 mm (3.54)
7 mm
146 mm (5.75) (0.28)
30 mm
7 mm (0.28)
160 mm (6.30)

146 mm (5.75)

4.6 mm (0.18)


1 kW Switchbox

SB260 SB260
Switchbox Switchbox Features
OR Multi-functional switchbox:
Switches 2 transducers with 1 fishfinder
Switches 2 fishfinders with 1 transducer
Panel-mount waterproof switch
200 kHz
200 kHz
200 kHz
For use with all 1 kW fishfinders
50 kHz 50 kHz 50 kHz
Wide-Beam Wide-Beam Wide-Beam Operating Voltage: 9 VDC to 30 VDC

160 mm (6.30)
90 mm (3.54)
7 mm
146 mm (5.75) (0.28)
30 mm
7 mm (0.28)
160 mm (6.30)

146 mm (5.75)

4.6 mm (0.18)

Airmar Technology Corporation SB264_SB260_rD 08/19/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,


however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for
traditional navigation aids and techniques. Other company or product names mentioned
in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
9001:2008 companies, which are not affiliated with Airmar.

Integrated Sensors Ultrasonic

Provide a Mini-Network
The PB200 WeatherStation Instrument informs you of WeatherStation
instantaneous changes in the weather. Wind, Speed, and
Direction are measured using four ultrasonic transducers. No
moving parts results in better durability and reliability. The
internal WAAS/EGNOS GPS engine and three-axis solid-state
compass make it possible for the PB200 to provide both Features
Apparent and True Wind Speed and Direction without the need True wind speed and direction
to add additional sensors. The WAAS/EGNOS GPS provides Apparent wind speed and direction
navigation data as well as magnetic variation and is suitable Barometric pressure
as your primary GPS source. The internal temperature and
Air temperature
barometric pressure sensors help predict changing weather
patterns. Combined with the internal heading sensor, most Wind chill temperature
of your navigation needs are provided! No other sensor on Measures wind speed and direction ultrasonically
the market incorporates all of these features in one compact Internal WAAS/EGNOS GPS
Three-axis solid-state compass

Unsurpassed Heading Three-axis accelerometer provides stabilized

pitch and roll information in dynamic conditions
What sets us apart from the competition and the original PB100
is the ability to provide 2 heading accuracy under dynamic Better than 1 static compass accuracy
conditions, such as rough seas. Airmars unique dynamic motion Best-in-class 2 dynamic compass accuracy
correction software is the key difference. The PB200s heading Yaw rate gyro provides rate of turn data
is highly accurate and stable under most sea conditionseven
Outputs both NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 data
if the vessel is pitching and rolling up to 30 in rough seas. Also
unique to the PB200 is that the 3D accelerometer and rate gyro Plastic housing is less prone to lightning strikes
are temperature compensated, resulting in precise tilt and rate WeatherCaster Software
of turn data. This allows the PB200 to accurately measure True 360 calibration results in precise wind direction accuracy
Wind Speed and Direction even when tilted up to 30.
Very easy installation and two-year warranty
Maintenance-free operationno moving parts
Recommended for large powerboats and
commercial vessels
PB200 Ultrasonic WeatherStation Instrument

How the WeatherStation Enhanced Performance

Instrument Works The Airmar PB200 WeatherStation Instrument offers
The Airmar WeatherStation Instrument is the only all-in-one enhanced performance over the PB100 and the
weather sensor that calculates apparent wind speed and competition. Advanced features such as a three-axis
direction, barometric pressure, air temperature, and wind solid-state compass, three axis accelerometer, yaw rate gyro
chill temperature. With the internal compass and and WAAS/EGNOS GPS result in unsurpassed performance
WAAS/EGNOS GPS, true wind speed and direction can also under all sea conditions. The sensor can also be fully
be calculated. The UV stabilized, compact housing is fully integrated with your existing NMEA 0183 electronics or
waterproof and resistant to sunlight and chemicals. NMEA 2000 network. Unique to the sensor is its ability to
output both NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 simultaneously to
The ultrasonic wind sensor (an ultrasonic anemometer) various devices on-board. Coupled with Airmars intuitive
measures apparent wind speed and direction. The WeatherCaster PC software, the PB200 is also a powerful
WeatherStation Instrument contains four ultrasonic stand alone solution.
transducers, visible through the four holes in the top of the
sensors wind channel (see figure 1). These transducers The WeatherStation Instrument comes with our intuitive
operate in pairsone transducer injects a pulse into the WeatherCaster Software. Data can be viewed in both
air. The pulse bounces off the metal plate at the bottom of digital and analog format and can be saved for a set period
the wind channel and is carried by the wind to arrive at the of time. The log time can be adjusted in intervals from 6 to
listening transducer a short time later. 72 hours. Standard NMEA sentences and an RS485 interface
allows for the flexibility of designing your own software
When there is no wind, the pulse travels at the speed of program to fit your specific application. Our comprehensive
sound from the sender to the receiver. Whenever the wind is technical manual makes the job easy!
blowing in that direction, the pulse will arrive sooner than if
the air is still. Similarly, whenever the wind is blowing in the Airmars WeatherStation Instrument includes a standard 1-14
opposite direction, the pulse will arrive later than if the air is UNS marine thread connections to accommodate standard
still. The four transducers take turns in sending and receiving mounting hardware. The waterproof base connector assures
pulses. trouble-free installation and servicing, while a quick
disconnect feature allows for installations on vessels of all
A microprocessor within the WeatherStation Instrument then types and sizes.
combines the measurements from all four transducers to
calculate the resultant wind speed and direction. Connecting the PB200 to a NMEA 2000 Network
When connecting the PB200 WeatherStation Instrument to a NMEA 2000 network
Throughout this process, the sensor monitors the air backbone, a devicenet cable is needed.
temperature, to compensate for the fact that the speed of
sound in air changes with temperature.

NMEA 2000
Ultrasonic cable

Wind 1
Connecting the PB200 to a PC
channel 3 When connecting the PB200 to a PC only, a USB Converter is required to use the
4 WeatherCaster PC Software.

PB200 PC or laptop
Arrow indicates the direction
from transmit to receive.
Connecting the PB200 to a NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 Networks
When simultaneously connecting the PB200 to both NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000
Figure 1 Figure 2 networks, a combination cable kit is required. This kit contains either a 15 m (50) or
30 m (100) combination cable, splitter box, 3M connectors, and a 6 m (20) devicenet
Understanding True cable for connecting to the NMEA 2000 network.

and Apparent Wind PB200

The WeatherStation Instrument has the unique ability to
display both true and apparent wind. True wind is the actual NMEA 0183
motion of the air relative to the earth. Apparent wind is the
wind which an observer experiences while moving or on Splitter
board a boat. It is the result of two motionsthe actual
motion of the air (the true wind) and the motion of the boat. NMEA 2000
If the vessel is not moving, then the true and apparent wind data

will be the same.

PB200 Performance Accuracy and Graphs

PB200Reported Wind Speed (@ 4, 10, 20, 50 knots) PB200Reported Wind Direction (@ 4, 10, 20, 50 knots)

Error in Reported Wind Angle (degrees)

60 20
Reported Wind Magnitude (knots)

50 Wind Direction
Reported Wind
30 Speed 0


0 -20
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
Wind Angle (degrees) Wind Direction (degrees)

PB200 CompassDynamic Pitch and Roll Response Competitions CompassDynamic Pitch and Roll Response
50 75 60 95
70 90
40 65 50 85
60 80
Pitch and Roll (degrees)

Pitch and Roll (degrees)

30 55 40 75
Heading (degrees)

Heading (degrees)
50 70
20 45 30 65
40 60
10 35 20 55
30 50
0 25 10 45
20 40
-10 15 0 35
10 30
-20 5 -10 25
Roll 0 Roll 20
-30 Pitch -5 -20 Pitch 15
PB200 HDG output -10 Heading 10
-40 -15 -30 5
600 720 840 960 660 720 780 840 900 960
Time (s) Time (s)

PB200 Temperature Accuracy



Degree C




0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000
WeatherStation1 WeatherStation2 WeatherStation3 Vaisala
State-of-the-Art Wind Tunnel
Airmars on-site wind tunnel is calibrated with a pitot tube, which in turn was calibrated
with a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable pitot tube.

Technical Information


72 mm (2.83) NMEA 0183 Sentence Structure
Standard 1-14 $GPDTM .....Datum Reference
standard marine $GPGGA .....GPS Fix Data
mount connection $GPGLL ....... Geographic PositionLatitude and Longitude
88 mm accommodates $GPGSA ......GNSS DOP and Active Satellite
(3.46) existing mounting $GPGSV ......Satellites in View
$GPRMC .....Recommended Minimum GNSS
NMEA 2000 cables $GPVTG ......COG and SOG
longer than 6 m $GPZDA ......Time and Date
42 mm (20) have a molded $HCHDG .....Heading, Deviation, and Variation
(1.67) in terminating $HCHDT .....True Heading
resistor $TIROT........Rate of Turn
44 mm $WIMDA .....Meteorological Composite
$WIMWD ...Wind Direction and Speed
$WIMWV ....Wind Speed and Angle
SPECIFICATIONS $WIMWR ....Relative Wind Direction and Speed
Wind Speed Range: 0 knots to 80 knots (0 MPH to 92 MPH) $WIMWT ....True Wind Direction and Speed
Wind Speed Resolution: 0.1 knots (0.1 MPH) $YXXDR ......Transducer Measurements
Wind Speed Accuracy @ 0C to 55C (32F to 131F), no precipitation*:
Low Wind Speeds: 0 knots to 10 knots (0 MPH to 11.5 MPH); NMEA 2000 Supported PGNs
RMS error of 1 knot (1.1 MPH) +10% of reading 59392 ...... ISO Acknowledgement
High Wind Speeds: 10 knots to 80 knots (11.5 MPH to 92 MPH);
RMS error of 2 knots (2.3 MPH) or 5% RMS, 060928.... ISO Address Claim
whichever is greater 126208.... Acknowledge Group Function
Wind Speed Accuracy in wet conditions**: 5 knots (5.7 MPH) RMS 126464.... PGN List
Wind Direction Range: 0 to 360 126992.... System Time
Wind Direction Resolution: 0.1
126996.... Product Information
Wind Direction Accuracy @ 0C to 55C (32F to 131F), no precipitation*: 126998.... Configuration Information
Low Wind Speeds: 4 knots to 10 knots (4.6 MPH to 11.5 MPH)5 RMS typical 127250.... Vessel Heading
High Wind Speeds: >10 knots (>11.5 MPH)2 RMS typical 127251.... Rate of Turn
Wind Direction Accuracy in wet conditions**: 127257.... Attitude
>8 knots (9.2 MPH)8 RMS typical 127258.... Magnetic Variation
Compass Accuracy: 129025.... Position and Rapid Update
1 static heading accuracy 129026.... COG and SOG, Rapid Update
2 dynamic heading accuracy
129029.... GNSS Position Data
Rate-of-Turn: 0 to 70 per second 129033.... Time and Date
Rate-of-Turn Accuracy: 1 per second 129044.... Datum
Rate-of-Turn Data Output Update Rate: 129538.... GNSS Control Status
2 HzNMEA 0183 (Adjustable up to 10 Hz)
129539.... GNSS DOPs
Adjustable up to 20 HzNMEA 2000
129540.... GNSS Sats in View
Pitch and Roll Range/Accuracy: 50 / <1
130306.... Wind Data
Air Temperature Range: -25C to 55C (-13F to 131F)
130310.... Environmental Parameters
Air Temperature Resolution: 0.1C (0.1F) 130311.... Environmental Parameters
Air Temperature Accuracy: 1C (1.8F)* @ >4 knots (>4.6 MPH) wind 130323.... Meteorological Station Data
Barometric Pressure Range:
850 mbar to 1150 mbar (25 inHg to 34 inHg, 850 hPa to 1150 hPa) RMSRoot Mean Square, LENLoad Equivalency Number
Barometric Pressure Resolution: 0.1 mbar (0.029 inHg, 0.1 hPa) *When the wind speed is less than 4 knots (4.6 MPH) and/or air temperature is below 0C
Barometric Pressure Accuracy: (32F), wind and temperature readings will be less accurate.
2 mbar (0.059 inHg, 2 hPa) when altitude correction is available **Wet conditions include moisture, rain, frost, dew, snow, ice and/or sea spray in the wind
GPS Position Accuracy: 3 m (10) with WAAS/EGNOS (95% of the time, SA off) channel.

Operating Temperature Range: -25C to 55C (-13F to 131F)

Supply Voltage: 9 VDC to 16 VDC
Supply Current: <220 mA
Weight: 285 grams (0.7 lb)
Sensor Baud Rate (NMEA 0183 Interface Only):
4,800 bps (can be increased to 38,400 bps with a command)
NMEA 2000 Load Equivalency Number (LEN): 5
Thread Sizes on Base: 1-14 UNS standard marine mount
Certifications and Standards: CE, IPX6, RoHS, NMEA 2000, IEC61000-4-2, IEC60945

Airmar Technology Corporation PB200_rU 08/19/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. WeatherStation and WeatherCaster are registered
trademarks and trademarks of Airmar Technology Corporation. Other company or product
names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
9001:2008 respective companies, which are not affiliated with Airmar.

Plug-and-Play Interface
The U200 Gateway provides the ability to interface with USB Gateway
NMEA 2000 devices on a NMEA 2000 bus using a Personal NMEA 2000 to USB
Computer (PC). A simple plug-and-play installation allows GPS
data, Speed-Over-Ground (SOG), Course-Over-Ground (COG), Features
vessel heading, depth, speed, water temperature, weather data, Converts listed NMEA 2000 PGNs to USB format
and more to be displayed on your PC. Airmars WeatherCaster
Plug-and-play connectivity from a NMEA 2000
PC software comes standard with the U200 and acts as both a
network backbone to a PC
user interface to display the network data and also as a network
analyzer tool. All NMEA 2000 network activity on the bus can be For Airmar NMEA 2000 Sensors and other Certified
viewed and logged as needed. NMEA 2000 Sensors: GPS Receivers, Heading
Sensors, and Smart, Depth, Speed, and
Temperature Sensors
Airmar WeatherCaster Software included
PC or Laptop
Baud Rate: 115,200
Voltage: Powered by USB connection (5 V)
Airmar Sensor

92 mm (3.62)
75 mm (2.97)

2000 2000
40 mm

52 mm (2.05)

Technical Information


NMEA 2000 Supported PGNs

059392....... ISO Acknowledgment

059904....... ISO Request
060160....... ISO Transport Protocol, Data Transfer
060416....... Transport Protocol, Connection Management
060928....... ISO Address Claim
065240....... ISO Commanded Address
126208....... Acknowledge Group Function
126208....... NMEA Complex Command Group Function
126464....... PGN ListTransmit and Receive PGNs Group
126992....... System Time
126996....... Product Information
126998....... Configuration Information
127250....... Vessel Heading
127251....... Rate of Turn
127257....... Attitude
127258....... Magnetic Variation
128259....... Speed
128267....... Water Depth
128275....... Distance Log
129025....... Position, Rapid Update
129026....... COG and SOG, Rapid Update
129029....... GPS Position Data
129033....... Time and Date
129044....... Datum
129538....... GNSS Control Status
129539....... GNSS DOPs
129540....... GNSS Sats in View
129541....... GPS Almanac Data
130306....... Wind Data
130310....... Environmental Parameters
130311....... Environmental Parameters
130323....... Meteorological Station Data

Airmar Technology Corporation U200_rF 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,


however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for
traditional navigation aids and techniques. Other company or product names mentioned in
this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies,
9001:2008 which are not affiliated with Airmar.

Sensing a Change in Your Weather Ultrasonic

The enhanced PB150 Ultrasonic WeatherStation Instrument
features higher-accuracy temperature readings and improved
wind speed and direction accuracy. WeatherCaster PC
Software version 2.0 puts your own personal weatherman
on-board the boat, 24 hours a day. The easy-to-use program has
multiple screen views and advanced setup features to customize
what you want to see. No Computer on boardno problem, Features
just connect the PB150 to a NMEA 0183 display* for True wind speed and direction
up-to-the-minute weather information.
Apparent wind speed and direction
Before Leaving the DockDecide if you want to spend your Barometric pressure
day on the water. Anticipate weather fronts by checking
Air temperature
the wind speed and direction, temperature, and barometric
pressure. Check the weather history graphs, as the Wind chill temperature
WeatherCaster Software can store readings for up to 72 hours. Measures wind speed and direction ultrasonically

UnderwayMonitor up-to-the-minute weather conditions at Internal WAAS/EGNOS GPS

your location. See where and when the fish will bite best based Two-axis solid-state compass
on wind conditions and a rising or falling barometer.
Three-axis accelerometer provides pitch and roll
DockingThe on-board PC or chart plotter can display true Plastic housing is less prone to lightning strikes
wind data to make docking a vessel in high wind a breeze. NMEA 0183 output

Sense a change in your weather with the PB150 Ultrasonic WeatherCaster Software
WeatherStation Instrument. 360 calibration results in precise wind direction accuracy

*NMEA 0183 display must be able to read the specific WeatherStation data Very easy installation and two-year warranty
Maintenance-free operationno moving parts
Recommended for recreational powerboats

Technical Information


Wind Speed Range: 0 knots to 80 knots (0 MPH to 92 MPH) NMEA 0183 Sentence Structure
$GPDTM .....Datum Reference
Wind Speed Resolution: 0.1 knots (0.1 MPH) $GPGGA .....GPS Fix Data
Wind Speed Accuracy @ 0C to 55C (32F to 131F), $GPGLL ....... Geographic PositionLatitude and Longitude
no precipitation*: $GPGSA ......GNSS DOP and Active Satellite
Low Wind Speeds: 0 knots to 10 knots (0 MPH to 11.5 MPH); $GPGSV ......Satellites in View
RMS error of 1 knot (1.1 MPH) +10% of reading $GPRMC .....Recommended Minimum GNSS
High Wind Speeds: 10 knots to 80 knots (11.5 MPH to 92 MPH); $GPVTG ......COG and SOG
RMS error of 2 knots (2.3 MPH) or 5% RMS, $GPZDA ......Time and Date
whichever is greater $HCHDG .....Heading, Deviation, and Variation
Wind Speed Accuracy in wet conditions**: 5 knots (5.7 MPH) RMS $WIMDA .....Meteorological Composite
$WIMWD ...Wind Direction and Speed
Wind Direction Range: 0 to 360 $WIMWV ....Wind Speed and Angle
Wind Direction Resolution: 0.1 $WIMWR ....Relative Wind Direction and Speed
$WIMWT ....True Wind Direction and Speed
Wind Direction Accuracy @ 0C to 55C (32F to 131F), $YXXDR ......Transducer Measurements
no precipitation*:
Low Wind Speeds: 4 knots to 10 knots (4.6 MPH to 11.5 MPH)5 RMS typical
High Wind Speeds: >10 knots (>11.5 MPH)2 RMS typical
Wind Direction Accuracy in wet conditions**:
>8 knots (>9.2 MPH) 8 RMS typical
Compass Accuracy: 1 RMS when level
72 mm
Pitch and Roll Range / Accuracy: 50 / <1 static tested @ 25C (77F) (2.83)

Air Temperature Range: -25C to 55C (-13F to 131F)

Air Temperature Resolution: 0.1C (0.1F)
Air Temperature Accuracy: 1C (1.8F)* @ >4 knots (>4.6 MPH) wind
Barometric Pressure Range:
850 mbar to 1150 mbar (25 inHg to 34 inHg, 850 hPa to 1150 hPa)
88 mm
Barometric Pressure Resolution: 0.1 mbar (0.029 inHg, 0.1 hPa) (3.46)
Barometric Pressure Accuracy:
2 mbar (0.059 inHg, 2 hPa) when altitude correction is available
GPS Position Accuracy:
3 m (10) with WAAS/EGNOS (95% of the time, SA off)
Operating Temperature Range: -25C to 55C (-13F to 131F)
Supply Voltage: 9 VDC to 16 VDC 42 mm
Supply Current: <150 mA
Weight: 285 grams (0.7 lb)
Sensor Baud Rate (NMEA 0183 Interface Only):
4,800 bps (can be increased to 38,400 bps with a command) 44 mm
Thread Sizes on Base: 1-14 UNS standard marine mount
Certifications and Standards: CE, RoHS
RMSRoot Mean Square
Standard 1-14 standard marine
*When the wind speed is less than 4 knots (4.6 MPH) and/or air temperature is below
0C (32F), wind and temperature readings will be less accurate. mount connection accommodates
existing mounting hardware.
**Wet conditions include moisture, rain, frost, dew, snow, ice and/or sea spray in the
wind channel.
State-of-the-Art Wind TunnelAirmars on-site wind tunnel is calibrated with a
pitot tube, which in turn was calibrated with a National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) traceable pitot tube.

Airmar Technology Corporation PB150_rK 08/19/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. WeatherStation and WeatherCaster are registered
trademarks and trademarks of Airmar Technology Corporation. Other company or product
names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
9001:2008 respective companies, which are not affiliated with Airmar.
LB150 Ultrasonic

Real-Time, Site-Specific
Weather Information Actual
The LB150 Ultrasonic WeatherStation Instrument meets a Size
growing need for real-time, site-specific weather information.
Accurate data helps organizations monitor weather conditions
on-site or in remote locations.

The Airmar WeatherStation Instrument is the only

all-in-one weather sensor that calculates apparent wind speed Features
No moving partsmaintenance-free operation
and direction, barometric pressure, air temperature, relative
humidity, dew point and wind chill temperature. With the True and apparent wind speed and direction
internal compass and GPS, true wind speed and direction can Barometric pressure
also be calculated. The UV stabilized, compact housing is fully Air and wind chill temperature
waterproof and resistant to chemicals.
Heat index temperature

The only WeatherStation that combines seven sensors, all with Relative humidity
no moving parts, in one compact unit. Dew point temperature
No moving parts will improve reliability for superior accuracy Internal GPS provides position (latitude and longitude),
and longevity in the field. speed over ground (SOG), course over ground (COG),
and time
The perfect site-specific weather monitoring solution for any Two-axis solid-state compass provides heading
Three-axis accelerometer provides pitch and roll
Other weather stations would take at least three separate Plastic housing is less prone to lightning strikes
sensors to achieve all of the weather readings in the LB150.
RS232 or RS422 output
Low-cost and easy-to-install either permanently, or as a
WeatherCaster PC Software included
portable system.
Installs on a standard pole with 1-14 UNS or 3/4 NPT threads.
Wind readings are not affected by the common problems in
mechanical wind and weather measuring devices like bearing
wear, salt and dirt build-up, or birds, which can all result in
failure or data inaccuracy.
A single cable (various lengths available) provides power and
a standard RS422 data interface.
WeatherCaster PC software and USB Converter gives you a
Tan housing optional
complete solution to plug directly into a PC.

Use wind speed and direction data to accurately spray crops when the conditions are right.
Record important weather conditions while fertilizing.
Control Greenhouse panels and irrigation systems based on Humidity and Wind speed.

On-site wind and weather data for airports, helicopter pads, and smaller scale landing strips.
The LB150 can assist air traffic controllers and pilots with landing information.

Environmental Monitoring / Meteorology

The only all-in-one weather sensor that calculates wind speed and direction, barometric pressure,
air temperature, relative humidity, dew point, wind chill, and heat index.

Fire & Hazardous Response

Easily mounts on a tripod, or on top of a vehicle to give emergency responders live weather information at a
disaster site.
Wind and weather information can help protect the surrounding area and the emergency responders
working the site.
Highway / Road Conditions
Monitor weather conditions at met towers set-up along side highways and roads to ensure safe travel for

Get 24-hour shipboard weather observations on vessels ranging in size from commercial ships to pleasure

Weather monitoring for field operations, surveillance, satellite communications and naval vessels.

Offshore Platforms & Docks

Get wind and weather information for safe working and helicopter landing conditions on offshore oil rigs.

Power Lines
Mounting WeatherStations on wire towers can help monitor wind conditions and temperature.
The LB150 can help prevent power outages due to wire sag and high winds.

Renewable Energy
The LB150 can measure wind and weather conditions for wind turbine control and solar panel control.

Structural Monitoring
Cranes, buildings, and bridges get exposed to more wind and weather than structures at the earths surface.
The LB150 can monitor weather conditions that can affect safety and operations.

Weather Buoys
Mounted on offshore buoys, the WeatherStation can send data to meteorologists as they predict ocean forecasting.
The WeatherStation can report highly accurate wind and weather information even while pitching and
rolling in heavy seas.
Performance Graphs Compared to Vaisala Instruments

True and Apparent Wind
Virtually all mechanical and ultrasonic anemometers report
apparent wind speed and direction. The Airmar LB150 is Vehicle traveling True Wind = 5 MPH East
North @ 60 MPH (Actual wind speed and direction if the
unique because it calculates both true and apparent wind vehicle was not moving)
speed & direction. These wind readings are the same if the
unit is mounted in a fixed location. However, if the LB150 Apparent Wind = 60 MPH
is mounted on a moving vehicle, the apparent wind is the
wind you would feel on your hand if you held it out the
window while going down the highway. Since the LB150
has a built in GPS and compass, it calculates the true wind
based upon the apparent wind, speed of the vehicle, and
compass heading.

True wind information on hazardous response vehicles

can prove to be valuable. When enroute to an emergency
situation, responders can use the true wind readings to
predict wind conditions at the disaster site before they even
arrive, giving vital information for planning operations and
staging apparatus.

LB150Reported Wind Speed (@ 4, 10, 20, 50 knots) LB150Reported Wind Direction (@ 4, 10, 20, 50 knots)
Error in Reported Wind Angle (degrees)
60 20
Reported Wind Magnitude (knots)

50 Wind Direction
Reported Wind
30 Speed 0


0 -20
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
Wind Angle (degrees) Wind Direction (degrees)

Air Temperature ComparisonLB150 Tested in Environmental Chamber Relative Humidity ComparisonLB150 Tested in Environmental Chamber
Temperature Range: 10C to 50C (50F to 122F) Temperature Range: 10C to 50C (50F to 122F); RH Range: 20% to 80%
55 100
50 90
RH (%)

40 60
Degree C

Air Temperature (C)

30 30
25 20
0 50
15 40
5 10
0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960
Time (min) Time (min)
LB150 Air Temperature Vaisala Instrument Air Temperature LB150 RH Vaisala Instrument RH Vaisala Instrument Air Temperature

Technical Information


72 mm (2.83) RS422/NMEA 0183 Sentence Structure*
$GPDTM .....Datum Reference
$GPGGA .....GPS Fix Data
$GPGLL ....... Geographic PositionLatitude and Longitude
88 mm Standard 1-14 UNS $GPGSA ......GNSS DOP and Active Satellite
(3.46) or 3/4 NPT $GPGSV ......Satellites in View
mounting $GPRMC .....Recommended Minimum GNSS
$GPVTG ......COG and SOG
$GPZDA ......Time and Date
$HCHDG .....Heading, Deviation, and Variation
42 mm
(1.67) $WIMDA .....Meteorological Composite
44 mm
$WIMWD ...Wind Direction and Speed
(1.74) $WIMWV ....Wind Speed and Angle
$WIMWR ....Relative Wind Direction and Speed
$WIMWT ....True Wind Direction and Speed
$YXXDR ......Transducer Measurements
*Additional data available from the WeatherStation Instrument
Wind Speed Range: 0 m/s to 40 m/s (0 MPH to 92 MPH)
Wind Speed Resolution: 0.1 m/s (0.1 MPH)
Wind Speed Accuracy @ 0C to 55C (32F to 131F), SENSOR PROVIDES
no precipitation*:
Low Wind Speeds: 0 m/s to 5 m/s (0 MPH to 11.5 MPH); Apparent and True Wind Speed and Direction
RMS error of 0.5 m/s (1.1 MPH) +10% of reading Readings come from the ultrasonic anemometer
High Wind Speeds: 5 m/s to 40 m/s (11.5 MPH to 92 MPH);
RMS error of 1 m/s (2.3 MPH) or 5% RMS, Air Temperature
whichever is greater Based on a negative temperature coefficient thermistor that
Wind Speed Accuracy in wet conditions**: 2.5 m/s (5.7 MPH) RMS measures the ambient air temperature
Wind Direction Range: 0 to 360 Relative Humidity
Wind Direction Resolution: 0.1 Measured with a capacitive cell humidity sensor
Wind Direction Accuracy @ 0C to 55C (32F to 131F),
no precipitation*: Barometric Pressure
Low Wind Speeds: 2 m/s to 5 m/s (4.6 MPH to 11.5 MPH)5 RMS typical Measured using a temperature-compensated silicon piezoresistive
High Wind Speeds: >5 m/s (>11.5 MPH)2 RMS typical pressure sensor corrected to equivalent sea level pressure based on
Wind Direction Accuracy in wet conditions**: attitude named by GPS
>4 m/s (9.2 MPH)8 RMS typical
Compass Accuracy: 1 RMS when level Heat Index
Pitch and Roll Range / Accuracy: 50 / <1 static tested @ 25C (77F) Based on air temperature and relative humidity
Air Temperature Range: -25C to 55C (-13F to 131F) Wind Chill
Air Temperature Resolution: 0.1C (0.1F) Based on wind speed and air temperature
Air Temperature Accuracy: 1C (1.8F)* @ >4 knots (>4.6 MPH) wind
Magnetic Compass Heading
Barometric Pressure Range:
300 mbar to 1100 mbar (8.86 inHg to 32.48 inHg, 300 hPa to 1100 hPa) Two-axis magneto-inductive sensors
Barometric Pressure Resolution: 0.1 mbar (0.029 inHg, 0.1 hPa) Pitch and Roll Angles
Barometric Pressure Accuracy: Three-axis MEMS accelerometer
2 mbar (0.059 inHg, 2 hPa) when altitude correction is available
Position, Speed, Time, and Course Over Ground
Relative Humidity Range: 10% to 95% RH
Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver
Relative Humidity Accuracy*: 4% units RH
GPS Position Accuracy:
3 m (10) with WAAS/EGNOS (95% of the time, SA off) MATERIALS
Operating Temperature Range: -25C to 55C (-13F to 131F)
Supply Voltage: 9 VDC to 16 VDC White Housing ....... GE Geloy
Supply Current: <150 mA Metal Plate ............. Anodized Aluminum
Weight: 285 grams (0.7 lb)
Wind Channel ........ Dupont Delrin
Sensor Baud Rate (RS422 with NMEA 0183 Interface Only):
4,800 bps (can be increased to 38,400 bps with a command) RMSRoot Mean Square, LENLoad Equivalency Number
Humidity and temperature readings compared to Vaisala Instruments
Thread Sizes on Base: 1-14 UNS or 3/4 NPT *When the wind speed is less than 2 m/s (4.6 MPH) and/or air temperature is below 0C
Certifications and Standards: CE, RoHS (32F), wind, temperature, and relative humidity readings will be less accurate.
**Wet conditions include moisture, rain, frost, dew, snow, ice and/or sea spray in the wind

Airmar Technology Corporation LB150_rQ 07/27/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
IS TE RE D T O notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. WeatherStation and WeatherCaster are registered
trademarks and trademarks of Airmar Technology Corporation. Other company or product
names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
9001:2000 respective companies, which are not affiliated with Airmar.

The Advantage is the Accuracy

Whether you are offshore fishing or just enjoying family time Heading Sensor
on the water, feel confident and comfortable that the H2183
is your reliable source for heading information. The solid-state
three-axis compass, combined with Airmars additional advanced Features
sensors and software provide unparalleled performance. Better than 1 heading accuracy in static conditions
What sets the H2183 apart from the competition is its ability Best-in-class 2 heading accuracy in dynamic conditions
to maintain 2 of heading accuracy under dynamic motion Three-axis solid-state compass provides heading data
conditions, such as steep heeling, hard turns, and rough seas. Three-axis accelerometer provides pitch and roll data
Heading integrated with the three-axis rate gyro and three-axis Three-axis rate gyro provides rate-of-turn data
accelerometer data allows the H2183 to maintain 2 of accuracy Only recreational heading sensor that uses a
even if the vessel is pitching and rolling up to 30. This level of three-axis rate gyro
accuracy is perfect for interfacing with autopilots, chart plotters, Compass calibration can be easily done on any
and radar systems. display or PC
Easily mounts on any angled bulkhead
The H2183s innovative circular design easily mounts and aligns IPX6 waterproof enclosure
on ANY angled bulkhead. Designed for simultaneous use with Default 10 Hz update rate for heading (HDG)
NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 devices, the waterproof,
Outputs NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 data
easy-to-install sensor comes with a single cable which can be simultaneously
wired into both NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 networks on the
C2183 low-cost version available with 1 static and
vessel. 5 dynamic heading accuracy
Customer Testimonials
Our aluminum mussel dredge vessel has the new Airmar H2183 connected As most of my days fishing for Cod and Tuna are 40 mile
to a Simrad AP35 autopilot. It is installed below deck. The dredge runs off of round-trip days off Gloucester, my autopilot is a necessity. The boat
the port side of the vessel which causes it to pull to port, thus has a Simrad AP35 autopilot, a very popular commercial grade
counter-steering and autopilot precision are a must, especially since we model. I replaced the manufacturers heading sensor with the new
dredge at 1 to 2 knots in 8 to 10 foot seas. The H2183 delivered stable and Airmar H2183 and saw immediate steering improvement. The
accurate heading to the Simrad AP35 autopilot over the manufacturers pilot steers straighter than ever, even when we are fishing in
compass. We are very impressed by the steering improvement of our autopilot 6 to 8 foot seas. We especially use the pilot when we are trolling
at slow speeds when dredging over mussel beds. We couldnt get the same for tuna or cleaning cod and haddock while steaming home as
constant and stable heading using the existing autopilots gyrocompass at we are not at the wheel 100% of the time.
slow speeds. ASES Commercial Fisheries, France Capt. Kevin Twombly, Kayman Charters, Gloucester, MA

Technical Information

Static Compass Accuracy: 1 RMS when level
Dynamic Compass Accuracy: 2 RMS (Best-in-Class)
Heading Display Resolution: 0.1
Settling Time: 1 second (adjustable) 113 mm
Heading Data Output Update Rate:
10 HzNMEA 0183
Adjustable up to 20 HzNMEA 2000
Rate-of-Turn Range: 0 to 70 per second
99.1 mm
Rate-of-Turn Accuracy: 1 per second (3.90)
Rate-of-Turn Data Output Update Rate:
2 HzNMEA 0183 (Adjustable up to 10 Hz)

34.9 mm
Adjustable up to 20 HzNMEA 2000

50.9 mm

63 mm
Pitch and Roll Range: 50 (2.00)
Static Pitch and Roll Accuracy: <1
Dynamic Pitch and Roll Accuracy: <3
Pitch and Roll Display Resolution: 0.1
Pitch and Roll Boat Alignment: Yes with software 30.9 mm
Pitch and Roll Data Output Update Rate:
2 HzNMEA 0183 (Adjustable up to 10 Hz)
Adjustable up to 20 HzNMEA 2000
Supply Voltage: 9 VDC to 16 VDC Adjustable bracket design
allows for adjusting H2183
Supply Current: <140 mA toward the Bow, in any
mounting location. Bow
NMEA 2000 Load Equivalency Number (LEN): 3
Certifications and Standards: CE, IPX6, RoHS, IEC60945



NMEA 0183 Sentence Structure FORWARD

$HCHDG ............ Heading (Magnetic) Port AIRMAR FORWARD

$HCHDT ............ Heading Relative to True North AIRMAR

(Needs External GPS Input)

$TIROT............... Rate of Turn FORWARD

$YXXDR ............. Transducer Measurements: Vessel Attitude AIRMAR FORWARD


NMEA 2000 Supported PGNs
127250....... Vessel Heading
127251....... Rate of Turn
127257....... Attitude
YawLeft to right turning motion

Port and

PitchBow to stern motion

Airmar Technology Corporation H2183_rO 08/19/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,


however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for
traditional navigation aids and techniques. Other company or product names mentioned in
this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies,
9001:2008 which are not affiliated with Airmar.

A First in the Leisure Marine Industry

The Airmar GH2183 combines GPS positioning and highly Heading Sensor
accurate heading information in one compact antenna. The
GH2183 eliminates the need to install a GPS antenna above With GPS
deck and a heading sensor below deck. Only one installation
above the deck is required, saving installation time and money.
The waterproof housing protects the internal componentsall Features
of which are solid-state (no moving parts). This means the GPS and heading combined into one housing
GH2183 can withstand almost any condition that exists in the Saves installation time and money
marine environment. Better than 1 heading accuracy in static conditions
Best-in-class 2 heading accuracy in dynamic conditions
The Best Performance in
ANY Sea Condition Three-axis solid-state compass provides heading data
What sets the GH2183 above the competition is our 2 heading Three-axis accelerometer provides pitch and roll data
accuracy in dynamically changing conditions including rough
seas, hard turns, and steep heeling. Airmars unique dynamic Three-axis rate gyro provides rate-of-turn data
motion correction software is the key difference, allowing Only recreational heading sensor that uses a
the GH2183 to maintain 2 of accuracy even if the vessel is three-axis rate gyro
pitching and rolling up to 30. Also unique to the GH2183
Compass calibration can be easily done on any
is that the three-axis accelerometer and three-axis rate gyro
display or PC
are temperature compensated across the entire operating
range, resulting in precise tilt and rate of turn data. The fast Perfect product for metal hulled boats
10 Hz update rate, along with best-in-class heading and GPS WAAS GPS provides latitude, longitude, COG, SOG,
data, make it the best choice for interfacing with autopilots, time and date, and magnetic variation
chartplotters, navigation software, and radar systems.
Optionally available as GPS only (G2183)
IPX6 waterproof enclosure
Outputs NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 data

Technical Information

Static Compass Accuracy: 1 RMS when level Pole/Rail-Mount
99.1 mm (3.90)
Dynamic Compass Accuracy: 2 RMS (Best-in-Class)
Heading Display Resolution: 0.1
Settling Time: 1 second (adjustable)
87.2 mm
Heading Data Output Update Rate:
10 HzNMEA 0183
Adjustable up to 20 HzNMEA 2000
Heading Variation: Yes
Rate-of-Turn Range: 0 to 70 per second
Rate-of-Turn Accuracy: 1 per second Flush-Mount
Rate-of-Turn Data Output Update Rate:
2 HzNMEA 0183 (Adjustable up to 10 Hz) 34.9 mm
Adjustable up to 20 HzNMEA 2000 (1.38)

27.1 mm
Pitch and Roll Range: 50

31 mm
Static Pitch and Roll Accuracy: <1 (1.22)
Dynamic Pitch and Roll Accuracy: <3
Pitch and Roll Display Resolution: 0.1
Pitch and Roll Boat Alignment: Yes (with software) 2X M5
thumb nuts 30.9 mm
Pitch and Roll Data Output Update Rate: (1.22)
2 HzNMEA 0183 (Adjustable up to 10 Hz)
69.9 mm (2.75)
Adjustable up to 20 HzNMEA 2000
Supply Voltage: 9 VDC to 60 VDC
Supply Current: <90 mA DATA OUTPUT PROTOCOL
Power: 1,100 mW NMEA 0183 Sentence Structure
GPS Satellite Tracked: 12-channel (maximum) $GPDTM ............ Datum Reference
WAAS/EGNOS Satellites Tracked: 2-channel (maximum) $GPGGA ............ GPS Fix Data
$GPGLL.............. Geographic PositionLatitude and Longitude
GPS Position Accuracy: 3 m (10) with WAAS (95% of the time, SA off) $GPGSA ............. GNSS DOP and Active Satellites
GPS-Fix Update Rate: 1 x per second $GSGSV ............. GNSS Satellites in View
Cold Start Acquisition: 52 seconds $GPRMC ............ Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data
$GPVTG ............. Course Over Ground and Ground Speed
Warm Start Acquisition: 37 seconds $GPZDA ............. Time and Date
NMEA 2000 Load Equivalency Number (LEN): 2 $HCHDG ............ Heading, Deviation, and Variation
Certifications and Standards: CE, IPX6, RoHS, IEC60945 $HCHDT ............ Heading Relative to True North
$TIROT............... Rate of Turn
$YXXDR ............. Transducer Measurements: Vessel Attitude
YawLeft to right turning motion NMEA 2000 Supported PGNs
127250....... Vessel Heading
127251....... Rate of Turn
127257....... Attitude
Port and 127258....... Magnetic Variation
starboard 129025....... Position and Rapid Update
motion 129026....... COG and SOG, Rapid Update
129029....... GPS Position Data
129033....... Time and Date
129044....... Datum
PitchBow to stern motion 129538....... GNSS Control Status
129539....... GNSS DOPs
129540....... GNSS Sats in View
129541....... GPS Almanac Data

Airmar Technology Corporation GH2183_rN 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,


however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for
traditional navigation aids and techniques. Other company or product names mentioned in
this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies,
9001:2008 which are not affiliated with Airmar.

Reliable Position Accuracy

The G2183 is a high-accuracy, NMEA, WAAS/EGNOS, GPS GPS Sensor
antenna. It scores high in superior sensitivity for quick signal
acquisition, reliable position accuracy, and accurate speed and
course-over-ground readings. The G2183 can connect to both Features
NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 networks that may be installed WAAS/EGNOS GPS with 3 m (10) accuracy
on the vessel, as the unit outputs both protocols simultaneously. Provides:
It features a compact size that is easy to flush-mount, Latitude and Longitude
pole-mount, or rail-mount. The G2183 is designed for all marine Course Over Ground (COG)
environments, as the IPX6 waterproof housing can withstand Speed Over Ground (SOG)
virtually any condition Mother Nature throws at it. Time and Date
Magnetic Variation
Outputs NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 data
IPX6 waterproof enclosure
Available as a combination GPS/Heading Sensor

Technical Information

Supply Voltage: 9 VDC to 16 VDC
Supply Current: <190 mA
GPS Satellite Tracked: 12-channel (maximum)
WAAS/EGNOS Satellites Tracked: 2-channel (maximum)
GPS Position Accuracy: 3 m (10) with WAAS (95% of the time, SA off)
GPS-Fix Update Rate: 1 x per second Pole/Rail-Mount
99.1 mm (3.90)
Cold Start Acquisition: 52 seconds
Warm Start Acquisition: 37 seconds
NMEA 2000 Load Equivalency Number (LEN): 5
Certifications and Standards: CE, IPX6, RoHS, IEC60945 87.2 mm


NMEA 0183 Sentence Structure
$GPDTM ............ Datum Reference
$GPGGA ............ GPS Fix Data
$GPGLL.............. Geographic PositionLatitude and Longitude
34.9 mm
$GPGSA ............. GNSS DOP and Active Satellites (1.38)
$GSGSV ............. GNSS Satellites in View
27.1 mm

$GPRMC ............ Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data 31 mm

$GPVTG ............. Course Over Ground and Ground Speed (1.22)
$GPZDA ............. Time and Date

NMEA 2000 Supported PGNs

127258....... Magnetic Variation 2X M5
129025....... Position and Rapid Update thumb nuts 30.9 mm
129026....... COG and SOG, Rapid Update (1.22)
129029....... GPS Position Data 69.9 mm (2.75)
129033....... Time and Date
129044....... Datum
129538....... GNSS Control Status
129539....... GNSS DOPs
129540....... GNSS Sats in View
129541....... GPS Almanac Data

Airmar Technology Corporation G2183_rC 08/19/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,


however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for
traditional navigation aids and techniques. Other company or product names mentioned in
this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies,
9001:2008 which are not affiliated with Airmar.

The Smart Alternative! P39Transom-Mount

Airmars P39 and P79 Smart Sensors feature embedded
micro-electronics. Depth, speed, and temperature signals are TRIDUCER Multisensor
processed inside the sensor and can be displayed on any radar,
chart plotter, or device that accepts NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000
data. The 235 kHz frequency prevents mutual interference with Adjustable
other echosounders on the vessel.
Smart Sensors
Smart Depth, Speed, and
Temperature Features
The P39 transom-mount incorporates innovative features such 235 kHz frequency prevents mutual interference
as a recessed waterflow channel for improved paddlewheel with other echosounders on the vessel
accuracy. Few parts make the installation simple, and its 6 m (20) NMEA 2000 cable
compact size is favorable to owners of smaller outboard and
inboard/outboard boats. Devicenet connector

P79 P39Transom-Mount
Simple! Convenient!! Adjustable!!! Plastic kick-up bracket
The P79 is easy-to-install, accommodating hull deadrise angles Accommodates transom angles between 2 and 22
up to 22.
Recessed waterflow channel protects paddlewheel
1. Mount the base flange inside the hull
2. Adjust the locking ring for the correct hull deadrise angle
3. Fill the base with non-toxic anti-freeze (propylene glycol)
No holes to drill
4. Turn and lock the transducer into the base
Installation can be done while the boat is in the
Recommended for solid fiberglass hulls
Epoxies to aluminum hulls under 0.38 mm (0.150) thick
Easily adapts to deadrise angles up to 22
P39, P79

Technical Information

P39235 kHz-A NMEA 0183 / NMEA 2000 DIMENSIONS

Number of Elements
and Configuration
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 11
P39 Transducer
RMS Power (W) 60 W 100 W
52 mm
P79235 kHz-A NMEA 0183 / NMEA 2000
Number of Elements
and Configuration
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 7
RMS Power (W) 60 W 100 W

0.5 kg (1.1 lb)P39
0.9 kg (2 lb)P79
Acoustic Window: Layered plastic urethane
Transom Angle: 0 to 22P39 only
Hull Deadrise: 0 to 22P79 only
Data Update Rate: 1 per second
Minimum Depth Range: 0.5 m (1.6)
Maximum Depth Range:
Up to 100 m (330)NMEA 0183
Up to 150 m (500)NMEA 2000
Pressure Rating: 3 m (10)
Pulse Rate: 20,000 p/nm* (5.6 Hz per knot)*p/nm = pulses per nautical mile
96 mm
Supply Voltage: (3.79)
10 VDC to 28 VDCNMEA 0183
9 VDC to 16 VDCNMEA 2000
Supply Current:
<40 mANMEA 0183
<200 mANMEA 2000
Standard Cable Length: 130 mm
10 m (33)NMEA 0183 (5.13)
6 m (20) devicenetNMEA 2000
Temperature Sensor Accuracy: 0.5C (1.8F)P39 only
Temperature Sensor Range: -10C to 40C (14F to 104F)P39 only P79 Transducer
NMEA 2000 Load Equivalency Number (LEN): 4
CE Regulation: Complies to IERC60945


NMEA 0183 Sentence Structure
$SDDBT, DDPT..........Depth
$VWVHW .................SpeedP39 Only
89 mm

$VWVLW ..................DistanceP39 Only

$YXMTW ...................Water TemperatureP39 Only
NMEA 2000 Supported PGNs
59392 ..............ISO Acknowledgement
060928............ISO Address Claim
126208............Acknowledge Group Function
126464............Transmit PGN List Group Function
126464............Received PGN List Group Function 98 mm
126996............Product Information (3.86)
128259............Speed (Speed Water Reference)P39 Only
128267............Water Depth (With Transducer Offset)
128275............Distance LogP39 Only
130310............Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)P39 Only
130311............Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)P39 Only
130312............Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)P39 Only

Airmar Technology Corporation P39_P79_rL 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Smart and TRIDUCER are trademarks and
registered trademarks of Airmar Technology Corporation. Other company or product names
mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
9001:2008 companies, which are not affiliated with Airmar.

The Smart Alternative! Thru-Hull

Airmars DST800 Smart Sensor features embedded
micro-electronics. Depth, speed, and temperature signals are TRIDUCER Multisensor
processed inside the sensor and can be displayed on any radar,
chart plotter, or device that accepts NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000 Smart Sensor
data. The 235 kHz frequency prevents mutual interference with
other echosounders on the vessel.
The all-in-one Smart Sensor
Single Choice for Depth, Speed,
and Temperature! Depth, speed, and temperature in one compact
The DST800 is the markets first Retractable TRIDUCER housing
Multisensor offering depth, speed, and temperature in a single, Available in NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 versions
51 mm (2) fitting. Only one hole through the hull simplifies
the installationan attractive feature for boat builders and boat 235 kHz frequency prevents mutual intrference with
owners alike. other echosounders on the vessel
Plastic, bronze, or stainless steel housings available
Fast-response temperature sensor provides 0.2C
Patented, speed-signal-processing enhancements provide
(0.1F) accuracy
excellent paddlewheel accuracy below 5 knots (6 MPH) and
smooth linear output at all vessel speeds. The transducers wide, Available as a Smart Sensor at 235 kHz or an analog
fan-shaped, fore-aft beam is able to find bottom even when output sensor operating at either 200 kHz or 235 kHz
installed on steep deadrise hulls or heeling sailboats. You also Available in low-profile, countersunk, or
get true water-temperature readings with the DST800s reliable beveled-edge housings
temperature sensor.

Valve Closes the Gap!

Airmars innovative housing design incorporates the popular
self-closing valve. When a transducer insert is removed, the
valve minimizes water flow into the boat.

Technical Information

235 kHz-F NMEA 0183 / NMEA 2000 DIMENSIONS

Number of Elements
and Configuration
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 10 x 44
RMS Power (W) 60 W 100 W

P617V Plastic, B617V Bronze, and SS617V Stainless Steel

75 mm
Weight: (2.94)
0.9 kg (2.0 lb)Plastic
1.6 kg (3.5 lb)Bronze
1.9 kg (4.2 lb)Stainless Steel
Acoustic Window: Urethane

Stainless Steel
Bronze and
Hull Deadrise: Up to 22 2-12
Data Update Rate: 1 per second threads 125 mm
Minimum Depth Range: 0.5 m (1.6)
Maximum Depth Range:
Up to 70 m (30)NMEA 0183
Up to 100 m (330)NMEA 2000
Pressure Rating: 3 m (10)
Pulse Rate: 20,000 p/nm* (5.6 Hz per knot)*p/nm = pulses per nautical mile
75 mm 5 mm
Supply Voltage: (2.94)
10 VDC to 25 VDCNMEA 0183 (0.20)
9 VDC to 16 VDCNMEA 2000
B17V Bronze
Supply Current:
<40 mANMEA 0183 78 mm
<200 mANMEA 2000 (3.08)
Standard Cable Length:
10 m (33)NMEA 0183 30 mm
6 m (20) devicenetNMEA 2000 (1.19)
Temperature Sensor Accuracy: 0.5C (1.8F)
Temperature Sensor Range: -10C to 40C (14F to 104F) 2-12
NMEA 2000 Load Equivalency Number (LEN): 4 threads 89 mm
CE Regulation: Complies to IERC60945 (3.49)


NMEA 0183 Sentence Structure
$SDDBT, DDPT... Depth 75 mm 5 mm
$VWVHW .......... Speed (2.94) (0.20)
$VWVLW ........... Distance
$YXMTW ............ Water Temperature

NMEA 2000 Supported PGNs

59392 ......... ISO Acknowledgement
600928....... ISO Address Claim
126208....... Acknowledge Group Function
126464....... Transmit PGN List Group Function
126464....... Received PGN List Group Function
126996....... Product Information
128259....... Speed (Speed Water Reference)
128267....... Water Depth (With Transducer Offset)
128275....... Distance Log
130310....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)
130311....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)
130312....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)

Airmar Technology Corporation DST800_rK 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Smart and TRIDUCER are trademarks and
registered trademarks of Airmar Technology Corporation. Other company or product names
mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
9001:2008 companies, which are not affiliated with Airmar.

The Smart Alternative! Tilted Element

Airmars D800 and DT800 Smart Sensors feature embedded
micro-electronics. Depth and temperature signals are processed Thru-Hull
inside the sensor and can be displayed on any radar, chart
plotter, or device that accepts NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000 data. Smart Sensors
The 235 kHz frequency prevents mutual interference with other
echosounders on the vessel.
Angle for Results Tilted-Element Broadband-Ceramic versions available
The DT800 Tilted Element Transducers low-profile housing in a 0 or 12 or 20 tilt
compensates for hull deadrise. The unique design tilts the Available in NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 versions
ceramic element inside the transducer housinggiving all
235 kHz frequency prevents mutual interference
the advantages of a fairing block without a hull protrusion.
with other echosounders on the vessel
Designed with Airmars exclusive Broadband Ceramic
Technology, the 235 kHz element improves resolution without Temperature sensor in DT800 models
sacrificing sensitivity. The higher power rating 100 W RMS Cable lengths up to 100 m (330) are possible with
provides spot-on depth readings in as little as 0.5 m (1.6) of no loss of performanceNMEA 0183 only
water and can reach depths up to 180 m (600).
Plastic, bronze, or stainless steel housings available
Retractable housing with water valve
Available in low-profile, countersunk, or
beveled-edge housings
D800, DT800

Technical Information

235 kHz Non-Broadband / Broadband DIMENSIONS

Number of Elements
and Configuration
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 12
RMS Power (W) 60 W 100 W

P617V Plastic, B617V Bronze, and SS617V Stainless Steel

75 mm
Weight: (2.94)
0.9 kg (2 lb)Plastic
1.5 kg (3.4 lb)Bronze
1.6 kg (3.6 lb)Stainless Steel
Acoustic Window: Urethane

Stainless Steel
Bronze and
Data Update Rate: 1 per second 2-12
threads 125 mm
Minimum Depth Range: 0.5 m (1.6)
Maximum Depth Range: Plastic
Up to 100 m (330)Non-Broadband
Up to 180 m (590)Broadband
Pressure Rating: 3 m (10)
Supply Voltage:
10 VDC to 25 VDCNMEA 0183
9 VDC to 16 VDCNMEA 2000 75 mm 5 mm
Supply Current: (0.20)
<40 mANMEA 0183
<200 mANMEA 2000 Also compatible with B17 and SS577 housings
Standard Cable Length:
10 m (33)NMEA 0183
6 m (20) devicenetNMEA 2000
Temperature Accuracy: 0.5C (1.8F)
Temperature Sensor Range: -10C to 40C (14F to 104F)
NMEA 2000 Load Equivalency Number (LEN): 4
CE Regulation: Complies to IERC60945


NMEA 0183 Sentence Structure
$SDDBT, DDPT... Depth
$YXMTW ............ Water Temperature

NMEA 2000 Supported PGNs

59392 ......... ISO Acknowledgement
600928....... ISO Address Claim
126208....... Acknowledge Group Function
126464....... Transmit PGN List Group Function
126464....... Received PGN List Group Function
126996....... Product Information
128267....... Water Depth (With Transducer Offset)
130310....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)
130311....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)
130312....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)

Airmar Technology Corporation D800_DT800_rL 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Smart and Tilted Element are trademarks
of Airmar Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this
document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which
9001:2008 are not affiliated with Airmar.

High-Precision, Low Maintenance

Innovation at its finest! If one consistently demands the best, Speed Sensor
Airmars CS4500 Ultrasonic Speed Sensor delivers. UltrasonicNo Moving Parts
Thru-Hull Transducer
Ultra-accuracy is foremost! With no moving parts, the ultrasonic
sensor is capable of speed reading accuracy as low as
0.1 knots (0.1 MPH). By eliminating the traditional paddlewheel,
there is no fouling, and drag is reduced to a minimum. Unlike
Unparalleled accuracy as low as 0.1 knots (0.1 MPH)
paddlewheels, the CS4500 is engineered to measure water
speed below the turbulent boundary layer of the hull, resulting Designed for use with all types and sizes of
in accurate clean-water readings. sailboats and powerboats
No moving parts
Tried and True Technology
The innovation doesnt stop here. Ultrasonic sensing is a proven Makes retrofitting a breezethe retractable insert
technology that has been used on ships for nearly 20 years. fits most Airmar 51 mm (2) housings
Building on this technology, Airmar developed an advanced Low-profile, plastic, or bronze housings available
design which operates at a higher-frequency, enabling reliable
Built-in temperature sensor
operation in both salt and fresh water. The state-of-the-art
processor in the CS4500 calculates speed every half second, so Optional Data Converter charges analog signal to
it can respond to rapid changes in vessel speed. This translates NMEA 0183 data stream
into the most reliable and accurate ultrasonic speed sensor on
the marketat a very competitive price.

Bronze housingCS4500

Technical Information


P17 Plastic and B17 Bronze

78 mm
1 2
41 mm
3 5 Measure time lapse (1.60)
Fore Aft For illustration, a group
of particles are shown
as they would appear
4 in the FORE beam and 2-12
Fore Aft
later in the AFT beam. threads

94 mm
How the CS4500 Works
1 In the CS4500, two transducers are incorporated in a single housing. Plastic

2 Small particles present in the water pass through the beams. 51 mm

3 The speed sensor uses ultrasonic pulses to collect echoes from the small (2.00)
particles in the water as they pass under two ceramics embedded in
the sensor. 75 mm
(2.94) 5 mm (0.20)
4 As the boat travels through the water, both ceramics view the same
stream of particles.
Because it takes time for particles to travel between the two ceramics, P120 Plastic and B120 Bronze
the aft ceramic detects the particles later than does the fore ceramic.
5 By measuring this time lapse, the instrument is able to calculate the 22 mm
boat speed. (0.88)

94 mm
Transmit Frequency: 4.5 MHz
Pulse Repetition Frequency: 5.5 kHz
Sampling Distance Below The Sensor:
77 mm to 127 mm (3 to 5)outside the boundary layer 51 mm
Data Update Rate: 2 seconds
Signal Output: Airmar paddlewheel format
5.5 Hz per knot 75 mm
20,000 pulses per nautical mile (2.94) 5 mm (0.20)
Speed Range: 0.1 knot to 40 knots (0.1 MPH to 46 MPH)
Operating Temperature Range: 0C to 40C (32F to 104F) Also available in P314/B21 and P217/B119 housings
Sensor Cable Type: Airmar C190
Sensor Cable Length: 10 m (33) standard
Instrument Cable Length: 3 m (10) standard, up to 30 m (10) possible
Supply Voltage: 10 VDC to 15 VDC
Supply Current: 155 mA at 12 VDC
Hole Diameter: 51 mm (2)
Sensor Insert Material: Bronze
Thru-Hull Housing Material: Plastic or bronze
Blanking Plug: Yes
1.4 kg (3 lb)Plastic
1.8 kg (4 lb)Bronze
CE Compliant: Yes

Airmar Technology Corporation CS4500_rH 05/18/09

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,


however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for
traditional navigation aids and techniques. Other company or product names mentioned in
this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies,
9001:2000 which are not affiliated with Airmar.

Simple! Convenient!! Adjustable!!!

The P79 is easy-to-install, accommodating hull deadrise angles In-Hull
up to 22.
1. Mount the base flange inside the hull 600 W
2. Adjust the locking ring for the correct hull deadrise angle
3. Fill the base with non-toxic anti-freeze (propylene glycol) Adjustable
4. Turn and lock the transducer into the base

Deadrise Intuitive! Fishing Applications

The unique adjustable-angle design ensures the beam is Lake and inshore all-around saltwater fishing for
vertically oriented for maximum echo returns and the best small to mid-size outboard boats
possible performance. Because the transducer is mounted inside
the hull, it is the perfect solution for rigid inflatable boats (RIBS)
and racing sailboats. Features
Adjusts to hull deadrise angles from 2 to 22
The innovative mounting base allows No holes to drill
the P79 to adjust to hull deadrise
angles between 2 and 22 Depth only
Recommended for solid fiberglass hulls
22 Epoxies to aluminum hulls under 3.8 mm
(0.125) thick
8 Recommended for planing-hull power boats,
2 trailered boats, rigid inflatable boats (RIBS), and
racing sailboats
No hull protrusions
Boat Size: Up to 8 m (25)

Technical Information


Number of Elements Weight: 2.3 kg (5 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: 0 to 22
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 45 12
Acoustic Window: Layered plastic urethane
RMS Power (W) 600 W 600 W
TVR 155 dB 164 dB
RVR -174 dB -184 dB
FOM* -31 dB -21 dB P79 Transducer
Q 28 31
Impedance 200 375 Transducer
*Does not calculate losses through the hull.


50 kHz 200 kHz Locking ring
206 m to 294 m 118 m to 180 m
(700 to 1,000) (400 to 600)
Angle indicator

Flanged base
Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz
9 m (30) 8 m (25) 2 m (6)
30 m (100) 25 m (83) 6 m (21)
122 m (400) 101 m (331) 26 m (84)
305 m (1,000) 252 m (828) 64 m (210)
Dimensions at Maximum Installation Angle

Model Power Rating Performance Increase
P79 600 W Good Benchmark model for comparison
M260 1 kW Best 50 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
89 mm

13 times more sensitive at 200 kHz

R199 2 kW Superb 200 times more sensitive at 50 kHz 22
32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
R299 3 kW Ultimate 400 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
R399 32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
98 mm

Airmar Technology Corporation P79_rK 08/19/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,


however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for
traditional navigation aids and techniques. Other company or product names mentioned in
this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies,
9001:2008 which are not affiliated with Airmar.

Setting the In-Hull Standard In-Hull

Its true! Excellent performance can be achieved from an
in-hull mounted transducer. The M260, Airmars 1 kW
in-hull, is designed with Airmars exclusive Broadband Ceramic
1 kW
Technology. The 200 kHz element provides broadband
performance resulting in higher-resolution without sacrificing
HD Digital
sensitivity. Combined with a seven-element 50 kHz array, this
in-hull has excellent deep-water detection. Because the M260 Fishing Applications
has narrow beams at both frequencies, separation of individual Blue-water trolling using 50 kHz
targets and the ability to distinguish between fish and the
bottom makes finding fish easy. Deep-water bottom and wreck fishing up to 800 m
All-Out Fishfinding Performance!
Optimal fishfinder performance no longer requires drilling a hole Features
in the hull! The M260 is able to transmit and receive through Top-of-the-line broadband, in-hull transducer
solid fiberglass, displaying sharp detailed images. Track the Recommended for solid fiberglass hulls
bottom at speeds exceeding 30 knots (34 MPH)! Installation
Depth only
simply requires adhering the tank to the inside of the vessel,
leaving a clean and smooth hull exterior! Innovative tank design allows for bow-stern or
port-starboard mounting
Non-toxic anti-freeze (propylene glycol) is used to
fill the tank
Fiberglass resin is used to adhere tank to the hull
Interfaces to any 600 W or 1 kW echosounder
Boat Size: 8 m (25) and up

Technical Information


Number of Elements Weight: 6.2 kg (13.5 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: 0 to 30
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 19 6
Acoustic Window: Layered plastic urethane
RMS Power (W) 1 kW 1 kW
TVR 162 dB 175 dB
RVR -173 dB -183 dB
FOM* -14 dB -10 dB
Q 8 8
Impedance 250 90
*Does not calculate losses through the hull.

114 mm

207 mm
50 kHz 200 kHz

110 mm
529 m to 735 m 206 m to 294 m
(1,800 to 2,500) (700 to 1,000)

170 mm

Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz 221 mm

9 m (30) 3 m (10) 0.9 m (3)
30 m (100) 10 m (34) 3.3 m (11) 197 mm
122 m (400) 41 m (134) 13 m (42)
305 m (1,000) 102 m (335) 32 m (105)
152 mm
129 mm


Model Power Rating Performance Increase
P79 600 W Good Benchmark model for comparison
221 mm
M260 1 kW Best 50 times more sensitive at 50 kHz (8.69)
13 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
R199 2 kW Superb 200 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
R299 3 kW Ultimate 400 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
R399 32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz

Airmar Technology Corporation M260_rL 08/19/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Xducer ID is a registered trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.

Raising the Bar Thru-Hull

Airmars R99 is a fishs worst enemy. Why? The R99 is so precise;
fish are no longer concealed by their surroundings. Fish External-Mount
swimming near the bottom cannot hide. In mid-water depths
fish dont have a fighting chance. Designed with Airmars 2 kW
exclusive Broadband Ceramic Technology, the 200 kHz element
produces high-resolution targets without sacrificing its ability to HD Digital
see deep into the water. The R99 puts the find in fishfinder.

The Benchmark
A 2 kW powerhouse packed with an array of fifteen 50 kHz Fishing Applications
elements. And its 200 kHz, Broadband ceramic is a huge Blue-water bill fish and pelagic trolling
88 mm (3.5). With such a large active area, the R99s Deep-dropping with electric reels past the continental
concentrated sound beams have four times the sensitivity of a shelf
1 kW transducer. And the R99s streamlined shape maintains
Commercial fishing
noise-free accurate readings at speeds over 30 knots (34 MPH).
With its new exposed high-precision temperature sensor, and
the R99 has rewritten the record book. Features
The top performer in Airmars professional line of
fishfinder transducers for vessels 12 m (40) and up
Streamlined shape with fairing provides excellent
performance at speeds over 30 knots (34 MPH)
Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensor
Interfaces to all 1 kW and 2 kW echosounders
Available with a diplexer for single-transmission-line
fishfinders and without a diplexer for
dual-transmission-line fishfinders
New urethane housing

Technical Information

50 kHz-AFlq / 200 kHz-BFlq SPECIFICATIONS

Number of Elements Weight: 15.1 kg (33.3 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: 0 to 25
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 8 x 17 5
Acoustic Window: Epoxy/urethane
RMS Power (W) 2 kW 2 kW
TVR 167 dB 177 dB
RVR -174 dB -182 dB
FOM -8 dB -6 dB Transducer
Q 3 2 570 mm (22.44)

Impedance 100 100

139 mm
50 kHz 200 kHz

102 mm
735 m to 1,176 m 235 m to 353 m
(2,500 to 4,000) (800 to 1,200)
Installing the Transducer
444.5 mm (17.50)
Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz Stuffing
30 m 4mx9m 2.7 m
Backing block
(100) (14 x 30) (9)
122 m 17 m x 36 m 11 m Fairing
(400) (56 x 120) (35)
245 m 34 m x 73 m 21 m
(800) (112 x 240) (70)
305 m 43 m x 91 m 27 m Temperature sensor
(1,000) (140 x 300) (88)

Model Power Rating Performance Increase
B45 600 W Good Benchmark model for comparison
B258 1 kW Better 25 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
16 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
B260 1 kW Best 50 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
SS260 13 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
R99 2 kW Superb 200 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
R209 3 kW Ultimate 400 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
R309 32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
Due to the wide beam of the SS270W, it has been omitted from the table.

Airmar Technology Corporation R99_rP 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Xducer ID is a registered trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.

Underwater Viewing Power

Combine the fish-finding power of an Airmar transducer with Thru-Hull
the viewing capability of the Airmar CA500 Camera and get the
ultimate underwater observation system. This thru-hull camera Underwater
will display what is directly below the boat, making it an ideal
underwater fishing camera or underwater video surveillance/ Camera
safety system. Simply connect the single cable to any display
with a PAL or NTSC input and spy on the underwater world.
Rugged and Serviceable Low lux (0.01) for day or night viewing
We have combined the industry renowned Airmar housings PAL or NTSC output versions available
with one of the lowest Lux (0.01) cameras available todayall
Available in plastic, bronze, or stainless steel housings
protected by a sapphire viewing window that resists scratching
or cracking. The retractable housing with valve is available in Waterproof
plastic, bronze, or stainless steel and allows for easy servicing Sapphire viewing window
and cleaning of the camera while the boat is in the water.
See what you have been missing with the Airmar CA500 Retractable insert
Underwater Camera. Self-closing water valve
Patent pending

Research and survey
Scuba diving
Search and recovery
Commercial fishing
Surveillance and safety

Technical Information

Camera: 1/3 Sony CCD
PAL (H x V): 500 x 582, 625 lines, 50 field per second
NTSC (H x V): 510 x 492, 525 lines, 60 field per second
Operating Temperature: -10C to 50C (14F to 122F)
Storage Temperature: -20C to 60C (-4F to 140F)
P617V Plastic, B617V Bronze, and SS617V Stainless Steel
Sync System: Internal synchronization
75 mm
Minimum Illumination: 0.5 day or 0.01 night lux (2.94)
Resolution: 420 TV lines
Angle of View in Water: 92 diagonal

Stainless Steel
Focal Length: 3.6 mm (0.14)

Bronze and
threads 125 mm
Aperture: F 2.0
Built-In Lens: 4.3 mm (0.17) cone pinhole lens Plastic
S/N Ratio: >46 dB
White Balance: 1 Vp-p 75 ohms negative
Supply Voltage: 10 VDC to 15 VDC
75 mm 5 mm
Supply Current: 100 mA (2.94) (0.20)
Standard Cable Length: 20 m (66)
0.9 kg (2.0 lb)Plastic
1.9 kg (4.2 lb)Bronze and Stainless Steel
CE Regulations: Complies to IERC945

On-board display

Power BNC

Single cable

Airmar Technology Corporation CA500_rJ 08/19/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,


however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for
traditional navigation aids and techniques. Other company or product names mentioned in
this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies,
9001:2008 which are not affiliated with Airmar.

Compact and Budget-Minded!

The B45 is Airmars smallest, bronze, thru-hull stem, offering Thru-Hull
quality design at an economical price. The classic housing is
streamlined to deflect aerated water from the transducers face, 600 W
providing solid echo returns.

Quality Performance Results Features

Get the most out of a transducer installation. See defined return Recommended for planing-hull powerboats and
echoes and clean crisp images. Utilizing Airmars cruising sailboats up to 9 m (30)
High-Performance Fairing will boost echosounder performance Good sensitivity in a compact housing
and provide optimal results for all installations.
Fast-response water-temperature sensor provides
0.2C (0.1F) accuracy

Technical Information


Number of Elements Weight: 2.5 kg (5.5 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: Up to 26 with fairing
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 45 12
Acoustic Window: Urethane
RMS Power (W) 600 W 600 W
TVR 155 dB 164 dB
RVR -174 dB -184 dB
FOM -31 dB -21 dB 102 mm
Q 28 31
M22 x 1.5
Impedance 200 375

116 mm
22 mm


75 mm
50 kHz 200 kHz
235 m to 353 m 118 m to 206 m
(800 to 1,200) (400 to 700)
30 mm
342 mm
Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz
66 mm

55 mm
9 m (30) 8 m (25) 2 m (6)
30 m (100) 25 m (83) 6 m (21)
102 mm
122 m (400) 101 m (331) 26 m (84) (4.01)
305 m (1,000) 252 m (828) 64 m (210)

Model Power Rating Performance Increase
B45 600 W Good Benchmark model for comparison
B258 1 kW Better 25 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
16 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
B260 1 kW Best 50 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
SS260 13 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
R99 2 kW Superb 200 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
R209 3 kW Ultimate 400 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
R309 32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
Due to the wide beam of the SS270W, it has been omitted from the table.

Airmar Technology Corporation B45_rK 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,


however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for
traditional navigation aids and techniques. Other company or product names mentioned in
this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies,
9001:2008 which are not affiliated with Airmar.

TRIDUCER Multisensor Thru-Hull

The B744V TRIDUCER Multisensor provides you with depth,
speed, and temperature in one thru-hull housing. This unit is TRIDUCER Multisensor
ideal for all 600 W fishfinders and requires only a single hole in
the hull. 600 W
Continuing Innovation
Fishing Applications
The B744Vs patented valve assembly prevents water from
Inshore or coastal fishing in shallow to medium
rushing into the hull when the insert is removed for cleaning or
storage. The innovative housing design allows the TRIDUCER
Multisensor to be fully recessed into its custom Slow trolling, structure fishing and drifting
High-Performance Fairing. The end result is a streamlined Deep-water lake fishing
installation. At speeds above 30 knots (34 MPH), the B744V will
produce clear images and solid bottom tracking!
Depth, speed, and temperature in one housing
Greatly improved high-speed performance at
both 50 kHz and 200 kHz when installed with a
high-performance fairing
Patented self-closing sea valve reduces water flow
into the hull when paddlewheel insert is removed
Speed Operating Range:
1 knot to 45 knots (1 MPH to 52 MPH)
Fins on sides of paddlewheel cavity provide
improved accuracy in cross flow conditions
The extra length of the B744VL allows mounting
into thicker and/or high deadrise hulls
Boat Size: Up to 9 m (30)
B744V, B744VL

Technical Information


Number of Elements Weight: 2.5 kg (5.5 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: Up to 24 with fairing
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 45 12
Acoustic Window: Urethane
RMS Power (W) 600 W 600 W
TVR 155 dB 164 dB
RVR -174 dB -184 dB
FOM -31 dB -21 dB
Q 28 31 B744V
Impedance 200 375 140 mm (5.50)

2.00-12 UN
50 kHz 200 kHz 167 mm
(6.57) 51 mm (2.00)
235 m to 353 m 118 m to 206 m

76 mm
(800 to 1,200) (400 to 700)


28 mm 141 mm
Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz (1.11) (5.55)
9 m (30) 8 m (25) 2 m (6)

77.5 mm
30 m (100) 25 m (83) 6 m (21)
122 m (400) 101 m (331) 26 m (84)
349 mm (13.73)
305 m (1,000) 252 m (828) 64 m (210)

140 mm (5.50)
Model Power Rating Performance Increase
B45 600 W Good Benchmark model for comparison
2.00-12 UN
B258 1 kW Better 25 times more sensitive at 50 kHz threads
16 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
230 mm

B260 1 kW Best 50 times more sensitive at 50 kHz 51 mm (2.00)

SS260 13 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
76 mm

R99 2 kW Superb 200 times more sensitive at 50 kHz

32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
R209 3 kW Ultimate 400 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
R309 32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
28 mm 141 mm
Due to the wide beam of the SS270W, it has been omitted from the table. (1.11) (5.55)
77.5 mm

349 mm (13.73)

Airmar Technology Corporation B744V_B744VL_rP 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. TRIDUCER is a registered trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.

The Cost Effective Choice

The B258 is 25 times more sensitive than a single-element Thru-Hull
50/200 kHz transducer. This innovative 1 kW transducer
makes 600 W fishfinders perform like their more powerful big 1 kW
brothersespecially at 50 kHz. How does it do it? The B258
uses Airmars new and unique ceramic-element construction. Entry-Level
The resulting narrow beams will clearly distinguish individual
fish and bottom fish from their habitat at depths down to 670 m
(2,200). Fishing Applications
The versatile 1 kW transducer for all types of fishing
Streamlined Performance Inshore and blue-water trolling
Maximize performance by installing the B258 with Airmars
Deep-water bottom and structure fishing up to
custom fit High-Performance Fairing. At speeds over 30 knots
500 m (1,640)
(34 MPH), screen displays show clear images and a clean
bottom trace.
Elliptical beam covers more bottom area thus
increasing your catch at all depths
Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensor
Recommended for sportfishing boats above 9 m
(30) and small to mid-size commercial fishing boats
Four 50/200 kHz ceramics as compared to one
ceramic in 600 W units
Provides greater surface area resulting in better

Technical Information


Number of Elements Weight: 3.6 kg (7.9 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: Up to 26 with fairing
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 15 x 21 3 x 5
Acoustic Window: Epoxy/urethane
RMS Power (W) 1 kW 1 kW
TVR 161 dB 173 dB
RVR -174 dB -183 dB
FOM -17 dB -9 dB
Q 9 15
Transducer and High-Performance Fairing
Impedance 225 200
198 mm (7.80)


152 mm
50 kHz 200 kHz

108 mm
441 m to 647 m 206 m to 294 m

(1,500 to 2,200) (700 to 1,000)


(2.00) 178 mm
Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz (7.00)
9m 2.4 m x 3.3 m 0.6 m x 0.9 m
(30) (8 x 11) (2 x 3)

121 mm
107 mm


30 m 8 m x 12 m 1 m x 2.7 m
(100) (25 x 40) (5 x 9)
122 m 30 m x 50 m 6 m x 11 m
(400) (98 x 163) (20 x 35) 546 mm
305 m 74 m x 124 m 16 m x 26 m
(1,000) (245 x 407) (52 x 87)
B258 Transducer
181 mm
36 mm (7.13)
Model Power Rating Performance Increase
108 mm

B45 600 W Good Benchmark model for comparison


B258 1 kW Better 25 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
16 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
B260 1 kW Best 50 times more sensitive at 50 kHz M30-2
SS260 13 times more sensitive at 200 kHz threads
152 mm

R99 2 kW Superb 200 times more sensitive at 50 kHz 51 mm

32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz (2.00)

R209 3 kW Ultimate 400 times more sensitive at 50 kHz

R309 32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
Due to the wide beam of the SS270W, it has been omitted from the table.

Airmar Technology Corporation B258_rR 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Xducer ID is a registered trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.

Powerful, Yet Sensitive!

The B260 will enhance fish detection on virtually all of todays Thru-Hull
fish finders. High-performance has been redefined with its
Broadband Ceramic Technology. The narrow, 6 beam 200 kHz 1 kW
ceramic will give you excellent resolution and crisp image detail
needed for bottom fishing. The B260s low ringing is perfect for HD Digital
finding fish holding tight to the bottom and other structure.
The seven-element 50 kHz array has a wider 19 beam for
deeper blue-water fishing. The outcome at both frequencies Fishing Applications
is excellent resolution and crisp image detail where its needed Blue-water trolling using 50 kHz
most. Deep-water bottom and wreck fishing up to
800 m (2,625)
Streamlined Performance
This best seller is offered in both bronze and stainless steel Features
housings. Get maximum results, on any hull material, when Top-of-the-line 1 kW thru-hull model
installed with a custom-fitting High-Performance Fairing. At
Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensor
speeds over 30 knots (34 MPH), screens continue to display
clear images and solid bottom tracking. Recommended for sportfishing boats above 9 m
(30) and small to mid-size commercial fishing boats
Available with a diplexer for single-transmission-line
fishfinders and without a diplexer for
dual-transmission-line fishfinders
Bronze or stainless steel housings available
Interfaces to any 600 W or 1 kW echosounder
Stainless steel housingSS260
B260, SS260

Technical Information


Number of Elements Weight: 7.3 kg (16 lb)
and Configuration
Hull Deadrise: Up to 20 with fairing
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 19 6
Acoustic Window: Urethane
RMS Power (W) 1 kW 1 kW
TVR 162 dB 175 dB
RVR -173 dB -183 dB
FOM -14 dB -10 dB
Q 8 8 Transducer and High-Performance Fairing
Impedance 250 90
198 mm (7.80)

1-11 1/2 NPS

50 kHz 200 kHz
244 mm
33 mm (1.30)


130 mm
529 m to 735 m 206 m to 294 m

(1,800 to 2,500) (700 to 1,000)


Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz 216 mm
9 m (30) 3 m (10) 0.9 m (3)
30 m (100) 10 m (34) 3.3 m (11)
133 mm

114 mm

122 m (400) 41 m (134) 13 m (42)
305 m (1,000) 102 m (335) 32 m (105)

554 mm
Model Power Rating Performance Increase
B260, SS260 Transducer
B45 600 W Good Benchmark model for comparison 216 mm
B744V (8.50)
B258 1 kW Better 25 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
16 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
114 mm

B260 1 kW Best 50 times more sensitive at 50 kHz

SS260 13 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
R99 2 kW Superb 200 times more sensitive at 50 kHz
32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz
1-11 1/2 NPS
R209 3 kW Ultimate 400 times more sensitive at 50 kHz threads
178 mm

R309 32 times more sensitive at 200 kHz 69 mm


Due to the wide beam of the SS270W, it has been omitted from the table.
66 mm

Airmar Technology Corporation B260_SS260_rP 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Xducer ID is a registered trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.

Get the WIDER View Thru-Hull

The SS270Ws extra wide coverage delivered to a
dual-frequency, split-screen sounder gives fishermen a wider Wide-Beam
1 kW
view of what is going on under the boat. The SS270W gives
you four times the beamwidth at 200 kHz than other 1 kW,

HD Digital
high-performance transducers. Since the beams are the same
at both frequencies, a split-screen fishfinder display will clearly
show the same water column and bottom coverage. Fish may
also appear as arches. More fish will be marked while cruising,
trolling, drifting, or at anchor. Fishing Applications
Blue-water trolling using both 50 kHz and 200 kHz
Tuna/Marlin FishermenDetect bait and gamefish in the
upper-water column that would go unseen with a traditional Bait and game fish marking in shallow to mid-water
narrow-beam transducer. Wreck and structure finding on the continental shelf
Vertical deep jigging
Downrigger FishermenTrack your downrigger balls and
lures on the screen at both frequencies. This allows you to Downrigger fishing in saltwater or deep-water lakes
adjust the downrigger settings to maximize the lure or bait
presentation at a desired depth. Features
Identical wide 25 beamwidths at 50 kHz and 200 kHz
Jig FishermenSeeing your jigs descend on the
echosounder screen while bottom fishing can help avoid Provides 4 times the beamwidth at 200 kHz than
bottom hang-ups when fishing in heavy currents. Seeing a other high-performance transducers
tuna attack your jigs on the echosounder display lets you reel Wide-beam is ideal for marking bait fish and
up other loose lines before tangles can occur. game fish
The SS270Ws custom-fit High-Performance Fairing will give Vast bottom coverage in shallow-water
crystal-clear imaging at speeds up to 30 knots (34 MPH). And Same targets appear at both frequencies
since the SS270W fits into the popular B260 fairing pocket, its
easy to upgrade existing installations. Possibilities expand with Excellent fish detection in shallow to mid-water depths
the SS270W Transducer. Retrofits into existing B260 fairing pocket
Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensor
Boat Size: 9 m (30) and up

Technical Information

50 kHz-AWlq / 200 kHz-BM DIMENSIONS

Number of Elements
and Configuration
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 25 25 Transducer and High-Performance Fairing
RMS Power (W) 1 kW 1 kW
198 mm (7.80)
TVR 161 dB 165 dB
RVR -175 dB -194 dB 1-11 1/2 NPS

FOM -19 dB -30 dB

244 mm
33 mm (1.30)

Q 4 7

130 mm
Impedance 200 90


50 kHz 200 kHz (2.59)
216 mm
400 m to 610 m 100 m to 180 m (8.50)
(1,350 to 2,000) (330 to 600)
133 mm

114 mm

Depth 50 kHz 200 kHz
554 mm
9 m (30) 4 m (13) 4 m (13) (21.81)

30 m (100) 14 m (45) 14 m (45)

122 m (400) 55 m (180) 55 m (180)
305 m (1,000) 137 m (450) 137 m (450)

Weight: 7.3 kg (16 lb)
Hull Deadrise: Up to 20 with fairing
Acoustic Window: Urethane

50 kHz 200 kHz 50 kHz

Standard 1 kW transducer SS270W twin wide-beam transducer

19 at 50 kHz, 6 at 200 kHz Identical 25 beamwidths at 50 kHz and 200 kHz

50 kHz 200 kHz 50 kHz 200 kHz

Different number of fish detected See the same targets at both frequencies
fish and bottom do not appear the same allows for easier species and bottom identification

Airmar Technology Corporation SS270W_rT 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Xducer ID is a registered trademark of Airmar

Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.

The Smart Alternative! Thru-Hull

Airmars B122 Smart Sensor features embedded
micro-electronics. Depth and temperature signals are processed Retractable, Long-Stem
inside the sensor and can be displayed on any radar, chart
plotter, or device that accepts NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000 data. Smart Sensor
The 235 kHz frequency prevents mutual interference with other
echosounders on the vessel.
Stronger Echo Returns Long-stem, depth and temperature with a
The B122 retractable, long-stem, bronze transducer is designed High-Performance Fairing
for use in thick hulled wooden boats or vessels with steep Can install as a low-profile with adaptor ring
deadrise. The included high-performance fairing vertically
orients the sound beam for stronger return echoes resulting in 235 kHz frequency prevents mutual interference
optimal sounder performance. The B122 can also be installed as with other echosounders on the vessel
a low-profile mount with an adaptor ring. For thick hulled or steep deadrise vessels
Retractable, Bronze housing only
Available in NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000 versions
6 m (20) NMEA 2000 cable or 10 m (33)
NMEA 0183 cable

Technical Information

235 kHz Broadband DIMENSIONS

Number of Elements
and Configuration
120 mm (4.75)
Beamwidth (@-3 dB) 12 14 mm (0.55)
RMS Power (W) 100 W 2-12


164 mm
Weight: 3.9 kg (8.7 lb)

76 mm
Acoustic Window: Urethane
Hull Deadrise: Up to 28 with fairing
Hole Diameter: 51 mm (2)
Data Update Rate: 1 per second
Minimum Depth Range: 0.5 m (1.6) 5 mm
59 mm (0.20)
Maximum Depth Range: Up to 180 m (590)Broadband (2.33)
Pressure Rating: 3 m (10)
Pulse Rate: 20,000 p/nm* (5.6 Hz per knot)*p/nm = pulses per nautical mile

75 mm
Supply Voltage: 9 VDC to 16 VDC
Supply Current: <200 mA
Standard Cable Length:
10 m (33) NMEA 0183 cable 348 mm (13.69)
6 m (20) NMEA 2000 cable
Temperature Sensor Accuracy: 0.5C (1.8F)
Temperature Sensor Range: -10C to 40C (14F to 104F)
NMEA 2000 Load Equivalency Number (LEN): 4
CE Regulation: Complies to IERC60945


NMEA 0183 Sentence Structure
$SDDBT, DDPT... Depth
$YXMTW ............ Water Temperature

NMEA 2000 Supported PGNs

59392 ......... ISO Acknowledgement
600928....... ISO Address Claim
126208....... Acknowledge Group Function
126464....... Transmit PGN List Group Function
126464....... Received PGN List Group Function
126996....... Product Information
128267....... Water Depth (With Transducer Offset)
130310....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)
130311....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)
130312....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)

Airmar Technology Corporation B122_Smart_rE 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Smart is a trademark of Airmar Technology

Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated with
9001:2008 Airmar.

High-Precision Temperature Thru-Hull

The B17 High-Precision Temperature Sensor provides
fast-response to temperature changes with higher accuracy. Low-Profile
The 25.4 mm (1) bronze button on the sensor face and the
specialized fast-response thermistor provide a super fast 5

second time constant and 0.3C (0.17F) accuracy. Precision
temperature data is output to a chart plotter, radar screen,
digital display, or computer. Separate interface boxes are High-Precision Smart
available for NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000 protocols. The units
are ideal for fishing as they can detect thermal boundaries such
as the edges of currents, which tend to concentrate bait and Applications
game fish. Sportfishing
Commercial fishing

High-precision temperature with 0.3C (0.17F)
NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 versions available
Temperature insert easily fits into any existing
51 mm (2) retractable Airmar housing
Available in plastic, bronze, or stainless steel housings
These low-profile housings are nearly flush and
minimize drag with only 5 mm (3/16) extending
outside the hull

Technical Information

0.6 kg (1.3 lb)Plastic
1.3 kg (2.8 lb)Bronze
1.6 kg (3.5 lb)Stainless Steel 78 mm
Temperature Accuracy: 0.3C (0.17F) (3.08)
Temperature Resolution: 0.01C (0.2F)
Data Update Rate: 1 per second
Data Output Protocol: NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000
NMEA Data Sentence: YXMTW, PGN130310
Supply Voltage: 6 VDC to 28 VDC
35 mm
Supply Current: 30 mA maximum (1.37)
Maximum Extension Cable Length: 100 m (330)
Hole Diameter: 51 mm (2)
Temperature Range: 0C to 30C (32F to 86F) 2-12
94 mm
Analog Paddlewheel Format
OR (2.00)

NMEA 2000 Supported PGNs

59392 ......... ISO Acknowledgement
600928....... ISO Address Claim
126208....... Acknowledge Group Function
126464....... Transmit PGN List Group Function 75mm
126464....... Received PGN List Group Function (2.94)
126996....... Product Information
130310....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)
130311....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)
130312....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)

Airmar Technology Corporation B17HP_rD 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Smart is a trademark of Airmar Technology

Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated with
9001:2008 Airmar.

High-Precision Temperature Sensing Thru-Hull

Airmars T42 is a high-precision temperature sensor that has
a bronze button on the face for a quick, 15 second thermal
time constant and is accurate to 0.3C (0.17F). Precision
temperature data is output to a chart plotter, radar screen,
digital display or computer. A separate interface box is available
High-Precision Smart
for NMEA 0183 output. The T42 is ideal for fishing as it can
detect thermal boundaries such as the edges of currents.
Water temperature for sport and commercial fishing

Temperature only
Senses temperature in water and is mounted in
fiberglass or wooden boats
Durable bronze housing
Temperature sensors have a 3 m (10) cable to the
interface box
T42 high-precision temperature sensor with interface box Interface box has a 10 m (33) cable leading to the

Technical Information

Weight: 0.6 kg (1.3 lb)
Temperature Accuracy: 0.3C (0.17F)
38 mm
Resolution: 0.01C (0.2F)
Data Update Rate: 1 per second
Data Output Protocol: NMEA 0183
NMEA Data Sentence: YXMTW
Supply Voltage: 6 VDC to 28 VDC
Supply Current: 30 mA maximum
Maximum Extension Cable Length: 100 m (330)
Hole Diameter: 22 mm (7/8) 131 mm
Temperature Range: 0C to 30C (32F to 86F) (5.16) M22-1.5
7 mm threads
21 mm

62 mm

Airmar Technology Corporation T42_rD 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Smart is a trademark of Airmar Technology

Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated with
9001:2008 Airmar.
T80, T42



Airmar offers three styles of fully waterproof, stand-alone,

temperature sensors to meet your demanding and rugged Temperature
temperature sensing applications.
Temperature on Equipment
The T25 has a very fast thermal response time in air and is
well suited for sensing temperature on all types of industrial Applications
equipment. T25Air temperature sensing
T80Liquid or air temperature measurement
Liquid or Air Temperature
T42Water temperature, thru-hull mounting on
The T80 stainless steel model can be surface-mounted
all fiberglass and wood boat hulls
virtually anywhere to measure liquid or air temperature.

Temperature in Water
The T42 bronze thru-hull senses temperature in water and Features
can be mounted in vessels with fiberglass or wood hulls. All units have a thermistor with 10,000 ohms
nominal resistance at 25C (77F)
Temperature only
T25 plastic housing
T80 stainless steel housing
T42 bronze housing
T25, T80, T42

0.2 kg (0.5 lb)T25
0.2 kg (0.5 lb)T80
0.6 kg (1.3 lb)T42
Thermal Constant: 15 secondsT42
Temperature Accuracy: 2
Unicurve Type Thermistor: 10,000 ohms T25
Hole Diameter for Installation: 22 mm (7/8)T42
Temperature Range: 0C to 30C (32F to 86F)

9 mm
38 mm


25 mm

6 mm
27 mm (0.24)

38 mm

131 mm
(5.16) M22-1.5
7 mm threads
21 mm

62 mm

Airmar Technology Corporation T25_T80_T42_rC 08/25/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for


traditional navigation aids and techniques. Smart is a trademark of Airmar Technology

Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated
9001:2008 with Airmar.

The Smart Alternative! Thru-Hull

Airmars New ST800 and ST850 Smart Sensors feature
embedded micro-electronics. Speed and temperature signals are Speed & Temperature
processed inside the sensor and can be displayed on any radar,
chart plotter, or device that accepts NMEA 2000 data. Smart Sensors
Minimize Your Drag
The ST850 is Airmars standard, thru-hull, speed and temperature Features
sensor. The plastic, bronze, and stainless steel outer housing Speed and temperature
options are available to meet all hull requirements. These NMEA 2000 or Analog output options
low-profile housings are nearly flush and minimize drag with
Retractable plastic, bronze, or stainless steel
only 5 mm (3/16) extending outside the hull.
housings with valve sleeve
Eliminate Turbulence ST800Retrofits into Airmar P120 and B120
The plastic P217 and bronze B119 countersunk flush outer housings
housings are easy-to-install. The plastic P314 and bronze B21 ST850Retrofits into Airmar P17 and B17 housings
outer housing options have a traditional beveled-edge for flush
mounting. Flush-mount housings eliminate turbulence for 6 m (20) NMEA 2000 cable, 9 m (30) Analog cable
accurate readings at high-speeds. They are the optimal choice Devicenet connector or NMEA 2000 version
for installation in racing sailboats and high-speed powerboats.
Speed Range: 2 knots to 45 knots (2 MPH to 52 MPH)
ST800, ST850

Technical Information

0.7 kg (1.4 lb)Plastic
1.3 kg (2.8 lb)Bronze ST800
1.6 kg (3.5 lb)Stainless Steel P120 Plastic, B120 Bronze

Speed Range: 2 knots to 45 knots (2 MPH to 52 MPH) 75 mm

Acoustic Window: Urethane (2.94)
Hull Deadrise: Up to 22
Data Update Rate: 1 per second
Pressure Rating: 3 m (10)

Stainless Steel
Bronze and
Pulse Rate: 20,000 p/nm* (5.6 Hz per knot)*p/nm = pulses per nautical mile 2-12
Supply Voltage: 9 VDC to 16 VDC threads 125 mm
Supply Current: <200 mA
Standard Cable Length: 6 m (20) NMEA 2000 cable, 9 m (30) Analog
Temperature Sensor Accuracy: 0.5C (1.8F)
Temperature Sensor Range: -10C to 40C (14F to 104F)
NMEA 2000 Load Equivalency Number (LEN): 2
CE Regulation: Complies to IERC60945 75 mm 5 mm
(2.94) (0.20)


Analog Paddlewheel Format P17 Plastic, B17 Bronze, and SS577 Stainless Steel

OR 78 mm
NMEA 2000 Supported PGNs
59392 ......... ISO Acknowledgement
600928....... ISO Address Claim
126208....... Acknowledge Group Function
126464....... Transmit PGN List Group Function 30 mm
126464....... Received PGN List Group Function (1.19)
126996....... Product Information
128259....... Speed (Speed Water Reference) 2-12 Stainless Steel
Bronze and

128275....... Distance Log threads 89 mm

130310....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature) (3.49)
130311....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)
130312....... Environmental Parameters (Water Temperature)
51 mm

75 mm (2.94)
5 mm

Airmar Technology Corporation ST850_Smart_rD 08/18/10

As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,


however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for
traditional navigation aids and techniques. Other company or product names mentioned in
this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies,
9001:2008 which are not affiliated with Airmar.

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