Transducer How It Works

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What Goes into the Making of a Transducer?
The main component of a depth transducer is the piezoceramic element. It is the part that converts electrical pulses into sound waves, and when the
echoes return, the piezoceramic element converts the sound waves back into electrical energy. Piezoceramic elements are most often in a disk form,
but they may also be in the shape of a bar or a ring. A transducer may contain one element or a series of elements linked together called an array. A
transducer is made up of six separate components:

• Piezoceramic element or an array of elements Sound absorbing

Housing material
• Housing Cable
• Acoustic window
• Encapsulating material
• Sound absorbing material
• Cable

Piezoceramic element
Acoustic window

How Does a Transducer Know How Deep the Water is?

The echosounder measures the time between transmitting the sound and receiving its echo. Sound travels through the water at about 1,463 m/s
(4,800 ft/s), just less than a mile per second. To calculate the distance to the object, the echosounder multiplies the time elapsed between the sound
transmission and the received echo by the speed of sound through water. The echosounder system interprets the result and displays the depth of the
water in feet for the user.

Time (seconds)
Echo Echo

How Does a Transducer Know What the Bottom Looks Like?

As the boat moves through the water, the echoes of some sound waves return more quickly than others. We know that all sound waves travel at the
same speed. When a sound wave in one section of the sound field returns more quickly than another, it is because the wave has bounced off something
closer to the transducer. These early returning sound waves reveal all the humps and bumps in the underwater surface. Transducers are able to detect
whether a bottom is soft or hard and even distinguish between a clump of weeds and a rock, because the sound waves will echo off of these surfaces in
a slightly different manner.

Hard rocky bottom


How Does a Transducer Detect Fish?

The transducer can detect fish, because it senses the air bladder. Almost every fish has an organ called an air bladder filled with gas that allows the fish
to easily adjust to the water pressure at different depths. The amount of gas in the air bladder can be increased or decreased to regulate the buoyancy
of the fish. Because the air bladder contains gas, it is a drastically different density than the flesh and bone of the fish as well as the water that surrounds
it. This difference in density causes the sound waves from the echosounder to bounce off the fish distinctively. The transducer receives the echoes and
the echosounder is able to recognize these differences. The echosounder then displays it as a fish.
Air bladder


Broadband versus Non-Broadband

Airmar achieves superior results by using a unique ceramic material. It lets transducers operate over a broad range of frequencies while maintaining
sensitivity. These Broadband Transducers are, by definition, low-Q devices (refer to “Q” paragraph). In other words, they exhibit very low ringing. There
is little variation from transducer to transducer. Additionally, Broadband Transducers are relatively immune to the effects of aging, so their frequency
range remains stable over time.

Airmar is the first to introduce affordable Broadband Transducers. This is an enabling technology that provides better fish detection today and will
lead to dramatic advances in echosounder performance in the future. While these transducers are more costly to manufacture, the present and future
benefits are huge.

Broadband Transducers enhance fish detection on virtually all of today’s fishfinders. They give better definition; it is far easier to distinguish among
individual fish and between fish and the bottom.

Broadband Benefits Today

Manufacturers now market echosounders that can adjust operating frequency and power output. While these are premium products, the designs are
a precursor of things to come. With the ability to adjust frequency, an echosounder can operate Airmar’s broadband ceramics anywhere in the 160 kHz
to 260 kHz band. By selecting different operating frequencies, two or more sounders can work simultaneously without interference. The frequency can
also be adjusted to the mission. Lowering the operation frequency increases the beamwidth and depth capability; raising the frequency narrows the
beamwidth, increases echo definition, and improves high-speed performance.

Broadband Future Benefits

Here is where it gets really exciting. In today’s fishfinders, good fish detection is obtained by transmitting a long pulse. This puts more energy on the
target. With a long pulse, closely-spaced fish cannot be separated—you get a big blob. Fish close to the bottom appear attached to the bottom and are
difficult or impossible to detect.

Airmar’s broadband transducers enable frequency modulated (FM) transmissions; a.k.a. CHIRP or coded transmissions. Using FM transmissions, you can
achieve both the benefits of long pulse, more energy on target, and short pulse, segregation of closely-spaced fish and identification of fish on or close
to the bottom. This is because the coding of the transmission is known and the return echoes are similarly coded. The technique is also known as pulse
compression. In summary, fishfinders of the future with FM transmissions will have dramatically improved target resolution and signal-to-noise ratio.
Airmar’s broadband transducer will enable this to happen.


RMS Power versus Peak-To-Peak Power

All Airmar transducers are measured in RMS power as opposed to peak-to-peak power ratings. Peak-To-Peak power ratings are eight times higher than
RMS power, which can trick the consumer into thinking that their echosounder and transducer are more powerful than they really are. For example,
if a transducer manufacturer L advertises 4,000 Watts peak-to-peak power, this is only 500 Watts RMS power. See the chart below for typical Airmar
transducers and their power ratings in both RMS and Peak-To-Peak.

RMS Power Peak-To-Peak Power

250 W RMS = 2,000 W Peak-To-Peak

600 W RMS = 4,800 W Peak-To-Peak
1,000 W RMS = 8,000 W Peak-To-Peak
2,000 W RMS = 16,000 W Peak-To-Peak

Airmar measures transducer beamwidth at -3 dB. Other transducer manufacturers measure their beams at -6 dB and -10 dB, stating the beam is wider
than it really is at -3 dB. For example, the image below shows a beamwidth of 20° at -3 dB. If the same transducer is
measured at -6 dB, the beamwidth increases to 30°.

Sidelobe 90°
-20 dB -30 dB
-10 dB 60°
-6 dB
-3 dB 50°
40° 30°
20° 20°
10° 0° 10°

Beamwidth @ -3 dB = 20°

A Transducer’s quality factor, “Q” describes the amount of ringing the ceramic element or elements undergo when power is applied to the transducer.
Think of a church bell analogy—as the bell is struck it vibrates rapidly and then the vibration will gradually stop. Most competitor’s recreational
transducers have an average Q between 25 and 35. Airmar Q values range from 1 to 30, depending on models. The lower the “Q” number the less
ringing in the transducer and the better the performance. Less ringing greatly improves individual fish separation along with bottom imaging in rapidly
changing water depths such as ledges and offshore canyons.

Transmitting Voltage Response

Transmitting Voltage Response (TVR) is computed using Receiving Voltage Response and Impedance. The unit of measure for TVR is dB relative to 1
micropascal per volt at a distance of 1 meter (3’).

Receiving Voltage Response

Receiving Voltage Response (RVR) is measured typically by applying 200 V peak-to-peak to the transducer under test, pointing it at a nearly perfect
reflector, and measuring the echo amplitude as a function of frequency. The unit of measure is dB relative to 1 Volt per micropascal.

Figure of Merit
This graph is a summation of TVR and RVR and provides a measure of two-way performance. A transducer whose figure of merit response has a wide
bandwidth is generally preferred over a transducer with a narrow bandwidth. The former usually rings less and offers most consistent performance over
the transducer’s range of frequency tolerance.


This Broadband transducer has a flat response and can run across the

170 entire frequency range.

165 This Non-Broadband transducer peaks its performance at

200 kHz and drops off sharply at frequencies before and after.
140 160 180 200 220 240
Frequency (kHz)

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