A Bibliometric Review of Research Trends On Bioelectrochemical Systems
A Bibliometric Review of Research Trends On Bioelectrochemical Systems
A Bibliometric Review of Research Trends On Bioelectrochemical Systems
Publication output
TP, Total number of publications (the percentage of articles in total publications is given within brackets);
IF, Impact factor, based on JCR 2014; TC, Total number of citations.
R, Rank (the percentage of articles in total publications is given within brackets); FP, First author publi-
cations; RP, Reprint author publications; SP, Single-national publications; CP, International collaborative
According to Bradfords law of scattering20, the above- 22.5%) are internationally collaborative publications.
mentioned 5 journals, publishing about 34.8% of the total Table 2 lists the top 15 countries/territories ranked by the
articles, are the core journals in BES field. Energy and total publications. It is evident that China and USA are
Environmental Science, which has the highest IF (20.523) the largest contributors, publishing 924 and 922 articles
among the top 10 journals, has published 66 articles on respectively, which is far more than those of other coun-
BES. Environmental Science and Technology, with an IF tries. China started BES research rather late. The first ar-
of 5.330, has the highest h-index (62) and also the highest ticle published in SCIE database with a Chinese author
average citations per article (TC/TP, 75.4) in the BES appeared in 2006. However, the output of China in-
field. creased at a rather high rate and surpassed USA in 2012.
China ranks first in the number of total publications, first
author publications, reprint author publications and sin-
Publication distribution of countries and institutes gle-country publications, and second in international col-
laborative publications. Except for Germany, Australia,
The contributions of countries/territories to BES-related Belgium and Singapore, all the other 11 most productive
research output were evaluated by the location of the countries/territories have more single-country publica-
affiliations of at least one author of the articles. Among tions than collaborative publications, and India has the
the 3131 articles, 3 had no author address information. The highest percentage of independent articles (79%), fol-
remaining 3128 articles were published by 58 coun- lowed by Japan (73%).
tries/territories. Among the 3128 articles, 2424 (77.5%) The 2128 articles on BES were resubmitted by 1311
are single-country publications and the others (704, different institutes, among which 699 (53.3%) institutes
Penn State Univ., USA 222 1 (7.1) 1 (159) 1 (164) 1 (110) 2 (112)
Chinese Acad. Sci., China 158 2 (5.1) 3 (85) 3 (86) 2 (37) 1 (121)
Harbin Inst. Technol., China 135 3 (4.3) 2 (93) 2 (88) 5 (31) 3 (104)
Univ. Massachusetts, USA 61 4 (2.0) 4 (51) 5 (50) 3 (33) 20 (28)
Guangdong Inst. Ecoenvironm. and Soil Sci., China 60 5 (1.9) 6 (47) 6 (49) 22 (12) 5 (48)
Univ. Tokyo, Japan 59 6 (1.9) 14 (33) 20 (29) 65 (5) 4 (54)
Univ. Queensland, Australia 59 6 (1.9) 14 (33) 14 (33) 12 (17) 7 (42)
Wageningen Univ., The Netherlands 56 8 (1.8) 7 (45) 7 (43) 34 (9) 6 (47)
Univ. Sci. & Technol. China, China 56 8 (1.8) 4 (51) 4 (51) 7 (26) 17 (30)
Univ Ghent, Belgium 55 10 (1.8) 14 (33) 11 (36) 18 (15) 8 (40)
S. China Univ. Technol., China 53 11 (1.7) 8 (43) 7 (43) 8 (25) 20 (28)
Dalian Univ. Technol., China 52 12 (1.7) 10 (38) 12 (34) 14 (16) 10 (36)
Tsinghua Univ., China 51 13 (1.6) 9 (40) 9 (39) 14 (16) 11 (35)
Univ Wisconsin, USA 49 14 (1.6) 12 (35) 14 (33) 18 (15) 12 (34)
Arizona State Univ., USA 47 15 (1.5) 11 (37) 10 (37) 4 (32) 44 (15)
R, Rank (the percentage of articles in total publications is given within brackets); FP, First author publications; RP, Re-
print author publications; SP, Single-national publications; CP, International collaborative articles.
published only one article and 196 (15%) published two keywords used in the past 24 years on the BES field, the
articles. Table 3 provides a list of the top 15 most produc- synonymic single words and congeneric phrases were
tive institutes during 19912014. Pennsylvania State Uni- summed. For example, microbial fuel cell, microbial
versity ranks first in total publications, first author fuel cells, microbial fuel cell (MFC), microbial fuel
publications, reprint author publications and single- cells (MFCs), MFC and MFCs were all counted as
institutional publications and second in inter-institutional microbial fuel cell. Microbial fuel cell (1465) is the
publications, with a total of 222 articles, followed by the most frequently used author keyword, followed by
Chinese Academy of Science (158) and Harbin Institute microbial electrolysis cell (160), wastewater treatment
of Technology (35). A bias might appear because the (131), bioelectrochemical system (126), biofuel cell
Chinese Academy of Science has branches in many cities, (111), electricity generation (110), biocathode (98),
and a different ranking would be generated if articles are biofilm (97), power density (90) and bioelectricity
divided among the branches. It is noteworthy that 7 of the (76). Based on the results of author keywords analysis,
15 institutes are from China, which is in accord with the studies on BES can be separated into three categories:
rapid increase in publications from China. different types of BES reactors, applications and methods
Among the top 15 most productive institutes, only the to improve performance.
University of Massachusetts and Arizona State Univer- In order to analyse the historical development of BES
sity, both from USA, have more single-institutional research, a new method called word cluster analysis was
publications than collaborative publications. Inter- applied in this study. This method has been used to study
institutional collaboration is more common in other insti- the research trend on drinking water 22, proteomics23,
tutes, especially for University of Tokyo, 91.5% of whose nitrate removal18 and atmospheric simulation 24, and its
publications are collaborative articles, and only 5 single- procedure has been described in detail in the literature22.
institutional articles. The Wageningen University, the In the present study, article titles, author keywords and
Netherlands also prefers inter-institutional collaboration, abstracts were combined to form the word base.
with only 9 single-institutional articles out of 56 total According to the results of author keywords analysis,
publications. MFC and MEC are the two most frequently studied BES
reactors; other reactors, including EFC, MDC and MSC
are less studied. Figure 3 shows the annual outputs on
Hot topics different types of reactors. It is evident that the annual
publications on MFC, MEC and EFC show an increasing
The author keywords of an article can supply details of trend. MFC is the most frequently studied and also the
the article subjects and a statistical analysis of them can earliest studied BES reactors. In 1962, Davis and
offer the research trend information of a particular field. Yarbrough25 had reported on the preliminary experiments
Among the 3131 articles, 2428 with author keywords in- of MFC. The discovery of mediator-less MFC had given
formation were analysed. A total of 4479 keywords were a significant boost to MFC research, which could be illus-
listed by authors on the BES field, among which 3262 trated by the fact that the number of articles on MFC has
(72.8%) were used only once and 544 (12.1%) were used doubled from the year 2007 (66) to 2008 (137). The
twice. When analysing the frequency of the author construction materials and methods, substrates, current
Figure 3. Research trends of different types of BES reactors. Figure 4. Research trends of different BES applications.