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J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat.

45 (2014) 319e329

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Journal of Behavior Therapy and

Experimental Psychiatry
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Schema therapy for patients with chronic depression: A single case

series study
Ioannis A. Malogiannis a, b, *, Arnoud Arntz c, Areti Spyropoulou a, Eirini Tsartsara a, b,
Aikaterini Aggeli b, Spyridoula Karveli b, Miranda Vlavianou b, Artemios Pehlivanidis a,
George N. Papadimitriou a, Iannis Zervas a, b
1st Department of Psychiatry, Eginition Hospital, Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece
Greek Society of Schema Therapy, 10555 Athens, Greece
Maastricht University, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background and objectives: This study tested the effectiveness of schema therapy (ST) for patients with
Received 26 November 2013 chronic depression.
Received in revised form Methods: Twelve patients with a diagnosis of chronic depression participated. The treatment protocol
6 February 2014
consisted of 60 sessions, with the rst 55 sessions offered weekly and the last ve sessions on a biweekly
Accepted 9 February 2014
Available online 24 February 2014
basis. A single case series AeBeC design, with 6 months follow-up was used. Baseline (A) was a wait
period of 8 weeks. Baseline was followed by introduction to ST and bonding to therapist (phase B) with
individually tailored length of 12e16 sessions, after which further ST was provided (phase C) up to 60
Chronic depression
sessions (included the sessions given as introduction). Patients were assessed with Hamilton Rating Scale
Schema therapy for Depression three times during baseline, at the end of phase B, then every 12 weeks until the end of
CBT treatment and at 6 months follow-up. Secondary outcome measures were the Hamilton Rating Scale for
Single case series Anxiety and the Young Schema Questionnaire.
Early maladaptive schemas Results: At the end of treatment 7 patients (approximately 60%) remitted or satisfactorily responded. The
mean HRSD dropped from 21.07 during baseline to 9.40 at post-treatment and 10.75 at follow-up. The
effects were large and the gains of treatment were maintained at 6-month follow-up. Only one patient
dropped out for reasons not related to treatment.
Limitations: The lack of control group, the small sample and the lack of a multiple baseline case series.
Conclusions: This preliminary study supports the use of ST as an effective treatment for chronic
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction health care utilization, hospitalization and economic costs (Berndt

et al., 2000; Gilmer et al., 2005; Howland, 1993; Klein et al., 2000;
Approximately 20% of all depressed individuals develop a chronic Smit et al., 2006) compared with non-chronic forms of depression.
course (Arnow & Constantino, 2003; Gilmer et al., 2005). This im- Four types of chronic depression are usually distinguished in the
plies that 2.5e6% of the adult population in the community suffers literature: 1) dysthymic disorder, 2) chronic major depressive dis-
from chronic depression (Kessler et al., 2005, 1994). Chronic order (MDD), 3) double depression (MDD superimposed on a
depression is associated with increased functional impairment dysthymic disorder) and 4) recurrent major depressive disorder
(Klein, Schwartz, Rose, & Leader, 2000; Klein, Shankman, & Rose, with incomplete remission between the episodes (Torpey & Klein,
2006; Wells, Burnam, Rogers, Hays, & Camp, 1992), higher levels of 2008). There are consistent ndings supporting the idea that the
various manifestations of chronic depression do not represent
distinct disorders (Cuijpers et al., 2010; Klein, Shankman,
Lewinsohn, Rohde, & Seeley, 2004; Klein et al., 2006; McCullough
* Corresponding author. Greek Society of Schema Therapy, 10555 Athens, Greece.
Tel.: 30 6945898082. et al., 2003, 2000). The DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association,
E-mail address: imalog@hol.gr (I.A. Malogiannis). 2013) diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)

0005-7916/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
320 I.A. Malogiannis et al. / J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 45 (2014) 319e329

includes both the DSM-IV diagnostic categories of chronic major Pharmacological (Kocsis, 2003; Kocsis et al., 2009) and psy-
depression and dysthymia. chotherapeutic (Keller et al., 2000; Markowitz, 1994) interventions
It is suggested that the determinants of chronic depression do have been developed for the treatment of chronic depression.
not necessarily differ qualitatively, but only quantitatively from Cognitive Behavior Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP)
those of acute depression, with involvement of increased levels of (McCullough, 2000) is a model incorporating cognitive behavioral
these determinants in chronic forms (Riso, Miyatake, & Thase, and interpersonal techniques, which was developed for the treat-
2002). Among the several possible determinants of chronic ment of chronically depressed patients. Studies have supported its
depression that have been investigated so far, the strongest support effectiveness (Keller et al., 2000; Schatzberg et al., 2005) suggesting
has been found for the role of developmental antecedents and early equivalence to pharmacotherapy (Keller et al., 2000; Kocsis, 2009)
adversity (Bifulco, Brown, Lillie, & Jarvis, 1997; Brown, Craig, & and superiority to pharmacotherapy for chronically depressed pa-
Harris, 2008; Brown, Craig, Harris, Handley, & Harvey, 2007; tients with a history of childhood trauma (Klein et al., 2009;
Brown, Harris, Hepworth, & Robinson, 1994; Brown & Moran, Nemeroff et al., 2003). Although the initial effects of the imple-
1994; Klein et al., 2009; Lizardi et al., 1995; Riso et al., 2002). mentation of CBASP were good, when it comes to long-term effects,
Family problems, anxious personality in childhood and low self- CBASP does not seem to do better than continued antidepressant
esteem and mastery in early adulthood have been associated medication (Gelenberg et al., 2003; Kocsis et al., 2009; Renner,
with chronicity (Angst, Gamma, Rossler, Ajdacic, & Klein, 2011). A Arntz et al., 2013).
recent meta-analysis reported that childhood maltreatment is A meta-analysis examining the effects of psychotherapy on
associated with elevated risk of developing chronic depression and chronic depression reported that the length of the studied psy-
lack of response during treatment (Nanni, Uher, & Danese, 2012). chotherapies may not be sufcient to treat dysthymia (Imel,
Several studies have emphasized the close relationship between Malterer, McKay, & Wampold, 2008). Indeed, the efcacy of psy-
chronic depression and Axis II personality disorders (Garyfallos chotherapeutic interventions increases with the number of sessions
et al., 1999; Klein et al., 1995; Maddux et al., 2009; Pepper et al., (Cuijpers et al., 2010). Klein et al. (2008) suggests that chronically
1995; Riso et al., 1996, 2002). Among dysthymic patients the rates depressed patients with comorbid personality disorders may
of personality disorders tend to be high, up to 65% (Klein et al., require a modied and more intensive course of treatment.
1995; Riso et al., 2002). Cluster C personality traits in patients The above-mentioned literature suggests the crucial causal role
with chronic depression predict poor outcome in a naturalistic of early adversity, EMS and comorbid personality disorders in the
study at 5 (Hayden & Klein, 2001) and 10-year follow-up (Klein, development of chronic depression. Moreover the effectiveness of
Shankman, & Rose, 2008). the existed treatment interventions remains limited. A qualitatively
According to the cognitive theory of depression negative core different psychotherapeutic intervention lengthier and more
beliefs or cognitive schemas represent key vulnerability factors to intensive, which focuses on underlying psychological factors like
depression (Beck, 1976; Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979). Young, childhood adversity and schemas might lead to improvement of
inuenced by cognitive and attachment theory, elaborated the treatment of chronic depression.
schema concept (Young, 1994; Young, Klosko, & Weishaar, 2003) Schema therapy (ST) has been developed as the clinical impli-
and proposed that Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) are broad, cation of Young (1994) schema theory. It is an integrative therapy,
pervasive, trait-like, cognitive and emotional self-defeating pat- which combines elements of cognitive behavior therapy, attach-
terns, regarding oneself and ones personal relationships (Young ment theory, object relations theory and emotional-focused models
et al., 2003). EMS are hypothesized to develop as a result of toxic and was developed for the treatment of patients with chronic
childhood experiences and unmet core emotional needs, and to emotional difculties (Young et al., 2003). ST is an effective treat-
underlie the development of psychopathology and chronic psy- ment for patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD)
chological disorders (Young et al., 2003). To date 18 EMS have been (Farrell, Shaw, & Webber, 2009; Giesen-Bloo et al., 2006; Nadort
identied and grouped in ve domains: disconnection and rejec- et al., 2009; Nordahl & Nysaeter, 2005) and for patients with cluster
tion; impaired autonomy and performance; other directedness; C personality disorders, including comorbid depression (Bamelis,
over-vigilance and inhibition; and impaired limits (Young et al., Evers, Spinhoven, & Artntz, 2013). Recently a randomized clinical
2003). EMS remain stable over time (Renner et al., 2013; Wang, trial compared ST and CBT for patients with a current major
Halvorsen, Eisemann, & Waterloo, 2010) and relate to depressive depressive episode, in a protocol of weekly sessions for six months
symptoms in depressed patients (Halvorsen et al., 2009; Hawke, and monthly sessions for another six months (Carter et al., 2013).
Provencher, & Arntz, 2011; Petrocelli, Glaser, Calhoun, & No difference was found between the two therapies. Brewin et al.
Campbell, 2001). EMS of the domains impaired autonomy & per- (2009) tested the use of imagery rescripting (a core technique of
formance and disconnection & rejection relate to depressive ST) as a stand-alone treatment for chronically depressed patients
symptoms severity (Renner, Lobbestael, Peeters, Arntz, & Huibers, with intrusive memories and found large treatment effects, main-
2012), and EMS of the domains impaired autonomy & perfor- tained at one-year follow-up. Renner, Arntz et al. (2013) currently
mance and over-vigilance & inhibition distinguish patients with conduct a single case series study of ST for chronic depression
chronic depression from patients with non-chronic major depres- testing the model described above.
sive disorder (Riso et al., 2003). The emotional deprivation schema To the best of the authors knowledge so far no study has been
mediates the relation between physical abuse and anhedonic published on the application of schema therapy in chronic
depressive symptoms whereas social isolation and self-sacrice depression. The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of
schemas mediate the relation between emotional maltreatment schema therapy in a sample of chronically depressed patients.
and anhedonic depressive symptoms (Lumley & Harkness, 2000).
In conclusion, the evidence so far suggests that EMSs play a role in 2. Methods
chronic depression.
A schema model for chronic depression has been described 2.1. Participants
proposing the interplay between distal factors (early adversity,
personality pathology), which are mediated by proximal factors Inclusion criteria were a primary diagnosis of DSM-IV chronic
(EMS) triggered by life events (loss, failure) and maintained by depression, age 18e65 years and a score of 15 or higher on
avoidant coping strategies (Renner, Arntz, Leeuw, & Huibers, 2013). the 24-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD24)
I.A. Malogiannis et al. / J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 45 (2014) 319e329 321

(Hamilton, 1967; Miller, Bishop, Norman, & Maddever, 1985) at two primary outcome (HRSD) was taken three times every 4 weeks.
baseline and the pre-treatment assessments. After baseline, an introduction to ST and bonding to therapist was
Exclusion criteria were a secondary diagnosis of bipolar or provided (phase B), with individually tailored length of 12 to
cyclothymic disorder, schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder, maximally 16 sessions, after which assessment was repeated and
borderline or antisocial PD, eating disorder, obsessive compulsive ST was provided (phase C) up to 60 sessions (included the sessions
disorder, psychiatric disorders secondary to medical conditions, given as introduction). We assessed effects of phase B separately
mental retardation, severe addiction needed detoxication and like was done in Weertman and Arntz (2007) and Arntz, So, and
presence of current suicidal ideation. van Breukelen (2013).
Patients could be on antidepressant medication, with the All the participants were outpatients of the Womens Mental
treatment remaining stable, concerning dosage and medication, for Health Clinic of the 1st Department of Psychiatry, Eginition Hos-
at least 1 month before the rst baseline assessment. pital, Athens Medical School. Therapists of the unit referred pa-
In case of severe suicidal ideation or medical conditions needing tients to the study, based on a clinical diagnosis of chronic
hospitalization, the participant would be excluded from the trial depression.
and appropriate treatment would be provided. This did not happen. Patients were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview
Patient ow is presented in Fig 1. for DSM-IV Axis I (SCID-I, First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams, 2002)
Twelve patients participated, all women, age 26e56 years old. and Axis II (SCID-II, First, Gibbon, Spitzer, Williams, & Benjamin,
Table 1 presents their sociodemographic and clinical 1997) Disorders. They were further screened using the HRSD; pa-
characteristics. tients had to have a score of 15 or higher to be eligible for the study.
All the screening interviews were contacted by one experienced
2.2. Design psychiatrist.
After the screening the patients that were eligible for the study
A single case series AeBeC design, with 6 months follow-up was entered phase A. An HRSD score of 15 or higher in the assessments
used. Baseline (A) was a wait period of 8 weeks during which the of phase A was mandatory for them to continue in phase B with the
initiation of the treatment (no participant was excluded for this
reason). Additionally the patients who received therapy were
assessed pre-treatment on the battery of the instruments of the
study. Assessment during treatment was conducted by the
administration of the HRSD and the other instruments used in the
study at 12the16th sessions, 24th session, 36 session, 48 session,
post-treatment (60th session) and follow-up (6 months after the
termination). The rst assessment during treatment was conducted
on session 12the16th to give therapists the exibility to complete
the rst stage of the treatment including assessment, education
and bonding with the patient.
The baseline, pre-, during, post-treatment and follow-up as-
sessments were conducted by an experienced psychiatrist (other
from the one conducted the screening interviews).
The study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee. All
patients signed informed consent.

2.3. Outcome measures

The main outcome measure was the 24-item HRSD. Following

previous studies on chronic depression (Keller et al., 2000; Kocsis
et al., 2009) we dened remission as an HRSD score of no more
than 8 at post-treatment and follow-up assessments and satisfac-
tory response (but not remission) as a reduction of 50% in the HRSD
and a score of 15 or less, but of more than 8 at post-treatment and
follow-up assessments.
A second outcome measure was the Hamilton Rating Scale for
Anxiety. A score of 14 has been suggested as the threshold for
clinically signicant anxiety.
A third, treatment-specic measure, was the Young Schema
Questionnaire YSQ, Long form, 3rd version (YSQ-L3). The YSQ-L3 is
a 232-item self-report inventory that assesses the 18th schemas
proposed by Young (2003). We used the sum of the scores of the
schemas of each of the ve domains, dened as YSQ1e5

2.4. Treatment protocol

The schema therapy treatment protocol consisted of 60 sessions

of 50 min duration each. The rst 55 sessions were offered weekly
and the last ve sessions on a biweekly basis. The whole treatment
Fig. 1. Consort ow chart of the participants. was offered over a 20 months period.
322 I.A. Malogiannis et al. / J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 45 (2014) 319e329

Table 1
Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the participants.

Participant Age Marital status Education Chronic depression Years of onset Medication Personality disorder (PD)
(years) diagnosis (SCID-I) of depression diagnosis (SCID-II)

1 47 Married 12 Chronic MDD 2 SSRI e

2 26 Single 15 Double Depression 10 SSRI NaSSA Dependent and Avoidant PD
3 35 Single 15 Dysthymic Disorder 3 SNRI Histrionic and Narcissistic PD
4 49 Divorced 16 Dysthymic Disorder 4 SSRI e
2 children
5 47 Married 4 Chronic MDD 3.5 SSRI e
2 children
6 54 Married 18 Chronic MDD 2 SNRI Histrionic and Narcissistic PD
1 child
7 32 Single 15 Dysthymic Disorder 6 NDRI (Bupropion) PD Not Otherwise Specied
8 56 Divorced 12 Double Depression 10 SSRI NaSSA Obsessive Compulsive and
Narcissistic PD
9 45 Divorced 12 Chronic MDD 3 SSRI
2 children
10 32 Single 15 Double Depression 14 SNRI Histrionic and Narcissistic PD
11 38 Divorced 12 Dysthymic Disorder 6 SSRI Avoidant PD
2 children
12 50 Married 12 Chronic MDD 3 SSRI e
2 children

Taken into account recent developments in ST for PD that focus Treatment integrity was monitored by means of supervision.
more on schema modes than schemas (Arntz, 2012) and the close Therapists were provided with 3 h group supervision weekly dur-
relation between chronic depression and PDs we followed a mode ing the rst 12 months of the treatment and biweekly during the
approach of ST similar to that described by Arntz (2012) for appli- last eight months of the treatment. The supervisor was an experi-
cation of ST in patients with cluster C PDs. Whereas schemas are enced psychiatrist and schema therapist, accredited by the ISST.
trait-like constructs, schema modes are state-like, and denote the All sessions were audiotaped. One audiotape between sessions 16
current affective-cognitive behavioral state of the person. Schema and 50, from each of the 12 patients, was randomly selected and rated
modes can be understood as the combination of an activated by the supervisor, using the Schema Therapist Rating Scale (Young,
schema and specic coping (Lobbestael, Arntz, & Sieswerda, 2005; 2005). An adequate level of competency was dened as a mean
Lobbestael, Van Vreeswijk, & Arntz, 2008). ST based on a mode score of 4 or 4.5 for standard or advanced level certied therapists
model has specic techniques for each mode (Young et al., 2003; respectively (Nadort, Genderen, & Behary, 2012). A cut off score of 4.5
Arntz & Jacob, 2012). Change in ST is achieved through a range of was chosen, as therapists were all certied in advanced level.
emotional-focused, cognitive and behavioral techniques focus on Adherence to ST for methods and techniques used was excellent
(1) therapeutic relationship, (2) past (traumatic) experiences, (3) (mean 5.12; SD 0.15) and no non-ST techniques were observed.
daily life outside therapy (Nadort et al., 2009). Central to the ther-
apeutic relationship is limited reparenting, a therapeutic stance 2.6. Statistical analysis
characterized by warmth, nurturance and providing patients,
within the limited professional boundaries, corrective emotional SPSS version 21 mixed regression was used to analyze the HRSD
experiences that meet partially the unmet core emotional needs results, using all available data. For the separate analysis of the
that led to the development of the EMS (Young et al. 2003). three HRSD baseline assessments an unstructured covariance
The protocol consisted of three phases: a rst, from the beginning structure for the repeated part was used. For the other analyses,
up to the 12the16th session, during which the schema case involving more repeated assessments, the optimal covariance
conceptualization and patients education was completed. This was structure for the repeated part was determined comparing
the stage where the bond between therapist and patient was ARMA11, AR1, and AR1 heterogeneous structures. The last one was
created. The second phase, up to the 40th session, focused on found to be optimal and was used in these analyses. The analytic
childhood memories and the change of schemas and modes through strategy for analyzing treatment effects was similar to those
experiential work and limited reparenting. The last phase focused on described in (Arntz et al., 2013). First the main effect of time was
behavioral change in the everyday life of the patient. The only dif- tested (i.e., the linear time effect), by entering assessments (starting
ference between our protocol and the one described by Renner, with zero) as covariate. In the second step, condition and time-
Arntz et al. (2013) was the use of limited reparenting even from within-treatment (centered) were added. Condition had three
the rst sessions of the study with the therapist being extremely levels: baseline (reference), introduction (the assessment imme-
empathic and nurturing in an attempt to bond to the patient. This diately after the introduction phase), and treatment (the four as-
phase followed the protocol described by Young et al. (2003) for ST in sessments after 24, 36, 48 and 60 sessions). If the general linear
BPD, mainly promoting the formation of a secure attachment to time effect was non-signicant, it was deleted as predictor. Addi-
support the remaining treatment and to prevent dropout. tion of random intercepts and slopes was tried but estimations
failed to converge. The 6 months follow-up was separately tested
2.5. Therapists and treatment integrity against baseline, also by means of mixed regression, with an un-
structured covariance structure for the repeated part, and time
Four therapists participated in the trial. All were psychologists within baseline (centered) as covariate.
with MSc degrees, one had also a PhD degree. All therapists were For the HRSA, only one baseline assessment was available, just
trained in the training program of the Greek Society of Schema before introduction to treatment. Therefore no change during
Therapy and were certied on advanced level by the International baseline could be assessed, but the other analyses were similar as
Society of Schema Therapy (2013) (www.isst-online.com). with the HRSD.
I.A. Malogiannis et al. / J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 45 (2014) 319e329 323

For the YSQ, only assessment just before introduction to treat- heterogeneous variances). However, after adding condition and
ment, after 24 sessions, and post-treatment were available. Because time-within-treatment as predictors, overall time became non-
of the skewed distributions, changes were tested with mixed signicant, B 0.50, se 0.63; t (23.64) 0.81, p 0.43 (based
gamma regression with a log-link, using an unstructured repeated on rst order autoregressive covariance structure with heteroge-
part. Assessment was entered as factor, with the baseline-24 ses- neous variances). After deleting the overall time effect, the condi-
sions and the baseline-post-treatment assessment contrasts. tion effect was signicant, F (2, 21.14) 22.29, p < 0.001. The
Three versions of Cohens d as effect size for the nal change as assessment after the introduction phase showed signicantly lower
result of treatment were calculated based on the mean change in HRSD scores than during baseline (m 20.87 vs. m 10.87, t
estimated means from the mixed regression analysis from the (8.92) 4.78, p 0.001). The mean HRSD score during treatment
(average) baseline assessment(s) to the 60 months assessment, (m 12.29) also differed signicantly from baseline, t
respectively the half year follow-up, and three SD estimates: (1) the (24.32) 5.83, p < 0.001. During treatment there was a signicant
baseline SD; (2) the pooled standard deviation of the assessments linear decrease in HRSD scores, B 1.94, se 0.854, t
involved in the pertinent change; the SD of the change score. All (23.25) 2.28, P 0.032. At post-test the estimated HRSD mean
necessary statistics were derived from the mixed regression results. was 9.40 (SD 7.17), signicantly lower than during baseline
(m 20.87, SD 3.61). Effect size estimates (Cohens d) were 2.01
3. Results (pooled SD); 2.84 (baseline SD); and 2.02 (SD of change score).

Of 16 patients referred for the study, 4 (25%) were not eligible for 3.1.3. Six months follow-up vs. baseline
participation: 1 did not meet inclusion criteria (had no chronic The six months follow-up (estimated mean 10.75) differed
depression), 3 met exclusion criteria (1 bipolar disorder, 1 psychotic signicantly from baseline, t (10.62) 4.57, p 0.001. Effect size
disorder, 1 BPD). 12 patients (75%) were included in the study. Of estimates (Cohens d) were 2.24 (pooled SD); 2.60 (baseline SD);
the 12 patients who began treatment one participant (8.33%) and 1.40 (SD of change score).
dropped out at session 50 due to business reasons (had to move to
another city). No participant was excluded during treatment due to 3.2. Anxiety symptoms: HRSA
need of hospitalization or suicidal ideation.
At post-treatment assessment ve out of the twelve patients 3.2.1. Change in anxiety during treatment
(41.6%) fully remitted (participants 2, 4, 5, 6, 8) and another two The linear time effect was signicant, B 1.49, se 0.478, t
patients (16.6%) responded satisfactory (participants 9, 11). Of the (27.90) 3.12, p .004. However, after entering condition, the
fully remitted patients, at the follow-up assessment one relapsed time effect became non-signicant, B 1.00, se 0.83, t
(participant 6) and the others maintained the result while in the (23.83) 1.20, p 0.24. After deleting the general time effect,
same period of the 6-month follow-up, one patient (7) who had not condition was signicant, F (2, 19.90) 5.67, p 0.011. Introduction
responded by the end of the treatment, exceeded satisfactory differed signicantly from baseline, t (18.14) 2.37, p 0.029, as
response and also one patient (9) who had responded satisfactory was the average during treatment, t (20.53) 3.26, p 0.004. The
by the end of the treatment, exceeded remission, leading to ve change during treatment failed to reach signicance, p 0.24. The
remitters and an additional three responders at follow-up. estimated post-treatment mean was 9.56, compared with the
Table 2 presents the estimated means from mixed regression baseline mean 17.29. Effect size estimates (Cohens d) were 1.22
analysis for HRSD and HRSA. (pooled SD); 1.35 (baseline SD); and 1.04 (SD of change score).

3.2.2. Six months follow-up vs. baseline

3.1. Depressive symptoms: HRSD
The six months follow-up (estimated mean 9.63) differed
signicantly from baseline, t(11.05) 2.84, p 0.016. Effect size
3.1.1. Change in depression during baseline
estimates (Cohens d) were 1.33 (pooled SD); 1.36 (baseline SD);
Using an unstructured covariance structure for analyzing the
and 0.83 (SD of change score).
three baseline assessments, it was found that there was a signi-
Table 3 presents the estimated means from mixed regression
cant linear increase in HRSD scores during baseline, B 0.52,
analysis for HRSD and HRSA.
se 0.186, t (11) 2.81, P 0.017. Thus, during wait, depression
symptoms increased.
3.3. Maladaptive schemas: YSQ domain scores

3.1.2. Treatment effects on depression 3.3.1. Change in domain scores during treatment
The model with time as single predictor revealed a signicant Table 3 gives an overview of the results of the mixed gamma
effect of time, B 1.50, se 0.271, t(27.40) 5.53, p < 0.001 regression for the ve YSQ domain scores and the total YSQ sum. As
(based on rst order autoregressive covariance structure with can be seen, the change from baseline to 24 sessions was modest
Table 2
and NS in the majority of the contrasts, whereas the change from
Estimated means from mixed regression analysis for HRSD and HRSA. baseline to post-treatment was large and highly signicant.
The scores on the standardized measures at baseline, Pre-
Assessment HRSD HRSA
treatment, 12the16th session, 24th session, 36th session, 46th
m SD m SD session, Post-treatment and 6-month follow-up are presented in
Baseline 1 20.57 3.19 NA NA Fig. 2 (YSQ scales were divided by 10 for better presentation).
Baseline 2 21.07 3.22 NA NA
Baseline 3 21.58 4.30 17.29 5.71
4. Discussion
ST introduction 10.89 8.64 12.32 6.35
ST session 24 15.23 6.49 12.56 5.29
ST session 36 13.28 8.60 11.56 7.39 This study found that sixty sessions of ST produced statisti-
ST session 48 11.34 5.37 10.56 4.58 cally and clinically signicant improvements in the symptom-
ST session 60 9.40 7.17 9.56 6.94 atology of chronically depressed female outpatients. This
6 Months follow-up 10.75 5.50 9.63 5.92
improvement concerns depression and anxiety as measured by
324 I.A. Malogiannis et al. / J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 45 (2014) 319e329

Table 3
Results of mixed gamma regression analyses of YSQ domain and total score.

YSQ Estimated means (95% CI) Time effect t Baseline-24 sessions t Baseline-post-treatment

Domain Baseline 24 sessions 60 sessions F d.f. p d.f. p d(1) d(2) d(3) d.f. p d(1) d(2) d(3)

1 206 (163; 260) 197 (154; 252) 155 (130; 185) 5.53 2, 29 0.009 1.08 29 0.29 0.16 0.13 0.19 3.18 29 0.004 1.00 0.83 0.95
2 119 (91; 156) 111 (85; 146) 80 (65; 98) 8.86 2, 29 0.001 1.62 29 0.12 0.21 0.18 0.21 4.09 29 <0.001 1.22 1.00 1.24
3 143 (117; 175) 136 (108; 170) 101 (81; 126) 9.79 2, 29 0.001 1.58 29 0.13 0.15 0.15 0.24 3.96 29 <0.001 0.98 1.00 1.20
4 177 (147; 213) 166 (138; 199) 116 (98; 138) 11.67 2, 29 <0.001 1.67 29 0.11 0.24 0.23 0.56 4.61 29 <0.001 1.53 1.43 1.42
5 81 (66; 99) 74 (62; 89) 53 (43; 65) 11.89 2, 29 <0.001 2.52 29 0.018 0.24 0.26 0.35 4.86 29 <0.001 1.24 1.24 1.50

Total 726 (595; 887) 686 (557; 845) 502 (422; 599) 10.40 2, 29 <0.001 2.23 29 0.034 0.17 0.17 0.68 4.55 29 <0.001 1.09 1.18 1.38

Note. d(1) Cohens d based on baseline SD; d(2) Cohens d based on pooled SDs of the involved assessments; d(3) Cohens d based on SD of the change score. Cohens
d calculated from mixed gamma regression parameters in the transformed scale.

the Hamilton Rating Scales. Approximately 60% of the patients examining the emotional process in the experiential therapy of
remitted or satisfactorily responded in the ST treatment and the depression have found that high levels of emotional arousal in
Mean HRSD dropped from 21.07 during baseline to 9.40 at post- mid-therapy are predictive of reduction in depressive symp-
treatment and 10.75 at follow-up. The effects were large and the tomatology and are related to positive outcome (Missirlian,
gains of treatment maintained in the 6-month follow-up Toukmanian, Warwar, & Greenberg, 2005; Pos, Greenberg, &
assessment. Only one patient relapsed while another two Warwar, 2009). This emotional processing phase could explain
exceeding response or remission, leading to a 67% the nding of our study that all patients who exhibit remission or
responders remitters rate at follow-up. Seven out of the 12 satisfactory response showed this pattern of seeming deteriora-
patients (58.33%) who participated had a diagnosis of at least one tion at this phase of treatment.
PD (Table 1). Four of these patients (2, 7, 8, 11) fully remitted or Comparing the results of our study to those of CBASP studies,
responded satisfactory. This nding is in accordance with the Schema Therapy seems to be a promising new treatment. In the
effectiveness of ST for patients with PDs. study by Keller et al. (2000) the overall rates of response for the
The design of this study includes a baseline wait period of 8 intention-to-treat sample was 48% for CBASP group and 73% for
weeks. During this period no reduction in depression was observed. the combined-treatment group (nefazodone plus CBASP). Mean
Thus the sample seemed to be really chronically depressed, and this HRSD scores dropped from 26.4 to 15.1 in the CBASP group and
suggests that changes during treatment can be attributed to ther- from 27.4 to 9.7 in the combined treatment group (21.07e9.4 in
apy. The introduction phase had a strong effect on HRSD and HRSA. our study). A more recent study from the same group (Kocsis
This deviates from ndings of others studies (Arntz et al., 2013; et al., 2009) found that the addition of CBASP or Brief Support-
Weertman & Arntz, 2007) where introduction had no therapeutic ive Psychotherapy (BSP) in chronically depressed patients
effect. In these two studies, the introductory phase had a highly already treated with an algorithm of pharmacotherapy produced
explorative character. In our study a core element of the intro- an overall rate of response of 37.5% with the other 62.5%
ductory phase was bonding, especially thru limited reparenting. remained depressed. Mean HRSD dropped from 19.5 to 11.2 in
Along with the exploration of patients problems and construction the group received CBASP and from 19.4 to 12.8 in the group
of the case conceptualization, therapists offered an extremely received BSP. In difference with the CBASP studies, we provided a
nurturing environment, which may have relieved patients early in much lengthier protocol of 60 sessions of psychotherapy. More-
therapy. Without further research it is unclear what lasting effects over the control of the antidepressant medication was beyond
this introductory phase would have, if provided as a stand-alone the scope of our study, but all of the participants were already on
treatment. ST argues that the rest of the treatment is needed to antidepressant medication, which had to be stable at least three
bring about lasting change. This is indeed likely given the comor- months before the start of treatment and had not responded to it.
bidity with personality disorders and the need for lengthier treat- This concept is closer to the arms of the CBASP studies where
ment protocols suggested for chronic depression (Cuijpers et al., psychotherapy has been added (Kocsis et al., 2009) or provided in
2010; Klein et al., 2008; Imel et al,. 2008). combination with medication (Keller et al., 2000). Direct com-
An interesting observation in this context is that most of the parisons are needed to assess in what aspects the two ap-
patients who remitted or responded to treatment (participants 2, proaches might yield different outcomes.
4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11) showed after this early improvement a trend to Our study along with the study by Carter et al. (2013) sup-
deteriorate at the second (24th sessions) or later assessment. ports the suggestion of using ST for depressed patients. In the
This deterioration can perhaps be explained by the use of expe- study of Carter, the focus of interest was a current major
riential techniques for schema change, such as imagery and chair depressive episode, but 68% of the participants had also a diag-
work, which are crucial components of schema therapy in this nosis of chronic depression. The presence of chronic depression
phase, and brings the patient in contact with the childhood early did not impact the outcome of the study. These results could be
adversity that underlies schema formation. This phase of ST interpreted as an indication for the use of CBT for chronic
might be experienced initially as burdensome by patients and depression. On the other hand the study of Carter et al. lack of a
may take time for clinical improvement to be translated into an follow-up assessment and as mentioned in the introduction the
increase in quality of life (van Asselt et al., 2008). As therapy existing psychotherapeutic interventions suffer from low rates of
progresses therapists help patients through experiential work maintenance of their effects.
and reparenting to fulll the unmet core needs and change Regarding the EMS as measured with the YSQ inventory, in our
schemas and modes resulting in more lasting change. This is study, a statistically signicant reduction was observed in the
similar to descriptions of emotional processing in experiential scores of the ve domains of the YSQ. Reduction of depression and
therapy [it gets worse before it gets better (Pascual-Leone, anxiety seems to precede reduction in the YSQ. This is similar with
2009) and the only way out is through (Hunt, 1998)]. Studies the nding by Renner et al. (2013). An explanation for this could be
I.A. Malogiannis et al. / J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 45 (2014) 319e329 325

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326 I.A. Malogiannis et al. / J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 45 (2014) 319e329

Fig. 2. (continued).
I.A. Malogiannis et al. / J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 45 (2014) 319e329 327

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