Chapter 1 Basics of Processing
Chapter 1 Basics of Processing
Chapter 1 Basics of Processing
Chapter 2
Theoretical Principles
of Fractionation
Chapter 2 Contents
2.4.1 Laws governing the volatility characteristics of liquid
2.4.2 Basic Gas Laws
2.4.3 Volatility Effect on Tower Design
Chapter 2
Theoretical Principles of Fractionation
A detailed discussion of the entire theory of fractional distillation and all the
problems connected herewith is not possible within the scope of this Course
and has not been attempted. The most important features of this vast subject
have been dealt with and a number of references are given which should
enable the reader to tackle any specific problem requiring a deeper
knowledge of the various methods used in fractionation calculations. Since
the majority of the Group's technologists are engaged in other fields than
design work, complete discussion of tray-to-tray calculations has been
omitted. However, it is felt that the technologist should be familiar with simple
column evaluations, boiling point, dew point and flash calculations and be
able to interpret intelligently design work should the necessity arise.
If an empty container is partially filled with liquid, molecules escape from the
surface of the liquid, forming a vapor in the space above the surface. Gas
molecules which strike the surface of a liquid tend to stick to the liquid. Thus,
molecules may be escaping the liquid and returning to the liquid from the gas
at the same time. When a vessel contains both a liquid and a vapor,
molecules are continually going from the liquid to the vapor or gas and from
the vapor to the liquid. When the number of molecules leaving the liquid
equals the number entering the liquid, the gas and the liquid are said to be in
equilibrium with each other. So at equilibrium, equal numbers of molecules
pass between the liquid and the vapor, or gas.
When more molecules are escaping the liquid than returning, the liquid is
said to be evaporating. The process in which a greater number of molecules
leave the liquid than enters it is called evaporation. When more molecules
are entering the liquid from the vapor than are escaping the liquid, the vapor
is condensing. The process in which a greater number of molecules enter
the liquid than leave it is called condensation.
When liquid in an open container is heated until the vapor pressure equals
the pressure of the atmosphere, evaporation becomes very rapid, and the
liquid boils.
The vapor pressures for different liquids at the same temperature are not the
When two or more gases are mixed, each gas exerts a pressure on the walls
of the container. Although these separate pressures cannot be measured,
the total pressure can be measured. The total pressure of a gas mixture is
equal to the sum of the pressures of the different gases in the mixture; the
separate pressures of the gases are called partial pressures.
At equilibrium the number of light molecules escaping from the liquid is equal
to the number returning to the liquid. Also, at equilibrium the number of
heavy molecules escaping from the liquid is equal to the number of heavy
molecules returning to the liquid. However, at equilibrium the number of light
molecules escaping and returning to the liquid is not equal to the number of
heavy molecules escaping and returning to the liquid. Light molecules are
able to escape the liquid more rapidly than the heavy ones. Therefore, at
equilibrium, there are more light molecules escaping and returning to the
liquid. Because the light molecules are able to escape the liquid faster than
the heavy ones, the light molecules tend to concentrate or to be enriched in
the vapor. For example, if the liquid contains half light and half heavy
molecules at equilibrium, the gas contains more light molecules than heavy
2.4.1 Laws Governing the Volatility Characteristics of Liquid
Fractional distillation is an operation which is based on the differences in
volatility or different escaping tendencies of the products which have to be
separated. It is obvious that for solving the numerous problems in technical
fractionation a thorough knowledge of the fundamental laws and rules
governing the volatility characteristics of systems consisting of two or more
components is a prerequisite.
Henry's Law
This law states that at a given temperature the partial vapour pressure of a
relatively volatile substance above its solution (in a relatively non-volatile
solvent) is proportional to its concentration in the solution.
pi = Ci xi .. (1)
pi = Pi xi .. (2)
In this form and restricted to ideal solutions Henry's law is known as Raoult's
A particularly simple case where Raoult's law is not valid is the case of two or
more components completely immiscible in the liquid phase. In this case the
total pressure is independent of the relative amounts in which these
components are present and is simply equal to the sum P = P i of the vapour
pressures of the pure components at the given temperature. The total
pressure is therefore higher than the vapour pressure of any component.
Such a system is called a pseudo-azeotrope.
Dalton's Law
pi = P yi and pi = P . (3)
pi = partial pressure of component i,
P = total pressure of system,
yi = mole fraction of component i in the vapour phase.
Pi xi = P yi (4)
yi Pi
xi P
yi = xi Pi / P. (5)
Boyle's Law,
Charles' Law, and
General Gas Law.
These laws describe how temperature, pressure, and volume of a gas are
related to each other. If a change occurs in one of these properties, the
change will affect one or both of the other two.
Boyle's Law
Boyle's Law deals with the relationship of pressure to a volume of gas. The
illustration in Figure 2.2 shows a piston in a cylinder filled with gas. The
pressure in the cylinder is related to the number of collisions between the
molecules of the gas and the molecules of the cylinder walls. As the
molecules collide, a force is applied over the area of the wall. When the
piston is moves into the cylinder the volume of the cylinder decreases. With
less volume, the space between the molecules is reduced, resulting in more
collisions between the gas molecules, as well as more collisions between the
gas molecules and the container walls. One other effect should also be
noted. With a decreased volume, the inner surface area of the container is
smaller. The overall result of increased collisions and reduced area is an
increase in pressure. If the piston is retracted, the volume of the cylinder
increases the number of collisions decreases, and pressure decreases.
Boyle's Law states that at a given temperature, the pressure of a gas varies
inversely with its volume. This means that if volume increases, pressure
decreases, and if volume decreases, pressure increases. Boyle's Law can be
represented mathematically, as follows:
One example of where the principle of Boyle's Law applies is in the operation
of a gas or air compressors.
Charles' Law
Charles' Law deals with the relationship between temperature and volume.
Charles' Law states that at a given pressure, the temperature of a gas varies
directly with its volume. This means that if temperature increases, volume
increases, and if temperature decreases, volume decreases. Charles' Law
can be represented mathematically, as follows:
Figure 2.3 illustrates what happens if a balloon is heated. The heat increases
the temperature of the gas molecules in the balloon, which, in turn, increases
the motion of the molecules. The increased motion causes the molecules to
try to move apart. The molecules push on the walls of the balloon, causing
the balloon to expand, and thus increasing the volume of the gas.
The General Gas Law is sometimes referred to as the "ideal" gas law,
because it is a highly theoretical concept. However, the concept is extremely
useful in analyzing real gases, because real gases react in much the same
way as ideal gases.
The General Gas Law relates the properties of temperature, pressure, and
volume of a gas. It can be stated in terms of the following formula:
P1V1/T1=P2V2/T2. (9)
With this formula, changes in a set of conditions from one state (1) to another
(2) can be related mathematically.
P x V = n x R x T........................ (10)
P = Absolute pressure (psia)
V = Volume (cubic feet)
T = Absolute temperature (R)
n = Number of molecules
R = Gas constant (10.72 for units shown)
1 = Condition 1
2 = Condition 2
Actual gas mixtures vary in performance from the relationships defined by the
perfect gas law due to the molecular interaction of different molecules. This
deviation is called the compressibility factor and is a number that expresses
the deviation of a particular gas mixture from the relationships expressed by
the perfect gas laws. The symbol for the compressibility factor is z (can be
calculated from Appendix 10). Using this factor, the real gas law becomes.
P x V = z x n x R x T(11)
Briefly, here are some of the factors that dictate the design of a column.
For example, we see the vapor pressure of propane at 100F is 190 psia; and
the vapor pressure of propylene is 226 psia at 100F. The ratio of these two
vapor pressures is an expression of their relative volatilities. 226/190 = 1.2.
This ratio is defined as (alpha). The nearer alpha is to 1, the greater the
difficulty of separation. The more difficult separations require more trays in a
column and more reflux. All this requires more energy. The separation of
normal butane and i.pentane is much easier. Alpha at 100F equals 52/20 or
2.6. This separation would require fewer trays and less energy.
To see how alpha affects tower design, let's look at two separations. First, a
depropanizer - a distillation column designed to separate propane from
i.butane and heavier components. Alpha is 190/72 or 2.6. Although there are
heavier components in the bottom and lighter components in the overhead,
we need only consider what we call the key components, namely the
heaviest major component in the overhead and lightest major component in
the bottoms. For this separation, propane from butane, the tower typically
requires 30 trays, 5 to one reflux, and is about 50 ft. in height. The diameter
is largely dependent on the throughput.
In contrast, let's look at a tower to separate ethyl benzene and xylene. Alpha
is approximately 1.08. A tower for this separation has about 350 trays and
uses 100 to 1 reflux. A large depropanizer tower might cost about $500,000,
while an ethyl benzene-xylene tower might cost about $5 million. Of course,
there is a considerable difference in the cost of utilities to operate these two
For a number of pure hydrocarbons and a few other compounds the x
ratios for mixtures have been determined experimentally over a wide range of
temperatures and pressures, and the values thus obtained, the so-called k
values, have been plotted versus P and T in "k value charts" (see Appendix
= ki or yi = ki xi .. (12)
Example: Determine the bubblepoint of the mixture shown at 4.0 580 psia
assuming that the C7+ fraction has the properties of C8. This is
a trial-and-error solution. One must guess a temperature, find
Ki and calculate Ki xi. The right temperature has been
assumed when Ki xi = 1.0 (or 100).
This solution is the final try at T = -14C (7F). Since percentages rather than
mol fractions are used, the right-hand column should sum to 100.
A more exact method would be to use k values and to determine the boiling
pressure for the given temperature in essentially the same fashion as has
been shown in the preceding section for the determination of the bubble point
at a given pressure.
and since xi = P P = 1
P = yi
For the calculation of P (the dew pressure) the molal concentration of each
component is divided by its vapour pressure and the values obtained are
added together. The reciprocal of the sum is the dew pressure.
Also in this case a more exact solution can be obtained by using k values and
determining dew pressures at the given temperature by trial and error.
Example: Determine the dewpoint of the mixture shown at 4.0 580 psia,
assuming the C7+ fraction has the properties of C8.
Assume a feed of 'n' components and take F moles of total feed as a basis.
Let V = total moles of feed-vapour
L = total moles of feed-liquid
So V + L = F
xi = mole fraction of component i in the liquid phase
Yi = mole fraction of component i in the vapour phase
Zi = mole fraction of component i in the total feed
ki = k value for component i at flash conditions.
Fz i
Hence Lxi = 1 k V
This is the most convenient form of the so-called flash equation. When
temperature and pressure are set, a value of L
is assumed and Lxi for all
components is calculated.
Now as L xi = L xi = L, and as V = F L, the assumed value of L
can be
checked against the calculated one. The flash calculation has to be repeated
until the calculated L
value is equal (within the limits of k value accuracy) to
the assumed value of L
When the above-mentioned procedure has been finished the vapour-liquid
composition of the feed at the given temperature and pressure can be
Lx i Lx i
calculated from: xi = = Lx
L i
Fz i Lx i
and y i = k i xi or yi =
Table 2-1
Equipment Number:
Bubble Point Conditions: Pressure ________________________ Pisa;
Convergence Pressure ____________________
Trial Temperatures Final Temp
Mol. T= F T= F T= F T= F
Comp MW
Frac. Yi Yi
Ki Ki Yi Ki Yi Ki
Xi =ki xi =ki xi
C1 16 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
C2 20 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
C2 44 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
iC4 58 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC4 58 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
iC5 72 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC5 72 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC6 86 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC7 100 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC8 114 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
H2 2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
N2 28 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
CO 28 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
CO2 44 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
H2S 24 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Total 1.0000 1.0000
Equipment Number:
Dew Point Conditions: Pressure ________________________ Pisa;
Convergence Pressure ____________________
Trial Temperatures Final Temp
Mol. T= F T= F T= F T= F
Comp MW
Frac. x x
k K x K x K
y =y/k =y/k
C1 16 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
C2 20 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
C2 44 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
iC4 58 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC4 58 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
iC5 72 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC5 72 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC6 86 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC7 100 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC8 114 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
H2 2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
N2 28 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
CO 28 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
CO2 44 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
H2S 24 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Total 1.0000 1.0000
Trial Values of L Final L
Feed L= L= L= L= V=
Mol. x
Comp MW K x
Frac. x x =N/(L
= kx
+ VK)
N =N/(L +VK)
C1 16 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
C2 20 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
C2 44 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
iC4 58 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC4 58 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
iC5 72 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC5 72 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC6 86 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC7 100 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
nC8 114 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
H2 2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
N2 28 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
CO 28 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
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LPG TECHNOLOGY Chapter 2 Theoretical Principles of Fractionation
CO2 44 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
H2S 24 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.