ACORN March2007

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March 2007
President: Bill Woodhead N1KAT Newsletter of the Androscoggin Amateur Radio Club
Vice President: Earle Gilmore N1SVB Repeater: 146.610MHz - No PL Tone
Treasurer: Ivan Lazure N1OXA
Secretary:Dick Knight N1NYW Goff Hill, Auburn Maine
Trustee: Norm L'Heureux W1SCM

Table of Contents
“Amateur Radio” talk at the Auburn Public Library by David Blethen KD1OW................................2
ARRL Maine State Convention & Androscoggin ARC Hamfest and Computer Fair..........................2
SKYWARN – WX1GYX by David Lowe KB1NJP.................................................................................3
Androscoggin County RACES/ARES by Ivan Lazure N1OXA..............................................................3
Andy Club Minutes by Dick Knight N1NYW...........................................................................................4
WORD SCRAMBLE by Cory Golob N1URA..........................................................................................5
DX contacts by Earle Gilmore N1SVB....................................................................................................5
DXpeditions by Earle Gilmore N1SVB....................................................................................................6

Andy Club Breakfast
February 28th 2007 0730 EST
March 28th 2007 0730 EST
Ramada Inn
Pleasant Street
Lewiston ME

Andy Club On Air Meeting/Net

February 28th 2007 1900 EST on 146.61 (no pl tone)
March 28th 2007 1900 EST on 146.61 (no pl tone)

Andy Club Meeting

Wednesday March 7rd 2007 1900 EST
Russell Park Manor
158 Russell Street
Lewiston ME
“Amateur Radio” talk at the Auburn Public Library by David Blethen KD1OW
March 8th 1800 EST
Please support David by attending.

ARRL Maine State Convention & Androscoggin ARC Hamfest and Computer
Friday March 30 and Saturday March 31 2007

The Androscoggin Amateur Radio Club presents the 2007 American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
Maine State Convention and Hamfest at the Ramada Convention Center at 490 Pleasant St, Lewiston,
Me., on Friday March 30, from 1900(7pm) to 2100(9pm) and Saturday March 31, from 0800(8am) till

FRIDAY NIGHT MARCH 30, 2007 (1900 AND 2000)

We are scheduling many interesting talks and forums starting at 1900(7pm) and more talks at
2000(8pm). The ARRL will have an official here to talk about the latest news on amateur radio, and
have a Q & A section. Other talks will be related to amateur radio Packet, Digital Modes, etc. All talks
and forums are FREE.

SATURDAY MARCH 31, 2007 (0800 TILL 1200)

The convention talks and forums will continue this morning at 0900(9am), 1000(10am), and
1100(11am), and these are also FREE. The Hamfest will start at 0800 and end at 12 NOON, with the
Door Prize. Admission is $6 for 18 yrs. and older, free for under 18 yrs old. Registration for amateur
exams will start at 1000(10am), with testing starting at 12 NOON. With CW being removed as a
requirement for an amateur license this should be a busy test section.
Ramada Conference Center is again having their Hamfest Special of $64.90 (plus tax) per day, single
or Double. This includes indoor heated pool, sauna and Jacuzzi. Call (207) 784-2331 for reservations
and mention "Androscoggin Hamfest or ARRL Convention".
Tables at the Hamfest are $8 for the first, and $6 for each additional table. For clubs or non-profit
groups, your registration gives you one free table with one free admission to promote your club or
group. If you want to sell items, then additional tables are $7 each and $6 for each person working the

For additional information or questions call or email:

Ivan Lazure, N1OXA Hamfest Chairman
Telephone 207-784-0350
On Valentines Day Wednesday WX1GYX was active to receive spotter reports. Local
nets were used to relay observations to the Gray Weather Forecast Office. Jim-N1FCM
on 146.61 and 52.525, Alex-KB1OBC on the Brunswick and KQ1L linked system
repeaters, Ken-N1DOT ran Echo Link and Sea-Gull, and Mike-W1MWB on the
Sanford 145.21.

Jerry-KB1NHD and David-KB1NJP staffed WX1GYX from 1200 until about 1900
EST. The Weather Forecast Office received 19 reports by Echo Link and 54 reports by
the Local Nets. This was a successful operation, by filling in reporting gaps this gave
forecasters valuable information that would otherwise be lost.

Thanks to all who participated.

PS: article at:

Androscoggin County RACES/ARES by Ivan Lazure N1OXA

The RACES/ARES Meeting was held on Feb. 13, 2007 at the Androscoggin EMA
Office in Lewiston. We discussed what the groups future should be looking forward:
1.Training was the one issue that we all agreed was needed:
Traffic handling (Red Cross, Hospital, EMA, etc.), similar info but different
Working in the Comm. Van
2. Work on the Packet Station at EMA (APRS, WinLink)
3. Do Antenna work at EMA, Park Ave. School(EMA Shelter).

We have the MS Walk coming in April, and The Great Falls Balloon Festival in
August. We are also starting a monthly ARES Net on the 146.61 repeater, the first one is
on March 27, 2007 at 1800.
The next meeting is on March 13, 2007 at 1800, at the Lewiston EMA Office. Hope to
see some new faces.

EMA Web Site:
Andy Club Minutes by Dick Knight N1NYW
The Androscoggin Amateur Radio Club met February 7, 2007 at Russell Park. In
attendance: n1oxa, n1svb, kb5sud, k1mst, n1llu, n1jd, n1wfo, wa1scq, w1scm and son
Charles, kb1doi, n1dot, wa1eoj, kb1gvt, kb1ieg, kb1njp, kb1nhd, n1fcm, n1nyw.

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Earle Gilmore n1svb. First order of
business, Al wa1scq moved and Harold n1llu seconded the approval of the Secretary's
report. Vote: approved.

Ivan n1oxa read the Treasurers report. Al wa1scq moved and Bob kb5sud seconded
the approval of the report. Vote: approved.

Ivan talked about the Hamfest preps and told about the talks that are booked. Ivan saw
a “test table” at another hamfest and thought it would be a good idea to have a table
where hams could try out the equipment they buy, hook to batteries or dummy loads.
Members should think about the job they would like to volunteer for at the hamfest and
sign up at the March meeting. Anything including set up of tables Friday afternoon
through tear down Saturday afternoon. Ivan would like someone to volunteer to listen to
146.61 and talk in those who need directions.

Ivan would like to know if someone would like to be hamfest coordinator for future
events. Talk to him if you are interested.

Reminder Crystal Falls Hamfest is February 24.

Races meeting at 6 PM February 13 and the MS walk is coming up the end of April.
Ivan says that the 80 meter antenna on the Lewiston fire station will need work come
spring. He also reports that the Red Cross will be moving out of their building as soon as
a new location is found. A list of things needed to operate shelter communications at the
new Park Avenue School in Auburn will need to be put together. Radios, antenna(s) etc.
The location already has 50 KW generator.

Bob kb5sud moved to adjourn and David kb1njp seconded. Vote: approved. The group
then watched the video from WCSH about the Governor becoming a ham radio operator.

Respectfully submitted,
Dick Knight n1nyw Secretary










10) LUZU

DX contacts by Earle Gilmore N1SVB

The past month we made 45 DX contacts representing 24 different countries. Conditions the month
January were very poor. Many evenings, which is when I make many of my contacts, the 20 meter
band was completely dead. The countries contacted were:
3DA0, Swaziland; M0, England; F1, France; TG9, Guatemala; CT1, Portugal; 6W1, Senegal;
1A4, SMOM; EB7, Spain; 8P6, Barbados; XT2, Burkina Faso; 4N4, Serbia Montenegro; IZ8, Italy;
KE4, Antarctica; S56, Slovenia; PJ7, St. Martins Is.; DL1, Germany; EA6, Balearic Is.; LW3,
Argentina; VU7, Lakshadweep Is,; IT9, Sicily; ZS4, So. Africa; YQ9, Romania; PA2, Netherlands;
HR2, Honduras;
There were a few real exotic stations worked this month however, one station 1A4A, Sovereign
Military Order of Malta was the Best one as that entity was a new one for me. VU7MY, Lakshadweep
Is. Was another good one to work but I have already contacted that country and have exchanged QSL
cards. We made no contacts from the Pacific area this month.
DXpeditions by Earle Gilmore N1SVB
There are several DXpeditions to various parts of the world coming up during the month
of March. Some haven’t been assigned a call as yet or the operators will use the country
prefix and their home call.
Mar. 03 to Mar. 17 E51PJT So Cook Islands
Mar. 03 to Mar. 23 6W Senegal
Mar. 04 to Mar. 22 J5UAR Guinea Bissau.
Mar .06 to Mar. 16 P4/ Aruba
Mar. 08 to Mar. 11 JW/ Svalbard
Mar. 08 to Mar. 12 V85NL Brunei
Mar. 08 to Mar. 22 CT3/ Madeira Is.
Mar. 09 to Mar. 20 9M4SDX Spratley Is.
Mar. 13 to Mar. 21 9M6/ East Malaysia
Mar. 14 to Mar. 22 MJ/ Jersey Is.
Mar. 14 to Mar. 27 J5BI Guinea Bissau
Mar. 16 to Mar. 19 XU7/ Cambodia
Mar. 16 to Mar. 19 KH2/ Guam
Mar. 16 to Mar. 25 3DA/ Swaziland
Mar. 18 to Mar. 21 PJ7/ St. Martens Is.
Mar. 19 to Mar. 25 V25/ Antigua
Mar. 19 to Mar. 26 C6AWN Bahamas
Mar. 22 to Mar. 27 LZ8/ Kermadec Is.
Mar. 22 to Apr. 02 3B6/ Agelega & St. Brandon
Mar. 29 to Apr. 21 N8S Swains Is.

ARRL International DX Contest, Phone – (March 3 – 4, 2007)

CQ WXP SSB March 24-25, 2007

I invite any club members that have a computer to visit my web page. The address is:

Earle Gilmore N1SVB

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