The 2011 Medical Molecular Hydrogen Symposium: An Inaugural Symposium of The Journal Medical Gas Research
The 2011 Medical Molecular Hydrogen Symposium: An Inaugural Symposium of The Journal Medical Gas Research
The 2011 Medical Molecular Hydrogen Symposium: An Inaugural Symposium of The Journal Medical Gas Research
This report summarizes a brief description/history of the Hydrogen Research Meetings as well as key presentations/
oral abstracts delivered in the most recent symposium. Additionally, we introduced 38 diseases and physiological
states for which hydrogen exhibits beneficial effects.
Dr. Ohta gave a keynote lecture and introduced a num-
ber of hydrogens potent efficacies on a broad spectrum
Figure 1 A snap shot of the Medical Molecular Hydrogen of diseases in animal and human models, as well as the
Symposium in 2011.
emerging molecular bases of hydrogens effects. He
emphasized the following points: (i) In the three and a
board member, focused on hydrogen generated by intest- half years since the first hydrogen paper was published
inal bacteria. His initial studies elegantly demonstrated the in Nature Medicine, more than 70 original papers have
critical physiological roles of gut microflora-derived hydro- been published in leading biological/medical journals.
gen [5]. There was a general consensus that both clinicians Based on cumulative knowledge, beneficial biological
and researchers in the field of molecular hydrogen research effects of hydrogen have been established with no
should gather and exchange accumulating knowledge in doubt. (ii) There are several ways to intake or consume
future annual meetings. hydrogen, including inhaling hydrogen gas, drinking
water dissolved with hydrogen (hydrogen water), taking
Second Medical Molecular Hydrogen Research a hydrogen bath, injecting hydrogen saline, dropping
Meeting, 2010 hydrogen saline into the eye, and increasing production
The second meeting was also organized by Dr. Ohta on of intestinal hydrogen by bacteria. (iii) Hydrogen shows
February 3, 2010 in Tokyo. 47 basic scientists and clinical not only anti-oxidative stress effects, but also has var-
physicians, as well as 23 corporate participants were ious anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. (iv) The
invited and shared the latest developments in medical primary molecular target of hydrogen remains unknown.
issues related to hydrogen. This meeting hosted a keynote In their first report published in 2007 [1], Dr. Ohtas
lecture, an invited lecture, two special lectures, and twelve group indicated that cells cultured in H2-rich medium
platform presentations. After Dr. Ohta began his keynote were protected against oxidative stress by the hydroxyl
lecture by remarking on the impressive progress over the radical-scavenging activity of H2; however, recent evi-
last year, Dr. Sun gave an invited lecture and introduced dence clearly shows that the scavenging property is not
the great effects of intraperitoneal administration of saline the only explanation for the potent beneficial effects of
dissolved with H2 in several model animals. Dr. Takashi hydrogen. For example, the amount of orally adminis-
Asada (Department of Psychiatry, Tsukuba University), an tered H2 may not be enough to scavenge hydroxyl radi-
authority on Alzheimer disease, presented the results of cals. In addition, it is likely that the dwell time of H2 in
clinical studies involving patients with mild cognitive the body is too short to scavenge a large amount of
impairment (MCI). He started clinical intervention studies hydroxyl radicals that are continuously generated. (v)
on MCI patients by orally administering hydrogen water; Several reports demonstrate an effect on the regulation
the project is still in progress. Dr. Toru Yoshikawa (Kaoh- of gene expressions and protein-phosphorylations; how-
siung Medical University, Taiwan) also gave a special lec- ever, the transcriptional factors and kinases involved in
ture on the physical aspects of hydrogen effects. He the functions afforded by H2 have not been identified. It
presented the physical characteristics of molecular hydro- also remains unknown whether the regulations are
gens interaction with water in biological systems. directly performed by H2. (vi) The amount of adminis-
tered H2 is independent of the extent of effects. Intest-
Third Medical Molecular Hydrogen Research inal bacteria seem to produce more than 1 liter of H2
Meeting, 2011 gas per day, whereas the amount of H2 originating from
The third meeting was organized by Dr. Kenji Ohno drinking hydrogen water is less than 50 ml. Neverthe-
(Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine), an less, additional H 2 in drinking hydrogen water is
Ohta et al. Medical Gas Research 2011, 1:10 Page 3 of 7
Table 2 Thirty-eight diseases and physiological states for Table 2 Thirty-eight diseases and physiological states for
which hydrogen effects are reported which hydrogen effects are reported (Continued)
Disease/Physiology Species Source of H2 Reference Cancer
Brain Tongue carcinoma cells medium [45]
Cerebral infarction rodent gas [1] Inflammation and allergy
Superoxide in brain rodent water [6] Allergy type I rodent water [46]
Neonatal brain hypoxia rodent gas [2,7] Sepsis rodent gas [47]
rodent saline [8] Zymosan-induced inflammation rodent gas [47]
pig gas [9] Others
Restraint-induced dementia rodent water [10] Multipotent stromal cells cells gas [48]
Alzheimers disease rodent saline [11] Radiation injury cells medium [49,50]
Senile dementia rodent water [12] Although the observations are not directly relevant to diseases, Turmeric [51]
Parkinsons disease rodent water [13,14] and acarbose [52] increase hydrogen production by intestinal bacteria in
Hemorrhagic cerebral infarction rodent gas [15]
Traumatic brain injury rodent gas [16]
Spinal cord unambiguously effective. Many mysteries of hydrogen
Spinal cord injury rodent saline [17] therapy remain unsolved. He closed his talk by empha-
Eye sizing that the molecular mechanisms underlying the
Glaucoma rodent eye drop [18] amazing effects of a very small amount of H 2 remain
Corneal alkali-burn rodent eye drop [19] elusive.
Ear Sixteen platform speakers presented clinical and basic
Hearing disturbance rodent medium [20] aspects of the medical application of molecular hydro-
rodent gas [21] gen. Among them were three treatments for patients
rodent water [22] with neurological and dental diseases. Dr. Mikio Hir-
Lung ayama (Department of Neurology, Kasugai City Hospi-
Lung cancer Cells medium [23] tal) and his colleagues presented their clinical report of
Oxygen-induced lung injury rodent saline [24,25] treatment for a patient with mitochondrial encephalo-
Lung transplantation rodent gas [26] myopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episode
Heart (MELAS) syndrome. He reported that a 33-year-old
Myocardial infarction rodent gas [27] female patient was successfully treated by drinking
rodent saline [28] hydrogen-containing water for one and half years, which
Heart transplantation rodent gas [29] reduced the frequency of episodic cerebral ischemia. Dr.
Irradiation-induced heart injury rodent water [30] Tohru Ibi (Department of Neurology, Aichi Medical
Liver School) conducted an open label trial on mitochondrial
Hepatic ischemia rodent gas [31] disorders and inflammatory myopathies, and demon-
Hepatitis rodent bacteria [5] strated a remarkable reduction of several serum markers
Obstructive jaundice rodent saline [32] specific for myelopathy. He also conducted a double-
Kidney blind crossover trial; however, the trial showed no sig-
Cisplatin nephropathy rodent gas, water [33] nificant effects, which was likely due to a small amount
rodent water [34] of hydrogen water and to a short observation period.
Hemodialysis human dialysis [35,36] Both reports suggest that oral administration of hydro-
Kidney transplantation rodent water [4] gen water is likely to be effective for mitochondrial dis-
Pancreas eases. Dr. Noriyuki Tanaka (Uchida Dental Clinic)
Acute pancreatitis rodent saline [37] reported that direct dental application of hydrogen
Intestine water on injured regions reduced inflammation and pro-
Intestinal graft rodent gas [3] moted healing in dental operations, including tooth
rodent saline [38,39] extraction.
Ulcerative colitis rodent gas [40] Medical Gas Researchs editor-in-chief Dr. John
Blood vessel Zhang (Department of Neurosurgery, Loma Linda Uni-
Atherosclerosis rodent water [41] versity, CA) gave a greeting talk, introducing the aims
Metabolism and scope of the journal. Dr. Zhang pointed out the
Diabetes mellitus type 2 human water [42] importance of stimulating medical gas research and
Metabolic syndrome human water [43] collaborating with a wide-range of people in various
Obesity/Diabetes rodent water [44] fields.
Ohta et al. Medical Gas Research 2011, 1:10 Page 5 of 7
Dr. Michael P. Schoenfeld from NASA gave a special devices to measure H2 gas in breath. Takaoka Co Ltd.
lecture on the potential application of H 2 to protect demonstrated a tiny home apparatus to produce hydro-
astronauts from radiation-mediated injury during long gen water. Doctors Choice Co Ltd. demonstrated pow-
space travel. Cosmic radiation induces serious oxidative ders to prepare a hydrogen bath at home using a new
stress, which is one of the major issues to be resolved material that releases H2 gas. These new products will
by hydrogen research. help expand our knowledge and applicability of hydro-
gen research.
Other Medical Gases (NO, CO, and H2S)
Mammals produce NO, CO, and H 2 S by their native
enzymes; however, mammals lack an enzyme to produce We would like to express our sincere thanks to all the meeting participants
H 2 . All four gases modulate signaling pathways and and staff, especially Dr. Mikako Ito at Nagoya University, who conducted the
have some therapeutic effects. Thus, we invited leading meeting.
Senescence-Accelerated Mice. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition 32. Liu Q, Shen WF, Sun HY, Fan DF, Nakao A, Cai JM, Yan G, Zhou WP,
2010, 46:269-276. Shen RX, Yang JM, Sun XJ: Hydrogen-rich saline protects against liver
13. Fu Y, Ito M, Fujita Y, Ito M, Ichihara M, Masuda A, Suzuki Y, Maesawa S, injury in rats with obstructive jaundice. Liver International 2010,
Kajita Y, Hirayama M, et al: Molecular hydrogen is protective against 6- 30:958-968.
hydroxydopamine-induced nigrostriatal degeneration in a rat model of 33. Nakashima-Kamimura N, Mori T, Ohsawa I, Asoh S, Ohta S: Molecular
Parkinsons disease. Neurosci Lett 2009, 453:81-85. hydrogen alleviates nephrotoxicity induced by an anti-cancer drug
14. Fujita K, Seike T, Yutsudo N, Ohno M, Yamada H, Yamaguchi H, Sakumi K, cisplatin without compromising anti-tumor activity in mice. Cancer
Yamakawa Y, Kido MA, Takaki A, et al: Hydrogen in drinking water reduces Chemother Pharmacol 2009.
dopaminergic neuronal loss in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6- 34. Kitamura A, Kobayashi S, Matsushita T, Fujinawa H, Murase K: Experimental
tetrahydropyridine mouse model of Parkinsons disease. PLoS One 2009, verification of protective effect of hydrogen-rich water against cisplatin-
4:e7247. induced nephrotoxicity in rats using dynamic contrast-enhanced CT. Br J
15. Chen CH, Manaenko A, Zhan Y, Liu WW, Ostrowki RP, Tang J, Zhang JH: Radiol 2010, 83:509-514.
Hydrogen Gas Reduced Acute Hyperglycemia-Enhanced Hemorrhagic 35. Nakayama M, Kabayama S, Nakano H, Zhu WJ, Terawaki H, Nakayama K,
Transformation In A Focal Ischemia Rat Model. Neuroscience 2010, Katoh K, Satoh T, Ito S: Biological Effects of Electrolyzed Water in
169:402-414. Hemodialysis. Nephron Clinical Practice 2009, 112:C9-C15.
16. Ji XT, Liu WB, Xie KL, Liu WP, Qu Y, Chao XD, Chen T, Zhou J, Fei Z: 36. Nakayama M, Nakano H, Hamada H, Itami N, Nakazawa R, Ito S: A novel
Beneficial effects of hydrogen gas in a rat model of traumatic brain bioactive haemodialysis system using dissolved dihydrogen (H-2)
injury via reducing oxidative stress. Brain Res 2010, 1354:196-205. produced by water electrolysis: a clinical trial. Nephrology Dialysis
17. Chen CW, Chen QB, Mao YF, Xu SM, Xia CY, Shi XY, Zhang JH, Yuan HB, Transplantation 2010, 25:3026-3033.
Sun XJ: Hydrogen-Rich Saline Protects Against Spinal Cord Injury in Rats. 37. Chen H, Sun YP, Li Y, Liu WW, Xiang HG, Fan LY, Sun Q, Xu XY, Cai JM,
Neurochem Res 2010, 35:1111-1118. Ruan CP, et al: Hydrogen-rich saline ameliorates the severity of L-
18. Oharazawa H, Igarashi T, Yokota T, Fujii H, Suzuki H, Machide M, arginine-induced acute pancreatitis in rats. Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Takahashi H, Ohta S, Ohsawa I: Protection of the Retina by Rapid 2010, 393:308-313.
Diffusion of Hydrogen: Administration of Hydrogen-Loaded Eye Drops in 38. Mao YF, Zheng XF, Cai JM, You XM, Deng XM, Zhang JH, Jiang L, Sun XJ:
Retinal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2010, Hydrogen-rich saline reduces lung injury induced by intestinal ischemia/
51:487-492. reperfusion in rats. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2009, 381:602-605.
19. Kubota M, Shimmura S, Kubota S, Miyashita H, Kato N, Noda K, Ozawa Y, 39. Zheng X, Mao Y, Cai J, Li Y, Liu W, Sun P, Zhang JH, Sun X, Yuan H:
Usui T, Ishida S, Umezawa K, Kurihara T, Tsubota K: Hydrogen and N- Hydrogen-rich saline protects against intestinal ischemia/reperfusion
acetyl-L-cysteine rescue oxidative stress-induced angiogenesis in a injury in rats. Free Radic Res 2009, 43:478-484.
mouse corneal alkali-burn model. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011, 40. Kajiya M, Silva MJ, Sato K, Ouhara K, Kawai T: Hydrogen mediates
52:427-433. suppression of colon inflammation induced by dextran sodium sulfate.
20. Kikkawa YS, Nakagawa T, Horie RT, Ito J: Hydrogen protects auditory hair Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2009, 386:11-15.
cells from free radicals. Neuroreport 2009, 20:689-694. 41. Ohsawa I, Nishimaki K, Yamagata K, Ishikawa M, Ohta S: Consumption of
21. Taura A, Kikkawa YS, Nakagawa T, Ito J: Hydrogen protects vestibular hair hydrogen water prevents atherosclerosis in apoliporotein E knockout
cells from free radicals. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 2010, 130:95-100. mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2008, 377:1195-1198.
22. Lin Y, Kashio A, Sakamoto T, Suzukawa K, Kakigi A, Yamasoba T: Hydrogen 42. Kajiyama S, Hasegawa G, Asano M, Hosoda H, Fukui M, Nakamura N,
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Cite this article as: Ohta et al.: The 2011 Medical Molecular Hydrogen
Symposium: An inaugural symposium of the journal Medical Gas
Research. Medical Gas Research 2011 1:10.