Bhopal Gas Report

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Pathology and Toxicology
(1984 - 1992)

Bhopal Gas Disaster Research Centre

Medico Legal Institute, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College
Bhopal (MP)
(Indian Council of Medical Research)
New Delhi


Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 110 029 (INDIA)

Report prepared by
Dr. S. Sriramachari
Dr. S. Sriramachari
Assisted by
Dr A.K. Jain
Dr. Bela Shah
Dr. D.K. Shukla
Members of the Editorial Board
Dr. S.K. Jain Dr. Usha Luthra
Dr. V.K. Vijayan Dr. H.M.K. Saxena
Dr. R. Vijayaraghavan Dr. K. Satyanarayana

Published by
Indian Council of Medical Researach
Department of Health Research
New Delhi- 110 029

© Indian Council of Medical Research

October 2010

Production Controller
J.N. Mathur, Press Manager; ICMR, New Delhi

Printed at: M/s Royal Offset Printers, A-89/1, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi-110 028

T HE largest Chemical Disaster in the history of the World viz., Bhopal Gas Disaster
(BGD) occurred on the fateful night of 3rd December, 1984. The helpless doctors were
neither aware about the nature of ‘Killer Gas’, which had escaped into the air from the Union
Carbide India Ltd (UCIL) factory, nor did they have any idea about antidotes to be administered.
Yet, they did whatever they could by way of symptomatic treatment, to make the last minutes of
the victims on earth, more tolerable. The nature of the ‘Killer Gas’ that descended on the
unfortunate citizens of Bhopal on that fateful night and the appropriate treatment was eventually
Several thousands of families had to be helped to recover from the “trauma of the disaster” viz., the loss of their dear
and near ones, loss of cattle and urgent need for rehabilitation. The Medical Community, of Bhopal in particular and the
country at large, rose to the occasion and met the challenges posed by the grave threat to human and animal life and the
long-term and persistent effects in the survivors. Soon, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) organised teams
of Indian Scientists to grapple with each one of the above problems. Last but not the least, the Director General of ICMR,
Prof. V Ramalingaswami, acted as a catalyst and evinced keen interest in the promotion of trans-disciplinary multi-
institutional scientific collaboration. As a result, concerted efforts including autopsies, toxicological studies, clinical
management of the victims and epidemiological investigations with many significant results had been obtained and had
helped to unravel some of the mysteries of this major industrial disaster.
Late Prof. Heeresh Chandra, Director of the unique Medico Legal Institute, MG Medical College of Bhopal, along
with Dr. Satapathy & his faculty, undertook massive and thorough Forensic Autopsy studies, as per international standards.
Virtually starting from Day One of BGT, a total of 731 bodies were studied during the month of December, 1984 itself and
thereafter as and when there were suspected casualties. Due to the unprecedented rush in the first three days, while
detailed External Findings were recorded in 337 out of the 620 bodies received, complete autopsy was done in the 283
cases, followed by 111 cases later on in December. Initially, he was assisted by his entire staff of MLI and Dr. Darbari & Dr.
Kanhere of Dept of Pathology of MGMC. From the 12th of Dec ’84, they were joined by Late Dr. S Sriramachari & Dr. HMK
Saxena of Institute of Pathology of ICMR at New Delhi. The latter team took over Histopathological studies of the entire
range, including Electron Microscopy and Experimental studies carried out by Dr. K Jeevaratnam of DRDE, Gwalior. The
MLI, entrusted with “ICMR Project – 08”, concentrated on several contentious Toxicological issues like Recurrent Cyanide
Toxicity, NaTS therapy and over 18,000 samples of Urinary Thiocyanate (SCN¯) levels , reduced blood TNBS levels due to
MIC cross-over of ‘Alveolar Capillary Barrier’, foretelling the most probable Biochemical Lesion of S-Carbamoylation
of Blood & Tissue constituents by MIC, Blood Gas Analyses, related Pulmonary Physiology, etc. An attempt was also
made out to explore potential ‘Cyanogenic Nitriles’ from amongst the particulate components of Tank Residues, inhaled
by the victims. In the ultimate analysis, drawing upon the 1982 paper on thermal decomposition of MIC by Blake and

Izadi Maghsoodi, the riddle of both the Acute & Fatal as well as delayed Recurrent Cyanide Toxicity has been resolved,
based on incontrovertible data on blood cyanide levels, urinary thiocyanate levels and N-Carbamoylation, gathered in
the Project.
These investigations were undertaken under the joint guidance of Prof. Heeresh Chandra, Dr. S Sriramachari and a
host of co-investigators like Prof. A Ramaiah (AIIMS), Prof. PS Narayanan (GB Pant Hosp), Dr. PK Ramachandran &
Associates of DRDE, Gwalior and DIPAS, New Delhi, etc. Apart from the above participants, a major share of the credit
should go to the enthusiastic scientific staff recruited on the project 08, especially Dr. GJ Rao and Dr. Arun Saraf, but for
whose dedicated and commitment to the work, it would have been impossible to attain scientific success.
Initially, there were official restrictions about publication of the scientific results since the matter was sub-judice in
USA & India. Later on several scientific agencies started exercising relaxations, although the ICMR became the butt of
criticism for this delay in publication of longterm followup. Slowly but gradually, its findings were presented in different
National & International fora.
ICMR has already brought out two Technical Reports pertaining to “Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from the
Union Carbide Methyl IsoCynate Plant Bhopal”. The First is based on Population Based “Long Term Epidemiological
Studies”and the Second onto “Long Term Clinical Studies”. They pertain to two major sets of ICMR Research Projects
undertaken during the period 1985-94 and are in the nature of compilation of all the relevant information, including
publications and relevant bibliography. There has been some unavoidable delay in the complication of the third and last
of the Bhopal Technical Report Series related to “Pathology and Toxicoloy”, due to periodical sickness of even the few
limited investigators familiar with ICMR Projects-08.
In view of the enormous quantum of data, it has been decided to present it in a series of Sections or Chapters. Since
much of it is contained in relevant publications, and with a view to avoid repetition, first under each section an overview
is presented, outlining the issue(s) encountered and the manner in which it had been resolved, followed by a series of
Annexure’s comprising relevant publications by the team members. Thereby the entire Report will be in the nature of a
true compendium of the work done under Project-08. I would like to suggest to readers to study 1987 special supplement
of Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR), on this subject paper of Current Science (Vol 86, No 7, 10th April 2004,
pp 905-920) and other two technical reports alongwith so as to get a comprehensive picture.
In spite of personal problems, as one associated with most of the inter-related Bhopal investigations from their
inception, Dr. S Sriramachari, INSA Honorary Scientist (formerly Addl. DG-ICMR), was able to complete the task assigned
to him. This volume is being presented as a tribute to this illustrious person and a great scientist. He had earlier published
most of the important findings in Current Science in 2004. Even draft for this “Preface”was prepared by him before his

( Dr. V. M. KATOCH )


T HE project “Population Based Long Term Clinical Studies on Health Effects of Bhopal Toxic Gas Exposure” has
been conducted for almost a decade (1985-1994) and a large number of scientists from different parts of the country
have contributed to these studies. Hence, our utmost thanks are due to all these scientists.
Thanks are due to Late Dr. V Ramalingaswami, Late Dr. AS Paintal, Dr. SP Tripathi, Dr. GV Sathyavati & Dr. NK
Ganguly, Ex Director Generals; Late Dr. S Sriramachari, Dr. Usha K Luthra, Dr. Padam Singh, Ex. Additional Director
Generals; Late Dr. CR Ramachandran, Ex. Sr. Deputy Director General; Late Dr. AK Prabhakar, Ex-Deputy Director General;
Dr. Rashmi Parhee, Ex-SRO, Officers of NCD Division and other members of the Indian Council of Medical Research for
Technical Guidance; and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for the prompt financial support. The Council wishes to
place on record its sincere thanks to Shri Tanwant Singh Keer, Ex-Minister, Bhopal Gas Relief and Rehabilitation Department,
Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Ishwar Das, Shri S Satyam and Shri CS Chadha, the then Principal Secretaries, Govt. of MP
Department of Bhopal Gas Relief for enabling such a major activity to be successfully carried out. Dr. PK Bhat, the then
Director, Centre for Rehabilitation Studies provided valuable support and cooperation in the preparation of this report. I
wish to place on record my sincere thanks to all the team members for their willing cooperation and for their very hard work.
My special tribute to the following departed souls who had contributed largely to our joint research endeavours in
Bhopal: Prof. P. S. Narayanan, Prof. Heeresh Chandra, Dr M. P. Dwivedi, Dr. C. R. Ramachandran, Prof. V. Ramalingaswami
and Dr. C. R. Krishnamurthi.
Special thanks are due to Dr. S. Sriramachari, Dr. K. Satyanarayana, Dr. A.K. Jain and Dr. S.K. Jain for facilitating the
publication of this Report and to Dr. D.K. Shukla, Scientist-F, NCD, Division, ICMR for assisting them and pursuing the
progress of this Report. Thanks are also due to the secretarial staff of BGDRC and secretarial staff (Mr. Ravi Deval, Miss
Manju, Mrs. Kamlesh) attached to Late Dr. S. Sriramachari for typing the manuscript of this report.
Our sincere gratitude is due to all the people who extended their cooperation and time for participation in this study
over a protracted period of time.

(Bela Shah)
Scientist G & Head
NCD Division


Chapter Detail Page

Preface i

Acknowledgements iii

Introduction: Bhopal Gas Disaster

An Overview: Pathology & Toxicology

Gross Human Autopsy Studies

Histopathological and Experimental Studies
Annexure 4.1: Human Pathology & Toxicology
Annexure 4.2: BGD: Histopathology
Annexure 4.3: Long-term BAL Studies
Annexure 4.4: Acute Experimental Studies
Annexure 4.5: Long Term Experimental Studies

Pathophysiology and Inhalation Toxicology

Urinary Thiocyanate and Cyanide
Annexure 6.1: First Double Blind Clinical Trial
Annexure 6.2: Detoxification Studies submitted to Supreme Court

Blood and Tissue Carbamoylation
Annexure 7.1: TNBS Studies on End Terminal Amino Acids
Annexure 7.2: GC Studies on Carbamoylation
Annexure 7.3: Carbamoylation of Hb: Clinical Studies

Tank Residue Analysis: Search for Nitriles
Annexure 8.1: Postulated Structures


Abbreviation Used

2-3 DPG 2-3 Di-Phospho Glycerate

amu Atomic Mass Unit
ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
BGD / T Bhopal Gas Disaster / Tragedy
BGDRC Bhopal Gas Disaster Research Centre
DBCT Double Blind Clinical Trial
DBCTs Double Blind Clinical Trials
DIPAS Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences
DMIT Dimethyl iso-Cyanurate
DMU Di-Methyl Urea
DRDE Defense Research Development Establishment
GBPH Govind Ballabh Pant Hospital
GLT Glass Lined Tube
Hb Hemoglobin
HCN Hydrogen Cyanide
ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research
INMAS Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences
IOP Institute of Pathology
IVRI Indian Veterinary Research Institute
m/z Mass to Charge Ratio
MA Methyl Amine
MGMC Mahatma Gandhi Medical College
MIC Methyl Iso-Cyanate
MLI Medico Legal Institute
NaTS Sodium Thio Sulphate
TCA Trichloro-Acetic Acid
TNBS Tri-Nitro-Benzene- Sulphonic acid
TRC Tank Residue Constituents
UCC Union Carbide Commission
UCIL Union Carbide India Limited

Introduction: Bhopal Gas Disaster



T HE Bhopal Gas Disaster, of 2nd-3rd December, 1984, caused by a “run-away chemical reaction” of Methyl IsoCyanate

stored in a Stainless Steel Tank, of UCIL (Union Carbide of India Ltd) Factory, is undoubtedly the worst chemical
disaster of the world. The sheer magnitude of the industrial catastrophe has aroused the conscience of the world. The
incriminated Tank 610 E of the ‘Pesticide Plant’ of Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) in Bhopal was maintained by its
Indian counterpart, Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL). Unlike minor accidents in their US Plants, immediately
following the chemical run-away reaction of Methyl IsoCyanate (MIC) in Bhopal, there was a massive release of toxic
gases into the atmosphere which spread rapidly over a densely populated area of Bhopal City, the capital of Madhya
Pradesh, India.
Premonitory Lapses: Several adverse factors have been implicated in this disaster, including prolonged bulk storage
(42 tons) of MIC, a non-functioning Refrigeration System, and above all, the failure of basic safety measures, like
regular tracking of Pressure & Temperature of each Tank and non-functioning or inadequate facilities for neutralisation
of a highly reactive chemical product. Above all, the accident seems to have been precipitated by a sudden influx of
water through a mal-functioning valvular device! One or more of these factors seem to have contributed to the
uncontrolled accidental runaway reaction, as indicated in the Official Report of Varadarajan and associates (1985).
Similarly, based on a critical “Analysis of the Bhopal Accident”, in a paper published in 1987, Bowonder suggested
that the Bhopal accident is due to a series of errors, not only of the ‘hardware’, but equally serious lapses which fall
under “operator, information and systemic error categories”. Finally, according to him, “the most critical reason” for
the occurrence of these errors is due to corporate level “failure of safety management systems and procedures
(Bowonder, 1987).
Human Mortality & Morbidity: By all accounts, the Bhopal Gas Tragedy took a sudden and heavy toll of human (and
animal) lives. People started dying within hours; by 7.00 AM, 70 people were dead, by 9.00 AM 260 were dead and
thereafter the figures continued to rise. Although all the dead bodies may not have reached the morgue of MLI of
Bhopal, 311 bodies were received on December 3, 1984, followed by another 250 on December 4, 1984; thereafter, the
rate declined. A total of 731 bodies were received in December 1984 alone, 103 in 1985; 90 in 1986 and 44 and 22
respectively in 1987 and 1988. These figures from the morgue may not account for all the deaths in the city of Bhopal.
The over-all Government estimates placed the number of dead at around 1900, whereas on a conservative estimate
more than 2000 lives were lost in the first few days.
The loss of human life and prolonged incapacitation of many survivors is unprecedented. In many cases, the
entire family or the sole bread earner died; several were widowed; and many of the survivors were either infants or
minor children. For several weeks and months, large number of survivors exhibited a wide range of respiratory, ocular,
behavioural and other morbidities. In subsequent years the MLI continued to perform autopsies on gas-affected
victims, although markedly reduced in numbers. Certain pertinent doubts remained, as to how long the symptoms
would last and whether the ocular manifestations of more than 90% would lead to serious visual impairment.
Medical Relief and Research: The prompt relief measures, initiated by the local health authorities of the MP Govt.,
were soon supplemented by research investigations on a massive scale by several scientific organizations, notably by
ICMR, since it is primarily responsible for Medical Research in India. It drew upon its readily available multi-disciplinary
scientific manpower across the country and rapidly mobilised requisite resources and scientific expertise to tackle
every conceivable line of investigation. With a view to facilitate equally appropriate and scientifically rational therapeutic
relief to the victims, issues related to Pathology & Toxicology were given immediate attention, alongside Clinical &
Reproductive Issues, even before initiating extensive studies related to Epidemiology and new fields like Clinical

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Psychology and Genomics. Therefore immediate attention could be bestowed to the highly controversial issue of
‘Cyanide Toxicity, the possible cause of immediate deaths and the need for timely therapeutic intervention based on
DBCT with NaTS, coupled with extensive monitoring of Urinary Thiocyanate levels.
In the process, the ICMR instituted 24 major Research Projects, ranging from Epidemiology to Molecular Biology
and distributed in 15 National institutions, including several of its own, both scientifically and financially, and drawing
upon the scientific expertise of 24 Principal Investigators and over hundred other scientists, engaged in a nation-wide
research effort on the health consequences of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy. It also established a short-term Bhopal Gas
Disaster Research Centre (BGDRC) and allocated about Six Crores of Rupees for its above ventures.
Scientific Issues: The total unavailability of prior knowledge about MIC Toxicity and detoxification / therapeutic
intervention was a great handicap and added to the confusion. It is worth recalling that immediately after the Disaster,
even the UCC had no positive information either about the toxic effects of MIC or of any antidotes. However, it
unleashed a subtle campaign that on contact with the aqueous surfaces of the airways and even before it crosses the
airways, MIC breaks down into relatively harmless compounds, like Methyl Ami2ne & Di-Methyl Urea. From the
beginning, a majority of ICMR scientists were not convinced of the hypothesis of UCC. Instead, they undertook a
trans-disciplinary “Interventional Clinical Toxicology”. The efficacy of NaTS therapy was first established, followed
by proof of delayed / recurrent ‘Cyanide Toxicity’, independent of the issue of initial liberation of HCN.
The portentous and pioneering approach on the Kinetics & Mechanism of the Thermal Decomposition of Methyl
Isocyanate by Blake & Ijadi-Maghsoodi published in 1982, two years before BGD, was a virtual premonition of the
Bhopal Tragedy. Fortuitously, the Toxicology Team of ICMR, in the teeth of opposition early in 1985, stumbled upon
this illustrious publication, which has provided a rational scientific basis for timely interpretation of early deaths in
BGD, a unique and unprecedented global event. Otherwise, it would have been lost in the limbo of scientific oblivion
and NaTS therapy remained empirical.
Eventually, MIC and its derivatives were also traced in the blood stream and several organs and tissues of the
body of victims and even survivors exposed to the Toxic Aerosol of Bhopal. Apart from establishing an entirely new
phenomenon of irreversible N-Carbamoylation of end-terminal Valine residues of Hb, the nature of impaired tissue
oxidation and step-up of ‘alternate respiratory pathways’ such as transient elevated 2-3 DPG levels of blood has been
demonstrated. Simultaneous N-Carbamoylation of several other end-terminal amino acids of tissues proteins confirmed
the wide-spread dissemination of MIC in the body, contrary to UCC’s postulations. In spite of the finding of reduced
levels of blood Glutathione the crucial issue of S-Carbamoylation could not be achieved due to lack of proper equipment.
Otherwise, it might have been possible to link up MIC with ‘impaired cyanide toxicity’ through the reversible
phenomenon of S-Carbamoylation. It is a matter for some consolation and comfort that eventually the work on in vivo
transport of MIC by Bailie and Slatter (1991) lends theoretical support to the role of MIC in the issue of chronic &
recurrent cyanide toxicity advocated by us in Bhopal. Lastly, even at the initial stages of the investigations, it was
suggested that the toxic gas which leaked in Bhopal contained not only MIC, stored at ambient temperature, but also
several other chemicals generated at the higher temperatures of the runaway reaction. Since amongst them there
could be potential CN-yielding Nitrile compounds, a thorough study of Tank Residue Compounds was also undertaken
as part of the Cyanide Studies.
Long Term Clinico-Pathological Studies: Apart from Autopsy and Histopathological studies, Clinical, Forensic &
Experimental Toxicology were undertaken by the respective ICMR teams and their associates. The collaborative
research efforts continued for over a decade. Several hitherto unknown aspects were successfully investigated and
quite a few toxicological dilemmas of Bhopal tragedy were unravelled. In this Report an attempt has been made to
briefly highlight the full gamut of the findings, both published and unpublished. The periodic presentations on
Forensic & Histopathological aspects by Heeresh Chandra and Sriramachari at several National and International
forums evoked great attention.
It is often said that “the dead teach the living” and probably it is all the more true in the case of the Bhopal
tragedy. Indeed a large part of the credit probably should go to Late Prof. Heeresh Chandra whose indomitable will and
tenacity was a source of inspiration to all the investigators and a great hope for the surviving victims. It must be
recognised that while the eyes and respiratory system showed striking disturbances from the beginning, widespread

Introduction: Bhopal Gas Disaster

multi-organ involvement in the exposed population was also observed. There were cases of coma, a striking feature in
the acute phase; gastrointestinal disturbances were common; there were significant lesions in the central nervous
system; above all psychological trauma and behavioural disturbances continued to be a dominant feature without
abatement to this day for a long time. Both sexes and at all age groups from in-utero conception to old age, were
affected. There were early indications of immunological disturbances with as yet unforeseen effects on host
susceptibility to environmental infections and other hazards; chromosomal abnormalities were noted in the early
acute phase; their significance and persistence in the future is under study. Abortions were more frequent and intra-
uterine growth was retarded in a proportion of babies born to exposed mother. It is clear that monitoring of ill-effects
and care of the afflicted have to be carried out for years.
The propensity of the Cyanates in forming reactive compounds with active groups in biological materials such
as, proteins and amino-acids is well known. Of considerable significance are some of the studies being conducted
which shed light on the occurrence of the phenomenon of Carbamoylation of haemoglobin amongst the exposed
population in Bhopal. In the present document prepared by the ICMR, the grim story of the human effects of exposure
to gas in Bhopal as it unfolded itself, based on autopsy, toxicological and experimental studies, has been presented.
In addition, other clinical dimensions amongst the survivors and their sequel and future management are discussed.
Initially, in the context of legal issues, it took some time for lifting of the official embargo on publication of the
scientific results. Gradually, on the lines of similar scientific publications by other agencies like, the Grant Medical
College, Mumbai, CSIR, DRDE, the ICMR also published Special Supplement of some of Bhopal-related Research
Projects. Subsequently, it was decided to consolidate the results of the several ICMR studies into a series of
‘comprehensive compendiums’ encompassing all published and unpublished technical Reports. The First Technical
Report related to Epidemiological studies was published in 2007, followed by the Second Technical Report in 2008 on
Clinical studies.
Incidentally brief part of Third Technical Report on Pathology & Toxicology had been submitted earlier to Dr. CR
Krishnamurthy (1987), Chairman of the Bhopal Gas Commission and was incorporated in its Final Report. However, in
view of the ‘Historically Unique’ and original scientific evidence gathered in the course of the Pathology & Toxicology
Project of the ICMR, it has been decided to elaborate separately the several facets in the Third ICMR Technical Report
of the BGD Series. It is proposed to present the information under different Sections, with appropriate Annexure/s to
avoid repetition. The latter would contain copies of relevant published papers or a brief write-up of a topic investigated.
Thereby, it is hoped to cover adequately, and without duplication, the several inter-related investigations that were

 Bowonder B. The Bhopal accident. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 1987; 32 (2): 169-182.
 Blake PG, Ijadi-Maghsoodi S. Kinetics and mechanism of the thermal decomposition of methyl isocyanate. Int J
Chem Kine. 1982; 14(8): 945-952.
 Krishnamurthy CR. Scientific Commission for Continuing Studies on Effect of Bhopal Gas Leakage on Life Systems.
Submitted to: Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India. Sardar Patel Bhawan. Sansad Marg, New Delhi. July; 1987.
 Varadarajan S, Doraiswamy LK, Ayyangar NR, Iyer CSP, Khan AA, Lahiri AK, Mazumdar KV, Mashelkar RA, Mitra
RB, Nambiar OGB, Ramchandran V, Sahastrabudhe VD, Sivaram SV, Sriram S, Thyagarajan G, Venkataraman RS;
Report on Scientific studies on the factors related to Bhopal Toxic Gas Leakage. December 1985.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal



T HE man-made, Bhopal Gas Disaster occurred at midnight of 2nd December, 1984. It was a cold winter night for the
residents of Bhopal; when most of the people were in deep slumber. The worst tragedy recorded so far in the annals
of chemical industry led to heavy mortality and morbidity. In the midst of several controversies, a large quantum of new
and convincing scientific evidence was generated. Though it may sound odd, the opposition served a useful purpose
by enforcing greater scientific criticality and objectivity. But not all the results could be published, due to earlier legal
embargos and subsequent demise of members of the team.
But the Bhopal Gas Disaster, in general, and the Toxicological studies in particular, had inherent constraints. The
lack of knowledge about the toxicity of the offending chemical, Methyl IsoCyanate, is not expected to be resolved in the
throes of a Disaster! Willy-nilly partial pyrolysis of MIC was accepted to some extent, although the amount of HCN
generated in the process was contested. Simply due to lack of sufficient evidence about Temperature & Pressure,
changes attained within Tank 610 E, possible liberation of HCN remained a much debated issue, But the UCC objected
to it on puerile grounds, such as uncertainty about the temperature attained within Tank 610 E and in the absence of
scientific information about the concentration of HCN liberated at the suspected lower temperature range, viz., 200°C,
300°C and 420°C. In parenthesis, UCC itself could have advised on the basis of a simulated accident on a miniature scale
in its Plants, prior to BGD or even subsequently in its Factory in Connecticut, USA (Sriramachari, 2005). In retrospect,
it is also noteworthy that the UCC which initially had even indicated that ‘cyanide antidotes’ could be tried, had actually
retracted and let loose (both in Bhopal and the world at large), a subtle campaign of misinformation, which impeded
timely remedial therapeutic measures.
With years of experience in investigative and reconstructive Forensic Medicine, Dr. Heeresh Chandra, often
pondered over the following scientific issues:-
1. Why was the refrigeration unit removed six months prior to the event?
2. Since when the ‘cooking of the event’ was going on in the Tank which was filled against all norms and kept at
ambient temperature for over eight weeks,
3. What were the series of polymerisation reactions that could have taken place within the Tank?
4. What was the role of temperature and pressure during the reaction process and escape of the contents?
5. Why were the hydrants not effectively functional?
6. What could be the composition of the contents, i.e. reaction products in the gaseous or vapour form and particulate
matter that were emitted from the Tank?
7. Why the scrubber was out of action and had insufficient capacity, much below the proportionate capacity of
neutralisation of methyl isocyanate?
8. What constituents and what quantities people had inhaled at rest or while fleeing from their homes.
9. Why so many people died due to a commercially manufactured material and stored against all norms and never was
it indicated, that it could be so harmful to human, animal and plant life.
Mystery of MIC Unfolded: Soon after the Bhopal Gas Disaster, the enigma of MIC unleashed itself. Dr. Devkumar & Dr.
Mukherjee (1985) were the first in India to draw public attention to the high reactivity of MIC. It was followed by more
authoritative accounts in 1985 by Dr. Varadarajan Committee Report. According to the Report, there was a massive leak
of MIC, which was lying stored for a long period in the incriminated Tank 610 E of the Pesticide Plant of UCIL. The

An Overview: Pathology & Toxicology

several hypotheses attributed to this disaster, include ‘prolonged bulk storage of 42 Tons of MIC, non-functioning
refrigeration system, breakdown of the alarm systems for regulation of Temperature & Pressure, malfunctioning of
scrubber facilities, etc. Above all, the reaction seems to have been triggered off by the sudden and massive influx of
several gallons of water inadvertently, during the routine clean-up! One or more of these factors might have contributed
to the accidental and uncontrolled ‘runaway reaction’. From all accounts, the gas released in Bhopal is not due to just
leakage of cold MIC, comparable to leakage of a single chemical like ammonia, sulphuric acid, phosgene or even hydro-
cyanic acid. The presence of an array of multiple chemicals was demonstrated independently by UCC as well as NCL,
Pune on behalf of CSIR. At that time, the possible toxicity of none of the compounds, including that of MIC, was known.
In a later search of the Tank Residue for Toxic Nitrile Compounds, the Toxicology Project Group of ICMR also had
occasion to repeat the Tank Residue Analysis, for possible presence of Nitrile Compounds. Apart from the presence of
HCN at a concentration of 0.5%, there was an array of 9 or 10 additional unidentified chemical compounds, raising the
total to 21. In the process, several issues related to MIC Toxicity were satisfactorily resolved beyond the original
expectations. Only a few, like the quest for Toxic Nitriles & Chloro-tropism of MIC amongst the unidentified compounds
in the Tank Residue, are still open questions.
The Holocaust: Indeed, in the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, the time-honoured aphorism that ‘The Dead Teach the Living’
seems to have emerged as a veritable truth! Within hours of the Toxic Gas Leak in the UCIL Factory, people started
dying and an unprecedented flood of dead bodies were brought to the Morgue of the Medico Legal Institute (MLI),
within the precincts of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College (MGMC), Bhopal. While in the first two days, literally
hundreds of bodies were received, over the next three weeks, there was an abrupt decline to less than a handful ‘per
diem’. But Clinical Manifestations amongst the survivors, notably visual disturbances and severe ARDS, neuromuscular
infirmities & Reproductive losses became apparent.
Pathophysiology: Distinct patterns of the Immediate, Early & Late deaths seem to suggest diverse features of toxicity,
such as ‘acute & severe’, ‘sub-acute & moderate’ and ‘chronic & mild’ perhaps mediated by one or more of the different
Toxic Chemicals generated in the run-away reaction of MIC. While several bodies showed copious frothing at the
mouth and nostrils, most of the bodies, showed on opening a pinkish appearance of the skin and a Cherry Red
Discolouration of the Lungs, Brain & Other Organs.
Apart from the ill-understood patho-physiological basis or mechanism, the victims, particularly severely ill survivors
were affected by ARDS. Minutes after the NaTS injection, there were equally dramatic effects, accompanied by Respiratory
& Neuro-muscular relief, suggestive of prompt detoxification. Thus, both the Autopsy & Clinical Pathology findings
prompted Dr. Heeresh Chandra to suspect ‘acute cyanide poisoning’. A couple of days later, it was endorsed by Dr. Max
Daunderer, the visiting German Toxicologist, who had come fully equipped with emergency diagnostic kits and a big
antidote consignment of Na2S2O3 (believed on a conservative estimate to be at least 10,000 vials). In retrospect, he
would not have done so, if there were no prima facie basis for such emergency therapeutics! Perhaps due to the raging
controversy about ‘cyanide toxicity issue’, he was forced to go back. Fortunately, Dr. Heeresh Chandra salvaged the
therapeutic approach for the ultimate good of the afflicted people. Similarly by establishing the validity of urinary SCN¯
as a dependable therapeutic test, Dr. Sriramachari ensured the rationale of NaTS therapy, through the 1st DBCT onwards.
Pyrolysis of MIC; Fortuitous Evidence: Two years prior to the Bhopal Disaster, a unique & scientific publication by
‘Blake and by Ijadi-Maghsoodi’ entitled “Kinetics and Mechanism of Thermal Decomposition of MIC, submitted in 1981
was published in November 1982. Therein, it was convincingly demonstrated that pyrolysis of MIC at 427°C-570°C,
resulted in formation of two distinct classes of chemical reactions, with separate clusters of end-products. The predominant
radical chain reaction is associated with liberation of CO, H2 and HCN through the major route; and bi-molecular
formation of N,N´-dimethyl carbo-di-imide and CO2 through the minor route. They also suggested and indicated the
steps in the formation of such adducts, resulting in retention of the highly volatile and toxic HCN molecules within
droplets of MIC in the liquid phase. They have also cited an earlier report about such reactivity of MIC & HCN
published as early as 1927 by Slotta & Tshesche. There was also a similar account of Adduct formation in 1967 by
It would appear that BGD was neither manifestation of direct cyanide poisoning nor MIC alone, but was the
combined affect of ‘MIC~HCN Adduct’ following pyrolysis. The ‘Toxic Cloud’ containing the adduct was inhaled by
the exposed population in Bhopal. Possible in vivo dissociation of the Adduct would explain the near-fatal phenomenon

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

of ARDS, due to blockage of cytochrome c oxidase (a3, a sub-unit system) of ATP cycle. Starting from the 1st DBCT, ICMR
investigators have reported positive evidence of elevated serum and/or urinary SCN¯ levels in pre and post NaTS-treated
survivors. It may be recalled that independently, the Bombay Group (Naik et al., 1986a & 1986b; Irani & Mahashur, 1986)
partially confirmed the moderate elevation of ‘blood thiocyanate’ levels in a large series of victims subjected to Laboratory
Investigations. They attributed it to consumption of contaminated water, while therapeutic response to NaTS was not
investigated. Dr. Heeresh Chandra and his team were quite successful on this front as will be demonstrated in later section
of this Report, related to Issues of Cyanide Toxicity. Incidentally, the entire data was rechecked periodically, as and when
new and sophisticated equipment became available to the Investigators.
By contrast, inhalation of intact MIC moieties seem to lead to widespread, but non-fatal, tissue binding typified by
N- & S-Carbamoylation of end-terminal amino acids and sulphydryl groups of S Transferases. While the former is a uni-
directional and irreversible process, the latter metabolically active S-Carbamoylation of Reduced Glutathione & associated
Trans-Carbamoylation Phenomena can adversely affect Sulphur-Transferases like Rhodanese. The resulting blockage of
the ‘Triple Sulphydryl-based Catalytic Apparatus’ (Heinrickson, 1983) could have contributed to recurrent or chronic
cyanide toxicity or neo-cyanogenesis with a positive response to exogenous NaTS (Na2S2O3). Incidentally, Srivastava
and associates of Dr. PK Ray’s team at ITRC, demonstrated sustained drop in GSH levels (Reduced Glutathione) of the
Bhopal victims, although no explanation was offered at that time (Srivastava et al., 1988).
Strangely, while the paper of Blake and Ijadi-Maghsoodi virtually portends the Bhopal Gas Disaster of 1984, it has
been ignored not only by UCC but also by most of the participants in the Bhopal Gas Disaster study, and with notable
exceptions, even the vast majority of scientists and institutions across the world. Serendipitously, several aspects of the
hypothesis of Blake and Ijadi-Maghsoodi, were adapted by the interlinked unified scientific teams at the MLI~IOP~DRDE,
AIIMS~GBPH, who were involved in Pathology & Toxicology aspects of Bhopal Gas Tragedy. By taking cognisance of
the above seminal article, each one of the teams was greatly benefited in their scientific pursuits of the underlying
rationale of BGT Projects which practically addressed the ‘Biochemical Lesion’.
New Trail of Research: For the record, a few examples of such specific interlinks are referred to in passing. Thus, Dr.
Bhattacharya et al., (1987), established that pyrolysis of MIC even at a relatively lower temperature of 350°C, confirmed a
release of 4.72% of HCN; one can anticipate greater release at still higher temperatures possible in the suspected Tank!
Thus, the initial criticism about non-applicability of pyrolysis of MIC at 427°C-570°C is untenable in the Bhopal scenario
and can be ignored. Secondly, Dr. RK Shrivastava and associates clarified a few crucial issues. It was shown that exposure
of experimental animals to non-pyrolysed MIC was definitely accompanied by neo-cyanogenesis, as demonstrated by the
significant elevation of serum thiocyanate levels, by the end of 1 hour, though not after 4 and 24 hours. It could be a
phenomenon of one-time clearance of all the available endogenous cyanide molecules; naturally it would take time for re-
accumulation of a critical mass of cyanide molecules. In parenthesis, they could have re-analysed at longer intervals when
S-Carbamoylation is stabilised. On the other hand, animals exposed to pyrolysed MIC, even at a higher temperature and
concentration, failed to show any increase of blood thiocyanate levels. Such a divergence can be due to extra-corporeal
variations, including drift of lighter HCN in the absence of pressurised set-up as in Experiments of Blake and Ijadi-
In Quest for the Mystery of Bhopal Malady: The Toxicology Teams of ICMR veered around partial pyrolysis of MIC,
followed by ‘Cyanogenesis & adduct formation’. The several items listed in the major route viz., CO, H2 & HCN were
pursued seriously by Dr. Sriramachari & Associates in Bhopal. Apart from the intact MIC, the gaseous products seem to
go first into solution in MIC itself and retained within inhaled MIC droplets to form ‘unstable adducts (2MIC~HCN &
MIC~HCN)’. The subsequent dissociation of the adduct molecules within the body of victims seem to actually contribute
to ‘acute cyanide toxicity’ and consequent impaired cytochrome c oxidase activity.
Concurrent CO Toxicity in Bhopal: Although accepted in principle, doubts were expressed on the lethality of HCN,
generated by thermal decomposition of MIC in Bhopal. However, a similar role was not even entertained for CO, which is
simultaneously generated during pyrolysis of MIC. In retrospect, it can not only explain the greater vulnerability of the
people who rushed out and ran in the streets of Bhopal on the fateful day, but also the finding of CO-Hb and Meth-Hb in
the Bhopal survivors, especially in the Railway Colony region by Dr. SR Kamat and associates. The focal variations in the
distribution of lighter components of the toxic gases could be responsible. It also explains the severity of pulmonary
damage in chronic smokers in Bhopal.

An Overview: Pathology & Toxicology

Independent of the seminal article of Blake and Ijadi-Maghsoodi, in studies on weapons-emissions, pyrolysis-based
association of CO and HCN have been demonstrated in the recent classical study by the National Academy of Sciences,
Washington DC (Halperin., 2008). BGD only illustrates a concentrated phenomenon of such combined toxicity.
Looking into these aspects of the event, possibly associated with inexcusable neglect of norms, one has to consider
the event from several angles. With such mortality and morbidity, no clear-cut identity of the poisons was possible.
Therefore, the basic tenets of Forensic Medicine, viz., “Source, Spot and Remains” had to be looked into minutely for all
possible details. Indeed there is no irrespirable gas known so far, which could ‘kill in the open space’ so many people and
make many more morbid.
With conditions enumerated above, we decided to trace the events from the resultants, i.e., the viscera from the dead
bodies and analysis of tank residue. Herculean efforts were made. Admitting ab-initio that this is an unknown field,
‘autopsy tissue’ were carefully preserved at minus 70°C for future analysis. Indeed, the results indicated that the viscera
contained, in addition to reaction products of methyl isocyanate, numerous unidentified organic chemicals. As anticipated,
many of them were constituents of the Tank Residue as well. In an Editorial of Environmental Health Perspectives. Bucher
(1987), concluded that except for presence of MIC and HCN in passing, neither the actual composition of the Tank contents,
nor of the poisonous cloud actually inhaled by the people of Bhopal was known. It is because of the lack of this knowledge,
that experiments can not be simulated on animals. It is still a mystery as to what reformulation and re-conjugations took
place in the chemicals exposed to unknown pressure and temperature within a closed Tank.
It may be pointed out that the Pathology & Toxicology Projects and Associates of the ICMR at MLI, Bhopal, IOP &
GBPH, New Delhi & DRDE, Gwalior successfully undertook an integrated series of projects related to Histopathology,
Human & Experimental, Clinical Pathology & Toxicology related to Bhopal Toxic Gas (Aerosol) Tragedy. In addition to
Human & Experimental Autopsies, the studies included secondary changes such as, Hb, alternate pathways of Tissue
Oxygenation, through temporarily elevated 2-3 DPG pathways, a large series of Blood Cyanide estimations and massive
data on Urinary SCN levels in over 18,000 individuals. Contrary to UCC’s false propaganda that MIC is decomposed to MA
and DMU before it crosses the alveolar-capillary barrier, it was more than established that MIC, not only reaches the blood
but also several tissues and organs for at least a period of 4 months! N-Carbamoylation has been demonstrated both
indirectly by the TNBS Technique, but also by the more specific N-Carbamoylation Technique for each individual Amino
Acid. Due to lack of appropriate equipment, S-Carbamoylation could not be achieved, but was more than compensated by
the pioneering work in 1991 by Baillie & Slatter. Initially, Bhopal casualties appear to be caused by the dual toxicity of
‘MIC~HCN Adduct’, with dramatic response to NaTS, whereas the late non-fatal sequaelae are traceable to self-limited
S~N-Carbamoylation. However, the possibilities of Genetic abnormalities or mutations have to be carefully ruled-out, before
concluding the Bhopal Studies.
Toxicological studies have clearly established that the Bhopal Disaster is not merely due to MIC alone, but its pyrolysed
products giving rise to dual responses at each stage of the Acute, Sub-Acute & Chronic Stages. The initial acute stage
seems to be the result of inhalation of ‘MIC~HCN adduct’ leading to acute cyanide poisoning associated with almost
instantaneous deaths. In the sub-Acute stage, although, fatality was rapidly declined over the next few days, Ocular
manifestations, ARDS and Neuromuscular weakness continued undiminished. The functional disturbances were persisting,
characterised by anoxia, alteration in blood gases, compensatory mechanisms of 2-3 DPG and ‘Recurrent & Delayed
Cyanide Toxicity’. The still later chronic stage of the disaster, characterised by concurrent N & possibly S-Carbamoylation,
favourably responded to NaTS therapy. There was no evidence of neo-cyanogenesis due to contribution of Nitrile Compounds
of the Tank Residue which was also confirmed by Dr. Srivastava in his experimental studies at DRDE (Srivastava, 1990).
It is indeed fortunate that, inspite of several limitations, ICMR teams were able to resolve the mystery of several issues
related to BGD. The enigma of “Cherry Red Discolouration” was ultimately traced to liberation of HCN in the course of
pyrolysis of MIC in the run-away reaction in Tank 610 E of Bhopal. It has been established that a certain degree of
thermolysis initially contributed to neo-Cyanogenesis and toxicity, which promptly responded to NaTS therapy. The dual
toxicity of HCN~MIC, was demonstrated by elevated urinary SCN¯levels and several end-terminal Amino Acids of Clinical
& Autopsy samples of Blood & Tissues positive for N-Carbamoylation, all of which cleared up by the end of four months.
Apart from residual respiratory damage, still there is a need to rule out possible genomic involvement.
Investigations Undertaken in ICMR Project 08: People started dying within few hours of the ghastly ‘Bhopal Gas Tragedy

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

/ Disaster’. Later, re-designated as ‘MIC Aerosol Tragedy’, Prof. Heeresh Chandra indeed planned and started the autopsy
studies from the afternoon of 3rd December, 1984, with the assistance of medical & scientific staff of MLI and the Department
of Pathology, MGMC, Bhopal. On the 12th December, 1984, the ICMR team from the Institute of Pathology, headed by Dr. S
Sriramachari and Dr HMK Saxena, joined Prof. Heeresh Chandra and actively participated, not only in the conduct of
autopsy studies but also undertook corresponding Histopathological & Toxicological investigations.
The current Compendium ICMR Project constitutes distinct Sections or Chapters, along with respective Annexures,
Published or Unpublished as listed under Table of Contents. Many of the facets are obviously interlinked or had even arisen
from the same determinants. While other Research Projects pertain to different disciplines of specialization, the Material &
Methods, Observations, Evaluation, Correlation & Summary for each Toxicological Project are distinct. All relevant information
has been brought together, to enable logical conclusions being drawn.
Certain portions, especially related to Toxicology, were presented in the Supreme Court and also the Scientific
Commission on Bhopal under Dr. CR Krishnamurthy, on Pathological aspects. Subsequently, considerable portions were
either presented or also published in reputed Indian and International journals, and have often been cited.

 Baillie TA, Slatter G. Glutathione: A vehicle for the transport of chemically reactive metabolite in vivo. Acc Chem Res.
1991; 24: 264-270.
 Bhattacharya BK, Malhotra RC, Chattopadhyay DP. Inhibition of rat brain cytochrome oxidase activity by pyrolised
products of methyl isocyanate. Toxicol Lett. 1987; Jul 37(2): 131-34.
 Blake PG, Ijadi-Maghsoodi S. Kinetics and mechanism of the thermal decomposition of methyl isocyanate. International
Journal of Chemical Kinetics. 1982; 14(8): 945-952.
 Bucher JR. The toxicity of Methyl isocyanate: Where do we stand? Environ. Health Perspect. 1987; 72: 197-198.
 Chandra H, Saraf AK, Jadhav RK, Rao GJ, Sharma VK, Sriramachari S, Vairamani M. Isolation of an unknown compound,
from both Blood of Bhopal Aerosol Disaster Victims and Residue of Tank E-610 of Union Carbide India Limited -
chemical characterization of the structure. Med. Sci. law. 1994a; 34 (2): 106-110.
 Devkumar C, Mukerjee SK. Methyl isocyanate: Profile of a killer gas. Science Today. January 10, 11 and 16. 1985.
 Halparin WE. Combined Exposure to Hydrogen Cyanide and Carbon Monoxide in Army Operations: Final Report.
National Academy of Sciences. Washington DC. 2008.
 Heinrickson RL. Structure function relationship in hepatic rhodaneses, In Frontiers in Biochemical and Biophysical
Studies of Proteins and Membranes (eds Liu et al.), Elsevier 1983; 163-192.
 Irani SF, Mahashur AA. A survey of Bhopal children affected by methyl isocyanate gas. JPGM. 1986; 32(4): 195-98.
 Kamat SR, Patel MH, Kolhatkar VP, Dave AA, Mahashur AA. Sequential respiratory changes in those exposed to the
gas leak at Bhopal. Indian J Med Res. 1987; 86(Suppl):20–38.
 Naik SR, Acharya VN, Bhalerao RA, Kowli SS, Nazareth HH, Mahashur AA, Shah SS, Potnis AV, Mehta AC. Medical
survey of methyl isocyanate gas affected population of Bhopal. Part I. General medical observations 15 weeks following
exposure. JPGM. 1986a; 32(4): 175-84.
 Naik SR, Acharya VN, Bhalerao RA, Kowli SS, Nazareth HH, Mahashur AA, Shah SS, Potnis AV, Mehta AC. Medical
survey of methyl isocyanate gas affected population of Bhopal. Part II. Pulmonary effects in Bhopal victims as seen 15
weeks after M.I.C. exposure. JPGM. 1986b; 32(4): 185-91.
 Patton TL. Reactions of isocyanates with cyanohydrins. Synthesis of 2,4-oxazolidinediones and 1,3-disubstituted
parabanic acids. J Org Chem. 1967; 32: 383-388.
 Rao GJ, Saraf AK, Purkait R, Sharma VK, Jadhav RK, Chandra H, Sriramachari S. Bhopal Gas Disaster: Unidentified
Compounds in the Residue of the MIC Tank - 610. J Ind Acad For Sci. 1991; 30(1): 13-18.
 Sriramachari S. Indo-US Workshop: Emergency Response and Preparedness. Case Study for India-Bhopal. Agra,
INDIA. November 9-11, 2005.

An Overview: Pathology & Toxicology

 Srivastava RC, Gupta BN, Athar M, Behari JR, Dwivedi RS, Hussain SK, Bharti RS, Singh A, Misra M, Ray PK. Effect
of exposure to toxic gas on the population of Bhopal part III: Assessment of toxic menifestation in human hematological
and biochemical studies. Ind J Exp Biol. 1988; 26: 165–172.
 Srivastava RK. Experimental Toxicological of Methyl Isocyanate and Related Compounds with Special Reference to
Pulmonary Surfactant. Final Technical Report of CSIR Project. DRDE, Gwalior. February 1990.
 Slotta KH, Tshesche R. Berichte, 1927, 60, 1021 cited by Blake and Maghsoodi (1982)
 Varadarajan S, Doraiswamy LK, Ayyangar NR, Iyer CSP, Khan AA, Lahiri AK, Mazumdar KV, Mashelkar RA, Mitra RB,
Nambiar OGB, Ramchandran V, Sahastrabudhe VD, Sivaram SV, Sriram S, Thyagarajan G, Venkataraman RS; Report on
Scientific studies on the factors related to Bhopal Toxic Gas Leakage. December 1985.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal



T HE almost instantaneous early deaths of large numbers of people and animals following the Bhopal Gas Disaster
generated several challenging issues. Although animal autopsy studies are beyond the scope of this Report, for
the record it must be added that the several studies under the auspices of IVRI were not only complementary, but also
had added implications about contamination of milk & meat components of ‘human dietaries’. Human Autopsies were
imperative for tracing before the causes of immediate and delayed or long term deaths and more importantly, timely
administration of antidotes, long term therapeutic interventions and rehabilitation of Bhopal Gas Victims. At that time,
it was also believed that autopsy findings and toxicological evidence might contribute towards fixation of compensation
by UCIL for individual deaths as well as survivors. Accordingly, the information gathered was treated as sub judice for
a considerable time.

Contributors to the Multi-Disciplinary Studies

In the fulfillment of the several tasks, Prof. Heeresh Chandra and his dedicated team of Departmental & Project
Staff at the Medico Legal Institute, Bhopal, undertook a comprehensive series of Autopsy and Clinical Toxicology
studies in collaboration with Prof. Darbari & Prof. Kanhere of the Dept. of Pathology of MG Medical College, Bhopal.
Soon thereafter they were joined by Dr. S Sriramachari & Dr. HMK Saxena of the Institute of Pathology of ICMR, New
Delhi. The Clinical Toxicological studies were undertaken in collaboration with several selected specialists like Prof. A
Ramaiah of Dept. of Biochemistry of AIIMS, Prof. PS Narayanan of GB Pant Hospital and Dr. Patil of DIPAS, Brig.
Lakshmipathi & Col. Sharma of INMAS, New Delhi. Last but not the least, was the abiding multi-pronged collaboration
relevant with DRDE, Gwalior, through its Director, Dr. PK Ramachandran, Dr. K Jeevaratnam and their colleagues. The
detailed results were submitted to the ICMR annually, for critical review and approval by the respective Advisory
Groups. In the consolidated Report only the gist of the different studies are presented appropriately and in a cogent
manner as Annexures under each Section are included in the Current Report or Compendium of work on Pathology &
Toxicology related to Bhopal Gas Disaster under ICMR auspices.

Human Autopsy Findings

In the ultimate analysis of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, the early deaths i.e. of December 1984 assume great importance
for several reasons. Firstly, all the deaths can be traced to the exposure, inhalation and consumption of the mysterious
contents of the aerosol that spread across the city of Bhopal. Secondly, it was felt that the early autopsies might provide
immediate clues for the treatment of the critically ill survivors. Indeed the suspicion of ‘cyanide toxicity’ in the very early
autopsies led to its prompt confirmation and institution of Sodium Thiosulphate (NaTS) therapy. Thirdly, automatic
acceptance of such early deaths being caused by exposure to irrespirable gases and chemicals cannot be questioned
legally and would act as a medico-legal precedent for purposes for claims for ‘compensation’ for even subsequent
deaths as a consequence of the exposure. Further as Director, Medico Legal Institute, Bhopal, Prof. Heeresh Chandra also
realized the need and importance of proper ‘Numbering & Photographing’ all the dead bodies brought to the morgue and
their prompt display at key locations in Bhopal. A couple of the earlier pictures are included in the Report (Figure 3.1
a&b; 3.2 a&b), with a view to illustrate the scientific methods that were adopted even at the peak of the disaster.

The Rapidly Advancing Death Wave

Almost with in hours after the Gas Leak, from early morning of 3rd December, large numbers of people started dying
and innumerable dead bodies were brought to the MLI morgue, attached to the MG Medical College. On the first day

Gross Human Autopsy Studies

Figure 3.1 (a & b). First Batch of Dead Bodies brought MLI and sets of identification photographs of Bhopal Gas Victims

Figure 3.2 (a&b). Photographs of Dead Animals in Bhopal Gas Disaster

Table 3.1. Postmortem Details

Date Dec 1984 3 4 5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 Total

Number of Bodies Received 311 250 59 65 20 11 5 10 731
Only External Noted (%) 156 154 27 - - - - - 337
(50.2) (61.6) (45.7) (46.1)
Complete Autopsy Done (%) 155 96 32 65 20 11 5 10 394
(49.8) (38.4) (54.3) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (53.9)

i.e., 3rd December there were as many as 311 bodies, followed by 250 on 4th and 59 on 5th (Table 3.1). Although there was
a rapid decline thereafter, in a large proportion of exposees high levels of morbidity were encountered.
Even before embarking on the massive autopsy study that lay ahead, the pros and cons of performing in each case’
both ‘external and internal examination’ were thoroughly discussed. In view of the possible risks to the limited personnel
and ‘working staff’ of MLI, if all the dead bodies were to be opened up, it was decided to ‘play safe’ by restricting the
‘internal examination’ to a limited number of cases. Since all the deaths were due to a single episode, it was decided to
carry out complete autopsies on a reasonably good proportion of cases according to the standard procedure and return
the remaining bodies after recording the ‘external findings’ and ensuring proper identification. Deaths recorded in the
month of December 1984 were 731; out of them 620 deaths were in the first three days of the disaster. For reasons
described above, ‘internal examinations’ were carried out on 155 on 3rd, 96 on 4th and 32 on 5th December 1984. With
reduction of numbers from 6th onwards till end of December 1984, full autopsies were performed carefully on all the
bodies received (Figure 3.3).

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Figure 3.3. Details of Bodies Received on Per-Diem Basis & Autopsy Done

External Findings
These findings are summarised date-wise in the accompanying Table 3.2 with a view to enable study of comparative
developments from 3rd to 30th December 1984.
i. Sex distribution: In general death amongst males was higher than in females.
ii. Age wise, out of 731 bodies received, nearly 1/3rd were of children i.e. 260 (Figure 3.4).
iii. Rigor Mortis was strong and present all over the body in 666 out of 731 cases. Possibly, it is due to physical fatigue
generated by superimposition of lactic acid following sudden and severe hypoxia as a result of altered blood
physiology confirmed during Internal Autopsy Findings (vide infra) (Figure 3.5).
iv. Hypostasis was light pink in colour and seen initially on the posterior aspect which had later extended all over. It
was noteworthy that none of the bodies from the early deaths showed evidence of decomposition, although some
were more than 36 hours old. On the contrary, the abdomen in some cases was “Spoon Shaped” rather than
v. In most of the bodies, the conjunctiva was congested (Figure 3.6) and the mouth was half-open and both the facies
and bodies were pale. The nose and mouth had a plug of massive froth with air bubbles (Figure 3.7), and in some

Table 3.2. External Findings (+ve Cases in %)

External Findings Dec 1984 3 4 5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 Mean
Sex Male 60.1 37.6 47.4 61.5 70 54.5 80 70 58.8
Female 39.8 42.4 32.5 38.4 30 45.5 20 30 41.2
Eye Conjunctiva (congested) 84.2 98.8 98.3 89.2 90 63.6 60 10 89.4
Absence of Cyanosis 94.8 98.4 100 100 100 90 60 10 95.6
Skin Colour Pink 60.7 50.4 40.6 64.6 60 81.8 40 30 91.1
Pink & Dry 15.7 36.8 32.2 12.3 5 - 20 10 0.2
Dry 3.5 0.8 - 1.5 5 9 - - 7.9
Yellow 0.35 - - - - - - - 0.1
Rigor Mortis Full 99 77.6 98.3 98.4 95 81.8 100 90 91.1
Rising 0.3 - 1.6 - - - - - 0.2
Passing - 22.8 - - - - - 10 7.9
Froth Only Nose 31.5 31.6 6.7 32.3 10 9 - - 28
Only Mouth 1.0 6.4 1.6 4.6 5 27.2 - 10 3.8
Nose & Mouth 51.1 58.4 89.8 56.9 3 27.2 20 10 55.5
Neck Veins (engorged) 77.1 87.2 74.5 52.3 25 27.2 20 10 74.6

Gross Human Autopsy Studies

Figure 3.4. Age-wise distribution of Postmortems (Total 731 Cases)

Figure 3.5. Rigor Mortis

Figure 3.6. Eye Conjunctiva (congested)

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

cases very light yellow to clear fluid was oozing with no blood tinge. On tilting the body, clear fluid was coming out
from the mouth and nostrils like a tap. Jugular veins were prominent in a large proportion of cases. Practically there
was no evidence of cyanosis in the bodies brought until 20th of Dec 1984.


Figure 3.7. Frothing – Nasal & Oral

vi. It was noticed that the usual post-mortem lividity or cyanosis was not present (Figure 3.8); instead, there was a
pinkish discolouration over all parts of the body.

It was noteworthy that on opening the bodies a typical characteristic odour was perceived. This was smelt in about
70% dead bodies on 3rd and all the dead bodies on 4th; afterwards the smell gradually decreased till 20th (Table 3.3).

Table 3.3. Internal Findings: Odour on the opening of the Body (+ve Cases in %)
Date Dec 1984 3 4 5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 Total
Number of Complete Autopsies 155 96 32 65 20 11 5 10 394
Odour - Typical (%) 70.9 100 68.7 27.6 15 5 - - 63.4

Gross Human Autopsy Studies

Figure 3.8. Cyanosis not detected

Another important feature from the earliest autopsies in Bhopal was marked congestion and ‘characteristic
cherry-red colour’ of the entire viscera and especially the lungs, which aroused suspicion of ‘cyanide toxicity’ by Prof.
Heeresh Chandra. The hypothesis was successfully confirmed on 8th December following the serendipitous visit of Dr.
Max Daunderer, a visiting German toxicologist from Munich. With the help of a Drager Tube he demonstrated successfully
a cyanide level of about 2 ppm in the blood of dead victims (Hankinson, 1986). Until the end of the December the dead
bodies showed a pronounced Cherry Red Colour of the blood, and some a pink colour thereafter (Figure 3.9).

Figure 3.9. Colour of Blood (Cases in %)

Most of the dead bodies showed overall congestion and petechial hemorrhages in the vital organs. Liver, Spleen,
Brain and Kidneys showed unusual softness. Some of the cases of 1985 also showed similar findings. Generalized
hemorrhage was found in many organs with altered naked eye appearance of blood. The ‘white matter’ was unduly

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

softened with ventricles full of clotted or coagulated blood. A detailed observation is appended date wise and organ
wise to diagnose the episode more clearly. Dark thin fluid blood when spread over tiles appeared to be ‘cherry red’ in
colour and aggregated into clumps as seen in agglutination. The venous side was engorged, probably indicative of
acidosis. The large blood vessel contained clots in two cases and also admixed with dark purple fluid blood in one of the

As per the details shown in Table 3.4, from 3rd December onwards the brain was found to be severely edematous,
congested and dotted with fine hemorrhagic spots on section of the cerebral hemispheres, mid brain and cerebellum.
Sub-arachnoid congestion was marked with bright pink colour. Softening of white matter was also observed. Similar
appearances were seen even upto the 10th of December. Later, although it started decreasing, congestion of the vessels
and slight sub-arachnoid hemorrhage on cortical surfaces remained. On section some of the brains showed petechial
hemorrhage in the cortical portion of the brain. There was generalized softening. Later on the brain continued to be
edematous and hyperemic, especially the choroid plexuses, accompanied by cerebral softening. In all the cases, dura
was thickened and congested. Brain edema was mild to moderate except in a rare case with hydrocephalus. The
ventricles in these two cases were dilated and white matter i.e., cortex of the brain was reduced in thickness to about 1
cm. The walls of the ventricle were softened and necrotic; with white yellow patchy material sticking. In one case, nuclei
were completely sloughed out and 3rd and 4th ventricles were full of pus (Figure 3.10; 3.11).
The generalized softness of the white matter of the brain with engorgement/ hemorrhage was most prominent
feature. The blood vessels had uniform red / cherry red colour indistinguishable in arteries and veins.

Table 3.4. Internal Findings: Brain (+ve Cases in %)

Date Dec 1984 3 4 5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 Total

Number of Complete Autopsies 155 96 32 65 20 11 5 10 394
Meninges – congested 94.8 100 96.8 98.4 100 72.7 80 90 96.4
Oedema 98 100 100 98.4 100 90.9 100 100 98.7
Hemorrhage Intra-cerebral 10.3 12.5 9.3 3 10 18.1 - - 9.3
Sub-arachnoid 3.8 3.1 3.1 6.1 - - 20 10 4
Petechial 31.6 22.9 50 72.3 80 18.1 - 30 39.3
Petechial Intra-cerebral 1.9 5.2 15.6 4.5 10 27.2 - 10 5.5

Figure 3.10. Brain Congestion and Oedema

Gross Human Autopsy Studies

Figure 3.11. Brain Hemorrhage

As per the details shown in Table 3.5, both the lungs were voluminous, pinkish-gray in colour, coveed by the
anterior chest wall. Both thoracic cavities contained about 100 - 200 ml fluid on each side. Petechial hemorrhagic spots
were present all over the lung. On section, frothy, dark pink fluid was oozing out. Usually, both lungs were severely
edematous and mottled. They weighed 2 to 3 times more than the average lungs. They were soft and spongy, giving an
appearance of drowning in their own secretions. Trachea contained froth and the congested mucosa appeared pink to
bright red in colour. In one case serous fluid was present in the thoracic cavities, and in another the pleura was adherent
to the chest wall. The visceral pleura had generalized petechial hemorrhages and cut sections of the lungs also showed
small jelly-like patches of consolidation. In the following week the patches appeared ecchymosed, bigger in size and

Table 3.5. Internal Findings: Gross Pathology of Lungs (+ve Cases in %)

Date Dec 1984 3 4 5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 Total

Number of Complete Autopsies 155 96 32 65 20 11 5 10 394
Voluminous 96.7 100 100 98.4 100 90.9 100 90 97.9
Oedematous 100 100 100 98.4 100 90.9 100 90 99.2
Congested 27.2 90.6 100 96.9 100 90.9 60 90 67.7
Petechial Haemorrhage 27 21.8 18.7 49.2 30 36.3 60 40 29.9
Mottling Gray 31.6 34.3 34.3 47.6 55 36.3 20 50 36.8
Pink 6.5 13.5 12.5 13.8 10 9 20 10 9.6
Gray & Pink 31.9 - - - 5 - - - 1
Bronchitis 3.8 6.2 9.3 20 25 9 20 20 9.3
Emphysematous Bullae 2.5 1.4 3.1 1.5 - - - - 2.5
Cavitation 0.6 - - 1.5 - - - - 0.5
Broncho – pneumonia 0.6 11.4 21.8 32.3 15 9.0 - - 11.1
Consolidation 0.6 4.1 3.1 35.3 70 81.8 40 70 15.4
Fibrosis 0.6 1 - 3 5 - - - 1
Ceasation - - - 3 - - - - 0.5
Lung abscess - - - 1.5 - - - 20 0.76
Pleura Serous 91.6 94.7 96.8 78.4 25 - 20 10 81.7
Adherent to lungs 3.2 4.1 3.1 7.6 15 36.3 40 20 6.5
Pleural effusion 91.6 97.9 96.8 83 40 - 20 10 86.8
Pulmonary Tuberculosis - - - 3 - - - - 0.5

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

congested. The bronchioles were full with yellowish secretions. On section, frothy pink thick blood oozed out. The
lungs appeared somewhat shrunken. Later on, the apical regions were found to be emphysematous with bulla on the
apical surface and which collapsed on section. In the later half of December, lung weights were nearly at par with
Normal; the surfaces were moist and slightly pink with a few dark patches. Posterior regions of lungs were consolidated,
chocolate colored and with pitting effects. Rest of the area was congested with very few patches in the periphery
showing normal lung tissue with pink colour. On section necrotic changes were present and pink colored frothy fluid
oozed out (Figure 3.12; 3.13; 3.14).

Figure 3.12. Gross Pathology of Whole Lung

Figure 3.12. Gross Pathology of Whole Lung

Figure 3.13. Lung Pathology

Gross Human Autopsy Studies

Figure 3.14. Lung Pleura

As per the details shown in Table 3.6 in the initial autopsies the heart showed clotted blood and fluid in both sides.
All over the anteior and posterior surfaces there were multiple fine hemorrhages. Coronary vessels were mostly patent.
The myocardium appeared to be ecchymosed and dark but in some it was pink or pale. The whole heart showed flabby
appearance to touch. The visceral pericardium showed petechial hemorrhage, mostly over the left ventricle. The right
side contained clotted blood while it was less on the left side. Major part of the clot was fibrinous. Recent myocardial
infarction with yellow patches was seen in three cases indicating the episode at least more than 24 hours.

Table 3.6. Internal Findings: Gross Pathology of Heart (+ve Cases in %)

Date Dec 1984 3 4 5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 Total

Number of Complete Autopsies 155 96 32 65 20 11 5 10 394
Petechial Haemorrhage 47 69.7 78.1 61.5 70 63.6 40 - 57.8
Ventricular dilatation 0.6 5.2 9.3 20 15 36.6 - 40 8.3
Heart Fluid Body 40 48.9 9.3 3 - 18.1 - - 29.4
Chamber - Clotted Blood 55.4 48.9 87.5 75.3 100 72.7 80 80 63.4
Right Slight Amount With 0.6 - 3.1 4.6 - - 20 20 2
Clotted Blood
Heart Empty 32.9 42.7 46.8 27.6 45 9 40 30 33.5
Chamber - Clotted Blood 5.8 2 - 15.3 10 45.4 40 20 7.8
Left Slight Amount With 36.1 50 53.1 27.6 40 26.2 - 20 38.5
Clotted Blood

Stomach was generally empty with mucosa showing mild diffused congestion. In some cases mucosa was intensely
reddish with an ‘hour glass’ appearance, indicating levels of the resting fluid. In some cases the stomach had hypermic,
congested mucosa with some haemorrhages and contained some fluid.

Small intestine was generally found empty but in large intestine faecal matter was present. There was no distension
due to absence of gases and no smell on opening, indicating defloration of G.I. bacteria.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

It was generally congested, chocolate colored, flabby, soft, shrunken with icteric cut surface oozing blood. Visceral
surface had petechial hemorrhages. Gall bladders were unusually distended.

The spleen was markedly congested, brownish black in colour with generalised petechial hemorrhages in the
visceral layer with pink thick blood oozing out of the cut surface.

Both kidneys were severely congested and dark brown in colour.

Comparative Autopsy Findings of 1985 to 1987

The overall picture in relation to brain weight did not show any marked increase in both the sexes with the
subsequent passage of time after 1984. Initial haemorrhagic condition continued till 1987. Some cases of 1985 showed
mild congestion in meninges, and later on significantly decreased in the following years (Table 3.7; 3.8;
Figure 3.15; 3.16).

Table 3.7. December 1984

Internal Findings (Dec 84) 3 4 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 30 Total

Autopsy Done (%) 155 (49.8) 96(38.4) 32 ( 54.3) 65 (100) 20 (100) 11 (100) 5 (100) 10 (100) 394 (53.9)
Pleural Effusion 96 94 98 80 45 - 40 - 85
Bronchitis / Bronchiolitis 5 1 6 9 25 - - 20 6
Pulmonary Oedema 100 94 100 86 100 81 100 100 96
Pulmonary Hemorrhage 24 9 12 60 30 27 60 40 26
Pneumonic Consolidation 2 1 - 26 20 81 60 60 11
Pulmonary Tuberculosis - - - 1 - - - 20 1.5
Pleural Calcification - - - - - - - 10 0.3
Sub-arachnoid Hemorrhage 4 1 3 8 - - 20 20 4.3
Cerebral Hemorrhage 26 39 68 63 75 63 20 60 171
Cerebral Atherosclerosis 1 9 3 12 40 18 20 - 7

Table 3.8. 1985 (January to December)

Internal Findings (1985) Jan-Mar Apr-June July-Sep Oct-Dec Total %

Autopsy Done (%) 34 (100) 23 (100) 32 (100) 16 (100) 105 (100)
Pleural Effusion - - - - -
Bronchitis / Bronchiolitis 8 8 18 18 13
Pulmonary Oedema 41 4 13 31 22
Pulmonary Haemorrhage 26 8 21 18 20
Pneumonic Consolidation 32 17 25 31 26
Pulmonary Tuberculosis 11 8 - 12 7
Pleural Calcification - 4 13 18 7
Sub-arachnoid Haemorrhage 11 - - 6 4
Cerebral Heamorrhage 26 8 13 6 15
Cerebral Atherosclerosis 3 12 13 6 8

Gross Human Autopsy Studies

Figure 3.15

Figure 3.16

As observed in 1984 cases, lungs weights were above normal in both the sexes. This continued till first quarter of
1985, when it became normal. But after the third quarter of 1985 till 1987 in most of the cases it was above normal.
Pulmonary edema, congestion and hemorrhage were the prominent findings of 1984, also observed in less number of
cases of 1985 and these findings were constantly seen in 1986 as well as 1987 cases. Pleural thickening was a noted
feature in 1985 cases. Bronchitis and pulmonary consolidation was present in higher number of cases of 1985 as
compared to 1984 but in the subsequent years these were present in few cases only (Table 3.7; 3.8; Figure 3.17; 3.18).

A marked increase in heart weight was observed in both the sexes. Especially from 11th December 1984 till the end
of the month. After July 1987there were a significant increase in heart weight in most of the cases.

Liver constantly showed above normal values of weight in 1984 cases. But since 1985 it was within the normal

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Figure 3.17

Figure 3.18

range in both the sexes. Congestion was a prominent feature of 1984 cases which was also continued in most of the
cases of 1985, 86 and 87. Liver consistency was soft in most of the cases throughout this time period.

In the initial phase of 1984 spleen showed nearly normal values of weight but since 16th December 1984, in males
there was a rapid increase in weight observed till the end of month and it became normal during mid of 1985. Congestion
and softening were observed in some cases.

Kidneys showed constantly much variation in weight, it was more prominent in females and always above
normal values with slight increase during December 1984. Congestion and softening continued till 1987 in most of
the cases.

Gross Human Autopsy Studies

 Daunderer M. German Environmental Toxicologist, Invited by Government of India. 1984.
 Hawkinson J. The Cyanide Controversy: A Toxicological Report on the Bhopal Gas Disaster, March 1986. Eds Amy
S. Kelly and Sarah Trapnell. Published by The Bhopal Project, Washington Research Institute, 3116 Washington
Street, San Francisco.
 Varadarajan S, Doraiswamy LK, Ayyangar NR, Iyer CSP, Khan AA, Lahiri AK, Mazumdar KV, Mashelkar RA, Mitra
RB, Nambiar OGB, Ramchandran V, Sahastrabudhe VD, Sivaram SV, Sriram S, Thyagarajan G, Venkataraman RS;
Report on Scientific studies on the factors related to Bhopal Toxic Gas Leakage. December 1985.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal




Prof. Heeresh Chandra and his colleagues started performing autopsies within 72 hours of the disaster. The entire
lot of 394 autopsies on Bhopal Gas Victims were carried out at the Medico Legal Institute. The presence of a thick
tenacious foamy froth covering the nose and the mouth, as illustrated in the previous Chapter, was a common post-
mortem finding in the early autopsies, Likewise, the reddish discoloration of the conjunctiva was yet another common
feature. Post-mortem hypostasis was not confined to the dependent parts, but was present all over the body. The lungs
were enlarged and highly edematous and showed congestion, haemorrhage and consolidation. The pulmonary vessels
were filled with thick viscid dark Cherry Red Blood. The bronchi and trachea were reddish in appearance and filled with
white tenacious material. The heart often contained blood clot which was cherry red and some chicken-fat like material.
The liver showed hemorrhagic spots. The gall bladder was distended. Frequently, the stomach and intestines showed
hemorrhages in the wall and in the sub-mucosa. The spleen was shrunken and softened. The kidneys showed focal
hemorrhage. The brain was ‘Cherry Red’ in colour. It was edematous and soft in consistency. On section, there were foci
of haemorrhage, particularly in the white matter. In a few cases, there was sub-arachnoid, intra-ventricular and intra-
cerebral haemorrhage.

Histopathological Studies
The Histopathological Studies were undertaken jointly with two groups of Pathologists. The 1st one comprised of
Prof. NS Darbari and Colleagues of the Department of Pathology, MG Medical College, Bhopal. Although, there were
very little differences with respect to the initial findings by both the Groups and by way of independent confirmation of
the observations and for purpose of ‘record’, a brief abstract of the salient findings of the 1st study is included below,
followed by a more detailed account of the 2nd Group. .

The First Histopathological Study

The study is based on a total of 40 autopsies of MLI series of victims of both sexes and all age groups gathered on
a weekly basis, largely spread over the first five weeks and occasionally upto four months.
Autopsy examination of two cases that died in the first 72 hours, showed that the brunt of the attack was on the
lungs, with severe necrotizing lesions affecting the bronchioles, alveoli and capillaries, along with profuse inflow of
fluid into the alveoli. Necrotizing lesions were also found on the lining of the upper respiratory tract. There was very
little evidence of secondary infection and cellular response in the lung was manifest as poly-morphonuclear infiltration
and proliferation of alveolar macrophages
Lungs: In all cases affected lungs were heavy, voluminous, congested, edematous and more marked in the lower lobes.
Histologically, the initial nine cases during the first week showed ‘necrosis and desquamation of the respiratory
channels’, associated ‘interstitial and hemorrhagic changes’ accompanied by massive ‘alveolar edema’; In the second
week, the predominant picture in 12 out of 15 autopsies was one of ‘interstitial pneumonitis’ and ‘bronchiolitis obliterans’
filled with desquamated epithelial debris. In the following week, while there was decrease of edema, there was an
increase of the inflammatory reaction. By the fifth week, alongside alveolar thickening and compensatory emphysema,
interstitial fibrosis and bronchopneumonia became predominant.
Other Organs: The brain showed occasionally petechial hemorrhages over the entire period, peri-cellular and peri-
capillary edema and dilatation of Virchow-Robin spaces, neuronal damage and degeneration of cerebellar Purkinje cells. In

Histopathological & Experimental Studies

18 cases, the heart showed evidence of interstitial edema. The liver showed foci of hepatocellular necrosis and fatty change
in 15 out of the 40 cases. Infrequently, stomach and intestines showed superficial ulceration and renal tubular necrosis.

The Second Histopathological Study

The “Early as well as Long term Histopathological Studies”, based on Light & Electron Microscopy was more
detailed and comprehensive in the 2nd study. The ICMR team consisting of Dr. S Sriramachari, Dr. HMK Saxena, Dr.
Ashok Mukherjee & their associates at Institute of Pathology, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi, helped the Bhopal
Toxicology team from December 13th - 21st, 1984. The following description is based on a detailed report on 22 consecutive
autopsies performed during this period.
“On opening the thoracic or abdominal cavities, the viscera rapidly acquired a reddish tinge. This was presumed
to be due to their interaction with atmospheric oxygen. This feature was observed in the lungs, small intestines and
brain. The cherry-red colour of the post-mortem specimens of various organs gave rise to a strong suspicion of cyanide
poisoning (vide Annual Report, 1984 of Institute of Pathology-ICMR). The following are some of the important
histopathological changes observed under Light and Electron Microscopy in the second autopsy series of 22 cases.
The autopsies studied upto December 22, 1984, were subjected to detailed histopathological examination at the Institute
of Pathology. In all cases, paraffin sections were stained by Haematoxylin & Eosin and where necessary for Reticulin
(Gomori) or Collagen (Masson) Elastic tissue (Verhoeff) for Hyaline membranes and phagocytic debris (PAS), fat
(Sudan IV), and Nissl staining procedures.
Early Histopathological Findings: Significant and consistent histopathological changes were seen in the respiratory
system, characteristic of bronchitis, bronchiolitis, tracheitis and extensive and widespread edema of the lungs and
extensive hemorrhages. There was total lung involvement and the parenchyma was abnormal; the lesions were however
free from bacteria. By the 2nd Week of December, interstitial pneumonitis with ulcerative and inflammatory lesions of
bronchioles was predominant. Denudation of epithelium and acute inflammatory cells were seen on the tracheal wall.
Exudates consisting of neutrophils and lymphocytes and desquamated epithelial cells filled the bronchioles. By the 3rd
week, the alveoli were found to be thickened and the alveolar lumen was filled with necrotic debris and macrophages
with chronic inflammatory cells. The bronchioles showed necrotic epithelial debris embedded in mucin.
On 21st December, 1984, the respiratory tract and lungs showed more or less a similar pattern which was observed
in the first or second week of December, 1984, by Dr. Heeresh Chandra, except for a slight reduction in the lung size. The
trachea was purplish red in colour and the smaller bronchi were filled with a frothy fluid. The lungs were water-logged
and appeared reddish in colour and there was copious fluid exudation from cut surfaces. Upto the end of the third week,
the respiratory systems showed a consistently uniform pattern and on gross examination variable involvement of other
organs was also noticed.
The pathological findings were summarized, all the important microscopic lesions were photographed in colour
and the Report was made available to Prof. Heeresh Chandra. The same had also been presented at the initial meetings
held in Bhopal from January 1985 onwards, submitted to the Bhopal Gas Commission under Dr. CR Krishnamurthy and
has also been published in its ‘Official Report’ which was released in July 1987.
A summary of the pathological findings in the Lung and other Viscera is presented in Figure 4.1 to illustrate the
over-all distribution of the pathological lesions observed in the series of cases in the 2nd study.
By contrast, quite often pathological changes were seen in the Brain, including intra-cerebral haemorrhage, peri-
cellular and peri-capillary edema with neuronal degeneration.
Antecedent findings of tuberculosis in the lungs and GI tracts were not unexpected. Occasionally ulcers were seen
in the stomach and small intestine. The liver presented features of widening of sinusoids, dissociation of hepatic cords,
focal necrosis, and congestion, presence of lipofuchsin granules in hepatocytes and mononuclear infiltration of portal
tracts. Liver showed varying degrees of acute agonal changes like swelling, vacuolation and fatty degeneration. A
substantial number showed marked enlargement of the Gall Bladder and accumulation of bile. Spleen was congested.
Kidneys showed interstitial edema. The kidney showed in 3 cases, acute tubular necrosis, particularly in the proximal
convoluted tubules. The renal medulla showed congestion and filling up of the collecting ducts with tubular casts
(Figure 4.2).

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Figure 4.1. Series II: Overall Prevalence of Pulmonary Lesions

Figure 4.2. Series II: Overall Prevalence of Extra-Pulmonary Lesions

Summary of Histopathological Findings

Although many organs were affected, the most prominent findings were in the lungs. In the early series, there was
a gross increase in the weight of the lungs, nearly 3 times that of the normal. The entire respiratory tract showed a series
of pathological changes. There was intense congestion and denudation of the epithelium of the trachea and the major
divisions of the bronchi. There were foci of ulceration. The lungs were heavily water-logged and had the characteristic
cherry red colour. Microscopically there were extensive changes such as necrotizing bronchiolitis and widespread

Histopathological & Experimental Studies

damage of the lung parenchyma. The major findings were those of acute bronchiolitis, bronchopneumonia, pulmonary
hemorrhages, and pulmonary edema, with outpouring of albuminous fluid into the alveoli, pneumonitis and alveolitis.
The histo-pathological changes in other organs were suggestive of extensive or widespread cerebral, edema or swelling,
peri-capillary ring hemorrhages, both in the cortex as well as the white matter. The liver in a number of cases showed
varying degrees of fatty change. The kidneys showed marked congestion in most of the cases and tubular necrosis in
some. The gastro-intestinal tract showed mesenteric and sub mucous hemorrhages, and necrotizing enteritis. The heart
muscle showed generalized edema without obvious necrosis.
A subsequent group of autopsies on victims who died during the 8-12 weeks of the episode revealed less marked
but essentially similar picture of pulmonary changes. But there was no suggestion of any interstitial or parenchymal
fibrosis. The observations of cerebral edema and anoxia were consistently prominent even in the later stage.

Electron Microscopic Studies

Ultra-structural studies of representative samples of tissues at different periods showed a consistent reduction,
a loss of Type I pneumonocyte representing the squamous epithelial cell which lines the alveolar surface. This could
account for impairment of trans-alveolar exchange of blood gases due to the loss of pulmonary surfactant. By contrast,
the Type II pneumonocyte, the precursor of pulmonary surfactants, with characteristic multilayered lamellar concentric
bodies, was found consistently within the alveolar spaces. Electron microscopy of the brain sections also confirmed the
histological finding of cerebral edema and neuronal degeneration. Neurons showed depletion of Nissl granules, dilatation
of the Endoplasmic Reticulam and marked swelling of peri-capillary astrocytes. Flocculent opacities in the mitochondria,
presaging cellular death, were seen quite frequently in sections from the heart muscle, liver cells and nerve cells of the
In brief, the autopsy studies at the Gross, Light and Electron Microscopic level, revealed a wide spectrum of immediate
and long-term histo-pathological changes with possible functional impairment amongst the survivors. The details of
the Histopathological & Toxicological findings were presented at several Conferences, notably The 1st International
Symposium on IsoCyanates at Stockholm (Annexure 4.1) in 2000 and The 4th Sir Dorabji Tata Symposium on: Acute
Respiratory Disease at Bangalore in 2003 and subsequently published on Editor’s request in Current Science of 2004
(Annexure 4.2).

Lung Biopsy Studies

The issue of performing lung biopsies in the prevalent situation of Bhopal was discussed in great detail in a couple
of meetings organized in Bhopal and also in Delhi under the auspices of Bhopal Gas Commission. Although, there were
a few preliminary studies, it was decided to defer the program in the surcharged situation. However, a brief mention is
being made to recall the findings:
Six to Eight months after exposure, Dr. Darbari and associates in 1985, undertook ‘open lung biopsies’ in 4 patients
which showed the characteristic feature / picture of bronchiolitis obliterans of a fairly large sized terminal bronchiole.
The surrounding lung parenchyma showed marked inflammatory exudates. Histology of all the cases showed “thickening
of alveolar septae with diffuse interstitial fibrosis with collagen. Neutrophils, eosinophils and plasma cells were consistently
absent and macrophages could be seen in the alveolar lumen. The terminal bronchioles were inflamed with presence of
exudates in their lumen. Mild to moderate pulmonary hypertension was suggestive from the thickened arterial walls.
Two of the four cases presented were those of interstitial fibrosis diagnosed on clinical, radiological and Pulmonary
Function Tests.
Later on, Kamat et al (1987) performed open lung biopsies in three patients and observed similar changes: (a)
Sub-Pleural & Septal Fibrosis, (b) Interstitial Cellular aggregates, (c) Compensatory Emphysema, (d) Bronchiolitis
and (e) Peri-bronchial & Peri-vascular Fibrosis.

Long-Term BAL (Broncho Alveolar Lavage) Studies

Apart from large number of deaths in Bhopal due to acute pulmonary edema, persistent respiratory symptoms in
the survivors raised suspicions of development of interstitial lung disease in some of the survivors. As already stated,

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

performing lung biopsies was not pursued in the Bhopal scenario. Similarly, Lung Function Tests also seemed to have
certain limitations. As an alternative, Dr. Vijayan and associates thought that BAL studies might be of help in the
resolution of issues related to post-exposure ‘alveolitis’. In the process, it has been possible to distinguish the two
categories of long-term ‘macrophage reaction’. Patients accustomed to smoking revealed superimposition of ‘neutrophil
reaction’. The initial one-point study was re-confirmed in the by follow-up BAL study. The detail of the first study is
presented as Annexure 4.3, the follow-up study published year and half later was published in Respiratory Medicine
(1995) by Dr. Vijayan.
In 1987, Kanhere et al. also studied the Morphology of Placenta in 134 cases of ‘pregnant women exposed to
Bhopal Gas leak and concluded that while no significant differences were observed in full-term deliveries as between
Gas Exposed & Control groups. ‘Hydropic degeneration’ of the placenta was seen in the cases that had undergone
medical termination of pregnancy.

Experimental Studies with MIC & Related Chemicals

Until the occurrence of the Bhopal Gas Disaster, practically nothing was known about the toxicity of MIC. Even
subsequently, many of the initial experimental studies were related to simulation of the irritant effects of repeated
exposures, rather than investigating the several parameters inherent to Bhopal Disaster such as: age of the affected
victim, severity of exposure due to dosage variation, long-term follow-up after single exposures to the main chemical
MIC, and its aqueous derivatives like Methyl Amine (MA) & Dimethyl Urea (DMU). Jeevaratnam and Sriramachari
undertook a comprehensive Experimental study at DRDE, Gwalior involving variable dosages and periods of study
times, which answered several related issues. The studies were published initially in the IJMR (Annexure 4.4), followed
by Archives of Toxicicology in 1994a & 1994b, discussed in detail in Annexure 4.2 and also presented at the 1st
International Symposium held in Stockholm in 2000 (Annexure 4.5).

 Krishnamurthy CR. Scientific Commission for Continuing Studies on Effect of Bhopal Gas Leakage on Life Systems.
Submitted to: Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India. Sardar Patel Bhawan. Sansad Marg, New Delhi. July; 1987.
 Sriramachari S, Chandra H. Pathology and Toxicology of Methyl Isocyanate and MIC Derivatives in
Bhopal Disaster. First International Symposium on Isocyanates in Occupational Environments. Stockholm.
June 19-21, 2000.
 Sriramachari S. Bhopal Gas Tragedy: An Environmental Disaster. Trends in Respiratory Diseases. The Environment
and Infection. The Fourth Sir Darabji Tata Symposium. 2004;167-203.
 Sriramachari S. The Bhopal gas tragedy: An environmental disaster. Current Science. 2004; 86 (7): 905-920.
 Kanhere S, Darbari BS, Shrivastava AK. Morphological study of placentae of expectant mothers exposed to gas
leak at Bhopal. Indian J Med Res. 1987; 86 (Suppl): 77-82.
 Vijayan VK, Pandey VP, Sankaran K, Mehrotra Y, Darbari BS, Misra NP. Bronchoalveolar lavage study in victims of
toxic gas leak at Bhopal. Indian J Med Res. 1989; Dec 90: 407-14.
 Vijayan VK, Sankaran K, Sharma SK, Misra NP. Chronic lung inflammation in victims of toxic gas leak at Bhopal.
Respiratory Medicine. 1985; 89(2); 105-111.
 Jeevratanam K, Sriramachari S. Experimental Studies on Single Exposure of MIC and it’s Aqueous Derivatives. First
International Symposium on Isocyanates in Occupational Environments. Stockholm. June 19-21, 2000.
 Jeevratanam K, Sriramachari S. Comparative Toxicology of methyl Isocyanate and it’s Hydrolytic derivatives in
Rats. I Pulmonary Histopathology in the Acute Phase. Arch Toxicol. 1994(a); 69: 39-44.
 Sriramachari S, Jeevratanam K. Comparative Toxicology of methyl Isocyanate and it’s Hydrolytic derivatives in
Rats. II Pulmonary Histopathology in the Sub-acute and Chronic Phase. Arch Toxicol. 1994(b); 69: 45-51.
 Jeevratanam K, Sriramachari S. Acute Histopathological Changes Induced by Methyl Isocyanate in Lungs, Liver,
Kidneys and Spleen of Rats. IJMR. 1994; 99: 231-235.


Pathology and Toxicology of Methyl Isocyanate and MIC

Derivatives in Bhopal Disaster
Samavedam Sriramachari1 & Heeresh Chandra2

I N any consideration of the “Biological Effects of isocyanates”, the worst-ever chemical disaster in Bhopal consti
tutes a. unique landmark and role model in several respects.
On the midnight of 2nd December 1984, following a runaway chemical reaction, nearly 40 tons of methyl isocyanate
(MIC) was released into the atmosphere over a densely populated area of Bhopal City in India. Over 3,000 people died
and many more were condemned to long-term morbidity. Apart from MIC, the aerosol of toxic gases inhaled by the
victims possibly contained a. mixture of aqueous and thermal decomposition products, and a host of reactant chemicals
and polymers of MIC. Detailed autopsy studies and chemical investigations were carried out, the salient features of
which are given below:

Autopsy Studies - Gross Anatomy & Histopathology

Initial autopsy studies during the first four weeks revealed a characteristic “cherry red discoloration” of lung, the
primary target organ, alongside massive pulmonary edema, emphysema and hemorrhages, generalized visceral conges-
tion, cerebral edema, ring hemorrhages and anoxic brain damage.
Extensive pulmonary & exudative changes were observed during subsequent autopsy studies carried out on
victims succumbing one to four months post-exposure. Later studies from four months to one year and beyond
revealed diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (DIPF)

Issue of Cyanide Toxicity

In over 100 autopsies of instantaneous and early deaths, we observed “arterialization of blood and a ‘cherry red’
discoloration of the lungs”. This singular feature aroused a genuine suspicion of possible “cyanide toxicity”, due to
release of a certain quantity of HCN during “pyrolytic decomposition of MIC” (Blake and Ijadi-Maghsoodi, 1983)
Although Union Carbide stoutly deprecated the possibility of HCN release, our subsequent chemical analysis con-
firmed an elevation of blood cyanide level.
Initial investigations like “Blood Gas Studies”, elevated 2-3 DPG levels and a negative spectroscopic evidence for
carboxy~hemoglobin lent further support to an unknown type of “histo-toxic anoxia” due to MIC. While Union Carbide
advocated that MIC does not cross the “alveolar-capillary barrier”, our findings of elevated levels of blood cyanide and
demonstration of MIC in the blood of victims are significant.

Evidence in support of Cyanide Toxicity

Direct evidence: In a study comprising 128 samples, a considerable elevation in the blood cyanide levels was observed
in the living as well as dead persons exposed to MIC, as compared with the unexposed.
Indirect evidence: The dramatic “Clinical Response” to administration of I.V. Sodium Thiosulphate (NaTs) was followed
by a few successful “Double Blind Clinical Trials”,
Several clinical & epidemiological studies were carried and it was found that in many of the ‘exposes’ the urinary
thiocyanate level was raised above the normal level of 1 mg%. Immediately following NaTs, there was a further increase,
indicating the accumulation of the cyanide metabolites. Over 18,000 samples were monitored for the procedure over a
period of ’18 months of follow-up, when the metabolic disturbance tapered off.

1. Institute of Pathology - ICMR, Safdarjung Hospital Campus, New Delhi - 110029, INDIA
2. Medico Legal Institute, M. G. Medical: College, Bhopal, INDIA

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Binding of MIC molecule to the free amino group of the end-terminal amino acids of hemoglobin
and other tissue proteins
Further, in the annals of chemical disasters, the Bhopal episode appears to be the first instance, where the offend-
ing chemical/s have been tracked down to the bodies of the victims. The presence of MIC itself was established by the
demonstration of “N-Carbamoylated end-terminal valine residues of hemoglobin (Hb)” in the blood samples from
cadavers and ‘survivors’, Binding of MIC to the terminal valine residues of Hb or Myoglobin (carbamoylation) could
explain the cherry red color transformation and functional disturbances, like impaired transport of carbon dioxide,
release of oxygen and extreme muscle weakness.
Initially, a reduction of “free amino groups” of hemoglobin was demonstrated by the TNBS reaction Subsequent
chromatographic studies for demonstration of Methyl Valine Hydantoin (MVH) confirmed that MIC was bound to end-
tem1inal valine residues. By mid-January 1985, we detected v MVH in 19 out of 60 exposes and 7 out of 11 cord blood
samples. Thus, it has been shown that MIC not only crosses the alveolar-capillary but even the placental barriers.
Depending on the extent of binding and the continuous formation o(new blood, the risk seems to be “contained”.
“Methyl hydrations” of ten other end-terminal amino acids were identified using G.C.-M.S. equipped with ion trap
detector, in the several viscera, of victims who survived up to 16 months. Unfortunately, as mentioned earlier, the
mechanism of random distribution of MIC throughout the body eluded us, because of lack of facilities to tackle S-
glutathione and several enzyme systems containing sulphydryl of groups. Later Bailie & Slatter (1991), demonstrated S-
Carbamoylation in experimental material using a chemical ionization detector. However, the possibility of reversible S-
Carbamoylation of SH groups of rhodanese, aldolase and cholinesterase, still remains unanswered!

Comparative Forensic Toxicological Investigation of the “tank Residue” and tissue extracts of
cryo-preserved viscera from autopsied cases
A comparative G.C-M.S. study of the “incriminated tank-residue” and cryo-preserved autopsy tissue-extracts
revealed an overlapping spectrum of MIC derivatives. Undoubtedly, the information is of considerable “evidentiary
value”. But more importantly, the high molecular weights, of some of the new compounds, may have a bearing on the
controversial issue as to the maximum temperatures attained during the “run-away chemical reaction” which could have
favored the release of HCN. Moreover, the possible toxicity of some of the unknown compounds with high molecular
weight (MW) still remains an enigma.
Using G.C.-M.S (ITD) technique we detected a total of 21 MIC-derived chemicals in the milieu-exterior as well as -
interior systems. Four of these compounds had a MW greater than 150 indicating higher Melting Points and a high
range of temperatures which operated during the “run-a way-chemical reaction”. Such information if confirmed might
explain whether the reaction could have promoted pyrolysis of MIC and release of HCN.
Thus the scientific studies have provided acceptable and convincing answers to several issues raised by the
Bhopal disaster involving methyl isocyanate.


The Bhopal Gas Tragedy: An Environmental Disaster

S. Sriramachari

The multi-disciplinary study of histopathology and toxicology of Bhopal gas tragedy resolved several issues. First,
the progression of severe pulmonary oedema to chronic fibrosis was confirmed experimentally, following a single
exposure to MIC. Analysis of the residue in Tank 610 revealed over 21 chemicals. Apart from MIC and HCN, some of
them were tracked down to the blood and viscera of dead and living ‘exposees’. The rationale of NaTS therapy was
substantiated by elevated urinary NaSCN levels in Double Blind Clinical Trials as well as patients. Apart from
cyanide, the ‘cherry red’ discolouration was also shown to result from binding of MIC to end-terminal valine residues
of Hb, as shown by changes in 2–3DPG levels and blood gas profiles. The finding of Ncarbamoylation of several other
end-terminal amino acids of tissue proteins confirmed the distribution of MIC within the body, although the underlying
mechanism is not yet fully understood. Possibly, the much faster S-carbamoylated compounds of the blood like
glutathione and other sulphydrylcontaining enzymes like rhodanese could be responsible for re-circulation of MIC
and protracted cyanide toxicity. It is hoped that eventually the enigma of the ‘Bio-chemical Lesion’ of MIC toxicity
will be unraveled.

BY all accounts the Bhopal gas leak on the night of 2–3 Bhopal. The MLI continued to perform autopsies on gas-
December 1984, is the worst chemical disaster in history. affected victims in subsequent years.
It took a heavy toll of human lives. People started dying
within hours and more than 2000 lives were lost in the first Brief clinical manifestations
few days. Late Heeresh Chandra, the man who had to deal
According to Dureja and Saxena1, one of the earliest of the
with it first-hand, presented the forensic aspects at the
‘Rescue Teams’ to reach Bhopal when panic was at its
Third Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine held at
peak at major hospitals of the city, the patients could be
Madras in December 1989, followed by Sriramachari on
graded symptomatically into four categories: (i) Minor eye
the histopathology and toxicological studies. According
ailments, throat irritation and cough, (ii) Severe
to Ivor Doney who reviewed the proceedings, ‘A silent
conjunctivitis, keratitis, acute bronchitis and drowsiness,
stunned audience listened with awe the terrible story of
(iii) Severe pulmonary oedema leading to cardio-respiratory
1984, when on one tragic day poisonous fumes killed
distress, and (iv) Convulsions, followed by cardio-
hundreds of people or maimed thousands of them in the
respiratory arrest. Intense fatigue and muscular weakness
ensuing months’. He likened this tragedy to ‘Pompeii
was another common feature. Another early and
suddenly engulfed in the dust of Vesuvius, or Hiroshima
comprehensive report is by Kamat et al.2. Soon thereafter,
when the atom bomb was dropped’. He concludes ‘that
other clinicians like N. P. Misra3, P. S. Narayanan, and S. K.
the story should be told at some future international
Jain had encountered similar patterns, with minor
forensic meetings again and again and again’.
variations. Several thousands survived with a variety of
By 7.00 AM, 70 people were dead, by 9.00 AM 260 morbidity and permanent disabilities. According to the
were dead and thereafter the figures continued to rise. recent press reports, there are a large numbers of survivors,
Though not all dead bodies were brought to the Medico- with lingering ailments and incapacity to work.
Legal Institute (MLI), 311 bodies were received on
Non-availability of any information about the toxicity
3.12.1984, followed by another 250 on 4.12.1984. Thereafter,
of even the parent compound, MIC (methyl isocyanate),
the rate declined. A total of 731 bodies were received in
was a great impediment to institute ‘detoxication measures’
December 1984 alone, 103 in 1985; 90 in 1986 and 44 and 22
and lay down guidelines for therapeutic intervention and
respectively in 1987 and 1988. These figures from the
management of the victims. Hence, there was an urgent
morgue may not account for all the deaths in the city of
need to generate de novo, authentic scientific evidence
and information. The ICMR rushed to the scene and tried
S. Sriramachari is at the Institute of Pathology– ICMR,
New Delhi 110 029, India. to fill the void. It funded, amongst 24 other projects, two
e-mail: comprehensive studies on toxicology and a collateral
CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004 905

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

project on PFT (pulmonary function tests)/blood gas the gas release in Bhopal is not due to mere leakage of
analyses. Both these projects rapidly transformed cold MIC. The presence of an array of multiple chemicals
themselves into ‘multidisciplinary and multi-institutional was demonstrated 5–7. Careful re-examination by the
investigations’ (Tables 1 and 2). toxicology project of the ICMR, revealed the presence of
as many as 21 chemical constituents, including 9 or 10
Nature of the toxic gases in Bhopal additional unidentified compounds8. However, the toxicity
Public attention to the high reactivity of MIC was drawn was NOT known about any of the compounds, including
by Devkumar and Mukherjee4. It was followed by more MIC.
authoritative accounts in the Varadarajan Committee While elevation of pressure and temperature inside
Report5. According to the report, there was a massive leak the closed tank or container in Bhopal was widely
of MIC stored for a long period in the incriminated Tank recognized, the liberation of hydrogen cyanide (HCN)
610 of the Pesticide Plant of Union Carbide of India Ltd became one of the most contentious issues. In retrospect,
(UCIL). Several hypotheses attributed for this disaster it is amusing that the Union Carbide Corporation (UCC)
include, ‘prolonged bulk storage of 42 tons of MIC, decried cyanogensis and let loose a campaign of
nonfunctioning refrigeration system, failure of safety misinformation. There were sufficient indications to that
measures and malfunctioning of neutralization facilities’. effect even in UCC’s earlier reports9. And it was amply
One or more of these factors might have contributed to confirmed in the publication of Blake and Ijadi-
the accidental and uncontrolled runaway reaction. From Maghsoodi10, about two years prior to the Bhopal disaster.
all accounts, quite unlike leakage of a single chemical like While there is no doubt about the decomposition of MIC,
ammonia, sulphuric acid, phosgene or hydro cyanic acid, it was suppressed on puerile grounds, due to uncertainty
of the temperature attained within Tank 610 and in the
Table 1. Multidisciplinary studies undertaken absence of consensus as to the quantity of HCN liberated
at specific temperatures, say 200°C, 300°C and 420°C!
Human autopsies
Further, it was known, ever since 1927, that apart from
other nitrile compounds, HCN forms an ‘adduct with MIC’
Electron microscopy
itself11. Depending on the reactions, theoretically it is even
Experimental studies
Pulmonary function tests (PFT) possible for the more lethal ‘cyanogen’ to be formed. It is
Elevated levels of haemoglobin (Hb) proposed to discuss later several issues related to
Alterations in blood gases confirmation of ‘cyanide toxicity in Bhopal’.
Elevated 2–3 DPG (di-phospho-glycerate) levels
Evidence of acute and chronic cyanide toxicity Critical human autopsy studies
Therapeutic response to detoxification by NaTS
Forensic toxicology Heeresh Chandra and his colleagues started performing
Proof of direct binding of MIC to Hb and tissue proteins autopsies within 72 h of the disaster. It was noticed that
through N-carbamoylation the usual post-mortem lividity or cyanosis was not present;
Faster and reversible S-carbamoylation (attempted but not instead, there was a pinkish discolouration over all parts
successful) of the body.

Table 2. Trans-institutional collaboration

Institutions Collaborators
Medico-Legal Institute, M.G.M. College, Bhopal Heeresh Chandra, Satapathi, colleagues and scientific project staff
Department of Pathology, M.G.M. College, Bhopal B. S. Darbari and S. Kanhere
Institute of Pathology-ICMR, S.J. Hospital, New Delhi S. Sriramachari and H. M. K. Saxena, Ashok Mukherjee and A K Jain
G.B. Pant Hospital, New Delhi P. S. Narayanan
AIIMS, New Delhi A. Ramaiah and Roman Reddy
DRDE, Gwalior P. K. Ramachandran and colleagues, K. Jeevaratnam
INMAS, New Delhi N. Lakshmipathi, S. K. Sharma and Pant
DIPAS, New Delhi K. Sridharan and A. C. Patil
IIT, Madras D. V. Ramana
IICT, Hyderabad M. Vairamani

906 CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004

Annexure 4.2

The most important findings were in the lungs. There Intra-alveolar hyaline membranes were seen
was a gross increase in the weight of nearly 2 ½– 3 times frequently. Many sections of the lung showed extensive
the normal. The entire respiratory tract showed a series of emphysematous areas (Figure 2 b). There was very little
pathological changes. The lungs were heavily water logged evidence of secondary infection. In some places there was
and had a distinctive cherry-red colour (Figure 1 a). The necrotizing bronchiolotis (Figure 2 c). Polymorpho-nuclear
mucosa was intensely congested. The trachea and the cellular infiltrates were not very prominent. Instead, cellular
major divisions of the bronchi revealed necrotizing or response in the lung was largely one of proliferation of the
ulcerative changes. The following striking microscopic alveolar macrophages.
findings were noticed. Severe tracheitis and bronchitis with More or less similar features were observed in a large
denudation of the epithelium was seen in some sections number of autopsies carried out in the second week
(Figure 1 b). There was marked congestion and thickening following the gas leak. Both grossly and microscopically,
of the alveolar septa (Figure 1 c). The alveoli were filled the lungs continued to be the seat of primary change. The
with eosinophilic albuminous fluid (Figure 2 a). lung parenchyma showed varying degrees of bronchiolitis,


Figure 2 a–c. Early autopsy findings. a, Photomicrograph

showing terminal and respiratory tubules, interstitial congestion
Figure 1 a–c. Early autopsy findings. a, Gross picture of lung and intra-alveolar oedema and some emphysema; b,
shows typical cherry red discolouration; b, Low power Photomicrograph of sections of lung with bullous emphysema
photomicrograph showing marked congestion and epithelial howing destruction of alveolar septa and coalescence; c,
denudation of trachea; c, hotomicrograph of lung parenchyma Photomicrograph shows peribronchial and intraluminal
showing marked congestion and thickening of alveolar septa. bronchiolitis suggestive of necrotizing bronchiolitis.
CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004 907

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

bronchopneumonic changes and infiltration of the alveolar secondary to severe shifts in the intra and extra-cellular
spaces by polymorpho-nuclear cells, around and within fluid, apparently associated with outpouring of fluid into
the lumen of bronchioles (Figure 3 a). There was a gradual the pulmonary parenchyma. A noteworthy feature in the
transition in the pathological changes. There was earlier series of autopsies was the marked distension of
persistence of acute desquamative changes in the trachea the gall bladder with excess of fluid. Curiously enough,
and the main divisions of the bronchi. The alveolar spaces analogues increased excretion of bile and water content of
also showed a variable degree of infiltration by excreta has been reported12 in chicks fed ‘cassava rich in
inflammatory cells. cyanide’ content.
In the acute phase, the other viscera showed gross Continuing autopsy studies
appearance of oedema of the brain and congestion of the Excluding the initial lot of 22 cases studied in 1984, the
leptomeninges. In a few cases, the liver showed mild degree Institute of Pathology received during 1985–88,
of fatty change, which might be either incidental or representative tissue samples from over 170 autopsies.
Approximately there were 90 cases in 1985; 18 in 1986; 17
a in 1987 and 47 in 1988, although there is a possibility of
some overlap in the dates.
In 1985 the earlier picture of pulmonary oedema,
bronchopneumonia and bronchiolitis seems to be
gradually replaced by a picture of diffuse interstitial
pneumonitis, but without any significant fibrosis. There
was progressive decrease of oedematous fluid
accompanied by well-defined interstitial mononuclear
cellular reaction, histiocytosis and macrophages. At this
stage, no significant changes indicative of passive venous
congestion were present.
b The autopsy material obtained in 1986–87 showed a
picture of interstitial pneumonitis with thickening oedema
and increased cellularity of the alveolar septae progressing
to more organized fibrosis. Apart from the presence of
‘bronchiolotis obliterans’ in an occasional field (Figure 3
b), there was evidence of ‘desquamatative interstitial
pneumonitis’ (DIP) (Figure 3 c). An occasional case
showed evidence of ‘giant cell interstitial pneumonitis’
(GIP) (Figure 4 a) of the usual or giant cell type. A unique
autopsy case of a young doctor exposed to toxic gases on
3.12.1984 who died in the middle of 1987, revealed
c significant findings. Multiple sections of the lung showed
broncho-pneumonic changes, superimposed with a picture
of desquamatative alveolitis with large collections of
macrophages. (Figure 4 b). Normal or functional alveoli
were scarcely seen in most of the sections. There was
evidence of atelectasis with intervening pulmonary
fibrosis. The findings were suggestive of marked interstitial
fibrosis or ‘fibrosing alveolitis’ (Figure 4 c). Yet another
significant observation in 1986–87 is the picture of chronic
passive venous congestion of the liver with characteristic
features of congestion, necrosis and pigmentary changes
Figure 3 a–c. Progression of autopsy findings in the lung. a,
Photomicrographshowing picture of early bronchopneumonic indicative of right heart failure.
consolidation; b, Photomicrograph showing atypical picture of The material received in 1988 showed a similar picture,
bronchiolitis obliterans; c, A later autopsy shows a picture of
congestion and interstitial pneumonitis with intra-alveolar but of a more organized nature. There was greater fibrosis
macrophages. of alveolar septae and patchy fibrosis of lung parenchyma.
908 CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004

Annexure 4.2

Histopathological changes in other organs in the paraffin sections (Figure 6 a). The same was also
The brain, in general, showed in the acute phase hallmarks confirmed in the celloidin sections. Focal acute nerve cell
of gross oedema and congestion of the leptomeninges. In degeneration of Nissl was seen in a scattered manner in
a few cases there was obvious evidence of sub-arachnoid the dentate nucleus (Figure 6 b). However, there was no
and intra-ventricular haemorrhages (Figure 5 a). Occasional indication of satellitosis or neuronophagia. Selective
cases also showed grossly cortical and sub-cortical ring neuronal damage of Purkinje cells was seen in the cerebellar
haemorrhages (Figure 5 b). Miscrospically distinct folia (Figure 6 c).
pericapillary and ‘focal flame haemorrhages’ were seen in The liver showed a picture with normal appearance
the cortex as well as the white matter (Figure 5 c). The in most of the cases, with some degree of moderate fatty
brains in general showed evidence of generalized change in a few cases and necrosis and disorganization of
pericellular and peri-capillary oedema. It was more apparent the liver cell cords occasionally.




Figure 4 a–c. Late autopsy findings. a, Photomicrograph showing Figure 5 a–c. Autopsy findings in other organs. a, Gross
an occasional picture of giant cell interstitial pneumonitis; appearance in early autopsy with marked sub-arachnoid
b, Photomicrograph showing a picture of bronchopneumonia congestion and intraventricular haemorrhages; b, Cortical and
superimposed by desquamative alveolitis; c, Photomicrograph sub-cortical haemorrhages in gross sections of the brain seen
of the same case showing extensive atalectasis and fibrosing occasionally; c, Photomicrograph of the brain showing peri-
alveolitis (Masson Trichrome Stain). capillary flame haemorrhages.

CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004 909

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

The kidney showed in a few cases acute tubular of the epithelial lining or Type-I pneumonocytes (Figure 7
necrosis, particularly of the proximal tubules. The medulla a), it is significant that Type-II pneumonocytes were
in such case showed congestion and presence of tubular present in large numbers as electron-dense
casts in the collecting ducts. whorl-like material (Figure 7 b). This probably represents
an attempt at enhanced synthesis of the surfactant
Ultrastructural Changes material phosphatidyl ethanolamine. There was no
The study indicated certain interesting changes, which evidence of acute myocardial infarctionor myolysis
supported the light microscopic findings. The alveoli of except for the presence of oedema. Electron
the lungs showed a consistent picture of thickening of the microscopic examination of heart muscle tissue revealed
alveolar membrane. Although there was a marked reduction the presence of degenerated mitochondria with floccular

a a



Figure 6 a–c. Autopsy findings in the brain. a, Photomicrograph

showing peri-cellular and peri-capillary oedema suggestive of Figure 7 a–c. Early ultra structural changes. a, Alveolar septa
cerebral anoxia; b, Photomicrograph showing focal acute nerve showing reduction of type I pneumonocytes; b, Electron icrograph
cell degeneration of dentate nucleus of cerebellum suggestive showing increase of type II pneumonocytes with whorl-like lectron
of selective neuronal damage due to anoxia; c, Photomicrograph dense material suggestive of increased production of surfactant;
of typical anoxic changes with the partial loss of Purkinje cells of c, Electron micrograph of mitochondria of cardiac tissue showing
cerebellar folia. floccular degeneration.

910 CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004

Annexure 4.2

masses (Figure 7 c). However, it is to be pointed out astrocytic processes abutting on the pericapillary
that these ultra-structural findings were seen gliovascular membranes (Figure 8 b). Interestingly,
sparsely. some of the erythrocytes within the capillaries were electron
Electron microscopy of the brain tissue also confirmed lucent (Figure 8 c). This is suggestive of leaching out of
the enlargement of pericapillary Virchow–Robin spaces some lipid substances of the erythrocyte membrane,
(Figure 8 a) and swollen oligodendroglial cells and possibly due to loss of carbamoylated glutathione.

a Experimental studies
As pointed out earlier, practically nothing was known
about the toxicity of MIC, except for some acute
experiments conducted by UCC in the Bushy Run
Laboratories. In the aftermath of the Bhopal gas leak,
several experimental studies were undertaken in different
parts of the world. But most of them dealt with the study
of its irritant effects on repeated exposures. Only Nemery
et al.13 attempted to study the effects of single exposure,
although confined only to the acute phase. Further, it was
considered desirable to know about the toxic effects of
not only pure MIC, but also its aqueous derivatives, methyl
amine and di-methyl urea with a view to simulating the in
vivo situation. Hence, the pathological effects of a single
exposure of rats to the above three constituents were also
studied. Apart from the lethal damage, the sub-lethal effects
were also studied. In addition to the inhalation route with
single or two LC50 doses, the toxic chemicals were
administered subcutaneously at one LD50 dosage. Only
surviving animals, sacrificed at various time intervals,
extending from one day to ten weeks, were submitted to
histopathology. Care was taken to discard the dead animals,
with attendant autolytic changes. In all, lungs from over
240 animals were available for study. With the help of this
experiment, it was possible to reproduce the full spectrum
c of histopathology of lung, seen in the human victims. Some
of the B&W illustrations published14,15 have since been
reproduced as colour photomicrographs. Initially, at the
end of 24 h there was an overwhelming bland oedematous
fluid filling up of the alveoli and eosinophilic necrosis of
the bronchial epithelium (Figure 9 a at one LC50 and Figure
9 b at two LC 50 dosages). Even when administered
subcutaneously at a dosage of one LD50, the lung was
found to be the target organ with intense interstitial
pneumonitis although without any noticeable oedema
(Figure 9 c). This is in consonance with the so-called
‘special vulnerability’ with alveolar membrane by the
inhalational route as shown earlier in the case of ‘phosgene’
Figure 8 a–c. Early ultra structural changes. a, Electron
micrograph showing enlargement of Virchow–Robin pericapillary
(cited by Cohen and Oppenheimer16). At subsequent
spaces indicative of extensive oedema; b, Electron micrograph periods, the sequaelae of intra-alveolar oedema and
of another area showing capillary packed with erythrocytes and interstitial pneumonitis, and bronchitis and even fibrosis
oedematous changes in the gliovascular membrane in astrocytic
processes and oligodendroglia; c, Electron micrograph of a were observed by the end of one week (Figure 10 a and b)
capillary structure in the brain showing electron lucent and with both the routes of administration. Even diffuse
erythrocytes suggestive of loss of some material.
pulmonary fibrosis could be demonstrated by the end of
CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004 911

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

ten weeks (Figure 10 c). Thereby, it has been possible to priate antidotes on an emergency basis. Thus the obser-
establish experimentally MIC toxicity. It is noteworthy, that vation of the cherry red colour of lung and viscera as-
methyl amine produced similar lesions, albeit less severe sumed great importance, and even overshadowed all other
than MIC itself. DMU caused still milder and transient factors.
changes14, 15.
Issue of cyanide toxicity
Toxicological studies
On the basis of autopsy findings, Heeresh Chandra pos-
The main purpose of toxicological studies was detection tulated cyanide toxicity as a causative factor. Max
of the possible toxic substance(s) and to determine appro- Daunderer, a German toxicologist, who came to Bhopal in



Figure 9 a–c. Early stages of experimental studies in rats. a, 24

h picture of lung exposed to one LC50 dose of MIC showing
eosinophilic necrosis of bronchiolar epithelium and lobular Figure 10 a–c. Late stages of experimental studies. a,
distribution of intra alveolar oedema; b, Similarly exposed to two Photomicrograph of lung at the end of one week showing
LC50 doses of MIC showing more extensive pulmonary damage extensive pulmonary interstitial oedema; b, Photomicrograph at
as in the above; c, Exposed to one LD50 dose of MIC the 4 week showing a picture of mild oedema, bronchiolitis and
subcutaneously; still the lung is the target with marked interstitial interstitial pneumonitis; c, Photomicrograph at the end of 10
pneumonitis. weeks showing a picture of diffuse pulmonary fibrosis.
912 CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004

Annexure 4.2

the first week after the accident, also reiterated this fact. samples of all the victims, only the twin absorption bands
Based on his perception of possible cyanide toxicity, characteristic of oxyhaemoglobin were seen.
Daunderer brought diagnostic kits and ample supplies of
the antidote, sodium thiosulphate. These developments Preliminary therapeutic trials with NaTS and
spurred vigorous research into the possible causes of the
enhanced urinary SCN response
‘cherry red’ discolouration. A series of pathophysiologi-
cal and toxicological studies were undertaken on an emer- Attempts to repeat the experiments of Daunderer met
gency basis. Certain preliminary investigations, with posi- with variable results. Twenty very ill patients unrelieved
tive or negative results at each stage, paved the way for after six weeks of adequate conventional treatment with
subsequent studies. ‘Direct vision spectroscopy’ and spec- bronchodilators, etc. were subjected to NaTS therapy.
trophotometry of blood were initiated as early as Twelve were fully cured but with residual tachycardia. Two
14.12.1984, i.e. second week after the disaster. However, had no relief while six were continued on treatment.
none of the samples examined showed evidence of However, in view of the reported dramatic response to
carboxy-haemoglobin or cyan-methaemoglobin. In all injections of sodium thiosulphate, Sriramachari postulated

Table 3. First Double Blind Clinical Trial With NaTS. Urinary thiocyan-
ate levels (in mg%) after injection of glucose or NaTS

Name Resting Post-glucose % Post NaTS %

injection Change injection Change
Sita 0.90 0.8 – 11 1.60 + 100
Sakita 1.25 1.75 + 40 2.80 + 60
Azazuddin 1.00 1.35 + 35 1.20 – 11
Satia Ban 0.50 0.30 – 40 3.00 + 900
Devi Singh 1.50 0.80 – 46 1.20 + 50
Sumet Lal 1.00 1.80 + 80 0.80 – 55
Anna Malai 0.40 0.70 + 75 1.60 + 128
Rama Ji 1.40 0.60 – 57 1.40 + 133
Prem Chand 2.00 0.60 – 70 0.70 + 16
Zetru Nisa 1.80 0.80 – 55 1.20 + 50
Mira Bai 0.50 1.20 + 140 0.50 – 58
Raju Bagga 1.00 1.40 + 40 1.60 + 15
Kannaria 0.80 1.00 + 20 1.70 + 70
KS Pawara 0.80 1.00 + 20 1.00 0
Beck Lal 0.70 3.15 + 320
Puri 0.35 0.85 + 157
Increase ³ 50% 3 10
Total cases 14 16
Fischer’s exact test: P = 0.031.

Table 4. Follow-up study of urinary thiocyanate

Group n 1985–86 1986–87 t value Significance

A. Males – Below 40 years 44 Mean 1.2354 Mean 0.8931 4.5197 99.9%
SD ± 0.5446 SD ± 4054
B. Females – Below 40 years 41 Mean 1.2178 Mean 0.7066 5.4961 99.9%
SD ± 0.5446 SD ± 0.3817
C. Males – Above 40 years 36 Mean 1.27083 Mean 0.82297 3.4645 99%
SD ± 0.7574 SD ± 0.3755
D. Females – Above 40 years 12 Mean 1.0341 Mean 0.7166 2.0631 ns
SD ± 0.4508 SD ± 0.2525
E. Previous values of more than 1 mg 88 Mean 1.4538 Mean 0.8364 11.2143 99.99%
SD ± 0.3760 SD ± 0.4040
F. Previous value of less than 1 mg 45 Mean 0.66272 Mean 0.7134 0.1929 ns
SD ± 0.2174 SD ± 0.3549

CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004 913

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

the need to routinely monitor the urinary thiocyanate levels lowing years 1985–87, it came down to 41.05% out of 7752
of the survivors. On the analogy of studies on smokers, it subjects in 1985, 38.67% out of 5698 subjects in 1986 and
was considered worthwhile to monitor routinely survivors 29.9% out of 4450 individuals in 1987.
and exposees for urinary thiocyanate levels (NaSCN), both
before and after the administration of NaTS. Surprisingly Relapses and recurrences
enough, they were elevated three to four times the normal. However, therapeutic success of detoxification was not
These findings supported a prima facie case of ‘cyanide unqualified. A large proportion (nearly 30%) of patients
exposure’. In view of raging controversies prevailing at had a ‘clinical relapse’ with increased pulse and respira-
that time, abundant precautions were taken to ensure that tory rates, out of proportion to the degree of pulmonary
the estimations were double-checked in some of the damage or pulmonary function tests. Raised urinary
laboratories.Accordingly, the Institute of Nuclear Medicine NaSCN levels often accompanied such episodes. The pa-
and Allied Sciences (INMAS) was chosen. It was found tients responded well to repeated doses of NaTS, thereby
that in comparison with the normals the affected population confirming that the underlying changes were not merely
had twice or thrice-elevated levels, even after accounting subjective, but supported by objective scientific evidence.
for smoking habits, use of Brassica species of vegetables
(cabbage and cauliflower). Several investigations on Blood and tissue cyanide levels
urinary thiocyanate were undertaken by the two toxicology There were initial hurdles in the matter of HCN estimations
projects. on blood and viscera with conventional methods. With
the help of Head Space Analyser on a HPLC system, it was
Controlled double blind clinical trials shown that HCN levels of the blood of victims or ‘exposees’,
However, pitted against divided medical opinion, it was were more than double compared with living or normal
considered desirable to carry out controlled double blind autopsy samples (Table 5). Thus it was established that
clinical trials (CDBTs). With adequate precautions and sta- there was some degree of ‘cyanide toxicity’.
tistical appraisal, it was established that NaTS was benefi-
cial in relieving the symptomatology of the victims and Studies on Hb, 2–3 DPG and blood gases
was also accompanied by elevation of NaSCN (Table 3). The possibility of ‘cyanate’ being directly responsible for
This work was carried out by late Narayanan and Ramaiah, the cherry red discolouration was simultaneously pursued
ably assisted by the local team of doctors, led by Abha in other directions. Patients admitted to the 30-bed J.L.N.
Jain. The phenomenal improvement of the victims, includ- Hospital showed ‘recurrent respiratory problems’, due to
ing the relief of muscular weakness, was accompanied by excessive muscle weakness. Surprisingly, their pulmonary
further elevation of NaSCN. The CDBTs enabled a major status and functions were reasonably satisfactory. But a
policy decision of ICMR advocating widespread use of majority of them exhibited abnormal changes in certain
NaTS as a therapeutic measure. parameters of the blood such as Hb levels. The residents
of J.J. Colonies seem to have consistently elevated Hb,
Follow-up studies which persisted for nearly 1–1½ years (Table 6).
Regular clinical trials on large cohorts of patients, both
Many of the victims also had abnormally high 2–3
adults and children, were carried out for one and a half
DPG levels which were more than double the normal, of 1.0
years. Serial observations on a large cohort of 300 pa-
¼ mole/ml, as if they had been at a high altitude of 14,000
tients clearly established the beneficial role of thiosulphate
ft, for over two–three weeks. It took nearly a year for 2–3
in the earlier period, in different categories of patients.
DPG levels to return to normal.
The results are given in Table 4.
Monitoring of the urinary thiocyanate levels became Table 5. Blood cyanide levels (mg%) in controls and exposees
an accepted norm. The total study involving 19,122 samples
Group n Range Average
of urine including 1079 controls, added further confidence
Control Live 15 5–30 20
to the validity of the hypothesis of ‘disturbance in cya-
Post-mortem 31 10–50 25
nide metabolism’. Thus, one of the primary objectives of
Gas exposed Live 34 50–110 70
the toxicological studies was vindicated as early as Febru-
Post-mortem 43 60–360 150
ary 1985. When declining trends were confirmed from the
Even after two months of preservation, autopsy samples (one
end of 1985, the treatment was tapered off. Out of 143 gas- sample from each group) on re-examination revealed no deviation
exposed subjects studied in December 1984, 46.15% from initial values.
showed thiocyanate excretion of > 1.00 mg%. In the fol-
914 CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004

Annexure 4.2

Table 6. Haemoglobin levels of 14 g and above in the victims Table 7. Therapeutic reversal after sodium thiosulphate

Time of examination n Percentage Name Status PvO2 PvCO2

February 1985 8/20 40 Azazuddin Pre 25.4 47.3
June 1985 17/38 44 Post 34.0 53.5
September 1985 49/120 37.5 Wahid Pre 35.0 44.8
March 1987 45/121 23.6 Post 28.6 51.1

In view of the abnormal levels of Hb and 2–3 DPG Studies on carbamoylation

levels, it was considered worthwhile to investigate the
The issue of alterations in the oxygen-carrying capacity
‘gas carriage and utilization mechanisms’ of the victims.
led to further investigations on possible carbamoylation
Further, it was also decided to study these parameters,
of the alpha and beta chains of the haemoglobin molecule.
before and after administration of NaTS and correlate the
Ever since the occurrence of the Bhopal episode and the
changes with the clinical improvement and alterations in
description of the cherry red discolouration of blood and
the blood gases. Blood gas studies of arterial and venous
lungs by Heeresh Chandra, several alternative hypoth-
oxygen and carbon dioxide were undertaken with ABL-3
eses were entertained, even within the ICMR Toxicology
Blood Gas Analyser and Oxymeter. Out of 26 patients, 14
Project. Towards the end of December 1984 itself,
patients had a PaO2 less than 85 mm of mercury (range
Sriramachari postulated that there could be several fac-
47.3 to 85.6 mm). Out of a batch of 14 untreated patients
tors that can cause cherry red discolouration. Although
exposed to MIC, eight had PaCO2 below 35 mm mercury,
the role of carbon monoxide and cyanide is well known,
which is the accepted lower limit of PaCO2. Out of the four
there are other lesser-known factors, such as aliphatic and
treated patients, one had PaCO2 of 35.6 mm and all the rest
aromatic nitriles and organic thiocyanates contributing
had between 40 and 45 mm.
towards the ‘cyanogen pool’. Isocyanate itself, directly
On the venous side, peripheral samples from the by carbamoylation of the end-terminal amino acids of the
antecubital vein, only two out of the 23 patients alpha, and beta chains of the Hb molecule can modify the
investigated, had Hb less than 10 g%. Others ranged from oxygen affinity of blood. This could result in ‘left shift of
10 to 16 g%. Three out of 17 patients investigated had the Bohr effect’. Failure of deoxygenation or inability to
venous PvCO2 of below 40 mm of mercury; while nine out shed oxygen due to reduction of CO2-carrying capacity
of 14 had values above 46 mm of mercury of PvCO2, i.e. could be the possible cause. The work of Cohen and
above the upper limit. It is concluded that the patients had Oppenheimer16 supports such possibilities. These aspects
low PaO2, low PaCO2 and low PvO2 values, and normal or were verified from January 1985 onwards.
high PvCO2 values at rest, which did not increase on Reduction of free amino groups. Reduction in the
exercise. Also, the values in general could not be correlated ‘freeamino groups’ of the samples of blood from Bhopal
on Hb basis. was assessed. It was soon established that there was a
Apart from clinical improvement after NaTS 20– 40% reduction of ‘free amino groups’, by the tri-nitro
treatment, subjective or objective, the blood gases showed benzene sulphonic acid, TNBS Technique (Ramaiah et al.,
the following changes: There was no significant change unpublished data). It was not certain whether all the re-
in PvO2 which continued to remain low, indicating that duction was due to N-carbamoylation, since its greater
the Hb showed some alterations in the oxygen- interaction with SH groups of glutathione etc. could not
carrying capacity. Patients treated with thiosulphate had be excluded17.
PaO2 ranging from 85 mm Hg upward and O2 concentration Carbamoylation of Hb. Further investigations confirmed
of 96%. More importantly, there was a demonstrable the presence of ‘carbamoylated end-terminal valine resi-
increase in PvCO2 at rest, which was further increased dues’ of the Hb molecules, both in experimental and
after exercise. The ‘peripheral as well as central’ catheterized clinical material from Bhopal18. Out of a batch of 60
venous CO2 concentration was equally elevated. samples of blood, 19 were found positive for
This increase in PvCO2 pari passu, with definite N-carbamoylated methyl valine hydantoin (HVH)19. The
clinical improvement, suggests the relief from ‘chronic scope of this work was enlarged at MLI, Bhopal, with the
recurrent cyanide poisoning’. Typical cases showing acquisition of HPLC and GCMS equipment20. Figure 11
increase in the PvCO2 values after NaTS therapy are shown shows the possible stages in the interaction of MIC with
in Table 7. end-terminal valine residues of Hb chains. Mass spectro-
CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004 915

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

metric evidence of Ncarbamoylated valine agreed with chemical disasters these findings are a unique example of
Finnegan Matt Spectrometer Library Reference data tracing the offending chemicals to the blood and tissues
(Figure 12). Increasingly, a large number of cases were of the victims.
shown to be positive for MVH19 and occasionally ‘non- Limitation of N-carbamoylation. However, the results of
methylated valine hydantoin’ (VH)21, suggesting the pos- N-carbamoylation did not fully answer the issues of
sibilities of break-up of MIC into HNCO, either in the recurrence and repeated episodes of illness in the patients.
atmosphere or demethylation processes in the human vic- It was observed that, on the analogy of some information
tims. Indeed, carbamoylation of Hb was proof of the MIC generated in the ITRC, there was a reduction in the
crossing the ‘alveolar-capillary barrier’ and spreading glutathione content of the blood22. The ICMR Toxicology
throughout the body, contrary to the initial statements of
Group felt that it could be due to transport across the
the Union Carbide from December 1984 onwards.
tissues of the much faster and reversible S-carbamoylated
Tissue carbamoylation. Due to non-availability of proper glutathione.
reference standards, Heeresh Chandra and colleagues pre-
Possible role of S-carbamoylation. Unfortunately, due to
pared a set of N-methyl carbamoylated hydantoins. First,
the lack of access to appropriate CI (Chemical Ionisation),
the five amino acids, glycine, valine, phenyl alanine, me-
GCMS, the problem could not be pursued further. However,
thionine and threonine were used. Later, another batch of
Bailie and Slatter23 had demonstrated experimentally that
five amino acids, viz. serine, glutamic acid, glutamine, ala-
glutathione undergoes S-carbamoylation and functions
nine and histidine were included. Unfortunately, the re-
as an exchange pool or a reservoir of the isocyanate in the
sults with cysteine were not satisfactory. All the hydantoins
body. For want of further evidence, perhaps it can only be
were counter-checked with mass spectrometric data avail-
surmised that reversible S-carbamoylation of acetyl choline
able with reference library. Chloroform extracts of preserved
esterase and aldolase may account for repeated episodes
samples of autopsy tissues from exposees as well as con-
of muscle weakness, experienced by the Bhopal victims.
trols, were screened for the presence of N-carbamoylated
As pointed by Heinrickson24, the enzyme rhodanese can
end-terminal amino acids of tissue proteins. A summary of
be selectively inactivated by phenyl glyoxal, combined
the studies is given in Figure 13. Perhaps in the history of
with cyanide, at any of the two-cysteinyl residues at 247,
254 and 263 positions in the ‘catalytic apparatus’ of its B-
domain. It is possible that in the Bhopal victims S-
carbamoylated rhodanese is continually and reversibly
inactivated under conditions of in vivo build-up of
endogenous cyanide in the body. In all probability, the
metabolic block of the ‘catalytic apparatus’ is corrected
by repeated exposure to ‘sulphane–sulphur’ of NaTS. It is
hoped that the dilemma will be resolved about ‘recurrent
endogenous chronic cyanide toxicity’ following exposure
to MIC. However it must be admitted that in our studies,
as of then, we failed to demonstrate S-carbamoylation.

Tank residue studies

Attention has already been drawn to the reports on
the generation of a large array of chemicals in the course
of pyrolysis of MIC in Bhopal. The ICMR Toxicology
programme confirmed and enlarged the findings. Mass
spectrometric analysis of chloroform residue confirmed
and enlarged the range of chemicals that could be
detected25 (Figure 14 a, b). Apart from the presence of
known chemicals like MIC trimers, some of the unidentified
compounds could be demonstrated in the autopsy samples
of blood and tissues26,27. Although the toxic effects of
such compounds remain an enigma, they are certainly of
Figure. 11. Chemical pathways of N-carbamoylation forensic evidentiary value.
916 CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004

Annexure 4.2

Discussion Secondly, it was suggested that acute anoxia and

pulmonary oedema are transient and they would soon be
The moment the Bhopal gas disaster took place, the
corrected and the fluid reabsorbed. Strangely enough,
Union Carbide Company adopted a policy of suppressio
ignoring the adverse effects of a highly reactive chemical,
vary and suggestio falsi. Concerted efforts were made to
even Indian scientists echoed similar sentiments. In his
spread the message of disinformation. Invoking the rapid
Presidential oration of the January 1985 Session of the
clearing of ocular changes, it was suggested that, on
Indian Science Congress, Paintal28 suggested that the
contact with aqueous surfaces, MIC is rapidly broken down
oedema would disappear by itself, on the analogy of High
to the relatively innocuous methyl amine and that MIC as
Altitude Pulmonary Oedema (HAPO).
such does not cross the alveolar-capillary barrier. No cogni
sance was taken about the high reactivity and chemical Thirdly, the issue of ‘cyanide toxicity’ was hotly
binding of MIC to end-terminal amino acids of blood and contested29. The Union Carbide mobilized international
tissue proteins as discussed by Cohen and Oppenheimer16. scientific opinion to belittle the ongoing toxicological

Figure 12. Comparison of mass spectrometric data of N-carbamoylation of valine residues of Hb of a

victim compared with that of library reference standard.

Studies on carbamoylation
Source 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Total
Postmortem nill 7 nil 9 2 5 6 8 1 8 T-46
Blood (7) (4) - (1) - - - - C-09, E-37
** - 7/7+ - 2/2+ 2/0 3/1+ 6/0 3/0 2/0 2/0 T-27
C-10, E-17
Clinical nil nil nil 3 2 3 9 13 1 2 T-33
(1) - - - - - - C-12, E-21
Postmortem nil 35 1 18 nil 14 16 41 12 54 T-191
- (17) - (4) - - - - - - C-29, E-162
** - 13/7+ 1/0 6/2+ 2/0 2/0 3/0 2/0 2/0 1/0 T-31
C-08, E-23
In parenthesis are the number of samples showing chromatographic evidence of carbamoylation with reference to five amino acids;
**Samples confirmed on GC-ITD; T, Total; C, Control; E, Exposed.
Figure 13. Summary table of N-carbamoylation of clinical and autopsy samples of blood and tissues.
CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004 917

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

studies in the wake of the Bhopal disaster (Ballantyne However, it is not clear to what extent some of them are
1995, pers. commun.). The rapid binding or adduct incidental changes unrelated to the pathogenesis of the
formation of HCN with MIC was ignored or missed by lesions. Therefore in our studies an attempt was made to
both Indian and foreign media and the scientific community. interpret the significance of the changes, which have a
It is indeed a matter of satisfaction that in the teeth of bearing on the patho-physiology or toxicity of MIC or its
opposition, the toxicology projects by ICMR were able to breakdown products.
generate viable evidence on some of these issues.
As stated earlier, the Bhopal disaster cannot be
In the projects relating to toxicology, an attempt was attributed to exposure to a single chemical like MIC, at
made to describe the series of pathological and biochemical normal temperature. Instead, it is the combined effect of
alterations. These studies were by no means exhaustive. ‘cold MIC’ super-added with its pyrolytic products,
In fact there are a few other studies which dealt with following the powerful exothermic reaction in a closed
different aspects of clinical and laboratory studies, stainless container or tank. Indeed, the complex and
including immunological and chromosomal aspects30. variegated clinical manifestations can be explained by
correlating the adverse effects of several compounds (MIC,
etc.). MIC toxicity in human beings in Bhopal can be
broadly classified into two categories, viz. MIC itself and
‘products of its pyrolysis’. It is impossible to distinguish
the overlapping time sequences of each one of the
components and in terms of any logical sequence of events.
Within these limitations an attempt was made to interpret
the findings.

Effects of pyrolysed MIC

Products of pyrolysed MIC, like carbon monoxide,
ammonia and HCN could result in formation carboxy-
haemoglobin, methaemoglobin and cyan-methaemoglobin.
Theoretically, the last two can contribute towards the cherry
red discolouration of blood and viscera. However, in the
light of the negative spectroscopic findings, they do not
seem to be present in significant amounts. But the
permanent cherry red colour could be the result of damage
of cytochrome oxidase system and damage to the
respiratory centres, causing instantaneous death of many
victims. The subsequent alterations in the blood gases
such as fairly high PaO2 but low PaCO2 and high PvO2 and
low PvCO2 resulting in cherry red colour, are strongly
suggestive of ‘acute cyanide toxicity’. Increased plasma
and urinary thiocyanate and prompt response to NaTS
gave further credence to acute cyanide toxicity. These
findings were initially challenged as speculative. The elevated
levels of blood and tissue cyanide in the Bhopal exposees
provided further confirmatory evidence. Bhattacharya et al.31
demonstrated that MIC pyrolysed at high temperatures
caused inhibition of ‘cytochrome oxidase activity’ of brain
Figure 14 a–c. Mass spectrometric analysis. a, Total ion
chromatogram of chloroform-extract of the residue from MIC-
However, the subsequent features of reversibility and
Tank E-610; b, Chromatogram and mass spectrum of
unidentified compound, U.I. x 11, Corresponding to Peak-16 of recurrence do not support the cyanide hypothesis. Also,
the above; c, Ion chromatogram with MS analysis of two the elevated Hb and 2-3 DPG levels need to be explained,
unidentified compounds detected in the blood sample from PM
489/84. apart from the cyanide issue.
918 CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004

Annexure 4.2

Direct effects of MIC Conclusions

The sudden physiological changes, following the The two ICMR projects on histopathology and
exothermic reaction of MIC on the cellular and vascular toxicology have more than fulfilled the initial hopes and
components, can be attributed only to MIC. The flooding expectations. The sequence of pathological changes in
of the respiratory tract and ‘massive pulmonary oedema’ the acute, sub-acute and chronic stages have been clearly
are perhaps responsible for acute anoxic anoxia, rapid delineated. Structurally, continuing respiratory impairment
stimulation of the ‘respiratory centres’, cerebral oedema in a proportion of cases resulted in progressive pulmonary
and subarachnoid haemorrhage and eventual death. While damage, including desquamative pneumonitis or fibrosing
these features by themselves, cannot explain the cherry alveolitis or its variants, like DIPF and GIPF. Experimental
red colour, the changes in blood gases, such as lowered studies with MIC and its aqueous derivatives have
PO2, lowered arterial and venous O2 and CO2 levels can confirmed the pathogenesis and pulmonary changes after
readily explain the increase in 2-3 DPG levels and increase ‘single exposure’ are comparable to human autopsy
of Hb levels and ‘compensatory erythropoesis’. The findings.
experimental study following a single exposure to MIC,
The possibility cannot be excluded, at least initially,
MA or DMU, also confirms the sequence of transudative
that some degree of ‘exogenous HCN’, due to thermal
and exudative changes demonstrated in the experimental
decomposition of MIC might have contributed to some
studies closely simulating the human autopsy findings.
degree of ‘acute cyanide toxicity’ and irreversible damage
The available information about the high reactivity to cardio-respiratory and medullary centres of the victims.
and binding of MIC end-terminal amino acids of blood Perhaps in the survivors, the ‘threshold limit values’ were
and tissue proteins was virtually ignored. However, the not reached, and thereby death was avoided. However,
uniqueness of MIC toxicity became apparent with the rapid there was no escape from severe pulmonary oedema and
development of chemical binding of MIC to end-terminal extreme muscular weakness.
amino and SH groups. The successful demonstration of
The ‘cherry red discolouration’ could be the immediate
N-carbamoylation of blood within the first 120 day lifecycle,
effect of HCN. In the long run, it would appear that
clearly provided an alternate explanation for the cherry
Ncarbamoylation, which persists through the 120-day life
red discolouration, elevation of Hb and 2–3 DPG levels as
cycle of erythrocytes, accounted for a greater part of the
well as the characteristic alterations in the blood gases,
phenomenon. In Bhopal the question of repeated exposure
especially the lowering of PvCO2 values. The subsequent
to HCN is extremely unlikely, but ‘endogenous liberation
restoration of the latter, both in the peripheral and central
of cyanide’ due to partial impairment of rhodenese and S-
venous pool, provides an explanation for the dynamic
transferases seems plausible. This may account for the
changes in the blood gases. However, the clinical
raised or elevated respiratory pulse rates and muscle
phenomenon of recurrence and reversibility by NaTS
weakness and protracted excretion of urinary thiocyanate.
provided a clue to the much faster S-carbamoylation, rather
than recurrent exposure to cyanide. In all probability, this While N-carbamoylation cannot be undone, it would
is due to rapid reversible S-carbamoylation of sulphydryl appear that sulphydryl radicals contained in acetyl-choline
groups of key enzymes like rhodanese, esterase, etc. None esterase (ACE), aldolase and especially rhodanese are
of these features could be explained by mere accumulation periodically reactivated and ‘chronic cyanide metabolism’
of cyanide. It would appear that S-carbamoylation is corrected. Normalcy is attained only when the MIC stored
probably responsible for the secondary chronic cyanide in the body is fully depleted. But, in the exigencies of an
toxicity due to accumulation of endogenous metabolic alarming human disaster, it has not been possible to try
products. It would appear that S-carbamoylation effects a other potent sulphane donors described by Cohen and
‘labile’ circulating component like glutathione and ‘fixed’ Oppenheimer16. It seems that the ‘Biochemical Lesion’ of
sulphydryl-specific functional enzymes. It is only when Bhopal disaster may lie between the interplay of N- and S-
the reservoirs of S-carbamoylated MIC are exhausted, the carbamoylation.
secondary cyanide toxicity in general, and MIC toxicity in
particular, is corrected. These mechanisms seem to be 1. Dureja, G. P. and Saxena, R. S., The methyl isocyanate (MIC)
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Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

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10. Blake, P. G. and Ijadi-Maghsoodi, S., Kinetics and 27. Chandra, H., Saraf, A. K. Jadhav, R. K., Rao, G. J., Sharma
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15. Sriramachari, S. and Jeevaratnam, K., Comparative toxicity 31. Bhattacharya, B. K., Malhotra, R. C. and Chattopadhyay,
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phase. Arch. Toxicol., 1994, 787, 1–7. 1987, 3, 131–134.
16. Cohen, S. and Oppenheimer, E., Biological Formation and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This article is dedicated to the
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their Thio Derivatives (ed. Patai S.), John Wiley, New York, aftermath of the Bhopal gas disaster and the survivors who
1977, Part 2, Ch. 20, pp. 923–967. continue to remain crippled for the remaining part of their lives.
17. Torchinsky, Yu. M., Properties of -SH groups, sulfhydryl My special tribute to the following departed souls who had
reagents. In Sulfur in Proteins. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1991. contributed largely to our joint research endeavours in Bhopal:
18. Ramachandran, P. K. et al., Gas chromatograph studies of Prof. P. S. Narayanan, Prof. Heeresh Chandra, Dr M. P. Dwivedi,
the carbamoylation of haemoglobin by methyl isocyanate Dr C. R. Ramachandran, Prof. V. Ramalingaswami and Dr C. R.
in rats and rabbits. J. Chromatogr., 1988, 426, 239–247. Krishnamurthi.
19. Sriramachari, S., Rao, G. J., Sharma,V. K. Jadhav, R. K., Starting my research career as a ‘Lady Tata Memorial
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analysis of preserved tissue of Bhopal gas disaster: Evidence with the symposium in honour of Sir Dorabji Tata at the Centre
of methyl carbamoylation in post-mortem blood. Med. Sci. for Tropical Diseases. I thank Raghunath who has given me an
Law, 1991, 31, 289–293. opportunity to present a comprehensive scientific re-appraisal
20. Sharma, V. K., Rao, G. J., Jadhav, R. K. Chandra, H. and of the Environmental Disaster of Bhopal, long after the dust and
Sriramachari, S., High performance liquid chromatographic din have settled down. My special thanks are due to Shri Pushp
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59, 528–529. help in my attempts at restoration of the colour and clarity of
the old illustrations.
21. Sharma, V. K., Rao, G. J., Jadhav, R. K., Saraf, A. K.,
Chandra, H. and Sriramachari, S., Demonstration of methyl More than a score of individual scientists had participated
valine hydantoin (MVH) and valine hydantoin (HV) in in the multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional ICMR projects
blood samples in Bhopal. Proceedings of 14th Meeting of on toxicological studies in Bhopal. Special thanks are due to
International Association of Forensic Sciences (IAFS), Prof. N. K. Ganguly, Dr S. Varadarajan and Dr V. S. Arunachalam,
Tokyo, 1996. for all help from the several establishments of DRDO.
22. Srivastava, R. C. et al., Effect of exposure to toxic gas on Received 10 December 2003: accepted 6 February 2004

920 CURRENT SCIENCE. VOL. 86, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2004


Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Annexure 4.3

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Annexure 4.3

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Annexure 4.3

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal


Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Annexure 4.4

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Annexure 4.4

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal


Experimental Studies on Single Exposure of MIC and it’s

Aqueous Derivatives
K. Jeevratanam1, Samavedam Sriramachari2

I MMEDIATELY following the Bhopal Toxic Gas Disaster, Union Carbide, the manufacturers of methyl isocyanate (MIC),

widely circulated available information about MIC. It was specifically reiterated that MIC, on contact with the
aqueous surfaces of the respiratory tract, breaks down into relatively innocuous methylamine (MA) and/or dimethyl
urea (DMU). It was suggested that, the survivors may suffer from ‘transient pulmonary edema”, but there may not be
any no permanent damage.
Our extensive autopsy studies in Bhopal, immediately following the single massive exposure, revealed a spectrum
of pathological changes in the lung, the target organ. There was little doubt that MIC caused a ‘chemical burn’ of the
respiratory epithelium. The necrotizing bronchiolitis was variable and patchy. But pulmonary edema and interstitial
pneumonitis were widespread. There were doubts whether the aqueous breakdown products of MIC contributed to the
other two lesions. In either case, the issue of progressive or permanent damage, like pulmonary fibrosis, remained open.
Soon after Bhopal, several experimental studies were mounted worldwide on “Inhalational Toxicology of MIC”.
But for notable exceptions, very few had relevance to the emerging clinico-pathological scenario in the Bhopal victims.
Either too high or too low dosages of MIC were employed. There were no sequential studies to ascertain the progres-
sion to pulmonary fibrosis. Instead of a “single exposure”, they were often repeated, perhaps to study hyper-sensitiza-
tion., Above all, the comparative effects of MIC and its aqueous derivatives, MA and DMU were not investigated.
To resolve some of the issues, we undertook an appropriate experimental study on rats, which were subjected to
a single exposure of lethal or sub-lethal concentrations of pure non-pyrolysed MIC, MA & DMU. Two different routes,
inhalation and subcutaneous injection (s.c.), were employed, to offset inherent dosage variations and the sensory
pulmonary-irritant component in the former. The dosage of MIC was determined from the accurately weighed quantity
of MIC, which evaporates within the confines of the 21.5-L exposure chamber. After 30 minutes 01 exposure by inhala-
tion or s.c. Injection, followed by 48 hour observation period, a LC50 value of 19 μmol/I and a LD50 value of 5.75 mmol/
kg of MIC were first established. The amounts of MIC required for the 3 scheduled dose levels of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 for both
LC50sand LO50s were calculated. Due to high volatility of MIC, it was mixed with olive oil before s.c. administration. In
addition, corresponding equimolar concentrations of MA were employed by both the routes. As DMU does not vaporize,
only the s.c. route was tried. After a single exposure with each chemical at the three dosages, acute, short-term and long-
term experiments were undertaken. It was planned to sacrifice at least four to five animals from each batch at stipulated
periods of 24 hours, 1, 4,10 and 16 weeks. As many of the animals failed to survive at the higher dosages, the experiments
were repeated with 0.75 LC50 and 0.75 LD50 dosages. Further, the duration was restricted to 10 weeks. All dead animals
were ignored, to avoid the risk of autolytic changes. All animals that survived upto the stipulated periods were sacri-
ficed and tissue blocks of the lungs were processed for detailed histopathology, including connective tissue changes.
Irrespective of the route of administration, the lung was found to be the target organ in all the groups. Within each
modality of administering MIC and MA, there was a dose-dependent severity of response. In the acute phase, MIC by
the inhalational route showed by far the most severe lesions. They included ex1ensive necrotizing bronchitis, severe
intra-alveolar & interstitial pulmonary edema and interstitial pneumonitis. By contrast, when MIC given by the s,c,
route, the necrotizing bronchial epithelial changes were totally absent. Intra-alveolar pulmonary edema was not evident.
except with the higher dosage of 2.0 LC5o. Interstitial pneumonitis was very conspicuous. However, a new, unique and
consistent feature was endothelial damage of the pulmonary vascular endothelium. It was characterized by marked
swelling and intense basophilic change, suggestive of hyper-reactivity of the endothelial cells. By contrast, the only
note-worthy lesion produced by MA and OMU in the acute phase was a variable grade of interstitial pneumonitis.

Defence Food Science Laboratory, Mysore;

1 2
Institute of Pathology - ICMR, P.O. Box No. 4909, Safdarjung Hospital Campus,
New Delhi -110029, India.

Annexure 4.5

At the subsequent stages at 4 weeks, the necrotizing changes in the ‘Inhalation Group’ virtually disappeared with
full restoration of the bronchial epithelium and occasion1 goblet cell activity. However. a moderate degree of pulmonary
edema and marked interstitial pneumonitis persisted. In the ‘s.c. Group’, on the other hand, the vascular endothelial
damage persisted, accompanied by a dominant feature of a marked interstitial proliferative cellular reaction.
By the end 10 weeks, the necrotizing bronchial epithelial changes as well as the vascular endothelial damage
disappeared. However, the two polar types of lesions seemed to converge towards interstitial pneumonitis and eventu-
ally, diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (DIPF).
Thus this investigation has established that single inhalational exposure of MIC or MA and DMU, have dose-
dependent and differential effects on the respiratory system. Necrotizing bronchial epithelial changes and intra-alveolar
edema are unique to MIC inhalation and are fully reversible. Interstitial pneumonitis caused by MIC or MA and DMU,
is more permanent and progresses to pulmonary fibrosis which could be mediated by the final common pathway of
metabolic transformation of all the three compounds to formaldehyde and formic acid, the well known stimulants of
pulmonary fibrosis. The occurrence of endothelial damage of the pulmonary vasculature accompanied by massive
interstitial proliferative cellular reaction caused by s.c. administration of MIC is a unique observation which needs to be
pursued further. This may have relevance in the context of absorption of some Isocyanates through the skin during
occupational exposures.
It would be important to study in future, the patterns of pulmonary damage including Immunological reactions
caused by different Isocyanates and their derivatives.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal



O N 3rd December, 1984, the very first day after the exodus of dead bodies to the mortuary, Prof. Heeresh Chandra
postulated a tentative diagnosis that death was due to poisoning by irrespirable gases, resulting in “Cytotoxic /
Histotoxic Anoxia”. Initial, as well as subsequent, deaths only confirmed the ‘Hypothesis of Hypoxia’. International
opinion also veered around the same view, (vide Bucher 1987). BGD is unique, both from historical and scientific points
of view. Lack of prior information and absence of coordinated scientific approaches contributed to considerable misun-
derstanding. The Toxicological Studies of ICMR enabled the gradual emergence of scientific rationale underlying
multifactorial Pathophysiology of BGD.

Patho-physiological Issues in Bhopal

Impact of Environmental Factors: Even normally there are subtle problems related to ‘physiological adjustment to
variations in diurnal temperature, especially with the onset of winter in a place like of Bhopal. It is not often realized that
there are limits to adjustment of the human body to ‘diurnal variations’, which are taken for granted. A gradual rise of
an average of 10°C is believed to be physiologically comfortable. The adverse effects of the diurnal variations are
normally managed by seasonal modifications of ‘dress and ventilation’ and avoiding sudden exposure to large varia-
tions. Similarly, the phenomenon of ‘moist heat’, without rise of temperature, makes the environment uncomfortable. It
is also very well established that although the temperature of steam is only 100°C, the ‘latent heat’ that is generated can
greatly damage the tissues that come in contact. The physiological response to extremes of diurnal variation will be
virtually impossible for the body to adjust. It is more so, when it is not gradual but abrupt, and unanticipated. In terms
of increased heat generation by MIC, some of its physical properties are worth brief mention. It boils at 39.1°C at 760 mm
Hg. The heat of vaporization at 1 Atmosphere is about 223 Btu/lb and the heat of combustion at 25°C is 8177 Btu/lb. It
also indicates that the time to acclimatize and take necessary precautions are virtually absent in the Bhopal Gas Disaster
at midnight. Consequently, on 3rd December 1984 Bhopal witnessed an unusual phenomenon of apparent rise of day
time temperature.
Perhaps one can explain the phenomenal rise in temperature as an ‘exothermic reaction’ of MIC with its affinity for
water and atmospheric moisture. In fact the movement of the AEROSOL has been identified with the ‘watery terrain’ of
the lakes. As per UCC manual (1976), DMU, TMU, and Mono-Methylamine are the ‘end products’ generated in such a
reaction. The UCC’s contention that liquid MIC, immediately on contact with water undergoes hydrolysis into the
vapor or gaseous state is a wrong assumption. Instead, depending upon the temperature & pressure (Central Water &
Air Pollution Control Board, 1985), the forgoing reactions could have taken place. Any delay could be called ‘latent
period of reaction’, leading to formation of other compounds enumerated elsewhere (Table 8.5). Incidentally, the body
tissues of the victims showed high concentrations of Trimer, and Dimer (Chandra et al, 1991; Saraf et al, 1995), but
methylamine which simulates ‘smell of rotten fish’, was found only in one autopsy and that too, as late as 20th December,
Incidentally, a similar phenomenon of elevated temperature seems to have occurred on 16th December 1984; the rise
of apparent temperature reached a maximum as felt in the afternoon. However, the scientific explanation propounded
after the first event does not explain the subsequent event. The latter was a controlled activity in the Union Carbide
Factory during the ‘Operation Faith’ when MIC was being converted to SEVIN. During this exercise, on all days of
Operation Faith (Varadarajan, 1985), i.e. 16th to 22nd December, 1984, water was sprayed by helicopters to mop up any
unforeseen local release of MIC from Tank 611; thereby some ‘latent heat’ might have been generated.
But these two independent events provoked the Toxicology team of ICMR to cogitate and speculate about the
actual implications in the context of the BGD. The only escape could be found in the suggestion that the activated MIC

Pathophysiology & Inhalation Toxicology

generated heat absorbable by the atmosphere at an altitude of 30 meters and the apparent change in the Environmental
Temperature caused some transformation in its chemical activity. The possible explanation that could be advanced is
that Latent Heat that was generated by the MIC vapor / gas, could be responsible. On the other hand, the bulk of
the changes appear to have originated within Tank 610 and determined actually by the ‘quantum of water’ that had

Figure 5.1: The Mortality-cum-Morbidity Map of BGD

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

It is also noteworthy that deaths and severity of exposure constituted the basis for outlining a map for subsequent
epidemiological studies of the ICMR. This map (Figure 5.1) shows the Epicenter at Union Carbide factory and a
parabolic field of exposure and also shows that the Aerosol first traveled West~North, as an elongated parabola with
Union Carbide Factory as the Epicenter and later traveled South~North along-side the lake contours.
Since the temperature certainly would have gone beyond 218°C, which is the ‘critical temperature of MIC’ (UCC
Manual, 1976), it is possible that the chemical properties of the original MIC component that came out of the Tank 610
(reportedly in the form of Gas), would have undergone alterations or degradation. By contrast, nearly 28 scientific
publications in Environmental Health Perspective, Vol. 72, 1987, consisted of papers based on Experiments with fresh or
cold MIC or its vapor, but not in the degraded ‘Gaseous Form’.
The Experimental Studies at DRDE Gwalior: On the other hand, Dr. PK Ramachandran and his colleagues, especially,
Dr. Vijayaraghavan & Dr. Shrivastava worked with pyrolysed as well as non-pyrolysed MIC. Strangely enough, al-
though pyrolysis was not associated with any liberation of HCN, they found MIC interfered with ‘Cyanide Metabolism’
as shown by ‘elevated blood SCN– levels’. However, they also found significantly increased Serum Thio-Cyanate
Levels at the end of the 1st hour, though not at 4 hours. But unfortunately the issue of elevated Serum Thio-Cyanate, for
longer periods of time, awaits re-confirmation. It is a very well known fact that MIC undergoes reaction with itself
(CWAPCB, 1985; UCC Manual, 1976). What were altered properties of these ultimate compounds remains a mystery,
since it cannot be simulated (Bucher, 1987). Surprisingly, there are no toxicological studies on human or animals of these
available compounds to know the nature of damage, manner of assimilation, detoxification and excretion. If, any
experiments have to be done at all, they have to be done at least within parameters in which main constituents of Bhopal
Methyl Isocyanate were kept.
The impact of Blake and Ijadi-Maghsoodi (1982): In this context, it is worth recalling the pioneering provocative work
of 1982, two years prior to BGD. It has brought to light additional toxicity of pyrolytic derivatives of MIC, viz., CO &
HCN, etc. which particularly inhibit the ‘cytochrome oxidase c’ system of ATP cycle (Stryer, 1975). They also alter the
function of Hb through formation of Met-Hb and CO-Hb. In the annals of the Bhopal Gas disaster, the Toxicology
Project of ICMR fully utilized the practical implications, especially the hidden indicators such as “Cold Trap”. The MIC
which is twice heavier than air, breaks down with progressively rising temperature and generates two basic lethal
compounds viz., CO as well as HCN, along with a few other not-so-toxic constituents.
In addition, the seminal paper of 1982 also suggests that freshly generated HCN combines physically with MIC
and forms an Adduct or a ‘cold trap’. With the enhanced density of the latter, the Aerosol tends to come down
(gravitate) and contribute to a ‘divided or dual toxicity’. The Initial Mortality could be a result of liberation of HCN and
the ‘Long-Term or Delayed Morbidity’ due to the MIC component of the Adduct. Such a phenomenon of reactivity of
MIC could have been responsible for its earlier use as a potential War Gas by US department of Defense (Chemical and
Engineering News, 1984) and allegedly used in Iran-Iraq war in 1985.
Synergistic Effect of CO & HCN: As stated earlier, the thermal decomposition of MIC to CO & HCN have been
demonstrated by Blake and Ijadi-Maghsoodi, and their role in BGD has been partially established by the ICMR studies
of Bhopal. Perhaps the BGD illustrates the first known occurrence of the phenomena of thermolysis of MIC contributing
to liberation of HCN causing massive early deaths and delayed cyanide toxicity. It would appear that similar mechanism
might be operating in nitrogenous artillery chemicals used in warfare. Indeed, the extent and range of “Weapons
Emissions” of noxious gases like CO & HCN have been studied under different operational conditions, with particular
reference to their synergistic effects. Although, the nature of the ‘Artillery Chemicals’ used are not mentioned, the
releases of the noxious gases and their effect on users/operators of gun & rocket devices have been recently studied.
In a remarkable publication entitled “Combined Exposure to HCN and CO in Army Operations: Final Report” by the
National Academy of Sciences USA, (National Research Council Report, 2008), the scientific basis of concurrent CO &
HCN emissions at the operational site as well as the weapon handlers’ (user personnel), and the need for their amelio-
ration, protective treatment and therapeutics have also been envisaged (Halperin, 2008).
Dual Patterns of Lethality & Morbidity of Bhopal Gas Tragedy: The data, in retrospect, reveals two distinct phenom-
ena. One is restricted to the first three days and is probably due to inhalation of free HCN or its liberation in vivo from
MIC~HCN adducts. Distinct from ‘Direct or Acute Cyanide Toxicity’, the Sub-Acute or Chronic Type, appears to be due

Pathophysiology & Inhalation Toxicology

to interference of ‘Cyanide Metabolism’, probably due to inactivation of rhodanese by S-Carbamoylation of one of its
constituent triple -SH radicals. The prompt response to NaTS therapy is accompanied by increased urinary SCN¯
excretion. This phenomenon of recurrent or chronic cyanide toxicity continued upto the end of the first quarter.
Incidentally, the ITRC, Lucknow demonstrated consistent fall of Glutathione levels in Bhopal Gas Victims (Srivastava et
al., 1988).
Due to unawareness of the underlying complex Biochemistry of these factors, the Scientific Community of India
and abroad, as well as UCC and even some of the activists like Dr. Ramana Dhara (Gassert & Dhara, 2005), exploited the
scientific confusion by decrying it as ‘so-called Cyanide Toxicity’ in Bhopal victims. The aspersion was promptly
contradicted through ‘Science Correspondence Columns of Current Science’ by Sriramachari (2005).
Misinformation of UCC Dispelled: From the very beginning of the Bhopal saga, the UCC propagated a wrong idea that
MIC does not cross the lung or capillary~alveolar barrier, belittling the need for detoxification. This was in spite of
diagnosis given on the first day that extensive damage to internal organs had taken place due to carry-over of toxico-
logical damage to vascular and respiratory systems. Later, many studies are available, which are in consonance with
Bhopal observations from the very beginning (Bhattacharya et al., 1988; Ramachandran et al., 1988).
Toxicology Group of ICMR established early enough that impaired O2 transport due to chemical impairment of Hb
and damage of the Respiratory System seemed to be the cause of mortality (Rao et al., 1986; Rao et al., 1989; Sharma et.
al., 1990; Sriramachari et al., 1991; Chandra et al., 1991 & 1994; Saraf et al., 1995). The experimental studies of UCC (1976)
on guinea pigs indicated that the arterial tension of oxygen was reduced. Further, as postulated by Dr. Sriramachari in
early 1985, specific amino acid residues like Valine of Hb molecules showed reduced O2 binding capacities due to
chemical modification in the victims. A marked reduction of the End-Terminal Amino Groups of Valine residue of Hb of
Bhopal Exposees by ‘TNBS studies’ was demonstrated by Sriramachari, Ramaiah and Roman Reddy. It was soon
confirmed by presence of N-Carbamoylated Valine residues (Bhattacharya et al., 1988; Ramachandran et al., 1988;
Sriramachari et al, 1991). Almost simultaneously, Dr. Narayanan, Prof. Heeresh Chandra and Dr. Sriramachari reported
elevated levels Hb & 2-3 DPG levels, simulating changes of an altitude of 14000 feet! In another series, their physiologi-
cal implications, in terms of Blood Gas alterations were characterised by lowered PaO2 & PaCO2, lowered PvO2 but
elevated PvCO2. The summary of the physiological changes were discussed in Current Science paper (Sriramachari,
The toxicological studies of blood also indicated the changes in blood pH, resulting in alterations in O22 binding
properties of Hb (Sriramachari et al., 1991). The exchange efficiency due to local clogging of the respiratory passages
and alveolar surfaces also dampened the gas exchanges, due to functional alterations in Hb. Similarly, the lactic acid
generated due to HCN inhalation, could have contributed to ‘Metabolic Acidosis’, which in turn affected delivery of O2
to the tissues. This was further enhanced by freshly generated Pulmonary Edema found in the early autopsies of
December 1984 as shown by marked increase in weight of the lungs and the brain. Even partial Carbamoylation of Hb
would have affected removal of CO2 and delivery of O2 to tissues. It was presumed by some Clinicians, that after the end
of 120 days of the life span of RBC, the physiological mechanisms would have been restored to normal in most of the
cases studied.
The phenomenon of N-Carbamoylation also seems to have come to an end by the first Quarter (December 1984 -
March, 1985). Likewise, as already pointed out, none of the other end-terminal amino acids of autopsy tissue proteins,
were found to be positive after the first Quarter. Although thereafter, a few autopsy cases were found to be positive for
N-Carbamoylation of Hb, even they could be rare instances of recycling.
Not withstanding Reports of Dr. Aggarwal in Dr. CR Krishnamurthy Report in 1987, the remote possibility of
mutagenesis being perpetuated cannot be ruled out. In 1990, Knight had suggested that nucleic acid damage might
produce mutagenesis and perhaps carcinogenicity. There is an obvious need for such long-term mutational and ge-
nomic studies in Bhopal.
Prof. Heeresh Chandra himself and some of his colleagues became victims of exposure and inhalation of toxic
gases, initially in the open air of Bhopal and in the Autopsy Room of MLI. Eventually, he developed peripheral fibrosis
of the lung which was confirmed by CAT scanning carried out in Delhi by common friend & Radiologist Dr. Sharma and
published later in 1991. The CAT-scan was repeated after 3 years and demonstrated worsening, although no further

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

evaluation was available. The image was correlated with the autopsy finding seen in the cases of December, 1984. The
visceral surface of lungs and liver, showed pin-head sized hemorrhages, particularly in the basal regions. It was first
thought that these findings were in response to hypoxia. But subsequently they wee attributed to inhaled particulate
matter obliterating the periphery of the lung giving rise to marginal fibrosis. They may be due to high molecular weight
compounds like spiral compounds of molecular weight 269 (Chandra et al., 1994). This injury might have reduced the
vital capacity of the lung.
In the Toxicology Project, attempts to characterize practically all the Chemical Constituents of the Tank Residue
Analytes, with highly sophisticated GC-MS technique were more than successful. Although all the individual chemical
constituents have not been traced in the autopsy tissues, the GC-MS findings suggest that one or more of them may be
associated with the formation of Nitriles and/or release of the Isocyanate Molecules, leading to N-Carbamoylation.
However, since subsequent autopsies did not reveal such compounds, it is felt that the early autopsies of the 1st Quarter
could certainly be claimed as Forensic Evidence supporting the presence of inhaled tank residue constituents in the
dead bodies of Bhopal Victims.
Before Bucher’s publication in 1987, the only information regarding biological properties of MIC on health hazards
in Human & Animals were by Kimmerle and Eben, (1964). The paper indicates that MIC by inhalation is poisonous to
human beings, as defined by ICC regulations [a US company that offers advice on hazardous materials]. However, “No
Apparent Injury” was reported by Union Carbide in 86 cases of MIC exposure, over a 9 year period (Sexton, 1973). But
in the very subsequent year it has been stated that in spite of prompt treatment, major residual injury is likely (UCC
Manual, 1974).
MIC is a strong poison, even on swallowing; the injury that is caused to the mucosa is because of its exothermic
reaction when coming in contact with moisture of the tissues. The chemical and thermal necrosis seen in the lungs could
be labeled as ‘Burnt Lungs’. No bleeding from the nose was indicative of chemical coagulability of the blood in the
lungs. The heat generated on inhalation also explains generalized Intra-Vascular Coagulation found inside the body.
Possible Mechanisms of MIC Toxicity: The foregoing account provides the physiological background underlying the
reaction to injury of the victims, dead as well as living, exposed to the toxic Gases of BGD. The pyrolytic derivatives of
MIC, viz., CO & HCN, etc. which inhibit the ‘cytochrome oxidase c’ system of ATP cycle & also alter the function of Hb
through formation of Met-Hb and CO-Hb. These two pyrolytic derivatives account for the phase of ‘acute cyanide
toxicity’ and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and possibly extreme muscular weakness encountered in
Bhopal. Naturally, the extent of pyrolysis of MIC and the quantum of each one of the above derivatives would largely
depend on physical parameters like ‘Hydration, Temp & Pressure’ attained within the container and the external envi-
ronment. Both these factors explain the phenomenon of rapid deaths encountered in the first 48 hours in BGD, which is
also confirmed by elevated cyanide levels in cryo-preserved blood samples.
In addition, possible formation of the adduct of HCN~MIC (either through major or minor routes) results in delayed
liberation of HCN or ‘sub-acute cyanide toxicity’ with dramatic response to intravenous administration of NaTS,
followed by restoration of muscular activity.
Recurrent Cyanide Toxicity: Variable degree or partial pyrolysis also explains a unique and new phenomenon of ‘dual
toxicity’ reported in the Bhopal scenario. Apart from cyanide toxicity, direct toxicity due to MIC was confirmed by
demonstration of N-Carbamoylation of ‘End-Terminal Amino Acids’ of blood & tissue proteins, yet another unique
feature of BGD. Occasional ‘Recurrent Cyanide Toxicity’ is probably unrelated to HCN, but due to interference of
cyanide metabolism by the reversible and far more dynamic phenomenon of S-Carbamoylation following MIC crossing
the ‘alveolar capillary barrier’, adequately established by Toxicology Group of Bhopal, contrary to the UCC’s campaign
echoed by a few scientist across the world. The phenomenon of MIC binding to end-terminal Amino Acids of Hb and
a wide array of tissue proteins were established by the toxicological studies of Bhopal. Although, S-Carbamoylation
could not be demonstrated by itself, because of lack of proper equipment, it is gratifying that Baillie and Slatter (1991)
provided requisite crucial evidence.
Presence of other volatile compounds in the Exposees: Initially, Chemical & Instrumental Analysis could not reveal the
presence of lighter compounds (like HCN, CO, CO2, methyl amine etc) in the body tissues, although their presence was
hypothesized as cause of the Cherry Red Discoloration of Autopsy Blood Samples. It was assumed that this was due

Pathophysiology & Inhalation Toxicology

to presence of cyanogenic material in the body system. The presence of cyanide in the air was reported by Dr Max
Daunderer (1984) and Central Air and Pollution Control Board (1985). Unfortunately, no method successfully described
the presence of these compounds. A good reason could be due to technical difficulties and depending upon the
sensitivity of the instruments available in those days. Later on, studies were carried out at MLI Bhopal, by developing
new methodology on GC using “Head Space” techniques for the determination of Blood Cyanide Levels in the of
exposed victims (Rao et al., 1989). Apart from the determination of cyanide, none of the other lighter molecules could be
MIC studies on Animals at IVRI: The presence of MA (Methyl Amine) and DMU (Di-Methyl Urea) residues were
observed in the Meat & Milk samples of exposed animals by IVRI, Izatnagar. They also reported presence of CO in the
form of Carboxy-Haemoglobin in the blood samples of exposed animals (IVRI Report, 1984-86).
Summary: An attempt has been made to discuss the physical nature of gas released, its impact on the environment and
the physiological effects. The contribution of MIC itself and its thermal decomposition products (CO & HCN) leading
to acute and delayed cyanide toxicity and MIC itself through N- & S- Carbamoylation leading to recurrent cyanide
toxicity. The possible interplay and mechanisms of each category has been discussed. For proper understanding, the
contribution of CO & HCN in BGD has been discussed from historical perspective of thermal decomposition of MIC
(Blake & Ijadi-Maghsoodi) and current studies on ‘Weapons Emissions’ by artillery chemicals (Halperin., 2008).

 Baillie TA, Slatter G. Glutathione: A vehicle for the transport of chemically reactive metabolite in vivo. Acc Chem Res.
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 Blake PG, Ijadi-Maghsoodi S. Kinetics and Mechanism of the Thermal Decomposition of Methyl Isocyanate. Inter
J Chem Kine. 1982; 14: 945-952.
 Bucher JR. The toxicity of Methyl Isocyanate: Where do we stand? Environ Health Perspect. 1987; 72: 197-198.
 Central Water and Air Pollution Control Board. Gas Leak Episode at Bhopal. New Delhi, India. 1985.
 Chandra H, Rao GJ, Saraf AK, Sharma VK, Jadhav RK, Sriramachari S. GC-MS identification of MIC Trimer: A
constituent of tank residue in preserved autopsy blood of Bhopal Gas Victims. Med Sci law. 1991; 31(4): 294-298.
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 James JC, Gaylor DW. Carcinogenic Risk Assessment:Comparison of Estimated Safe Doses for Rats and Mice.
Environmental Health Perspectives. 1987; 72: 305-309.
 Gassert TH, Dhara VR. The Bhopal Gas tragedy: Evidence for cyanide poisoning not convincing. Current Science.
2005; 89(6): 923-924.
 Halparin WE. Combined Exposure to Hydrogen Cyanide and Carbon Monoxide in Army Operations: Final Report.
National Academy of Sciences. Washington DC. 2008.
 Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar: Report on Immediate and Residual effects of MIC exposure on
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 Kimmerle G, Eben A. Zur toxicitat von methylisocyanat und dessen quantitiver bestimmung in der luft. (Toxicity of
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 Krishnamurthy CR. Scientific Commission for Continuing Studies on Effect of Bhopal Gas Leakage on Life Systems.
Submitted to: Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India. Sardar Patel Bhawan. Sansad Marg, New Delhi. July, 1987.
 National Research Council of National Academies. Combined Exposures to Hydrogen Cyanide and Carbon Monox-

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

ide in Army Operations: Initial Report. The National Academies Press. Washington DC, USA. ( 2008.
 Ramchandran PK, Gandhe BR, Venkateshwaran KS, Kaushik MP, Vijayaraghvan R, Agarwal GS, Gopalan N,
Suryanarayana MVS, Shinde SK, Sriramachari S. Gas Chromatographic studies of the Carbamoylation of Haemoglo-
bin by Methyl Isocyanate in Rats and Rabbits. J Chromatogr. 1988; 426: 239-247.
 Rao GJ, Jaiswal A, Sharma VK, Jadhav RK, Banus M, Chandra H. Sensitive Gas Chromatographic Method for
Determining Cyanide in Body Fluids. J Ind Acad For Med. 1986; 8: 52- 57.
 Rao GJ, Sharma VK, Chandra H. Quantitative analysis of thiocyanate in urine by head space gas chromatography.
Current Science. 1989; 58: 1103-1105.
 Saraf AK, Rao GJ, Chandra H. GC-MS evidence of dimethyl isocyanurate and 2, 4 dione of methyl isocyanate in the
viscera of Bhopal victims. Current Science. 1995; 68: 500–501.
 Sexton RJ. Plant Medical Director, Union Carbide; letter written to CU Dernehl on the subject “Methyl Isocyanate”.
Letter dated December 6, 1973.
 Sharma S, Narayanan PS, Sriramachari S, Vijayan VK, Kamat SR, Chandra H. Objective thoracic CT scan findings in
a Bhopal gas disaster victim. Resp Med. 1991; 85: 539-541.
 Sharma VK, Rao GJ, Jadhav RK, Chandra H, Sriramachari S. High Performance Liquid Chromatographic estimation of
Carbamylated amino acids. Current Science. 1990; 59: 528-529.
 Sriramachari S, Rao GJ, Sharma VK, Jadhav RK, Saraf AK, Chandra H. GC-NPD and GC-MS analysis of preserved
tissue of Bhopal gas disaster: evidence of methyl Carbamoylation in post- mortem blood. Med Sci law. 1991; 31(4):
 Sriramachari S. Response to ‘The Bhopal Gas tragedy; Evidence for cyanide poisoning not convincing’. Current
Science. 2005; 89(6): 924-925.
 Sriramachari S. The Bhopal gas tragedy: An environmental disaster. Current Science. 2004; 86 (7): 905-920.
 Srivastava RC, Gupta BN, Athar M, Behari JR, dwivedi RS, Hasan SK, Bharti RS, Singh A, Misra M, Ray PK. Effect
of Exposure to toxic gas on the population of Bhopal: Part III-Assessment of Toxic Manifestations in Humans–
Hematological and Biochemical Studies. Ind J Exp Biology. 1988; 26: 165-172.
 Stryer L. Biochemistry. Freeman International Edn; published by Toppan Company, Limited, Tokyo, Japan. 1975;
 Union Carbide Corporation: Reactive and hazardous chemicals manual. 1-10. 1974.
 Union Carbide Corporation: Reactive and hazardous chemicals manual. 1976.
 Varadarajan S, Doraiswamy, LK, Ayyangar NR, Iyer CSP, Khan AA, Lahiri AK, Mazumdar KV, Mashelkar RA, Mitra
RB, Nambiar OGB, Ramchandran V, Sahasrabudhe VD, Sivaram SV, Sriram S, Thyagarajan G, Venkataraman RS.
Report on Scientific studies on the factors related to Bhopal Toxic Gas Leakage, December 1985.

Studies on Urinary Thiocyante & Cyanide



I. Urinary Thiocyanate
Early in the wake of the disaster of Methyl Isocyanate Gas Leak in Bhopal, there was a strong suspicion about the
possibilities of death being caused by Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN). This was primarily based on the autopsy studies with
characteristic Cherry Red colour of the blood and internal viscera like the lung and the brain, which was a prominent
feature from the very beginning. These impressions of Prof. Heeresh Chandra were further reinforced by some prelimi-
nary information generated by Dr. Max Daunderer, a German Clinical Toxicologist who had visited Bhopal and carried
out some laboratory tests on the samples of blood of survivors. It is also believed that he brought along with him to
Bhopal over 15–20 thousands doses of Na2S2O3 injections. It is not clear whether he did so either as part of Toxicologist’s
‘non-specific therapeutic repertoire’ or specific information about cyanide-like toxicity of MIC and its potential re-
sponse Na2S2O3, available with him as a German Toxicologist.
Dr. Bisariya of Central Forensic Laboratory, CBI whose services were requisitioned, also examined many tissue and
blood samples and indicated the presence of cyanide radical. The clinical evidence in support of venous blood being
arterialized was reported by Dureja and Saxena (1987).This team of anesthetists was sent by Government of India and
on 5th and 6th December 1984, who drew samples of blood from hospitalized cases.
Early Clinical Trials: Soon the use of Sodium Thiosulphate (NaTS) injections as an antidote was not only postulated
by the visiting German toxicologist, Dr Max Daunderer, but strongly advocated by Prof Heeresh Chandra. In fact, even
the Union Carbide in its earlier message suggested that in case Cyanide Poisoning was suspected, NaTS injections
could be given in the standard manner i.e. along with Sodium Nitrite. However, for unknown reasons, very soon this
message was withdrawn through the official channels (Mr. Dasgupta and Dr. Nagoo), even though NaTS was not a
harmful treatment (Martindale, 1987. Dr BBL Mathur, Dean GMC, clearly mentioned in his report that Dr. Bhandari
observed the relief on some of his patients with NaTS. Initial 5 cases admitted to DIG Bungalow hospital were treated
with NaTS, when people were hospitalized and were disabled to get up from bed. Late Dr PS Narayanan gave 10cc of
10% NaTS by i.v. route. By the next morning all the patients could not only move about, but could do a few routine
exercises they were asked to do. Dr Ishwar Das, then Health Secretary, Govt. of MP, was a witness to this miraculous
therapy. Even then, at government level, he did not support the treatment. Subsequently, therapeutic role of NaTS was
established by the epidemiological studies of ICMR (ICMR Report, 1986). Even the post-mortems, after a lapse of 10-12
days, continued to show similar gross features of Cherry Red Discoloration. It was at that stage that the team from the
Institute of Pathology led by Dr S Sriramachari, Dr HMK Saxena and Dr B Dasgupta were associated with the post-
mortem studies and also with the toxicological investigations. which were being pursued vigorously in the Medico
Legal Institute by Prof Heeresh Chandra.
Preliminary Laboratory Trials: The several possible causes for the reddish discoloration of the blood and viscera in
the context of the Bhopal Gas Disaster were critically examined. Direct Vision Spectroscopy of Blood did not reveal any
evidence of Carboxy-Haemoglobin, nor was there any evidence suggestive of Meth-Hb in autopsy samples of blood.
Instead, standard bands suggestive of Oxy-Hb were observed. Our experiment with Drager tube inserted into the slit
trachea, gave positive result for presence of HCN at a level of 2.25 ppm. These findings lent further support to the
possible role of Hydrogen Cyanide being responsible for the gross reddish discoloration of the organs. Direct Vision
Spectroscopy of autopsy samples of blood revealed only standard bands suggestive of Oxy-Hb, but there was no
evidence Carboxy-Haemoglobin nor Meth-Haemoglobin.
However, as briefly stated in the previous Section on Patho-Physiology, Kamath and Associates in their exhaus-
tive Clinical Studies of survivors in and around the Bhopal Railway Station reported the continued presence of Meth-

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Hb. Instead of ignoring the variability of this phenomenon, it might be possible to interpret it as part of the localisation
of the spectrum of changes due to variations in the dispersal of the gaseous cloud spread over Bhopal. The relatively
lighter CO of the Gaseous Cloud or Plume might have been differentially distributed over Bhopal City, which accounted
for of a minor but unique Patho-Physiological imprint of the regional or terrestrial concentrations of a spreading mixture
of lethal Toxic Gases across a City.
Genesis of Urinary Thiocyanate Studies: As early as 18th of December, 1984, while an autopsy was being carried out, Dr.
Sriramachari suggested that since sufficient time had elapsed for the HCN to be detoxified or neutralized by the natural
enzymatic systems such as Rhodanese of the liver, it might be worthwhile examining the samples of urine of the dead
bodies for the presence of elevated levels of SCN¯ (urinary thiocyanate). Thus, right from the beginning, the possible
role of slow reactions within the body resulting in accumulation of cyanide-like radicals was postulated. It was neither
swayed by determined opposition to the use of Sodium Thio-sulphate on the one hand nor did it acquiesce to populist
demands for universal and large detoxification of the entire population. Unlike the classical ‘cyanide pool hypothesis’
advocated in RT William’s Book on Detoxification Mechanisms (1959), an alternate working hypothesis of a more likely
“Cyanogen Pool” was clearly enunciated in December 1984 itself.
Standardization of Urinary SCN¯Estimations: Recalling some noteworthy earlier studies way back in 1954, on Extra-
Cellular Space etc., at NRL, Coonoor, the fore-runner of NIN, Hyderabad, Sriramachari obtained “by wireless”, full
details about Bowler’s method for estimation of thiocynate concentrations in biological fluids. Since INMAS, in New
Delhi, was also known to carry out SCN¯estimations in serum, though not in urine, the help of Brig. Lakshmipathy and
colleagues, was sought for a preliminary comparative study on Normal Controls along with suspected samples of
Bhopal. It was found that the values ranged from 0-0.5 mg%, where as in 14 out of 54 Bhopal samples, the levels were
above 0.5 mg%. In 5 out of these 14 samples, the values were more than 1 mg% and the rest between 0.5-1 mg percent.
Hence as an immediate measure, it was decided to take a value of double the normal maximum, as a cut-off point, for
monitoring urinary thiocyanate studies in the Bhopal Gas Victims.
Simultaneously, steps were taken to generate data on normal urinary levels in unaffected areas of Bhopal and
nearby places like Hoshangabad, Sehore, etc (Table 6.1).

Table 6.1. Periodical study of Control Urine Thiocyanate

Period No. of mg % * mgs (24 hours) **
Cases non-smokers smokers non-smokers smokers
Month & Year N Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
March 1985 410 0.528 ± 0.190 0.846 ± 0.178 6.152 ± 2.094 8.676 ± 1.505
April 1985 420 0.523 ± 0.193 0.879 ± 0.225 6.152 ± 2.094 9.066 ± 1.888
October 1985 63 0.508 ± 0.187 0.755 ± 0.279 6.172 ± 2.183 8.803 ± 2.812
November 1985 31 0.409 ± 0.158 0.675 ± 0.305 4.923 ± 2.497 7.265 ± 2.622
June 1986 50 0.549 ± 0.228 0.716 ± 0.211 4.494 ± 2.630 4.398 ± 1.581
March 1987 20 0.636 ± 0.170 - 6.511 ± 1.091 -
May 1987 85 0.582 ± 0.206 0.860 ± 0.209 6.209 ± 0.209 9.254 ± 1.672
Total 1079 0.531 ± 0.195 0.836 ± 0.216 6.048 ± 0.216 8.651 ± 1.991
‘t’ Value * 20.848 ** 16.958

From December 1984, this method provided by Dr Sriramachari was standardized by Dr Ramaiah for routine
analysis employing Bausch & Lomb Model UV-Vis-710 Spectrophotometer. The test reaction mixture contained 2ml of
the urine, 0.5 ml of 20% TCA (trichloro-acetic acid), which were mixed thoroughly and allowed to stand for about 10 min
for completion of the reaction. Addition of 2.5 ml of 16% ferric nitrate in nitric acid reagent gives the characteristic colour
and was studied spectrophotometrically at 470 nm, against the reagent blank of the same sample. Calibration curve was
plotted by measuring OD of different concentrations of standard solution of sodium thiocyanate.
Cross Checking of SCN¯ Estimations: In view of the general controversy about Cyanide Toxicity, every care was
taken to counter-check the urinary SCN– values obtained by Bowler’s (1944) method with several newer methods, like

Studies on Urinary Thiocyante & Cyanide

HSGC (Head Space Gas Chromatographic) method of Feldstein and Klendshoj of (1954), as recently modified by
Jallageas in 1984. Prof. Heeresh Chandra et al confirmed to the hilt the results by Bowler’s method which was later on
published (Rao et al., 1989). This method was used to read abnormal samples which were not measurable by Bowler’s
spectrophotometric method. In between the analysis, many methods were developed on micro-diffusion and on GC,
HSGC for the reliability of the conventional Bowler’s Method. Although this method is old, it is simple and gives
predictable and reproducible results; therefore, a suitable number of control samples were also studied. Analysis clearly
distinguished between smoker and non-smoker groups and persons who consumed ‘cyanogenic vegetables’ and some
of the interfering medicines (Rao et al., 1989).Thus the purpose of assisting treatment or management of the Bhopal Gas
Disaster victims was largely accomplished. A summary of salient findings are presented in the accompanying Tables of
this section.
Extended Toxicological Studies: This work was successfully initiated both for determining the pre- and post-injection
levels with a view to assess the response to NaTS injections. A large number of patients showed 3-4 fold increase in the
urinary thiocyanate levels, as compared with the upper limit of 0.5 mg%. In those early days the response to NaTS was
so dramatic that patients who were in a helpless situation were suddenly relieved of the major symptoms.
Double Blind Clinical Trial (DBCT) studies: Towards the end of January, 1985, in view of the violent and diametrically
opposite views on the use of NaTS injections, the ICMR undertook the first Double Blind Clinical Trial (DBCT) study
(Annexure 6.1). It was followed by monitoring of cases given in the course of injections. There was clear-cut statisti-
cally significant evidence that concomitant with clinical improvement, there was marked elevation of urinary SCN¯
levels, following the administration of NaTS injections. This evidence constituted the bedrock for its use and also as a
guideline for its subsequent use. The ICMR through its Toxicological Teams pursued the problem vigorously for the
next 4 years.
It may be pointed out that during the years 1985-88 several organised studies had been undertaken apart from over
18,000 patients whose urine had been tested before, during or after the treatment with NaTS injections as shown in the
accompanying Table 6.2.

Table 6.2. Urinary Thiocyanate Values of Exposed Population up to October 1987

No. of Cases Mean ± SD (mg%)
24 hours 6834 0.9897 ± 0.5615
12 hours 774 0.8966 ± 0.4601
Spot 2859 1.1382 ± 0.7903
Deep Freeze (Autopsy ) 190 1.0720 ± 0.5765
Claim 3059/3524 0.7807 ± 0.5054
Pre-injection 1004/1253 1.0744 ± 0.7652
Post-injection 832/1253 1.2644 ± 0.9781
Could not be detected 1975 -
Total 17527
Control 1079 0.598 ± 0.205
Grand Total 18606

The noteworthy findings are as follows:-

a. A series of DBCT studies were carried out on patients administered either one or more injections of NaTS or a
harmless control substance like glucose.
b. There were a large number of Hospital-based Studies undertaken both in the Hamidia Hospital and in the 30-bedded
Hospital, since known as the Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital in a project under Late Dr PS Narayanan. In the latter, a large
number of patients, both children as well as adults, had been followed up over a long period of time along with their
response to treatment with NaTS as judged by urinary SCN¯ levels.
c. In addition, a large number of Community Based Investigations on the Gas Affected Population have been studied
and analysed on a quarterly basis during the years 1985-86 and 1987. Several hundreds of Controls from the
'unaffected areas of Bhopal' and from different batches of Army Jawans located in Bhopal, were also investigated for

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

their urinary thiocyanate levels. In all these studies several factors have been meticulously examined taking into
account smoking habits, consumption of vegetables rich in cyanogenic materials, etc (Table 6.1).
d. The bulk of these studies have revealed that indeed there was an elevation in the urinary SCN¯ levels in the gas
affected population and that there was a prompt therapeutic response to NaTS. However, by the end of 1985 and the
first Quarter of 1986, the values had tended to become 'Normal, with Poor or No Response' (Table 6.3 a, b & c).

Table 6.3a. Paired ‘t’ Test on Age and Sex Based Groups
Group Cases(n) Values of Urinary Thiocyanate in ‘t’ Significance
1985-86 1987-88
A. Below 40 years Male 44 1.2354±0.4554 0.8931±0.4054 4.5197 99.9%
B. Below 40 yearsFemale 41 1.2178±0.5446 0.7066 ±0.3817 5.4961 99.9%
C. Above 40 years Male 36 1.0341 ±0.7574 0.8229 ±0.3755 3.4645 99.9%
D. Above 40 years Female 12 1.0341 ±0.4508 0.7166 ±0.2525 2.0631 Insignificant

Group Cases(n) Values of Urinary Thiocyanate in ‘t’ Significant

1987-88 1988-89
A. Below 40 years Male 44 0.8931±0.4054 0.8833 ±0.3948 0.213 Insignificant
B. Below 40 yearsFemale 41 0.7066 ±0.3817 0.7768 ±0.3090 0.9141 Insignificant
C. Above 40 years Male 36 0.8229 ±0.3755 0.7431 ±0.3567 0.9223 Insignificant

Table 6.3b. Paired ‘t’ Test on Groups Based on Smoking Habits

Group Cases(n) Values of Urinary Thiocyanate in ‘t’ Significance

1985-86 1987-88
E. Smokers 22 1.2154 ±0.4967 0.7740 ±0.4967 3.8980 99.9% Significant
F. Tobacco chewers 28 1.1889 ±0.4318 0.8771 ±0.3815 3.8771 99.9% Significant
G. Non-smoker 47 1.2546 ±0.5547 0.7770 ±0.3470 4.9506 99.9% Significant
Non- Tobacco chewers

Group Cases(n) Values of Urinary Thiocyanate in ‘t’ Significant

1987-88 1988-89
E. Smokers 22 0.7740 ±0.4967 0.7773±0.3092 0.264 Insignificant
F. Tobacco chewers 28 0.8771 ±0.3815 0.8979 ±0.3611 0.926 Insignificant
G. Non-smoker 47 0.7770 ±0.3470 0.7364 ±0.2877 0.6189 Insignificant
Non-Tobacco chewers

Table 6.3c. Paired ‘t’ Test of Groups Based on Urinary Thiocyanate Values
Group Cases(n) Values of Urinary Thiocyanate in ‘t’ Significance
1985-86 1987-88
H. Previous values of 88 1.4538 ±0.3760 0.8364 ±0.4040 11.2143 Highly
more than 1 mg% significant
I. Previous values of 45 0.6627 ±0.2174 0.7134 ±0.3549 0.1929 Insignificant
less than 1 mg%

Group Cases(n) Values of Urinary Thiocyanate in ‘t’ Significant

1987-88 1988-89
H. Previous values of 88 0.8364 ±0.4040 0.7984 ±0.3515 0.655 Insignificant
more than 1 mg%
I. Previous values of 45 0.7134 ±0.3549 0.6944 ±0.2935 0.277 Insignificant
less than 1 mg%

Studies on Urinary Thiocyante & Cyanide

Figure 6.1: Increase in the percentage of cases above 1 mg% two hours after NaTS injection.

This is borne out by the sequential information that had been collected over representative samples as already
stated. Hence it was felt that in view of the declining trends, the need for NaTS injections should be progressively
tapered off (Figure 6.1). Based on such evidence, a majority of the members of a committee appointed for the purpose
by the Supreme Court recommended that there was no further need to administer NaTS for detoxification.
From time to time seven control urinary thiocyanate studies were made in MLI under the Project and a total of 1079
cases were studied. They were put to a strict drill of 24 hour collection of urine i.e., from 10 am to next day 10 am and were
fed with or without the thiocyanate rich diet viz., cauliflower, cabbage or vegetables of cruciferous family etc. These
studies revealed that the urinary thiocyanate excretion is 0.531 mg% (SD = 0.195) with an average of 6.048 mg% per day
(SD = 0.216) with an average of 8.651 mg% per day (SD = 1.991) among 839 non-smokers and 240 smokers.
Urinary thiocyanate levels in exposed population were found higher than controls which showed a further rise
after giving NaTS injection giving relief to the patients. After first injection of NaTS, percentage of cases above 1 mg%
increased by 58.0% in the early 1985 which gradually came down to 7.0% in 1986. A total of 17,527 urine samples have
been analysed till October 1987 followed by 1350 samples till June 1988 (Table 6.2). Further Details are available in the
document which had been submitted to Supreme Court (Annexure 6.2).

II. Cyanide Studies

It is possible that hydrogen cyanide, which is slightly lighter than air could have descended down in the Aerosol
and was consumed by the victims with acute fatal results. Part of the HCN, especially in a cold trap of the prevailing
temperature, might have been bound to the twice-heavy Methyl IsoCyanate, a distinct possibility in the light of the
observations of Blake and Ijadi-Maghsoodi, 1982 in their ‘landmark paper’ on Kinetics and Thermal Decomposition of
Methyl IsoCyanate. It is beyond doubt that HCN would have been released as a breakdown product, when Methyl
IsoCyanate got heated, more so under pressure (UCC, 1985; Blake and Ijadi-Maghsoodi, 1982; Bhattacharya et al
(DRDE, 1988).
Analysis of aqueous extract of tank residue material at ambient temperature for the ‘free cyanide’ was studied by
HCN Detector Tubes, as well as by Spectrophotometry of chromometric reagents (APHA, 1960; Pettigrew et al., 1973;
Jallageas et al., 1984; Upadhyaya et al., 1984). Even five years after the BGD, a clear positive indication was observed by

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

detection tubes of HCN and also on spectrophotometry. Paramethine gluconic aldehyde gave absorption maxima at
400nm with anthranilic acid, at 530nm with benzidine, 590nm with barbituric acid and 490nm with p-Phenylene-Diamine.
Tank residue showed presence of free cyanide at 0.05 percent. On GC-FID, using Super-Q column, a clear Cyanide Peak
was detected. Thus, by both Spectrophotometry and Chromatography, presence of Cyanide was detected in the Tank
Residue. Since it is lighter than air, some part of it might have escaped from the Tank Residue and its vicinity. Only that
fraction, which was adsorbed or entrapped within the tank residue material, was detected. Possibly at the time of the
accident, along with other volatile compounds, the concentration of gaseous HCN would have been much higher.
The raised thiocyanate levels in the urine noticed in the victims and gradual tapering off with the passage of time,
as against Controls, is further proof of disturbance of cyanide metabolism in their bodies. The Epidemiological Studies
conducted by ICMR in 1986 which surfaced in 1988, that clearly brought out the therapeutic response to NaTS therapy,
suggested an enlarged “Cyanogen Pool” in the body. This hypothesis was further strengthened when the studies were
repeated after a provocative dose of NaTS, accompanied by raised urinary thiocyanate in the ‘Exposed Population’, as
against Controls. NaTS therapy brought excellent response in the victims (BGDRC 1987). But subsequent re-elevation
of urinary thiocyanate values, with-reappearance of the symptoms, although of less intensity, continued to be an
Sodium Thio-Sulphate is not an ideal antidote of acute cyanide poisoning as it does not run parallel to the tissue
distribution of HCN due to its limited membrane permeability (Way, 1984). Cyanide gets converted to thiocyanate in the
presence of enzyme ‘rhodanese’ (thiosulphate sulphur transferase). But the conversion of thiocyanate to cyanide has
also been reported in the literature, not due to ‘transferase activity’ by rhodanese, but because of an enzyme called
“thiocyanate oxidase” (Goldstein & Rieders, 1953; Cohen & Oppenheimer (1971). This enzyme is found in erythrocytes
in a very good amount, while only traces of rhodanese are found in those cells. Thiocyanate oxidase appears to possess
an optimum pH 7.4 and is not inhibited by alkaline earth ions as is Rhodanese. This thiocyanate oxidase converts
thiocyanate to cyanide. Perhaps one or more of these factors are responsible for the recurrence of Chronic Cyanide
Toxicity and the response to NaTS eventually tapers off. Secondly, Rhodanese is specific only for ‘free cyanide’ and
has no action upon organically bound ‘cyano-groups’, such as those in acetonitrile, propio-nitrile, cyano-acetic acid,
cyanamide, etc. Although, these compounds may first need to be converted to HCN by metabolic activities, they are
later excreted in the form of thiocyanate (Williams, 1959). There are variety of other substances which react with
cyanide, besides Thiosulphate; however these reactions are usually reversible (Sorbo, 1975; Westly, 1980).
The extreme toxicity of cyanide is thought to be due to the ability of the ion to tie up active coordination positions
of metal atoms in one or more enzymes present in very small amount in the body but are indispensable for metabolism.
A number of cyanide complexes are so slowly dissociated that they show the reactions neither of the metal ion nor of
the cyanide ion. The most stable cyanide complexes are being formed by those “metals lying between chromium and
zinc” in the Periodic Table like Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu. Since Fe is present in Hb, Cu is important for the synthesis of Hb
and Mn, Ni & Cu are enzyme activators; all these activities may be suppressed as cyanide binds all these metals to form
a stable complex.
A number of valency states of metals, thought too unstable to exist in the solution as ordinary ion, are greatly
stabilized by the strong coordinating action of cyanide ion. Such cyanide complexes of Cu(I) are known, although
simple salts of Cu in this oxidation state do not survive in the solution. The reaction of cyanide ion with divalent Cu(II)
may be mentioned here, where cyanide acts in a dual capacity, both as a complexing agent and as a reducing agent. If
sufficient cyanide is present, part of the cyanide will be oxidized to “CYANOGEN” and the remainder will attach itself
to the Cu ions formed in the solution:-
2Cu++ + 8CN ¯ → C2N2 + 2Cu(CN)3¯ ¯
One metello-enzyme cytochrome oxidase is very sensitive to cyanide, as it contains Fe2+ which binds with cyanide
and blocks the tissue utilization of oxygen, thus producing histotoxic anoxia (Way, 1984). However, it may be pointed
out that there are some other enzymes also which are either equally or more sensitive to cyanide as cytochrome oxidase
(Solomonson, 1982). Cyanide is reported to react with 42 enzymes in vivo (Patty, 1963). Therefore, cyanide toxicity may
not be a single ‘Biochemical Lesion’, but a complex effect on various enzyme systems involving Schiff base intermedi-
ates as well as metallo-enzymes. Studies using radioactive glucose indicated that cyanide alters glucose catabolism,
resulting in a 100 percent increase in conversion of glucose by pentose phosphate pathway. This shift results in a

Studies on Urinary Thiocyante & Cyanide

decrease in ATP/ADP ratio (Albaum et al., 1946) and an increase in NADPH. The increase in NADPH represents a
balanced redox state to compensate an enhanced conversion of pyruvate to lactate at the expense of NADH (Jacob and
Diem, 1974).
The recurrent sign of cyanide poisoning suggested that the acrylonitrile or other ‘Nitriles’ (possible compound
formed and present in the Tank Residue) or one of their metabolites, are stored in the tissues and from those storage
spaces, cyanide may be slowly released and may cause recurrent problems. It emphasizes that the prolonged treatment
with antidotes for a peculiar type of chronic cyanide poisoning may be required and that many doses of such antidotes
can be given safely over a prolonged period. The toxicity of acrylonitrile may solely be attributed to the liberation of
cyanide (Vogel, 1984). Magos (1962) suggested that full acrylonitrile molecule might have direct toxicity.
Likewise the presence of several known and unidentified derivatives of MIC detected in the Tank Residue could
also play a contributory role in recurrent cyanide toxicity. It is also possible that that interaction of chloroform and MIC
may give rise to Chloro- derivatives of MIC suggested by Romonenko (2001) might be responsible for long term
toxicity. So, Sriramachari and Jain, along with Dr. Vijayaraghavan and Dr. Bhattacharya, have currently initiated a
Research Project on Chlorotropism of MIC at DRDE, Gwalior.
The chronic poisoning from cyanide exposure has also been discussed by other workers; Wolfsie and Shaffer,
1959). Sandberg (1976) pointed out that the chronic cyanide poisoning indicates delayed-neuropsychiatric problems.
During detoxification mechanism cyanide is converted to thiocyanate, which is also a toxic compound, beyond certain
limits. Organic thiocyanates are more dangerous than inorganic thiocyanates and are probably converted in vivo to
cyanide, causing the recurrence of symptoms (Kaye, 1977).
An independent but parallel study carried out by late Dr. PS Narayanan and others under ICMR project on
“Studies on Pulmonary Function Tests and Blood Gas Analysis” in 1986-87, brought out parallel results. It indicates
definite downward trend in the urine thiocyanate excretion (Tables 6.3a, b & c). This collaborative study strongly
indicated possible body storage of cyanogenic material being released over several months causing excretion of high
urine thiocyanate and symptoms of weakness. Their study further concluded that the patients returned to normal levels
over a period of three years since the exposure. It was concluded that the cyanogenic material was gradually depleted
from the body (BGDRC, 1989).
Blood and Tissue Cyanide: Cyanide was determined in the blood qualitatively by a colour test using micro-diffusion
technique followed by spectrophotometer (Jallageas et al., 1984). Attempts were also made to detect cyanide by a head
space gas chromatographic method as described by McAuley and Reive (1983).
In an autopsy Prof Heeresh Chandra demonstrated presence of HCN trapped in the lungs. In this method nose and
mouth were packed with wet cotton. A small oblique incision was made in the neck along the trachea. The Drager tube
was inserted in the trachea and chest compressed as is in artificial respiration. The Drager tube indicated HCN, by
change of colour.
Spectrophotometric method using Micro-diffusion Technique: One ml of blood or 1 g of macerated tissue was taken in
the outer chamber and 2ml of 0.1N NaOH in the inner chamber. The unit was sealed with paraffin wax in case of glass
microdiffusion dishes and sealed with liberating agent in case of three chambered polymer dishes. 10% H2SO4 was used
as a liberating agent and 3-4 hr time was given for complete diffusion. One ml of cyanide trapped NaOH was taken to a
stoppered test tube for the test while 1 ml of 0.1N NaOH was used as a blank. To it 2 ml of 0.6N HCl was added followed
by 0.5 ml of saturated bromine water. Five minutes were given for the complete bromination. Excess bromine was
neutralised by 2% sodium arsenate in 0.1N NaOH and 3 ml reaction mixture consisting of benzidine and pyridine and
colour was read on spectrophotometer at 530 nm. A standard graph was plotted from the standard cyanide solution
(Jallageas et al., 1984).
Gas Chromatographic Method: Four ml blood or 4 g tissue was taken in a vial and 2 ml of acetic acid was added and
sealed with Teflon tape. Hydrogen cyanide generated was subjected to GC using head space technique. Retention time
was checked with that of standard solutions of KCN. GC conditions were as follows - Gas chromatograph Perkin Elmer
model Sigma 300, column Porapak-Q 80/100 mesh 12' x 1/4" OD glass column, nitrogen 25 ml/min, FID 230°C, Inj 210°C
and Oven 125°C. Retention time was noted to be 7.2 min (Mcauley and Reive, 1983).
To overcome limitations of this method, a new method was developed by Rao et al., in 1986, modifying the methods

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

described by Funazo et al. (1981). This method was found to have 5.0μg% lower limit of detection. The Coefficient of
Variation decreased from 9.7 μg% at 10 μg% to 3.2% at 800μg%. For routine analysis Jallageas method (1984) was used.
Fifteen control samples were found to be in the range of 5 to 30μg% with an average of 20% while in control post mortem
blood of 31 cases it was a little higher accounting 25μg% average in the range of 10 to 15 μg%. Thirty four blood samples
from exposed OPD patients were found to be elevated following the range of 50 to 110 μg% with an average of 70 μg%.
More elevated levels were recorded in post mortem gas exposed cases of 43 blood samples with an average of 150 μg%
in the range of 60 to 360 μg% (Table 6.4).

Table 6.4: Blood Cyanide Levels of Control and Gas Exposed cases of Bhopal
Group No. of Cyanide Range Medial value S.D. Coefficient of
Cases (μg/dl) (μg/dl) Variation (CV)
Control Blood (Living) 15 5-30 20 7.825 46.643
Control Blood (Postmortem) 31 10-50 25 10.988 40.555
Gas Exposed Blood (Living) 34 50-110 70 23.233 34.850
Exposed Blood (Postmortem) 43 60-360 150 73.243 61.257

 Some of the samples i.e.21 of S. No. 3 and 16 of S. No. 4 were studied after preservation (up to two months and more)
and found no remarkable difference in preserved samples cyanide level.
 All samples were preserved in Sodium fluoride at -200°C.

The Bhopal Scenario: Blood samples of 59 autopsies, 10 samples of OPD and 43 autoposy tissues like liver, lung,
spleen, kidney, brain from cases having history of gas exposure have been analysed with appropriate control samples.
Post mortem samples of 23 cases of blood and 12 tissues belonging to 5 post mortems gave positive results. Cyanide
was quantified to be equal or more than 250μg%, since this method is not sensitive below this concentration, therefore
we switched over to the other sensitive method.
The Cherry Red blood was first observed in December 1984 post- mortems of aerosol affected persons (BGDRC,
1985). It was then hypothesized by Prof. Heeresh Chandra and colleagues that HCN could have been released; because
it is well known that in cyanide poisoning the blood remains ‘Cherry Red’. The underlying mechanism is due to the
poisoning of tissue cytochrome oxidase and consequent inability to utilize O2. Thus as a result of failure of tissue
respiration, oxygenated Blood Hb fails to shed its oxygen load. As a result of hypostasis, the colour of the whole body
is also pink. So also the eyes appear to be injected red. Initial GC-FID studies were carried at Medico Legal Institute,
Bhopal, to look for the presence of Cyanide in the victims. Although Cyanide Metabolism exists in the human body
(Arena, 1986), its function and utility are not exactly known. The normal values ranges from 15 μg to 30 μg per 100 ml of
blood. The values were found to be of much higher range both in the autopsy samples as well as clinical cases
indicating some degree of cyanide poisoning in the exposed victims at the different stages. The raised values to this
single exposure were found in the samples until the end of 1985 (Table 6.4), as stated by BGDRC (1987). The above
analysis was presented in the Brain Storming session organised by Dr. Krishnamurthy Commission in 1987.
Thus to conclude, from the very beginning it was felt necessary to determine the actual cyanide content of blood
and tissues of dead and living victims exposed to BGD. Indeed the efforts have more than fulfilled the expectations. In
the face of such incontrovertible evidence generated, why and how such a tirade was mounted and sustained against
Cyanide Toxicity & NaTS Therapy of BGD by variegated/different groups of Indian Clinicians, Administrators and
even Activists in India and abroad, remains an inexplicable enigma even as of today! It is one of the reasons for placing
on record the entire evidence for future re-appraisal of a rare scientific phenomenon following a unique Chemical

 Albaum HG, Tepperman J, Bodansky O. The in vivo inactivation by cyanide on brain cytochrome oxidase and its
effect on glycolysis and on the high energy phosphorous compounds in the brain. J Biol Chem. 1946; 164: 45-51.
 APHA (American Public Health Association), American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control
Federation. “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water,” Eleventh edition, American Public
Health Association, Washington DC, Part III and IV. 1960.

Studies on Urinary Thiocyante & Cyanide

 Arena JM. Poisoning: Poisoning, Symptoms, Treatments. V edition, J.M. Arena (ed.), Publisher: Charles C. Thomas,
U.S.A. 1986.
 BGDRC (Bhopal Gas Disaster Research Centre), Bhopal; Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi. Annual
report. 1985.
 BGDRC (Bhopal Gas Disaster Research Centre), Bhopal; Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi. Annual
report. 1987.
 BGDRC (Bhopal Gas Disaster Research Centre), Bhopal; Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi. Annual
report. 1989.
 Bhattacharya BK, Sharma SK, Jaiswal DK. In-vivo binding of [14C] methyl Isocyanate to various tissue proteins.
Biochem. Pharmacol. 1988; 37(12): 2489-2493.
 Blake PG, Ijadi-Maghsoodi S. Kinetics and Mechanism of the Thermal Decomposition of Methyl Isocyanate. Inter
J Chem Kine. 1982; 14: 945-952.
 Bowler RG. The Determination of Thiocyanate in Blood Serum. J Biochem. 1944; 38: 385-388.
 Cohen S, Oppenheimer E. Chapter 20: Biological Formation and Reactions of Cyanates; The Chemistry of Cyanates
and their Thio derivatives. Edited by Patai S., Part 2. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 1971; 923-967.
 Dureja GP, Saxena RS. The Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) gas tragedy in Bhopal (India). Ind. J. Anaesth. 1987; 35(4): 264-
 Epidemiological study (ICMR Project 02), Long term epidemiological studies on the health effects of toxic gas
exposure through community health clinics. 1986.
 Feldstein M, Klendshoj NC. The determination of cyanide in biologic fluids by microdiffusion analysis. J Lab Clin
Med. 1954 Jul;44(1):166–170
 Funazo K, Tanaka M, Shono T. Determination of cyanide or thiocyanate at trace levels by derivatization and gas
chromatography with flame thermionic detection. Anal Chem. 1981; 53(9): 1377–1380.
 Goldstein F, Reiders F. Biological formation and reactions of cyanates. Am J Physiol. 1953; 173: 47-51.
 Jacob A, Diem S. Activation of glycogenolysis in perfused rat livers by glucogen and metabolic inhibitors. Biochem
Biophys Acta. 1974; 362: 469-479.
 Jallageas JC, Fradet H, Bui K, Maestracci M, Thiery A, Arnaud A, Galzy P. Development of an Assay Method for
Cyanide, a-Aminonitriles and a-Hydroxynitriles for the Study of the Biological Hydrolysis of these Compounds.
Analyst. 1984; 109: 1439-1442.
 Kaye, Sydney; Section 2: Thiocyanate, in, Handbook of Emergency Toxicology, III ed. (1977), Charles C. Thomas,
Illenois, USA. Magos. Brit J Ind Med. 1962; 19: 283.
 Krishnamurthy CR. Scientific Commission for Continuing Studies on Effect of Bhopal Gas Leakage on Life Systems.
Submitted to: Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India. Sardar Patel Bhawan. Sansad Marg, New Delhi. July; 1987.
 Magos L. A Study of Acrylonitrile Poisoning in Relation to Methaemoglobin-CN Complex Formation. British Journal
of Industrial Medicine. 1962; 19: 283-286.
 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacoepia, (1987) pp. 392-393.
 McAuley F, Reive DS. Rapid Quantitation of Cyanide in Blood by Gas Chromatography. J. Anal. Toxicol. 1983; 7:
 Patty FA. Chapter 46: Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. 1963; 2: 1991-2036.
 Pettigrew AR, Fell GS. Microdiffusion method for estimation of cyanide in whole blood and its application to the
study of conversion to thiocyanate. Clin Chem. 1973; 19: 466- 471.
 Rao GJ, Jaiswal A, Sharma VK, Jadhav RK, Banus M, Chandra H. Sensitive Gas Chromatographic Method for
Determining Cyanide in Body Fluids. Jour Ind Acad For Med. 1986; 8: 52-57.
 Rao GJ, Sharma VK, Chandra H. Quantitative analysis of thiocyanate in urine by head space gas chromatography.
Current Science. 1989; 58: 1103-1105.
 Romonenko EA. Specific features of Chlorotropism in the ENC Traid (E=PIV –PIV , C) of High coordination Phos-
phorus Chlorides and Trichloromethyl isocyanate. Russian J Gen Chem. 2001; 71: 893-898.
 Sandberg CG. A cases of chronic poisoning with potassium cyanide. Acta Med Scand. 1976; 181: 233-236.
 Solomonson LP. Cyanide as a metabolite, inhibitor. In Cyanide in Biology. 1982; 548: 11-28. (B. Vennesland, E.E.
Conn, C.J. Knowles; J. Westley, F. Wissing eds.)

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

 Sorbo B. Thiosulphate Sulfurtransferase and Mercaptopyruvate Sulfurtransferase. In Metabolic Pathways. Ed. D.

M. Greenberg. 1975; 7: 433-56. Academic press, New York.
 UCC (Union Carbide Corporation), Danbury, Connecticut.; Bhopal Methyl Isocyanate incident Investigation team
report. March, 1985.
 Upadhyay S, Gupta VK. Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Cyanide and Its Application to
Biological Fluids. Analyst. 1984; 109: 1619-1620.
 Vogel, R.A.; Acrylonitrile (Vinyl Cyanide) Poisoning: A case report. Texas Medicine. 1984; 30: 48-51.
 Way James L. Cyanide Intoxication and Its Mechanism of Antagonism. Ann Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 1984;
24: 451-481.
 Westley J. Rhodenese and the Sulfane Pool. Chapter 13, Enzymatic Basis of Detoxication, Academic Press. 1980; 2:
 Williams RT. The metabolism of nitriles. In Detoxication Mechanisms. Chapman and Hall, Ltd. London. Chapter 12:
1959; 390-409.
 Wolfsie JH, Shaffer BC. Hydrogen cyanide— hazards, toxicity prevention and management of poisoning. J Occup
Environ Med. 1959; 1: 281-288.

Annexure 6.1


First Double Blind Clinical Trial (DBCT) on the Excretion of Thiocyanate

by Patients Exposed to the Bhopal Gas Tragedy in Response to Intravenous
Injection of Thiosulphate
By Indian Council of Medical Research

A great industrial disaster unprecedented in history took place at Bhopal on December, 1984 resulting in the
immediate deaths of at least 2500 peopl;e and large number of cattle, sheep and other animals. It resulted from the
leakage of methyl isocyanate at high pressure and perhaps at high temperature from a storage tank of union carbide
factory. The immediate treatment of these gas victims was uncertain. Dr. Max Daunderer who visited Bhopal in Dec. 1984
suggested intravenous injections of thiosulphate as treatment for these individuals based on the positive evidence of
presence of cyanide in patients, he tested by Drager tube. This test is however not specific.
Dr. Sriramachari felt that one of the simple tests for cyanide poisoning is the estimation of thiocyanate in the serum
or its elevated excretion in the urine following an injection of thiosulphate. In order to test this idea a double blind
evaluation study of thiosulphate injection to patients of gas victims on the urinary excretion of thiocyanate was carried.
The results presented in this paper show that intravenous injection of thiosulphate to the gas victims resulted in
elevated excretion of thiocyanate in the urine. The beneficial effect of thiosulphate injections to the gas victims may
thus be associated to excretion of cyanide radical as relativity nontoxic thiocyanate radical.

Materials and Methods

All chemicals that were used in this study were of analytical reagent grade.
Estimation of Thiocyanate in Urine: The method used for the estimation of thiocyanate in the urine is adopted
from the method used for estimation of thiocyanate in serum, as modified by Bowler. The procedure in brief is as follows.
A total reaction mixture of 5 ml. contained at final concentrations, trichloroacetic acid 2%, ferric chloride 8%, nitric
acid O.5N and urine volume 0-2 ml. The orange color that developed in presence of standard solution of potasium
thiocyanate or thiocyanate present in added urine was measured in spectrophotometer at 470 nm. The color intensity is
linear upto 0.1 mg potasium thiocyanate in the test solution and sensitive enough to detect as low as 0.01 mg as
potasium thiocyanate. In order to avoid any interference by the color of the urine sample on thiocyanate estimation by
the method, the corresponding blank contained all as in test but ferric nitrate.
The contribution of color by ferric nitrate alone against water blank was found to be negligible. The level of
thiocyanate in urine was expressed as mg% as potasium thiocyanate.

Design of Double Blind Study of Thiosulphate Injection to Gas Victims on the Excretion of
Thiocyanate in their Urine.
Selection of Patients: Patients who were exposed to gas tragedy of 2nd & 3rd of Dec. 1984 and suffered prolonged
problems and who had no cardiac disease or any infections were included in the study. Patients who were between ages
20 to 40 were taken without any sex discrimination.
In the first room, patients were examined and assessed and allotted a number. This room could not be seen by other
investigators. Dr. Nanda and Dr. P.S. Narayanan performed the case-noting and allotted IAI number to the patients. The
patient was sent to Dr. A. Jain in a different room who was allowed to take the blood samples, urine samples and send
them under a new ‘B’ number to the third room to Dr. Ramaiah, only with the numbers. Dr. Ramaiah and Dr. Jain “, were
not allowed to examine the patients. Dr. Jain administered placebos and drug on her own random selection, which was
not brought to the knowledge of Dr. Narayanan. Dr. Ramaiah performed the various measurements.
In this way 30 patients were tested over a period of 3 days. At the end of these analyses the code was deciphered.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

The thiocyanate level in the urine was estimated 1 hr. after intravenous injection of either glucose or thiosulphate
(10 ml of 10% solution). A total of 3 injections were given in a day. These results are presented in Table 1. It can be seen
from column 3 of Table 1 that a 50% or more increase in the excretion of thiocyanate in the urine occurred in only 3 out
of 13 patients who were given intravenous injections of glucose while 10 out of 14 patients who were given intravenous
injections of thiosulphate showed elevated excretion of thiocyanate (Table 1). These differences are statistically signifi-
cant. These results thus clearly indicate that intravenous injection of thiosulphate rather than glucose to the gas
victims, results in the increased excretion of thiocyanate.

Effect of multiple intravenous injections of thiosulphate to gas victims every two hrs. on the
excretion of thiocyanate in their urine.
The level of thiocyanate in the urine 1 hr. after intravenous injection of thiosulphate, 1 hr. after 2nd intravenous
injection of thiosulphate and 1 hr. after 3rd intravenous injection of thiosulphate to a gas victim was estimated and the
results are presented in Table 2. It can be seen that the peak excretion of thiocyanate by the gas victims occurred 1 hr.
after either 1st, 2nd or 3rd intravenous injections of thiosulphate but more often 1 hr. after the 3rd intravenous injection of
thiosulphate. The level of thiocyanate in the urine of gas victims 1 hr. after and 1 hr. after 2nd intravenous injection of
glucose was determined and the data are presented in Table 3. It could be seen that only in one case out of 28
determinations the level was 2 mm while in the case of thiosulphate injection to victims under similar conditions as many
as 9 determinations out of 30 showed thiocyanate levels in the urine 2 mg% or above indicating again that intravenous
injection of thiosulphate to gas victims results in higher excretion of thiocyanate in their urine. Injection of Thiosulphate
to normal individuals did not increase thiocyanate excretion in urine.
In order to see whether intravenous injection of thiosulphate to normal individuals unexposed to the gas tragedy
but living in the same city and neighborhood results in elevated excretion of thiocyanate, five doctors who volunteered
were given intravenous injection of thiosulphate and the thiocyanate level in the urine before and 1 hr. after injection
was tested and the results are presented in Table 4. It could be seen that in no case a 50% increase in thiocyanate level
after thiosulphate injection was observed while such increase occurred in 10/14 of gas victims (Table 1) suggesting that
only in gas victims intravenous injection of thiosulphate resulted in the elevated excretion of thiocyanate. The levels of
thiocyanate in the urine of the gas victims even without thiosulphate injections appear to be on the higher side than the
normal values reported in literature. This is further supported by the estimation of thiocyanate in the urine of individuals
located in different areas of Bhopal. These results are shown in Table 5. It can be seen that only 33% of people living in
areas unexposed to the gas leakage had more than 1mg% of potasium thiocyanate equivalent in their urine compared to
65% of people living in area exposed to the gas tragedy.

The data presented in Tables 1-5 clearly show that the population exposed to the gas leakage in Bhopal during Dec.
2nd, 1984 were excreting higher than normal levels of thiocyanate in their urine (Table 5) and that this excretion is further
elevated by the intravenous injection of thiosulphate rather than glucose (Table 1). Thiosulphate had no such effect
when given to individuals unexposed to the gas tragedy (Table 4).
Thiosulphate is well known antidote for cyanide poisoning and it is a sulfane donar in the conversion of cyanide
anion (CN¯) to relatively non-toxic thiocyanate anion (SCN¯) by rhodanese present in liver, red blood cell and most
tissues in man. Thiocyanate is excreted in the urine. Multiple injections of cyanate over many months to rats, rabbits
and monkeys do not result in any increase in the cyanide (CN¯) level in the serum. However, no information is available
on the blood level of cyanide in animals exposed to methyl isocyanate which is more reactive than cyanate and therefore
much more toxic than cyanate.
In view of the fact that thiocyanate was estimated by a colorometric procedure, one may argue whether what is
actually measured by the method described here is due to thiocyanate itself or some metabolite which was excreted in
larger quantities following the intravenous injection of thiosulphate to gas victims. This appears unlikely since thiocy-
anate levels in the serum estimated by this method were fairly comparable to the levels obtained by more specific

Annexure 6.1

method for the estimation of thiocyanate. In absence of uncertainty to what exactly the gas victims inhaled in addition
to methyl isocyanate it is difficult to give a specific mechanism how thiosulphate increased the excretion of thiocyanate
in the urine of gas victims. But it appears possible that they either inhaled cyanide along with methyl isocyanate or by
as yet unknown mechanism methyl isocyanate inhaled by the patients could have resulted in the generation of cyanide
ions and these are converted to thiocyanate ion by rhodanese in presence of thiosulphate.

Table 1. Change in level of thiocyanate in urine after an injection of glucose or thiosulphate only. Thiocyanate level is
expressed as potasium thiocyanate in mg%

1 hr after glucose 1 hr after 2 injection Percent change from 1 hr after injection Percent change from
injection of glucose preceding value of thiosulphate preceding value
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
0.90 0.80 -11 1.6 100.0
1.25 1.75 +40 2.8 60.0
1.00 1.35 +35 1.2 -7.7
0.50 0.30 -40 3.0 900.0
1.50 0.80 -46 1.2 50.0
1.00 1.80 +80 0.8 -55.0
0.40 0.70 +75 1.6 128.0
1.40 0.60 -57 1.4 133.0
0.8 - - 0.8 Not available
2.00 0.60 -70 0.7 16.0
1.80 0.80 -55 1.2 50.0
0.50 1.20 +140 0.5 -58
1.00 1.40 +40 1.6 15.0
0.80 1.00 +20 1.7 70.0
0.80 1.00 +20 1.0 -
- 0.70 - 3.15 320.0
- 0.35 - 0.82 157.0
Increase of 50% or more 3/13 10/14 Fishers exact test P=0.031

Table 2. Level of thiocyanate expressed as potasium thiocyanate in mg% in urine 1 hr after injection of thiosulphate.
A: 1 hr after 1st injection of thiosulphate, B: 1 hr after 2nd injection of thiosulphate and C: 1 hr after 3rd injection
of thiosulphate

Code No. A B C
352 1.45 2.2 2.4
354 1.15 1.4 2.2
356 2.65 4.55 5.0
357 0.6 0.6 2.6
403 2.1 0.5 2.1
411 0.7 - 0.9
415 2.0 1.4 0.8
417 0.5 1.0 0.5
421 - 0.8 1.6
424 3.1 - 4.4
426 1 2.3 1.1
428 0.5 1.6 1.0
430 1.4 0.6 0.3
433 0.4 0.9 0.4
436 1.1 1.3 0.8
438 1.7 1.0 0.7
439 0.8 1.5 0.8
440 10.5 10.5 4.7

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Table 3. Change in the level of thiocyanate in mg% as potasium thiocyanate in urine after an injection of glucose only

Code No. 1 hr after glucose 1 hr after 2 injection % increase or decrease over

injection of glucose the preceding value
435 0.9 0.8 -11
351 1.25 1.75 +40
353 1.0 1.35 +35
355 0.5 0.3 -40
402 1.5 0.8 -46
405 1.0 1.8 +80
410 0.4 0.7 +75
412 1.4 0.6 -57
416 0.8 - -
437 2.0 0.6 -70
420 1.8 - -
422 0.5 1.2 +140
425 1.0 1.4 +40
427 0.8 1.0 +20
429 0.8 1.0 +20

Table 4. Level of thiocyanate in urine of 5 individuals living in Bhopal after Bhopal Gas Tragedy. Thiocyanate levels
were expressed as potasium thiocyanate in mg%

Smoker Non-Smoker Before 1 hr after % 1 hr after 1 hr after

injection of injection change 2nd injection 3rd injection of
thiosulphate of thiosulphate thiosulphate
- √ 2.1 2.4 +15 1.8 1.8
√ - 2.3 2 -12 2.2 3.2
- √ 0.5 0.35 -30 1.2 0.6
- √ 0.85 0.95 +10 0.75 1.2
- √ 1.15 0.7 -40 0.7 0.7

Table 5. Relationship of thiocyanate in urine to the exposure of people to the gas tragedy directly or indirectly through
the contact of the gas victims in the hospital

Nature of Group Size of the group % people having 1 mg%or more as potasium
thiocyante in urine
People exposed to various extents directly to 48 65
gas leak on 2nd December, 1984
Hospital workers exposed to gas victims 10 70
People living in areas of Bhopal unaffected 30 33
by the gas leak

Annexure 6.2


October 5, 1988
The Hon’ble Supreme Court,
New Delhi (INDIA)
Most respectfully I wish to submit the Hon’ble Supreme Court the following:-
1. I am the Chairman of the Supreme Court Committee appointed by the Hon’ble ‘Court to look in to the several
matters arising ‘out of Nishit Vohra Petition. I also happen to be one of the main persons of the Toxicology
Research Group of the Scientific Investigations in the Bhopal Gas tragedy apart from my being the Additional
Director General, ICMR and the Director, Institute of Pathology. Both myself and Prof. Heeresh Chandra, another
member directly appointed by the Supreme Court are concerned with the autopsy studies and scientific aspects of
Toxicology. Both of us are responsible for the basic scientific contributions on Urinary Thiocyanate studies on
demonstration of binding of MIC or Carbamoylation of Hemoglobin and tissue proteins two very significant
findings in the Bhopal Disaster. These findings arc unique to the Bhopal Gas Disaster and are not at all reported in
any of the literature on MIC toxicity in the earlier studies of Union Carbide as well as the subsequent work done in
U.S.A. Even the work done with MIC on experimental animals by us in DRDE, Gwalior has shown Carbamoylation
of Hemoglobin in but not the alteration Urinary Thiocyanate or response to Sodium Thiosulphate. I shall refer to
it a little later.
2. The original petition submitted before the Court was related to the wider use of Sodium Thiosulphate as a detoxi-
fying therapeutic agent in the gas victims.
In this context the Hon’ble Supreme Court was pleased to constitute a Committee to look into this issue as the
primary responsibility of the Committee In addition there were other is such as epidemiology and long term effects.
I as the Chairman of the Committee and all of us in the Committee addressed ourselves to the primary question of
Sodium Thiosulphate therapy its continuing efficacy distribution of the drug’ by the Govt. and above all the
question as to how long this type of treatment would be necessary. I may be permitted to point out that as per the
Supreme Court Order, the opinion of the committee appointed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court shall be conclusive
and binding and not questioned.
3. Soon after the Committee went into these questions, it became apparent that the height of the demand for Sodium
Thiosulphate was declining both as judged by the response of the patients as well as the declining trends of
baseline of post injection of Urinary Thiocyanate values.
4. Accordingly, by the middle of 1986 itself, we decided to submit to the Hon’ble Court our recommendations in this
regard. However, Dr. Anil Sadgopal and Mr. Surjit K, Das persisted that the Committee should address itself to
other tasks. But the rest of the other five technically competent medical experts felt that having discharged our
duty on Sodium Thiosulphate therapy, we should seek the guidance or the Supreme Court in. the matter of terms
of reference. This is due to our very genuine opinion that the other tasks are being adequately taken care of by the
State and Central Governmental agencies and scientific organizations. We also felt that duplication of such efforts
by the Supreme Court Committee may not be desirable. Hence, we sought the guidance of Supreme Court as
submitted in our report from 29.12.1987 onwards.
5. Although the meetings in general were rough and boisterous and continuously disturbed both within and outside
we tried to finalize the opinion of the Committee in the meeting by the middle of 1986 and definitely at the meeting
of 13th and l4th December, 1986. The report of the Majority Croup was ready by the end of December 1986 itself.
But the Minority members wanted to submit details of their report. Hence, it was decided to await their reports.
6. Subsequently the. Minority Group had submitted their report .to the Supreme Court towards the end of October
1987 which is before the Court. More importantly, contrary to the decision right from the beginning of not giving
alarming press statements the Minority Group had resorted to systematic campaign of misinformation in the Press.
7. Therefore, without further awaiting the reports of the Minority Group we members of the Majority Group submitted

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

our report on 29th Dec, 1987. We are awaiting the guidance of the Supreme Court in this regard as reflected in all our
subsequent submissions before the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
8. In the meanwhile, as per our very genuine fears and anxiety we find the minority members indulging in their
methods of misinformation. To site an example I wish to submit the question and answer type of press interviews
by Dr. A. Sadgopal in the leading magazines like the Frontline of THE HINDU. Therein they have falsely attributed
the genuine scientific work postulated and irritated by me on tissue Carbamoylation to Dr. M. G Karmarkar. Our
attention to this was drawn by the Chairman of the Scientific Commission for Bhopal Gas Leak. We addressed a
polite letter to Dr. Karmarkar and the responses there too are also being submitted as an illustration of wrong
information that the minority members are circulating.
9. In this context I as a Chairman of the Supreme Court Committee wish to add that we were alarmed at the spate of
wrong statements being made even before the Hon’ble Court Supreme Court should give their guidance and
decision in this matter. Therefore, we members of the Majority Groups recently met and decided to submitted the
Hon’ble Supreme Court the statements being made by the Minority Group and detailes justifying our stand that there
is no need for generalized use of Sodium Thiosulphate therapy at this present juncture in view of the declining
trends on urinary Thiocyanate levels and at best limited use of Sodium Thiosulphate in any particular case could
be considered.
10. At the outset, I wish to point out that there is a lot of confusing about the very premise of continuing circulating
toxins advocated by the Hon’ble Minority members. The immediate or acute damage and after effects caused by
poisoning (not toxins) are totally separate issues and must be distinguished. The former may be treatable by
antidotes which may neutralize the chemical poison. At the same time it may have no effect on the permanent
sequaelae of tissue and organ damage. The facts that patients continue to be ill does not justify indiscriminate use
of the earlier antidote. However, effective it might have been earlier. Other modalities of treatment symptomatic or
otherwise have to be instituted as is being done in Bhopal. Such indiscriminate use as is being advocated by the
minority members will attract scientific ridicule and would be unethical and against the elementary norms of
medical ethics. The Hon’ble Court may kindly ponder over the issue of the possible consequences, risks and
dangers involved. As it is, according to UCC, there is no known antidote to MIC. It did suggest use of sodium
thiosulphate if cyanide poisoning is suspected, thereby implying such a possibility. But this suggestion early in
December 84 was withdrawn in indecent haste by the Union Carbide through the official channels. A vast majority
of local, national, transnational and international experts were against use of sodium thiosulphate.
11. Some of us dared to pursue the matter successfully in the teeth of opposition. We had even managed to develop
a test for monitoring the efficacy of sodium thiosulphate treatment by estimating the urinary thiocyanate levels.
This was done in the teeth of opposition. That is the reason and basis for carrying out the Double Blind studies at
every stage. Firstly we had to establish the efficacy of the NaTS treatment and secondly we had to ensure the need
for its continuing use. Surely, nobody can prescribe or improse any treatment which is no longer warranted. It is a
matter for satisfaction that this very delicate issue had been handled safely in the aftermath of a great disaster. It
is not possible for anyone to vouchsafe the implicit hazards of an unimaginable campaign of detoxification of an
entire city. In not all cases it is possible to have full ‘recovery’ after exposure to a poison. Long after the poison is
neutralized by natural process or by an antidote, the consequences of the damage will remain. We are not dealing
with acute diseases like cholera or gastroenteritis, nor are we dealing with disease like tuberculosis or leprosy. The
very philosophy of the Geneva convention banning chemical warfare is because of the inherent difficulties of
treating the permanent damage. In the unfortunate situation created by Bhopal, every effort is being made to meet
the challenges of medical care and management.
12. However, in view of the persisting controversy that is being perpetuated by the members of the Minority Group on
Continuing Circulating Toxins’ advocating the indiscriminate use of NaTS, I wish to make the following:-
13. Early in the wake of the disaster of Methyl Isocyanate gas leak in Bhopal there were strong suspicions about the
possibilities of death being caused by Hydrogen cyanide (HCN). This was based on the autopsy studies with
characteristic cherry red colour of the blood and internal viscera like the lung and the brain.
14. These impressions of Prof. Heeresh Chandra was further reinforced by some preliminary information produced by
Dr. Daundrer, a German Toxicologist who had visited Bhopal and carried out some laboratory tests on the blood

Annexure 6.2

samples of survivors. There was suggitive evidence of the of the presence of the cyanide as per the chemical
analysis of the CBI Toxicologist Mr. Besaria.
In fact, even the Union Carbide in its early messages suggested that in case cyanide poisoning was suspected.
Sodium thiosulphate injections could be given in the standard manner i.e. along with sodium nitrite. However, this
message was withdrawn through the official channels.
15. Even the postmortems after a lapse of 10-12 days continued to show similar gross features of cherry red discoloration.
It was at that stage that the team from the Institute of Pathology led by myself, Dr. S Srirarnachari, Dr. HMK Saxena
and Dr. B Das Gupta were associated with the post-mortem studies and also with the toxicological investigations
which were being pursued vigorously in the Medico-legal Institute under Prof. Heeresh Chandra’s guidance and
direct supervision.
16. The several possible causes for the reddish discoloration of the blood and viscera in the context of the Bhopal Gas
Disaster were critically examined even in the midst of all the urgency and lack of information and prevailing
confusion. Direct vision spectroscopy and spectrophotometry of the blood did not reveal any evidence of Carboxy–
hemoglobin nor was there any evidence suggestive of Meth–hemoglobin on samples of blood collected from the
dead bodies in the Mortuary. Instead, standard bands suggestive of Oxy-hemoglobin were observed. These
findings have a great bearing on the case. We shall not deliberate further. These findings lent further support to the
possible role of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) being responsible for the gross discoloration of the organs. Just as in the
case of all discoveries, wisdom dawns suddenly but it takes time. We in the Toxicological team were yet to make our
new and original suggestion that when hemoglobin reacts with MIC through the process of ‘Carbamoylation’ an
equally intense red colour would develop. Unfortunately we are forced to give these explanations at a premature
stage of the trial.
17. In parenthesis it may be added that such a possibility was postulated by me on 29th Dec. 1984, This was soon
followed ‘up by me with the help of Dr. A. Ramaiah of the AIIMS and not Dr. M. G. Karmarkar as falsely and
erroneously propogated by Dr. Anil Sadgopal in his press releases, and denied in writing by Dr. Karmarkar that he
is not connected even remotely with carbamoylation studies.
18. Even prior to the postulation of carbamoylation of blood (binding of hemoglobin with MIC), as early as 18th of
December 1984, while carrying out autopsy I Dr. Sriramachari, suggested that it might be worthwhile examining the
samples of urine of the dead bodies for the presence of elevated levels of urinary thiocyanate since sufficient time
would have elapsed for the Hydrogen cyanide to be detoxified or neutralized by the natural enzymatic systems
such as Rhodanese of the liver. It is also felt that apart from the contributory role of HCN in some of the initial
deaths, there could be a unique toxicity due to the release of cyanide radical by its reactants which might have been
present in the poisonous gases that had formed during the gas leak. A paper on the pyrolysis of MIC published by
Blake and Izadi Maghsoodi in 1982 from U.K. which refers to break down products such as CO, HCN and more
interestingly additive compounds of MIC and HCN and carbo-di-amides have virtually been ignored.
Some of them by their slow release of cyanide radicals could contribute to the known toxic compounds such as
MIC inhaled by the exposed population. Right from the very beginning we reiterated the possible role of slow
19. The preliminary findings of impaired Hemoglobin were confirmed by a more elegant method of investigation such
as Gas Chromatography. This unique work was accomplished by us in the DRDE, Gwalior with the help of Dr. P. K.
Ramachandran and his colleagues. There was hardly any information on the subject, both from UCC side and
available world opinion. There were credulous questions from some of the scientists in the United Kingdom.
Rightly we suspected that such evidence any of binding of MIC with the Hemoglobin of blood may not be present
beyond the normal life span of 120 days of red-blood cells. We pursued the matter vigorously and collected the
relevant information by March 1985.
20. Knowing fully well the hazards of such new knowledge being discarded or ignored by other parties. We were
careful enough to await our own studies on experimental animals since there was no precedent. We are happy to
inform you that we did succeed and have established that MIC enters the body, gets into the blood stream and
combines with hemoglobin. Subsequently Prof. Heeresh Chandra, and his colleagues not only confirmed the

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

findings on Human Blood samples of Bhopal Gas Victims, but established that MIC is lodged in the tissue proteins
of different organs like the liver and lung in the autopsy specimens right upto the middle of 1986. This is a great
achievement of Indian Science.
21. All the millions of Dollars spent in the post Bhopal Disaster carried out in USA is silent on this vital issue of the
presence of hemoglobin and tissue proteins of at least MIC. Dr. Bucher’s remarks on this subject are revealing, yet
our friends expect from UCC a Package of information on the toxicity of all the compounds likely to have been
released. The learned Counsel of UCC has promised to provide this already available negative information published
by Alarie, et al., on page 166 under the heading “cyanide like effect”. In fact it was postulated by me that unlike the
classical “cyanide pool” hypothesis illustrated in R. T. Williams Book on Detoxification Mechanisms (1959), it
might be necessary to visualize the possibility of toxic chemicals capable of releasing slowly cyanide radicals. For
this purpose right from December 1984, a working hypothesis of a possible “cyanogen pool” to be distinguished
from, “cyanide pool” was clearly enunciated. A working hypothesis still gives room for any other possible mechanism.
Alternate hypotheses such as MIC contributing to thiocyanate under the influence of Rhodanese were postulated
by people like M. G. Karmarkar, on whom our friend Dr. Sadgopal is relying inspite of its absurdity.
22. It is in the course of the earliar vigorous, discussions that I, Dr. Sriramachari suggested that it might be worthwhile
autopsy samples of urine where available are examined for urinary thiocyanate levels. It was also, felt that such an
estimation in the urine of surviving patients, if found elevated, may have some diagnostic significance. More
importantly we thought it may even be used to assess the therapeutic response or efficacy of sodium thiosulphate
which was already being used in Bhopal from the middle of December 1984. A series of investigations were carried
out in the Medico-Legal Institute and the work was initiated as early as 20th or 21st of December 1984. There were
some positive indications but the method needed quantification. Since this is not a routine investigation the
details of the method employed for estimation of thiocyanate concentrations in biological fluids was obtained from
the NIN, Hyderabad where some related studies were carried out way back in 1954.
23. It was also known that thiocyanate estimations were being done in the lnstitute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied
Sciences (INMAS) as part of their investigation on thyroid function. Hence, Brig. Lakshmipati then Director of the
Institute of INMAS, was contacted and requested to carry out the estimations on samples of urine of Bhopal gas
victims. Since INMAS was normally carrying out SCN estimations in serum (and not on urine) it was agreed that
they would carry out a preliminary study on normal controls in Delhi (i.e. within their Institute).
It was found that the normal values ranged from 0-0.5 mg% whereas in 14 out of 54 samples the levels were above
0.5 mg%. In 5 out of these 14 samples the values were more than 1 mg% and the rest between 0.5-1 mg%. Hence,
as an immediate measure it was decided to take a figure of double the maximum of the normal values obtained as a
cut off point for monitoring urinary thiocyanate studies in the Bhopal gas victims.
24. Simultaneously, steps were taken to generate data on normal urinary levels in unaffected areas of Bhopal and
nearby places like Hoshangabad, Sehore etc. It must be pointed out that even in the midst of prevailing confusion
and controversies and powerful forces pitted against the use of Sodium Thiosulphate as a detoxifying agent, this
work was successfully initiated both for determining the pre- and the post-injection levels with a view to assess the
response to Sodium Thiosulphate injections. A large number of patients showed 3-4 fold increase in the
urinary SCN levels as compared to the upper limit of 0.5 mg.%. Furthermore, it was interesting that immediately
after the administration of Sodium Thiosulphate injections, there was a further increase in the urinary
thiocyanate levels. This indicated that the body’s own mechanism on handling cyanide like materials was largely
augmented by the administration of Sodium Thiosulphate as part of the “Sulphane pool”. It is noteworthy that
both on practical as well as theoretical considerations simultaneous injection of sodium nitrite as recommended for
cyanide poisoning was not followed. Yet there was prompt and efficient mopping up of the circulating cyanide
25. Had it been a routine biochemical test, it would not have drawn the attention that urinary thiocyanate estimations
have done. In those early days the response to sodium thiosulphate was so dramatic, that patients who were in a
helpless situation were suddenly relieved of the major symptoms. All this has been documented as is well known.
In retrospect, for the purpose of scientific study of the toxicological aspects of the Bhopal tragedy and also with
a view to establish certain baseline scientific information for the rationale of Sodium Thiosulphate therapy and the

Annexure 6.2

need for its continued use the thiocynate test had become a very valuable tool.
26. But the most important role of urinary thiocyanate estimations at that stage was to provide convincing evidence
in the midst of violent and diamatically opposed views on the use of Sodium Thiosulphate injections. Hence, the
ICMR undertook the first Double Blind Study towards the end of January, 1985. There was clear-cut statistically
significant evidence that concomitant with clinical improvement there was marked elevation of urinary thiocyanate
following the administration of Sodium Thiosulphate injections. These findings were statistically significant. This
evidence constitutes the bedrock for the use of Sodium Thiosulphate and also a guideline for its subsequent use
later as per the Press Release dated 12.2.1985. Hence the ICMR through its Toxicological teams, pursued the
problem vigorously ever since. It was neither swayed by determined opposition to the use of Sodium Thiosulphate
on the one hand, nor did it come into populistic demands for universal and large scale detoxification of the entire
population. Instead the Toxicology team of the ICMR took a scientific and rational view of the whole matter.
Certainly we are convinced of the efficacy of the Sodium Thiosulphate and pursued the problem and continued to
monitor the need for its subsequent use by monitoring urinary thiocyanate levels.
27. It must be pointed out that the emphasis was on improvement of the symptomatology and the correlation with
urinary thiocyanate levels. The pragmatic policy had really maintained the program of detoxification on an even
keel without being buffeted by surcharged emotions on either side. It is regrettable that Dr. Anil Sadgopal and his
friends had taken the latter course without any scientific justification. Nevertheless, the Toxicology team of the
ICMR had continued their studies and have indicated the scientific basis for monitoring of samples of population
at different period and in different places. It was never the intention to use this as a all time universal index or as a
criterion for establishing the entire toxicological phenomena in the Bhopal Gas Disaster. It would appear that
Dr. Anil Sadgopal and his friends have tried to capitalize on the true and genuine scientific investigations initiated
by Dr. Heeresh Chandra and Dr. Sriramachari and carry it to absurd ends and virtually undermined it may be pointed
out that during the last four years several organized studies had been undertaken apart from several thousands of
patients over 15,000 whose urine hab been tested either before during or after the treatment with the course of
Sodium Thiosulphate injections. The notable findings can be broadly classified into the following:
28. Double Blind Control Studies where patients are administered either one or more injections of Sodium Thiosulphate
or a harmless control substance like glucose or normal saline. By and large such studies have been undertaken
during the period January, 85 to March, 86 which includes the study last one being undertaken on the request and
under the supervision of Dr. Anil Sadgopal who was then associate with the Jan Swasthya Kendra. The first
Double Blind Study was undertaken in January, 1985. There were both subjective and objective improvements as
well as a spurt of increased urinary thiocyanate level. It is on the basis of the first Double Blind Study, ICMR gave
its recommendation of 12.2.85. With a view to enable large number of patients getting the injections, the ICMR in
its recommendations of 4.4.1985 spelt out the guidelines. At that stage there was no need to prescribe or stiulate
the limit of urinary thiocyanate level for eligibility of NaTS injections. There were persisting controversies in the
medical circles to give or not to give the drug. Certainly ICMR can only lay down the guidelines but not impose
itself to give or take injections.
29. Thereafter the Second Double Blind Study was undertaken in August-September 1985. Many of us felt that the
response to the drug was still there. Unfortunately, some errors had crept in the control or placebo group and
therefore the ICMR report had used the term “results inconclusive”. But it did not deter the continuing use NaTS.
30. The Third Double Blind Study was undertaken in the month of October-November, 1985. Here the procedure was
modified with a view to assess the resultant benefit at the end of a course of injections. The interpretation varied.
Some of us felt that the return to lower values in the, NaTS treated Group after the 3rd day onwards indicated that
the circulating toxic material was flushed out, whereas they continued to be high in the control group. Although
there was a declining trend, it was out of this careful consideration of the massive study of gas affected victims in
Bhopal as against Hoshangabad and Sehore, that it was decided that the injections may be continued in symptom-
atic cases with elevated levels of urinary thiocyanate more than 1 mgm%. This level of 1 mgm% was based on the
analysis of the exhaustive data collected by Dr. Heeresh Chandra and comparison of information available in
Tobacco smokers in different parts of the World and in large scale population studies in Africa like Nigeria and
Congo on people subsisting on Tapioca based diet.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

31. We did not want to deny the drug to any patient needing it. At the same time we were cautious and careful to limit
it to symptomatic cases with elevated levels over 1 mgm% of urinary thiocyanate as per the ICMR recommendations
of 2nd Jan. 1986. The monitoring was continued.
32. In March, 1986, in association with Dr. Anil Sadgopal, both Prof. Heeresh Chandra and I conducted the Fourth
Double Blind Study. This study was double checked by Dr. Sadgopal. In the TIFR the values were even lower if
any. The results were indeed startling. The baseline values were low and the post-injection values were not raised.
We informed Dr. Sadgopal and advised him that we should no longer flog a tired horse and should not run the risk
of being unscientific and be a subject of ridicule, and that was the parting of the ways from July 86 meeting
33. Pari passu, we in the Toxicology group continued our studies on Hospital based and Community based gas exposees.

A. Clinical Studies
There were a large number of hospital-based studies undertaken both: in the Hamidia Hospital and in the
30 bedded Hospital since known as the Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital. In the latter, a large number of patients both
children as well as adults have been followed up over a long period by Dr. P.S. Narayanan and myself.
A large number of community-based investigations on the gas affected population have been studied and analysed
on a quarterly basis during the years 1985-86 and 1987. In addition, several hundreds of controls from the unaffected
areas of Bhopal and from different batches of Army Jawans located in Bhopal were investigated for their urinary
SCN levels. In all these studies several factors have been meticulously examined, taking into account smoking
habits, consumption of vegetables rich in cyanogenic materials, etc.
The following distinct studies on urinary thiocynate were available for evaluation.
a) Study of 50 paediatric cases in the 30-bedded Hospital by Dr. P.S. Narayanan and Dr. Mullik. This is a
retrospective analyses with clinical follow up and correlation of SCN values vis-à-vis relief recurrence and
response to NaTS. It provides a three point follow up study ever a period of 6 months with progressively
declining trends.
b) Dr. P.S: Narayanan’s project on a cohort of 310 cases, from 1985 through 1988, Correlations of clinical, X-ray,
PFT, Blood Gas and urinary SCN values were carried out in 285 individuals out of whom in 133 “two-point”
data was availab1e. Secular trends in the former and poised test in the latter revealed very convincing
information on the declining trends between 1985-86 and 1987-88.
c) Follow up studies on “therapeutic response” in 25 patients given two or more courses of NaTS injections in
the 30-bedded Hospital in August 1985 through December 1985 showed a similar trend.

B. Community Based Studies

At the time of the 3rd Double Blind Study, a sizeable number of individuals were examined for urinary SCN levels
in remote places like Hoshangabad and Sehore already referred to.
The massive data obtained in the Registers of the Medico-Legal Institute on urinary SCN values is available in
terms of the normal and percentages of different levels of SCN and the overall “mean” at the end of each quarter
over a three year period. Similar1y, the declining trend of the native above l mgm% over the 3 year period is

C. Study on ‘Claim Cases’

At the instance of the Principal Secretary, Bhopal Gas Relief, a program was drawn up to recheck the values of
individuals with high urinary SCN levels and see their response to NaTS injection by carrying out fresh baseline
analysis followed by a post-injection estimation. This work was done in 1987 in over 130 patients or rather
claimants. This information fully confirmed the current status of urinary SCN values as well as NaTS therapy,
which was practically nil. Lastly, all these studies which have been carried over a long period of time have been
compared and contrasted with the initial values both in terms of the urinary thiocyanate levels and the response to
injection of Sodium Thiosulphate.

Annexure 6.2

34. The bulk of these studies have revealed that there is an elevation in the urinary thiocyanate levels in the gas
affected population and that there was a prompt response to sodium thiosulphate. However, by the end of 1985
and the first quarter of 1986 the values had tended to be normal and the response was poor. This is borne out by
the sequential information that had been collected over representative samples as already stated. Hence, it is felt
that in view of the declining trends, the need for Sodium Thiosulphate injections should be progressively tapered
off taking due precaution that no patient with clinical symptoms and with elevated thiocyanate levels would be
denied the drug. Fortunately the study of the claim cases and follow-up of some of the clinical cohorts had
provided valuable information not only as to the declining trends and reduced or absent response to Sodium
Thiosulphate but also the return to nearly normal levels.
35. It is particularly noteworthy that in all these investigations the figure of 1 mgm% has been repeatedly shown to be
the cut off point vis-à-vis symptomatology.
36. The members of the Majority Committee were convinced of the above findings and therefore advocated the
progressive withdrawal of Sodium Thiosulphate injections from March, 1986 onwards. Although Dr. Anil Sadgopal
and Dr. Sujit Das had no valid scientific objections, they tried to perpetuate wrong ideas about the continued and
unending use of thiosulphate for the entire affected population of Bhopal. The majority of the members refused to
accept such an unscientific proposition and hence there has been a parting of the ways even on this major issue.
37. Independent of this, the Majority of the members felt that the purpose of the Committee set up by the Hon’ble
Supreme Court of India had fulfilled its task after drawing valid conclusions on the continued use of Sodium
Thiosulphate. Based on the experience with the interminable disputes and provocations of Dr. Anil Sadgopal and
Dr. Sujit K. Das, the Group very sincerely feels that no useful purpose would be served by the Committee undertaking
investigation of the other terms of reference. We are also of the unanimous opinion that these tasks are adequately
taken care of by a wide range and variety of agencies and organizations both at the Central as well as State level.
It was, therefore, felt that no useful purpose is likely to be served by parallel studies by the Supreme Court
Committee and hence the majority members submitted in their report that the Hon’ble Supreme Court may reconsider
the whole issue and give proper guidelines after taking into account all aspects of the matter.
38. It is, indeed, reprehensible that the Minority members who are by no means experienced in the field, have
thought it fit to raise a sustained campaign against the Majority Group with a view to embarrass the Government
and gain access to vital information which could be used for their own ends. The series of Press Reports and
distortions of scientific facts and wild speculations contained in their reports and their publicity and propaganda
through the media, speak for themselves. The Majority members arc quite concerned and apprehensive that such
misuse of the role by the Minority members might adversely affect the legal proceedings of the Bhopal Gas
victims, apart from the question of Sodium Thiosulphate being a “non-issue” ever since the middle of 1986 &
more so at this stage.
39. Your Lordship the foregoing is not only my personal opinion but the unanimous opinion of 5 members, branded by
the Minority as “Govt. servants, with no apparent concern for humanity”. We highly object and pray your
Lordship to ignore the untenable and unscientific observation and demands of the minority or upheld the considered
opinion of the majority members.
40. May I also submit that according to the Hon’ble Court order, the opinion of the Supreme Court Committee is final
and binding. Therefore, the minority members should not be allowed any more to indulge in irrelevant and untenable
observations, which tend to subvert the opinion of the majority members who are ‘subject specialists’ in their
respective fields.

Dr. S. Sriramachari
Supreme Court Committee

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal



R IGHT from the very beginning of the autopsy studies of Bhopal Gas Disaster, Heeresh Chandra was guided by the
‘intense congestion and unusual redness’ of the LUNG and other target organs and especially the ‘Cherry-Red
Discoloration’ of even the venous blood. He postulated that “Death in Bhopal Gas Disaster was due to Cyto-toxic &
Histo-toxic Anoxia due to Irrespirable Gases”. To understand the phenomenon of such a large-scale involvement of
human beings and cattle alike, a series of investigations were carried out by the Pathology & Toxicology Team of the
ICMR, under the joint leadership of Heeresh Chandra, Sriramachari and their associates.
Even at a very early stage, i.e., December 84, Sriramachari suggested another hypothesis for reddish discoloration
of blood and viscera due to ‘MIC-blocked Hb’. Keeping in view that the condition might disappear after one complete
turnover of the entire blood within 120 days, strenuous efforts were made to clinch the issue, as early as possible. As
a first step towards such a hypothesis, efforts were made to determine the reduction in the ‘Free Amino Groups’ of the
blood of Gas Victims. This work was done at AIIMS, New Delhi, with the active association of Ramaiah and Roman
Reddy. The reduced level of the end-terminal ‘Free Amino Groups of Blood ‘was estimated by the TNBS (Tri-Nitro
Benzene Sulphonic acid) method of Robert Fields (1972); as compared with Controls, a reduction of 25 to 40 percent was
demonstrated in the Bhopal Gas Victims. A brief account of the methodology and the results of this pioneering Clinical
Laboratory study by Ramaiah, Reddy & Sriramachari is presented in the Report as Annexure 7.1.

Carbamoylation Studies on Clinical Blood Samples

But soon after the Bhopal Gas Disaster, the UCC circulated an erroneous notion that before crossing aqueous
surfaces of the ‘alveolar-capillary barrier’, MIC breaks down into relatively innocuous / non-toxic ‘Methyl Amine & Di-
Methyl Urea’. Contrary to their message, our preliminary studies established prima-facie validity to the additional
hypothesis of Sriramachari that MIC binds to the Free End-Terminal Amino Acids of Hb and other constituents of the
blood stream of the Bhopal Gas Victims. Based on the positive preliminary findings of Blood Gas Analysis and
compensatory mechanisms like ‘2-3 DPG levels’, the possibility of N-Carbamoylation of the end-terminal Valine resi-
dues of Hb was pursued progressively by different techniques. The initial study of reduction of ‘Free Terminal Amino
Groups’ by TNBS technique was followed by a positive demonstration of binding of MIC with a-amino group of
terminal Valine residues of a- and/or b- chains of Hb. This later work was accomplished with the cooperation of
Ramachandran & Associates at DRDE Gwalior, where facilities for Gas Chromatography (GC) were readily available
even at that time. Before starting the GC studies, Carbamylated Valine standards for the investigation were freshly
prepared, with both inorganic cyanate as well as Methyl Isocyanate, synthesized as per DRDE schedule. Samples of
blood from Laboratory rats & rabbits were successfully shown to be N-Carbamoylated, both in-vitro as well as in-vivo.
The GC characterization of Methyl Valine Hydantoin (MVH) was established and also published in ‘Journal of Chroma-
tography (1988)’ (Annexure 7.2).
This was followed by collection of ‘Clinical Blood Samples’ from the Toxicology Project entitled “Pulmonary
Function Tests and Blood Gas Analysis”, under Narayanan & Sriramachari, in close association with Heeresh Chandra.
Varying grades of MVH +vity, ranging from 1+ to 3+, were demonstrated in a total of 20 out of 160 samples which were
collected during the 1st Quarter following the Disaster. While the details of the investigation are given as Annexure 7.3,
the summary is shown below in Table 7.1. By contrast, autopsy samples of whole blood as well as from the viscera
showed a greater positivity (69/291) as well as the extent or the degree of Carbamoylation, a majority of which belonged
to the 1984 autopsies.

Blood & Tissue Carbamoylation

Table 7.1. Blood Samples analysed by GC for Carbamoylation of Hb (DRDE, 1990).

Number of Samples Carbamoylation test by GC

4 +++
4 ++
12 +
140 Negative
Total 160 Positive = 20

The successful demonstration of MIC-based MVH in both Experimental & Clinical samples is a noteworthy new
finding. However, unlike the results of ‘autopsy studies’, the percentage of positivity as well as the concentrations of
the ‘Valine Hydantoin’ levels were not as high as per the expectations. Possibly, the ‘low incidence’ was a reflection of
lower levels of exposure amongst ‘survivors’ and a normal turnover of erythrocytes. In spite of several efforts, ‘Paired
Blood Samples’ from the survivors could not be analysed confirm further lowering of N-Carbamoylation levels.

Study of Autopsy Blood & Tissue Samples for Carbamoylation

Development of Methodology: Early in the wake of TNBS & MVH studies, Clinical Samples of Bhopal Gas Victims were
positive for binding with MIC. So, Heeresh Chandra quickly decided to extend the Carbamoylation Studies to include
other end-terminal amino-acids of tissue-proteins as well in the ‘autopsy material’, carefully preserved in accordance
with the guiding principles of study of each one of the autopsies related to BGD. In fact the severity of the Biochemical
changes/lesions were expected be more severe in the fatal cases.
Preparation & Confirmation of Standards: The steps of preparation of volatile N-Carbamyl hydantoin derivative of a
typical amino acid like Valine, as suggested by Sriramachari, was based on the method of Manning et al, 1973 and
elaborated by Ramachandran et al. 1988 as per the following chemical reaction:
Synthesis of Hydantoin Derivatives of Amino Acids: Purified
samples of all the 21 Amino Acids at 4 mmol concentrations
in 20 ml of water were taken separately, and 8 mmol of methyl
isocyanate was added and the mixture was stored for 18 h at
50°C. The pH was maintained at 8.1 with 1 N acetic acid for
neutralization with Remi magnetic stirrer. The reaction was
stopped by addition of 0.7 ml concentrated HCl. The solution
was heated at 100°C for 60 min for formation of corresponding
Hydantoins of amino acid with MIC. The solution was
evaporated to dryness at 45°C under reduced pressure and
the residue was resuspended in 3-4 ml water and filtered.
The white precipitate was dried over-night over NaOH pellets
in a vacuum dessicator. The product was analysed for
formation of hydantoin derivatives. But out of the 21 amino
acids investigated, only the following eleven were
successfully converted into corresponding volatile
methylated hydantoin derivatives:-

Chemical pathways of N-carbamoylation

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

1. Glycine (MW 114), 7. Hydroxyproline (MW 170),

2. Alanine (MW 128), 8. Glutamine (MW 185),
3. Serine (MW 144), 9. Glutamic Acid (MW 185),
4. Valine (MW 156)
10. Methionine (MW 188)
5. Threonine (MW 159),
11. Phenylalanine (MW 204).
6. Cysteine (MW 160),

The crystallized compounds were analysed on GC-ITD. The fragment m/z 114 represents the cyclic hydantoin
component. The MVH was eluting m/z 113 at 5.56 min. The principal mass fragments of this reference compound were
m/z 114, 57, 157, 56, 55, 115 and 59 in decreasing order of intensity. The total mass spectrum was used for a library match.
Apart from synthesised MIC compound, another reference standard was also obtained from DRDE, Gwalior, and a
comparison was made. The melting point in both the standards was observed to be 210- 211ºC. The ultraviolet absorp-
tion spectrum as presented gave an absorption maxima at 233 nm in the range of 200 to 400 nm and the insert shows mass
fragmentation pattern of the Carbamylated Amino Acids including the Cyclic Hydantoin constituent.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the Toxicology Project at MLI, N-Carbamoylation studies were undertaken by
HPLC, GC and GC-MS methods with ITD system. As detailed elsewhere, the autopsies of gas-exposed victims were
performed at the MLI, Bhopal ever since 3rd December, 1984. Simultaneously, a fairly large number of Clinical Blood
Samples were also collected from several associated hospitals of MGMC, Bhopal from Sultania Zanana Hospital; other
Clinical Samples like ‘Placenta & Cord Blood’ were also included from each Autopsy, approximately 5-50 ml of Blood and
10-50 gms of ‘Fresh Tissue’ from organs like Brain, Lung, Heart, Liver, Kidney & Spleen were collected and stored in
glass vials, bottles or plastic bags and preserved in ‘deep freezers’. Test and Control samples were drawn at random, as
allowed for the study, from the sample stock and classified area-wise, based on the individual case history. All the
samples were labeled and registered according to the routine procedure of the MLI. Use of preservatives for the
samples was purposely avoided. Table 7.2 shows collection of different samples ever since 3rd December 1984 till
December 1990. GC-MS studies were conducted on 207 exposed Clinical as well as Autopsy cases. Out of a total of 351
tissue samples of 1984-90 which were analysed, 70 samples were of Clinical cases.

Table 7.2. Distribution of 429 Clinical & Autopsy Samples of various Body tissues of 236 cases taken for GC-MS

Tissue 1984 1985 1986 - 1990 Total

Blood 2 - 30 - 20 10 52 10
Placenta - - 4 - - - 4 -
Cord - - 4 - - - 4 -
Total 2 - 38 - 20 - 60 10
Blood 61 2 28 2 35 12 124 16
Brain 9 1 5 1 6 2 20 4
Lung 14 1 10 3 22 9 46 13
Liver 10 1 6 2 19 8 35 11
Heart 8 1 3 2 14 6 25 9
Kidney 5 - 3 2 10 8 18 10
Spleen 9 - 5 1 9 7 23 8
Total 116 6 60 13 135 12 291 71
Grand Total 118 6 98 13 155 12 351 81
E = Exposed Area C = Control Area

Preparation from Cryo-preserved Samples

In each case, 0.5 to 2.0 ml blood sample was taken and the protein was precipitated by adding 2% HCl in cold
acetone. The precipitated protein was washed several times with cold acetone till it was free from Haem and finally

Blood & Tissue Carbamoylation

washed with cold diethyl ether. The washed protein precipitate was dried under reduced pressure over warm water. The
dried white powder of blood protein was suspended in 1.0 ml of 50% acetic acid and heated at 100ºC for one h after
adding equal volume of concentrated HCl for cyclization of N-Carbamylated amino acid. After cyclization, the reaction
tube was cooled in ice and 10 N NaOH was added till solution attained a pH between 3-5, followed by addition of about
1 ml saturated NaCl solution. Ethyl acetate was then added to the hydrolysate and Methyl-Hydantoins formed were
extracted by mixing the contents of the tubes for two minute on vortex mixer. The solvent was stripped off under reduced
pressure and the residue was desiccated over silica gel over-night (Sriramachari et al. 1991).

Standardisation of Method for Sample Analysis

HPLC of the hydantoins was carried out according to the method of Sharma et al, (1990). The hydantoins were
subjected to chromatography on Zorbax ODS column (4.6 mm x 25 cm), with the mobile phase of water-methanol (80:20)
at a flow rate of 1 ml per min. The detector wavelength was 210 nm. The detection limit of the method for Valine Methyl
Hydantoin was in nano-grams. However, this method was found to be unsuitable for estimating other ‘Hydantoin
derivatives’ such as, Glycine, Valine, Threonine, Methionine and Phenyl Alanine. Instead, for their estimation, GC-NPD
and GC-ITD methods were found to be better for most of them. The dried residue was first dissolved in 200 μl ethyl
acetate and 0.5 to 1.0 μl of this solution was injected into gas chromatograph configured with either Nitrogen Phospho-
rus Detector (GC-NPD) or Ion Trap Detector (GC-MS). GC-NPD analysis was carried out on Perkin-Elmer model Sigma
300 gas chromatograph glass column 6' x 1/4" OD x 0.5 mm ID packed with 3% EGSP-Z on 100/120 mesh gas chrom Q,
nitrogen carrier gas 25 ml/min, Injector 210ºC, column 200ºC, detector 230ºC, NPD bead current 400, gas flow of hydro-
gen 30 ml/min and air 100 ml/min. Quantification and recording of the peaks were made using Perkin-Elmer Model LCI-
100 laboratory computing integrator.
GC-MS studies were carried out on a Varian model 3400 Capillary Gas Chromatograph interfaced with Mass
Spectrometer-Ion Trap Detector (ITD) model 800 of Finnegan MAT Ltd., UK. This system was used to obtain GC
retention time data as well as mass spectral data for identification of the compound under study. Column DB-5, 0.25 um
film thickness (J & W Scientific), helium linear velocity 16 cm/sec with column head pressure of 10 psi, oven 180ºC to
230ºC at 5ºC/min (180°C for 1 min, and 230ºC for 10 min), injector 250ºC, transfer line 250ºC, ITD Scan mode m/z range from
50 to 200 amu (1 scan/sec) with ion source temp of 216-220ºC and EI 70 eV were used for the experiments. The data
system for the ITD was an IBM PC-XT with standard GC-MS software of Finnegan MAT for tuning, total ion chromato-
gram generation and library search routines.
Analysis of Exposed Tissue Samples for Methyl Carbamyl Derivatives as Hydantoins: From out of the preserved
tissues of autopsy cases of exposed victims, which were collected between December 1984 and 1990; 150 cases
were analysed for the presence of MIC-Carbamylated Amino Acids in terms of volatile Hydantoin derivatives.
The details of number of cases analysed are presented in Table 7.2. By the end of 1989, the project acquired a much more
sophisticated GC-MS with an Ion Trap Detector (Finnegan MAT, UK). As a result, MVH was demonstrated in
a comparatively large series 38 out of 72 cryo-preserved autopsy blood samples. The fragmentation patterns of
the reference or test samples of (exposed) victims were clearly characterized. MVH positivity was seen in 35/61 samples
in the first month i.e., December 1984 and 9/24 in the next 9 months i.e., upto September 1985 (Table 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5).
There was not much difference in the sex factor on carbamoylation, but a slight variation was observed in the elimina-
tion of carbamoylated amino acids in case of female group; rapid detoxification was observed in females as compared to
male group.

Evidence of N-Carbamoylation in Autopsy Tissue Samples

The Lung tissues showed positive evidence of the presence of 7 out of the 11 N-Carbamylated amino acids, viz.,
Valine, Glycine, Alanine, Threonine, Methionine, Hydroxyproline & Phenyl Alanine, followed by five amino acids in
Autopsy Blood Samples viz., Valine, Glycine, Alanine, Hydroxyproline, Phenyl Alanine, three amino acids in brain viz..
Valine, Glycine and Alanine, two each in Kidney, Spleen and Liver viz.. Valine and either Alanine in case of Spleen &
Kidney and Threonine in case of liver; only Valine was Carbamoylated in case of heart tissue. However, individual
samples varied in carbamoylation. The maximum number of several Carbamoylated amino acids of one tissue in case of
lung was 6, blood 4, brain 3, kidney 2 and spleen 2.

Table 7.3. GC-MS Analysis of Postmortem Samples of Exposed Victims: Evidence of Carbamoylation and Tank Residue Compounds (1984 samples)

Date Cases Samples Tissue Analysed Gly Ala MVH Thr Hpr Met Phe MICT DMI 2, 4 Dione Spiro m/z279
Blood 33 5 4 19 - - - - 15 8 1 3 4
Brain 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
3.12.84 34 39 Lung 2 - 2 2 1 - 1 1 2 1 - - 2
Liver 1 - - 1 1 - 1 1 - - - - -
Heart - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kidney - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spleen 2 - - 2 - - - - - - - - -
Blood 16 3 5 11 - 1 - 1 10 3 - 1 2
Brain - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.12.84 16 16 Lung - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Liver - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Heart - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kidney - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spleen - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Blood 12 1 1 5 - - - - 2 1 - - -

Brain 8 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - -
5.12.84 25 61 Lung 12 - 1 9 - 1 1 1 - - - - 1
to Liver 9 - - 3 - - - - - - - - -
31.12.84 Heart 8 - - 1 - - - - - - - - -
Kidney 5 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
Spleen 7 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
Blood 61 9 10 35 - 1 - 1 27 12 1 4 6
Brain 9 2 1 2 - - - - - - - - -
Total Lung 14 - 3 11 1 1 2 2 4 1 - - 3
Dec: 84 Liver 10 - - 4 1 - 1 1 - - - - -
Heart 8 - - 1 - - - - - - - - -
Kidney 5 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
Spleen 9 - 1 3 - - - - - - - - -
Grand 75 116 116 11 16 57 2 2 3 4 31 13 1 4 9
Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal
Table 7.4. GC-MS Analysis of Postmortem Samples of Exposed Victims: Evidence of Carbamoylation and Tank Residue Compounds (1985 samples)

Date Cases Samples Tissue Analysed Gly Ala MVH Thr Hpr Met Phe MICT DMI 2, 4 Dione Spiro m/z279
Blood 6 - - 3 - - - - 2 - - - -
Brain 4 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
01.01.85 11 28 Lung 5 1 - 2 - - - - - - - - -
to Liver 4 - - - - - - - - - - - -
31.03.85 Heart 2 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kidney 3 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spleen 4 - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - 2
Blood & Tissue Carbamoylation

Blood 9 - - 3 - - - - 1 - - - -
01.04.85 9 11 Brain - - - - - - - - - - - - -
to Lung 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
30.06.85 Liver 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Heart - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kidney - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spleen - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Blood 9 - - 3 - - - - 2 - - - -
Brain - - - - - - - - - - - - -
01.07.85 11 13 Lung 3 - - - - - - - - - - - -

to Liver 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
31.09.85 Heart - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kidney - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spleen - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Blood 4 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brain 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
01.10.85 4 8 Lung 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
to Liver - - - - - - - - - - - - -
31.12.85 Heart 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kidney - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spleen 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Blood 28 - - 9 - - - - 5 - - - -
Brain 5 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
Total 35 60 Lung 10 1 - 2 - - - - - - - - -
Dec 85 Liver 6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Heart 3 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kidney 3 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spleen 5 - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - 2
Grand 35 60 60 1 2 12 - - - - 6 - - - 3
Table 7.5. GC-MS Analysis of Clinical Samples of Exposed Victims: Evidence of Carbamoylation and Tank Residue Compounds (1984-90 samples)

Date Cases Samples Tissue Analysed Gly Ala MVH Thr Hpr Met Phe MICT DMI 2, 4 Dione Spiro m/z279
1984 2 2 Clinical 2 - - 1 - - - - - 2 - - -
Clinical 30 - - 5 - - - - - - - - -
1985 35 38 Placenta 4 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cord 4 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1986 20 20 Clinical 20 - - - - - - - - - - - -
to1990 Blood
Total Blood 52 - - 6 - - - - - 2 - - -
1984 to 57 60 Placenta 4 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1990 Cord 4 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Clinical Samples: N-Carbamoylation of Hb & Presence of Tank Residue Components

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal
Table 7.6. Autopsy Tissue Findings: N-Carbamoylation and Tank Residue Compounds

Date Cases Samples Tissue Analysed Gly Ala MVH Thr Hpr Met Phe MICT DMI 2, 4 Dione Spiro m/z279
Dec: 84 75 116 Blood 61 9 10 35 - 1 - 1 27 12 1 4 6
Brain 9 2 1 2 - - - - - - - - -
Lung 14 - 3 11 1 1 2 2 4 1 - - 3
Liver 10 - - 4 1 - 1 1 - - - - -
Heart 8 - - 1 - - - - - - - - -
Kidney 5 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
Blood & Tissue Carbamoylation

Spleen 9 - 1 3 - - - - - - - - -
Total 75 116 116 11 16 57 2 2 3 4 31 13 1 4 9
Blood 6 - - 3 - - - - 2 - - - -
Brain 4 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
Jan 85 11 28 Lung 5 1 - 2 - - - - - - - - -
to Liver 4 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mar 85 Heart 2 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kidney 3 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spleen 4 - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - 2
Total 11 28 28 1 2 6 - - - - 3 - - - 2

Blood 22 - - 6 - - - - 3 - - - 1
Brain 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
April 85 24 32 Lung 5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
to Liver 2 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dec 85 Heart 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kidney - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spleen 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 24 32 32 - - 6 - - - - 3 - - - 1
Blood 35 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brain 6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1986 40 115 Lung 22 - - - - - - - - - - - -
to Liver 19 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1990 Heart 14 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kidney 10 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spleen 9 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 40 115 115 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Grand 150 291 291 12 18 69 2 2 3 4 37 13 1 4 12
Table 7.7. Summary of Clinical & Autopsy Findings: N-Carbamoylation and Tank Residue Compounds

Date Cases Samples Tissue Analysed Gly Ala MVH* Thr Hpr Met Phe MICT DMI 2, 4 Dione Spiro m/z279
Clinical 52 - - 6 - - - - - 2 - - -
1984 57 60 Blood
to Placenta 4 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1990 Cord 4 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Clinical 57 60 60 - - 6 - - - - - 2 - - -
Blood 124 9 10 44 - 1 - 1 32 12 1 4 7
Brain 20 2 2 3 - - - - - - - - -
1984 150 291 Lung 46 1 3 13 1 1 2 2 4 1 - - 3
to Liver 35 - - 4 1 - 1 1 - - - - -
1990 Heart 25 - - 1 - - - - - - - - -
Kidney 18 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
Spleen 23 - 2 3 - - - - 1 - - - 2
Autopsy 150 291 291 12 18 69 2 2 3 4 37 13 1 4 12

Grand 207 351 351 12 18 75 2 2 3 4 37 15 1 4 12
* = Methyl Valine Hydantoin of end-terminal Valine Residue of Hb.
Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal
Blood & Tissue Carbamoylation

Interestingly, all these samples were from December 1984 collection. It was observed that Alanine stood in the
second order next to Valine in susceptibility of N-Carbamoylation. The blood samples which were positive for
Carbamoylation, were all positive for Valine Carbamoylation, i.e., all the 44 cases were positive for Valine. However,
Glycine and Alanine Carbamoylation was seen in blood to only a small extent. The Carbamoylation of these amino
acids might be due to contributions other than the haemoglobin, possibly Plasma Proteins and Enzyme Proteins or
even erythrocyte membrane proteins as demonstrated by Krishna Sharma of DRDE, Gwalior. It was also observed that
Valine was a major contributor as N-terminal Valine of those tissues, in case of kidney; both Valine & Alanine were
equally Carbamoylated.
The number of Carbamoylated amino acids showed a drastic change in the Autopsy Samples within a month after
exposure. From the Table 7.4 it may be observed that out of 7 amino acid carbamoylated, only 3 amino acid such as
Valine, Glycine & Alanine showed their presence in the tissues of 1985. None of the samples after 1984 showed
carbamoylation of Threonine, Hydroxyproline, Methionine or Phenylalanine. No tissue sample after 4th December 1984
showed Carbamoylation of Threonine (Table 7.5). It also may be observed that Valine showed its presence in 57
samples, Alanine in 16, Glycine in 11, Methionine, Phenylalanine 3 each and Threonine, Hydroxyproline 2 each during
1984 (Table 7.3). After the first quarter of 198, none of the samples showed N-carbamoylation of any amino acid, except
valine (Table 7.4 & 7.6) in blood. Summary of Clinical & Autopsy Findings N-Carbamoylation and Tank Residue
Compounds are shown in Table 7.7.

Quantitative Estimation of Blood MVH

Since valine carbamoylation was observed significantly, quantification studies were carried out. On DB-5 capillary
column a linear response was observed with Ion Trap Detector between 10 to 300 ng of methyl valine hydantoin (VMH)
according to peak area of m/z 114 and 157 fragment ions with a minimum detection limit of 9.3 ng. Whereas, this detection
limit was much lower in case of HPLC method where it was recorded 20 ng, the VMH peak eluting at 15.64 min on C-18
column gave a low response with ultraviolet detector at 210 nm. However, the sensitivity of GC-NPD was observed
much higher with a detection limit of 1 ng with a linear response upto 32.91 ng. Many of the samples were first studied
on GC-NPD due to non installation of GC-ITD. On EGSP-Z column VMH was eluting at 3.14 min and the resultant peak
was uniform and symmetrical with no tailing. During quantitation response factor was derived for every set of analysis
by taking one or two known concentration allowing a tolerance limit of 10 percent. Some samples of December 1984
collection ere also analysed. Solvent blank and control sample were also analysed to check the detector response.
The results obtained on GC-NPD were verified with GC-ITD, and a good agreement was obtained between the two
methods in quantitation. The data presented only GC-ITD results. This GC-ITD technique was adhered due to its
greater specificity.
There was much variation in the concentration of carbamoylated valine between December 1984 samples and
September 1985 samples. In December 1984 a mean concentration 1.64 mg/ml was observed against 0.18 mg/ml of 1985
(Table 7.8).

Table 7.8. MVH concentration in 1984 and 1985 autopsy blood samples (μg/ml)

Date Case Positive MVH Percent (%) Mean ± SD

3-12-84 33 19 57 1.0352 ± 0.8137
4-12-84 16 11 48 3.1249 ± 4.7535
5-12-84 to 31-12-84 12 5 61 0.6909 ± 0.6381
December 1984 61 35 57 1.6428 ± 2.8451
1-1-85 to 31-3-85 6 3 50 0.1841 ± 0.1506
1-4-85 to 30-6-85 9 3 33 0.0689 ± 0.0519
1-7-85 to 30-9-85 9 3 33 0.2954 ± 0.4202
1-10-85 to 31-12-85 4 - - -
Total 1985 28 9 32 0.1828 ± 0.2452
Total 1984 & 1985 89 44 49 1.3442 ± 2.6012

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

The twenty blood samples which showed positive for carbamoylation out of 35 blood samples of 1987 collection
gave a mean value of 1.0352 μg/ml, whereas the average of 4th December samples was higher accounted 3.1249 μg/ml.
The 5 positive samples collected between 5th - 31st December gave a mean value of 0.6909 mg/ml (Table 7.8), from the
same table it may also be observed that there was no consistency between the concentration and collection period. The
first quarter of 1985 samples showed a mean value of 0.1841 mg/ml, second quarter 0.0689 mg/ml and the third quarter
0.2954 mg/ml. There was no significant difference between the sex factor and the concentration of carbamoylated valine
(Table 7.9). This observation was consistent with that of number of samples carbamoylated in female group, indicating
faster detoxification of carbamoylated amino acids.

Table 7.9. Sex wise distribution of MVH in autopsy samples (μg/ml)

Date Male Female

Cases MVH % Mean ± SD Cases MVH % Mean ± SD
3-12-84 20 11 55 1.3666 ± 0.8390 13 8 61 0.5796 ± 0.5359
4-12-84 12 7 58 4.0059 ± 5.8015 4 4 100 1.5830 ± 1.7394
5-12-84 to 31-12-84 5 2 40 0.4107 ± 0.2831 7 3 42 0.8777 ± 0.8021
Dec 1984 37 20 54 2.1948 ± 3.5977 24 15 62 0.9068 ± 1.0372
1-1-85 to 31-3-85 4 2 50 0.1010 ± 0.0625 2 1 50 0.3505
1-4-85 to 30-6-85 6 2 33 0.0957 ± 0.3323 3 1 33 0.0154
1-7-85 to 30-9-85 3 2 66 0.4219 ± 0.5072 6 1 16 0.425
1-10-85 to 31-12-85 2 - - - 2 - - -
1985 15 6 40 0.2062 ± 0.2835 13 3 23 0.1361 ± 0.1861
1984-85 52 26 50 1.7358 ± 3.2532 37 18 47 0.7783 ± 0.9866

Interestingly, a significant variation was observed in the concentration of carbamoylated Valine to that of age
factor. The children showed a concentration of 0.6188 mg/ml which was much lower than adolescent (3.9516 mg/ml),
whereas, a middle concentration was observed in adult group with a mean value of 1.0444 mg/ml (Table 7.10).
It is noteworthy that in the first month out of the total of 61 samples, Carbamoylation of glycine and alanine
residues was seen in 9 and 10 cases respectively and practically none thereafter (Table 7.3). The presence of N-

Table 7.10. Age wise distribution of MVH in 1984 and 1985 blood samples (μg/ml)

Date Up to 5 years More than 5 to less than 15 year More than 15 years
Cases Positive % Mean Cases Positive % Mean Cases Positive % Mean
3.12.84 7 5 71 0.7893 7 4 57 0.8076 19 10 52 1.2429
± 0.5197 ± 1.2128 ± 0.7787
4.12.84 3 2 66 0.8316 4 2 50 10.2397 9 7 77 1.7473
± 0.9714 ± 9.254 ± 1.5454
5.12.84 to 3 1 33 0.1716 - - - - 9 4 44 0.8207
31.12.84 ± 0.6562
December 13 8 61 0.7226 11 6 54 3.9516 37 21 56 1.3336
1984 ± 6.4603 ± 1.0816
1.1.85 to 4 2 50 0.2036 1 - - - 1 1 100 0.1452
31.3.85 ± 0.2076
1.4.85 to 4 - - - 1 - - - 4 3 75 0.0689
30.6.85 ± 0.0519
1.7.85 to 5 - - - - - - - 4 3 75 0.2954
30.9.85 ± 0.4202
1.10.85 to - - - - - - - - 4 - - -
Total 1985 13 2 15 0.2036 2 - - - 13 5 53 0.1769
± 0.2076 ± 0.2698
1984-85 26 10 28 0.6188 13 6 46 3.9516 50 56 56 1.0444
± 0.5625 ± 6.4603 ± 1.0691

Blood & Tissue Carbamoylation

Carbamoylation of glycine in the tri-peptide of glutathione raises the other possibility of adjacent cysteine, taking a
major part in the process of S-Carbamoylation.
Amongst the viscera, 11/14 samples of lung were strongly positive for MVH and fewer in liver (4) and spleen (3).
The relative absence of the other carbamoylated amino acids in the viscera suggests that perhaps even the visceral
MVH could be due to “contained blood” in the heavily congested haemorrhagic lung.
It is noteworthy that in addition to carbamoylation of valine, 6 more amino acids showed evidence of carbamoylation.
These were glycine, alanine, threonine, hydroxyproline and phenylalanine. Interestingly enough in as many as 12
samples of blood non-methylated valine hydantoin was detected. It is not clear whether this is a result of in-vivo de-
methylation due to the action of methyl transferases or due to presence of HNCO extra-carporeally in the inhaled gases.
If so, it confirms our hypothesis that there was thermal decomposition of MIC in the tank and as described by Blake and
Ijadi-Maghsoodi (1982), HNCO could be formed. There is all the more reason to imagine that the subsequent stage of
thermal decomposition to HCN could also have taken place. Being lighter its distribution may not be uniform, as in the
case of Tank residue compounds or even MIC. This might have accounted for variable deaths. It is possible that initially
some of the deaths could be due to HCN as well. This is supported by the increased cyanide levels of early autopsy
blood samples undertaken in this study.
The carbamoylation of glycine amino acid is particularly noteworthy in December 1984 samples. As it is an end-
terminal amino groups of tri-peptide glutathione (GSH) anchored in the erythrocyte membrane, one can imagine it to be
the first to be attacked even before haemoglobin. The mopping up might have also involved cysteine residue of the tri-
peptide of GSH between glutamic acid and glycine. As per the information gained from the article of Cohen and
Oppenheimer (1977), S-Carbamoylation is a rapid and reversible reaction. The observation of acidosis in the victims
could have also contributed to the greater S-Carbamoylation in the more acid pH range. Unfortunately, all our attempts
since 1988 to demonstrate S- carbamoylation were unsuccessful. In the meanwhile, the pioneering observations on
Bailie and Slatter (1991) gave for the first time support to our quest of S-Carbamoylation of blood. However, further work
with GC-MS did not yield successful results. Therefore, for the present it is tentatively surmised that next to valine or
glycine, perhaps the -SH groups of cysteine (on the side chain) of the glutathione might be responsible for the
malfunctioning of -SH containing enzymes like aldolase, Rhodanese etc, leading to the specific clinical symptomatol-
ogy (air hunger, muscle weakness, cramps, inability to work etc.) in the Bhopal victims and the dramatic response to
sodium thiosulphate.
The discrepancy between TNBS technique of free amino groups demonstrated by Ramaiah and Roman Reddy on
the one hand and the DRDE and Medicolegal Institute on the other, may perhaps be explainable on the basis of mopping
of MIC by -SH groups of erythrocyte bound glutathione.
But it is unfortunate that none of our attempts to demonstrate the equally important S-Carbamoylation of the -SH
residues of erythrocyte- bound glutathione etc were successful. The preparation of S-carbamoylated cysteine refer-
ence standard could not be achieved. In the course of some of the discussions with Mazumdar, then biochemist in the
Institute of Pathology, New Delhi, it was realised that:
 “At present there is an immediate need to make standards of S-Carbamylated cysteine and show its presence in
blood and tissues of gas affected individuals. The urgency for this has already been repeatedly stressed by
 “Preparation of S-carbamoylated cysteine is quite complex and involves the protection of N-terminal groups of
cysteine. A possible way to achieve this would be to use glutathione as the cysteine source. Glutathione (L-
glutamyl-l- cysteinyl glycine) when reacted with excess MIC may carbamylate cysteine at the S-position and
glycine at the N-position. This can then be hydrolysed and cyclysed to yield glycine hydantoin and S-carbamoylated
 “S-Carbamoylation of cysteine, even if done after protecting the N-terminal group, does not form hydantoins by
cyclisation. It can neither be detected by the existing GC-ITD (GC-MS) system. Even if S- carbamoylated cysteine
is prepared in the laboratory, it is not volatile and cannot be detected, conversion of this S-carbamoylated cysteine
to a highly volatile substance may be necessary for detection by GC-MS. Either the present GC-ITD system has
to be upgraded to include Chemical Ionization Detection system or alternatively the spectra can be taken to a place
where a more complete GC-MS is available.”
Such information could have explained the discrepancy mentioned earlier between relatively higher TNBS reac-

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

tions and the lower yields of MVH. The significance of this lacuna becomes all the more apparent after the publication
of Baillie and Slatter (1991), although there was sufficient indication in the literature, including the work of Gwalior
group. It may however be pointed out that many of these studies are based on reactivity with DTNB (analogous to our
TNBS data) and not the actual demonstration of S-carbamoylation of cysteinyl residue. S-carbamoylation being a
relatively labile process and the ubiquity of the tri-peptide glutathione, the rapid distribution of MIC in the body might
have been facilitated. It is not known with certainly whether the reversible component, of glutathione carbamoylation
would show a preferential affinity for other -SH groups of proteins and enzymes, such as liver proteins, rhodanese,
aldolase or choline-esterase. Such a mechanism would have explained the link-up between Carbamoylation of glu-
tathione, muscle weakness due to inhibition of aldolase and accumulation of cyanide in the body due to inhibition of
Repeated attempts to draw upon the expertise and help of eminent biochemists of the country in the AIIMS, CCMB
etc did not lead to further elucidation on the binding of Isocyanates and Sulphydryl groups as suggested by Torchinsky
(1991). Our efforts to continue the project or embark on a new collaborative one with DRDE, Gwalior have not yet
received support from the ICMR. It is feared that this last facet of our understanding of the biochemical lesion of the
Bhopal Disaster may remain an untold story.
In Conclusion, this study of demonstration of binding of MIC to end terminal amino groups of Hb and tissue
proteins is more than of academic interest. In the first place it has established that MIC successfully crossed the
alveolar-capillary barrier, contrary to circulars of Union Carbide Corporation. More importantly the steps involved in the
procedure have been systematically unraveled. Firstly, by the demonstration of reduction of end terminal amino acids
of the blood and several tissue proteins. Secondly, it opened up new avenues for exploring the Pathophysiology of MIC
caused ARDS by BGA analysis and elevated 2-3 DPG levels, compensatory rise of Hb levels. It is significant that these
physiological disturbances are beyond the quantum of binding of MIC to Hb. The observations of eminent scientists
like Dr. Bucher are noteworthy. This unique positive Indian finding was appreciated by Bucher in a personnel commu-
nication to Ramachandran of DRDE shown below:

“I do find this convincing evidence that reactive MIC could cross the alveolar blood barrier as extremely
important. Although, the significance of small amounts of MIC gaining access to blood stream, cannot be
judged in relation to the substantial respiratory tract injuries”

Apparently there is a wide difference in the positivity of the results between the two methods followed for tracking
of MIC in Bhopal Victims. The wide discrepancy between the relatively high percentage of 25-40% reduction of End-
Terminal Free Amino Groups, referred to earlier and only 1-2 % N-Carbamoylation of the ‘Valine Residues’ is probably
due to S-Carbamoylation of Glutathione and other biomolecules to a substantial extent. By contrast, MVH positivity in
Autopsy Blood Samples, (as compared with the foregoing Clinical material), was not only much higher, but was
associated with a couple of other end-terminal Amino Acids, probably related to affected Serum Proteins & Erythrocyte
Membranes (vide Krishna Sharma of DRDE). A majority of +ve cases occurred during the initial few weeks of the 1st
Quarter after the Disaster, although the respiratory symptoms continued upto period of 8-9 mounts. A few ‘late autop-
sies’ were MVH +ve, well beyond the life span of the original erythrocytes. Since N-Carbamoylation is an irreversible
process, it is tempting to speculate that such examples of late MVH +vity ‘probably represent recycling from more labile
radicals of S-Carbamylated MIC groups and Glutathione molecules. These changes are also co-terminal with the
distribution of the Tank Residue Product. In brief, these studies have been very useful and informative in explaining the
physiological disturbances associated with ARDS in Bhopal Victims. It’s an unparallel event in the history of chemical

 Baillie TA, Slatter JG. Glutathione: A Vehicle for the Transport of Chemically Reactive Metabolites in-Vivo. Acc Chem
Res. 1991; 24: 264-270.
 Blake PG, Ijadi-Maghsoodi S. Kinetics and Mechanism of the Thermal Decomposition of Methyl Isocyanate. Inter
J Chem Kine. 1982; 4: 945-952.

Blood & Tissue Carbamoylation

 Cohen S, Oppenheimer E. Chapter 20 : Biological Formation and Reactions of Cyanates; The Chemistry of Cyanates;
and their Thio derivatives. Edited by Patai S.,Part 2. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 1977; 923-967.
 Manning JM, Lee CK, Cerami A, Gillette PN. Gas chromatographic determination of the Carbamoylation of Hb- S by
cyanates. J Lab Clin Med. 1973; 81: 941.
 Ramaiah A, Reddy R, Sriramachari S. Levels of Free Amino Groups in Hb of Victims of Bhopal Gas Tragedy. (Unpub-
lished Report).
 Ramchandran PK, Gandhe BR, Venkateshwaran KS, Kaushik MP, Vijayaraghvan R, Agarwal GS, Gopalan N,
Suryanarayana MVS, Shinde SK, Sriramachari S. Gas Chromatographic studies of the Carbamoylation of Haemo-
globin by Methyl Isocyanate in Rats and Rabbits. J Chromatogr. 1988; 426: 239-247.
 Robert Fields. The rapid determination of amino groups. Methods in Enzymology. Eds. C.H.W. Hirs and Serge, N.
Timasheff. 1972; Vol. XXV: 464.
 Sharma VK, Rao GJ, Jadhav RK, Chandra H, Sriramachari S. High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic estimation
of carbamylated amino acids. Current Science. 1990; 59: 528-529.
 Slatter JG, Rasheed MS, Pearson PG, Han DH, Baillie TA. Biotransformation of Methyl Isocyanate in the Rat.
Evidence for Glutathione Conjugation as a Major Pathway of Metabolism and Implications for Isocyanate-Medi-
ated Toxicities. Chem Res Toxicol. 1991; 4(2): 157-161.
 Sriramachari S, Rao GJ, Sharma VK, Jadhav RK, Saraf AK, Chandra H. GC-NPD and GC-MS analysis of preserved
tissue of Bhopal gas disaster: evidence of methyl Carbamoylation in post-mortem blood. Med Sci law. 1991; 31 (4):
 Torchinsky YM. Properties of -SH groups, sulfhydryl Reagents, in “Sulfur in Proteins”. Pergamon Press. 1991.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal


Levels of free Amino Groups in Hemoglobin of

Victims of Bhopal Gas Tragedy
A. Ramaiah*, Roman Reddy* & S. Sriramachari**
*Dept. of Biochemistry, AIIMS, New Delhi 110029
**Director, Institute of Pathology – ICMR, New Delhi 110029

The free amino group s in hemoglobin of’ victims of Bhopal gas tragedy were estimated by the method of Robert
Fields (1). 6 to 67% decrease, in the tree amino groups in hemoglobin of’ those patients were observed .compared to
unexposed controls. This decrease in free amino groups in hemoglobin of gas victims ‘might be due ·to, carbamylation
by methyl isocyanate or its demethylated derivative namely lsocy1anate.

Methyl isocyanate was supposed to be the major gas that killed thousands of people of Bhopal and made many
thousands invalid.
Hemoglobin is the major protein of the body which constant is exposed in the lungs to outside atmosphere. Its
amount in the adult body with 5 liters of blood is about 850 gms assuming that it consists about 34% of RBC volume and
RBC occupies 50% blood volume. The, duration of life of RBC is about 4 months i.e. DBC once made, lasts in the body’
for about 4 months. There fore, it 1s fairly safe to assume that the major effects of methyl isogamete inhaled by’ the
people of’ Bhopal may be related to its effects on hemoglobin.
Methyl isocyanate is highly reactive compound and one of ‘the major reactions it can have with proteins are to
Carbamoylation the free NH2 groups (2), Sulphydryl groups (3) carboxy1 groups (2) phenolic hydroxyl 1 groups (4),
imidazole groups (5) and phosphate groups (6).
We, therefore, looked for the blockage of free amino groups in hemoglobin.

Materials and Methods

All chemicals that were used were of analytical grade. Trinitro benzene sulphuric acid (TNBS) was from Fluka AG,
CH-9470, Buchs, packed in Switzerland.
Blood samples were collected from normal and victims of Bhopal gas tragedy (adult. blood and cord blood) and
were stored at 0-4°C till they were processed.
All the procedures were done at 0-4°C except the estimation of free amino, groups in hemoglobin which was done
at room temperature. Water that was used was always double distilled and was de-ionized.

Preparation of RBC Lysates

To 0.5 ml of blood in a centrifuge tube was added 1 ml of phosphate buffer saline (0.9% NaCl in 50 mm phosphate
butter pH 7.2) (PBS) and was mixed gently It was then centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 10 min. The, supernatant was
discarded and to the pellet of cells, 2 ml of PBS was added and was mixed gently. It was again centrifuged at 2000 rpm
for 10 min. To the pellet of cells, double distilled and de-ionized water was added to a final volume up to 4.5 ml and was
kept for 15 min. with occasional vigorous mixings. The lysate was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 30 min. and the superna-
tant was collected which was taken as RBC lysate.

Dialysis of RBC Lysates

RBC lysates were dialyzed against double distilled and de-ionized water for about 12 hrs with a change in water

Annexure 7.1

once in between. It is thus free of amino acids which react with TNBS. These dialyzed RBC lysates were the source of
hemoglobin for the determination of free amino groups.

Estimation of Free Amino Groups of Dialysed RBC Lysates:

Hemoglobin in RBC lysate constitutes 99.2% of its total protein as calculated in Table 1. So the estimation of free
amino groups of dialyzed RBC lysates by the rapid method with TNBS (1) was considered as the levels of free amino
groups of hemoglobin. Estimation to free amino groups in the dialyzed RBC lysates by TNBS method was based on its
reaction with amino groups to tom trinitrophenly 1 amino groups in alkaline medium at pH 9.5 (0.05 M Na2B4O7 in 0.05 M
NaOH). The reaction was stopped by adding 2 ml of 1.5 mM. Sulphite in 0.1 M NaH2 P04 to 1 ml reaction mixture”, exactly
after 5 min sulphite forms a complex with trinitrophenly 1 amino groups which absorbs at 420 nm. The concentration of
TNBS during the reaction was 21.568 mM. In view of the fact that TNBS itself contributes some blank in alkaline medium
at 420 nm and the fact that hemoglobin also absorbs at 420 nm. the reading at 420 nm after stopping the reaction exactly
after 5 min with sulphite in acid medium followed by addition of the same- amount of hemoglobin as was used for the
reaction was taken as proper blank. 1.5 to 3 n moles of hemoglobin was used for this reaction and in this range the
reaction was linear.

Results And Discussion

16 samples of adult blood and 11 samples of cord blood of victims of Bhopal gas tragedy were analysed for free
amino groups of hemoglobin for TNBS reaction and were compared with the values to tree amino groups of hemoglobin
of normal unexposed controls. The results are shown in Table II and Table III. Normal values of free amino groups for
adult blood hemoglobin and cord blood hemoglobin were found to be 8 and 10 moles of amino groups/mole of hemoglo-
bin tetramer respectively (Molecular weight of hemoglobin tetramer was taken as 66,668).
These values were calculated using molar extinction coefficients of chromogen at 420 nm after DBS reaction at
22,000 (1) and of hemoglobin tetramer at 420 mm as 415.4536 x 103 which is found 7.751 times the, value of hemoglobin
at 540 nm (12) based on the analysis of 5 samples of hemoglobin In all blood samples that were ana1ysed the decrease
in free amino groups of Hemoglobin was observed. MIC might have been absorbed through lungs into blood, where it
might have reacted with hemoglobin along with other proteins in the blood and might have formed carbamy1 deriva-
tives and thus reduced the, free amino groups in hemoglobin since hemoglobin consists of 34% of RBC volume, the
major affected protein in .the blood could be hemoglobin. the free amino groups in hemoglobin that could have been
carbamylated are N-terminal valine and amino groups to lysine residues in hemoglobin this could have resu1ted 1n
extensive detects of hemoglobin functions like important, of carriage of carbon dioxide by N-terminal valine (13) and
oxygen delivery to the tissues (14).

Table 1. Protein and Water Content of Human Erythrocyte

Component mg/ml Reference

Water 721.0 ± 17.3 7 and 8
Hemoglobin 361.8 8 to 11
Insoluble stromal Protein 6.3 8
Protein from enzymes 2.9 8

% Hemoglobin present in RBC lysates calculated from the table:

361.8 X 100
———————————— = 99.2%
361.8 + 2.9

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Table 2. Percent Decrease in Free Amino Groups of Adult RBC Lysates of affected People Compared to Normals.
Normal value = 8 moles of free amino groups/mole of hemoglobin tetramer.

Sample No. % decrease in NH2 group’s

1 25.9
2 67.1
3 41.3
4 24.1
5 9.4
6 30.3
7 19.7
18 13.4
19 34.9
118 58.5
R – 2064 5.8
R - 2066 13.0
R - 2081 11.6
R - 2069 31.5
R - 2070 19.4
R - STH 25.9

Table 3. Percent Decrease in Free Amino Groups of Cord RBC Lysates of affected People Compared to Normal.

Normal value = 10 moles of free amino groups / mole of Hb tetramer.

Sample No. % decrease in NH2 group’s

1 36.3
2 66.0
3 64.7
4 61.0
5 46.9
10 62.8
11 44.2
12 9.7
14 31.8
16 8.2
16 51.2

1. Robert Fields: The rapid determination of amino groups. Methods in Enzymology. Eds. C.H.W. Hirs and Serge, N.
Timasheff, Vol. XXV, (1972), 464.
2. G.R. Stark : Reactions of cyanate with functional groups of proteins III. Reactions with amino and carboxyl groups.
Biochemistry, 4, (1965), 1030.
3. G.R. Stark : On the reversible reaction cyanate with Sulphydryl groups and the determination of NH2 terminal
cysteine and cysteine in proteins. J. Biol. Chem., 239, (1964), 1411.
4. D.G. Smyth : Carbamylation of amino and tyrosine hydroxy1 groups. J. Biol. Chem., 242, (1967), 1579.

Annexure 7.1

5. G.R. Stark : Reactions of Cyanate with functional groups of proteins II- Formation, decomposition and propert1e.
of N-carbamyl imidazole. Biochemistry, 4, (1965), 588.
6. C. M. Allen, Jr. and M.B. Jones I Decomposition of carbamyl phosphate in aqueous solutions. Biochemistry, 3,
(1964), 1238.
7. Nichols, G. and Nichols, B. Electrolyte equilibria in erythrocytes during diabetic acidosis. J. Cline. Invest. 32,
(1953), 113.
8. Ponder, E. Hemolysis and related phenomena. Grune and stratton, New York (1948).
9. Behrendt, H. Chemistry of erythrocytes. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, III (1957).
10. Guidotli, G. The protein to human erythrocyte. membranes I. Preparation, solubilization and partial characteriza-
tion. J. Bio1. Chem. 243, (1968), 1985.
11. Silverman, L. and Glick, D. % Measurement of protein concentration by quantitative electron microscopy J. cell
Bio1. 40, (1969), 773.
12. Antonimi, E. and Branori, M. : Hemoglobin and myoglobin in their reactions with ligands. Elsevier, New York,
(1971), 19.
13. Kilmartin, J.V. and Rossi-Bernardi, L. : Inhibition of CO2 combination and reduction of the Bohr effect in hemoglo-
bin chemically modified at its - amino groups Nature 222 (1969), 1243.
14. Frank Furia Denis R. Miller, Anthony Cerami and James M. Mainning :The effects of Cyanate in vitro on red
blood cell metabolism and function in sickle cell anemia. J. Clin. Invest 51, (1972), 566.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal


Annexure 7.2

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Annexure 7.2

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Annexure 7.2

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Annexure 7.2

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal


Report on the Analysis of Blood Samples of Bhopal

Gas Victims for the Detection of Carbamylated
Haemoglobin by Gas Chromatography
B.R.Gandhe, K.S.Venkateswaran, M.P.Kaushik, M.V.S.Suryanarayana, G.S.Agarwal,
N.Gopalan, P.K. Ramachandaran.
Defence Research and Development Establishment, Tansen Road,Gwalior-474002.
Heeresh Chandra. Medico-Legal Institute, Bhopal
A.Ramaiah, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.
P. S. Narayanan, G. B. Pant Hospital, New Delhi
S. Sriramachari. Institute of Pathology, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi

Acknowledgement: Authors of this Report wish to thank Brig K.M. Rao, Director, DRDE, Gwalior for his valuable
suggestions during this work.

One of the hypotheses put forward for sudden deaths due to methyl isocyanate (MIC) exposure is tissue anoxia
due to carbamylation of haemoglobin. It has been shown by Manning et al. (1) that cyanates react with the N-terminal
valine of haemoglobin, which can be converted into 5-isopropylhydantoin or valine hydantoin and determined by gas
chromatography (GC).The method was used for monitoring carbamylation levels in sickle cell anemic patients subjected
to cyanate therapy. Lee (2) extended the study to the anti-sickling properties of MIC, which he reported to be much
faster. Lee clearly demonstrated that MIC reacts irreversibly with the amino group of the N-terminal valine in haemoglo-
bin to the exclusion of Sulphydryl and E- -amino groups. The above studies were carried out in vitro by the addition of
cyanate or MIC to human blood. The in vivo carbamylation by cyanate has been reported by Crist et al. (3) and
Papayannopoulou et al. (4), but no attempts were made at the in vivo demonstration of carbamylated valine with MIC
earlier to our work (5). We have reported in vivo and in vitro studies of haemoglobin carbamylation with MIC in rats and
rabbits. The reaction sequences in this study are depicted in Fig.1. Our work clearly showed that MIC in the ‘active’
form crosses the lung-blood barrier and reacts with haemoglobin in the circulating blood and carbamylate it. Hence, it
was concluded that at least one of the toxic symptoms after exposure to MIC, namely tissue anoxia, because of
increased oxygen affinity of the carbamylated haemoglobin, was possibility. GC technique was found to be sensitive to
asure the degree of carbaylation upto 0.2%.

All the 160 human blood samples were provided by Dr. S. Sriramachari ICMR. New Delhi. Table 1 shows the
Reference numbers and dates of collection of positive 20 out of the 160 samples.

Processing of the blood samples

All the samples were processed as per the method described by J.M.Manning et al. (l).
In every case 0.5 ml blood was taken. Haemoglobin was precipitated by adding 2% HCl in acetone. Precipitated
haemoglobin was centrifuged, washed with cold acetone and diethyl ether and dried over warm water.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Figure 1. Reaction Sequence for MIH formation

Table 1. Details of the blood samples analysed by GC to check the carbamylation of haemoglobin due to MIC

Sample No. ICMR Ref / Name Carbamylation test by GC

2 10-1/10-2-85 +++
7 29/6-3-85 +
10 10A/2424-3 +++
15 S TH/5- 3-’85 +++
16 11-1/3-85 +
19 4-1/5-85 +
23 SS/7-5-85 ++
25 4058/150/18-8-85 +
31 6A +
33 7A +
40 (4 ) ++
43 M.L.I.F/14-5-85 ++
44 P.M.NO.27-85/12-1-85 +++
47 YDA /4063/158/C +
50 4067/160 +
54 JS/P2/7-5-85/C +
56 NLM +
81 35 +
118 9 ++
156 JDl18/-DO-/C +

Dry precipitate was then disolved in 50% glacial acetic o acid and equal volume of cone. HCI and kept at 100 c for
1 hr. Then cooled immediately; neutralised by adding 10N NaOH and saturated NaC1 keeping the pH between 3 to
5.Ethyl acetate was then added to the hydrolysate and methyl valine hydantoin (MIH)formed was extracted by mixing
contents of the tube for 1 min on vortex mixer. (MIH if formed .was extracted into ethyl acetate layer.)The solvent was
then evaporated to dryness in vacuum desiccator over NaOH for 2 hrs. The dried residue was dissolved in ethyl acetate
and the portion of this solution was injected into GC.

Annexure 7.3

GC Analysis
In every case l/μ1 of the appropriately diluted solution of the extracted residue in ethyl acetate was injected onto
2 GC column. The analysis was carried out on 15 % OV-225 packed column of SS tubing (6 ft long and 2 mm i.d.)at
220°C. installed on Perkin Elmer model 3920-B.Flame ionisation detector(FID) with hydrogen flow at 30 ml/min and air
flow at 300 ml/min was used for detection of the column efluents. The carrier gas was nitrogen at 30 ml/min flow rate. The
injection o port and detector block temperatures were kept at 240°C. The peaks were recorded on Shidzu Printer-Plotter
model C-R3A.
The peak for MIH was identified by comparing the retention time for standard MIH prepared by reacting L-valine
with MIC and derivatising carbamylated product as described above. The retention time for standard MIH was 2.65
± 0.15 min. Relative retention time for MIH w.r.t. valine hydantoin was 0.5.The mass spectrum for standard MIH was as
shown in Fig.2.

Figure 2. Mass Spectra of MIH (Standard)

All 160 blood samples were processed under identical conditions and analysed on GC to check the presence
of MIH Peak. The GC test results are given in Table 1 against each sample reference in terms of presence(+) or
absence (-) of MIH peak as indicator of carbamylation of blood protein due to MIC inhalation. The chromatograms
of solvent (ethyl acetate) and that of standard MIH are shown in Fig.3. The chromatograms of some samples
with positive test are shown in Fig.4 and those with negative test in Fig.5. The chromatograms of control blood
and control blood spiked with MIH are shown in Fig.6 and 7 respectively.In all 20 samples out of 160 showed
clear presence of MIH.Sample no. 44.15.10 and 2 gave highly significant peak for MIH (indicated by +++ grading.
Sample no.43, 40, 23 and 118 showed significant peak for MIH (indicated by ++ grading). While small amount of
MIH is present in sample no.7,16,19,25,31,33,47,50,54,56,81 and 156. (indicated by + grading). Since the peak for MIH
is quite sharp and symmetrical in nature the peak height can be considered to be proportional to the concentration and
hence variation in peak height can be considered as an indicator of the degree of carbamylation of blood protein due to
The GC technique is simple and reliable in the concentration range of 0.06-2.0 nmol. The peak height reproducibility
for MIH peak was with in the accuracy of ± 2 mm and the detection limit was 5 ng (0.03 nmol) at a signal to noise ratio
of B.The recovery of MIH in the ethyl acetate layer was found to be better than 92%.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Annexure 7.3

Figure 5.

Figure 6 and 7.

1. J M Manning, CK Lee, A Cerami and PN Gillette, J Lab Clin Med. 81, 1973, 941.
2. CK Lee, J Biol Chem 251, 1976, 6226.
3. R Crist, S Grisolia, C Beths and A Diederich, Fed Proc Fed Am.
4. T Papayannopoulou, G Stamatoyannopoulous, EG Giblett and J Anderson, Life Sci, 12, 1973, 127.
5. PK Ramachandran, BR Gandhe, KS Venkateswaran, MP Kaushic, R Vijayaraghavan, GS Agarwal, MVS Suryanarayana,
SK Shinde, and S Sriramachary. JChromatogr Biomedical Applications, 426, 1988, 239.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal



A S shown in the preceding Chapters, apart from N-Carbamylation due to binding of MIC to Hb and tissue proteins,
sophisticated techniques like GC-MS revealed additional evidence of the MIC-derived compound/s, especially in
some of the early autopsies. The details are already presented in Tables 7.3-7.5 in Chapter 7. Based on some of the initial
observations, greater attention was given to the exact nature of the compounds and possible long-term hazard of
‘Recurrent Cyanogenesis’. Firstly with progressive access to more refined equipments such as GC, GC-MS with ITD
system, the composition of each one of the Tank Residue Constituents (TRCs) and their possible ‘Nitrile-like Effects’
were investigated. Secondly, the entire range of ‘extraneous chemicals’ lurking in the bodies of Bhopal victims were
correlated. At the outset, it must be stated that the TRCs also were present only in the first few weeks, as in the case of
N-Carbamylation of the Amino Groups (Table 7.6).

I. Tank Residue Analysis

Physico-Chemical Properties of TRCs: All the three layers of TRC viz., top, middle and bottom layers were
recorded for colour, odour and appearance. These were kept in 500 g capacity bottles. On opening the bottles a strong
fishy amine like odour was present and all the three layers had brown colour in appearance. The layer 1 (bottom) was
more solid and crystalline in nature than the other two layers of light brown colour, whereas layer 3 (top) was paste-like
semi-solid and dark brown in colour. This indicates a definite variation in the chemical composition of all the three
layers. The TRCs were analysed by TLC technique, using 200 x 100, 200 x 50 and 75 x 25 mm glass plates coated (0.25 mm)
with silica gel-G (BDH Chemicals) and activated at 120°C. Chloroform, ethyl acetate, toluene and benzene as developing
solvents in differential mixtures were used. After the chromatographic run the qualitative picture was recorded by using
UV light (366 nm). The TLC run indicated the presence of about 11 compounds under UV light.
Following the TLC analysis, TRC samples were analysed on Sigma 300 GC-FID. For the analysis of amines, 8.9%
TEPA, 1.1% KOH on porapak Q 80/100 mesh (2m x 1/8"OD) packed column was used. The ‘head space’ of the TRC was
tested on Super-Q 80/100 mesh (Teflon 12' x 1/8"OD) packed column for the presence of cyanide. Nitrogen was used as
a carrier gas at flow rate of 45 ml/min. Column, Detector and Injector temperature was 125°C, 230°C and 210°C respec-
tively. Pressure lock syringe (Dyanatech Precision Sampling Corporation, U.S.A.) was used for drawing head space of
the TRC vials capped with Teflon tapes. The rest of the compounds of TRC mixture were studied on 5% OV-17 on
chromosorb W (HP) 80/100 mesh [glass lined tube (GLT) 6' x 1/8" OD]. Nitrogen 40 ml/min as carrier gas Isothermal
column 170°C, injector 250°C and detector 300°C. On TEPA column, TRC showed presence of 1-2% MMA (RT 1.857
min), 1-2% DMA (RT 2.217 min) and 2-3% TMA (RT 5.50 min).
The OV-17 on GLT column showed presence of 12 compounds in all the three layers. The MICT was eluting at RT
4.225 min with normalised peak area percent of 47.05. The second major compound on normalised peak area which
accounted 23.35 percent was DMI eluting at 5.217 min. The third significant compound was 2, 4-dione, accounted
15.18% with an elution time of 6.15 min. A total of 85% was occupied by these compounds. The TMU and DMU were
eluting at 1.192 min and 1.658 min, but TMU was present in a higher ratio (6.23%) than DMU (1.39%). The amines came
out as a clump and emerged with solvent.
Later studies on the TRC analysis were extended using GC-ITD for confirmation of the earlier analysis. GC-MS
studies were carried out on a Varian model 3400 capillary GC-ITD model 800 of Finnigan MAT Ltd., UK. Column DB-5,
0.25 mm x 30 m, 0.25 ìm film thickness (J&W Scientific), helium (purity 99.95%) linear velocity 16 cm/sec and the column
head pressure was maintained at 10 psi, oven 180°C to 230°C at 5°C/min (180°C for 1 min, and 230°C for 10 min), injector
250°C, transfer line 250°C ITD Scan mode m/z (mass to charge ratio) range from 40 to 600 amu (1 scan/ sec), and multiplier

Tank Residue Analysis

voltage gain 105+ 150 volts were used for the study. The ITD was operated in an electron impact mode at 70 eVv with
an ion source temperature at 216-220°C. The data system for the ITD was an IBM PC-XT with standard GC-MS software
of Finnigan MAT for tuning, total ion chromatogram generation and library search routines.
The chloroform fractions of all the three layers of TRC were analysed on GC-ITD based on the chromatographic
parameters described earlier showed the presence of 17 prominent peaks. In addition to these compounds, presences of
TMB were made by a separate method. In the present ITD scan, 40 to 600 amu range was used. All the 17 compounds
fall in the mass range of 88 to 281 amu. Separation of data among MICT, DMIC and 2,4-dione was carried out by same
software techniques.
The major compound MICT was eluting at 6.05 min with normalised area percent of 58.00, it showed the base ion
m/z 58 followed by its molecular ion peak m/z (M)+ 171 and other significant ions m/z 143, 70, 44, 85 and 113, with the total
intensity of 4046. DMI, the second major compound, eluting at 6.24 min comprising 25 normalised area percent, m/z 58
was the base peak followed by m/z (M)+ peak 157, and others m/z 70, 43, 128, 129, 100 and 85. Total intensity of the
spectrum was 2844. The third major compound 2,4-dione has base peak m/z 42 ion followed by m/z 156, 158 (M+1)+, 99,
56, 72 and 113. The total intensity of the spectrum was 190951 and eluted at 6.53 min accounting 10.28 normalised area%.
The methyl ureas showed a closed relationship on DB-5 column with a slight separation. TMU was eluting at 4.23 min
and comprised 4.1 normalised area% and showing fragments base ion m/z 44 followed by 72, 102 (M)+, 85, 103 and 42
ions with total intensity of 55467, whereas DMU was closely eluting at 4.25 min with normalised area percent of 2.65 and
on its break down gives m/z 58 the base ion followed by m/z 88 (M)+, 89, 44, 83 and 42 ions with the total intensity
of 1851.
Twelve new compounds were detected in the analysis, they accounted 0.1 to 2.0 percent shown in table 8.1
(Rao et al., 1991). The literature so far published did not show the presence of any of these compounds.

Table 8.1. Unidentified TRC Chemical

S.No. Peak No. Highest m/z Principal mass fragments m/z(decreasing order of concentration ) Area %
1. 3 142 42, 56, 58, 127, 142, 128, 70, 100 >0.5
2. 7 156 42,156, 56, 58, 157, 57, 70, 99 >0.5
3. 8 163 58, 56, 163, 42, 134, 157, 44, 70 >0.5
4. 9 162 58, 56, 162, 44,161, 157, 42, 70 >0.5
5. 10 177 44, 58, 56, 43, 157, 42, 177, 70 >0.1
6. 11 196 175, 44, 176, 42, 56, 196, 71, 57 >0.1
7. 12 211 70, 56, 42, 44, 57, 175, 176, 157, 211 >0.1
8. 13 182 44, 56, 58, 43, 157, 42, 70, 176 >0.1
9. 14 181 44, 42, 56, 58, 57, 70. 157, 192 >0.1
10. 15 279 149, 41, 150, 205, 42, 223, 151, 76 >0.1
11. 16 269 70, 155, 56, 42, 69, 183, 241, 269 >0.2
12. 17 267 56, 42, 44, 70, 69, 155, 267, 195 >0.1

Separation of TRCs: To understand the chemical nature of the toxic cloud that descended on the city, it was necessary
to study each TRC. The analysis resulted in identification of presence of 12 unidentified TRC. An attempt was made to
separate, identify and characterise individual compounds using specific analytical systems like TLC, GC, MS, NMR, IR
techniques. Separation and isolation of the TRC was initially tried by solvent extraction procedure. The compounds in
the TRC were the products of an exothermic chain reaction and these may have similar physical and chemical properties,
hence, it was quite tedious to get good purity for each compound. Therefore, column chromatography, an efficient
technique for isolating the compounds, was selected.
Confirmation of Reference and Isolated Compounds of TRC: The reference compounds used for this study like MICT,
DMIC, 2,4-dione and TMU were isolated from TRC following the procedure described earlier, whereas TMB, MICT and
TMA were synthesised during the study.
Pure MIC used for the experiments, was received from DRDE, Gwalior, its mass spectrum was obtained on GC-ITD.
A sharp peak at 247 sec retention time was obtained. Mass fragments (m/z 19, 28, 29, 44, 56, 57, 58) clearly confirmed that

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

the compound was methyl isocyanate on matching with NBS library, which gave a fit value of 919. TMB was synthesised
successfully by reacting urea (NH2CONH2) with MIC and subsequent Pyrolysis at 100°C in glass sealed tubes for one
hour. TMB was crystallized with hot benzene. MICT was synthesised by pyrolysis of 1,3-DMU and trimerisation of
MIC at elevated temperature. TMU was synthesised by methylating MMU with MIC in aqueous solution. The identity
of isolated and synthesised compounds was made by studying either melting point, ultraviolet absorption, GC-NPD,
GC-MS analyses and/or nuclear magnetic resonance spectra and comparing with available pure compounds.
MICT isolated was compared for melting point (Table 8.2), ultraviolet spectrum and mass fragmentation to that of
pure compound obtained from DRDE, Gwalior, confirmed by NMR 1H and infrared spectra. The melting point of the
isolate ranged between 175-177°C and agreed to that of pure standard. The ultraviolet spectrum between 200-400 nm
showed absorption maxima at 220.5 nm in methyl alcohol and similar spectrum was observed with standard MICT. The
70 eV electron ionisation (EI) mass spectrum gave significant peaks at m/z 58, 171(M+), 143, 70, 44, 85 and 113 ions with
sound to noise ratio of 59.6 and matched with National Bureau of Standards (NBS) library as well as standard with a fit
value of 922 out of 1000 counts. DMIC isolate melted between 208-210°C and gave 99.9% purity on GC-ITD and showed
principal mass fragmentation peaks at m/z 58, 157, 70, 43, 128, 100 and 85 ions and matched with that of literature value
(D’Silva et al., 1986). Its UV spectrum gave maxima at 214 nm. The purified 2,4-dione showed a low melting point of
80-82°C, the literature values were slightly varied. D’Silva et al., 1986 observed it as 87-92°C and Etienne and Bonte, 1974
reported it as 95°C. The principal mass fragments were at m/z 42, 156, 56, 99 and 113 ions. The UV spectrum showed its
maxima at 237 nm. TMU and TMB, gave melting points 72-73°C and 119-122°C respectively and these values were in
agreement to that of literature values (D’Silva et al., 1986) reported. The principal mass fragmentation of TMU were m/
z 44, 72, 102, 58, 85 and 89 and gave a fit value of 925 to that reference NBS library search. Whereas TMB gave mass
fragments at m/z 58, 88, 44, 145, 115 and UV spectrum gave maxima at 218.5 nm.

Table 8.2. Melting points of Standard Compounds

S. No. Compound Melting Point ( in º C )

1. MICT 175 – 177
2. DMI 208 – 210
3. 2,4-dione 80 – 82
4. m/z 269 (Spiro) 218 – 221
5. m/z 279 195 – 200
6. Trimethyl Biuret 119 – 122
7. Dimethyl Urea 101 – 104
8. Trimethyl Urea 72 – 73

Physicochemical Properties of Unidentified Compounds: Out of those 12 unidentified compounds, peak 15 and peak 16
of GC-ITD analyses, i.e., compounds m/z 279 and m/z 269 were isolated and purified by method developed during study.
Colour, appearance, melting points, ultraviolet absorption spectra and EI 70 eV mass fragmentation spectra were
recorded. To get more details on the structure of these compounds, studies were carried out at IIT, Madras and IICT,
Hyderabad using High resolution mass spectrometer and infrared spectrophotometer and nuclear magnetic resonance
Compound m/z 269 was colourless and crystalline in appearance, its melting point was 220-224°C and absorption
maxima at 215 nm in the range of 200 to 400 nm UV spectrum. The principal mass fragments of EI 70 eV were at m/z 56, 155,
183, 42, 211, 241 and 269 (M)+. The FTIR spectrum showed three significant absorption peaks between 1650 to 1750 cm-1,
indicating presence of carbonyl groups and other principal infrared peaks at 3000, 1500 and 1050 cm-1. The NMR
spectrum was obtained from IICT, Hyderabad on model Gemini 200, 1H, 13C NMR. The high resolution mass spectrum
data was obtained at 70 eV and 20 eV from IICT, Hyderabad. At 20 eV EI mass fragmentation a significant increase in
intensity was observed for m/z 155, 183, 241 and 269 ions and a decrease for m/z 70 and 28 ions. Some ions like m/z 56,
43, 99 disappeared from the spectrum. The relevant data is shown in Table 8.2. Also a high resolution mass spectrum was
also recorded at IIT, Madras. The study revealed that this compound could be formed by the reaction of five molecules
of methyl isocyanate (Chandra et al., 1994).
Compound m/z 279 isolated from TRC was slight brownish in colour and fine crystals in nature. Its melting point

Tank Residue Analysis

was 195-200°C, showed two significant absorption peaks at 238 nm, the major, and at 272 nm in the UV light of 200 to 400
nm range. The mass spectrum recorded on 20 eV and 70 eV at IICT, Hyderabad.
We wish to place on record our sincere thanks for the help given by Prof (Dr) DV Ramana of IIT, Madras for some
of the spectral analysis of compound 269. At the instance of Dr S Varadarajan further work was carried out at IICT,
Hyderabad. Grateful thanks are due to Dr AV Rama Rao and Dr M Vairamani for elucidating the structure of compound
269 and charaterising it as a Spiro compound, although not a nitrile.
Spectrophotometric Cross Verification of Any Emission or Liberation of Cyanide at Ambient Temperatures: Presence
of cyanide was studied at ambient temperatures by taking approximately 0.5 g TRC of all the three layers in micro
diffusion dishes and also directly in hermetically closed test tubes. In the experiment 2 ml of 0.1 N NaOH solution was
used as trapping solution. The entire 2 ml of NaOH solution was used for estimation of cyanide. At room temperature a
faint pink colour was observed after the addition of chromogenic reagent benzidine-pyridine. The layer 3 had about 100
μg percent but definite colour development indicate presence of cyanide ions in the TRC.
Water Elutable Cyanide in TRCs: Approximately 0.5 g of the TRC layers 1, 2 and 3 were used for studying water elutable
cyanide in TRC following the addition of reagents as described earlier. Calibration curve of standard potassium cyanide
was plotted in the concentration 75 ng percent to 1200 ng percent and it was linear. The cyanide ion was recorded 400,
500 and 600 ng percent, for layer 1, layer 2 and layer 3 respectively, with the mean value of 500 ng percent, at ambient
The coloured complexes were read by DU-64 spectrophotometer as per the procedure and the absorption spectra
of standard KCN and TRC was recorded between 350 to 650 nm. In case of pyridine- benzidine method the reddish
coloured complex gave absorption maxima at 530 nm. Similar absorption spectrum was obtained for tank effluent
indicating definite presence of cyanide.
Studies on Pyrolysis of TRC for Generation of Cyanide: The potential for liberation of cyanide by suspected nitrile
derivatives of MIC was explored further. The TRC from the three different layers was pyrolysed in the glass tubes
closed with teflon tape and processed according to the procedure showed by cyanide peak on Super-Q teflon column
under FID. A clear peak of cyanide was observed at 4.2 min corresponding to that of reference cyanide. The presence
of cyanide peak was again confirmed by peak shift at 125°C oven temperature changing the reference retention time to
7.15 min. The head space of the pyrolysed TRC gave a clear peak corresponding to that of cyanide at 7.20 min.
Apart from cyanide, many other gaseous compounds were also observed in the head space of TRC. Interestingly,
initial cyanide concentration that could not be detected on FID at ambient temperature, could be detected after
pyrolysis at 300°C and above pyrolysis temperatures. The cyanide peak increased proportionately with increase in
pyrolysis temperature (Table 8.3), determined spectrophotometrically. It may be observed that there is no significant
difference among the three layers in production of cyanide. Upto 400°C temperature the mean percentage remained
less than one, whereas a massive production was observed at 500°C accounting for 7 to 15 percent. At 600°C one fourth
of the TRC was converted to cyanide. It appears cyanide was one of the major end-product of pyrolysis (Chandra et al.,
MICT, DMU and DMI were pyrolysed at 500ºC to evaluate significance of temperature in generating cyanide.
It was observed that MICT and DMI had potentiality in generating HCN. MICT gave a mean value 12.5 percent
production over 10.1 percent of mean value obtained for all the three layers. It indicates MICT is the major contributor
in generation of cyanide. DMI gave 8.4 percent, whereas DMU did not show generation of any significant amount.

Table 8.3. Pyrolysis of TRCs (CN production in %)

Temp Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3

ºC 1 2 3 Mean 1 2 3 Mean 1 2 3 Mean
300 0.024 0.029 0.031 0.028 0.020 0.029 0.026 0.025 0.025 0.034 0.031 0.030
350 0.140 0.136 0.156 0.144 0.174 0.193 0.185 0.184 0.141 0.146 0.163 0.150
400 0.68 0.81 0.76 0.75 0.094 0.97 0.82 0.91 0.50 0.35 0.41 0.42
500 6.5 7.2 7.9 7.2 9.6 10.2 8.7 9.5 11.4 13.8 15.3 13.5
600 25.6 20.2 18.7 21.5 26.0 30.0 21.4 25.8 27.6 31.8 37.8 32.4

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Pyrolysis was carried out in sealed corning glass tubes (30 cm x 1 cm internal diameter). About 100 mg of the
sample was pyrolysed at various temperatures such as 100, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 and 600 degree Celsius.
The sample include all three layers of TRC, MICT, DMIC, 2,4-dione, m/z 269 amu, m/z 279 amu and DMU. At each
temperature every sample was pyrolysed for 1 h and after the pyrolysis these tubes were cooled at room temperature.
The tubes were broken from the tip in such a manner that they do not break more than 2 mm. Chloroform has been found
to be the best solvent, 5 ml was put in the tube, shaken it thoroughly to dissolve the matter completely. Later
the solution was transferred into stoppered test tubes and analysed on by GC-MS using the method as described
earlier for its constituents.
The residue left out in the pyrolysis tubes after treating the TRC at various temperatures was analysed on GC-FID
using OV- 17 GLT packed column as per the procedure described earlier and on GC- ITD using DB-5 capillary column
following the procedure earlier given. The pyrolysis temperatures used were 50°C, 100°C, 150°C, 200, 250°C, 300°C,
325°C, 350°C, 375°C, 400°C, 500°C and 600°C.
It was interesting to note that there was no significant change in the qualitative picture upto 300°C for the
chloroform soluble fraction either on GC-FID or on GC-ITD. However, GC-FID study showed degradation of methyl
ureas to a great extent and MICT, DMI and dione to a lesser extent. The quantitative change of methyl ureas was
prominent between 200-250°C. At 300 & 350°C, only MICT peak was present and others disappeared from the
chromatogram (Table 8.4). It is apparent that all the compounds have the greater proclivity for increased concentration
with higher temperature and secondly with greater evidence of cyanogenesis. This only indicates the potential hazard
or risk of cyanogenesis.

Table 8.4. GC-ITD Studies on TRC Composition at Different Temperatures (Composition in Normalised Area Percent)

Compound Temperature in °C
Ambient 200 250 300 325 350 375 400 500 600
1. TMU 4.10 2.69 2.30 4.23 5.09 7.99 - - - -
2. DMU 2.65 0.92 0.87 0.89 - - - - - -
3.M/Z 142 0.32 1.09 1.13 1.13 2.33 3.07 4.45 - - -
4.MICT 58.00 3.69 72.82 83.58 28.24 59.23 95.55 100 100 -
5.DMI 23.55 3.69 14.40 3.28 4.87 - - - - -
6. Dione 10.28 6.72 7.31 6.05 7.20 5.02 - - - -
7. M/Z 182 0.02 - - - 14.51 3.65 - - - -
8. M/Z 211 0.06 - - - 34.04 21.01 - - - -
9. M/Z 269 0.23 1.18 1.14 0.81 - - - - - -

With a view to infer on the possible co-liberation of cyanide at the time of formation of the solid residues in the
tank, the same was subjected to graded pyrolysis. At elevated temperatures above 300°C, on pyrolysis, release of
cyanide was observed from the TRC. Its percentage increases as the pyrolysis temperature is raised (Table 8.3). Kinetic
studies of significant compounds were performed on GC-FID and GC-ITD gave similar results in the change of the
composition of TRC studies. These results compared well with the spectro-photometric analyses. Dimethyl urea and m/
z 269 compound disappeared after the temperature 300°C, whereas TMU, and 2,4-dione after 350°C, sudden appearance
of m/z 162 and m/z 211 were observed at 325°C and these continued till 350°C. Presence of DMIC was observed till 350°C
and m/z 142 upto 375°C. Only MICT was present upto the temperature 500°C. After 500°C none of the TRC was indicated
but for cyanide.
It could be inferred that at the time of the event most of the free cyanide was liberated. The temperature would have
reached beyond 300°C. Though MIC on pyrolysis liberates more than 3% HCN even at temperature of 200°C (DRDE,
Identification of TRCs: To elucidate of above nitrile compounds extra efforts was made to identify the several TRCs
detected so far. The experiences of other interested groups in analysis of TRC are presented in the composite Table 8.5.
Studies carried out by Varadarajan et al., (1985), Union Carbide Corporation (1985) and D’Silva et al., (1986) show

Tank Residue Analysis

presence of almost similar product composition of the TRCs. The formation of these compounds was very well dis-
cussed by them.
As stated elsewhere, in the course of the search for cyanide yielding chemicals, independently or in complex
formation, in the blood and viscera of acute-victims, quite a few compounds were detected. With a view to establish
their possible origin, it was considered to look for similar TRC. It would not only validate the observations but also
throw fresh light on the toxicological aspects.
It was observed from the GC-ITD that the number of compounds present in the chloroform solution of the TRC
were eighteen, which does not include the MMA, DMA, TMA and HCN. Amines have been identified on GC-FID and
cyanide has been estimated spectrophotometrically. The mass fragments (m/z) of these compounds revealed that six
compounds are similar to those as has been reported by Varadarajan et al., 1985, UCC, 1985 and D’Silva et al., 1986, while
other twelve compounds were new, not reported so far (Rao et al., 1991). The relative percentage of these six compounds
also varied from the other two reports. It may be because of heterogeneity of the TRCs. As a result of the combined TRC
studies it is apparent that a total of 28 components were reported (Table 8.5).
When the run on ITD was continued further more compounds showed their presence. The concentration was low,
but it is not the quantity but the toxicology of those compounds more so in disguised synergistic effects, is a point for

Table 8.5. Chemical Compounds of Tank 610 Residue

S.N Name of the Compound MW This Study Varadarajan UCC D’Silva

amu (22 Compounds) etal., 1985 1985 (15 et al., (13 )
GC-MS; FID & (13 ) Compounds) Compounds
UV visual Spectro- Compounds % %
photometry %
1 Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) 57 - - 0.2-1 -
2 Trimethyl Isocyanurate (MICT) 171 50-70 55.71 40-55 }
3 Dimethyl Isocyanurate (DMI) 157 8-15 21.42 13-20 } 70
4 Trimethyl Perhydro 2,4.dione (Dione) 157 10-20 3.13 5-7 }
5 Dimethyl urea ( DMU ) 88 0.05-0.5 1.29 1-2 }
6 Trimethyl Urea (TMU ) 102 4-6 1.52 2-4 } Varying
7 Trimethyl Amine ( TMA ) 59 2-3 3.38 3-4 } Propor-
8 Dimethyl Amine ( DMA ) 45 1-2 1.97 2 } tions
9 Monomethyl Amine ( MMA ) 31 1-2 1.02 1-1.5 }
10 Trimethyl Biuret ( TMB ) 145 0.5-1 0.94 4.8 }
11 Tetramethyl Biuret ( TRMB ) 159 - Traces 3.6 }
12 Chloroform ( CHCl3) 119 - - 0.4-1.5 1.5
13 Water 18 - - 2 -
14 Chloride ( Cl ) - - 4.33 2-3 Positive
15 Metallicions ( Fe, Cr, Ni, Ca, etc ) - - 0.2-0.9 0.18-0.28 0.08-0.3
16 Cyanide (CN) - 0.05 negative negative negative
17 Spiro Compound 269 - - - -
18 Unknown Compound 279 2-5 - - -
19 Unknown Compound 142 >0.5 - - -
20 Unknown Compound 163 >0.5 - - -
21 Unknown Compound 162 >0.5 - - -
22 Unknown Compound 267 >0.1 - - -
23 Unknown Compound 196 >0.1 - - -
24 Unknown Compound 211 >0.1 - - -
25 Unknown Compound 182 >0.1 - - -
26 Unknown Compound 281 >0.1 - - -
27 Unknown Compound 156 >0.1 - - -
28 Unknown Compound 177 >0.1 - - -

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

consideration and matter to be investigated. The greatest difficulty is that the toxicology of even known compounds is
not established. Presence of additional twelve chemical compounds, although in less quantities, was detected on GC-
MS (Rao et al., 1991). These compounds are still unknown in their chemical formula and structure, whose molecular
weight was established by their respective mass spectra. The added feature or facility of obtaining the electron ionisation
spectrum on a fractional submolecular basis provided further clues to the interpretation of the possible structure of
each compound. It is fully realized that it may not be as complete or convincing as NMR and FT-IR techniques. Initial
studies on GC-FID did not reveal presence of most of these compounds, only peaks at 11.58 min and 18.05 min were
observed and identified later according to the study on GC-ITD as unidentified compounds m/z 279 and m/z 269. Why
the run was cut short in the studies of Varadarajan et al. (1985) and UCC (1985), is not understood. It could be argued
that these compounds labeled by this study as unknown compounds, were of less quantity.
Among the eighteen TRC detected on GC- ITD, compounds MICT, DMIC, 2,4-dione, unidentified compounds m/
z 269 and m/z 279 were of greater importance, because initial qualitative studies carried out on GC-ITD confirmed the
presence of these compounds in the body tissues of aerosol exposed persons (Rao et al., 1991; Chandra et al., 1991;
Chandra et al., 1994a; Saraf et al., 1995). These compounds may be adhering for a longer time in the body tissues and
altering the normal mechanism of the body system. It is possible that some of these might explain better and correlate
with the general symptoms of the aerosol victims after knowing the structure of these compounds and the properties of
functional groups therein. Therefore, greater emphasis is given to these compounds. Out of these five compounds, first
four compounds are known by their chemical structures and formulae. Some toxicological studies of MICT on animals
were carried out at DRDE, Gwalior, their results show mortality of higher percent (Ramachandran, 1991), yet no toxico-
logical data have been published on these compounds.
The unidentified compounds m/z 269 and m/z 279 are high molecular weight compounds amongst all the species
found in the TRC. To understand their chemical behavior it was necessary, first of all, to establish the chemical formula
and structure. Attempts were made to gather more structural information by analyzing them on IR, NMR and high
resolution mass spectrometer. Since these compounds were not available in pure form, it was very difficult to establish
their structures. Hence, these compounds remain to be further isolated and purified in a sufficient quantity. Owing to the
reasons that these compounds are present in the TRC below 0.2 percent concentration, solvent extraction procedure
could not be employed. Various column chromatographic methods have been adopted to isolate these two unidentified
compounds. In this process it was important to remove major compounds, i.e., MICT, DMIC, 2,4-dione and ureas. The
unidentified compounds m/z 269 and m/z 279 isolated from TRC by giving yields 0.110 g and 0.020 g respectively.
Thereafter, the IR, NMR and High resolution mass spectra were recorded at IIT, Madras with active cooperation of Dr.
D.V. Ramana, and through courtesy of the Director, Dr. Rama Rao and active cooperation of Dr. M. Vairamani of IICT,
Spectral Analyses of the Unidentified Compounds: The analysis by ITD (MS) gives reconstructed ion chromatogram
(RIC) of the sample. Electron ionisation (EI) occurs when the sample is in the gaseous state. It is the function of mass
analyzer to sort ions out and separate them according to their m/z, hence the mass spectrum obtained is the recon-
structed ion chromatogram in ionized state of the parent (molecular) with its daughter ions, this usually referred as m/
z value (Saferstein, 1982).
The molecular weights (m/z values) and the electron impact spectra of the as yet unidentified compounds were
taken into consideration in speculating the possible routes of formation of each compound. Pyrolysis of methyl
isocyanate results in the initial formation of hydrogen cyanide, which subsequently forms “Simple”, “Minor”, “Major”,
“Compound Adduct” between one or two molecules of MIC and HCN or other products of thermal decomposition. It
may be recalled that such a possibility has been entertained from the year 1927 onwards as per oft-quoted references to
the paper of Slotta and Tschesche and subsequently by Patoon, 1967, even prior to the demonstration of an adduct
following the “Major and Minor routes” of decomposition demonstrated by Blake and Ijadi- Maghsoodi, (1982). As
suggested by Dr. Sriramachari, (1990) there is also a likelihood of formation of more “Complex Adducts” comprising of
MIC, HCN and MA, acetonitrile, etc. which were possibly generated during the pyrolysis of MIC under the conditions
of the run-away reaction in Bhopal.
On the basis of the Mol Weights and the m/z values of constituent molecular sub-units, an attempt was made
towards structural configuration of each one of the new compounds, based on the Major or Minor Routes of thermal

Tank Residue Analysis

decomposition of MIC described by Blake and Ijadi-Maghsoodi. Pursuing the Major Route, Sriramachari configured
tentatively the structural patterns corresponding to their molecular weights, Likewise, Dr. Varadarajan reached similar
conclusion taking the Minor route (personal communication). Although none of them were conclusive, some of the
postulations are enumerated vide Annexure 8.1 to keep the record straight.

II. Presence of TRCs in Early Autopsy Tissues

Preserved autopsy tissues having history of toxic gas exposure were analysed along with appropriate ‘Controls’
for the presence of TRCs by GC-ITD technique. TRCs were used as a reference material to establish the nexus between
the array of chemicals in the involved Tank 610-E residue and human tissues.
Among the 20 cases of 3rd December 1984 which were positive for TRC, 15 of them contained MICT, 8 cases
showed DMIT, 6 cases with Compound m/z 279, 3 cases with Compound m/z 269 and only one case showed the
presence of 2,4-dione in blood sample. Two lung tissue samples collected on the same day showed MICT, in addition
to m/z 279; and only one sample contained DMIT. The other tissues analysed in this group, i.e., brain and liver did not
show any of these compounds.
Among 16 cases of 4th December 1984 collection, 10 were positive for TRCs, all these 10 blood samples contained
MICT, apart from DMIT in 3 cases, m/z 279 in 2 cases and m/z 269 in one case.
Out of 25 cases of late December 1984, 61 samples were analysed. Out of the 4 samples, 2 were blood and 2 lung
tissues, all these were positive for MICT, but one blood sample contained DMIT in addition, whereas m/z 279 showed
its presence in one lung tissue (Table 7.3).
Out of the 6 positive cases of 1985, apart from MICT, compound m/z 279 was seen in 1 sample each of blood as well
as of spleen. It was interesting to note that none of the 24 clinical blood samples of 1985 were positive for TRCs. The
presence of MICT was found in 5 of the 28 autopsy blood samples of 1985. The same Table also shows that none of the
8 samples of 5 cases of placenta and cord of 1985 were positive for TRCs. As shown in the previous section, 150 samples
from 40 autopsies during the period 1986-90 were negative for any of the TRCs (Table 7.4 and 7.5).
Quantitative Analysis of MICT: Apart from the near presence of successful attempts were made to estimate the com-
pounds quantitatively. The MICT that was eluting at 6.07 min on DB- 5 column was studied in detail. A linear response
was obtained between 10 to 80 ng on ITD with a minimum detection limit of 5 ng. The same calibration graph was used
for quantitation of the blood samples allowing a tolerance limit of 10%. A linear variation was observed in the concen-
tration of MICT present in the blood samples of first two days. The concentration on the 3rd December 1984 ranged from
0.0176 to 284.75 μg/ml and on 4th December it ranged from 0.009 to 148.55 μg/ml, whereas, the rest of the samples
collected subsequently did not show much variation. The mean value on the first day of collection was 7.4986 μg/ml
with a standard deviation of 4.1471, on the second day the mean value was 0.6161 μg/ml and standard deviation was
0.8446. One sample each of 3rd and 4th December were observed exceptionally high values i.e. 284.7549 μg/ml and 148.556
μg/ml respectively. The concentration decreased within a short time giving a value of 0.2162 ìg/ml in the rest of
December 1984 period (Table 8.6).

Table 8.6. MICT concentration in 1984 and 1985 autopsy blood samples in μg/ml.

Date Case Positive MICT Percent (%) Mean ± SD

3-12-84 32 14 42 4.1471 ± 7.4986
4-12-84 15 9 60 0.6161 ± 0.8446
5-12-84 to 31-12-84 12 2 16 0.2162 ± 0.0031
December 1984 59 25 40 2.5614 ± 5.8343
1-1-85 to 31-3-85 6 2 33 0.0401 ± 0.5190
1-4-85 to 30-6-85 9 1 11 0.0670
1-7-85 to 30-9-85 9 2 22 0.1172 ± 0.1091
1-10-85 to 31-12-85 4 - - -
Total 1985 28 5 17 0.0646 ± 0.0785
Total 1984 & 1985 87 30 34 2.1452 ± 5.3914
(One sample of 3-12-84 has 284.7549 μg/ml and one sample of 4-12-84 has 148.556 μg/ml, were not included in table).

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

However, the presence of MICT was seen till the third quarter of 1985. The third quarter of 1985 gave a mean value
of 0.1172 μg/ml. From Table 8.8, it may be observed that not much variation in the concentration of MICT in different age
groups. A child group showed persistence of TRC in the body for a longer time than Carbamoyl amino acids.

Table 8.7. Sex-wise distribution of MICT in autopsy samples in μg/ml

Date Male Female

Cases MICT % Mean + SD Cases MICT % Mean + SD
3-12-84 20 8 40 1.0541 ± 2.3431 12 6 50 8.3255 ± 10.0864
4-12-84 12 8 66 0.5113 ± 0.8381 3 1 33 -
5-12-84 to 31-12-84 5 1 20 - 7 1 14 -
Dec 1984 37 17 45 0.7303 ± 1.6805 22 8 36 6.4526 ± 9.2089
1-1-85 to 31-3-85 4 - - - 2 2 100 0.0401 ± 0.0519
1-4-85 to 30-6-85 6 1 16 - 3 - - -
1-7-85 to 30-9-85 3 1 33 - 6 1 16 -
1-10-85 to 31-12-85 2 - - - 2 - - -
1985 15 2 13 0.1005 ± 0.1327 13 3 23 0.1361 ± 0.1861
1984-85 52 19 36 0.6640 ± 1.5971 35 11 31 4.7037 ± 8.2665
(One sample of 3-12-84 has 284.7549 μg/ml and one sample of 4-12-84 has 148.556 μg/ml, were not included in table).

From the Table 8.7, it was clearly evident that sex factor did not play any role on the concentration of MICT. In
both the cases the mean value remained almost same. In late December 1984 the mean value of male was 0.21 mg/ml
and in female 2.14 mg/ml. The mean of 85 samples in Table 8.7 also showed similar trend in both the male and
Similarly an analysis of age wise distribution of MICT in 1984-85 demonstrated that the levels are relatively higher
in the children in the age group of 5-15 years. This anomaly could be explained in terms of increased physical activity
of the older children and consequently increase to exposure to the gases (Table 8.8).

Table 8.8. Age wise distribution of MICT in 1984 and 1985 blood samples in μg/ml.

Date Up to 5 years More than 5 to less than 15 year More than 15 years
Cases Positive % Mean Cases Positive % Mean Cases Positive % Mean
3.12.84 6 4 66 5.8142 7 5 71 5.0410 19 5 25 1.1995
±11.390 ±7.7315 ±3.9598
4.12.84 3 3 100 0.0230 4 2 50 2.2989 6 8 4 50
1.2240 ±0.0119 ±0.066 ±0.9911
5.12.84 3 1 33 0.2184 - - - - 9 1 11 0.2140
to 31.12.84
December 12 8 66 2.2908 11 7 63 3.6861 36 10 27 1.4707
1984 ±8.065 ±6.7235 ±2.7587
1.1.85 4 2 50 0.0401 1 - - - 1 - - -
to 31.3.85 ±0.0519
1.4.85 4 1 25 0.0067 1 - - - 4 - - -
to 30.6.85
1.7.85 5 2 40 0.1172 - - - - 4 - - -
to 30.9.85 ±0.1091
1.10.85 - - - - - - - - 4 - - -
to 31.12.85
1985 13 5 38 0.0642 2 - - - - - - -
1984-85 25 13 52 1.8344 13 7 52 3.6861 49 10 20 1.4707
±6.329 ±6.7235 ±2.7587

Tank Residue Analysis

The possible role of TRCs in neo-cyanogenesis, leading to chronic and recurrent cyanide toxicity, assumed great
relevance. Therefore, serious efforts were made to characterise their possible contribution to ‘Nitrile Compounds’. The
Toxicology Project of ICMR successfully demonstrated the presence of a total of 20 Tank Residue Compounds, includ-
ing the 11 compounds previously reported by UCC and NCL, Pune. While on ‘fresh pyrolysis’ they exhibited cyanide
release, the results were negative at ambient temperature, Thus, apart from evidentiary value, since both the duration
and quantity of these compounds present in autopsy tissues were very limited, their potential contribution to ‘delayed
or recurrent cyanogenesis’ appears to be unlikely.

 Blake PG, Ijadi-Maghsoodi S. Kinetics and Mechanism of the Thermal Decomposition of Methyl Isocyanate. Inter
J Chem Kine.1982; 14: 945-952.
 Capuano L, Zander M. Über die katalytische Wirkung der Diazoalkane als Protonenüberträger: Bildung von
Benzoxazinen, Benzothiazinen, Chinazolinen und Phenylglycinamiden sowie ihren Benzologen. Chem Ber. 1966;
99: 3085-3096.
 Chandra H, Rao GJ, Saraf AK, Sharma VK, Jadhav RK, Sriramachari S. GC-MS identification of MIC Trimer: A
constituent of tank residue in preserved autopsy blood of Bhopal gas victims. Med Sci law. 1991; 31(4): 294-298.
 Chandra H, Rao GJ, Sharma VK, Jadhav RK, Saraf A. Pyrolysis of the residue of Tank E-610 of UCIL with reference
to Bhopal Aerosol Disaster. Everyman’s Science. 1994(a); XXIX(4): 98-100.
 Chandra H, Saraf AK, Jadhav RK, Rao GJ, Sharma VK, Sriramachari S, Vairamani M. Isolation of an unknown
compound, from both Blood of Bhopal Aerosol Disaster Victims and Residue of Tank E-610 of Union Carbide India
Limited - chemical characterization of the structure. Med Sci law. 1994; 34(2): 106-110.
 DRDE (Defence Research and Development Establishment, Gwalior); Chemistry and Toxicity of Methyl Isocyanate.
 DRDE (Defence Research and Development Establishment, Gwalior); What We Did With MIC. 1987.
 D’Silva TDJ, Lopes A, Jones RL, Singhawangcha S, Chan John K. Studies of Methyl Isocyanate Chemistry in the
Bhopal incident. J Org Chem. 1986; 51: 3781-3788.
 D’Silva TDJ, Lopes A. Studies of Reactions of 1,3,5-Trimethyl biuret and 1,3-Dimethyl Urea with Chloroform. J
Chem Soc Commun. 1986; 795-796.
 Etienne A, Bonte B. Bull. Soc Chim Fr. 1974; 1497.
 Patoon TL. Reactions of isocyanates with cyanohydrins. Synthesis of 2,4-oxazolidinediones and 1,3-disubstituted
parabanic acids. J Org Chem. 1967; 32: 383-388.
 Ramchandran PK, Gandhe BR, Venkateshwaran KS, Kaushik MP, Vijayaraghvan R, Agarwal GS, Gopalan N,
Suryanarayana MVS, Shinde SK, Sriramachari S. Gas Chromatographic studies of the Carbamylation of Haemoglobin
by Methyl Isocyanate in Rats and Rabbits. J Chromatogr. 1988; 426: 239-247.
 Rao GJ, Saraf AK, Purkait R, Sharma VK, Jadhav RK, Chandra H, Sriramachari S. Bhopal Gas Disaster: Unidentified
compounds in the residue of the MIC Tank-610. J Ind Acad For Sci. 1991; 30: 13-18.
 Saferstein R. Forensic applications of mass spectrometry, in Saferstein R. (ed.) Handbook of Forensic Sciences.
1982; 92-138. Englewood Cliffs. N.J., Prentice Hall.
 Saraf AK, Rao GJ, Chandra H: GC-MS Evidence of Dimethyl Isocyanurate in the blood of Bhopal Victims. Current
Science. 1995.
 Slotta KH, Tschesche R.; Berichte. 1927; 60: 1021. (Cited by Blake PG & Ijadi-Maghsoodi S, 1982)
 Sriramachari S, Rao GJ, Sharma VK, Jadhav RK, Saraf AK, Chandra H. GC-NPD and GC-MS analysis of preserved
tissue of Bhopal gas disaster: evidence of methyl carbamylation in post-mortem blood. Med Sci law. 1991; 31(4):

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

 UCC (Union Carbide Corporation); Reactive and hazardous chemicals manual. 1976.
 UCC (Union Carbide Corporation), Danbury, Connecticut.; Bhopal Methyl Isocyanate incident Investigation team
report. March, 1985.
 Varadarajan S, Doraiswamy LK, Ayyangar NR, Iyer CSP, Khan AA, Lahiri AK, Mazumdar KV, Mashelkar RA, Mitra
RB, Nambiar OGB, Ramchandran V, Sahastrabudhe VD, Sivaram SV, Sriram S, Thyagarajan G, Venkataraman RS.
Report on Scientific studies on the factors related to Bhopal Toxic Gas Leakage, December 1985.


Structural postulations of Chemical Compounds

Corresponding to their molecular weights

There could be more than one pathway for arriving at the chemical synthesis of each one of these compounds,
thus D’Silva and co-workers (1986) of the Union Carbide Corporation, based on simulation experiments tried to explain
the derivation of practically all the compounds contained in the UCC report, without involving the release of hydrogen
cyanide. Since it has been a crucial issue in Bhopal, the possibility of its release and simultaneous its interaction with
methyl isocyanate or its major or minor route of decomposition on one hand or other possible reactions had to be
considered. In evaluating the different pathways, preference is given to those reactions which can readily account for
the electron ionisation spectrum as revealed by the Ion Trap Detector system. Incidentally, an attempt is also made to
derive even some of the identified compounds such as methyl isocyanate trimer, dimethyl isocyanurate, 2,4-Dione
through these alternate pathways viz... formation of adducts between methyl isocyanate and its major pyrolysed
derivatives primarily hydrogen cyanide or acetonitrile, methyl amine (methyl carbamic acid). It is specially noteworthy
that these alternate pathways also indicate the scope for the liberation of potentially hazardous chemicals like cyano-
gen, carbon monoxide, mono and dimethyl amines, alkyl dinitrile compounds like malonyl nitrile and cyanohydrins of
varying degrees of toxicity. It must also be pointed out that it is possible to derive many of the formulae not only
through the “Major route” of pyrolysis of methyl isocyanate and release of hydrogen cyanide as suggested by Blake
and Ijadi-Maghsoodi (1982) but also through “Minor route” of formation of dimethyl carbodiimide, as suggested by Dr.
S. Varadarajan, (1990) later on. However, in that case the quantitative yield and chemical consumption or utilisation of
hydrogen cyanide and formation of the nitriles would be comparatively much less.
Instead, with a view to provide a proper framework or perspective the reaction have been grouped in the following
manner by Dr. Sriramachari a co-investigator in the Toxicology project in Bhopal as an extension of the chromatographic
and mass fragmentation patterns obtained in this study:

A. Reactions based on Hydrolysis of methyl isocyanate:

(1) CH3NCO +H2O ———————————> CH3NH.COOH ...Eqn. 1

(2) CH3NCO +H2O ————————————> CH3NH2 + CO2 ...Eqn. 2

B. Reactions based on Non-Hydrolytic Decomposition of MIC:

(Blake and Ijadi- Maghsoodi, 1982)

(1) Pyrolysis of MIC (Major route)

CH3NCO —————————————> H2 + HCN + CO ...Eqn. 3

(2) Pyrolysis of MIC (Minor route)

2CH3NCO ———————> CH3.N=C=N.CH3 + CO2 ...Eqn. 4

N-N’ Dimethyl Carbodiimide (Mol Wt 70)

C. Additive/Condensation Reactions of MIC with HCN, MMA, Acetonitrile etc:

(1) With HCN:

...Eqn. 5

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

(2) Complex adduct formation by condensation of Simple adduct with methyl amine (methyl carbamic acid).

(b) The same as above on removal of one molecule of H2O produces

This compound has “open” valencies on both the carbon and nitrogen atoms of a basic acetonitrile derivative
which can readily participate in cyclotrimerisation reaction.
(3) Complex adduct formation by condensation of simple adduct and carbamic acid with acetonitrile formed by
interaction of HCN and the alkyl halide, chloroform, which is believed to be present in the tank 610 in sufficient, if not
abundant quantities.

This compound has “open” valencies on both the carbon and nitrogen atoms of an amino succino-nitrile deriva-
tives, which can readily participate in a cyclotrimerisation reaction, with one Nitrile molecule on a side chain (alkyl
cyanide) and another on the ring structure (aryl cyanide).]”

1. M/z 142
Looking to the mass fragmentation pattern of peak 3 that was eluting at 4.56 min, it may be said that this was similar
in structure to that of methyl isocyanate trimer m/z 171. The methyl isocyanate trimer gave a mass spectrum with
principal fragments at 171, 143, 128, 113, 85, 70 and 58 whereas peak 3 m/z 142 gave fragments at 142, 128, 100, 70 and 58.
This m/z 142 fragment from methyl isocyanate trimer was an ion form after loosing one methylazine (=N-CH3 ) group, its
probable structure could be :

Annexure 8.1

Its nomenclature can be given as 1,3,-dimethyl- (1,3,-diazine)- 2,4,5-trione and molecular formula would
be C5H6N2O3.
Patoon (1967) is reported to have suggested the addition/ condensation reactions of MIC with HCN
Major adduct (Mol wt 141)

2. M/z 269
This compound is of paramount importance because of its presence in human system of the aerosol exposed
victims (Chandra et al., 1994a). This compound was separated from the tank residue in sufficient amount and was eluting
at 18.5 min on GC-FID and on GC-ITD at 14.29 min, its mass, UV, 1H NMR, IR spectra were recorded at other laboratories.

*IR cm-1 : 740, 750, 1695, 1710, 1740 and 1795.

*1H NMR ppm : 2.82 (S, 9H), 3.15 (S, 3H), 3.26 (S, 3H)
C NMR ppm : 22.7, 24.2, 28.2, 86, 150, 153.2 and 166.5.
Mass m/z : 269 (M) +, 241, 211, 183, 155, 83, 70 and 56.
elemental analysis:C=45.73,H=5.231,and N=25.09.
Based on these studies its structure could be written as shown.
From the structure its chemical formula would be, C10H15N5O4. It is a spiro compound. Earlier studies were made on

its formation by combining five molecules of methyl isocyanate in the presence of ruthenium or triethylsilane as catalyst
(G-Suss-Funk et al., 1983; 1985; 1986). Its toxicological properties are not reported.

3. M/z 211
This compound is peak 12 of GC-ITD run, eluting at 9.44 min showed significant m/z at 211, 183, 155, 56. Based on
the mass fragmentation pattern of this unidentified compound, its structure could be drawn as:

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Its chemical formula might be given as C8H9N3O4. The mass fragmentation pattern of compound m/z 211 and m/z
269 has more similarities and hence it may be said that compound m/z 211 is a precursor or a by product of compound
m/z 269.

4. M/z 267
This compound is peak number 17, eluting at 14.48 min on GC-ITD run of tank residue and could be formed as a
minor adduct of some reactions, evaluation of its fragmentation pattern of mass spectrometer, it may be assumed that at
elevated temperature methyl isocyanate trimer reacts further with methyl isocyanate and hydrogen cyanide and formed
this compound. Its probable structure could be given as shown.

7. M/z 163 AND 8. M/z 162

These compounds, peak 8 and peak 9 of GC-ITD run, m/z 163 and 162 eluting at 7.47 min and 8.07 min could be
similar species of one compound. These are present in almost equal mixture. According to their fragmentation pattern
their structure could be given as:

6. M/z 156
The next compound in the series of unknown compounds is having m/z 156, this compound is eluting at 7.00 min
on GC-ITD run, right after the 2,4-dione and have the same m/z value i.e. 156. This compound may be a rearranged
product of 2,4-dione, its probable structure according to the mass fragmentation pattern could be given as following:

This compound could be formed by replacement of one -N-CH3 group by methylene (-CH2) group. This could have
the molecular formula C6H8N2O3.

Annexure 8.1

7. M/z 196
The unidentified m/z 196 compound, eluting at 9.35 min of GC-ITD run. According to its mass fragmentation pattern
and its molecular structure, its molecular formula could be written as C8H12N4O2.

8. M/z 281
This compound has highest m/z value among all the tank residue entities and eluting at 12.45 min. It might be
formed by the addition reaction of methyl isocyanate on methyl isocyanate trimer or addition of five methyl isocyanate
molecules. This compound could be formed by the condensation of methyl isocyanate and hydrogen cyanide. The
electron ionisation spectrum of singlet and doublets of major adduct (i.e. 2MIC + HCN) of molecular weight 141
represented as a 5 membered hetrocyclic dione ring by Patoon (1967) or linear alkyl nitrile by Blake and Ijadi-Maghsoodi
(1982) could be explained in either case. Its structures could be drawn as per its mass fragmentation pattern.

It has been suggested by Dr. Sriramachari, (1990) that if the condensation of two molecules of “Major Adduct” in
an asymmetrical N-C linkage at either end could also occur in the following manner:

In turn such a molecule, may further undergo molecular rearrangements as follows:

(b) Condensation in the isomeric configuration of the end terminal group in one of the major adduct molecule result
in corresponding alterations in the end products.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Thus, it is noteworthy that although formation of methyl isocyanate trimer can result from simple polymerisation
of methyl isocyanate, which is perhaps the preferred route, it could also be formed as a by-product of condensation of
two molecules of the “major adduct”, which must have been generated in substantial amounts (Blake and Ijadi-Maghsoodi,

On the other hand in the case of the dimethyl isocyanurate simple condensation of methyl isocyanate and substi-
tution of one methyl group by a hydrogen atom may not be the preferential route. Instead, it is more likely that the
condensation is from a pair of major adduct molecules, followed by the liberation of dimethylamine, cyanogen or carbon
monoxide and possibly even methyl cyanide. The fragmentation pattern of unidentified compound with m/z 281 corre-
sponding to peak 14 has been examined. It appears to be in accordance with the giant molecule formed by condensation
of two molecules of the major adduct.

9. M/z 279
This compound is also having great significance because of its presence in the body tissues of aerosol exposed
victims. This is eluting at 13.53 min of GC-ITD run. UCC bulletin F-41443A-7/76 quoted a reference of Capuano and
Zander, (1966).

All of these compounds were present in the tank with methyl isocyanate (UCC, 1985), and molecular weight of the
resultant product is 222. Methyl isocyanate was available in sufficient amount may be added to the above resultant by
giving the unidentified compound m/z 279. Its molecular formula may be C13H17N3O4.

This unidentified compound may be formed by cyclotrimerisation of equations 6, 9 or 11 can give rise to the
following heterocyclic symmetrical methyl triazine or triazine polynitriles (hexa or tri).
(1) Cyclotrimerisation as per Eqn. 6:
The compound exactly corresponds to that of peak 15.

Annexure 8.1

(2) Cyclotrimerisation as per Eqn. 9.

Substitution of one nitrile group by OH group gave a Mol Wt 282 and one Methyl amino group by OH group. A
Mol Wt of 278_(279) this is nearest to that of peak 15.
This formula can support the EI of 279/223/205/149 by fragmentation of methyl cyanamide radical (Mol Wt 56),
hydroxyl group (17) followed by another methyl cyanamide radical (56) followed by 149 with a Cyano-Trimethyl Triazine

(3) Cyclotrimerisation as per Eqn. 11:

The Compound enactly corresponds to that of peak 15
Being an alkyl aryl polynitrile compound with molecular weight value of 279, and if it fulfills the electron ionisation
pattern, it would have been ideal since the alkyl chain based nitrile groups can yield SCN – (thiocyanate) more easily.
But it appears to be incapable of sustaining the electron ionisation pattern of 279/223/205/149 etc

However, in either case, the formation of other well known toxic compounds explains that the toxic Material/
Aerosol liberated in the UCC plant in Bhopal was indeed a mixture of several toxic gases and compounds.

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal



A MIDST the ICMR-supported Research Projects related to Bhopal Gas Disaster Project 08 entitled ‘Pathology &
Toxicology’, assumed great importance from several aspects. It involved generation of hitherto unknown and
almost new scientific evidence and ensuring the rationale of therapeutic intervention and detoxification. The exhaustive
autopsy studies in the acute, sub-acute & chronic phases confirmed the age-old wisdom that the ‘dead teach
the living’, especially when confronted with new and virtually unknown chemical(s). Very early study of ‘Externals
& Internals at Autopsy’ was followed by systematic Histopathological study of representative samples under
Light & Electron Microscopy which established the progressive nature of the lesions. Similarly, appropriate short
& long-term Experimental studies with single dosage of MIC, the offending chemical and even its aqueous
derivatives, Methyl Amine and Di-Methyl Urea, dispelled some of the wrong information circulated by UCC,
the manufacturer.

A close follow-up of the initial autopsy findings of Cherry Red Tissue Discoloration opened the Pandora’s Box,
of not just merely Acute, but Delayed and Recurrent Cyanide Toxicity, but the phenomenon of ‘Carbamoylation’ of end-
terminal Amino-&-Sulphydryl Groups, contributed towards an understanding of the underlying ‘metabolic lesion’ of
MIC toxicity. Although these scientific phenomena perhaps seem to be known in the literature, it has been unraveled de
novo by the Project 08 ICMR. More importantly, the generation of the new toxicological evidence had offset the
inadequacy of ‘Routine Clinical Laboratory Tests’ in a totally new chemical disaster. In this Summary Chapter, an
attempt has been made to highlight the several aspects of the Toxicology Project.

At the outset it is worth recalling that the Project 08 is one which was in reality multi-institutional & trans-
disciplinary. People started dying within hours of the ghastly ‘Bhopal Gas Tragedy / Disaster’, re-designated as ‘MIC
Aerosol Tragedy’ by Late. Prof. Heeresh Chandra. Indeed he planned and immediately initiated the autopsy studies
from the afternoon of 3rd December, 1984, with the assistance of entire Medical & Scientific staff of MLI and the
Department of Pathology, MGMC, Bhopal. The ICMR team from the Institute of Pathology, New Delhi, actively joined,
not only in the conduct of autopsy studies but also undertook corresponding Histopathology, Electron Microscopy &
Toxicological investigations. Relevant Toxicological & Experimental studies were carried out in collaboration with wide
range of co-investigators / experts drawn from AIIMS, GB Pant Hospital, INMAS and DIPAS, New Delhi and DRDE,
Gwalior and suggestions from several other Institutions across the country were sought after.

Overview of Toxicology Issues of BGD

An attempt has been made to focus attention on the several imponderable issues surrounding Bhopal Gas Disaster
due to sudden and massive leak of Methyl IsoCyanate leading to death of several thousands of people. There was an
inexplicable gap about toxicology MIC; even with regard to the base line data about the physical chemistry of MIC
and its polymers or their long-term storage, aqueous reactivity and spectrum of thermal decomposition. It was in 1982,
just two years prior to the Bhopal Gas Disaster, that Blake & Izadi–Maghsoodi published their pioneering work
on thermal decomposition of MIC, associated with liberation of highly lethal compounds like CO, HCN and the
possibility of their forming Nitrile adducts with the original MIC through two distinct pathways or major and minor
routes. Apart from probable unawareness of the issues by UCC and even a majority of the world scientists, prior to
the BGD, very little seems to be known about Carbamoylation of Valine residues of Hb in the treatment of sickle cell
anemia. It is indeed fortuitous that the Toxicology Project of ICMR at MLI, in scientific collaboration with IOP, Delhi &
DRDE, Gwalior were the first to draw attention to both the issues of Cyanide Toxicity and Carbamoylation of Valine
residue of Hb.


Gross Human Autopsy Studies (External & Internal)

On the day the Bhopal Gas Tragedy occurred, none could have imagined or anticipated its complexity, magnitude
or duration. It was indeed fortuitous that right from the very start, Late Prof. Heeresh Chandra serendipitously
garnered systematic Medico Legal Evidence including public display of the images of the dead. It is noteworthy that
out of 731 bodies received in the month of December 1984, as many as 620 occurred in the first two or three days,
strongly suggestive of some ‘rapid and acute lethal toxicity’. While External Autopsy findings were recorded in all the
731 bodies, detailed autopsies could be performed in 394 cases during the month of December 1984. Out of them, the
Pathology Department of MGI studied Histopathological findings in 40 acute cases, followed by 22 acute cases by IOP.
Later, over the next few years, the IOP undertook a comprehensive study of a total of 172 cases of Sub-Acute & Chronic
Cases of exposure.
There were some unique patho-gnomonic findings such as widespread conjuctival congestion, nasal and oral
frothing and fluid exudation, pinkish discoloration of the bodies and lack of cyanosis. Similarly, ‘Cherry Red Discolora-
tion’ of blood and viscera was accompanied by edema and hemorrhage. The lungs appeared to be the target organ,
followed by brain and other organs to a variable degree.

Histopathological & Experimental Studies

While brief accounts of the pathological findings are presented in the main Chapter, the detailed findings of the
sequence of pathological changes are described with appropriate illustrations in the Annexures of the Chapter.
Although many organs were affected, the most prominent findings were in the lungs. In the early series, there was
a gross increase in the weight of the lungs, nearly 3 times that of the normal. The entire respiratory tract showed a series
of pathological changes. There was intense congestion and denudation of the epithelium of the trachea and the major
divisions of the bronchi. There were foci of ulceration. The lungs were heavily water-logged and had the characteristic
cherry red colour. Microscopically there were extensive changes such as necrotising bronchiolitis and widespread
damage of the lung parenchyma. The major findings were those of acute bronchiolitis, bronchopneumonia, pulmonary
hemorrhages and edema, with outpouring of albuminous fluid into the alveoli, pneumonitis and alveolitis. The Histo-
pathological changes in other organs were suggestive of extensive or widespread cerebral edema or swelling, peri-
capillary ring hemorrhages, both in the cortex as well as the white matter. The liver in number of cases showed varying
degrees of fatty change. The kidneys showed marked congestion in most of the cases and tubular necrosis in some. The
gastro-intestinal tract showed mesenteric and sub mucosal hemorrhages, and necrotizing enteritis. The heart muscle
showed generalized edema without obvious necrosis.
A subsequent group of autopsies on victims who died during the 8-12 week after the episode revealed less marked
but essentially a similar picture of pulmonary changes. But there was no suggestion of any interstitial or parenchymal
fibrosis at that stage. The observations of cerebral edema and anoxia were consistently prominent even in the late stage.
Similarly, Experimental Studies were undertaken with a view to dispel UCC’s subtle campaign about relatively low
toxicity of MIC and its aqueous degradation products. Therefore, a comparatively long-term experimental study of MIC
and even its aqueous derivatives, Methyl Amine & Di-Methyl-Urea was carried out, with very interesting results, quite
comparable to Human lesions. First, the progression of severe pulmonary edema to chronic fibrosis was confirmed
experimentally, following a single exposure to MIC. Detailed accounts of the sequential pathological changes are
presented in Annexure 4.2.

Pathophysiology & Inhalation Toxicology

The Toxicological Studies of ICMR clearly established through Direct & Indirect evidence suggestive of not only
‘acute cyanide toxicity’ but also ‘delayed or recurrent cyanide toxicity’ due to its thermal decomposition products like
HCN and/or ‘recurrent cyanide toxicity’ through N- & S- Carbamoylation. The possible interplay and mechanisms of
each category has been discussed. For a better understanding, the contribution of CO & HCN in BGD has been
discussed from chronological perspective of thermal decomposition of MIC (Blake & Ijadi-Maghsoodi) and also the
very recent studies on ‘Weapons Emissions’ in the course of gun firing of apparently unrelated artillery chemicals
(Halperin, 2008).

Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal

Urinary Thiocyanate & Cyanide Toxicity

The enormous controversies about elevated thiocyanate levels in the urine of exposees was more than resolved by
demonstrating higher levels in exposed population as against unexposed controls, especially after administration of
NaTS injections to the survivors. In addition to ‘clinical relief’, the initial rise in the urinary NaSCN levels gradually
declined. The rationale of NaTS therapy was further substantiated by elevated urinary NaSCN levels in Double Blind
Clinical Trials as well as in clinical patients. The overall elevated levels of 58.0% in early 1985, gradually came down to
7.0% in 1986. A total of 17,527 urine samples have been analysed till October 1987, followed by 1350 samples till June
1988. Further Details are available in the document submitted to Supreme Court and enclosed as Annexure 6.2.
Apart from ensuring the scientific rationale, this study had brought to light the mechanisms of acute, delayed and
recurrent cyanide toxicity, probably due to underlying disturbances of cyanide metabolism, during the reversible
phases by blockage of Sulphane donors of rhodanese-like enzymes. Similarly, such a mechanism could also be due to
trans-carbamoylation between more dynamic Sulfydryl (SH) and end-terminal Amino Groups. This is a yet another
issue which needs clarification in future.
Further, the evidence was corroborated by the finding of Elevated Blood & Tissue Cyanide levels of autopsy
samples in a total of 123 cases. Indeed the generation of such incontrovertible evidence, more than fulfilled our doubts
and expectations. Indeed it is inexplicable as to why and how such a tirade was mounted and sustained against Cyanide
Toxicity & NaTS Therapy by different groups of Indian Clinicians, Administrators and even Activists from India &
abroad. It is one of the reasons for placing on record the entire evidence of a rare and successful scientific phenomenon
following a unique Chemical Disaster.

Blood and Tissue Carbamoylation

Another important contribution of this Toxicicology Report is the demonstration of –binding of MIC to end-
terminal amino groups of Hb and tissue proteins, a finding more than of academic interest. Strangely enough, the UCC’s
campaign against tenability of cyanide toxicity due to hydrolysis of MIC on coming in contact with aqueous surfaces
of airways, acted as a stimulus for Toxicology Project 08. It successfully tracked MIC in the blood of Bhopal victims
(dead and living). From the very beginning Contrary to UCC campaign, it was successfully demonstrated that MIC
crosses alveolar-capillary barrier and is bound to free end-terminal alpha Amino Group of Valine residues. Briefly this
process interferes with pick-up of CO2, impairment of Blood & Tissue Oxygenation and the development of a compen-
satory mechanism of Blood Gas Exchange by elevation of 2-3 DPG levels. It is significant that these physiological
disturbances are beyond the quantum of binding of MIC to Hb. This unique Indian finding of MIC crossing over
alveolar blood barrier was appreciated by Bucher in a personal communication to the Director of DRDE.

Tank Residue Analysis

Lastly, a highly technical and extensive study on Tank Residue Constituents (TRCs) was undertaken, for the
detection of other possible ‘Cyanide-yielding Nitriles’. Although no nitriles were detected, a total of 21 compounds
were demonstrated, including 11 compounds reported previously by UCC and NCL, Pune. In addition, traces of HCN
were also demonstrated even after considerable lapse of time. It is important that many of these compounds could be
traced in the autopsy tissues especially during the first few days.
There was a lot of delay in timely publication of the data, due to unavoidable issues of Medico Legal Propriety at
that time. The available information has been presented in a series of Chapters of this Report, accompanied by appro-
priate Annexure/s based on ‘Published Papers’ or as ‘Personal Communications’. For the ‘record’, a brief account was
also submitted earlier in 1987 to Dr. CR Krishnamurthy Commission and incorporated in its Final Report.


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