Yoruba Proverbs The Fortunate Person
Yoruba Proverbs The Fortunate Person
Yoruba Proverbs The Fortunate Person
oyekan owomoyela
5. The masqueraders, supposed to be the incarnated
2754. K rhn ni t k b ni b. spirits of the dead, actually have only props made to
To have people say good things about one look like children on their backs.
2791. A k lni n Msn k mu gn. People who have family thereby have de-
One does not have people at Msn and yet fenders.)2
eat deformed sour oranges. (There should
be some benet to having connections.)1 2797. gb lw a n k gbn; olw e b
ba lko.
2792. A k nkan gb agn ks- r m An elderly man has no money, and we say
wl. he lacks wisdom; the rich man is like a king
One does not carry a masqueraders shroud on his farm. (Money is everything.)
by oneself and succeed in keeping its train
o the ground. (One can succeed in certain 2798. gb t f n k llwlw, ak aj
ventures only with the aid of others.) n gb.
An elder sounding o in the back yard with-
2793. A k nkan jay. out money in his possession is like a barking
One does not enjoy life alone. (A person male dog. (Money makes the person.)
without other people is nothing.)
2799. gbj w la s y.
2794. Abr k n tun tw nd. It is with bunched ngers that one strikes
A needle is never lost with a thread in its ones chest. (One assembles all ones re-
eye. (As the thread will reveal where the sources in preparation for a struggle.)3
needle is, a person with relatives will always
have people interested in his or her fate.) 2800. gbt j ob; m-lm j tni.
A foster child is not like a child one gave
2795. Abmitn da nkan; ara la r. birth to; other peoples children are not the
I am well born guarantees nothing; all it same as ones own. (There is no substitute
permits is aunting. (It is personal qualities, for ones own possession. Compare 704.)
not birth, that determine ones fortune.)
2. There is a double entendre in the proverb. Be-
2796. Abiyam, a-bhn-jj. cause mothers customarily carry their babies on their
Nursing mother with a ghting back. (The backs, the saying could refer to the restlessness of a
child she carries ghts, and ghts for her. child thus carried, which would trouble the mother. On
the other hand, because children presumably survive
their parents, the saying would indicate that a mother
1. The place-name Msn literally means Eat has someone who will look out for her and survive her.
oranges (mu sn), an indication that the place is the 3. The proverb refers to the practice of striking
home of orange groves. ones chest with a st in making a vow.
2801. Agbrndn b y s; ni t n baba 2809. Aj t lni lhn pb; yn t lni
l t ara- r. lhn jre j.
There is no commiserator like ones mother; A dog that has people behind it will kill a
only those who have fathers dare to be im- monkey; a person with people behind him
pudent. (With the backing of a powerful will win lawsuits. (With people behind one,
patron, one can attempt anything.) one can accomplish the impossible.)
On happiness 277
2829. B eb b kr nn , be. matures, the rich man marries her. (The idle
If hunger is removed from poverty, poverty will be left empty-handed.)
comes to an end. (Whoever has food to eat
is not poor.) 2837. B k b s ow, baba nkan ju baba
nkan l.
2830. B egn b m dr, t k m In the absence of money, one persons father
k, atkn-n r n wi. is no greater than another persons father.
If a masquerader cannot recognize dr (Money determines status.)
and cannot recognize k, his attendant
has to tell him. (Ones aides are there to 2838. B k s igi lhn gb gb w; b k
make up for ones deciencies.) s ak nn-u bt bt n le.
Without a post behind the fence, the fence
2831. B egn y l, a di rj fn atkn. will collapse; without masculine forces in
When the time comes for the masquerader bt drumming, the music is not gripping.
to depart, the attendant begins to grieve. (Without his or her main support, a person
(One is saddened at losing ones benefactor is nothing.)
and patron.)
2839. B k s tm t b ly obnrin, t k
2832. B ni l b tn, rn l l pani. s lk t b nd gbr, r- m dra d
If there is no scarcity of great people, a great ju obnrin l.
problem cannot kill one. (As long as one has Except for the breasts on the chest of a
powerful patrons, dicult problems will not woman, and the beads around the waist of
defeat one.) the woman who sleeps around, my friend
is somewhat more attractive than a woman.
2833. B b t, b b w, ni t a b nwj (But for feminine sexual organs, a male
t baba- e fnni. friend is preferable to a female.)6
If the pedigree is not bent, if the pedigree
is not crooked, the person ahead of one is 2840. B k s tow, k la fw e?
enough to play the role of father. (Unless Were it not for the matter of money, what
there is dissension in the family, the elders would one want with trading? (The need for
in it exercise responsibility over the youth.) money gets one into a trade.)
2844. B oj k b ti hn gbt, oj n ti
k. I
If hn gbt is not disgraced, Lagos will
not be disgraced. (As long as ones defenses 2851. b- r- s n y; o m p ir l
hold, one will be secure.)7 r.
Your pregnancy aborts and you rejoice;
2845. B kt b dgb, m m- r n you are not aware that it is your kind that
mu. is perishing. (What in the short run is a
When the giant rat becomes old, it sucks boon might turn out in the long run to be a
from its childs breast. (In ones old age, one disaster.)
depends on ones children.)
2852. Ire k d k m gb ohn-un gudu-
2846. B olw sr, t k, aj a n k pur.
If a rich person speaks and lies, money will
Good fortune does not arrive without being
say he or she has not lied. (A rich person
trailed by the sound of the gudugudu drum.
can get away with any lie.)
(Good fortune must be greeted with re-
2847. B tt pa wf wn a n k e-e
r d; b pa olw wn a n k rj k ata
When the pawn has a fever, people say he O
is up to his usual tricks; when the owner
is thus aicted, they urge him to make an 2853. wswus- m oj run bj; gd-
eort to eat. (The poor cannot expect the gd j krn rn.
consideration the rich enjoy.) The fog besmirches the face of the sky;
the clouds keep the sun from shining. (An
2848. B ow b s nn r, a sni pa. unfortunate matter keeps happiness or
If money is removed from a matter, it bores cheerfulness at bay.)
one to death. (Money gives weight to mat-
On happiness 279
calmness and peace ever attend a certain
persons aairs.)8
2860. gb n gb.
It is an elder that accepts. (Certain privi- B
leges, and obligations, attach to age.)2
2865. B a k k, a j ran t t erin.
1. Ekl is another name for tu, a kind of duiker. If one does not die, one will eat as much as
2. The proverb is based on a play on the syllable
gb. By itself it means accept (a proposition) or
take (receive). Since Yoruba forms nouns from 3. Birds heads are not usually eaten. Bats are never
verbs by attaching certain initial vowels to them, in this used as food, let alone their heads. Bats heads would be
case the vowel , the word gb (-gb), which means eaten only as part of a mystery or cult.
elder, is construed to mean someone who takes or 4. The heart of an animal is supposed to be more
accepts (a-gb). desirable food than the esh.
an elephants meat. (Whoever has life has L
things to accomplish.)
2872. Ll lm ay l.
2866. B a k k, e tn. Increasing is the way of the ay games coun-
If one does not die, ones accomplishments ters. (An incantatory prayer that a persons
are not over. (As long as one has life, one has fortunes will always increase.)5
feats to accomplish.)
2874. j t a b k, w gba ok; m ni
2869. In k fer boj; gd k fm n jogn ni.
rp; oly- k foy sl l. The day one dies ones hand cannot hold
The re dies and covers its face with ashes; a coin; ones children inherit ones prop-
the banana tree dies and replaces itself with erty. (One cannot take earthly possessions
an oshoot; a chief dies and leaves his title into the grave but must leave them to ones
behind. (When a person dies, survivors survivors.)
inherit his or her place and property.)
2875. lm kr n K lo b?
2870. yw dn-n gb; m dn-n k A person who has a child is not a person
jde. who can be asked, What did you sire? (A
Marriage is a pleasurable activity, and so is child is a child; whoever has one cannot be
christening a child. (Marrying and christen- taunted with childlessness.)
ing are pleasures.)
2876. lm l.
The person who has children has pros-
K pered. (Having children is the best kind of
2871. K ni b fow r t l kj m?
What can one use ones money to buy that 2877. m br, br.
would be more precious than children? A multitude of children, a multitude of
(Nothing is more precious than children.)
5. The proverb refers to the fact that when an ay
player takes his turn, he adds counters to the ones
already in each of several holes.
On children 283
On material wealth
2912. aago k ynb.
The dearth of watches does not aict the 2917. Nw-nw n sgi; t n er
white man. (One never lacks a thing for dgb; rt t gi t nn gb: ow ni
which one is the source.7 See also the follow- gbogbo wn j n.
ing three entries.) The big spender does not use beads for
money; the poor person did not grow up
2913. agbd k mle. spending peas; the person who gathers re-
The dearth of agbad [the traditional Yor- wood from the forest for sale: all of them
uba garment] never aicts the Muslim.8 spend money. (Rich or poor, no one can do
(A person is never short of something that without money.)
characterizes him. Compare the preceding
entry and the following two.)
2914. - bt k ynb.
The dearth of shoes never aicts the white 2918. de s al- l.
man. (This is a variant of 2912. Compare Public functions do not faze a person with
also the preceding and following entries.) many clothes. (No eventuality can over-
whelm a person with abundant resources.)
2915. ow k Dda, Dda olw y.
The dearth of money never aicts Dda, 2919. k t b l, If n sin n.
Dda who is blessed with coins.9 (One will A dead person who owns a wealth of clothes
is buried by If itself. (The community itself
6. ni lrun-n d, translated literally as a person sees to the funeral of an illustrious person;
fashioned by God, actually means a person who is the problems of a popular person arouse the
under Gods constant protection. concern of everyone.)
7. This proverb and its variant are based on the fact
that the white man introduced the watch to Yorubaland
and is never seen without shoes. born with an abundance of curly hair; the curls, being
8. The agbd is the characteristic attire of the likened to the traditional currency of cowrie shells,
Muslim. are sometimes referred to as ow (money), and people
9. Dda is the name automatically given to a child customarily oer coins to such children.
dmd k m ork pnr .
2948. m ggn lr ay. A child never knows the praise name of
Longevity is the reward of living. (Longevity his guardian spirit.3 (Only age brings deep
is most to be desired by all. This is a variant knowledge of how the world goes.)
of 2953.)
2952. j al l tr.
2949. m ggn n sny. It is nighttime [i.e., old age] that one should
It is longevity that makes up for suering. pray for. (Old age is everybodys desire.)
(Longevity makes all suering worthwhile.)
2953. Pp ly lr ay.
2950. K m m n b, k m e d Longevity is the prot of living. (Longevity
jn. is the reward for having lived a good life.
May the disaster stop at b and not get This is a variant of 2948.)