Writing Report
Writing Report
Writing Report
Suppose it has been reported that no. of students
bunking classes and joining the bunker dance club – a
newly opened restaurant in the town- is increasing
rapidly. Your campus chief wants to find the reason
behind this tendency immediately. Prepare a report
analyzing the causes of bunking the classes by the
students of your college.
Report on the Causes of Bunking Classes
Students of Crimson Technical College
Submitted to
Campus Chief
Crimson Technical College
Submitted by
Arun Swami
As the campus chief of this college had been reported
that the number of students bunking the class had been
increased. So, I was entrusted the responsibility of
analyzing the causes of it. This report is the study of this
During my investigation process, I adopted the
following questionnaire methods and found the following
I. Lack of discipline: During my investigation, I asked
the teachers of the college about the reason of bunking
the classes and many of the teachers reported that the
students don't follow the rules and regulations of the
college what they have to and they are out of control.
II. Lack of close vigilance of the teacher: It was found
this tendency has been increased because of the lack
of close observation of the teachers regarding the
attendance of the students.
III. Classes not being participatory: It was found that the
most of the students were less intelligent and as a
result of this they hesitated to participate in the
interaction with the teachers in the fear that they will
be scolded and so they preferred to go outside.
IV. Low qualitative and high rates in the canteen:
Students being dissatisfied with the low quality and
high rates of food in canteen prefer to go outside and
join the bunkers' dance club.
V. Unawareness about the future career: Most of the
students are from high family background and are
provided different facilities which as a result have
prevented them to think seriously about their future
career. They feel that education has nothing to do with
their future career.
VI. Misuse of gate pass: Some of the students take gate
pass form the office on different grounds such as job
holders, illness etc. but they misuse it and join the
bunkers club.
VII. Ignorance of teachers: Most of the teachers in the
class provide notes. So students think that notes can be
copied from friends and so they bunk the class.
VIII. Presence of allowing quality in such clubs: As
students in college are of teenage so they get
enjoyment losing themselves in allowing factors such
as enjoyment with girls/boys, taking drinks, cigarettes
etc. and this facility are provided in such clubs so they
bunk the class.
From the above mentioned lists, it can be asserted that
those are some of the causes of bunking the classes by
students. Therefore, if such problems are addressed
instantly and immediate actions are taken, it would
certainly decrease this tendency of bunking class.
Write a report of a project that you have done in the
college. [5]
Prepare a vote of thanks speech to be delivered at a school
annual function assuming you are the principal of the
school. [5]