Question Hydrology
Question Hydrology
Question Hydrology
1. To mature 5000 hectares of robi crops, an irrigation canal was run as follows: 15(2(c)) 12 (3(b))
Month Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.
No. of running days 14 28 21 21 14
Discharge in / 2.00 2.50 2.25 2.25 2.00
Calculate overall duty and depth of water used.
2. A stream of 125 L/s was delivered from a canal and 70 L/s were delivered to the field. An area of 1.6 hectare
was irrigated in 8 hrs. The effective depth of root zone was 1.7 m. runoff loss in the field was 1.7 m. Runoff
loss in the field is was 420 cumec. The depth of percolation varied linearly from 1.7m at the head end to the
1.3 m at the tail end of the field. Available moisture holding capacity of the soil is 20 cm /m depth of soil.
Determine water conveyance, applications, storage and distribution efficiency. The irrigation was started at
a moisture extraction level of 50% of the available moisture. 15(3(c))
3. Determine reservoir capacity for the following data: command area of the project = 40000 hectares, canal
losses = 10%, Base period and intensity of irrigation are given in the following table: 15 (4(c))
4. The following data refers to an irrigation canal: Bed width = 1.0 m, Side slopes = 2H : 1V (in filling) and 1H :
1V (in cutting), Top width of embankment on either side of canal = 3m, Fully supply depth = 5m, free board
= 1m. Determine the balancing depth. Draw a neat cross section of canal illustrating the various dimensions
and the levels. 15 (5(c))
5. An area of 50 x 103 ha has to ber irrigated by a canal for growing wheat; water requirement for which is 10
cm per month. Design and draw a suitable canal section with the given data below:
Mean slope of the ground = 1 in 3500, Mannings roughness coefficient, n =0.025, Side slopes = 1:1, use
Kennedys formula. 15 (6(b))
6. The analysis of a 30-year flood data at a point on a river yielded x =1200 m3/s and Sx = 650 m3/s. For what
discharge would you design the structure at this point to provide 95% assurance that the structure would
not fail in the next 100 years? The values of and for a record length of n years are given below: 15 (8(d))
30 0.53622 1.11238
35 0.54034 1.12847
50 0.54854 1.16066
100 0.56002 1.20649
7. Find Field Capacity of a soil for the following data: 14 (1(d))
Depth of root zone = 2m, Existing water content = 5 %, Dry density of soil = 1500 kg/m3, Water applied to the
soil = 600 m3, Water lost due to evaporation and deep percolation = 10% and Area of land irrigated = 900 m2
8. The given area of an irrigation project is 50000 hectares. Out of this 5000 hectares have been utilized for
construction of dwellings, roads, bridges etc. The area to be cultivated during robi (in winter season) is
25000 ha and during kharif (in summer season) is 24000 ha. The duty of land water for robi corps is 5000 ha
per cumec for kharif crop is 3000 ha per cumec. Find the design discharge for canal after giving 10%
allowance for peak discharge and loss water in transit. What would be the annual intensity of irrigation? 14
9. Depth of penetration along the length of a border strip at points 30 m apart are probed. Their observed
values are 1.9, 1.8, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3 and 1.2 m. Compute water distribution efficiency 12 (4(c))and comments on
the result. 14 (3(d))
10. Estimating the leaching requirement when EC of saturation extract of soil is 11 mmhr./cm at 25 % reduction
in the yield of cotton. EC of irrigation water is 1.5 mmhr/cm14 (4(d))
11. An irrigation channel having a full supply level of 4 m above the existing ground level is provided with banks
3 m wide at top. The side slopes are 2H : 1V and the slope of hydraulic gradient line through the bank soil is
5H : 1V. Assuming a free board of 1 m, a counterberm of 7m wide and 2 m height is provided. Justify the
suitability of counterberm for the safety of the canal banks. 14 (5(c))
12. Design and draw a suitable regime channel section for a discharge of 55 cumec and silt factor 1.2, using
Laceys theory. 14 (6(c))
13. Given below is the information regarding flood stage, recurrence interval, total damage and cost of the
project for giving protection against indicated stage. Workout the benefit cost ratio and net benefit (i.e
benefit-cost). What is the peak stage against which you would choose to provide protection? 14 (7(d)) 12 (8(c))
Peak stage (m) Total damage under indicated Return period (yr.) Annual project cost
stage (Tk. In million) (tk in millions)
9 0 7 0.8
10 8 10 1.2
11 20 15 1.6
12 40 22 2.0
13 64 30 2.6
14 90 70 3.2
15 120 150 3.6
16 160 300 4.0
14. Based on analysis of 30 years data on annual floods, which gave a mean of 1200 / and standard
deviation of 575 3 /, a structure with a useful life period of 50 years was designed for a flood of 3000
3 /What is the risk involved in the design? Later it was found that there was an error in the computation
of statistics and the correct mean and correct standard deviation were estimated as 1075 3 / and 500
3 / respectively. Determine the corresponding reduction in the risk. Use gambels method. Given, for n =
= 0.53622 and = 1.11238. 14 (8(d)) 12 (6(c))
15. Determine the reservoir capacity for the following data; Command area of a project = 40000ha, canal losses
=10 %, Reservoir losses = 10%,
Base period , Outlet factor and Intensity of irrigation are given in the following table: 13 (1(c))
Crop Base period (days) Outlet factor (ha/cumec) Intensity of irrigation (%)
Sugar cane 360 1700 20
Cotton 180 1500 10
Wheat 120 1800 20
Rice 120 700 15
Vegetables 120 700 15
16. If wheat requires about 9.5 cm of water after every 30 days, and the base period for wheat is 150 days, find
out the value of duty and delta for wheat. 13 (2(c))
17. Determine the uniformity coefficient from the following data obtained from a field test on a square plot
bounded by four sprinklers. Sprinkler 4.365 x 2.381 mm nozzles at 2.8 kg/cm2
Spacing 24m x 24 m, Wind 3.5 km/hr. from south west, Humidity - 42% . Time of test 1.0 hr. 13 (3(c))
S 8.9 7.6 6.6 S
8.1 7.6 9.9 10.2 8.3
8.9 9.1 9.1 9.4 8.9
9.4 7.9 9.1 8.6 9.1
S 7.9 6.6 6.8 S
18. Estimate the leaching requirement when EC of the saturation extract of soil is 11mmhos/cm at 25%
reduction in the yield of cotton. EC of the irrigation water is 1.5 mmhos/cm. 13 (4(c))
19. A catchment is divided into five sub areas as given below: 13 (5(c))
Sub area(km2) 1.5 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.5
Run off coefficient ,c 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.55 0.9
Calculate the 25 years flood using the rational method. Assume a concentration time of 35 mins and use the
75 0.22
following intensity frequency duration function = (+12)0.85
20. Annual peak flood discharges recorded at a stream gauging site for 19 years during the period 1951 to 1979
in 3 /are given below: 3950, 6190, 7660, 4220, 2820k, 5600, 7050, 5280, 5200, 4360, 6970, 6240,
4960,5890,5980,3590,6860,7210,5270. Construct the frequency curve and hence find the flood peak with
return period of 50 years and 100 years. 13 (6(c))
21. Design a regime channel section for a discharge of 50 cumec and silt factor 1.1, using Laceys theory. 13 (7(c))
22. Given the following inflow hydrograph to certain stream channel reach. Calculate outflow by the Muskingum
method. 13 (8(c))
Time in hr. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Inflow in 3 / 10 20 40 80 120 150 120 60 50 40 30 20 10
Assume initial inflow as 10 3 / and K = 4 hr. and X = 0.25
23. Following data refers to an agricultural land growing rice: 12 (2(c))
i) Period growth = 16th July to 31st July
ii) USBR class A pan evaporation = 6 mm/day
iii) Crop coefficient (crop index) K = 1.20
iv) Evaporation loss = 5 mm/day
v) Effective rainfall during the period = 60 mm
Calculate the value of NIR, FIR & GIR. Assume 20% loss of water in application and 25% in conveyance.
24. Design an irrigation channel to carry 40 cumecs of discharge, with B/D, i.e. base width to depth ratio as 2.5.
The critical velocity ratio is 1.0. Assume Kutters rugosity coefficient as 0.023 and use Kennedys method. 12
25. An engineer is required to design a drainage system for an airport with an area of 2.5 2 for a 50 year
return period. The 50 year rainfall intensity in that region is given by, = (+10)0.38 where, I is intensity in
cm/hr. and t is the duration in min. If the concentration time for the area is estimated as 50 min for what
discharge the system must be designed? 12 (7(c))
26. Given below is the information regarding flood stage, recurrence interval, total damage and cost of project
fo0r giving protection against indicated stage. Workout the benefit-cost ratio and net benefit (i.e. benefit-
cost). What is the peak stage against which you choose to provide protection? 12 (8(c))
Peak Total damage below Return period Annual cost of
stage indicated stage (years) project
(m) (Tk. In millions) (Tk. In millions)
9 0 7 0.8
10 8 10 1.2
11 20 15 1.6
12 40 22 2.0
13 64 30 2.6
14 90 70 3.2
15 120 150 3.6
16 160 300 4.0
27. Compute the depth and frequency of irrigation required for a certain crop with the data given below:
Root zone depth = 100 cm, Field capacity =22%, wilting point = 12%, Apparent sp. Gravity of soil =1.5 g/cc
Consumptive use=25 mm/day ; Efficiency of irrigation = 50%
Assume 50% depletion of available moisture before application of irrigation at field capacity. 11(3(c))
28. The culturable command area for a reservoir is 60000 hectres Find out the reservoir capacity if canal losses
are 7.5%, Reservoir loss 10.5% and other data are given below: 11(4(a))
Crop Base period Data Irrigation intensity
(days) (m /day) (%)
Rice 130 1000 10
Wheat 120 2400 15
Cotton 180 1800 12
Sugarcane 360 3000 18
29. A field channel has a culturable commanded area of 2000 hectares. The intensity of irrigation for gram is
30% and for wheat is 50% Gram has n crop period of 18 days and kor depth of 12 cm, while wheat has a kor
period of 15 days and a kor depth of 15 cm. calculate the discharge of field channel. 11(5(c))
30. The analysis of a 30-year flood data at a point on a river yielded x =1200 m3/s and Sx = 650 m3/s. For what
discharge would you design the structure at this point to provide 95% assurance that the structure would
not fail in the next 50 years? for a record length of 30 years, values of = 0.53622 and = 1.11238
31. The 1h unit hydrograph of a basin can be approximated as a triangle with base period of 48 h and a peak
discharge of 900 m3/s at the end of 12th hour. The design storm is having a total detention of 12 h with
rainfall intensities of 2.5cm/h, 4 cm/h & 3cm/h in three successive 1h period. Determine the design flood
discharge and the time of occurrence. Assume that the channel is completely standard before the
occurrence of design storm. 11(7(c))
32. Design an irrigation channel to carry 40 cumecs at a slope 1 in 5000 with N = 0.0225 (Mannings) and
Kennedys m=0.90. 11(8(c))
33. After how many days will you supply water to soil in order to ensure sufficient irrigation of the given crop if
I) Field capacity of soil = 28%
II) Permanent wilting point =13%
III) Dry density of soil =1.3 g/cc
IV) Effective depth of root zone = 70 cm
V) Daily consumptive use by crop = 12mm
34. The gross commanded area for an irrigation canal is 50000 hectares out of which 75% is culturable
commanded area. The intensity of irrigation is 40% for sugarcane and 10% for rice. If Kor period for
sugarcane is 20 days and 10 days for rice. Determine the outlet discharge. Outlet factors are given 1800
hectares/cumec for sugarcane and 775 hectares/cumec for rice. Also calculate the delta for rice and
sugarcane 10(2(c))
35. What is the classification of irrigation water having the following characteristics: Concentration of Na, Ca and
Mg are 44, 3 and 1.5 milli equivalents per L respectively and the electrical conductivity is 500 micro-
ohms/cm at 25 10(3(c))
36. Determine required capacity of sprinkler system to apply water at the rate of 1.25 cm/hr. Two 186 m long
sprinkler lines are required. 26 sprinklers are spaced at 12 m intervals on each line. Spacing between lines is
18 m. 10(4(c))
37. Furrows 90 m long and 75 cm apart are irrigated by an initial furrow stream of 2L/s. The initial furrow stream
reached the lower end of the field in 50 min. The size of the stream was then reduced to 0.5 l/s. The cut back
stream continued for 1 h. Estimate the average depth of irrigation10(5(c))
38. Design a channel section for the following data: discharge, Q = 5 cumecs, silt factor, f = 1.0, side slope 0.5 H :
1V. Also determine the bed slope of the channel. 10(6(b))
39. From the analysis of available data for annual peak floods of a small stream for a period of 35 years, the 50
year and 100-year flood have been estimated to be 660 m3/s and 740 m3/s using Gumbels extreme value
distribution method. Estimate the 200-year flood for stream. The value of values of and are given in
following table 10(7(b))
Sample size, n
35 0.54034 1.12847
50 0.54854 1.16066
100 0.56002 1.20649
40. A culvert is proposed across certain stream draining an area of 185 hectares. The catchment has a slope of
0.04 and length of travel for water is 1150 m. Estimate the 25 year flood if the rainfall is given by =
( +20)0.7
Where I is in mm/hr. is in years and is in minutes. Assume a runoff coefficient of 0.35.