Lesson Plan - Maths-ICT
Lesson Plan - Maths-ICT
Lesson Plan - Maths-ICT
Lesson Plan
Quick overview of Excel spreadsheet (open already for students). Allow students 5 minutes to explore the spreadsheet and see what it might do.
Demonstrate how to build a basic chart using different data on the graph (shown on Smart White Board overhead) and then write the instructions up on
the white board for reference.
Hand out of Police Smith’s weekly report. Here is a report a police officer has collated with different ‘sets’ of data in it.
Office Smith has been asked to create a report for the Mayor of Brisbane to show him how many people are committing which types of crimes.
There are many ways you can show this data to the Mayor – we’re going to explore a few.
Firstly lets create a bar graph with this data (move around the class to explain how to do this step by step). Once completed save (or print).
(if there is time) lets create different types of graphs and charts – what about a pie chart?
There are two different types of information in the graph – traffic crimes and break and enter crimes – let’s group them.
Special needs student given additional questioning to assess comprehension of concept and enlarged handout.
ESL Student additional attention given and questioning to ensure comprehension of terms.
Students can print out graphs and pin them to the classroom wall.
My personal reflection:-
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