Lesson Plan - Maths-ICT

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QCT 10 standards....

Lesson Plan

KLA Lesson Topic Year Level Duration Date

Maths/ICT Graphs/Measurements 2/3 30 minutes 25th August
Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4 Standard 5 Standard 6 Standard 7 Standard 8 Standard 9 Standard 10
Design and Design and Design and Design and Teachers Teachers Create and Foster Contribute Commit to
implement implement implement implement assess and support maintain a positive and effectively reflective
engaging and learning intellectually learning report individual’s safe and productive to practice and
flexible experiences challenging experiences constructively personal supportive relationships professional ongoing
learning that develop learning that value on student development learning with families groups. professional
experiences language, experiences. diversity. learning. and environment. and the Specifically:- renewal.
for individuals literacy and Specifically:- Specifically:- Specifically:- participation Specifically:- community. Specifically:-
and groups. numeracy. in society. Specifically:-
Specifically:- Specifically:- Real life ESL Student Specifically:-
situations additional Continued
Special needs Use of presented to attention given discussion
students given numeracy students and from SOSE
extra and ICT to (police data) questioning to lesson about
assistance, create and questions ensure laws, rule
larger print graphs. posed about comprehension breaking and
handouts and how to of activities. the Police
more direct present the
questioning to data
Essential Learning Outcomes:-
Students should have an understanding of:
 mathematical concepts
 identify and investigate mathematics inherent in real-life situations
 construct new knowledge by engaging in purposeful mathematical activities and investigations
 individually and collaboratively planning and conducting mathematical investigations
 use tools and technologies, including information and communication technologies (ICTs). They explore the use of ICTs to inquire, create and
communicate within mathematical contexts.
 data collection and analysis
Learning Objectives:-
At the end of this lesson students should have an understanding of:
 graphs (line and bar)
 pie charts
 data collection and analysis with Microsoft Excel
Classroom Organisation/Resources:- Behaviour Strategies:-
Laptops x 4
(Grade 3 Mathematic Rotations) – individual or grouped in pairs where As per class rules
necessary Students talking or not listening given verbal warning, followed up by litter
Handout x 10 copies collection during break if necessary.
White Board Markers Students listening and behaving well rewarded with raffle ticket.
Lesson Introduction:-
Today we are going to be using Microsoft Excel to create graphs that you can use to explain numbers to other people in a visual way. Reminder: I will be
rewarding students who behave well in this class with raffle tickets.

Quick overview of Excel spreadsheet (open already for students). Allow students 5 minutes to explore the spreadsheet and see what it might do.

Before activity sheet is handed out review of Peer Review Rubric.

Here is a Rubric, which you are familiar with. After you have completed the activity sheet, person 1 in your pairs will be required show person 2 how to
build the graph and will be reviewed by person 2 in the Peer Review Rubric. Then, person 2 must undertake the task and then show person 1 how to create
the graph; person 1 must then review person 2.


Demonstrate how to build a basic chart using different data on the graph (shown on Smart White Board overhead) and then write the instructions up on
the white board for reference.

Hand out of Police Smith’s weekly report. Here is a report a police officer has collated with different ‘sets’ of data in it.

Office Smith has been asked to create a report for the Mayor of Brisbane to show him how many people are committing which types of crimes.

There are many ways you can show this data to the Mayor – we’re going to explore a few.

Firstly lets create a bar graph with this data (move around the class to explain how to do this step by step). Once completed save (or print).

(if there is time) lets create different types of graphs and charts – what about a pie chart?

There are two different types of information in the graph – traffic crimes and break and enter crimes – let’s group them.

Special needs student given additional questioning to assess comprehension of concept and enlarged handout.

ESL Student additional attention given and questioning to ensure comprehension of terms.

Students can print out graphs and pin them to the classroom wall.

Early Finishers/Extension Activity: - additional functions of Excel charts and graphs

Assessment Opportunities:-

• knowledge and understanding graphs and charts

• thinking and reasoning

• communicating – group work


My personal reflection:-
Teacher feedback:-

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