Btech Ece Curriculum N Syllabus 2015
Btech Ece Curriculum N Syllabus 2015
Btech Ece Curriculum N Syllabus 2015
Specialization : ElectronicsandCommunicationEngineering
OfferingDepartment : ElectronicsandCommunicationEngineering
1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
Course Course Course Course
Course Title L T P C Course Title L T P C Course Title L T P C Course Title L T P C
Code Code Code Code
15LE101 English 2 0 0 2 15LE102 Value Education 2 0 0 2 15LE201E German Language I 15LE207E German Language II
Arts & Humanities-G
15PD101 Soft Skills I 1 1 0 1 15PD102 Soft Skills II 1 1 0 1 15LE202E French Language I 15LE208E French Language II
15NC101 NCC- National Cadet Corps 15LE203E Japanese Language I 2 0 0 2 15LE209E Japanese Language II 2 0 0 2
8.33% 15NS101 NSS- National Service Scheme 15LE204E Korean Language I 15LE210E Korean Language II
15SP101 NSO- National Sports Organization 0 0 1 1 15LE205E Chinese Language I 15LE211E Chinese Language II
Quantitative Aptitude & Logical
15YG101 Yoga 15PD201 1 1 0 1 15PD202 Verbal Aptitude 1 1 0 1
Reasoning I
15 Total 3 1 0 3 Total 3 1 1 4 Total 3 1 0 3 Total 3 1 0 3
15EE103 Analysis of Electric Circuits 3 0 0 3 15EC201J Electron Devices 3 0 2 4 15EC202 Electronic Circuits 3 0 0 3
Professional - Core -P
15EE103L Electric Circuits Laboratory 0 0 2 1 15EC203J Digital Systems 3 0 2 4 15EC204J Linear Integrated Circuits 3 0 2 4
40.56% 15EC205 Signals and Systems 3 1 0 4 15EC212L Electronic Circuits Laboratory 0 0 3 2
Electromagnetics and Transmission
15EC207 3 0 0 3 15EE211 Control Systems 3 0 0 3
Dept Elective-I 3 0 0 3
Prof -
Level-I / Semester-I
Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Page No.
15LE101 English G 2 0 0 2 -
15PD101 Soft Skills-I G 1 1 0 1 -
15MA101 Calculus and Solid Geometry B 3 1 0 4 -
15PY101 Physics B 3 0 0 3 -
15PY101L Physics Laboratory B 0 0 2 1 -
15CY101 Chemistry B 3 0 0 3 -
15CY101L Chemistry Laboratory B 0 0 2 1 -
15BT101 Biology For Engineers B 2 0 0 2 -
15CE101 Basic Civil Engineering E 2 0 0 2 -
15EE101 Basic Electrical Engineering E 2 0 0 2 -
15ME105L Engineering Graphics E 1 0 4 3 -
5CS 0 Programming
og a g Laboratory
abo ato y E 1 0 2 2 -
Total 20 2 10 26 -
Level-I / Semester-II
Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Page No
15LE102 Value Education G 2 0 0 2 -
15PD102 Soft Skills-II G 1 1 0 1 -
15NC101 / NCC- National Cadet Corps /
15NS101 / NSS- National Service Scheme /
G 0 0 1 1 -
15SP101 / NSO- National Sports Organization /
15YG101 Yoga
15MA102 Advanced Calculus and Complex Analysis B 3 1 0 4 -
15PY102L Materials Science B 2 0 2 3 -
15CY102 Principles of Environmental Science B 2 0 0 2 -
15ME101 Basic Mechanical Engineering E 2 0 0 2 -
15EC101 Basic Electronics Engineering E 2 0 0 2 2
15EC102L Electronics Engineering
g g Practices E 0 0 2 1 4
15EE102L Electrical Engineering Practices E 0 0 2 1 -
15EE103 Analysis of Electric Circuits P 3 0 0 3 -
15EE103L Electric Circuits Laboratory P 0 0 2 1 -
Total 17 2 9 23 -
B.Tech. (Full Time) - Electronics and Communication Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM University
Level-II / Semester-I
Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Page No.
15LE201E / German Language-I /
15LE202E / French Language-I /
15LE203E / Japanese Language-I / G 2 0 0 2 -
15LE204E / Korean Language-I /
15LE205E / Chinese Language-I
15PD201 Quantitative Aptitude & Logical Reasoning I G 1 1 0 1 -
15MA201 Transforms And Boundaryy Value Problems B 4 0 0 4 -
15EC201J Electron Devices P 3 0 2 4 7
15EC203J Digital Systems P 3 0 2 4 10
15EC205 Signals and Systems P 3 1 0 4 13
15EC207 Electromagnetics and Transmission Lines P 3 0 0 3 16
Total 19 2 4 22 -
Level-II / Semester-II
Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Page No.
15LE207E / German Language-II /
15LE208E / French Language-II /
15LE209E / Japanese Language-II / G 2 0 0 2 -
15LE210E / Korean Language-II /
15LE211E / Chinese Language-II
15PD202 Verbal Aptitude G 1 1 0 1 -
15MA209 Probability And Random Process B 4 0 0 4 -
15EC202 Electronic Circuits P 3 0 0 3 19
15EC204J Linear Integrated Circuits P 3 0 2 4 22
15EC212L Electronic Circuits Laboratory P 0 0 3 2 25
15EE211 Control Systems P 3 0 0 3 -
Department Elective-I 3 0 0 3 79-93
Total 19 1 5 22 -
B.Tech. (Full Time) - Electronics and Communication Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM University
Level-III / Semester-I
Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Page No.
15PD301 Communication and Reasoning Skills G 1 1 0 1 -
15MA302 Discrete Mathematics B 4 0 0 4 -
Microprocessor, Microcontroller and Interfacing
15EC301 P 3 0 0 3 28
15EC303 Digital Signal Processing P 3 1 0 4 31
15EC305J Communication Systems P 3 0 2 4 34
15EC311L Processor Laboratory P 0 0 3 2 37
Dept Elective-II P 3 0 0 3 94-130
15EC375L / Minor Project-I /
15EC380L / Seminar-I /
P 0 0 3 2 39-48
15EC385L / MOOC-I /
15EC490L Industry Module-I
Open Elective-I
Ope ect ve P 3 0 0 3 -
Total 20 2 8 26 -
Level-III / Semester-II
Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Page No
15PD302 Quantitative Aptitude & Logical ReasoningII G 1 1 0 1 -
15EC302J VLSI Design P 3 0 2 4 50
15EC304 Antenna and Wave Propagation P 3 0 0 3 53
15EC306J Digital Communication P 3 0 2 4 56
Department Elective-III P 3 0 0 3 94-130
D t Elective-IV
t El ti IV P 3 0 0 3 94-130
94 130
15EC376L / Minor Project-II /
15EC381L / Seminar-II /
P 0 0 3 2 39-48
15EC386L / MOOC-II /
15EC491L Industry Module-II
15EC390L Internship / Industrial Training* P 0 0 3 2 39-48
p Elective-II P 3 0 0 3 -
Total 19 1 10 25 -
B.Tech. (Full Time) - Electronics and Communication Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM University
Level-IV / Semester-I
Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Page No.
15EC401M Multidisciplinary Design P 2 2 0 3 60
15EC403 Wireless Communication P 3 0 0 3 63
15EC405J Computer Communication P 3 0 2 4 65
15EC407 Microwave Theory and Techniques P 3 0 0 3 68
15EC409 Optical Communication P 3 0 0 3 71
15EC411L Microwave and Optical Communication Laboratory P 0 0 3 2 74
Department Elective-V P 3 0 0 3 131-161
Department Elective-VI P 3 0 0 3 131-161
Total 20 2 5 24 -
Level-IV / Semester-II
Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Page No.
15EC496L Major Project P 0 0 24 12 77
Total 0 0 24 12 -
Grand Total of Credits 180 -
B.Tech. (Full Time) - Electronics and Communication Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM University
Course Title L T P C Page No.
Department Elective - I
B.Tech. (Full Time) - Electronics and Communication Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM University
Course Title L T P C Page No.
Department Elective - V and VI
15EC421E Multigate Transistors. 3 0 0 3 132
15EC422E Design of Microwave Integrated Circuits 3 0 0 3 134
15CS423E Software Defined Networks 3 0 0 3 -
15EC423E Advanced Mobile Communication Systems 3 0 0 3 136
15EC424E Indoor Radio Planning 3 0 0 3 138
15EC425E Telecommunications Management Network 3 0 0 3 140
15EC426E Satellite Communication and Broadcasting 3 0 0 3 142
15CS254E Mobile and Pervasive Computing 3 0 0 3 -
15EC430E Cryptography and Network Security 3 0 0 3 145
15EC431E Photonics and Optical Networks 3 0 0 3 147
15EE459E Solar Photovoltaic Systems 3 0 0 3 -
All core / elective courses will be listed / delisted every semester, under open electives, based on the
availability of resources and demand
B.Tech. (Full Time) - Electronics and Communication Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM University
Course Title L T P C Offered To Page No.
15EC323E Embedded System Design 3 0 0 3 CSE 101
B.Tech. (Full Time) - Electronics and Communication Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM University
Level-1 / Semester-I 20 2 10 26 3 14 9 0 26 26
Level-1 / Semester-II 17 2 9 23 4 9 6 4 23 49
Level-2 / Semester-I 19 2 4 22 3 4 0 15 22 71
Level-2 / Semester-II 19 1 5 22 3 4 0 15 22 93
Level-3 / Semester-I 20 2 8 26 1 4 0 21 26 119
Level-3 / Semester-II 19 1 10 25 1 0 0 24 25 144
Level-4 / Semester-I 20 2 5 24 0 0 0 24 24 168
Level-4 / Semester-II 0 0 24 12 0 0 0 12 12 180
Total 134 12 75 180 15 35 15 115 180
The curriculum and syllabus for B.Tech programs (2013) conform to outcome based teaching
learning process. In general, ELEVEN STUDENT OUTCOMES (a-k) have been identified
and the curriculum and syllabus have been structured in such a way that each of the courses
meets one or more of these outcomes. Student outcomes describe what students are expected
to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and
behaviors that students acquire as they progress through the program. Further each course in
the program spells out clear instructional objectives which are mapped to the student
The student outcomes are:
(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
(b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
(c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
(d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
(g) an ability to communicate effectively
(h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context
(i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
The CDIO Initiative (CDIO is a trademarked initialism for Conceive Design
Implement Operate) is an innovative educational framework for producing the next
generation of engineers. The framework provides students with an education stressing
engineering fundamentals set in the context of Conceiving Designing Implementing
Operating real-world systems and products. Throughout the world, CDIO Initiative
collaborators have adopted CDIO as the framework of their curricular planning and outcome-
based assessment.
In the syllabus, every topic has been classified under one or more of C-D-I-O so that students
and faculty alike are clear about the scope of learning to take place under each one of the
AR Architecture Courses
B Courses under Basic Science and Mathematics
BT Biotechnology Courses
C-D-I-O Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate
CE Civil Engineering Courses
CS Computer Science and Engineering Courses
CY Chemistry Courses
Eas a prefix in the
Elective Courses
course code
E in the course
Courses under Engineering Sciences
Jas a prefix in the
Theory cum Lab joint course
course code
EC Electronics and Communication Engineering Courses
EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering Courses
G Courses under Arts and Humanities
IOs Instructional Objectives
L Laboratory / Project / Industrial Training Courses
LE Foreign Language Courses
L- Lecture Hours Per Week
T- Tutorial Hours Per Week
P- Practical Hours Per Week
C- Credits for a Course
M Courses with Multidisciplinary Content
MA Mathematics Courses
ME Mechanical Engineering Courses
NC NCC- National Cadet Corps
NS NSS National Service Scheme
P Professional Core Courses
PD Personality Development Courses
PY Physics Courses
SO/SOs Student Outcomes (a-k)
SP NSO- National Sports Organization
YG Yoga Course
B.Tech - Electronics and Communication Engineering Course #1 is a Pre-requisite for Course #2
SEM II 15MA201 4 cr
Transforms and
Boundary Value Problems
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Level-1 Courses
This course provides comprehensive idea about working principle, operation and
Purpose characteristics of electronic devices, transducers, Digital Electronics and Communication
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course,the learners will be able to gain knowledge about the H M L
Fundamentals of semiconductor, electronic components/devices,
1. a
optoelectronic devices and transducers
2. Principles of digital electronics e
3. Principles of various communication systems a e
H: High correlation, M: Medium correlation, L: Low correlation
Contact C-D-
Session Description of Topic IOs Reference
hours I-O
Unit-I: Semiconductor Devices 9
1 Overview of Semiconductors, PN junction diode 1 C 1 1
2 Zener diode 1 C 1 1
3 Diode circuits: rectifiers (bridge-type only) 1 C,D 1 1
4 Filters 1 C 1 1
5 Clippers and Clampers 1 C 1 1
BJT construction, operation, characteristics (CB,CC,CE 1
6 2 C 1
configurations) and uses
JFET and MOSFET construction, operation,
7 2 C 1 1
characteristics (CS configuration) and uses.
Unit II : Optoelectronic Devices 4
10 Photoconductive cell - photovoltaic cell - solar cell 1 C 1 1
11 Photodiode - phototransistor 1 C 1 1
12 LED - infrared emitters 1 C 1 1
13 LCD - optocouplers 1 C 1 1
Unit-III:Transducers 4
Basic requirements of transducers - classification of
14 1 C 1 1
transducers - passive transducers: capacitive, inductive
15 LVDT, potentiometric, strain gauge 1 C 1 1
To equip the learners with the knowledge of PCB design and fabrication
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course,the learners will be able to: H M L
To familiarize the electronic components and basic electronic
1. a k
To make familiar with PCB design and various processes
2. b c k
To provide in-depth core knowledge in the fabrication of Printed
3. b c k
Circuit Boards.
To provide the knowledge in assembling and testing of the PCB
4. k
based electronic circuits.
H: High correlation, M: Medium correlation, L: Low correlation
Contact C-D-
Session Description of Topic IOs Reference
hours I-O
Unit-I: Introduction to Basics of Electronic
Components and Instruments
1. Study of electronic components- active & passive 1 C 1 1
Electronic Instruments: CRO, Function generator,
2. 2 C 1 1
Power Supply, Multi-meter, IC tester
3. Solder practice 1 I,O 1 1
Unit-II:Schematic Capture 6
4. Introduction to ORCAD/TINA schematic capture tool 3 C 2 1,2
5. Simulation of simple electronic circuit 1 C,D 2 1,2
6. Schematic to layout transfer 1 C,D 2 1,2
7. Layout Printing 1 C,D 2 1,2
Unit-III: PCB Design Process 6
Conception Level Introduction: Specifying Parts,
8. Packages and Pin Names, Libraries and Checking 3 C,D,I 2 1,3
foot prints of the components, Partlist, Netlist
Making Netlist Files, Placing Parts, Routing Traces,
9. Modifying Traces, Mounting Holes, Adding Text, 3 C,D,I 2 1,3
PCB Layout, DRC, Pattern Transfer.
Unit IV-PCB Fabrication Process 6
10. Etching, cleaning, drying 3 I,O 3 1,3
11. Drilling 3 I,O 3 1,3
Session Description of Topic D- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Semiconductor Diodes 9
Basic semiconductor theory: Intrinsic & extrinsic
1 1 C 1 1, 2,5,6
semiconductors, Current flow in semiconductors
PN junction theory: Equilibrium PN junction, Reverse
biased PN junction, Forward biased PN junction,
2 Current-Voltage relationship, Calculation of depletion 5 C 1 1, 2,5,6
width, potential barrier, diode current, Capacitive
effects in PN junction, Energy band structure
PN diodes: Ideal diode and its current-voltage
3 characteristics, Terminal characteristics and 3 C 1 1, 2,5,6
parameters, Diode modeling, DC load line and analysis
Unit-II: Special Diodes 9
4 Zener diode 1 C 1 1, 2,6
S. Contact C-D-
Description of Experiments IOs Reference
No. hours I-O
1. PN diode characteristics 2 I,O 1, 4 7, 8
2. Zener diode characteristics 2 I,O 1, 4 7, 8
3. Diode rectifier circuits 2 D,I,O 1,2,4 7, 8
4. Diode clipping and clamping circuits 2 D,I,O 1,2,4 7, 8
5. Zener diode voltage regulator circuit 2 D,I,O 1,2,4 7, 8
6. BJT characteristics (either of the configurations) 2 I,O 3,4 7, 8
7. MOSFET characteristics (either of the configurations) 2 I,O 3,4 7, 8
S. Contact C-D-
Description of Topic I-O IOs Reference
No. hours
Unit-I: Binary Codes, Digital Arithmetic and 9
Simplification of Boolean Functions
1. Error detecting and error correcting codes. 2 C 1 1
Arithmetic: Arithmetic number representation,
2. Binary arithmetic, Hexadecimal arithmetic, BCD 2 C 1 1,3,4,5
Minimization of Boolean Functions: Algebraic
3. simplification, Karnaugh map simplification, Quine- 5 C,D 1 1-5
McCluskey or Tabulation method.
Unit-II: Logic Families 8
Logic Families: TTL Logic Family: Totem-pole,
4. open-collector and tristate TTL, Schottkey TTL, 3 C 4 1,3,4,5
standard TTL characteristics.
Metal Oxide Semiconductor logic families: N-MOS,
P-MOS and CMOS logic circuits, Characteristics of 1,3,4,5
5. 3 C 4
MOS logic, Comparison of MOS logic
circuits(CMOS) with that of a TTL digital circuit.
Electrical characteristics: Fan-out, Propagation
6. Delay, Power dissipation, Noise margin, Supply 2 C 4 1,3,4,5
voltage levels, Operational voltage levels.
Unit-III: Combinational Systems 9
Binary arithmetic units (Adder, subtractor, n-bit
7. parallel adder &subtractor, look ahead carry 2 C,D 1 1-5
8. Decoder, Encoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer. 2 C,D 1 1-5
Code converters, Magnitude comparators, Parity
9. 5 C,D 1 1-5
generators, Implementation of combinational logic by
Session Description of Topic Contact
D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Classification of Signals and Systems 12
Continuous time signals , Discrete time signals, Basic
1. operations on Signals, Periodic and Aperiodic signals, 2 C,D 1 1-4
Even and odd signals
Energy and power signals, Deterministic and random
2. 2 C,D 1 1-4
signals, Complex exponential and Sinusoidal signals
Unit step, Unit ramp, Unit impulse, Representation of
3. 3 C,D 1 1-4
signals in terms of unit impulse
Continuous time systems, Discrete time systems,
4. 2 C,D 1 1-4
Linear system, Time Invariant system
causal system, BIBO system, Systems with and
5. 2 C,D 1 1-4
without memory, LTI system
Programs using mathematical computing tool for
6. 1 D,I 1,2 6
mathematical operations on CT, DT signals
Unit-II: Analysis of Continuous Time Signals
Fourier series: Representation of Continuous time
7. 2 C,D 3 1-4
Periodic signals, Trigonometric
Cosine representation and exponential, Symmetry
8. 2 C,D 3 1-4
9. Properties of Continuous time Fourier series, 2 C,D 3 1-4
Session Description of Topic Contact
D-I- IOs Reference
Parsevals relation for power signals, Frequency
Fourier transform: Representation of Continuous
time signals, Properties of Continuous time Fourier
10. 3 C,D 4 1-4
transform, Parsevals relation for energy signals,
Energy density spectrum
11. Analysis of LTI system using Fourier methods 2 C,D 4 1-4
Programs using mathematical computing tool for
12. 1 D,I 2,4 6
Fourier series and Fourier transform of CT
Unit-III: LTI CT System 12
System modeling: Solution of Differential equation
13. with initial conditions, Zero state response and Zero 3 C,D 4 1-4
input response
14. Impulse response, Frequency response 1 C,D 4 1-4
15. Convolution, Convolution integral 2 C,D 4 1-4
16. Laplace transform and its properties 2 C,D 4 1-4
17. Analysis and characterization of LTI system using 3 C,D 4 1-4
Laplace transform
Programs using mathematical computing tool for CT
18. 1 D,I 2,4 6
system analysis using LT
Unit-IV: Analysis of DT Signals and Systems 12
Representation of sequences, Discrete Time Fourier
19. 1 C 5 1-6
Transform (DTFT)
20. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its properties 3 C,D 5 1-6
Solution of linear constant coefficient difference
21. equations with initial conditions, Zero state response 4 C,D 5 1-6
and Zero input response
Impulse response, Convolution sum, Frequency
22. 3 C,D 5 1-6
Programs using mathematical computing tool for DT
23. 1 D,I 2,5 6
system analysis using DFT
Unit-V: LTI DT System Characterization and
Realization 12
24. Unilateral and Bilateral Z transforms and its properties 2 C,D 5 1-6
Inverse Z transform: Power series expansion and
25. 3 C,D 5 1-6
Partial fraction methods
Analysis and characterization of DT system using Z
26. 3 C,D 5 1-6
Realization of structures for DT systems, Direct form
27. 3 C,D 5 1-6
I, Direct form II, Parallel, Cascade forms
Programs using mathematical computing tool for DT
28. 1 D,I 2,5 6
system analysis using ZT
Exclusive of
Total contact hours 60
Assessment hours
Learning Resources
1. Alan V Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer Signals & Systems, Pearson Education, 2nd
Edition 2015(Imprint).
2. P.Ramakrishna Rao, Shankar Prakriya, Signals & Systems, McGraw Hill Education, 2nd
Edition, 4th reprint 2015
3. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2nd
Edition, 2007.
4. Lathi B.P, Linear Systems & Signals, Oxford Press, Second Edition, 2009.
5. John G. Proakis and Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms and
Applications, Pearson Education, 4th Edition, 2007.
6. A.Nagoor Kani, Signals & Systems, McGraw Hill Education, 12th reprint 2015.
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Electrostatics 10
Introduction to co-ordinate system: Cartesian,
1. Cylindrical and Spherical, Review of vector calculus
2 1 1,2,3
Coulombs law and field intensity: Electric Field due
2. to continues charge distribution, Electric flux density
3 C,D 1 1,2,3
Learning Resources
1. Matthew N. O. Sadiku., S. V. Kulkarni Elements of Electromagnetics, Oxford University
Press, 6th Edition, Asian Edition, 2015
2. G.S.N.Raju., Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines, Pearson Education,
First Indian print, 2006
3. Nannapaneni Narayana Rao, Principles of Engineering Electromagnetics, Pearson
Education, Sixth Edition, 2016.
4. William H. Hayt,Jr and John A.Buck., Engineering Electromagnetics, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Ltd, 8th Edition, 2012
5. John D.Ryder, Networks, Lines and Fields, PHI, 2009
This course deals with the analysis and design of circuits containing electronic devices,
such as diodes and transistors. With the assumed knowledge on physical characteristics
Purpose and operation of major semiconductor devices, this course introduces basic circuits
employing semiconductor devices and its utilization in switching and amplification
Correlates to
Instructional Objectives Student
After completing this course, the learners should be able to do the following: Outcomes
Analyse and design bipolar and FET amplifier circuits to meet certain
1. b e
Analyse the frequency response of amplifier circuits, taking into account
2. b
various circuit capacitors, to determine the bandwidth of the circuit.
Understand the characteristics of the various types of feedback
3. configurations to be able to determine the type of feedback circuit required b e
for a specific design application and to design a stable feedback amplifier.
Understand the principle of sine-wave oscillators, and to analyse and design
4. b e
various audio & radio frequency oscillator circuits.
Analyse three principle classes of power amplifiers, and determine the
5. b, c e
maximum possible conversion efficiency of each type of power amplifier.
Understand how matched transistor characteristics are used in the IC design
6. b, c e
and to be able to design BJT and MOSFET current sources.
H: High correlation, M: Medium correlation, L: Low correlation
Session Description of Topic D- IOs Reference
Unit-I: BJT Amplifiers 9
1 Overview of DC analysis of BJT circuits and models 1 C 1 1
2 AC load line analysis 1 C 1 1
AC analysis of basic BJT amplifier configurations
using classical discrete circuit bias arrangements:
3 Common-Emitter, Common-Base, Common-Collector 3 C,D 1 1-4
and single-tuned circuits. (analysis using hybrid-
Multi-stage amplifier configurations: CE - CE, CE -
4 2 C,D 1 1-4
CC, CE - CB, and CC - CC amplifiers
Frequency response analysis of a basic BJT CE
5 2 C,D 2 2-4
This is a course on the design and applications of operational amplifiers and analog
integrated circuits. This course introduces basic op-amp principles and show how the op-
amp can be used to solve a variety of application problems. Much attention is given to
basic op-amp configurations, linear and non-linear applications of op-amp and active filter
synthesis, including switched capacitor configurations. It also deals with oscillators,
waveform generators and data converters.
Correlates to
Instructional Objectives Student
The goals of the course is to ensure that the learners become familiar to: Outcomes
Learn the basics of op-amp, its characteristics, circuit model, its frequency
1. b k e
response and compensation, and its internal schematic.
Analyze the operation and discuss the performance of several
2. fundamentally important op-amp circuits that have certain features or b, c k e
characteristics oriented to special applications.
Describe the basic operating principles of oscillator and discuss how
3. different types of oscillators produce various types of outputs including sine b k e
waves, square waves, triangular waves, and sawtooth waves.
Use popular integrated circuits, such as 555 timer and 565 PLL in a wide
4. b, c k e
variety of oscillator and communication applications.
Describe the filter types, filter response characteristics and filter
5. parameters, and analyse the four basic categories of active filters, which are b k e
low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and band-stop.
Discuss the principles of voltage regulation, linear regulator, switching
6. b k e
regulator and IC voltage regulators.
Introduce data converter terminology and its performance parameters, and
7. b, c k e
discuss several circuit arrangements for A/D and D/A conversions.
H: High correlation, M: Medium correlation, L: Low correlation
Contact C-D-
Session Description of Topic IOs Reference
hours I-O
Unit-I: Operational Amplifier Characteristics 9
1 Op-amp symbol, terminals, packages and specifications 1 C 1 1
Block diagram Representation of op-amp- Ideal op-
2 amp & practical op-amp - Open loop & closed loop 1 C 1 1
3 DC & AC performance characteristics of op-amp 2 C 1 1
4 Frequency response and compensation 2 C 1 1, 2
Contact C-D-
Session Description of Topic IOs Reference
hours I-O
5 Basic op-amp internal schematic 2 C 1 1, 2
6 Review of data sheet of an op-amp. 1 C 1 1, 2
Unit-II: OpAmp Applications 9
Basic op-amp circuits: Inverting & Non-inverting
7 voltage amplifiers, Voltage follower, Summing, scaling 2 D, I 2 1, 2
& averaging amplifiers, AC amplifiers
Linear Applications: Instrumentation Amplifiers, V-
8 to-I and I-to-V converters, Differentiators and 3 D, I 2 1, 2
Non-linear Applications: Precision Rectifiers, Wave
Shaping Circuits (Clipper and Clampers), Log and
Antilog Amplifiers, Analog voltage multiplier circuit
9 4 D, I 2 1, 2
and its applications, Operational Trans-Conductance
Amplifier (OTA), Comparators and its applications,
Sample and Hold circuit.
Unit-III: Waveform Generators and PLL 9
Waveform Generators: Sine-wave Generators,
10 3 D, I 3 1-5
Square / Triangle / Saw-tooth Wave generators.
IC 555 Timer: Monostable operation and its
11 3 D, I 4 1-5
applications, Astable operation and its applications
PLL: Operation of the Basic PLL, Closed loop
12 analysis of PLL, Voltage Controlled Oscillator, PLL 3 C,D,I 4 1-5
Unit-IV: Active Filters & Voltage Regulator 9
Filters: Comparison between Passive and Active
Networks, Active Network Design , Filter
13 3 C,D,I 4 1-5
Approximations, Design of LPF, HPF, BPF and Band
Reject Filters
State Variable Filters All Pass Filters, Switched
14 3 C,D,I 4 1-5
Capacitor Filters.
Voltage Regulators: Basics of Voltage Regulator,
Linear Voltage Regulators using Op-amp, IC
15 3 C 5 1-5
Regulators (78xx, 79xx, LM 317, LM 337, 723),
Switching Regulators
Unit-V: Data Conversion Devices 9
Digital to Analog Conversion: DAC Specifications,
16 2 C,D,I 6,7 1-5
Weighted Resistor DAC
R-2R Ladder DAC and Inverted R-2R Ladder DAC,
17 Monolithic DAC
2 C,D,I 6,7 1-5
Analog to Digital conversion: ADC specifications,
18 Ramp Type ADC, Successive Approximation ADC
3 C,D,I 6,7 1-5
19 Dual Slope ADC, Flash Type ADC, Monolithic ADC 2 C,D,I 6,7 1-5
Total contact hours (Exclusive of Assessment hours) 45
S. Contact C-D-
Description of Experiments IOs Reference
No. hours I-O
1 Basic op-amp circuits 2 D,I,O 1,2,4 6-10
S. Contact C-D-
Description of Experiments IOs Reference
No. hours I-O
2 Integrators and Differentiators 2 D,I,O 1,2,4 6-10
3 Rectifiers 2 D,I,O 1,2,4 6-10
4 Comparators 2 D,I,O 1,2,4 6-10
5 Wave shaping circuits 2 D,I,O 1,2,4 6-10
6 Waveform generators: using op-amp & 555 Timer 6 D,I,O 1,2,4 6-10
7 Design of LPF, HPF, BPF and Band Reject Filters 4 D,I,O 1,2,4 6-10
8 IC Voltage regulators 2 D,I,O 1,2,4 6-10
9 R-2R ladder DAC 2 D,I,O 1,2,4 6-10
10 Flash Type ADC 2 D,I,O 1,2,4 6-10
11 Simulation experiments using EDA tools 4 D,I,O 1,2,4 6-10
Total contact hours 30
Learning Resources
Ramakant A.Gayakwad, Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall,
1. 2000.
2. David A. Bell, Operational Amplifiers and Linear ICs, 3rd edition, OUP, 2013.
Roy Choudhury and Shail Jain, Linear Integrated Circuits, 4th Edition, New Age International
3. Publishers, 2014.
Robert F. Coughlin, Frederick F. Driscoll, Operational-Amplifiers and Linear Integrated
4. Circuits, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001.
Sergio Franco, Design with operational amplifier and analog integrated circuits, McGraw
5. Hill, 1997
6. LABORATORY MANUAL, Department of ECE, SRM University
David A Bell, Laboratory Manual for Operational Amplifiers & Linear ICs, 2nd edition, D.A.
7. Bell, 2001.
David LaLond, Experiments in Principles of Electronic Devices and Circuits, Delmar
8. Publishers, 1993.
Muhammed H Rashid, Introduction to PSpice using OrCAD for circuits and electronics, 3rd
edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2004.
L. K. Maheshwari, M. M. S. Anand, Laboratory Experiments and PSPICE Simulations in
10. Analog Electronics, PHI, 2006.
This lab course is to train the learners to design and analyze the operation of discrete
electronic circuits and understand their functionality. It also supports many experiments
and new ideas which are evolved in the mind of students. More emphasis is given to
troubleshooting which is designed to simulate realistic circuit faults.
Correlates to
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learner will be able to:
Design, analyze and implement basic discrete electronic circuits such
1. b c
as amplifiers and oscillators using discrete transistors (BJT & FET).
Gain hands-on experience to put theoretical concepts learned in
2. b c
15EC202 Electronic Circuits course to practice.
Solve a specific design problem, which after completion they will
3. verify using modern engineering tools such as PSPICE to carry out k e
design experiments.
H: High correlation, M: Medium correlation, L: Low correlation
S. Contact C-D-
Description of Experiments IOs Reference
No. hours I-O
Using discrete components only 21
1. Design and analysis of BJT amplifier configurations 3 D,I,O 1, 2 14
Design and analysis of MOSFET amplifier
2. 3 D,I,O 1, 2 14
Design and analysis of multistage amplifier
3. 6 D, I 1, 2 14
4. Design and analysis of RC oscillators 3 D, I 1, 2 14
5. Classes of power amplifier (efficiency calculation) 3 D, I 1, 2 14
6. Design and analysis of basic BJT differential pairs 3 D, I 1, 2 14
Simulation experiments using PSPICE 24
Design and analysis of negative feedback amplifier
7. 3 D, I 3 56
8. Design and analysis of LC oscillators 6 D, I 3 56
9. BJT current sources 3 D,I,O 3 56
10. FET current sources 3 D,I,O 3 56
11. Design & analysis of BJT CE amplifier with active load 3 D, I 3 56
12. Design & analysis of FET CS amplifier with active load 3 D, I 3 56
Design & analysis of differential amplifier with active
13. 3 D, I 3 56
Total contact hours (Exclusive of Assessment hours) 45
This course covers the important features and applications of 8086 microprocessor and
Purpose 8051 microcontroller with details on the internal architecture, programming, system
design and interfacing concepts.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
The objectives of this course is to provide learners with understanding the: H M L
1. 8086 architecture, pin functions and operating modes a b d
2. 8086 instructions and programming c b a
3. 8051 architecture, pin functions, memory organization, instruction set b c d
and programming
4. Hardware features of 8051 microcontroller such as parallel port, serial d b c
port, timer and interrupt
5. Interfacing 8086 / 8051 to memory and various other peripherals and d b c
programmable devices
H-High correlation, M-Medium Correlation, L-Low correlation
Contact C-D-
Session Description of Topic (Theory) IOs Reference
hours I-O
Unit-I: Intel 8086 Architecture, Signals and
1 8086 architecture 2 C 1 1,3,6
2 Pin functions 2 C 1 1,3,6
3 Memory Organization 1 C 1 1,3,6
Operating modes (configurations and system bus
4 2 C,D 1 1,3,6
Multiprocessor system having 8086 & 8087, and
5 8086 & 8089 2 C,D 1 1,3
Register Organization
Unit-II: Programming with Intel 8086 9
6 Addressing Modes 1 C 2 1,3,6
7 Instruction set C,D 2 1,3,6
8 Assembly Language Programs (ALPs) C,D,I 2 1,3,6
9 Stack structure and related programming-I 1 C,D,I 2 1,3,6
10 Interrupt structure and related programming 1 C,D,I 2 1,3,6
Unit-III: 8086 Interfacing with Memory and
Programmable Devices
11 Interfacing RAM / EPROM chips 1 C,D,I 3 1,2,3,4
Learning Resources
K. M. Bhurchandi and A. K. Ray, "Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals-with ARM and an
1. Introduction to Microcontrollers and Interfacing ", Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd edition 2015
Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice GillispieMazidi, "The 8051 - Microcontroller and Embedded
2. systems", 7th Edition, Pearson Education, 2011.
Doughlas.V.Hall, Microprocessor and Interfacing : Programming and Hardware, 3rd edition,
3. McGraw Hill, 2015
Kenneth.J.Ayala, 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming and Applications, 3rd
4. edition, Thomson, 2007
Subrataghoshal 8051 Microcontroller Internals Instructions ,Programming And
5. Interfacing,2nd edition Pearson 2010
Yu-cheng Liu, Glenn A.Gibson, Microcomputer systems: The 8086/8088 family-
6. Architecture,programming and design,2nd edition, Prentice Hall of India,2007
To provide the fundamentals of discrete time signals, systems and modern digital
processing as well as applications.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learner will be able to H M L
1 Acquire knowledge on frequency analysis of DTLTI and Efficient a b c
computation of the DFT by using FFT algorithm
2. Utilize the power of computational tools like MATLAB or Scilab to
implement sophisticated signal processing systems on their own e c k
personal computers which gain confidence in the fundamentals,
3. Design FIR and IIR filters using several methods e c
4. Understand the finite world length effects that arise in digital filters. a e
5. Understand the DSP processors architectures and its addressing modes b e
H-High correlation, M-Medium Correlation, L-Low correlation
Session Description of Topic (Theory) D- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Amplitude Modulation 9
1. Need for modulation, Amplitude modulation 2 C 1 1,2
2. Power efficiency relations 1 1 1,2
3. Generation of AM, DSB-SC, SSB-SC, 3 C 1 1,2
4. Demodulation of AM, VSB 2 C 1 1,2
5. Comparison of various amplitude modulation systems. 1 C 1 1,2
Unit-II: Angle Modulation 9
6. Frequency modulation, Types of FM 1 C 1 1,2
7. Phase modulation, Relationship between PM and FM 2 C 1 1,2
8. Generation of FM, Direct method, Indirect method 3 C 1 1,2
9. Demodulation of FM 3 C 1 1,2
Unit-III: Radio Transmitter and Receivers 9
AM transmitter , Low Level, High Level Transmitter,
10. 4 C 2 1,2
FM transmitter
Classification of radio receiver, Functions and
11. 1 C 2 1,2
Characteristics of radio receiver
12. Tuned Radio Frequency receiver 1 C,D 2 1,2
13. Super-heterodyne receiver- AM, FM. 3 C,D 2 1,2
Learning Resources
1. Simon Haykin and Michael Moher, Communication Systems, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons,
2. Singh. R. P & Sapre. S. D, Communication Systems: Analog & Digital, 3rd edition, McGraw-
Hill Education, Seventh Reprint, 2016.
3. Herbert Taub, Donald L Schilling and Goutam Saha, Principles of Communication Systems,
4th edition, Mc Graw Hill Education, Fourth Reprint, 2015.
4. John G Proakis, Masoud Salehi, and Gerhard Bauch, Contemporary Communication Systems
using MATLAB, 3rd edition, Cengage Learning, 2013.
5. Dennis Fitzpatrick, Analog Design and Simulation Using OrCAD Capture and PSpice,
Illustrated edition, Elsevier, 2011
6. Lab Manual of the course 15EC305J , Department of ECE, SRM University
Contact C-D-
Description of experiments IOs Reference
hours I-O
Part-A: General-Purpose Programming using
Intel 8086 / 8051
1. Program(s) to demonstrate data transfer operation I,O 1 1
2. Program(s) to demonstrate logical operation I,O 1,2,3 1
3. Program(s) to demonstrate arithmetic operation 3 I,O 1,2,3 1
Program(s) to demonstrate decision making and
4. looping operation
3 I,O 1,2,3 1
Description of Topic
A multidisciplinary project to be taken up by a team of maximum of ten students. Development of
prototype product, a 3D model, simulation, blueprint for a larger project and any other development
work are permitted. The contribution of the individuals in the project should be clearly brought out. A
combined report is to be submitted. A presentation is to be made for the reviewers on the work done
by the candidate.
Sl. Contact
Description of project work progress C-D-I-O IOs Reference
No. hours
Review - 1
Minor design project identification, the objective
1. 10 C-D-I 1,2 1-4
and methodology and expected outcome of the
proposed work.
Review 2
2. Presentation of the proposed work design, 15 C-D-I-O 1,2 1-4
implementation and partial result
Review 3
Presentation of complete project work with results
3. 15 C-D-I-O 1,2 1-4
and discussion
Demonstration of project work
4. Minor Project Report 5 C-D-I 1,2 1-4
Total Contact Hours 45
Learning Resources
IEEE Journal, Elsevier Journals, Springer Journals, and any open access journal, reference /
user manuals, etc.
Expected outcome Evaluators Criteria or basis Marks
A short presentation to be delivered on:
A brief, descriptive project title (2-4
words). This is critical!
The 3 nearest competitors (existing
solutions) and price.
Viability /
Team members name, phone number,
feasibility of
Project email, department/ degree program, and
Panel of the project
proposal year. 0
reviewers Extent of
(Review I) A description of the product opportunity
that has been identified. To include:
work done.
Documentation of the market need,
shortcomings of existing competitive
products, and definition of the target
market and its size.
Proposed supervisor / guide
Mission Statement / Techniques Originality,
Concept Sketches, Design Specifications / Multi-
Modules & Techniques along with disciplinary
System architecture component,
Coding Panel of clarity of idea
Review II 20
reviewers and
team work,
Final Concept and Model / Algorithm/ Originality,
Technique Multi-
Drawings, Plans / programme output disciplinary
Financial Model / costing component,
Prototype / Coding Panel of clarity of idea
Review III 50
Final Presentation and Demonstration reviewers and
team work,
Final progress,
Supervisor /
technical A good technical report extent of work 30
Report and
quality of
Total 100
To learner must identify a sub domain of the degree of specialization that is the interest
Purpose of the learner collecting research paper and give presentation in one of the
specializations of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, learner will be able to H M L
Acquire the skill in reading, understanding the journal article and
capability to present Journal article/technical paper and also able to
1. g, h, j i E
identify the potential area of research in the specializations of
Electronics and Communication Engineering
2. To understand the research methodology adopted by various researchers h i j
To mathematically model a problem, critically analyse it and adopt
3. b c e
strategies to solve
4. To understand and present a well documented research e g
H= High Correlation, M= Medium Correlation, L = Low Correlation
1. Upon registering for the course the student must identify a sub-domain of the degree specialization
that is of interest to the student and start collecting research papers as many as possible.
2. After collecting sufficient number of research papers the student must peruse all the papers, meet
the course faculty and discuss on the salient aspects of each and every paper.
3. The course faculty, after discussion with the student will approve TWO research papers that is
appropriate for presentation.
4. The student must collect additional relevant reference materials to supplement and compliment the
two research papers and start preparing the presentation.
5. Each student must present a 15-minute presentation on each of the approved research paper to the
panel of evaluators.
6. The presenter must present one research paper within the first half of the semester (6 weeks) and
another research paper in the next half of the semester (6 weeks) as per the schedule.
7. All other students registered for the course will form the audience.
8. The audience as well as the evaluators will probe the student with appropriate questions and solicit
response from the presenter.
9. The presentation will be evaluated against 7 to 8 assessment criteria by 4 to 5 evaluators.
10. The score obtained through the presentations of TWO research papers will be converted to
appropriate percentage of marks.
Department of ECE
Evaluation of Seminar Presentations (Sample)
2 Clarity of presentation
6 Time scheduling
7 Completeness of preparation
Overall Grades:
Signature of Course Coordinator
To offer students the opportunity to study with the worlds best universities by
integrating select MOOCs in a regular degree programme and providing students full
credit transfer, as per university regulations, if they earn a Verified / Completion
Certificate and take a proctored examination through a secure, physical testing center.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, learner will able to H M L
Improve their knowledge and skills relevant to their chosen a, b, c, e, d, f,
1. i
domain h, g, j, k
To apply the concepts, theories, laws, technologies learnt herein to
2. f h i, j
provide engineering solutions.
H= High Correlation, M= Medium Correlation, L = Low Correlation
Contact C-D-
Session Course Description IOs Reference
hours I-O
This course is designed for the learner to study high
quality courses online with prestigious universities.
The department has well in advance identified the
courses and publicized to students. The student has to
1 choose online courses listed by the department and 45 C,D,I, 1 1,2,3,4
should undergo for the minimum period of 8-12
weeks. Upon completion of the course, the student
must submit the completed certificate for credit
Total contact hours 45
Learning Resources
4. Any other online courses offered by reputed entity
1. It is mandatory for every student to undergo this course.
2. Every student is expected to spend a minimum of 15-days in an Industry/ Company/ Organization,
during the summer vacation.
3. The type of industry must be NOT below the Medium Scale category in his / her domain of the
degree programme.
4. The student must submit the Training Completion Certificate issued by the industry / company /
Organisation as well as a technical report not exceeding 15 pages, within the stipulated time to be
eligible for making a presentation before the committee constituted by the department.
5. The committee will then assess the student based on the report submitted and the presentation
6. Marks will be awarded out of maximum 100.
7. Appropriate grades will be assigned as per the regulations.
8. Only if a student gets a minimum of pass grade, appropriate credit will be transferred towards the
degree requirements, as per the regulations.
9. It is solely the responsibility of the individual student to fulfill the above conditions to earn the
10. The attendance for this course, for the purpose of awarding attendance grade, will be considered
100%, if the credits are transferred, after satisfying the above (1) to (8) norms; else if the credits
are not transferred or transferable, the attendance will be considered as ZERO.
11. The committee must recommend redoing the course, if it collectively concludes, based on the
assessment made from the report and presentations submitted by the student, that either the level
of training received or the skill and / or knowledge gained is NOT satisfactory.
The learners can enrich their knowledge through interactions from core domain
industry / research/ service industry personnel
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, student will able to H M L
To obtain an insight into the current industrial trends and
1. a, d b, c j
To obtain an insight into the technologies adopted by
2. a, d b, c j
To obtain an insight into the technical problems encountered
3. a, d b, c j
by the industries and the scope for providing solutions.
4. To network with industry a, d b, c j
H= High Correlation, M= Medium Correlation, L = Low Correlation
1. The department will identify and shortlist few emerging topics that are trending in industry.
2. The department will identify experts from industry who are willing to deliver modules on the
shortlisted topics.
3. The identified expert will assist the department in formulating the course content to be delivered
as a 30-hour module, prepare lectures notes, ppt, handouts and other learning materials.
4. The department will arrange to get the necessary approvals for offering the course, from the
universitys statutory academic bodies well before the actual offering.
5. The department must officially announce, to the students as well as to the Controller of
Examinations, the list of courses that will be offered as industry module.
6. The department must also officially announce / appoint one or more faculty coordinator(s) for
advising the students attached to them, monitoring their progress and assist the department in
proctoring/supervising/assessment the quizzes, assignments, tests etc, uploading the marks,
attendance etc, within the stipulated timeframe.
7. The Student who desires to pursue a course, from the above department-approved list, must
register for that course during the course registration process of the Faculty of Engineering and
Technology, SRM University.
8. The maximum credit limits for course registration at SRM will include the Industry Module also.
9. All academic requirements of a professional course like minimum attendance, assessment
methods, discipline etc will be applicable for this Industry Module.
10. The course will be conducted on week-ends or beyond the college regular working hours.
To Learn the technology, design concepts, electrical properties and modeling of Very
Large Scale Integrated Circuits. To understand the digital systems design using
verilog HDL and implementation using FPGAs / CPLDs.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learner will be able to H M L
1. Design digital system using Hardware Description Language c e k
2. Acquire the knowledge of MOS Transistor e
3. Understand the CMOS Fabrication process c
4. Learn the design of CMOS Logic circuits and subsystems c e
5. Apply concepts and methods of digital system design techniques
b,c d f
through experiments.
6. Develop skills, techniques and learn state-of-the-art engineering EDA
tools to design, implement and test digital systems using FPGAs / k
H-High Correlation, M-Medium Correlation, L-Low correlation
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Reference
UNIT-I: Verilog HDL 9
1. VLSI design flow ,Hierarchical modeling concepts 1 C 1 2
2. Basic Concepts: Data types ,Modules and ports 2 C 1 2
3. Gate Level Modeling 1 C,D 1 2
4. Data Flow Modeling 1 C,D 1 2
5. Behavioral Modeling 2 C,D 1 2
6. Switch level Modeling 1 C,D 1 2
7. Task and Function 1 C 1 2
UNIT-II : MOS Transistor Theory 9
8. Introduction and I-V Characteristics 1 C 2 1,3
Non ideal I-V effects: Velocity saturation, mobility
9. 1 C 2 1,3
degradation and Channel length modulation
Non ideal I-V effects: Body Effect, Sub threshold
10. conduction, Junction leakage and Geometry 1 C 2 1,3
11. CMOS Inverter DC characteristics 2 C 2 1,3
Scaling: Transistor scaling, Interconnect scaling and
12. 2 C 2 1,3
Impacts on design
Contact C-D-I-
Sl. No. Description of experiments IOs Reference
hours O
Tanner Spice/HSPICE
1. CMOS Logic gate and circuits 4 D-I-O 1,5,6 6,7,8
2. Dynamic circuits 4 D-I-O 1,5,6 6,7,8
3. CMOS latches and flip flops 4 D-I-O 1,5,6 6,7,8
Learning Resources
1. Neil H.E.Weste, David Harris, CMOS VLSI Design, Pearson,3rd Edition. 2005,Reprint
2. Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL Guide to Digital Design and synthesis, 2rd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2003.
3. Douglas A.Pucknell, Kamran Eshraghian,Basic VLSI Design, Prentice Hall of India,
3rdEdition, Reprint 2009.
4. Sung Mo Kang,YusufLeblebici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis and Design,
Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition,2003.
5. John P. Uyemura, Introduction to VLSI circuits and systems, Wiley, 2rd Edition2002,
Reprint 2014.
6. 15EC302J VLSI Design Laboratory Manual, Department of ECE, SRM University.
7. Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL Guide to Digital Design and synthesis,
2rd Edition, Pearson, Education 2003
8. Michael D. Ciletti, Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL, 2rd Edition, Prentice
Hall Higher Education, 2010.
Contact C-D-
Session Description of Topic IOs Reference
hours I-O
Unit-I:Antenna Fundamentals and Radiations 9
1 Basic Antenna parameters, Antenna field zones 2 C,D 1 1,2
2 Antenna Reciprocity Theorems 1 C,D 1 1,2
3 Friis transmission equation 1 C,D 1 1,2
4 Radiation: Retarded potential 1 C 1 1,2
Far Field due to an alternating current element,
5 2 C,D 1 1,2,3
Power Radiated by a current element
Far field due to sinusoidal current distribution for
6 2 C,D 1 1,2,3
half wave dipole and Quarter wave monopole.
Unit-II:Antenna Arrays and Synthesis 9
7. Point source, Array of Two isotropic point sources 1 C,D 2 1,2
Non isotropic similar point sources and the
8. 2 C,D 2 1,2,4
principle of pattern multiplication.
Linear arrays of n isotropic point sources: Broad
9. 2 C,D 2 1,2,4
side Array, End fire Array
10. Phased arrays, Binomial arrays 1 C,D 2 1,2
Synthesis methods: Schelkunhoff polynomial
11. 2 D 2 1,2
12. Fourier transform method 1 D 2 1,2
Unit-III:Antenna Types and its Applications 9
Learning Resources
1. John D Kraus , Ronald J Marhefka, Ahmed S Khan Antenna and wave propagation 4th
Edition 2010
2. Constantine Balanis. A, Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, 3rd Edition, John Wiley
and Sons, 2012.
3. Stutzman, Warren L, Gary A.Thiele, Antenna theory and design, 3rd Edition, John Wiley
and Sons 2012
4. C. Jordan E and Balmain, Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems, 2nd Pearson
Education/ PHI, 2006.
Contact C-D-
Session Description of Topic (Theory) IOs Reference
hours I-O
Unit-I: Digital Modulation Systems 9
1 Sampling and Quantization-PCM Systems 2 C 1 1
Data Formatting -Noise consideration in PCM
2 2 C,D 1 1
system-Bandwidth of PCM
PCM TDM signal multiplexing-Limitations of PCM
3 1 C,D 1 1
4 Differential PCM (DPCM) 1 C 1 1
5 Delta Modulation (DM)- Noise in DM 2 C 1 1
Adaptive DPCM (ADPCM), Comparison of PCM,
6 1 C 1 1
Unit-II: Base Band Demodulation and Detection 9
7 Demodulation and Detection Process 1 C 2 1,2
8 Maximum Likelihood Receiver Structure 1 C 2 1,2
Matched Filter receiver, Probability error of the
9 2 C
Matched filter
10 Inter symbol Interference Eye pattern 2 C 2 1
Nyquist criterion for distortion less baseband
11 1 C 2 1
12 Correlative coding 2 C,D 2 1,2,3,4
Unit-III: Pass Band Data Transmission 9
Sl. No. Description of experiments D-I- IOs Reference
Pulse Modulation Systems(PAM, PWM, PPM) and its I,O
1. Demodulation 3 1 7
Learning Resources
1 Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 4th Edition, 2000.
Bernard Sklar, Digital Communication, Fundamentals and Application, Pearson Education
Asia, 2nd Edition, 2001.
3 Taub& Schilling, Principle of Communication Systems, 2nd Edition, 2003.
4 John G. Proakis, Digital Communication, McGraw Hill Inc, 5th Edition, 2008.
Singh, R.P. &Sapre, S.D, Communication Systems: Analog & Digital, Tata McGraw-Hill,
5th reprint, 2000.
Shu Lin, Daniel Costello, Error control coding Fundamentals and Applications, Second
Edition,Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2004.
7 Lab Manual of 15EC304J.
Session Description of Topic C-D-I-O IOs Reference
Introduction: Facilitating Multidisciplinary
1. 4 C, D, I, O 1-4
2. Identifying and formulating a problem 4 C, D, I, O 1-4
3. System Modelling 4 C, D, I, O 1-4
Thinking perspectives: Decomposition
Composition Thinking Hierarchical Thinking,
4. Organizational Thinking, Life-Cycle Thinking, 6 C, D, I, O 1-4
Safety Thinking, Risk Thinking, Socio-politico-
cultural thinking, Environment thinking
Decomposing a system Identifying the major
5. 4 C, D, I, O 1-4
Learning Resources
G. Maarten Bonnema, Karel T. Veenvliet, Jan F. Broenink, Systems Design and Engineering:
1. Facilitating Multidisciplinary Development Projects, December 15, 2015, CRC Press, ISBN
Ina Wagner , Tone Bratteteig , Dagny Stuedahl, Exploring Digital Design-Multi-Disciplinary
Design Practices, Springer-Verlag London, 2010, ISSN:1431-1496.
Domain-1: Human Machine Interface
Roberto Cipolla and Alex Pentland, Computer Vision For Human-Machine Interaction,
Cambridge University Press, 1998
4. Dix, Alan, et. al. Human-Computer Interaction, 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall, 2003
Domain-2: Robotics for Electronics Automation
Dominik Sankowski, Jacek Nowakowski, Computer Vision in Robotics and Industrial
Applications, Series in Computer Vision: Volume 3, World Scientific, August 2014.
6. Karl Mathia, Robotics for Electronics Manufacturing, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Marco Ceccarelli, Robots and Robotics: Design and Application, University of Cassino,
Italy, March, 2012.
Domain-3: BioMedical Applications
Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, Biomedical signal analysis A case-study approach Wiley, IEEE
Press, 2013
Joseph J. Carr, John No. Brown, Introduction to Biodmedical Equipment Technology 4th
Edition, Pearson Education Seventh Impression, 2011
Domain-4: Digital Image Processing
R. Gonzalez and R. Woods, Digital Image Processing, 2nd ed.", Prentice-Hall, 2002,
K. Rao and P. Yip, The Transform and Data Compression Handbook, CRC Press, 2001,
J. Shapiro, Embedded image coding using zerotreesofwavelet coefficients IEEE Trans. on
Signal Processing, vol. 41, pp. 34453462, 1993.
Theme or major/broad domains will be announced by the department every semester. Multi-
disciplinary designs will be made by the students in groups (group size may be decided by the course
coordinator), with the topic of interest falling within the theme or major/broad domains as announced
by the department, applying any combinations of the disciplines in engineering. 3D modelling and / or
simulation must be used to validate the design.
In a combination of lecture and hands-on experiences, students must be exposed to
understand and analyse engineering designs (or products) and systems, their realization process and
project management. Analysis of the design criteria for safety, ergonomics, environment, life cycle
cost and sociological impact is to be covered. Periodic oral and written status reports are required. The
course culminates in a comprehensive written report and oral presentation. If required guest lecturers
from industry experts from the sub-domains may be arranged to provide an outside perspective and
show how the system design is being handled by the industry. The Conceive Design Implement
Operate (CDIO) principles must be taught to the students.
A full-scale fabrication is not within the purview /scope of this course. Of course this design,
if scalable and approved by the department, can be extended as the major project work. This course is
100% internal continuous assessment.
Session Description of Topic Contact
D-I- IOs References
Unit-I: Introduction Tto Wireless Communication 9
Evolution of wireless communication and mobile
1. 1 C 1 1,2
radio communication
Cellular concepts, Frequency reuse, Channel
2. 2 C 1 1,2
3. Hand off, Interference and system capacity 2 C 1 1,2
4. Trunking and erlang, Capacity calculation 2 C 1 1,2
5. Improving coverage and capacity 2 C 1 1,2
Unit-II: Mobile Radio Wave Propagation (Large 9
Scale Fading)
Radio wave propagation, Transmit and receive signal
6. 2 C 2 1,2,5
7. Free space path loss, Ray tracing 2 C 2 1,2,5
Empirical path loss models, Simplified path loss
8. 2 C 2 1,2,5
model, Shadow fading
9. Outage probability under path loss and shadowing 2 C 2 1,2,4,5
10. Cell coverage area 1 C 2 1,2,3,5
Unit-III: Mobile Radio Wave Propagation (Small
Scale Fading & Multipath)
11. Small scale multipath propagation 2 C 3 1,2,3
12. Impulse response model of multipath channel 2 C 3 1,2,3
13. Small scale multipath measurements 2 C 3 1,2,3
Learning Resources
1. Andreas.F.Molisch., "Wireless Communications", Wiley Publications,Second Edition-2005,
2. Rappaport.T.S,Wireless Communications:Principles and Practice, Second Edition, Pearson
Education, Reprint 2011.
3. William Stallings, "Wireless Communication & Networking", Pearson Education Asia, 2009
4. Feher K., "Wireless Digital Communications", PHI, New Delhi, 1995
5. Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, Aug 2005
6. Schiller, "Mobile Communications", Pearson Education Asia Ltd., Reprint 2012
7. Lee W.C.Y., " Mobile Communications Engineering: Theory and Applications", McGraw
Hill, New York, 2nd Edition, 1998
To learn the basics of computer communication networks, layer functionalities and the
protocols involved in it.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learner will be able to H M L
1. Understand the basic services and concepts related to internetworking. j h i
2. Explain the basic OSI model architecture and its lower layer j i h
3. Acquire knowledge in various network layer concepts, mechanisms j i h
and protocols.
4. Explore the services and techniques of Transport layer. j i h
5. Analyze the various services and protocols in Application layer. j i h
6. Implement and analyze the various Networking concepts & Routing k j h
H-High Correlation, M-Medium Correlation, L-Low correlation
Session Description of Topic Contact
D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Data Communication & Networking Basics 9
Data transfer modes, Serial and Parallel transmission,
1. 2 C 1 1-4
Protocols & Standards, Layered Architecture
2. Switching, Circuit, Message & Packet switching 2 C 1 1-4
3. LAN, MAN & WAN, Network topologies 2 C 1 1-4
Sl. No. Description of experiments Contact
D-I- IOs Reference
Configuration of a simple wired network of four nodes
1. connected with point-to-point links using QualNet 2 I,O 1,6 5
Network Simulator.
Simulation of CSMA/CD protocol and to study its
2. 2 I,O 1,6 5
Simulation of token bus and token ring protocols and
3. 2 I,O 1,6 5
to study the performance.
Simulation of CSMA/CA protocol and to study its
4. performance and comparison with CSMA/CD 2 I,O 1,6 5
Frame based String Data transmission & Frame Data
5. 4 I,O 1,6 5
Transmission using Error check
Implementation and study of stop and wait protocol
6. using 4 I,O 2,6 5
NS-2 Network Simulator.
Implementation and study of Go back N and selective
7. repeat protocols. 2 I,O 2,6 5
To learn the basics of microwave theory and techniques and to enable the learner to
Purpose become familiar with microwave devices and components used in microwave
communication systems.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, learner will be able to H M L
Acquire knowledge on the theory of microwave transmission, microwave
1. generators and associated components. a c b
Session Description of Topic Contact
D- IOs References
Unit-I: Microwave Generators 9
History of Microwave Engineering, Microwave
1. 1 C 1 1,2
transmission and Applications; Maxwell Equations
Microwave Tubes; High frequency limitations,
2. 2 C 1 1,3,4,5
Klystron amplifier, Reflex Klystron oscillators
3. TWT amplifiers, Magnetron oscillators 2 C 1 1,3,4,5
Microwave Bipolar Transistors, Field Effect
4. 1 C 1 1,3,4,5
5. Gunn diode , Gunn Oscillation modes 2 C 1 1,3,4,5
6. IMPATT, TRAPATT and Tunnel diode 1 C 1 1,3,4,5
Unit-II: Microwave Passive Devices and
High frequency parameters: S parameters and S
7. 2 C,D 2 1,3,4,5
matrix analysis for N-port microwave device
Directional coupler, E and H plane Tee and Magic
8. 2 C,D 2 1,3,4,5
9. Microwave Circulators, Isolators 1 C 2 1,3,4,5
10. Attenuators and Phase Shifters 1 C 2 1,3,4,5
11. Rectangular and Cylindrical Waveguides 2 C 2 1,3,4,5
Learning Resources
1. David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
2. David M. Pozar, Microwave & RF Design of Wireless Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
3. Samuel Y. Liao, Microwave Devices and Circuits, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2013.
4. Robert. E. Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engineering, 2nd edition, Wiley, Reprint 2014.
5. Annapurna Das, Sisir K. Das, Microwave Engineering, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill, 2015.
6. I. Hunter, Theory and design of microwave filters, The Institution of Engineering
&Technology, 2001
Session Description of Topic D- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Introduction to Optical Fibers 9
Elements of Optical fiber communication, Optical Spectral
1 1 C 1 1,2,3
Optical fiber structure, Light Propagation in Optical fibers:
2 1 C,D 1 1,2,3
Ray theory , Total Internal reflection, Skew rays
3 Overview of Modes: Cutoff wavelength and V number 1 C,D 1 1,2,3
4 Fiber types: SI, GI, MM, SM 2 C,D 1 1,2,3
Wave Equations for Step index fiber, Modal equation,
5 3 C 1 1,2,3
Modes in SI fibers, LPM
Special Fibers: Polarization Maintaining fibers, Photonic
6 1 C 1 2
Crystal fibers, Dispersion compensated fiber
Unit-II: Transmission Characteristics of Optical
Difference between bounded and free space optical
7 communication, Propagation characteristics of IR, 1 C 2 1,4
Visible, UV in Atmosphere and space
Attenuation: Material Absorption, Scattering, bending and
8 1 C,D 2 1,2,4
core cladding losses
Overview of Signal dispersion in fibers , its limitations,
9 1 C 2 1,2,4
Intermodal dispersion
Exclusive of
Total Contact Hours 45
Assessment hours
Session Description of Topic Contact
D-I- IOs Reference
Microwave Communication 21
1 Characteristics of Reflex Klystron 3 I-O 1 1-2
2 Study of power distribution in Directional coupler, E
6 I-O 1,2 1-2
plane, H plane and Magic Tee
3 Impedance measurement by slotted line method 3 I-O 1,2 1-2
4 Gain and radiation pattern of Horn antenna 3 I-O 1,2 1-2
5 Characteristics of filters, Microstrip patch antenna
6 I-O 1,2 1-2
and parallel line coupler
Optical Communication 18
6 DC characteristics of LED and Laser diode 6 I-O 2 1
7 DC characteristics of PIN and APD photo-diode 6 I-O 2 1
8 Measurement of Numerical Aperture, propagation
3 I-O 1,2 1
and bending losses of optical fiber
9 Analysis of Analog and digital optical link 3 I-O 2 1
Simulation Study 6
Design of RF Filters and Amplifier using D-I-
10 computational tool 3 2,3 1,5,6,7
Design of basic Optical Communication system using D-I-
11 computational tool 3 2,3 1,3,4
Total contact hours 45
The Major Project experience is the culminating academic endeavor of learners who
earn a degree in their Undergraduate Programs. The project provides learners with the
opportunity to explore a problem or issue of particular personal or professional interest
and to address that problem or issue through focused study and applied research under
Purpose the direction of a faculty member. The project demonstrates the learner's ability to
synthesize and apply the knowledge and skills acquired in his/her academic program to
real-world issues and problems. This final project affirms learners' ability to think
critically and creatively, to solve practical problems, to make reasoned and ethical
decisions, and to communicate effectively.
Instructional Objectives Learner Outcomes
At the end of the course, learner will be able to H M L
1. To provide learners with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and
a, c, e f, k g, h, i
skills acquired in their courses to a specific problem or issue.
2. To allow learners to extend their academic experience into areas of
personal interest, working with new ideas, issues, organizations, and a, c, e f, k g, h, i
3. To encourage learners to think critically and creatively about
academic, professional, or social issues and to further develop their
a, c, e f, k g, h, i
analytical and ethical leadership skills necessary to address and help
solve these issues.
4. To provide learners with the opportunity to refine research skills and
a, c, e f, k g, h, i
demonstrate their proficiency in written & oral communication skills.
5. To take on the challenges of teamwork, prepare a presentation in a
a, c, e f, k g, h, i
professional manner, and document all aspects of design work.
H= High Correlation, M= Medium Correlation, L = Low Correlation
Description of topic
1. The Major project is a major component of our engineering curriculum: it is the culmination of the
program of study enabling the learners to showcase the knowledge and the skills they have
acquired during the previous four years, design a product/service of significance, and solve an
open-ended problem in engineering.
2. Each student must register to the project course related to his or her program
3. Major Project course consists of one semester and would be allowed to register only during the
final year of study.
4. The Major Project may be initiated during the pre-final semester but will be assessed and credits
transferred only during the last semester of study, upon completion of all other degree
requirements. Generally the undergraduate major project is a team based one.
5. Each team in the major project course will consist of maximum of 5 learners.
6. Each project will be assigned a faculty, who will act as the supervisor.
Sl. C-D-I-
Description of project work progress O IOs Reference
Review - 1
1. Major design project identification, the objective, C-D-I 1-5 1-4
methodology and expected outcome.
Review 2
2. C-D-I-
Presentation of the proposed work design, 1-5 1-4
implementation and partial result
Review 3
3. C-D-I-
Presentation of complete project work with results and 1-5 1-4
discussion, Demonstration of project work
4. Project report/ Thesis submission C-D-I 1-5 1-4
Learning Resources
1. IEEE Journals, Elsevier Journals, Springer Journals, Any open Access Journal, Reference /
user manuals, etc.
Learning Resources
1. Rainer Waser (Ed.), Nanoelectronics and Information Technology,Wiley-VCH, Third,
Completely Revised and Enlarged Edition, 2012.
2. T.Pradeep, A Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Mc Graw Hill, 2012.
3. Ajoy Ghatak and S. Lokanathan, Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications, Fifth
Edition, Macmillan Publishers, 2009.
4. Yong-Bin Kim, Challenges for Nanoscale MOSFETs and Emerging Nanoelectronics,
KIEEME Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 93-105,
5. Kerry Bernstein, Device and Architecture Outlook for Beyond CMOS Switches,
Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. 98, No. 12, pp. 2169-2184,2010
Session Description of Topic Contact
D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Elements of Light and Solid State Physics
Wave nature of light, Polarization, Interference,
1. 2 C 1 1,5
2. Energy bands in solids 1 C 1 1
3. Conduction processes in semiconductors 2 C 1 2
4. Optical processes in semiconductors 2 C 1 2
5. Junction Theory 2 C 1 1,5
Unit-II: Display Devices and Light Sources
Photo Luminescence, Cathode Luminescence, Electro
6. 2 C 2 1
Luminescence, Injection Luminescence
7. Plasma Displays, LCD, Numerical Display 2 C 2 1,2
LED : Choice of LED Material, Light output from
8. 2 C 2 2
LED, Device performance characteristics
Laser: Operating principle, Emission and Absorption
9. of Radiation, Population Inversion, Optical feedback, 3 C 2 2
Threshold Condition, Semiconductor Lasers
Unit-III: Detection Devices 9
10. Photo detection Principle 1 C 3 1
11. Photoconductors, Noise in photoconductors 2 C 3 1
12. Photodiodes: PIN Photodiode, APD 2 C 3 1, 4, 5
13. Detector performance parameters 1 C 3 1
Learning Resources
J. Wilson and J F B Hawkes Optoelectronics- An Introduction, 3rd Edition, Pearson
Education Taiwan Ltd, 2010.
Pallab Bhattacharya Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2009.
Jasprit Singh Optoelectronics- An Introduction to Materials and Devices, Mc Graw Hill
Education India, 2014.
4. S C Gupta Optoelectronic Devices and Systems, 2 Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2015.
S O Kasap Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and practices, 2nd Edition, Pearson
5. Education International, 2012.
Description of Topic Contact
Session D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Testing Process and Fault Modeling 9
Learning Resources
Michael L. Bushnell and Vishwani D. Agarwal, Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital,
Memory & Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits, Springer, 2006.
2. P. K. Lala, Digital Circuit Testing and Testability, Academic Press, 2002.
3. Dimitris Gizopouilos, Advances in Electronic Testing, Springer 2006.
Learning Resources
Albert.D. Helfrick and William. D. Cooper, Modern Electronic Instrumentation and
Measurement Techniques, PHI.Learning Private Limited 2010.
H. S. Kalsi, Electronic Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2010,
3rd edition.
Earnest .O Doeblin, Measurement Systems Application and Design, McGraw Hill
International editions, 5th edition, 2009.
A.K. Sawhney, A course in electrical and electronic measurements and instrumentation,
Dhanapat Rai & Sons, 2000.
5. A.J. Bouwens, Digital Instrumentation, McGraw Hill, 1986.
Fundamentals of Vector Network Analysis Primer, Accessed on April 6 2016, [Online]
Basic RF Technic and Laboratory Manual - Vector Network Analyzer Measurement. Dr. Haim
Matzner & Shimshon Levy. August, 2008.
Network Analyzer for Anritsu RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments- Measurement Guide,
Session Description of Topic Contact
D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Sensors and Transducers Characteristics 9
Definition, classification, Characterization,
1. Electrical, mechanical, thermal, optical, biological 3 C 1 1,2,3,4
and chemical
2. Classification of errors, Error analysis 3 C 1 1,2,3,4
3. Static and dynamic characteristics of transducers 2 C 1 1,2,3,4
4. Performance measures of sensors 1 C 1 1,2,3,4
Unit-II: Mechanical and Electromechanical
Resistive sensors: Potentiometer, strain gauge and
5. 4 C,D 2 1,2,3,4
electrode elements
Magnetic sensors: Types, Principle, Requirement
6. 3 C,D 2 1,2,3,4
and Advantages
Magneto resistive sensors: Hall Effect sensor, Eddy
7. 2 C,D 2 1,2,3,4
current sensors
Unit-III: Capacitive, Inductive Sensors and
Capacitive sensors: Capacitance circuitry, Feedback
8. type condenser microphone, Frequency modulating 3 C,D 3 1,2,3,4
oscillator circuit, Dynamic capacitance variation.
Applications: Proximity, Microphone, Pressure,
9. 3 C,D 3 1,2,3,4
Inductive transducers: LVDT, RVDT, Synchro,
10. 3 C,D 3 1,2,3,4
Learning Resources
1. Ernest O. Doeblin, Measurement System, Application and Design, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., 5th Edition, 2008.
2. Patranabis D, Sensor and Actuators, Prentice Hall of India (Pvt) Ltd., 2006
3. Ian Sinclair, Sensor and Transducers, Elsevier India Pvt Ltd, 3rdEdtion, 2011.
4. H. S. Kalsi, Electronic Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2010,
3rd edition.
5. Sawhney.A.K, Puneethsawhney, A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and
Instrumentation, DhanpatRai Publications, 2012.
6. Web resources:
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: EMI/EMC Concepts 9
1. Concepts of EMI and EMC and Definitions 1 C 1 1,2 ,4
Classification of EMI/EMC - CE, RE, CS, RS, Units
2. of Parameters
1 C 1 1
Learning Resources
1 Prasad Kodali, Engineering Electromagnetic CompatibilityPrinciples, Measurements, and
Technologies, IEEE press, 2001.
2 Clayton R.Paul, Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wiley & Sons, 2nd
3 Henry W. Ott, Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2009
4 BernharoQKeiser, Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Artech house, 3rd Edition,
5 Tim Williams,EMC for Product Designers,Newnes, 4th Edition, 2007.
6 Mark I.Montrose, Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance: A
Handbook for Designers, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2nd edition, 2000.
The learners will gain basic knowledge on MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System),
Purpose various fabrication techniques and to design, analyze, fabricate and test the MEMS
based components.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, learner will be able to H M L
1. Acquire the knowledge of MEMS and micro fabrication. a d
2. Understand` the essential electrical and mechanical concepts of
a d
3. Understand the electrostatic and thermal sensing principles and a d b,j
actuating technique.
4. Attain the knowledge of piezoresistive, piezoelectric and magnetic
a d b,j
sensing and actuating technique.
5. Understand the concepts of polymer on optical MEMS. a d j
H: high correlation, M: medium correlation L: low correlation
Session Description of Topic Contact
D- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Introduction to MEMS and Micro 9
History of MEMS Development, Characteristics of
1. 2 C 1 1,4
MEMS: Miniaturization
Micro electronics integration , Mass fabrication
2. 1 C 1 1,4
with precision
3. Sensors and Actuators, Energy domain 1 C 1 1,2,4
4. Micro fabrication process 1 C 1 1
Silicon based MEMS processes- processing
Anisotropic wet etching and Isotropic wet etching,
5. 2 C,D 1 1,2,4
Dry etching of silicon and Deep reactive ion etching
New material and fabrication processing- points of
6. 1 C 1 1,2,4
consideration for processing
Surface micromachining process- structural and
7. 1 C,D 1 1,4
sacrificial material.
Unit-II: Electrical and Mechanical Concepts of 9
Conductivity of semiconductors , Crystal planes and
8. 2 C 2 1,3,4
9. Stress and strain: definition, Relationship between 2 C,D 2 1,2,4
Purpose This course presents fundamental concepts of Embedded system design and
programming, Real time operating system.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learner will be able to H M L
1. Understand the basics of embedded system development tools and
e a
Atmel RISC Processors
2. Write C programs for Microcontrollers e a
3. Familiarize with the concepts of RTOS e d
H-High Correlation, M-Medium Correlation, L-Low correlation
Session Description of Topic D- IOs Reference
Unit-I: ATMEL RISC Processors and Development Tools 9
Introduction, Basics of developing for embedded
1. systems
2 C 1 1
2. Embedded system Initialization 2 C 1 1
Atmel RISC Processors Architecture, Memory, Reset
3. and interrupt functions
1 C 1 2,3
Parallel I/O ports, Timer/Counters, Serial
4. 3 C 1 2,3
communication using UART, SPI, Analog Interfaces
5. AVR RISC Assembly language instruction set 1 C 1 2,3
Unit-II:Elements of C Programming and Preprocessor
Variables and constants, I/O operations, Operators and
6. 2 C 2 2
7. Control statements 1 C 2 2
Functions, Pointers and Arrays, Structure and Unions,
8. 3 C 2 2
Memory types
9. Real time methods 2 C,D 2 2
10. Standard I/O and Preprocessor functions 1 C 2 2
Unit-III: IDE and Project Development 9
Code Vision AVR C Compiler and IDE: IDE
11. Operation, C Compiler Options 3 C 1 2
Compile and Make Projects, Program the target device,
12. AVR code generator, Atmel AVR Studio debugger 2 C 1 2
13. Project development: Process steps 1 C,D 1 2
14. Example Projects 3 C,D 1 2
16. Tasks 2 C 3 1
17. Semaphores 2 C 3 1
18. Message queues 1 C 3 1
19. Pipes, Event Registers, Signals, Condition variables 2 C 3 1
Unit-V:RTOS Services 9
20. Other RTOS services 1 C 3 1
21. Exceptions and Interrupts 2 C 3 1
22. Timer and timer services 2 C 3 1
23. I/O subsystem 1 C 3 1
24. Memory management 1 C 3 1
25. Modularizing an application for concurrency 1 C 3 1
26. Common design problems 1 C 3 1
Exclusive of
Total Contact Hours 45
assessment hours
Learning Resources
1. Qing Li with Caroline Yao Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems CMP books 2011
Barnett, Cox, &OCull Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR Thomson Delmar
2. learning 2006
Contact C-D-I-
Session Description of Topic IOs Reference
hours O
UNIT-I:Multimedia Information
Text, Unformatted text, Formatted text,
1. hypertext
2 C, D 1 2
Images, Graphics, Digitized documents, digitized
2. pictures
2 C, D 1 2
Audio, PCM speech, CD quality audio,
3. Synthesized audio
2 C, D 1 2
Video, Broadcast television, Digital video, Video
4. 3 C, D 1 2
Unit-II:Multimedia Communications 9
Human Communication Model, Physical
5. System, Symbol Encoding, Feeling, Memory, 3 C 1,2 1
Cognitive System
6. Evolution and convergence 2 C 1,2 1
Technology Framework, Multimedia
Technologies, Multimedia Networking,
7. Multimedia Conferencing, Multicasting,
2 C 1,2 1
Technologies for e-Content
Standardization Framework, Research and
Regulation, Technology and Education,
8. Convergence and Regulatory Issues,
2 C 1,2 1
Manufacturing and Marketing
Unit-III:Frameworks for Multimedia
9. Standardization Activities 3 C 3 1
Learning Resources
1. K. R. Rao, Zoran S. Bojkovic and Dragorad A. Milovanovic, Introduction To Multimedia
Communications: Applications, Middleware, Networking, Wiley Interscience, 1st edition,
2. Fred Halsall, Multimedia Communications: Applications, Networks, Protocols And
Standards, Pearson education, 4th edition, 2009.
3. Chen, Chang Wen, Li, Zhu, Lian, Shiguo, Intelligent Multimedia Communication:
Techniques and Applications, Springer-Verlag,2010.
4. John William Woods, Multidimensional Signal, Image, and Video Processing and Coding,
2nd edition, Academic Press, 2012.
Session Description of Topic Contact
D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Advanced Topics in Boolean Algebra 9
1. Shannons Expansion theorem and its application 2 C 1 1
2. Consensus theorem 1 C 1 1
3. Reed-Muller Expansion technique 1 C,D 1 1
4. Multiplexer logic as function generators 1 C,D 1 1
5. Implementation of Multiple output logic functions 1 C,D 1 1
6. Static and Dynamic hazards 1 D 1 1
7. Design of static hazard; free and dynamic hazard; free
2 C 1 1
logic circuits
Unit-II: Sequential Circuit Design 9
8. Mealy and Moore machines 3 C,D 2 1,2
Clocked synchronous sequential circuit design
9. procedure; state diagrams; state table; state reduction; 3 C,D 1,2 1,2
state assignment
10. Incompletely Specified Sequential Machines 3 C 1 1,2
Unit-III: Design with Programmable Logic Devices 9
11. Basic concepts, PROM as PLD 1 C 1,3 1,2
12. Programmable Array Logic (PAL) 2 C,D 3 1,2
13. Programmable Logic Array (PLA) 1 C 3 1,2
14. Design of combinational and sequential circuits using 1 D 3 1,2
Learning Resources
1. Charles H. Roth, Jr. University of Texas at Austin. Larry L. Kinney, Fundamentals of Logic
Design, 7th edition, Cengage Learning, 2012
2. Jayaram Bhasker, A VHDL Primer, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, 2011.
3. Richard S. Sandige, Michal L. Sandige, Fundamentals of digital and computer design with
VHDL, MGH, Edition 2014
To explore embedded systems architecture hardware and firmware. This course uses
a bottom-up approach in gradually building and optimizing embedded software. This
course emphasis on C program for AVR microcontroller and several interfacing
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learner will be able to H M L
1. Obtain in-depth knowledge about microcontroller architecture and
its design principles. a,b e k
2. Gain knowledge in embedded C programming and its Optimization
techniques. b k,i a
3. Acquire skills on AVR microcontroller architecture programming
on Interfacing concepts. d b ,c j
H-High Correlation, M-Medium Correlation, L-Low correlation
Session Description of Topic Contact
D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I : Architecture and Design 9
1. Benefits of C in Embedded Systems 1 C 1 1
Problem Specification:
Product Requirements, Hardware Engineering,
2. Software Architecture, Pseudocode, Flowchart,
2 C 1 1
StateDiagram, Resource Management
Microcontroller Architecture and features: The Central
3. Processing Unit (CPU), Memory Addressing and 2 C 1 1
4. Timers, Interrupt Circuitry, I/O Ports 2 C 1 1
Design Process: Product Functionality, Hardware
5. Design,Software Design, Resource Management, 2 D 1 1
Testing Choices
Unit-II : Embedded C Programming 9
6. C for Embedded Systems 1 C 1 1
7. Data Types and Variables C 1 1
8. Data Type Modifiers 5 C 1 1
9. Storage Class Modifiers C 1 1
10. C Statements, Structures, and Operations 2 C 1 1
11. Libraries 1 C 1 1
Kirk Zurell, C Programming for Embedded Systems, Illustrated Edition, Taylor & Francis,
1. 2000.
Andrew Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, ARM System Developer's Guide: Designing
and Optimizing System Software, Morgan Kaufmann, 2004.
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, The AVR microcontroller and Embedded system using assembly
and C, Pearson education, 2011.
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students the basics of designing and
using ASICs. The operation of tools used in the design is also explained.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, the leaner will be able to H M L
1. Achieve basic knowledge of ASIC internals. a c d
2. Achieve impart knowledge on ASIC types and tools used c d i
3. Attain basic understanding of necessary tools. d i j
H-High Correlation, M-Medium Correlation, L-Low correlation
Session Description of Topic Contact
D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Introduction to ASICs 9
1. Introduction to ASICs; Types of ASIC 1 C 1 1
2. ASIC design flow 1 C 1 1
3. ASIC cell libraries 1 C 1 1
4. CMOS logic: CMOS fabrication process 1,4 C 1 1
5. CMOS transistors 1,4 C,D 1 1
6. CMOS process theory 1,4 C 1 1
7. CMOS design rules 1,4 D 1 1
8. Combinational logic design 1,4 D 1 1
9. Sequential logic design 1,4 D 1 1
Unit-II: Programmable ASICs 9
10. Programmable ASICs: Anti fuse 1 C 2 1
11. Static RAM 1 C 1,2 1
12. EPROM and technology 1 C 1,2 1
13. Programmable ASIC logic cell: Altera flex 1 C,D 2 1
14. I/O cells: DC output, AC output, Clock input 2 C 2 1
15. Interconnects: Actel ACT & Xilinx LCA 2 C,D 2 1
16. Low level design entry: Hierarchical design entry. 1 C 1,2 1
Unit-III: Simulation and Synthesis 9
17. Logic synthesis: A comparator MUX 2 C 2 1
18. Inside a logic synthesizer 1 C 2 1
19. VHDL and logic synthesis 2 C,D 3 1
Learning Resources
Smith.M.J.S, Application Specific Integrated Circuits, Addison Wesley Longman Inc.,
1. 1996. (Pearson Education Reprint 2006).
Sarafzadeh.M. and Wong.C.K, An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design, McGraw Hill,
2. 2nd Edition, 1996.
3. Design manuals of Altera, Xilinx and Actel.
Jan M. Rabaey. AnanthaChandrakasan, Borivoje Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits,
4. Prentice-Hall Publication, 2nd Edition, 2002.
The purpose of the course is to introduce the design methods for op-amps, CMOS,
BiCMOS, CMOS comparator and analog multiplier.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, learner will be able to H M L
1. Design MOSFET amplifiers c e
2. Analyse and design bipolar op-amp, CMOS c e a
3. Analyse and design 741 op-amp, BiCMOS c e a
4. Understand and design RAM and ROM memories c e
5. Analyse and design the nonlinear analog circuits such as CMOS c e a
comparator and analog multiplier
H-High Correlation, M-Medium Correlation, L-Low correlation
Session Description of Topic D- IOs Reference
Unit-I : Overview of MOSFET: Device Operation,
Characteristics and Analysis
MOS structure, N-channel enhancement mode
1 C 1 1-5
Current-voltage characteristics, MOSFET DC circuit
2. 3 C 1 1-5
Graphical analysis, Load lines, Small-signal parameters
3. and equivalent circuits
1 C 1 1-5
Small-signal analysis of MOS differential pairs with
4. resistive load and active load
2 C,D 1 1-5
Small-signal analysis of BJT differential pairs with
5. resistive load and active load
2 C,D 1 1-5
Unit-II: Op-Amp Circuit Design-I 9
Bipolar op-amp circuit: Circuit diagram, DC analysis,
6. Small-signal analysis, Frequency response,
2 1
CMOS op-amp circuit: MC14573 CMOS op-amp
circuit, Folded cascode op-amp circuit, CMOS current- C,D
7. mirror op-amp circuit, CMOS cascode current-mirror
5 2 3,4,5
op-amp circuit
Unit-III : Op-Amp Circuit Design-II 9
741 op-amp circuit: Circuit diagram, DC analysis,
8. Small-signal analysis, Gain, Frequency response and 5 C,D 3 5
slew rate
BiCMOS op-amp circuit: BiCMOS folded cascode op-
9. amp circuit, DC analysis, Small-signal analysis
4 3 1
Learning Resources
1. R. Jacob Baker, CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2010.
2. TertulienNdjountche, CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits: High-Speed and Power-Efficient
Design, CRC Press, 2011.
3. Tony Chan Carusone, David A. Johns, Kenneth W. Martin, Analog Integrated Circuit
Design, Wiley, 2012.
4. Phillip E. Allen, Douglas R. Holberg, CMOS Analog Circuit Design, 3rd edition, Oxford
University Press, 2012.
5. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications,
Oxford University Press, 2014.
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I:Basic Switching Systems for
1. Crossbar switching 1 C 1 1
2. Electronic space division switching 1 C 1 1
3. Time division switching 1 C,D 1 2
4. n-stage combination switching (2,3,5,7 stages) 4 C,D 1 2
5. Hybrid time and space division multiplexes 2 C,D 1 2
Unit-II: Switching Networks 9
6. Single-stage networks , Gradings , Link systems 3 C,D 2 1
Grades of service of link systems (2,3,5,7 stages) ,
7. Grades of service of Time division switching networks
3 C,D 2 1
Strict-sense non-blocking networks, Sectionalized
8. switching networks. 2 C,D 2 1
Learning Resources
1. Flood.J.E, Telecommunications Switching, Traffic and Networks, Pearson Education Ltd.,
2. ThiagarajanViswanathan, Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks, Prentice
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, Second edition, 38th Reprint, 2015
3. AchillePattavina, Switching Theory Architectures and performance in Broadband ATM
networks, John wiley& sons Ltd,New York, 1998.
4. Christopher Y Metz, IP Switching Protocols & Architectures, McGraw Hill Professional
Publishing, New York, 1999
To understand the basic concepts in the field of RADAR Communication and to learn
about radar signal detection and propagation.
At the end of the course, learner will be able to H M L
1. Gain knowledge about RADAR theory and equations. a e
2. Understand different types of RADAR and their working principles. a e b
3. Gain knowledge on RADAR signal detection methods. b
4. Understand about radio navigation techniques. a e
5. Acquire information about RADAR transmitters and receivers c
Session Description of Topic Contact
D-I- IOs References
Unit-I: Basics of RADAR 9
Learning Resources
1. Skolnik.M.I, Introduction to RADAR systems, Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2001.
2. Nagaraja.N.S. Elements of Electronic Navigation, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2009.
3. Mark, Richards.A, Fundamentals of radar signal processing, Mc-Graw Hill, Electronic
Engineering, 1st Edition, 2005.
4. Brookner, RADAR Technology, Artech House, 1st edition, 1986.
5. Bagad.V.S, Radar Systems, Technical publications, 1st edition,2008.
6. NadavLevanon, RADAR Principles, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Edition,1989.
Purpose To enable the students to understand advanced digital signal processing techniques.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, learner will be able to H M L
1 Estimate power spectrum using non parametric and parametric
a e
2 Gain knowledge on adaptive filtering techniques using LMS
a e
algorithm, applications and RLS method
3 Acquire knowledge on multirate signal processing techniques and
a e
4 Understand the design of Lattice and Weiner filters. a e b
5 Understand digital model, time domain model for speech signals and
a e
Linear predictive coding technique
H-High correlation M Medium correlation L- Low correlation
Session Description of Topic D- IOs Reference
Unit-I:Non-Parametric and Parametric Methods
for Power Spectrum Estimation
Non parametric methods: Barlett method, Welch
1. method, Black man and Tukey method
2 C,D 1 1
Relationship between the auto correlation and the
2. 1 C 1 1
model parameters
The Yule Walker method for the AR Model C,D
3. Parameters
2 1 1
Exclusive of
Total contact hours 45
assessment hours
Learning Resources
1. John G.Proakis, DimitrisG.Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms and
Applications, Fourth edition, Pearson Education, 2014.
2. Monson H.Hayes, Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling, John Wiley
&Sons,Inc, 2008.
3. L.R.Rabiner and R.W.Schafer, Digital Processing of Speech Signals, Pearson Education,
4. Roberto Cristi, Modern Digital Signal Processing, Illustrated Edition, Thomson/
Brooks/Cole, 2004.
Purpose To introduce the advanced features of Microcontrollers and learn the design
aspects of RISC and MSP430.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, learner will be able to H M L
1. Understand fundamental operating concepts behind microcontrollers. a b c
2. Understand the advantages in using RISC architecture in engineering a b d
3. Familiarize the instruction set of ARM processor and its programming c b a
4. Design microcontroller based solutions to real time problems. c b a
5. Apply this knowledge to more advanced structures like MSP430 c b d
H: High Correlation, M: Medium Correlation, L: Low Correlation
Contact C-D-
Session Description of Topic IOs Reference
hours I-O
Unit-I: ARM Processor Fundamentals 9
1. Registers,CPU,Pipeline 2 C 1 1,2
2. Exceptions, Interrupts, Vector table 2 C 1 1,2
3. Core extensions 1 C 1 1,2
4. ARM architecture, Architecture revisions 2 C 1 1,2
5. ARM organization, ARM Processor families 2 C 2 1,2
Unit-II: High Performance RISC Architecture and
6. Data Process instruction 1 C 3 1,2
7. Branch and Load instruction 1 C 3 1,2
8. Software interrupts 1 C 3 1,2
9. Thumb instruction set, Thumb register usage 2 C 3 1,2
10. ARM thumb network 1 C 3 1,2
11. Stack instructions 1 C 3 1,2
Basic ARM Assembly language programs,Binary
12. sorting
2 D 4 1,2
Unit-III: Memory Management 9
13. Memory Hierarchy 1 C 2 1,2
14. Coprocessor and Cache memory 2 C 2 1,2
15. Memory management 2 C 2 1,2
Learning Resources
1. K. M. Bhurchandi and A. K. Ray, "Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals-with ARM and
an Introduction to Microcontrollers and Interfacing ", Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd edition 2015.
2. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright and John Rayfield, ARM System Developer's
Guide, Designing and Optimizing System Software, Elsevier, 2004.
3. John H. Davies, MSP430 Microcontroller Basics, Elsevier, 2008.
4. Manuel Jimenez, Rogelio Palomera, IsidoroConvertier, "Introduction to Embedded systems
using Microcontrollers and the MSP430, Springer 2014.
5. Nuvoton Lab Manual (
Contact C-D-
Session Description of Topic IOs Reference
hours I-O
Unit-I: Review of Underlying Network
Motivation for Internetworking- Internet Services ,
1. Network communication approaches- Wide and 2 C 1 1,4
Network Models and Network Architectures,
2. Protocol Design Issues, Network Building Blocks: 4 C 1 1,4
Transmission, Multiplexing and Switching
Protocol Layering and Protocol Framework (SP3),
3. Link Level Protocols, IETF and the Internet 3 C 1 1,4
Standards Process
Unit-II: Internet Addresses 9
LAN Protocols, LAN Design and Implementation,
4. Ethernet Switching, Wireless Networks, 802.11
3 C 2 2
Internet Protocol (IP) Design, Internet Addressing
Internetworking and Routing, VLANs
5. 2 C 2 2
Classful Internet Addresses , Subnetting and
6. IPv6 Protocol Design, IPv6 Addressing 4 C 2 2
Unit-III: Routing 9
Transport Layer Protocol Design, TCP and UDP
7. Internet Protocol, Connectionless Datagram 2 C 3 1,2
Learning Resources
1. Douglas E. Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP, Principles, Protocols and Architectures,
Pearson Education, Vol. I, 6th Edition, 2014.
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan, TCP/IP protocol suite, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2010.
3. Peterson (David. M.), TCP/IP Networking, Tata McGraw Hill, 5th Edition, 2011.
4. Douglas E. Comer, M.S.Narayanan, Computer Networks with internet applications,
Addison Wesley, 4th Edition, 2010.
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Introduction 9
1. Micro/nano robotic system components, products. 1 C 1,2 1,2
Scaling effects at micro-nano scales, Kinematics
2. and Dynamics of Robot.
1 C 1,2 1,2,5,6
micro/nano robotic system: examples around the
3. world: wall climbing micro robots, 2 C 2 1,2
micromechanical flying robots.
Design, fabrication, characterization of micro
4. Micro/nanofabrication techniques-Photo 3 C,D 1,2,4,5 1,2,5,6
lithography, electron beam, X-ray, Ion beam
lithography, LIGA process.
Introduction to nano manipulation, control and
5. applications, bottom up and top down approach.
2 C,D 1,2 1,2,5,6
Unit-II: Micro / Nano Sensors 10
6. Nanoscale sensor: bio sensor, Imaging sensors. 2 C 4,5 1,2
Position sensors, Encoder, resolver, LVDT-
7. Capacitive sensors.
2 C 4,5 1,2
Interferometric sensors, STM Tips based sensor,
8. force and pressure sensor
2 C 4,5 1,2
Strain gauge, Thermal sensor, AFM: Visual force
9. 2 C 4,5 1,2
10. Accelerometers, Gyroscopes, chemical sensors, 2 C 4,5 1,2
Learning Resources
Elwenspoek.M and Wiegerink.R, Mechanical Microsensors, Illustrated Edition, Springer
Science & Business Media, 2012 .
TaiRan Hsu, MEMS and Microsystem: Design and Manufacture and Nanoscale Engineering,
Illustrated Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
Katherine E peyer, Li Zhang and Bradely J. Nelson, Bio-inspired magnetic swimming micro
robots for biomedical applications, Nanoscale, 2013,5, 1259-1272, DOI: 10.1039/C2NR32554C
SoichiroTottori, LiZhang, FaminQiu, Krawczyk, Alfredo Franco-obregon and Bradley J.Nelson,
4. Magnetic Helical Micromachines: Fabrication, controlled swimming and cargo transport,
Wiley, 2012.
Jake J.Abbott, Zoltan Nagy, Felix Beyeller and Bradley J.Nelson, Robotics in small, IEEE
Robotics &Automation Magazine, 2007.
Purpose To familiarize with the modelling of RF system design in the field of communication
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learner will be able to H M L
1. Design and analyze various RF filters and basic Resonators. c a b
2. Design impedance matching networks for RF integrated circuits. c e
3. Design and analyze the RF transistor amplifier and to understand the c a b
operation of Oscillator and Mixer models.
4. Explore the RF view of Wireless standards and Architecture a j
H-High Correlation, M-Medium Correlation, L-Low correlation
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I:Filters & Resonators 9
1. Filter parameters, Filter configurations: LPF,HPF 2 C 1 1,2,4
2. BPF, BRF 1 C,D 1 1,2,4
3. Special filter realizations 2 C,D 1 1,2,4
4. Resonator parameters, Cavity resonators 2 C 1 4
5. Planar Microstrip Resonant structures 2 C 1 4
Unit-II: Impedance Matching 9
Necessity of impedance matching networks and
6. 2 C 2 1
7. Impedance matching using discrete components 1 C 2 1
8. L section matching network 1 C,D 2 1
9. Two component matching network 1 C,D 2 1
10. T and Pi matching network 2 C,D 2 1
Microstrip line matching network- Discrete
11. components to Microstrip lines
1 C 2 1
Learning Resources
1. Reinhold Ludwig, Pavel Bretchko , RF circuit design : Theory and applications, 2nd
Edition, Pearson, 2009.
2. David M. Pozar, "Microwave Engineering", 4th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
3. BehzadRazavi, RF Microelectronics, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall , 2011
4. Bahil and P. Bhartia, "Microwave Solid State Circuit Design", 2nd edition, Wiley-
Interscience, 2003.
Session Description of Topic D- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Multicast Routing 9
1 Cellular and Ad hoc wireless networks 2 C 1-4 1,3
2 Issues of MAC layer 1 C 1-4 1,3
Routing : Proactive, Reactive and Hybrid Routing
3 2 C,D 1 1,3
Multicast Routing Tree based and Mesh based
4 2 C,D 1 1,3
5 Multicast with Quality of Service Provision 2 C 1 1,3
Unit II: Quality of Service 9
6 Real-time traffic support 1 C 2,4 1,3
Issues and challenges in providing QoS , Classification
7 2 C 2,4 1,3
of QoS Solutions
8 QoS Aware 2 C 2,4 1
9 MAC layer classifications 2 C 2,4 1
Routing Protocols Ticket based and Predictive
10 2 C,D 2,4 1
location based Qos Routing Protocols
Unit-III: Energy Management Adhoc Networks 9
11 Need for Energy Management 1 C 3,4 1
Classification of Energy Management Schemes ,
12 2 C 3,4 1,2
Battery Management and Transmission Power
Learning Resources
1. Siva Ram Murthy C. and Manoj B.S, Ad hoc Wireless Networks Architectures and
Protocols, Pearson Education, 2nd edition, 2004.
2. Feng Zhao and Leonidas Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 1st
edition, 2004.
3. C.K.Toh, Adhoc Mobile Wireless Networks, Pearson Education, 7th edition, 2002.
4. Thomas Brag and SebastinBuettrich, Wireless Mesh Networking, OReilly Publishers, 3rd
edition, 2007.
Purpose This course describes the evolution of the SOI MOSFET from single-gate
structures to multi-gate structures to improve the electrostatic control by the gate
and hence, reduces short-channel effects.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, learner will be able to H M L
1. Expose to the advantages of multi-gate FETs and the challenges a c
posed by the appearance of novel effects.
2. Realize the issues associated with multi-gate FET manufacturing. a c
3. Analyze the behavior of electron mobility in different multi-gate
a c
4. Familiarize with the applications of multi-gate device in regard to
a c j
digital and analog circuits for modern IC design.
H: high correlation, M: medium correlation, L: low correlation
Session Description of Topic Contact
D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I : Structures of Multigate Devices
Principle operation of FlexFET, Independent Double
1 3 C 1 1,2,4
Gated FlexFET
2 Principle operation of FinFET, Pi-gate, Tri-gate 3 C 1 1,2,4
3 Principle operation of -gate, GAA transistor 2 C 1 1,2,4
4 Comparison of Multigate devices with CMOS 1 C 1 1,2,4
Unit- II : Multi-Gate MOSFET Technology 9
5 Quantum effects, Volume inversion 3 C 1,2 1
6 Mobility, Threshold voltage 3 C 1,2 1
Inter subband scattering, multigate technology,
7 3 C 1,2 1
Mobility, Gate stack
Unit-III : Physics of the Multigate MOS Systems 9
8 2 C 1,3 1
MOS Electrostatics : 1D, 2D MOS Electrostatics
9 Modeling assumptions, Gate voltage effect 3 C 1,3 1
10 Semiconductor thickness effect , Asymmetry effect 2 C 1,3 1
11 Oxide thickness effect , Electron tunnel current 2 C 1,3 1
Unit-III : Circuit Design using Multigate Devices 9
Digital circuits, Impact of device performance on 3
12 C 4 1,3
digital circuits
Learning Resources
1. Jean-Pierre Colinge, FinFETs and Other Multi-GateTransistors, Springer
Science+Business Media LLC, ISBN 978-0-387-71751-7, e-ISBN 978-0-387-71752-4,
2. Hiroshi Iwai, Future of Nano CMOS technology, Solid-State Electronics, Elsevier, pp.56-
67, 2015.
3. Prateek Mishra, Anish Muttreja, and Niraj K. Jha, FinFET Circuit Design, Nanoelectronic
Circuit Design, Springer Science+ Business Media LLC, pp. 23-54, 2011.
4. J.P. Colinge, Multi-gate SOI MOSFETs, Microelectronic Engineering, Elsevier, pp. 2071-
5. D. Lederer, FinFET analogue characterization from DC to 110 GHz, Solid-State
Electronics, Elsevier, pp. 14881496, 2005.
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Ref.
Unit-I: Analysis of MIC 9
Introduction, types of MICs and their technology,
1. Propagating models.
2 C,D 1-4 3
Learning Resources
Leo G. Maloratsky, Passive RF and Microwave Integrated circuits, Elsevier, 2nd
1. edition,2004.
2. David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 2nd edition.
Gupta K.C and Amarjit Singh, Microwave Integrated Circuits, John Wiley, New York, 2nd
edition, 1975.
Hoffman R.K., Hand Book of Microwave Integrated Ciruits, Artech House, Boston, 2nd
edition, 1987.
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: 3G and 4G Standards 9
1. Overview of the legacy 3GPP cellular systems 2 C 1,5 1
2. WiMAX systems: Architecture 2 C 1,5 1
3. WiMAX systems :Frame structure and its applications 2 C 1,5 1
4. LTE systems: Architecture 2 C 1,5 1
5. LTE systems: Frame structure and its applications 1 C 1,5 1
UNIT-II: OFDM Communication 9
6. Introduction to OFDM 1 C 2,3 1
7. Multicarrier Modulation and Cyclic Prefix 2 C 2,3 1
8. Channel model and SNR performance 2 C 2,3 1
9. OFDM Issues :PAPR 2 C 2,3 1
10. Frequency and timing offset issues 2 C 2,3 1
UNIT-III: Wireless MIMO Communication 9
11. Introduction to MIMO, MIMO Channel Capacity 2 C 2,3 1,4
12. MIMO Channel Estimation 2 C 2,3 1,4
13. MIMO Spatial Multiplexing :V- BLAST 2 C 2,3 1,4
MIMO Diversity: Alamouti, OSTBC
14. 2 C 2,3 1,4
Learning Resources
1. Andrea Molisch, Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition, 2013.
2. Theodre Rappaport, Wireless Communication: Principle and Practice, Prentice Hall, 2nd
edition, 2014.
3. Kao-Cheng Huang, Zhaocheng Wang, Millimeter Wave Communication System, Wiley-
IEEE Press, 2nd edition, 2011.
4. EzioBigleri, MIMO Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 1st edition,
To provide solid understanding of how to design and plan high quality radio
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learner will be able to H M L
1. Understand Basics and functionalities of cellular systems c b
2. RF Planning for Different Technologies c b j
3. Design a different types of distributed antenna systems for MIMO b
4. Identify the issues and achieve high quality data rate Radio e j f
5. Optimize the Radio Networks k i j
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I:Introduction to Cellular Systems and
Network Planning 9
Mobile Telephony, Introduction to GSM, Universal
1. Mobile Telecommunication System
2 C 1 1,2,3
Introduction to HSPA, Advanced Antenna Systems for
2. HSPA and LTE
2 C 1 1,2,3
3. Short Introduction to LTE 1 C 1 1,2,3
Future trends towards a service driven network
4. management
1 C 1 1,2,3
22. HSDPA, HSUPA, LTE system , LTE performance 1 C,D 4,5 1,2,4
Unit-V:Radio Network Optimization Process 9
Introduction to Radio Network Optimization
23. Requirements, Introduction to the Telecom 2 C,D 5 1,2,4
Management Network Mode
24. Tools in Optimization 2 C,D 5 1,2,4
Advanced Analysis Methods and Radio Access
25. Network, Auto tuning
2 C,D 5 1,2,4
Learning Resources
Morten Tolstrup, Indoor Radio Planning: A Practical Guide for GSM, DCS, UMTS and
1. HSPA, John Wiley, 2012.
JaanaLaiho, Achim Wacker & Tomas Novosad, Radio Network Planning and Optimisation
for UMTS, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2006.
Ajay R. Mishra, Advanced Cellular Network Planning and Optimisation, Wiley Publication,
J. I. Agbinya, Planning and Optimization of 3G and 4G Wireless Networks, River
4. Publishers, 2010.
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I:Introduction 9
Overview of Data Communication and Network
1. Management : Goals, Organization and Functions
2 C 1 1
Network Management : Architecture and
2. Organization
2 C 1 1
3. Network Management Perspectives 2 C 1 1
4. Current Status and Future of Network Management. 1 C 1 1
Network Topology, Network Node Components,
5. 2 C 1 1
Transmission Technology.
Unit-II: Telecommunications Management
6. TMN Conceptual Model, TMN Standards 2 C 2 1
TMN Architecture, TMN Management Service
7. Architecture
2 C 2 1
Learning Resources
1. Mani Subramanian Network Management Principles and Practice, Pearson, 2nd
Edition, 2010.
2. John C. Bellamy , Digital Telephony, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., 4th edition,2010,
3. J.E.Flood , Telecommunications Switching Traffic and Networks, Pearson Education
Pvt.Ltd, 2007.
To make the learner understand the basic concept in the field of satellite
communication. This course gives the learner an opportunity to know how to place
a satellite in an orbit. The learners are taught about the earth and space subsystems.
The satellite services like broadcasting are dealt thoroughly.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learner will be able to H M L
1. Understand the principles, concepts and operation of satellite k a, e
communication systems
2. Gain the knowledge of Satellite orbits and launching, link design, c
k a, e
link availability and perform interference calculations
3. Analyze the concepts of Satellite systems in relation to other k
terrestrial systems.
4. Evaluate the performance of various channel access schemes k j c
5. Familiarize with applications of satellites and compression k j c, e
H-High correlation M Medium correlation L- Low correlation
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Satellite Orbit 9
1. Keplers law 1 C,D 1,2 1,3
2. Earth - Orbiting satellites terms 1 C 1,2 1,3,
3. Orbital elements ,Orbit Perturbations 2 C 1,2 1,3
4. Inclined Orbits , Sun synchronous orbit 1 C 1,2 1
Constellation:Geo stationary satellites, Non
5. geostationary constellation
2 C 1,2 2
Purpose To study various aspects of Network Security Attacks, Services and Mechanisms.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learner will be able to H M L
1. Understand various methods of Encryption and Authentication. h a e
2. Familiarize with the concepts of Number theory, Key generation h a
standards and Digital Signature algorithm.
3. Gain the knowledge of Authentication Protocols and Email Security h c
4. Evaluate the performance of internet security and application h c
specific security Protocols and standards.
5. Analyze the concepts of Intrusion and filtering analysis. h c
H-High correlation M Medium correlation L- Low correlation
Session Description of Topic D- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Conventional and Modern Encryption &
Block Ciphers
1. Security Services Mechanisms and Attacks 1 C 1 1
Network Security Model, Classical Encryption
2. Techniques, Steganography
2 C,D 1 1
Data Encryption Standard (DES), Overview of
3. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
2 C 1 1
Learning Resources
1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Pearson Education, 6th Edition,
New Delhi, 2014.
2. Forouzan.B.A. and Mukhopadhyay.D, Cryptography and Network Security, Tata Mc-
Graw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2012.
3. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, PHI, New Delhi, 2nd Edition,
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Introduction to Photonics and Optical Fiber 9
1. Review of wave nature and particle nature of light 1 C 1 2,3
Interaction of light with matter-emission and
2. 1 C 1 2,3
absorption of radiation
Review of optics, Reflection and refraction of plane
3. waves
2 C,D 1 3,5
Session Description of Topic (Theory) D- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Diodes and DC Power Supplies 9
Semiconductor diodes:Formation of PN junction ,
1. working principle, VI characteristics,voltage 2 C 1 1,2,3
breakdown in diodes
Semiconductor diodes:Zener diode working
2. 1 C 1 1,2,3
principle, VI characteristics, applications
Rectifiers and Filters : Block diagram of a typical
3. 1 C,D 1 1,2,3
DC power supply, HWR, FWR
Rectifiers and Filters : full-wave bridge rectifier,
4. 1 C,D 1 1,2,3
power supply filters
5. Filters : Bleeder resistor and voltage dividers 1 C 1 1,2,3
Voltage regulators: Voltage regulation, Zener
6. 1 C 1 1,2,3
diode shunt regulator
Voltage regulators: Transistor series regulator,
7. 1 C 1 1,2,3
transistor shunt regulator
8. Voltage regulators: switching regulators 1 I 1 1,2,3
Unit-II: Bipolar Transistors and FET 9
Bipolar Transistors: Construction and working NPN
9. and PNP configuration
2 C 2 1,2,3
Bipolar Transistors: Transistor currents , transistor
10. 1 C 2
Learning Resources
1. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic devices and circuit theory,
Pearson Education, 9th edition, 2009.
2. Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias, SatyabrataJit, Electron devices and circuits,
Tata McGraw Hill, 6th edition, 2010.
3. Somanathan Nair B, Electronic devices and applications, PHI, 4th edition,2006.
4. David A Bell, Fundamentals of electronic devices and circuits, Oxford Press, 5th
edition, 2009.
5. Godse A.P, .Bakshi U.A, Electronics devices and circuits,Techinical Publications,
Pune, 1st edition, 2009.
6. Nagrath I.J, Electronic devices and circuits, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, 2nd
edition, 2007.
7. Introduction to Electronic Devices,Lab Manual.
Session Description of Topic D-I- IOs Reference
Unit-I: Analog Communication 9
Introduction to Communication Systems: Modulation
,Need for Modulation ,Types of modulation,
1. Principles of Amplitude Modulation, Types of
3 C 1 1,2,3
Amplitude Modulation
Generation of AM waves, Linear Modulation,
2. Switching modulator, Collector Modulation method, 3 C 1 1
Non-linear Modulation, Balanced Modulator
Angle modulation, FM and PM waveforms, Phase
deviation and Modulation index , Frequency deviation
3. and Percent modulation, FM modulators, Direct 3 C 1 1,2,3
Method, Varactor diode modulator, Indirect method,
Comparison between AM and FM
Unit-II: Radio Transmitters and Receivers 9
Demodulation of AM waves, Linear diode detector,
AM Transmitters, Low power level and High power
4. 4 C 2 1
level transmitters, AM Receivers, TRF receiver, super
heterodyne receiver
FM Demodulators, Slope detector, Foster seely
5. 3 C 2 1
FM Transmitters, Direct and indirect FM transmitters,
6. 2 C 2 1
FM super heterodyne receiver
Learning Resources
1. R.P.Singh, S.D.Sapre, Communication Systems, Analog and Digital, Tata McGraw Hill
5th Reprint 2015.
2. Wayne Tomasi, Electronic Communications Systems Fundamentals Through Advanced,
Pearson Education Asia, 5th Edition, 2009.
3. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 4th Edition, 2001.
4. Samuel Y. Liao, Microwave Devices and Circuits, 3rd edition, Pearson education, 2011
5. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications, 2nd edition, Pearson education Ltd, United
Kingdom 2012.
To get expose on the technology, design concepts, electrical properties and modeling of
Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits
Correlates to Student
Instructional Objectives Outcomes
At the end of this course, the learner will be able to
1. Understand the basic MOS Technology and its non-ideal effects a e
2. Understand the MOS Process Technology c,a e
Gain the knowledge in concepts of modeling a digital system using
3. c,b a
Hardware Description Language.
H: high correlation, M: medium correlation, L: low correlation
Contact C-D-
S.No Description of Topic IOs Reference
hours I-O
Unit-I: CMOS Logic Design 9
1 Introduction to VLSI Design 1 C 1 1,2
Review of MOS Transistor Theory: nMOS, pMOS
2 2 C 1 1,2
Transistor, Enhancement and depletion transistors.
3 Ideal I-V characteristics 2 C 1 1,2
4 Non-ideal I-V effects 2 C 1 1,2
5 CMOS logic: Basic gates, logic functions 2 C,D 1 1,2
Unit-II: Electrical Properties of MOS and Performance
Pass transistor and transmission logic (Design of gates,
6 2 C 1 1,2
7 nMOS inverter 1 C 1 1,2
Pull up to Pull down ratio (Driven by another nMOS
8 2 C 1 1,2
inverter, Driven by one or more pass transistor)
9 DC characteristics of CMOS Inverter 1 C 1 1,2
10 Interconnect: Resistance, Capacitance 3 C 1 1,2
Unit-III: MOS Technology 9
11 Introduction to IC Technology 1 C 2 1,2
12 nMOS Fabrication 1 C 2 1,2
Learning resources
1. DouglesA.Pucknell, Basic VLSI Design, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd Edition, reprint 2008.
2. Neil H.E.Westie,David Harris, CMOS VLSI Design, Pearson,3rd Edition, 2006.
Samir Palnitker, Verilog HDL Guide to Digital Design and synthesis,Pearson Education-2nd
Edition, 2003.
Purpose To provide the fundamentals of continuous and discrete time signals, systems and
modern digital processing as well as applications.
Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learners will be able to H M L
1. Classify, analyze continuous and discrete signals and systems a e c
2. Know about Frequency domain analysis using Z-Transform and using e a
3. Design of Finite and Infinite Response filters. a e
4. Understand the finite world length effects that arise in digital signal e a b
5. Acquire knowledge about the architecture of DSP processors and e c k
applications of DSP
H-High Correlation, M-Medium Correlation, L-Low correlation
Contact C-D-
Session Description of Topic IOs Reference
hours I-O
Unit-I:Classification of Signals and Systems 9
Classification of Signals: Continuous time signals -
1. Discrete time signals
1 C 1 1-2
Periodic and Aperiodic signals Even and odd
2. 1 C 1 1-2
3. Energy and power signals 1 C 1 1-2
Deterministic and random signals Complex
4. 1 C 1 1-2
exponential and Sinusoidal signals
Unit step, Unit ramp, Unit impulse Representation
5. of signals in terms of unit impulse.
1 C 1 1-2
Classification of Systems: Continuous time systems-
6. Discrete time systems staticsystem- causal system 1 C 1 1-2
Stable system
Linear system Time Invariant system -Linear
7. Convolution
2 C 1 1-2