d7b b10
d7b b10
d7b b10
2. For the purpose of training and operations, helicopters are classified into three
groups as follows:
3.1 Ground training syllabus for extension of rating on helicopters is laid down in
Appendix B but shall not be less than the theoretical programme established
by the manufacturer. Training syllabus for extension of rating from single
engine to another single engine helicopters is given in Appendix C.
3.2 Training syllabus for extension of rating from a single engine to multi engine
helicopters is given in Appendix D.
3.3 Training syllabus for extension of rating on multi engine helicopters of similar
type within the same group and from Group 2 and 3 helicopters to Group 1
helicopters is given in Appendix E.
3.4 Training syllabus for extension of rating for non-similar type of Multi engine
helicopters within the same group is given in Appendix F.
3.5 Flying training syllabus for extension of rating from Group 2 (multi engine)
helicopters to helicopters in Group 3 (MTOM 5700 kg and above) is given in
Appendix G.
3.8 For helicopters above 3,180 kg the pilot shall have 3 months experience and
150 h flying on type before undergoing training on any new type.
Note: Flight Synthetic Training Devices Helicopter FSTD(H) referred in this CAR
shall be approved in accordance with the JAR FSTD(H) standard or an
equivalent standard acceptable to DGCA.
4.1 A pilot may operate more than one helicopter type from one and/or the other
group indicated in para 2 above, subject to the following conditions:
(e) A proficiency check has been conducted within the last 6 month on
type and a proficiency check has been performed on any additional
type within the same Group during a 12 month period; and
(f) Meets the recurrent training requirements on type; and
(g) Operations are conducted in the same environment i.e., offshore,
mountain, EMS, or if the environment is different the pilot has 300 h
previous relevant experience.
4.2 For helicopters above 3,180 kg the following additional requirements apply:
(a) Not more than 2 helicopters types in commercial air transport within one
day; and
(b) On the additional type he has not less than a month and 50 h flying
before he can fly on another type.
4.3 For helicopters above 5,700 kg only one helicopter type of that group during
one commercial air transport duty period; and a proficiency check is performed
every 6 month on each type above 5,700 kg.
4.4 In any case not more than 2 helicopter types shall be operated in air transport
within one commercial air transport duty period.
(R. P. Sahi)
Deputy Director General of Civil Aviation
for Director General of Civil Aviation
Grouping of Helicopters
Group 1B Group 2 B
SET < 3,180 kg MET > 3,180 kg
Group 1C
SET > 3,180 kg
1 General
General Description, and leading particulars
Entry, exit, emergency exits
Skid landing gear as applicable
Ground Handling
Mooring of Helicopter
Emergency equipment (Axe, Portable fire extinguisher,
First Aid Kit).
Weight and CG limitations
Demarcations of loading
Ventilation System, Air Conditioning System as applicable
Noise abattement panels.
2 Rotor System
Main Rotor
Brief Description of Main Rotor Blade and Hub, Mast
movement indication and NR indication.
Upper Control of Main Rotor
Tracking and Balancing procedure
Tail Rotor or anti torque
Description of system: conventional, fenestron, notar
Rotor Blade, Hub & Upper controls
Dynamic balancing or rigging
3 Transmission
Power Train
Oil System
Description and Operations of AGB, TGB
Tail Drive Shaft, Rotor Brake system
Diagnosis of Transmission System.
4 Flight Control System
Concept of Control
Main rotor Lower Control System Collective & Cyclic
longitude with Force feel / Trim Actuator
Main rotor cyclic lateral with Force feel / Trim Actuator
Tail rotor Control System
5 Hydraulic System
Flight Control Hydraulic System Basic Circuit
Hydraulic pump
Hydraulic Package
Hydraulic Actuators
Rotor Brake Details
Cockpit Indications
6 Engine
Introduction, Basic construction, Descriptions Dimensions
& Weight, Ratings
Conventional Engine Control, FADEC concepts, as
Engine Fuel System operations, Emergency Fuel Manual
control operation Engine Oil System, Engine Air System
Fire Extinguishing System, Drain System
Helicopter fuel system operation
Engine starting, Particle separator (where applicable)
7 Electrical
DC Power generation & distribution system
AC Power generation & distribution system
Engine Starting System
Engine Control System
Fire detection and extinguishing
Hydraulic System
Fuel System
Lighting system
Centralised warning system
Air Conditioning System (where applicable)
Smoke detectors
Engine Failure Warning Unit
8 Instruments
Description of Instrument Panel
Stand by Gyro Horizon
Engine Instruments
Fuel Display management system 3
Hydraulic and transmission instruments
Miscellaneous Instruments
OAT, MMI, A/C clock
Oxygen systems (where applicable)
9 AFCS (where applicable)
Introduction to AFCS, Principle of operations & AFCS
System components
System operation
Fly through modes, harmonization and calibration of AHRS
10 Avionics(as applicable)
All Avionics system of the helicopter
ICS, VHF (AM) Systems
HF (SSB), ADF Systems
Radio Altimeter, Weather Radar, ATC Transponder 5
Total 30 Hrs.
1. The above syllabus may be suitably modified in accordance with the
complexities in terms of equipment/instruments installed on the type of
2. The theory hours of ground training given above are generic in nature,
however the hours specified in the respective appendix for a type of helicopter
may be adopted.
3. The syllabus of training and the theory hours followed by the manufacturer at
their facilities, shall be acceptable.
Appendix C
Training syllabus for extension of rating from single engine to another single
engine helicopter type
Appendix D
Climb & descent, Accl. & Deccl, Med turns.
Hover & ground exercises
2 REPEAT exercise 1 1:00 - 2:00 -
3 Checks, Procedures & Start up.
Pick up, hover & ground exercises. 1:00 - 3:00 -
Circuit and landings (with & without AFCS).
Hover and Fwd Speed Landing, slope
Single Engine in flight. Practice
Emergency, in flight fire and shut down
4 Advanced training Performance Class 1&2 to
clear and restricted heliport, Circuit & landing 1:00 - 4:00 -
Practice Single Engine (Training mode).
Engine failure at TDP & LDP, DPATO&DPBL
.Practice engine emergencies,
5 Repeat Ex. 4 1:00 - 5:00 -
6 Circuit and landing. 0:45 - 5:45 -
7 Take off
Leave circuit 0:45 - 6:30 -
General handling
Climb and descent
- Acceleration & deceleration control
- Turns 30 and 45 bank
Demo AFCS modes
Rejoin, C & L, slope landings.
Practice other Emergencies.
11 Instrument Flying
Repeat of 10 with emphasis on 1:15 - 12:00 -
instrument let down
10 Night Flying
Cockpit lighting system familiarization - 0:45 12:00 0:45
Cockpit light management
start up and T/O
12 Night Flying
Start up and T/O - 0:45 12:00 1:30
Appendix D Contd.
The breakdown of training profile for the issue of an initial type rating from
single engine to multi engine helicopters.
I/R extension: at least 2.00 hours using FS level C/D or FTD level 2/3
Training syllabus for additional type rating of similar type within the same
group, from one group to the other, and from Group 2 and 3 helicopters to
Group 1 helicopters
I/R extension: at least 2.00 hours using FS level C/D or FTD level 2/3
The breakdown of training profile for extension of ratings
on non similar multi engine helicopters
MET to MET 5:00 Hrs Using FS C/D: 1 hrs H and at Test (Day) : 0:45
+ test least 6 hrs total Test (Night):0:45
Using FTD 2/3: 2 hrs H and at IR Test :1:00
least 7 hrs total
** Total flying training includes instrument flying practice a type specific simulator
followed by an IR Test on type. Simulator Hours are to be carried out on Full
Flight Simulator on a level C/D. In case of non-availability of simulator or if pilot
does not hold IR Rating, full syllabus of 15:00 hours will be carried out as given in
Appendix F.
NOTE: A skill test may be carried out in Flight Simulator (FS) of level C/D. In
addition when a FS or a FTD are available take off & landing procedures following
an engine failure should be performed in the simulator.
Flying training syllabus for extension of rating from Group 2 (multi engine)
helicopters to helicopters in Group 3 (MTOM 5700 kg and above)
i) Basic exercises and Emergencies 05:30
ii) Instrument flying 02:15
iii) Night flying 02:15
Total 10.00 Hrs
i) Skill test (day) 00:45
ii) Skill test (night) 00:45
iii) Skill test (IFR) 01:30
MET to MET 5:00 Hrs Using FS C/D: 1 hrs H and Test (Day) : 0:45
above 5.700 + test at least 6 hrs total Test (Night):0:45
kg Using FTD 2/3: 2 hrs H and IR Test :1:00
at least 7 hrs total
Skill test may be carried out in Full Flight Simulator (FFS) level C/D. In
addition when a FFS or a FTD are available take off & landing procedures
following an engine failure should be performed in the simulator.
1 2 3 4
Manufacturer Helicopter Licence endorsement
1. Agusta
- SE Turbine - A 119 KOALA A119
- ME Turbine - A 109 A A109/109K/109E/109LUH/
A 109 A II A109S
A 109 C (D)
A 109 K2
A 109 E
A 109 LUH
A 109 S
AB 139 AB139
2. Agusta-Bell
- SE Turbine - Agusta Bell 206 A Bell206/206L
Agusta Bell 206 B (D)
Agusta Bell 206 L
- ME Turbine - Agusta Bell 212 Bell212/412
Agusta Bell 412 (D)
Agusta Bell 412 SP
3. Agusta Sikorsky
- ME Turbine - Agusta S-61 N 1 SK-61
4. Bell Helicopters
- SE Piston - Bell 47 G-2 Bell 47
Bell 47 G-5
1 2 3 4
Manufacturer Helicopter Licence endorsement
-SE Turbine- Bell 206 A
Bell 206 B
Bell 206 B 2 Bell 206/206L
Bell 206 B 3 (D)
Bell 206 L
Bell 206 L-1
Bell 206 L-3
Bell 206 L-4
Bell 214 B Bell 214
Bell 214 B 1
Bell 412
Bell 412 SP
Bell 412 HP
Bell 412 EP
Bell 214 ST Bell 214ST
Bell 222 Bell 222/230/430
Bell 222 A
Bell 222 B
Bell 222 UT (D)
Bell 222 SP
Bell 230
Bell 430
Bell 427 Bell 427
5. EH Industries
- ME Turbine EH 101 EH 101
6. Eurocopter
- SE Turbine - AS 350 B AS350/350B3
AS 350 B 1
AS 350 B 2
AS 350 D (D)
AS 350 B A
AS 350 BB
AS 350 B 3
1 2 3 4
Manufacturer Helicopter Licence endorsement
EC 130 B 4 EC130B4
EC 120 EC120
SE 3160 SA316/319/315
SA 316 B
SA 316 C (D)
SA 319 B
SA 315 B
- ME Turbine - AS 332 C AS332/332L2/EC 225LP
AS 332 C 1
AS 332 L (D)
AS 332 L 1
AS 332 L 2
EC 225 LP
AS 355 E AS355/355N
AS 355 F
AS 355 F 1 (D)
AS 355 F 2
AS 355 N
EC 135 T1 CDS EC135
EC 135 P1 CDS
EC 135 T1 CPDS
EC 135 P1 CPDS
EC 135 T2 CPDS
EC 135 P2 CPDS
MBB-BK 117 A-1 BK117
MBB-BK 117 A-3
MBB-BK 117 A-4
MBB-BK 117 B-1 (D)
MBB-BK 117 B-2
MBB-BK 117 C-1
9. McDonnell Douglas
1 2 3 4
Manufacturer Helicopter Licence endorsement
- ME Turbine -
S 76 A S 76/76B/76C/76C+
S 76 A+
S 76 A++ (D)
S 76 B
S 76 C
S 76 C+
S 76 C++
S-92 A S 92A