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Aviation Security Training

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Aviation Security Training

If you cannot find the information you are looking for in the following pages, please
e-mail your question to aviationtrainingenquiries@dft.gsi.gov.uk, using the subject
as the title, and we will respond to you via e-mail as soon as we are able.

Table of contents
Threat Assessment - A Training Package............................................................................ 2
Aircrew Instructors' Course .................................................................................................. 3
Ground Security Instructors' Course .................................................................................... 5
Recognition of Firearms, Explosives and Incendiary Devices (RFX) ................................... 7
Certified providers of RFX courses .................................................................................. 8
ICAO Courses ...................................................................................................................... 9
Training Aids ...................................................................................................................... 10
DVD request form .......................................................................................................... 11
Security DVD training catalogue .................................................................................... 12
Aircrew and Ground Security Training ............................................................................... 19
Certified providers of Aircrew and Ground security training ........................................... 19
Aviation Security Managers' Initial Training ....................................................................... 26
Certified providers of Aviation Security Managers' initial training ................................... 27
Aviation Security Managers' Recurrent Training ................................................................ 28
Certified providers of Aviation Security Managers' recurrent training ............................. 28
Air Cargo Security Training ................................................................................................ 31
Approval of Air Cargo Security training programmes ..................................................... 31
Certified providers of Air Cargo Security Known Consignor training .............................. 32
In-Flight Supplies Security Training ................................................................................... 36
Approval of In-Flight Supplies training programmes ....................................................... 36
Certified providers of In-Flight Supplies training ............................................................. 37
Training for the Accounting and Authorising of Hold Baggage (Triple A) ........................... 38
General Security Awareness Training ............................................................................... 39
Certified providers of GSAT courses .............................................................................. 41
National X-Ray Competency Test (NXCT)......................................................................... 51
Cabin Baggage NXCT .................................................................................................... 51
Certified providers of the Cabin Baggage NXCT ............................................................ 51
Cargo NXCT ................................................................................................................... 58
Certified providers of the Cargo NXCT ........................................................................... 58
Hold Baggage NXCT ...................................................................................................... 64
Certified providers of the Hold Baggage NXCT .............................................................. 64

Last updated 25th October 2012 1

Threat Assessment - A Training Package
Copies of the distance learning material "Threat Assessment A Training Package" are
available from DfT. This is an updated version of DfT's 2003 publication 'Bomb Warning

It is recommended that all Threat Assessors receive recurrent training on a regular basis.
Given the changes to the package and value of regular recurrent training DfT
strongly encourages all Threat Assessors to complete the package.

This DfT training aid is only available to approved organisations and companies formally
in receipt of Directions under the UK National Aviation Security Programme (NASP), i.e.
an airline, airport, listed cargo agent or in-flight supplies company. Please e-mail or
post your request for copies of the Threat Assessment Training Package on company
headed note paper to:


Aviation Security Regulation (Training)

Department for Transport
1/27 Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road

Last updated 25th October 2012 2

Aircrew Instructors' Course
(Mandatory for UK Airlines and their agents)

The aim of the four day course is to provide aircrew aviation security instructors with the
necessary information to enable them to train flight and cabin crews on aviation security.
This will enable them to instruct staff on the appropriate measures to be taken to minimise
the consequences of security incidents.

Please note that this course does not deliver any training in trainer skills. Before attending
this course, delegates are expected to have successfully completed at least one of the
following types of training:
 train the trainer; or
 teaching skills; or
 presentational skills.

Applications will not be accepted if the applicant cannot provide evidence to meet this

On completion of the course candidates will be provided with a booklet giving aims and
objectives for providing aircrew training for airlines.

Due to the high demand for this course, applications will be prioritised with priority given to
trainers who will then go on to deliver training in accordance with EC300, EU185 and the
Single Consolidated Direction (Aviation) 2010 (SCD). For this reason, we ask that
applications are sponsored by the Security Manager of an organisation formally in receipt
of Directions. Applications will be accepted from applicants who will not be delivering
training in accordance with the legislation mentioned above only when a course is under-

Course Cost: There is no charge for this course. However delegates will need to pay for
their travel, subsistence and accommodation.

Course Dates:
 5 - 8 November 2012
 25 - 28 Feb 2013
 22 – 25 Jul 2013
 24 – 27 Feb 2014

Applications: To apply for a place on the Aircrew Instructors' Course please complete the
application form for DfT training courses (available from the Contents page under
'Downloads') and submit it via a sponsor to:


Aviation Security Regulation (Training)

Department for Transport
1/27 Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road
Last updated 25th October 2012 3

Recognition of Firearms, Explosives and Incendiary Devices: In addition, delegates

must attend the 2 day Recognition of Firearms, Explosives and Incendiary Devices (RFX)
course which is held at either the Academy of the United Kingdom, Cranfield University,
Shrivenham or Redline Aviation Security Ltd, Doncaster. Successful completion of this
course is required for any trainer who will be delivering the RFX module of the mandatory
syllabus for Aircrew security training. Delegates must apply for a place on the RFX course
of their choice direct with the provider.

We strongly recommend attendance on the RFX course as soon as possible after

attending an Instructors' course and preferably no longer than 3 months after. Note that
trainers are not entitled to deliver the RFX module of any DfT mandatory syllabus until they
have completed the initial RFX course.

For further details of RFX courses including providers and costs please see the
Recognition of Firearms, Explosives and Incendiary Devices (RFX) section.

Last updated 25th October 2012 4

Ground Security Instructors' Course
This 6-day course is mandatory for anyone who will be employed to deliver aviation
security training to ground security staff at airports. It is also mandatory for any trainer
delivering in-flight supplies security training or aircraft security training to ground-based
staff (such as secure-clean contractors).

The course is designed to provide delegates with access to the information needed to
design and deliver effective training to ground security staff. Delegates will gain an
understanding of the aims and objectives of aviation security; the threat to civil aviation
and the procedures in place to manage the risks to security. Successful completion of the
course qualifies delegates to instruct ground security staff in aviation security.

Please note that this course does not deliver any training in trainer skills. Before attending
this course, delegates are expected to have successfully completed at least one of the
following types of training:
 train the trainer; or
 teaching skills; or
 presentational skills.

Applications will not be accepted if the applicant cannot provide evidence to meet this
requirement. During the course, delegates will be required to deliver a short training
session which will be assessed and will form part of the criteria for successful completion
of the course.

Due to the high demand for this course, applications will be prioritised with priority given to
trainers who will go on to deliver training in accordance with EC300, EC185 and the Single
Consolidated Direction (Aviation) (SCD). For this reason, we ask that applications are
sponsored by the Security Manager of an organisation directed by DfT. Applications will be
accepted from applicants who will not be delivering training in accordance with the relevant
legislation mentioned above only when a course is under-subscribed.

Note: Applicants who are unable to secure a place on this course should consider the
Aviation Security Managers Initial training course (formerly known as Level 3). Successful
completion of the Aviation Security Managers Initial training course currently grants the
same certification to act as a trainer of ground security staff as the Aviation Security
Ground Instructors course. For further details on these courses please click here.

Course Cost: There is no charge for this course. However delegates will need to pay for
their travel, subsistence and accommodation.

Course Dates:
 11 – 19 Jun 2013
 8 – 16 Oct 2013

Applications: To apply for a place on the Aviation Security Ground Instructors' Course
please complete the application form for DfT training courses (available from the Contents
page under 'Downloads') and submit it via a sponsor to:

Last updated 25th October 2012 5


Aviation Security Regulation (Training)

Department for Transport
1/27 Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road

Recognition of Firearms, Explosives and Incendiary Devices: In addition, delegates

must attend the 2 day Recognition of Firearms, Explosives and Incendiary Devices (RFX)
course which is held at either the Academy of the United Kingdom, Cranfield University,
Shrivenham or Redline Aviation Security Ltd, Doncaster. Successful completion of this
course is required for any trainer who will be delivering the RFX module of the mandatory
syllabus for Aircrew security training. Delegates must apply for a place on the RFX course
of their choice direct with the provider.

We strongly recommend attendance on the RFX course as soon as possible after

attending an Instructors' course and preferably no longer than 3 months after. Note that
trainers are not entitled to deliver the RFX module of any DfT mandatory syllabus until they
have completed the initial RFX course.

For further details of RFX courses including providers and costs please see the
Recognition of Firearms, Explosives and Incendiary Devices (RFX) section.

Last updated 25th October 2012 6

Recognition of Firearms, Explosives and
Incendiary Devices (RFX)
The course is targeted at transport industry security instructors working for the following:
 airports;
 airlines and their agents;
 in-flight supplies undertakings;
 secure clean contractors;
 air cargo agents;
 ship and port operators and their agents;
 Channel Tunnel operators; and
 railway industry trainers.

Attendance will enable trainers to organise and conduct initial and recurrent training
courses in the recognition of firearms, explosives and incendiary devices for transport
security personnel.

The duration is two days for the initial course or one day for the recurrent and is held at
either Cranfield University at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham or
Redline Aviation Security Ltd, Doncaster. A test is given at the end of this course which
candidates are required to pass.

ID card for the carriage of training aids

On completion of the course candidates may request an identity card in the event they
may need to travel with training aids. However, this does not authorise the holder to carry
training aids through an airport or seaport or on any aircraft or ship or through the channel
tunnel. The holder will have to seek permission from the appropriate airport / seaport /
channel tunnel security manager, airlines / shipping line / train operator and police before
transporting any training aids.

The identity card is valid for three years from the date of completion of the course. At the
end of the three years, instructors who need to renew the ID card are required to attend a
one day RFX recurrent course to provide them with up to date information and new
developments on firearms, explosives and incendiaries.

Course bookings
If you wish to attend a RFX course at either the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom
at Shrivenham or Redline Aviation Security Ltd at Doncaster please contact the course
provider direct and they will supply you with an application form. Details of the course
providers, including course dates and costs, are overleaf.

Last updated 25th October 2012 7

Certified providers of RFX courses
Defence Academy of the United
Redline Aviation Security Ltd
15 - 16 November 2012
21 - 22 February 2013
13 - 14 November 2012
11 - 12 April 2013
4 - 5 December 2012
20 - 21June 2013
Dates 9 - 10 April 2013
(Initial 2-day)
1 - 2 August 2013
25 -26 June 2013
17 - 18 October 2013
3 - 4 September 2013
28 - 29 November 2013
5 - 6 November 2013

Cost (Initial 2-
£400 (VAT exempt) £350 + VAT
November 2012
18 January 2013
21 January 2013
Dates 8 March 2013
(Recurrent 1-day)
10 June 2013
14 June 2013
7 October 2013
6 September 2013
1 November 2013
Cost (Recurrent
£200 (VAT exempt) £175 + VAT
Emma Williams Jim Termini
Cranfield University - Room MH5 The National Security Training
Defence Academy of the United Centre (NSTC)
Kingdom First Avenue
Shrivenham Robin Hood Airport
SWINDON Doncaster
Wiltshire South Yorkshire

Tel: +44 (0)1793 314773 Tel: +44 (0)1302 623262

Fax: +44 (0)1793 314842 Fax: +44 (0)1302 623355

ewilliams.cu@defenceacademy.mo admin@trustredline.co.uk

Last updated 25th October 2012 8

ICAO Courses
A specialised agency of the United Nations, the International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) was created in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of international
civil aviation throughout the world. It sets standards and regulations necessary for aviation
safety, security, efficiency and regularity, as well as for aviation environmental protection.
The Organization serves as the forum for cooperation in all fields of civil aviation among its
190 Member States.

The network of Aviation Security Training Centre’s (ASTC) has been extended to include
Redline as the 23rd centre worldwide. A yearly ASTC Directors Meeting is organised to
ensure effective communication between the Centre’s and ICAO. During this meeting best
practices are exchanged and contacts are made and maintained to ensure that further

Besides the delivery of the ICAO sponsored training activities, ASTC’s are also required to
develop and deliver a yearly programme of Regional Aviation Security Courses adapted to
the Regional needs.

The first ICAO sponsored course to be held at ASTC Doncaster will be:
 Crisis Management: 3-7 September 2012.

Please consult the ICAO website for information on how to apply for this course.

Redlines ICAO Regional programme of courses is as follows:

 Crisis Management: 15-19 Oct & 26-30 Nov 2012.
 Instructors: 16-24 Jul & 12-20 Nov 2012.
 National Inspectors: 13-21 Aug 2012.
 AVSEC Managers: 17-28 Sep 2012.

For more information on ASTC Doncaster courses please e-mail ICAO@trustredline.co.uk

Last updated 25th October 2012 9

Training Aids
NOTE: The training aids listed are only available to UK Instructors who have
successfully completed the relevant DfT training courses.

Please list the title(s) you require and either e-mail or post your request along with your
company details to the address below. You are requested to read the information notes
before placing any orders.

NB unless training is regularly carried out at more than one location simultaneously, or
there is another good reason, we will not issue more than one copy per title. Orders will
not be accepted unless accompanied with company headed requests.


Aviation Security Regulation (DVD Requests)

Department for Transport
1/27 Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road

Last updated 25th October 2012 10

DVD request form
Title Quantity
In-Flight Security
Hijacking - The Secure Flight Deck
Disruptive Passengers
Red Threat Bomb Warning
Weapons And Explosives
Weapons of Terrorism
Explosive Devices of Terrorism
Ground Security
Access Control
New Screening Methodology
Barringer Ionscan Version; or
Ion Track Itomiser Version
Hide and Seek
Searching and Guarding Aircraft
Secure Clean
Triple A
Screening Techniques For Passengers and Staff
Interpreting X-ray Images (Astrophysics E-Scan Colour)
Security Supervisor
Security Equipment Test Procedures
Cargo Security
Air Tight
Courier Security
Air Cargo Security - Working as a Team
Validation - A Guide for Consignors
Airline Catering Security
OK to Go
English (spoken) with Punjabi subtitles
English (spoken) with Polish subtitles
English (spoken) with Russian subtitles
General Awareness And Distance Learning
Handling Telephone Bomb Warnings
Hitting the Target
Threat Assessment - A Training Pack

Last updated 25th October 2012 11

Security DVD training catalogue
This series of training DVDs has been prepared by the Department for Transport, to help
in the training of security staff. The DVDs deal with ground security, explosives and
firearms, in-flight security and air cargo security. They are intended for use by airlines,
airport authorities, listed cargo agents and the transport security industry. DVD's listed in
the catalogue may be obtained from the Transport Security and Contingencies Directorate,
Training Section. All orders and information requests must be submitted on company
letterhead to:


Aviation Security Regulation (DVD Requests)

Department for Transport
1/27 Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road

NOTE: The format for all DVDs offered in this catalogue is PAL.

DVDs are supplied free of charge to UK airports, airlines, listed air cargo agents, and
companies providing security training.

Unless training is regularly carried out at more than one location simultaneously, or there
is another good reason, we will not issue more than one copy per title.

In-flight Security
Title: Hijacking: The Secure Flight Deck
Production Date: 2003
Running Time: 12 Minutes
This title was produced to assist with the security training of cabin and flight deck staff to
understand the importance of locking the flight deck door and as a training aid to dealing
with hijacking.

Title: Disruptive Passengers

Production Date: 2003
Running Time: 14.5 Minutes
This title was produced jointly with the CAA to assist with the security training of cabin and
flight deck staff to deal with disruptive passengers during a flight.

Title: Red Threat Bomb Warning

Production Date: 2000
Running Time: 32 Minutes

Last updated 25th October 2012 12

This title was produced to assist with the security training of cabin and flight deck crew
members. It provides information on how to deal with bomb warnings on the ground and in
the air and what to do if a device is found.

Explosives and Firearms

Title: Weapons Of Terrorism
Production Date: 2003
Running Time: 14.5 Minutes
This title was produced to assist with the training of security staff in the recognition of
different types of weapons that could be used by terrorists. The film has been designed to
use on training courses for security staff involved in the aviation, maritime and the Channel

Title: Explosive Devices of Terrorism

Production Date: 2003
Running Time: 15.5 Minutes
This title was produced to assist with the training of security staff in the recognition of
explosive (and incendiary) devices including their component parts. The film has been
designed to use on training courses for security staff involved in the Aviation, Maritime,
Channel Tunnel and rail industries.

Ground Security
Title: Access Control
Production Date: 2003
Running Time: 15 Minutes
This title provides security staff including airline and airport personnel with information on
the purpose, principles and methods of exercising access control at airports maritime and
channel tunnel sites.

Title: New Screening Methodology

Production Date: 2002
Running Time: 20 Minutes
Note: There are 2 versions of this DVD and you should use the one for that particular trace
detection equipment that you have in operation at your location. There are the Ion Track
Itemiser version or the Barringer Ionscan version. Please specify which copy you want.

This title was produced to assist with the training of staff undertaking security duties at
transport locations where the New Screening Methodology is in use. This should include
those staff loading the X-ray belt, x-ray screeners, staff operating trace detection
equipment and undertaking hand searching, those staff body searching and supervisors
and managers of the aforementioned staff. The objective of the film is to make the staff
aware of what is involved with New Screening Methodology. This involves the operation of
x-ray equipment with threat image projection (TIP), trace detection equipment and good
teamwork and communication between all staff members.
Last updated 25th October 2012 13
Title: Hide and Seek
Production Date: 2005
Running Time: 18 Minutes
This title is a complete re-make of "Methods of Concealment", first produced in 1987. It is
suitable for all staff carrying out the searching by hand, both of people and their baggage,
and features prohibited articles and dangerous goods.

Title: Searching And Guarding Aircraft

Production Date: 2002
Running Time: 7.5 Minutes
This title provides security staff with information on how to conduct the search of an aircraft
and maintain an effective guard. It is aimed at aircrew and other staff who carry out aircraft
searches on the ground - there is a separate version of the film for staff who carry out a
secure clean (see next page).

Title: Secure Clean

Production Date: 2002
Running Time: 10.5 Minutes
This title is aimed at cleaning staff who carry out the security search of an aircraft. It gives
the staff information on how to conduct the security search of an aircraft.

Title: Triple A - Hold Baggage Reconciliation

Production Date: 2001
Running Time: 24 Minutes
This title is about hold baggage reconciliation in the aviation industry. It is a must for the
training of Appointed Persons but will also be useful for baggage handlers, check-in staff
and general security staff working airside. The film shows the importance of a good
baggage reconciliation system and the possible consequences if the system is not
properly adhered to.

Title: Screening Techniques For Passengers And Staff

Production Date: 1991
Running Time: 11 Minutes
This title provides search staff with information on the procedures for screening
passengers and staff. It features practises for working with a walk through metal detector
(WTMD) and hand held metal detector (HHMD), and shows examples of searches for men
and women.

Interpreting X-Ray Images (Astrophysics E-Scan

Production Date: 1991
Running Time: 23 Minutes

Last updated 25th October 2012 14

Part 1 of the film is designed to help operators to recognise x-ray images of a selection of
prohibited articles and everyday items. Some examples are shown in isolation and some in
bags. Part 2 of the film provides staff experience in deciding which bags to reject for hand
search from a selection of x-ray images.

Title: Security Supervisor

Production Date: 1992
Running Time: 17 Minutes
This title provides support for the training of security supervisors. It is split into seven
sections "What is supervision?", "Leadership", "Situations and attitudes", "Awareness",
"Standards", "Equipment" and "Responses" which are key elements of the supervisor's
role. The film is designed to stimulate discussion amongst a group of supervisors as part
of a structured training course.

Title: Security Equipment Test Procedures

Production Date: 1996
Running Time: 17 Minutes
This title has been produced to explain the key procedures used to test Walk Through
Metal Detectors, Hand Held Metal Detectors and X-ray security equipment. It is of prime
importance in aiding staffs' understanding of the effectiveness of the equipment. The film
should be used to train staff within the aviation security industry, but can be used for staff
in the Maritime industry and Channel Tunnel Operations.

Cargo Security
Title: Air Tight
Production Date: 2008
Running Time: 15 Minutes
This film replaces Stopping the Rot.

This film is intended to give an awareness of the Air Cargo Security Regime including
Transportation and the role of the Known Consignor, Regulated Agent and Airlines. It
focuses on the 3 main areas of the supply chain that carry SPX cargo and shows
examples of good and bad practices. The film covers many of the teaching points
contained in the Air Cargo training syllabus and is designed to be used in conjunction with
and as a part of the training required by relevant regulation.

Title: Courier Security

Production Date: 1999
Running Time: 20 Minutes
This title illustrates the key principles of the air cargo regime in relation to couriers. The
importance of individual's role in delivering secure air cargo is highlighted. The film has
been produced to assist the provision of security training within cargo courier companies. It
is intended for an audience of managers, warehouse staff, reception staff and drivers alike.

Last updated 25th October 2012 15

Title: Air Cargo Security - Working As A Team
Production Date: 2005
Running Time: 10.5 Minutes
This title is an air cargo training film aimed at drivers as well as those working in a hub /
warehouse showing how team working can prevent acts of unlawful interference.

Title: Validation - A Guide For Consignors

Production Date: 2004
Running Time: 12 Minutes
This title is an air cargo training film aimed at companies whose premises are about to be
validated by a DfT approved validator.

In-Flight Supplies
Title: Ok To Go
Production Date: 2006
Running Time: 14 Minutes
This title has been produced to take account of the new requirements of the Single
Direction for In-Flight Supplies and Stores which came into effect on 1 February 2005. It is
designed to give staff of catering undertakings a general awareness of the security
requirements associated with supplying catering supplies to airlines departing from a UK

General Security Awareness & Learning Packages

Title: Handling A Telephone Bomb Warning
Production Date: 2003
Running Time: 8 Minutes
This title provides guidance to personnel on how to handle a telephoned bomb warning. It
provides information on techniques necessary to enable the recipient to be able to obtain
as much information as possible so that an effective assessment of the warning may be

Hitting the Target - DVD and Notes for Trainers

Including A Security Exercise for Students
Production Date: 2000
Running Time: 17 Minutes
This title was produced to assist with the training of all types of staff who work in an airport,
seaport or Channel Tunnel environment, who are not directly responsible for security. The
film was designed to be used as part of an induction-training programme for new staff or
recurrent training for existing staff. This could include managers, contractors, caterers,
cleaners, concessionaires, re-fuellers and engineers - in fact anyone who works at a
transport location. Security staff will also be interested in the content.

Last updated 25th October 2012 16

The objective of the film is to make everybody who works at a transport location aware that
it is in their interest to think about security. The film shows that when other staff have a
security concern they should contact security staff. The more vigilant all staff are, the less
opportunity there will be for terrorists to find a loophole in security.

Threat Assessment - A Training Package

This training package has recently been updated to include all threats rather than just
bomb warnings and is for managers in airports, airlines and the aviation cargo security
industry who are nominated Threat Assessors. The package will take them step-by-step
through the process of assessing a threat or bomb warning and show them how to use the
Threat Assessment form to help them reach a logical conclusion.

There are four Case Studies to enable them to assess their ability and Certificate of
Competence to be countersigned by the Senior Manager appointed to help with their

Other Training Aids

The training aids listed below are intended for use by airlines, airport authorities, listed
cargo agents and the transport security industry. Please send any requests by fax or post
to the address below. NB Orders will not be accepted unless accompanied on company
headed notepaper.

Aviation Security Training

E-mail: aviation.trainingaids@dft.gsi.gov.uk

Teaching Booklets and Syllabuses (only available to UK Instructors who have attended
DfT courses)
 Aviation Security Managers' Training (February 2011)
 Aircrew Security Training (June 2010)
 Ground Security Operative and Supervisor Training (May 2010)
 Airport Supplies Security Training (June 2012)
 Triple A (June 2002)**
 General Security Awareness Training (GSAT) (August 2010)
 In-Flight Catering Training (March 2003)**
 Air Cargo Security Training (July 2008)**
 Known Consignor Security Training (June 2012)

**Undergoing revision to reflect the EC300 changes

 Threat Assessment - A Training Pack

 Guidance on the use of Threat Image Projection

 New inspectors pass available in PDF

Technical Information Notices

 Technical Information Notice 1/98 (Shift Patterns)
 Technical Information Notice 1/99 (Computer Based Training)

Last updated 25th October 2012 17

 Technical Information Notice 1/02 (X-ray Screening: Guidance for On-The-Job Training)
 Technical Information Notice 1/03 (The selection of X-Ray Screeners)
 Technical Information Notice 2/03 (The X-Ray screeners On-The-Job- Training Audit)

Cargo Information Notices

Validation of Known Customers and Use of that Validation by other Listed Agents,
August 1994
2 Consignment Security Certificate, 1 November 1995
3 Training, February 1995
4 Air Cargo to and from the Channel Islands, August 1995
5 The Screening and Searching of Unknown Cargo, November 1995
6 The Transportation of Known Cargo by Road, February 1996
7 Searching of Cargo, Courier Material and Mail, July 1996
8 The Transportation of Known Cargo by Road, July 1996
9 Cargo X-ray Screening Equipment, November 1996
10 Administrative Procedures, April 1997
11 Responsibilities of Security Managers, September 1997
12 Screening Unknown Cargo, December 1997
13 Known Customer Procedures, 14 April 1998
15 Procedures in the event of Non-Compliance, 8 July 1998
17 Unaccompanied Hold Baggage Transported as Air Cargo, 21 January 2000
19 Audit trail, 13 May 1999
20 Freighter Class Known Cargo, 18 April 2000
21 Securing Electrical Items, 7 September 2000
22 Relisting of Air Cargo Agents, 24 January 2000
23 Trucked Air Cargo, 9 July 2001
24 Cargo Exempt from Security Controls, 9 July 2001

Last updated 25th October 2012 18

Aircrew and Ground Security Training
Certified providers of Aircrew and Ground security training
NB. This list will be updated when requests are sent to the training team.

Name Address Tel Fax Contact

66 Violet Avenue
Hillingdon John Maczko
526806 Limited 07725 526806
Middlesex jmaczko@526806.com
11 Addington Crescent
0191 259 2563
North Shields
ASTACC (Mob): 07711 Jeff Golightly
North Tyneside
NE29 7PZ
12 Church Road
Mick Patrick
Auditair 01243545270 mickjpatrick@btinternet.com
PO20 3TT
43 Stag Hill
Mary Winchester
Aviation Security Training Basingstoke
07717 746095 Searlewin@aol.com
International (ASTI) Hants
RG22 6JE
22 East Fen Road
Bob Green
AVIAQ UK Limited Ely 01638 780154 01638 781218

Last updated 25th October 2012 19

Name Address Tel Fax Contact
St Benedict's Farm
Aviation Security Knole Tony Ellerbeck
(SW) Limited Long Sutton 01458 241041 01458 241845 tony@avsec.co.uk
Somerset www.avsec.com
TA10 9HY
30 Foxbridge Drive
Chris Barratt
Avsec Limited Hunston
07880 592216 01903 260 837 info@avsecltd.com
West Sussex
PO20 1NQ
4 Walton Close Geoffrey Williams
01432 278 732
AvSecTra Hereford training@avsectra.com
07951 295 600
HR2 6BJ avicom@btinternet.com
PO Box 203
Guildford Road 01932 877553 Simon Bolt
BFBS Consultants Limited
Chertsey 01932 877553 simon.bolt@bfbssecurity.com
Surrey 07710 253750 www.bfbssecurity.com
KT16 0QH
6 Dale View
Stephen Brogden
Brogden Air Training Services Clitheroe 07710 994203
7 Rosebay
01235 766125
Crescent Grove Graham Brooks
Brooksmith Training 01235 766125
Oxon graham.brooks@ukgateway.net
07836 207478
OX12 0BU
32 John Morgan Close Chris Fields
CF Associates Hook 07771 751 391
Hampshire chrisfields57@hotmail.com

Last updated 25th October 2012 20

Name Address Tel Fax Contact
11 Wixon Path
Aylesbury Claire Rogers
CLR Associates 07775 774980
Bucks claire.rogers@clrassociates.com
HP19 7GN
108 Frinton Road
Holland-on-Sea Andy Bareham
The CMC Group 07789 697704 01279 816781
Essex Mark Beck
CO15 5UR
67 Manston Drive
Bishops Stortford 07738 596850
D & V Associates Vivienne Darnell
Herts 07738 302557
CM23 5EJ
Direct House
26 Gloucester Road
Direct Services Group UK Avonmouth 0117 938 2424 0117 938 0707 Lorraine Shahabi
BS11 9AD
19 Armitage Court
Eaglecrest 07970 067292 Steve Gilchrist
46 Heather Road
Eamonn O'Neill Binley Woods 02476 545530 Eamonn O'Neill
(Independent Trainer) Coventry 07872429952 eamonn.1@tiscali.co.uk
Lombard House
3 Bucknall New Road
EOS Risk Management 44 (0) 1782 +44 (0) Paul Hudson
283323 ext 3003 7833207029 paul@eorisk.com
Stoke on Trent

Last updated 25th October 2012 21

Name Address Tel Fax Contact
Global House
Worley Court
Dianne Worby
Bolesworth Road
Global Air Training Limited 01829 771 334 01829 771 201 ops@globalaviation.com
7 The Dell
Vernham Dean
Garry Mitchell
GM Associates Andover 01264 737424
SP11 0LF
Princess House
Paul Tallent
Nobel Drive
G4S Aviation Security (UK) Training Manager
Hayes 020 8564 3407 020 8564 3456
Ltd paul.tallent@uk.g4s.com
Brooke House
David Denning
John Hyrne Way
01603 594755 dave.denning@gsldardan.co.uk
GSL Dardan Security Limited Longwater Business 01603 732258
park, Costessey
Norwich NR5 0AF
4 Progress Business Park
International Security and Whittle Parkway Michael Allen
Surveillance (ISS) Limited Slough 01628 667545 01628 667579 michael.allen@iss-sp.com
Berkshire www.iss-sp.com
+44(0) 203 Danny Adams
International Security B.V.
0266204 danny@international-sec.com
Room 3505a Terminal 4
I-Sec UK Ltd Mobile:
Heathrow Airport
+44(0)75904 Melissa Field
18827 melissa@internationsl-sec.com

Last updated 25th October 2012 22

Name Address Tel Fax Contact
2 Mansion Close Home: 01444
Kingsway 248443
John Head (Security John Head
Burgess Hill 01444 248443
Consultant) Jhea747@aol.com
West Sussex Mobile: 07710
RH15 0NT 128004
95 Farthingdale
Mobile: 07774 Keith Scott
K.S. Associates Lingfield
320881 keithscottassociated@gmail.com
PO BOX 2547 James Pike
0844 502 5520
Luton james.pike@jp-ias.co.uk
JP International Aviation Fax: +44 (0)844
Security (UK) Limited Mobile: 0772 502 5513
095 2554
102 Abertillery Road
(Mob) 07840 Mark Cailes
M C Associates 930321 mc-associates@tiscali.co.uk
01495 291935
NP13 2DZ
01895 270465
MITIE House (office)
Eskdale Road Denise Fields
MITIE Security Ltd Uxbridge 07919 291140 01895 270466 denise.fields@mitie.co.uk
Middlesex (Denise)
UB8 2RT 07825 078861 Dylan Wright
(Dylan) dylan.wright@mitie.com
Room 3316
Level 3
Ian Mullins
OMNISERV Limited Terminal 2 0161 4896790 0161 4896791
Manchester Airport
M90 4QX

Last updated 25th October 2012 23

Name Address Tel Fax Contact
201 Central Road
Paul Boulton Coalville
07736 599498 Paul Boulton
(Independent Trainer) Leicestershire
LE67 2FN
01736 788809
Lower Bostraze
Planesafe Limited
Newbridge Huw Davies
(Operates out of Bristol mob 01736 787271
Penzance hdaviesplanesafe@aol.com
International Airport) 07889668920
TR20 8PU
01624 819827
Paul Quellin
Quelltex Limited Maughold 01624 819 827
07624 405041 info@quelltex.co.uk
Isle of Man
The National Security
Training Centre (NSTC)
James Termini
First Avenue
(Office) 01302 James Termini
Redline Aviation Security Ltd Robin Hood Airport
623262 admin@trustredline.co.uk
South Yorkshire
Unit 18 (Office) 01322
Concorde Road 282450
Reliance Aviation Services
Patchway 01322 224495 Siamak Shahabi
Bristol (Mob) Siamak Shahabi
BS34 5TB 07872635834

Last updated 25th October 2012 24

Name Address Tel Fax Contact
Office Suite 2
+44 (0)1472
Alexandra Business Centre Ross Williams
722170 +44 (0)1472
Smart Approach Grimsby Ross.Williams@smartapproach.com
(Mob) +44 720010
NE Lincs www.smartapproach.com
(0)7733 305011
DN31 1UL
Concord House
Alan Barber
Clondale Road
Specialist Airport Services Poyle 01753 287210 01753 28769
Golf House Charles Menetta
Horsham Road charles@trainingteam.co.uk
The Training Team Pease Pottage
01293 536943 01293 553862
Crawley Chris Lockwood
West Sussex chris@trainingteam.co.uk
RH11 9SG www.trainingteam.co.uk
Patricia Setrakian
Mission Hall 44(0)208 831
Transport Security Associates Steam Farm Lane 0724
Ltd Feltham Middlesex (Mobile): +44
TW14 0PW (0)7903 821169
PO Box 1344
Peter Miller
UK Aviation Security Ltd Luton 44(0)1582
07932 764730 pmiller@ukaviationsecurity.com
(UKASLtd) Bedfordshire 647830

Last updated 25th October 2012 25

Aviation Security Managers' Initial
This mandatory course is aimed at security managers employed by airports, airlines and
their agents and in-flight supplies undertakings and secure clean contractors, who have
direct managerial responsibilities for security personnel carrying out aviation security
duties. Managers will be provided with information to enable them to understand the aims
and objectives of the aviation security organisation; the threat to civil aviation and risks to
its security and to be able to implement current security policies and procedures outlined in
the relevant airport or airline security program.

As intimated earlier DfT has certified the courses provided by Airlock Aviation, BAA plc,
Group 4 Securicor (G4S), Manchester Airport plc (MAN) and Redline Aviation Security Ltd.

For more details on their courses please contact them directly.

Course Dates
11 - 15 March 2013
9 - 13 September 2013
28 January - 1 February 2013
20 - 24 May 2013 Airlock
30 September – 4 October 2013
7 - 12 October 2012 BAA
9 -18 April 2013
29 October – 7 November 2013
5 - 9 November 2012
4 -12 February 2013
Redline Aviation Security Ltd
3 - 11 June 2013
11 - 19 November 2013

Last updated 25th October 2012 26

Certified providers of Aviation Security Managers' initial training
Airlock Aviation BAA Plc
John Cordingley Keith Riley
Airlock Aviation Training Manager
Centurion House BAA plc
London Road 1st floor, Westpoint
Staines Compass Centre
Middlesex TW18 4AX Nelson Road
Tel: 01784 410 390 Middlesex TW6 2GW
Fax: 01784 410 330
Tel: 020 8745 6352
E-mail: admin@airlockaviation.com Fax: 020 8745 2703

Admin contact: Helen Spittal E-mail: Keith_riley@baa.com

G4S Manchester Airport
Paul Tallent Sara Gilmore
Training Manager Operational Training Manager
Securicor Aviation Ringway Suite
Princess House Terminal 2
Nobel Drive Manchester Airport
Hayes Manchester
Middlesex M90 1QX
Tel: 0161 489 5785
Tel: 020 8564 3461 Mobile: 07958 877772
Fax: 020 8432 1290
E-mail: sara.gilmore@manairport.co.uk
E-mail: paul.tallent@uk.g4s.com
Enquiries: Simon Day (0161 489 5790)

E-mail: simon.day@manairport.co.uk
Redline Aviation Security Ltd
Jim Termini
The National Security Training Centre
First Avenue
Robin Hood Airport
South Yorkshire

Tel: 01302 623262

Fax: 01302 623355

E-mail: admin@trustredline.co.uk or

Last updated 25th October 2012 27

Aviation Security Managers' Recurrent Training
This mandatory course is aimed at security managers employed by airports, airlines and their agents and in-flight supplies undertakings
and secure clean contractors, who have direct managerial responsibilities for security personnel carrying out aviation security duties.
Managers will be refreshed on the competencies they acquired during initial training. Recurrent training must be delivered within 36
months of Initial Training.
Certified providers of Aviation Security Managers' recurrent training
Company Certified Trainer Address Tel / Fax E-mail / Contact
Airlock Aviation Ltd John Cordingley Centurion House Tel: 01784 410 390 admin@airlockaviation.com
London Road
Gaynor McLaughlin Staines Fax: 01784 410 330 Helen Spittal
Hilary Oliver TW18 4AX

BFBS Consultants Simon Bolt PO Box 203 01932 877553 info@bfbssecurity.com

Limited Guildford Road
Chertsey Simon Bolt

Princess House 020 8564 3461 paul.tallent@uk.g4s.com

Nobel Drive
G4S Aviation
Paul Tallent Hayes
Security (UK) Ltd

Last updated 25th October 2012 28

Company Certified Trainer Address Tel / Fax E-mail / Contact
ICTS (UK) Limited Keith Hollingdale South Block, Office: 020 78747576 keith_uk@icts.co.uk
Tavistock House, Fax: 0808 280 0960 Keith Hollingdale
Frank McGrath Tavistock Square,
London, Keith: 0791 904 5243 frank_uk@icts.co.uk
WC1H 9LG Frank: 07674 20312 Frank McGrath

Planesafe Ltd Huw Davies Sunnyacres, Lr, 01736 788809 or hdaviesplanesafe@aol.com

Newbridge, Mob: 0789 966 8920 Diana Davies
TR20 8PU

Bristol Airport,
Lulsgate, Bristol
BS48 3DY
Quelltex Ltd Paul Quellin Homefield Tel: 01624 819827 info@quelltex.co.uk
Margaret Nolan Maughold Mob: 07771 644350 Paul Quellin
Isle of Man

Redline Aviation James Termini The National Office: 01302 623262 admin@trustredline.co.uk
Security Ltd Security
Training Centre Fax: 01302 623355 James Termini
First Avenue
Robin Hood Airport
South Yorkshire

Last updated 25th October 2012 29

Company Certified Trainer Address Tel / Fax E-mail / Contact
Thomas Cook Julie Kerwin Hangar 1 Office:0161 498 4400 julie.kerwin@thomascook.com
Airlines Ltd Western
Maintenance Area Mob:07979 510220 Julie Kerwin
Off Runger Lane
Manchester Airport Fax: 0161 498 4417
M90 5FL
Manchester Airport Sara Gilmore Olympic House Tel: 0161 489 5790 simon.day@manairport.co.uk
Emma Heather M90 Fax: 0161 489 5787 Simon Day

Nigel Wickenden

Last updated 25th October 2012 30

Air Cargo Security Training
As of 19 June 2012, a new training syllabus designed specifically for use when training
staff working at known consignor sites has been published. In future:
 training under the Air Cargo syllabus (i.e. levels A-G) should only be used to train staff
working for regulated agents and for drivers involved in the carriage of secure air cargo;
 training under the Known Consignor syllabus should be used to train staff working at
known consignor sites.

The list of commercial training providers below has been updated with details of those
trainers who offer the new training for known consignors.
Approval of Air Cargo Security training programmes
All mandatory DfT training can only be delivered by a trainer certificated by the DfT. If you
are not already approved to deliver cargo training (under either the Air Cargo syllabus or
the Known Consignor syllabus), please contact us at
aviationtrainingenquiries@dft.gsi.gov.uk, including a copy of a valid (undertaken in the last
2 years) Cargo level G certificate, for further details of the trainer certification requirements
and the programme approvals process.

Full details of the requirements for certification and approval will be provided but please be
aware that as part of the certification and approvals process you will also be asked in due
course to provide:
 A copy of the programme you intend to use.
 A RFX certificate.
 Evidence of instructional techniques.
 A CV.
 A statement confirming the relevant background check has been completed.

Last updated 25th October 2012 31

Certified providers of Air Cargo Security Known Consignor training
A list of trainers certified to deliver air cargo security training follows.

Whilst the Department endeavours to keep this list up to date, there will always be some
delay in making changes and alterations. As such, should there be a discrepancy
between the information here and that which a trainer might tell you, please e-mail
caroline.joseph@dft.gsi.gov.uk to clarify the matter.

Please be aware that the details here are provided for those engaging a trainer/training
provider to assure themselves that a specific trainer/training provider is certified to deliver
air cargo security training and are listed alphabetically for convenience.

Company Contact Location Cargo Levels
Abbey Training ABDEFG
Alan Baker Hampshire Classroom
Services Limited Incl. X-ray
Mark Higgins Cheshire Classroom
Solutions Incl. X-ray
London ABDEF
Air Canada Steve Coles -
Heathrow Excl. X-ray
Air Cargo Training
Dayle Valentine Manchester AB -
Airfreight Security
John Dinsdale West Yorkshire AB -
Airlock Aviation ABCDEFG
John Cordingley Middlesex CBT
Limited Incl. X-ray
Ascent Training Ltd Scott Dimmock Ascot ABCDEFG -
A1 Aviation Security
Phil Dimmock Ascot ABCDEFG -
Asgard Security
Management Nan McCreadie Middlesex Classroom
Incl. X-ray
Astaccppt Jeff Golightly North Tyneside -
Incl. X-ray
Aviation Security
Training & Andrew Hudson Shropshire Classroom
Incl. X-ray
Avisec Training Roy Meincken Surrey AB -
Anthony Barnett Cambridgeshire -
Services Incl. X-ray
BIFA Sharon Hammond Middlesex -
Incl. X-ray
The Blacklock
Roger Blacklock Devon Incl. X-Ray -
Theory ONLY
Brinks UK Limited Phil Steele Middlesex -
Excl. X-ray
British Airways Peter Badger Middlesex -
Incl. X-ray
Last updated 25th October 2012 32
Company Contact Location Cargo Levels
Browns UK Training ABCDEFG
Rodge Brown Middlesex Classroom
Services Incl. X-ray
Cargo Tracker
International Ron Haviv London Classroom
Incl. X-ray
CDS Training Geoffrey Fielder Birmingham AB -
Ceva Logistics UK
Andy Jenkins Leicestershire AB -
Circle Express
Mike Banks Manchester AB -
Collard Group Jarad Collard Bristol AB -
Cryptair Tim Robertson Essex Classroom
Incl. X-ray
Dangerous Goods ABCDEFG
Lesley Finnie Aberdeen -
Management Incl. X-ray
Dan Lee Devon Classroom
Training Incl. X-ray
David Kirk David Kirk Hampshire Classroom
Excl. X-ray
Davies Turner Air ABDEFG
David O'Toole Berkshire -
Cargo Limited Inc. X-ray
David Douglas Dumbarton -
Services Excl. X-ray
Jim Winnard Middlesex -
Ltd Excl X-ray
Jez Jones Paisley -
Limited Excl. X-ray
DHL Freight Bob Holder Bedfordshire ABDEFG -
EP Training Ed Pargeter Surrey AB -
Eskimo Express Simon Gould Surrey AB -
Expeditors Robin Ball Middlesex AB -
Extrodinair Sylivia Fleming Edinburgh -
Excl. x-ray
Federal Express Benjamin Debnam Essex -
Incl. X-Ray
Gatehouse ABDEFG
Owen Lonsdale Buckinghamshire Classroom
Consultancy Incl. X-ray
Global Eyes
Joe Gilmartin Bedfordshire AB -
ICTS (UK) Limited Annette O’Connor Middlesex -
Incl. X-Ray
I L Solutions Ivor Llewellyn Cheshire Classroom
Excl. X-Ray
J & B Training Frank James Middlesex -
Incl X-ray
J&E Consultants John Poulton Lancashire Classroom
Excl. x-ray

Last updated 25th October 2012 33

Company Contact Location Cargo Levels
JP International
Aviation Security James Pike Bedfordshire Classroom
Incl. X-Ray
(UK) Limited
Keith Shillingford Keith Shillingford Surrey -
Incl. X-Ray

M H Associates Martin Henry Middlesex Classroom
Incl. X-Ray
Paul Munslow Paul Munslow West Midlands -
Incl. X-Ray
Peter East ABD
Nicholas Mohr London Classroom
Associates Excl..X-Ray
Plane Handling ABDEFG
Denis Beckley Middlesex -
Limited Incl. X-Ray
Quelltex Limited Paul Quellin Isle of Man Classroom
Incl. X-Ray
Redline Aviation Paul Mason South Yorkshire Classroom
Incl. X-ray
Renshaw ABDEFG
Wayne Renshaw Gloucestershire Classroom
Associates Ltd Incl. x-ray
Roy Bowles
Stephen Bowles Berkshire AB Classroom
Royal Mail Group Granville ABDEFG
London -
PLC Fairclough-Hawley Incl. X-ray
RTL Consultants ABDEFG
Steven Lewis Derbyshire Classroom
Limited Incl. X-Ray
Sabine Wickes & ABDEFG
Sabine Wickes Northants -
Associates Incl. X-Ray
Servisair (UK) ABDEFG
Craig Dalton West Sussex Classroom
Limited Incl. X-Ray
Spearhead Aviation Christopher Sharp Middlesex ABD -
Stansted Training ABDEFG
Colin Joyce Essex Classroom
Services Incl. X-Ray
Swissport Cargo ABD
Annette O’Connor Middlesex -
Services Excl. X-ray
T/A LHR Security Ian Godfrey Middlesex ABCDEFG
T&S Consultants Tobin Duke Stirling -
Excl. X-Ray
Linda Davies West Yorkshire Classroom
Solutions Ltd Incl. X-Ray
TNT Express
Services (UK) Paul Olorenshaw Warwickshire -
Incl. X-Ray
Training Link ABCDEFG
John de Bruin Middlesex Classroom
Europe Limited Incl. X-Ray
Training Team Chris Gray West Sussex Classroom
Incl. X-Ray
Last updated 25th October 2012 34
Company Contact Location Cargo Levels
Transport Security ABCDEFG
Patricia Setrakian Middlesex -
Associates Ltd. Incl. X-Ray
United Airlines Edward Hackman Middlesex -
Excl. X-ray
Worldwide Flight ABCDEFG
Martin Gammon Middlesex -
Services Incl. X-ray
Yusen Air & Sea Neil McNab Middlesex A -

Last updated 25th October 2012 35

In-Flight Supplies Security Training
The UK National Aviation Security Programme requires that those engaged on certain
aviation security duties related to in-flight supplies receive mandatory training and
recurrent training and that records are kept signed by both trainer and trainee.

A training syllabus available from the Department sets out the information required by
trainers to ensure their training programme covers at least the areas required by the DfT.
To obtain a copy of the syllabus, please send an e-mail or post your request on company
headed notepaper to:

Aviation Security Regulation (Training)

Department for Transport
1/27 Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road

Approval of In-Flight Supplies training programmes

All mandatory DfT training can only be delivered by a trainer certificated by the DfT. If you
are not already approved to deliver in-flight supplies training, please contact us at
aviationtrainingenquiries@dft.gsi.gov.uk for further details of the trainer certification
requirements and the programme approvals process.

To deliver this training, the trainer must have successfully completed either a Ground
Instructors' or an Aviation Security Managers' course. Successful completion of the
Recognition of Firearms, Explosive and Incendiary Devices course (RFX) is also required
if the RFX module will be delivered.

Full details of the requirements for certification and approval will be provided but please be
aware that as part of the certification and approvals process you will also be asked in due
course to provide:
 A copy of the programme you intend to use.
 A RFX certificate.
 Evidence of instructional techniques.
 A CV.
 A statement confirming the relevant background check has been completed.

DfT inspectors have the right to sit in on any course.

Last updated 25th October 2012 36

Certified providers of In-Flight Supplies training
Company Contact Address Tel & E-mail
Crawley Industrial Estate 01293 532154
Alpha 5 Rutherford Way
Catering Crawley 07970 666592
Services West Sussex BLambourne@alpha-
RH10 2PB group.com
Exeter International
Bernard 01392 266668
Flybe Airport, Exeter, Devon,
Walsh bernard.walsh@flybe.com
600 Central Way
07738 040066
LSG Skychefs Adrian Feltham
Ltd Downer Middlesex
TW14 0RX
Homefield Dreemskerry
Maughold 01624 819827
Quelltex Ltd Paul Quellin
IM7 1BF www.quelltex.co.uk
Isle of Man
The National Security
Training Centre (NSTC)
Redline First Avenue
01302 623262
Aviation Jim Termini Robin Hood Airport
Security Ltd Doncaster
South Yorkshire

Last updated 25th October 2012 37

Training for the Accounting and
Authorising of Hold Baggage (Triple A)
Details of what Triple A training must comprise can be found in the relevant training
syllabus booklet available from the Department.

To obtain a copy of the booklet for Tripe A or Passenger Questioning, please send an e-
mail or post your request on company headed paper to:


Aviation Security Regulation (Training)

Department for Transport
1/27 Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road

Note: Passenger Questioning does not appear in the EU Regulations and is not
considered a UK More Stringent Measure (MSM).

Last updated 25th October 2012 38

General Security Awareness Training
General Security Awareness Training (GSAT) is a requirement of EC Regulation No.
185/2010 and applies to all applicants for, and holders of, a full pass granting unescorted
access to the Security Restricted Area (SRA) except where the applicant or pass holder is
already in receipt of equivalent or better training (known as equivalence).

Full details of the GSAT requirements and the alternative training which is recognised as
being equivalent are included in the Mandatory Conditions and Syllabus document, copies
of which are available via the training aids page.

Designing a GSAT Course

GSAT training must be designed in accordance with and meet the Mandatory Conditions
and Syllabus document issued by the DfT. Anyone wishing to design a GSAT course
must be a trainer certified by DfT to deliver directed training to at least one of the following
groups of staff:
 Ground Security Staff or Supervisors
 Aviation Security Managers
 Aircrew
 In-Flight Supplies
 Cargo

Delivering a GSAT Course

Only those people listed above as entitled to design a GSAT course and those people or
organisations recognised by DfT as competent to deliver GSAT are allowed to deliver a
compliant GSAT course.

Recognition of Competence to Deliver GSAT

Any individual or organisation wishing to be recognised as competent to deliver GSAT
must apply to the DfT for this recognition. The criteria that must be met are set out below.

For an organisation seeking recognition of competence to deliver GSAT, evidence of the

following points must be demonstrated:
 that the organisation has an established network of trainers;
 that those trainers employed are qualified to a recognised standard (such as NVQ);
 that all trainers will be working from a training package designed by a DfT certified
trainer in accordance with relevant legislation;
 that the organisation has in place a quality assurance or audit process that ensures a
consistent approach to the training delivered by all trainers; and
 that the organisation understands, accepts and will abide by the terms of the mandatory
conditions section of the Mandatory Conditions and Syllabus for GSAT.

For an individual seeking recognition of competence to deliver GSAT, evidence of the

following points must be provided:
 that the applicant is qualified as a trainer to a recognised standard (such as NVQ);
 that the applicant works wholly or largely within the aviation industry;
 that the applicant will be working from a training package designed by a DfT certified
trainer in accordance with relevant legislation; and

Last updated 25th October 2012 39

 that the applicant understands, accepts and will abide by the terms of the
mandatory conditions section of the Mandatory Conditions and Syllabus for GSAT.

Last updated 25th October 2012 40

Certified providers of GSAT courses
A list of all the current training providers offering a GSAT course either as a classroom course, or as computer-based training, along with
contact details are listed below:
Type Company Address Tel E-mail / Contact
Aviation Ground Support Limited
Les Bishop
The Stansted Centre
01279 874 222
Parsonage Road
Classroom AGS Ltd r.hayward@agshandling.co.uk
07760 391 933 Roger Hayward
CM22 6PU
Centurion House GSAT@airlockaviation.com
Airlock Aviation
Classroom Staines 01784 410 390
TW18 4AX Gaynor McLaughlin
Alan Gant 01799 586 437 a.a.gant@talk21.com
Classroom Consultancy -
(AGC) 07818 034 662 Alan Gant
11 Addington Crescent
0191 259 2563 jeffgolightly@btopenworld.com
North Shields
Classroom ASTACC
North Tyneside
07711 702 441 Jeff Golightly
NE29 7PZ
Training Services
51/52 Airways House
Aviation First Avenue Art4stn@aol.com
Classroom Recruitment & Airport North 01279 681 996
Training (ART) London Stansted Airport Antonio Pagliarulo
CM24 1RY

Last updated 25th October 2012 41

Type Company Address Tel E-mail / Contact
43 Staghill
Aviation Security searlewin@aol.com
Classroom Training 07899 857 289
International Mary Winchester
RG22 6JF
6 Mill Cottage
Grindley Brook andrew@aviationsec.co.uk
Classroom Aviation Sec Nr Whitchurch 07802 221 365
Shropshire Andrew Hudson
SY13 4QH
Building 3
Heathrow Boulevard
282 Bath Road
Classroom Aviserv Ltd 07958 299 293
Gurdial Sandhu
01243 385 159 chris@avsecltd.com
Classroom Avsec Ltd -
07880 592 216 Chris Barratt
PO Box 203
Guildford Road simon.bolt@bfbssecurity.com
BFBS Consultants 01342 314 232
Classroom Chertsey
Surrey Simon Bolt
07710 253 750
KT16 0QH
72 Evelyn Crescent
Browns UK Sunbury
07841 590 787
Training Services Middlesex
Rodger Brown
TW16 6LZ

Last updated 25th October 2012 42

Type Company Address Tel E-mail / Contact
CD Media Training Ltd
Golf House sales@gsattraining.net
Horsham Road
CD Media
CBT Pease Pottage 01293 539 119 Robert Comolli
Training Ltd
West Sussex www.gsattraining.net
RH11 9SG
32 John Morgan Close chrisfields57@hotmail.com
Classroom CF Associates Hook 07771 751 391
Hampshire Chris Fields
67 Manston Drive
07738 302 557
Bishop's Stortford Vivienne Darnell
Classroom D & V Associates
Hertfordshire Dawn Galley
07738 596 850
CM23 5EJ
Derichebourg ICS
23 Towerfield Road
Multiservices shaun.burns@derichebourg-ics.com
Classroom trading as ICS 07747 066 760
Group of Shaun Burns
Companies Ltd
10 Albion Rd
Classroom DG Associates 07837 578421
Dilip Gokal
20 Hallen Close siamak.shahabi@btinternet.com
0203 6054851
Classroom DSG Services Emmersons Green
07585 141038
Bristol BS16 7JE Sia Shahabi

Last updated 25th October 2012 43

Type Company Address Tel E-mail / Contact
Building 84A
Cranfield Airport 01234 757 766 gaynor.ottaway@directflight.co.uk
Classroom Directflight Ltd Cranfield
Bedfordshire 07748 593 504 Gaynor Ottaway
MK43 0AL
Classroom easyJet - -
Roger Brown
Paul Quellin
CBT EDUKi Ltd - -
Mel Littler
Amanda Quellin
The Old Library
E.P. Training Lower Shott
Classroom 02372 450 800
Services Ltd Great Bookham
Edward Pargeter
KT23 4LR
Princess House
Nobel Drive 020 8564 3407 Paul.Tallent@uk.g4s.com
Classroom G4S Hayes
Middlesex 020 8564 3406 Paul Tallent
Global House
Worley Court ops@globalaviation.com
Bolesworth Road
Classroom Global Air Training 01829 771 334
Tattenhall Dianne Worby
Cheshire David Lloyd
7 The Dell
Vernham Dean 01264 737 424 Garryassoc@aol.com
Classroom GM Associates Andover
Hampshire 07976 312 919 Gary Mitchell
SP11 0LF

Last updated 25th October 2012 44

Type Company Address Tel E-mail / Contact
5 Welholme Avenue
Hi-Definition Grimsby
CBT - Dr Chris Dows
Training Ltd N.E. Lincolnshire
DN32 0HP
South Block
Tavistock House Keith_uk@icts.co.uk
Both ICTS UK Tavistock Square 020 7874 7576
London Keith Hollingdale
Cowley Way
Sutton Benger 01249 720 051 rogmolyneux@supanet.com
Classroom Chippenham
Security Trainer
Wiltshire 07801 352 445 Roger Molyneux
SN15 4SD
Insight 2 Aviation 39 Werter Road
CBT and Security London 020 8789 6795 Pippa Cooper
Training SW15 2LL
John Maczko and
Classroom - 07725 526 806
John Maczko
PO BOX 2547
JP International james.pike@jp-ias.co.uk
Both Aviation Security 0844 502 5520
(UK) Ltd Jim Pike
95 New Farthingdale
Dormansland Keith Scott
K.S. Associates 07774 320881
Lingfield keithscottassociates@gmail.com
Surrey RH7 6RF

Last updated 25th October 2012 45

Type Company Address Tel E-mail / Contact
0151 907 1564 Jason Stuart
Liverpool John
Classroom Liverpool John Lennon Airport
Lennon Airport
0151 907 1567 khudson@liverpoolairport.com
Kenny Hudson
The Ringway Suite lindsay.britton-
Manchester Terminal 2 spedding@manairport.co.uk
Classroom 0161 489 5790
Airport Manchester Airport
M90 1QX Contact Lindsay Britton
Room 7303
Mezzanine Level
The Station 0161 489 6688 mike@gxs.eu.com
Classroom GXS Aviation Manchester International Airport
Manchester 07889 835870 Mike Lord
M90 3RR

102 Abertillery Road

01495 291 935 mc-associates@tiscali.co.uk
Both MC Associates
07840 930 321 Mark Cailes
NP13 3DZ
Vale Royal Abbey margaffney@yahoo.co.uk
Classroom MG Consultancy Whitegate 07711 045 436
Cheshire Martin Gaffney
40 Kingsway
Stanwell 01784 885 862 mhenrycargo@yahoo.com
Classroom MH Associates Staines
Middlesex 07754 290 636 Martin Henry
TW19 7QE

Last updated 25th October 2012 46

Type Company Address Tel E-mail / Contact
Forest Road
Minerva Learning katherine@minervalearning.com
Tunbridge Wells
Classroom and Development 07847 472 240
Limited Katherine Parker
Newcastle Woolsington Craig Hurst
Classroom International Newcastle upon Tyne 0191 214 3354
Airport NE13 8BZ bmuldoon@newcastleinternational.co.uk
Barry Muldoon
9 Bevan Road
Lovedean n.marsden388@btinternet.com
Classroom Pathway Training Waterlooville 07709 646 652
Hampshire Nigel Marsden
Hathaway House info@petereast.com
Peter East Popes Drive
Both 020 8349 4434
Associates Ltd London Nicholas Mohr
N3 1QF www.gsattraining.net
Lower Bostraze 01736 788809
Classroom PlaneSafe Ltd
Nr. Penzance 0789 9668920
Huw Davies
TR20 8PU
Classroom Pointer Ltd - 0141 564 2500
Hugh Lawson
Europarc Innovation Centre, g.ramsden@quadratica.co.uk
01472 898 751
CBT Quadratica Innovation Way, Grimsby,
DN37 9TT Giles Ramsden

Last updated 25th October 2012 47

Type Company Address Tel E-mail / Contact
Redline Aviation Security Ltd
The National Security Training
Redline Aviation Joy Sheehan
Both First Avenue 01302 623 262
Security Ltd James Termini
Robin Hood Airport
Scandinavian eTraining Centre
Scandinavian 46 702 692 288
AB Tranebergsstrand 45 167 40
CBT eTraining Centre Bertil Tensing
AB 46 735 160 025
Classroom Servisair - -
Dave Rogers
Office Suite 2
Alexandra Dock Business Centre martin.miller@smartapproach.com
CBT SmartApproach Grimsby 01472 722 170
N.E. Lincolnshire Martin Miller
DN31 1UL
Operations Support
Swissport UK
Room 246
Enterprise House
Classroom Swissport UK 07795 622 729
Bassingbourn Road
Tiziana Sanelli
Stansted Airport
CM24 1QW
Classroom Tetrasolutions - 07825 712 098
David Hughes

Last updated 25th October 2012 48

Type Company Address Tel E-mail / Contact
The Airside
Classroom - 01753 811 728
Company Ltd
Chris Moore
22 Basepoint Business Centre
Metcalf Way rrobinson@thesafetyacademy.com
The Safety
CBT Crawley 07774 249 759
Academy (UK) Ltd
West Sussex Robert Robinson
RH11 7XX
36 Windsor Street ekauder@thirdforce.com
ThirdForce Uxbridge 020 8843 5500
UB8 1AB Elaine Kauder
Office 43 RCM Business Centre dave.s.tlt@ukonline.co.uk
Dewsbury Road 07977 664 304 Dave Smith
TLT Security
Classroom Ossett
Solutions Ltd
West Yorkshire 07887 553 509 linda@tltsecuritysolutions.co.uk
WF5 9ND Linda Davies
First Floor, Unit 6 John de Bruin (DGSA & Trainer)
Felthambrook Ind. Est.
Training Link Felthambrook Way mel@traininglinkeurope.com
Classroom 020 8751 6000
Europe Limited Feltham Mel Bruneau (Training Coordinator)
TW13 7DU info@traininglinkeurope.com
Golf House
Horsham Road
Pease Pottage
Classroom Training Team 01293 536 943 Charles Manetta
Chris Lockwood
West Sussex
Chris Gray
RH11 9SG

Last updated 25th October 2012 49

Type Company Address Tel E-mail / Contact
Mission Hall patricia@tsagp.com
Steam Farm Lane admin@tsagp.com
Transport Security 44(0)20 8831
Classroom Feltham info@tsagp.com
Associates Group 0724
TW14 0PW Patricia Setrakian
Albuera House
56 Osborne Road enquiries@trybyte.co.uk
Both TryByte (Aviation) Farnborough 01252 671 130
Hampshire Antony Harrison
GU14 6AF
PO Box 1344 admin@ukaviationsecurity.com
UK Aviation
Classroom Luton, Bedfordshire 07932 764730
Security Ltd
LU1 9LW Peter Miller
Colnbrook Logistics Centre, Emma.russell@wilsonjames.co.uk
Classroom Wilson James Ltd Colnbrook Bypass, Slough 07917 108506
SL3 0EB Emma Russell

Last updated 25th October 2012 50

National X-Ray Competency Test (NXCT)
The purpose of the National X-Ray Competency Test (NXCT) is to enforce a minimum,
uniform standard of competence for screeners using x-ray/EDS equipment to screen items
for carriage by air by ensuring that all trainees prove that they have the necessary skills to
be effective at the x-ray screening task before they work in the operational environment.
Separate tests exist for cabin baggage, cargo and hold baggage screeners.

Cabin Baggage NXCT

Anyone employed in the screening of cabin baggage using x-ray or EDS equipment must
be in possession of a valid cabin baggage NXCT certificate. Thereafter the cabin baggage
NXCT may continue to be used to meet the 6 monthly recurrent training testing
requirement. It is a mandatory requirement that it is re-passed at least every 13 months.
The cabin baggage NXCT should take about one hour to complete and will usually be
initially taken as part of induction training.

If you are interested in becoming accredited to deliver the cabin baggage NXCT, you will
need to meet the Cabin Baggage NXCT Accreditation Criteria.

Certified providers of the Cabin Baggage NXCT

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
Centurion House
01784 410 390
London Road
Airlock Aviation John Cordingley
TW18 4AX
11 Addington
Crescent 0191 259 2563
Astacc Jeff Golightly North Shields
Tyne & Wear info@astacc.com
NE29 7PZ
18455 Miramar
001 954 755 1953
Atlantic Group Suite 183
John Pears
Associates Miramar
33029 USA
6 Mill Cottages
07802 221 365
Grindley Brook
AviationSec Andrew Hudson
SY13 4QH
PO Box 3462 0845 116 2207
Avsectra Ltd Geoffrey Williams Norwich
NR7 7NS training@avsectra.com

Last updated 25th October 2012 51

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
Main Terminal
Building 01224 725 795
BAA Aberdeen Neil Fowler Aberdeen Airport
Ltd neil_fowler@baa.com
AB21 7DU
BAA UNI Training
Facility 0131 344 3593
BAA Edinburgh John Drummond Edinburgh Airport
Edinburgh john_drummond@baa.com
EH12 9DN
Training Point
5th Floor Norfolk
01293 504 084
BAA Gatwick Reg Clark
Gatwick Airport
West Sussex
0141 848 4759
Glasgow Airport
BAA Glasgow George Gallagher
St Andrews Drive
Training Manager
BAA plc
1st floor,
Westpoint 020 8745 6351
BAA Heathrow Keith Riley Compass Centre
Nelson Road keith_riley@baa.com
International Airport
023 8062 7371
Dennis Barnard
Southampton Southampton
SO18 2NL
Stansted House
Room 114
Third Avenue
BAA Stansted Teisha Lock Stansted Airport teisha_lock@baa.com
CM24 1AE

Last updated 25th October 2012 52

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
028 9093 9093
John Smyth Belfast
Belfast City
BT3 9JH Smythj@belfastcityairport.com
Ray Jefferies Northern Ireland
PO Box 203
Guildford Road 01932 877 553
Simon Bolt Chertsey
Consultants Ltd
Surrey simon.bolt@bfbssecurity.com
KT16 0QH
Birmingham 0121 767 7819
International Airport
International Tim Bell
Airport Timb@bhx.co.uk
B26 3QJ
Blackpool International Airport 01253 472508
International Kevin Blezard Squires Gate Lane 07807793842
Airport Blackpool
7 Rosebay
Crescent 01235 766 125
Graham Brooks Grove
Oxfordshire graham.brooks@ukgateway.net
OX12 0BU
72 Evelyn Crescent 07841 590 787
Browns UK
Rodger Brown Sunbury Middlesex
Training Services
TW16 6LZ rodgebrown@talktalk.net
Room 7303
Mezzanine Level
0162 489 6688
The Station
GX Aviation Michael Lord
Manchester Airport
M90 3RR
32 John Morgan
Close 07771 751391
CF Associates Chris Fields Hook
Hampshire Chrisfields57@hotmail.com
RG27 9RP
Phoenix House
Coventry Airport
02476 308 609
Coventry Airport Rob Sweeney Siskin Parkway

Last updated 25th October 2012 53

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
07738 302 557
67 Manston Drive
Vivienne Darnell vdarnell@dvtrainingltd.com
DV Training & Bishop Stortford
Development Ltd Hertfordshire
Dawn Galley 07738 586850
CM23 5EJ
Unit 1, Site 4
Howe Moss drive
Dangerous 01224 773 776
Kirkhill Ind. Estate
Goods Terry Cobban
Management terry@dgm.co.uk
AB21 0GL
Exeter Exeter 01392 354 950
Emma Eyles-
International Devon
Airport EX5 2BD security@exeter-airport.co.uk
Princess House
Nobel Drive 020 8564 3417
G4S Clifford Hunter Hayes
Middlesex clifford.hunter@uk.g4s.com
G4S Security States Airport
+44 (0) 1481 237712
Services Forest
Tracey Simon
(Guernsey) Guernsey
Limited GY8 0DS
Glasgow Prestwick 01292 511089
Ian Gregory Airport igregory@glasgowprestwick.co
Aviation House m
Prestwick Airport
Graeme Sweenie Prestwick
KA9 2PL gsweenie@infratilairports.com
Staverton 01452 857 700
Gloucestershire Cheltenham
Mark Ryan
Airport Gloucestershire mryan@gloucestershireairport.
GL51 6SR co.uk
7 The Dell
Vernham Dean 01264 737 424
GM Associates Garry Mitchell Andover
Hampshire Garryassoc@aol.com
SP11 0LF
Humberside International Airport 01652 688 456
International Sandra Gavin Kirmington
Airport North Lincolnshire S.gavin@humbairport.co.uk
DN39 6YH
South Block
Tavistock House
ICTS (UK) 020 7874 7578
Keith Hollingdale Tavistock Square
Limited Keith_uk@icts.co.uk

Last updated 25th October 2012 54

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
JP International PO BOX 2547 0844 502 5520
Aviation Security Jim Pike Luton
(UK) Ltd LU3 9DS james.pike@jp-ias.co.uk
PO Box 500 01834 820 050
International Lindsey Robinson
Kent Lindsey.robinson@manstonairp
CT12 5BP ort.com
5 New Farthingdale 07774 3200881
K.R. Associates Keith Scott
Lingfield keithscottassociates@gmail.co
Surrey RH7 6RF m
020 7646 0000
Royal Docks
London City
Martina Newton London
Airport Martina.Newton@londoncityair
E16 2PX
Navigation House
Airport Way 01582 395 093
London Luton Melanie
Airport Mattinson
Bedfordshire melanie.mattinson@ltn.aero
The Ringway Suite
0161 489 5785
Manchester Terminal 2
Sara Gilmore
Airport Manchester Airport
M90 1QX
102 Abertillery
01495 291935
MC Associates Mark Cailes
Blaina, Gwent
NP13 3DZ
07919 291 140
Eskdale Road
Mitie Security Ltd
Denise Fields Uxbridge Middlesex
Woolsington 0871 882 1121
Newcastle upon
International Craig Hurst
Tyne Churst@newcastleinternational.
Airport Ltd
NE13 8BZ co.uk
01637 861 052
St. Mawgan
Lesley Smith Nr Newquay
Cornwall Airport lasmith@newquaycornwallairpo
Business Aviation
Centre Glasgow 01292 478 961
Ocean Sky Matt Arnold
Prestwick Airport
Corporate Ltd Anne Fisher
Prestwick Ayrshire piksecurity@oceansky.com

Last updated 25th October 2012 55

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
Units 3 and 4
Vector Park 020 8917 2208
OCS Transport
Robin Barrell Forest Road
Feltham robin.barrell@ocs.co.uk
TW13 7EJ
Lower Bostraze 01736 788809
PlaneSafe Ltd Huw Davies
Nr. Penzance 0789 9668920
Cornwall hdaviesplanesafe@aol.com
TR20 8PU
Plymbridge Lane
Crownhill 01752 515 336
Plymouth City
Terry Linge Plymouth
Devon t.linge.pca@ukgateway.net
Dreemskerry 01624 819 827
Quelltex Ltd Paul Quellin Maughold
Isle of Man info@quelltex.co.uk
Air Transport
01993 897 694
Royal Air Force
RAF Brize
Sgt Andy Pegler Brize Norton
Norton PeglerA622@brizenorton.raf.de
OX18 3QR
32 (TR) Sqn RAF
020 8833 8759
West End Road
RAF Northolt Ian Warren
Air Transport
Security Training
Section 07946 442 110
Sgt Gez Service Police
RAF Police ATSy
Edwards Training College Gezedwards2003@yahoo.co.u
Southwick Park k

Last updated 25th October 2012 56

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
Redline Aviation
Security Ltd
The National
01302 623 262
Security Training
Kristian Hodgson
Redline Aviation Centre (NSTC)
Security Ltd First Avenue
Jim Termini
Robin Hood Airport
South Yorkshire,
Unit 18
0845 437 4098
Concorde Road
Reliance Aviation
Siamak Shahabi Patchway
Services Limited sia.shahabi@reliancesecurity.c
BS34 5TB
IOM Airport 01624 821714 or
1st Floor
Resource IOM Gemma
Ballasalla 07624 319818
Ltd Mylchreest
IOM gemma.mylchreest@resource-
IM9 2AS group.com
Defence Science
and Technology
01806 244 936
Scatsta Airport
Serco Mark Webb
01472 722 170
Office Suite 2
Alexandra Dock
Stewart Hanson stewart.hanson@smartapproac
Business Centre
Smart Approach h.com
Martin Miller
N.E. Lincolnshire
DN31 1UL
Michael 350 20073026
350 20073026
Terminal Baldacchino Air Terminal
Management Ltd Winston Churchill
Joseph Schembri Avenue Gibraltar
Golf House
Horsham Road
01293 536 943
Pease Pottage
Training Team Chris Gray
West Sussex
RH11 9SG
Mission Hall
Steam Farm Lane 44(0)208 831 0724
Patricia Setrakian Feltham
Middlesex patricia@tsagp.com
TW14 0PW

Last updated 25th October 2012 57

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
10 Kipling Grove
Woodhall Farm 07881 820 1868
Alan Wilson Hemel Hempstead
Herfordshire alanwilson852@aol.com
Colnbrook Logistics
07917 108506
Emma Russell Colnbrook Bypass,
Slough SL3 0EB
Wilson James
Norwich Airport Ltd
Jamie Price Amsterdam Way
07813 961277
Norwich, Norfolk

Cargo NXCT
Anyone employed in the screening of air cargo using x-ray or EDS equipment must be in
possession of a valid cargo NXCT certificate. Thereafter the cargo NXCT may continue to
be used to meet the 6 monthly recurrent training testing requirement. It is a mandatory
requirement that it is re-passed at least every 13 months. The cargo NXCT should take
about one hour to complete and will usually be initially taken as part of induction training.

If you are interested in becoming accredited to deliver the cargo NXCT, you will need to
meet the Cargo NXCT Accreditation Criteria.

Certified providers of the Cargo NXCT

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
30 Abbeyfields
Abbey Training 023 8045 5646
Alan Baker Netley Abbey
Services Limited abbey.training@ntlworld.com
SO13 5GR
10 Gower Avenue
AEH Training Hazel Grove 0161 483 5180
Mark Higgins
Solutions Stockport markahiggins@fsmail.net
1 Dunkeld Grove
Air Cargo Bangor 028 9145 9293
Neal Skelton
Training (ACT) Co Down Skeltonbangor@aol.com
Northern Ireland
BT19 6RH
Centurion House 01784 410 390
London Road
Airlock Aviation John Cordingley
Staines jcordingley@airlockaviation.co
TW18 4AX m

Last updated 25th October 2012 58

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
11 Addington
0191 259 2563
ASTACC Jeff Golightly North Shields
Tyne & Wear
NE29 7PZ
6 Mill Cottage
Grindley Brook
07802 221 365
AviationSec Andrew Hudson Nr Whitchurch
SY13 4QH
3 Mere Close
Ramsey Mereside
AWB Security 01733 844 462
Anthony Barnett Huntingdon
Services aw.barnett@btopenworld.com
PE26 2UQ
PO Box 203
BFBS Guildford Road
01932 877 553
Consultants Simon Bolt Chertsey
Limited Surrey
KT16 0QH
Redfern House
Browells Lane
020 8844 3625
BIFA Owen Lonsdale Feltham
TW13 7EP
72 Evelyn Crescent,
Browns (UK) 07841 590 787
Rodger Brown Sunbury, Middlesex
Training Services rodgebrown@talktalk.net
T116 6LZ
More House
Cargo TRACKER 514 Finchley Road 020 8458 7720
Ron Haviv
International Ltd London cargotracker@msn.com
NW11 8DD
32 John Morgan
Close Hook 07771 751391
Chris Fields CF Associates Hampshire chrisfields57@hotmail.com
RG27 9RP

118b Burcott Road

Avonmouth 0117 982 7746
Collard & Co Ltd. Jarad Collard
Bristol jarad.collard@collardnco.co.uk
BS11 8AB
7 Falcon Mews
Maldon 07870 410 674
Cryptair Limited Tim Robertson
Essex corringe@yahoo.co.uk

Last updated 25th October 2012 59

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
Unit 1Site 4,
Howe Moss Drive,
Dangerous Kirkhill Industrial (01224) 773776
James Petrie
Goods Estate, jim@dgm.co.uk
Management Dyce,Aberdeen
AB21 0GL

Unit A1
Calder Way
Davies Turner Air Colnbrook 01753 680 828
Karl Francis
Cargo Slough aircargo@daviesturner.co.uk
Unit A1
Calder Way
Davies Turner Air Colnbrook 01753 680 828
David O'Toole
Cargo Slough aircargo@daviesturner.co.uk
Riverside House
0151 728 1423
Estuary Boulevard
07812 762534
Estuary Commerce
James O'Connor Park
DHL Express Ltd Liverpool L24 8RF

Richard Lloyd West Avenue

0203 118 5352
Phoenix Industrial
07802 276 700
Estate, Paisley
Exeter Emma Eyles- Exeter
01392 354 950
International Amphlett Devon
Airport Peter Garnsworth EX5 2BD
Cargo Area
Federal Express 01279 660 019
Ben Debnam Pincey Road
Europe Inc. bdebnam2@fedex.com
Stansted Airport
CM24 1FE
Princess House
Noble Drive
G4S Security
Paul Tallent Hayes 0208 564 3461
Services (UK)
Middx, paul.tallent@uk.g4s.com

Last updated 25th October 2012 60

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
Princess House
Nobel Drive
G4S Security 020 8564 3417
Clifford Hunter Hayes
Services (UK) Clifford.hunter@uk.g4s.com
79 Langtons
Gatehouse 01753 645 090
Julie Twiddy Farnham Common
Consultancy gatehouse21@btconnect.com
Room 7303
Mezzanine Level
0162 489 6688
The Station
GXS Aviation Michael Lord info@gxs.eu.com
Manchester Airport
M90 3RR
South Block
Tavistock House
Keith Hollingdale Tavistock Square
Limited keith_uk@icts.co.uk
Affinity Point 8
Frank Forwood Arundel Road,
01895 204 860
ITS Ltd Uxbridge,
George Griffiths Middlesex
JP International PO BOX 2547
0844 502 5520
Aviation Security James Pike Luton
(UK) Ltd LU3 9DS
The Ringway Suite
Terminal 2
Manchester 0161 489 5785
Sara Gilmore Manchester Airport
Airport Group sara.gilmore@manairport.co.uk
Greater Manchester
M90 1QX
40 Kingsway
Stanwell 01784 885 862
MH Associates Martin Henry
Middlesex mhenrycargo@yahoo.com
TW19 7QE
07721 465518
Heathrow 360
2 Millington Road
Mick Hedgecock Express(UK)Ltd 020 8737 4166
Hayes, Middlesex
South Point
01784 425 175
Bedfont Road
Plane Handling
Denis Beckley Stanwell
Ltd denis.beckley@planehandling.c
TW19 7LE

Last updated 25th October 2012 61

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
Tyburn House
Professional Dick Turpin Way
020 8831 9888
Security John O'Reilly Feltham
Solutions Ltd Middlesex
TW14 0PS
01624 819 827
Quelltex Ltd Paul Quellin Maughold
Isle of Man
Redline Aviation
Security Ltd
The National
Security Training
01302 623262
Redline Aviation Kristian Hodgson Centre
First Avenue Robin
Hood Airport
End Cottage
Higher Newmarket
Renshaw Road
Wayne Renshaw wayne@renshawassociates.co
Associates Ltd Nailsworth,
RM Letters
RM 411 POB
Mount Pleasant MC
Royal Mail Fairclough-
Farringdon Road dawn.graham@royalmail.com
2 Acresford View
Off Moira Road
RTL Consultants Overseal 01283 763 319
Steven Lewis
Ltd Swadlincote stevertl@btopenworld.com
DE12 6LA
24 Surtees Way
01327 359699
Sabine Wickes & Towcester
John Wickes johnsabinewickes@btinternet.c
Associates Northants
NN12 7AF
25 Surtees Way
01328 359699
Sabine Wickes & Towcester
Sabine Wickes johnsabinewickes@btinternet.c
Associates Northants
NN12 7AF
38 Clockhouse
Lane Ashford, 07591 305312
Compliance Ian Lindsay
Middlesex TW15 ianscs@aol.com
Solution Ltd
Last updated 25th October 2012 62
Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
Schenker House
Great South West 020 8831 4863
Schenker DB Road Martin.Dyson@dbschenker.co
Martin Dyson
Logistics Feltham m
TW14 8NT

Scatsta Airport 44(0)1806 244 900 EXT 248

Mark Webb
Serco Brae mark.webb@serco.com
01293 602 328
Servisair UK Ltd Dave Rogers
Golf House
Horsham Road
Pease Pottage 01293 536 943
Training Team Chris Gray
Crawley chris.gray@trainingteam.co.uk
West Sussex
RH11 9SG
Golf House
Horsham Road
Pease Pottage 01293 536 943
Training Team Steve Lewis
Crawley sales@trainingteam.co.uk
West Sussex
RH11 9SG
Office 43
RCM Business
01924 264 283
David Smith Sandbeds Trading
TLT Security dave.s.tlt@ukonline.co.uk
Solutions Ltd
Linda Davies Dewsbury Road
West Yorkshire
TNT Chambers 01827 715 371
TNT UK Limited Ann Barsby
102 Long Street Ann.Barsby@tnt.com
First Floor Unit 6
Training Link Industrial Estate 020 8751 6000
John de Bruin
Europe Ltd Feltham info@traininglinkeurope.com
TW13 7DU

Last updated 25th October 2012 63

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
Mission Hall
44(0)208 831 0724
Transport Steam Farm Lane
Security Feltham
Patricia Setrakian
Associates Middlesex
Group TW14 0PW

New Castle House

Castle Boulevard
UPS Limited Simon Eyers simon.eyers@europe.ups.com
Building 552
Shoreham Road
Worldwide Flight
Keith Shillingford London Heathrow k.shillingford@wfsuk.aero
Airport, Hounslow

Hold Baggage NXCT

The new HBS NXCT is now ready for implementation. Anyone screening hold baggage by
x-ray or EDS equipment must pass the HBS NXCT by 31.10.10. Thereafter the HBS
NXCT may continue to be used to meet the 6 monthly recurrent training testing
requirement. It is a mandatory requirement that it is re-passed at least every 13 months.

The hold baggage NXCT should take about one hour to complete and will usually be
initially taken as part of induction training.

If you are interested in becoming accredited to deliver the Hold Baggage NXCT, you will
need to meet the Hold Baggage NXCT Accreditation Criteria.

For those already accredited to deliver the cabin baggage or cargo NXCT, and listed on
the DfT website, who wish to deliver the HBS NXCT please request the new test disks
from aviationtrainingenquiries@dft.gsi.gov.uk .

Persons wishing to deliver the new test who are not already an accredited NXCT manager
should e-mail at caroline.joseph@dft.gsi.gov.uk with details of how they will comply with
the Accreditation Criteria.

Certified providers of the Hold Baggage NXCT

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
30 Abbeyfields
Abbey Training 023 8045 5646
Alan Baker Netley Abbey
Services Limited abbey.training@ntlworld.com
SO13 5GR

Last updated 25th October 2012 64

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
Centurion House 01784 410 390
London Road
Airlock Aviation John Cordingley
Staines jcordingley@airlockaviation.co
TW18 4AX m
11 Addington
0191 259 2563
ASTACC Jeff Golightly North Shields
North Tyneside
NE29 7PZ
6 Mill Cottages
Grindley Brook 07802 221365
AviationSec Andrew Hudson
Whitchurch andrew@aviationsec.co.uk
SY13 4QH
Dennis Barnard 023 80 627371
International Airport
BAA dennis_barnard@baa.com
Southampton Christopher
Bradbury chris_bradbury@baa.com
Hants SO18 2NL
Belfast City Belfast BT3 9JH 028 9093 9093
Ray Jeffries
Airport Northern Ireland ray.jeffries@hotmail.co.uk
PO Box 203
Guildford Road
BFBS 01932 877 553
Simon Bolt Chertsey
Consultants Ltd simon.bolt@bfbssecurity.com
KT16 0QH
Squires Gate Lane
Blackpool 01253 472508
Kevin Blezard Blackpool
International 07807793842
Lancashire FY4
Airport kevin.blezard@blackpoolairport
72 Evelyn Crescent
Browns UK 07841 590787
Rodger Brown Sunbury Middlesex
Training Services rodgebrown@talktalk.net
TW16 6LZ
More House,
514 Finchley Road, 020 8458 7720
CargoTRACKER Ron Haviv
London cargotracker@msn.com
NW11 8DD
32 John Morgan
07771 751391
CF Associates Chris Fields Hook
RG27 9RP
Princess House
Noble Drive
0208 564 3461
G4S Paul Tallent Hayes

Last updated 25th October 2012 65

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
G4S Security
States Airport
Services +44 (0) 1481 237712
Tracey Simon Forest Guernsey
(Guernsey) airportsecurity@cwgsy.net
79 Langtons
Gatehouse 01753 645 090
Julie Twiddy Farnham Common
Consultancy gatehouse21@btconnect.com
Glasgow Prestwick
Airport 01292 511089
Ian Gregory Aviation House igregory@glasgowprestwick.co
Prestwick Airport
Prestwick m
7 The Dell
Vernham Dean
GM Associates Garry Mitchell Andover garyassoc@aol.com
SP11 0LF
Room 7303
Mezzanine Level
0162 489
The Station
GX Aviation Michael Lord 6688
Manchester Airport
Manchester M90
Humberside International airport 01652 688
International Sandra Gavin Kirmington 456
Airport North Lincolnshire S.gavin@humgairport.co.uk
DN 39 6YH
JP International PO Box 2547
0844 502 5520
Aviation Security James Pike Luton
(UK) Ltd LU3 9DS
PO Box 500 01843 820050
Lindsey Robinson Manston lindsey.robinson@manstonairp
Kent ort.com
CT12 5BP
95 New
Farthingdale 07774 320881
K.R. Associates Keith Scott Dormansland keithscottassociates@gmail.co
Lingfield m
Surrey RH7 6RF
Navigation House
London Luton Airport Way Luton 01582 395 296
Nicola Baines
Airport Bedfordshire LU2 nicola.baines@ltn.aero

Last updated 25th October 2012 66

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
Ringway Training
Manchester Departures Level 0161 489 5785
Emma Heather
Airport Terminal 2 sara.gilmore@manairport.co.uk
Manchester Airport
M90 1QX
Newcastle Woolsington 0871 882 1121
International Newcastle upon
Craig Hurst
Airport Tyne churst@newcastleinternational.
NE13 8BZ co.uk
01637 861 052
Lesley Smith Mawgan
Nr Newquay
Cornwall Airport iasmith@newquaycornwallairpo
Nerissa Marx Cornwall
Business Aviation
Anne Fisher Centre Glasgow
Ocean Sky 01292 478 961
Prestwick Airport
Corporate Ltd pikesecurity@oceansky.com
Matt Arnold Prestwick Ayrshire
Room VHS17
Viscount House 07771814446
Anthony Sewell
OCS Group UK Birmingham
Ltd International Airport 07733308629
Anthony Abbott
Birmingham Tony.sewell@ocs.co.uk
B26 3QJ
Units 3 and 4
Vector Park
OCS Transport Forest Road 0208 9172208
Robin Barrell
Limited Feltham robin.barrell@ocs.co.uk
TW13 7EJ

01624 819 827
Quelltex Ltd Paul Quellin Maughold
Isle of Man
M7 1BF
The National
Security Training 01302 623
David Openshaw Centre, First 262
Redline Aviation
Avenue Robin Hood dopenshaw@trustredline.co.uk
Security Ltd
Ross Williams Airport
DONCASTER rwilliams@trustredline.co.uk
Unit 18 Concorde 0845 437 4096
Reliance Aviation
Siamak Shahabi Road Patchway sia.shahabi@reliancesecurity.c
Services Limited
Bristol BS34 5TB o.uk

Last updated 25th October 2012 67

Company Test Manager Address Tel & E-mail
IOM Airport 01624 821714 or
1st Floor
Resource IOM Gemma
Ballasalla 07624 319818
Ltd Mylchreest
IOM gemma.mylchreest@resource-
IM9 2AS group.com
Air Terminal
Terminal Winston Churchill 350 20073026
Management Ltd Avenue info@gibraltar-airport.com
Joseph Schembri
Scatsta Airport
Brae 44 (0) 1806 244 900 Ext 248
Serco Mark Webb
Shetland mark.webb@iftc.co.uk
Office 43 RCM
Business Centre
Sandbeds Trading
TLT Security Estate 01827 715 371
Linda Davies
Solutions Ltd Dewsbury Road linda@tltsolutions.co.uk
West Yorkshire
Mission Hall
Transport Steam Farm Lane
44(0)208 831 0724
Security Patricia Setrakian Feltham
Associates Ltd Middlesex
TW14 0PW
Wilson James
Aviation Division
07917 108506
and Special
Emma Russell emma.russell@wilsonjames.co.
Projects Division
Colnbrook Logistic
Centre Slough,
Wilson James
Berkshire SL3 0EB

Norwich Airport Ltd

Jamie Price 07813 961 277
Amsterdam Way
Norwich Norfolk

Last updated 25th October 2012 68

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